SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-13 Thread Michael Lueck


I had a most odd / scary thing happen this morning. I was sending an email via a SM POP account with a few MB of files attached to it. I remember accidentally clicking / doing something while it was 
sending via my SMTP (TLS) connection... and POOF that account's InBox went blank, and ALL sub-folders under the InBox have vanished. No pop-up message box what so ever was seen.

There is no trace of them in the profile filesystem. This account's Inbox.sbd 
is completely empty.

At the command line I changed up to the Mail directory and did "find | grep foo" where Foo is the name of folders which existing under that account's InBox. (Being careful to observe PrettyCase since 
this is a CaSe sEnSiTiVe filesystem I am dealing with.) NO TRACE of where the folders went.

The files for the InBox are as follows:

-rw---  1 mdlueck mdlueck 46285982 Jul 13 09:45 Inbox
-rw-rw-r--  1 mdlueck mdlueck 2146 Jul 13 10:19 Inbox.msf
-rw-rw-r--  1 mdlueck mdlueck67775 Jul 13 09:50 Inbox.ORIG.msf

I renamed off the folder index .msf file and rebuilt that folder's index. 
Though the Inbox data file has messages in it, they do not show up.

Suggestions other than roll that account back to my most recent profile backup?

System configuration:
Ubuntu 12.04 x64
XFS filesystem
SeaMonkey via UbuntuZilla, so the official Mozilla binaries


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Ubuntuzilla PPA

2013-07-13 Thread Michael Lueck

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

Does anyone know when Daniel will have the latest Seamonkey build up on 

Daniel F (the UbuntuZilla one) is very responsive. If I happen to see an update 
missed by him, I drop him a note and he promptly catches up.

David H. Durgee wrote:

Unfortunately after inspecting the debs it appears that they have taken 
different approaches to where to install seamonkey.  Joe's debs which I have 
been using appears to install most of seamonkey to
/usr/lib/seamonkey-{version} while the Ubuntuzilla debs install to 
/opt/seamonkey instead.

Given these differences, will I be able to use Ubuntuzilla to update my current 
seamonkey install?  Would I need to uninstall my current seamonkey and then 
install from Ubuntuzilla?  Should I look for
another source to update my seamonkey install?

As to the directory he deploys to (within the /opt/ area), he is following good *nix file system housekeeping. You are able to run the Ubuntu branded binaries AND the official Mozilla binaries 
interchangeably. (Just not at the same time!) The way he installs the Mozilla build does take primary priority, however if you full-path specify the Ubuntu binary it will come up successfully.

About updating your UbuntuZilla install, refer above to my first comment. ;-)


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-15 Thread Michael Lueck

Bill Davidsen wrote:

Can you fall back to 2.17.1 and try the rebuild option again?

What is the silver bullet about that particular build of SM?

I suppose I could force the UbuntuZilla package for that version to get back to 
that version.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-15 Thread Michael Lueck

A Williams wrote:

Have you found out what happened and how?  There was no step I could suggest 
that you had not tried anyway.

No I have not. Limping along with webmail access to the various accounts I use 
with SM.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-16 Thread Michael Lueck

Felix Miata wrote:

Not a fix, just a suggestion for the future: Back up daily.

Well, I do weekly backups on Saturday... this was to be the last email sent 
prior to weekly mailbox compaction, then backup.

I know of no way to gracefully exit Mozilla products via command line. I leave SM up "all the time", though have to restart it periodically due some blasted folder memory leak, disappearing child 
folders. To mask that, I can open a new SM mail window instance and at least the folders show up again. Sluggish folder open/close performance requires a restart however.

"Unable to expand a folder's subfolders without opening the folder first in a new 
email window"

Anyway... for daily backups I could run them on the local filesystem, and not go through the compact... IF I could automate graceful exit/restart of SM. Suggestions to accomplish such? Then I could 
have the weekly manual backup remain to our server, run that after cleanup/compact.

Using Linux, the only time I've needed to restore from backup is due to
disappearance of a folder due to an accidental drag.

