Getting a value from the last form

2001-08-14 Thread mikael . lharant-unilog

Hello everybody,

I have a form with several items which the user can select.
When he submits the form, I open a new form. This form contains
informations which depends on the value selected in the last form.

How can I get this value in the java classes (xxxForm and xxxAction) and in
the jsp pages?



test - no need to read

2001-08-14 Thread Bar³omiej Paw³owski


Acronym BMO ( Session Beans )What does it stand 4.

2001-08-14 Thread Chuck Amadi

Hi i didn't get a response or a suggestion regarding BMO (Session Beans
) Thus i would like to know what this acronym stands for . I have come
across a UML class diagram that connects a BMO TO a DAO (Data Access
Object ) via Query / Update.Has or does BMO SOMETHING TO DO WITH
Business Method Objects to hazard a guess as it is within the Business
Layer of the UML Class Diagram

Cheers Chuckie
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Antigen found =*.js file

2001-08-14 Thread ANTIGEN_NT_49613125

Antigen for Exchange found validate.js matching =*.js file filter.
The file is currently Removed.  The message, Rejected Message, was
sent from [EMAIL PROTECTED] and was discovered in Herz,
located at ZDF/ZDF_MAINZ/NT_49613125.

ScanMail Message: To Recipient virus found and action taken.

2001-08-14 Thread System Attendant

ScanMail for Microsoft Exchange has detected virus-infected attachment(s).

Recipient(s) = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject = Rejected Message
Scanning Time = 08/14/2001 10:33:35

Action on virus found:
The attachment validate.js matched file blocking settings. ScanMail has
Deleted it. 

Warning to recipient. ScanMail detected a virus in an email attachment.
08/14/200110:33 AM
Rejected Message

TILES - cannot run the provided webapps

2001-08-14 Thread nicolas bonvin


I downloaded the latest(20010731) version of tiles from and tried to deploy the tiles-tutorial
webapp inside of tomcat4.0-b7 (as well as other tomcat versions just to make
sure); unfortunately, here's the error I get upon requesting

any idea?


nicolas b.

Root Cause:
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Can't get definitions factory from context.
at org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag.doStartTag(
at org.apache.jsp._0002findex_jsp._jspService(
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.serviceJspFile(
at org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(
at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.invoke(

Struts example application deployed on webappcabaret

2001-08-14 Thread Turgay Zengin

Hi everybody,

I have finished my first Struts application (well, nearly finished), and I 
thought you may want to have a look at it. You can find it at work at , and also I have a place on 
sourceforge where you can find the source code at

It is a simple application, which helps you track training courses 
information in a company. You can add/edit course information and add/delete 
employees to/from courses. Then you get reports about courses and employees.

It is not complete yet, however I thought that (if you have time) you may 
have a look and point the design mistakes or any other bad practices I did, 
and also make suggestions to make it a better application. Also, if you are 
new to Struts or web application development, I will be happy if you find 
anything useful for you.

Please note that the code is not optimised, user interface is very simple, 
there are only Resultsets for database operations (Rowsets may be used), 
etc. However, it is working, and I want to improve it, so your help will be 
very much appreciated.

I'll be happy if such an application will be useful for others. Anyway, it 
is available on sourceforge and webappcabaret, you are welcome to have a 
look at it...

To try the app on webappcabaret, logon as training with no password. You 
will now be able to insert/update courses and get reports.

I would like to know if there are any other applications developed using 
Struts available, other than the ones listed on

Have fun,

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

How to get a locale object in the constructor of a ActionForm class?

2001-08-14 Thread Hartmut Bernecker


how can I get a locale object in the construtcor of a ActionForm class?
In a login-form I want to set a selectbox containing language
descriptions to the right value (de or en or fr etc). I think the
best way to do that would be an initialisation with the current locale
in the constructor of the ActionForm bean:

public LoginForm() {

BTW: The locale is set by html:html locale=true in the JSP page.


the data flow

2001-08-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst

Just want to clarify the flow of data in Struts:

1. Controller receives request.
2. Controller looks up mapping for Action and what ActionForm to use.
3. Controller Creates a new instance of ActionForm, invokes it's reset
3a. If request contains parameters, Controller populates form by mapping
property methods to setters (e.g. parameter email would be populated by
calling .setEmail(..) method in the form).
3b. If validate method contains code, run it (populating the errors object)
4. Controller invokes Action class' perform method.
5. As the instance of form ActionForm is supplied to the perform method,
populate/process form, invoke EJB's/DB access/etc.
6. return the appropriate mapping (success/failure/etc).
7. Controller looks up returned mapping and forwards to mapped URI.

Could somebody let me know if this is correct.



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RE: the data flow

2001-08-14 Thread devon . bowen

 3. Controller Creates a new instance of ActionForm, invokes it's
 reset method.

The instance of the ActionForm either already exists (created by
a previous Action) or is created when the HTML for the form is
generated (as the form is being given to the user for modification).
Reset is not called at this point because maybe the form has
been preloaded with info or maybe the form is being returned to
the user because a previous validation failed. Reset() is invoked
when the form has been filled out and is on its way back to the
server. The form is then cleared and filled with the new parameters
before being delivered to the Action. So form creation takes place
as the HTML is going out and the reset is invoked when the data
is on its way back. They don't happen together.

 3b. If validate method contains code, run it (populating the 
 errors object)

If validate is set to true in the struts-config.xml file.


RE: JBuilder 5, Struts 1.0 WebLogic 6.0, a Tutorial

2001-08-14 Thread markus.colombo

I had to update the following part:

(I left out the dependencies tab, which prevented the struts.jar from being
in the war file...)

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2001 5:24 AM
Cc: Wymann, Roland
Subject: JBuilder 5, Struts 1.0  WebLogic 6.0, a Tutorial

A small Tutorial can be found at:

Even if it is weblogic specific, it might be interresting for everybody who
develops with JBuilder.

Thanks to Anthony, Bill and everybody else in this list for the tips !

RE: Struts example application deployed on webappcabaret

2001-08-14 Thread baris.guzelordu

I get the error on your page???

Server Context Not Available. Possible reasons: 
Turned Off
Does NOT exist
Busy (in which case you may try again).

-Original Message-
From: Turgay Zengin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 12:35 PM
Subject: Struts example application deployed on webappcabaret

Hi everybody,

I have finished my first Struts application (well, nearly finished), and
thought you may want to have a look at it. You can find it at work at , and also I have a place on 
sourceforge where you can find the source code at

It is a simple application, which helps you track training courses 
information in a company. You can add/edit course information and
employees to/from courses. Then you get reports about courses and

It is not complete yet, however I thought that (if you have time) you
have a look and point the design mistakes or any other bad practices I
and also make suggestions to make it a better application. Also, if you
new to Struts or web application development, I will be happy if you
anything useful for you.

Please note that the code is not optimised, user interface is very
there are only "Resultsets" for database operations (Rowsets may be
etc. However, it is working, and I want to improve it, so your help will
very much appreciated.

I'll be happy if such an application will be useful for others. Anyway,
is available on sourceforge and webappcabaret, you are welcome to have a

look at it...

To try the app on webappcabaret, logon as "training" with no password.
will now be able to insert/update courses and get reports.

I would like to know if there are any other applications developed using

Struts available, other than the ones listed on

Have fun,

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at


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Pressing Struts Questions

2001-08-14 Thread Beuck, Torsten

Hi to all Struts developers.

A few days ago i posted two different questions to this mailings.
Unfortunately it seems as if nobody noticed these mails. I am sorry but i
have to post them again, because i urgently need any clues.

Here are the questions:

The html:options tag handler (and other html tag handlers) uses
ResponseUtils.filter to replace the characters '', '', '' and '='. This
filter method changes the string 'Auml;ndern' to 'amp;Auml;ndern'. For
english text this may be a nice feature, but it prevents developers to use
text in languages with special characters (like german).
Is there a workaround or can anyone rewrite the filter method so that it
only replaces single '' characters and ignores character entities?

2) select tag and indexed properties

I have an ActionForm:

public class MyForm extends ActionForm {
  public Collection getOptions(int index) { ... }
  public Collection getLabels(int index) { ... }
  public String[] getSelection(int index) { ... }
  public void setSelection(int index, String[] value) { ... }

and the following JSP code:

logic:iterate name=test property=list id=current indexId=ix
  html:select multiple=true name=form property='%= selection[+ix+]
%' size=3
html:options name=form property='%= options[+ix+] %'

  labelName=form labelProperty='%= labels[+ix+] %'/

('test' is a bean that the list to iterate over; 'form' is the name of the
MyForm instance)

Everthing works fine but the setSelection(...) method. When i submit the
form i get:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
 at org.apache.struts.util.PropertyUtils.setProperty(
 at org.apache.struts.util.BeanUtils.populate(
 at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.populate(
 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.process(
 at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doPost(

I have to define a method

  public void setSelection(int index, String value) { ... }

to get it working, but then i only get the first selected entry in the list
and not all. Is this a bug or did i something wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Torsten Beuck
OTTO Versand
Abteilung IT-EW-WQ
Wandsbeker Str. 3 - 7
22172 Hamburg

Tel.:  +49 40 6461 5351
Fax:   +49 40 6464 5351

AW: Pressing Struts Questions

2001-08-14 Thread Bernhard J. Hirschmann

Hi Torsten!

without having tested this, but have you ever tried to convert 'Ändern'
instead of 'Auml;ndern'?

