Help about Model design

2003-02-17 Thread Heligon Sandra

I know that Struts treats only the View and Controller parts of the
MVC2 model . 
I have a lot of question about the Model design (management of the
state of a  Web client (shopping cart object ), 
management of the displayed data(catalog of object) ).
I would wish to know if somebody know the address of a forum where
the model part is brought for web application. 
Even if it is very specific to the business it must have basic rules
or advertisings. 
How to manage the modification of the visualized data and the data
concerned of the basket customer.
If somebody has information on this subject I am very interested. 

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RE: [ANNOUNCE] Struts talks at Lone Star Symposium

2003-02-17 Thread ROSSEL Olivier
 Neil Erdwien wrote:
   You mean Feb 21-23 -- next week?
 Yes, next week.

Will these conferences be (freely?) available 
in mp3 or ogg format, so we can hear it later?

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AssociatedtilesAction failed!

2003-02-17 Thread Ferran Parra
I have the following TilesAction configuration:

 !-- Main page layout used as a root for other pages defintion.--
definition name=.admin.mainLayout path=/web/admin/layouts/adminBase.jsp
  put name=title value =Administracion/
  put name=headervalue=/web/admin/header.jsp/
  put name=menuvalue=/web/admin/menu.jsp/  
  put name=message   value=/web/admin/message.jsp/
  put name=bodyvalue=/web/admin/body.jsp/
  put name=footervalue=/web/admin/footer.jsp/

!-- AdminWelcome --
action path=/AdminWelcome type=org.apache.struts.scaffold.SuccessAction
forward name=success /

!-- AdminAssociatedAction --
action path=/AdminAssociatedAction 
 public ActionForward execute(
  ComponentContext arg0,
  ActionMapping arg1,
  ActionForm arg2,
  HttpServletRequest arg3,
  HttpServletResponse arg4)
  throws Exception {
  DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance (DateFormat.SHORT, getLocale(arg3));   

  arg0.putAttribute(date, df.format(new Date()));
  //arg3.setAttribute(date, df.format(new Date()));
  getServlet().log(ferran date: + df.format(new Date()));  
  return null;

My question:
If I iterate over all the request attributes, the context attribute exists but it 
has the key CompContext, whereas I have read in the documentation that it should be 
under the org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.CompContext key ... What's going on? When I 
get the key, CompContext is empty without the attributes I have inserted, like the 
date String ... Am I missing something? What am I doing wrong??

jdk 1.40_02
struts: 1.1b3
tomcat: 1.4.18

Ferran Parra
Departament de Noves Tecnologies
Mallorca, 275, 1r 2a
T. (+34) 93 215 21 91
F. (+34) 93 215 41 21

Jsp code is sent to the client...?

2003-02-17 Thread J=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F6rgen_Lundberg
I'm running a small struts(1.1b3) app in our Tomcat 4.0.6. After a few
days the jsp:s stop working. They don't seem to be processed, instead
the jsp code gets sent back to the browser.

Our bug reporting app (Scarab) is running in the same Tomcat and it
works fine.

Any ideas?

 / Jörgen Lundberg

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Re: Jsp code is sent to the client...?

2003-02-17 Thread Affan Qureshi
Can you show us the JSP code? This happened to me when I forgot to import
the tag libraries. Try deleting the work directory contents and restart the
server. Also make sure the extensions etc. are correct.


- Original Message -
From: Jörgen Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:58 PM
Subject: Jsp code is sent to the client...?

I'm running a small struts(1.1b3) app in our Tomcat 4.0.6. After a few
days the jsp:s stop working. They don't seem to be processed, instead
the jsp code gets sent back to the browser.

Our bug reporting app (Scarab) is running in the same Tomcat and it
works fine.

Any ideas?

 / Jörgen Lundberg

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Use of DispatchAction class

2003-02-17 Thread shashi

I am new in the struts and working on a form in which i want to use the hidden fields 
in my Action class.
Please give me any idea regarding how i can implement the functionalty.


Shashi Bhushan

Re: Problem with ActionError in Templates

2003-02-17 Thread Cedric Dumoulin


 I suppose that you use the input attribute of the action. The action 
forward to the url found in the input value when validation fail. 
Change the value of the input.


Holger Danske wrote:

Hello List.

I have the following problem.

I using two parts of struts.

First at all the Struts Templates to generate the
side-make-up and than the Struts-Form for the forms in
the pages.
I don't use frames, i'm using a table instead.

Now I have the following problem.
I have a logon.jsp which is part of the table in an
index.jsp . In this logon.jsp I have an form. The
validate methode return an error if the user or
password is null or empty. The problem is, that the
response redirect only to the logon.jsp but not to the
index.jsp . Does anybody have an idea how to configure
that the page to show an error ist the index.jsp where
the logon.jsp is part of.




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date format

2003-02-17 Thread usha

i need to display the date fields on the jsp in the format dd/MMM/. 
is there any simple way i can get this like configuration or writing any 
class etc.. if anybody has any ideas plz help me


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re: business logic questions

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Husted
Dan McGowan wrote:
 Now I would like to isolate the business logic to a bean class and use
 the scaffold ProcessAction class ala the Artimus app in Struts in
 Action. Since the bean class has all the business logic how do I
 communicate errors?

Excellent question! The Scaffold solution is to use a ProcessResult 
object that encapsulates the typical things that the Model might want to 
send back to the Controller/View. So far, it can transfer data, a 
numeric code, messages, a dispatch instruction, along with a name and a 

If the ProcessAction sees that the ProcessResult contains messages, it 
converts those to ActionMessages. If it sees it contains data, it expose 
that data under the given name and scope. And so forth.

ProcessAction uses a very simple message format. It's just a list where 
the first entry is the template key and everything else is replacement 
parameters. Easy to build, but you can only send back one message.

Now that we have a Message object in the Commons, I'm migrating a new 
version of ProcessResult/ProcessAction to use the Commons Messaging. 
But, the basic design pattern remains the same.

HTH, Ted.

Ted Husted,
Struts in Action

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Re: Jsp code is sent to the client...?

2003-02-17 Thread J=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F6rgen_Lundberg
I forgot to say that the struts app works fine when I restart Tomcat.

index.jsp looks like this:
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/taglibs/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %
logic:redirect page=/

/ Jörgen Lundberg

-Original Message-
From: Affan Qureshi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:59:42 +0500
Subject: Re: Jsp code is sent to the client...?

Can you show us the JSP code? This happened to me when I forgot to import
the tag libraries. Try deleting the work directory contents and restart the
server. Also make sure the extensions etc. are correct.


- Original Message -
From: Jörgen Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 2:58 PM
Subject: Jsp code is sent to the client...?

I'm running a small struts(1.1b3) app in our Tomcat 4.0.6. After a few
days the jsp:s stop working. They don't seem to be processed, instead
the jsp code gets sent back to the browser.

Our bug reporting app (Scarab) is running in the same Tomcat and it
works fine.

Any ideas?

 / Jörgen Lundberg

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re: Modifying Form Data in Action

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Husted
Chris wrote:

 The problem I am noticing is that when the second action is being
 invoked, the form is being 'repopulated' with the initial form values
 that the form had when it was passed to the first action.

This is an excellent example of what we mean when we talk about Action 
chaining, or, as I like to call it, the dark side of Struts.

There is a very fine design pattern called Chain of Responsibility 
which Design Patterns[*] define as Avoid coupling the sender of a 
request to its receiver by giving more than one object a chance to 
handle the request. Chain the receiving objects and pass the request 
along the chain until an object handles it.

Struts does *not* implement a CoR at the Action level. The design is 
that the Action is the request handler and should do whatever is 
necessary to complete the transaction, use-case, or story underlying the 

Since it does not implement a CoR, it does try to populate the 
ActionForm with every request.

IMHO, the place to implement a Chain of Responsibility is within your 
Model. If you need anything this complex, you are a candidate for what 
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture [*] calls Domain 
Objects. You can convert the HTTP request to a business request (of 
your own devise) and pass it to as many handlers as you see fit.

Personally, I believe implementing a CoR using Struts Actions is a step 
in the wrong direction. IMHO, we are trying to pull ourselves away from 
the web tier, not dive back into it =:0)

There are times when one Action should forward to another, but only to 
display the final result. Using a second action to complete a business 
transaction is where we start sliding toward the dark side.

But, each to their own.

First, avoid trying to set parameters in the request. Better to set 
properties on the ActionForm (or other object in the request) that you 
can control. If the properties are not exposed in the request as 
parameters, then Struts will ignore them like visitors on a Borg ship.

If you need to tweak ActionForm properties so that they do no match the 
parameters, in Struts 1.0.x, you can defeat autopopulate by setting up 
your own mutable or locked sentry. In each of your setters, put a 
test like

if (mutable) { ... do the setting }

So if you setMutable(false), then no one can overwrite your maverick 
data. (Ahh, the magic of JavaBeans!) If one of your actions needs to do 
some more tweaking, they an unlock the bean and then lock it again.

In Struts 1.1, you could also do clever things with the processPopulate 
of the RequestHandler.

HT., Ted.

[*] See the Struts Other Books page

for links to these and other fine references

Ted Husted,
Struts in Action

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re: How to set the active locale ???

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Husted
Soren Dalby wrote:

 As default, I18N Struts-applications are managed by the language in
 the browser. I would like it to be based on a language-code in the
 users login and thus I need to set the locale/language designation
 that controls Struts

As far as I know, by default, Struts applications are governed by the 
default locale of the container/JVM hosting the application. (The last 
thing Struts is going to do is trust what some whacky browser has to say 
about it! [:0])

The controller creates a default locale object and places it in the 
session. The other components look for the object under that key to 
decide what locale to use. To change the locale, change the locale 
object in the session.

It can be convenient to put methods to access the locale object on a 
base Action or base ActionForm:


  protected Locale getLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {

Locale result = null;
HttpSession session = request.getSession();
if (session!=null) {
result = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Action.LOCALE_KEY);
if (result == null) result = Locale.getDefault();
} else {
result = Locale.getDefault();

return result;

} // end getLocale()

protected void setLocale(
HttpServletRequest request,
Locale locale) {

HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);

} // end setLocale()


public static String STRUTS_LOCALE_KEY = Action.LOCALE_KEY;

private Locale locale = null;

public void setSessionLocale(Locale locale) {
this.locale = locale;

public Locale getSessionLocale() {
return this.locale;

public String getSessionLocaleName() {

protected void resetSessionLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {

HttpSession session = request.getSession();
if (session!=null) {


else {


} // end resetSessionLocale

protected void putSessionLocale(HttpServletRequest request) {

Locale locale = getSessionLocale();
if (null==locale) locale = Locale.getDefault();


} // end putSessionLocale

public String getLocaleDisplay() {

 Locale locale = getSessionLocale();
 if (null==locale) locale = Locale.getDefault();
 return locale.getDisplayName();

 } // end getLocaleDisplay

 public void setLocaleDisplay(String language) {
 setSessionLocale(new Locale(language,EMPTY));

These and other convenience methods are part of the BaseAction and 
BaseForm in the Scaffold package of the Struts contrib folder.

HTH, Ted.

Ted Husted,
Struts in Action

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RE: [Q] Is Struts use of BeanUtils and PropertyUtils inconsistent?

2003-02-17 Thread Jim Krygowski
Hi Craig-

thanks for the reply.  You mention that:

 The conversions on form submit are required because HTTP request
 parameters are all strings.

which I understood perfectly well.  I also understand that, in order for
that conversion to work for things like date, a common format must used
inbound and outbound.

 Struts does not have any innate knowledge of
 your model tier's requirements, and in particular does not know what the
 caller of RequestUtils.lookup() is going to do with the data that is

 Doing that by itself would break a huge number of apps that depend on
 RequestUtils.lookup() working the way it does.

