Re: [REPOST] Best Practice Question - html links

2003-10-15 Thread Joanne L Corless
Thanks Kris,

That worked beautifully, I've been pulling my hair over that one for 3 days

Thanks again

Joanne Corless

CSC Computer Sciences Limited
(   Office +44 (0)1772 318025
( Mobile +44 (0)7767 656588

Based at: CSC, Alliance House, Library Road, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7EN
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GU11 1PZ.

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[REPOST] Best Practice Question - html links

2003-10-14 Thread Joanne L Corless
I know this may seem a little rude but no-one picked up on my question and
I really could use some help with this

Joanne Corless

- Forwarded by Joanne L Corless/UK/CSC on 14/10/03 13:36 -
  Joanne L Corless 

  13/10/03 17:12   Subject: Best Practice Question re: 
html links   


I am implementing a struts application with menu lists which need to be
dynamic based on a user role hierarchy, i.e not a simple user role = menu
list. Therefore I cannot set up menu lists in the tile definitions file as
they are

I hold the menu list in a database which I am accessing via an EJB and
returning to the session using a vector of DAO object 's which contain the
basic information about each menu item, i.e name, link,type (we have
different types of links some open a pop-up window, others run an inline
java applet)

Currently I am using standard Java scriptlets to access the vector and
print it out in the JSP tile page example below:

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/tiles prefix=tiles %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/logic prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/html prefix=html %
%@ page %
 String commonImagePath= request.getContextPath()
 String currentPageName = (String)session.getAttribute
 java.util.Vector topMenu = (java.util.Vector) session.getAttribute


  for (int i=0;itopMenu.size();i++){
// pageContext.setAttribute(topMenuItem, topMenuItem,
MenuItemDAO topMenuItem = (MenuItemDAO) topMenu.get(i);
if (topMenuItem.getMenuItemName().equals(currentPageName))
  td valign=bottom align=right class=tabselected
 img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_left_selected.gif
td valign=bottom background=
%=commonImagePath%/page_name_mid_selected.gif align=center class
=tabselected nowrap style=background-repeat: repeat-x;
span class=tabselected%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%/span
  td valign=bottom align=left class=tabselected
img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_right_selected.gif border
  td valign=bottom align=right class=tabunselected
   a href=%=request.getContextPath()%/
img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_left_unselected.gif
  td valign=bottom background=
%=commonImagePath%/page_name_mid_unselected.gif align=center class
=tabunselected nowrap style=background-repeat: repeat-x;
   a href=%=request.getContextPath()%/
span class=tabunselected%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName
  td valign=bottom align=left class=tabunselected
  a href=%=request.getContextPath()%/
img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_right_unselected.gif



I realise that this is not best practice and I should be using the tag-libs
but I'm struggling to make the tag-libs work, I'm also confused about
whether this tile needs to be inside a form as I am not actually submitting
anything (as in a Login page), however I do need to pass a pageName
parameter into the request.

The above example does work (sort of) however I am unable to extract the
pageName parameter in my action class as it keeps returning null

I would really appreciate some pointers as I thought I had struts figured
but I now realise I've gone wrong somewhere along the line


Joanne Corless

CSC Computer Sciences Limited
(   Office +44 (0)1772 318025
( Mobile +44 (0)7767 656588

Based at: CSC, Alliance House, Library Road, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7EN
CSC Computer Sciences Limited: Registered in England, No. 963578.
Registered office: Royal Pavilion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, Hampshire,
GU11 1PZ

Re: [REPOST] Best Practice Question - html links

2003-10-14 Thread Kris Schneider
If you're using a JSP 1.2 container, JSTL can help out a bit. It doesn't look
like you need an HTML form for any of this, you're constructing a bunch of links
that will issue GETs to the action mapped to /changePage. As long as that
mapping uses a (Struts) form with a property called pageName, it should work.


form-bean name=changePageForm type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm
  form-property name=pageName type=java.lang.String/

action path=/changePage


%@ page pageEncoding=UTF-8 %

%@ taglib prefix=curi=; %
%@ taglib prefix=html uri=; %

c:set var=commonImagePath
c:set var=currentPageName value=${sessionScope.currentPageName}/
c:set var=topMenu value=${sessionScope.topMenu}/


c:forEach var=topMenuItem items=${topMenu}
c:when test=${topMenuItem.menuItemName eq currentPageName}
  td valign=bottom align=right class=tabselected
img src=c:out value=${commonImagePath}/page_name_left_selected.gif/
  td valign=bottom align=right class=tabunselected
html:link action=/changePage
  img src=c:out


Quoting Joanne L Corless [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I know this may seem a little rude but no-one picked up on my question and
 I really could use some help with this
 Joanne Corless
 - Forwarded by Joanne L Corless/UK/CSC on 14/10/03 13:36 -
   Joanne L Corless   
   /UK/CSC  To: 
   13/10/03 17:12   Subject: Best Practice
 Question re: html links   
 I am implementing a struts application with menu lists which need to be
 dynamic based on a user role hierarchy, i.e not a simple user role = menu
 list. Therefore I cannot set up menu lists in the tile definitions file as
 they are
 I hold the menu list in a database which I am accessing via an EJB and
 returning to the session using a vector of DAO object 's which contain the
 basic information about each menu item, i.e name, link,type (we have
 different types of links some open a pop-up window, others run an inline
 java applet)
 Currently I am using standard Java scriptlets to access the vector and
 print it out in the JSP tile page example below:
 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %
 %@ taglib uri=/struts/tiles prefix=tiles %
 %@ taglib uri=/struts/logic prefix=logic %
 %@ taglib uri=/struts/bean prefix=bean %
 %@ taglib uri=/struts/html prefix=html %
 %@ page %
  String commonImagePath= request.getContextPath()
  String currentPageName = (String)session.getAttribute
  java.util.Vector topMenu = (java.util.Vector) session.getAttribute
   for (int i=0;itopMenu.size();i++){
 // pageContext.setAttribute(topMenuItem, topMenuItem,
 MenuItemDAO topMenuItem = (MenuItemDAO) topMenu.get(i);
 if (topMenuItem.getMenuItemName().equals(currentPageName))
   td valign=bottom align=right class=tabselected
  img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_left_selected.gif
 td valign=bottom background=
 %=commonImagePath%/page_name_mid_selected.gif align=center class
 =tabselected nowrap style=background-repeat: repeat-x;
 span class=tabselected%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%/span
   td valign=bottom align=left class=tabselected
 img src=%=commonImagePath