Best regards,

RE: Struts example application deployed on webappcabaret

2001-08-14 Thread Turgay Zengin

Among the possible reasons:
Turned Off (May be, I try not to turn the context off, but once I did to 
change a class)
Does NOT exist (not possible, it is there :))
Busy (in which case you may try again). (may be)

So, please try again...

I suggest that you write to my e-mail address about wbappcabaret issues 
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) not to make the Struts list busy with that.


On 2001-08-14 10:33:17 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I get the error on your page???

Server Context Not Available. Possible reasons:
Turned Off
Does NOT exist
Busy (in which case you may try again).

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

Re: Pressing Struts Questions

2001-08-14 Thread Michael Gerdau

Hi Torsten, Bernhard !

without having tested this, but have you ever tried to convert 'Ändern'
instead of 'Auml;ndern'?

Without testing it myself but looking at the sourcecode 'Ändern' should
remain unchanged.

This probably could work as a temporary fix. On the long run we will
need a proper solution though.

 Vote against SPAM - see
 Michael Gerdau   email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 WOODEN STICK 9x - For propping open your Windows
 PGP-keys available on request or at public keyserver

Re: How to get a locale object in the constructor of a ActionForm class?

2001-08-14 Thread Gregor Rayman

Hartmut Bernecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 how can I get a locale object in the construtcor of a ActionForm class?
 In a login-form I want to set a selectbox containing language
 descriptions to the right value (de or en or fr etc). I think the
 best way to do that would be an initialisation with the current locale
 in the constructor of the ActionForm bean:
 public LoginForm() {
 BTW: The locale is set by html:html locale=true in the JSP page.

I don't think it shoudl be done in the constructor. if you really want 
to do it in an ActionForm and not Action, you should think about the
method reset which gets the request as parameter.


AW: Pressing Struts Questions

2001-08-14 Thread Beuck, Torsten

Hi Bernhard, Michael,

 without having tested this, but have you ever tried to 
 convert 'Ändern'
 instead of 'Auml;ndern'?
 Without testing it myself but looking at the sourcecode 
 'Ändern' should
 remain unchanged.

I've tested it and you are right: It remains unchanged. The filter method
only replaces the characters '', '', '' and ''.

 This probably could work as a temporary fix. On the long run we will
 need a proper solution though.

Currently i use 'Aendern' because with UTF-8 encoding the browser cannot
display 'Ä'. But this could not be the final solution.

Maybe i will find the time to write a corrected filter method. What i don't
know is: Who is responsible for the ResponseUtils class? Is it Craig R.
McClanahan? Should i post the method code to this mailing list or send it
directly to him?

Best regards



2001-08-14 Thread jigerjava
test hope it gets thru.
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How to Build Deploy a New Application

2001-08-14 Thread Efrain Gutierrez

How to Build  Deploy a New Application
in Tomcat and Weblogic.???

Ing. Jose Efrain Gutierrez C
Web Developer/Softtek Monterrey Mexico
yahoo  hotmail:jefrainmx

Do You Yahoo!?
Construye tu página personal en Yahoo! GeoCities. ¡Es fácil, 
rápido y gratis!

XML based

2001-08-14 Thread Mills, Theo

Are there any plans to turn the into an
actual xml document?

It would make the file more manageable, IMO, by conforming to a standard
found in other struts property files, such as struts-config, and allow
messages to be returned as actual html or text blocks, rather than a single
string. Additionally, you could add other properties to the error message,
such as an error logging function (logging=yes, or something) that could
append the messages to a log file.

Or better yet, you could put all multilingual versions of an error in a
single place, such as:

   Try again!
   Nein! Das geht aber nicht!

-Theo Mills

Re: STRUTS with Sybase EAServer 3.6.1 C2

2001-08-14 Thread daoust . c

My understanding is that there are some class issues with EAServer and that
the fix has not yet been made public.  This si the latest info I could get
from the EAServer newsgroups.


Malcolm Wise [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/13/2001 06:54:21 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Please respond to

cc:(bcc: Claude Daoust/BCBSRI)

Subject:  STRUTS with Sybase EAServer 3.6.1 C2

Has anybody out there managed to get struts working with EAServer?
I've got struts-example working to a point, but I'm stuck with
StringIndexOutOfBounds exceptions in some of the HTML tag library classes
and jsessionid problems.


Malcolm Wise
Technology Manager
Semiconductor  Devices Europe
Tel. +44(0)1256 388864


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Re: ActionForm and business object?

2001-08-14 Thread Mark Chen



 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 08/13/01 07:03PM 
On Mon, 13 Aug 2001, Mark Chen wrote: I 
remembered that I read some article about separating business object 
from ActionForm using Some kind of util class built from Struts to 
extract info from business object or value object.  
Unfortunately, I couldn't locate the document. Any help will be greatly 
appreciated!  You might want to look at 
PropertyUtils.copyProperties(). This is whatStruts uses deep inside 
when populating the properties of your form beans,but the methods are 
equally useful to your own code.In Struts 1.0, this class is in package 
"org.apache.struts.util". In1.1-dev, the classes got moved to the 
Jakarta Commons project 
because they are generally usefuloutside of Struts as well. The only 
thing you do to use these is changethe package name to 
"org.apache.commons.beanutils" instead -- callingsequences are 
compatible.  Mark Chen  Montage.DMC, 
ATT Canada, Craig

Examples of mutli-click prevention using struts tokens

2001-08-14 Thread Tim Fox

Anyone know of any examples of how to use the
saveToken(), resetToken(), and isTokenValid() methods - for prevention of
submission of forms multiple times.
I can't find anything in the docs.
Specifically I want to be able to use them in the situation where I *don't*
have a html:form in my page - is this possible?
thanx in advance

RE: XML based

2001-08-14 Thread Halvorson, Loren

With regard to a standard XML format for localized data, have you taken a
look at TMX?
We wrote a very simple MessageResources subclass that reads TMX files via a
SAX parser.  The advantage is that there are lots of translation tools out
there to translate TMX file.

-Original Message-
From: Mills, Theo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 8:03 AM
Subject: XML based

Are there any plans to turn the into an
actual xml document?

It would make the file more manageable, IMO, by conforming to a standard
found in other struts property files, such as struts-config, and allow
messages to be returned as actual html or text blocks, rather than a single
string. Additionally, you could add other properties to the error message,
such as an error logging function (logging=yes, or something) that could
append the messages to a log file.

Or better yet, you could put all multilingual versions of an error in a
single place, such as:

   Try again!
   Nein! Das geht aber nicht!

-Theo Mills

get/set on properties in a form bean

2001-08-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst

If I have a bean with int, long, etc. properties in an ActionForm, will
Struts cast/convert them to and from String automatically?


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RE: get/set on properties in a form bean

2001-08-14 Thread Geddes, Mark (ANTS)


-Original Message-
From: Mike Dewhirst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 August 2001 14:55
Subject: get/set on properties in a form bean

If I have a bean with int, long, etc. properties in an ActionForm, will
Struts cast/convert them to and from String automatically?


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can't test my jsp page

2001-08-14 Thread Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA

Hi everyone,

i have written a simple jsp page, which will use the descriptor-file
struts-html.tld from struts.
But i wanted to run this page at Tomcat and i got the following error:

C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ebi\Struts_test.jsp(2,0) Unable to open taglibrary
/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld : C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\struts-html.tld

Multi-page form bean persistence

2001-08-14 Thread Richard William Lake

I have a multi-page form to manipulate a 2-level tree structure, so one of the 
variables of my ActionForm specifies which branch of the tree is shown, and I have no 
problem switching between branches to view the data. I'm using another variable to 
define a cancel/commit status of the form, which defines when the user has chosen to 
finish editing. If this status is not set then the Action forwards to the Input form.

The form transfers properties between pages by using html:hidden/ tags. The problem 
is that the data structure does not persist (it is a member variable of the form 
class) between requests, even though it is only created if the variable is null and it 
is not set in the reset method. I have also tried using session scope for the form, 
with no noticeable difference.

Perhaps there is somebody who can explain how to achieve form persistance across pages 
(the view is the same for all pages in my case) or is this a grey-area at the 
moment in this excellent framework?

I would also like to use multiple data sources for the benefits of connection pooling. 
I couldn't find any mention of documentation describing how to define this. Is there a 
property of the XML tag to give a database a named reference?
* Actually, I couldn't find any documentation detailing the precise structure and 
layout of the struts-config.xml file.

As a final point, it would be nice to see a how-to article section on the Struts 
website with minimal examples of such scenarios or building blocks if you like. I 
wonder if this has been discussed before?


AW: can't test my jsp page

2001-08-14 Thread Bernhard J. Hirschmann

Are you sure, the file struts-html.tld is located in
C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\ ?

Tomcat can not find this file - thats the simple reason.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. August 2001 15:54
 Betreff: can't test my jsp page
 Wichtigkeit: Niedrig

 Hi everyone,

 i have written a simple jsp page, which will use the descriptor-file
 struts-html.tld from struts.
 But i wanted to run this page at Tomcat and i got the following error:

 C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ebi\Struts_test.jsp(2,0) Unable to open taglibrary
 /WEB-INF/struts-html.tld : C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\struts-html.tld

Struts forms used with an html editor

2001-08-14 Thread Erdebil, Nilufer

Is anyone using an HTML editor to initially create a jsp and then putting in
the Struts forms into the page? I would like to know if there are any
problems when the JSP with the struts forms is put back into the HTML editor
to make layout changes. ( I am using Dreamweaver as the HTML editor)

Nilufer Erdebil

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ActionErrors going out of request scope

2001-08-14 Thread B Manikandan


I have a frame based implementation.

frame 2

   frame 1

frame 3

  All actions are invoked from frame 1.In frame 2 and 3 ,I have

Now in case of error, Iam populating ActionErrors and also calling
saveErrors.But Iam displaying the frames page in all requests.So the
Action.ERROR_KEY is lost in request.

