Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-01 Thread digimaster

Zombie wrote: 
> Suddenly the LMS disappeared overnight.
> Have any of you been doing smth?
> I have restarded the NAS, LMS etc etc.
> LMS is 2.04.00
> Any clues?Is QLogitechMediaServer still as installed in the app center. Or is 
> it
also gone there? 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-01 Thread digimaster

Zombie wrote: 
> It is not gone. I have restarted it and it is running now.
> I always shut my QNAP NAS TS-251 off automatically during the night and
> it starts automatically every morning. No problem earlier, not like this
> at least.So if I understand correctly, it won't start proper. When restart 
> you're
Qnap. If that's the case, suppely me more info like logs.

I can not reproduce this thing. My QLogitechMediaServer start, after
every reboot of my Qnap or after a upgrade of the QTS.

So if it won't start after a reboot, Logon by ssh. Go to the
LogitehMediaServer directory and have a look at the
QLogitechMediaServer.log, and send it to me. Also have a look at the

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-01 Thread digimaster

badboygolf16v wrote: 
> I'd like to say thanks to the creator. I had some issues with my LMS
> instance running on a Ubuntu VM in Virtualization Station and stumbled
> on this thread just as I was searching around. I installed so I had
> something to compare with dodgy VM installation and it works so good I'm
> going to stick with it. VM is switched off and retired!Thanks nice read it. 
> Great that works fine at you're end.

Really appreciate you're message. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-03 Thread digimaster

Look if this exist on you're system
Could also be at

Zombie wrote: 
> This happened the last time. It is similar from the 1 June:
> [10:30:52 03-06-2019] Stopping LogitechMediaServer [26941] in the
> Background.
> [10:31:26 03-06-2019] Upgrading LogitechMediaServer to 7.9.2-1559540204,
> please wait !
> [10:32:04 03-06-2019] LMS will start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001
> --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
> [10:32:23 03-06-2019] LogitechMediaServer is started in the Background
> on [10189] !
> [10:32:23 03-06-2019] Please wait a few minutes, before you try to
> access the webgui through http://:9001 !
> thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed with reason:
> BadCredentials',
> /home/mh/.cargo/git/checkouts/librespot-40ba8a51a8dd7e0d/03e401b/core/src/connection/
> note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a
> backtrace.
> thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed with reason:
> BadCredentials',
> /home/mh/.cargo/git/checkouts/librespot-40ba8a51a8dd7e0d/03e401b/core/src/connection/
> note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a
> backtrace.
> thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed with reason:
> BadCredentials',
> /home/mh/.cargo/git/checkouts/librespot-40ba8a51a8dd7e0d/03e401b/core/src/connection/
> note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a
> backtrace.
> thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed with reason:
> BadCredentials',
> /home/mh/.cargo/git/checkouts/librespot-40ba8a51a8dd7e0d/03e401b/core/src/connection/
> note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a
> backtrace.
> thread 'main' panicked at 'Authentication failed with reason:
> BadCredentials',
> /home/mh/.cargo/git/checkouts/librespot-40ba8a51a8dd7e0d/03e401b/core/src/connection/
> note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a
> backtrace.
> The file server.log is 861 MB.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-03 Thread digimaster

Thats very simple, already explained it several times here.
There is a failsafe option, which starts, LMS without loading plugin.
Should always be the first to test.
If you think that the trouble is at startup off you're QNap , do [ cd
/share//share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/ ].
Now do [ touch .FAILSAFE ], and now restart you're QNap and have a look
if LMS starts.
Remember to remove .FAILSAFE, from the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/,
otherwise it will keep starting in FAILSAFE with no plugins

If a plugin it the trouble, in FAILSAFE, you can acces the webgui and
uninstall it.
Do [ cd /share//share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/ ]
Now do [ ./ failsafe ]
Check if the webgui comes up, then remove the pluging.
Now do [ ./ restart ]
And is you cab acces the webgui, problem solved.

Another way is,  [ cd
Have a look with ls, and remove the directory from the plugin by doing
rm -r (name of directory )

There is also a way, to start LMS once in failsafe.

Zombie wrote: 
> So how do I remove it without access to the server?

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-03 Thread digimaster

Zombie wrote: 
> And really wished someone had mentioned the failsafe start a couple of
> hours ago. Now comes the tedious rebuild of everything again.If you would 
> have check this forum, you would have  found this info.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-12 Thread digimaster

Here the link to the messages regrading if you run into trouble.
Regarding the *, read the command carefly, and what it does !

the command [ cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer ] done in a ssh
terminal, will bring you to the LogitechMediaServer.!&p=934993&viewfull=1#post934993

Zombie wrote: 
> To be able to look for it, you must know it exists. Using * gives to
> many search results.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-14 Thread digimaster


'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

##  Change-log for QlogitechMediaServer  
SimpleSolutions 2017-2019 ##

== QLogitechMediaServer version
2.09.1b= 14-06-2019
First very surprised, to see that version 2.04 has been installed more
then 30.000 times. :-)
And those who send me a donation, thank you gives a feeling off
appreciation for the work.
But if anyone deserves a big thank you and donation, is should be
Michael Herger for all his great work and support.

* Fixed error regarding start-stop-deamon missing -r option in
* Some minor fix's in the config command, not all the settings where
proper showed !
+ Everything has been update to the latest, including the CPAN modules.
+ Added log rotation, to prevent that logs get to big.
+ BETA !!!  ( Now Python is added, to get support
for the plugins GoogleMusic. 0
And yes its working, tested it on all the flavors. ( Had to take a

++ How to install Google Music

Go to the webgui of LogitechMediaServer and the server settings page.
Choice the plugins tab and insert the repository URL for this Plugin at
the bottom of the page:
Now apply and then it will restart LMS.
After which, you should be able to install GoogleMusic, from whit in the
server settings, plugin page.

1. Go to the plug-in settings page and set your Google username and
password for the Google Music plug-in.
Note: If you have 2-Step Verification enabled on your account, you'll
need to generate and use an application-specific password instead of
your regular password. Follow the instructions in this support page to
generate an App Password for the Google Music plug-in.
2. The mobile device ID is a 16-digit hexadecimal string (without a '0x'
prefix) identifying an Android device or a string of the form
ios:01234567-0123-0123-0123-0123456789AB (including the ios: prefix)
identifying an iOS device you must already have registered for Google
Play Music. On Android you can obtain this ID by dialing *#*#8255#*#* on
your phone (see the aid) or using this App (see the Google Service
Framework ID Key). You may also use the script to list
all registered devices. If your Android or iOS device is already
registered, you may leave the field Mobile Device ID empty. It will be
filled in automatically after setting the username and password.
Note: A registered PC MAC address will not work as a mobile device ID.
3. Enable All Access if you have an All Access subscription.
4. You will find the plug-in in the 'My Apps' section of the squeezebox

IMPORTANT you should have used GoogleMusic on you're mobile device, and
when you logon GoogleMusic on there website, the device should be listed
as registered devices!
If you filled the necessities
, some times it wont logon. Then refill the password, and do apply.
Next restart QLogitechMediaServer, and check if it loged on.
On the advanced pages from GoogleMusic, it should say Google Music
plugin. Listen to your Google Music library and Google Music All

More info go to ;
'The git websie for the GoogleMusic plugin!'

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website.

More information on MusicIP, go to or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

Having trouble with latest version, you can do a downgraded.
Download the version you want, from the website.
And do a Manuel installation through the QNap app center.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-16 Thread digimaster

mjack wrote: 
> Hi digimaster,
> thanks a lot for your great work! I really appreciate what you’re
> doing�� 
> On my TS251+, the update form 2.04 (works really nice and smooth) to
> 2.09.01 fails and I can’t access LMS through the webgu. 
> After manual downgrading, to 2.04 QLogitechMediaServer works fine again.
> The QLogitechMediaServer.log.err shows:
-[QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-251+
> QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
> System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 436
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> FilesystemSize  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/cachedev1   5.3T  2.4T  2.9T  45%
> [The system mounts]:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> type none (rw,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc
> type none (ro,bind)
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/shm
> type none (ro,bind)
> /sys on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/sys type
> none (ro,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus
> type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> qnapclub.eu37.187.75.121
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> BusyBox v1.25.0 (2018-02-07 21:55:34 GMT) multi-call binary.
> Usage: start-stop-daemon [OPTIONS] [-S|-K] ... [-- ARGS...]
> Search for matching processes, and then
> -K: stop all matching processes.
> -S: start a process unless a matching process is found.
> Process matching:
> -u USERNAME|UIDMatch only this user's processes
> -n NAMEMatch processes with NAME
> in comm field in /proc/PID/stat
> -x EXECUTABLEMatch processes with this command
> command in /proc/PID/cmdline
> -p FILEMatch a process with PID from the file
> All specified conditions must match
> -S only:
> -x EXECUTABLEProgram to run
> -a NAMEZeroth argument
> -bBackground
> -N NChange nice level
> -c USER[:[GRP]]Change to user/group
> -mWrite PID to the pidfile specified by -p
> -K only:
> -s SIGSignal to send
> -tMatch only, exit with 0 if a process is found
> Other:
> -oExit with status 0 if nothing is done
> -vVerbose
> -qQuiet
> The LogitechMediaServer will be started with [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> [Perl check] :
> version='5.28.2';
> archname='x86_64-linux-thread-multi';
> Playlist dir [/share/Multimedia/Music], was/will be set to R/W by
> [squeezeboxserver]!
> Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> MusicIPServer is enabled and [running]!
> [8.8.8] is used to find latest Release!
> Use [Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386 FreeBSD,
> ARM EABI, PowerPC)] to find latest Nightly updated!.
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Version [1560488529]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
> [1] squeezeboxserver services found on :
> [13819]
> [Network check in chroot] :
> qnapclub.eu37.187.75.121
> There is a backupfile found !
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.default': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.func': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open 'QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt': No such file or
> directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.default': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.func': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't ope

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-16 Thread digimaster

oneshot wrote: 
> I have exactly the same problem when I upgraded. Went back to 2.04 and
> everything works again.
> I get the same error messages.
> In my system was owned by admin not squeezeboxserverThat one say 
> owned by admin. But that's not where the trouble comes
Could any off you install 02.09.01. Then do touch .CHROOT in the
LogitehMediaServer directory and restart QLogitechMediaServer. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-18 Thread digimaster

mjack wrote: 
> I did touch. CHROOT, stopped the QLogitechMediaServer in the App Center
> and started it again. Now, after clicking Open in the App Center, I get
> the info "QLogitechMediaServer is starting up. Please try again later"
> since 10 min  :(You could do ./ restart, in the
LogitehMediaServer directory. There will show you some info on startup. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-18 Thread digimaster

mjack wrote: 
> -Thanks for the guideance. Result of the restart is: 
> -
> Gone restart LogitechMediaServer !
> First let's check is there is a update for LogitechMediaServer. 
> Preparing
> the system to run LogitechMediaServer.  
> QMusicIP is started
> in the background on [27871]!
> Starting LogitechMediaServer in the Background. 
> Could not
> start LogitechMediaServer in the Background.
> [22:42:13 18-06-2019]
> Something went wrong, check the
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/
> QLogitechMediaServer.log.
> And the
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log
> .err to find the
> error !
> Error .config/.QLMS.default: FAILED
> Error the file
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/   
> Utils/OS/' is
> not owned by squeezeboxserver
> Something went wrong, check the
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/
> QLogitechMediaServer.log.
> And the
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log
> .err to find the
> error !Hmm very strange, thanks for trying. Have to investigate it some more. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-21 Thread digimaster

cphan wrote: 
> I'm having the same issue
> did:
> cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> touch .CHROOT  
> ./ restart
> log shows:
> GNU nano 2.3.6  File:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log
> [11:14:45 21-06-2019] LogitechMediaServer was already stopped !
> [11:15:24 21-06-2019] LogitechMediaServer 2.09.01 is installed !
> [11:16:08 21-06-2019] Upgrading LogitechMediaServer to 7.9.2-1561089896,
> please wait !
> [11:16:25 21-06-2019] LMS will start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001
> --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priori$
> Your locale was detected as C, you may have problems with non-Latin
> filenames.  Consider changing your LANG variable to the correct locale,
> i.e. en_US.utf8
> Can't open
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Logs/server.log
> (Permission denied) at
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/CPAN/Log/Log4perl/Appender/File.p$
> [11:16:27 21-06-2019] Could not start LogitechMediaServer in the
> Background.\r\cHmm oké that's interesting. 
> Could where the issue comes from. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-21 Thread digimaster

