[NSP] Fw: New books, World Econom. Forum protests, U.S . militarism, ENRON

2002-01-31 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: John Catalinotto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 5:36 PM
Subject: New books, World Econom. Forum protests, U.S . militarism, ENRON

> Dear Friends
> With the protests against the World Economic Forum set to
> start soon, I thought I'd get back in touch and send you
> the following information/articles, which might be useful
> to you:
> 1. a listing of urls and websites for information about
> the demonstrations, at least those coordinated by ANSWER.
> Please use these sites for breaking news about the
> protests.
> 2. an article by Sara Flounders on U.S. military expansion
> throughout the world.
> 3. an article by Fred Goldstein discussing the Enron
> scandal in the light of Lenin's analysis of imperialism.
> In addition, with the "trial" of former President Slobodan
> Milosevic set to start on Feb. 12, the IAC wants to
> announce the publication of two new books in English, also
> set for distribution in mid-to-late February. The two
> books are:
> I. An English translation of Michel Collon's Poker
> Menteur, now called "Liar's Poker: The Great Powers,
> Yugoslavia and the Coming Wars."
> II. "Hidden Agenda: the U.S./NATO Takeover of Yugoslavia"
> -- a collection of 40-plus articles showing U.S./NATO war
> crimes in the 1999 war and its preparation, and handling
> the coup that overthrew the Socialist Party government of
> Yugoslavia and the subsequent arrest and kidnapping of
> President Milosevic to The Hague.
> Yours in struggle,
> John Catalinotto
> After you read this email, check out
> http://www.InternationalANSWER.org for more information;
> look again before you leave for New York.
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/anti-wef/teachin-reg.html
> . The teach-in is from 10 am to 4 pm at Community Church
> (35th St. between Park and Madison Ave.).
> EXPLOITATION*, 7 pm at FIT Auditorium, 27th St. between
> 7th and 8th Ave.
> evening indoor rally can be found at
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/news/update/011902f1schedule.html
> MAPS OF THE AREA AND PARKING information can be found at
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/anti-wef/logistics2.html
> (scroll down).
> DIRECTIONS from north, south, east and west can be found
> at
> *BUS AND VAN DROP OFF is at 56th St. and Park Ave.
> area. Cars will have to find their own parking; please
> note that street parking in Manhattan is hard to find and
> that lots may be expensive.
> *ALL VEHICLES MUST HAVE A WHITE SIGN in the passenger side
> window indicating that they are coming to the ANSWER
> demonstration at 50th St. and Park Ave.
> DIRECTIONS from north, south, east and west can be found
> at
> When you arrive, an A.N.S.W.E.R. BUS GREETER will board
> your bus to give you the latest information.
> We will flow north from 50th St. and Park Ave. so walk
> south on Park Ave. from 56th St. to the back of the
> demonstration.
> The closest SUBWAY is the 51st St. stop on the 4-5-6,
> which runs on Lexington Ave. The cops say the exit on 51st
> St. will be open, but if it is all closed, get off at the
> next stop (59th St.) and walk southwest. You can also take
> the E or F to Lexington Ave./53rd St. A subway map can be
> found by going to
> http://www.internationalanswer.org/campaigns/anti-wef/logistics2.html
> (scroll down).
> HIGH!**
> FOR MORE INFO SEE http://www.InternationalANSWER.org

> 2. Pentagon bootprints around the globe
> By Sara Flounders (written Jan. 22, 2002)
> The role of the Pentagon as the enforcer of U.S. corporate
> globalization can be seen clearly today in Afghanistan and
> throughout Central Asia. A whole string of new military
> bases is protecting the enormous economic stake of a few
> U.S. transnationals in the development, pumping and
> selling of Caspian Sea oil.
> Kazakhstan, on the Caspian Sea, was the second-biggest
> republic of the former Soviet Union. It has the largest
> untapped oil reserves in the world--50 billion barrels. By
> comparison, Saudi Arabia, the world's largest oil
> producer, has about 30 billion barrels remaining,
> according to the Nov. 2 San Francisco Chronicle.
> A Kazakh government source quoted in the Jan. 20 London
> Observer said, "It is clear the continuing war in
> Afghanist

Re: [NSP] Vesti SPO za 31.1.2002.

2002-01-31 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, January 31, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: [NSP] Vesti SPO za 31.1.2002.

> Četvrtak, 31. januar 2002.
> Najava vlade da će u EPS-ovom tarifnom sistemu od aprila ukinuti
> plaćanje  obračunske snage predstavlja pokušaj novog obmanjivanja
> građana Srbije.
> Od aprila potrošnja električne energije za zagrevanje stanova biće
> višestruko smanjena pa će i obračunska snaga, jedana od bitnih poluga za
> vladinu pljačku građana u zimskom periodu, biti zanemarljiva. Vlada,
> dakle, ukida ono što će proleće ukinuti.
> Srpski pokret obnove smatra da je jedino rešenje u ukidanju postojećeg
> lopovskog tarifnog sistema.
> www.spo.org.yu
> ---
> NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Fw: Letter From Saudi Arabia To New York Times

2002-01-26 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
To: AMANA e-mail Members <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 4:47 AM
Subject: Letter From Saudi Arabia To New York Times

> A mere brush with our reality
> By Khaled Al-Maeena, 
> Editor in ChiefMemo from: Editor in Chief, Arab News, Saudi Arabia
> To: New York Times columnist Thomas L. Friedman
> Dear Mr. Friedman: 
> I have read your "memo" (The New York Times, Dec. 12) from President 
> George W. Bush addressed to Sheikh Saleh Al-Shaikh, Saudi Arabia's 
> Minister of Islamic Affairs. I was pleased that you revealed your 
> inner belief that for the United States, Saudi Arabia was "a big gas 
> station to be pumped and defended but never to be taken seriously as 
> a society." I am also pleased that you have confirmed what is also 
> my belief, that only PR and meetings with Washington elites (who 
> usually murmur sweet nothings) do not resolve problems.
> I beg to differ with your assertion that Saudi Arabia's schools, and 
> the thousands of Islamic schools and charities financed by us, were 
> responsible for depriving several thousand American children of 
> their parents. By making that statement - and thus indirectly 
> equating Saudi Arabia with terror - you are posing a veiled threat 
> that Saudi Arabia will now be considered just as the Soviet Union 
> was considered during the Cold War.
> I do not know what motivated you to write your memo. Have you taken 
> it upon yourself to become a modern-day Boswell, merely penning down 
> for the world the ideas and utterances of the American President and 
> his officials? Your motives are anyway of little concern to me. 
> However, what you say is, and I wish to set the record straight.
> Neither the school curriculum in Saudi Arabia nor our charity 
> organizations preach that non-Muslims are inferior to Muslims and 
> must be converted or confronted. That would be absurd. They are not 
> focused on preaching hatred. While this is certainly not part of the 
> national school curriculum there are individual teachers with 
> extremist ideas - just as there are in any country. The job of both 
> our governments is to root them out.
> If a school curriculum leads directly to the violence perpetrated by 
> the students who follow it, then America too must as a top priority 
> radically alter its curriculum. After all, have there not been 
> numerous incidents of violence at many schools right across America?
> Charles Whitman, the university student who climbed up the 
> university tower in Texas in 1966 with an arsenal of weapons, and 
> then killed 17 of his fellow students and teachers and injured many 
> more, was not a product of Saudi schools. The Columbine school 
> massacres were committed by schoolboys who did not receive their 
> primary education in Riyadh. The followers of Charles Manson, who 
> believed the latter was God and blindly obeyed his orders to go on a 
> killing spree, were not educated in Dhahran. Timothy McViegh did not 
> attend a madrassa. The Una bomber was neither a student nor a 
> professor at a Saudi university. The thousands who accepted without 
> question orders given by Rev. Jim Jones to commit suicide in 
> Jonestown, Guyana, on Nov. 18, 1978, were not educated in Hofuf.
> It is your education system which produced these demented 
> individuals who became slavishly devoted to self-styled gods and 
> gurus - David Koresh, founder of the Children of God, Moses David, 
> L. Ron Hubbard and so many others.
> So, before advising others, you should focus your attention on 
> what's happening in your own backyard. Otherwise, you leave yourself 
> vulnerable to charges of hypocrisy. In terms of education, the 
> United States has one of the highest rates of adult illiteracy in 
> the developed world. Even an impoverished country like Cuba, which 
> you have been trying to choke to death for 42 years, has a higher 
> literacy rate than the United States.
> It is Congress that has prevented educational reforms, health 
> service reforms and welfare reforms that would have helped the many 
> millions of your citizens who live below the poverty line. It is 
> Congress which provides the weapons that allow Israel to commit mass 
> murder against Palestinians and the billions of dollars that help 
> that country build settlements on stolen land, while, at the same 
> time, allocating relatively little money for the renovation of the 
> many decaying inner cities across the United States.
> Your armed forces are ever at the ready to bomb other countries and 
> overthrow or install their leaders. At the same time, your internal 
> security forces have proved themselves incapable of combating 
> organized crime or defeating the drug lords who, in practical terms, 
> control large parts of your major cities.
> It is important that you balance your views by dealing fairly with 
> the facts about the country you are criticizing. In Saudi Arabia, we 
> beli

[NSP] Fw: [NSP] Skandalozan pokušaj Moskve

2002-01-26 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic
Title: Message

Kinezi su napravili pravi potez sto su primili tog 
bednog psihopatu izdajnika, doveli su ga u komunisticku Kinu da moli za 
lovu, dobrovoljno je  pozderao   govna koja je bljuvao 
protiv Kineza i mazao srpski narod. Neuki primitivac nikada nece shvatiti 
koliko su Kinezi i Srbi dobili.. konacno smo dobili  baba 
seru-poljski klozet cucavac. 
Sve pohvale za gospodina Zjuganova.
- Original Message - 

From: Miroslav Antic 

To: 'YUGO' ; 'BALKAN' ; 
Cc: 'YUEMB - Ottawa' ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 'YU-UN' ; 'yuamb-NL' 
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 1:42 AM
Subject: [NSP] Skandalozan pokušaj Moskve 

Skandalozan pokušaj Moskve da spreèi Koštunièinu posetu 
poruci lidera ruskih komunista Genadija Zjuganova od kineskih vlasti zahtevalo 
se da otkažu Koštunièinu posetu jer je „on predstavnik onih izdajnièkih vlasti 
koje su neprijateljskom Zapadu predale borca za slobodu Slobodana 
Autor: Milorad Ivanoviæ
U jeku 
priprema za nedavnu posetu jugoslovenskog predsednika Vojislava Koštunice 
Pekingu, na adresu predsednika Kine, kao i premijera, predsednika skupštine i 
vladajuæe Komunistièke partije, stigla je neobièna depeša iz Moskve. Pošiljac - 
Genadij Zjuganov, predsednik Komunistièke partije Rusije, po brojnosti i uticaju 
najjaèe ruske stranke, sa najveæim brojem deputata u ruskoj Dumi. U poruci se od 
kineskih vlasti zahteva da otkažu Koštunièinu posetu jer je „on predstavnik onih 
izdajnièkih vlasti koje su neprijateljskom Zapadu predale borca za slobodu 
Slobodana Miloševiæa“. Rezultat - vlasti u Pekingu nisu otkazale posetu na 
visokom nivou, ukazavši jugoslovenskom predsedniku najveæe državnièke poèasti. 

izjava Genadija Zjuganova predstavlja izolovani incident, a koliko pokazuje 
pravo stanje odnosa izmeðu Jugoslavije i Rusije godinu dana nakon demokratskih 
promena i SRJ? Andrej Pjontkovski, direktor moskovskog Centra za strateške 
studije, odmah na poèetku razgovora za „Blic News“ kaže da je jako teško 
„komentarisati izjave idiota kao što je Zjuganov“, ali i dodaje da ova izjava 
nikako nije sluèajnost. 
- Ona 
samo na ekstreman naèin pokazuje kakvo je raspoloženje ruske politièke elite 
prema Jugoslaviji i prema Miloševiæu - pojašnjava Pjontkovski. On smatra da su 
dugi niz godina ruskim politièkim partijama, ali i diplomatama, pa i Kremlju, 
Miloševiæ i Jugoslavija služili kao igraèka s kojom se „èikao“ Zapad. Pre 
oktobarskih promena u Beogradu, Miloševiæ je smatran za istinskog heroja. 
Postojala je svojevrsna formula koja je glasila „Miloševiæ jednako Srbija 
jednako ruski prijatelj jednako sloboda“. Sada kada je Miloševiæ u zatvoru u 
Hagu, a kada su na vlasti u Beogradu demokratski izabrani predstavnici, Moskva 
se oseæa izdanom i prevarenom, smatra Pjontkovski. 
kolega iz vašingtonskog Centra za strateške i meðunarodne studije Januš Bugajski 
slaže se u oceni da se Moskva oseæa kao da joj je izvuèen tepih ispod nogu i da 
još uvek pokušava da se oporavi od „nokauta“. 
- Ruskim 
politièarima je bilo mnogo lakše dok je na vlasti bio Miloševiæ, jer su vrlo 
jednostavno igrali na „srpsku kartu“ kada je trebalo usprotiviti se NATO ili 
Zapadu. Sada kada Zapad podržava i republièku i saveznu vladu u Beogradu, Moskvi 
je teže da Beograd koristi kao svog Trojanskog konja - kaže Bugajski za „Blic 
kineskim vlastima nije prva nediplomatska izjava koju je lider ruskih komunista 
dao nakon 5. oktobra. Još dok se nije znalo da li æe Miloševiæ prihvatiti poraz 
ili istrajati u održavanju drugog kruga izbora, Zjuganov je ocenio da „Zapad 
vrši divlji, apsolutno nedemokratski pritisak na Jugoslaviju“ i da takve 
pritiske zvanièna Rusija mora da osudi. „Izbori su bili pošteni i u to su se 
uverili naši posmatraèi koji su bili na licu mesta“, smatrao je Zjuganov, 
dodajuæi da iza protesta opozicije „stoje strane pare“. Zjuganov je bio još 
oštriji kada je veæ postalo jasno da je Vojislav Koštunica dobio izbore, rekavši 
da to što se desilo u Jugoslaviji „nije demokratija“ i da „smrdi na marihuanu, 
votku i dolare“. Zahvaljujuæi Zjuganovu, ruska Duma je velikom veæinom glasova 
odbila da pošalje èestitku novoizabranom predsedniku Koštunici, tvrdeæi da se 
radi o „stranoj zaveri“. 
povod za napade na nove vlasti u Beogradu, ruski politièari dobili su nakon što 
je Miloševiæ uhapšen i prebaèen u Hag. 
bi bilo pomisliti da su samo ruski komunisti i nacionalisti iz Dume imali loše 
procene o razvoju situacije u Jugoslaviji. Tako je prozapadni list „Izvestija“ u 
svojim analizama predviðao kako bi Vojislav Šešelj mogao da izvede vojni puè, i 
da æe Socijalistièka partija Srbije sigurno povratiti vlast. 
Najtragiènije je što ni naše diplomate ni ljudi iz Putinovog okruženja nisu 
mogli da predvide situaciju, tipujuæi da æe i ovog puta Miloševiæ da pobedi, 
tako da su do samog kraja igrali na njegovu kartu 

[NSP] Fw: Uganda Women against War [fwd]

2002-01-03 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: hde_tollenaere <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 31, 2001 12:12 AM
Subject: Uganda Women against War [fwd]

> Dear Sisters,
> We the women of Kaabong Women's Group on behalf of the rural grassroots
> women in Uganda, especially Karamoja region, are opposing military
> budgets, arms fairs, and highly condemn the acts of terrorism and the
> revenge the USA has taken. Women, children are dying innocently. We bring
> this message of millions of women deprived of their basic human rights and
> status in all parts of the world and we join the International Women Count
> Network in London as we come to the third Global Women's Strike in which
> shall all participate, with the theme "Invest in caring not killing".
> and children are the majority of those killed and wounded in armed
> conflicts, besides their hard work of life-giving, going through severe
> hardship, cleaning, nursing, building, walking miles for clean water. All
> of us who have joined the Global Women's Strike are here on earth as
> witnesses of thousands of people - women who suffer acts of violence and
> injustice caused by armed conflicts. We forced political and economic
> leaders to listen to us about military budgets, but we've failed to obtain
> even one satisfactory response to our demands. The demands stand
> It is up to us to continue acting with all anti-neo-liberal globalization
> and anti-sexist movements to force international financial institutions
> (World Bank & IMF) to radically change course and to make the UN assume
> veritable political leadership in the people's, particularly women's,
> interests. We must also find the means and the platform from which to
> continue our action to eliminate violence in the world. We have a lot on
> our plates.
> Members of Kaabong Women's group had a silence of prayers for all those
> died in the terrorists act in New York and Washington and for the Women
> Children who died in Afghanistan.
> Throughout history, women have crossed geographical, cultural and
> ideological borders in search of peace. We the women can find an end to
> this terrible act. Join us on the third Global Women's Strike so that we
> make it real: "CARING NOT KILLING"
> Yours in Power to the Sisters,
> Grace Loumo
> Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
> -
> Herman de Tollenaere
> -
> My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:
> http://www.asianhistory.myweb.nl/
> See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:
> http://www.stelling.nl/simpos/simpoeng.htm
> -

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Fw: AlQaeda Barely Scratched

2002-01-03 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Sent: Tuesday, January 01, 2002 1:58 PM
Subject: [ctrl] AlQaeda Barely Scratched
> >From WND> > > }}}>Begin> 
This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which > 
follows. > To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/ 
> article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=25881 > > > > 
Tuesday, January 1, 2002> > > > > > 
WAR ON TERROR> U.S. efforts 'barely scratched' al-Qaida?> Students 
of Islam express enthusiasm for 'holy war' against U.S.> > 
> > > > By Toby Westerman> > > 
> © 2002 WorldNetDaily.com > > The al-Qaida leadership, 
rumored to have fled from the devastation of Afghanistan, is finding a ready 
supply of new, youthful followers who claim to be ready to fight "at every 
moment." > > "Al-Qaida is still intact," and American bombing 
"barely scratched" the terrorist network, according to one student attending a 
Pakistani religious school and interviewed by the respected Italian news daily 
Corriere della>  Sera. > > "It is not enough to 
believe American propaganda," the young Islamic militant stated. > 
> Most of those attending the school firmly hold the belief that the U.S. 
began the war against the Taliban in Afghanistan as an unprovoked attack on the 
Muslim world. > > Several of the approximately 3,000 students 
(including some 600 Afghans) at the school - referred to as a "madrassa" - 
revealed their determination to fight against the "great war launched by the 
Americans" against Islam.>  > > It is the duty of 
every "good Muslim" to be "ready to fight at every moment," one of the students 
declared. > > Another student, who is a recent arrival from Kabul, 
Afghanistan, quickly entered the discussion and added, "Even if Osama and Mullah 
Omar are dead, it would be of little importance, because the cause for which we 
fight" > would find leadership "in other individuals." > > 
The students' remarks, and the enthusiasm for a "holy war" on the part of many 
of their classmates, verify the observations of one early authority on Islamic 
extremism. > > Yossef Bodansky, in his seminal work "Bin Laden: 
The Man Who Declared War on America", noted the existence of a "solid, capable 
Islamic terrorist infrastructure in the West, capable of operating both at home 
and overseas">  that does not rely upon specific instructions from 
bin Laden. > > The students who were interviewed attend a school 
called The Straight Path University, which is located about 30 miles south of 
Peshawar, in northern Pakistan, near the Afghanistan border and the fabled 
Khyber Pass. > > There is no admission on the part of the students 
that the Taliban or al- Qaida committed any wrong, and certainly no indication 
of remorse for the actions attributed to Islamic terrorism. > > 
"Repentance - for what?" responded one of the young Muslim scholars when 
Corriere Della Sera asked about Islam's share in the responsibility for events 
in Afghanistan. > > "The United States" uses every chance "to 
attack Islam," the student declared, and asserted that "their [U.S.] secret 
services had planned the attacks of Sept. 11 for a pretext" to use against 
al-Qaida, the Taliban and bi> n Laden. > > The students 
regard with contempt the new government in Afghanistan, a coalition of factions 
supported by the West. > > The present Kabul regime is, according 
to the students, a "fantasy and a farce" that will fall like a "house of cards" 
and could "hardly succeed against serious opposition." > > Despite 
America's war on terrorism, the school continues to operate without financial 
difficulty, with much of its funding from wealthy donors in Saudi Arabia and 
United Arab Emirates, according to the Corriere della Sera>  report. 
> > Sympathies of those on the Pakistani side of the border with 
> Afghanistan have aided Taliban fighters in their escape from U.S. 
> bombardment and attacks from anti-Taliban forces. > > 
Outright bribery has also proven effective in assisting the flight of > 
Taliban and al-Qaida personnel from Afghanistan, with the price for > 
passage from Afghanistan to Pakistan ranging from $1,600 to $3,300, > 
depending upon the importance of the refugee, according to an earlier > 
Corriere della Sera report. > > > > Related offer: 
> > "Bin Laden: The Man Who Declared War on America"> 
> > > I.J. Toby Westerman, is a contributing reporter for 
WorldNetDaily who > focuses on current events in the Commonwealth of 
Independent States > and the Balkans.> End<{{{> 
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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2001-12-28 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Predmet: Predsednik 
Slobodan Vukovic, stalno zaposlen u Institutu 
za fiziku, nedavno je na volseban nacin izabran za clana Upravnog 
odbora  INSTITUTA ZA NUKLEARNE NAUKE VINCA. S. V. je provereni neradnik, koji vec vise od deset godina ne 
dolazi na posao. Punih deset godina nije publikovao ni jedan naucni rad, ali 
zahvaljujuci nepostojanju kriterijuma za ucestvovanje na naucnim projektima 
Ministarstva za nauku i dalje figurise na naucnim projektima. U Institutu redovno prima platu, iako je vlasnik privatne 
turisticke agencije za prodaju avionskih karata i od prodaje istih naucnicima 
zaposlenima u Institutu ima redovan izvor prihoda, Sve bi to moglo i 
da prodje, kao jos jedan primer nase urodjene bolecivosti prema nesposobnim i 
(umno) hendikepiranim, da takva bitanga nije ovih dana postavljena za 
predsednika Konkursne komisije Instituta za nuklearne nauke Vinca. Posteni 
ljudi se cude cudom takvom cinizmu nekih osoba iz Ministarsva za 
nauku. Umesto da nova vlast natera Slobodana 
Vukovica da vrati novac koji je ukrao kroz primajuci svoje nezaradjene plate, 
ona ga postavlja za predsednika konkursne komisije. Bojim se da ce na toj 
funkciji delovati tako sto ce prednost dati sebi slicnima - 
gotovanima, alkoholicarima, propalicama i potencijalnim 
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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2001-12-28 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Predmet: Predsednik 
Slobodan Vukovic, stalno zaposlen u Institutu 
za fiziku, nedavno je na volseban nacin izabran za clana Upravnog 
odbora  INSTITUTA ZA NUKLEARNE NAUKE VINCA. S. V. je provereni neradnik, koji vec vise od deset godina ne 
dolazi na posao. Punih deset godina nije publikovao ni jedan naucni rad, ali 
zahvaljujuci nepostojanju kriterijuma za ucestvovanje na naucnim projektima 
Ministarstva za nauku i dalje figurise na naucnim projektima. U Institutu redovno prima platu, iako je vlasnik privatne 
turisticke agencije za prodaju avionskih karata i od prodaje istih naucnicima 
zaposlenima u Institutu ima redovan izvor prihoda, Sve bi to moglo i 
da prodje, kao jos jedan primer nase urodjene bolecivosti prema nesposobnim i 
(umno) hendikepiranim, da takva bitanga nije ovih dana postavljena za 
predsednika Konkursne komisije Instituta za nuklearne nauke Vinca. Posteni 
ljudi se cude cudom takvom cinizmu nekih osoba iz Ministarsva za 
nauku. Umesto da nova vlast natera Slobodana 
Vukovica da vrati novac koji je ukrao kroz primajuci svoje nezaradjene plate, 
ona ga postavlja za predsednika konkursne komisije. Bojim se da ce na toj 
funkciji delovati tako sto ce prednost dati sebi slicnima - 
gotovanima, alkoholicarima, propalicama i potencijalnim 
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2001-12-28 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
What A Cell Phone Can Do 
To A Child's Brain In Just Two MinutesThe Mirror - 
 These are the first images 
that show the shocking effect that using a mobile phone has on a child's 
brain.   Scientists have discovered that a call 
lasting just two minutes can alter the natural electrical activity of a child's 
brain for up to an hour afterwards.   And they 
also found for the first time how radio waves from mobile phones penetrate deep 
into the brain and not just around the ear.   The 
study by Spanish scientists has prompted leading medical experts to question 
whether it is safe for children to use mobile phones at all. 
  Doctors fear that disturbed brain activity in children could 
lead to psychiatric and behavioural problems or impair learning ability.   It was the first time that human guinea pigs were 
used to measure the effects of mobile phone radiation on children. The tests 
were carried out on an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl called 
Jennifer.   Using a CATEEN scanner, linked to a 
machine measuring brain wave activity, researchers were able to create the 
images above.   The yellow coloured part of the 
scan on the right shows how radiation spreads through the centre of the brain 
and out to the ear on the other side of the skull. The scans found that 
disturbed brain wave activity lasted for up to an hour after the phone call 
ended.   Dr Gerald Hyland - a Government adviser 
on mobiles - says he finds the results "extremely disturbing". 
  "It makes one wonder whether children, whose brains are still 
developing, should be using mobile phones," he adds. 
  "The results show that children's brains are affected for 
long periods even after very short-term use. 
  "Their brain wave patterns are abnormal ! and stay like that 
for a long period.   "This could affect their mood 
and ability to learn in the classroom if they have been using a phone during 
break time, for instance.   "We don't know all the 
answers yet, but the alteration in brain waves could lead to things like a lack 
of concentration, memory loss, inability to learn and aggressive 
behaviour."   Previously it had been thought that 
interference with brain waves and brain chemistry stopped when a call 
ended.   The results of the study by the Spanish 
Neuro Diagnostic Research Institute in Marbella coincide with a new survey that 
shows 87 per cent of 11- to 16-year-olds own mobile phones and 40 per cent of 
them spend 15 minutes or more talking each day on them. And disturbingly, 70 per 
cent said they would not change the use of their phone even if advised to by the 
Government.   Dr Hyland plans to publish the 
latest findings in medical journal The Lancet next year. 
  He said: "This information shows there really isn't a safe 
amount of mobile phone use. We don't know what lasting damage is being done by 
this exposure. "If I were a parent I 
would now be extremely wary about allowing my children to use a mobile even for 
a very short period. My advice would be to avoid mobiles." 
  Dr Michael Klieeisen, who conducted the study, said: "We were 
able to see in minute detail what was going on in the brain. 
  "We never expected to see this continuing activity in the 
brain.   "We are worried that delicate balances 
that exist - such as the immunity to infection and disease - could be altered by 
interference with chemical balances in the brain." 
  A Depa! rtment of Health spokesman said: "In children mobile 
phone use should be restricted to very short periods of time." 
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[NSP] Fw: [mobilize-globally] Israeli Spying In U.S. Expos

2001-12-21 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

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Israeli Spying In U.S. Expos=E9 Cracks Coverup Of Sept. 11

This article appears in the Dec. 21, 2001 issue   of Executive Intelligence Review.=20

Israeli Spying In U.S. Expos=E9=20
Cracks Coverup Of Sept. 11=20
by Edward Spannaus and Jeffrey Steinberg=20

Just about the same time that the world was being treated to the Osama bin =
Laden "home video" which was supposed to provide conclusive proof that cave=
-man bin Laden and he alone was responsible for the Sept. 11 attacks, a sto=
ry broke in the U.S. media, starting on Dec. 11, pointing in a very differe=
nt direction.=20

A week earlier, on Dec. 4, EIR's Executive Alert Service had provided the f=
irst public exposure of the presence of hostile Israeli intelligence teams =
on U.S. soil prior to the Sept. 11 attacks, which raised the question of Is=
raeli foreknowledge of the attacks.=20

Then on Dec. 11, Fox News provided a more detailed account of the ongoing U=
.S. government probe of Israeli operations directed against the United Stat=
es-linking the current investigation and detention of more than 60 Israelis=
, to Sept. 11. The Fox story, by its national correspondent Carl Cameron, r=
eported on the 60 Israelis who are being detained as part of the Justice De=
partment's post-Sept. 11 sweep, and reported that "investigators suspect th=
at they may have gathered intelligence about the attacks in advance and not=
 shared it."=20

The Fox story continues:=20

"A highly placed investigator told Fox News there are 'tie-ins,' but when a=
sked for details flatly refused to describe them. 'Evidence linking these I=
sraelis to 9-11 is classified, I cannot tell you about evidence that has be=
en gathered. It is classified information,' the source said."=20

In subsequent stories, described below, Fox correspondent Cameron disclosed=
 much additional information about a super-secret Israeli spy network opera=
tion in the United States which has access to records of most phone calls m=
ade in the U.S., and access to wiretap information from the FBI and other l=
aw-enforcement investigations. Some elements of the story are new, and some=
 have been reported in bits and pieces over the past few years.=20

Upon being informed of the breaking story about the Israeli spy teams and t=
heir alleged foreknowledge of the Sept. 11 attacks, Lyndon LaRouche comment=
ed from abroad that the story makes sense, and he urged that it be pursued =
and vigorously investigated. EIR views this as a matter of the highest prio=
rity, given the disaster now unfolding in the Middle East.=20

The truth about Israeli spying on at least two U.S. Presidential Administra=
tions may shed much light on the reluctance of both the Clinton and Bush Ad=
ministrations to rein in the Israeli madmen around Prime Minister Ariel Sha=
ron, and in the Israeli Defense Forces, which are on the verge of plunging =
that region-and the world-into a new Thirty Years' War.=20

A cautionary note: As to Sept. 11, we are not saying that "Israel did it"-a=
s some might wish to conclude. Since the morning of Sept. 11, LaRouche has =
defined what took place that day as a coup attempt, run by an Anglo-America=
n-Israeli cabal, including rogue elements of the U.S. military-security est=
ablishment, for the purpose of dragging the United States into a "clash of =
civilizations" conflict centering in the Middle East. What has come to ligh=
t so far-indicating

[NSP] Fw: [anti-imperialist] Media hides truth about the war

2001-12-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 7:07 PM
Subject: [anti-imperialist] Media hides truth about the war

> Media hides truth about the war
> >From People's Weekly World, 15/12/01 18:32:56[En Español] [Em Português]
[En Français] [In Italiano] [Auf Deutsch] [-]
> Media hides truth about the war
> by Terrie Albano
> People's Weekly World Newspaper, Dec 15, 2001
> It’s pretty hard to be among the 10 percent or so against
> Bush’s war in Afghanistan. Even though that’s 11 million of us
> in the U.S., the corporate media’s pro-war, pro-Bush stance can make
> you feel kind of lonely.
> Has everyone really gone war-mad? Do the majority of people in this
> and the world really think Bush’s war is going to bring justice,
> democracy and a good quality of life to all?
> Dr. David Miller, from Scotland’s University of Stirling Media
> Research Institute, analyzed international public opinion polls and found
> that the world is against the war.
> When alternatives to war – such as extradition and trial –
> suggested, support for the bombings dropped markedly.
> Funny thing about that – Miller found that the U.S. pollsters give
> little options to war.
> When polls include the possibility of civilian casualties, Miller found,
> support for the war drops even more, including in the U.S., which was one
> of three countries whose majority supported the war.
> Miller concludes that the most fundamental problem with the polls is that
> they assume the public has all the information. But the majority of the
> U.S. media has been distorting what is happening in Afghanistan,
> in the coverage of civilian casualties and alternatives to war.
> One such story that has been kept out of the mainstream media, only being
> carried in alternative and non-corporate media, is of a study of the
> numbers of civilian casualties, conducted by Marc W. Herold, a professor
> Economics, International Relations and Women’s Studies at the
> University of New Hampshire.
> According to Herold’s study, more than 3,500 civilians have been
> killed in Afghanistan by U.S. bombs, and that number is climbing.
> In a press release, Herold said he decided to do the study because of his
> concerns “that there would be significant civilian casualties caused
> by the bombing.” Herold tracked news agencies, major newspapers, and
> first-hand accounts. “I was able to find some mention of casualties
> in the foreign press,” he said, “but almost nothing in the
> press.”
> The media, Miller said, also plays down any opposition or questioning of
> the Bush administration’s war policy. However, Miller’s
> analysis also found that sizable numbers of the U.S. population had
> reservations about the bombing.
> There are significant numbers in the labor, civil rights and liberties,
> other democratic and people’s organizations that have questions
> the war policies aren’t quite willing to come out against them. The
> Bush administration has gone on the ideological offensive by claiming that
> if you are against their policies, you are helping the terrorists.
> Yet some significant U.S. organizations have come out against the U.S.
> bombing of Afghanistan, like the 50-million-member National Council of
> Churches, the American Public Health Association and the Coalition of
> Union Women. Even more have raised questions about it, like the U.S.
> Catholic Bishops’ Conference.
> According to 100 Nobel laureates, who signed a statement on the 100th
> anniversary of the Nobel Prize, a vast class divide exists and “the
> only hope for the future lies in cooperative international action,
> legitimized by democracy.”
> They go on to say, “Some of the needed legal instruments are already
> at hand, such as the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the Convention on
> Climate Change, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties and the
> Test Ban Treaty. As concerned citizens, we urge all governments to commit
> to these goals that constitute steps on the way to replacement of war by
> law.”
> Bush’s war on terrorism goes in the exact opposite direction of the
> laureates’ vision. The bottom line is that the majority of the
> world’s people, including in the United States, would agree with the
> laureates. That’s why the Bush administration is conducting an
> unprecedented ideological public relations campaign for the war, with the
> corporate media’s help.
> Many would agree that the U.S. corporate media, with a few notable
> exceptions, is pro-war and pro-Bush and that agenda prevents them from
> doing the job of a free press, which is to inform the public.
> The censorship in the U.S. media must end. The American people have a
> to know the full impact of a war, as well as the meaningful alternatives
> it – alternatives that would bring real justice for the Sept. 11
> victims and an end to terrorism, no