Best Practice Question re: html links

2003-10-13 Thread Joanne L Corless

I am implementing a struts application with menu lists which need to be
dynamic based on a user role hierarchy, i.e not a simple user role = menu
list. Therefore I cannot set up menu lists in the tile definitions file as
they are

I hold the menu list in a database which I am accessing via an EJB and
returning to the session using a vector of DAO object 's which contain the
basic information about each menu item, i.e name, link,type (we have
different types of links some open a pop-up window, others run an inline
java applet)

Currently I am using standard Java scriptlets to access the vector and
print it out in the JSP tile page example below:

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 language=java %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/tiles prefix=tiles %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/logic prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/bean prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=/struts/html prefix=html %
%@ page %
 String commonImagePath= request.getContextPath()
 String currentPageName = (String)session.getAttribute
 java.util.Vector topMenu = (java.util.Vector) session.getAttribute


  for (int i=0;itopMenu.size();i++){
// pageContext.setAttribute(topMenuItem, topMenuItem,
MenuItemDAO topMenuItem = (MenuItemDAO) topMenu.get(i);
if (topMenuItem.getMenuItemName().equals(currentPageName))
  td valign=bottom align=right class=tabselected
 img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_left_selected.gif
td valign=bottom background=
%=commonImagePath%/page_name_mid_selected.gif align=center class
=tabselected nowrap style=background-repeat: repeat-x;
span class=tabselected%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName()%/span
  td valign=bottom align=left class=tabselected
img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_right_selected.gif border
  td valign=bottom align=right class=tabunselected
   a href=%=request.getContextPath()%/
img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_left_unselected.gif
  td valign=bottom background=
%=commonImagePath%/page_name_mid_unselected.gif align=center class
=tabunselected nowrap style=background-repeat: repeat-x;
   a href=%=request.getContextPath()%/
span class=tabunselected%=topMenuItem.getMenuItemName
  td valign=bottom align=left class=tabunselected
  a href=%=request.getContextPath()%/
img src=%=commonImagePath%/page_name_right_unselected.gif



I realise that this is not best practice and I should be using the tag-libs
but I'm struggling to make the tag-libs work, I'm also confused about
whether this tile needs to be inside a form as I am not actually submitting
anything (as in a Login page), however I do need to pass a pageName
parameter into the request.

The above example does work (sort of) however I am unable to extract the
pageName parameter in my action class as it keeps returning null

I would really appreciate some pointers as I thought I had struts figured
but I now realise I've gone wrong somewhere along the line


Joanne Corless

CSC Computer Sciences Limited
(   Office +44 (0)1772 318025
( Mobile +44 (0)7767 656588

Based at: CSC, Alliance House, Library Road, Chorley, Lancs, PR6 7EN
CSC Computer Sciences Limited: Registered in England, No. 963578.
Registered office: Royal Pavilion, Wellesley Road, Aldershot, Hampshire,
GU11 1PZ.

This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please
delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in
delivery. NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to
bind CSC to any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written
agreement or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail
for such purpose.

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actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Erez Efrati
I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users to
retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot it.
It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best practice?

Should the link inside the login page point to the ForgotPassword.jsp or
to a action?

Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the 'action'
parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards configuration.
If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?

Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,

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Re: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Nicolas De Loof
According to MVC pattern ,alway link to action, not to JSP. This way you controler 
always knows what the user is doing,
and you can add some logic if needed.

Using a request parameter to addapt action behaviour is a common Struts use (take a 
look at DispatchAction).


 I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users to
 retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot it.
 It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best practice?

 Should the link inside the login page point to the ForgotPassword.jsp or
 to a action?

 Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
 there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the 'action'
 parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
 ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards configuration.
 If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
 operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
 Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?

 Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,

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RE: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Erez Efrati

I agree with that, and that is basically how I did. But I was wondering
for the first time the action is called, basically just for displaying
the page letting the user type in the fields values and click submit,
what action do you use, if any? Cause, it's only the next time the
action is called that the action is going to do real action.


-Original Message-
From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:24 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: actions best practice question

According to MVC pattern ,alway link to action, not to JSP. This way you
controler always knows what the user is doing,
and you can add some logic if needed.

Using a request parameter to addapt action behaviour is a common Struts
use (take a look at DispatchAction).


 I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users to
 retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot it.
 It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best practice?

 Should the link inside the login page point to the ForgotPassword.jsp
 to a action?

 Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
 there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the
 parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
 ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards
 If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
 operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
 Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?

 Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,

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Re: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Nicolas De Loof
I use to set a specialized action-mapping for such init request, that is a simple 
forward (no Action class needed)

/newUser/  = forward to newUser.jsp

/newUser/ = RegiterUserAction = welcome.jsp^

if needed, forward to newUser.jsp can be easily changed by a full Action class (to 
init a form-bean with some default
values for example)



 I agree with that, and that is basically how I did. But I was wondering
 for the first time the action is called, basically just for displaying
 the page letting the user type in the fields values and click submit,
 what action do you use, if any? Cause, it's only the next time the
 action is called that the action is going to do real action.