I agree here too.  Struts shouldn't know, and it never will.  When a date is
inbound, Struts knows just enough to invoke the converter associated with
the Class/Type and that's it.  And that's how it should be.  But, I'd argue
that since the caller of RequestUtils.lookup in this case is a view
component (a tag), it should be smart enough to know about the formats I
want applied to the information it is rendering.  I think you're right that
we shouldn't tamper with RequestUtils.

 It sounds like you'd be better off creating a customized version of the
 bean:write tag that does the conversion for you.  That wouldn't be
 particularly difficult to implement.

However, do you think it's worth considering modifying the bean *and* html
tags to recognize edit masks/display formats?  Most of the Struts work I'm
doing now involves re-creating old Oracle Forms applications as JSP/EJB
kinds of applications.  Edit masks have been a pretty standard view side
concept for decades now.  Adding masks as attributes of the tags might be a
simple way to implement this feature.

Also, I realize there are a bunch of other hacks I could employ like
breaking dates into three separate input boxes, but I'd rather hack as a
last resort.  And beyond dates, I can think of many other applications of
formats to simplify rendering of data in the JSP.


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Re: How to set the active locale ???

2003-02-17 Thread Gemes Tibor
2003. február 17. 13:20 dátummal Ted Husted ezt írtad:
 Soren Dalby wrote:
   As default, I18N Struts-applications are managed by the language in
   the browser. I would like it to be based on a language-code in the
   users login and thus I need to set the locale/language designation
   that controls Struts

 As far as I know, by default, Struts applications are governed by the
 default locale of the container/JVM hosting the application. (The last
 thing Struts is going to do is trust what some whacky browser has to say
 about it! [:0])

Afaik it sets the Locale to request.getLocale() which uses the accept language 
header of the request. So it does use the locale set up by the browser.  
If there is no such header it defaults to the container's one.

You can change this in your action via,


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Event Foo In US state blah

2003-02-17 Thread Alex McLintock
Is no one going to do a Struts event in the UK?

There is supposedly an apache meetup in London organised through but last one didn't have enough responders to be 


Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby.
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Bean:define and nulls

2003-02-17 Thread Jordan Thomas

I want to use a bean:define tag within a logic:iterate tag to set a bean
value to null. How can I do this if I can not use the same value for the
id attibute.



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Re: Use of DispatchAction class

2003-02-17 Thread Alex McLintock
At 10:59 17/02/03, shashi wrote:

I am new in the struts and working on a form in which i want to use the 
hidden fields in my Action class.
Please give me any idea regarding how i can implement the functionalty.


You may find Ted Husted's Artimus example useful. It has a form with hidden 
fields in it. I think it is the article editing form - you need the article 
id in a field - but it shouldn't be edited by the user - therefore it is 
put into a hidden field.

I can't remember the URL for the WAR file download off the top of my head. 
Either Ted can remind us, or you can do a google search.



Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby.
Apache FOP, Cocoon, Turbine, Struts,XSL:FO, XML, Tomcat, JSP

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Re: Use of DispatchAction class

2003-02-17 Thread shashi
Thanks Alot

If  I make a method with  the name of hidden field parameter in the Bean
Class and give as parameter in the structs_config.xml.

Is it helpful for me to find the hidden field value in the class which is
extended the Action class.



- Original Message -
From: Alex McLintock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: Use of DispatchAction class

 At 10:59 17/02/03, shashi wrote:
 I am new in the struts and working on a form in which i want to use the
 hidden fields in my Action class.
 Please give me any idea regarding how i can implement the functionalty.


 You may find Ted Husted's Artimus example useful. It has a form with
 fields in it. I think it is the article editing form - you need the
 id in a field - but it shouldn't be edited by the user - therefore it is
 put into a hidden field.

 I can't remember the URL for the WAR file download off the top of my head.
 Either Ted can remind us, or you can do a google search.



 Available for java/perl/C++/web development in London, UK or nearby.
 Apache FOP, Cocoon, Turbine, Struts,XSL:FO, XML, Tomcat, JSP

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Where to add Access control

2003-02-17 Thread Rademacher Tobias
Hi Folks,

I want to add some access control in order to protected a site form a group
of users.
My application uses JAAS so I guess I have to write a PriviligedAction.
Where do I have to add the invokation of this
Action? Where is the best place in RequestProcessor in order to add such

Thx and Bye

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Re: Where to add Access control

2003-02-17 Thread Robert S. Sfeir
Instead of an action, perhaps a better approach is to have something 

public boolean hasPrivileges(HttpServletRequest request)

which would check if a user or group has a privilege.  I put a method 
like this in my BaseAction, which extends Action and other actions in 
my framework extend.  This way hasPrivileges() is accessible from any 
action you write, then you can do something like this in your actions:

	return mapping.findForward(...); of action code here...

and send them onto a page which tells them to buzz off.

Nice thing about this is that if you want to change or add behavior, 
you don't mess with all the actions, just one method.


On Monday, Feb 17, 2003, at 08:37 US/Eastern, Rademacher Tobias wrote:

Hi Folks,

I want to add some access control in order to protected a site form a 
of users.
My application uses JAAS so I guess I have to write a PriviligedAction.
Where do I have to add the invokation of this
Action? Where is the best place in RequestProcessor in order to add 

Thx and Bye

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Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

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Modifying action input at runtime

2003-02-17 Thread Colin Hawkett
Hi all,

I am looking to use an action to handle the submission of multiple
similar forms.  Normally I would use separate actions, but in this case
the code is identical for the different forms.  Everythign seesm to be
working fine except for the specification fo the input parameter on the
action.  Depending on where the request cam eform, I want to have the
validate method return to different places.  I thought the easiest way
to do this would be to use mapping.setInput() to specify at runtime
where I want it to return to, but when I try to do this I am getting

Servlet Error: Configuration is frozen: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Configuration is frozen

You may be wondering how the same Form class could validate a bunch of
different html forms effectively.  I actually have different Form
classes for each of the html forms, but in order to trick the
struts-config into allowing me to specify them all for the single
action, I specify a common Form base class in struts-config.  Now I want
to dynamically set the input parameter in the validate() method of the
BaseForm  subclass - but I can't see an obvious way to do it if the
configuration is frozen.  Is there any way around this problem?

Colin Hawkett
Technical Architect

Morpheus - eBusiness Solutions
Morpheus Limited, Gibbs House, Kennel Ride, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7NT
Tel: 01344 891621; Fax: 01344 891620

*Winner of the IBM Solution Excellence Award for e-Commerce 2001*
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RE: Modifying action input at runtime

2003-02-17 Thread du Plessis, Corneil C
You will have to parameterize the action of your html:form then have
different actions in struts-config for each of those. A failing validation
will return to the appropriate input page.

-Original Message-
From: Colin Hawkett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 February, 2003 16:09
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: Modifying action input at runtime

Hi all,
I am looking to use an action to handle the submission of multiple
similar forms.  Normally I would use separate actions, but in this case
the code is identical for the different forms.  Everythign seesm to be
working fine except for the specification fo the input parameter on the
action.  Depending on where the request cam eform, I want to have the
validate method return to different places.  I thought the easiest way
to do this would be to use mapping.setInput() to specify at runtime
where I want it to return to, but when I try to do this I am getting
Servlet Error: Configuration is frozen: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Configuration is frozen
You may be wondering how the same Form class could validate a bunch of
different html forms effectively.  I actually have different Form
classes for each of the html forms, but in order to trick the
struts-config into allowing me to specify them all for the single
action, I specify a common Form base class in struts-config.  Now I want
to dynamically set the input parameter in the validate() method of the
BaseForm  subclass - but I can't see an obvious way to do it if the
configuration is frozen.  Is there any way around this problem?
Colin Hawkett
Technical Architect
Morpheus - eBusiness Solutions
Morpheus Limited, Gibbs House, Kennel Ride, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 7NT
Tel: 01344 891621; Fax: 01344 891620
*Winner of the IBM Solution Excellence Award for e-Commerce 2001*
*Solution Provider of the Month - Channel 2002 Magazine* *Investor in

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RE: Where to add Access control

2003-02-17 Thread du Plessis, Corneil C
Look at how Struts support web server roles.

-Original Message-
From: Rademacher Tobias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 17 February, 2003 15:37
Subject: Where to add Access control

Hi Folks,

I want to add some access control in order to protected a site form a group
of users.
My application uses JAAS so I guess I have to write a PriviligedAction.
Where do I have to add the invokation of this
Action? Where is the best place in RequestProcessor in order to add such

Thx and Bye

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Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
Dear Struts Users,

I have just bought this book : Expert one-one-one J2EE Design and Development by Rod 

I will greatly appreciate to have your opinion about this so beeing design flaw of 
Struts described in the above book.
Rod Johnson suggested an alternative framework that takes strengths of following 
frameworks : Struts, Maverick and WebWork, then offer solution to their weaknesses.
Codes are available at :

The Autor wrote the following :

 Despite of its popularity, I'm not a big fan of Struts.It's good enough, but far 
from an ideal J2EE web application framework:

*   The ActionForm approach - central to Struts request processing model - is 
poor. Bean binding is primitive, meaning that only string properties are really 
useful. This adds little value over simply querying request parameters.The idea of 
copying properties from an action form to business command is inelegant and there is o 
support for type checking.

*   Struts is too JSP-oriented, although it is possible to use Struts with other 
templating technologies.

*   Struts is based almost entirely on concrete classes. This makes it hard to 
customize Struts's behavior.

*   Although things have improved significantly with version 1.1, the Struts 
codebase is poor. Not surprisingly, there have been numerous deprecations in moving to 

*   Struts ActionForms have several particularities that we must consider. As all 
ActionForms must extend the Struts superclass, they all depend on Struts and the 
Servlet API. This means that they can not be passed to business objects, as business 
objects shouldn't depend on a particular web application framework or the Servlet API. 
Secondly, any request parameters that may contain invalid data (such as numeric 
inputs, for which the user might enter non-numeric data) must be matched by ActionForm 
properties of type String. The bean manipulation code behind the scenes will attempt 
to convert string request parameters to the appropriate type, but any exceptions in 
attempting to set properties will result in the org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils 
class failing the request by throwing a ServletException.

*   Thus a Struts ActionForm is not a true domain object. It's a place to hold 
user data until it can be validated and transferred into domain objects such commands. 
The advantage of this approach is that invalid data can be re-displayed easily. The 
disavantage is that we will need to get this data into true domain object at some 
point, so Struts has only taken us part of the way towards true data binding.

*   The need to derive ApplicationForms from a single superclass has always seemed 
to me a design flaw. Not only does it tie commands to the Struts framework and Servlet 
API, it incorrectly exposes inherited framework properties to update via data binding 
from request parameters. For example, adding a servlet parameter with a string value 
will break just about any page generated by 1.0 application (with a failure to set a 
property of ActionServlet to a string) . Struts 1.1 introduces a workaround for this 
particular problem, but the root of the problem is the whole ActionForm concept.

*   The ActionForm class also defines a validate() method. Subclasses may override 
this method to valid the state of an action form after population from request 
parameters. Struts also offers alternative approaches to validation.

*   Struts 1.1 corrects many (but not all) of shortcomings of Struts 1.0, for 
example by allowing the use of multiple controller servletin application.(The 
mechanism for this isn't very elegant, however it's clear that it was an 
afterthought). Other enhancement in Struts 1.1 include the introduction of the 
org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction superclass, allowing several actions to be 
performed by the same class. This is very useful in cases where many request types 
call for simple handling; it avoids the proliferation of many trivial action classes. 
Struts also introduces declative exception handling. 

Thanks a lot in advance for your inputs.



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[OT] serving images with apache

2003-02-17 Thread Curtis Brown
I am considering what server configuration to use.  What is the
current best practices as far as using a servlet container fronted by
a web server (e.g. tomcat with apache)?  On one hand I like the idea
of having everything self contained in a war file, and just using the
servlet container to serve everything.  On the other hand, I have
heard it is best to have a web server like apache serve out static
content like images.  What configuration are you using in a production


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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
The author correctly states that ActionForms are not true domain objects.  
This is intentional.  He also correctly points out that Struts uses too many 
concrete base classes.  We will be working to use more interfaces over time.