2001-12-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

 > .> - Original Message -> From: 
Solidarité Transnationale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
Tuesday, December 18, 2001 6:50 PM> Subject: [C-I] PRESIDENT SADDAM 
> > Service de presse du PCN-NCP :> SOLIDARITE 
EUROPE-IRAK-PALESTINE> > Press office of PCN-NCP :> 
GOVERNMENTS AND PEOPLE> > Your majesties, highnesses, and 
excellencies,> > Brother Arabs: regimes, governments and 
people,> > Peace be upon you!> > I address you this 
time in the name of the leadership> and people of Iraq directly. It is a 
brotherly call> addressed to you after the flood has reached its> 
climax and after the destruction, terror, murder and> sacrilege practised 
by the aggressive, terrorist and> criminal Zionist entity, together with 
its tyrannical> ally, the US, have come to a head against our 
brothers> and our faithful struggling people in plundered> 
Palestine. If evil achieves its objectives there,> Allah forbid, its 
gluttony for more will increase and> it will afflict our people and other 
parts of our wide> homeland too, in addition to the suffering that 
has> been and is still being inflicted upon the people of> 
Palestine.> > Therefore, brothers, I address this message to you 
as> a specific call for the sake of Palestine and, through> 
Palestine and its Holy Quds, for the sake of us all> and, through our 
nation, for the sake of all humanity,> which is afflicted with the 
tyranny of the evil> American-Zionist alliance.> > 
Brothers,> > When we address this call to you, we do not set out 
of> imagination but out of a deep faith in, and a full> 
understanding of the heritage of our nation and its> glorious history. 
This history reveals that our> nation, even under the most complicated 
and the> hardest circumstances, has always found its way when> its 
potential and resolution have been mobilized. No> matter how heavy 
misfortunes weigh on our nation, or> how dark the veils of night hang 
down on it, it has> been able, when following the right path, to 
light> candles on both sides of the road to guide it towards> its 
choice and its objectives.> > We, brothers, seek for Allahs reward 
and seek for> honour in this life and the next. We seek for them> 
with you and through our gathering and our joint> action, and not apart 
from you, unless we find> ourselves compelled to act, each according to 
the> stand, which suits his viewpoint and belief.> Therefore, and 
although we are aware of the> circumstances involving the bearers of 
official titles> in the nation and their capabilities, we have a 
great> hope in you, brothers, to mobilize resolution so that> we 
win jointly and not individually, Allahs favour> and the favour of our 
nation and humanity at large. If> any of us, within the boundaries of his 
country and on> the basis of the peculiarity of his sphere and 
his> capability, sees that the troubles he has are a burden> too 
heavy for him to carry, it is with solidarity,> joint force and joint 
action that these troubles and> others become lighter in weight. Group 
resolution, or> the resolution generated by the sense of solidarity 
or> joint action, will make them easier to carry and will> make 
the shoulders stronger and more capable of> endurance and steadfastness. 
That is because Allahs> Hand is with the group that has faith in Him and 
that> trusts in Him, glorified be His name. Whoever supports> 
right against wrong will receive Allahs support in> this life and His 
honour and best reward in the next.> > We do not want to burden 
you, brothers, with the> details and remind you of what is happening to 
our> faithful people who are being afflicted with the evil> of the 
US-supported Zionists. What is happening to our> people and our brothers 
there is clear enough even if> we only see it on television.> 
> Arabs,> > Many of those who held titles of 
responsibility> amongst us and, perhaps, many in certain circles 
among> the Arab nation used to blame the Palestinians. They> 
claimed that the Palestinians did not resist the> Zionist occupation, as 
they should have from the year> 1930 to the defeat of some Arab regimes 
in the year> 1948 and afterwards.> > But what can any just 
and indubitable person say now> about the stand of the heroic people of 
Palestine, men> and women, children, youths and old men?> > 
The stand of the heroic people of Palestine, who are> now facing alone 
the alliance and conspiracy of> Zionism and Imperialism, which were 
originally> designed for the whole nation, is set against the> 
stand nearing impotency on the Arab side. In all> cases, the reason for 
this impotency is not the> weakness of the potential of the nation or the 
will of> the people. It is, rather, the weakness of the will of> 
the decision makers or their un


2001-12-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 1:16 AM
MARIB, YEMEN (Institute for Islamic Research and Studies): Since the 
morning of Tuesday 18 December 2001, US warplanes have been bombing the Husoun 
village in Marib, Yemen, situated about 200km South East of Sanaa. The reason 
for this bombing is due to the refusal of the Ale-Jalal tribe to hand over 
Mujahideen to the Yemeni Government which was given a list of names by the US 
Government just before Ramadan began (mid-November 2001). The Mujahideen 
concerned thus informed the tribal leaders at the beginning of Ramadan that they 
would leave the villages and retire to the mountains. The Mujahideen thus left 
the village under the leadership of Abu Ali Al-Harithi and amongst them were Abu 
Asim, Abu Ibrahim and Ayman. When Ramadan finished, these Mujahideen returned 
briefly to the village in order to celebrate Eid with their families. The Yemeni 
Government was alerted to their return and they informed the US Air Force, who 
in turn began to bomb targets in the village whilst Yemeni Special Forces 
entered the village on foot. However, the tribesmen were ready and 
prepared for such an encounter and they fiercely resisted the onslaught, killing 
eight Yemeni Special Forces troops and capturing 100. They also destroyed four 
armoured vehicles and captured nine Toyota 4WD jeeps in addition to an 
assortment of light and medium weapons with ammunition. The Yemeni forces thus 
retreated from the villages and called in American air support after suffering 
this heavy defeat. After Isha prayers on Tuesday night, US warplanes attacked 
the village, destroying the houses of Abu Ali Al-Harithi and Abu Asim in 
addition to the houses of two other Egyptian Mujahideen. Three women are 
confirmed to have been killed and dozens of civilians, including children, 
injured in this barbaric act of terrorism in a residential area. Exact details 
of casualties will be provided once possible. The Yemeni Government 
strongly denied claims that US warplanes had taken part in this operation, 
insisting instead that it was their own planes that participated. However, in 
addition to the presence of US markings on some unexploded bombs, the houses of 
those in question were destroyed with such accuracy and it is known that the 
Yemeni Air Force does not have the capability to possess or use such accurate 
weapons. This terrorist act proves that the 'War Against Terror' is 
infact a war against Islam that has nothing to do with Usama Bin Ladin, nor a 
finite number of individuals. Rather it is a war against true Islam that rejects 
subjugation by the Crusaders upon the Muslims. After Yemen, the war against 
Islam is expected to spread to other Muslim countries such Somalia, Iraq, 
Indonesia and Sudan perhaps. Has not the time come for Muslims to awake from 
their deep sleep and realise that this Crusade is a war against Islam that does 
not differentiate between those 'Muslims' who support the Crusaders and those 
who oppose them? The US Government will not be satisfied with the Muslims except 
in two circumstances: 1. That the Muslims follow and obey them 100% much 
the same way as the Northern Alliance and Hamid Karzai, etc. have in 
Afghanistan, implenting all their laws, rules and commands. 2. That if 
it is not possible for the US to completely attack and destroy a Muslim country, 
then they will attempt to turn the government of that country against its own 
people under the banner of its 'War Against Terror', such that the governments 
of the Muslim countries become involved and occupied in civil wars against their 
own people. Therefore after all these recent events, if any Muslim still 
remains unconvinced that this Crusade is a war against Islam, then he is 
ignorant and blind to the reality around him. The Muslims in every part 
of the World are reminded yet again to increase in their supplications for Allah 
to grant victory to the Mujahideen in every land, and especially in Afghanistan; 
to destroy the disbelievers, especially America; to steady the shooting of the 
Mujahideen and to destabilise the shooting of the Crusaders and their allies; 
that He makes the feet of the Mujahideen firm and that He shakes the ground 
beneath the feet of the Crusaders; that He strengthens the hearts of the 
Mujahideen and places fear into the hearts of the Crusaders and their allies; 
and that He grants victory to the Mujahideen and routs and humiliates the 
Crusaders and their allies, as He has Power over that. Ameen. 

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RE: [NSP] Uskrsnja Zabava Srpskog Naroda u Beogradu 2002. Godine

2001-11-27 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Bravo Tiko
Vec su Arnauti  pokupovali vecinu srpske imovine sa prostora Prokupolja,
Kursumlije, Nisa, stameno i sigurno nadiru na sever .Sve  je to islo kao
kobajagi nemacke firme koje su kao lude bez nasih fabrika, celokupna prodaja
Arnautima je pod kontrolom Djindjica, Covica i naravno onog monstruma,
rodjenog Arnautina baba sere Kostunice.
Situacija je mnogo gora nego sto normalni Srbi podozrevaju. Jedini je spas
da celokupan narod ustane pobije bandu veleizdajnika kriminalaca psihopata i
da sve ugovore prosledi organizatorima  puca NATO zlikovcima sa porukom da
da obrisu njihove sidaske zadnjice sa njima.
sve informacije dobijene od ljudi sa terena
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:40 PM
Subject: Uskrsnja Zabava Srpskog Naroda u Beogradu 2002. Godine

> Gospodine Aleksandre Vlajkovicu,
> Pre nego sto se Srbi-svecari is tudjinskih zemalja okupe
> u Beogradu na zabavu na jedan od predlozenih uskrsnjih praznika
> iduce godine, "pod pokroviteljstvom nove demokratsker vlasti",
> zemlja Srbija ce otici na dobos u prisustvu i pod pokroviteljstvom
> te "nove demokratske vlasti".
> Pitam Vas da li je Vasa "nevladina, nepoliticka, neprofitna i
> najznacajnija srpska organizacija (koja se bavi "dijasporom"?)"
> svesna da se nasa otadzbina rastura i komada u paramparcad
> dok ste vi, pod barjakom "Srpske veze", i bez veze sa ovom
> tragedijom srpskog naroda, zaokupljeni mastanjem o
> pompeznim i jalovim skupovima "srpske dijaspore" u Beogradu,
> tamo nekog, katolickog ili pravoslavnog, Uskrsa iduce godine.
> Gde Vi, gospodine Vlajkovicu, zivite pa da ne vidite da nam brod
> tone brze od Titanika, a Vi jos uvek u zanosu plesete na palubi
> dok se smrtno ranjeni brod sunovraca u vodeni bezdan.
> Osvescujte se, gospodine Vlajkovicu, i potegnite rucicu sirene
> za uzbunu da svi priteknemo upomoc da spasavamo preostale
> zivote i ono malo pretekle narodne imovine Srbije pre nego sto
> se talasi sklope nad srpskim Titanikom, koji ce ostati i bez
> nadgrobnog spomenika u istoriji naroda. A onih dva i nesto miliona
> Srba, rasturenih po belome svetu, umesto na predlozenu zurku u
> Beogradu, bi morali smesta pohitati upomoc otadzbini, onako kako
> to drugi, svesniji od nas narodi oko nas cine za svoju. A zna se
> sta treba ciniti kada se spasava domovina i sva njena narodna,
> materijalna i nematerijalna blaga! Da li se Arnauti, Poturice
> i katolicke Ustase zabavljaju proslavama i caskanjima "dijaspore"
> i "matice", ili zajednicki napadaju i otimaju nase tekovine i grade
> svoja imanja na srpskim atarima.
> Tika Jankovic, Kalifornija
> -Original Message-
> From: petar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:01 AM
> Subject: [sorabia] Hitna poruka iz Beograda!
> From: "Aleksandar Vlajkovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mihailo Gavrilovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Hitna poruka iz Beograda!
> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:54:06 +0100
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
> Postovani,
> Zelimo da Vas obavestimo da Asocijacija "Srpska veza" , nevladina,
> nepoliticka, neprofitna i najzanacajnija srpska organizacija koja se
> bavi
> srpskom dijasporom, priprema nove tradicionalne Susrete dijaspore i
> otadzbine, koji ce se odrzati u vreme Uskrsnjih praznika u Beogradu
> 2002.
> godine.
> I ovi susreti ce se odrzati uz Blagoslov Njegove Svetosti Patrijarha
> Srpskog
> Gospodina Pavla i pokroviteljstvo nove demokratske vlasti.
> Postoji zelja da novi susreti budu najmasovniji koji su dosada
> organizovani
> i da budu veci od ovogodisnjih na kome su okupilo preko 400
> predstavnika
> najznacajnijih srpskih organizacija u svetu.Otuda cemo i na nove
> susrete
> pozvati predstavnike srpskih organizacija, biznismene, humanitarce,
> lekare,
> i istaknute pojedince drugih zanimanja, za koje cemo organizovati
> plenarni i
> specijalizovane skupove i bogat prateci program.
> Kako se 2002.g. nas Uskrs slavi 31. marta, a Katolicki 5.maja u
> dilemi smo
> koji bi termin za odrzavanje Susreta bio najpogodniji. Cini nam se
> da bi taj
> dogadjaj trebalo pribliziti katolickom Uskrsu, kada nasi ljudi
> spajaju
> nekoliko dana i prave mali godisni odmor koji koriste i za posetu
> otadzbini
> i zato smo misljenja da bi susrete trebalo odrzati od 6-8.maja
> 2002.g. u
> Beogradu.
> Uvereni da cete prisustvovati tom velikom i znacajnom okupljanju
> nasih ljudi
> iz rasejanja zelimo da proverimo koliko bi taj datum odgovarao Vama
> i da li
> biste mogli prisustvovali tom dogadjaju. Najepse molimo da upoznate
> i
> konsultujete i Vase prijatelje oko termina odrzavanja
> Susreta.Ukoliko bi Vam
> odgovarao neki drugi datum, molimo da navedete termin koji
> predlazete. Mi
> cemo se opredeliti za vereme koje odgovara vecini.
> Ocekujemo Vas hitan odgovor na Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Mozete posetiti i nas sajt www.srpskaveza.org.yu
> Primite nase najiskrenije pozdrave.
> Za Inicijativni odbor manifestacije
> Aleksanda

RE: [NSP] Uskrsnja Zabava Srpskog Naroda u Beogradu 2002. Godine

2001-11-27 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Bravo Tiko
Vec su Arnauti  pokupovali vecinu srpske imovine sa prostora Prokupolja,
Kursumlije, Nisa, stameno i sigurno nadiru na sever .Sve  je to islo kao
kobajagi nemacke firme koje su kao lude bez nasih fabrika, celokupna prodaja
Arnautima je pod kontrolom Djindjica, Covica i naravno onog monstruma,
rodjenog Arnautina baba sere Kostunice.
Situacija je mnogo gora nego sto normalni Srbi podozrevaju. Jedini je spas
da celokupan narod ustane pobije bandu veleizdajnika kriminalaca psihopata i
da sve ugovore prosledi organizatorima  puca NATO zlikovcima sa porukom da
da obrisu njihove sidaske zadnjice sa njima.
sve informacije dobijene od ljudi sa terena
- Original Message -
From: Jankovic, Tika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:40 PM
Subject: Uskrsnja Zabava Srpskog Naroda u Beogradu 2002. Godine

> Gospodine Aleksandre Vlajkovicu,
> Pre nego sto se Srbi-svecari is tudjinskih zemalja okupe
> u Beogradu na zabavu na jedan od predlozenih uskrsnjih praznika
> iduce godine, "pod pokroviteljstvom nove demokratsker vlasti",
> zemlja Srbija ce otici na dobos u prisustvu i pod pokroviteljstvom
> te "nove demokratske vlasti".
> Pitam Vas da li je Vasa "nevladina, nepoliticka, neprofitna i
> najznacajnija srpska organizacija (koja se bavi "dijasporom"?)"
> svesna da se nasa otadzbina rastura i komada u paramparcad
> dok ste vi, pod barjakom "Srpske veze", i bez veze sa ovom
> tragedijom srpskog naroda, zaokupljeni mastanjem o
> pompeznim i jalovim skupovima "srpske dijaspore" u Beogradu,
> tamo nekog, katolickog ili pravoslavnog, Uskrsa iduce godine.
> Gde Vi, gospodine Vlajkovicu, zivite pa da ne vidite da nam brod
> tone brze od Titanika, a Vi jos uvek u zanosu plesete na palubi
> dok se smrtno ranjeni brod sunovraca u vodeni bezdan.
> Osvescujte se, gospodine Vlajkovicu, i potegnite rucicu sirene
> za uzbunu da svi priteknemo upomoc da spasavamo preostale
> zivote i ono malo pretekle narodne imovine Srbije pre nego sto
> se talasi sklope nad srpskim Titanikom, koji ce ostati i bez
> nadgrobnog spomenika u istoriji naroda. A onih dva i nesto miliona
> Srba, rasturenih po belome svetu, umesto na predlozenu zurku u
> Beogradu, bi morali smesta pohitati upomoc otadzbini, onako kako
> to drugi, svesniji od nas narodi oko nas cine za svoju. A zna se
> sta treba ciniti kada se spasava domovina i sva njena narodna,
> materijalna i nematerijalna blaga! Da li se Arnauti, Poturice
> i katolicke Ustase zabavljaju proslavama i caskanjima "dijaspore"
> i "matice", ili zajednicki napadaju i otimaju nase tekovine i grade
> svoja imanja na srpskim atarima.
> Tika Jankovic, Kalifornija
> -Original Message-
> From: petar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:01 AM
> Subject: [sorabia] Hitna poruka iz Beograda!
> From: "Aleksandar Vlajkovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mihailo Gavrilovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Hitna poruka iz Beograda!
> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:54:06 +0100
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
> Postovani,
> Zelimo da Vas obavestimo da Asocijacija "Srpska veza" , nevladina,
> nepoliticka, neprofitna i najzanacajnija srpska organizacija koja se
> bavi
> srpskom dijasporom, priprema nove tradicionalne Susrete dijaspore i
> otadzbine, koji ce se odrzati u vreme Uskrsnjih praznika u Beogradu
> 2002.
> godine.
> I ovi susreti ce se odrzati uz Blagoslov Njegove Svetosti Patrijarha
> Srpskog
> Gospodina Pavla i pokroviteljstvo nove demokratske vlasti.
> Postoji zelja da novi susreti budu najmasovniji koji su dosada
> organizovani
> i da budu veci od ovogodisnjih na kome su okupilo preko 400
> predstavnika
> najznacajnijih srpskih organizacija u svetu.Otuda cemo i na nove
> susrete
> pozvati predstavnike srpskih organizacija, biznismene, humanitarce,
> lekare,
> i istaknute pojedince drugih zanimanja, za koje cemo organizovati
> plenarni i
> specijalizovane skupove i bogat prateci program.
> Kako se 2002.g. nas Uskrs slavi 31. marta, a Katolicki 5.maja u
> dilemi smo
> koji bi termin za odrzavanje Susreta bio najpogodniji. Cini nam se
> da bi taj
> dogadjaj trebalo pribliziti katolickom Uskrsu, kada nasi ljudi
> spajaju
> nekoliko dana i prave mali godisni odmor koji koriste i za posetu
> otadzbini
> i zato smo misljenja da bi susrete trebalo odrzati od 6-8.maja
> 2002.g. u
> Beogradu.
> Uvereni da cete prisustvovati tom velikom i znacajnom okupljanju
> nasih ljudi
> iz rasejanja zelimo da proverimo koliko bi taj datum odgovarao Vama
> i 

RE: [NSP] Uskrsnja Zabava Srpskog Naroda u Beogradu 2002. Godine

2001-11-27 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Bravo Tiko
Vec su Arnauti  pokupovali vecinu srpske imovine sa prostora Prokupolja,
Kursumlije, Nisa, stameno i sigurno nadiru na sever .Sve  je to islo kao
kobajagi nemacke firme koje su kao lude bez nasih fabrika, celokupna prodaja
Arnautima je pod kontrolom Djindjica, Covica i naravno onog monstruma,
rodjenog Arnautina baba sere Kostunice.
Situacija je mnogo gora nego sto normalni Srbi podozrevaju. Jedini je spas
da celokupan narod ustane pobije bandu veleizdajnika kriminalaca psihopata i
da sve ugovore prosledi organizatorima  puca NATO zlikovcima sa porukom da
da obrisu njihove sidaske zadnjice sa njima.
sve informacije dobijene od ljudi sa terena
- Original Message -
From: Jankovic, Tika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 10:40 PM
Subject: Uskrsnja Zabava Srpskog Naroda u Beogradu 2002. Godine

> Gospodine Aleksandre Vlajkovicu,
> Pre nego sto se Srbi-svecari is tudjinskih zemalja okupe
> u Beogradu na zabavu na jedan od predlozenih uskrsnjih praznika
> iduce godine, "pod pokroviteljstvom nove demokratsker vlasti",
> zemlja Srbija ce otici na dobos u prisustvu i pod pokroviteljstvom
> te "nove demokratske vlasti".
> Pitam Vas da li je Vasa "nevladina, nepoliticka, neprofitna i
> najznacajnija srpska organizacija (koja se bavi "dijasporom"?)"
> svesna da se nasa otadzbina rastura i komada u paramparcad
> dok ste vi, pod barjakom "Srpske veze", i bez veze sa ovom
> tragedijom srpskog naroda, zaokupljeni mastanjem o
> pompeznim i jalovim skupovima "srpske dijaspore" u Beogradu,
> tamo nekog, katolickog ili pravoslavnog, Uskrsa iduce godine.
> Gde Vi, gospodine Vlajkovicu, zivite pa da ne vidite da nam brod
> tone brze od Titanika, a Vi jos uvek u zanosu plesete na palubi
> dok se smrtno ranjeni brod sunovraca u vodeni bezdan.
> Osvescujte se, gospodine Vlajkovicu, i potegnite rucicu sirene
> za uzbunu da svi priteknemo upomoc da spasavamo preostale
> zivote i ono malo pretekle narodne imovine Srbije pre nego sto
> se talasi sklope nad srpskim Titanikom, koji ce ostati i bez
> nadgrobnog spomenika u istoriji naroda. A onih dva i nesto miliona
> Srba, rasturenih po belome svetu, umesto na predlozenu zurku u
> Beogradu, bi morali smesta pohitati upomoc otadzbini, onako kako
> to drugi, svesniji od nas narodi oko nas cine za svoju. A zna se
> sta treba ciniti kada se spasava domovina i sva njena narodna,
> materijalna i nematerijalna blaga! Da li se Arnauti, Poturice
> i katolicke Ustase zabavljaju proslavama i caskanjima "dijaspore"
> i "matice", ili zajednicki napadaju i otimaju nase tekovine i grade
> svoja imanja na srpskim atarima.
> Tika Jankovic, Kalifornija
> -Original Message-
> From: petar [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 7:01 AM
> Subject: [sorabia] Hitna poruka iz Beograda!
> From: "Aleksandar Vlajkovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Mihailo Gavrilovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Hitna poruka iz Beograda!
> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 08:54:06 +0100
> X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V4.72.3110.3
> Postovani,
> Zelimo da Vas obavestimo da Asocijacija "Srpska veza" , nevladina,
> nepoliticka, neprofitna i najzanacajnija srpska organizacija koja se
> bavi
> srpskom dijasporom, priprema nove tradicionalne Susrete dijaspore i
> otadzbine, koji ce se odrzati u vreme Uskrsnjih praznika u Beogradu
> 2002.
> godine.
> I ovi susreti ce se odrzati uz Blagoslov Njegove Svetosti Patrijarha
> Srpskog
> Gospodina Pavla i pokroviteljstvo nove demokratske vlasti.
> Postoji zelja da novi susreti budu najmasovniji koji su dosada
> organizovani
> i da budu veci od ovogodisnjih na kome su okupilo preko 400
> predstavnika
> najznacajnijih srpskih organizacija u svetu.Otuda cemo i na nove
> susrete
> pozvati predstavnike srpskih organizacija, biznismene, humanitarce,
> lekare,
> i istaknute pojedince drugih zanimanja, za koje cemo organizovati
> plenarni i
> specijalizovane skupove i bogat prateci program.
> Kako se 2002.g. nas Uskrs slavi 31. marta, a Katolicki 5.maja u
> dilemi smo
> koji bi termin za odrzavanje Susreta bio najpogodniji. Cini nam se
> da bi taj
> dogadjaj trebalo pribliziti katolickom Uskrsu, kada nasi ljudi
> spajaju
> nekoliko dana i prave mali godisni odmor koji koriste i za posetu
> otadzbini
> i zato smo misljenja da bi susrete trebalo odrzati od 6-8.maja
> 2002.g. u
> Beogradu.
> Uvereni da cete prisustvovati tom velikom i znacajnom okupljanju
> nasih ljudi
> iz rasejanja zelimo da proverimo koliko bi taj datum odgovarao Vama
> i 

[NSP] Fw: Buying American ?

2001-11-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2001 7:02 PM
Subject: Buying American ?

>  yet > 80% of merchandise that I see in the stores have either 'made
> in China' written on them, or are obviously East Asian in origin. Is the
> point here to buy American-made/manufactured goods, or simply from
> any American-based company whose manufacturing base may be outwith
> the USA. 
> Or, is a Harley Davidson still American if it uses a Japanese engine ?
> Further, one should not confuse the idea of 'free trade' as in
> 'agreements' made between member nations and their corporate interests -
> with a free market economy (which is hardly 'free' at all as a result of
> such agreements and treaties,... is it ?).
> T.
> > According to a recent poll, 80% of Americans think it their 
> > patriotic duty to give preference to American-made products. 

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[NSP] Fw: Brzezinski/CFR War Plans in 1997 Book: The Grand Chessboard

2001-11-21 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> Brzezinski/CFR War Plans in 1997 Book: The Grand Chessboard
> --
> NOTE: this communication has been RATED IN THE SUBJECT LINE, thus:
> * : of possible interest or amusement-value; worth a glance
> ** : interesting; of modest import; a must-SKIM
> *** : very interesting; of high import; vital; a must-READ
>  : extremely interesting; essential; critical; a must-STUDY
> All in my best estimation. Your Mileage May Vary. *Caveat Surfor!*
> --
> "The interests behind the Bush Administration, such as the CFR,
> The Trilateral Commission - founded by Brzezinski for David
> Rockefeller - and the Bilderberger Group, have prepared for and
> are now moving to implement open world dictatorship within the
> next five years. They are not fighting against terrorists. They
> are fighting against citizens." -- Dr. Johannes B. Koeppl, Ph.D.,
> former German defense ministry official and advisor to former NATO
> Secretary General Manfred Werner
> "[Brzezinski notes], quite clearly (p.53) that any nation that might
> become predominant in Central Asia would directly threaten the
> current U.S. control of oil resources in the Persian Gulf. In
> reading the book it becomes clear why the U.S. had a direct motive
> for the looting of some $300 billion in Russian assets during the
> 1990s, destabilizing Russia's currency (1998) and ensuring that a
> weakened Russia would have to look westward to Europe for economic
> and political survival, rather than southward to Central Asia. A
> dependent Russia would lack the military, economic and political
> clout to exert influence in the region and this weakening of
> Russia would explain why Russian President Vladimir Putin has been
> such a willing ally of U.S. efforts to date."
> --
> Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book
> It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German
> Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984,
> in an Exclusive Interview With FTW
> by Michael C. Ruppert
> [Copyright 2001. All Rights Reserved, Michael C. Ruppert and From
> The Wilderness Publications, www.copvcia.com  May be copied or
> distributed for non-profit purposes only. Posting on any ".com"
> web site is prohibited without express written consent from the
> author.]
> "THE GRAND CHESSBOARD - American Primacy And It's Geostrategic
> Imperatives," Zbigniew Brzezinski, Basic Books, 1997.
> These are the very first words in the book: "Ever since the
> continents started interacting politically, some five hundred
> years ago, Eurasia has been the center of world power." - p. xiii.
> Eurasia is all of the territory east of Germany and Poland,
> stretching all the way through Russia and China to the Pacific
> Ocean. It includes the Middle East and most of the Indian
> subcontinent. The key to controlling Eurasia, says Brzezinski, is
> controlling the Central Asian Republics. And the key to
> controlling the Central Asian republics is Uzbekistan. Thus, it
> comes as no surprise that Uzbekistan was forcefully mentioned by
> President George W. Bush in his address to a joint session of
> Congress just days after the attacks of September 11 as the very
> first place that the U.S. military would be deployed.
> As FTW has documented in previous stories, major deployments of
> U.S. and British forces had taken place before the attacks. And
> the U.S. Army and the CIA had been active in Uzbekistan for
> several years. There is now evidence that what the world is
> witnessing is a cold and calculated war plan - at least four years
> in the making - and that, from reading Brzezinski's own words
> about Pearl Harbor, the World Trade Center attacks were just the
> trigger needed to set the final conquest in motion.
> -- 
> FTW, November 7, 2001, 1200 PST - There's a quote often attributed
> to Allen Dulles after it was noted that the final 1964 report of
> the Warren Commission on the assassination of JFK contained
> dramatic inconsistencies. Those inconsistencies, in effect,
> disproved the Commission's own final conclusion that Lee Harvey
> Oswald acted alone on November 22, 1963. Dulles, a career spy,
> Wall Street lawyer, the CIA director whom JFK had fired after the
> 1961 Bay of Pigs fiasco - and the Warren Commission member who
> took charge of the investigation and final report - is reported to
> have said, "The American people don't read."
> Some Americans do read. So do Europeans and Asians and Africans
> and Latin Americans.
> World events since the attacks of September 11, 2001 have not only
> been predicted, but also planned, orchestrated and - as their
> architects would like to believe - controlled. The current Central
> Asian war is not a response to terrorism, nor is it a reaction to

[NSP] Fw: US Green Party activist arrested; EU MP promises action

2001-11-03 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: hde_tollenaere 
Sent: Saturday, November 03, 2001 3:08 PM
Subject: US Green Party activist arrested; EU MP promises action

Nancy Oden, an elected Green Party USA coordinator, has been denied flying privileges 
and her constitutional rights, because of Green Party USA opposition to the bombing in 

After reading this information on the Green Party USA [see more below], on Saturday, 3 
November 2001, I met Ms Lousewies Van der Laan, member of the European Parliament for 
the Dutch political party D66. D66 [Democrats 1966] is a "non socialist left/Liberal" 
party. Its historical predecessor, the Vrijzinnig Democratische Bond, was strongly 
anti-militarist and favoured unilateral disarmament. However, today D66 leaders are 
part of the pro NATO three party government coalition. Nevertheless, like many people 
in The Netherlands, many rank and file members and voters of D66 favour peace for the 
innocent citizens of Afghanistan.

Ms Van der Laan sounded noncommittal to me on the war itself, though opposing the wave 
of racism sweeping over NATO countries in its wake. However, she promised to look into 
the case of US Green Party coordinator Nancy Oden's arrest. For people interested in 
the progress of action on this case: Ms Van der Laan's e mail address is, according to 
her party's web site: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Green Party USA elected Coordinator targeted as "terrorist" -denied rights 
by The Greens / Green Party USA-Mitchell Cohen 10:37pm Fri Nov 2 '01 
address: 226 South Wabash, 6th floor-PO Box 1406-Chicago, Illinois 60690 phone: 

Nancy Oden,an elected Green Party USA coordinator,has been denied flying privileges 
and her constitutional rights, because of Green Party USA opposition to the bombing in 
The new "terrorism" laws have just removed all our rights and have created new 
"I was targeted because the Green Party USA opposes the bombing of innocent 
civilians in Afghanistan." 
--Nancy Oden 

(The Green Party USA statement on the war against Afghanistan is at 
They are the original Green Party in the U.S. since 1986) 


The Greens / Green Party USA 
226 South Wabash, 6th floor 
PO Box 1406, 
Chicago, Illinois 60690 
Toll-free Phone: 1-866-GREENS-2 

November 2, 2001 


GREEN PARTY USA will hold press conference in CHICAGO 
10 a.m. 
at the J. Ira and Nicki Family Hostel 
24 East Congress Parkway (at Wabash), 2nd floor 


Armed government agents grabbed Nancy Oden, Green Party USA coordinating 
committee member, Thursday at Bangor International Airport in Bangor Maine, 
as she attempted to board an American Airlines flight to Chicago. 

"An official told me that my name had been flagged in the computer," a 
shaken Oden said. "I was targeted because the Green Party USA opposes the 
bombing of innocent civilians in Afghanistan." 

Oden, a long-time organic farmer and peace activist in northern Maine, was 
ordered away from the plane. Military personnel with automatic weapons 
surrounded Oden and instructed all airlines to deny her passage on ANY 
flight. "I was told that the airport was closed to me until further notice 
and that my ticket would not be refunded," Oden said. 

Oden is scheduled to speak in Chicago Friday night on a panel concerning 
pesticides as weapons of war. She had helped to coordinate the Green Party 
USA's antiwar efforts these past few months, and was to report on these to 
The Greens national committee. "Not only did they stop me at the airport 
but some mysterious party had called the hotel and cancelled my 
reservation," Oden said. 

The Greens National Committee -- the governing body of the Green Party USA 
-- is meeting in Chicago Nov. 2-4 to hammer out the details of national 
campaigns against bio-chemical warfare, the spraying of toxic pesticides, 
genetic engineering, and the Party's involvement in the burgeoning peace 

"I am shocked that US military prevented one of our prominent Green Party 
members from attending the meeting in Chicago," said Elizabeth Fattah, a 
GPUSA representative from Pennsylvania who drove to Chicago. "I am o


2001-11-02 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: Mary Mostert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Gavin Grooms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 02, 2001 1:00 PM

>Watch out.
>  A new virus has just been discovered that has been classified by
>  Microsoft as the most destructive ever!!!
>  This virus was discovered yesterday afternoon by
>  McAfee and no vaccine has yet been developed.
>  This virus simply destroys Sector Zero from the
>  hard disk, where vital information for its
>  functioning are stored.
>  This virus acts in the following manner:
>  It sends itself automatically to all contacts on
>  your list with the title "A Virtual Card for You." As soon as
>  the supposed virtual card is opened, the computer
>  freezes so that the user has to reboot. When the
>  ctrl+alt+del keys or the reset button are pressed, the virus
>  destroys Sector Zero, thus permanently destroying the hard disk.
>  Yesterday in just a few hours this virus caused
>  panic in New York, according to news broadcast by CNN.
>  This alert was received by an employee of Microsoft
>  itself.  So don't open any mails with subject: "A Virtual
>  Card for You." As soon as you get the mail, delete it. Please
>  pass this mail to all of your friends.
>  Forward this to everyone in your address book.
>  I would rather receive this 25 times than not at all.
>  Also: Intel announced that a new and very
>  destructive virus was discovered recently.
>  If you receive an email called "An Internet Flower
>  For You," do not open it. Delete it right away! This
>  virus removes all dynamic link libraries (.dll files) from
>  your computer. Your computer will not be able to boot up!!

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Re: [NSP] Djindjolina

2001-11-02 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic


Molim vas da ovo ne distribuirate zbog momkA,meni bi islo pomalo u prilog kao reklama 
ali treba stititi mlade ucenjene ljude..

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[NSP] Ibrahim Rugova's Information Service Warns Of The Connections Of UCK And A

2001-10-31 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

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Ibrahim Rugova's Information Service Warns Of The Connections Of UCK And Al

words by translator: Inside my head there lives a dream Inside my voice
there lives a soul...