Jah, I am suspecting I detected I "accidentally started to drag", realized what 
SM thought I meant, stopped, and it was too late. :-(


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-18 Thread Michael Lueck


Since no promising suggestions were made as to where ALL of the folders and 
emails disappeared to, I ended up rolling this one account's Inbox and folders 
under it back to the last available backup.

One remaining question... is there some command line way to instruct SM to 
gracefully exit if possible (no unsaved emails open, etc...)? I would require 
that if I am to automate a daily local backup.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-18 Thread Michael Lueck

A Williams wrote:

Michael Lueck wrote:

One remaining question... is there some command line way to instruct SM
to gracefully exit if possible (no unsaved emails open, etc...)? I would
require that if I am to automate a daily local backup.

That sounds very risky.  Why not test for the existence of the SM lock-file?  
There has to be a better solution.

I leave SM up "all the time". To do nightly automated backups, I would have to 
send SM a message to exit, do the backup, the restart it.

I would check for the mentioned lock-file, and if that still exists, skip the 
backup and log the error.

Seems pretty straight forward to me.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-18 Thread Michael Lueck

Ed Mullen wrote:

checks for an instance of SM in memory, kills the process (if it exists), and 
then the backup program executes the scheduled backup.

I was hoping for a cross-platform way to script exit SM rather than a brutal 

Looks like I will have to check for the run file, if there abort, if not there 
then do the nightly backup... type of a scenario.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-19 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

but could you just copy your profile from its current
location to some other location whilst SM is still operational??

SM might receive an email while the backup is running...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey/2.19 on Linux nuked all messages in InBox and ALL folders underneath

2013-07-20 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

Doesn't lend itself for automation, I suppose!!

Exactly... now you are seeing my point...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Seamonkey 2.21 on Ubuntu

2013-09-26 Thread Michael Lueck

sean nathan wrote:

2.21 rocks!

SeaMonkey and Firefox rock when installed via UbuntuZilla! :-)

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Found bug in spell check in SM 2.2.1

2013-09-26 Thread Michael Lueck

PhillipJones wrote:

You mistype a word previously it put a red line under the misspelled word, 
click on the word and a list of suggestions would appear.

Perhaps an adjacent bug I see in SM 2.21 installed via UbuntuZilla "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/24.0 SeaMonkey/2.21" is that no longer are misspelled words showing 
up with red underline.

I use Firefox for my browser, and if I copy/paste text to Firefox, then 
correctly underlined are the misspelled words.

In my SM Compose window, Edit \ Spellcheck As You Type is still 

The Spell check button bar button works/corrects as expected.

I could not find any current bug report of such trouble. Mostly found bug 
reports from mid 2000's which clearly are no longer relevant.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Found bug in spell check in SM 2.2.1

2013-09-26 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

Michael, are you saying that mis-spelled words in received messages are not 
being highlighted??

I didn't think they ever were! If you mis-typed a word in compose or replying, 
*then* they were highlighted but not when received!

Composer / New Message issue.

I can spelll incorrectly words, and I see no red underline indicating there is 
an error. (The word spelll should be indicated as in error, it is not.)

I can push the Spell button on the button bar, then Spell check catches and 
corrects the errors.

I would just like the red underline to work again as it should.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Found bug in spell check in SM 2.2.1

2013-09-27 Thread Michael Lueck

WaltS wrote:

SeaMonkey bug report.

[914462 – Spell check doesn’t work when check as typing in Email and 

Thank you kindly. I have joined that bug report.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: spellcheck as you type stopped working

2013-09-29 Thread Michael Lueck

Geoff Welsh wrote:

running Mac OSX (10.6.8)

I just realized I hadn't updated to 2.21 till right now, but I now see "spellcheck 
as you type" no longer works duing message composition.

I /think/ someone mentioned something to that effect here within the last week, 
but I can't find it.

Please subscribe to bug:

[Bug 914462] Spell check doesn’t work when check as typing in Email and news

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Where do the SeaMonkey developers discuss / monitor?

2013-10-24 Thread Michael Lueck


It seems to be that this group is primarily for peer 
support. Where do the SeaMonkey developers discuss topics / trends?

