Re: [sqlite] CHECK constraints

2005-11-03 Thread Brass Tilde
 MS SQL 2000 wil alsol insert (5, NULL)

Unless you additionally constrain the fields with not null, but that's
a violation the not null constraint, not the x  y constraint.

Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Brass Tilde
 Well, since you put it that way.  May I go one step farther and
 that this new Dynamic Type also adhere to Bankers Rounding commonly
 implemented as BCD in other so equipped databases.

Please, no.  I'll handle rounding in my application, I don't need it on
the database.  Not all database applications are banking applications.


Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Brass Tilde
 No, but I would bet somewhere near the 90%+ range are commercial
 applications, requiring the management of fixed point bankers
 (European or English) rounding numeric data.

I've been writing commercial applications for about 20 years now,
including 10 years on payroll applications for the Marine Corps and
insurance apps for civilians, and I've never used banking rounding.

 Why should the many suffer for the benefit of the few?

Well, first prove it's a many to few relationship, a fact not currently
in evidence.

Second, why should the database care at all, when there are plenty of
libraries out there that can handle it just fine.

 BCD ain't rocket science.  I learned the concept in the Military many
years ago.

If by BCD you mean Binary Coded Decimal, or Cobol's Comp-3, (which is
what *my* military experience remembers it as), I fail to see any
connection, other than they did it that way back when..., between the
storage format and a method for rounding.

 Many database engines are beginning to support the data type in some
 with few calling it BCD.

A fact that is completely irrelevant when discussing mathematical
operations on those data types.


Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Brass Tilde
 Am I alone in thinking that a division operator that does
 different things depending on the declared datatype of a
 column is an abomination?

Absolutely not.

Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Brass Tilde
 If it should do division the same way for every operation then you
 require the result to be able to represent every possible division
 result. IE the result must be floating point. If you're writing the
 loop for a quake engine there are very good reasons for not wanting to

I'm not writing a quake look in SQL.  No one with any sense would.  All
this change does is make SQLite even more data type agnostic than it was
in the previous version.

 floating point operations. If you're creating a very large database
why should
 you pay for 80 bits (an IEEE float) of storage when 8 will do just

So don't make the field 10 bytes long, make it only 8.  SQLite won't
care a bit, and will give you the value in whatever format you want.


Re: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Brass Tilde
  floating point operations. If you're creating a very large database
  why should you pay for 80 bits (an IEEE float) of storage when 8
  do just fine?

  So don't make the field 10 bytes long, make it only 8.  SQLite won't
  care a bit, and will give you the value in whatever format you want.

 Then it's not type agnostic any more. You now have an 8 byte numeric
 and a 10 byte numeric. Which is no different than integer and real.

From SQLite's standpoint it is agnostic.  SQLite neither knows nor cares
what is actually stored in the column; that's up to your application to
deal with.  Whether those 8 bytes represent a generic number, a real
value, an integer, a floating point value, date or text is for your
application to determine, not the DB engine.  At least from SQLite's

RE: [sqlite] Proposed 3.3.0 changes. Was: 5/2==2

2005-11-02 Thread Brass Tilde
 The problem with the grade-school rule is that, assuming the 
 last digit is uniformly distributed, you'll be rounding up 5 
 times out of 9 and rounding down 4 times out of 9.  

No, if the last digit is uniformly distributed, then 0 is as likely as any
other.  You round down on 0, 1, 2, 3  4 and round up on 5, 6, 7, 8  9.
The fact that rounding down on 0 is the same as the unrounded number isn't

Re: [sqlite] SQLite as a Windows kernel tool

2005-10-31 Thread Brass Tilde
 Look I'm certain you mean well, but the rest of us are pretty busy
 one of the best small footprint databases on the planet.  That means
 are way too busy to nit-pic a good product to pieces, just because it
 won't compile clean using Mickeysoft's latest and greatest.

It's not a nit-pic[sic] when one's compiler (and I saw no mention of
the compiler vendor in the original poster's note, but I don't have the
start of the thread) issues a warning about potentially unsafe
behaviour.  There's a reason those warnings are issued.  Such issues can
cause hard to find problems in programs.  Code review is a valuable tool
in software development.

I believe the original poster's intent was to note that if an implicit
conversion is correct for that section of code, then what is the
down-side of changing those to explicit casts?  I'm aware that the time
spent chasing them down and analyzing each one is a major task, but I
get the impression that the OP doesn't feel qualified to make those
changes, otherwise he would have tackled it.

I believe he intended to bring the subject to the attention of DRH, in
case these are actual problems, not to whine about the code base.

 us all, and won't come off as such an irritating whiner.

As opposed to...?


Re: [sqlite] .import null values

2005-10-25 Thread Brass Tilde
 sqlite create table t (a, b integer, c real);

 this is a great explanation, but, why does 1,2,3 return as
 text,integer,integer and not integer,integer,integer?

I suspect that it's because no type was specified for field 'a', so
everything is interpreted as text.