 -Original Message-
 From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:24 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: actions best practice question

 According to MVC pattern ,alway link to action, not to JSP. This way you
 controler always knows what the user is doing,
 and you can add some logic if needed.

 Using a request parameter to addapt action behaviour is a common Struts
 use (take a look at DispatchAction).


  I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users to
  retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot it.
  It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best practice?
  Should the link inside the login page point to the ForgotPassword.jsp
  to a action?
  Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
  there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the
  parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
  ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards
  If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
  operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
  Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?
  Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,
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RE: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Erez Efrati
Nico, thanks a lot for the prompt answers.
Do you use for that the org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction ?


-Original Message-
From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:48 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: actions best practice question

I use to set a specialized action-mapping for such init request, that
is a simple forward (no Action class needed)

/newUser/  = forward to newUser.jsp

/newUser/ = RegiterUserAction = welcome.jsp^

if needed, forward to newUser.jsp can be easily changed by a full Action
class (to init a form-bean with some default
values for example)



 I agree with that, and that is basically how I did. But I was
 for the first time the action is called, basically just for displaying
 the page letting the user type in the fields values and click submit,
 what action do you use, if any? Cause, it's only the next time the
 action is called that the action is going to do real action.


 -Original Message-
 From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:24 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: actions best practice question

 According to MVC pattern ,alway link to action, not to JSP. This way
 controler always knows what the user is doing,
 and you can add some logic if needed.

 Using a request parameter to addapt action behaviour is a common
 use (take a look at DispatchAction).


  I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users to
  retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot
  It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best
  Should the link inside the login page point to the
  to a action?
  Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
  there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the
  parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
  ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards
  If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
  operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
  Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?
  Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,
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Re: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Nicolas De Loof
I use a Forward action-mapping :

action path=/newUser/init 
forward=/newUser.jsp /

You can use ForwardAction instead :

action path=/newUser/init 

I think ForwardAction is prefered when you want this request to use a formbean and 
have validation.


 Nico, thanks a lot for the prompt answers.
 Do you use for that the org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:48 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: actions best practice question
 I use to set a specialized action-mapping for such init request, that
 is a simple forward (no Action class needed)
 /newUser/  = forward to newUser.jsp
 /newUser/ = RegiterUserAction = welcome.jsp^
 if needed, forward to newUser.jsp can be easily changed by a full Action
 class (to init a form-bean with some default
 values for example)
  I agree with that, and that is basically how I did. But I was
  for the first time the action is called, basically just for displaying
  the page letting the user type in the fields values and click submit,
  what action do you use, if any? Cause, it's only the next time the
  action is called that the action is going to do real action.
  -Original Message-
  From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:24 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: actions best practice question
  According to MVC pattern ,alway link to action, not to JSP. This way
  controler always knows what the user is doing,
  and you can add some logic if needed.
  Using a request parameter to addapt action behaviour is a common
  use (take a look at DispatchAction).
   I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users to
   retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot
   It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best
   Should the link inside the login page point to the
   to a action?
   Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
   there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the
   parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
   ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards
   If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
   operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
   Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?
   Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,
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RE: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Erez Efrati
Thanks again Nico.

-Original Message-
From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 3:06 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: actions best practice question

I use a Forward action-mapping :

action path=/newUser/init 
forward=/newUser.jsp /

You can use ForwardAction instead :

action path=/newUser/init 

I think ForwardAction is prefered when you want this request to use a
formbean and have validation.


 Nico, thanks a lot for the prompt answers.
 Do you use for that the org.apache.struts.actions.ForwardAction ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:48 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: actions best practice question
 I use to set a specialized action-mapping for such init request,
 is a simple forward (no Action class needed)
 /newUser/  = forward to newUser.jsp
 /newUser/ = RegiterUserAction = welcome.jsp^
 if needed, forward to newUser.jsp can be easily changed by a full
 class (to init a form-bean with some default
 values for example)
  I agree with that, and that is basically how I did. But I was
  for the first time the action is called, basically just for
  the page letting the user type in the fields values and click
  what action do you use, if any? Cause, it's only the next time the
  action is called that the action is going to do real action.
  -Original Message-
  From: Nicolas De Loof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, July 18, 2003 2:24 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: actions best practice question
  According to MVC pattern ,alway link to action, not to JSP. This way
  controler always knows what the user is doing,
  and you can add some logic if needed.
  Using a request parameter to addapt action behaviour is a common
  use (take a look at DispatchAction).
   I have a login page with a link with forgot password? for users
   retrieve the passwords to their email account in case they forgot
   It's pretty trivial but still using struts what is the best
   Should the link inside the login page point to the
   to a action?
   Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
   there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the
   parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
   ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards
   If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
   operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to
   Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?
   Any comment would be greatly appreciated here,
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Re: actions best practice question

2003-07-18 Thread Wes Rood

Currently I used a, and in the action I check if
there's an 'action' parameter with the value of 'send'. If the 'action'
parameter does not exist then I locally forward to the
ForgotPassword.jsp using struts-config.xml local forwards configuration.
If it does exist and equals to 'send' then I perform the actual
operation of going to the EJB layer and do what is necessary to do.
Is this the way to do it, or am I missing the point here?

You may consider utilizing the input forward. 