The latest press release of Rugova's Democratic Alliance of Kosovo states
that "Ibrahim Rugova on several occasions declared that Mohamed Hasan
Mahmud, the leader of the Bosnian part of the Al Quaeda chain has been
staying in Kosovo. According to Rugova, Mohamed Hasan Mahmud has been
operating his co-fighters in Bosnia, Middle Europe from Kosovo.

Rugova claims that the Islamic terrorists under the command of Mohamed Hasan
Mahmud fought on the Muslim side during the Bosnian war, and supported the
UCK during the Kosovo conflict. The presence of members of Al Khaeda in
Kosovo introduces a serious problem as this region is a crossroad for
illegal weapon and drug trade which is the main financial source of Bin
Laden's terrorists.

Interesting news, which was not yet confirmed yesterday, is that Rugova
really started the hunger strike. It is a question if this sort of news that
attracts the public attention are just part of the pre-election activities
in Kosovo or Rugova really has access to evidence to support his claims,
that he is forced to repeat them in an enormous number of times as a result
of the ignoring treatment that he receives from the international community.
Whatever the real truth is, Rugova only knows the answer and eventually he
will have to speak about it in front of the Balkan population.


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[NSP] Fw: od jovana markusa - cetinje

2001-10-30 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Obavestavam srpske patriote da su nasa braca Srbi sa Cetinja osnovali SRPSKO
CETINJSKI" - CETINJE, istovremeno vas pozivam da se javite kratkom porukom
gospodinu Jovanu Markusu email adresa [EMAIL PROTECTED] u znak
podrske, i naravno sa dobronamernim savetima bez dnevnog stranackog
jajarenja inace cu da vas tepam.
 Nije lako danas biti Srbin na Cetinju pored bande crnogorskih ustasa.
Ovu poruku saljite dalje, mozda niste svesni sada koliko je znacajno da damo
podrsku ovim ljudima.
- Original Message -
From: adolph heler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 1:10 PM
Subject: od jovana markusa - cetinje

> Pomaze Bog!
> Obavjestavam Vas sa radoscu da smo otvorili e-mail na
> koji nam mozete pisati.
> Predsjednik inicijativnog Odbora
> Jovan Markus
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.
> http://personals.yahoo.com

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[NSP] Fw: [ctrl] re: anthrax info.

2001-10-29 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2001 4:00 AM
Subject: [ctrl] re: anthrax info.

> Dear List,
> Please find article urls and excerpts below.
> Sincerely,  Neil Brick
> Secret US germ tests threat to treaty - from Roland Watson in Washington
> 9/5/01 - "The Pentagon has secretly built a germ factory capable of
> enough deadly bacteria to kill millions of people, it was revealed
> yesterday...One proposal awaiting final approval is to manufacture a more
> potent version of anthrax using genetically engineered biological agents."
> http://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/0,,3-2001305743,00.html
> U.S. Germ Warfare Research Pushes Treaty Limits - 9/4/01 By The New York
> Times - article reported on and written by Judith Miller, Stephen
> and William J. Broad. "the West Jefferson, Ohio, laboratory of the
> Memorial Institute, a military contractor that has been selected to create
> the genetically altered anthrax."
> http://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/04/international/04GERM.html

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[NSP] Russia anxious over grip on oil as US firms join Great Game

2001-10-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Russia anxious over grip on oil as US firms join Great Game 
By Ben Aris in Moscow and Ahmed Rashid in Lahore
(Filed: 24/10/2001) 

FOR all the talk of international alliances and the future of Afghanistan, the real 
concern for Moscow in Central Asia is cementing its control of the oil supply and the 
successful conclusion of the modern Great Game.


Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, Russia has kept Central Asia's huge oil and gas 
reserves bottled up by restricting access to export pipelines, all of which run over 
Russian territory.

America has been pushing alternative pipeline projects out of the region that do not 
run over Russian soil.

Last week, Condoleeza Rice, the US national security adviser, assured the Kremlin that 
America had no designs on Central Asia even as a new oil pipeline went online, 
strengthening Russia's influence in the region.

One of the major reasons that Washington supported the Taliban between 1994 and 1997 
was the attempt by the US oil giant Unocal to build a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan, 
through Taliban-controlled southern Afghanistan, to Pakistan and the Gulf. 

At the time America and Unocal hoped that the Taliban would swiftly conquer the 

As the first tanker at the Russian Black Sea port of Novorossisk was loaded with oil 
pumped from Kazakhstan through the Caspian Pipeline Consortium pipeline, it looked 
like the rivalry between Moscow and Washington was over. 

But as American interests intensify in the region, Moscow is nervous about giving 
Washington a toehold.

Ms Rice's statements were designed to allay fears. She said in an article in the 
Russian daily Izvestia: "I want to stress this: our policy is not aimed against the 
interests of Russia. We do not harbour any plans aimed at squeezing Russia out of 

Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan have some of the largest reserves of oil and gas in the 
world, but Russia cut them off from international markets as all their export 
pipelines run over Russian territory.

America tried aggressively to break the Kremlin stranglehold over the region, but Ms 
Rice's comments were the strongest sign yet that Washington is prepared to concede 
Russia's dominance.

US-Russian relations have been revolutionised since the September 11 attacks on 

In a brave decision, President Putin thumbed his nose at Russia's generals still 
labouring under Cold War prejudices and gave the go-ahead for Central Asian states to 
play host to US forces. 

Both Uzbekistan and Tajikistan are allied to Moscow through the Russian-led 
Commonwealth of Independent States, and have allowed use of airfields.

The Kremlin is still nervous, however, about giving America the opportunity to 
increase its influence in Central Asia.

After a decade of grandiose promises by international oil companies for an oil 
pipeline failed to materialise, Kazakhstan has thrown in its lot with the Russians.

The Caspian Pipeline Consortium line is the first big one to be built since the fall 
of the Soviet Union.

Led by Chevron, CPC brought together the governments of Kazakhstan, Russia and Oman, 
as well as several other oil companies, to raise £1.7 billion of financing.

The petrodollar taps are opening for the Central Asian republics which, despite their 
huge reserves, have been wallowing in economic misery for much of the past decade.

Russia will also do well out of the pipeline. Most of the 1,150-mile route runs across 
Russian territory. It is expected to earn Russia £28 billion over 30 years.

The war in Afghanistan may have ended America's ambitions in the area as a quid pro 
quo for Russia's co-operation in the US-led campaign. 

But when peace and a stable government eventually comes to Kabul, US oil companies 
will be looking closely at Afghanistan because it offers the shortest route to the 
Gulf for Central Asia's vast quantities of untapped oil and gas.

They have invested US$30 billion (£20 billion) in developing oil and gas fields in 
Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan, but exporting to the West 
involves lengthy and expensive pipelines.

American companies are barred from building pipelines through Iran, and are reluctant 
to build them through Russia.

Washington is now proposing a US$3 billion pipeline from Azerbaijan, on the Caspian 
Sea, through Georgia to Turkey's Mediterranean coast - a lengthy and expensive project 
that will put huge transport costs to every barrel of Central Asian oil that reaches 

US companies could build a similar pipeline from Central Asia through Afghanistan to 
Karachi at half the cost, if the next Afghan government can guarantee its security.

Russia fears that is exactly what the Americans want and, now that US troops are based 
in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, they will establish a permanent presence and not leave.

America has pledged to "consult" in the event of a direct threat to the security or 
territorial integrity of Uzbekistan, wording that has incre


2001-10-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic



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[NSP] Fw: Official note of the Cuban government

2001-10-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: Irina Malenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2001 10:37 PM
Subject: Official note of the Cuban government


Numerous international press agencies reported today that the President of
the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, declared that as of January 2002,
his country would close its military Electronic Radar Stations in Cam Ranh,
Vietnam and Lourdes, Cuba.
With regard to Cuba, he stated that "after lengthy negotiations with our
Cuban partners, it was recognized that withdrawing the Electronic Radar
Station from Cuba would be a positive move."
Also today, the chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army
Commander Anatoly Kvashnin, declared that "Russia is withdrawing its
military bases from Cuba and Vietnam as a result of the change in the
military-political situation in the world, and in view of the savings in
financial resources for the army and navy. The annual lease on the
Electronic Radar Station is around 200 million dollars, without taking into
account the maintenance of staff. With this money we can buy and launch 20
reconnaissance satellites, and purchase around 100 radars."
To avoid any errors or confusion, the Government of Cuba would like to
clarify that the two facilities should not have been lumped together in the
Russian declaration, because they differ greatly in their origins, functions
and importance.
Cam Ranh was a naval base built by the United States some 20 thousand
kilometers away from its territory and leased to the USSR in 1979, years
after the war had ended. It is of barely any use for a country like Russia,
which has had practically no surface vessel fleet since the demise of the
Soviet Union.
At this moment, Vietnam faces no danger of military aggression from the
United States since relations between the two countries are normal. For
Vietnam, the United States poses no risk whatsoever. There can be no doubt
that the decision was previously discussed and approved by both countries.
The Lourdes Electronic Radar Station was established in 1964, two years
after the Missile Crisis. The USSR did not pay a cent for the services it
received from Cuba, in view of the close cooperation between the two
countries at that time in both the economic and military fields.
In 1992, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the Russian Federation
fully assumed the rights and privileges of the former Union, Russia
unilaterally withdrew the military brigade that had remained in Cuba after
the Missile Crisis for a period of some 30 years, all this as a result of
negotiations and agreements with the United States. At the same time,
however, Russia expressed interest in maintaining the Lourdes Electronic
Radar Station as an important element for its strategic security,
particularly as a means of verifying strict compliance with the agreements
on nuclear disarmament and nuclear weapons reduction adopted by the United
States and Russia.
Despite flagrant violations of agreements, economic losses and risks faced
by Cuba, our government allowed the facility to stay with no charge
whatsoever for the services that our country provided to Russia. This was
the case for a certain period of time only, given that there was no longer
the slightest political or ideological connection between Cuba and Russia.
The leaders of Russia had unilaterally destroyed all of the agreements
between the two countries. There was absolutely no reason left to provide it
with free services of any kind.
Russia's reiterated interest in maintaining, expanding and modernizing the
Lourdes Electronic Radar Station, for the reasons mentioned above, led to an
agreement which included payment to Cuba in Russian commodities or hard
currency in exchange for the services provided to the station. That payment
totaled 90 million dollars in 1992, 160 million from 1993 to 1995, and the
200 million mentioned by Army Commander Anatoly Kvashnin from 1996 to 2000.
This sum is not at all extraordinary when one considers that it is barely 3%
of the damage caused to our country's economy by the disintegration of the
socialist bloc and the USSR and the unilateral annulment of all agreements.
At the same time, Cuba benefited from some of the information obtained
related to our own country's security.
The United States has relentlessly pressured Russia over the existence of
this facility, despite the fact that the United States itself has maintained
a military base in our territory for over 100 years now, against our people'
s will.
During President Vladimir Putin's visit to Cuba in December of 2000, the
heads of state of our two countries spent several hours at the station on
December 14. Not a word was said about its closure. On the contrary, there
was talk of further developing and modernizing it. President Putin literally
said that day; "Russia and Cuba are interested in continuing to foster its
activity. It has been fully fun

[NSP] Fw: 11 Commandos Reported Captured by Taliban

2001-10-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: mart 
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; John Clancy ; com-int ; Roger ROMAIN 
; Eric Hayes Patkowski ; Mrs. Jela Jovanovic 
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 6:27 PM
Subject: Fw: 11 Commandos Reported Captured by Taliban

- Original Message - 
From: NY Transfer News 

Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 12:46 PM
Subject: 11 Commandos Reported Captured by Taliban

Via NY Transfer News * www.blythe.org * All the News That Doesn't Fit


Jang - 19 October 2001
(largest-circulation Urdu-language daily in Pakistan)

11 American commandos reported captured by Taliban

Friday 19 October 2001

CHAMAN, Pakistan (Jang newspaper): Taliban have arrested 11 members
of the American Special Forces in the northern city of Mazar-e

According to reports reaching Chaman, a small town in Baluchistan
province bordering Afghanistan, the American commandoes were arrested
alive in the areas around the northern cities. However, there was no
official confirmation of the report.

Some other recent news on NY Transfer:

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[NSP] Fw: FREEDOM FOR MILOSEVIC: Alexander Zinovyev (Russia)

2001-10-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Krsljanin 
To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@smtp.sps.org.yu 
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 1:56 AM
Subject: FREEDOM FOR MILOSEVIC: Alexander Zinovyev (Russia)

Russian Social Committee for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic


  In the center of the attention of the World today is the struggle against 
terrorism. However, this phenomenon cannot be considered connected to the terrorist 
acts in the USA only, without taking in consideration the circumstances of growing 
terrorism in the Balkans. In Kosovo in 1998-1999 there was no violation of the rights 
of the national minorities in the way  western politicians  and media  have presented. 
The World has faced the aggressive armed separatism that chose terror as its main 

   The Albanian terrorist army - KLA, having got in 1998 a wide support from 
the USA and its allies, participated in the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia. At the 
same time, KLA was having direct  links with the international terrorist network. 
Osama Bin Laden has been in 1998 in Albania.  The American representative R. 
Hollbrooke was informed about that.

  The tragic events in Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Macedonia, New York -  are 
all links in the same chain. The terrorist acts there have been organized by the very 
same forces.

  At the very source of these events are the USA, that have trained, financed 
and armed the international terrorist network and gave it its political and military 
support. Now, when the Americans are calling the World to unite in the struggle 
against terror, they should be looking for the roots of this phenomenon in their own 
house first  - in Washington.

  On the other side, President Slobodan Milosevic has fought namely against 
terrorism defending the people of his country, including the Albanians as well. 
Nevertheless, the open support of the West to Albanian terrorism, the demonization of 
Serbia and of Slobodan Milosevic, have brought to the defeat of antiterrorist forces 
in the FRY and to turmoils in Macedonia.

  The World community, considering the circumstances, should reconsider its 
own assessments on the events in Yugoslavia.

We call upon the Parliaments and Governments of the member-countries of the United 
Nations Security Council with the appeal that the so-called International Criminal 
Tribunal  for  Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), founded in violation of the UN Charter, stops 
its activities. That so-called tribunal is in fact defending Albanian extremists who 
have committed monstrous crimes in Kosovo. ICTY has not  presented not even one charge 
against Kosovo Albanians who have committed crimes against humanity. 

  We demand for a halt of the persecution of President Milosevic and his 
fellow-fighters who fought against terrorism, for safeguarding the integrity of the 
country in full accordance with the FRY Constitution.

  Slobodan Milosevic, who has been at the forefront of the resistance to 
terrorism in the Balkans,  must be freed immediately.

A. A. Zinovyev


To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
http://www.jutarnje.co.yu/ ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper advocating 

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[NSP] Fw: Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic as Moral, Political and Legal Imperativ

2001-10-19 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: Vladimir Krsljanin 
To: Belgrade Forum 
Sent: Saturday, October 20, 2001 12:45 AM
Subject: Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic as Moral, Political and Legal Imperative



 To  Free  Slobodan  Milosevic


ICDSM announces meeting in Belgrade, on October 21-22, 2001


  In these decisive days for the peace in the world and for the future of 
mankind, Slobodan Milosevic, leader of  Serb nation, who opposed American money&war 
machinery, which for 150 years terrorizes the world and finishes now its imperial 
conquest in shame - with killing the fellow Americans, man who opposed KLA - European 
Talibans who with open American support burn the Balkans - gate to Middle East&Caspian 
oil (and about whose essence Americans are still ignorant because they are not allowed 
to know), that man is abducted and detained in the Hague to be put on show trial by 
those who were in cold blood killing Serbian children and destroying his fatherland. 
No matter that he is without support of his own state, whose American installed puppet 
government delivered him for bribery, aware of essential support of Serb people which 
suffers under NATO occupation and aware of the increasing threat against freedom of 
all nations, Slobodan Milosevic stands firmly, bravely and defiantly against his Soros 
paid "judges", "prosecutors" and "quasidefense".

Lets gather in Belgrade and express our solidarity with Slobodan Milosevic 
and with all Yugoslav and Serb patriots who despite sufferings still stand for eternal 
ideals of liberty, peace and independence. Lets present our arguments for their 
freedom and lets discuss how to abolish the illegal "International Criminal Tribunal 
for Former Yugoslavia (ICTY)" in the Hague.




On the initiative of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan 
Milosevic (ICDSM), Yugoslav Committee to Free Slobodan Milosevic ("Freedom" 
Association) hosts the Working Meeting of ICDSM representatives with representatives 
of respective National Committees and other prominent experts and activists (invited 
from Australia, Belarus, Britain, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Czech Republic, 
France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iraq, Italy, the Netherlands, Palestine, 
Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Ukraine, USA, Vietnam, Zimbabwe and Yugoslavia) 
and the 


I n t e r n a t i o n a l   C o n f e r e n c e


Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic as Moral, Political and Legal Imperative


  The conference will be held in Belgrade, October 21-22, 2001.

  Representatives of all Yugoslav patriotic parties, organizations and 
institutions will also take part. The conference will work in opening and closing 
plenaries and three working sessions devoted to three aspects of our struggle: A) 
ethics and international policy; B) international and national law and human rights; 
C) international activism. A joint declaration is expected to be adopted. 

To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sps.org.yu/ (official SPS website)
http://www.belgrade-forum.org/ (forum for the world of equals)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic)
http://www.jutarnje.co.yu/ ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper advocating 

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2001-10-18 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

SAljite dalje da nas bude sto vise 
> ---
> Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2001 13:01:27 +0200
> Subject: [soc_2k1] Fwd: ANTIRATNE DEMONSTRACIJE
> >
> >Kada: PETAK 19. OKTOBAR 2001. 15 CASOVA.
> >
> >
> >Organizator: PARTIJA RADA
> >
> >Informacije: 063-601-969 i 063-8125-553
> >
> --

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[NSP] Fw: Arrested Inside Mexican Congress

2001-10-15 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> from:
> http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm
> Click Here: http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm";>Document
> -
> Zionist Terrorists Arrested
> Inside Mexican Congress
> MOSSAD Colonel Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were armed and
> carrying bomb materials
> by
> Ernesto Cienfuegos
> La Voz de Aztlan
> Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted
> morning by a subscriber from Mexico that two Israelis were arrested
> inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico
> City. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military
> hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The
> Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its
> doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been
> independently verified by La Voz de Aztlan through Mexican diplomatic,
> and other sources in Mexico City.
> The Chief of Legislative Security, Salvador Alarcón, has also confirmed
> arrest of the two Israeli terrorists. One of them Saur Ben Zvi is a
> citizen of Israel and the other, Salvador Guersson, recently immigrated to
> Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuraduría General
> la República (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired
> Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as
> MOSSAD agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the
> security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace.
> This is a very grave incident with many serious international
> Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist
> acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon.
> The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war
> Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of terrorism against
> Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing
> line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing
> to report any additional developments. /ê`Ä´ p 4@

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[NSP] Fw: Arrested Inside Mexican Congress

2001-10-15 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> from:
> http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm
> Click Here: http://www.aztlan.net/mexmossad.htm";>Document
> -
> Zionist Terrorists Arrested
> Inside Mexican Congress
> MOSSAD Colonel Salvador Guersson Smecke and Saur Ben Zvi were armed and
> carrying bomb materials
> by
> Ernesto Cienfuegos
> La Voz de Aztlan
> Los Angeles, Alta California - October 12, 2001 - (ACN) We were alerted
> morning by a subscriber from Mexico that two Israelis were arrested
> inside the Palacio Legislativo de San Lázaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico
> City. Both were armed with 9 mm automatics and one was carrying a military
> hand grenade, electrical wiring and other bomb related materials. The
> Embassy at Sierra Madre 2155, colonia Lomas de Chapultepec has close its
> doors to the Mexican Press and are refusing to talk. The incident has been
> independently verified by La Voz de Aztlan through Mexican diplomatic,
> and other sources in Mexico City.
> The Chief of Legislative Security, Salvador Alarcón, has also confirmed
> arrest of the two Israeli terrorists. One of them Saur Ben Zvi is a
> citizen of Israel and the other, Salvador Guersson, recently immigrated to
> Mexico from Israel. It is has been determined by the Procuraduría General
> la República (Mexican Department of Justice) that Guersson is a retired
> Colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and that he may now be operating as
> MOSSAD agent. It is not known how they were able to penetrate the
> security system of the Mexican Legislative Palace.
> This is a very grave incident with many serious international
> Many have questioned who may be really behind many of the recent terrorist
> acts around the world including the ones against the WTC and the Pentagon.
> The Mexican public and congress has been reticent about declaring war
> Islam along with the U.S. It is possible that an act of terrorism against
> Mexican Congress was planned in order to "terrorize" Mexico into towing
> line against Islam. La Voz de Aztlan will be on top of this developing
> to report any additional developments. /ê`Ä´ p 4@

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[NSP] Fw: OPEC Unable to Drive Prices Up

2001-10-10 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> http://www.stratfor.com/home/giu/archive/100801.htm
> Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
> OPEC Unable to Drive Prices Up
> October 8, 2001
> Summary
> Ministers representing the 11-member Organization of Petroleum Exporting
> Countries decided Oct. 7 not to cut oil production despite the drop in
> since the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States. This is tacit
> acknowledgement that restoring oil prices is beyond OPEC's current
> capability. A production cut of the size necessary to restore the cartel's
> $25-per-barrel target price would bankrupt all of the OPEC states.
> Analysis
> OPEC Secretary-General Ali Rodriguez said Oct. 7 that due to the unique
> global situation following the U.S.-led strikes on Afghanistan, the cartel
> would wait before taking steps to limit oil supplies. Prices, according to
> OPEC's measurement, have fallen 24 percent since the Sept. 11 attacks on
> United States while the price of Brent crude continued hovering at around
> per barrel Oct. 8.
> For the time being, OPEC's members actually do not have the ability to
> restore oil prices to their preferred price of $25 per barrel. The global
> recession, robust oil supplies and the refusal of non-OPEC states to cut
> production will sabotage any attempt to shore up prices in the next six
> months. Such a chain of events will lead to cheap energy, higher energy
> security and a quick degradation in the economies of OPEC members.
> All the relevant energy-price indicators are pointing in the same
> down. Energy consumption is lower across the board, in part due to the
> recession. For instance, the Oil and Gas Journal estimates that demand for
> jet fuel is down 20 percent in the United States and down 10 percent
> elsewhere. The aviation industry accounts for 8 percent of global oil
> consumption.
> *COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
> any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
> without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
> in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and
> purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]
> Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

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2001-10-10 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: InfoTimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2001 11:04 AM

> ==
> INFORMATION TIMES: http://www.InformationTimes.com
> ==
> WASHINGTON, DC, USA, 10 October 2001 (InfoTimes): Pakistan
> Army's General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, was
> set on fire by one or more persons early Wednesday. Fire burned
> buildings, furniture and papers for more than five hours. Flames
> have turned the powerful GHQ into ashes.
> "The entire structure of the GHQ has been gutted. Furniture has
> been reduced to ashes. Dozens of offices have been burned
> completely," firefighter Abdul Qayum told AP.
> The fire broke out shortly after 4 a.m. on 10 October at the
> Pakistan Army's General Headquarters, said Major-General Rashid
> Quereshi, chief spokesman of Pakistani military dictator General
> Pervez Musharraf. He said the fire was brought under control
> shortly after 9:30 a.m. Hundreds of army officers work at the
> GHQ. No casualties or injuries were reported and the extent of
> the total damage is still not clear, Islamabad fire chief
> Mohammed Yaqoob told AP.
> Quereshi said an investigation into the cause of the fire at the
> GHQ has been launched. He said it started in a stationery store
> within the GHQ complex and spread through the wooden structure
> into other buildings.
> GHQ was burned to ashes after General Musharraf's police
> recently murdered several Pakistani citizens, who were
> protesting against U.S. and British warplane bombings and cruise
> missile strikes in Afghanistan; after he allowed the American,
> British and other foreign armed forces to use Pakistan's
> airspace, ports, land bases and airports to launch more military
> attacks against Afghanistan; and after the Pakistan Army Chief
> arbitrarily
> dismissed Interservices Intelligence (ISI) Chief General Mahmood
> Ahmed and Deputy Chief of Army Staff General Muzaffar Hussain
> Usmani to consolidate his illegal, unconstitutional and
> undemocratic powers to rule Pakistan at gunpoint.
> During his two years of corrupt and tyrannical dictatorship,
> General Musharraf transformed Pakistan into a repressive
> police-army state. Recently, Musharraf's police opened gunfire,
> killed, injured, arrested, tortured and victimized numerous
> Pakistani citizens who were protesting against the ruling
> tyrant's anti-Pakistan policies, decisions, operations and
> actions. Some victims of the ruling junta had reportedly
> threatened to burn General Musharraf and other generals in
> hell-fire.
> On October 10, 2000, the New York-based Human Rights Watch (HRW)
> accused Pakistan's military rulers of committing widespread
> human rights abuses in the name of political "reforms" and
> called on General Pervez Musharraf to immediately return the
> country to constitutional rule, but the money, publicity and
> power hungry generals flatly refused to do so.
> In the twenty-page report, "Reform or Repression? Post-Coup
> Abuses in Pakistan," Human Rights Watch said the Musharraf
> tyranny had detained opponents and former government officials
> without charge, removed indepedent judges from the higher
> courts, banned public rallies/demonstrations and rendered
> political parties all but powerless.
> "Musharraf follows a long line of generals in Pakistan who have
> claimed that a period of military rule is the path to true
> democracy," said Sidney Jones, Asia Director of Human Rights
> Watch. "In fact, he is systematically destroying civil liberties
> in Pakistan."
> On March 25, 2000, when former Democratic President Bill Clinton
> went to Pakistan, Mike Jendrzejcyzk, Washington Director of
> Human Rights Watch's Asia Division, said: "President Clinton
> cannot ignore this abusive law that is being used to bring Dr.
> [Farooq] Sattar to trial. The military government has used the
> National Accountability Ordinance to detain scores of political
> figures, who often have no idea of the charges being brought
> against them. President Clinton should strongly object to this."
> The National Accountability Ordinance, adopted in November 1999,
> after the October 1999 military coup that brought General Pervez
> Musharraf to power, and later amended, gives the National
> Accountability Bureau (NAB) sweeping powers of arrest,
> investigation and prosecution. This barbaric and draconian law
> made by the military junta has converted the NAB-RAB officials
> into police officers, investigators, prosecutors, judges and
> assassins. Pakistani and international Press, including the
> Information Times, recently reported that several criminal
> NAB-RAB Punjab officials tortured and murdered a Pakistani
> citizen, Mian Muhammad Arshad Butt, 55, on Sunday,

[NSP] Fw: [CTRL] Bush's Orwellian Address

2001-09-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 9:39 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Bush's Orwellian Address


Bush's Orwellian Address: 
Happy New Year: It's 1984 
by Jacob Levich 

Seventeen years later than expected, 1984 has arrived. In his address to Congress 
Thursday, George Bush effectively declared permanent war -- war without temporal or 
geographic limits; war without clear goals; war against a vaguely defined and 
constantly shifting enemy. Today it's Al-Qaida; tomorrow it may be Afghanistan; next 
year, it could be Iraq or Cuba or Chechnya. 

No one who was forced to read 1984 in high school could fail to hear a faint bell 
tinkling. In George Orwell's dreary classic, the totalitarian state of Oceania is 
perpetually at war with either Eurasia or Eastasia. Although the enemy changes 
periodically, the war is permanent; its true purpose is to control dissent and sustain 
dictatorship by nurturing popular fear and hatred. The permanent war undergirds every 
aspect of Big Brother's authoritarian program, excusing censorship, propaganda, secret 
police, and privation. In other words, it's terribly convenient. And conveniently 
terrible. Bush's alarming speech pointed to a shadowy enemy that lurks in more 60 
countries, including the US. 

He announced a policy of using maximum force against any individuals or nations he 
designates as our enemies, without color of international law, due process, or 
democratic debate. He explicitly warned that much of the war will be conducted in 
secret. He rejected negotiation as a tool of diplomacy. He announced starkly that any 
country that doesn't knuckle under to US demands will be regarded as an enemy. He 
heralded the creation of a powerful new cabinet-level police agency called the "Office 
of Homeland Security." 

Orwell couldn't have named it better. By turns folksy ("Ya know what?") and chillingly 
bellicose ("Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists"), Bush stepped 
comfortably into the role of Big Brother, who needs to be loved as well as feared. 
Meanwhile, his administration acted swiftly to realize the governing principles of 

WAR IS PEACE. A reckless war that will likely bring about a deadly cycle of 
retaliation is being sold to us as the means to guarantee our safety. Meanwhile, we've 
been instructed to accept the permanent war as a fact of daily life. As the inevitable 
slaughter of innocents unfolds overseas, we are to "live our lives and hug our 

FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. "Freedom itself is under attack," Bush said, and he's right. 
Americans are about to lose many of their most cherished liberties in a frenzy of 
paranoid legislation. The government proposes to tap our phones, read our email and 
seize our credit card records without court order. It seeks authority to detain and 
deport immigrants without cause or trial. It proposes to use foreign agents to spy on 
American citizens. To save freedom, the warmongers intend to destroy it. 

IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH. America's "new war" against terrorism will be fought with 
unprecedented secrecy, including heavy press restrictions not seen for years, the 
Pentagon has advised. Meanwhile, the sorry history of American imperialism -- 
collaboration with terrorists, bloody proxy wars against civilians, forcible 
replacement of democratic governments with corrupt dictatorships -- is strictly 
off-limits to mainstream media. Lest it weaken our resolve, we are not to be allowed 
to understand the reasons underlying the horrifying crimes of September 11. 

The defining speech of Bush's presidency points toward an Orwellian future of endless 
war, expedient lies, and ubiquitous social control. But unlike 1984's doomed 
protagonist, we've still got plenty of space to maneuver and plenty of ways to resist. 
It's time to speak and to act. It falls on us now to take to the streets, bearing a 
clear message for the warmongers: We don't love Big Brother. 

Jacob Levich is an writer, editor, and activist living in Queens, New York. 

SPY NEWS is OSINT newsletter and discussion list associated to Mario's Cyberspace 
Station http://mprofaca.cro.net/mainmenu.html 

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[NSP] Who Knew About the Terrorist Acts?

2001-09-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> Dear anti-NWO warriors!
> Here's another article from the Russian press about the WTC attack,
> published in the weekly "Russky Vestnik".  The article can be found on
> our site at:
> http://eairc.boom.ru/views/who_knew.html
> Webmaster, Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center
> "Dedicated to the struggle of the peoples of the Orthodox
> Christian world and the Eurasian continent against the
> totalitarian New World Order."
> http://eairc.boom.ru/
> "Nashe delo pravoe.  My pobedim!"
>   Who Knew About the Terrorist Acts? 
>   by
>   S. Ivanov 
> Russky Vestnik,
> No. 36-37, 2001
>Translated from the Russian; photo captions are the translator's
>Webmaster's editorial comments are in brackets.
>At the recent worldwide conference on racism in Durban, South
>Africa, a resolution equating Zionism with racism was passed.
>It's interesting that the Arabs who initiated the resolution were
>supported by Orthodox Jews. A vivid illustration of this is a
>photograph of one picketer in Durban whose placard reads: "End of
>Zionism = Peace".
>In this connection the public's attention was drawn to an article
>in the September issue of the newspaper "Stringer" (No. 9, 2001)
>entitled "Unmotivated Explosion". ["Stringer" is published by
>Alexander Korzhakov, Yeltsin's Kremlin security chief and author
>of the scandalous book: Boris Yeltsin: From Sunrise to Sunset.]
>In it we were reminded (and "Russky Vestnik" has already written
>about this twice) that some knew about the impending Chernobyl
>disaster at least 11 days in advance. "Stringer" writes that the
>Novosibirsk edition of the newspaper "Govorit i pokazyvayet
>Moskva" (Moscow TV and Radio Guide) dated April 16, 1986 (the
>Chernobyl explosion occurred on the 26th of April) contained a
>"schematic of a nuclear reactor in which the seventh object is
>marked with an explosion. The seven represents Chernobyl, the
>location of the tragedy."
>  [chernobyl.jpg]
>This strange drawing, suggesting fuel rods in a nuclear reactor,
>with an explosion in the seventh position, appeared in the
>Novosibirsk edition of the Moscow TV and Radio Guide of April 16,
>1986, ten days before the Chernobyl disaster. The drawing is
>placed next to the radio schedule for April 26th, the day of the
>disaster. Note that the explosion is represented by a six-sided
>  star.
>This is why many readers paid especial attention to the headline
>"Americans Saw Satan above the Burning Skyscraper" in the
>September 15th edition of "Komsomol'skaya Pravda". Here's an
>excerpt from the article:
>"The editors of several American newspapers which had printed a
>photo of the World Trade Center engulfed in smoke got a lot of
>phone calls from readers who said that they saw a "strange image"
>in the column of smoke hanging above the WTC. In their words,
>they could see eyes, a nose, mouth and horns in the blue-grey
>smoke. Many announced that this was none other than the face of
>Satan himself.
>The Associated Press, to whom the photo belongs, insists that the
>photograph has not been retouched or "enhanced" by computer.
>Here's what an AP representative said: "On this photo, smoke
>combined with fire and shadows created an image which people
>began to interpret in their own way."
>(The photo wasn't included in the "Komsomol'skaya Pravda"
>article, but can be found on the CNN Internet site.)
>Others called our attention to the date of the terrorist acts in
>New York and Washington. When writing dates, Americans put the
>month first, then the day, so "Black Tuesday's" date comes out as
>"9.11", the phone number of the American rescue service!
>Another strange thing was noticed right after the disaster: In
>the beginning of September the American rap group "The Coup"
>issued a compact disc on whose cover the towers of the WTC are
>shown engulfed in smoke above the heads of the soloists. What's
>more, the smoke spews forth from the same places where the
>kamikadze-terrorists' airplanes slammed into the towers!"
>And God only knows the significa

[NSP] Fw: Who Knew About the Terrorist Acts?