How do I handle this ?


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from your records.

RE: can't test my jsp page

2001-08-14 Thread Turgay Zengin

Seems like Tomcat cannot find the .tld file where it expects. I suggest that 
you don't put your files under ROOT context, but under webapps as a new 
i.e. If your application's name is ebi then create a directory 
c:\tomcat\webapps\ebi and put everything under that.

For your current configuration to work, I guess the .tld file should be in 
C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\ , is it there?


On 2001-08-14 13:53:51 Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA 

Hi everyone,

i have written a simple jsp page, which will use the descriptor-file
struts-html.tld from struts.
But i wanted to run this page at Tomcat and i got the following error:

C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ebi\Struts_test.jsp(2,0) Unable to open taglibrary
/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld : C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\struts-html.tld

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at

AW: can't test my jsp page

2001-08-14 Thread Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA

yes of course,
the file struts-html.tld is locatet in C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Bernhard J. Hirschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Gesendet am: Dienstag, 14. August 2001 16:19
Betreff: AW: can't test my jsp page

Are you sure, the file struts-html.tld is located in
C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\ ?

Tomcat can not find this file - thats the simple reason.

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. August 2001 15:54
 Betreff: can't test my jsp page
 Wichtigkeit: Niedrig

 Hi everyone,

 i have written a simple jsp page, which will use the descriptor-file
 struts-html.tld from struts.
 But i wanted to run this page at Tomcat and i got the following error:

 C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ebi\Struts_test.jsp(2,0) Unable to open taglibrary
 /WEB-INF/struts-html.tld : C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\struts-html.tld

Re: book ??????????

2001-08-14 Thread Troy Hart


On Friday 14 July 2000 12:59 am, you wrote:
 Hi everybody

 is there any book where i can find strut related material???


Re: Acronym BMO ( Session Beans )What does it stand 4.

2001-08-14 Thread Troy Hart

I'm not sure, but I would guess Business Model Objects.

On Tuesday 14 August 2001 02:21 am, you wrote:
 Hi i didn't get a response or a suggestion regarding BMO (Session Beans
 ) Thus i would like to know what this acronym stands for . I have come
 across a UML class diagram that connects a BMO TO a DAO (Data Access
 Object ) via Query / Update.Has or does BMO SOMETHING TO DO WITH
 Business Method Objects to hazard a guess as it is within the Business
 Layer of the UML Class Diagram

 Cheers Chuckie

AW: can't test my jsp page

2001-08-14 Thread Bernhard J. Hirschmann

Ok, maybe you have set up Tomcat not properly.
In the Tomcat directory there's the file conf/server.xml where you have to
declare the path for your application. There you have a section like:

Context path=/myproject

Where myapp is the root of your application.
Make sure, your *.tld files are located in myapp/WEB-INF/

I hope that helps.

Best regards,

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. August 2001 16:29
 Betreff: AW: can't test my jsp page
 Wichtigkeit: Niedrig

 yes of course,
 the file struts-html.tld is locatet in C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\

 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 Von: Bernhard J. Hirschmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Gesendet am: Dienstag, 14. August 2001 16:19
 Betreff: AW: can't test my jsp page

 Are you sure, the file struts-html.tld is located in
 C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\ ?

 Tomcat can not find this file - thats the simple reason.

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: Tamanaei, ITS PersWi C500, DA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Gesendet: Dienstag, 14. August 2001 15:54
  Betreff: can't test my jsp page
  Wichtigkeit: Niedrig
  Hi everyone,
  i have written a simple jsp page, which will use the descriptor-file
  struts-html.tld from struts.
  But i wanted to run this page at Tomcat and i got the following error:
  C:\Tomcat\webapps\ROOT\ebi\Struts_test.jsp(2,0) Unable to open
  /WEB-INF/struts-html.tld :

Re: book ??????????

2001-08-14 Thread Brian . Duchouquette

The server is doing that, not the messenger.  I had that happen to one of
my previous messages also...


Troy Hart  


et  cc:   

 Subject: Re: book ??  


09:45 AM   


respond to 





On Friday 14 July 2000 12:59 am, you wrote:
 Hi everybody

 is there any book where i can find strut related material???


Re: Multi-page form bean persistence

2001-08-14 Thread Brian . Duchouquette


I can think of 2 things that may cause the data structure to not persist.
1.  The framework might be calling an implemented reset() method on your
formbean.  To get multi-page formbeans to work, I had to avoid
implementation of this method (since it is called between requests).  2.
You may have code in your action class that is disposing of your formbean.




William Lake To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[EMAIL PROTECTED]cc: Subject: Multi-page form bean persistence 



09:16 AM   


respond to 




I have a multi-page form to manipulate a 2-level tree structure, so one of
the variables of my ActionForm specifies which branch of the tree is shown,
and I have no problem switching between branches to view the data. I'm
using another variable to define a cancel/commit status of the form, which
defines when the user has chosen to finish editing. If this status is not
set then the Action forwards to the Input form.

The form transfers properties between pages by using html:hidden/ tags.
The problem is that the data structure does not persist (it is a member
variable of the form class) between requests, even though it is only
created if the variable is null and it is not set in the reset method. I
have also tried using session scope for the form, with no noticeable

Perhaps there is somebody who can explain how to achieve form persistance
across pages (the view is the same for all pages in my case) or is this a
grey-area at the moment in this excellent framework?

I would also like to use multiple data sources for the benefits of
connection pooling. I couldn't find any mention of documentation describing
how to define this. Is there a property of the XML tag to give a database a
named reference?
* Actually, I couldn't find any documentation detailing the precise
structure and layout of the struts-config.xml file.

As a final point, it would be nice to see a how-to article section on the
Struts website with minimal examples of such scenarios or building blocks
if you like. I wonder if this has been discussed before?


RE: get/set on properties in a form bean

2001-08-14 Thread CARDON Denis
Title: RE: get/set on properties in a form bean

Hi Mike, 

Yes it support basic type conversion, however it does not support more complex type conversion like dates String -- java.util.Date. In the case of dates, their format depend on local settings (and other more specific conventions, like: 10/08/2001 or 10-08-2001, etc.) and so cannot be implicitly converted. 

I faced this problem a few days ago and was constrained not to use my beans (which contain Date typed properties) directly into the ActionForm. Instead, I just use String for dates properties in the ActionForm and subsequently convert them to java.util.Date when I populate my bean using ActionForm data. 

However I don't think this is a very elegant way to do this. How do you all solve this issue?



-Original Message-
From: Geddes, Mark (ANTS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 3:59 PM
Subject: RE: get/set on properties in a form bean


-Original Message-
From: Mike Dewhirst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 August 2001 14:55
Subject: get/set on properties in a form bean

If I have a bean with int, long, etc. properties in an ActionForm, will
Struts cast/convert them to and from String automatically?


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Re: book ??????????

2001-08-14 Thread Troy Hart

Thanks, sorry for being snippy. 

On Tuesday 14 August 2001 09:01 am, you wrote:
 The server is doing that, not the messenger.  I had that happen to one of
 my previous messages also...

 Troy Hart
  Subject: Re: book ??
 09:45 AM
 respond to


 On Friday 14 July 2000 12:59 am, you wrote:
  Hi everybody
  is there any book where i can find strut related material???

Getting locale attribute from session.

2001-08-14 Thread Juraj Kazda


I'm new user of struts framework and I have a problem.

I would like to make an internationalized application with _everything_
internationalized. This means that I have a nice graphics (menu too) on
my pages in several language versions. I would like to obtain a LOCALE
key (object) from session (inserted there by html:html locale="true"
tag). And here is the problem: to be perfect, I would like to get this
key by the name which is stored in
org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY constant. How to access the

I've made my entering (index.jsp) file as a template file and I check
the locale via logic:present and logic:match tags. But inside these
tags I have to use directly the org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE keyword
- it's not possible to ask for key name (by asking I mean getting the
value of org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY). Or is it possible?

If someone knows, please help me.

I have tried to check archives for this, but with no success (for what I
want is hard to find right keywords... - BTW, I like the archive, it
helped me several times)

Thank you very much.

With regards


onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread Larry Maturo

Sorry to have to ask this again, but I got
no response to my original question.  This
time I only asking about the most important
subset of the problem, so hopefully it will
get a response.

I have a table I fill using the iterate tag.
In the table I have a link that is generated
from the iterate tag data.  

I need to pass data in the link without using 
a parameter, since when I get to the target 
page from an Action Class, instead of this 
link, I can't set parameters.  

As far as I can tell, that means I will have 
to utilize the onclick handler to do the 
work, and I will need to pass it, as a 
parameter, something made available from 
the iterate tag.  How does one do this?

-- Larry Maturo

RE: get/set on properties in a form bean

2001-08-14 Thread Geddes, Mark (ANTS)
Title: RE: get/set on properties in a form bean

for your more enlightening reply! I use the same pattern as you. My FormBeans 
use Strings to represent dates and I convert to/from java.util.Date within my 
Action classes. I use static utility methods for parsing and formatting, taking 
advantage of the Locale object created by Struts for each user. I can thus 
ensure that my validate() method is able to highlight date parsing errors, along 
with any other errors.