You can set the input attribute of the Action element to be 
forgotpassword.jsp, then in the Action, when the action parameter does 
not exist, just do:

   return mapping.getInputForward();

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[OT] Newbie Design best practice question

2002-09-17 Thread Piper, James D CECOM SEC EPS

If I were to have a STRUTS enabled application where I had user types of
restricted_users, full_access_users, and admins and for the most part the
content of the screens the different user types get to see are the same,
except for maybe Id like there to be a few extra bits of functionality on
the full_access_users and admin screens that doesn't get shown on the
restricted_users screen, then what's the best way to go about this? It will
probably also be that each user type will require some Action objects not
used by the other user types.

Should I attempt to use one set of JSPs for all the different types of users
and put logic inside each of the JSPs that says something like 'if the user
is of type full_access_users then shown these extra few buttons', or should
I give each type of user their own set of JSPs?

I am tempted to try and use one set of JSPs for all user types so that I
don't have to worry about maintenance of three sets of almost identical JSP
files.  On the other hand I feel I may be asking for security trouble by
trying to have each JSP check for the user's user type - I also have a
notion that checking user types is something that I should be doing

If I do use separate JSPs for each user type, would it make sense to use the
STRUTS sub-application mechanism to separate them out?

Thanks for your thoughts,

- Jim

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RE: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question

2002-09-17 Thread Edgar Dollin

You might consider writing custom tags of the form

custom:fulluser functionality for full user /custom:fulluser


This would keep the jsp simple but allow you to localize the functionality.


-Original Message-
From: Piper, James D CECOM SEC EPS
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:05 PM
Subject: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question

If I were to have a STRUTS enabled application where I had user types of
restricted_users, full_access_users, and admins and for the most part the
content of the screens the different user types get to see are the same,
except for maybe Id like there to be a few extra bits of functionality on
the full_access_users and admin screens that doesn't get shown on the
restricted_users screen, then what's the best way to go about this? It will
probably also be that each user type will require some Action objects not
used by the other user types.

Should I attempt to use one set of JSPs for all the different types of users
and put logic inside each of the JSPs that says something like 'if the user
is of type full_access_users then shown these extra few buttons', or should
I give each type of user their own set of JSPs?

I am tempted to try and use one set of JSPs for all user types so that I
don't have to worry about maintenance of three sets of almost identical JSP
files.  On the other hand I feel I may be asking for security trouble by
trying to have each JSP check for the user's user type - I also have a
notion that checking user types is something that I should be doing

If I do use separate JSPs for each user type, would it make sense to use the
STRUTS sub-application mechanism to separate them out?

Thanks for your thoughts,

- Jim

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Re: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question

2002-09-17 Thread David Graham

I would use 1 jsp for all groups with a custom tag to check if the user is 
in a given role:

yourtags:checkIsInRole role=admin
admin content here


Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 14:05:29 -0400

If I were to have a STRUTS enabled application where I had user types of
restricted_users, full_access_users, and admins and for the most part the
content of the screens the different user types get to see are the same,
except for maybe Id like there to be a few extra bits of functionality on
the full_access_users and admin screens that doesn't get shown on the
restricted_users screen, then what's the best way to go about this? It will
probably also be that each user type will require some Action objects not
used by the other user types.

Should I attempt to use one set of JSPs for all the different types of 
and put logic inside each of the JSPs that says something like 'if the user
is of type full_access_users then shown these extra few buttons', or should
I give each type of user their own set of JSPs?

I am tempted to try and use one set of JSPs for all user types so that I
don't have to worry about maintenance of three sets of almost identical JSP
files.  On the other hand I feel I may be asking for security trouble by
trying to have each JSP check for the user's user type - I also have a
notion that checking user types is something that I should be doing

If I do use separate JSPs for each user type, would it make sense to use 
STRUTS sub-application mechanism to separate them out?

Thanks for your thoughts,

- Jim

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RE: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question

2002-09-17 Thread wbchmura

We just went through similar agony with four levels of users.  We ended 
up with two sets of JSP pages.  We ended up doing a second set for one 
of the groups because there was just so much of a difference and it 
would be helpful to have a different layout.

Of course we are still working on it so I cant say it all worked out for 
us :)

-Original Message-
From: James.Piper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 2:05 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question

If I were to have a STRUTS enabled application where I had user types of
restricted_users, full_access_users, and admins and for the most part 
content of the screens the different user types get to see are the same,
except for maybe Id like there to be a few extra bits of functionality 
the full_access_users and admin screens that doesn't get shown on the
restricted_users screen, then what's the best way to go about this? It 
probably also be that each user type will require some Action objects 
used by the other user types.

Should I attempt to use one set of JSPs for all the different types of 
and put logic inside each of the JSPs that says something like 'if the 
is of type full_access_users then shown these extra few buttons', or 
I give each type of user their own set of JSPs?

I am tempted to try and use one set of JSPs for all user types so that I
don't have to worry about maintenance of three sets of almost identical 
files.  On the other hand I feel I may be asking for security trouble by
trying to have each JSP check for the user's user type - I also have a
notion that checking user types is something that I should be doing

If I do use separate JSPs for each user type, would it make sense to use 
STRUTS sub-application mechanism to separate them out?

Thanks for your thoughts,

- Jim

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RE: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question

2002-09-17 Thread Bartley, Chris P [PCS]

Tiles can also help you separate JSPs by role--all you need to do is provide
your own definition factory.  In my current app, I created a definition
factory to take the user's role into account.  Then in my struts-config, I
just forward to, say, template.home and Tiles does all the hard work of
deciding which definition should be used.  You can still have common
elements, too (login, logout, headers, etc).

That scheme helped us keep the JSPs a little cleaner than they would be
otherwise (with giant blobs of foo:isRole name=admin.../foo:isRole all
over the place) and also helped with organization and separation (so
different teams could more easily focus on different roles).