However, Struts is not too JSP oriented.  JSP is the most popular Java 
user interface technology for web applications so it is appropriately 
supported by Struts taglibs.  You can use *any* UI technology you want with 


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:37:13 +0100

Dear Struts Users,

I have just bought this book : Expert one-one-one J2EE Design and 
Development by Rod Johnson.

I will greatly appreciate to have your opinion about this so beeing design 
flaw of Struts described in the above book.
Rod Johnson suggested an alternative framework that takes strengths of 
following frameworks : Struts, Maverick and WebWork, then offer solution to 
their weaknesses.
Codes are available at :

The Autor wrote the following :

 Despite of its popularity, I'm not a big fan of Struts.It's good enough, 
but far from an ideal J2EE web application framework:

*	The ActionForm approach - central to Struts request processing model - is 
poor. Bean binding is primitive, meaning that only string properties are 
really useful. This adds little value over simply querying request 
parameters.The idea of copying properties from an action form to business 
command is inelegant and there is o support for type checking.

*	Struts is too JSP-oriented, although it is possible to use Struts with 
other templating technologies.

*	Struts is based almost entirely on concrete classes. This makes it hard 
to customize Struts's behavior.

*	Although things have improved significantly with version 1.1, the Struts 
codebase is poor. Not surprisingly, there have been numerous deprecations 
in moving to 1.1.

*	Struts ActionForms have several particularities that we must consider. As 
all ActionForms must extend the Struts superclass, they all depend on 
Struts and the Servlet API. This means that they can not be passed to 
business objects, as business objects shouldn't depend on a particular web 
application framework or the Servlet API. Secondly, any request parameters 
that may contain invalid data (such as numeric inputs, for which the user 
might enter non-numeric data) must be matched by ActionForm properties of 
type String. The bean manipulation code behind the scenes will attempt to 
convert string request parameters to the appropriate type, but any 
exceptions in attempting to set properties will result in the 
org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils class failing the request by throwing a 

*	Thus a Struts ActionForm is not a true domain object. It's a place to 
hold user data until it can be validated and transferred into domain 
objects such commands. The advantage of this approach is that invalid data 
can be re-displayed easily. The disavantage is that we will need to get 
this data into true domain object at some point, so Struts has only taken 
us part of the way towards true data binding.

*	The need to derive ApplicationForms from a single superclass has always 
seemed to me a design flaw. Not only does it tie commands to the Struts 
framework and Servlet API, it incorrectly exposes inherited framework 
properties to update via data binding from request parameters. For example, 
adding a servlet parameter with a string value will break just about any 
page generated by 1.0 application (with a failure to set a property of 
ActionServlet to a string) . Struts 1.1 introduces a workaround for this 
particular problem, but the root of the problem is the whole ActionForm 

*	The ActionForm class also defines a validate() method. Subclasses may 
override this method to valid the state of an action form after population 
from request parameters. Struts also offers alternative approaches to 

*	Struts 1.1 corrects many (but not all) of shortcomings of Struts 1.0, for 
example by allowing the use of multiple controller servletin 
application.(The mechanism for this isn't very elegant, however it's clear 
that it was an afterthought). Other enhancement in Struts 1.1 include the 
introduction of the org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction superclass, 
allowing several actions to be performed by the same class. This is very 
useful in cases where many request types call for simple handling; it 
avoids the proliferation of many trivial action classes. Struts also 
introduces declative exception handling. 

Thanks a lot in advance for your inputs.



This e-mail and any attachment thereto may contain information 

RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread James Childers

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain
 However, Struts is not too JSP oriented.  JSP is the most 
 popular Java user interface technology for web applications so 
 it is appropriately supported by Struts taglibs.  You can use 
 *any* UI technology you want with Struts.

Well, that's not quite true, is it? I mean, look at this signature for Action.execute:

   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception

You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is not a knock to 
Struts; it was never designed to be a general purpose MVC model. But noone is going to 
write a Swing app using Struts, for example.

-= J

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:55 PM
 Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true 
 domain objects
 The author correctly states that ActionForms are not true 
 domain objects. 
 This is intentional.  He also correctly points out that 

Is there any plan to move ActionForms  to true domain objects ?

 Struts uses too many 
 concrete base classes.  We will be working to use more 
 interfaces over time.

Any idea on when or version ?



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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Chris Halverson
James Childers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is
 not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general purpose
 MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using Struts, for

It can be done.


Chris D. Halverson

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread John Espey
i think the argument isn't about it being too servlet-container centric,
rather that it is too tightly coupled to JSP as the view technology.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Childers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:11 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain

  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 8:55 AM
  Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain
  However, Struts is not too JSP oriented.  JSP is the most
  popular Java user interface technology for web applications so
  it is appropriately supported by Struts taglibs.  You can use
  *any* UI technology you want with Struts.

 Well, that's not quite true, is it? I mean, look at this
 signature for Action.execute:

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
 form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception

 You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is
 not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general
 purpose MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using
 Struts, for example.

 -= J

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread James Childers

 -Original Message-
 From: Chris Halverson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:16 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain
 James Childers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is
  not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general purpose
  MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using Struts, for
 It can be done.

Quoth the article: So this article is about connecting a Swing client to an existing 
servlet application.

You still need to run Struts within a servlet context, which was my original point.

-= J

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RE: Struts to JSTL EL - Taglib 1.0 implementation

2003-02-17 Thread Sundar Narasimhan
Seriously ... it would be nice if JavaBeans recognized something like
mapped properties.  But that is for the future -- in the mean time,
you'll need to stay within the limits of what the JVM recognizes *now* if
you want to leverage EL expressions.
Craig -- IMHO, if you look at Lisp.. symbol-plist and friends, one
could argue that such facilities belong at Object not Beans :)

Seriously -- Java is getting better (I hear 1.5 is going to have
generics) at learning from Lisp. Hey.. perhaps one of these days we
might even get defmacro which will make all this jsp/tag/expression
stuff seem well.. just plain passe. :)


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E-commerce flow with Transaction Tokens?

2003-02-17 Thread Greg Hess
Hi All,
I am building an e-commerce module. The flow of the application is as
PaymentForm-- ProcessPayment   -- Receipt
Success //End
-- Receipt Error -- Payment Form

The PaymentForm is loaded with a transaction control token to avoid a
double click of the submit button. The PaymentForm also implements a
JavaScript strategy that involves a submit flag, once submitted all
subsequent submit events are ignored and display a Pleas Wait popup
window. So should my user have JavaScript enabled my process payment
Action should never encounter an invalid token.
My problem lies when the client does not have JavaScript enabled and my
Action encounters an invalid token. At this point the user must be
presented with a receipt either stating success or failure with the
financial transaction. I would like to ignore the fact that the double
submit happened and just display the proper receipt. Should I forward
the user to a transaction already processed page they will loose their
proper receipt and never visually receive the receipt as I also send it
by e-mail.
I can see a couple solutions and would like some input on my ideas or
new strategies others have used. 
1)  Set the form target to be _blank  so a new window will appear
for every submit. This works fine in that the client will receive an new
window for each submit, one stating the proper receipt, one stating the
transaction has already been processed. The only thing I dislike with
this strategy is that on receipt error the client clicks back to correct
the error and we have this rogue window in the background somewhere.
2)  Have the process payment Action populate the session with a bean
containing the receipt info. If the process payment Action encounters an
invalid Token just wait until the previous submit thread populates the
session with the receipt bean and then forward to the receipt page. I
like this strategy but am not sure if it is proper to have one thread
dependant on another thread to populate the session with the bean and if
there might be other complications that might arise from this strategy.
Many thanks for your time,

RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
There are always ultra-literal people out there :-).  Of course I meant any 
java web UI technology.


From: James Childers [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:10:48 -0600

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain

 However, Struts is not too JSP oriented.  JSP is the most
 popular Java user interface technology for web applications so
 it is appropriately supported by Struts taglibs.  You can use
 *any* UI technology you want with Struts.


Well, that's not quite true, is it? I mean, look at this signature for 

   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, 
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception

You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is not a 
knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general purpose MVC model. 
But noone is going to write a Swing app using Struts, for example.

-= J

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RE: Looking for DBMessageResources...

2003-02-17 Thread James Mitchell
You sure that was James Holmes?

James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist

The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who
cannot read them.
- Mark Twain (1835-1910)

 -Original Message-
 From: Dave Cowden [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 2:56 PM
 Subject: Looking for DBMessageResources...
 I'm working on a project in which we're considering
 using an alternate MessageResource implementation that
 is backed by a database.
 Reading through the archives, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 advertised that he'd written this ( called
 DBMessageResources), and posted a news
 article back in September on the struts website:
 For anyone interested, I have finished implementing
 DBMessageResources which allows you to keep the
 key-value pairs (from your in a single database
 The mail archives made frequent reference to this code
 as well. Unfortunately I cannot get my hands on the
 module.  I have searched all the archives, googled,
 and emailed mr. Holmes with no response. His website , that he refers to is not available
 ( and has not been for about at least a week). The
 files are also not available on the struts atlanta
 yahoo files section.
 Does anybody have or know where I can find this source
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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
Is there any plan to move ActionForms  to true domain objects ?

No.  See past developer and user list discussions on this topic.

 Struts uses too many
 concrete base classes.  We will be working to use more
 interfaces over time.

Any idea on when or version ?

Because introducing interfaces in certain areas would break backwards 
compatibility, 2.0 would be a good time to do this.


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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
It's not coupled to JSP at all.  Struts provides taglibs to use in JSPs but 
does not dictate that you must use JSP as your view layer.  This has been 
demonstrated by people using Velocity, XML, and Web Services with Struts.


From: John Espey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:18:08 -0600

i think the argument isn't about it being too servlet-container centric,
rather that it is too tightly coupled to JSP as the view technology.

 -Original Message-
 From: James Childers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:11 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain

  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 8:55 AM
  Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain
  However, Struts is not too JSP oriented.  JSP is the most
  popular Java user interface technology for web applications so
  it is appropriately supported by Struts taglibs.  You can use
  *any* UI technology you want with Struts.

 Well, that's not quite true, is it? I mean, look at this
 signature for Action.execute:

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
 form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
 throws Exception

 You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is
 not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general
 purpose MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using
 Struts, for example.

 -= J

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Robert Taylor
If you use any flavor of DynaForms, you can pass the user input directly
the business domain as a DynaBean interface which is not directly
connected to Struts, but rather to org.apache.commons.beanutils package.

You will most likely still have to convert to some sort of
or ValueObject, but the beanutils package also has conversion tools for


 -Original Message-
 From: NYIMI Jose (BMB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:11 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain

  -Original Message-
  From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:55 PM
  Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true
  domain objects
  The author correctly states that ActionForms are not true
  domain objects.
  This is intentional.  He also correctly points out that

 Is there any plan to move ActionForms  to true domain objects ?

  Struts uses too many
  concrete base classes.  We will be working to use more
  interfaces over time.

 Any idea on when or version ?



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Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screen isempty

2003-02-17 Thread Bert Catsburg

I have the problem that an Action is not executed.
When I process the Form (by clicking Submit button), the
.do url is shown in the addressbar and an empty screen
is shown.

The start of the Action javafile does some logging (using
Log4J), but I see nothing in the MySQL (to where I am logging to).
The ActionForm also does some logging to the same Log4J appender
(in the first setter) and that one is shown.

Below is the struts-config.xml file (only the Action), it's
quite standard as you see.