  -Original Message-From: CARDON Denis 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: 14 August 2001 16:07To: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: get/set on properties 
  in a form bean
  Hi Mike, 
  Yes it support basic type conversion, however it does not 
  support more complex type conversion like dates String -- java.util.Date. 
  In the case of dates, their format depend on local settings (and other more 
  specific conventions, like: 10/08/2001 or 10-08-2001, etc.) and so cannot be 
  implicitly converted. 
  I faced this problem a few days ago and was constrained not to 
  use my beans (which contain Date typed properties) directly into the 
  ActionForm. Instead, I just use String for dates properties in the ActionForm 
  and subsequently convert them to java.util.Date when I populate my bean using 
  ActionForm data. 
  However I don't think this is a very elegant way to do this. 
  How do you all solve this issue? 
  -Original Message- From: 
  Geddes, Mark (ANTS) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 3:59 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: 
  RE: get/set on properties in a form bean 
  -Original Message- From: Mike 
  Dewhirst [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
  Sent: 14 August 2001 14:55 To: 
  '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: get/set on 
  properties in a form bean 
  If I have a bean with int, long, etc. properties in an 
  ActionForm, will Struts cast/convert them to and from 
  String automatically? 
  If you are not the intended recipient, employee or agent 
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  Abbey National Treasury Services plc. Registered in England. 
  Registered Office: Abbey House, Baker Street, London NW1 6XL. 
  Company Registration No: 2338548. Regulated by the SFA

Re: AW: Pressing Struts Questions

2001-08-14 Thread Michael Gerdau

Maybe i will find the time to write a corrected filter method. What i don't
know is: Who is responsible for the ResponseUtils class? Is it Craig R.
McClanahan? Should i post the method code to this mailing list or send it
directly to him?

Craig wrote the original class. I don't know wether he's still the
maintainer but would expect so.

When you post a patch it is probably best to do so on the struts-dev list
and not on the struts-user list.

no offence intended

In case this wasn't clear anyway:
When you write a corrected filter method you should try doing so by
parsing stuff like something; and not by enumerating all such
sequences you know about.

/no offence intended

 Vote against SPAM - see
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 Profanity ... It's not just for Windows users.
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ActionForm not being updated. Please advice.

2001-08-14 Thread Alex Colic

Hi, I am trying to get that iterate tag to work.

I am interating through a vector a displaying the results. I have one field
that I want the user to update hence I have made it a text box. When the
page displays, the data is correct but when the user enters something into
the text box and hits submit, the form in the actionservlet has the old data
not what the user has entered.

My jsp is as follows:
logic:iterate id=item name=ItemBidForm property=itemList
  TD CLASS=TD_Border
bean:write name=item property=number /
  TD CLASS=TD_Border
html:textarea name=item property=partDescription /
  TD CLASS=TD_Border
html:text name=item property=unitPrice indexed=true /

Anything the user enters in the unit price is ignored, the old value is
present in the form.

My Struts config is:

form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean 
form-bean  name=ItemBidForm


forward   name=successpath=/pwRFQBid.jsp/

!-- Process the rfqBid action --
forward   name=successpath=/pwRFQBidResponse.jsp/

viRFQSummaryAction works, the form is populated and passed to pwRFQBid.jsp
but whatever the user enters as a unit cost is ignored. I take the form out
in viRFQBidAction and check it.

Any help in figuring this out is appreciated.


Re: Getting locale attribute from session.

2001-08-14 Thread Gregor Rayman

"Juraj Kazda" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm new user of struts framework and I have a problem.

 I would like to make an internationalized application with _everything_
 internationalized. This means that I have a nice graphics (menu too) on
 my pages in several language versions. I would like to obtain a LOCALE
 key (object) from session (inserted there by html:html locale="true"
 tag). And here is the problem: to be perfect, I would like to get this
 key by the name which is stored in
 org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY constant. How to access the

The key is just a constant, have a look in the sources. But I do not think
this is the right way to do it. You could use bean:message inside the
href attributes of the images instead. If you want to hse the tag
html:img, which I'd reccomend to you, have a look at the attributes
pageKey or srcKey, they use message resources.

In this way you can create message resources files with names of the
pictures in different languages:

html:img pageKey="" /

and in the files specify the names of those pictures:


 I've made my entering (index.jsp) file as a template file and I check
 the locale via logic:present and logic:match tags. But inside these
 tags I have to use directly the org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE keyword
 - it's not possible to ask for key name (by asking I mean getting the
 value of org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY). Or is it possible?

 If someone knows, please help me.

Here a scriplet, how to get the locale if you need it for something,
where you cannot use taglibs (like getting Format etc.)

  Locale locale = (Locale) pageContext.getAttribute(Action.LOCALE_KEY,
  if (null == locale) {
locale = request.getLocale();
  DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT,
DateFormat.DEFAULT, locale);


FormBean Pre-popping?

2001-08-14 Thread William Lyvers

Our company is considering adopting the Strut framework into our web
development.  One thing that has grabbed my attention is that the
pre-popping of FormBeans from MT objects occurs in an Action before
forwarding the page to the next View.  This seems to dictate that the each
action directly knows the next view as well as the previous view.
Consequently, the action classes are tied to particular flows throughout the
website.  This seems somewhat awkward -- especially when a form can be
appear in multiple flows.  Am I missing something or is this the intended


Re: ActionForm not being updated. Please advice.

2001-08-14 Thread Gregor Rayman

Alex Colic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am interating through a vector a displaying the results. I have one field
 that I want the user to update hence I have made it a text box. When the
 page displays, the data is correct but when the user enters something into
 the text box and hits submit, the form in the actionservlet has the old data
 not what the user has entered.

This is because the generated HTML does not contain the index. Try the
indexed attribute of html:text (it is not in the release version 1.0)

Or try this:

html:text property='%= attribute[ + i + ].value %' /

Note: your ActionForm has to be able to handle setAttribute(i, ...) even
when the underlaying vector is empty.


Re: ActionForm not being updated. Please advice.

2001-08-14 Thread SUPRIYA MISRA

You will need to use Indexed To Tags developed by Dave which is not part of 
Struts 1.0. I have tested it--It works !!!

From: Alex Colic [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: ActionForm not being updated. Please advice.
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:28:01 -0400

Hi, I am trying to get that iterate tag to work.

I am interating through a vector a displaying the results. I have one field
that I want the user to update hence I have made it a text box. When the
page displays, the data is correct but when the user enters something into
the text box and hits submit, the form in the actionservlet has the old 
not what the user has entered.

My jsp is as follows:
logic:iterate id=item name=ItemBidForm property=itemList
   TD CLASS=TD_Border
 bean:write name=item property=number /
   TD CLASS=TD_Border
 html:textarea name=item property=partDescription /
   TD CLASS=TD_Border
 html:text name=item property=unitPrice indexed=true /

Anything the user enters in the unit price is ignored, the old value is
present in the form.

My Struts config is:

form-beans type=org.apache.struts.action.ActionFormBean 
 form-bean  name=ItemBidForm


 forward   name=successpath=/pwRFQBid.jsp/

 !-- Process the rfqBid action --
 forward   name=successpath=/pwRFQBidResponse.jsp/

viRFQSummaryAction works, the form is populated and passed to pwRFQBid.jsp
but whatever the user enters as a unit cost is ignored. I take the form out
in viRFQBidAction and check it.

Any help in figuring this out is appreciated.


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Re: FormBean Pre-popping?

2001-08-14 Thread Brian . Duchouquette


The action does not directly know the next view or previous view. The
action object returns a generic ActionForward object with a  success,
failure, etc. or a more specific contacts, roles, etc if you have
sub-screens with that information.  The controller uses struts-config.xml
to find the location of the next page based on the actionforward object.
If your formbean contains all the fields in your views that it serves, then
you should not have a problem.  Note that in the case I am describing here
I would have a parent bean then child beans that are populated with user
data (contact, roles) as necessary.

If contact information appears in a different view, then I just re-use that
bean in a new parent formbean again.

This is the way I approached the multiple page / Tab page view problem.
Maybe someone else had a different approach...


William Lyvers 
wlyvers@channelTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
08/14/2001 10:32Subject: FormBean Pre-popping? 
Please respond 
to struts-user 

Our company is considering adopting the Strut framework into our web
development.  One thing that has grabbed my attention is that the
pre-popping of FormBeans from MT objects occurs in an Action before
forwarding the page to the next View.  This seems to dictate that the each
action directly knows the next view as well as the previous view.
Consequently, the action classes are tied to particular flows throughout
website.  This seems somewhat awkward -- especially when a form can be
appear in multiple flows.  Am I missing something or is this the intended


Re: How can I get the DataSource from a JSP page

2001-08-14 Thread Luis Olivares

Why don't you put it inside a Custom Tag? That way you don't put it in the
presentation layer.

I think with the code sample that Craig shows us is possible.

  DataSource ds = (DataSource)

Am I right?


Luis Olivares.
 Infosphere S.A. de C.V.
 Delivering the Power of Information
  (52)8-365-42-88 Ext. 107.