2001-09-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
FromSent: Sunday, September 23, 2001 3:24 PM

> Dear anti-NWO warriors!
> Here's another article from the Russian press about the WTC attack,
> published in the weekly "Russky Vestnik".  The article can be found on
> our site at:
> http://eairc.boom.ru/views/who_knew.html
> Webmaster, Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center
> "Dedicated to the struggle of the peoples of the Orthodox
> Christian world and the Eurasian continent against the
> totalitarian New World Order."
> http://eairc.boom.ru/
> "Nashe delo pravoe.  My pobedim!"
>   Who Knew About the Terrorist Acts? 
>   by
>   S. Ivanov 
> Russky Vestnik,
> No. 36-37, 2001
>Translated from the Russian; photo captions are the translator's
>Webmaster's editorial comments are in brackets.
>At the recent worldwide conference on racism in Durban, South
>Africa, a resolution equating Zionism with racism was passed.
>It's interesting that the Arabs who initiated the resolution were
>supported by Orthodox Jews. A vivid illustration of this is a
>photograph of one picketer in Durban whose placard reads: "End of
>Zionism = Peace".
>In this connection the public's attention was drawn to an article
>in the September issue of the newspaper "Stringer" (No. 9, 2001)
>entitled "Unmotivated Explosion". ["Stringer" is published by
>Alexander Korzhakov, Yeltsin's Kremlin security chief and author
>of the scandalous book: Boris Yeltsin: From Sunrise to Sunset.]
>In it we were reminded (and "Russky Vestnik" has already written
>about this twice) that some knew about the impending Chernobyl
>disaster at least 11 days in advance. "Stringer" writes that the
>Novosibirsk edition of the newspaper "Govorit i pokazyvayet
>Moskva" (Moscow TV and Radio Guide) dated April 16, 1986 (the
>Chernobyl explosion occurred on the 26th of April) contained a
>"schematic of a nuclear reactor in which the seventh object is
>marked with an explosion. The seven represents Chernobyl, the
>location of the tragedy."
>  [chernobyl.jpg]
>This strange drawing, suggesting fuel rods in a nuclear reactor,
>with an explosion in the seventh position, appeared in the
>Novosibirsk edition of the Moscow TV and Radio Guide of April 16,
>1986, ten days before the Chernobyl disaster. The drawing is
>placed next to the radio schedule for April 26th, the day of the
>disaster. Note that the explosion is represented by a six-sided
>  star.
>This is why many readers paid especial attention to the headline
>"Americans Saw Satan above the Burning Skyscraper" in the
>September 15th edition of "Komsomol'skaya Pravda". Here's an
>excerpt from the article:
>"The editors of several American newspapers which had printed a
>photo of the World Trade Center engulfed in smoke got a lot of
>phone calls from readers who said that they saw a "strange image"
>in the column of smoke hanging above the WTC. In their words,
>they could see eyes, a nose, mouth and horns in the blue-grey
>smoke. Many announced that this was none other than the face of
>Satan himself.
>The Associated Press, to whom the photo belongs, insists that the
>photograph has not been retouched or "enhanced" by computer.
>Here's what an AP representative said: "On this photo, smoke
>combined with fire and shadows created an image which people
>began to interpret in their own way."
>(The photo wasn't included in the "Komsomol'skaya Pravda"
>article, but can be found on the CNN Internet site.)
>Others called our attention to the date of the terrorist acts in
>New York and Washington. When writing dates, Americans put the
>month first, then the day, so "Black Tuesday's" date comes out as
>"9.11", the phone number of the American rescue service!
>Another strange thing was noticed right after the disaster: In
>the beginning of September the American rap group "The Coup"
>issued a compact disc on whose cover the towers of the WTC are
>shown engulfed in smoke above the heads of the soloists. What's
>more, the smoke spews forth from the same places where the
>kamikadze-terrorists' ai

Re: [NSP] Mozemo biti prijatelji

2001-09-22 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

MessageTaj Djordjevic je nevidjena primitivna, tupava bitanga koja pokusava da se 
uglavi na mesto predsednika Srbije. Tu vucibatinu je pokusavao da protezira Miodrag 
Perisic kod Djindjica, ali ga je Zoran procitao. Srbi iz dijaspore su izgubili kompas, 
zive u ubedjenju da u Srbiji zive slepci, pa bre treba da shvate da je u ovoj zemlji 
pedeset godina skolovanje bilo besplatno. Mucenici cak i ne vide kako im se raja 
potsmeva. Oni su posle 5. oktobra cak postali i omrazeni, posto su zdusno pomagali 
okupaciju nase otadzbine.
Mozemo da budemo prijatelji ali prvo da celokupbna banda terorista na celu sa 
Klintonom  odgovara za pocinjene ratne zlocine, 200 milijardi dolara za ratnu stetu, 
Srbija do Rijeke, Slobodan Milosevic i ostali zatocenici u Hagu da dobiju obestecenje 
i naravno izvinjenje. 
Slobodan Milosevic, Radovan Karadzic, Ratko Mladic, Milan Martic ... su celu 
deceniju bili bitku sa muslimanskim, ustaskim i NATO teroristima
Busu bi bilo mnogo pametnije da oslobodi Slobu i udje u istoriju kao pozitivac.

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[NSP] PEARL HARBOR II: The Technology of Manipulation

2001-09-21 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Dear readers!

Here's another article from the Russian press about the US
terrorist attacks.

The URL of this page is:



  PEARL HARBOR II: The Technology of Manipulation
Did Washington know about the World Trade Center attacks in advance?

   G. Shcherbatov

ARI (Agency of Russian Information),
   Sept. 12, 2001

Translated from the Russian, slightly abridged and modified

  Two years  ago, on the eve of the beginning of the 2nd Chechen War, when
  apartment  houses were being blown up in Moscow,  evidence surfaced that
  they  might have been  blown up  not by Chechen  terrorists, but by  the
  Kremlin,  to create a  pretext to  declare war. Now  some are voicing  a
  similar  theory in relation  to the  recent New York  terrorist attacks,
  i.e.,  that Washington itself  had a  hand in them.  If this sounds  too
  far-fetched for you, then read on.

  Live coverage  of the attack was just getting underway in  New York, and
  already  we were hearing  the words:  "Pearl Harbor, Pearl  Harbor. It's
  another  Pearl Harbor!" Just how  accurate this comparison was  could be
  judged by  the cold shiver that ran up my spine and the spines of others
  who remember their history.

  For  consumers of  hamburgers raised  on the  Hollywood version of  that
  tragedy,  "Pearl Harbor!"  is a  rallying cry  to destroy the  infidels,
  only  with Arabs this  time in the role  of the Japanese. I  can imagine
  how  fat-bottomed housewives all over America shed  patriotic tears into
  their popcorn  at the sight of those boys singing on  the Capitol steps.
  Those  more  skeptical of  official American  propaganda, however,  will
  find the following facts to be a good memory-refresher:

  On  December 7, 1941  a surprise  Japanese air-attack over  Pearl Harbor
  resulted  in   4574  casualties  (killed,  injured,  and  missing),  177
  aircraft,  two  destroyers,  two  squadron  minesweepers  and a  lot  of
  smaller  vessels destroyed. That day  went into US history as  a "day of
  infamy".  This   has  been  pounded  into  the  heads  of  all  American
  schoolchildren  for the  last 60  years. But what's  been beaten out  of
  their heads just as insistently?

  1.  On  January  27,  1941, the  US  ambassador  in Tokyo  informed  his
  government  that  "in case  of conflict  between the  United States  and
  Japan, the Japanese intend a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor".

  2.  The  legendary  Soviet  agent  Richard  Sorge  informed  the  Soviet
  Government  in October 1941  that "the  Japanese intend to  attack Pearl
  Harbor  in  the  next  60  days,"  and  received  an  answer  that  this
  information  had been  passed on to  President Roosevelt. (From  Sorge's
  admission, published in the "New York Daily News" of May 17, 1951.)

  3.  From September  1941 until  the moment of  the attack, all  Japanese
  communiques intercepted  and deciphered by American intelligence pointed
  to the  impending attack on Pearl Harbor, but they were not passed on to
  local command:  Documents published after the war show that the American
  base  in Hawaii  was deprived  of all  information about the  inevitable
  attack.  Even such  agitprop  as the Discovery  Channel is in  agreement
  with this.

  4.  On December 1, 1941,  the head of the Far East Division  of US Naval
  Intelligence wrote  in his report to the commander of the Pacific Fleet:
  "War  between the  United States  and Japan  will begin  in the  nearest
  future."  The report never reached the commander's desk,  because it was
  "accidentally" detained by his superiors.

  5.  On December 5, 1941 Colonel Sadtler from  US military communications
  wrote  the following telegram to his command, based  on information he'd
  received:   "War  with  Japan   will  begin  immediately;   exclude  all
  possibility of a second Port Arthur." This telegram was also detained.

  6.  The  Japanese'  answer to  Roosevelt's  ultimatum,  tantamount to  a
  declaration  of war, was received by Washington on the  6th of December,
  1941. Not a word of this was passed on to the Pearl Harbor command.

  In  addition to these  incontrovertible facts  there are the  memoirs of
  three  high-ranking commanders of the  US Navy, all participants  in the
  events  surrounding  Pearl  Harbor: Rear  Admiral  Kimmel,  head of  the
  Pacific   Fleet;  Fleet  Admiral  Halsey,  under   Kimmel's  command  in
  December, 1941;  and Rear Admiral Theobald, commander of the minesweeper
  squadron at Pearl Harbor.

  From Kimmel's  memoirs: "It was part of Roosevelt's plan that no warning
  be  sent  to  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  Our leaders  in  Washington,  who
  deliberately  didn't  inform  our  forces  in  Pearl Harbor,

Re: [NSP] Pesmica

2001-09-21 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

MessageKakav more cika Sloba, on se mucenik borio protiv terorista deset godina, zato 
su ga strpali u tamnicu.Nije dobro da se postiraju pesmice koje pise cijaska banda.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Miroslav Antic 
  To: YUGO ; BALKAN ; Siem-News ; 'SIM' ; 'SIM Egroups' ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 
  Cc: 'KPJ' 
  Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 12:46 AM
  Subject: [NSP] Pesmica


  Ne igrajte se amerikanci,
  Nisu vam krivi avganistanci,
  Ovo je bila samo proba,
  Iz Haga vas pozdravlja
  Cika Sloba.
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Fw: Re: Fwd: Rona Barrett of the New Left

2001-09-21 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 4:37 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Rona Barrett of the New Left

> -Caveat Lector-
> > IN other words, the real ex owners, the bank, Chase Manhattan, CITIBANK,
> > which is really the IMF...are off the hook. They got their payoff and
> > are out of it. These new people don't LOSE money, they have 99 years to
> > make money after they rebuild.
> >
> > My comment is jeez, If they'd only told us earlier, that the IMF was no
> > longer the landlord, MAYBE we'd have gotten OUR kid off whatever
> > floor!
> The buildings were still a symbol of World trade, regardless of who the
> landlords are. It was not bombed because of who owned it, but because of
> what it was.
> >THEY damn well KNEW it was coming. Ben Chambers, of 47th floor
> > said  in PEOPLE MAGAZINE today "last few weeks they've been making us
> actually there had been several reported bomb threats over the last few
> weeks. It was in the news.
> >
> > So, to sum this up, no big IMF or NYC bank was left holding the bag, the
> > new lessors (who bought a pig in a poke) saved a few billion tearing the
> > old ratty thing down for free and cheap.
> it was not ratty in the least. It was well constructed enough to stay
> standing while 10's of thousands evacuated.
> >It was a firetrap and they knew
> > it, shafts and stairwells carried heat.
> and what building wouldn't with gallons and gallons and gallons of jet
> splashing through it?
> > NOBODY CARED what terrorists
> > were going to DO to this bldg.
> they did not buy it to tear it down. they bought it to make money with it.
> > It hadn't been owned by IMF city bank and
> > CHASE MANHATTAN for several WEEKS! The new lessors can collect and
> > rebuild. Hey, BAD TIMING TERRORISTS. You just gave the BUSH OIL COMPANY
> > and its KUWAIT and SAUDI chums just the spectacular HORROR SHOW that
> > they always wanted! WTC HARBOR! THE WHOLE MIDDLE EAST ON A PLATE as the
> > spoils of a long and costly (let me rephrase that) CHEAP war. Cheap cuz
> > they own the pentagon and the war toy companies so they make bux there
> > and your son's life is real cheap. Army boys get what, a 100$ a week?
> >
> > So citizens of the USA? How do you spell SHAFT? The people always get
> > the gov they deserve! We who let FLORIDA VOTE HIM IN deserve him. We
> > who drive gas guzzlers deserved BUSH and OIL PREXY. Just a month ago,
> > KUWAIT AND THE BUSH HOUSTON OIL COMPANIES all merged. Want that current
> > event sent you by me?
> >
> > Someone should get Ed Begley and all the celeb visionaries to impeach
> > THE GAS CAR and give us a clean air world. No cancer for your grandkids.
> > We had such great AIR in LA the four days jets didn't fly. Maybe we can
> > run airplanes on something other than fossil fuel, too.
> >

> "It is not the function of our government to keep the
> citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen
> to keep the government from falling into error."

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[NSP] Fw: MS US secrets

2001-09-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2001 9:19 PM
Subject: Fw: MS US secrets

> > 
> > Type NYC in Word, make it size 48 and change Fonts to Wingdings!!!
> > 
> > You'll see that Microsoft knew something... :-)
> > 
> > Also try  Q33 NY in Wingdings :-))
> > 
> > 
> > I.
> > 
> > 

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[NSP] Fw: [CTRL] [AL-AWDA] Stunned into disbelief as their 'normal' son is

2001-09-16 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> source:
> http://news.independent.co.uk/world/middle_east/story.jsp?story=94339
> Stunned into disbelief as their 'normal' son is blamed
> Robert Fisk in Almarj, Lebanon, meets the family of Ziad Jarrah, who
> died trying to destroy the White House
> 16 September 2001
> When Ziad Jarrah climbed aboard United Airlines flight 93 from Newark to
> San Francisco, was he planning to holiday in California or to destroy
> the White House? The United States says the latter. His family begs
> visitors and friends to believe in his innocence. His father Samir sat
> beside me yesterday afternoon and opened his palms in that gesture of
> innocence which is also a form of special pleading.
> "He called just two days before the plane crashed to tell me he'd
> received the $2,000 [£1,400] I'd sent him,'' Samir Jarrah said. Still
> recovering from open-heart surgery, he sat, half slumped, sick and
> traumatised, in a green plastic chair beneath the vines of his garden.
> "Ziad said it was for his aeronautical course. He had told me last year
> that he had a choice of courses - in France or in America - and it was
> me who told him to go to the States. But there are lots of Ziads. Maybe
> it wasn't him? He was a good, kind boy...''
> At which point Samir leaned forward, brought his hands to his face and
> broke down in tears.
> Around us, a clutch of middle-aged men sat on identical chairs beneath
> the vines, most of them members of the extended Jarrah family, all Sunni
> Muslims, all appalled that a crime against humanity should stain this
> tiny but wealthy village in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley. A massive new
> village mosque - I've never seen so big a mosque in so small a town -
> stood scarcely 200 metres from the front door, but both friends of the
> family and Ziad Jarrah's uncle insisted that he was neither religious
> nor political. "He was a normal person, Jamal Harrah said. "He drank
> alcohol, he had girlfriends. Only last August, his Turkish girlfriend,
> Asle, came to meet our family here because she wanted to meet her future
> in-laws. He wasn't able to come with her because he said he was too busy
> with his studies.''
> Too busy to bring his fiancée to meet his family? Busy doing what? And
> what was the $2,000 for? To continue studies at his Miami aeronautical
> school? Or to buy air tickets for the Boeing 757 flight to California,
> for him perhaps - and maybe for the other men named as hijackers by the
> US government. It was Ziad Jarrah's flight that plunged to the ground in
> Pennsylvania, apparently en route to self-destruction on the White
> House, its passengers apparently wrestling with the hijackers, perhaps
> with Ziad as he gripped the aircraft controls.
> Asle was in Germany, freely giving evidence to the Bochum city police
> who had just searched her apartment, discovering "aircraft-related
> documents'' in a suitcase belonging to one of three men named by
> Washington as hijackers. All of them - something the Jarrah family could
> not explain and would not believe - lived together in Hamburg.
> Asle had already reported Ziad missing, just as she had 18 months ago
> when he disappeared for up to five weeks. And what she told the Jarrah
> family over the telephone then gave them their first suspicion that
> something was terribly wrong with their only son.
> For according to a family friend, Asle told the Jarrahs that her fiancé,
> who would visit her each weekend from his university in Hamburg, might
> have gone to Afghanistan. Jamal Jarrah confirmed to me that this is what
> Asle had feared. "But it turned out that he had been moving from his
> first university in Greifswald to his new courses in Hamburg and had not
> been in contact with Asle during that time.'' Five weeks to change
> universities? Without telling his fiancée? Jamal hinted at some problems
> between the couple at that time. But even so, would he not have told his
> girlfriend his whereabouts?
> The details of Ziad's life are as simple - or so the family say - as his
> death is obscure. Three other men have been named as hijackers of Flight
> UA93 - Ahmed Alhaznawi, Ahmed Alnami and Saeed Alghamdi - and if two of
> them lived with Ziad in Germany, his guilt seemed even more certain when
> it was revealed that one of his fellow students was Mohamad Atta, the
> Egyptian-born pilot who crashed American Airlines flight AA11 into the
> World Trade Centre on Tuesday morning. "You cannot choose your fellow
> students," Jamal Jarrah said. "He wouldn't have known his fellow
> students before he turned up at the university.'' Or would he?
> Ziad was 26, born - according to his Lebanese identity documents - on 11
> May 1975, a village boy from a wealthy family. His father is a civil
> servant in the Beirut department of social security, his mother a
> schoolteacher. Ziad attended the evangelical school in the Christian
> town of Zahle - about 12 miles from his home - and Samir paid thousands
> to put

[NSP] Fw: [CTRL] Homepages Of Friends Of Suspected Terrorist Pilot

2001-09-16 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, September 16, 2001 4:31 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Homepages Of Friends Of Suspected Terrorist Pilot


9.15.01 UPDATE: 

"Writer Todd Brendan Fahey has obtained the following URLs of persons connected to at 
least one deceased suspect, Marwan Alshehhi of the United Arab Emirates, a pilot of 
the plane which flew into the first tower; one contains a guest-book of addresses of 
potential importance to FBI and CIA investigators: ... 

...Developing http://www.geocities.com/Broadway/Alley/8822/home.html 

...Developing http://www.angelfire.com/al/RA7AAL/LINK.html 

...Developing http://www.angelfire.com/hi/salsabeel/ 

...Developing http://www.angelfire.com/ok/shay6oon/main.html 

...Developing http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lab/3555/ 

...Developing http://callisto.guestworld.tripod.lycos.com/wgb/wgbview.dbm?owner=RA7AAL 

Additionally, through a German source, it is known that Marwan and Atta, as they were 
known, attended Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, where Marwan is recalled by 
few and who likely finished his studies on structural architecture via correspondence 
or non-traditional means; Atta, conversely, "moved through campus like a fish in 
water," and was both a physical and intellectual presence there. This list of 
potential terrorist cell members is exclusive to AheadNews.com by Todd Brendan Fahey 
and may be reprinted only in its entirety and with this sentence in place." 

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[NSP] Molba

2001-09-16 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Molim clanove SIEM-a da se prikljuce akciji da se pomogne dr Sanji Tadic, ginekologu u 
Domu zdravlja Zemun ( okupiran od strane zemunskih ustasa i  dosmanlija), da se povuce 
odluka - smanjene plate sest meseci za 30%odsto,istu je donela direktorka Doma 
zdravlja poznata srbomrziteljka dr. Salaski.
19.07.2001. godine dr Sanja Tadic je primila u ordinaciju pacijentkinju, tokom 
pregleda UZ pri uzimanja anamneze ista je zatrazila od doktorke prevodioca na albanski 
jezi,. dr Sanja Tadic je odgovorila "  mozete da dobijete  prevodioca ukoliko ste  
drzavljanka Albanije, ako ste sa Kosova i Metohije ne moze". Od tog trenutka pocinje 
teror od strane gore navedene Salaski i zaposlenih radnika hrvatske nacionlonosti i 
Poslednjih meseci je ustaljena praksa,  kada hoce da te oteraju sa posla krenu 
ucestalo da ti salju Siptarke - provokatorke, to je izum grobokopaca Mihajlovica i 
ostale bagabunde. Posto je Sanja Tadic mlada i naivna nije shvatila da ima posla sa 
Molim Vas da uputite pismo baba seri i djindjicu i trazite da se odluka ponisti, i da 
se dr Salaski upozori da prestane da maltretira lekarke srpkinje.
Plata lekara specijaliste je 6.000 dinara  kada  oduzmu 30% ne ostaje bas da se 
prezivi, zima je na pragu. 

Demokratska stranka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

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[NSP] Fw: Morgan Stanley says miraculous number of staff alive

2001-09-16 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> -Caveat Lector-
> Click Here: http://biz.yahoo.com/rf/010913/n13231304_2.html";>Yahoo -
> Morgan Stanley says miraculous number o.
> -
> Related QuotesMWD
> 48.90
> +0.00
> delayed 20 mins - disclaimer
> Thursday September 13, 7:37 pm Eastern Time
> Morgan Stanley says miraculous number of staff alive
> (UPDATE: Adds details, executive quotes)
> By Brian Kelleher
> NEW YORK, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Investment bank Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MWD -
> ), the World Trade Center's largest tenant with 3,700 employees, said on
> Thursday a remarkably high number of its staff escaped Tuesday's vicious
> attack that pulverized the twin towers.
> Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co., which occupied 25 floors in the complex,
> was only missing 15 employees, a high-ranking official said. The firm,
> had 3,700 employees in the complex, had earlier said between 30 and 40
> workers were unaccounted for.
> ``It's a miracle,'' Chief Executive Philip Purcell told reporters Thursday
> evening.
> The firm had emergency plans that were sharpened in the wake of the 1993
> World Trade Center bombing, and President Bob Scott said Morgan Stanley's
> staff knew exactly what to do.
> ``I would describe it as a collective reflex,'' Scott said. Morgan Stanley
> had offices between floors 44 and 74 in Two World Trade Center, the second
> building struck by a hijacked commercial plane on Tuesday.
> The news is in stark contrast to the grim story of bond trading firm
> Fitzgerald.
> Cantor's offices, which held 1,000 employees, were on floors 101 and 103
> through 105 in the World Trade Center's 110-story north tower. The company
> has issued a preliminary list of 320 workers it has accounted for but its
> chief executive said in a TV interview Thursday he is unaware of anyone
> escaped from their World Trade Center offices.
> Two hijacked commercial planes slammed into the twin towers Tuesday
> eventually causing them to collapse and creating chaos in the downtown
> financial district.
> In a tearful interview on ABC-TV, Cantor Fitzgerald Chief Executive Howard
> Lutnick said he wasn't in the office on Tuesday because he was bringing
> son to his first day of kindergarten.
> ``My view of business is different,'' Lutnick said. ``I need to try to be
> successful in business so I can take care of ... 700 families who are
> dreaming to find someone,'' referring to the families of the employees
> dead.
> Purcell's top priority has been the firm's employees since he and other
> executives hastily abandoned a Tuesday morning meeting to watch the tragic
> events unfold.
> ``I went to the window in my office, because you can see World Trade 1 and
> 2,'' he said. The second plane attack stunned him.
> ``I said 'My God, I hope they're out'.''
> Workers at Morgan Stanley's Discover credit card unit call centers fielded
> about 50,000 calls from people looking for or offering information on the
> firm's employees.
> Morgan Stanley's operations at the World Trade Center, which processed
> and maintained account data for its retail brokerage accounts, will
> be moved to a contingency site in lower Manhattan, executives said.
> New York City officials allowed the other facility to operate with a
> crew on Thursday and Morgan Stanley expects a full crew of 400 people to
> working there on Friday.
> ``Morgan Stanley is open for business,'' Purcell said.
> U.S. bond markets reopened on Thursday morning, while national stock
> closed for the third day in a row. U.S. stock markets will open on Monday
> 9:30 a.m. EDT (1330 GMT), according to Richard Grasso, chairman of the New
> York Stock Exchange.
> Exchanges and firms will start running tests of their systems on Saturday
> morning.
> Email this story - Most-emailed articles - Most-viewed articles
> More Quotes and News:   Morgan Stanley Dean Witter & Co (NYSE:MWD - news)
> Related News Categories: banking, US Market News
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[NSP] Fw: Lebanon: Druze Leader Believes CIA, Mossad Behind US Attacks

2001-09-15 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - > 9:09 AM
> Subject: Lebanon: Druze Leader Believes CIA, Mossad Behind US Attacks
>  FYI
>  Saturday September 15, 5:55 PM
>  Lebanese Druze leader believes CIA, Mossad responsible
>  for US attacks
>  BEIRUT, Sept 15 (AFP) - 
>  Lebanon's anti-Syrian Druze leader Walid Jumblatt
>  believes the CIA and Israel's secret service Mossad
>  are behind the terrorist attacks in the United States,
>  and that Saudi extremist Osama bin Laden is an
>  "American agent," newspaper reports said Saturday.
>  "There are a number of questions on the authors of the
>  attacks in America. I think they (the attacks) were a
>  great coup carried out by the secret services. The CIA
>  and the Mossad could be behind (the attacks) to
>  provoke a new war and impoverish and occupy the Middle
>  East," Jumblatt was quoted as saying.
>  "Who is bin Laden who has become the number one
>  (enemy) of western civilisations? He is an invention
>  of the American secret services who chose to fight
>  against the Soviets in Afghanistan with US backing,"
>  said Jumblatt, who had ties with the Soviet Union
>  until its collapse in 1991.
>  "It is an enormous scandal because in 1994, the CIA
>  pointed the finger at bin Laden as a very dangerous
>  man," Jumblatt said, adding: "It is also surprising
>  that a great state which has a military budget of 350
>  billion dollars, was not able to thwart these
>  attacks."
>  "One should find out whether the American (secret)
>  services are implicated in starting a merciless war
>  between America and the racist West against Arabs and
>  the Muslims," he said.
>  Jumblatt, who defends the Palestinian uprising and
>  their right to an independent state, also expressed
>  concern that the "war against terrorism" could develop
>  into a "huge massacre of Palestinians."
>  "Under the pretext of fighting bin Laden, the Zionists
>  may commit a huge massacre in Palestine to push
>  through an exodus of its Arab residents and give the
>  green-light to (Prime Minister Ariel Sharon) to carry
>  out a huge massacre," Jumblatt said.
>  He also called on Britain to "present its apologies to
>  the Arab and Muslim people for its crime: the creation
>  of Israel."
>  Britain, which in 1920 was granted a mandate over
>  Palestine up until the 1948 creation of the Israeli
>  state, promised to aid the "Jews to create a home in
>  Palestine," during the 1917 Balfour declaration often
>  considered to have led to the establishment of the
>  Jewish state.
>  Jumblatt, who was presiding over a ceremony in the
>  Shouf mountains southeast of Beirut, also called on
>  the audience to observe one minute of silence in
>  memory of the "innocent (people) killed in the World
>  Trade Center."
>  The silence was also held in memory of the "Arabs
>  killed in Palestine, in south Lebanon, in Syria,
>  Jordan and Iraq in the war against Israel," he said.
>  __

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[NSP] Was Flight 93 Shot Down?

2001-09-15 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic


Was UAL Flight 93 Shot 
Down By US Fighter? 

By Ian Goddard 


c. 2001 Ian Williams Goddard 


UPI report excerpt: 
"The employee also told the newspaper that FAA air traffic controllers in Nashua 
learned through discussions with other controllers that an F-16 fighter stayed in hot 
pursuit of another hijacked commercial airliner until it crashed in Pennsylvania. 

By 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, the military had taken control of U.S. airspace, the employee 
said. Hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania at 10:37 

Although controllers don't have complete details of the Air Force's chase of the 
Boeing 757, they have learned the F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the 
commercial jet, the employee said." 
Full UPI report: 

September 13, 2001 Hijacked jets nearly collided NASHUA, N.H., Sept. 13 (UPI) -- Two 
hijacked passenger jets that crashed into the World Trade Center nearly collided with 
each other before reaching New York City, the Nashua Telegraph reported Thursday. 
Quoting an unnamed Federal Aviation Administration employee at the Nashua control 
facility, the newspaper said it was told, "The two aircraft got too close to each 
other down by Stewart" International Airport in New Windsor, N.Y. 

Both Boeing 767s, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175 had taken 
off from Boston's Logan International Airport on Tuesday morning within 15 minutes of 
each other. 

Heading west to Los Angeles, both planes turned south toward New York City where they 
crashed into the World Trade Center's twin towers in massive fireballs. 

One air traffic controller in Nashua, along with an assistant, monitored the flight 
patterns of both jets. It appears that hijackers gained control of Flight 11 around 
Gardner, Mass. The employee said the aircraft "was just flying around, doing what it 

The employee said Flight 175 remained in the hands of its pilots until Albany, N.Y. 
The air traffic controller then noticed that the American Airlines plane had 
encountered difficulties when its transponder was shut off, the employee told the 
Telegraph. At that point, the plane veered from its course west. 

Soon after, the controller realized a hijacker was in Flight 11's cockpit because the 
plane's captain -- John Ogonowski of Dracut, Mass. -- turned on his microphone, the 
employee said. Ogonowski activated the microphone so the Federal Aviation 
Administration could hear the terrorists' threats, the employee said. 

The controller heard someone instruct, " 'Nobody do anything stupid,'" and no one 
would get hurt, the employee said. After that, the controller heard no more 
conversations, the employee said. 

"That's all that was heard," the employee said. When it became apparent the plane had 
fallen into the hands of hijackers, a third controller began helping the controller 
and his assistant and notified appropriate government agencies. 

The controller spoke with Flight 175 for quite some time after terrorists took command 
of Flight 11, the employee said. FAA controllers never expected Flight 175 to hit the 
second World Trade Center tower because of that sustained contact with the crew, the 
employee said. 

"It's not in anyone's mind they're hitting a target," the employee said. "When 
somebody takes a plane over, they try to negotiate a release with money," the employee 

"After the first plane hit, nobody imagined it would happen again," the employee said. 
"We all thought that was it. It (the crash by the second jet) totally caught everybody 
off guard." 

The controller is "pretty disturbed" that he lost both planes, the employee said. He 
handled both flights because they shared similar routes on their intended journey to 
Los Angeles, the employee said. 

The employee also told the newspaper that FAA air traffic controllers in Nashua 
learned through discussions with other controllers that an F-16 fighter stayed in hot 
pursuit of another hijacked commercial airliner until it crashed in Pennsylvania. 
By 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, the military had taken control of U.S. airspace, the employee 
said. Hijacked United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into a field in Pennsylvania at 10:37 

Although controllers don't have complete details of the Air Force's chase of the 
Boeing 757, they have learned the F-16 made 360-degree turns to remain close to the 
commercial jet, the employee said. 

"He must've seen the whole thing," the employee said of the F-16 pilot's view of 
Flight 93's crash. -- Copyright 2001 by United Press International. All rights 

Yesterday (9/13/01) a Reuters report stated that the FBI cannot rule out that hijacked 
Flight 93 was shot down by a US fighter jet before it crashed in Pennsylvania. [1] 
Citing indications of a shoot down, the report states: 
"Pennsylvania state police officials said on Thursday de


2001-09-14 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic


ul.27.marta 147,Beograd
011 400 392 , [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nakon izvrsenih teroristickih napada na civilne i vojne ciljeve u Sjedinjenim Drzavama 
, pri kojim je stradalo na desetine hiljada  nevinih ljudi i naneta neprocenjiva 
materijalna steta , ceo svet se bavi analizom i predvidanjem mogucih  americkih poteza 
Nacini na koji se vrse pomenute analize , razlikuju se od toga na koji nacin 
analiticari posmatraju Ameriku, da li kao predvodnicu procesa globalizacije , pri cemu 
se nije libila ni upotrebe sile , sankcija , ucena i drugih sredstava prinude , kao 
jedinu supersilu , ili kao predvodnicu naprednog i civilizovanog sveta i utemeljitelja 
demokratskih vrednosti .
Oni prvi  se u analizama krecu u dva sasvim razlicita pravca. Jedni smatraju da ce SAD 
i ostali zagovornici globalizacije , teroristicke napade iskoristiti da sebe predstave 
kao zrtve i svoje buduce nastupe prema protivnicima globalizacije u svetu kreirati 
agresivnije . Kao upecatljive dokaze za svoj stav potkrepljuju poslednjim govorima 
Tonija Blera i Gerharda Sredera. Drugi smatraju da ce ovakva situacija Ameriku gurnuti 
u izolaciju i konacano u jedan jednak pristup terorizmu -uvek i na svakom mestu - kako 
je rekao i od Amerike trazio ruski predsednik Putin .

Analiticari koji SAD posmatraju kao jedinu super silu na planeti , ocekuju da ce ona 
ovu tragediju iskoristiti da snazno i brzo  udari po zemljama koje odavno ima -na 
nisanu- , kao sto su Sudan,Sirija,Avganistan,Irak,Iran , Libija i Severna Koreja.

I konacno , analiticari koji na SAD gledaju idealisticki , poput nekih vlada u 
Evropskoj Uniji i na Balkanu , ocekuju da ce americka diplomatija pokrenuti niz 
medunarodnih konferencija i drugih diplomatskih akcija i tako pokusati da preko UN 
iskoordiniraju jednu zajednicku diplomatsku akciju protiv terorizma.

Sto se nas u Srbiji tice odgovor je brzo stigao i to pravo iz usta sefa americke 
diplomatske kancelarije u Pristini , koji je pre privremenog zatvranja kancelarije , 
kosmetskim albancima uputio reci zahvalnosti za podrsku koju je kancelarija od njih 
dobila neposredno po prispecu prvih informacija o napadu, recima - Vi ste sada dragi 
Kosovari uz nas , kao sto smo mi nedavno bili uz Vas -.Moram napomenuti , da gospodin 
Montgomeri , americki ambasador u Beogradu , i pored vanrednog i dugog zasedanja DOS-a 
zbog iste stvari , sa kojeg su Amerikancima stigle izrazi sucesca i osude terorista , 
jos nije nasao vremena da -dragim Srbima- uputi makar malkice slicne izjave simpatija 
.Sudeci po ovim reakcijama , americka administracija ce i dalje imati dvostrike 
stndarde i za one koji napadaju njenu teritoriju imati najpogrdnije izraze i vrlo 
ostre kriterijume a za one koji ubijaju , otimaju , pale i otuduju drzavnu teritoriju 
drugih zemalja , drugaciji , otvoreni, saveznicki pristup. Kao prilog ovoj tezi naveo 
bih i ponasanje amerikanaca prema albanskim teroristima u Makedoniji .I sam Osama Bin 
Laden je nekada , u toku rusko-avganistanskog rata bio americki miljenik , a sada 
njegove kamikaze seju strah po srcu Amerike .