SeaMonkey in recent official builds, at least the Linux x64 version, has a nasty bug that randomly a given POP account's InBox and ALL folders under it get completely wiped. (Wiped as in Inbox.sbd 
is COMPLETELY empty, and I can rebuild the index of the Inbox file itself until I go blue in the face, and there is no getting the messages contained in the file Inbox to reappear in the actual folder 
message list... it displays as completely empty.) I just had that bug bite me this morning. My only recourse is to roll back that POP account's InBox from the last SeaMonkey backup. I have not found 
an official bug report tracking this issue.

This is in addition to a bug I had reported upon migrating from Thunderbird some years ago, when it appeared utterly hopeless to continue using Thunderbird for my mail. That bug is that 
deeply nested folder structures (perhaps three deep) loose their children folders until I open a new instance of the SeaMonkey mail window. This bug I have been tracking on:

[Bug 593519] Unable to expand a folder's subfolders without opening the folder 
first in a new email window

I would like to chime in / encourage work on these two bugs. I do not see any 
traction in the bugs filed. Thus wondering where the developers do their 
real-time discussions at. Thank you.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where do the SeaMonkey developers discuss / monitor?

2013-10-24 Thread Michael Lueck

Michael Lueck wrote:

Thus wondering where the developers do their real-time discussions at.

I just discovered group so will post there...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Where do the SeaMonkey developers discuss / monitor?

2013-10-24 Thread Michael Lueck

Philip Chee wrote:

Real-time discussions take place on IRC.

Thank you for that additional support option. :-)

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Random crash in SM Mail on Win32 only with recent builds

2013-11-14 Thread Michael Lueck


I have a client who uses SM on Windows XP x86 for light email needs. Firefox is their main browser, though I believe at times - by clicking links in mail messages - they do end up surfing with SM 

They have reported to me that SM will crash when it is open, perhaps they are 
reading a mail message, and for no apparent reason SM will just up and crash.

I have already visited their system once in response to this trouble report. I 
made sure their mail box was freshly compacted, junk / trash folders emptied.

I believe AdBlock Plus is their only extension in SM.

They have no mail subfolders, no message filters, nadda nadda nadda... plain 
simply email client.

I cannot recall if I did a complete uninstall / reinstall of the SM program or not on my last visit... I almost think it was a version behind, so perhaps I did uninstall and reinstall the latest 
version already.

Suggestions of what else to check? Thank you!


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Random crash in SM Mail on Win32 only with recent builds

2013-11-29 Thread Michael Lueck


I was able to visit this computer today. The Mozilla crash detection had 
absolutely NO crashes reported.

I saw that their mail settings WERE set to auto compact when it would save more 
than 1MB of space. Clearly, however, it was not auto compacting. I adjusted the 
setting to 5MB.

Suggestions otherwise?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.23 "constantly" opening preview pane to warn about suspicious / junk mail

2013-12-27 Thread Michael Lueck


New with 2.23 is behavior to pop back open the preview pane to warn about suspicious / junk mail. This happens when I have spotted a not correctly classified junk email by subject/from line alone, 
have pushed the icon in the "junk status" column. Instead of performing the usual behavior - move it to the junk folder, with version 2.23 suddenly the preview pane opens up to warn that SM suspects 
it is junk email. "Dddduuu!! I had to manually mark the message, and now you warn me and open the preview pane?!?"

Most annoying new behavior with 2.23.

Is there a setting to switch off whatever got added to 2.23?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.23 "constantly" opening preview pane to warn about suspicious / junk mail

2013-12-28 Thread Michael Lueck

Greetings Paul,

Paul Bergsagel wrote:

I have never experienced this behavior with Junk email warnings. Make sure you have the 
preference set "When I mark messages as junk: Move them to the account's 'Junk' 

I have it configured thusly.

Here is a sort of screen shot of it playing its nonsense with me...

1) The preview pane is opened
2) The new Mozilla text stating that "gee, I think this is junk"

Never mind the junk status icon, I had to mock up the small screen capture.