 -Original Message-
 From: Piper, James D CECOM SEC EPS
 Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 1:05 PM
 Subject: [OT] Newbie Design best practice question
 If I were to have a STRUTS enabled application where I had 
 user types of
 restricted_users, full_access_users, and admins and for the 
 most part the
 content of the screens the different user types get to see 
 are the same,
 except for maybe Id like there to be a few extra bits of 
 functionality on
 the full_access_users and admin screens that doesn't get shown on the
 restricted_users screen, then what's the best way to go about 
 this? It will
 probably also be that each user type will require some Action 
 objects not
 used by the other user types.
 Should I attempt to use one set of JSPs for all the different 
 types of users
 and put logic inside each of the JSPs that says something 
 like 'if the user
 is of type full_access_users then shown these extra few 
 buttons', or should
 I give each type of user their own set of JSPs?
 I am tempted to try and use one set of JSPs for all user 
 types so that I
 don't have to worry about maintenance of three sets of almost 
 identical JSP
 files.  On the other hand I feel I may be asking for security 
 trouble by
 trying to have each JSP check for the user's user type - I also have a
 notion that checking user types is something that I should be doing
 If I do use separate JSPs for each user type, would it make 
 sense to use the
 STRUTS sub-application mechanism to separate them out?
 Thanks for your thoughts,
 - Jim
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best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread Bill Blackmon

I have several iterators filled from db calls that will be used across the
app for select boxes,
lists of checkboxes, radio button etc.. In the context of  Struts, would it
be best to load these items as application level items at startup and define
them in the struts-config.xml file with a reference to the class that does
the loading? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.


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Re: best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread

Subject: Re: best practice question
No need to optimize, just do it as a formbean with c:for each or logic: 
iterate ...or html:options.

Bill Blackmon wrote:
 I have several iterators filled from db calls that will be used across the
 app for select boxes,
 lists of checkboxes, radio button etc.. In the context of  Struts, would it
 be best to load these items as application level items at startup and define
 them in the struts-config.xml file with a reference to the class that does
 the loading? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.
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Re: best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread Eddie Bush

Assuming these are application-level, read-only values, I would think 
you would want to load them at start and make them in application scope 
- yes.  By doing so, not only do you not have to hit the database again, 
but you just reduced your over-all memory footprint too (since you don't 
have to mess around with loading them into a session/request).  Be 
careful about what you put there and how you manage it though ;-)  If 
these are values that change periodically, it may be easiest to just 
take the db hit.  If they are fairly stable (ie. don't change a lot) 
then putting them into the application scope would seem to me a very 
good way to go about it.  Hopefully someone else will have additional 
input ;-)



Bill Blackmon wrote:

I have several iterators filled from db calls that will be used across the
app for select boxes,
lists of checkboxes, radio button etc.. In the context of  Struts, would it
be best to load these items as application level items at startup and define
them in the struts-config.xml file with a reference to the class that does
the loading? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.


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Re: best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread Bill Blackmon

Thanks. I'll try that. I guess I'd just create an instance of the form bean
class at the entry to the app with the request passed in and create the form
bean in application or session scope? The formbean would be declared in the
struts.xml file with session or application scope? I'm just thinking out
loud. I don't want the form bean to be attached to any action if possible.
I'm new to this so bear with me!

- Original Message -
From: Struts Newsgroup @[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 10:40 AM
Subject: Re: best practice question

 Subject: Re: best practice question
 No need to optimize, just do it as a formbean with c:for each or logic:
 iterate ...or html:options.

 Bill Blackmon wrote:
  I have several iterators filled from db calls that will be used across
  app for select boxes,
  lists of checkboxes, radio button etc.. In the context of  Struts, would
  be best to load these items as application level items at startup and
  them in the struts-config.xml file with a reference to the class that
  the loading? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.
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Re: best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread Eddie Bush

You don't want it in the session if it's very big!  There's no reason to 
load this data repeatedly (for each user!) if it is non-volatile!  Load 
it on startup as I mentioned in my other post and merely reference it. 
 If it is volatile you'll have to devise some strategy for updating it. 
 Assuming that, when it is updated, you only have one writer (we know 
there are many possible readers), you shouldn't have to serialize any 
access to it.  That would be the most straight-forward implementation 
(you wouldn't really need anything to manage updates).  If (parts of) it 
may be updated by multiple threads, you'll want to either serialize 
updates to those pieces or take the db hit to retrieve it when you need it.



Bill Blackmon wrote:

Thanks. I'll try that. I guess I'd just create an instance of the form bean
class at the entry to the app with the request passed in and create the form
bean in application or session scope? The formbean would be declared in the
struts.xml file with session or application scope? I'm just thinking out
loud. I don't want the form bean to be attached to any action if possible.
I'm new to this so bear with me!


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RE: best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread Martin Cooper

You don't want a form bean for this data, because you're not associating it
with a specific form, and because a form bean is not instantiated until it's
needed by the html:form tag or an associated action, neither of which will
happen in your scenario.

Your original idea is the right one. Load the data from the database at
startup time, storing it in one or more regular JavaBeans, as appropriate.
Then, assuming the data is application-wide, you can put the JavaBean(s) in
application scope, or create a singleton to hold them.