!-- Process a user logon --
  forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /


Also, the first couple of lines from the Action:

  package fimp.logon;

  // imports removed from this extract
  public class LogonAction extends Action {

 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {

  	  	Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogonAction.class);
	  log.debug(Entered the LogonAction class);

If anybody can help me, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Bert Catsburg

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:35 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true 
 domain objects
 If you use any flavor of DynaForms, you can pass the user 
 input directly to the business domain as a DynaBean interface 
 which is not directly connected to Struts, but rather to 
 org.apache.commons.beanutils package.
 You will most likely still have to convert to some sort of 
 DataTransportObject or ValueObject, but the beanutils package 
 also has conversion tools for this.

Inelegant solution :)

That one of the reason Rod Johnson said : 
 ... so Struts has only taken us part of the way towards true data binding.


  -Original Message-
  From: NYIMI Jose (BMB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:11 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain 
   -Original Message-
   From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:55 PM
   Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not 
 true domain 
   The author correctly states that ActionForms are not true domain 
   objects. This is intentional.  He also correctly points out that
  Is there any plan to move ActionForms  to true domain objects ?
   Struts uses too many
   concrete base classes.  We will be working to use more interfaces 
   over time.
  Any idea on when or version ?
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RE: Bean:define and nulls

2003-02-17 Thread James Mitchell
I don't believe bean:define can help you with that.  You'll probably
have to do this with a scriptlet, a custom tag.or better yet, you
should take care of that in your action class.

James Mitchell
Software Engineer/Struts Evangelist

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 -Original Message-
 From: Jordan Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:39 AM
 To: Struts User List
 Subject: Bean:define and nulls
 I want to use a bean:define tag within a logic:iterate 
 tag to set a bean
 value to null. How can I do this if I can not use the same 
 value for the
 id attibute.
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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread John Espey
I agree.  I wasn't claiming that Struts IS too tightly coupled to JSP, I was
pointing out that the argument from the initial post was not that Struts is
too servlet centric but that it is too JSP centric, and that the execute()
method signature from a subsequent post doesn't really shed any light on
that argument.

 -Original Message-
 From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:31 AM
 Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain

 It's not coupled to JSP at all.  Struts provides taglibs to use
 in JSPs but
 does not dictate that you must use JSP as your view layer.  This has been
 demonstrated by people using Velocity, XML, and Web Services with Struts.


 From: John Espey [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true
 domain objects
 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:18:08 -0600
 i think the argument isn't about it being too servlet-container centric,
 rather that it is too tightly coupled to JSP as the view technology.
   -Original Message-
   From: James Childers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:11 AM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain
-Original Message-
From: David Graham [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain
However, Struts is not too JSP oriented.  JSP is the most
popular Java user interface technology for web applications so
it is appropriately supported by Struts taglibs.  You can use
*any* UI technology you want with Struts.
   Well, that's not quite true, is it? I mean, look at this
   signature for Action.execute:
  public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm
   form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
   throws Exception
   You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is
   not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general
   purpose MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using
   Struts, for example.
   -= J
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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Robert McIntosh

NYIMI Jose (BMB) wrote:

-Original Message-
From: Robert Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 4:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true 
domain objects

If you use any flavor of DynaForms, you can pass the user 
input directly to the business domain as a DynaBean interface 
which is not directly connected to Struts, but rather to 
org.apache.commons.beanutils package.

You will most likely still have to convert to some sort of 
DataTransportObject or ValueObject, but the beanutils package 
also has conversion tools for this.

Inelegant solution :)

That one of the reason Rod Johnson said : 
 ... so Struts has only taken us part of the way towards true data binding.


True data binding is generally inflexible and troublesome. Having come 
from the VB world many years ago, and its data binding way of doing 
things, I can say that I can't stand it. Having a middle ground creates 
more opportunities and power than not having it. I know some who still 
do data binding in swing apps, and they end up doing lots of hacks to 
perform things like validation, both simple and complex, and other 
'process' type of actions. All of this is easy to do with the way Struts 
handles things. Taking the data out of a DynaForm once I'm done doing 
simple validation and maybe some pre-processing, then doing a simple 
copyProperties call to take the string version of the data and populate 
a 'real' domain object is to easy for me want to give up.

- Robert


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RE: [OT] serving images with apache

2003-02-17 Thread Brandon Goodin
I am using apache(http)/tomcat combo with JK Connector. I gave up on using
JK2 as the connector because I had to get my app deployed. JK2's
conifguration was rather complex and documentation wasn't 1-2-3 (simple)
enough for me to get it done quickly.

As a side note. There have been significant speed improvements in Tomcat
4.1.x with tag caching. I am not sure that the speed impact is all that big
of a deal for serving your pages straight from Tomcat. I know several
developers that serve straight Tomcat and are quite satisfied. Usually
others serve from apache because it offers support for other scripting
languages and reporting tools. So if you are pure java... tomcat would most
likely be sufficient.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

-Original Message-
From: Curtis Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 7:52 AM
Subject: [OT] serving images with apache

I am considering what server configuration to use.  What is the
current best practices as far as using a servlet container fronted by
a web server (e.g. tomcat with apache)?  On one hand I like the idea
of having everything self contained in a war file, and just using the
servlet container to serve everything.  On the other hand, I have
heard it is best to have a web server like apache serve out static
content like images.  What configuration are you using in a production


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html:select tag and the value attribute

2003-02-17 Thread John C Cartwright
Hello All,

I'm having some trouble getting the html:select tag to recognize the 
value attribute in order to set the appropriate enclosed option to 
selected.  It works fine with a simple string, but doesn't seem to 
recognize a RT expression.

Here's the code sample:

  value=name /

There is a bean mapservice contained in mapserviceDetailForm, and it 
has a property name that should identify the option to be selected.

Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?


-- john

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RE: [OT] serving images with apache

2003-02-17 Thread Pani, Gourav
You could have both.  Have an images directory within your war build and
have it under webapps.  Then use the following setup in your httpd.conf to
point to the directory where you have images in your webapps directory.

DocumentRoot /usr/local/appserver/webapps/application/images

-Original Message-
From: Curtis Brown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 9:52 AM
Subject: [OT] serving images with apache

I am considering what server configuration to use.  What is the
current best practices as far as using a servlet container fronted by
a web server (e.g. tomcat with apache)?  On one hand I like the idea
of having everything self contained in a war file, and just using the
servlet container to serve everything.  On the other hand, I have
heard it is best to have a web server like apache serve out static
content like images.  What configuration are you using in a production


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Re: html:select tag and the value attribute

2003-02-17 Thread David M. Karr
 John == John C Cartwright John writes:

John Hello All,
John I'm having some trouble getting the html:select tag to recognize the 
John attribute in order to set the appropriate enclosed option to selected.  It
John works fine with a simple string, but doesn't seem to recognize a RT 

John Here's the code sample:

John html:select
John property=mapservicename
John value=${}
John html:optionsCollection
Johnvalue=name /
John /html:select

John There is a bean mapservice contained in mapserviceDetailForm, and it has a
John property name that should identify the option to be selected.

John Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?

Well, technically you're not using an RT expression, but an EL expression.
Those will only work with the Struts-EL library (or the JSTL).  You're
obviously somewhat familiar with that, or you wouldn't have tried this.

Does that tell you what you need to know?

David M. Karr  ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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[OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Matt Raible
I'm writing a chapter on Struts for a book, Professional JSP 2.0, from
Wrox (  The reason I'm sending
this post is to verify my belief of the different design patterns that
Struts implements.  From the Core J2EE Design Patterns book (by Alur,
Crupi, and Malks), there are 6 patterns discussed:

Intercepting Filter
Front Controller
View Helper
Composite View
Service to Worker
Dispatcher View

In Struts, I'm assuming the following:

Front Controller (ActionServlet)
View Helper (ActionForm)
Composite View (Tiles)
Service to Worker (ActionServlet to your Actions)
Dispatcher View (RequestProcessor)



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RE: Use of DispatchAction class

2003-02-17 Thread Brandon Goodin
You would retrieve the hidden form property like any other.

In other words you have a hidden form element:
input type=hidden name=myProperty value=Be cool/

In you action form you have a property with setter/getter:

public MyActionForm extends ActionForm {

protected String myProperty;

public void setMyProperty(String myProperty) {

this.myProperty = myProperty;


public String getMyProperty() {

return this.myProperty;



In your Action class you would access the ActionForm from within your
execute or lookupMethod(DispatchAction) and retrieve the property value:

public MyAction extends Action {


public ActionForward execute(
ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) {

MyActionForm myActionForm = (MyActionForm)form;

String myProperty = myActionForm.getMyProperty();

// perform logic/model calls

return mapping.findForward(success);



Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

-Original Message-
From: shashi [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:47 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Use of DispatchAction class

Thanks Alot

If  I make a method with  the name of hidden field parameter in the Bean
Class and give as parameter in the structs_config.xml.

Is it helpful for me to find the hidden field value in the class which is
extended the Action class.



- Original Message -
From: Alex McLintock [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 6:17 PM
Subject: Re: Use of DispatchAction class

 At 10:59 17/02/03, shashi wrote:
 I am new in the struts and working on a form in which i want to use the
 hidden fields in my Action class.
 Please give me any idea regarding how i can implement the functionalty.


 You may find Ted Husted's Artimus example useful. It has a form with
 fields in it. I think it is the article editing form - you need the
 id in a field - but it shouldn't be edited by the user - therefore it is
 put into a hidden field.

 I can't remember the URL for the WAR file download off the top of my head.
 Either Ted can remind us, or you can do a google search.



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RE: Controller - Model design question?

2003-02-17 Thread Marco Tedone
Yes, I think I'll do that. I could design an underlying service which could
ask to the Factory to return bean's instance and it would contain the
business methods implementation and error mapping. This way an Action will
have to ask only for result(i.e., getCatalogs()), letting the service
implementation to take care how.

My scaring was actually to bind Struts with EJBs and I knew that an
alternative way was 'behind the scenes'.

Thank you,


-Original Message-
From: John Espey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 8:23 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Controller - Model design question?

gotcha, now I understand.  I generally try to avoid putting the EJB
interface in my Action, so I create a Business Delegate (much like what Ted
calls a Facade I believe).  This  business delegate knows about the ejb's
interface, and exposes its own interface.  It then delegates calls to the
underlying service, trapping implementation specific exceptions and wrapping
them in more business related exceptions.   This way I can later decide to
switch from an EJB implementation to some other service (web service, JNI
call, CORBA, etc.), without having to modify the Action class, only the
delegate class gets modified.

 -Original Message-
 From: Marco Tedone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 2:12 PM
 To: Struts-user-list
 Subject: RE: Controller - Model design question?

 Sorry John, I wasn't talking about the implementation details, as I 
 will let the EJB container to manage the EJBs pool for me; we could
 discuss about the
 way to implement an 'EJB's locator service'; I'm using a Factory and you a
 Singleton. Both work and are independent from the web application. As your
 Action(part of the Controller) will have to deal with the business
 components(just to use it!) my question was:

 Is it correct the Action to know about the EJB's interface?

 Hope I'll expained myself better than before.

 Thank you

 -Original Message-
 From: John Espey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 4:19 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: Controller - Model design question?

 I'm not sure about your particular requirements, but I personally use 
 a singleton ServiceLocator to do EJB home lookups.  Because it is a 
 Singleton, it is easier to find than the way you've shown, and it can 
 be reused outside
 of the web container.