Normal behavior had been to simply move it to the junk folder. I find annoying that SM is 
suddenly opening the preview pane and saying "gee, I think this is junk". 
Ddduuuaaa, seriously Mozilla!?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

How to get some assistance on "Child folders disappearing randomly" problem

2011-09-02 Thread Michael Lueck


What I have seen with SM since migrating from TB 2.x is that at times decedent children folders (some of them, not all of them) loose their children folders. No matter if the twisty is open / closed, 
no children will be shown.

This problem can easily be masked by double clicking an account to open a 
second mail window, and close the prior one. The new window always opens will 
all descendant folders visible.

I did some research and this problem report sounds like what I am seeing:

[Bug 593519] Unable to expand a folder's subfolders without opening the folder 
first in a new email window

I am holding up migrating further TB users as all my TB folks have many many 
nested folders.

How can I assist with getting some attention on this annoying bug?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Make Firefox default browser for SeaMonkey Mail?

2012-01-21 Thread Michael Lueck

Jim Van Abbema wrote:

Is it possible to configure SeaMonkey mail to launch Firefox instead of the 
SeaMonkey browser for links in e-mail messages?

Yes it is. I switched from Thunderbird 2.0.x to SeaMonkey a few years ago, yet 
wanted to retain Firefox as my primary browser.

That is obtained via a SeaMonkey extension named Launchy.

So it will not be the link "browse" or what not, it will be on its own Launchy 
menu instead. Works great!


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Anyone else see SeaMonkey mail folders loose their children folders?

2012-01-21 Thread Michael Lueck


Right along since switching to SM from TB 2.0.x, I have been reporting that POP account 
mail folders "loose their children" randomly. I think I found a bug documenting 
others seeing the same thing here:

"[Bug 593519] Unable to expand a folder's subfolders without opening the folder 
first in a new email window"

Am I the only one that has this happening? Or does it not bother others?

I would like to get it resolved. I am holding up migrating other users from TB 
2.0.x pending a resolution to this one bug.

Currently I am running the official Linux x64 builds. It was happening right 
along with the official Linux x86 builds as well.

How could I help get some action on this bug? Thanks!


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Anyone else see SeaMonkey mail folders loose their children folders?

2012-01-22 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

reading the Bugzilla report you quoted, in the first entry the poster said he 
had 7.6GB Inbox (including all his sub-inboxes). 7.6GB...what the heck for??

I am not such a pack rat. My entire SM profile is running around 2GB.

The two main accounts I use, have MANY folders under - thus that are seeing 
this problem - have an InBox size of 27.2 MB and 66 MB. (That is just the inbox 

In total I have around 1500 folders, most heavily / deeply nested.

I wonder if SM is having troubles indexing the sub-folders and indexing the sub-sub-folders, and is 
not so much "losing their children" but rather "taking it's time re-indexing 

I switched off automatic compact back during use of TB.

It seems to me to be related to my use of filters to move messages to the correct folder. The folders will be fine, a message comes in, and suddenly when I expand out a folder at InBox level to see 
the new message (several folders deep), then sometimes the destination folder is not visible (along with many other folders loosing their children). I then open a new instance of SM Mail, close the 
old one, and read my message I received.

I collapse folder trees at the folder just under the InBox. Both TB and SM are able to remember which subfolders I wanted open/closed within each subtree, thus I use that to my advantage and leave 
critical path sub,sub-sub,sub-sub-sub branches always open and simply collapse the folder directly off the InBox. When I want to reopen that subtree, I click the folder just off the InBox, and to my 
annoyance SM FREQUENTLY is unable to correctly display the entire subtree correctly.

Additionally, I wonder how often you "File->Compact Folder" on each of your 
mail accounts, sub-accounts, sub-sub...

Weekly, when I do my SM profile backups I do:

1) Delete all Junk mail
2) File \ Empty Trash
3) File \ Compact Folders

on each account's InBox folder. I see the compact operation enumerate correctly 
through each accounts folder tree structure via the status bar.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Make Firefox default browser for SeaMonkey Mail?

2012-01-22 Thread Michael Lueck

Chris Ilias wrote:

If anyone wants to use SeaMonkey as a stand-alone mailnews client, they should 
seriously consider moving to Thunderbird.