The easiest place to do this work is in a Plugin, if you're using Struts
1.1-b1 or a nightly build. It's an extremely simple interface, and a snap to

Martin Cooper

 -Original Message-
 From: Bill Blackmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 8:09 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: best practice question
 Thanks. I'll try that. I guess I'd just create an instance of 
 the form bean
 class at the entry to the app with the request passed in and 
 create the form
 bean in application or session scope? The formbean would be 
 declared in the
 struts.xml file with session or application scope? I'm just 
 thinking out
 loud. I don't want the form bean to be attached to any action 
 if possible.
 I'm new to this so bear with me!
 - Original Message -
 From: Struts Newsgroup @[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 10:40 AM
 Subject: Re: best practice question
  Subject: Re: best practice question
  No need to optimize, just do it as a formbean with c:for 
 each or logic:
  iterate ...or html:options.
  Bill Blackmon wrote:
   I have several iterators filled from db calls that will 
 be used across
   app for select boxes,
   lists of checkboxes, radio button etc.. In the context of 
  Struts, would
   be best to load these items as application level items at 
 startup and
   them in the struts-config.xml file with a reference to 
 the class that
   the loading? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.
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Re: best practice question

2002-07-29 Thread Bill Blackmon

Thanks - that's what I wanted to use and it's the way I've handled
situations like this in other
types of apps. The formbeans aren't stable since they're always
being reset at intervals I can't quite understand the reasoning behind at
this point in
my development. The collections will never be updated, at least not while
they're in
memory. I'll look into the Plug-In option and see what it offers.

- Original Message -
From: Martin Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: best practice question

 You don't want a form bean for this data, because you're not associating
 with a specific form, and because a form bean is not instantiated until
 needed by the html:form tag or an associated action, neither of which
 happen in your scenario.

 Your original idea is the right one. Load the data from the database at
 startup time, storing it in one or more regular JavaBeans, as appropriate.
 Then, assuming the data is application-wide, you can put the JavaBean(s)
 application scope, or create a singleton to hold them.

 The easiest place to do this work is in a Plugin, if you're using Struts
 1.1-b1 or a nightly build. It's an extremely simple interface, and a snap

 Martin Cooper

  -Original Message-
  From: Bill Blackmon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 8:09 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: best practice question
  Thanks. I'll try that. I guess I'd just create an instance of
  the form bean
  class at the entry to the app with the request passed in and
  create the form
  bean in application or session scope? The formbean would be
  declared in the
  struts.xml file with session or application scope? I'm just
  thinking out
  loud. I don't want the form bean to be attached to any action
  if possible.
  I'm new to this so bear with me!
  - Original Message -
  From: Struts Newsgroup @[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, July 29, 2002 10:40 AM
  Subject: Re: best practice question
   Subject: Re: best practice question
   No need to optimize, just do it as a formbean with c:for
  each or logic:
   iterate ...or html:options.
   Bill Blackmon wrote:
I have several iterators filled from db calls that will
  be used across
app for select boxes,
lists of checkboxes, radio button etc.. In the context of
   Struts, would
be best to load these items as application level items at
  startup and
them in the struts-config.xml file with a reference to
  the class that
the loading? Any opinions are greatly appreciated.
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Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-26 Thread Ted Husted

There's an option for using a Map if you need more than one parameter. 

Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:
 Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
 From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Mark et al,
 Thank you all for your help, I've gotten it to work, and I understand the
 concept now. My next hurdle is using the bean data in html:link tags. I've
 found that I can use the paramId, paramName and paramProperty tags to add a
 parameter to the html:link, but what if I want to add 2 params? It seems
 kind of silly to hardcode the ability to add one parameter. Am I missing
 Kenny Smith
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RE: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-25 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

can you really use bean:define before the logic:iterate tag?  I did
something similar (i forget if i used bean:define or jsp:useBean) and I
got errors complaining about the id variable already existing or that it had
already been declared.  i may have been doing something wrong, but it didn't
work for me.

Keith Kamholz
East Aurora, NY
(716) 687-7282

-Original Message-
From: Galbreath, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:40 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

It gets it from a JavaBean, List or Map either already in some reachable
scope or defined in your JSP.  For example, if I've defined a list of states
in an action class like:

List statesList = new ArrayList( State.getStates());

where State is a command object or stateless session bean querying the
database to retrieve a list of states, and I stick them into application
scope (so everyone can use it):

ServletContext servletContext = this.servlet.getServletContext();
servletContext.setAttribute( listStates, listStates);

I can iterate through this list on a JSP and display the names like:

logic:iterate name=listStates  // the List
   property=state   // a state object
   id=states// arbitrary page-scope name
bean:write name=states property=name /

or perhaps I need a data object specific to the user on the JSP:

bean:define name=customer
 scope=session /

where customer is an Order object specific to this customer's ID
(retrieved from the database when the user passes his ID through a form), so
I can display the pending orders this customer has placed:

logic:iterate name=orders
bean:write name=order property=pending /

There are tons of examples in the archive.


-Original Message-
From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:10 PM

Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Keith,

But how does the logic:iterate tag know where to get the information from?
That's the part that is really baffling me. I don't understand how it's
getting the information, so I'm not sure how to apply it to other
applications, etc. Could you (or anyone) please explain how it knows?


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Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread

Subject: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to write my first struts application, and I'm looking for
guidance on how to accomplish a certain task. I've read through the Struts
Userguide and I've been going through the struts-example application, but
I'm not exactly sure what concept I'm missing that is keeping me from
wrapping my head around the problem.

I have a list of markets in a database table. I have a Market bean that
can be instantiated to represent a row in the table, and it has static
methods for finding markets by id, creating markets, etc. I would like my
user to be able to click a List Active Markets link and have it take them
to a page where it lists the markets.

Seems simple enough, but I can't figure out how to make the data available
to my JSP page. I assume I should use a logic:iterate tag to display data
for each of the markets, but I just don't understand how I make the data
available to the JSP or logic:iterate tag.

I've been reading and reading, and I can't figure it out, there seems to be
some piece missing. Can anyone help me? This seems like a fairly
basic/common action, so is there anyone out there that has suggestions for
the best practice solution?

Kenny Smith

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RE: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread wbchmura


When your users request the list, the request goes to an action...