cphan wrote: 
> I did 
> rm -r /SlimServer/Logs/*
> ./ restart
> Similar error
> [12:46:50 21-06-2019] Gone restart LogitechMediaServer !
> [12:46:50 21-06-2019] LogitechMediaServer was already stopped !
> [12:46:53 21-06-2019] LMS will start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001
> --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/QLogitechMediaS$
> Can't open
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Logs/server.log
> (Permission denied) at
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/CPAN/Log/Log4pe$
> [12:46:55 21-06-2019] Could not start LogitechMediaServer in the
> Background.\r\c
> [12:46:55 21-06-2019] \nSomething went wrong, check the
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log.\nAnd
> the /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaSer$  
> I checked the SlimServer dir and the Logs dir is removed and was not
> recreated on the restart.
> Edit to add log.err output
> [QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-251+
> QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
> System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 433
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> FilesystemSize  Used Available Capacity Mounted on
> /dev/mapper/cachedev1   2.6T  1.2T  1.5T  43%
> [The system mounts]:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> type none (rw,bind)
> /share/NFSv=4 on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/NFSv=4
> type none (rw,bind)
> /share/snapshot on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/snapshot
> type none (rw,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc
> type none (ro,bind)
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/shm
> type none (ro,bind)
> /sys on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/sys type
> none (ro,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus
> type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> Error [DIG] QTS!
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be started with [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> [Perl check] :
> version='5.24.4';
> archname='i686-linux-thread-multi-64int';
> LMS will be started with user [squeezeboxserver]!
> Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> [8.8.8] is used to find latest Release!
> Use [Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386 FreeBSD,
> ARM EABI, PowerPC)] to find latest Nightly updated!.
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Version [1561089896]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
> Shairtunes2 is installed, but not running !
> Spotty is installed, but not running !
> No squeezeboxserver services running !
> [Network check in chroot] :
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.default': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.func': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open 'QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt': No such file or
> directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.default': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.func': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open 'QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt': No such file or
> directory
> md5sum: WARNING: 4 of 4 computed checksums did NOT match
> Error .config/.QLMS.default: FAILED
> .config/.QLMS.func: FAILED
> QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt: FAILED
> The files are altered, or corrupted please uninstall, reboot the QNap
> and reinstall!
> Be sure to always download latest qpkg from the QNap Club Store !
> Error the file
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-21 Thread digimaster

cphan wrote: 
> Done, here's the appended log.err
> Error [DIG] QTS!
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be started with [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> [Perl check] :
> version='5.24.4';
> archname='i686-linux-thread-multi-64int';
> LMS will be started with user [squeezeboxserver]!
> Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> [8.8.8] is used to find latest Release!
> Use [Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386 FreeBSD,
> ARM EABI, PowerPC)] to find latest Nightly updated!.
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Version [1561089896]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority -10 --charset utf8 --q$
> Shairtunes2 is installed, but not running !
> Spotty is installed, but not running !
> No squeezeboxserver services running !
> [Network check in chroot] :
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.default': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.func': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open 'QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt': No such file or
> directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.default': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '.config/.QLMS.func': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open '': No such file or directory
> md5sum: can't open 'QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt': No such file or
> directory
> md5sum: WARNING: 4 of 4 computed checksums did NOT match
> Error .config/.QLMS.default: FAILED
> .config/.QLMS.func: FAILED
> QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt: FAILED
> The files are altered, or corrupted please uninstall, reboot the QNap
> and reinstall!
> Be sure to always download latest qpkg from the QNap Club Store !
> Error the file
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Utils/OS/'
> is not owned by squeezeboxserver
> QLogitechMediaServer [2.09.01]Strange looks like a owners issue. I think I 
> get a idea where the errors
lays. Gone need some time to be sure. Thanks for trying, helps a lot on
finding the issue. For now the best is to go back to 2.04.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-06-22 Thread digimaster

ToddC wrote: 
> I received same errors as cphan.
> Downgraded to 2.04.00.
> Works.
> QTS: Firmware version4.3.6.0959 Build 20190531
> ToddCHave to look on the owner rights. Due to the fact that the Google Music
is very critical on it. Strangely enough on my Qnap ts-453a with the
latest QTS everything work proper. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-03 Thread digimaster

OKe made some chanced, and everything should work fine.
But to be sure, i first made a beta just fot the x86 and x86_64.
So i've you hat trouble with version 2.09.01, please try the version
Can only be found here, is not availble through the QNap Club appstore
for now.
Please let me know if it works or not ?

'QLogitechMediaServer x86 version 2.09,02 beta' (
'QLogitechMediaServer x86_64 version 2.09,02 beta'

== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.09.02
= 03-07-2019
This is a beta version, purely for testing. Only a x86 and x86_65 are
* Totally redisigned ownership, as there where user who could not start
with QLogitechMediaServer version 02-09-01
* Completly rebuild build switch routine for Perl. It will now check
which perl are supported by the installed LMS.
* The GoogleMusic plugin git version can be installed, just do touch
in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
( I've GoogleMusic was installed through PLugin page, it will be
removed ! )
* Redisigned way it starts on crash, it LMS will try to start in
failsafe mode !
+ On installation will check if start-stop-deamon is installed, and can
handle the chroot options. If not it will disable this function to be
used !
+ will be placed on installation.
Also edit some more, now only path which could contain
will show in LMS !

IMPORTANT this a beta, only can be found here, and should be installed
manuelly through the QNap app centre.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-04 Thread digimaster

wus wrote: 
> 1. Is it possible to install this new beta in parallel to the 2.04.00?
> 2. Compared to 2.04.00, are there any functional differences visible
> from outside, i.e. in the Receiver, Touch or the LMS on NAS's webGUI?No will 
> be a upgraded, but settings will not chance. The same if you go
back to 2.04

The different is google music, and updates of several update of

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-06 Thread digimaster

mjack wrote: 
> Hurray, it's great! Tested 2.09.02 beta on my TS-251+ and update runs
> smooth. Great work again, digimaster. Thank you very much for fixing the
> installation issue!Oké nice to read, that with this version it work. Hope 
> some more, can
comform that it works. I can do a official release of version 2.09.05.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-07 Thread digimaster

stw27 wrote: 
> > digimaster wrote: 
> > Oké nice to read, that with this version it work. Hope some more, can
> > comform that it works. So I can do a official release of version 2.09.05
> > in the Qnap club appstore. 
> > 
> > 2.09.02 works fine on my TS-253 Pro
> > 
> > stw27> > Thanks for informing me. I think the issue in 2.09.01 is fixed in
> 2.09.01. Gone wait on some more to confirm that it works. 
> Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-09 Thread digimaster

SteffenG wrote: 
> Version 2.09.02 beta works fine on my TS-453mini (latest / actual FW) -
> thnx a lot!
> (Updated from Version 2.04)
> B rds
> SteffenGThanks for informing me.
This gone try release 2.09.05.
Beside the fix, has some new features like a easy way to downgraded LMS.
Keep the last 5 file off LMS. So one can downgraded LMS on trouble. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-13 Thread digimaster

th00ht wrote: 
> I've done an uninstall and reinstall. but after the latest QOS update I
> have difficulty getting QLMS started. Also uninstall is not very clear
> it sometimes is reported in the log as removed but is still there.
> rror .config/.QLMS.default: FAILED
> .config/.QLMS.func: FAILED
> QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt: FAILED
> The files are altered, or corrupted please uninstall, reboot the QNap
> and reinstall!
> Be sure to always download latest qpkg from the QNap Club Store !
> Error the file
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Utils/OS/'
> is not owned by squeezeboxserver
> TS-453mini hereNot very clear what the problem. What do you mean QOS update? 
> And after

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-18 Thread digimaster

th00ht wrote: 
> the problem seems to be ownership of Setting it to
> squeezeboxserver:squeezeboxserver has no effect, it is reset when I
> start start.
> startin as 
> > 

  >   >  sudo -u squeezeboxserver ./ start

> > 
> results in
> > 

  >   > useradd: user 'squeezeboxserver' already exists
  > Can not make squeezeboxserver on system !
  > /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/.QLMS.func: line 
47: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log: 
Permission denied
  > Killed

> > 
> I've set the SlimServer directory owner to squeezboxserver with:
> > 

  >   >  chown squeezeboxserver:squeezeboxserver SlimServer/ -R

> > You must not do SUDO -u squeezeboxserver. The same on owner & rights on
directory. All is handled through the script.

If you're talking on version 2.09.01, on some Qnap there is a error, and
yes has to do with owner & rights. But not of the The error
has to do other stuff, which has to do with including Google Music.
Version 2.09.02 has the fix. Working on 2.09.05, where hopefully it's

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-20 Thread digimaster

th00ht wrote: 
> uninstall, reboot, install:
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # tail
> QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
> .config/.QLMS.func: FAILED
> QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt: FAILED
> The files are altered, or corrupted please uninstall, reboot the QNap
> and reinstall!
> Be sure to always download latest qpkg from the QNap Club Store !
> Error the file
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Utils/OS/'
> is not owned by squeezeboxserver
> grep:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/prefs/*: No
> such file or directory
> QLogitechMediaServer [2.09.01]
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # tail
> QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
> .config/.QLMS.func: FAILED
> QLogitechMediaServer_Changelog.txt: FAILED
> The files are altered, or corrupted please uninstall, reboot the QNap
> and reinstall!
> Be sure to always download latest qpkg from the QNap Club Store !
> Error the file
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Utils/OS/'
> is not owned by squeezeboxserver
> grep:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/prefs/*: No
> such file or directoryPlease install version 2.04.00, when you get errors 
> with 2.09.01. Our
try the 2.09.02 which only can be found here.

I'm working on a new version, where some issues are fixed 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-21 Thread digimaster

OKe made some chanced, and everything should work fine.
But to be sure, i first made a beta just fot the x86 and x86_64.
So if you had trouble with version 2.09.01, please try version 2.09.02.
Can only be found here, is not available through the QNap Club appstore
for now.
Please let me know if it works or not ?

'QLogitechMediaServer x86 version 2.09,05 beta' (
'QLogitechMediaServer x86_64 version 2.09,0 beta'

== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.09.05
= 14-07-2019

* Totally redesigned ownership, should fix error's in v2.09.01
( If you still get error, try touch .OLD in the
.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer )
* When the PLAYLIST option is set, now will check on owner and rights in
that directory !
* It will now check which perl are supported by the installed LMS. And
stop if no supported perl is found in LMS !
* The GoogleMusic plugin git version can be installed, just do touch
.GMUSIC or set GMUSIC=1 in .QLMS.conf
in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
( If GoogleMusic was installed through the Plug-in page, it will be
removed ! )
* Redesigned the way it try a restarts on crash, LMS will be start in
failsafe mode on trouble !
( If you still have trouble on startup, try the new clean option !
+ On installation will check if start-stop-daemon is installed, and can
handle the chroot options. If not it will disable this function to be
used !
+ will be placed on installation/upgrade
Also edit some more, now only path which could contain
will show in LMS !
+ Added startup option clean, will uninstall the installed LMS but keep
the settings !
( Will ask if you're sure, before clean the LMS installation ! )
( After a clean on start, will install a new clean LMS installation !
+ In the .QLMS.conf file, now you could do UPDATE=/NIGHTLY=(release).
(ARMX-09 and ARMX-19, only have perl 5.20)
( Keep in mind release lower then 7.9.0, have no support for perl
5.24/5.28 )
If the options is not set right, it will do a normal update/nightly
So only use 0/1 or ?.?.?, where ?.?.? should be something like 7.9.0
or higher !
On restart will try to install that version, will downgraded if a
lower version if set in UPDATE !
After restart/start and up/down- graded, they will be set back to =1
For example UPDATE=7.9.0, will install LMS version 7.9.0 on next
* Upgrade routine improved/adjusted, will do a better check and more
future proved !
When handling a up/down- graded, it will first remove the install LMS
* Manuel up/downgrading should now work proper.
Just place a copy of logitechmediaserver-?.?.?.tgz in the Download
share and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
For NIGHTLY download the "Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386,
x86_64, i386 FreeBSD, ARM EABI, PowerPC)" file !
+ Added extra option in .QLMS.conf. NOUPDATE if set, no update check
will be done. Manuel update will still work !
+ Added extra control option OLD, which could be used when LMS crashes
on startup.
Will try to fix owner/rights on the SlimServer on the old way, but
could causes pluging not to work proper !
+ Added new feature ARCHIEF. If set will keep the latest 5 installed
versions of nightly build, and all the official builds !
Very handy if you want to rollback.
Just copy the wanted file from .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/ to
the download share/path of you're QNap )
+ Another new option is AUDIO, when set will use audio prg's supplied in
QLogitechMediaServer installatio !
( Normally LMS uses audio prg's, which are ncluded in the release ! )
+ If LMS is started, it will also tell which release/version is

! IMPORTANT this version is still a BETA, it works great on my QNap
ts-453a, but don't know about all the other QNap types !
Having trouble PLEASE INCLUDED LOG'S, so i can find what's causing it
on you're QNap ?
And keep in mind, making/developing it in my spare time.