11. septembar , dan kada su napadnuti najveci simboli americke vojne i finansijeske 
moci , nije samo dan kada su americki narcisiodni generali i voditelji na CNN-u 
shvatili da ni njihova zemlja vise nije nedodirljiva i neranjiva , to je bio i dan 
kada je americkom narodu postalo jasno da vise nece moci svoj  stav prema politici 
vasingtonske administracije prema drugim narodima i drzava da gradi na osnovu 
kratkorocnih racunica i medijske harange. Jedno je napadati sa deset hiljada metara 
visine i pri tome ubijati nevine civile i sve to nazivati kolateralnom nesrecom , pri 
tome vodeci racuna da piloti ne dozive cak ni manji emotivni stres a drugo je brojati 
svoje zrtve i cistiti rusevine. Ogavni i bezumni cin terorista protiv Sjedinjenih 
drzava je pokazao da u trpljenju bola i ponizenja nemaju svi isti prag tolerancije kao 
sto su imali Vojska Jugoslavije i sve nase snage odbrane za vreme NATO agresije , kada 
ni jedan nas projektil nije odleteo u Makedoniju,Albaniju,Italiju,Madarsku,Bugarsku i 
Rumuniju i ako smo na to imali prirodno pravo , uzimajuci u obzir da je agresija 
vrsena sa teritorija tih drzava.Najmilitantniji predstavnici potlacenih su preneli rat 
na teritoriju SAD na najpodmukliji i kriminalan nacin za koji moraju biti kaznjeni , 
ali je to bio i jedini nacin , sa njihovog aspekta gledano , da neprijatelju svojih 
naroda nanesu , vojnicki gledano, dovoljno bolan udarac . Na kraju krajeva , na osnovu 
iste logike , ginuli su ljudi na ulicama Nisa,Surdulice,Cuprije,Varvarina,Novog Sada, 
Beograda i mnogih drugih mesta u Jugoslaviji  za vreme NATO agresije ali i po mnogim 
mestima sirom Kosmeta od strane siptarskih terorista i za tako nesto jos niko nije 
odgovarao .U Rusiji jos vidaju rane i tuguju za poginulim u miniranim stambenim 
zgradama a cecenski teroristi jos nisu zasluzil

[NSP] Fw: Banner of Libert - This War Began When Clinton Sided with Osama bin La

2001-09-14 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: Mary Mostert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Gavin Grooms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 5:18 PM
Subject: Banner of Libert - This War Began When Clinton Sided with Osama bin

> This War Began When Clinton Sided with Osama bin Laden
> http://www.bannerofliberty.com/OS9-01MQC/9-14-2001.1.html
> Are we Finally Switching Sides with George W. Bush as Commander-in-Chief?
> By Mary Mostert, Analyst, Banner of Liberty (www.bannerofliberty.com)
> September 14, 2001
> President George W. Bush tells us we are "at War" against terrorism. We've
> BEEN at war since the early 1990s - a war started in the Balkans, and a
> in which Bill Clinton made America an ally of Osama bin Laden and the
> terrorists. On March 23, 1999, a day before Clinton began a 79-day bombing
> attack on the Serbs, talk show host Michael Reagan said:
> "If you listen to my show a lot you'll remember that last week Col. David
> Hackworth said that many of the weapons being bought and paid for by the
> Kosovo Liberation Army are being bought and paid for by drugs,. Mary
> Mostert, my editor, who has developed sources in Europe, verified the drug
> connection. She sent me the Prague Post article reporting that one of the
> 'drug gangs' of the Kosovo Albanian 'Kosovo Liberation Army,' which
> up to 90% of the illegal heroin in Scandinavia, had been arrested. (See:
> http://www.reagan.com/HotTopics.main/HotMike/document-3.22.1999.12.html)
> "It seems when there's drugs the President of the United States somehow
> always comes down on the side of the drug lords. Just as Hollywood always
> seems to come down on the side of Communists and uplifts them, the
> always uplifts those who are dealing with drugs.
> "He says there's a war on drugs? Maybe there is a war that is going to
> this week that's going to be paid for by drugs and we're going to be part
> it."
> It does. I've been writing about Osama bin Laden for years, especially his
> strange relationship with Bill Clinton (More) -
> http://www.bannerofliberty.com/OS9-01MQC/9-14-2001.1.html

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[NSP] Fw: CNN crime against public information [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-09-14 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> .
> - Original Message - 
> From: secr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 6:33 PM
> Subject: [mobilize-globally] CNN crime against public information
> Subject:
>  [UK_Left_Network] Indymedia
> Date:
>  Thu, 13 Sep 2001 15:51:47 +0100
> From:
>  one 23 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>  Reply-To:
>   To:
>  CC:
>  Rachel Tolhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >From Indymedia.
> http://www.indymedia.org.il/imc/israel/webcast/display.php3?article_id=6946
> I'd like to add some ideas from here, down south.
> There's an important point in the power of press,
> specifically the power of
> CNN.
> All around the world we are subjected to 3 or 4 huge news
> distributors, and
> one of them - as you well know - is CNN. Very well, I guess
> all of you have
> been seeing (just as I've been) images from this company. In
> particular, one
> set of images called my attencion: the Palestinians
> celebrating the bombing,
> out on the streets, eating some cake and making
> funny faces for the camera.
> Well, THOSE IMAGES WERE SHOT BACK IN 1991!!! Those are
> images of
> Palestinians celebrating the invasion of Kuwait! It's simply
> unacceptable
> that a super-power of cumminications as CNN uses images
> which do not
> correspond to the reality in talking about so serious an
> issue.
> A teacher of mine, here in Brazil, has videotapes recorded
> in 1991, with the
> very same images; he's been sending emails to CNN, Globo
> (the major TV
> network in Brazil) and newspapers, denouncing what I myself
> classify
> as a crime against the public opinion. If anyone of you has
> access to this
> kind of files, serch for it. In the meanwhile, I'll try to
> 'put my hands' on
> a copy of this tape.
> But now, think for a moment about the impact of such images.
> Your people is
> hurt, emotionally fragile, and this kind broadcast have very
> high
> possibility of causing waves of anger and rage against
> Palestinians.
> It's simply irresponsible to show images such as those.
> [edited content]
> Mrcio A. V. Carvalho
> State University of Campinas - Brazil
> > 

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[NSP] :Bin Laden - Some background facts

2001-09-13 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000 11:44 PM
> > Subject: SN920:Bin Laden - Some background facts
> >
> >
> > >
> > >Laden has 20 nukes
> > >
> > >
> > >Monday, August 9, 1999
> > >WASHINGTON -- Saudi fugitive Osama Bin Laden is believed to
> > >have up to 20 nuclear bombs and is seeking to launch a massive
> > >terrorist strike against the United States, a congressional
> > >investigator and author says.
> > >
> > >Yosef Bodansky, a researcher of the House Task Force for
> > >Counterterrorism and author of a new book on Bin Laden, told a
> > >news conference on Friday that Bin Laden has been seeking to
> > >follow up on his bombings of two U.S. embassies in east Africa
> > >one year ago. Echoing U.S. officials, Bodansky said Bin Laden
> > >was thwarted in plans to blow up the U.S. embassy and two
> > >consulates in India in last December and January.
> > >
> > >Bin Laden has biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and has
> > >received technical help from Iraq, Bodansky said. The nuclear
> > >weapons include suitcase bombs acquired through Chechniyan
> > >rebels.
> > >
> > >"The Russians believe that he has a handful [of nuclear weapons],
> > >the Saudi intelligence services are very conservative . . . they are
> > >friendly to the United States, [and] believe that he has in the
> > >neighborhood of 20," Bodansky said. Bin Laden obtained and
> > >purchased the suitcase bombs from multiple sources, he said. He
> > >has a "collection of individuals knowledgeable in activating the
> > >bombs" and "is recruiting former Soviet special forces [to learn]
> > >how to operate the bombs behind enemy lines."
> > >
> > >"As far as decision-making in Washington is concerned, we should
> > >assume that he has them," he added. "Most of them have been
> > >transferred through Pakistan."
> > >
> > >"Let me stress here: We don't have any indication that they are
> > >going to use [them] tomorrow or any other day," added Bodansky,
> > >whose intelligence estimates and analyses are considered
> > >controversial in Washingon. "But they have the capability, they
> > >have the legitimate authorization, they have the logic" for using
> > >them. "One does not [make] the tremendous amount of
> > >expenditures, effort, investment in human beings, in human
> > >resources, to have something that will be just kept somewhere in
> > >storage."
> > >
> > >Bodansky said Bin Laden has strong ties with Islamic
> > >fundamentalists throughout the Middle East, the Balkans, Britain
> > >and the United States. He refused to name any specific
> > >organization in the United States.
> > >
> > >"There's a distinct minority within the Moslem community in the
> > >United States that is very sympathetic to his cause, to his analysis
> > >and interpretation of the relationship between the hub of Islam and
> > >the penetration of Westernization, Western culture and the like,"
> > >he said. "And a minority among this minority are known to have
> > >crossed the threshold of willingness to commit terrorist acts or
> > >commit violence. Many have been trained in Afghanistan, Bosnia
> > >and elsewhere throughout the Moslem world, so that they are
> > >capable. They have the skills and capabilities to carry out an
> > >operation as required."
> > >
> > >Bodansky said Bin Laden remains in Afghanistan. He said the
> > >Saudi is located in Islam Darva, about 80 kilometers northwest of
> > >Kandahar. When he wants to communicate with the outside world,
> > >he travels to Jalalabad, he said.
> > >
> > >
> > >Monday, August 9, 1999
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >

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[NSP] "Collateral Damage" Hits Home

2001-09-12 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

"Collateral Damage" Hits Home
by Bob Djurdjevic
Truth in Media

Matthew 26:52 - 
"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, 
"for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

PHOENIX, Tuesday, Sep.11, 2001 - "I can't believe what's happening," 
a shocked close friend said this morning about the deadliest attack on
American soil since Pearl Harbor (or maybe even ever?). "No surprise
there," I replied. "I've seen too many tragedies (around the world) in the 
last 11 years, some firsthand as you know, to be fazed by anything anymore."

It wasn't a blasé answer.  Just factual.  So I explained:

When the "world's only superpower" and its allies bombed and killed
thousands of innocent civilians in Iraq and Serbia, Americans were told it 
was just "collateral damage."  After all, we, the "champions of democracy 
and the free world," were only fighting the murderous regimes of Saddam 
Hussein and Slobodan Milosevic.  Some civilian casualties were "regrettable, 
but unavoidable," the Pentagon, NATO or State Dept. spokesmen told us.

Now the tables have turned.  Terrorism begets terrorism.  Unnamed
terrorists, presumed to be "Islamic fundamentalists," have now killed
thousands of innocent Americans while fighting, what they think are, the 
murderous regimes of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.  Now Americans know 
firsthand some of the terror the Baghdad or Belgrade residents felt when 
NATO bombers unloaded their deadly cargo on them. The only thing missing is 
the terrorists' spokesmen telling us now that "it was just "collateral 
damage;" that "some civilian casualties were regrettable, but unavoidable."

What we did to Iraq and to Serbia was a case of state terrorism.  What 
unnamed terrorists did to us today was retaliation to state
terrorism.  "Collateral damage" has come home to roost.  "What goes around, 
comes around."  "He who plays with fire, gets burned by fire."

But make no mistake: This was NOT an "Attack on America," as CNN and other 
networks are hailing.  This was a strike at the heart of the Washington-led 
New World Order.  Signs are unmistakable.  Just look at the targets: The 
World Trade Center/Wall Street, the Pentagon...  Some sources speculate that 
one or both of the two hijacked planes that crashed in Pennsylvania might 
have been destined for either the White House or the Capitol.

America and Americans, meaning innocent civilians who perished today, are 
"just collateral damage."  As Iraqi and Serb civilians were.  We are now 
paying for aggressions and crimes against humanity that our government has 
committed.  Just as Iraqi and Serb civilians were.  We've become expendable. 
Just as Iraqi and Serb civilians were.

So whenever you hear a politician or a media personality say that this 
attack was "unprovoked;" that this was a murder of innocent "men, women and 
children;" that it was a strike at the "American way of life" - and no doubt 
you'll see and hear much of that in the next hours and days - try a role 
reversal.  Imagine that you're listening to an Iraqi or a Serb politician 
using those words in reference to victims of American bombs. Then - and only 
then! -  you'll get a fuller picture of what transpired today.

Meanwhile, madness also begets madness.  The dust had not yet settled from 
the collapsed World Trade Center twin-towers, and already some "hawks" in 
the American government and media were crying for "retaliatory strikes."  
That's pretty shallow on several levels:

First, the same "hawks" who are telling us bombastically that "America is 
at war" are at a loss to identify with whom.  So who and what are we to 
retaliate against?

Second, such "hawks" never learn.  One only needs to look at the Middle East 
for an example of futility of violence.  To stop anti-American terrorism, 
Washington must stop its own state terrorism. Both brands of terrorism are 
despicable and inexcusable.

Finally, if there is a silver lining in this vast American tragedy; if there 
is one good thing that comes out of all this madness - let us hope it is the 
death of that "death merchant" scheme - the national Defense Missile Shield.
The DMS was being rammed down the American taxpayers throats by both Clinton 
and Bush administrations, notwithstanding the opposition to it even from most 
of our allies.

Now I have a very simple question for the American President: In light of 
what happened today in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, how would your 
national Defense Missile Shield have defended us from this attack?

The answer is obvious.  Congress should kill the sucker (DMS) before it 
kills us - financially and geopolitically!

Meanwhile, may God have mercy upon the souls of all innocent people who died 
today as "collateral damage" of arrogant Clinton/Bush foreign policies.  
The Washington-led New World Order has now come home to roost.  
For, "all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

Bob Djurdjevic/TiM/09/12/01 

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[NSP] Who Saw It Coming?

2001-09-12 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Click Here: http://www.counterpunch.org/";>Welcome to CounterPunch
September 11, 2001

"Flying Bombs"

Who Saw It Coming?

By Alexander Cockburn
and Jeffrey St Clair
Tuesday's onslaughts on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are being
likened to Pearl Harbor and the comparison is just. From the point of view of
the assailants the attacks were near miracles of logistical calculation,
timing, courage in execution and devastation inflicted upon the targets.

The Pearl Harbor base containing America's naval might was thought to be
invulnerable, yet in half an hour 2000 were dead, and the cream of the fleet
destroyed. This week, within an hour on the morning of September 11, security
at three different airports was successfully breached, the crews of four
large passenger jets efficiently overpowered, the cockpits commandeered,
navigation coordinates reset.

In three of the four missions the assailants attained successes probably far
beyond the expectations of the planners. As a feat of suicidal aviation the
Pentagon kamikaze assault was particularly audacious, with eyewitness
accounts describing the Boeing 767 skimming the Potomac before driving right
through the low lying Pentagon perimeter, in a sector housing Planning and

The two Trade Center Buildings were struck at what structural engineers say
were the points of maximum vulnerability. The strength of the buildings
derived entirely from the steel perimeter frame, designed - so its lead
architect said only last week - to withstand the impact of a Boeing 707.
These buildings were struck full force Tuesday morning by Boeing 737s, with
fuel tanks fully loaded for the long flights to the West Coast. Within an
hour of the impacts both buildings collapsed. By evening, a third 46-story
Trade Center building had also crumbled.
Not in terms of destructive extent, but in terms of symbolic obliteration the
attack is virtually without historic parallel, a trauma at least as great as
the San Francisco earthquake or the Chicago fire.

There may be another similarity to Pearl Harbor. The possibility of a
Japanese attack in early December of 1941 was known to US Naval Intelligence
and to President Roosevelt. Last Tuesday, derision at the failure of US
intelligence was widespread. The Washington Post quoted an unnamed top
official at the National Security Council as saying, "We don't know anything
here. We're watching CNN too." Are we to believe that the $30 billion annual
intelligence budget, immense electronic eavesdropping capacity, thousands of
agents around the world, produced nothing in the way of a warning? In fact
Osama bin Laden, now prime suspect, said in an interview three weeks ago with
Abdel-Bari Atwan, the editor of the London-based al-Quds al-Arabi newspaper,
that he planned "very, very big attacks against American interests."

Here is bin-Laden, probably the most notorious Islamic foe of America on the
planet, originally trained by the CIA, planner of other successful attacks on
US installations such as the embassies in East Africa, carrying a $5 million
FBI bounty on his head proclaiming the imminence of another assault, and US
intelligence was impotent, even though the attacks must have taken months, if
not years to plan, and even though CNN has reported that bin-Laden and his
coordinating group al-Qa'ida had been using an airstrip in Afghanistan to
train pilots to fly 767s.

Back in the 1960s and 1970s, when hijacking was a preoccupation, the
possibility of air assaults on buildings such as the Trade Center were a
major concern of US security and intelligence agencies. But since the 1980s
and particularly during the Clinton-Gore years the focus shifted to more
modish fears, such as bio-chemical assault and nuclear weapons launched by
so-called rogue states. This latter threat had the allure of justifying the
$60 billion investment in Missile Defense aka Star Wars. One of the biggest
proponents of that approach was Al Gore's security advisor, Leon Fuerth, who
wailed plaintively amid Tuesday's rubble that "In effect the country's at war
but we don't have the coordinates of the enemy."

But the lust for retaliation traditionally outstrips precision in identifying
the actual assailant. By early evening on

Tuesday America's national security establishment were calling for a removal
of all impediments on the assassination of foreign leaders. Led by President
Bush, hey were endorsing the prospect of attacks not just on the perpetrators
but on those who might have harbored them. From the nuclear priesthood is
coming the demand that mini-nukes be deployed on a preemptive basis against
the enemies of America.

The targets abroad will be all the usual suspects: rogue states, (most of
which, like the Taleban or Saddam Hussein, started off as creatures of US
intelligence). The target at home will of course be the Bill of Rights. Less
than a week ago the FBI raided Infocom, the Texas-based web host for Muslim
groups such as the Council on Isl

[NSP] Fw:AA Stewardesses Die Fighting Terrorists

2001-09-12 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 8:45 AM
Subject: [CTRL] AA Stewardesses Die Fighting Terrorists

Now a car has been found at Logan airport parking with flight training manuals in 
Arabic.  Would they just have left it?  For sure not returning but the literature in 
Arabic does not seem genuine, some how contrived.  Overly convenient for why take the 
manuals to the airport and not just leave them home?
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 12:54 AM
] AA Stewardesses Die Fighting Terrorists

This whole thing is very shocking.  We can only pray for 
everyone involved and pray for the few freedoms we had 
left are still standing after this is all said and done. 
How much freedom will be sacrificed in the name of security? 
We can only wait and see. 

Terrorists slit throats of 2 AA stewardesses 
Flight attendants 'were trying to stop them from 
getting inside the cockpit' 
By Paul Sperry 
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

WASHINGTON -- Terrorists who hijacked American Airlines Flight 11 out of 
Boston Tuesday morning slit the throats of two female flight attendants who 
tried to bar them from entering the cockpit, an American Airlines employee 
told WorldNetDaily in an exclusive interview. 

The terrorists then forced their way into the locked cockpit and commandeered 
the Boeing 767 to New York, where they slammed it into one of the World Trade 
Center towers. The flight, carrying 81 passengers, was bound for Los Angeles. 

A third stewardess aboard the nine-crew flight used her cell phone to alert 
another American Airlines stewardess back at Logan Airport about the 
hijacking and murders. The terrorists were armed with knives and box-cutters. 

"It was horrific," said the senior American Airlines employee, who works at 
Logan and said goodbye to the crew at the terminal. "They were trying to stop 
them from getting inside the cockpit." 

The plane left the gate at about 7:45 a.m. The cell phone call was placed 
about 30 minutes later, the source says. The jet crashed into the World Trade 
Center building at about 8:45 a.m. Soon after, a United Airlines jet sliced 
through the twin tower. 

According to the American source, the American captain managed to turn on the 
cockpit intercom, apparently without the terrorists knowing, allowing flight 
controllers to pick up cockpit conversation. The terrorists had turned off 
the plane's transponder, the equipment that identifies the plane and provides 
other information to flight controllers tracking it by radar. 

As part of their investigation, FBI agents and Massachusetts state troopers 
have interviewed American Airlines employees and Logan airport workers, 
including custodians working the morning shift, to rule out an inside job. 


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[NSP] Fw: [AL-AWDA-News] Strong Condemnation for the Terrorist Attacks

2001-09-12 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: Palestine Affairs Council <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Al-Awda-News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 7:23 AM
Subject: [AL-AWDA-News] Strong Condemnation for the Terrorist Attacks

> Official Joint Statement from
> Palestine Affairs Council,
> the Palestinian American Congress and
> Houstonians for Peace & Justice in the Holy Land
> --
> (Houston, Texas - 9/11/2001) - Palestine Affairs Council, the Palestinian
American Congress and Houstonians for Peace & Justice in the Holy Land
condemn in the strongest terms possible the vicious and cowardly acts of
terrorism against the United States. We join with all Americans in calling
for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No cause
could ever be assisted by such immoral acts.
> The Palestinian, Arab, Muslim and Christian communities in Houston, the
United States and throughout the world are shocked and saddened by this
devastating tragedy.
> We wish to express our condolences to the families of those who were
killed or injured.
> We further call on all members of the Arab, Muslim and Christian
communities to offer whatever help they can to the victims and their
families.  Local community relief agencies should contact their counterparts
to offer support in the recovery efforts. Individuals should donate blood by
contacting the local office of the Red Cross. They should also send
donations to those relief agencies that are on the scene of the attacks.
> We further call on media professionals to exercise restraint and not draw
premature conclusions as to who was responsible for the apparent attacks.
> Palestine Affairs Council
> Houston, Texas, USA
> www.PalestineAffairsCouncil.org
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[NSP] Fw: [HumanRights] Taleban: Don't Blame Osama bin Laden for Attacks on U.S.

2001-09-11 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: InfoTimes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 5:24 AM
Subject: [HumanRights] Taleban: Don't Blame Osama bin Laden for Attacks on

> ==
> INFORMATION TIMES: http://www.InformationTimes.com
> ==
> Taleban: Don't Blame Osama bin Laden for Attacks on U.S.
> ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, 11 September 2001 (VOA): Afghanistan's
> Taleban Islamic movement says Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden
> could not be responsible for devastating air attacks in the
> United States.
> Afghanistan's Ambassador to Pakistan, Abdul Salam Zaeef, has
> condemned what he calls terrorist attacks on U.S. targets. At a
> news conference in Islamabad, he rejected allegations that Saudi
> militant Osama bin Laden, who lives in Afghanistan, could be
> behind them.
> Mr. Zaeef says it was a well-organized and sophisticated plan.
> He says Osama bin Laden does not have access to the tools and
> communication facilities, which are needed for attacks of this
> scale.
> Mr. bin Laden is wanted in the United States for masterminding
> the August 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in East Africa
> that killed more than 200 people. Washington retaliated with
> missile strikes a few days later in a bid to target alleged
> 'terrorist' training camps in Afghanistan, which it said were
> linked to the Saudi millionaire.
> Pakistan, a strong supporter of the Taleban movement, has also
> condemned the attacks. The country's military leader, General
> Pervez Musharraf, in a statement to President Bush says the
> world must unite to fight terrorism in all its forms. "We share
> the grief of the American people in their grave national
> tragedy," General Musharraf said. "We strongly condemn this most
> brutal and horrible acts of terror and violence. This world must
> unite to fight against terrorism and root out this modern-day
> evil."
> Two hijacked American planes crashed into the giant towers of
> the World Trade Center in New York on Tuesday morning,
> destroying them, and a third U.S. plane struck the Pentagon this
> morning outside Washington.
> Taleban: Don't Blame Osama bin Laden for Attacks on U.S.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/InfoTimes/message/1031
> [Publisher: Information Times
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NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] The Hellenic group of ex- NATO Generals for Peace and Disarmament protest

2001-09-06 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Dear Friends
We the Hellenic group of ex- NATO Generals for 
Peace and Disarmament protest  against the visit of 7 th  fleet to the 
civilian ports in Japan, so violating the Kobe Formula for the nuclear free 
The ruling class in USA is acting as the evil 
empire and try to subjugate all the world and install the world 
LEADER IS INVISIBLE AT THIS MOMENT.And what are the leaders of the peace 
movement saying about all this? They say that they are having great success 
towards peace. I would rather see them present to the world the real 
state of affairs. We are not moving towards peace today; instead we are moving 
towards the universal catastrophe that Einstein and others spoke of in the 
past.I am asking the leaders of the NGO's - how long will they refuse to 
see reality? How long will we have the gift of time? The leadership of the peace 
movement must finally take the people of the earth on the streets. When 
will they do it? When the world will be in flames? It would be too 

We, the world Peace Movement have to act in 
solidarity with the Anti - Globalization Movement against the NWO and 
activate all people ,  all nations against the nuclear weapons and the 
modern technology armament, such as  Stars War and other mass destruction 
Major General Kostas Konstantinidis(Ret)
the coordinator

  - Original Message - 
  kugimiya nobue 
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 1:02 
  Subject: Kobe Formula: USS 
  Five naval ships of the US 7th Fleet made 
  simultaneous visits to four civilian ports in Japan on August 28. They entered 
  the ports of Himeji (Hyogo Prefecture), Wakayama (Wakayama Prefecture), 
  Nagoya  (Aichi Prefecture) and Shimizu (Shizuoka Prefecture). 
  This was the first visit by US warships to Himeji 
  and Wakayama.
  Himeji Port is in the same prefecture as Kobe 
  Port, better known as the Nuclear-free Kobe Formula. Himeji City has also 
  declared itself nuclear free, but the port's authority is the prefectural 
  government, not the city government, while Kobe Port is under the city 
  government's control. The prefectural government, after being urged by 
  citizens, asked the vessel if it respected the three Non-nuclear Principles 
  (not to manufacture, not to possess, not to allow the entry of nuclear 
  weapons). The vessel didn't respond whether or not it carried nuclear weapons 
  on board and came straight into the port. 
  After entering the port, Robert Rudan, US 
  Consulate General to Osaka, stated at a press conference on board that he 
  hoped that eventually US  warships would be allowed to enter the Port of 
  Kobe. He also said that this port call was aimed at improving mutual 
  friendship between Japan and the US, and said that Kobe was losing the 
  opportunity to strengthen ties between our two countries.
  No US warship has entered any ports in the 
  prefecture since the Kobe Formula was inplemented in 1975. This portcall is 
  obviously aimed at putting pressure on Kobe to abandon its nuclear-free Kobe 
  Five hundred protesters gathered at the port 
  early on the morning of August 28 to protest against the entry of the US 
  missile cruiser "Vincennes." Shortly before 8 am, the Vincennes entered the 
  port to a chorus of protest. "We do not want US warships to use our civil 
  ports," "Vincennes go home! Get out of our 
  port!" were some of the slogans hurled at the ship.
  Protests and demonstrations also took place in 
  Nagoya, Wakayama and Shizuoka. 
  Nobue Kugimiya
  (Hyogo Gensuikyo)
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Fw: SB32R3:[NSP] Ljiljana Milanovic, supruga bivseg, ponovo pritv orenog general

2001-09-05 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: Mrs. Jela Jovanovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 05, 2001 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: SB32R3:[NSP] Ljiljana Milanovic, supruga bivseg, ponovo pritv
orenog generalnog direktor

> Rastuzim se kada vidim kako je lako manipulisati sa srpskim sljamom, i
> koliko su su Srbi spremni da  gube energiju,  orni dA okrive svoje
> zemljake, istovremeno  da opravdaju nacisticke zlocince. Ko je bre znao?
> Da li ste vi ljudi normalni? Svi dobro znaju da je Slobodan Milosevic
> na pocetku bombardovanja naredio Milanovicu da maksimalno smanji broj
> u RTS, i da ga je proveravao.  Dragoljub Milanovic  je izdao naredbu da
> ko nema  zaduzenja ne sme da se zadrzava u zgradi.
> Pa bre ljudi CNN je danima insistirao da bas te veceri napravi intervju sa
> gospodinom Aleksandrom Vucicem, ministrom za informisanje Republike
> ti monstrumi su hteli  uzivo da ubiju srpskog ratnog ministra to je
> sustina.( Informacija je iz prve ruke, moja bliska prijateljica je
> komunicirala sa nacistima u vezi intervjua, koji je glatko u startu
> odbijen).
> Gadim se roditelja poginulih, ta bagra vaspitno i emocionalno  zapustenih
> osoba, neodgovornih prema sebi i sopstvenom potomstvu,  bezocno pokazuje
> svoju decu nikada nisu ni voleli,  monstrumi  koji  ne zele da privedu
> pravdi ubice svoje dece. ...
> 1995. godine srela sam majku Srpkinju iz sela pored Gradiske, koja je
> da primi posthumno odlikovanja za tri poginula sina, urucio joj je
> brigade, kome je prisla sa dubokim postovanjem i poljubila ga.Sva trojica
> ratovala u njegovoj brigadi.
> pukovnik
> - Original Message -
> From: Markovic, Draza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2001 10:41 PM
> Subject: SB32R3:[NSP] Ljiljana Milanovic, supruga bivseg, ponovo pritv
> orenog generalnog direktor
> >
> >
> > Ko je koga sklanjao pre bombardovanja moze
> > se `saznati' samo iz beogardskog carsijskog rekla-kazala,
> > ili iz ocigledno pristrasnih izvora (vlada, policija, partije).
> >
> > Pogledajte elementarnu logiku:
> >
> > SB452:Patka o bombardovanju televizije
> > 01/29/2001 1:51 AM
> >
> >   Ako su (kako tvrdi Karla) Ameri stvarno javili Milosevicu
> >   da ce bombardovati televiziju, zasto onda to nisu
> >   ucinili sasvim javno?  Recimo, oglas u NY Times-u:
> >   `Tog dana, u toliko i toliko sati, ucinicemo to i to;
> >molimo da se civili udalje; gadjacemo precizno, nema
> >sta da brinete, itd.'
> >
> >   To bi bio prilicni propagandni poen za njih.
> >   Zasto bi samo saputali Slobi na uvce; pa nisu
> >   Ameri tako stidljivi!
> >
> >   Misli li Karla da smo bas svi sisali vesla.
> >   ...
> >
> >   Pozdrav,
> >   Draza
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Mirko Stevanovic
> > Sent: 09/04/2001 2:32 PM
> > Subject: SB31R2:[NSP] Ljiljana Milanovic, supruga bivseg, ponovo pritv
> > orenog generalnog direktor
> >
> > Slazem se sa vam da je skoro svako sudjenje "pomalo" (a verovatno malo
> > vise)
> > i politicko. Medjutim da li je bas sve kao sto ste napisali. Ispade da
> > nam
> > je NATO, kojeg "volim" koliko i vi, kriv apsolutno za sve. Pa je li bas
> > tako?
> >
> > Kako to da su neki od rukovodioca sklonili svoju decu pre nego sto je
> > zgrada
> > bombardovana? Zar nije cerka jednog od rukovodioca (izvinjavam se sto
> > sam
> > zaboravio ime) rekla kada je izlazila:"Ja da sam na vasem mestu ne bi
> > bila
> > tu nocas". Ako se znalo da ce da nam bombarduju televiziju zasto se nisu
> > pripremili i sklonili na sigurno mesto. Samo mi nemojte reci da se to
> > nije
> > moglao uraditi. Da li je to trebao da radi onaj nesretni portir na ulazu
> > u
> > televiziju. Ako se ne varam bila je donesena odluka za evakuaciju ali je
> > Milanovic nije potpisao ili nije hteo. Sta ako je neko stvarno odlucio
> > da se
> > zrtvuju ljudi da bi se zaradilo par propagandnih poena. I zasto je
> > zapreceno
> > ljudima da niko nesme da napusti radno mesto pod pretnjom otkaza? Mnogo
> > je
> > pitanja na koja se mora odgovoriti ovde.
> >
> > Naravno da je kod nas sve politika i odnosi tipa:"Vi ste nas a sada cemo
> > malo mi vas", ali nazalost uvek i uvek plati neko drugi.
> >
> >
> > Mirko
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jovan Grbic [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Tuesda

[NSP] Fw: psihopate

2001-09-05 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic




Kako je protekao dramatican 
  sastanak Predsednistva DOS 28. 

Mesto obracuna: Palata 
  federacijeKostunica priznao 
  da nema 

Djindjic porucio: 
  Idite i svojim intrigama hranite narod! Dosta mi je stuba 
Sedam sati trajala je 
proslonedeljna, po mnogima istorijska, sednica DOS sa samo jednom tackom dnevnog 
reda - odnosi u koaliciji. U sustini, trebalo je da se rese dva pitanja: ostaje 
li DSS u republickoj vladi i da li je vlada umesana u kriminal? 
Nedeljni Telegraf je u prilici da, na osnovu razgovora sa nekoliko 
ucesnika famoznog "samita 18-orice", rekonstruise kako je tekao ovaj 
sastanak.VOJISLAV KOSTUNICA: Steta sto je objavljeno 
Na samom pocetku sednice, predsednik Kostunica 
podsetio je da je, prema Ustavu, republicka vlast znatno veca od savezne, te da 
je na njoj i veca odgovornost. U sklopu toga dodao je i da reforme kasne zbog 
korupcije i kriminala i da bi to pitanje vec jednom trebalo otvoriti. Zatim 
je, kako se priseca jedan od nasih sagovornika, predsednik SRJ presao na ubistvo 
Momira Gavrilovica, priznajuci da se 3. avgusta i sam video sa ovim bivsim 
radnikom DB. Dodao je da je to ucinio i u aprilu, na insistiranje Lasla Sekelja. 
Kostunica je potvrdio da Gavrilovic nije predao nikakva dokumenta, dodavsi da je 
steta sto je doslo do objavljivanja famozne informacije u Blicu i da su njegov 
sef Kabineta Ljiljana Nedeljkovic i savetnici Bulatovic i Nalic o sadrzini 
razgovora obavestili javnog tuzioca. Naveo je i da su sva imena trebalo da 
ostanu kod javnog tuzioca kao strogo poverljiva informacija, ali da ih je Dusan 
Mihajlovic, ministar policije, obelodanio. Toliko o slucaju Gavrilovic.