Re: [sqlite] Survey: NULLs and GROUP BY

2005-09-01 Thread Brass Tilde
SELECT a, b, sum(c) FROM t1 GROUP BY a, b ORDER BY 3;

Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (only difference is I used a temp table):

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(1 row(s) affected)

(4 row(s) affected)

a   b   
--- --- --- 
  1   2   2 
NULL  2   4 
  1 NULL  8 

(4 row(s) affected)

Re: [sqlite] Unlucky number for the ROUND function

2005-08-30 Thread Brass Tilde
 From: Bob Dankert

 Using an older version which I compiled, I get 9.9, though it
 seems it should round up to 10.0?

This may be dependent upon the math library linked into the application
by the compiler used to build SQLite.  Some libraries appear to now be
using so-called banking rounding (though there are other names), where
a 5 digit is rounded up or down depending upon the digit immediately
to its left.  If that digit is odd, it rounds one way, if even, the
other.  It looks like in this case, 9.95 would round to 9.9, while 9.85
would likely round to 9.9 as well.  Try rounding 9.85 and see what you


Re: [sqlite] proper SQL DELETE syntax

2005-07-14 Thread Brass Tilde
 DELETE from timeline where and

'Twere me, I'd do it like this:

delete   timeline
from del_timelines =
and  timeline.lastchange = del_timelines.last_change


Re: [sqlite] proper SQL DELETE syntax

2005-07-14 Thread Brass Tilde
 'Twere me, I'd do it like this:
 delete   timeline
 from del_timelines =
 and  timeline.lastchange = del_timelines.last_change

 I guess you mean...  from timeline,del_timeline ...

No, I meant what I wrote, except for the difference in lastchange to 

 But regardless, this form of the DELETE command does not (seem) to work
 in SQLite.  Perhaps it is not part of the SQL standard.

That's quite possible.  I didn't test it using SQLite, but that form *does* 
work on MS SQL Server.

Re: [sqlite] Insert all rows from old table into new table but in sorted order

2005-06-30 Thread Brass Tilde
  You can't do that.

  The 'Insert' may (I'm not sure..) insert the data into 'NEWTABLE' in the

 you misinterpreted my problem,
 I want to add all rows of old table into new table but with sorted order
 I don't want to fire another query (select * from newtable order by desc no
 ) to give sorted rows, I want to insert all rows in sorted order into new

As the original responder said You can't do that.  The records may or may not 
be inserted into the target table in the physical
order you specified on the insert query.  The physical order in the target 
table depends on how the SQL engine decides to write

The order in which rows are returned from a query that doesn't specify order is 
undefined, meaning they may be in the order they are
in the table, or some other order that is the result of the SQL engine's 

In other SQL engine's, you can force the physical order of the rows by using 
what MS SQL Server calls a clustered index, which
isn't really an index at all, but rather a physical ordering of the rows in a 
table.  I haven't seen anything about SQLite
supporting clustered indexes, but you might check the website to 
see if it does or if there are any plans to include
it in the future.

Re: [sqlite] SQLite.NET in-memory database creation

2005-06-30 Thread Brass Tilde
 Stupid question, but how can i create an in-memory database with
 SQLite.NET provider? When i use Data Source=:memory: i get an exception
 that the specified file isn't found.

If you are using the ADOSQLiteDotNet provider from SourceForge, add New=True 
to your connection string.

Re: [sqlite] SQLite.NET in-memory database creation

2005-06-30 Thread Brass Tilde
  Stupid question, but how can i create an in-memory database with
  SQLite.NET provider? When i use Data Source=:memory: i get an exception
  that the specified file isn't found.
 If you are using the ADOSQLiteDotNet provider from SourceForge, add 
 to your connection string.

To clarify, my connection strings for in-memory databases look like this:

Data Source=:memory:;Version=3;New=True

Re: [sqlite] Error : Library routine called out of sequence

2005-06-28 Thread Brass Tilde
 I am facing one weird problem using SQLite. Many times I get an error
 Library routine called out of sequence while executing query Create table
 SOURCEFEED (SOURCEFEED,STATUS) values ( ABC,0) , I'm not getting the
 reason behind this. Why am I getting this error? My application is a
 multithread application and executes query from a worker thread.

Are you trying to create a table or insert values into an existing table?  I've 
never seen anything in SQL that suggests that you
can do what you appear to be trying to do with that query, i.e. insert rows 
into a table while creating it.

Re: [sqlite] a couple notes on cross-compiling sqlite3 for the PPC

2005-06-23 Thread Brass Tilde
 p.s.  as a side note, the whole point of this exercise is to build a
 *really* small footprint DB for an embedded system for which space is
 at a premium, and sqlite came highly recommended.

If you look on SourceForge, there is a project called adodotnetsqlite,, and the
programmers there have mentioned a version of SQLite compiled for handheld 
platforms.  I know that they use a version of that for
the .NET provider they are writing.

RE: [sqlite] a couple notes on cross-compiling sqlite3 for the PPC

2005-06-23 Thread Brass Tilde
 ok, i just took a quick look there and, personally, there's 
 just a wee bit too much .vcl and .vcp and .net and so 
 forth for my comfort level. :-P  i'll take a shot at the full 
 sqlite and see where that takes me, but i'll keep the 
 alternative in mind.  thanks.