IMPORTANT this a beta, only can be found here, and should be installed
manually through the QNap app centre.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-23 Thread digimaster

FlaParrotHead wrote: 
> Update:  OK, I did an uninstall and installed 2.09.05 and it now appears
> to be running on the server.
> Now a very VERY basic question.  Does this code support the UE radios or
> do I need to back level my 3 radios to the old SmartRadio level of code.
> It does not look like the LMS can see my radios at the moment (no radios
> found).
> Basic Q2:  how and where can I now install and get Spotty and other
> plugins/apps installed. One goal is to finally get access to our Spotify
> account from the radios.
> Sorry for the basic Qs.
> Thanks! 
> Sent from my iPad using TapatalkThis LMS is not for the EU smartradio's. 
> That's a completely other
server release.
For that don't know if it's used a lot. 

The plugin are installed through the settings webgui. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-26 Thread digimaster

steklo wrote: 
> Hello,
> I hope it is ok to post my specific question here, even though it is a
> bit off topic – but I'm quite confident that if anywhere, here is the
> place where I might find some help among you
> QLogitechMediaServer-experts.
> I have QLogitechMediaServer 2.04.00 with LMS 7.9.2 running on a QNAP
> TS-451A. Some days ago I added some new albums to the music folder and
> had LMS do a "clear library and rescan everything". After that my LMS
> library was completely clear. I tried several rescans, I restartet both
> LMS and NAS, I checked the file path (which remained untouched), I also
> checked the permissions, nothing helped, LMS library still shows not a
> single music file. (Of course I also checked if all the music files are
> still in the music folder which LMS is linked to: Everything's fine
> there.) All my individual settings still remained.
> Meanwhile I downloaded the server log file. Here is what it says for
> that particular day when the loss took place (see attachement, can't
> insert the complete text here because it's too long):
> 27766
> While myself being completely incompetent and ignorant of these lines,
> this one caught my attention:
> [19-07-23 20:30:48.2227] Slim::Utils::DbCache::__ANON__ (301) Error:
> DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: database is locked
> Michael suggested in my initial thread: "I'd suggest you shut down LMS,
> then delete all the *.db files from its cache folder and restart. This
> should trigger an all new scan with a fresh file. Leave it alone until
> the scan has finished."
> Unfortunately I'm absolutely an idiot when it comes to command lines,
> even though I was able to fix some things concerning
> QLogitechMediaServer executing command lines earlier, but only after
> some kind people had told me exactly what to type into the terminal. Is
> there anybody here who would support me in this case and who would be
> able to express the correct command line to wipe the files Michael
> suggested within the LMS cache folder on my NAS? Or has anyone run into
> the same problem and knows another sure fired way to fix it?
> Best regards
> StefanLogon by ssh shell, ( putty). Then do CD /share/*/.qpkg. Now do
./ stop. Next do rm -R SlimServer/. Now do .
/ start.

Through you completely wiped the LMS installation including the
settings, and reinstalled LMS from scratch.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-26 Thread digimaster

steklo wrote: 
> Hi digimaster,
> do I understand you right that this way I would loose all individual
> settings ("completely wiped  including the settings")? Is there no
> other way that would retain my settings? Or do you mean that this way I
> would keep my settings while LMS would be newly installed from scratch?
> Best regards
> StefanIf you need to install lms from scratch, but keep the settings. Do
./ clean and then QLogitechMediaServer restart.
Will wipe the LMS, keep the settings and install LMS. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-26 Thread digimaster

steklo wrote: 
> I did:
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] #
> ./ stop
> Stopping LogitechMediaServer [10999] in the Background.
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] #
> ./ clean
> use ./ start, stop, status, restart, backup,
> restore or failsafe ( use this when trouble with loading plugins )
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] #
> ./ restart
> Gone restart LogitechMediaServer !
> LogitechMediaServer is started in the Background on [14780] !   
> Please wait a few minutes, before you try to access the webgui through
> !
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # 
> But nothing changed. When I tell LMS to scan the music folder it's
> through with that within a second resulting in an empty library... Can
> it be there is something wrong with the command
> "./ clean"? It doesn't seem to have been
> executed, does it?
> Or would I better remove LMS completely and set up from scratch as you
> suggested first?
> Best regards
> StefanThe best you could do build LMS from scratch. Did you ever used the backup. If so there is a backup of all the
settings including the library. So you can always restore the settings,
even if you build lms from scratch. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-27 Thread digimaster

steklo wrote: 
> This is what I performed at the end of last year:
> First:
> [ cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer ]
> [ rm -R SlimServer/ ]
> [ ./ start ]
> [ ./ stop ]
> [ rm -r SlimServer/Cache ], [ rm -r SlimServer/prefs ]
> Then:
> [ cp -RP /share/*/Multimedia/prefs SlimServer/ ], [ cp -RP
> /share/*/Multimedia/Cache SlimServer/ ]
> [ ls -l SlimServer/]
> Finally:
> [ chown -R squeezeboxserver SlimServer/ ] , [ chmod -R 0755 SlimServer/
> ]
> [ ./ restart ]
> Does anything of that that help to restore the settings after I
> installed LMS from scratch?
> Furthermore I found you suggestions: For a backup do
> ./ backup, to restore ./
> restore ! But I think I never did use this command lines.
> Best regards
> StefanOké have a look in the Multimedia directory, if prefs and Cache are
still there. If so do the cp -RP command will restore settings. And if
you got it running use the backup options. Now you can do and try
anything with LMS. With restore you always restore you're settings. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-07-31 Thread digimaster


'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.09.06
= 31-07-2019

* Totally redesigned ownership, should fix error's in v2.09.01
( If you still get error, try touch .OLD in the
.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer )
+ New command-line option rollback. If ARCHIVE and there are releases
file available, it will show  a menu where you could choice the LMS
version to rollback to.
+ New command-line option check. Will only check if a update is
available, and downloaded it if available.
+ New command-line option upgrade. When there is a release file
available, will upgrade lms to this. If LMS is running, it will be
stopped !
* When the PLAYLIST option is set, now will check on owner and rights in
that directory !
* It will now check which perl are supported by the installed LMS. And
stop if no supported perl is found in LMS !
* The GoogleMusic plugin git version can be installed, just do touch
.GMUSIC or set GMUSIC=1 in .QLMS.conf
in the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
( If GoogleMusic was installed through the Plug-in page, it will be
removed ! )
* Redesigned the way it try a restarts on crash, LMS will be start in
failsafe mode on trouble !
( If you still have trouble on startup, try the new clean option !
+ On installation will check if start-stop-daemon is installed, and can
handle the chroot options. If not it will disable this function to be
used !
+ will be placed on installation/upgrade
Also edit some more, now only path which could contain
will show in LMS !
+ Added command-line option clean, will uninstall the installed LMS but
keep the settings !
( Will ask if you're sure, before clean the LMS installation ! )
( After a clean on start, will install a new clean LMS installation !
+ In the .QLMS.conf file, now you could do UPDATE=/NIGHTLY=(release).
(ARMX-09 and ARMX-19, only have perl 5.20)
( Keep in mind release lower then 7.9.0, have no support for perl
5.24/5.28 )
If the options is not set right, it will do a normal update/nightly
So only use 0/1 or ?.?.?, where ?.?.? should be something like 7.9.0
or higher !
On restart will try to install that version, will downgraded if a
lower version if set in UPDATE !
After restart/start and up/down- graded, they will be set back to =1
For example UPDATE=7.9.0, will install LMS version 7.9.0 on next
* Upgrade routine improved/adjusted, will do a better check and more
future proved !
When handling a up/down- graded, it will first remove the install LMS
* Manuel up/downgrading should now work proper.
Just place a copy of logitechmediaserver-?.?.?.tgz in the Download
share and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
For NIGHTLY download the "Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386,
x86_64, i386 FreeBSD, ARM EABI, PowerPC)" file !
+ Added extra option in .QLMS.conf. NOUPDATE if set, no update check
will be done. Manuel update will still work !
+ Added extra control option OLD, which could be used when LMS crashes
on startup.
Will try to fix owner/rights on the SlimServer on the old way, but
could causes pluging not to work proper !
+ Added new feature ARCHIVE. If set will keep the latest 5 installed
versions of nightly build, and all the official builds !
Very handy if you want to rollback.
Just copy the wanted file from .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/ to
the download share/path of you're QNap )
+ Another new option is AUDIO, when set will use audio prg's supplied in
QLogitechMediaServer installation !
( Normally LMS uses audio prg's, which are included in the release !
+ If LMS is started, it will also tell which release/version is

! IMPORTANT this version is still a BETA, it works great on my QNap
ts-453a, but don't know about all the other QNap types !
Having trouble PLEASE INCLUDED LOG'S, so i can find what's causing it
on you're QNap ?
And keep in mind, making/developing it in my spare time.

More info go to ;
'The git websie for the GoogleMusic plugin!'

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website.

More information on MusicIP, go to or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

Having trouble with latest version, you can do a downgraded.
Download the version you want, from the website.
And do a Manuel installation through the QNap app center.



Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-03 Thread digimaster

Now it should be there, was pending on approval at the QNapClub site !

mjack wrote: 
> Did I miss something? I can't find the download link for 2.09.06

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-07 Thread digimaster

mjack wrote: 
> Hi digimaster, 
> after sucessful installation of 2.09.06 on my TS-251+ and a music
> library folder rescan, I discovered all music files and folders are
> suddenly owned by squeezeboxserver and I can't delete or modify mp3
> files from my PC anymore. Before the library rescan everything was
> fine.
> Any idea?
> mjackThe only thing I can think of, is the Playlist option. You could disable
this in the. QLMS.config file. Normally LMS does nothing on owners or

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-07 Thread digimaster


'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.09.07
= 08-08-2019

* There was a error on th perl check in the arm-x41/armhf version, fixed
this version !
* When the PLAYLIST options was set, but not set in LMS it would change
owner/rights on wrong files/directory's , fixe din this version
* More fine tuning on the Upgrade function, to do a good and fast check
on startup !
+ NEW option in the .QLMS.config TIMER=, which can do a automated check
available updates ! You can set it some where between 00:01 and
+ NEW cli options for, timer will set the
timer stop will end it and timer status will show if set next time it
do the check. If TIMER is set status will also be showen with status.
If a update is downloaded, will send a meesages to the QNap messages
centre and stop the timer.

( Some more minor fix's and adjustements under the hood, to make it
smoother and faster ! )

! IMPORTANT this version is still a BETA, it works great on my QNap
ts-453a, but don't know about all the other QNap types !
Having trouble PLEASE INCLUDED LOG'S, so i can find what's causing it
on you're QNap ?
And keep in mind, making/developing it in my spare time.

More info go to ;
'The git websie for the GoogleMusic plugin!'

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website.

More information on MusicIP, go to or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

Having trouble with latest version, you can do a downgraded.
Download the version you want, from the website.
And do a Manuel installation through the QNap app center.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-07 Thread digimaster

Took a close look, and changed some thing, where i think it could come
Version 2.09.07 should have the fix to prevent this from happing.
In version 2.09.06, it could happen, if the playlist directory was not
set in LMS.

To fix it at you're end, reboot the QNap and go in to ssh shell, and use
the chown -R command to set it back !

mjack wrote: 
> Hi digimaster, 
> after sucessful installation of 2.09.06 on my TS-251+ and a music
> library folder rescan, I discovered all music files and folders are
> suddenly owned by squeezeboxserver and I can't delete or modify mp3
> files from my PC anymore. Before the library rescan everything was
> fine.
> Any idea?
> mjack

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-07 Thread digimaster

Installing/using the GoogleMusic plug-in for LMS in QLogitechMediaServer

Out off the box, python 2.7 is included and will automatically will
install Gmusicapi, if it detects that the GoogleMusic plug-in is

To uses it go the the server settings pages, and install the GoogleMusic
LMS will ask to restart the services, follow those instructions.
If LMS is running again, and the webgui is back, restart
QLogitechMediaServer, to make it aware that GoogleMusic is installed. On
started it will check on GmusicApi, where default the version 12.1.0
will be come available.

Next on the Server Settings page, go to advanced, and choice the
GoogleMusic plug-in. Here you need to set you’re credentials, and press
apply. Some thing you need to do this a few times, before it says
“Google Music plug-in. Listen to you’re Google Music library and Google
Music All Access”. When it gives you this messages, you can uses
GoogleMusic with you LMS installation.