- Original Message -
From: Kent Roylance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 9:27 PM
Subject: RE: How can I get the DataSource from a JSP page


 Why would you want to get a DataSource from a JSP page?  I would not
 recommend using a DataSource at the presentation level.  Normally, you
 get the data from the action class and store it in the session so that
 presentation layer can use it.  It is much easier that way, and a cleaner
 separation of the data, business logic, and presentation layers.  Just a


 -Original Message-
 From: BinhMinh Nguyen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 5:51 PM
 Subject: How can I get the DataSource from a JSP page


 I know how to get a DataSource from a Action java
  but I do not know how to obtain a DataSource from a
 JSP page.
 Please show me how.
 thank you very much
 Binh Nguyen

 Do You Yahoo!?
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Struts next release.

2001-08-14 Thread Gonzalez, Rafael E


I'm new to the struts world so forgive me if I sound ignorant. 
I 've been using the struts 1.0b3 release and I will like to use 
a tag that is not defined in that release. The tags i want to use is
logic:empty and logic:notEmpty.
 I want to know when is the next release going to be available.



Re: AW: Pressing Struts Questions

2001-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Beuck, Torsten wrote:

 Hi Bernhard, Michael,
  without having tested this, but have you ever tried to 
  convert 'Ändern'
  instead of 'Auml;ndern'?
  Without testing it myself but looking at the sourcecode 
  'Ändern' should
  remain unchanged.
 I've tested it and you are right: It remains unchanged. The filter method
 only replaces the characters '', '', '' and ''.
  This probably could work as a temporary fix. On the long run we will
  need a proper solution though.
 Currently i use 'Aendern' because with UTF-8 encoding the browser cannot
 display 'Ä'. But this could not be the final solution.
 Maybe i will find the time to write a corrected filter method. What i don't
 know is: Who is responsible for the ResponseUtils class? Is it Craig R.
 McClanahan? Should i post the method code to this mailing list or send it
 directly to him?

The way to get problems you encounter addressed is to post them to the bug
tracking system:

so that all of the Struts committers can be made aware of the issue.  The
bug tracking system also has a mechanism for accepting attachments, so
patches are *very* welcome.

 Best regards


Index within iterate tags

2001-08-14 Thread Nicola Taylor


were using the indexed properties tags and it'd be useful to know the
current index in the jsp (to do some javascript stuff).  Is there any
standard way to access the current index in the iterator?

1) write a custom tag to return:
IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag) findAncestorWithClass(this,

2) have a counter variable that we increment within the iterate loop.


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Re: How to Build Deploy a New Application

2001-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Efrain Gutierrez wrote:

 How to Build  Deploy a New Application
 in Tomcat and Weblogic.???

For Tomcat, there is an Application Developer's Guide included in the
documentation (just fire up Tomcat and follow the documentation
links) that discusses the basic concepts of web applications.  An online
version of the latest thinking (refers to Tomcat 4 but the principles are
pretty much the same for any version of Tomcat) is at:

For WebLogic, I'm sure they have documentation about this sort of thing
(they tend to be very thorough), but am not familiar enough with it to
point at a particular doc.

 Ing. Jose Efrain Gutierrez C

Craig McClanahan

ActionForm.reset() method

2001-08-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst

is automatically called when? When the form is first created by the


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RE: XML based

2001-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Halvorson, Loren wrote:

 With regard to a standard XML format for localized data, have you taken a
 look at TMX?
 We wrote a very simple MessageResources subclass that reads TMX files via a
 SAX parser.  The advantage is that there are lots of translation tools out
 there to translate TMX file.

If you'd be interested in contributing your MessageResources
implementation code to Struts, I'd be very interested in including it in
the package.  You can correspond with me privately if you'd like to pursue

Craig McClanahan

Re: ActionForm.reset() method

2001-08-14 Thread Gregor Rayman


 is automatically called when? When the form is first created by the

No, it is called always before the controller populates it from the


Re: Getting locale attribute from session.

2001-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

There is an easy way to internationalize your graphics without having to
mess around with the Locale yourself.

Consider that you might normally create an image link like this:

  html:img src=image.gif .../

but you want the HREF to the link to be different for different
Locales.  First, change your tag to:

  html:img srcKey=image.key .../

and then, in your application resources files, define something like this
(assuming we're in the en_GB Locale):


Now, you've appropriately internationalized your images, just like
bean:message does for your text strings.


On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Juraj Kazda wrote:

 I'm new user of struts framework and I have a problem.
 I would like to make an internationalized application with _everything_
 internationalized. This means that I have a nice graphics (menu too) on
 my pages in several language versions. I would like to obtain a LOCALE
 key (object) from session (inserted there by html:html locale=true
 tag). And here is the problem: to be perfect, I would like to get this
 key by the name which is stored in
 org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY constant. How to access the
 I've made my entering (index.jsp) file as a template file and I check
 the locale via logic:present and logic:match tags. But inside these
 tags I have to use directly the org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE keyword
 - it's not possible to ask for key name (by asking I mean getting the
 value of org.apache.struts.action.Action.LOCALE_KEY). Or is it possible?
 If someone knows, please help me.
 I have tried to check archives for this, but with no success (for what I
 want is hard to find right keywords... - BTW, I like the archive, it
 helped me several times)
 Thank you very much.
 With regards

RE: ActionForm.reset() method

2001-08-14 Thread Mike Dewhirst

so if I have old data in there, it will be overwritten, plus validate() will
be invoked afterwards if I have validate=true in the config?

-Original Message-
From: Gregor Rayman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 August 2001 17:02
Subject: Re: ActionForm.reset() method


 is automatically called when? When the form is first created by the

No, it is called always before the controller populates it from the



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Re: Index within iterate tags

2001-08-14 Thread dhay

Hi Nicola,

Believe there is a way to extract it already (but never used it)...but If you
only need the index for javascript, can't you obtain it from the name of your
indexed field ie pass the field in as a param to your function?

I do this with a button defined with
   html:button property=y value=reset indexed=true

and my function is

function setParamDefault(button)
var myName =;
   var start = myName.indexOf([) + 1;
   var length = myName.indexOf(]) - start;
   var index = myName.substr(start, length);

   document.ParametersForm[parameter[ + index + ].value].value =
document.ParametersForm[parameter[ + index + ].defaultValue].value




Nicola Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
12:00:21 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To:   Struts-User (E-mail)
cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Index within iterate tags


were using the indexed properties tags and it'd be useful to know the
current index in the jsp (to do some javascript stuff).  Is there any
standard way to access the current index in the iterator?

1) write a custom tag to return:
IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag) findAncestorWithClass(this,

2) have a counter variable that we increment within the iterate loop.


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RE: Index within iterate tags

2001-08-14 Thread Assenza, Chris

When you write your iterator tag add the attribute: indexId=somevalue

Then you can use the bean tags to access indexId which returns the current
index of the iterator! :-)


Christopher Assenza
Phone:  412.201.6026
Fax: 412.201.6060
Moving Your Business from Point A to Point e.SM

-Original Message-
From: Nicola Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 12:00 PM
To: Struts-User (E-mail)
Subject: Index within iterate tags


were using the indexed properties tags and it'd be useful to know the
current index in the jsp (to do some javascript stuff).  Is there any
standard way to access the current index in the iterator?

1) write a custom tag to return:
IterateTag iterateTag = (IterateTag) findAncestorWithClass(this,

2) have a counter variable that we increment within the iterate loop.


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Downloading a file from a action class

2001-08-14 Thread jeff


I am curious if anyone has written an action class that will download a file to 
the browser.  Not have the browser open a file, but have the download box popup 
everytime after a action.  I know how to set the header information and mime type, but 
what do you return for the ActionForward.


Jeff Krueger

Re: Downloading a file from a action class

2001-08-14 Thread dhay


I have done it.  Just return null, and it works fine.

btw, I have a wierd problem when I use it with frames - I lose the output
*after* I do the download ie other actions are still excecuted, but I don't see
any output!  Can you let me know if you run into anything similar?



[EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001 12:57:01 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  Downloading a file from a action class


I am curious if anyone has written an action class that will download a file
to the browser.  Not have the browser open a file, but have the download box
popup everytime after a action.  I know how to set the header information and
mime type, but what do you return for the ActionForward.


Jeff Krueger

Re: Downloading a file from a action class

2001-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On 14 Aug 2001 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am curious if anyone has written an action class that will
 download a file to the browser.  Not have the browser open a file, but
 have the download box popup everytime after a action.  I know how to
 set the header information and mime type, but what do you return for
 the ActionForward.

For this purpose, you will need to actually *do* the download in your
Action.  Then, you return null instead of an ActionForward instance.  This
tells Struts that you have already handled the response so that it does
not need to.

 Jeff Krueger


Re: How can I get the DataSource from a JSP page

2001-08-14 Thread BinhMinh Nguyen

Hi Kent, Luis,
I do agree that a datasource should be in the logic
layer, not in the JSP/prsentation layer, but I have a
problem to populate the JSP combo box with data that
is retrieved from the database when they first logn
the page. And I think getting a datasource here is
good enouhg :) . Do you have any idea  to avoid this.
thank you very much for your help. I think of
prepopulate but I donnot know how to implement it.