  -Original Message-
  From: Marco Tedone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2003 4:38 PM
  To: Struts-user-list
  Subject: Controller - Model design question?
  Hi, to implement the business logic of my application I decided to 
  use EJBs. I'm designing a factory which could return an instance of 
  the EJBs interface and I'm thinking to call that factory(implemented 
  as a PlugIn and there set
  as a ServletContext attribute) from my Actions. This would lead
 the Action
  to know about the EJBs interface name as part of the notation would 
  be like the following:
  Factory factory = 
  EjbInterface bean = factory.getEjbInterface();
  The question is:
  Is it correct the Action to know about the Model interfaces?
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RE: [ANNOUNCE] Event Foo In US state blah

2003-02-17 Thread James Turner
 -Original Message-
 From: Alex McLintock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Is no one going to do a Struts event in the UK?
 There is supposedly an apache meetup in London organised through but last one didn't have enough 
 responders to be 

Sure, pay my airfare and I'll be more than happy to drink Guinness and
talk Struts :-)


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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
 True data binding is generally inflexible and troublesome. 
 Having come 
 from the VB world many years ago, and its data binding way of doing 
 things, I can say that I can't stand it. Having a middle 
 ground creates 
 more opportunities and power than not having it. I know some 
 who still 
 do data binding in swing apps, and they end up doing lots of hacks to 
 perform things like validation, both simple and complex, and other 
 'process' type of actions. All of this is easy to do with the 
 way Struts 
 handles things. Taking the data out of a DynaForm once I'm done doing 
 simple validation and maybe some pre-processing, then doing a simple 

Rod Johnson, recommanded the following :
Validation code shouldn't be contained in web-tier controllers or any objects unique 
to the web tier. This allows the reuse of validation objects for other client types.

He continued by :

Validation in the web tier has the severe disadvantage of tying validation 
logic(which may be business logic) to the Servlet API and perhaps also to a web 
application framework.
Unfortunately, Struts tends to push validation in the direction of the web tier, as 
validation must occur on Struts ActionForm objects, which depend on the Servlet API, 
and hence *cannot* not be passed into an EJB container and should not be passed to any 
business object. For example, validation is often accomplished by overrinding the 
org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm validate method.
I consider this (and the fact that ActionForm objects must extends a Struts superclass 
dependent on the Servlet API) to be a major design flaw.

 copyProperties call to take the string version of the data 
 and populate 
 a 'real' domain object is to easy for me want to give up.

With the framework suggested by Rod Johnson there is no need to make this copy.
The design deals with domain object.


 - Robert
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Fw: TilesAction and Controller

2003-02-17 Thread BaTien Duong
Question: Just check to make sure that the controllerClass (NOT
controllerURL) used in tiles:insert tag can extends TilesAction (and NOT
implements Controller)?

- Original Message -
From: BaTien Duong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2003 3:53 PM
Subject: Re: TilesAction and Controller

 Using TilesAction as a controller, I can pass the generated error to the
 input page via standard Struts process:
 if (!errors.empty()) {
 saveErrors(request, errors);
 return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput();

 Question: How can I achieve the same thing with Tiles Controller?
 that I can have currentURL and RequestURL as Tiles attributes in the

 Cedric and/or someone may save me time to navigate from ServletContext
 passed into the Controller perform(...) method.


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RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Jerome Jacobsen
This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least in the
downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually it is
Appendix D.

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Raible [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:57 AM
 Subject: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

 I'm writing a chapter on Struts for a book, Professional JSP 2.0, from
 Wrox (  The reason I'm sending
 this post is to verify my belief of the different design patterns that
 Struts implements.  From the Core J2EE Design Patterns book (by Alur,
 Crupi, and Malks), there are 6 patterns discussed:

 Intercepting Filter
 Front Controller
 View Helper
 Composite View
 Service to Worker
 Dispatcher View

 In Struts, I'm assuming the following:

 Front Controller (ActionServlet)
 View Helper (ActionForm)
 Composite View (Tiles)
 Service to Worker (ActionServlet to your Actions)
 Dispatcher View (RequestProcessor)



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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Robert McIntosh

NYIMI Jose (BMB) wrote:

True data binding is generally inflexible and troublesome. 
Having come 
from the VB world many years ago, and its data binding way of doing 
things, I can say that I can't stand it. Having a middle 
ground creates 
more opportunities and power than not having it. I know some 
who still 
do data binding in swing apps, and they end up doing lots of hacks to 
perform things like validation, both simple and complex, and other 
'process' type of actions. All of this is easy to do with the 
way Struts 
handles things. Taking the data out of a DynaForm once I'm done doing 
simple validation and maybe some pre-processing, then doing a simple 

Rod Johnson, recommanded the following :
Validation code shouldn't be contained in web-tier controllers or any objects unique to the web tier. This allows the reuse of validation objects for other client types.

He continued by :

Validation in the web tier has the severe disadvantage of tying validation logic(which may be business logic) to the Servlet API and perhaps also to a web application framework.
Unfortunately, Struts tends to push validation in the direction of the web tier, as validation must occur on Struts ActionForm objects, which depend on the Servlet API, and hence *cannot* not be passed into an EJB container and should not be passed to any business object. For example, validation is often accomplished by overrinding the org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm validate method.
I consider this (and the fact that ActionForm objects must extends a Struts superclass dependent on the Servlet API) to be a major design flaw.


copyProperties call to take the string version of the data 
and populate 
a 'real' domain object is to easy for me want to give up.

With the framework suggested by Rod Johnson there is no need to make this copy.
The design deals with domain object.


As it has been pointed out a few times on this list, there are different 
types of validation. The validation in struts is intended for user input 
validation, not necessarily business logic validation. Input validation 
being that a number is input instead of a alphanumeric string, or other 
such 'simple' validation. I agree that business logic validation should 
happen in the domain objects. Things like cross property validation, 
cross object validation, verifying a user name/password, etc. etc.  

The same could be said for db validation. The database is good at 
validating referential integrity and things like that. Domain objects 
are good at cross property/object validation and other business rules 
that aren't necessarily db or input specific.

As we tell our clients, validate where it makes sense. Sometimes that 
means in all three places, sometimes not.

- Robert


- Robert



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RE: [Q] Is Struts use of BeanUtils and PropertyUtils inconsistent?

2003-02-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan
See below.

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Jim Krygowski wrote:

 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 07:20:27 -0500
 From: Jim Krygowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: RE: [Q] Is Struts use  of BeanUtils and PropertyUtils

 Hi Craig-

 thanks for the reply.  You mention that:

  The conversions on form submit are required because HTTP request
  parameters are all strings.

 which I understood perfectly well.  I also understand that, in order for
 that conversion to work for things like date, a common format must used
 inbound and outbound.

  Struts does not have any innate knowledge of
  your model tier's requirements, and in particular does not know what the
  caller of RequestUtils.lookup() is going to do with the data that is
  Doing that by itself would break a huge number of apps that depend on
  RequestUtils.lookup() working the way it does.

 I agree here too.  Struts shouldn't know, and it never will.  When a date is
 inbound, Struts knows just enough to invoke the converter associated with
 the Class/Type and that's it.  And that's how it should be.  But, I'd argue
 that since the caller of RequestUtils.lookup in this case is a view
 component (a tag), it should be smart enough to know about the formats I
 want applied to the information it is rendering.  I think you're right that
 we shouldn't tamper with RequestUtils.

  It sounds like you'd be better off creating a customized version of the
  bean:write tag that does the conversion for you.  That wouldn't be
  particularly difficult to implement.

 However, do you think it's worth considering modifying the bean *and* html
 tags to recognize edit masks/display formats?

The bean:write tag already has a format attribute that works like
this.  I'm not personally interested in adding this kind of thing to the
other tags (my long term plan is to use JavaServer Faces components
instead), but it's possible that other Struts committers will be
interested in this.

 Most of the Struts work I'm
 doing now involves re-creating old Oracle Forms applications as JSP/EJB
 kinds of applications.  Edit masks have been a pretty standard view side
 concept for decades now.  Adding masks as attributes of the tags might be a
 simple way to implement this feature.

 Also, I realize there are a bunch of other hacks I could employ like
 breaking dates into three separate input boxes, but I'd rather hack as a
 last resort.  And beyond dates, I can think of many other applications of
 formats to simplify rendering of data in the JSP.

The best way to get something like this included in Struts would be to
post enhancement requests to the bug tracking system:

and then attach patches to implement the proposed changes, as outlined
starting at:

Then, it's just a matter of talking with the developers about
incorporating the changes in some appropriate version of Struts (we're
trying to lock down 1.1 at the moment, so it won't go there no matter

Worst case, at least you'll have the tags implemented the way you like so
that *you* can use them.  Best case, you'll get an @author tag on a bunch
of Struts classes :-).



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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Chris Halverson wrote:

 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:16:01 -0600
 From: Chris Halverson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

 James Childers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is
  not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general purpose
  MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using Struts, for

 It can be done.

It can definitely be done -- but having to deal with GUI frameworks (MFC,
AWT, Swing, SWT, ...) is so agonizingly painful that it's why I got
involved in building applications for the web in the first place :-).

Short answer:  Struts was never intended to solve any outside of a
servlet container problems, so it should hardly be surprising that using
it that way is not particularly graceful.



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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
Rod Johnson: The idea of copying properties from an action form to business command 
is inelegant and there is o support for type checking.

Was there so far an around solution ?



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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
Rod Johnson: The idea of copying properties from an action form to business command 
is inelegant and there is no support for type checking.

Was there so far an around solution ?



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Re: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screen is empty

2003-02-17 Thread Jim Theodoridis

Check the log files of your container to see the errors.

Usualy this occurs because of wrong path of the JSP
Check the line

forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /

- Original Message -
From: Bert Catsburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screen is


 I have the problem that an Action is not executed.
 When I process the Form (by clicking Submit button), the
 .do url is shown in the addressbar and an empty screen
 is shown.

 The start of the Action javafile does some logging (using
 Log4J), but I see nothing in the MySQL (to where I am logging to).
 The ActionForm also does some logging to the same Log4J appender
 (in the first setter) and that one is shown.

 Below is the struts-config.xml file (only the Action), it's
 quite standard as you see.

  !-- Process a user logon --
forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /


 Also, the first couple of lines from the Action:

package fimp.logon;

// imports removed from this extract
public class LogonAction extends Action {

   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
 ActionForm form,
 HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response)
   throws IOException, ServletException {

  Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogonAction.class);
log.debug(Entered the LogonAction class);

 If anybody can help me, it would be appreciated.

 Thank you,

 Bert Catsburg

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Announce: Struts talk .. labs live online w/ 4 Authors

2003-02-17 Thread Vic Cekvenich
Ted  James have now both graciously agreed to join the WebEx labs.
Try to see them in person!
(I just did DC 2 weeks ago).
But if you can’t…. you can see their presentation and hear them live 
from your home or work, shortly after their live shows.

This in addition to doing real labs for multi row master detail 
processing to DB ,etc, I just added extra sessions.
You can find out more and how to sign up at

The qualifier is that this is not intro to Struts and that you please do 
the hands on labs after each of the 5 sessions.

- Best Training by readers of JDJ
- Project recovery

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Re: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screenis empty

2003-02-17 Thread Bert Catsburg
More info:
The tomcat logfile shows:

2003-02-17 18:38:36 action: Processing a POST for /logon
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute 
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class 
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:  Storing instance under attribute 
'logonForm' in scope 'request'
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:  Populating bean properties from this request
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:  Validating input form properties
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:  Looking for Action instance for class 
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:   Double checking for Action instance 
already there
2003-02-17 18:38:36 action:   Creating new Action instance

So, this means that the Action is created, isn't it? But why am
I not seeing the logger messages or results from Action then?
I'm am comparing line for line with other examples, like the one
from the Wiley book about Struts, but I can see no differences in
the parts that should matter.

Bert Catsburg

Bert Catsburg wrote:

I have the problem that an Action is not executed.
When I process the Form (by clicking Submit button), the
.do url is shown in the addressbar and an empty screen
is shown.

The start of the Action javafile does some logging (using
Log4J), but I see nothing in the MySQL (to where I am logging to).
The ActionForm also does some logging to the same Log4J appender
(in the first setter) and that one is shown.

Below is the struts-config.xml file (only the Action), it's
quite standard as you see.

!-- Process a user logon --
  forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /


Also, the first couple of lines from the Action:

  package fimp.logon;

  // imports removed from this extract
  public class LogonAction extends Action {

 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {

Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogonAction.class);
  log.debug(Entered the LogonAction class);

If anybody can help me, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Bert Catsburg

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Brandon Goodin
Just monitoring this thread. I wanted to put my 2 cents in. Being a big
dummy ;-) I was thinking...