Included you could also install the GoogleMusic git version, just set
GMUSIC=1 in the .QLMS.conf file. This will install GoogleMusic from git
the master version. If Needed you can chance the GmusicApi version, in
.QLMS.conf set GVERSION=””to get the latest, or GVERSION=12.1.0 to
install version you set there. 

If you install the git version, any install GoogleMusic plug-in from the
plug-in page will be removed.
When you change the line GMUSIC=1 to GMUSIC=0 or #GMUSIC=. It will
uninstall the git version and also any settings. 


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-07 Thread digimaster

mjack wrote: 
> Thanks :)) My settings were as you descibed. Updated to 2.09.07 and will
> check it outGreat then my suspicion was correct. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-09 Thread digimaster

magnus001 wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Reading through this thread and have some questions.
> Can someone confirm if MusicIP is working with latest software together
> with Sugarcube?
> Anyone running local player plugin with external USB DAC?
> Any recommendations for (Intel) models suitable for LMS, MusicIP, Bliss
> and Plex? 
> Best regards,
> MagnusI can confirm LMS working with Musicip and more. Plex and bliss both
work to and many more. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-09 Thread digimaster


Whats has been changed in version 2.09 and higher ;

The auto update routine, completely has been redesigned. To make it run
better, faster and more future save. In there several things are changed
or added. Like the up-/down- graded function. ( placing a proper file,
in the download share of you’re QNap ). Also there now is a way, to
download a specified official version, by editing .QLMS.conf where
UPDATE=/NIGHTLY= can be set to ?.?.? where is should be some thing
higher then 7.8.9. ( When done it will change it back to =1)

The other big and important change is the Upgraded routine. IN the older
version a new release was placed on top of the already installed LMS
version. Now before installing the new version, it will uninstall the
old version. This way a up-/down- graded works better and this way it
prevents conflict and errors.

There now also is away to let it check on update after a specified time
while running LMS. When a update is available, it will send a messages
to the messages center of QNap and stop. In .QLMS.conf just set TIMER=
to something between 00:01 and 23:59. This will be the time the next
check will be done. When running ./ status will
then also show the time when it will do the check. With the command
/ timer, you can activated it.
/ timer status, will show the next time and
/ stop will deactivated it. If TIMER- is set, on
startup of QLogitechMediaServer, it will also activated the timer.

Now included in installation is, to prevent that server and
scanner log from LMS get to big. Also through this, only directory’s are
shown in LMS which could contain music files. IN the
settings-page/information it will display QLMS 2.X (QNAP TurboStation).

Another new option is AUDIO= in .QLMS.conf, where when you set it to 1,
will uses the audio prg’s included in QLogitechMediaServer file-system.
On default or when AUDIO=0 / #AUDIO=, the audio prg’s included in LMS
are used.
In .QLMS.func now also there is ARCHIVE=1, which will take care that
every download and installed update, will saved in Backup . ( All the
Official releases and the last 5 Nightly versions. Through this way you
can do a rollback if a version is causing trouble !
New command line options for ;

will uninstall the installed LMS, but keep all settings. ( On
./ start/restart, it will install a new clean LMS
installation !)
Will do a check on LMS if there is a update. ( Depending on how
UPDATE=/NIGHTLY= are set !)

Will try to do a upgrade, if a update if available. ( When LMS is
running will stop it first !)

If ARCHIVE=1 and there are already early installed version available.
Will show a menu, where you could choice a release you want to be
installed. Then on next start/restart of QlogitechMediaServer this will
be installed.
[ New plug-in support ]
Because of GoogleMusic, python has been included in the chroot
file-system of QLogitechMediaServer. Also QLogitechMediaServer will be
aware if its installed, and try to install the GmusicAPI, so GoogleMusic
can logon and be used. There also is support for the GIT version. 

[ PERL check improved ]

The perl check has been improved, and now checked if LMS also has
support for it. All the release accepted the arm5te(ARM-x09/ARM-x19),
have perl 5.24.4/5.28.3 included.

Under the hood there are more minor improvements and changes.

All the release are updated to the latest version and build from Debian
9 strech.  QNap uses kernels from Debian, so that works great.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-12 Thread digimaster

anadigi wrote: 
> It was working fine with 2.09.00!?? 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-13 Thread digimaster

Serge21 wrote: 
> Bonjour , je viens d'installer QLMS sur mon qnap TS-932X :
> squeezeboxServer ne se lance pas, j'ai relancé et essayé plusieurs fois
> idem
> ci joint le QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
> Hello, I just installed QLMS on my qnap TS-932X: squeezeboxServer does
> not launch, I restarted and tried several times
> here is the QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
> Merci
> Serge GOUET
> [QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-932X
> QNap Nas-system Platform: aarch64
> System: aarch64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 441
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (aarch64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> DiscSpace : /dev/mapper/cachedev1  ext4   10.6T  2.6T 
> 8.0T  24% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [The system mounts]:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> type none (rw,bind)
> /share/external on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/external
> type none (rw,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc
> type none (ro,bind)
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/shm
> type none (ro,bind)
> /sys on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/sys type
> none (ro,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus
> type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> PING ; DIG ; Avahi
> ; qnapclub.eu37.187.75.121
> [Perl check] :
> Perl version [5.28.2], supported arch [aarch64-linux-thread-multi]
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be started with [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> LMS will be started with user [squeezeboxserver]!
> Using LMS included audio prgs's !
> Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> Update Website []!
> [7.9.1] is used to find latest Release!
> Use [Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386 FreeBSD,
> ARM EABI, PowerPC)] to find latest Nightly updated!.
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> Backup's of Official/Nightly Releases can be found in
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/] !
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Nightly Version [1565679430]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
> No squeezeboxserver services running !
> [Network check in chroot] :
> PING ; DIG ; Avahi
> ; qnapclub.eu37.187.75.121
> grep:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/prefs/*: No
> such file or directory
> QLogitechMediaServer version : [2.09.07]Go in to ssh shell, and do [ 
> ./share/*/.qpkg/LogitehMediaServer]. Next
do [ rm. QLMS.conf], after which do [ ./
restart]. Next have a good look on the screen, which messages are

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-14 Thread digimaster

Something is causing this trouble, looks like a setting or plugin.

Suggestion do [ ./QLogitechMediaServer backup ], to make a backup of
your settings.
Then remove QLogitechMediServer trhrough the app centre, restart youre
Then reinstall QLogitechMediaServer, and try on a clean installation if
it works.
When it work, you can restore youre setting with [
./ restore ].

Still having trouble then i am out of suggestion, as i can not see whats
happing from this side.

magnus001 wrote: 
> Hi,
> My TS-251B was delivered today but unfortunately no luck with QLMS
> 2.09.07. Installation from AppCenter seems ok, but the server does not
> start. Am I missing something obvious?
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] #
> ./ status
> LogitechMediaServer is not running, do ./ start
> to start services !
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Logs] # cat
> server.log
> [19-08-13 22:03:39.8156] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
> (v7.9.2, 1565679430, Tue Aug 13 09:21:26 CEST 2019) perl 5.028002 -
> x86_64-linux-thread-multi
> [19-08-13 22:03:41.9245] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374)
> Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
> [19-08-13 22:03:42.0098] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2144) Warning:
> Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
> [19-08-13 22:03:42.1596] Carp::croak (291) Warning: read_dir
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/templates'
> - opendir: No such file or directory at
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Web/Template/
> line 49.
> [19-08-13 22:03:58.4579] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
> (v7.9.2, 1565679430, Tue Aug 13 09:21:26 CEST 2019) perl 5.028002 -
> x86_64-linux-thread-multi
> [19-08-13 22:03:58.7649] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374)
> Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
> [19-08-13 22:03:58.9027] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2144) Warning:
> Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
> [19-08-13 22:03:59.0846] Slim::Utils::SQLiteHelper::postConnect (374)
> Optimizing DB because of missing or empty sqlite_stat1 table
> [19-08-13 22:03:59.1590] Slim::Schema::forceCommit (2144) Warning:
> Trying to commit transactions before DB is initialized!
> [19-08-13 22:03:59.2861] Carp::croak (291) Warning: read_dir
> '/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/templates'
> - opendir: No such file or directory at
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Web/Template/
> line 49.
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] # cat
> QLogitechMediaServer.log.err
> [QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-251B
> QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
> System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 436
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> DiscSpace : /dev/mapper/cachedev1  ext4  731.5G 17.8G   
> 713.1G   2% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [The system mounts]:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> type none (rw,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc
> type none (ro,bind)
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/shm
> type none (ro,bind)
> /sys on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/sys type
> none (ro,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus
> type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> PING ; DIG ; Avahi
> ;
> [Perl check] :
> Perl version [5.28.2], supported arch [x86_64-linux-thread-multi]
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be started with [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> LMS will be started with user [squeezeboxserver]!
> Using LMS included audio prgs's !
> Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> Update Website []!
> [7.9.1] is used to find latest Release!
> Use [Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-15 Thread digimaster

magnus001 wrote: 
> Tried that before I posted with same result but yesterday evening I
> tried another thing.
> I uninstalled 2.09.07, rebooted, installed manually and It
> worked!
> After that I upgraded to 2.09.07 and still ok.
> With TS-251B and firmware I tested the plugins below that is
> not in standard LMS installation.
> MusicIP OK
> Licence Manager OK
> Spicefly SugarCube OK
> Music and Artist Information OK
> Material Skin OK
> Local Player FAILED
> Thanks again for your support!Hmm oké strange way of resolving, but it works 
> for. My suggestion once
in a while, if everything works good, make a backup. I especially added
the backup/restore function to fixed this kind of issues. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-16 Thread digimaster

QLogitechMediaServer version 2 Help-file

QLogitechMediaServer is a init-script, to run LogitechMediaServer on a
QNap Nas-system !
It support the arm5te, armhf, arm64/aarch64, x86 and x86_64 systems,
with QTS 4.0 and higher.
On startup can check on any updates (Official/Nightly), behavior can be
chanced in .QLMS.conf
Also there is a way, the set running prio/nice-level, to make it
running smooth on a Nas-system/Server.
The way it works/starts can be adjusted, by editing the config file
.QLMS.confg to adjusted needs !.
Build-in there is support for several plugin's like spotty,
shairtunes2, Radio Paradise, Subsonic, GoogleMusic a.m.m.

I made/developed it, because SSOTS/SSODS stop work after a upgraded to
QTS 4.3.
First only suppled a script and perl, but soon this was complaining
about missing libraries.
It seems that a lot off libraries/software are to old or missing
options , to support LMS function's.
So from version 2.00 start using the chroot command, and in
QLogitechMediaServer there is a own file-system.
Through that way the errors where solved, and by this way could give
more supported in LMS !
Please Keep in mind, I'm developing/building it in my spare time !

[ command line options ]

./ start

On startup will do check if there is a update for LMS, upgraded if
Prepare system to run LMS, on it's own chrooted file-system !
If LMS crashes, will try to start LMS in the failsafe mode !
On trouble will give a error, when it's start in failsafe a plug-in is
causing the trouble !

./ stop

If LMS is running, will stop the services and any service started by
Also will cleanup/unmounted any directory, and cleanup the chroot
file-system !

./ restart

Will stop LMS if running, after which a completed new start of LMS will
be preformed !

./ failsafe

Start's with only the basic options, and no plugins are loaded !
( Very helpful if there is trouble, or a plug-in/option is causing
trouble ! )

./ status

Can be used to check if LMS is running !
When available and active also will display if running MusicIP, and if
set the next time Auto update checker will run !

./ config

Will give a lot of system information !
( Can be very handy, if you run in to trouble or a error on startup ! )

./ clean

Will completely clean the installed LMS, but settings will be keeped.
When you run ./ start, will install a new LMS !
( Some times on trouble, could help to cleanup and install a completely
new LMS version )

./ check

Will check if there is a upgraded available, depending on settings
( Handy if you want to check if there is a update, without having to
restart QLogitechMediaServer. )

./ upgrade

When there is a upgrade file available, will do a upgrade.
For a downgrade, place the file in the DownloadShare, then will not
check on installed version of LMS !
( Will handle a upgraded, and if LMS is running will stop if first )

./ timer

When in .QLMS.conf TIMER is set, will set the auto update timer ! [ If
it's not already enabled ! ]

./ timer status

If enabled will show on which time, the next check will be done !

./ timer stop

If running will stop the Auto Update timer !

./ backup

Will make a backup of the QLogitechMediaServer & LMS settings and
installed plugins !
( Will make a backup of all the LMS and QLogitechMediaServer in a save
place. )

./ restore

If LMS is running, it will be stopped.
Then a restore of the QLogitechMediaServer & LMS settings and plugins
is done !
( Be aware to chance any setting if needed, before restarting LMS with start !)