Understood, I was refering to the fact that he was compiling for the
platform.  I was thinking you might get some pointers from how he does it.

Re: [sqlite] preventing text to integer conversion of bindvariables in perl

2005-06-15 Thread Brass Tilde
  Simple illustration:
  sqlite3 test 'create table t ( k text unique, v text);'
  perl -e 'use DBI; $db = DBI-connect( dbi:SQLite:dbname=test );
  $db-do( qq[REPLACE INTO t VALUES(?,?);], undef, key, 
  sqlite3 test 'select * from t;'

 It looks like perl is making this conversion for you.  SQLite does
 not do this.

 As a work-around, consider prepending a single 'x' character to every
 v column entry then strip of the 'x' before you use it.

Knowing next to nothing about Perl, and thus feeling eminently qualified to 
comment on it, what would happen if you wrapped the
number in single quotation marks instead of double ones, or put single ones 
inside the double ones, e.g. '0325763213' or

Re: [sqlite] Index with two columns

2005-06-03 Thread Brass Tilde
 Hello, please, is there any way to make SQLite use an index on two
 columns when I want to select all rows which have some combination of
 the two columns?

 DsetId=203 AND SectId IN (4,400);

I can't answer the question you asked, but I will point out one thing.  Many 
SQL engines attempt to optimize index use in queries.

For instance, in MS SQL Server, your query might *not* use the second column in 
the index if using the index would take perform more
poorly than not using it.  Using an index is not always faster than doing a 
table scan.  If there are only a few rows where DsetId
is equal to 203, the table scan of that subset could very well be faster than 
using an index to look up the values.

In our MS SQL Server environment, we usually don't even bother to create 
indexes on more than one field if there are going to be
less than a few hundred rows in a subset of a query like that.  It takes the 
server longer to do the index lookup than it would the
table scan.

Re: [sqlite] Proposal: limit the number of columns in a table to 2000.

2005-03-17 Thread Brass Tilde
 So who out there needs a value of K larger than 2000?
 What is the largest K that anybody is using?  Who would
 object if I inserted a limit on K that was in the range
 of 1000 or 2000?

I have never, in SQLite or any other SQL DB product I've worked with,
created or used a table with more than a couple of hundred fields.  The
largest table I currently work with has less than 100, and that's too many,
mostly because of poor design.

RE: [sqlite] Version 3.1.3 is a headache

2005-02-27 Thread Brass Tilde
 The last one is really annoying and I can't believe the 
 auto-tests could have missed it ...
create table a (id, x);
create table b (id, y);
insert into a values (1,1);
insert into b values (1,2);
select * from a inner join b;
  column names returned: id,x,id,y 

You'll get the same result when you execute that query in SQL Server 2000.
I suspect you'll get the same result from a lot of SQL DB systems.

 How am I supposed to use such column names? 

The same way every other programmer does, by using alias on the fields that
you are interested in, and leaving the others out of it.

RE: [sqlite] Importing a CSV file

2005-02-26 Thread Brass Tilde
  That should have been obvious if you'd attempted to select 
  something from the table with headers turned on in the command 
  line utility.
 Thank you so much, and sorry for sending this stupid 

No apologies necessary, except for me.  Re-reading that passage, it looks
much harsher than I meant it.  Sorry about that.  I merely meant it as a
suggestion for *next* time something like that happens.

 Sometimes things ar just too obvious to be seen (in 
 french, we say they are on one's nose). 

In English, right in front of one's nose. :)

 In fact, as the table was empty, I did not know how to start the 
 troubleshooting. I tried to dump the table, but sqlite keeps 
 the exact formatting of the sql instruction :

In the command line utility, the .header option controls the display of
the column names when you do a select.  I didn't notice your problem right
off either, so I just created the table and selected from it to see the
extra column.

Re: [sqlite] Importing a CSV file

2005-02-25 Thread Brass Tilde
 CREATE TABLE All_Chr_CxCb_atleast1 (

You've got an extra comma here after the GO field.  That makes the parser
think your trying to create field named GO, followed by one named BLOB, then
one named CAA.  Remove the comma.

That should have been obvious if you'd attempted to select something from
the table with headers turned on in the command line utility.

Re: [sqlite] SQL Question

2005-02-23 Thread Brass Tilde
 CREATE TABLE teams (id,name);
 CREATE TABLE games (id, date, team1_id, team2_id, result);
 team1_id and team2_id refer to the id in the teams table.
 1. What query would be best suited to get an output so that the
 output would contain the teams names (not only the id) and the
 dates and results?

select,,, games.result
inner join teams team1 on games.team1_id =
inner join teams team2 on games.team2_id =;

 2. What query would be best if I want to search for games that
 two specific teams had played. For example, I want all the games
 that the teams with the names 'bla' and 'blub' played against
 each other. Is there any way to do that?

select,,, games.result
inner join teams team1 on games.team1_id =
and in ('bla', 'blub')
inner join teams team2 on games.team2_id =
and in ('bla', 'blub');

I didn't check spelling or stuff, but the syntax should be mostly correct.