The action calls the appropriate things to get the data...

It then stuffs the information into the session and forwards the request 
to a JSP page

The JSP page pulls the data out, builds the page and sends it back to 
the user...

Does that help?

-Original Message-
From: struts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 12:25 PM
To: struts-user
Subject: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

Subject: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm trying to write my first struts application, and I'm looking for
guidance on how to accomplish a certain task. I've read through the 
Userguide and I've been going through the struts-example application, 
I'm not exactly sure what concept I'm missing that is keeping me from
wrapping my head around the problem.

I have a list of markets in a database table. I have a Market bean 
can be instantiated to represent a row in the table, and it has static
methods for finding markets by id, creating markets, etc. I would like 
user to be able to click a List Active Markets link and have it take 
to a page where it lists the markets.

Seems simple enough, but I can't figure out how to make the data 
to my JSP page. I assume I should use a logic:iterate tag to display 
for each of the markets, but I just don't understand how I make the data
available to the JSP or logic:iterate tag.

I've been reading and reading, and I can't figure it out, there seems to 
some piece missing. Can anyone help me? This seems like a fairly
basic/common action, so is there anyone out there that has suggestions 
the best practice solution?

Kenny Smith

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Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread

Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It then stuffs the information into the session and forwards the request
 to a JSP page

 The JSP page pulls the data out, builds the page and sends it back to
 the user...

 Does that help?

Somewhat, yes. I understand how to get the information, but putting it in
the session and retreiving it is where I sort of fall down. I understand the
syntax of putting something in the session (although I haven't been able to
find where the Constants class is, that is used in every example).. but
something like:

Market[] markets = Market.findByActive( true ) ;
HttpSession session = request.getSession() ;
session.put( markets , markets ) ;

Is that correct?

but how do I get it out of the session to use with the logic:iterate tag?

Thanks for the reply,

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RE: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread Kamholz, Keith (corp-staff) USX

Use something like this:
logic:iterate id=temp name=markets type=Market
Do this on each iteration

The tag should take care of everything for you.  I forget if you have to
specify scope=session in the logic:iterate, but if you have problems try
adding it.

~ Keith

-Original Message-
From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 2:25 PM
Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It then stuffs the information into the session and forwards the request
 to a JSP page

 The JSP page pulls the data out, builds the page and sends it back to
 the user...

 Does that help?

Somewhat, yes. I understand how to get the information, but putting it in
the session and retreiving it is where I sort of fall down. I understand the
syntax of putting something in the session (although I haven't been able to
find where the Constants class is, that is used in every example).. but
something like:

Market[] markets = Market.findByActive( true ) ;
HttpSession session = request.getSession() ;
session.put( markets , markets ) ;

Is that correct?

but how do I get it out of the session to use with the logic:iterate tag?

Thanks for the reply,

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Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread

Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Keith,

But how does the logic:iterate tag know where to get the information from?
That's the part that is really baffling me. I don't understand how it's
getting the information, so I'm not sure how to apply it to other
applications, etc. Could you (or anyone) please explain how it knows?


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RE: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread James Mitchell

Your best bet is to take a look at some source code for the taglibs, it can
clear up a few things for you.


James Mitchell
Software Engineer\Struts Evangelist
Struts-Atlanta, the Open Minded Developer Network

 -Original Message-
 From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:@[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:10 PM
 Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

 Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
 From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Keith,

 But how does the logic:iterate tag know where to get the information from?
 That's the part that is really baffling me. I don't understand how it's
 getting the information, so I'm not sure how to apply it to other
 applications, etc. Could you (or anyone) please explain how it knows?


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Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread Ted Husted

The name parameter you pass to the iterate tag matches the name of the
attribute in (page,request,session,application) scope. 

In other words, the context and the tags use the same protocol for the
property names. 

The other parameter to iterate, id, tells the tag what name to use when
it exposes each entry in the collection. 

The tag looks in the page context first, then request, session, and
application. (Unless you specify a scope.)

Struts Newsgroup ( wrote:
 Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
 From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hi Keith,
 But how does the logic:iterate tag know where to get the information from?
 That's the part that is really baffling me. I don't understand how it's
 getting the information, so I'm not sure how to apply it to other
 applications, etc. Could you (or anyone) please explain how it knows?

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RE: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem

2002-06-24 Thread Galbreath, Mark

It gets it from a JavaBean, List or Map either already in some reachable
scope or defined in your JSP.  For example, if I've defined a list of states
in an action class like:

List statesList = new ArrayList( State.getStates());

where State is a command object or stateless session bean querying the
database to retrieve a list of states, and I stick them into application
scope (so everyone can use it):

ServletContext servletContext = this.servlet.getServletContext();
servletContext.setAttribute( listStates, listStates);

I can iterate through this list on a JSP and display the names like:

logic:iterate name=listStates  // the List
   property=state   // a state object
   id=states// arbitrary page-scope name
bean:write name=states property=name /

or perhaps I need a data object specific to the user on the JSP:

bean:define name=customer
 scope=session /

where customer is an Order object specific to this customer's ID
(retrieved from the database when the user passes his ID through a form), so
I can display the pending orders this customer has placed:

logic:iterate name=orders
bean:write name=order property=pending /

There are tons of examples in the archive.


-Original Message-
From: Struts Newsgroup [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:10 PM

Subject: Re: Best Practice Question/Conceptual Problem
From: Kenny Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Hi Keith,

But how does the logic:iterate tag know where to get the information from?
That's the part that is really baffling me. I don't understand how it's
getting the information, so I'm not sure how to apply it to other
applications, etc. Could you (or anyone) please explain how it knows?


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RE: Best Practice Question.