[ .QLMS.conf ]

There is a config file called .QLMS.conf in the
Here you can control several options for LMS, which will be used on
startup for the services.
Please check the wiki for more info on them.

Also there are options, which QLogitechMediaServer uses on startup !.
Which gives you control, on several options/function in the startup
process !.
On trouble or when LMS keeps crashing on startup, please remove this
from the directory !
A new default .QLMS.conf will be written on startup/restart, using only
the standard options !

The httpport will accepted a value between 9000 and 9050, default is
9001 which will be used when net set a with a wrong value !
( On startup will test if port is available, if not add 1 up or use
default 9001 )

[ Trouble or errors on startup ! ]

On startup with errors QLogitechMediaServer will try failsafe and only
the basic options for LMS !
If in failsafe it can start, have a look on the installed plugins. Also
look in .QLMS.conf on the LMS startup option's.
One off them is causing the error. Some times 

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-17 Thread digimaster

steklo wrote: 
> Hi digimaster,
> thanks for the help file!
> What does "ACL" mean in the last paragraph? You know I have some trouble
> with scanning my library at the moment. If you'd like to look over it I
> have posted my log files here:
> If you can see anything that might cause my problems please let me
> know!
> Best regards
> StefanACL is a owner/rights thing meanly used on windows/Microsoft systems.

For LMS there is a plugin.
Regarding you're issue, already wrote did a test. But can not reproduce
it here. The only thing you wrote, setting the music files to
squeezeboxserver as user, is something I don't have. My music collection
is set to a normal user, but with 0755 as rights.

Strangely enough I read that more user are setting it like you.
Something which i would never suggest to do.

I for myself once in a while do chmod -R 0755 (music path). To make sure
everything is set correctly. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-18 Thread digimaster

cphan wrote: 
> Updated today; I can no longer access the plugins tab of the Server
> Settings GUI.  
> Not sure if this is an LMS or a QLMS issue.  
> Server Log shows numerous errors referancing "strict refs" in
> SimpleAsyncHTTP
> [19-08-18 12:13:27.4772] main::init (387) Starting Logitech Media Server
> (v7.9.2, 1565967976, Fri Aug 16 17:21:42 CEST 2019) perl 5.028002 -
> x86_64-linux-thread-multi
> [19-08-18 12:13:33.1801] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1888) Error:
> While trying to run function coderef
> [Slim::Plugin::Extensions::Plugin::appsQuery]: [Can't use string ("
> 12345678n.X]"...) as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Networking/
> line 123.
> ]
> [19-08-18 12:14:41.2445] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (131)
> Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP: Can't
> use string ("
> 12345678n.X]"...) as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Slim/Networking/
> line 123.
> ; fh=Slim::Web::HTTP::ClientConn=GLOB(0x556afc03b090)
> Server Details:
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1565967976 @ Fri Aug 16 17:21:42
> CEST 2019
> Operating system: QLMS 2.X (QNAP TurboStation) - EN - utf8
> Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
> Perl Version: 5.28.2 - x86_64-linux-thread-multi
> Audio::Scan: 1.02
> IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
> Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
> Total Players Recognized: 4Just tested it here, no problem to get the plugin 
> pages. So no idea what
causing it. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS library empty after rescan

2019-08-18 Thread digimaster

steklo wrote: 
> I tried some things this afternoon.
> First I took a look at my music folder via Cyberduck (an SFTP client
> available for Mac):
> 27972
> I realized that for most albums the owner was set to 999, but for some -
> all of them among the newly added albums I was missing, but still not
> all of them - were set to owner 1000.
> digimaster had writen some days ago:
> "No need to set those file to user squeezeboxserver, but make sure they
> are rwxr-xr-x as file rights so LMS can access them !"
> and
> "Regarding you're issue, already wrote did a test. But can not reproduce
> it here. The only thing you wrote, setting the music files to
> squeezeboxserver as user, is something I don't have. My music collection
> is set to a normal user, but with 0755 as rights.
> Strangely enough I read that more user are setting it like you.
> Something which i would never suggest to do.
> I for myself once in a while do chmod -R 0755 (music path). To make sure
> everything is set correctly."
> Other than digimasters reciommendation permissions in my library were
> obvously different: rwxrwx--- (770)
> As I could not find a way to change this with Cybersduck I tried a
> terminal ssh session. Unfortunately I was not able to get into my music
> folder, the command line
> [cd /share/*/Multimedia/Musik Stefan/iTunes/iTunes Media/Music] or [cd
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Multimedia/Musik Stefan/iTunes/iTunes
> Media/Music]
> resulted in
> -sh: cd: /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Multimedia/Musik: No such file or
> directory
> I couldn't figure out what was wrong; the path is definitively correct.
> If anyone could teach me what was wrong?
> So I went to the control panel of my NAS and once again looked into the
> permissions of the Multimedia folder. I found oplocks was active for it
> and I turned that off. And as digimaster suggested I set the owner of
> Multimedia folder to a normal user , myself in that case, with read &
> write permissions, squeezeboxserver still only read permissions.
> After that I did a rescan which resulted in a completely empty LMS
> library!
> Then I went back to QNAP control panel and only changed the owner of the
> Multimedia folder from myself to squeezeboxserver. Rescan took more than
> 45 minutes and now everything is back in its place!
> A look through Cyberdock shows that now the owner is 999 for everythging
> and the permissions are still set to rwxrwx--- (770)
> I don't know exactly what the reason is for this behaviour, but now it
> works. Maybe some or all files that I copy from my Mac onto he NAS come
> with owner 1000 and so they can't be scanned by LMS? Can it be that
> upgrading from MacOSX 10.9 Mavericks to 10.11 El Capitan can cause this?
> I never had this problem earlier.Oké you got it work, but the user is 
> squeezeboxserver.

As I earlier wrote set it to a normal user with 0755 as rights. The last
is important, through owner can read, write, execute. User part of the
group and any other can read and execute but no write or deleted.

My music collection is set this way. And no problem in LMS. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-19 Thread digimaster


'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.09.08
= 16-08-2019

! I believe we are almost there, only some fine-tuning on several new
functions and options .
+ On startup will try to cleanup the /tmp directory, to prevent some
plugin causing startup trouble.
* Auto Update fixed a bit more, if in .QLMS.conf the option WEBSITE= is
set, will check if it can use it, otherwise falls back to default URL !
* Fix AutoUpdate when is not found, will always do a
update, even if are UPDATE=0/NIGHTLY=0 or NOPDATE=1
* Adjusted the Owner/Right function a bit more, so it will also work
with directory's where there is a space in the name !
+ Added new cli options, ./ help will show a

( Some more minor fix's and adjustements under the hood, to make it
smoother and faster ! )

! IMPORTANT this version is still a BETA, it works great on my QNap
ts-453a, but don't know about all the other QNap types !
Having trouble PLEASE INCLUDED LOG'S, so i can find what's causing it
on you're QNap ?
And keep in mind, making/developing it in my spare time.

More info go to ;
'The git websie for the GoogleMusic plugin!'

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website.

More information on MusicIP, go to or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'

Having trouble with latest version, you can do a downgraded.
Download the version you want, from the website.
And do a Manuel installation through the QNap app center.


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
View this thread:

Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-20 Thread digimaster

I think the QNap TS-420 needs the x09 or x19 version.
You can check it, by logon with ssh shell and do uname -m.
If it says arm5te x09 for the arm5tej x19
For armhf/arm7v the x41.

Serge21 wrote: 
> Bonsoir,
> *Enfin Cela fonctionne sur mon TS-932x
> *juste deux petites questions :
> Quel version de qlogitechmedia server pour un TS-420(Marvel 1,6Ghz) car
> je voudrais quitter SSOTS.
> Quel logiciel pour gerer les droits parfaitement sur les Qnap( a
> distance avec un programme Windows ou a distance avec une appli sous
> qQTS) car le gestionnaire fourni est minimum.
> Si vous pouvez me repondre !!! MERCI
> Good evening,
> Finally it works on my TS-932x
> just two small questions:
> What version of qlogitechmedia server for a TS-420 (Marvel 1.6Ghz)
> because I would like to leave SSOTS.
> Which software to manage the rights perfectly on the Qnap (remotely with
> a program Windows or remote with an app under qQTS) because the supplied
> manager is minimum.
> If you can answer me !!! THANK YOU

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-20 Thread digimaster

Serge21 wrote: 
> J'ai comme réponse "*armv5tel*"Try the x09 version, that should work. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-21 Thread digimaster

Serge21 wrote: 
> En attendant ; cela a fonctionné avec arm-x19 je n'ai pas essayé avec
> x09 , cela a l'air de fonctionner correctement.
> Merci encore pour vos conseils
> Serge GOUET
> Waiting ; it worked with arm-x19 i did not try with x09, it seems to
> work fine.
> Thanks again for your advice
> Serge GOUETThe versions x09 and x19 are almost the same. And both work on 
> atm5te.
So x19 is a good choice.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-21 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I just upgraded to this version and everything seems to work as
> expected. However, all my players' playlists (the current ones) are
> empty, despite their respective m3us still being in
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/prefs/
> It's more an observation than it is a problem. Just curious why it
> happens.
> Is it possible to relocate the cache folder? I'd like it to be on an SSD
> (in an octopus' garden in the shade... Ah great, won't get rid of that
> song today now. :D)
> As always, thank you for effort.Regarding inside the SlimServer directory, 
> some thing I got no idea.
About the question off the Cache outside the SlimServer, yes can be done
with the LMS_EXTRA option inside .QLMS.conf. There is a option for LMS
to set the Cache directory, look on the wiki for it. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-21 Thread digimaster

For example, if in .QLMS.conf you set,

Or if you want to do both LMS_EXTRA="--cachedir

Thats why i added LMS_EXTRA="" in .QLMS.conf from version 2.09.05.

## Taking from the output of --help

--cachedir   => Directory for Logitech Media Server to save cached
music and web data
--prefsdir   => Specify the location of the preferences directory
--dbtype => Force database type (valid values are MySQL or


dolodobendan wrote: 
> Great, thank you!

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-23 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I set the m3u files in
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/prefs to
> Group: everyone
> Owner: squeezeboxserver
> Octal: 0777
> and disabled startup rewriting of these files in .conf. The players'
> playlists still appear empty when restarting QLMS.
> (I should add that playing those music files that "do[]n't exist on disk
> - skipping!" work fine and are playable normally. It's only the players'
> playlists that somehow cannot access them.)Just did a test here, can not 
> reproduce it.
Squeezeboxserver user is part of the group squeezeboxserver. The group
everyone is a regular group. On startup the SlimServer directory is set
to user squeezeboxserver and group everyone with rights 0755. By this
way everything is set to work. QLogitechMediaServer does this from
version 1.xx. And no did not changed anything on this. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-23 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I removed all playlists, played something (and a new playlist was
> created), restarted LMS, the playlist file is still there (and not
> empty), but the playlist itself is empty because they file supposedly
> doesn't exist.
> Btw, PLYLSTDR=1 doesn't seem to work if the prefs folder is redirected.The 
> PLYLSDR is for the one you set in the music setup. Has nothing to do
with the client Playlist. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-23 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I was sure it rewrote the permissions for the playlists in prefs. But
> maybe it was I who did several things at once again and simply got
> confused.
> I'll try that, thank you!
> What's the best way to find out why the files in the client playlists
> cannot be found?The prefs directory owner/group and rights are set when you
start/restart QLogitechMediaServer.

Regarding the client do cat and looks what it shows. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-23 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Same here. As I said, the file is not empty, but LMS somehow cannot find
> the music files in it (which worked before, that's how this list got
> created, after all.)
> And now LMS doesn't even seem to start at all. QTS says QLMS is running,
> but when I stop it, I get a message that it already was stopped. I'll
> use the default prefs and cache locations for now, I don't want to add
> more variables to the problem.
> With the old paths restored, LMS starts without a problem (except of
> course the errors that stem of files not being found from the clients'
> playlists.)Oké but this could be from changing the Cache/prefs directory. Lms 
> is
very sensitive about that, if on something is different LMS won't start
or quit.

Regarding the client Playlist, no idea and tried to reproduce it but at
my side everything works. The only thing changed is that from 2.09
squeezeboxserver became part of the group squeezeboxserver. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-23 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I found the "reason" for the playlists not finding the files. As it was
> to be suspected, it is a problem with permissions. I say it is because
> it is a problem with the clients' playlists ONLY.
> I set the permissions for half of the music files that should be in the
> client playlist to 0775, the other half still has 0770 (as have the
> directories on the path to these files). Now LMS finds the first half
> after a restart.
> But why do ALL these files play perfectly in any other scenario? I could
> select some files (client playlist A is created), then save the playlist
> (playlist B is created) and then quit LMS. After a restart, LMS will
> fail to load the files from client playlist A ("file doesn't exist") and
> the clients' playlist will be empty. But loading the playlist B (with
> exactly the same files) will work just fine.
> That should not happen.
> Copying files to the NAS share will give them the permissions 0770.
> That's why I need it to work with 0770 as it did.Permissions are very 
> important, I already pointed that in several
messages. All my music file have 0755. And all are not owned by
squeezeboxserver but by me. On my Qnap the music files are handled by
several script.