Looking at each view technology that exists out there
(JSP,XML,XHTML,WAP,Swing,SWT etc...). We face the reality of having a base
form in which the data is collected and transported. In a markup environment
we usually have a request object that houses all of the form input. The
request also passes around objects which some may use in a jsp page. Others
may use a straight xml/xslt solution which keeps the request a simple query
transport but has to generate objects for creating those pages on the fly.

Anyways, The point being struts forms that request into usable objects
for the business-tier to take advantage of. What is the other option? Do we
create Factory classes in our business logic to accomodate every sort of
means of basic data transport out there and data conversion that needs to
happen? Or do we provide an intermediary stage (like struts
ActionServlet,ActionForm,Action) that prepares that data for the biz logic.

Personally, I think Struts handles a type of view quite well(web). I'm not
using Swing in conjunction with struts. But, if I so desired my business
logic classes are freely available to be used in a swing or swt environment.

As far as validation... Struts is NOT trying to accomplish all validaiton.
Some validation can be handled on the Struts side to allow for better
preparation of data and data conversion to the biz logic. Errors that are
passed form the biz logic layer can be captured and displayed to the user if
need be. So validation can still be handled in the business logic.

I could go on and on... but I will end it with a couple comments:

1) Struts handles various issues in an appropriate and thoughtful manner. I
only look forward to struts improving.
2) What technology out there is not breaking someones ideal model? The
reason why we discard one technology for another is that the shortcomings of
one technology become unbearable in comparison to another. I can bet you
that there would be sizeable opponents to Rod Johnson's way of doing things
as well as there are opponents to the way struts does things.

No matter what technology you use you will be disatisfied with it in some
aspect or another. If it's too unbearable for you to use Struts. Then there
are various other frameworks that might serve your project better. :-)

Let's just work on making what we have better. :-D

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
PO Box 85
Whitefish MT 59937
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

-Original Message-
From: NYIMI Jose (BMB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:10 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain

 True data binding is generally inflexible and troublesome.
 Having come
 from the VB world many years ago, and its data binding way of doing
 things, I can say that I can't stand it. Having a middle
 ground creates
 more opportunities and power than not having it. I know some
 who still
 do data binding in swing apps, and they end up doing lots of hacks to
 perform things like validation, both simple and complex, and other
 'process' type of actions. All of this is easy to do with the
 way Struts
 handles things. Taking the data out of a DynaForm once I'm done doing
 simple validation and maybe some pre-processing, then doing a simple

Rod Johnson, recommanded the following :
Validation code shouldn't be contained in web-tier controllers or any
objects unique to the web tier. This allows the reuse of validation objects
for other client types.

He continued by :

Validation in the web tier has the severe disadvantage of tying validation
logic(which may be business logic) to the Servlet API and perhaps also to a
web application framework.
Unfortunately, Struts tends to push validation in the direction of the web
tier, as validation must occur on Struts ActionForm objects, which depend on
the Servlet API, and hence *cannot* not be passed into an EJB container and
should not be passed to any business object. For example, validation is
often accomplished by overrinding the org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm
validate method.
I consider this (and the fact that ActionForm objects must extends a Struts
superclass dependent on the Servlet API) to be a major design flaw.

 copyProperties call to take the string version of the data
 and populate
 a 'real' domain object is to easy for me want to give up.

With the framework suggested by Rod Johnson there is no need to make this
The design deals with domain object.


 - Robert


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Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Husted
I think Rod makes a common mistake in believing Struts is suppose to act 
as the base of your domain architecture. Struts is a presentation layer 
controller. Sophisticated applications will also need their own *domain 
layer* controller.

Yes, ActionForms are not domain objects. They are not suppose to domain 
objects. They are presentation layer objects. They are not intended to 
be used as domain objects. ActionForm is not an interface *because* we 
don't want them to be used as domain objects. It's not a design flaw, 
but a deliberate design decision that's been documented time and again.

Sophisticated applications will also use their own set of beans (or the 
like). Some (and only some) of properties of the domain objects and the 
ActionForms will overlap, but they are not the same entity.

Among other things, ActionForms are Data Transfer Objects. It's 
important not to confuse a DTO with the DO. This type of decoupling is 
what MVC is all about.

IMHO, what's missing is a decent Domain Layer framework that can hook up 
with other presentation layer frameworks like Struts or Tapestry or 
Maverick or WebWorks, or whatever you've brewed in house. But there 
should not be *one true framework*, but frameworks at each layer that 
you can mix and match.

But I do agree with Rod that the best presentation layer framework has 
yet to be built. Meanwhile, AFAIK, we haven't even built a decent 
business layer framework yet.


Ted Husted,
Struts in Action

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Velocity. Validator and Indexed Properties

2003-02-17 Thread Sujay D'Souza

I have been using Vel-tools (struts) as the view
technology along with struts for a while now.

I am trying to get Indexed properties on a Velocity
Template which is used as an input form which then
needs to be validated by Struts validator. I am using
dyna beans, and the Value Object is read in fine into
an array (indexed) if validation doesn't occur, if
validation does occur, the values which are displayed
back on the screen are all null. Does anybody have any
tips for getting the validation portion working along
with vel-struts. Would appreciate any input, as am
totally lost.



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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
Validation code shouldn't be contained in web-tier controllers or any 
objects unique to the web tier. This allows the reuse of validation objects 
for other client types.

You can perform absolutely no validation in the Struts web tier if you 
choose.  Validate wherever you like; Struts provides a hook into basic UI 
validation if you want to use it.

With the framework suggested by Rod Johnson there is no need to make this 
The design deals with domain object.

If you like other frameworks better than Struts, then use them.  ActionForm 
being a base class instead of an interface is not a significant reason to 
not use Struts.


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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Robert McIntosh

Of course I have to shamelessly plug our domain layer framework, 
eQ!( :-)
One of the goals is to be UI independant, as well as deployment 
independant (app server, client-server, standalone), but we also provide 
adapters for Swing and of course Struts. If we had demand for others, we 
would build them as well.

I also agree that Struts isn't perfect, but it is pretty darn strong and 
it is the most widely accepted.

- Robert

Ted Husted wrote:

I think Rod makes a common mistake in believing Struts is suppose to 
act as the base of your domain architecture. Struts is a presentation 
layer controller. Sophisticated applications will also need their own 
*domain layer* controller.

Yes, ActionForms are not domain objects. They are not suppose to 
domain objects. They are presentation layer objects. They are not 
intended to be used as domain objects. ActionForm is not an interface 
*because* we don't want them to be used as domain objects. It's not a 
design flaw, but a deliberate design decision that's been documented 
time and again.

Sophisticated applications will also use their own set of beans (or 
the like). Some (and only some) of properties of the domain objects 
and the ActionForms will overlap, but they are not the same entity.

Among other things, ActionForms are Data Transfer Objects. It's 
important not to confuse a DTO with the DO. This type of decoupling is 
what MVC is all about.

IMHO, what's missing is a decent Domain Layer framework that can hook 
up with other presentation layer frameworks like Struts or Tapestry or 
Maverick or WebWorks, or whatever you've brewed in house. But there 
should not be *one true framework*, but frameworks at each layer that 
you can mix and match.

But I do agree with Rod that the best presentation layer framework has 
yet to be built. Meanwhile, AFAIK, we haven't even built a decent 
business layer framework yet.


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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

 * Thus a Struts ActionForm is not a true domain object.

Definitely true -- ActionForm is a view tier object, used (by the
framework, not the application) to maintain the server-side state of input
fields on an HTML form.  Trying to treat it as a domain object is a misuse
of Struts, and violates the fundamental design principles that the
framework is based on.

By the way, this is also why ActionForm is a concrete class and not an
interface (which it was in the pre-1.0 days).  Too many people didn't
understand this crucial concept, and were using it incorrectly (by
making their real domain objects implement ActionForm).  It was changed
to a concrete class to push application developers towards doing the right
thing.  I'm not in favor of switching it back.


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Re: TilesAction and Controller

2003-02-17 Thread BaTien Duong
I found the following in tilesAdvancedFeatures:

If you use a class name as controller, it should extend one of the following
base classes or interfaces:
org.apache.struts.action.Action (wrapper
org.apache.struts.action.StrutsActionControllerWrapper is used) If you
provide a Struts Action subclass, it will be wrapped with the appropriate
class, and
Struts' perform method will be called, but the mapping and form
attributes will be null.

Does this means that to pass the error via mapping I must use controlerUrl
in tiles:insert tag ? Where is
org.apache.struts.action.StrutsActionControllerWrapper? I cannot find it in
src of struts 1.1-b3.

- Original Message -
From: BaTien Duong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 10:22 AM
Subject: Fw: TilesAction and Controller

 Question: Just check to make sure that the controllerClass (NOT
 controllerUrl) used in tiles:insert tag can extends TilesAction (and NOT
 implements Controller)?

  Using TilesAction as a controller, I can pass the generated error to the
  input page via standard Struts process:
  if (!errors.empty()) {
  saveErrors(request, errors);
  return (new ActionForward(mapping.getInput();
  Question: How can I achieve the same thing with Tiles Controller?
  that I can have currentURL and RequestURL as Tiles attributes in the
  Cedric and/or someone may save me time to navigate from ServletContext
  passed into the Controller perform(...) method.

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Re: html:select tag and the value attribute

2003-02-17 Thread John C Cartwright
Thanks for the prompt reply, David.  I didn't realize that there was a 
Struts-EL library, where would I find such a beast?  I don't see mention 
of it in the 1.1b3 distribution nor in the  on-line docs.

Thanks again!

-- john

David M. Karr wrote:

John == John C Cartwright John writes:

   John Hello All,
   John I'm having some trouble getting the html:select tag to recognize the value
   John attribute in order to set the appropriate enclosed option to selected.  It
   John works fine with a simple string, but doesn't seem to recognize a RT expression.

   John Here's the code sample:

   John html:select
   John property=mapservicename
   John value=${}
   John html:optionsCollection
   Johnvalue=name /
   John /html:select

   John There is a bean mapservice contained in mapserviceDetailForm, and it has a
   John property name that should identify the option to be selected.

   John Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?

Well, technically you're not using an RT expression, but an EL expression.
Those will only work with the Struts-EL library (or the JSTL).  You're
obviously somewhat familiar with that, or you wouldn't have tried this.

Does that tell you what you need to know?


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Re: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screenis empty

2003-02-17 Thread Bert Catsburg

Thanks for your answer.
To be sure I changed the index2.jsp to main.jsp, maybe it looks too
much like the index.jsp. (Yes, you try the less obvious at some point)
No luck.
To answer your question on the errors int the logfile of the container,
I posted the other reply with more info on that. In there it looks like
the Action is started. Only it doesn't come back on the screen.

When I type in main.jsp on the address bar, I get the index.jsp,
just as my code tells me.
Code in main.jsp:
  logic:notPresent name=LOGGED-IN scope=session
  logic:forward name=index /

Ok, normally I hate posting large portions of files, but I feel
like I should post a larger piece of my config:

  !-- == Form Bean Definitions == --
form-bean name=logonForm type=fimp.logon.LogonForm/

  !-- == Global Forward Definitions = --
  forward name=index path=/index.jsp /
  forward name=logon path=/logon.jsp /
  forward name=failure path=/errorpage.jsp /
  forward name=home path=/main.jsp /

  !-- == Action Mapping Definitions == --

!-- Process a user logon --
  forward name=success-login path=/main.jsp /
  forward name=index path=/index.jsp /



To rephrase the quesion to a smaller one: HEEEPP !!!


Bert Catsburg

Jim Theodoridis wrote:


Check the log files of your container to see the errors.