RE: [sqlite] feature request

2005-02-22 Thread Brass Tilde
 Reading the 'unsupported features page' there's a feature 
 request about allowing the + and - join syntax like oracle 
 has. It would allow more easy readable and writable queries 
 although I know it's not quite standard. SQLite used to have 
 this (I read) but has been removed.

I think I'd not find such a feature useful.  Adding non-SQL standard
functionality to SQLite is a good idea when it provides some clearly needed
functionality, or when it supports the design goals of the product.
However, simply adding support for a different *notation* for already
existing functionality, i.e. joins, would seem, IMNECTHO, to be not worth
the effort.  For one thing, it adds code without adding any new real
functionality.  That increases the size of SQLite, thus going *against* one
of the product's goals.

Re: [sqlite] Getting a list of most recent queries

2005-02-21 Thread Brass Tilde
 Hi there,

 Is it possible to get a list of say, the last 10 executed SQL commands?
 would be very usefull for debugging purposes for example. The FAQ doesn't
 answer the question.

If you are using the command line utility in a DOS shell in Windows, the up
arrow key will show you every command you've executed.  I'm sure there's a
limit, but I don't know what it would be.

If you are talking about SQLite in general, I believe the answer is only if
you save 'the last 10 executed SQL commands' you've performed.  It shouldn't
be difficult to set up a table to hold those, and a wrapper function that
updates that table every time a query is run.

Re: [sqlite] Getting a list of most recent queries

2005-02-21 Thread Brass Tilde
  If you are talking about SQLite in general, I believe the answer is
  if you save 'the last 10 executed SQL commands' you've performed.  It
  shouldn't be difficult to set up a table to hold those, and a wrapper
  function that updates that table every time a query is run.

 Well, I'm using the SQLite ADO.NET provider, which has the actual calls
 such nicely wrapped up. But anyways, thanks for the help.

That still falls under the SQLite in general classification.  I'm using an
ADO.NET provider as well, and there's nothing native to it.  You can still
set up a wrapper function and a table, though.

RE: [sqlite] SQLite3 and version 2.1 DBs

2005-02-08 Thread Brass Tilde
 I have built sqlite3.lib from the source tarball, and when I 
 try to create a statement in my 2.1 DB (created via SQLite 

Two point one?  Is that version not over three years old, or did you

 What GUI tools do people use to manage their 3.x databases if 
 that's the case? 

Haven't found the need to use a GUI tool yet, however, this one has been
posted on the list a couple of times.  I don't know if it's been updated to
the version 3 DB format,

It only says sqlite.dll version 2.7.2 or higher on the web site, so it
might not work with 3.

Re: RE(1): [sqlite] SQLite Advocacy

2005-01-31 Thread Brass Tilde
  11. By using SQLite you eliminate a possible source of virus
  infection.  SQL server has been targeted in at least one major virus
  Completely and totally false.  Applications that use SQLite can be
  corrupted and infected by viruses just like any other executable
  file on the file system.

 If you install MS SQL server you run a network based service that
 is vulnerable to attack. If you run Sqlite you don't run any
 service and thus are invulnerable (to network service based

Not relevant.  No reference to network service based infections was made
in the original post.

 Yes, any executable can be infected, but that's a meaningless statement
 since you can't have any database without executable code.

Then saying that SQLite won't be a source of virus infections is also
meaningless, since you can't have any [SQLite] database without executable
code, which executable code can be infected.

Re: [sqlite] Finding duplicate records

2005-01-27 Thread Brass Tilde
 I'm new to SQL, and SQLite, and I find myself needing to
 identify duplicate records in a SQLite table (there are
 about 2K duplicates in a 36K row table).  Any suggestions
 or magic SQL queries appreciated :-)

Here are a couple of strategies I've used successfully for finding and
potentially removing duplicate records.  It assumes a primary key field that
is *separate* from the fields being checked for duplication.  This example
also assumes that I only want to check for duplication on two of the fields
in the table: field1 and field2.

Assume a table such as follows, that might included duplicate records.

create table checkedtable
priKeyinteger primary key,
other possible fields

and a temporary table to hold the duplicates

create temp table dups

The first method is probably the simplest:

insert into dups (field1, field2, keyvalue)
select field1, field2, max(priKey)
from   checkedtable
group by field1, field2

I don't know if this one works on SQLite, as I've never had reason to try
it.  (I've learned a fair bit about DB design in the last couple of years
before starting with SQLite, so duplication that needs correction is less of
a problem now :)  It does work on SQL Server 2000, though.

The second method is one that I used before I understood that GROUP BY could
be used for more than counting. :-)

Get all the records that have duplicate information and put them into the
temp table:

insert into dups (field1, field2, reccount)
select field1, field2, count(priKey)
from checkedtable
group by field1, field2
having count(priKey)  1

Now, get the key for one of them:

update  dups
set keyvalue = checkedtable.priKey
where   checkedtable.field1 = checkedtable.field1
and checkedtable.field2 = checkedtable.field2

Using either of these methods, the temporary table now contains key values
that point to one of each set of duplicated records in the original table.
It can be used to delete them, archive them, change them, whatever, by
joining back to the original.