--- Luis Olivares [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Why don't you put it inside a Custom Tag? That way
 you don't put it in the
 presentation layer.
 I think with the code sample that Craig shows us is
   DataSource ds = (DataSource)

 Am I right?
 Luis Olivares.
  Infosphere S.A. de C.V.
  Delivering the Power of Information

   (52)8-365-42-88 Ext. 107.
 - Original Message -
 From: Kent Roylance [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 9:27 PM
 Subject: RE: How can I get the DataSource from a JSP
  Why would you want to get a DataSource from a JSP
 page?  I would not
  recommend using a DataSource at the presentation
 level.  Normally, you
  get the data from the action class and store it in
 the session so that
  presentation layer can use it.  It is much easier
 that way, and a cleaner
  separation of the data, business logic, and
 presentation layers.  Just a
  -Original Message-
  From: BinhMinh Nguyen
  Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 5:51 PM
  Subject: How can I get the DataSource from a JSP
  I know how to get a DataSource from a Action java
   but I do not know how to obtain a DataSource from
  JSP page.
  Please show me how.
  thank you very much
  Binh Nguyen
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Send instant messages  get email alerts with
 Yahoo! Messenger.

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

findForward and Errors

2001-08-14 Thread Shawn Sohl

In my Action class I catch errors if they occur.  What I want to know is can
I create an ActionErrors object within my Action class and add an error to
it like I do in a Form class.  Basically what I want to do is shown in the
code below.  My .jsp page that failure points to has the html:errors/
tag within it but it isnt picking up the error.  I know I can create and set
an attribute within the response object and pass the error that way but I
thought I could use something like I'm trying to do below.

 catch(Exception e)
ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors.add(error,new ActionError(e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward(failure);


Re: findForward and Errors

2001-08-14 Thread dhay

You certainly can.  You just need to save the errors before you return, using

 saveErrors(request, errors);


Shawn Sohl [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001 01:51:53 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  findForward and Errors

In my Action class I catch errors if they occur.  What I want to know is can
I create an ActionErrors object within my Action class and add an error to
it like I do in a Form class.  Basically what I want to do is shown in the
code below.  My .jsp page that failure points to has the html:errors/
tag within it but it isnt picking up the error.  I know I can create and set
an attribute within the response object and pass the error that way but I
thought I could use something like I'm trying to do below.

 catch(Exception e)
 ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
errors.add(error,new ActionError(e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward(failure);


Re: findForward and Errors

2001-08-14 Thread Rama Krishna

you need to save errors

before return and after errors.add


this should work.

- Original Message -
From: Shawn Sohl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:51 AM
Subject: findForward and Errors

 In my Action class I catch errors if they occur.  What I want to know is
 I create an ActionErrors object within my Action class and add an error
 it like I do in a Form class.  Basically what I want to do is shown in the
 code below.  My .jsp page that failure points to has the
 tag within it but it isnt picking up the error.  I know I can create and
 an attribute within the response object and pass the error that way but I
 thought I could use something like I'm trying to do below.

  catch(Exception e)
 ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 errors.add(error,new ActionError(e.getMessage());
 return mapping.findForward(failure);


Re: findForward and Errors

2001-08-14 Thread Rama Krishna

oops! sorry.

this is correct


- Original Message -
From: Rama Krishna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: findForward and Errors

 you need to save errors

 before return and after errors.add


 this should work.

 - Original Message -
 From: Shawn Sohl [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 10:51 AM
 Subject: findForward and Errors

  In my Action class I catch errors if they occur.  What I want to know is
  I create an ActionErrors object within my Action class and add an
  it like I do in a Form class.  Basically what I want to do is shown in
  code below.  My .jsp page that failure points to has the
  tag within it but it isnt picking up the error.  I know I can create and
  an attribute within the response object and pass the error that way but
  thought I could use something like I'm trying to do below.
   catch(Exception e)
  ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
  errors.add(error,new ActionError(e.getMessage());
  return mapping.findForward(failure);

refresh and Struts Action problem

2001-08-14 Thread Yi Shen

Hi all,
I sent this email 
before. I did not get any feedback yet. I still need helpfor 
this.thank you.
Here is my problem:
I have the the following line for automatic refresh 
META http-equiv="Refresh" 
content="2;/jsp/GetMaps.jsp" /
The above line is conditionally added to the html 
output depending on some session variable.
That session variable is set by an action form in 
that jsp page which has a single submit button and the sole purpose is to turn 
on the refresh flag so that the META tag is added subsequently to the 
jsp output. Eveything works fine until the page autoomatically refreshes through 
the META tag - every time it refreshes, it calls the Action class even 
though we are not submitting anything. Why is it happening --- is it due to 
cache problem or something else. Any help would be greatly 


Networks Inc.Suite 500495 March 
Road, KanataOntario K2K 3G1
(: (613)592-2100 
Ext. 3240*: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Can I use two different ActionServlets for One WebApplication

2001-08-14 Thread Efrain Gutierrez

I have to modify an application that have a Custom
ActionServlet, but can i declare another in the
struts-conf and how did i use...!!! ?
Thanks in advance...

Ing. Jose Efrain Gutierrez C
Web Developer/Softtek Monterrey Mexico
yahoo  hotmail:jefrainmx

Do You Yahoo!?
Construye tu página personal en Yahoo! GeoCities. ¡Es fácil, 
rápido y gratis!

MessageResources - getMessage(locale, string)

2001-08-14 Thread Brando Arguello


I'm trying to get the localized text based on 
the locale that I set on my pageContext.

The MessageResources object seems to be ignoring
the locale when I try to retrieve the string,
it uses the default locale instead of the new locale.

I first create a locale object to set 
the Action.LOCALE_KEY in the pageContext. 

I get my MessageResource object from the
which I use to get my localize text using the
   getMessage(locale, text.option.); 


Locale spanish = new Locale(es, );

pageContext.setAttribute(Action.LOCALE_KEY, spanish,

MessageResources messages = null;

servletContext = getServletContext();
messages = (MessageResources)servletContext.

String value = messages.getMessage(spanish,

I do have the file.

- The API doco says that it will use the default
  locale to get the text. If that is the case what
  is the use of the locale parameter? 
- Am I using the wrong context?
- how do I make sure that I set and retrieve
  the right text from the right file?

thanks for your help,

Do You Yahoo!?
Make international calls for as low as $.04/minute with Yahoo! Messenger

Tiles v Templates

2001-08-14 Thread Declan O'Reilly


Since Tiles will be incorporated in 1.1, does this 
mean that it will be used instead of or in tandem with Templates.Also I 
noticed that the Template code that David Geary has in his recent JSP book is 
more recent than is currently in Struts. Does anybody know of any plans to 
update Struts.

ThanksDeclan O'Reilly

Re: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread dhay

Not sure I understand you - could you post some more info?

Not quite sure why you can't pass info in the link?  Do you want a hidden field



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
11:11:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Please
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Sorry to have to ask this again, but I got
no response to my original question.  This
time I only asking about the most important
subset of the problem, so hopefully it will
get a response.

I have a table I fill using the iterate tag.
In the table I have a link that is generated
from the iterate tag data.

I need to pass data in the link without using
a parameter, since when I get to the target
page from an Action Class, instead of this
link, I can't set parameters.

As far as I can tell, that means I will have
to utilize the onclick handler to do the
work, and I will need to pass it, as a
parameter, something made available from
the iterate tag.  How does one do this?

-- Larry Maturo


2001-08-14 Thread Will Spies/Towers Perrin

Did I see a message saying Struts 1.1 will support Tiles?

RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread dhay


Hi.  You are correct that you cannot access the session using Javascript.

Are you using the same form for all three pages?  If so, you could use a hidden
field, and set it in p1, and then in the action from p3.  Presumably what you
display in p2 depends on the value you pass - how/where do you do that



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
04:45:43 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Please
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

I'll be glad to supply more info.

I have 3 pages.  Call them p1, p2, and p3.  On p1 I have a link to
p2 that is in table, with each row having the same link, but a
different value to pass to p2.  On p3 I get to p2 via a forward
in my action class, based on what the user does.  The parameter
needed by p2 must somehow be passed to it, and this is where
my problem lies.

In the action class there is no request.setParameter method to call,
therefore, I can't use a request parameter to pass the value to
p2.  My thought was to pass it to p2, from the p3 action class,
via a request.getSession().setAttribute call.

This means that in p1 I must also set the parameter in a session
attribute.  I assumed I could do this using the onclick handler
of the html:link tag, where the parameter is from an iterate
tag.  I have yet figured out how to do this.  I have tried using
JavaScript, but I apparently don't have access to the session in
JavaScript.  I have tried using a scriptlet, but apparently the
onclick property of the html:link tag does not like scriptlets.

Any ideas on how to handle this?

-- Larry Maturo

Not sure I understand you - could you post some more info?

Not quite sure why you can't pass info in the link?  Do you want a hidden



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
11:11:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Sorry to have to ask this again, but I got
no response to my original question.  This
time I only asking about the most important
subset of the problem, so hopefully it will
get a response.

I have a table I fill using the iterate tag.
In the table I have a link that is generated
from the iterate tag data.

I need to pass data in the link without using
a parameter, since when I get to the target
page from an Action Class, instead of this
link, I can't set parameters.

As far as I can tell, that means I will have
to utilize the onclick handler to do the
work, and I will need to pass it, as a
parameter, something made available from
the iterate tag.  How does one do this?

-- Larry Maturo

RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread dhay

Hi again,

You can set the value of the hidden field from your action, if it is part of
your form bean.

Also, do you have an action prior to displaying p2 which fills the form etc?
Inserting a simple one may make it easier to do what you're trying to do...



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
05:27:19 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Please
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Hi Dave,

No, I'm not using the same form for all three
pages. p2 repeats once for each of n items.  I
have back and next buttons, and my action class
for p2 determines if I hit back on the first
item, or next on the last item, and does the
appropriate forwarding.  I've thought of hidden
fields, but I don't now they would help, since
I can't set them from an action class.