But 0755 is very important. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-24 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I know, but:
> It worked with 0770 before and EVERYTHING ELSE works now. (In 2.04,
> everything worked with 0770.)
> The command to load the client playlists seems too suddenly use
> different permissions than the command to load regular playlists.
> I'm done for today, thank you so far!Linux it very demanding on rights and 
> ownership. You could make group
music, where you make the share user and squeezeboxserver part of. Then
it should work as before. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-24 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> It worked before. [emoji14]
> Good point, I'll try that next time! For now, I'm back to 2.04. Last
> question for now:
> Do I get it right that if I'd set "CHARSET="" to CHARSET="utf8
> --cachedir /DIR/WHERE/IT/SHOULD/SET/CACHE" it would still relocate the
> cache directory?No that won't work, could make LMS crash. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-08-25 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Yup, already tried that. ;) But why did it crash? --cachedir is a
> regular startup parameter, is it not?Yep but it more how the script makes the 
> needed startup line. There are
checks in the script checking the different options and values. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LMS library empty after rescan

2019-08-28 Thread digimaster

No thats not what i mean.

Linux/Debian where the QTS of QNap is made from, has a straight forward
User/owner setup.
QLogitechMediaServer runs in a chrooted debian file-system, and QTS is
also debian.
>From version beside the user squeezeboxserver, there also is a group
That group is important for plugins and LMS, so needed to work proper.

What i mean, in the QNAP QTS you cab make a group like music, and make
the user squeezeboxserver and the user(s) who manage the musicfile, both
part of it.
Then if those file have read/executed rights, squeezeboxserver can read
and see them, but not write or deleted them
In user rights when the user rights is 751, the 5 tells what user parted
of the same group can do.

Please look at the following link, which tries to explain who it works.
User and group management is very important in linux, so also in QTS
from QNap.
And never ever just chance anything regarding rights or owners in QTS,
just to get access but try to work with users and groups.
For example if you run a ftp server on QTS, make a group FTP and make
every on epart of that group who you want to uses the FTP

Owner/group and rights looks a bit strange a different in linux, but if
you start reading and learn you understand why.
And there will come a time, where you will wish MS software would work
the same.

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Are you sure these files had the same permissions / owners BEFORE you
> copied them to your NAS?
> Digimaster suggested creating a group called Music and put
> squeezeboxserver and my user in there. I hadn't had time to test that,
> but you could. You would have to grant that new group RO access to your
> music library, of course.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-04 Thread digimaster

== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.10.01
= 05-10-2019

+ Added a new option USER in .QLMS.conf. When set and exist on you're
QTS, LMS will be started through that user !
( If you set it to the same user, as the one that writes the audio
files, there should not be a issue on scanning the music-files. )
( Keep in mind the risk, if you choice a user with admin rights, it
could break you're system or lose music files )
( The best way would be to make a group for example MUSIC, and make
squeezeboxserver and the upload user part of it )
( And please don't set squeezeboxserver user, as owner on file through
the webgui from QTS. That could case corrupting/losing you're
music-files ! )
+ In the chroot file-system, now also TMPDIR is set!
( If TMPDIR was set in the host, some plugin's like spotty did not
play properly )
- Removed the User's admin/root in the chroot file-system !
( Did it for security reasons. If a hacker/virus would try intruded,
only the running user can be used )
+ On startup there will be a messages about fixing owner/right's. Means
that the files in the SlimServer/ will be set !
! After the big QTS update to 4.4.1, everything still works as aspect ed
* Some minor adjustments under the hood.
! 2.010.01 Minor adjustmented on /temp and rights, 2.10.00 user could
not write in the /temp dir. Fixed


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-05 Thread digimaster

blackbite wrote: 
> Hi Digimaster,
> just wanted to inform you, that 2.10.01 unfortunately crashes on my NAS.
> I did a complete fresh installation of QLMS. I went back to 2.09.08 and
> everything is fine again.
> QLMS could not be started. The error is: 
> 28278
> Seems to be the changes in chroot.Hmmm oke, I see bonjour/avahi is causing 
> it. H have to have a look
on it. Strang as it works fine in version 2.09.08 Thanks for informing

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-06 Thread digimaster

Strangly enough, why are you both getting a error on avahi.
Would suggested reboot you're QNap, do the config check and look on the
network check.
avahi is importsnt to make LMS work correctly.
If so do the upgraded to 2.10.01, and check again with config, if avahi
is running in QTS and the chroot.
Regarding user one can uses old way, in the directory
.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer do touch .ADMIN 
Now do ./ restart, and have a look on the

SteffenG wrote: 
> Same issue w/ version 2.10.01 as in #579 on my TS-453mini and actual
> Firmware:
> 28285
> If I am using version, 2.09.08, everything is fine.
> B rds
> Steffen

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-06 Thread digimaster

The way spotty works, is something inside LMS.

And for me if i dont have a spotty account in LMS, but can uses spotify
But remember in the player setting pages, spotify connect has to be

jasell wrote: 
> Hi, if you have a look at it could you see if you can get Spotty work in
> mode that anyone on the LAN can use Spotify Connect without having to
> add the accounts in the Spotty app.
> As of now I can only use Spotify Connect for accounts registered in the
> Spotty app.
> This would relief us from having to switch Spotify acounts in LMS before
> using Spotify Connect from a different family member or guest.
> Thanks in advance
> Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-06 Thread digimaster

Oke great that is works with touch .ADMIN

The thing iḿ want to see, what is the output for
./ config, when you did remove .ADMIN and tried a

SteffenG wrote: 
> Hi digimaster,
> 1. Deleting .QMS.conf and restart won't help, the restart is exiting
> with the same error message.
> 2. Did a "touch .ADMIN" and the LMS started without any issue.
> 3. Deleting the ".ADMIN" again, LMS exits with error message.
> 4. Did a "touch .ADMIN" again, LMS starts without any issue again.
> The output w/ "config" flag:
> __
> [QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-453mini
> QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
> System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 441
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> DiscSpace : /dev/mapper/cachedev1  ext46.8T  3.2T 
> 3.5T  48% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [The system mounts]:
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/shm
> type none (ro,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc
> type none (ro,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> type none (rw,bind)
> /share/external on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/external
> type none (rw,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus
> type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> PING ; DIG ; Error
> on [AVAHI] in QTS!
> [Perl check] :
> Perl version [5.28.2], supported arch [x86_64-linux-thread-multi]
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be/was started by [squeezeboxserver] with
> [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> Playlist dir [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Qmultimedia/Music], was/will be set
> to R/W by [squeezeboxserver]!
> Using LMS included audio prgs's !
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> [8.8.8] is used to find latest Release!
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> Auto Update is Disabled] !
> Backup's of Official/Nightly Releases can be found in
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/] !
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Nightly Version [1568726655]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
> LogitechMediaServer running on [29186].
> Webgui can be found on
> Spotty is running !
> [2] Task's found for squeezeboxserver on :
> [29186 29518]
> [Network check in chroot] :
> PING ; DIG ; Error
> on [AVAHI] in CHROOT !
> There is a backupfile found !
> QLogitechMediaServer version : [2.10.01]
> This output can also be found in
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log.config
> !
> _
> Hope that helps
> Steffen

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-06 Thread digimaster

SteffenG wrote: 
> Hi digimaster,
> here you go - now deleted the ".ADMIN", make a restart and "config":
> __
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] #
> ./ config
> [QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-453mini
> QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
> System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 441
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> DiscSpace : /dev/mapper/cachedev1  ext46.8T  3.2T 
> 3.5T  48% /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [The system mounts]:
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/shm
> type none (ro,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc
> type none (ro,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> type none (rw,bind)
> /share/external on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/share/external
> type none (rw,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus
> type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> PING ; DIG ; Error
> on [AVAHI] in QTS!
> [Perl check] :
> Perl version [5.28.2], supported arch [x86_64-linux-thread-multi]
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be/was started by [squeezeboxserver] with
> [/usr/sbin/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> Playlist dir [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/Qmultimedia/Music], was/will be set
> to R/W by [squeezeboxserver]!
> Using LMS included audio prgs's !
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> [8.8.8] is used to find latest Release!
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> Auto Update is Disabled] !
> Backup's of Official/Nightly Releases can be found in
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/] !
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Nightly Version [1568726655]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> -d_startup --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]
> Spotty is installed, but not running !
> No squeezeboxserver services running !
> [Network check in chroot] :
> PING ; DIG ; Error
> on [AVAHI] in CHROOT !
> There is a backupfile found !
> QLogitechMediaServer version : [2.10.01]
> This output can also be found in
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/QLogitechMediaServer.log.config
> !
> If I do a restart (still without ".ADMIN"):
> 1. message: "going to restart ..."
> 2. message of installing the newest version ...
> 3. blank screen
> 4. Error message (as above)
> 5. 2-3 secondes pause
> 6. command line back again
> Doing a "touch .ADMIN" and restart afterwards, everything works fine
> again
> B rds
> SteffenOké thanks. It's clear where the error is coming from. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-11 Thread digimaster

spile wrote: 
> The QNAP firmware update appears to have completely killed QLMS. A
> complete uninstall and reinstall and LMS still refuses to run. I am
> thinking it is time to go back to another solution such as container
> station or even give up on trying to run LMS on my QNAP NAS and build a
> Raspberry Pj server. Thoughts welcome.Try Version 2.10.02, otherwise go back 
> to 2.04.00
But according to the latest, the last version should work. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-11 Thread digimaster

mnd wrote: 
> Bummer. 
> While not being able to install QLMS, I am also considering using
> Raspberry Pi as a nas. But even if I could get rid of the qnap at an
> acceptable loss of money, I still can't decide what to do with the HDD's
> - is it worth trying to use the current 3.5 inch drives with the
> Raspberry Pi, or it would be much simpler to just get new external usb
> drives. What other hardware are you thinking about with the Raspberry
> Pi?
> EDIT: Version 2.10.02 of QLMS installed successfully on a TS-231P nas.
> This makes me vary happy and I hope I can keep enjoying Logitech Media
> Server without investing into new hardware for a considerable amount of
> time.
> Thanks alot, digimaster !Nice that the latest version works.
The trouble was the root/admin user. Some Qnap systems need it, to run
lms in chroot.

As I already earlier wrote, the error has nothing to do with the update
off QTS.
The only error why 2.10.02 won't start, could be the dbus, from this
version checks if there really is a dbus socket avaible, if not will
give a error.

But what still surprise me, that nobody checks any logs. So please on
trouble, read and check the several logs. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-11 Thread digimaster

SteffenG wrote: 
> Thanks a lot for your update to 2.10.02. The NAS works now perfect on my
> TS-453mini (again) w/o any ".ADMIN patch" and on the latest FW version.
> B rds
> SteffenThanks for informing me. Great that's work. Nice that you took the time
to inform me. [emoji106][emoji123]

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-10-12 Thread digimaster

jasell wrote: 
> When upgrading I get the following message:
> "[12:45:22 12-10-2019] Can't find /var/run/dbus, please fix error and
> restart !"
> After a QNAP restart everything works fine.
> I had this message for the last coupe of releases.
> Apart form that QLMS works fine, including exposing my Spotty Connect
> players to all Spotify apps on the network.On startup it checks, if the dbus 
> socket exist. If not gives a error, as
LMS uses the dbus socket for things like spotify connect. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-13 Thread digimaster

mnd wrote: 
> Sorry for not posting any logs, just didn't know where to look for them,
> regarding the installation of the qpkg. I'm not too advanced in using
> qnap software and QLMS yet, but I'm willing to learn.
> Anyway, maybe someone could help me understand how to manually install
> plugins (the .pm files)?The logs and config files, can be found in

You need to Logon by ssh shell, with a program like putty. Then you do [
cd /share/*/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/]. Do ls to see the content of the
directory, it should show .QLogitechMediaServer.log a.m.

If so you're in the right directory.