There has been considerable damage done to the Thunderbird product, such that 
migrations from Thunderbird back to SeaMonkey are highly preferable.

Thus the outcome I see as the configuration of choice at the present time is 
Firefox + SeaMonkey.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Make Firefox default browser for SeaMonkey Mail?

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Lueck

WLS wrote:

Hmm, I have no idea what considerable damage you are referring to
concerning the Thunderbird product.

My main gripe with TB > 2.0.x series...

[Bug 81141] [RFE] Ability to rebuild msf files on demand

TB code is now unsafe to trust valuable email / nntp content to.

Sorry, I don't know how to make Firefox the default browser for
SeaMonkey Mail.

Launchy is a great start. Still does not alter the default browser menu items 
which point to SM, but I see that as a training issue.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Anyone else see SeaMonkey mail folders loose their children folders?

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

Michael Lueck wrote:

In total I have around 1500 folders, most heavily / deeply nested.

I'd still ask "what the heck for??"

Because I like to be organized.

I wonder if SM is having troubles indexing the sub-folders and
indexing the sub-sub-folders, and is not so much "losing their
children" but rather "taking it's time re-indexing them".

I switched off automatic compact back during use of TB.


I heard that was a good way to get corrupted .msf index files for one thing.

When you create the new instance of SM Mail, I'm guessing this new instance creates a new 
set of index files (the ".msf" files) which are clean

Rebuilding .msf files takes quite a while.

Double clicking any folder opens a second instance of Mail INSTANTLY. It could 
not possibly rebuild 1500 .msf files INSTANTLY.

Perhaps since I leave folders \ subtrees open way down the tree and close the 
tree at the top level folder, when SM moves a message into that folder the UI 
gets confused.

Worked just fine on TB 2.0.x. Never had this trouble. It is unique to the SM 
code base.

File->Compact Folders more often.Does your machine often stall just 
after you've done one of your weekly profile clean ups and back-ups??

Stall after clean/compact!?!? It always runs snappy and great. I have no idea 
what you might be referring to.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Make Firefox default browser for SeaMonkey Mail?

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Lueck

MCBastos wrote:

I didn't see anything in that thread suggesting that TB 3.x is
significantly worse than 2.x

TB 3.x removed the "rebuild found broken indexes upon search encountering a broken index". Thus there is no way with TB 3.x code to per-account check for corrupted index files. And with 1500+ mail 
folders, I am NOT manually rebuilding all indexes!!!

Message filters may be stuffing mail into a folder with corrupted index. The 
folder will not light up as the index is corrupted. No visual indication where 
the new message ended up.

Current SM retains the TB 2.0.x logic that will rebuild the index on-the-fly 
when a Search operation finds a corrupted one. I think of it as ChkDsk /f for 
Mozilla Mail.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.6.1...not pleased...

2012-01-23 Thread Michael Lueck

Rufus wrote:

I went looking for an option like that (which is what I'd expected to find and 
be able to use) and it isn't there. There isn't any option for Tools under 
Bookmarks, nor is there an option for Import
under Tools. I can't find an Import (or Export) option of any kind under any of 
the Menus

Per the official binary build of 2.6.1 for Linux:

Window \ Address Book

Once there

Tools \ Import...
Tools \ Export...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Anyone else see SeaMonkey mail folders loose their children folders?

2012-01-24 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

So does your SM "lose" sub-folders just after you've done a Compact?? The next day?? Day 
three after the compaction?? Or is it always day six or seven before you start "losing" 

The only logical connection I can come up with is related to message filtering. 
And I have MANY filter rules, all to move xyz message type to abc folder.

I can loose folders the first new message that comes in after a compact. I see 
no connection between duration from last compact and the folder bug.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Increase font size in main SM 2.8 Mail/News window

2012-03-24 Thread Michael Lueck


I have looked around to locate the correct solution to adjust (larger) the font 
size of the main SM 2.8 Mail/News window. Both the email account folders, and 
the message lists of each folder.

Suggestions please? TIA!