Kostunica: Smenite 
  me!Kada su kritike na racun 
  Kostunice postale izuzetno ostre, on je, kaze jedan od nasih sagovornika, 
  zatrazio da se, ako treba, pokrene pitanje njegove smene. Ali, nije 
  propustio priliku da podseti da on u septembru nije zeleo da se kandiduje 
  i da je to uradio na insistiranje svih. Podsetio je da je u jednom 
  trenutku razlika izmedju liste DOS i njegove predsednicke liste bila 
  500.000 glasova sto, kako je primetio, nije malo. Napomenuo je da, pored 
  svih prica o vojnom udaru, fasizmu i svemu ostalom, to svi iz DOS treba da 
  imaju na umu.
A onda je predsednik SRJ decidirano rekao svojim sagovornicima da nece 
otvarati pitanje poverenja vladi jer bi to iziskivalo raspisivanje izbora, a 
izbori, opet, ne bi trebalo da se odrze pre promene Ustava. Dakle, ni rusenje 
vlade, ni izbori.Nas izvor napominje da je veliki deo svog uvodnog izlaganja 
predsednik posvetio optuzbama na racun naseg lista, rekavsi cak da su kritike 
objavljene u Nedeljnom Telegrafu, delatnost protiv drzave. 
ZARKO KORAC:Necu milostinjuZarko 
Korac je, posle Kostunice, zatrazio da se odmah iznesu argumenti ko je u vladi 
kriminalac, jer se, u suprotnom, i on mora osecati prozvanim da je kriminalac i 
ubica. Korac je napao DSS da sipa protiv vlasti, u kojoj je i sama, takve 
optuzbe da su radikali i socijalisti kao opozicija potpuno nepotrebni. Dodao je 
da ga ne zanima da "neko" iz milostinje pristaje da ne rusi vladu, nego da je 
bolje da je, ako ima razloge za to, rusi. 
VLADAN BATIC: Zamrznite 
funkciju!Pogodjen se, kaze jedan od nasih 
sagovornika, nasao i ministar pravde Vladan Batic. Decidirano je rekao da nema 
veze sa korupcijom, jer je drugacije vaspitan i da nikada nije upoznao nijednog 
kriminalca viseg ranga. Batic je zatrazio od Kostunice da zamrzne svoju 
stranacku funkciju, optuzujuci ga da, obavljajuci istovremeno obe funkcije, krsi 
Ustav. Kostunici je postavio nekoliko pitanja koja su ostala bez odgovora: zasto 
odbija da smeni Pavkovica, zasto je trebalo toliko dugo vremena da razresi 
duznosti Radeta Markovica, zasto je Kabinet predsednika podignut na nivo 
nadstranackog tela koje ucestvuje u radu nekih tela na Kosovu i vodi vojne 
delegacije u Republiku Srpsku... Batic je zatrazio da se sa sednice ne izadje 
dok se ne stavi tacka na pitanje kriminala i korupcije u vladi.
ledjaPremijer Djindjic se tek posle vise od sat 
vremena ukljucio u raspravu. Prema nasem sagovorniku, izgledalo je da je spremao 
svoje izlaganje jer ga je vrlo precizno podelio u nekoliko problema. Prvo sto je 
rekao bila je zamerka upucena na racun DSS da je ova stranka u vlasti a da se 
ponasa kao najradikalnija opozicija i da sebi daje privilegiju da sedi na dve 
stolice. Optuzio je DSS da ne veruje svojim koalicionim partnerima, nego 
izvesnom Gavrilovicu, i pod tom firmom nastavlja rusenje Republicke vlade, 
zapoceto nekoliko meseci pre ubistva Gavrilovica. Dodao je i da su optuzbe za 
umesanost u kriminal proizvoljne i da ono za sta se optuzuje vlada uopste nije u 
njenoj, nego u nadleznosti carine, gde opet sedi covek iz DSS. Djindjic je 
trazio da DSS iznese dokaze o povezanosti vlade

Re: [NSP] Blic:Intervju: Bora Djordjevic

2001-09-03 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Taj bednik gostuje u rezidenciji britanske ambasade i zabavlja NATO zlocince
i domace sluge. Toliko je nisko pao da prica jeftine viceve o Miri i Slobi.
Posto je moja kuca preko puta pitanje je vremena kada ce kasikara da
proradi. Drugi me i nisu tako razocarali ali Bora potpuno. sta droga i
alkohol urade od coveka.

- Original Message -

Subject: [NSP] Blic:Intervju: Bora Djordjevic

> "Blic", 3. septembar 2001.
> Pise Simonida Milojkovic
> Intervju: Bora Djordjevic
> Dok ovo citate, nas sagovornik, Bora Djordjevic, upravo je u studiju gde
> snima 18. album, i to, kako kaze, sa velikim zadovoljstvom, jer se
> uzeleo studijskog posla.
> - Sve lepe stvari treba poceti ponedeljkom. Pa i pisanje uz vetar. To je
> nasa nacionalna disciplina - pisanje uz vetar i plivanje u govnima.
> Pesma "U govnima plivanje" je obrada pesme "Boris Spajder", grupe "Hu" i
> refren glasi "U govnima plivanje pravo je uzivanje", sto je takodje
> srpska nacionalna disciplina. Tako da je to jedna sportska ploca.
> Trebalo je da se zove "Pisanje uz vetar, pljuvanje u vis, Sizifov posao
> i pobuna Goja (sa j)", ali to je mnogo dugacko i zvuci pretenciozno i
> previse intelektualisticki, tako da smo ostavili samo ono sto je
> razumljivo nasem coveku, ono sto radi svaki dan - pisa uz vetar.
> Pesmu "Srbin je lud", na koncertima publika peva horski sa vama. Hocete
> li za citaoce "Blica" koji jos nisu imali prilike da je cuju da kazete
> neki stih. - "Srbin je lud, Srbin je proklet, jednom ga ubijes, on hoce
> opet." To je takodje jedna od nasih nacionalnih osobina.
> Sta vas je inspirisalo da napisete tu pesmu?
> - Jos je pokojni Jovan Raskovic rekao da su Srbi lud narod, sto je de
> facto tacno. Inspirisao me je ovaj nas sveprisutniji mazohizam i to sto
> nam je u mentalitetu da nam nikad nista ne valja. Ono sto je dobro i ne
> primecujemo, to se podrazumeva, ali lose odmah primetimo i deremo se na
> sav glas. Pesma je mala opomena onima koji prizivaju najvece zlo 20.
> veka - komunizam, za koji se nadam da ce u 21. potpuno izumreti. Oni
> koji prizivaju povratak komunizma neka se malo zapitaju da li su uopste
> normalni.
> Na koga mislite?
> - Na one zaludjenike koji se ponekad skupljaju na trgu trazeci da onaj
> starac bude oslobodjen.
> A kako se vama, kao vecitom kriticaru vlasti, cine ovi novi "mladici"?
> - Naravno da ima stvari koje ne valjaju, i te kako ne valjaju. Ne mogu
> se u domacim prilikama nekriticno primenjivati neki evropski arsini, to
> je vestacki nakalemljeno. Mora se obezbediti coveku ono osnovno - da
> zivi od svog rada, a to jos uvek u ovoj zemlji nije moguce. Zbog toga
> sam i napisao pesmu "Plivanje u govnima", koja moze da se zove i "Zivot
> na foru". Svi mi zivimo na foru, svako se nesto snalazi, petljari, muva
> i nekako prezivljava. E, ajd' da prestanemo da zivimo na foru, ajde da
> zivimo od svog rada, da zivimo normalno. Ajde da na trafici kupimo
> cigarete koje pusimo, i to original, bog te mazo! Pazi tu privilegiju!
> Postoje stvari koje su godinama sistematski unistavane i ne mogu preko
> noci da se poprave. Zato i ne insistiram na krupnim promenama odmah i
> sad, ali ne moze ni ovako - ne mozes siromasne udarati po dzepu. Udri
> bogatase! Jer, profiteri iz proslog sistema, ostaju profiteri, trljaju
> ruke i uzivaju i dalje. Bas kao u onom vicu o lisici koji kaze da se
> promene odnose samo na one gore, a ne i na nas dole.
> Nosite li se mislju da napisete neku himnu, to je, izgleda, sada
> popularno?
> - "Srbin je lud" moze da bude srpska himna, a crnogorsku sam vec
> napisao: "Gde god nadjes ladovinu, tu crnca posadi, tu je crnac navikao,
> ne voli da radi. Ni ja necu da radim, necu ni da pokusavam, ako me budu
> terali, ja cu da zabusavam."
> Kako bi glasila vojvodjanska?
> - Ne znam, to pitajte Balasevica, izgleda da on pise.
> Sta vi mislite o tome?
> - Problem Vojvodine je tesko resiti jer je Vojvodina ravna i zato je
> tamo najveci procenat samoubistava. On se probudi ujutru, uhvati se za
> glavu, kaze: "Jao, opet ravno", uzme utoku i rokne se.
> Ili sedne i napise himnu?
> - Ne napise himnu, padne u depresiju. Ili sa motora. Cudi me, buduci da
> je gospodin autonomas Canak, koliko ja znam, licko-banijskog porekla,
> otkud njemu te autonomaske teznje. Da li je navikao da bude pod
> habsburskom monarhijom pa to zeli i dalje?
> Za razliku od vaseg zemljaka Velje Ilica.
> - Znam Velju, prijatelji smo. On sada mora da balansira. U redu, lepo je
> mesto potpredsednika vlade, ali mora glasno i jasno da se izjasni za
> koga je u ovom aktuelnom sukobu, a ne da glumi mirovnog sudiju zbog toga
> sto je dobio to mesto. Mora da bude konkretniji i jasniji. A ja znam sta
> on misli. Mislimo isto.
> Kako se vama cini ovaj sukob na relaciji Kostunica - Djindjic?
> - Bice: tresla se gora rodio se mis. Opstace i vlada i DOS, jer su oni
> neophodni jedni drugima. Ne vidim neko burno razresenje. Neko ce da ode,
> verovatno ce pasti i neke gla

[NSP] Fw: nato.gif

2001-09-03 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: mart 
To: Rick Rozoff 
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 10:26 PM
Subject: nato.gif

To Rick Rozof,
CC to Jela, Heikki, Per, Miroslav, Bill, Klo, Jim, 
Dear Comrades,
I found this  "NATO gif." image on the net. 
Please use and distribute widely!
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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2001-09-02 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic




ARMYExperiences sometimes 
  cost a lot. The Americans in Afghanistan have an experience that the 
  systematic help by the secret services to mujahedins in 1989 led to the so 
  much wanted disgrace of the Soviet troops, but it couldn't bribe the 
  further behaviour of the Islamic fighters in the long term. The western 
  secret services - especially CIA - trained the Afghanistan fighters who 
  later turned to be ungrateful and today are wanted as terrorists. 
  The same thing goes for the Kosovo Liberation Army. Before the 
  Kosovo war, the American, the British and the German secret services 
  ingratiated it, but its remainders after the fall of Milosevic turned 
  against Macedonia. The German Defence Minister, Scharping, in these not 
  very democracy-oriented forces today sees "Albanian terrorists." But, the 
  fighters from KLA have been welcomed guests in Germany for years. Also, 
  the seat of the government in exile of the Kosovo Albanians was situated 
  in Germany from 1996. The German secret service BND opened a seat of its 
  own in Albania. Through them, from 1992 a contact has been maintained with 
  the radical opposition of the Kosovo Albanians. But, when it comes to the 
  secret services, the United States of America soon assumed a more 
  important role. Starting from 1993, the German influence on the militant 
  Kosovo Albanians has reduced, parallel with the strengthening of the 
  American influence. Belgrade and Paris see this differently. 
  According to French information, the retired Deputy Chief of BND, 
  Kesselring, allegedly interceded in favour of military training of the 
  Kosovo rebels near the Turkish city of Izmir. Kesselring is a son of the 
  General from the German Air Force who during the World War II issued an 
  order for bombardment of Belgrade and also for a certain period of time 
  was a chief of the BND branch office in Izmir. But, the thing that the 
  pro-Serbian circles within the French secret service plant to this renown 
  man from BND is similar to the theory of conspiracy that came from Paris 
  two years ago and according to which the special units of the Bundesver 
  KSK secretly trained the fighters from KLA. Only the retired General Galua 
  doesn't share the same opinion in France. He thinks that Germany with its 
  secret services aimed at destabilizing former Yugoslavia. As far as these 
  claims are concerned, the bad thing is that they cannot be publicly 
  opposed because both BND and KSK work secretly. And as it is a usual thing 
  for the so-called "ongoing operations", no attitude is publicly expressed 
  about KLA. But the "brotherhood in arms" between BND and KLA, as 
  pro-Serbian groups claim, has never existed. It could be better to say 
  that KLA fighters sometimes helped BND in their surveillance of Kosovo, 
  equally as the American Delta Forces and the British Special Air Service 
  did it. It was not BND, but the American secret services that trained the 
  now unpopular "Kosovo fighters for freedom." www.dwelle.de/macedoniansource: DWWeb posted at: 
  5/5/2001 5:34:00 AM (GMT-8) 

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2001-09-02 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic




ARMYExperiences sometimes 
  cost a lot. The Americans in Afghanistan have an experience that the 
  systematic help by the secret services to mujahedins in 1989 led to the so 
  much wanted disgrace of the Soviet troops, but it couldn't bribe the 
  further behaviour of the Islamic fighters in the long term. The western 
  secret services - especially CIA - trained the Afghanistan fighters who 
  later turned to be ungrateful and today are wanted as terrorists. 
  The same thing goes for the Kosovo Liberation Army. Before the 
  Kosovo war, the American, the British and the German secret services 
  ingratiated it, but its remainders after the fall of Milosevic turned 
  against Macedonia. The German Defence Minister, Scharping, in these not 
  very democracy-oriented forces today sees "Albanian terrorists." But, the 
  fighters from KLA have been welcomed guests in Germany for years. Also, 
  the seat of the government in exile of the Kosovo Albanians was situated 
  in Germany from 1996. The German secret service BND opened a seat of its 
  own in Albania. Through them, from 1992 a contact has been maintained with 
  the radical opposition of the Kosovo Albanians. But, when it comes to the 
  secret services, the United States of America soon assumed a more 
  important role. Starting from 1993, the German influence on the militant 
  Kosovo Albanians has reduced, parallel with the strengthening of the 
  American influence. Belgrade and Paris see this differently. 
  According to French information, the retired Deputy Chief of BND, 
  Kesselring, allegedly interceded in favour of military training of the 
  Kosovo rebels near the Turkish city of Izmir. Kesselring is a son of the 
  General from the German Air Force who during the World War II issued an 
  order for bombardment of Belgrade and also for a certain period of time 
  was a chief of the BND branch office in Izmir. But, the thing that the 
  pro-Serbian circles within the French secret service plant to this renown 
  man from BND is similar to the theory of conspiracy that came from Paris 
  two years ago and according to which the special units of the Bundesver 
  KSK secretly trained the fighters from KLA. Only the retired General Galua 
  doesn't share the same opinion in France. He thinks that Germany with its 
  secret services aimed at destabilizing former Yugoslavia. As far as these 
  claims are concerned, the bad thing is that they cannot be publicly 
  opposed because both BND and KSK work secretly. And as it is a usual thing 
  for the so-called "ongoing operations", no attitude is publicly expressed 
  about KLA. But the "brotherhood in arms" between BND and KLA, as 
  pro-Serbian groups claim, has never existed. It could be better to say 
  that KLA fighters sometimes helped BND in their surveillance of Kosovo, 
  equally as the American Delta Forces and the British Special Air Service 
  did it. It was not BND, but the American secret services that trained the 
  now unpopular "Kosovo fighters for freedom." www.dwelle.de/macedoniansource: DWWeb posted at: 
  5/5/2001 5:34:00 AM (GMT-8) 

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Re: [NSP] Sprejom protiv DOS-ovskih gnjida

2001-09-02 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Dragi moj brate Jovane
Po preuzimanju vlasti svu tu bagru cemo streljati za nauk srpskoj
opismenjenoj bagri intelektualaca da vise nikada ne sluze okupatoru .
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 10:35 PM
Subject: [NSP] Sprejom protiv DOS-ovskih gnjida

> Da li smo mi jos nezavisna drzava? Da li je to nezavisno sudstvo kad
> vam sudije obucavaju strucnjaci neprijateljskog, nelegalnog
> politickog suda?
> Jovan Grbic,
> Tilburg, Holandija
> P.S. - Za DOS-ovske gnjide mora se pronaci BRZO sprej za unistavanje
> stetnih insekata
> __
> Poseta Karle del Ponte Beopgradu
> "Znak da ce pojedini haski slucajevi mozda biti prepusteni i domacem
> pravosudu jeste i nedavno odrzan specijalizovan seminar na Palicu. Od
> 24. do 29. avgusta tridesetak sudija, tuzilaca i advokata je obucavan
> kako da postupe u slucajevima optuzenih za ratne zlocine i povredu
> humanitarnog prava. Predavanja na ovom skupu, koji su organizovali
> Ministarstvo pravde Srbije i Fond za humanitarno pravo, drzali su
> strucnjaci iz Haskog tribunala".
> NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Fw: Protest NATO: Oct 6 Ottawa

2001-09-01 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: mart 
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 4:34 AM
Subject: Fw: Protest NATO: Oct 6 Ottawa 


Forward from mart.
Please Distribute Widely.

- Original Message -From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Sent: Sunday, 
August 05, 2001 2:54 AMSubject: Protest NATO: Oct 6 Ottawa [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]Visit our 
a message dated 03/08/01 18:56:02 Eastern Daylight Time,[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes: Calling all 
Activists! This is an urgent  "Call to Dis 
Arms!"NATO PA* is coming to Ottawa!  October 5-8, 
2001   Please join us in building towards the:"No to NATO! 
Festival of Creative NonViolence"    <--<  
whatSaturday, October 6, at 1 
<--<  when  Gathering at the US Embassy (MacKenzie 
Ave.) <--< whereJOIN THE 
FESTIVITIES!  Celebrate the diversity of creative nonviolence!!Here are 
some of the ideas we've been discussing.  We need your help nowto turn 
these and other ideas into reality: large puppets and street 
theatre symbolic conversion of police barricades around NATO mtgs. into 
prisonwalls to contain war criminals poetry/spoken word/musical 
performances speaker phone/sound system creating a live connection to 
anti-NATOactivists around the world radical cheerleaders, the 
Raging Grannies and the Grumbling Gramps (?)interfaith peace 
servicedistribution of free vegetarian foodcivil disobedience to attempt 
citizens arrests of NATO war leadersboycott of corporations 
sponsoring/supporting the NATO visitprojecting images of NATO's war against 
Yugoslavia (slides, videos)  onto exterior walls of 
significant buildingsGET BUSY!  Start preparing for Olympics of 
nonviolent action! We areinviting activists from far and wide to come 
together to build thiscelebration of peacemaking!  We would like to see 
as many creativeactivities as possible to counter NATO's warmaking.  
Let's demonstrate toNATO, corporations, governments, the general public and 
the media, thatthere is a vibrant, dynamic, diverse and lively movement 
opposed tomilitarism and corporate globalization.  Please work with 
others to takeon a project (large or small) to prepare the most imaginative 
action,performance or display that you can muster!  Embrace your spirit 
ofcreativity and nonviolence to send the message loud and clear:  We 
areholding NATO leaders accountable for their crimes against peace 
andhumanity!A FEW THINGS THAT YOU CAN DO:(1) 
Please help to promote this Festival.  Spread the word 
to friends andcolleagues:  Circulate this email announcement to your 
contacts, tolistserves, make phone calls, put notices in publications, 
makeannouncements at meetings, shout from the rooftops and generally 
encourage as many people as possible to attend!(2) 
Please ask organizations to endorse the Festival so that 
our list ofsponsoring groups is as comprehensive as possible on future 
publicitymaterials.  Please consider asking for endorsements from 
groups focused on peace, anti-globalization, human rights, the environment, 
social justice, poverty as well as labour unions and religious, youth and 
feminist organizations, to name but a few.(3) 
Please urge groups to bring their creative energies, props 
and performances to the Festival. Get together with others to plan some 
particular activity that creatively conveys a message that you feel strongly 
about.  (We're hoping to see puppets, costumes, street theatre, satirical 
songs, clever banners, flags, photos, signs and many other diverse symbolic 
representations to dramatically conveying who we are, what we stand for and why 
we think NATO should be behind bars!)  Please let us know what you're 
planning so we can compile a list to help publicize your activities and possibly 
direct some volunteers your way for a specific project!(4) FINANCIAL 
Of course, some money would help too!  We have 
received no funding for this event.  If you can't make it to the Festival, 
or even if you are attending, please remember that any donation -large or small 
-- would be very much appreciated.  Please ask unions, NGOs and other 
individuals for grants or donations to help us make this festival a great 
success.Cheques can be made payable to the Coalition to Oppose the Arms 
Trade (or just COAT), and mailed to 541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario K1R 5R2 
Canada (earmarked "Festival of Creative Nonviolence.")(5) JOIN OUR LIST 
The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade has created the 
"no_to_nato" listserve to discuss and build nonviolent responses to NATO's 
visit to Ottawa. To join our list, just send the following message to 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : subscribe no_to_nato (Then, when you receive 
an automated email simply reply to it and you're subscribed.)You can connect 
to the "no_to_nato" archive of email postings from the COAT website:  or view it 

Re: [NSP] kostunica osudio sljivancanina zbog javnog nastupa

2001-09-01 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Vidju ti baba sere kako se razigrala, neda 
rodoljubima ni da se slobodno krecu.
Gde su srpski debili koji su 5. oktobra slavili 
slobodu i postenjacinu mackara.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 3:50 
  Subject: [NSP] kostunica osudio 
  sljivancanina zbog javnog nastupa
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Re: [NSP] Stojan Cerovic menja Protica?

2001-08-29 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic
Title: Message

Prijatelj kaplice i marihuane, glup kao 
kako bi rekla moja pokojna baba Mara 

  - Original Message - 
  To: YUGO 
  ; BALKAN ; Siem-News ; 'SIM' ; 'SIM Egroups' ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; NSP 
  Cc: YUEMB - Ottawa 
  Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2001 2:26 
  Subject: [NSP] Stojan Cerovic menja 
  Stojan Ceroviæ menja Protiæa? 
  BEOGRAD - Stojan Ceroviæ, novinar i predsednik Upravnog odbora 
  nedeljnika „Vreme“, najozbiljniji je kandidat za novog jugoslovenskog 
  ambasadora u SAD, saznaje „Blic“ u Saveznom ministarstvu inostranih poslova. 
  - Neko mi je rekao da bih mogao da budem ambasador u SAD, ali mi niko iz 
  Saveznog ministarstva inostranih poslova nije zvanièno uputio takvu ponudu - 
  izjavio je Ceroviæ za „Blic“. On je ocenio da bi „teško mogao da odbije“ takvu 
  ponudu, ukoliko bude predložen za ambasadora u Sjedinjenim Amerièkim Državama, 
  jer se „radi o suviše krupnoj stvari“. Ceroviæ je naglasio da je proteklu 
  godinu proveo u Americi i da „ima dobre veze sa èelnicima Stejt departmenta“. 
  Pored Ceroviæa, kao drugi moguæi naslednik Milana St. Protiæa pominjan je 
  još jedan kandidat, ali juèe nismo bili u moguænosti da dobijemo ni potvrdu ni 
  demanti ove informacije. 
   NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Grim Fairytales

2001-08-29 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

BunkerGeorge Szamuely

Grim Fairytales
The most 
recent "genocide" hoax from the Balkans is the breathlessly retold horror story 
of "mass graves" of Kosovo Albanians supposedly littering Serbia. The Serbs 
allegedly murdered the Albanians in 1999, but rather than have NATO discover the 
evidence of this crime, Slobodan Milosevic ordered that the bodies be taken out 
of the province and buried in Serbia. 
Let us trace 
the origin of this amazing story. The first person to make this claim was Natasa 
Kandic, who heads the Humanitarian Law Center, a Belgrade outfit that has been 
bankrolled for years by George Soros and the U.S. National Endowment for 
Democracy (NED). During the 1999 bombing she did her duty and promoted the cause 
of her paymasters, NATO. On April 30 she announced that some 800 bodies were 
removed from their original burial sites in Kosovo and reburied elsewhere in the 
province and in Serbia. She demanded that the new regime in Belgrade reveal the 
"truth" about this destruction of evidence. 
The timing of 
Kandic’s demand was interesting. One month earlier the Belgrade regime had 
arrested Milosevic—on corruption, not war crimes, charges. The charges were 
bogus and the investigation was going nowhere. Kostunica was scheduled to visit 
Washington in early May. His meetings with Bush, Colin Powell, Dick Cheney and 
Condoleezza Rice were evidently brutal affairs. The Administration was not happy 
with his foot-dragging. U.S. aid to Yugoslavia, it was made clear to him, was 
conditional on Milosevic’s swift handover to the Hague Tribunal. Belgrade had to 
come up with "evidence" of war crimes to sell the policy of "cooperation" to a 
skeptical public. 
Next a story 
appeared in a local crime magazine, Timocka Krimi Revija, about a 
Mercedes refrigerator truck from Kosovo, full of bodies, that was hauled out of 
the Danube in April 1999. After the truck was recovered, the bodies were buried. 
According to the diver who helped recover the truck, Zivadin Djordjevic, there 
were between 30 and 50 bodies inside. Many were naked and some of the women were 
wearing Muslim-style pantaloons. There was a heavy stone leaning on the 
accelerator pedal. The truck had Kosovo license plates and belonged to an 
Albanian meat processing firm. According to a wire story, the diver "provided no 
details of where and how the bodies were disposed." The story tells us nothing. 
We do not know who the people inside the truck were, or how they died. The only 
identifying feature was the Muslim-style pantaloons. They may or may not have 
been Muslims, may or may not have been Albanians. Yet in no time at all, the 
story was presented as conclusive proof of Serbian war crimes and Milosevic’s 
cover-up thereof. 
On July 31, in 
the middle of a standard New York Times puff piece on the U.S.-installed 
Belgrade regime, Carlotta Gall uttered this gem: "What is known is that bodies 
were dumped in mass graves, either in the Danube or on land. The exhumations of 
the 800 to 1000 bodies known about so far will take months. Captain Karleusa 
says he will need much longer to establish who gave the orders for the carnage 
and who carried it out." Amazing that after all the tales of mass graves and 
trucks filled with bodies going from Kosovo to Serbia, Karleusa’s estimate of 
the number of bodies buried is identical to Natasa Kandic’s from three months 
earlier. They evidently have to keep their stories straight. 
refrigerator truck story is so absurd that it will have an even shorter shelf 
life than NATO’s other stories. We are asked to believe the following: 
Yugoslavia was being bombed round-the-clock. Yet the army took the trouble to 
transport thousands of bodies for burial. Given a truck limit of 50 bodies, 
disposing of thousands of bodies would need a lot of trucks. U.S. satellites 
were closely monitoring Yugoslavia, yet NATO never had the slightest inkling of 
this refrigerator truck convoy. Moreover, dumping bodies into the Danube is not 
the brightest of ideas. The Danube is a busy waterway. The chances of collision 
are high. Nor is destroying Mercedes trucks the most prudent course for an 
impoverished country like Yugoslavia. Then again, why would one want to 
transport dead bodies just to remove evidence? Wouldn’t dousing them in 
gasoline, setting fire to them and burying the ashes be a lot easier? 

enough, the Humanitarian Law Center’s website gives a clue as to what really 
happened. The site carries a story from the newspaper Danas, dated June 
1, which reported eyewitness accounts of the recovery of the truck. Yet one of 
the eyewitnesses actually saw the dumping of the truck. Here is what he 
says: "I was in a boat on the river, only some thirty meters from the bank, when 
I heard voices about 2.15 a.m. Sound carries a long way on the Danube at night. 
I don’t know what language they were speaking there on the bank—I didn’t 
understand any of the words. It might have been Tu

Re: [NSP] canak ponudio proticu mesto savetnika, zmijarnik

2001-08-28 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Vesti iz zmijarnika
Dama iz zmijarnika tvrdi da je iz pouzdanog izvora 
baba serenih dosovaca dobila sledecu informaciju:
tokom predizborne kampanje DOS-a u avgustu i 
septembru 2000. godine "veliki srpski istoricar" je  uspeo da stupi u kontakt sa 
povecom grupom kriminalaca iz beogradskog podzemlja, i da im ponudi lokale 
i  velike poslove na nivou grada Beograda posle izbora i pobede Dos-a, i 
naravno njegovog ustolicenja na mesto gradonacelnika Beograda. Zestoki 
momci su pristali uz medjusobno potpisivanje sporazuma, sa detaljnom 
specifikacijom deobe plena. Kada se nas "vrli uglednik" nasao u fotelji 
gradonacelnika momci su dosli po plen, Protic se silno zalagao, 
koprcao, odlucivao ali nikako nije uspevao da ispuni obavezu prema 
vitezovima beogradskog podzemlja. Momci su jedno vreme bili strpljivi a 
onda su krenuli da nasrcu, "nas veliki istoricar" je ubrzo shvatio da 
moze  da ostane bez glave,  te je zatrazio od baba sere i 
djindjoline da ga negde sklone na sigurno,  naravno Vasingrton je bio pravi 
Nas diplomata od formata, sa porodicnim 
pedigreom veleizdajnika bio je toplo primljen od americkih zvanicnika, velikih 
prijatelja srpskog naroda,  zaljubljenika u  decu Varvarina, 
Aleksinca, Novog Sada, Sopota, Ralje, batajnice.  Ali ne lezi 
vraze, moderni beogradjanin  pored dobre kapljice u poslednje vreme je 
otkrio da je smrkanje kokaina zaista najsigurniji put ka gradjaninu europe i 
sveta. Istovremeno nije bilo  problema za nabavku koke, pa tu je 
diplomatska posta. Medjutim, tu je nas buduci akademik uglednik napravio  
kardinalnu gresku u koracima, preterao je u kolicinama. 
pa bre glupa maso od protica, nema bato kod Amera da se radi sta hoce, ti naucio kod Slobe, 
da rusis vladu, ne moze to da se radi u Vasingtonu, kada je koka u pitanju kod 
njih je drustvanjce odabrano i kamerno, ne nose oni bre kaubojske cizme, oni bre 
nose dobre lojd cipele, seljacino jedna.  
posto kupila po toliko prodala

  Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 3:57 
  Subject: [NSP] canak ponudio proticu 
  mesto savetnika

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[NSP] Fw: Iraq Under Siege

2001-08-28 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: Biswanath Halder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 8:33 AM
Subject: Iraq Under Siege
>    If you 
would not like to remain on my mailing list, please> 
    send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  Type "REMOVE" in the 
Subject>     line, and in the body 
type in all of your e-mail addresses.> > 
>    Over the 
last eleven years, United States-manipulated and> 
    United Nations-imposed economic 
sanctions -- and massive>     
bombings by the United States and the United Kingdom -- have> 
    claimed the lives of 1.5 million 
people in Iraq.  Most of the> 
    victims are children under the age of 
five.  The damage to>     
infrastructure resulting from bombings and economic sanctions> 
    has left this once prosperous nation 
crippled and dying.  The>     
combined effect of these actions has been devastating: hyper-> 
    inflation, massive disease 
proliferation in both people and> 
    animals, mass migration, chronic 
malnutrition, extreme poverty,> 
    increased crime, collapse of medical 
services, collapse of>     
agriculture, collapse of water and sewage processing, increased> 
    reliance on the state.  The list 
is endless.> > 
   In March 1999, a 
special United Nations Security Council> 
    panel reported, "The gravity of the 
humanitarian situation of>     the 
Iraqi people is indisputable and cannot be overstated."> 
    Iraq, the report states, has 
"experienced a shift from relative> 
    affluence to massive poverty."  
Prior to the imposition of>     
sanctions, Iraq's health care system was regarded as among the> 
    best in the Middle East.  Today, 
however, children die from>     
epidemics of once preventable diseases.  The special Security> 
    Council panel also reported that "the 
infant mortality rates in>     
Iraq today are among the highest in the world."  The US> 
    government actively supports 
sanctions to prevent the production> 
    of "weapons of mass destruction," 
while itself remaining the>     
world's largest producer, distributor, and user of weapons of> 
    mass destruction.> > 
   Condemned by Pope 
John Paul II, this undeclared war by> 
    insidious means is not only immoral 
but also illegal by>     standards 
of international and US law.  The embargo directly> 
    violates the Geneva Convention, the 
UN Charter, the Constitution>     
of the World Health Organization, the Universal Declaration of> 
    Human Rights, and the Charter of 
Economic Rights and Duties of>     
States.  Furthermore, according to US law, the blockade of the> 
    Iraqi people is also an act of 
international terrorism.> > 
   All compassionate 
and rational people should oppose the> 
    inhuman policies of the US and the UK 
against Iraq.  Let us send> 
    a loud and clear message to them to 
end the eleven-year-long>     
siege.  Please sign the petitions at the following URL:> > 
>     A. Petition to Stop the 
Sanctions and Bombing Against Iraq> > 
    B. Petition to the British Parliament 
(at the Mariam Appeal)> > 
    C. End the Iraqi Sanctions (to the 
UN/US/UK Administrations)> > 
    D. Petition to the UN Security 
Addressing the Humanitarian Situation in Iraq> 

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Re: [NSP] del ponte iduce nedelje u beogradu i sarajevu

2001-08-28 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

 javi se u nedelju uvece radi dogovora kako tu 
nacisticku kravu da docekamo u ponedeljak.
kucni 3671-372

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:03 
  Subject: [NSP] del ponte iduce nedelje u 
  beogradu i sarajevu
  Del Ponte iduće nedelje u Beogradu i 
  Hag, 27. avgusta (Tanjug-agencije) 
  Glavni tužilac Haškog tribunala Karla del Ponte dolazi početkom iduće 
  nedelje u Beograd, a zatim i u Sarajevo, u radnu posetu, saznaje danas AFP od 
  njenog portparola Florens Artman. 
  Karla del Ponte će doputovati u Beograd 3. septembra u radnu posetu, čiji 
  je cilj da se napravi bilans saradnje sa Tribunalom, precizirala je Artmanova. 
  Karla del Ponte bi trebalo da razgovara sa "svojim uobičajenim sagovornicima" 
  iz savezne i srpske vlade, među kojima su i ministri pravde i unutrašnjih 
  Kancelarija Karle del Ponte nije želela da komentariše pre ove posete 
  stanje saradnje između Haškog tribunala i SR Jugoslavije i Srbije. 
  Karla del Ponte će napustiti Beograd u utorak uveče da bi otputovala za 
  Sarajevo, gde će ostati do srede. Tamo će se sresti sa predstavnicima vlasti 
  Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i sa predstavnicima međunarodne zajednice. 
  NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi
NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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Re: [NSP] Vesti SPO za 27.8.2001.

2001-08-27 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

 Posto sam u tom periodu bila zaposlena u Demokratskoj stranci, i
rasporedjena na poslovima i zadacima organizacije protesta od  strane
Zorana Djindjica, za  svakodnevno ucesce uglednih govornika  na skupovima u
pedeset gradova,  prevoz  i benzin, odgovorno tvrdim da smo svakodnevno
dobijale  novac Ljiljana Kuzmanovic i ja  za benzin od Zorana Djindjica,
koji smo davale soferima volonterima.Nadam se, da jos uvek postoji lista
volontera koji mogu da potvrde ove navode.
To sto je Zoran Djindjic veleizdajnik ne daje pravo Vuku Draskovicu da
plasira lazi.