Note that the code presented here is off the top of my head, and not tested,
so there may be syntactic errors that I didn't catch while writing it.  With
any luck, there aren't any logic errors.  Hopefully, it will give you a
starting point.


Re: [sqlite] Database corruption and recovery

2005-01-24 Thread Brass Tilde
 Alex Chudnovsky said:
  I am using ADO .NET wrapper
  ( and I am not sure
  if I can just drop in new .DLL -- the wrapper was not updated for a
  while now :(

FWIW, there is active discussion going on the forums.  I remember discussion
when the wrapper changed to allow dropping in the SQLite dll.  He did that
specifically so he wouldn't have to rebuild the wrapper when SQLite changed,
aside from major functionality changes.

 I feel moderately bad about that, because I have recommended that
 particular wrapper in the past.  To be honest, I'm not a giant fan of
 ADO.NET. It seems to have taken us away from the database-independent that
 we got with ADO and given us a differnt object to use for each different
 database we connect to.

The use of the provider specific objects might have that effect, but one can
use the more generic ODBC and OLEDB provider objects if one wishes to do so.
The specific ones are just optimized (one hopes!) for the particular DB.
Since they all implement the same interface, I've taken to just coding for
the interface in my program, and choosing which underlying object to use at
run time based on what I'm connecting to.

RE: [sqlite] How do I create a field with default current_timestamp

2005-01-24 Thread Brass Tilde
 Create table TemperatureData ( Tempt real, TimeStamp default

 Insert into TempertaureData values( 40.2, NULL);

Try specifying the Tempt field and it's value only.  SQLite may be
interpreting the NULL as a supplied value and thus not inserting the default

Insert into TemperatureData (tempt) values(86.0);

Don't have SQLite on the machine here, or I would check it myself.

Re: [sqlite] Is there any way to enable recursive triggers?

2005-01-04 Thread Brass Tilde

 This trigger is guaranteed to terminate because it will
 eventually run out of entries to delete.  But given any
 recursion limit, we can always construct a case where
 the trigger will want to run longer than the limit.

 So do we put recursion limits on UPDATE and INSERT triggers
 only and let DELETE triggers run as long as they like?
 That works as far as I know, but it seems kind of arbitrary.

Under what circumstances might one *want* to update or insert recursively?
What circumstances that can't be handled by a properly constructed query or
set of queries?  I can see the delete, but even that can be handled another

I'm aware of the advantages of triggers, and the absence of stored
procedures makes them even more valuable, but I'm curious.

 Surely somebody else has been down this road before me and
 can offer a little guidance?

FWIW, I'm told by our DBA that SQL Server 2000 has a setting that allows or
disallows recursive trigger execution.  When disallowed, triggers apparently
just don't recursively call themselves, even if they are designed to do so,
i.e. they won't generate an error.  When allowing recursion, he's not sure
whether there's a limit, some internal checking that attempts to discern
when reasonableness has been exceeded or if it will just merrily recurse
away until stopped.  And he's not willing to test it. :-)

Re: [sqlite] New to Sqlite

2005-01-03 Thread Brass Tilde
 My initial question is this: I have a set of SQL statements in a file that
 builds my desired database. In reading the command line options for
 it appeared the .read command would read this file and execute the
 statements in the file specified.

 Yet when I do that, I see the statements come flying across my command
 window but there's nothing to indicate success or failure

After running the script, can you select from the tables created?  There
should be nothing in them, of course, but you should be able to execute a
select * from table; without generating an error.

IME, the SQLITE3.EXE program reports errors when it can't create the tables,
or encounters problems, so no message should mean success.

 and the database file I specified stays at zero length. So obviously
 that doesn't work.

Not so obvious to me.  Are you looking at the file size while the
SQLITE?.exe program still has the file open, or *after* exiting the SQLITE
command line back to your shell?

 Can anyone please tell me if there is any way to perform the batch
 processing of the SQL statements in my file?

Unless I'm misunderstanding what you've done, what you've done works for me.
It's how I check the validity of my creation, and other, scripts.


Re: [sqlite] VACUUM function problem

2004-12-28 Thread Brass Tilde
 I have deleted some objects in my database. Now I have objects at id
 (INTEGER PRIMARY KEY) =1,3,4,5,7,8,9,16,17,20 .
 id=2,6,10,.. are empty. I want to defrag the database so that I have
 continuously at id=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,...

The first question I'd have to ask is why you want to do that?  If those
primary keys are referred to by foreign keys in child tables, you'd have to
change all those values as well.  With a large number of child tables, this
seems like more work than it's work.  Any mistakes and you destroy your
database's referential integrity.

 Is the vacuum function not the right function?

I don't believe so.  I think your only recourse is to define another table
with the same structure, then select all the records from the old one into
the new one, delete the old one, then do the same back again to the old
name.  Unless there's some pragma or something that allows one to rename a

Re: [sqlite] coding style

2004-12-13 Thread Brass Tilde
 create view myview as select t1.a a from t1 inner join t2 on t1.a=t2.a;
 create table problem as select * from myview;

Change this last line to:

create table problem as select a as a from myview;

That creates the problem table with just a as the field name.