Regarding installing plugins, should be done in the webgui, server
setting, plugins.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-17 Thread digimaster

spile wrote: 
> Similar issue on my NAS.
> I have the following message in my event notifications but the QLMS is
> already running and the version in the app store is the same as one I
> have installed on my NAS???
> [QLogitechMediaServer] There is a Update for LMS, do
> QLogitechMediaServer start/restart to upgraded !
> 2019/10/17 03:39That means there is a update for LMS available. Not 
> QLogitechMediaServer
but LMS itself. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-17 Thread digimaster

FlaParrotHead wrote: 
> Upgrade question.
> I currently have the following installed and running well .. overall (on
> a TVS-471).
> Logitech Media Server Version: 7.9.2 - 1570959002 @ Sun Oct 13 11:52:42
> CEST 2019
> Hostname: #
> Server IP Address:
> Server HTTP Port Number: 9001
> Operating system: QLMS 2.X (QNAP TurboStation) - EN - utf8
> Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
> Perl Version: 5.28.2 - x86_64-linux-thread-multi
> Audio::Scan: 1.02
> IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
> Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)
> Total Players Recognized: 3
> Should my install auto-upgrade when new code is available?  Should I be
> able to upgrade to the current code without losing settings, apps,
> extras, favorites, etc? 
> Is there a reason to upgrade and stay current? 
> Thanks for any guidance. 
> Sent from my iPad using TapatalkUpgrade for LMS depends on what you want. 
> Some a upgraded is need, for
Bugfixes or fixes for plugins like spotty.
But if everything is work, not always needed.

If you don't want it to do the automatic upgrades. Change the settings
in .QLMS.conf file. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-22 Thread digimaster

mnd wrote: 
> Can anyone confirm if QLMS has a separate initial setup after install,
> that is different than the settings page afterwards? And if it does, do
> we have to select the timezone in the initial setup?
> I want to change the current time in QLMS, but can't find such setting.
> And I think I vaguely remember the initial settings page where the
> language and timezone could have been selected and if that was the case,
> I guess I might have not bothered to change the timezone. But I'm not
> certain that this initial setup I remember was really for QLMS and not
> some other app.. Anyway, if the timezone really can only be selected
> right after installation of QLMS and not later, I'd reinstall QLMS, but
> I want to make sure this is really possible, before uninstalling and
> going through all the settings again.
> EDIT: searched a bit more and found this 'post'
> (,
> would this command help:
> Logon by ssh, then go to the .qpkg/LogitechMediaServer directory. And
> then do [ touch .LOCALTIME ]. Then restart lms with
> ./ restart
> EDIT2: the command didn't change anything.If you don't want LMS, to uses the 
> local time.

Go in ssh, go to the .qpkg/LogitchMediaServer directory. Now do touch
.NOLOCALTIME and restart QLogitechMediaServer.

Now it won't take the time from the used server.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-23 Thread digimaster

mnd wrote: 
> Thanks, but where does it get the time from if it doesn't use the local
> time of the nas?
> I tried the command, but the time displayed by the custom clock applet
> didn't change. Maybe the time displayed on the applet comes not from the
> server, but from some place else.. 
> Is it possible to check somewhere else what the current time is on the
> LMS server (in the settings or by command line)?That's something I don't 
> know. Then you have to ask  the developers of
LMS the them self.

I only do the startup script, and the way it runs and try to included
libraries and programs LMS needs.

Without the file .NOLOCALTIME on startup a small file is placed in the
chroot. So LMS can find for time&date and local time zone. With it uses
the general time&date.

If you're talking about a exstion plugin, ask them who maded/released

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2019-10-25 Thread digimaster

ai1 wrote: 
> And here is QLogitechMediaServer.log.err:
> [QNAP info] :
> QNap Model: TS-251+
> QNap Nas-system Platform: x86_64
> System: x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu
> QTS Version: 441
> [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release
> (x86_64-QNAP-linux-gnu)
> Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
> [The Qnap configuration] :
> [QPKG Share] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA
> [Packages Root] /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
> The [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is properly
> Mounted!
> DiscSpace : /dev/mapper/cachedev1  ext43.5T739.4G 
> 2.8T  21%   
> [The system mounts]:
> /dev/shm on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/dev/
> shm type none (ro,bind)
> /proc on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/proc ty 
> pe none (ro,bind)
> /tmp on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config/LMSROOT/tmp type
> none (rw,bind)
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/.config 
> /LMSROOT/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA type none (rw,bind)
> /mnt/ext/opt/avahi0630/var/run/dbus on
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMedia   
> Server/.config/LMSROOT/run/dbus type none (ro,bind)
> [Network check] :
> PING ; DIG ; Avahi
> ; qnapc 
> DBus Socket ; available
> [Perl check] :
> Perl version [5.28.2], supported arch [x86_64-linux-thread-multi]
> The options for [QLogitechMediaServer] :
> The LogitechMediaServer will be/was started by [squeezeboxserver] with
> [/usr/sbi   
> n/chroot] !
> LogitechMediaServer starts with [-c 2 -n 3] ionice value!
> LogitechMediaServer starts with nice value [-10]!
> LMS will be started with user [squeezeboxserver]!
> Using LMS included audio prgs's !
> Gone clean up [Cache/template] before LogitechMediaServer is started!
> Clean up [Memory], after QLogitechMediaServer has been executed!
> Update Website []!
> [7.9.1] is used to find latest Release!
> Use [Logitech Media Server: Unix Tarball (i386, x86_64, i386 FreeBSD,
> ARM EABI,   
> PowerPC)] to find latest
> Nightly updated!.
> Auto update official releases [enabled]!
> Nightly Releases Auto Update [enabled]!
> Auto Update will be set on every [12:00] !
> Backup's of Official/Nightly Releases can be found in
> [/share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qp  
> kg/LogitechMediaServer/Backup/] !
> The installed LMS Release [7.9.2] Nightly Version [1571644358]!
> [The LogitechMediaServer used options on startup] :
> [--daemon --httpport 9001 --user squeezeboxserver --pidfile
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DAT
> A/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/Cache/
> --priority  
> -10 --charset utf8
> --quiet --noupnp]
> [1] Task's found for squeezeboxserver on :
> [13542]
> [Network check in chroot] :
> PING ; DIG ; Avahi
> ; qnapc 
> Dbus Socket ; available
> grep:
> /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer/SlimServer/prefs/*: No
> suc 
> h file or directory
> QLogitechMediaServer version : [2.10.02]According to the log, and info would 
> suggest Uninstall, reboot and
reinstall. Have a close look, on any other installation off LMS. This
because you writing about webgui on 9000.

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2019-11-18 Thread digimaster

Mycenius wrote: 
> @digimaster will QLogitechMediaServer support SqueezeLite playback via
> the internal NAS USBs (presume certain NAS models may not support his
> hardware wise but as per previous message I am specifically looking at
> the QNAP HS-453DX-4G designed for media centre use)?
> Keen to get QLogitechMediaServer operating for my hi-fi set-up.That's 
> something I can not tell you. It something inside LMS. I only
supply the script and file-system where it's running on. If it's needs
extra libraries /programs to give supported to features/plugins, can be
added if I know what's needed. So you better ask this on the developers
of LMS. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-01 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Okay... Thank you for also confirming that it does run Perl 5.28.
> Edit: NIGHTLY=8.0.0 actually did force the update, thank you! This time,
> LMS uses the correct Perl and Audio::Scan version. Whatever happened
> there before.Hmmm the most strangest thing is, there is no official release 
> for 7.93.
So why is there a 8.0 nighty? 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-02-01 Thread digimaster

tigs wrote: 
> Thanks, @digimaster for creating this simple package for QNAP users. I
> am a new QNAP user, switched from synology. There has never been an
> issue with synology NAS running LMS. It has not been easy with QNAP,
> which is odd. This package fills that gap. However, I have been unable
> to display unicode on my transporter. The LMS runs on a TVS-471-i3 with
> 16GB of RAM. I had no such problem with LMS running on a Synology NAS.
> Here is the thread where users reported exactly the problem and
> solution;
> I can not by myself to solve this, as it is too techinical. Would you be
> able to release a fixed version?
> Basically the problem is the Transport displays Pinyin, an English
> translation of Chinese character. It is scrambled codes. 
> thanksYou could try to solve it with the UTF= option in the QLMS.conf file. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-01 Thread digimaster

slartibartfast wrote: 
> 7.9.3 is bug fixes for 7.9.2. 8.0.0 has new features.
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkOké if I understand correctly, 7.9.3 will 
> also have nightly releases? 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-01 Thread digimaster

slartibartfast wrote: 
> From the 7.9.2 release thread
> "I've created a 7.9.3 branch, which might see the random bug fix and
> nightly builds. But I plan to concentrate on a version 8. Let's see what
> that gives :-)"
> Sent from my Pixel 3a using TapatalkOké clear, but as I wrote 7.9.3 is still 
> in a nightly build. Gone have a
look why it won't do the update to 8.0.0. Normally it should, if the
URLs are set correctly. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-20 Thread digimaster


== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.10.05
= 21-02-2020

+ Bug-fix for the 8.0.0 nightly release
+ New options NOMAJOR added in .QLMS.conf, if set/added MAJOR=1 to
.QLMS.conf the NIGHTLY update check won't update from 7.9 to 8.0 !
IMPORTANT 8.0 is a totally new release, running on beta environment. (
Keep in mind not all plugin's are support 8.0.0 )
Want to go back 7.9.3 or stay on 7.9 Nightly updates, change
#NOMAJER=0 to NOMAJOR=1 in .QLMS.conf and restart QLogitechMediaServer.
( Can also be done, by doning [ touch .NOMAJOR in the
.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer directory ! )
+ If update does a major update, if there is no backup file for it. Will
make one after upgraded ! ( example update from 7.9 to 8.0 )
Downgraded a major release ( 8.0 to 7.9 ), restore settings by
./ restore
* When in .QLMS.conf the USER= was empty, it could crashes LMS on
startup ! FIXED
+ When a user is set in .QLMS.conf, it will check is it exist, otherwise
uses default user.
! Back to the user setup as in 2.04 and lower, there will be no group
with the same name !
This way it work like before, but still the GoogleMusic will work, and
one can still set another system user in the config file !
+ There will be a messages in the log file, if it needs to change user
in the chroot file-system !
+ In the .QLMS.conf you can included more extra LMS options on the
startup cli for LMS.
+ Also in .QLMS.conf now added PREFSDIR=, LOGDIR= and CACHEDIR=, so one
can set those to another directory if needed !.
Uses existing directory, on startup will check if given directory
exist. If not uses default !
+ If running and the directory /opt exist, you can easily access the
QLogitechMediaServer directory in /opt !
+ Added running/used user info in the output of config !
+ In the config output, now also shows the used startup line when
+ In the timer mode, will do a memory cleanup to reclaim unused
memory/buffers !


VERY IMPORTANT on existing installations, the .QLMS.conf will be
replaced by default new one. ( Existing/old one, will be renamed to
After installation there will not be a update done, so please edit the
.QLMS.conf to you're needs.
After restart will act normally again, and if set will auto check


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 7.9.2 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-21 Thread digimaster


  Server HTTP Port Number: 9001
  Operating system: QLMS 2.X (QNAP TurboStation) Based on Debian 9 stretch! - 
EN - utf8
  Platform Architecture: x86_64-linux
  AUDIO::SCAN: 0.95
  IO::Socket::SSL: 2.060
  Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.58 (sqlite 3.22.0)

The perl thing i noticed also, and has to do with na small bug in QLMS.
Will be solved in next version.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-21 Thread digimaster

Could you add an info message when QLMS is -downloading- a new version?
I thought that the latest QLMS crashed today because I didn't expect a
new nightly (but then the "installing" info popped up).

[[[ Done next version, will show a message in webgui of QNAP ]]]

What's the difference between stopping and restarting QLMS and
restarting LMS using the WebUI (for example when there's a new version
for a plugin). I ask because the "Plugin-Update-LMS-Restart" gives me
these under certain circumstances (SLX):

[B]Using restart/start of QLogitechMediaServer, will do a shutdown and
restart of QLogitechMediaServer. Where it will run al the checks needed
for a proper start .
Some times a restart, will solve issues, where is a restart of LMS will
The restart from the plugin page, will only do a restart of LMS itself.
The SSOTS/SSODS did a complet restart, if you did it from the plugin
But that was one of the things, where is could be infected by unwanted
So thats want i dont use it like that

The perl issue is solved, next version will be released next week ![\B]

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-21 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Great, thank you! I'll give it a whirl and report back.
> I didn't get an error when executing the command, but it's still on Perl
> 5.24.
> Perfect!
> Thank you for your explanation, it might come in handy when
> investigating this startup-error.
> If I want to use the old Perl (after fixing it as you described) I have
> to set PERL=0, right?No to uses the lowest set PERL=1.Then in this cases 5.24 
> will be used. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-24 Thread digimaster


== QLogitechMediaServer version 2.10.06
= 24-02-2020

! Sometimes it keeped using the lowest Perl version. FIXED
+ Now will also shows the download and file checking messages in the
QNap webgui.
! The Restore did not work anymore. FIXED

VERY IMPORTANT on existing installations lower the 2.10.05 the
.QLMS.conf will be replaced by default new one.
( Existing/old one, will be renamed to .QLMS.config.old)
After installation there will not be a update done, so please edit the
.QLMS.conf to you're needs.
After restart will act normally again, and if set will auto check

Questions or trouble regarding LogitechMediaServer itself , go to the
SlimDevices forum website.