> Ponedeljak, 27. avgust 2001.
> Gospodine Đinđiću,
> Biznismeni Stanko Subotić Cane i Srećko Kestner nedavno su izjavili za
> sredstva javnog informisanja, a Vi to niste demantovali, da su Vam za
> vreme demonstracija Koalicije "Zajedno" 1996. godine dali 500 hiljada
> maraka u krupnim novčanicama. Pomenuta gospoda tvrde da su vam novac
> dali za organizaciju tromesečnih protesta protiv izborne krađe
> socijalista, ali mi iz SPO-a dobro znamo da Vi lično i Demokratska
> stranka tada niste dali ni jednu marku za plaćanje ozvučenja,
> postavljanje bine, obezbeđenje skupova, benzin i ostale troškove. Sve
> pomenute izdatke  plaćao je isključivo Srpski pokret obnove, što
> potvrđuju i odgovarajuće priznanice koje posedujemo. Gospodine Đinđiću,
> tražimo od Vas da obavestite javnost  na šta ste i kako utrošili pola
> miliona maraka koje ste pre pet godina dobili na ruke. Radi se velikom
> iznosu  kojim se može isplatiti pet hiljada prosečnih plata u Srbiji.
> Odgovor na ovo pitanje sigurno zanima i vaše saradnike i sve ostale
> članove Demokratske stranke. Odgovor dugujete tim više što često
> govorite o javnosti  rada novih vlasti i što za sve tvrdnje o kriminalu
> i korupciji tražite dokaze. Ako, ipak, odlučite da dobijeni novac, barem
> sada, utrošite, predlažemo Vam da ga date za lečenje i preživljavanje
> teško povređenog demonstranta Ivice Lazovića, u koga je 24. decembra
> 1996. pucao član SPS-a. Takođe, verujemo da ćete finansijski pomoći i
> porodici istoga dana ubijenog Predraga Starčevića, koji je nastradao pod
> cokulama Miloševićevih pristalica. Gospodine Đinđiću, takođe, tražimo od
> Vas da kao predsednik republičke vlade ispunite svoje obećanje i
> doprinesete da se što pre otkriju ubice Predraga Starčevića.
> Pre dva dana Izvršni odbor Srpskog Pokreta Obnove uputio je otvoreno
> pismo Zoranu Đinđiću, tražeći od njega da odgovori šta je bilo sa
> 500.000 nemačkih maraka, koje je on, prema javnim izjavama Stanka
> Subotića i njegovog saradnika Srećka Kestnera, dobio za vreme
> tromesečnih demonstracija 96. i 97. godine, a za pokriće troškova
> Koalicije "Zajedno". Umesto odgovora na to pismo, koje naši "slobodni"
> mediji nisu objavili, dobili smo saopštenje Gradskog Odbora Demokratske
> stranke, koje su svi mediji objavili i u kome se kaže da je SPO krao
> prilikom izgradnje Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta. Čekajući odgovor
> na naše pismo, poručujemo Gradskom odboru DS ono što oni već znaju, da
> Srpski Pokret Obnove nikada nije krao i da sistemom "držte lopova" neće
> skrenuti pažnju javnosti sa istine da su DS i njen lider simbol
> korupcije i kriminala u današnjoj Srbiji. Nijedan dinar namenjen
> izgradnji Jugoslovenskog dramskog pozorišta nije ukrao SPO, a u slučaju
> koji Gradski odbor DS spominje novac je utrošen na renoviranje
> Bogoslovije, o čemu postoji sva dokumentacija. Stanove nismo oteli, već
> delili po zakonu, kao što su to i oni radili na Vračaru, Starom gradu,
> Zvezdari, u Nišu, Pirotu, Kraljevu, Kragujevcu i svuda tamo gde su DS i
> GSS imali većinu vlasti unutar koalicije "Zajedno", i kao što je to
> činio njihov sadašnji lider u DOS-u Nebojša Čović, za čijeg je mandata u
> Beogradu podeljeno oko 3.000 stanova. Oni koji sada pljačkaju celu
> državu, švercuju naftu, cigarete, drogu i šta sve još preko svojih
> saradnika u kriminalnim aferama Srbije, nemaju nikakvog prava da govore
> o drugima, već im preporučujemo da se pozabave svojom strankom, svojim
> predsednikom i kriminalom kojim se bave.
> www.spo.org.yu
> -
> NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Fw: Poruka

2001-08-26 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Sent: Sunday, August 26, 2001 12:32 PM
Subject: Poruka

Drustvo veleizdajnika.

> Pajevic, savetnik za spoljnu politiku potpredsednika Savezne vlade,
> Zamenik NACIONALNOG KOORDINATORA: Zdravko Tuvic, SMIP, Grupa za Pakt
> stabilnost, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> KOORDINATOR: Milica Uvalic, pomocnik saveznog ministra za ekonomske odnose
> inostranstvom, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> KOORDINATOR: Boris Begovic, Ekonomski savetnik potpredsednika Savezne
> Minic, pomocnik saveznog minista za inostrane poslove, E-mail:
> INICIJATIVA /SAVET ZA BIZNIS/, KOORDINATOR: Nikola Mijatovic, predsednik
> Limited, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - Srdja Popovic, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - Radoje Lausevic, REREP, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - Andjelka Mihajlov, Vlada RS, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - Predrag Simonovic, ekspert, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - Jelena Beronja, NGO sektor, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> - Srdjan Susic, sekretar Komiteta, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> specijalni savetnik, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> predsednik Saveta za javnu upravu, Vlada RS, E-mail:
> Kontakt osoba, ekspert Mihail Arandarenko, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> vice-guvernet Narodne banke Jugoslavije, E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> **
> Sandra Raskovic Ivic, Komesar za izbeglice: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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Re: [NSP] upozorenje

2001-08-26 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Na toj listi je i ono masonsko antisrpsko djubre 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2001 1:17 
  Subject: [NSP] upozorenje
  Upozoravam sve clanove ove liste da ignorisu forum "Ljudska 
  prava" zbog svojih nedemokratskih metoda u  sputavanju istine , SLOBODE 
  MISLIi  I  stavova drugih ljudi ,koji  se ne slazu sa 
  misljenjem ganga Ljudskih prava.
  Komentar na clanak" ideologa" ljudskih prava Milice Hrebeljanovic{u 
  gospoda moderatori  su blokirali, jer  protivureci 
  njihovim stavovima.
  Dosad je bilo dosta upozorenja na nedemokraticnost 
  moderatora od strane pojedinaca. Ja se pridruzujem njima ovim apelom jer 
  smatram da nam nije mesto tamo gde su Dragin, Robert, David 
  Jakovljevic,Mirceta Bozovic, Milica Hrebeljanovic, Mihajlo Pavlica, Petar 
  Andric i Krsmanovic, direktor foruma Ljudska prava.
  Sava Vidanovic
  U pravu ste gospodine Georgevic, procitajte ne jednom 
  vec vise puta  Ricardavan Houtena, odnosno brilijantny nasu Branku , 
  pa vam nece nikada vise pastina pamet  da se  nosite sa jednom 
  svestrano obrazovanom zenom, komentatoromi politickim analiticarem kakav 
  se samo moze pozeleti. Velika je hrabrostvaseg "ideologa" Milice 
  Hrebeljanovic da se upusta u diskusiju sa Brankom.Ako je imalo pametna 
  mogla bi da primeti da nije dorasla Branki. Ovomprilikom pokazala je sve 
  svoje nedostatke i zablude{vidi clanak odgovorMilice Branki-DOS i sabotaza 
  Nacije}.I vi gospodine Robert pokazujete svoju maloumnost, kad kazete da 
  ce nam bitisve jasno. Da jasno je svima , ali vama nije jasno. Sta je na 
  kraju vamajasno sto drugima nije? Dovoljno je procitati i Branku i Milicui 
  i dashvatite ono sto niste u stanju da shvatite, povrsnost i verbalizam 
  MiliceHrebeljanin, koja kruzi ko kisa oko Kragujevca  bez hrabrosti i 
  neznanja dapobije bilo jednu konstataciju  i vidjenje politicke 
  situacije u Srbiji iJugoslaviji gospodje Branke. To je samo jos jedan 
  dokaz politicke nezrelostiforuma ljudskih prava koji uporno pokusava da 
  bezuspesno demantuje svacijemisljenje.Sve dosadasnje  
  humanitarne organizacije i organizacije ljudskih prava, kojedeklarisu sebe 
  kao nevladine organizacije, dokazale su da su to organizacijekoje  
  zastupaju i sprovode politiku zapada protiv srpskog naroda.Forumljudskih 
  prava, koliko je meni poznato, dosada nije spomenuo srpske zrtve,dok 
  slatkorecivo govori o zrtvama Siptara, Muslimana i Hrvata. Nije secuditi 
  inostranim organizacijama, vec organizacijama u nasoj zemlji ,koje bipo 
  svim moralnim kriterijumima trebale prvenstveno da se bave humanium 
  iljudskim pravima Srba. Zasto je to tako, odgovor lezi u 
  inostranimfondacijama ,na prvom mestu Sorosa, koji finansiraju njihove 
  aktivnosti.Vidanovuic Original Message -From: Robert 
  Friday, August 24, 2001 10:09 AMSubject: Re: - Ljudska prava - Re: - DOS i 
  sabotaza nacije.> Pa procitajte samo galamatijas Richarda van 
  Houtena, pa ce vam> sve biti jasno. Robert>> --- Milica 
  Hrebeljanovic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  wrote:> > >>DOS I SABOTAZA NACIJE.Prvi put posle 
  1945 godine smo dobili koliko toliko vlast sacinjenu odpragmaticara i 
  umerenih politicara, povrh svega demokratski nastrojenih. Onisu velika 
  nada da se zavede red i demokratija i nacija izvede iz  krize. Ioni 
  to zele.Ali mnogima u svetu, narocito u bliskom geo-politickom 
  okruzenju ne odgovarada nasa nacija i zemlja izadju iz krize, zele da nas 
  sprece da napredujemo,da se priblizimo Evropi.Zele da nas pretvore u 
  roblje.Zato svim silama radeda opstruiraju i blokiraju na sve moguce nacin 
  DOS.Nasa nacija su u opasnosti, mozemo nestati. To mnogi ne shvataju. 
  Nas nacijaizumire ubrzano, iz dana u dan.Te snage su se okoristile 
  od komunizma, to je koncept koj je bio nametnut iimao je za cilj sadasnje 
  rastakanje i raspad nacije i drzave. DOS jesuprotnost, treba ga spreciti i 
  dovesti one koji ce nastaviti raspadanjedrzave, oduzimanje njenih 
  teritorija. Ako zemlja ojaca sto zeli DOS toganecebiti, ako dodju oni 
  koji ce nastaviti slabljenje sto su cinili pola veka,odesve u 
  propast.Zato svim silama svi zajedno, iz zemlje i uz pomoc neznalica u 
  zemlji, izlonamernih, svugde sabotiraju svaku dobru akciju, spsovci i 
  julovci,radikali, to cine navodno da blamiraju DOS, da dobiju glasove. A 
  iza toga sekrije prevara, cilj je sve zavadjati i destabilizovati zemlju. 
  Isti cilj imai mera liberalnog odnosa Haskog suda prema S.Milosevicu , da 
  ohrabrirazvlascene u zemlji.( "Nas vodja je jak, ne moze mu nista 
  Hag").Nasa nacija posle pola veka slabljenja i unistavanja je 
  snemocala. Nema kaoranije mudrih ljudi, bolesni su, umrli, oslabili, 
  preokupirani brigama kakoda prezive, otisli van zemlje. To se 
  zloupotrebljava da se obezglavljenanacija zavadja, usmerava u pogresnom 

Re: [NSP] Djindjicevi faktori i motori.

2001-08-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

CIA preko Kostunice je njega ustolicila, obojica mora da vise na Terazijama,
Srbima za nauk da se izdaja ne isplati.
Danas u 15:00casova, ispred americke ambasade u Beogradu , clanice   Narodne
straze su proslavile rodjendan gospodina Slobodana Milosevica uz sampanjac
(pandura je bilo kao salate).
- Original Message -
From: Milan Tepavac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 19, 2001 6:35 AM
Subject: [NSP] Djindjicevi faktori i motori.

> U Subotici ovih dana otvoren madjarski konzulat, u prisustvu Djindjica i
> predsednika vlade Madjarske Orbana. Bila je to orgija madjaskog
> kao usred Budimpeste. Tom prilikom Djindjic je rekao: "Madjarska zajednica
> Srbiji bila je faktor i motor demokratskih promena u poslednjoj deceniji i
> zelim da odam priznanje Madjarima u Srbiji koji su se borili ne samo za
> svoja prava vec za demokratizaciju citave zemlje". Ovaj janicar broj jedan
> medju DOS -manlijama koristi svaku priliku da omalovazi Srbe a da se
> nesrbima. Bar da je bio iskren do kraja pa da se zahvalio i Hrvatima,
> Siptarima, muslimanima, Jevrejima i naravno $$$ koji su ga doveli na
> NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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2001-08-20 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Bravo momci!

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 7:22 AM

> Podrzavam potpuno ovaj predlog. Ovo me sve potseca na ratno vreme,
> kada sam na Beotel chatu, gde sam prvod dana rata oformio grupu pod
> nazivom "Bomba", gde su se dobronamerni ljudi iz celog sveta sakupljali
> da bi na neki nacin ucestvovali u odbrani zemlje. Osnovna ideja je bila
> da se ukljucimo (potpuno neformalno) u sistem obavestavanja zemlje.
> Razmenjivali smo informacije o poletanjima iz baza u Italiji, Britaniji i
> Nemackoj, preletima neprijateljskih aviona, o njihovom broju. Takodje
> smo imali veoma obimne informacije o dejstvima nase PVO, o pogotcima
> i eventualnim padovima aviona i drugih letelica. Sistem je funkcionisao
> veoma dobro, bez obzira na sve pokusaje sabodase. A oni su bili
> sledeci:
> 1. "lose obavesteni Srbi" i "dobronamerni stranci" su stalno ulazili u
> diskuje o politickim temam, krivicom nas i NATO-a, jednom recju
> pokusavali su da razvodne diskusiju i da nas prebace sa jednog
> korisnog posla na beskorisnu polemiku.
> 2. Davanje dezinformacija o preletima nepostojecih aviona, o napadima
> tamo gde ih nije bilo, itd.
> 3. Skupljanje informacija o dejstvima PVO i njihovim rezultatima, o
> psiholoskom stanju stanovnistva, politickim razmisljanjima, itd.
> Sve u svemu radilo se o obavestajnoj i kontraobavestajnoj delatnosti.
> U pocetku je meni bilo zanimljivo da ih "otkrivam" da pravim sale
> na racun Agencije (sa velikim A), za koju rade, itd. ali sam konacno
> shvatio da postizem upravo ono sto treba izbeci.
> Hvala Bogu, brzo sam se specijalizovao u razotkrivanju ovih "agenata",
> i posle prvih pokusaja "demokratskog" otstranjivanja, presao sam na
> "sirovu silu". Jednostavno sam ih izbacivao sa sajta uz stalnu
> zabranu za datu IP-adresu. Moram da kazem da sam u pocetku imao
> potpuno otsustvo saradnje od strane uprave sajta, cak je doslo dotle
> da je meni bio ;postavljen "permanentni ban"! Na kraju sam trazio
> intervenciju policije. Nikada nisam saznao sta se dogodilo, ali ponovo
> sam dobio pristup sajtu i cak privilegiju administratora sistema, a da
> to nikada nisam trazio. to je prvi put za sve vreme rata da sam cvrso
> osetio da zaista radim nesto korisno i da to nije samo decija igra.
> Medjutim druga strana je presla na grublje metode, bilo je pokusaja
> rusenja sistema, neovlastenog upadanja u kompjutere stalnih clanova
> (dnevna norma pokusaja upada u moj kompjuter je bila u proseku
> 20-50 pokusaja - hvala Bogu, sistem zastite je funkcionisao). Onda
> sam zatrazio pomoc nasih hakera i IP adrese sa kojih su vrseni ovi
> pokusaji dobijale uzvratne udarce.
> Razvili smo i obimnu razmenu informacija sa Venikom koji je sve vreme
> vodio verovatno najbolju dokumentaciju o gubitcima NATO-a.
> NE pricam sve ovo da bih se hvalio, vec da bih objasnio koliko ovakve
> grupe nisu obicna zabava, vec mogu biti ozbiljan dobrinos "nasoj stvari".
> NEmam nikakvih predloga, ali se plasim da se suvise demokratski
> ponasamo prema tipicnim predstavnicima "demo(no)kratije", koji
> poznaju jedino jezik sirove sile.
> Na kraju, vezano za ovu temu, hteo bih da napomenem da sam sreo ogroman
> broj ljudi iz inostranstva , ne samo nasih (u koje ubrajam i Makedonce
> koji su cesto pokazivali vise patriotizma nego mnogi Srbi), vec i Rusa
> Italijana,
> Grka, Bugara, Engleza, Amerikanaca, Nemaca, Arapa, pa cak i Hrvata! To mi
> je povecalo optimizam i to je jedna znacajna cinjenica koja mi je
> da mi onaj surovi rat ostane u secanju kao jedna ipak svetla epizoda.
> Koristim ovu priliku da se svim tim neznanim ljudima i na ovaj nacin
> zahvalim na velikom doprinosu koji su pruzili pravednoj borbi Srpskog
> naroda ne samo za svoju slobodu, vec i za opstu stvar, za jedan bolji,
> humaniji i posteniji svet.
> Ja sam na samom pocetku rata, upravo u grupi "Bomba" taj rat nazvao
> borbama Sila Mraka protivu Sila Svetlosti. Smatram da je i ova grupa
> "STOP-NSP" jedna od divizija koja se bori na strani Sila Svetlosti.
> cinjenica je da je jedan broj Srba i tada kao i sada bio i ostao na strani
> Sila Mraka, nekad ostrascenije nego nasi formalni neprijatelji. Neki od
> nis su naivni, glupi, neinformisani, ali verujte mi, veliki broj njih su
> jednostavno
> ljudi koji su "svoju dusu prodali djavolu", ljudi za koje sve pa i ono
> najsvetije "ima svoju cenu" (uvek veoma, veoma nisku). Razgovor i polemika
> s takvim ljudima je cisto gubljenje vremena, i zapravo doprinosi rasipanju
> nasih
> snaga, razvodnjavnju borbe. A ovo su kljucni trenutci istorije, od borbe
> ciji smo i mi deo, ne zavisi samo sudbina Srpskog naroda vec i sudbina
> covecanstva. Mi jesmo jedan mali deo "vojske" koja taj rat vodi, i nas
> doprinos je mozda mali, ali nije zanemarljiv. Jer svaki rat je dobijala
> voska koja nije bila nista vise nego suma napora svakog pojedinog vojnika.
> Zato ne treba ni posustati,

Re: [NSP] HITNO: Pad srpske vlade

2001-08-17 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Brod tone pacovi beze!
Baba sera veruje da ce postati neprikosnoveni vodja izludjenih Srba,
medjutim, stici ce i njega srpski svilen gajtan, nece mu vredeti ni podrska
- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 8:03 PM
Subject: [NSP] HITNO: Pad srpske vlade

> BK televizija je javila u 7:40 da je DSS odlucila da se povuce iz vlade
> Republike Srbije i da postavi pred republicku skupstinu odgovornost ove
> Nadam se da je ovo pocetak kraja najsramnije vlasti u istoriji ove zemlje.
> djordje Blagojevic
> NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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Re: [NSP] RTV Palma

2001-08-17 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Poznati obrenovacki kriminalac, pucisticki ministar 
pravde nakaza batic je oteo TV Palmu, posle gostovanja gospode Mome Kapora i 
Dragosa Kalajica.Vujovicu je sigurnije da cuti nego da ga baticevi ili 
djindjicevi kriminalci likvidiraju kao 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, August 17, 2001 7:16 
  Subject: Re: [NSP] RTV Palma
  Ja bih vas najlepse zamolio da to i ucinite. I mene 
  zaistazanima sta se tamo zapravo desava. Kako to da je odjednom,bez 
  ikakvog obavestenja potpuno promenjena uredjivackapolitika. Zasto se 
  direktor Palme, Miki Vujovic od tada nijejavio ni jednom ni u jednom 
  mediju. Zasto na mnogobrojne e-mailove niko ne dgovara... i jos toliko 
  pitanja.Djordje BlagojevicAt 20:13 9/8/01 +0200, you wrote: 
  Postovani Gospodine Vidanovicu,kada budete procenili da je 
cekanje na odgovor predugo, slobodno mi se obratite za pomoc, jer 
stanujem vrlo blizu"Palme", pa cu se prosetati da proverim sta se to 
desava kod njih.Pozdrav Branko O. BojovicNSP Lista isprobava 
demokratiju u 
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[NSP] godisnji odmor

2001-07-27 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Iskljucenje od 28.07.2001. do 
Jela Jovanovic. NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi==^
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Re: [NSP] smrt jugoslovenskog diplomate u ljubljani

2001-07-27 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Ivo Viskovic ambasador?
Njegov tast je jos pre trideset godina bio 
poznat  u JNA  kao ljuti hercegovacki ustasa(Listica), a ni zet mu 
nije odmakoa i ceri i da ne pricamo.
izgleda se ivica dobro zaigrao.
- Original Message - 

  Cc: minja 
  Sent: Friday, July 27, 2001 7:41 AM
  Subject: [NSP] smrt jugoslovenskog 
  diplomate u ljubljaniNSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi==^
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2001-07-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic
Title: Message

oladi sa tim psihopatom Trebjesaninom.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sorabia ; NSP ; News ; SIM-Egroups ; SIM ; BALKAN 
  Cc: LJudska Prava ; 'KPJ' 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2001 2:11 


 Pise: Prof. dr Zarko 
Trebjesanin  KOD nas se mnoge stvari 
rade naopako, uprkos logici i zdravoj pameti, pa i sa uvodjenjem 
veronauke u skolu. Umesto da se prvo povede ozbiljna i temeljna strucna, 
a onda i siroka javna rasprava o ovom pitanju, kod nas se na precac, 
preko noci donose odluke vlade, a onda se, post festum zapocne rasprava 
o svrsishodnosti i opravdanosti tako radikalnog i dalekoseznog 
poteza!  Argumenti za uvodjenje 
veronauke cesto su tek prividno racionalni, a zapravo su neubedljivi jer 
pocivaju na konfuziji pojmova, poluistinama i zameni teza. Zato 
razmotrimo naizgled najjace adute za uvodjenje veronauke u 
skolu.  Veronauka podstice toleranciju 
i moralno ponasanje ljudi. Zagovornici uvodjenja veronauke isticu da je 
vernik odgovorniji i moralniji covek od nevernika i da, buduci verski 
vaspitan, ima vise ljubavi i postovanja za bliznjeg. Na prvi pogled, 
ovaj argument deluje ubedljivo jer istinski vernik redje cini rdjava 
dela. Ali da li je to uvek tako, i da li to znaci da agnostik ili 
ateista ne moze biti moralan covek? Takva teza je ne samo netacna, vec 
je i vrlo opasna jer podstice versku i ideolosku netoleranciju. Takodje, 
zapitajmo se koliko ima pravih vernika? Dalje, misliti da ce narod, ciji 
je moral decenijama sistematski potkopavan i razaran zivotom u 
autoritarnom sistemu, u bedi i u strahu, postati preko noci moralan 
prevashodno na osnovu verskih propovedi, isto je toliko naivno kao i 
verovati da ce neuroticar ozdraviti citanjem knjiga o psihoterapiji ili 
da ce se korupcija i kriminal iskoreniti deljenjem brosura sa zitijima 
svetaca! I najzad, istorija neumoljivo pokazuje da su najsuroviji, 
najkrvaviji ratovi bili upravo verski ratovi, vodjeni u ime Boga, da bi 
se ognjem i macem dokazalo da je samo jedna, "nasa" vera 
ispravna.  Verske slobode su sastavni 
deo ljudskih prava i moraju se postovati, kazu pobornici uvodjenja 
veronauke. To je tacno, ali to ne znaci da je mesto veronauci u skoli. 
Ovde se radi o klasicnoj zameni teze. Verske slobode su zagarantovane 
time sto svako ima pravo da bude vernik, da pripada crkvi kojoj zeli i 
da tamo ispoveda svoju veru. Ali to ne znaci da svoje privatno pravo 
bude religiozan treba da ostvaruje u javnim, gradjanskim, drzavnim 
skolama! Roditelj ima pravo da svoje dete vodi u crkvu koju zeli, a 
skola je sekularna obrazovna institucija koja sa ovim pravom nema i ne 
treba da ima veze.  Bez poznavanja 
religije obrazovanja je krnje, nepotpuno i nesolidno. Potpuno tacno. 
Knjizevnost, filozofija, psihilogija, arhitektura, likovna i muzicka 
umetnost, te celokupna istorija ljudske kulture ne mogu se razumeti bez 
poznavanja istorije religija. Ali oni koji koriste ovaj argument za 
uvodjenje veronauke grdno grese, svesno ili ne. Naime, ovo je valjan 
razlog za uvodjenje nauke o religiji (komparativne studije religije ili 
istoriju religije), a ne veronauke! posto je vise od pola veka kod nas 
religija bila proterivana nije ni cudo sto mnogi pogresno misle da je 
veronauka zapravo nauka o religiji. Pojmovi se moraju rascistiti, da 
bismo se sporazumeli. Veronauka je uvodjenje u veru (konkretnu 
konfesiju), dakle, verska indoktrinacija, a Nauka o religiji je skup 
naucnih disciplina (sociologija, istorija, psihologija) koje proucavaju 
religiju kao izvanredno vazan drustveni, kulturni i ljudski 
fenomen.  Sve u svemu na pitanje: 
Veronauka da ili ne, odgovor je: Da, ali u crkvi, a ne u skoli, gde 
jedino ima mesto poznavanje religije.  
V e c e r n j e    N o v o s t 
i NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksiNSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi==^
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2001-07-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic
Title: Message

Vesti iz zmijarnika:
Pozvao mali balkanski Pinoce - Djindjic, vrlog   
Velju- bagerasa da se zdogovore oko daljeg opkupacionog delovanja na prostorima 
nekadasnje slobodne Srbije, Velja poceo da tvrdi pazar a dokazani 
mafijas-kidnaper-reketas-patoloski lazov ce Velji "pazi sta radis mogao bi 
nezgodno da se okliznes u stanu", kazu Velja se samo izbecio kao pravi cacanski 
prevarant i pristao
posto kupila po toliko prodala

  - Original Message - 
  To: Sorabia ; NSP ; News ; SIM-Egroups ; SIM ; BALKAN 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 7:58 
  Subject: [NSP] VELJA U VLADI 
  NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi==^
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[NSP] AP: EU Discusses Biotech Food Labeling

2001-07-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-[This is a news update [and 
AP article] from The Campaign to LabelGenetically Engineered Foods.  
--MS]Dear Health Freedom Fighters,Two items:1) CBS 
News will have a segment on genetically engineered foods today(Monday) 
during their Evening News with Dan Rather. Their web site states,"Our 
month-long series of Eye on America investigations and updates looksat the 
next big battleground in the dispute overgenetically-modified 
foods."2) Posted below is an article from Associated Press titled "EU 
DiscussesBiotech Food Labeling." Currently, only genetically engineered soy 
and cornare required to be labeled in the 15 European Union 
soy and corn are the only products that do need to be labeled inthe EU since 
there has been a three-year moratorium in place againstimporting any other 
genetically modified crops. Now there is an attempt toremove the moratorium 
by expanding the labeling requirements to allgenetically engineered 
foods.It does not look like the attempt to remove the moratorium will 
besuccessful, at least in the immediate future. And since no one wants to 
buyproducts labeled as containing genetically modified soy or corn, there 
arevirtually no genetically engineered foods currently beingsold in the 
European Union countries.The article below will explain more about the 
recent attempt to remove themoratorium and implement further labeling 
requirements.Craig WintersExecutive DirectorThe Campaign to 
Label Genetically Engineered FoodsThe CampaignPO Box 
55699Seattle, WA 98155Tel: 425-771-4049Fax: 603-825-5841E-mail: 
Site: http://www.thecampaign.orgMission 
Statement: "To create a national grassroots consumer campaign forthe purpose 
of lobbying Congress and the President to pass legislation thatwill require 
the labeling of genetically engineered foods in the 
Discusses Biotech Food LabelingBy PAUL GEITNER.c The Associated 
PressBRUSSELS, Belgium (AP) - The European Union's head office wants to 
allowfoods with trace amounts of genetically altered ingredients to escape 
newlabeling requirements, an idea criticized Monday by some politicians 
andconsumer groups.The proposals, to be taken up by the European 
Commission on Wednesday,would expand tracing and labeling requirements as 
part of a push to end theEU moratorium that has angered U.S. exporters and 
hamstrings Europeanbiotech companies.However, one article in the 
draft would exempt products that may havepicked up trace amounts of 
genetically modified material during harvesting,transport or 
processing.The exact level has yet to be determined but may be ``no 
higher than 1percent,'' according to the draft seen by The Associated 
Press.Producers also must be able to show that the traces were 
``technicallyunavoidable,'' and the material must have been approved in a 
third countryfor use in food.German Environment Minister Renate 
Kunast attacked that idea Monday duringa visit to Brussels, insisting the 
current system of ``zero tolerance'' wasthe safest course.EU 
officials call that an impossibly unrealistic goal in today's 
mechanizedfood-processing industry.The United States currently does 
not require any labels for products withgene-altered ingredients.But 
genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, are highly unpopular inEurope, 
where they are often referred to as ``Frankenstein foods'' in 
newsheadlines.Despite assurances from producers, surveys show most 
Europeans see them asa health hazard, and recent scares about mad cow and 
foot and mouthdiseases have only heightened sensitivity to food 
safety.The Commission's proposed new rules for GMOs would tighten 
regulations inone area to require labeling even if genetically altered 
material can nolonger be detected.Current regulations do not require 
labeling in cases such as, for example,where oil made from genetically 
altered corn or soybeans is used forcooking another product and the proteins 
and DNA are broken down by hightemperatures.EU Health Commissioner 
David Byrne is backing labeling in such casesdespite resistance from 
industry groups, according to an EU source whospoke on condition of 
anonymity.``It's the only way we think consumers will have confidence,'' 
the sourcesaid.Jim Murray, director of the European Consumers 
Organization, called theproposals ``overall a good thing,'' although he 
expressed hesitancy aboutallowing trace amounts of GMOs to go 
unlabeled.``We're prepared to look at it,'' he said, adding that a final 
judgmentdepended on how the proposal develops when it is sent to the 
EuropeanParliament and national governments for approval.That 
process will probably take a year or more, meaning no new rules until2003 at 
the earliest.The Commission's proposals are intended to implement rules 
approved inFebruary by the European Parliament that would enable the lifting 
of a3-year-old moratorium on appro


2001-07-24 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: >
To:  -Caveat Lector-
> [Note the last line of the below post.  Can anyone verify or add to this?
> The below news excerpt is supposedly from The Globe and Mail via
> Press. The Globe and Mail is published in Toronto and is Canada's
> "national" newspaper, like the New York Times in the U.S. -MS]
> - Original Message -
> From: "Tom McKay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 3:18 PM
> Subject: Ah... It's getting interesting now: ---> BUSH BIOGRAPHER FOUN D
> Bush Biographer's death a suicide, Police say Saturday, July 21, 2001.
> Little Rock, Ark.-James Howard Hatfield, whose biography of U.S. President
> George W. Bush won national attention before its publisher withdrew it
> the author's criminal past, died in a motel in what police called a
> yesterday. Police said Mr. Hatfield, 43, died of an apparent drug
> His body was found on Wednesday in a motel in Springdale, about 320
> kilometres northwest of Little Rock. Mr. Hatfield wrote the unauthorized
> biography, Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American
> President.
> --
> Mark Vallen of Yahoo group Change-Links writes:
> I'm NOT a conspiracy theorist... but. In the immediate aftermath of the
> violence at the Democratic National Convention, Mr Hatfield wrote a
> personal e-mail to me requesting the use of a Photograph I had taken and
> posted on my Website. He graciously offered to pay me by sending me a copy
> of his book "Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and the Making of an American
> President." Upon it's arrival I read the book from cover to cover.
> Hatfield's main allegation was that Bush Jr. had been arrested for
> possession of Cocaine in 1972... and the author cited three anonymous
> sources verifying the charge. Further, Hatfield claimed that the Bush
> Family's influence had any record of this arrest expunged. ST. MARTIN'S
> PRESS published 104,000 copies of Hatfield's book, and just prior to that
> publisher recalling the books... it hit the New York Times hardcover
> nonfiction best seller list. The Bush Family was outraged and denied the
> allegations. Hatfield then became the target of a public campaign to
> discredit him. The Dallas Morning News and The Washington Post both
> reported that Hatfield was convicted in 1988 of plotting to kill a
> co-worker. TEXAS prison officials confirmed that a man named James Howard
> Hatfield went to prison in 1988 for such a crime (and was paroled in
> Hatfield insisted that he was not that man, and that it was a case of
> mistaken identity meant to destroy his reputation. He stuck by his
> allegations and found another publisher (Soft Skull Press). His book was
> printed once again and put back into circulation... but on a much smaller
> scale. In 1999, Bush Jr., continuing his pleas of innocence said of
> Hatfield, "I may not be finished with this yet, It's outrageous."