Re: [sqlite] field=null vs. field isnull

2004-12-01 Thread Brass Tilde
 i've read the 'null handling' section and still not found the answer to

why should

  'select * from tbl where field=null'

be any different from

  'select * from tbl where field isnull'

The short answer is because it's different.

A longer answer would reference the SQL-92 standard, talking about how any
comparison involving null will resolve to false, including null = null.
Null is defined to be not equal to anything, including null.

You *must* use is null to check for null, that's the way the SQL language
is implemented, and it's the way that all SQL-92 compliant implementations
are supposed to behave.

RE: [sqlite] SQL IS operator.

2004-12-01 Thread Brass Tilde
 You can already us the IS operator with a right-hand side
 of NULL.  For example:  x IS NULL or x IS NOT NULL.  What
 I am proposing is to expand IS so that the right-hand side
 can be an arbitrary expression.  Like this:  x IS 5 or
 x IS NOT y.
 The motivation for this change is so that one can compile
 statements that use ? as the right-hand side of IS and
 then insert NULL or a value as appropriate.

In the last 5 years coding against SQL Server, I've *never* needed such an
operator.  I've gotten so used to coding SQL statements to properly check
for null before checking for a value that I don't even notice the effort

That said, I like the idea.  There are somethings that would be much easier.
Is there any precedent for it in the SQL-92 standard, or is it something
completely new?

Re: [sqlite] Update multiple columns from subquery

2004-11-12 Thread Brass Tilde
 Peter Bartholdsson wrote:
  Is there some way to write this query in SQLite?
  (fileCount, size) = (SELECT count(id), sum(size) FROM files where
  groupId = 15)
  groupId = 15;

 Sadly, no.  SQLite only allows a subquery to return a single
 value, not a tuple.

I haven't seen too many others that would do that either, so no great loss.

However, will SQLite do this?

update groups
setfilecount = result.count,
   size = result.size
from   (
   select count(id), sum(size)
   from   files
   where  groupid = 15
   ) as result
where  groupid = 15;

Alternative, if SQLite won't do that, select the files info into a
temporary table, and use the temporary table in the FROM clause above.

create temp table result as
select count(id), sum(size) from files where groupid = 15;

update groups
setfilecount = result.count,
   size = result.size
from   result
where  groups.groupid = 15
andresult.groupid = 15;

It's not one statement, but it should be executable with one call, right?

Re: [sqlite] Why this SQL does not work?

2004-11-11 Thread Brass Tilde
 select ID,
 (select  SERVER_ID from A where A.ID=B.GROUP_ID) as GROUP_ID
 from B [...]

 It mentions, among others:
 Variable subqueries
 Subqueries must be static. They are evaluated only once. They
 may not, therefore, refer to variables in the main query.

 I'm not the original poster.. but I'm trying to come up to speed on
 SQL/sqlite and I'm having some trouble understanding this... What is an
 example of a static subquery?

The above is an example of a static sub-query.  It's a query within a query.

 And how would one re-write this to
 eliminate the subquery?

select B.ID, A.SERVER_ID from B inner join A on B.GROUP_ID = A.ID


select  B.ED, A.SERVER_ID
fromA, B
where   A.ID = B.GROUP_ID

I think.

[sqlite] Case Sensitivity

2004-10-04 Thread Brass Tilde
Is there a setting that I can use when opening a database, or when creating
it, or whatever, so that queries against textual fields in the tables are
*not* case sensitive?  Or is the fact that SQLite is typeless going to get
in the way of this?

For instance, I want to be able to do:

select lastname, firstname, mi from participant where lastname='smith' and
firstname = 'john'

and get the same result set as I would from:

select lastname, firstname, mi from participant where
lower(lastname)='smith' and lower(firstname) = 'john'

We have no control over how the clients send us the names, and we don't
attempt to correct the casing of names, so they could be in any
combination of case.

Re: [sqlite] Case Sensitivity

2004-10-04 Thread Brass Tilde
 definitions.  There is already a built-in NOCASE collation that works for
 US-Latin characters.  You'll need to do something more advanced for

I am using US-Latin characters.

 international characters sets, however.  If you need i18n support,
 you can still use the built-in NOCASE collation as an implementation
 guide (it isn't hard) or to experiment with the COLLATE clause on table

I thought I saw mention of that somewhere, but I couldn't find any
occurances of NOCASE in the syntax document.

I was hoping for some database wide setting (using 3.x).  Is there not one?

I presume using the collate clause is something on the order of:

create table participant
partkeyinteger primary keynot null,
lastname   varchar(40)not null collate nocase,
firstname  varchar(40)null collate nocase

Re: [sqlite] Case Sensitivity

2004-10-04 Thread Brass Tilde
 Brass Tilde wrote:
  I was hoping for some database wide setting (using 3.x).  Is there not

 The default collating sequences is called BINARY.  You can redefine
 BINARY to be the same as NOCASE if you want.  Then when tables use
 the default collating sequence, they will use NOCASE instead of

I presume that would be accomplished using the same
sqlite3_create_collation() API that I'd use to create an entirely new one?
The wrapper I'm using doesn't appear to expose that API (or I haven't
stumbled across it yet).