Usualy this occurs because of wrong path of the JSP
Check the line

forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /

- Original Message -
From: Bert Catsburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screen is


I have the problem that an Action is not executed.
When I process the Form (by clicking Submit button), the
.do url is shown in the addressbar and an empty screen
is shown.

The start of the Action javafile does some logging (using
Log4J), but I see nothing in the MySQL (to where I am logging to).
The ActionForm also does some logging to the same Log4J appender
(in the first setter) and that one is shown.

Below is the struts-config.xml file (only the Action), it's
quite standard as you see.

!-- Process a user logon --
  forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /


Also, the first couple of lines from the Action:

  package fimp.logon;

  // imports removed from this extract
  public class LogonAction extends Action {

 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {

Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogonAction.class);
  log.debug(Entered the LogonAction class);

If anybody can help me, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Bert Catsburg

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread John Cavacas
 I think Rod makes a common mistake in believing Struts is suppose to act
 as the base of your domain architecture. Struts is a presentation layer
 controller. Sophisticated applications will also need their own *domain
 layer* controller.
[John Cavacas] 
I have to disagree with that statement after reading the book and being
somewhat familiar with the framework and solutions that Rod presents. I
believe that Rod never makes that assumption, on the contrary.
 IMHO, what's missing is a decent Domain Layer framework that can hook up
 with other presentation layer frameworks like Struts or Tapestry or
 Maverick or WebWorks, or whatever you've brewed in house. But there
 should not be *one true framework*, but frameworks at each layer that
 you can mix and match.
[John Cavacas] 
I don't want to sound that I am preaching for Rod's methods and framework,
but the framework he came up with does seem to solve (to an extent) this and
other problems. It's worth a look at especially since it has gone open
source and there is the beginning of active development on the project.

Struts is great for what it does, and Rods Spring Framework also seems great
at what it does. There are also flaws in both Struts and Spring. But that's
the beauty and simplicity of all of this. If you don't like something, don't
use it. Use something else or do your own thing.


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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread NYIMI Jose (BMB)
It's 19h22 in Belgium : time for me to go home :-)

Thanks for your input ...

Soon ?



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Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Robert S. Sfeir

On Monday, Feb 17, 2003, at 13:04 US/Eastern, John Cavacas wrote:

Struts is great for what it does, and Rods Spring Framework also seems 
at what it does. There are also flaws in both Struts and Spring. But 
the beauty and simplicity of all of this. If you don't like something, 
use it. Use something else or do your own thing.

Yup exactly.  Struts is not a do it all framework for everyone.  Struts 
to me is a purely web-based framework which makes very complex 
web-based application development easier and more maintainable.  Plain 
and simple.  It sets a bunch of rules so we don't have to set them 
ourselves for every project we work on.  If you chose Struts to build 
Swing GUIs you picked the wrong framework, if you want to add Swing 
GUIs to maintain say application settings for an application that uses 
Struts, you can still do that, but it's YOUR job to design YOUR side of 
the framework properly in order to allow your Swing apps to tap into 
YOUR framework while keeping it oblivious to the Struts side of things 
(see Business Delegate Pattern).

Now does it break this book's opinion of proper design patterns?  I'm 
sure it does, but what GREAT engineers don't break design pattern rules 
when it benefits the end result of an application or framework?  
Patters are there to solve issues we have, not to stick us into lala 
land with shackles and whips telling us that we must do it that way.  
They're merely there to help us write better OO design, and from where 
I sit the Struts design is as close to perfect as you can get right now 
for WEB-based development.

just my 2 cents.


Robert S. Sfeir
Senior Java Engineer
National Institutes of Health
Center for Information Technology
Department of Enterprise Custom Applications

Re: html:select tag and the value attribute

2003-02-17 Thread David M. Karr
 John == John C Cartwright John writes:

John Thanks for the prompt reply, David.  I didn't realize that there was a
John Struts-EL library, where would I find such a beast?  I don't see mention of 
John in the 1.1b3 distribution nor in the  on-line docs.

It's in a directory in the contrib directory, in the main distribution.
There is a small section on it in the user guide.  You could search the mail
archives for more discussion about it.  The following link is for the original
announcement about it on struts-user:

David M. Karr  ; Java/J2EE/XML/Unix/C++

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Re: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the screenis empty

2003-02-17 Thread Bert Catsburg

Found the solution.
The answer was lying around in my first posting on this subject.
Somewhere I read that the method in the Action was called
'execute'. So, I used that. But the ActionServlet start
the method 'perform' and I did not have that one. That's why
I did not get an error but the showed up and just did
nothing (empty screen)
A bit worying that no error is given when there is no 'execute'
method in Action. For newbies like me it's very confusing.

So, the new header is now:

   package fimp.logon;

   // imports removed from this extract
   public class LogonAction extends Action {

  public ActionForward perform(ActionMapping mapping,

Now I do get the logger info in my JDBC-appender.

Problem solved.

Bert Catsburg

Bert Catsburg wrote:


Thanks for your answer.
To be sure I changed the index2.jsp to main.jsp, maybe it looks too
much like the index.jsp. (Yes, you try the less obvious at some point)
No luck.
To answer your question on the errors int the logfile of the container,
I posted the other reply with more info on that. In there it looks like
the Action is started. Only it doesn't come back on the screen.

When I type in main.jsp on the address bar, I get the index.jsp,
just as my code tells me.
Code in main.jsp:
  logic:notPresent name=LOGGED-IN scope=session
  logic:forward name=index /

Ok, normally I hate posting large portions of files, but I feel
like I should post a larger piece of my config:

  !-- == Form Bean Definitions == --
form-bean name=logonForm type=fimp.logon.LogonForm/

  !-- == Global Forward Definitions = --
  forward name=index path=/index.jsp /
  forward name=logon path=/logon.jsp /
  forward name=failure path=/errorpage.jsp /
  forward name=home path=/main.jsp /

  !-- == Action Mapping Definitions == --

!-- Process a user logon --
  forward name=success-login path=/main.jsp /
  forward name=index path=/index.jsp /



To rephrase the quesion to a smaller one: HEEEPP !!!


Bert Catsburg

Jim Theodoridis wrote:


Check the log files of your container to see the errors.

Usualy this occurs because of wrong path of the JSP
Check the line

forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /

- Original Message -
From: Bert Catsburg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:44 PM
Subject: Action not executed, only the *.do url is shown and the 
screen is


I have the problem that an Action is not executed.
When I process the Form (by clicking Submit button), the
.do url is shown in the addressbar and an empty screen
is shown.

The start of the Action javafile does some logging (using
Log4J), but I see nothing in the MySQL (to where I am logging to).
The ActionForm also does some logging to the same Log4J appender
(in the first setter) and that one is shown.

Below is the struts-config.xml file (only the Action), it's
quite standard as you see.

!-- Process a user logon --
  forward name=success-login path=/index2.jsp /


Also, the first couple of lines from the Action:

  package fimp.logon;

  // imports removed from this extract
  public class LogonAction extends Action {

 public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
   ActionForm form,
   HttpServletRequest request,
   HttpServletResponse response)
 throws IOException, ServletException {

Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LogonAction.class);
  log.debug(Entered the LogonAction class);

If anybody can help me, it would be appreciated.

Thank you,

Bert Catsburg

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RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Thorsten Schäfer

 This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least in
 downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually it
 Appendix D.

Wow, that's exactly what I'm searching! Can you tell me where it's
possible to download this draft version?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Jerome Jacobsen
It appears I was wrong.  You can only download the Tiles and Validator
chapters (these are the final versions).

Ted had sent me the draft of the entire book at one point but it looks like
you can't download these chapters from anywhere.

Sorry, I won't email these out to anyone as I don't have Teds permission to
do so.

 -Original Message-
 From: Thorsten Schäfer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:30 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns


  This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least in
  downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually it
  Appendix D.

 Wow, that's exactly what I'm searching! Can you tell me where it's
 possible to download this draft version?

 Thanks in advance,


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RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Pani, Gourav
Well, it isn't like his book isn't available in stores.  If you want to read
it, you could always buy a copy.  It is a really good read.

-Original Message-
From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

It appears I was wrong.  You can only download the Tiles and Validator
chapters (these are the final versions).

Ted had sent me the draft of the entire book at one point but it looks like
you can't download these chapters from anywhere.

Sorry, I won't email these out to anyone as I don't have Teds permission to
do so.

 -Original Message-
 From: Thorsten Schäfer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:30 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns


  This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least in
  downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually it
  Appendix D.

 Wow, that's exactly what I'm searching! Can you tell me where it's
 possible to download this draft version?

 Thanks in advance,


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RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Jörg Maurer
And for the unpatient ones, you can pay + download it as pdf directly
from manning online.

-Original Message-
From: Pani, Gourav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Montag, 17. Februar 2003 21:45
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

Well, it isn't like his book isn't available in stores.  If you want to
it, you could always buy a copy.  It is a really good read.

-Original Message-
From: Jerome Jacobsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:42 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

It appears I was wrong.  You can only download the Tiles and Validator
chapters (these are the final versions).

Ted had sent me the draft of the entire book at one point but it looks
you can't download these chapters from anywhere.

Sorry, I won't email these out to anyone as I don't have Teds permission
do so.

 -Original Message-
 From: Thorsten Schäfer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:30 PM
 To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
 Subject: RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns


  This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least in
  downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually it
  Appendix D.

 Wow, that's exactly what I'm searching! Can you tell me where it's
 possible to download this draft version?

 Thanks in advance,


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Re: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Figures... I own the book and left it at work.  Anyone care to save 
me a trip into the office to verify this?



--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jerome Jacobsen 
 This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least 
in the
 downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually 
it is
 Appendix D.
  -Original Message-
  From: Matt Raible [mailto:matt@r...]
  Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:57 AM
  Subject: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns
  I'm writing a chapter on Struts for a book, Professional JSP 
2.0, from
  Wrox (  The reason I'm 
  this post is to verify my belief of the different design 
patterns that
  Struts implements.  From the Core J2EE Design Patterns book (by 
  Crupi, and Malks), there are 6 patterns discussed:
  Intercepting Filter
  Front Controller
  View Helper
  Composite View
  Service to Worker
  Dispatcher View
  In Struts, I'm assuming the following:
  Front Controller (ActionServlet)
  View Helper (ActionForm)
  Composite View (Tiles)
  Service to Worker (ActionServlet to your Actions)
  Dispatcher View (RequestProcessor)

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RE: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

2003-02-17 Thread Jerome Jacobsen
The table of contents is available online.  It is listed there as Appendix

 -Original Message-
 From: Matt Raible [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:54 PM
 Subject: Re: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns

 Figures... I own the book and left it at work.  Anyone care to save
 me a trip into the office to verify this?



 --- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Jerome Jacobsen
  This has already been done by Ted in his book, I think.  At least
 in the
  downloadable draft version there is a Patterns chapter.  Actually
 it is
  Appendix D.
   -Original Message-
   From: Matt Raible [mailto:matt@r...]
   Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 11:57 AM
   Subject: [OT] Struts and Design Patterns
   I'm writing a chapter on Struts for a book, Professional JSP
 2.0, from
   Wrox (  The reason I'm
   this post is to verify my belief of the different design
 patterns that
   Struts implements.  From the Core J2EE Design Patterns book (by
   Crupi, and Malks), there are 6 patterns discussed:
   Intercepting Filter
   Front Controller
   View Helper
   Composite View
   Service to Worker
   Dispatcher View
   In Struts, I'm assuming the following:
   Front Controller (ActionServlet)
   View Helper (ActionForm)
   Composite View (Tiles)
   Service to Worker (ActionServlet to your Actions)
   Dispatcher View (RequestProcessor)
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re: Velocity. Validator and Indexed Properties

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Husted
 Does anybody have any tips for getting the validation portion working
 along with vel-struts.

I'm using the Velocity View Tools for Struts with the Validator and 
conventional beans without a problem.

What happens if you just fail validation without using the validator?