2002-05-05 Thread Jesse Alexander (KADA 12)


I see three options:
 a) make the config-bean a singleton: easy to access from everywhere in the JVM
 b) put the config-bean into the servlet-context: makes it easy to access it
within the webapp, but somehow you need access to request or servlet-context
 c) create a lookup-bean (JVM-singleton) and have this bean provide access
to the config-bean: usefull if you have more than one bean. Eg. we use it
to give our apps access to some helper-classes. Always the same 
mechanism to access whatever helper-class one needs...
hope this helps

-Original Message-
From: Phase Web and Multimedia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Dienstag, 30. April 2002 19:51
To: Struts User List
Subject: Best Practice Question.

I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on in
an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class to
pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Phase Web and Multimedia

I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on in
an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class to
pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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RE: Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Galbreath, Mark

This is rather vague.  Why does your logicBean need your configBean?


-Original Message-
From: Phase Web and Multimedia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:51 PM

I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on in
an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class to
pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

Brandon Goodin

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RE: Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Bhaskar Gopalan

If the logic bean is a form bean, the action class should extract values
from config bean and then call set methods on form bean, i.e. a clean
separation between db beans and form beans. else, pass the config bean
to logic bean.


-Original Message-
From: Phase Web and Multimedia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:51 PM
To: Struts User List
Subject: Best Practice Question.

I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on in
an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class to
pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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RE: Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Phase Web and Multimedia

I have set up a mechanism similar to Tomcat's Realm at the app level. It is
used to identify the database name(jndi),tables and columns that contain
user and role information in the database. At the start of my app the
database information is placed into an application scope bean using
digester. Then whenever a secure url is requested I have a Filter class that
routes to the security Action upon request of secure url then to a specified
login form. When the login form is submitted a validation of the username
and password needs to occur. This is the point at which I have a logic bean
that validates against thte database. It does so by checking the specified
database,tables and columns for user validation etc...(there is much more
detail but I think this is sufficient to get the point). So, this explains
why I have a config bean and a need to pass info to the logic bean. All I
want to know is, is what I am doing proper form? Is it accepted practice to
pass a bean to a bean?

Also, please don't turn this into a discussion of Why not use container
based security? As a note, I already do in a round-about way. :-)

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

-Original Message-
From: Galbreath, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:03 PM
To: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Subject: RE: Best Practice Question.

This is rather vague.  Why does your logicBean need your configBean?


-Original Message-
From: Phase Web and Multimedia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 1:51 PM

I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on in
an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class to
pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

Brandon Goodin

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RE: Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Ajay Chitre


Here's how I pass around Configuration properties in my Struts application.
 Certainly this isn't the best practise, but just an idea;

I have created a Singleton class called 'PropertyRetriever' which is simillar
to the Service Locator design pattern.  It uses Digester to read configuration
properties from a XML file.

Here's what it looks like;

public class PropertyRetriever {

// Singleton's private instance
private static PropertyRetriever me;

private static Digester digester = null;
private static AppRoot root = null;

static {
try {
me = new PropertyRetriever();
} catch (Exception ex) {
//throw new PropertyRetrieverException();

private PropertyRetriever() throws Exception {  //private construtor
to avoid instantiation

// Returns PropertyRetriever instance
static public PropertyRetriever getInstance() {
return me;

private void getProperties() throws Exception {

// Configure digester
digester = new Digester();

etc etc.

Now from my Action Classes in Struts, I can get any property as follows;

PropertyRetriever propertyRetriever = PropertyRetriever.getInstance();
String appName = propertyRetriever.getAppRoot().getAppName();

I am sure there are pros  cons of this approach.


-- Original Message --
Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
From: Phase Web and Multimedia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Best Practice Question.
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:50:30 -0600

I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later
an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class
pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

Brandon Goodin
Phase Web and Multimedia
P (406) 862-2245
F (406) 862-0354

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Ajay Chitre

Diligent Team, Inc.
(Where Diligent People Work as a Team)

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Re: Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Craig R. McClanahan

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, Phase Web and Multimedia wrote:

 Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:50:30 -0600
 From: Phase Web and Multimedia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Best Practice Question.

 I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
 database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on in
 an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to access
 the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class to
 pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
 values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
 Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

You'll need to pass a reference to the config bean as a parameter to a
logic bean method.  You could instead pass a reference to the servlet
context (so that it could pull out the config bean attribute), but that
ties you more tightly to running only in a web application -- presumably,
your config bean doesn't have any javax.servlet.* imports in it, so it
could be reused elsewhere.

 Brandon Goodin
 Phase Web and Multimedia
 P (406) 862-2245
 F (406) 862-0354


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Re: Best Practice Question.

2002-04-30 Thread Eddie Bush

The goal of keeping business logic out of action classes (IMHO) is to
increase the reusability of the logic.  Based on this, I would say it
depends on how you use your value / logic / config beans on your
non-web-based applications (if any).  Or, how you would use them if/when you
went to build other (non-web-based) applications.

Have foresight.  Think of how you can make the most out of what you are
going to write.  Have as your end goal reusability.  Build everything on
that precept.

No, you can't reuse everything you write, but the goal is to maximize code



- Original Message -
From: Phase Web and Multimedia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts User List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 12:50 PM
Subject: Best Practice Question.

 I have a bean that is created when my app starts and it contains some
 database table conifguration info (I'll call it my config bean). Later on
 an Action class another bean, that I'll call my logic bean, needs to
 the values of the config bean. Would it be proper to use the Action class
 pass the config bean to the logic bean and let the logic bean extract the
 values or should I extract all the values from the config bean within the
 Action class and pass the config info in a different manner.

 Brandon Goodin
 Phase Web and Multimedia
 P (406) 862-2245
 F (406) 862-0354

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