What effect does redefining the BINARY sequence have on numeric data in the

  I presume using the collate clause is something on the order of:

 That is correct.

I suspect I will be using the COLLATE clause.  It's easier for me to have
multiple copies of the creation SQL statement for the different backend
platforms, isolating the non-standard SQL statements to that one place,
than it is to have different operations for the different backends (i.e.
find works one way for one DB, and another way for another).

[sqlite] Unexpected results from SQLite3.exe

2004-09-30 Thread Brass Tilde
Running Win2K, with all current patches, I use the SQLite3.exe program to
create a database named test.db using the .read command.  The file
test.sql contains the following table definition:

create table Author
AuthorKey  integer primary key not null,
LastName   varchar (40)not null,
FirstName  varchar (20)null,
Middle char(5) null

create index IX_Author_1 on Author(LastName, FirstName);

C:\dbtestsqlite3.exe test.db
SQLite version 3.0.4
Enter .help for instructions
sqlite .read test.sql

Now, I execute a few inserts one at a time, and after each one do a select
last_insert_rowid() from the table to get the last key I inserted.  It
works fine the first time, but every subsequent time, I get as many rows
(all with the same value, the last rowid) returned as there are records in
the table.  I later added two rows at once, and once again got as many rows
returned as there are records.

A transcript is below.

sqlite insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, Smith, John, Q. );
sqlite select last_insert_rowid() from Author;
sqlite insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, Jones, James, J. );
sqlite select last_insert_rowid() from Author;
sqlite insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, Doe, Jane, F. );
sqlite select last_insert_rowid() from Author;
sqlite insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, Babe, D., Licious );
sqlite insert into author (AuthorKey, LastName, FirstName, Middle) values
(null, Horndog, M., F. );
sqlite select last_insert_rowid() from Author;

Is this just the SQLite3.exe doing this, or is it the library itself?  I
don't use the library directly, rather I use a wrapper written by someone
else, so I can't test that directly myself.  The wrapper I'm using doesn't
return more than one value (though I don't know if that's because the
library doesn't, or because something in the wrapper is filtering it.)

Re: [sqlite] Unexpected results from SQLite3.exe

2004-09-30 Thread Brass Tilde
 Brass Tilde wrote:
  sqlite select last_insert_rowid() from Author;

 There are five rows in the table Author.  One row
 of the result set is generated for each row in the
 table.  Thus you have 5 rows of output.  This is
 as designed.

I wondered about that.  Thanks for confirming.

 You probably meant to say:

  select last_insert_rowid()

 That is, without the FROM clause.

And as long as I do that immediately after inserting to the table, with no
intervening inserts to other tables, I suspect that will work.  Fortunately,
I have the luxury of writing a single user, single threaded app.

Thanks again.

Re: [sqlite] Concerns about checkin 1879

2004-08-19 Thread Brass Tilde
 More sophisticated programs that want more control can still
 have it, even with check-in [1879].  If thread A is trying
 to COMMIT and thread B is trying to UPDATE, you will get
 a busy handler callback from thread A and an SQLITE_BUSY
 reply from thread B.  But the SQLITE_BUSY return from thread
 B did not clear any locks.  There is nothing that prevents
 the program from rolling back thread A then reissuing the
 UPDATE statement of thread B.

OK, maybe I'm just not getting something here, but why on earth would I want
to roll back a commit in order to allow an update?  Shouldn't it be the
other way around?  If thread A has completed it's update, and is now in the
process of committing that change, why does that *not* take precedence over
a thread that is just now starting it's update?

Re: [sqlite] Database locked

2004-08-11 Thread Brass Tilde
  I am trying to import a csv file (ip-to-country to be especific) to a
  on sqlite db.

 Version 2.8:

 COPY tablename FROM 'filename' USING DELIMITERS ',';

You weren't a Clipper/XBase programmer at one time, were you?  :-

Re: [sqlite] OT: Reply-To Munging Considered Useful

2004-07-23 Thread Brass Tilde
 Better:  Somebody please write me a simple, secure, mail handler to
 replace qmail/ezmlm that lets each user decide for themselves whether
 they want a Reply-To back to the mailing list or unmunged headers.

 I'll be happy to supply volunteers with a detailed specification of
 what I am looking for in a mail system.

Funny you should mention that.  I've been looking for one of those myself,
and had half decided to write my own.  Problem is, I don't know anything
about mail processing, so it's going to be a long road.

If you don't mind though, I'd like to see those specs.  Even though I can't
promise you anything, I'm interested in seeing other folks' ideas.  If you
have them already put together, of course; I don't expect you to create them
for me when I can't deliver what you're looking for.

RE: [sqlite] Create Table Issue.?

2004-05-20 Thread Brass Tilde
  [SPMId] [int] identity(1,1) NOT NULL ,

Does identity do the same thing as it does under MS SQL Server?  I thought
the way to get an identity field in SQLite was to define it as integer
primary key.