More information on MusicIP, go to or

No need to uninstall any old lms installations, from version 2.00.00,
can be installed beside any other lms or perl installations.

'How to add the Qnapclub store to the QNap App center'

'The latest QLogitechMediaServer version!'


maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-24 Thread digimaster


This is the layout of QLogitechMediaServer which can be found in the
.qpkg/QLogitechMediaServer directory.
Logonon by ssh shell, and do [ cd /share/*/.qpkg/QLogitechMediaServer ],
this should bring you to the right directory !
You could set several option if needed, but be careful, it could make
lms crash.
On error just deleted en restarted QLogitechMediaserver, a new default
one will be installed !

## QlogitechMediaServer config file 

#  # on the front, will deactived the option, or use default !
#  For these 0/1  (default) [ Set to 1 will
activated, 0 or # in front will deactived option. ]

# Update settings !

#NOUPDATE=0 # (0)   [ When set only manuel
update can be done, or UPDATE=/NIGHTLY= ?.?.? will trigger a update ! ]
UPDATE=1# (1)   [ Will check on official
update on every startup, 0 will disable it. ]
NIGHTLY=1   # (1)   [ Check on NIGHTLY
update on every startup, 0 will disable it. ]
NOMAJOR=0   # (0)   [ When set NIGHTLY wont
check a major level up. Example when set if RELEASE is 7.9.2, NIGHLY
will not check 8.0.0 ]

# Commandline options for LogitechMediaServer   [ Can also be set by
touch .(option) in LogitechMediaServer directory ! ]

#STDIO=0# (0)   [ Use standard in and
out as a command line interface to the server. ]
#NOUPNP=0   # (0)   [ Don't be a UPNP
musicserver. ]
#DIAG=0 # (0)   [ Use diagnostics, shows
more verbose errors. Also slows down library processing considerably. ]
#QUIET=1# (1)   [ Minimize the amount of
text output. ]
#NOSB1SLIMP3SYNC=1  # (0)   [ Disable support for
SliMP3s, SB1s and associated synchronization. ]
#NOTRANSCODING=0# (0)   [ Disable transcoding
support. ]
#NOIMAGE=1  # (0)   [ Disable scanning for
images. ]
#NOVIDEO=1  # (0)   [ Disable scanning for
videos. ]
#NOMYSQUEEZEBOX=0   # (0)   [ Disable integration. Warning: This effectively disables all
music services provided by Logitech apps. ]
#NOBROWSECACHE=1# (0)   [ Disable caching of
rendered browse pages. ]
#PERFMON=0  # (0)   [ Enable internal server
performance monitoring. ]
#PERFWARN=0 # (0)   [ Generate log messages
if internal tasks take longer than specified threshold. ]
#FAILSAFE=0 # (0)   [ Don't load plugins. ]
#CHECKSTRING=0  # (0)   [ Enable reloading of
changed string files for plugin development. ]
#LOCALFILE=0# (0)   [ Enable LocalFile
protocol handling for locally connected squeezelite service. ]

# CMD options set accoording value between"". Only use proper values,
otherwise LMS will crashs !
# Leaving it empty "" or # on the front, will deactived the option, or
use default ! ( Advanced users only ! )

#USER="squeezeboxserver"# ( )   [ Specify the user that
server should run as. Empty, not exist or with leading #, the default
user will be squeezeboxserver ! ]
#GROUP=""   #   [ Specify the group that
server should run as. Only usable if server is started as root. ]
#HTTPADDR=""#   [ Activate the web
interface on the specified ipadres. ( Leave empty for default host ip )
#HTTPPORT=""# ( 9001 )  [ Activate the web
interface on the specified port. ( Leave empty for default 9001 ) ]
#CLIPORT="" #   [ Activate the command
line interface TCP/IP interface on the specified port. Set to 0 in order
disable the command line interface server. ]
#CLIADDR="" #   [ Activate the command
line interface TCP/IP interface on the specified IP address. ]
#PLAYERADDR=""  #   [ Specify the _server's_
IP address to use to connect to Slim players. ]
#PRIORITY=""# ( -10 )   [ Set value betwen High
-20 or Low 20. ( Leave empty for default -10 ) ]
#STREAMADDR=""  #   [ Specify the _server's_
IP address to use to connect to streaming audio sources. ]
#CHARSET="" # ( utf8 )  [ Force a character set
to be used, eg. utf8 on Linux devices which don't have full utf8 locale
installed. ( Leave empty will uses utf8 LANG string ! ) ]
#PREFSDIR=""#   [ Set directory where
pref file will be stored, the directory must exist. If not or empty will
uses default ( SlimServer/prefs ) ! ]
#CACHEDIR=""#   [ Set directory for
cache, where cached file will be stored, the di

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-25 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> On '' ( it's still on
> 2.10.05.Yes I saw it. Gone send a mail asking them, to set 2.10.06 online. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-28 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Still on ~.05. I think this is the first time ever I saw a delay here.
> Did they introduce some kind of QA?

I think there was a trouble on QNap EU store.
But as off today, the version 2.10.06 is avaible.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-28 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> Yes, I just installed it. It's still on Perl 5.24, though.


Do the following in the .qpkg/LogichMediaServer when youre logon by ssh
shell / putty
[ ./ backup ]
Now remove it from the appstore, and reinstall it again.
Logon QNap by ssh shell /putty 
And do [ ./ restore ], [
./ start ]

This should restore youre setting and hopfully fix the perl issue.

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-28 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I did that - and can't access LMS' WebUI anymore. I guess I'll just
> delete everything and reinstall it from scratch again as it seems the
> fastest way.
> QLogitechMediaServer.log is clean, server.log says it started with Perl
> 5.28.
> I decided to try and wipe the cache first before resorting to more
> drastic measures. It helped, LMS is now accessible again and rescanning
> the library. Perl is back on 5.28.Oké at the moment work on a major update. 
> Where the support system will
be update to the latest, which als will have perl 2.30.

But that gone take a while, as it's much preparation to do. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-28 Thread digimaster

dolodobendan wrote: 
> I'll test it as soon as it's ready. Is there an Audio::Scan 1.02 for
> Perl 5.30?Yes audio:scan 1.02 is in perl 5.30.

Oke the version for x86_64 is almost ready. Only python 3 has to be
included. The latest openssl en mozzila cert are already there.

When that is ready give you a messages. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-02-29 Thread digimaster

blackbite wrote: 
> Just wanted to commit that the 2.10.06 works for me too. I came from
> 2.10.02 and did a backup, uninstall, fresh install, restore. The restore
> was a little buggy, because it failed first as the backup file was named
> QLMS_BCKUP_7.9.tgz. I renamed it to QLMS_BCKUP_8.0.tgz and the restore
> did it´s job. I think you already found that little mistake by
> yourself.
> Thanks again for continuing the work on QLMS and good luck for the major
> update!In the release 2.10.5 the restore did work. In the latest this was

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.*

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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-03-21 Thread digimaster

Tex wrote: 
> I just noticed a link from Digimaster's post at the very bottom.
> Thanks for the Donations
> I swear it wasn't working before but it does now.I put it there, a lot where 
> asking about the missing link at the Qnap EU

And thanks for a donation, but remember Michael, is the one doing the
most work. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-03-21 Thread digimaster

r11bordo wrote: 
> Hello,
> I have installed LMS on a HS-453DX but still have my NAS Qnap TS-131
> with mediatheque.
> I can do a NFS or a CIFS mount between both NAS, I can navigate into the
> mount directory into a shell Windows but impossible to access to mount
> data from the LMS by adding new repository into the parameter window.
> Any idea about LMS really needs to see mount data ?
> thanksIs the mount already actief, before you start QLogitechMediaServer. How
about owner rights.

Keep in mind as it works in chroot, al the paths Needed most be
available under /share/. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-03-22 Thread digimaster

jasell wrote: 
> @Digimaster
> I thought i do some maintenance as I'm just hanging around at home in
> these Corona-times...
> I saw the 2.10.6 upgrade available on Qnap club, I was on 2.10.2
> before.
> I proceeded with the upgrade but was stuck on 80% for hours.
> So I did a restart of my qnap.
> -QLMS did not start by it self.
> I entered via Putty and tried to start manually
> I got the check for upgrade, new style which seems to tried a bunch of
> versions until it settled for 7.9.2
> Then, but no download of software was required...
> Then a few message of about setting ownership/permission
> Then a message launching in background.
> But with out success.
> I tried additional restart of the Qnap but same as above.
> What should I do to get up and running again?H Strang trouble.
If you start it manually, which ipadres and port com up?
Have a look in log files or the output of . /

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] QLogitechMediaServer for Qnap with QTS 4.2 or higher and x86_64/I686/X86 support !

2020-03-22 Thread digimaster

Tex wrote: 
> I just want to compliment your work. I have a QNAP server the same model
> as yours. I just discovered this thread and was able to install the
> latest version 2.10.06.
> Works like a charm! I have been using piCore on a Raspberry Pi 3B and it
> is quite nice but I am glad I discovered your APP. It was so easy to
> install  and so far it is quite impressive.
> Would love to contribute a donation but I can't find a viable link to
> send support. All I could find was 
> this link to QNAP Club but no way to sent funds. Anyway just want to say
> thank you! I hope you continue to support this App!Nice to read how happy you 
> are with QLogitechMediaServer. Sure gone try
to maintain it for the needs of LMS.

Sorry it seems that the donation is gone at Qnap store EU. There now is
a link in my signature. 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*

digimaster's Profile:
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Squeezecenter mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: SqueezeCenter] LogitechMediaServer for Qnap x86_64 with qts 4.2 or higher

2020-03-23 Thread digimaster

jasell wrote: 
> Output from . / config
> > 

  >   > 
  > [The bash shell] : GNU bash, version 3.2.57(10)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
  > Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
  > [The Qnap configuration] :
  > [QPKG Share] /share/MD0_DATA
  > [Packages Root] /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer
  > Error the [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] is not mounted in 
  > A error occurred on [/share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/LogitechMediaServer] !
  > [The system mounts]:
  > tmpfs on /share type tmpfs (rw,size=16M)
  > /dev/md0 on /share/MD0_DATA type ext4 
  > [Network check] :
  > A error or interruptions occurred, gone quit in a moment!\e[0m
  > [admin@QNAP2 LogitechMediaServer]$

> > 
> When doing a manual start I get this is the log, the start never
> finish it get stuck so I need to terminate after an hour or so.
> > 

  >   > 
  > [21:41:21 22-03-2020] Preparing chroot file-system for squeezeboxserver ! 
  > [21:41:22 22-03-2020] Used old way to fix Qwner/rights setting !
  > [21:41:24 22-03-2020] Used old way to fix Qwner/rights setting !
  > [21:41:24 22-03-2020] LMS has been start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001 
--user squeezeboxserver --pidfile 
 --priority -10 --charset utf8 --quiet]

> > 
> I can however start in failsafe-mode, then this is is the result in
> the log-file
> > 

  >   > 
  > [21:44:11 22-03-2020] LogitechMediaServer was already stopped !
  > [21:44:41 22-03-2020] Preparing chroot file-system for squeezeboxserver ! 
  > [21:44:41 22-03-2020] Used old way to fix Qwner/rights setting !
  > [21:44:42 22-03-2020] Used old way to fix Qwner/rights setting !
  > [21:44:42 22-03-2020] LMS has been start with: [--daemon --httpport 9001 
--user squeezeboxserver --pidfile 
  > [21:45:16 22-03-2020] LogitechMediaServer 8.0.0 -1584870543 is started in 
the Background on [25465] !
  > [21:45:16 22-03-2020] IMPORTANT Failsafe active, no plugins load !
  > [21:45:16 22-03-2020] Please wait a few minutes, before you try to access 
the webgui through http://:9001 !

> > If failsafe works, a plugin or setting is causing the error. I see
you're on 8.0.0, have a good look on the installed plugins. Are they all
8.0 compatible? 

Send from my mobile Phone

maintainer of QLogitechMediaServer, QOptware-NG and QAutoSub.

Qnap TS-453a, with LogitechMediaSever 8.0.0 Nightly  ( with spotty,
youtube, Radio Paradise a.m. )
Several raspberry with hifiberry amp+ and picoreplayer.
Love logitechmediaserver for it flexibel way, to play music from
different sources.

'Thanks for the DONATIONS' (*

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