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2001-07-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic


>  BEOGRAD - Tvrdeci da je Cedomir Jovanovic (DOS) izigrao obecanje i
> pismenu garanciju da Slobodan Milosevic nece biti isporucen haskom
> Tribunalu, Sinisa Vucinic, u izjavi za javnost, juce istice:
>   - Bio sam ocevidac i tvrdim da je na poledjini tog garantnog
> papira ciji su potpisnici Kostunica, Milutinovic i DJindjic, pisacom
> masinom dokucano, na licu mesta, da Milosevic nece biti izrucen Hagu. Za
> razliku od svih drugih iz Milosevicevog okruzenja u vili "Mir" ja sam
> molio da ne pristaje ni na kakve pregovore i dogovore s Cedomirom
> Jovanovicem. A dva dana uoci tih pregovora, ubedjivao sam Milosevica da
> organizujemo njegovo bekstvo. Za tako nesto imali smo idealne uslove
> zahvaljujuci nekim dobro ocuvanim vezama i kanalima u MUP i VJ. Slobodan
> Milosevic je to smatrao nepotrebnim, vise je verovao savetima Branislava
> Ivkovica nego mojim, i tu je katastrofalno pogresio - tvrdi Vucinic.
>   A. M.
>  V e c e r n j eN o v o s t i
> NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi

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[NSP] Fw: Who was killed in Genoa? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: Luciano Di Cocco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: Who was killed in Genoa? [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> --- ListBot Sponsor --
> Sopranos fanatics, this one is for you.  Tony Soprano's autographed
> Suburban is available for purchase on eBayTM.  James Gandolfini has
> personally signed the vehicle.  Find this and over 800 other Sopranos
> items for sale on eBay.
> http://www.bcentral.com/listbot/ebay
> --
> Kole,
> > Nonetheless, there were "credible" media reports that a
> > young
> > lady was also shot and was in critical condition (little information
> is
> > available on her, or what exactly happened) and some reports say
> another
> > person died (was killed?) on the Italian border.
> This person was a French young woman. She was going at the anti-G8 but
> was victim of a car accident at the Italian border. She died the day
> after.
> The victim was only one, but 580 persons (mainly manifesters) result
> injuried (one is in a coma, although with serious chances of recover)
> and at least 250 arrested.
> There were groups of manifesters who acted irresponsibly, although their
> acts were largely exagerated in the press.
> But police brutality was something never seen before in Italy. Some
> journalists present there who were in Pinochet Chili or Videla's
> Argentina have said that they acted the same.
> Especially the raid against slleping manifesters on Saturday night is
> something at the level of a dictatorship. Italian Government is quickly
> shifting to open fascism. After all, considering that no more than 8
> years ago some present ministers used to call himself a fascist, do the
> Roman salute and praise Mussolini, this is hardly a surprise. As I live
> in Italy, I'm seriously concerned.
> Every demonstration (non-violent, of course) in front of Italian
> Embassies, Consulates etc are warmly welcomed by Italian opposition.
> Luciano
> __

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Re: [NSP] slucaj galenikeresi ce arbitraza

2001-07-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Dva brata lazova i kriminalca, ljudi bre pa ovo je 
stvarno uzasno sta se dogadja sa nama.
pukovnikNSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi==^
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Re: [NSP] rade markovic naredio ubistvo arkan a

2001-07-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Taj di Stefano posle zatvora u Engleskoj peva 
njihovu pesmicu, sitni mali italijanski prevarant.
On je radio i sa Nikcevicem, bankarski prevarant i 
titoisticka muljara.
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Re: [NSP] tribunal neveruje miri markovic

2001-07-23 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Kakva banda nacista, od njih bi se ogradio i 
nal Message - 

  Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 8:08 AM
  Subject: [NSP] tribunal neveruje miri 
  Tribunal ne veruje Miri Marković Sve u interesu pune bezbednosti pritvorenog 
  Slobodana Miloševića 
  Hag, 22. jula (SENSE) NSP Lista isprobava demokratiju u praksi==^
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[NSP] Jelena Bogicevic

2001-07-17 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

MihajloviC Dusan on se zove
rugoba je zemlje ove,
ministar je policije
Boze mili kakav li je.
Kako dodje ti na presto
to za tebe nije mesto,
ti si rodjen za divljinu
cuvaj koze u planinu.
Ispod tvoga grubog cela
vire oci zlih vremena,
i brkovi crne boje
dobri su za dupe moje.
Ti si lazov prve klase
poznaju te cele mase,
brkovi su odlicje junaka
a tvoji su djubre od dosljaka.
Brij brkove ti mutavko
baci ih u djubre dole,
gde pacovi cuda rade
svoja jajca da olade.
Menjaj slepce svoje lice
belosvetska propalice,
zasto lazes tako smelo
samo trazis mrtvo telo.
Prekopa nam sume i livade
sta to radis usmrdeli gade,
otkopavas ti leseve sade
da li imas sto u glavi jade.
Kobajagi pronadje grobnice
sto se brukas srpski poturice,
mozda trazis neko zlato
trebao te gadjat NATO.
Sta to radis  kukala ti    majka
kopas kosti od srpskih junaka,
sve lazete nasli ste grobnice
sram vas bilo belosvetke izdajice.
Da li imas ti mozga u glavi
reci Dule psihopato pravi,
lazovcino jedna prava 
luda ti je tvoja glava.
Dobre su vam te montaze 
ko najvise od vas laze,
Dule rodjen za laganje
a ruke mu za kopanje.
Ti si brko lazov pravi
tvoja dusa to ne mari,
ti si covek bez morala
usijana luda glava.
Prosetaj se ti do pustih sela
naces tamo neka mrtva tela,
kopaj bedo ti do zore
ubile te nocne more.
Boze mili kakvog li ludaka
kopa kosti svojih potomaka,
prosetaj se malo do Hajd parka
kopaj tamo bice potomaka.
Sto ne gledas u oci kad lazes
zasto ovaj narod volis da mazes,
da li bedo dobi mnogo para
da unistis nasa srpska prava.
Ti debela nesposobna glavo
uzecemo tebi brzo pravo,
tesko majci koja te rodila
bolje da te u vodu bacila.
Gde ces ici kada budes pao
u grobnice koje si kopao,
tamo ti je mesto idijote
ne hapsi nam srpske patriote.
Jelena Bogicevic iz Pive
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[NSP] Fw: Milosevic Has a Point

2001-07-16 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
To: Mrs. 
Jela Jovanovic ; mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@otenet.gr 

Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2001 8:20 AM
Subject: Re: Milosevic Has a Point

  THE 15 
  HIGHLY TOXIC (  U-236  
  4 / FOR 
   U.N IS  
  Please  repeat the above appeal, until the day 
  the real war criminals sit down before the justice.  
  General Kostas X. Konstantinidis(Ret)
  Original Message - 
  Mrs. Jela 
  To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@otenet.gr 
  Sent: Saturday, July 07, 2001 12:29 
  Subject: Milosevic Has a Point

Published on Friday, July 6, 2001 in the Toronto Globe & Mail

Milosevic Has a PointThe former Serb leader has about as much chance of getting a fair 
trial from this court as he had of defeating NATO in an air war, says 
law professor 

by Michael Mandel


  Legal experts this week dismissed 
Slobodan Milosevic's condemnation of The Hague Tribunal as "unhelpful to 
his defence" and "unlikely to help him win an acquittal." 
That's really rich. Mr. Milosevic has about as much chance of getting 
a fair trial from this court as he had of defeating NATO in an air 
In fact there is a lot to be said for Mr. Milosevic's claim that the 
tribunal is "false tribunal, and indictments false indictments." When 
the former Serb leader said "This trial's aim is to produce false 
justification for the war crimes of NATO, committed in Yugoslavia," he 
was, in fact, just echoing the words of Michael Scharf, the man who 
wrote the original tribunal statute for then U.S. secretary of state 
Madeleine Albright.
Mr. Scharf wrote in October, 1999, in the Washington Post that "the 
tribunal was widely perceived within the government as little more than 
a public relations device and as a potentially useful policy tool." He 
said that indictments would serve "to isolate offending leaders 
diplomatically, strengthen the hand of their domestic rivals and fortify 
the international political will to employ economic sanctions or use 
Treating the tribunal as a propaganda arm of NATO is, in fact, the 
only way to make sense of its violation of the principles of judicial 
impartiality. The indictment against Mr. Milosevic was issued on May 22, 
1999, even as NATO's bombs were falling on Yugoslavia; most of the 
charges, concerning actions alleged to have occurred after the 
bombing had commenced, relied on undisclosed evidence supplied by none 
other than NATO itself. This in the middle of a war! An impartial 
prosecutor should have viewed such evidence as questionable.
If there were an honest tribunal in The Hague, Mr. Milosevic would 
not be the only government leader on trial. NATO's leaders, from Bill 
Clinton and Jean Chrétien to Tony Blair and Jose Maria Aznar committed 
what the Nuremb

Re: [NSP] Srpska narodna odbrana u Americi

2001-07-14 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Ko su sada ovi debili!
Da nisu mozda srpski pederi u Americi?
Za nas Srbe u Srbiji Baba Sera je dupelizac okupacionog upravnika
To vazi i za onog jeretika-ekumenistu Pavla.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 5:49 PM
Subject: [NSP] Srpska narodna odbrana u Americi

> Rezolucija 60. Kongresa
> Chicago, 23 juni 2001
> Pobeda demokratije u Srbiji i Jugoslaviji, ostvarena suverenom narodnom
> voljom u septembru 2000. godine, otvorila je našem narodu put povratka
> slobodarskim idealima naših predaka i mogucnost integracije u porodicu
> slobodnih evropskih država. Srpska narodna odbrana u Americi ponosna je
> što je podrškom demokratskim snagama u otadzbini i sama, u skladu sa
> svojim mogucnostima, doprinela rušenju zlocinacke vladavine komunizma
> olicene u režimu njenog
> poslednjeg diktatora koji je svrgnug u velikom narodnom pokretu posle
> izbornog poraza.
> Danas, pod predsedništvom dr Vojislava Koštunice, naša otadzbina uživa
> punu podršku Srpske narodne odbrane koja, verna svojim osveštanim
> tradicijama, ostaje uvek spremna da vlastitim radom doprinese oporavku i
> boljitku našega naroda u uslovima koji se suštinski razlikuju od
> razdoblja iskušenja i stradanja u poslednjoj deceniji dvadestoga veka.
> Srpska narodna odbrana, odana moralnim i duhovnim vrednostima našega
> naroda olicenim u Srpskoj pravoslavnoj crkvi, ostaje dosledna svojim
> programskim nacelima da, pre svega, služi interesima srpskog naroda,
> kako u dijaspori tako i u otadzbini.
> Zadaci koji stoje pred Srpskom narodnom odbranom u Americi u godini koja
> je pred nama odnosice se na dalje jacanje ukupnih pozicija srpske
> zajednice u Sjedinjenim Americkim Državama, snaženju komunikacije unutar
> srpske zajednice i sabornom radu na ostvarivanju utvrdenih ciljeva.
> Pred Srpskom narodnom odbranom je važan zadatak obnavljanja ugleda
> srpskog naroda, naše kulture, duhovnih i kulturnih vrednosti, ukupne
> nacionalne baštine Srba koja je u protekloj deceniji bila sistematski
> demonizovana u americkoj politickoj i akademskoj javnosti.
> Srpska narodna odbrana ce se i dalje zalagati da se politicki problemi
> na Balkanu rešavaju mirnim putem, a da se srpsko nacionalno pitanje
> ubuduce
> rešava
> u skladu sa nacelima gradanskih i ljudskih prava, slobode i vladavine
> prava.
> Srpska narodna odbrana nastojace da kod nove americke administracije
> predstavi autenticne interese srpskog naroda i ponudi svoje usluge u
> njihovim rešavanju.
> Iznad svega, Srpska narodna odbrana ostaje odana podršci izbeglicama i
> stradalnicima iz srpskih zemalja u ratovima poslednje decenije. Uz
> pozdrav revidiranju sudske nepravde nanete deneralu Draži Mihailovicu,
> preporucuje da se dostojno oznaci mesto gde je deneral položio svoj
> život na oltar otadzbine.
> Naša podrška braci u otadzbini treba, takode, da obuhvati sve oblasti
> privrednog i tehnološkog razvoja u kojima naši istaknuti strucnjaci u
> dijaspori mogu da pomognu bržem ekonomskom oporavku zemlje.
> Ostajemo uvereni da su naši ideali podudarni sa idealima stvaralaca
> americke nacije i da ulazimo u razdoblje obnove tradicionalnog
> prijateljstva izmedu srpskog i americkog naroda. Srpska narodna odbrana
> spremna je da i ubuduce daje važan doprinos snaženju srpsko-americkih
> politickih, kulturnih i poslovnih veza.
> Srpska narodna odbrana se obavezuje da svojim daljim radom dodatno snaži
> srpski
> identitet u americkoj dijaspori i da stalno manifestuje našu odlucnu
> posvecenost idealima slobode i demokratije.
> CIKAGO, 23. JUNA 2001
> Resolution Commettee Members:
> Nikola Maric, Fr. Zivko Kajevic, Dragan Ciric
> Translated by Dragan Ivetic
> --
> Serbian National Defense
> Council of America
> 5782 N. Elston Ave.
> Chicago, IL 60646-5546
> U.S.A.
> tel:  (773)775-7772
> fax:  (773)775-7779
> e-mail:
> web: http://snd-us.com
> --
> The information contained in this e-mail is confidential and intended
> solely for the use of the addressee(s) listed above. If you have
> obtained this message in error or otherwise, please notify the sender
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RE: [NSP] Milosevic Supporters Rally in Belgrade [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

2001-07-13 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Pre nego sto posaljes ovakve vesti na velike i vazne mreze konsultuj mene,
ja ti dodjem kao zastitini znak svih protesta, nisam od onih koji ce da
povecavaju ili smanjuju broj prisutnih. Ovi gadovi su omanuli bar za 8 puta
5.000. Kolona je prolazila tacno 45 minuta Takovskom, nismo se nigde
Vrlo je vazno da pazimo koje vesti plasiramo, one koji su spremni da nam
pomognu treba sokoliti, a ne obeshrabrivati. Ja taj posao radim na internetu
tri godine vrlo uspesno, strane  mreze na kojima sam  svakodnevne  plasiraju
pozitivne vesti o nama.
5000=pedeset redova po sto ljudi
- Original Message -
From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:11 PM
Subject: Milosevic Supporters Rally in Belgrade [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

> --- ListBot Sponsor --
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> Friday July 13 3:27 PM ET
> Milosevic Supporters Rally in Belgrade
> BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) - Chanting ``Treason!'' and ``Let's rise up!''
> about 5,000 supporters of Slobodan Milosevic (news - web sites) rallied
> Friday to protest his extradition to the U.N. war crimes tribunal and
> were pelted with eggs.
> The rally, at the downtown Republic Square by supporters of Milosevic's
> Socialist Party and the ultra-nationalist Radical Party, was their
> fourth since his extradition on June 28.
> When the protesters later marched through Belgrade, people hurled eggs
> and other objects at them from apartment windows. The protesters -
> mostly bused to Belgrade from rural areas - responded by smashing
> windows at a downtown Serbian parliament building and a windshield of a
> parked car.
> ``Our ancestors are ashamed of you, you'll all go to hell,'' said one of
> the banners directed at the Serbian government, which made the decision
> to hand Milosevic over to The Hague (news - web sites)-based court. The
> protesters demanded new elections and chanted ``Slobo, we'll get you
> back!''
> Maja Gojkovic, a Radical Party leader, told the crowd the new Serbian
> authorities are ``incapable of ruling the country, and they must be
> replaced by true patriots who will defend the national dignity.''
> The small turnout reflected the loss of support Milosevic - once
> undisputed and popular Serbian leader - has after his removal from power
> last October.
> Milosevic is charged by The Hague tribunal with responsibility for the
> killing of more than 600 people and the displacement of 740,000 ethnic
> Albanians in Kosovo in 1999. His crackdown in Kosovo was brought to an
> end by a 78-day bombing campaign by NATO (news - web sites) forces.
> On Friday, Yugoslav President Vojislav Kostunica (news - web sites) held
> talks with other Serb pro-democracy leaders and Montenegrin officials
> about appointing a new Yugoslav Cabinet following the resignation of the
> Yugoslav prime minister, Zoran Zizic, over the extradition.
> Dragoljub Micunovic, the Yugoslav parliament speaker, said it was agreed
> that the new government will have 10 ministries - eight less than the
> previous one - and that they would be shared equally between Serbia and
> Montenegro, the two Yugoslav republics.
> Micunovic said the new Yugoslav prime minister, a Montenegrin, will be
> known on Monday.
> Milosevic was arrested in Belgrade on April 1 on suspicion of corruption
> and abuse of power during his 13-year rule.
> A Serbian investigative judge and public prosecutor will soon question
> Milosevic in his Dutch prison in connection with the Serbian charges
> against him, the private B-92 radio said Friday.
> Miroslav Antic,
> http://www.antic.org/
> __
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[NSP] Fw: Fw:Greeks Demand Release of Milosevic

2001-07-13 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message - 
From: mart 
Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 10:13 PM
Subject: Fw:Greeks Demand Release of Milosevic

Forward from mart.
Please distribute 

Message-From: WPC info [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, July 13, 2001 12:39 
PM: International Appeal 
Against the New World Order and for the Release of Sl. Milosevic 
   Nineteen public figures of 
Greece, from all political parties, signed the following international appeal 
protesting against the new world order and demanding the release of Slobodan 
Milosevic.   Among them there are people with international 
prestige, such as Mikis Theodorakis, former government ministers of Greece, 
vice-presidents of the Greek parliament, scientists and intellectuals.  
They call upon public figures from all over the world to sign this appeal and to 
mobilize in this direction.
   The dramatic events being 
experienced by all of humanity owing to the unprecedented process of handing 
over and selling out the former President of Yugoslavia, his indictment by and 
deliverance to the so-called "International Court of Justice on former 
Yugoslavia" violate and abolish all concepts of national sovereignty and 
international law. These events were the result of the heavy and multiple 
pressures exerted by NATO, whose leaders should be on trial for their attack 
against Yugoslavia, in which they sowed death and destruction, flagrantly and 
cynically violating the UN Founding Charter.   Through these 
actions, an effort is being made to penalise international political life, to 
overthrow International Law completely and to create a terrorist international 
framework of "rules and institutions" that will bring to trial and convict all 
those who resist the barbarity of the new international 
order.   We protest strongly and express our absolute 
opposition to these actions.   We call upon all those who 
refuse to keep silent or to give their consent to the rule of "might is right" 
and ask them to join us and mobilise for the release of Slobodan Milosevic, 
former President of Yugoslavia, to bring a halt to these unacceptable processes, 
and to prevent the penalisation of international political life.1. 
   GLEZOS MANOLIS              
                  Fighter in the 
National Resistance2.    KATRIVANOS THEODOROS      
          Former Minister of the Interior3. 
   KATSAROS NIKOS              
                  Former Vice 
President of the Greek Parliament4.    KATSAROS NIKOS    
      General Secretary of the Balkan Association of 
Chemists5.    KAZAKOS ΚOSTAS           
President of Honor of World Peace Council6.    KOSIONIS PANAGIOTIS 
Vice President of the Greek Parliament7.    KOURIS NIKOLAOS 
          Former Minister of Defense, General8. 
   KRITIKOS PANAGIOTIS              
          Former Vice President of the Greek 
Parliament9.    MAGAKIS GEORGIOS          
                  Former Minister 
of Exterior10.    MAHERAS EVANGELOS         
              President of Honor of World 
Peace Council 11.    MARAGOPOULOU ALIKI        
            President of Human Rights 
Foundation12.    PAFILIS ATHANASSIOS         
              Executive Secretary of World 
Peace Council13.    PAPAMARGARIS THEOHARIS      
      Former Minister of Labour14.    POLIDORAS 
        Former Minister of Press 15.    
    President of the Athens Bar Association16.    
THEODORAKIS ΜΙΚIS                  
      Composer17.    VARDANIS MICHALIS    
General (ret.)18.    VAVOURAS IOANNIS        
                Dean of the Panteio 
University of social and  political Sciences     
19.    XANTHOPOULOS THEMISTOKLIS    Dean of National 
Technical University of Athens
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2001-07-12 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Pise: Aleksandar Djaja
U veoma gledanoj kontakt emisiji beogradske televizijske stanice "Studio 
B", a u kojoj gledaoci putem telefona glasaju za tzv. "utisak nedelje", 
pobedio je aktuelni predsednik SRJ, g. Kostunica - ali, u "negativnom smislu!" 
Gledaoci su, zapravo, apostrofirali njegovu "dvolicnost" koja je dosla do punog 
izrazaja prilikom otmice g. Milosevica iz zatvora u Beogradu i njegovog 
prebacivanja u Hag. Ispostavilo se, naime, da je Hag od " devete rupe" na 
svirali,  za g. Kostunicu postao "prva rupa", a da su sve potonje izjave 
povodom tog protiv ustavnog cina Djindjiceve vlade bile samo neuspesno "pranje 
ruku" u, ionako vec dovoljno zaprljanoj vodi srpske politicke scene.
Od coveka koji je, sa "bilbordova" u predizbornoj kampanji, "svakom mogao 
da pogleda u oci", dobili smo tako predsednika drzave koji, kad se u oci gleda - 
jednostavno, zazmuri.
Mozda je za g. Kostunicu predsednikovanje drzavom mnogo prljavija aktivnost 
od one na koju je navikao vodeci jednu, istina principijelnu, ali, doskora, malu 
bezuticajnu stranku u Srbiji. Medjutim, nakon izbora u septembru 2000. (kada je 
narod gotovo plebiscitarno glasao za "Voju", a mnogo manje za DOS), njegova je 
odgovornost daleko prevazisla (odgovaralo mu to, ili ne) njegove licne 
afinitete. I zato, biti "neobavesten", kad obavesten, jednostavno, moras da 
budes - zapravo je na ivici puke detinjarije, a izdvajanje poslanickog kluba DSS 
iz DOS-a u republickom parlamentu, (a, istovremeno, ostajanje u koaliciji DOS!) 
nije nista drugo do zamajavanje sirokih narodnih masa, u fazonu: "necu vise da 
se igram sa vama, vratite mi moje krpice!" 
Na  zalost, bilo bi smesno da nije tragicno! Zasto se g. 
Kostunica italijanskim novinama zali da je izvrsen "ograniceni drzavni 
udar", a, da pri tom , protiv pocinioca tog "udara" u svojoj zemlji nece (ili ne 
moze) nista da preduzme? Da li je u pitanju "visoka politika" ili nesto mnogo 
prizemnije, procenite sami.
Jos pre saveznih izbora u septembru prosle godine, na stranicama interneta 
mogla je da se uoci sledeca analiza eminentnih politickih analiticara sa 
" Kostunicina kandidatura je samo pokusaj da se sakrije lako prepoznatljiva 
fasada americkih agenata u Jugoslaviji. Medju njima su Zoran Ddjinddjic, lider 
Demokratske stranke, koji je tokom NATO bombardovanja pobegao iz Srbije, a pre i 
posle tog bombardovanja se sastajao sa Gelbardom, Olbrajtovom i njima slicnim, 
primajuci od njih novac... U slicnoj poziciji je i Milo Djukanovic, cija je 
vlada pozvala hrvatsku vojsku da obucava specijalnu policiju, prema britanskom 
dnevnom listu "Independent", i britanske specijalce da obucavaju snajperiste za 
atentate na oficire Vojske Jugoslavije. U srpskoj opoziciji se nalaze na 
desetine raznoraznih pseudo-politicara koji su shvatili da je primanje 
mita  od SAD najprofitabilniji posao na svetu... Ako bi se SAD docepale 
kontrole nad jugoslovenskom vladom, pokusale bi da slome njen narod. Cene bi 
nekontrolisano rasle, industrija bi bila zaplenjena. Tajne liste "ratnih 
zlocinaca" bi omogucile da svako ko pruzi otpor bude uhapsen, odvucen iz svoje 
kuce, ubijen ili otpremljen na robiju u Hag. Nastupila bi sezona lova na Srbe i 
sve lojalne u Jugoslaviji!"
Da li je predsednik SRJ, g. Vojislav Kostunica, jos uvek raspolozen da bude 
samo "fasada" za ostvarivanje dramaturske konstrukcije skrojene u Vasingtonu, a 
po kojoj bi definitivno trebalo da bude osakacena srpska drzava, ostaje da se 
vidi. Pri tom, televizijska emisija je to nedvosmisleno potvrdila, varijanta 
"nisam znao" u narodu vise ne moze da prodje.
Jer, nema sumnje, narod je obavesten o onome o cemu predsednik drzave nije. 
Da je demontaza Srbije i Jugoslavije zamisljena i da se sprovodi kroz cetiri 
1. Zakon o amnestiji osloboditi sve siptarske teroriste, a zatim osloboditi 
od krivicnog gonjenja svakog koji je izbegao vojnu obavezu, i time obesmisliti 
svaki eventualni poziv vojnih vlasti na mobilizaciju;
2. Uz pretnju Haskim tribunalom, svakog komandanta vojske i policije 
uciniti potencijalnim kandidatom za "ratnog zlocinca";
i tako dovesti do paroksizma "lanac komande" u policiji i Vojsci. 
33. Neprekidnim insistiranjem na uzdrzavnju od sile, sponzorisati, uvek kad 
to zatreba, penetraciju siptarskih terorista sa Kosmeta na podrucje juzne 
Srbije, i dalje...
4. Uslovljavanjem finansijske pomoci nasoj zemlji izrucenjem nasih 
drzavljana Haskom tribunalu, stimulisati politicke  podele u nasem narodu 
i, po potrebi, potpaliti dozirani gradjanski rat. A onda, uz "odgovarajucu" 
rezoluciju Saveta bezbednosti UN, radi zastite "gradjanskih i demokratskih 
prava", vojno okupirati celu Jugoslaviju..!
Prve tri faze su ostvarene, dok je cetvrta u toku!
Tacno je da su ustavna ovlascenja predsednika SRJ - mala. To se, medjutim, 
znalo i pre izbora. Takva "mala ovlascenja" imao je i bivsi predsednik, g. 
Milosevic. Pa, ipak, on je vladao i, dopad

[NSP] Re: [NSP] Stanko Subotic Cane tužio "Dan"

2001-07-11 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Lepo je Cobe 2. oktobra 2001. godine upozorio Srbe da ce  nasom otadzbinom
upravljati pravi mafijasi.
Ovaj smrdljivi kolubarac me posebno nervira zbog tuposti koja mu izvire iz
pacovske face.
- Original Message -

Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 4:48 PM
Subject: [NSP] Stanko Subotic Cane tužio "Dan"

> Stanko Subotić Cane tužio "Dan"


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[NSP] Jelena Bogicevic iz Pive

2001-07-09 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

Za razliku od opismenjenih samozvanih akademika, profesora, 
naucnih delatnika koji su listom presli na stranu okupatora, i kao ne znaju 
sta se desava,   mojoj Jeleni Bogicevic je sve jasno i ona vidi izlaz iz 
Gde si Karla luda kravo,
jadno ti je tvoje pravo,
jadna ti je tvoja glava, 
ti si zena bez morala.
Slobi hoces ti da sudis gade,
sa ponjavom ti se pokrij smrade,
ti rugobo najveca na svetu,
nemoj bedo uzburkat planetu.
Dal' si musko dal' si zena,
stice te zla vremena,
ti si zmija od rodjenja,
da li imas pokoljenja.
Zlikovac si raznih boja, 
plakace i majka tvoja,
proklece te srpske suze,
neces moci zivjet duze.
Ti si zvezda crne boje,
ubice te reci moje,
toliko si glupa tugo,
ne imala srece dugo.
Kome mislis ti da sudis sada, 
kakva ti je to propala vlada,
neces moci luda kravo,
da oduzmes Slobi pravo.
Nas je Slobo najmudrija glava,
pokosice tvoja glupa prava,
ti banditu kao zmija sistis,
ne mos Slobi cipele da cistis.
Kakav si ti sudija smrade,
nece moja zemlja da propadne,
Srbiija je uvek napadata,
ali nikom nece bit prodata.
Moja zemlja jes malena,
ali je casna i postena,
zato Karla ti glupaco prava,
sudice ti nasa srpska prava.
Da li spavas ti od nacnih mora,
srpski narod tebe sudit mora,
skupiste se sa svih strana sveta, 
sve fasisti nista im ne smeta.
Napadoste hrabru zemlju moju,
koja smelo koraca u stroju,
ne mozes ti Slobu prevariti,
ti ostetu moras nam platiti.
Paliste nam kuce i livade,
sta sad hoces usmrdeli gade,
pobiste nam na hiljade ljudi,
sada vama treba da se sudi.
Ti si zmija otrovnica prava,
samo hoces naseg Slobodana,
ti si prosta kao pasulj beo,
tebe niko nije ni voleo.
Ostetu nam vi morate platiti,
zemlju nasu moramo graditi,
sta vam smeta moja zemlja mati,
necemo je nikom vise dati.
Svako jutro ja se molim Bogu,
vratite mi moga dragog Slobu,
moga Slobu morate vratiti,
jer vas nece na Planeti biti.
Cuvajte mi naseg Slobu,
Vi morate platit Bogu,
na prevaru odvedoste Slobu,
a na tugu celom srpskom rodu.
Zato Karla ako mozga imas,
ti razmisli kakve igre igras,
srpski narod ne oprasta lako,
Bog te kleo isla naopako.
Ispuni se tvoja zelja sada,
ne zadugo Sloba ce da vlada,
ogledalo uzmi sade,
pogledaj se crni jade.
Is pustinje zverka ti si,
ruzna Karlo cija li si,
iz Sahare dodje pravo,
da pogazis srpsko pravo.
Neces uspet ruzni stvore,
mi imamo sve heroje,
ponosna je zemlja moja,
koja ima Slobu za heroja.
Musko zenska usijana glavo,
gorelo ti pred ocima pravo,
mucni malo prazna glavo,
nestanuce tvoje pravo.
Najruzniji ljudski stvore,
ja ti zelim sve najbolje,
ja ti zelim mnogo srece,
da te prati zlo najvece.
Ti razmisli brzo jasno,
posle ce ti biti kasno,
pustaj Slobu na slobodu,
on je odan svom narodu.
Holandijo tuzna bila,
sve si Srbe pohapsila,
goreo vam Hag do zore,
mucile vas nocne more.
Svi goreli kao svece,
ne imali nikad srece,
Olbrajtova, ruzna Karla,
nikad srece ne imala.
Slobo mili pamatna si glava,
pokazi im nasa srpska prava,
pokazi im kuda ovo vodi,
uskoro ces biti na slobodi.
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[NSP] Fw: Ponocni dnevnici jednog pijanca

2001-07-08 Прати разговор Jela Jovanovic

- Original Message -
From: Joveljic, Nebojsa N <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'Mrs. Jela Jovanovic' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 09, 2001 5:39 AM
Subject: Ponocni dnevnici jednog pijanca

> > Za one koji jos uvijek nisu sigurni zasto smo izgubili rat na Kosovu
dobro ce biti da procitaju dio teksta iz > "> Ponocnih dnevnika> ">
pijandure i zadriglog ruskog krmka Borisa Jeljcina, koji se odnosi na
njegovo vidjenje uzroka krize na Kosovu i nacina na koji je razrijesena.
> > Boris je napisao svoje memoare > "> Midnight Diaries> ">  tacno prije
godinu dana (1. juli 2000). Izgleda da knjiga nije naisla na neki veliki
interes. Ovdje na Novom Zelandu se nekoliko mjeseci prodavala po NZ$39.90 da
bi joj u zadnjih nekoliko dana cijena pala na manje od paklice cigara -
NZ$9.90, u kom trenutku sam se i ja odlucio da je kupim, vrlo vjerovatno kao
jedini kupac na Novom Zelandu i okolnim pacifickim ostrvima.
> > Na osnovu mog dozivljavanja ove knjige siguran sam da ce mnogi citaoci
dobiti dijareju od citanja ovih > "> Diaries> ">  koji nepobitno potvrdjuju
da smo silno srecni sto ovaj svijet vec davno nije odletio u zrak imajuci u
vidu kakvi sve idioti sjede i izigravaju predjednike najmocnijih drzava na
> > Evo na primjer kako Boris Jeljcin, koji pojma nema jesul' kompjuteri
nesto sto se jede, spasava svijet od Y2K katastrofe (i usput Bila Klintona
od sramote) u svom "dobro pripremljenom" petominutnom govoru na sastanku G7
(+ osmi durak), negdje u Evropi:
> >
> > "> There are sometimes funny clashes during the global discussions. I
remember during one of the summits I glanced over Clinton> '> s shoulder and
saw that he was getting ready to make a presentation on the same theme I had
chosen: the Y2K computer problem. We were going around the table speaking in
turn, and as it happened I was to speak just before Clinton. What was I to
do? When I began, Clinton went white. I decided to throw away my five-minute
speech - I had done serious preparation on the subject - and start an
impromptu discussion so that Clinton could join in. I don> '> t think he was
offended.> ">
> >
> > Ili kako mu je njemacki kancelar Kol obecao, ako mu se omakne i izgubi
izbore, da ce mu zasigurno srediti posao u Njemackoj:
> >
> > At one point a very long time ago, Kohl joked: > "> Don> '> t be afraid
Boris. If you lose the election, I will find work for you in Germany. I know
that you have a degree in construction.> ">
> >
> > Sa Borisovim znanjem struke i stranih jezika jedino blesavom Borisu nije
bilo jasno da je obecani posao isti onaj koje vec na hiljade Rusa, Srba i
stalih robovskih nacija rade po Njemackoj - kopanje hala i kanala.
> >
> > Zaprepascuje nivo servilnosti, snishodljivosti i divljenja sa kojim se
Boris odnosio prema velikim svjetskim liderima, osobito Bilu Klintonu. Evo
opisa zadnjeg susreta ova dve > "> velikana> ">   u junu prosle godine, kada
je Boris bio penzioner vec 6 mjeseci:
> >
> > I always liked Bill> '> s good-natured openness and his free and easy
style of communicating. Once I sat next to him for a long time at a state
function. He said to me, > "> We> '> re almost the same height, Boris.> ">
I asked him, > "> Bill, what size shoes do you wear? Let> '> s compare.> ">
He laughed, and I started taking off my shoes. It turned out that although
we were the same height, his shoes were at least one size larger.
> >
> > (moj komentar: cudi me da su se zaustavili samo na poredjenju velicine
stopala, muskarci ne rijetko pokazuju zanimanje i za poredjenje nekih drugih
ekstremiteta - u njihovom slucaju vjerovatno ne narocito ekstremnih)
> >
> > Finally, I stood up in order to see the guests off. In parting, Bill
looked at me and said, > "> You wanted to change your country, Boris, and
you did.> ">
> > "> And you changed your country too, Bill, > ">  I replied. I don> '> t
think these were just cliches.
> > We walked out of the house. It was a wonderful summer day. Tanya and
Naina had themselves photographed with the president of the United States.
He waved and headed toward his car.  The officer with the nuclear suitcase
walked ahead of him. He was wearing gloves, even in the heat.
> > When Bill left, I looked at the photograph he had given me. He and I
were sitting in the famous wicker Roosevelt chairs. We were looking ahead
into blue sky. Two presidents. Two ordinary men. It> '> s a great
> >
> > Boris se na kraju memoara osvrce i na sporni dekret Dume koji je na
brzinu donosen kako bi se ovaj klovn od p

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