Currently my thought is to use a request parameter
from p1, a session attribute on p3, and on p2 check
to see if either is non-null, and use that one.  This
is an ugly solution, and I'm surprised struts doesn't
supply something more elegant for so common a

-- Larry

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag


Hi.  You are correct that you cannot access the session using Javascript.

Are you using the same form for all three pages?  If so, you could use a
field, and set it in p1, and then in the action from p3.  Presumably what
display in p2 depends on the value you pass - how/where do you do that



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
04:45:43 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

I'll be glad to supply more info.

I have 3 pages.  Call them p1, p2, and p3.  On p1 I have a link to
p2 that is in table, with each row having the same link, but a
different value to pass to p2.  On p3 I get to p2 via a forward
in my action class, based on what the user does.  The parameter
needed by p2 must somehow be passed to it, and this is where
my problem lies.

In the action class there is no request.setParameter method to call,
therefore, I can't use a request parameter to pass the value to
p2.  My thought was to pass it to p2, from the p3 action class,
via a request.getSession().setAttribute call.

This means that in p1 I must also set the parameter in a session
attribute.  I assumed I could do this using the onclick handler
of the html:link tag, where the parameter is from an iterate
tag.  I have yet figured out how to do this.  I have tried using
JavaScript, but I apparently don't have access to the session in
JavaScript.  I have tried using a scriptlet, but apparently the
onclick property of the html:link tag does not like scriptlets.

Any ideas on how to handle this?

-- Larry Maturo

Not sure I understand you - could you post some more info?

Not quite sure why you can't pass info in the link?  Do you want a hidden



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
11:11:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Sorry to have to ask this again, but I got
no response to my original question.  This
time I only asking about the most important
subset of the problem, so hopefully it will
get a response.

I have a table I fill using the iterate tag.
In the table I have a link that is generated
from the iterate tag data.

I need to pass data in the link without using
a parameter, since when I get to the target
page from an Action Class, instead of this
link, I can't set parameters.

As far as I can tell, that means I will have
to utilize the onclick handler to do the
work, and I will need to pass it, as a
parameter, something made available from
the iterate tag.  How does one do this?

-- Larry Maturo


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RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread Larry Maturo

Hi Dave,

You wrote:
You can set the value of the hidden field from your action, if it is part of
your form bean.

Actually, I need to set it in p3, which has an entirely different form than
p2, so setting it in p3's form bean would not help.

You wrote:
Also, do you have an action prior to displaying p2 which fills the form etc?

Yes.  It's what uses the value to fill in what get's use by the p2 jsp.  All
3 of my action classes goes to a database to get info.  What is being passed
is the key I need to get the correct info out of the db.

-- Larry

Inserting a simple one may make it easier to do what you're trying to do...



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
05:27:19 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Hi Dave,

No, I'm not using the same form for all three
pages. p2 repeats once for each of n items.  I
have back and next buttons, and my action class
for p2 determines if I hit back on the first
item, or next on the last item, and does the
appropriate forwarding.  I've thought of hidden
fields, but I don't now they would help, since
I can't set them from an action class.

Currently my thought is to use a request parameter
from p1, a session attribute on p3, and on p2 check
to see if either is non-null, and use that one.  This
is an ugly solution, and I'm surprised struts doesn't
supply something more elegant for so common a

-- Larry

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag


Hi.  You are correct that you cannot access the session using Javascript.

Are you using the same form for all three pages?  If so, you could use a
field, and set it in p1, and then in the action from p3.  Presumably what
display in p2 depends on the value you pass - how/where do you do that



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
04:45:43 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

I'll be glad to supply more info.

I have 3 pages.  Call them p1, p2, and p3.  On p1 I have a link to
p2 that is in table, with each row having the same link, but a
different value to pass to p2.  On p3 I get to p2 via a forward
in my action class, based on what the user does.  The parameter
needed by p2 must somehow be passed to it, and this is where
my problem lies.

In the action class there is no request.setParameter method to call,
therefore, I can't use a request parameter to pass the value to
p2.  My thought was to pass it to p2, from the p3 action class,
via a request.getSession().setAttribute call.

This means that in p1 I must also set the parameter in a session
attribute.  I assumed I could do this using the onclick handler
of the html:link tag, where the parameter is from an iterate
tag.  I have yet figured out how to do this.  I have tried using
JavaScript, but I apparently don't have access to the session in
JavaScript.  I have tried using a scriptlet, but apparently the
onclick property of the html:link tag does not like scriptlets.

Any ideas on how to handle this?

-- Larry Maturo

Not sure I understand you - could you post some more info?

Not quite sure why you can't pass info in the link?  Do you want a hidden



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
11:11:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Sorry to have to ask this again, but I got
no response to my original question.  This
time I only asking about the most important
subset of the problem, so hopefully it will
get a response.

I have a table I fill using the iterate tag.
In the table I have a link that is generated
from the iterate tag data.

I need to pass data in the link without using
a parameter, since when I get to the target
page from an Action Class, instead of this
link, I can't set parameters.

As far as I can tell, that means I will have
to utilize the onclick handler to do the
work, and I will need to pass it, as a
parameter, something made available from
the iterate tag.  How does one do this?

-- Larry Maturo

RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread dhay

But you can get a copy of the form for p2, in your p3 action, set the value in
p2's form and save it in either request or session scope before you forward to
it.  That way struts will find it and use it, instead of creating a new one, and
you have access to your value in p2's action.



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
05:58:50 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Please
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Hi Dave,

You wrote:
You can set the value of the hidden field from your action, if it is part of
your form bean.

Actually, I need to set it in p3, which has an entirely different form than
p2, so setting it in p3's form bean would not help.

You wrote:
Also, do you have an action prior to displaying p2 which fills the form etc?

Yes.  It's what uses the value to fill in what get's use by the p2 jsp.  All
3 of my action classes goes to a database to get info.  What is being passed
is the key I need to get the correct info out of the db.

-- Larry

Inserting a simple one may make it easier to do what you're trying to do...



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
05:27:19 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Hi Dave,

No, I'm not using the same form for all three
pages. p2 repeats once for each of n items.  I
have back and next buttons, and my action class
for p2 determines if I hit back on the first
item, or next on the last item, and does the
appropriate forwarding.  I've thought of hidden
fields, but I don't now they would help, since
I can't set them from an action class.

Currently my thought is to use a request parameter
from p1, a session attribute on p3, and on p2 check
to see if either is non-null, and use that one.  This
is an ugly solution, and I'm surprised struts doesn't
supply something more elegant for so common a

-- Larry

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag


Hi.  You are correct that you cannot access the session using Javascript.

Are you using the same form for all three pages?  If so, you could use a
field, and set it in p1, and then in the action from p3.  Presumably what
display in p2 depends on the value you pass - how/where do you do that



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
04:45:43 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

I'll be glad to supply more info.

I have 3 pages.  Call them p1, p2, and p3.  On p1 I have a link to
p2 that is in table, with each row having the same link, but a
different value to pass to p2.  On p3 I get to p2 via a forward
in my action class, based on what the user does.  The parameter
needed by p2 must somehow be passed to it, and this is where
my problem lies.

In the action class there is no request.setParameter method to call,
therefore, I can't use a request parameter to pass the value to
p2.  My thought was to pass it to p2, from the p3 action class,
via a request.getSession().setAttribute call.

This means that in p1 I must also set the parameter in a session
attribute.  I assumed I could do this using the onclick handler
of the html:link tag, where the parameter is from an iterate
tag.  I have yet figured out how to do this.  I have tried using
JavaScript, but I apparently don't have access to the session in
JavaScript.  I have tried using a scriptlet, but apparently the
onclick property of the html:link tag does not like scriptlets.

Any ideas on how to handle this?

-- Larry Maturo

Not sure I understand you - could you post some more info?

Not quite sure why you can't pass info in the link?  Do you want a hidden



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
11:11:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Sorry to have to ask this again, but I got
no response to my original question.  This
time I only asking about the most important
subset of the problem, so hopefully it will
get a response.

I have a table I fill using the iterate tag.
In the table I have a link that is generated
from the iterate tag data.

I need to pass data in the link without using
a parameter, since when I get to the target
page from an Action Class, instead of this
link, I 

Geary's template library in Struts

2001-08-14 Thread Ryan Kannegiesser

I know that the template taglib in Struts 1.0 was contributed by
David Geary and is based on his JavaWorld article.  In his recently
published Advanced JSP book, he presents an enhanced version of the
library.  He added some interesting features, like the ability to
nest and extend regions, and put region definitions in a separate
file.  Are there plans to incorporate his updates into the Struts
template library?

As an aside, I am also aware of the Tiles library that is supposed to
be added to Struts (though I didn't see it in the TO DO list)...will
this replace the template library?


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RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

2001-08-14 Thread Larry Maturo

Hi Dave,

Interesting.  I hadn't thought about that at all.
You are correct. I already do that for p3, since
I need to populate it with the correct data so
the user does not have to re-enter data they have
already entered.  I just never considered that
I can do that for any page from any page.  Wow!

Thank you.

-- Larry

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 5:05 PM
Subject: RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

But you can get a copy of the form for p2, in your p3 action, set the value
p2's form and save it in either request or session scope before you forward
it.  That way struts will find it and use it, instead of creating a new one,
you have access to your value in p2's action.



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
05:58:50 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Hi Dave,

You wrote:
You can set the value of the hidden field from your action, if it is part of
your form bean.