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Re: [sqlite] Re: Life of a cursor

2004-05-19 Thread Brass Tilde
  After that, it's of no use to keep the database open, so it closes it.
  And sends the results obtained back to the client.

 Wow! This is the first I hear that. Wouldn't that be an expensive
 operation? (opening, closing, reopening...)

For an embedded database, such as SQLite, yes it would be an expensive, and
unnecessary, operation.

The open/use/close method is well suited for a client/server engine,
however.  Many client/server RDBMS engines, such as MS SQL, and I'm pretty
sure Oracle, use so-called connection pooling, where the connections on
the server aren't actually deallocated when the client closes them, but
are instead maintained in a pool on the server.  The next client that opens
a connection may get a new one, or it may get a reference to a previously
used one.

If your application holds a connection open even if it has no further use
for it, or won't need it for some extended period of time, then that
connection's resources aren't available for some other application, which
means the server has to allocate more resources for a new one, using up time
and memory on the server.  The server side resources for the connection
being held open aren't actually being used for anything, so they are wasted.
Imagine every application that connects to the server doing that.

The theory is that allocating and deallocating the resources used by a
connection object on the server are actually more time consuming than simply
reinitializing the resources associated with an existing object, so not
having to create a new one *every* time a client connects saves time on the
server and makes the applications that much scaleable.

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Re: [sqlite] Question about expected query result??

2004-05-14 Thread Brass Tilde
  On MS SQL Server 2000, one can pass a field name to the COUNT function,
  though I haven't yet seen any difference in the results between the two,
  queries run faster with COUNT(field) than with COUNT(*).

 COUNT(fieldname) provides the count of rows where the data in 'fieldname'
 non-null.  COUNT(*) provides the total count of rows:

Ah.  I guess that pretty much explains that.  I seldom do counts without a
WHERE clause of some sort that would preclude counting nulls in the first


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Re: [sqlite] suggestion

2004-04-21 Thread Brass Tilde
  I'm new to sqlite but as far as I can tell it does not support ALTER
  command. I could find that useful in future versions.

 That's right.
 ALTER TABLE would be very helpful.
 Are there any reasons it is not implemented yet ?

What do you mean by ALTER TABLE?  The ability to add new columns or
constraints?  That can be implemented by renaming the original table,
creating a new table with the new structure, then importing the contents of
the original table into the new one.

In fact, with the exception of adding a new column to the *end*, this is
precisely how MS SQL 2000 implements adding a new column to a table.

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RE: [sqlite] 'ALL' Not Supported?

2004-02-25 Thread Brass Tilde
 I've searched around quite a bit for an answer on this but I haven't
 found anything yet. As far as I understand the following is a valid
 SQL-92 query:

Have you tried it on some other SQL-92 compliant DB and had it work?  I've
never seen all used in quite that way before.  Admittedly, I've only used
SQL Server, Oracle, MSDE, Access and now SQLite, so maybe that's just me.

  sqlite select model from (select model,price from laptop 
 where hdsize = all (select l.hdsize from laptop l)) MaxSize 
 where MaxSize.price  2500;
  SQL error: near all: syntax error

If you check out the relevant section of the SQL as Understood By SQLite,, you'll see that the use of the all
keyword is somewhat different from what you've used.

Select  top 1 hdsize
Where   price  2500
Order byhdsize desc

-- save value from above query

Select  model
Where   hdsize = savedvalue

Yeah, you could combine those two, but how much time do you want to spend
coming up with a geeky way to do?

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Re: [sqlite] OK to drop support for legacy file formats?

2004-02-09 Thread Brass Tilde
 On 6 Feb 2004, at 14:05, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

  If you use a modern version of SQLite (version 2.6.0 through 2.8.11)
  to open an older database file (version 2.1.0 through 2.5.6) the
  library will automatically rebuild all the indices in the database
  in order to correct a design flaw in the older database files.
  I am proposing to drop support for this auto-update feature.

 I can see both sides of this. On the one hand I'm a *big* supporter of
 keeping SQLite small, but on the other hand I have a project with
 currently over 50,000 sqlite databases on a large (terabyte)
 filesystem. Upgrading each one with a utility (and the associated
 downtime) would be a bit of a nightmare. Upgrading them on a per-access
 basis like the current implementation would do is a bit more agreeable
 to me.

My understanding is that SQLite has had this auto-update feature since
version 2.6.0.  If I understand correctly, you should only have a problem if
you are *now* using a version prior to that, and go from that version
directly to 2.8.12 or later.  If you've kept your version of the db engine
current, or at least have upgraded to 2.6.0 or later, then all of your
databases should now have their indices updated by now.

Have I misinterpreted something?

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Re: [sqlite] OK to drop support for legacy file formats?

2004-02-06 Thread Brass Tilde
 If you use a modern version of SQLite (version 2.6.0 through 2.8.11)

 I am proposing to drop support for this auto-update feature.
 Beginning with 2.8.12, if you attempt to open a database file

If the opinion of someone who's just started using the product, and has no
intention of using the older versions of which you speak, I shan't miss the
feature either.

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