Or use conventional ActionForms instead?

I'm guessing it's a dynabean issue.

You might also try slipping a conventional JSP in, just to confirm that 
everything else is working right.


Ted Husted,
Struts in Action

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Log detail question

2003-02-17 Thread Ian Hunter
I have low verbosity and debug=0 set in server.xml, but I keep getting all
this useless (in production, anyway) detail in my logs:

2003-02-17 17:05:40 default: DefaultServlet.serveResource:  Serving resource
'/main.css' headers and data
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action: Processing a POST for /logon
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:  Looking for ActionForm bean under attribute
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:  Creating new ActionForm instance of class  ...
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:  Storing instance under attribute 'logonForm' in
scope 'request'
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:  Populating bean properties from this request
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:  Validating input form properties
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:   No errors detected, accepting input
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action:  Looking for Action instance for class
2003-02-17 17:05:46 action: Logon by user Ian Hunter for session

The very last line is the only line I intentionally write to the log -- I
have copious amounts of logging going on, and I really don't want all the
Storing instance... junk.

I could have sworn I turned that way up while I was first learning struts
but now I can't seem to turn it off.



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tag inside the attribute of another tag?

2003-02-17 Thread Ginger Cheng
	I am trying to use the jsp:plugin to include an applet in my jsp page. 
But I want the codebase of my applet and jar file to come from the result 
of html:rewrite. However, the interpretation stops at the slash right 
after 'page', saying that attribute has no value. But the slash has to be 
there for the root of the web application. Can anyone tell me what to do in 
this situation? Thank you. The following is that part of my jsp:

  jsp:plugin type=applet 
jreversion=1.4.1 width=300 height=200
codebase=html:rewrite page=/chromatogram/graph / 
name=phredScoreString value=13 18 27 27 29 29 29 39 39 40 46 46 46 46 48 
39 32 32 32 27 24 24 23 25 26 33 39 34 34 34 34 37 40 56 46 51 51 /
Plugin tag OBJECT(IE) or 
EMBED(Netscape) not supported by browser.

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Re: tag inside the attribute of another tag?

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
You can't use tags as input to another tag's attribute.  You can use 
scriptlets or expression language to provide dynamic attribute values.


From: Ginger Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: tag inside the attribute of another tag?
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 17:20:21 -0500

	I am trying to use the jsp:plugin to include an applet in my jsp page. 
But I want the codebase of my applet and jar file to come from the result 
of html:rewrite. However, the interpretation stops at the slash right 
after 'page', saying that attribute has no value. But the slash has to be 
there for the root of the web application. Can anyone tell me what to do in 
this situation? Thank you. The following is that part of my jsp:

  jsp:plugin type=applet 
jreversion=1.4.1 width=300 height=200
codebase=html:rewrite page=/chromatogram/graph / 
name=phredScoreString value=13 18 27 27 29 29 29 39 39 40 46 46 46 46 48 
39 32 32 32 27 24 24 23 25 26 33 39 34 34 34 34 37 40 56 46 51 51 /
Plugin tag OBJECT(IE) or 
EMBED(Netscape) not supported by browser.

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Re: tag inside the attribute of another tag?

2003-02-17 Thread Ginger Cheng
May I know how I may have the scriptlet of html:rewrite? Thank 
you for help.

At 03:32 PM 2/17/2003 -0700, you wrote:
You can't use tags as input to another tag's attribute.  You can use 
scriptlets or expression language to provide dynamic attribute values.


From: Ginger Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: tag inside the attribute of another tag?
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 17:20:21 -0500

I am trying to use the jsp:plugin to include an applet in my 
jsp page. But I want the codebase of my applet and jar file to come from 
the result of html:rewrite. However, the interpretation stops at the 
slash right after 'page', saying that attribute has no value. But the 
slash has to be there for the root of the web application. Can anyone 
tell me what to do in this situation? Thank you. The following is that 
part of my jsp:

  jsp:plugin type=applet 
jreversion=1.4.1 width=300 height=200
codebase=html:rewrite page=/chromatogram/graph / 
name=phredScoreString value=13 18 27 27 29 29 29 39 39 40 46 46 46 46 
48 39 32 32 32 27 24 24 23 25 26 33 39 34 34 34 34 37 40 56 46 51 51 /
Plugin tag OBJECT(IE) or 
EMBED(Netscape) not supported by browser.

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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Marco Tedone
Well said, and that's the reason why I like so much to write and use web


-Original Message-
From: Craig R. McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:26 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Chris Halverson wrote:

 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 09:16:01 -0600
 From: Chris Halverson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain 

 James Childers [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  You can't really use that outside of a servlet container. This is 
  not a knock to Struts; it was never designed to be a general purpose 
  MVC model. But noone is going to write a Swing app using Struts, for 

 It can be done.

It can definitely be done -- but having to deal with GUI frameworks (MFC,
AWT, Swing, SWT, ...) is so agonizingly painful that it's why I got involved
in building applications for the web in the first place :-).

Short answer:  Struts was never intended to solve any outside of a servlet
container problems, so it should hardly be surprising that using it that
way is not particularly graceful.



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RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

2003-02-17 Thread Marco Tedone
I would say DTO

-Original Message-
From: NYIMI Jose (BMB) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 5:35 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Struts design flaw -- ActionForms are not true domain objects

Rod Johnson: The idea of copying properties from an action form to business
command is inelegant and there is o support for type checking.

Was there so far an around solution ?



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Attribute indexed invalid according to the specified TLD

2003-02-17 Thread MarwanSalam [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am getting Attribute indexed invalid according to the specified 
TLD in my JSP.

Here is part of my ActionForm:
private List parameterList = new ArrayList();
public List getParameterList()
logger.debug(List size is:  + this.parameterList.size());
return parameterList;
public void setParameterList(List parameterList)
this.parameterList = parameterList;
public OrderDetailModel getOrderDetail(int index)
return (OrderDetailModel) parameterList.get(index);

Here is the code in my Action where I set the form on the session:
//orderDetailList is my ArrayList object
session.setAttribute(updateOrderForm, updateOrderForm);

Here is my JSP:
html:form name=updateOrderForm
  logic:iterate id=parameter name=updateOrderForm 
tr bgcolor=%= bgColor %
  tdhtml:text name=parameter property=orderLineNumber  
indexed=true //td
  tdhtml:text name=parameter property=itemName  
indexed=true //td
  tdhtml:text name=parameter property=quantityOrdered  
indexed=true //td
  input type=submit valueUpdate

I looked at the Struts html:text tag description,, and it says 
that I can use indexed. I am using Struts 1.0.2. I am doing 
something wrong?


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Re: html:select tag and the value attribute

2003-02-17 Thread John C Cartwright
Very cool!  -- thanks very much for your help and for contributing 

-- john

David M. Karr wrote:

John == John C Cartwright John writes:

   John Thanks for the prompt reply, David.  I didn't realize that there was a
   John Struts-EL library, where would I find such a beast?  I don't see mention of it
   John in the 1.1b3 distribution nor in the  on-line docs.

It's in a directory in the contrib directory, in the main distribution.
There is a small section on it in the user guide.  You could search the mail
archives for more discussion about it.  The following link is for the original
announcement about it on struts-user:


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Re: Attribute indexed invalid according to the specified TLD

2003-02-17 Thread Kris Schneider

You're looking at the 1.1 stuff...

MarwanSalam wrote:


I am getting Attribute indexed invalid according to the specified 
TLD in my JSP.

Here is part of my ActionForm:
private List parameterList = new ArrayList();
public List getParameterList()
logger.debug(List size is:  + this.parameterList.size());
return parameterList;
public void setParameterList(List parameterList)
this.parameterList = parameterList;
public OrderDetailModel getOrderDetail(int index)
return (OrderDetailModel) parameterList.get(index);

Here is the code in my Action where I set the form on the session:
//orderDetailList is my ArrayList object
session.setAttribute(updateOrderForm, updateOrderForm);

Here is my JSP:
html:form name=updateOrderForm
  logic:iterate id=parameter name=updateOrderForm 
tr bgcolor=%= bgColor %
  tdhtml:text name=parameter property=orderLineNumber  
indexed=true //td
  tdhtml:text name=parameter property=itemName  
indexed=true //td
  tdhtml:text name=parameter property=quantityOrdered  
indexed=true //td
  input type=submit valueUpdate

I looked at the Struts html:text tag description,, and it says 
that I can use indexed. I am using Struts 1.0.2. I am doing 
something wrong?


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RE: date format

2003-02-17 Thread Desmond
Use the SimpleDateFormat to do it so. Refer this webpage

-Original Message-
From: usha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:38 AM
Subject: date format


i need to display the date fields on the jsp in the format dd/MMM/.
is there any simple way i can get this like configuration or writing any
class etc.. if anybody has any ideas plz help me


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RE: date format

2003-02-17 Thread Mark Chaimungkalanont

Going for a neat solution, in our project, we tried extending sql.Date
and overwriting the toString method to output a date formatted with
SimpleDateFormat in dd/MM/ format, We then used this data type as our
Date type in our data beans so that when you do a bean:write on it, it will
output the date in the correct format

Unfortunately, we were using scaffold StorageBaseBean findCollection to get
our data and for some reason or another, it was having some casting issues.

We had to resort to creating xxxString version of the dates in the data
bean that converts the dats into their correct format before returning the





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Use the SimpleDateFormat to do it so. Refer this webpage

-Original Message-
From: usha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, February 17, 2003 3:38 AM
Subject: date format


i need to display the date fields on the jsp in the format dd/MMM/.
is there any simple way i can get this like configuration or writing any
class etc.. if anybody has any ideas plz help me


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re: Help about Model design

2003-02-17 Thread Ted Husted
Heligon Sandra writes:

I would wish to know if somebody know the address of a forum where
the model part is brought for web application.

You can probably find what you are looking for at the ServerSide


Ted Husted,
Struts in Action

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2003-02-17 Thread varma dvk
Hi frenz,

Here goes my problem...

How can i display action errors at different different places in jsp. For 
 i have username and password fields in a jsp.If the username is null then 
i want display the error right behind the username text box...n the same for 

how can i do this...
i appreciate any kind of help...



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last item in iterate loop

2003-02-17 Thread Miriam Aguirre

 Hi hi,

 Quick question, (I hope this is easy), is there any way to easily find
out if the current item in a logic:iterate  loop is the last item ?


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Re: html:errors/

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham

See the property attribute.


From: varma dvk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: html:errors/
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:09:03 +0530

Hi frenz,

Here goes my problem...

How can i display action errors at different different places in jsp. For 
 i have username and password fields in a jsp.If the username is null then 
i want display the error right behind the username text box...n the same 
for password..

how can i do this...
i appreciate any kind of help...



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Re: html:errors/

2003-02-17 Thread Affan Qureshi
Does this work for nested:errors/ as well? Or do I have to do something


- Original Message -
From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: html:errors/

 See the property attribute.


 From: varma dvk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: html:errors/
 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:09:03 +0530
 Hi frenz,
 Here goes my problem...
 How can i display action errors at different different places in jsp. For
   i have username and password fields in a jsp.If the username is null
 i want display the error right behind the username text box...n the same
 for password..
 how can i do this...
 i appreciate any kind of help...
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Re: html:errors/

2003-02-17 Thread David Graham
I don't use nested but I think it will work the same as html:errors.


From: Affan Qureshi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: html:errors/
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 09:16:00 +0500

Does this work for nested:errors/ as well? Or do I have to do something


- Original Message -
From: David Graham [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: html:errors/

 See the property attribute.


 From: varma dvk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: html:errors/
 Date: Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:09:03 +0530
 Hi frenz,
 Here goes my problem...
 How can i display action errors at different different places in jsp. 
   i have username and password fields in a jsp.If the username is null
 i want display the error right behind the username text box...n the 
 for password..
 how can i do this...
 i appreciate any kind of help...
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