Actually, I need to set it in p3, which has an entirely different form than
p2, so setting it in p3's form bean would not help.

You wrote:
Also, do you have an action prior to displaying p2 which fills the form etc?

Yes.  It's what uses the value to fill in what get's use by the p2 jsp.  All
3 of my action classes goes to a database to get info.  What is being passed
is the key I need to get the correct info out of the db.

-- Larry

Inserting a simple one may make it easier to do what you're trying to do...



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
05:27:19 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

Hi Dave,

No, I'm not using the same form for all three
pages. p2 repeats once for each of n items.  I
have back and next buttons, and my action class
for p2 determines if I hit back on the first
item, or next on the last item, and does the
appropriate forwarding.  I've thought of hidden
fields, but I don't now they would help, since
I can't set them from an action class.

Currently my thought is to use a request parameter
from p1, a session attribute on p3, and on p2 check
to see if either is non-null, and use that one.  This
is an ugly solution, and I'm surprised struts doesn't
supply something more elegant for so common a

-- Larry

-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag


Hi.  You are correct that you cannot access the session using Javascript.

Are you using the same form for all three pages?  If so, you could use a
field, and set it in p1, and then in the action from p3.  Presumably what
display in p2 depends on the value you pass - how/where do you do that



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
04:45:43 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:(bcc: David Hay/Lex/Lexmark)
Subject:  RE: onclick handler in the context of a struts iterate tag

I'll be glad to supply more info.

I have 3 pages.  Call them p1, p2, and p3.  On p1 I have a link to
p2 that is in table, with each row having the same link, but a
different value to pass to p2.  On p3 I get to p2 via a forward
in my action class, based on what the user does.  The parameter
needed by p2 must somehow be passed to it, and this is where
my problem lies.

In the action class there is no request.setParameter method to call,
therefore, I can't use a request parameter to pass the value to
p2.  My thought was to pass it to p2, from the p3 action class,
via a request.getSession().setAttribute call.

This means that in p1 I must also set the parameter in a session
attribute.  I assumed I could do this using the onclick handler
of the html:link tag, where the parameter is from an iterate
tag.  I have yet figured out how to do this.  I have tried using
JavaScript, but I apparently don't have access to the session in
JavaScript.  I have tried using a scriptlet, but apparently the
onclick property of the html:link tag does not like scriptlets.

Any ideas on how to handle this?

-- Larry Maturo

Not sure I understand you - could you post some more info?

Not quite sure why you can't pass info in the link?  Do you want a hidden



Larry Maturo [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 08/14/2001
11:11:45 AM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED];
  respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Re: Parsing error processing resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml

2001-08-14 Thread Eduardo Fujii

To anyone interested,

Itlooks like I got rid of the errors when 
initializing Tomcat. I had to copy struts.jar, and all the commons-*.jar to 
Tomcat's lib directory.
Is this how it is supposed to be ? I like the idea 
of separating Struts' stuff from the container (in my case Tomcat).

If anyone knows why that happens, please let me 

Eduardo FujiiMonterey Institute of International Studies400 Pacific 
Street Room D-203Monterey, CA 93940(831) 647-6679[EMAIL PROTECTED]

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 4:25 
  Subject: Parsing error processing 
  resource path /WEB-INF/struts-config.xml
  Hi guys,Could someone help me on this ? I downloaded 
  the nightly build (binarydistribution jakarta-struts_20010813.tar.gz), and 
  all other requirements(jaxp 1.1, xalan j.2.2_D6, and xerces that comes 
  with it). Copied filestruts-blank.war to Tomcat's webapps directory and 
  restarted Tomcat.Tomcat spills error messages like these:Begin 
  event threw exceptionjava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: 
  org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping. (trace)cannot load 
  servlet name: action: Parsing error processing resource 
  path/WEB-INF/structs-config.xmlI copied jaxp.jar, xerces.jar, 
  xalan.jar, and crimson.jar to Tomcat's libdirectory. Could someone tell me 
  what else is missing ?Thanks,

How do I set the default Forward in action form

2001-08-14 Thread BinhMinh Nguyen

I run across a little problem I dont know how to
solve, please help.

I have three buttons: OK, RESET, and EDIT and one
text-field. Under normal case, after entering the text
in the text-field, user will click on one of the three
buttons,And  I handle the button-events as followed in
my class:
String btnOK= request.getParameter(OK);
String btnRESET = request.getParameter(RESET);
String btnEDIT  = request.getParameter(EDIT);

if(btnOK != null)
   return return mapping.findForward(submit);

if(btnRESET != null)
   return return mapping.findForward(reset);
if(btnEDIT != null)
   return return mapping.findForward(edit);

Here come my question:

If the user enter the text in the text-field and press
the ENTER key (ascii=13) on the key board when the
text-filed still has the focus, ie. none of the button
is clicked, How do I force the form to submit? ie.
behave as the button OK is clicked.

For now, I have the blank screen browsed up.

Thank you very much.


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Re: Acronym BMO ( Session Beans )What does it stand 4.

2001-08-14 Thread kuma.cra

Well never mind i'll stick to Business Method Objects for now.BMO
Cheers Chukie

Troy Hart wrote:

 I'm not sure, but I would guess Business Model Objects.

 On Tuesday 14 August 2001 02:21 am, you wrote:
  Hi i didn't get a response or a suggestion regarding BMO (Session Beans
  ) Thus i would like to know what this acronym stands for . I have come
  across a UML class diagram that connects a BMO TO a DAO (Data Access
  Object ) via Query / Update.Has or does BMO SOMETHING TO DO WITH
  Business Method Objects to hazard a guess as it is within the Business
  Layer of the UML Class Diagram
  Cheers Chuckie

referring to hashmap elements with struts...

2001-08-14 Thread Andy Goldstein

Hi there.

I have an Action that's tossing a very nice HashMap object at a Struts page.
Is there a way (using Struts) that I can refer to the individual values in
the Hash by using their keys?  I see how I would iterate (although I'm not
crazy about this functionality), but that's not what I'm interested in: I
need to be able to use the key/value pairs.  After all, isn't that what
makes a Hash so helpful?



RE: XML based

2001-08-14 Thread nicolas bonvin

you should also take a look a at the Mapper framework contributed by
Francois Rey and available at
it includes an i18n package that contains a TMXResourceBundle.

while a TMX file is rather abstract at first sight, as Loren mentioned it
has the advantage of being supported by the translation industry, and can
also be transformed via XSL from a more readble vocabulary if needed (or the
other way around)

TMX vocabulary:
  tu key=keyNew
  tuv lang=en
  tuv lang=fr

could be transformed from:
  message key=keyNew
  locale lang=en
  locale lang=fr

and vice versa...

nicolas b.

 -Original Message-
 From: Halvorson, Loren [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 3:56 PM
 Subject: RE: XML based

 With regard to a standard XML format for localized data, have you taken a
 look at TMX?
 We wrote a very simple MessageResources subclass that reads TMX
 files via a
 SAX parser.  The advantage is that there are lots of translation tools out
 there to translate TMX file.

 -Original Message-
 From: Mills, Theo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 8:03 AM
 Subject: XML based

 Are there any plans to turn the into an
 actual xml document?

 It would make the file more manageable, IMO, by conforming to a standard
 found in other struts property files, such as struts-config, and allow
 messages to be returned as actual html or text blocks, rather
 than a single
 string. Additionally, you could add other properties to the error message,
 such as an error logging function (logging=yes, or something) that could
 append the messages to a log file.

 Or better yet, you could put all multilingual versions of an error in a
 single place, such as:

Try again!
Nein! Das geht aber nicht!

 -Theo Mills

RE: findForward and Errors

2001-08-14 Thread Shawn Sohl

Thanks for your reply.  I have tested the code in the logonAction
class it does work.  However, it only works when you use a key in the
properties file.  If I have this code in a catch statement, how can I use
the actual error message with the getMessage() method of the exception
class?   Any ideas on how to get around this?


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 1:20 PM
Subject: Re: findForward and Errors

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Shawn Sohl wrote:

 In my Action class I catch errors if they occur.  What I want to know is
 I create an ActionErrors object within my Action class and add an error
 it like I do in a Form class.  Basically what I want to do is shown in the
 code below.  My .jsp page that failure points to has the
 tag within it but it isnt picking up the error.  I know I can create and
 an attribute within the response object and pass the error that way but I
 thought I could use something like I'm trying to do below.
  catch(Exception e)
   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 errors.add(error,new ActionError(e.getMessage());
 return mapping.findForward(failure);

The Struts example application does something very similar to this in
LogonAction -- since that is where an invalid username/pasword combination
is detected.  I think this is a reasonable design approach.


Re: findForward and Errors

2001-08-14 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 14 Aug 2001, Shawn Sohl wrote:

 In my Action class I catch errors if they occur.  What I want to know is can
 I create an ActionErrors object within my Action class and add an error to
 it like I do in a Form class.  Basically what I want to do is shown in the
 code below.  My .jsp page that failure points to has the html:errors/
 tag within it but it isnt picking up the error.  I know I can create and set
 an attribute within the response object and pass the error that way but I
 thought I could use something like I'm trying to do below.
  catch(Exception e)
   ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors();
 errors.add(error,new ActionError(e.getMessage());
 return mapping.findForward(failure);

The Struts example application does something very similar to this in
LogonAction -- since that is where an invalid username/pasword combination
is detected.  I think this is a reasonable design approach.