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Increase font size in main SM 2.8 Mail/News window

2012-04-08 Thread Michael Lueck

Greetings Petr,

I will forward the two replies to my friend who asked the question. Thank you 
so much! Happy Easter!! :-)

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Increase font size in main SM 2.8 Mail/News window

2012-04-12 Thread Michael Lueck

Greetings Petr,

Michael Lueck wrote:

I will forward the two replies to my friend who asked the question.

And their reply is

Stylish is mucho good add-on Thank you.

So, thank you for assisting my friend.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

After 2.9.x upgrade, slower to empty Junk folder

2012-05-11 Thread Michael Lueck


I run the official SM 2.9.1 on Ubuntu 10.04 x64 installed via UbuntuZilla. I 
have noticed that since the 2.9.x series upgrade, emptying the Junk folder 
takes a noticeably longer time.

Yes I do compact all accounts once a week before I pull a profile backup.

Right after a compact, it is still slower than emptying the Junk folder on 2.8 
and prior.

Any thoughts of other things contained in the 2.9.x series that could be 
negatively affecting performance?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Does user agent spoofing should work for extensions ?

2012-05-11 Thread Michael Lueck

Rubens wrote:

Any ideas ?

Have you hacked the module's install.rdf to specify that the module is 
compatible with XYZ software/version?

I must do that with some modules that have not been upgraded in forever yet 
still work properly.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

How to find out what font family/size Thunderbird used for main mail messages window?

2012-05-12 Thread Michael Lueck


In the main mail messages window, TB 2.x seemed to have used a lighter weight 
font than SM uses.

Someone already posted a Stylish way to adjust the font in the main SM mail 
window, which works successfully.

Any thoughts on what to adjust the font family to in order to obtain what TB 
2.x used? We have both Linux and Windows installations, and on both OS's the SM 
font is heavier than TB was.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: After 2.9.x upgrade, slower to empty Junk folder

2012-05-19 Thread Michael Lueck


I also noticed SM 2.9.1 running on Windows XP Pro with NTFS is equally slower 
about deleting all messages from the Junk folder. So this is a cross-platform 

What happened between the 2.8.x series and the 2.9.x series that would make 
deleting all Junk messages extremely slower?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: View Source

2012-05-19 Thread Michael Lueck

David E. Ross wrote:

Can the display of a page source be made consistent, preferably with the
entity references untranslated?

I would think that "View Source" should do exactly that... Show the actual 
Source code which produces the page, errors or otherwise left as-was.

No "search and replace" type translation should be performed on the output of 
View Source.

So is SM actually translating anything? Have you done a wget of the URL in 
question and compare outputs?

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.10 beta 64 bit

2012-05-23 Thread Michael Lueck

sean nathan wrote:

Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20120511 
Firefox/13.0 SeaMonkey/2.10

I am running: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:12.0) Gecko/20120429 
Firefox/12.0 SeaMonkey/2.9.1

in a fresh new install of peppermintOS2 64 bit linux...

Installed via UbuntuZilla

but ctrl+ isn't affecting the font sizing like it used to do...

ctrl+ works for me.

So you are running bleeding-edge code? If so, perhaps report to the developer 
support group rather than production support.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Installing on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

2012-05-28 Thread Michael Lueck

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

I'm having some problems getting Seamonkey "properly" installed on Ubuntu

I would suggest using UbuntuZilla to install the official Mozilla binaries of 
Mozilla products on your Ubuntu systems:


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Installing on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

2012-05-28 Thread Michael Lueck

Michael Lueck wrote:

Cruz, Jaime wrote:

I'm having some problems getting Seamonkey "properly" installed on Ubuntu

I would suggest using UbuntuZilla to install the official Mozilla binaries of 
Mozilla products on your Ubuntu systems:

The better URL for the project...

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Firefox unable to correctly send SeaMonkey mailto links

2012-06-24 Thread Michael Lueck


I have been noticing on x64 Linux that Firefox is unable to correctly 
send/notify SeaMonkey of clicked mailto URL's.

A SeaMonkey browser window opens with invalid URL:

So which Mozilla product is to blame... FF or SM?

I use Firefox as my primary web browser, and SeaMonkey for email.

I do not recall trouble while I was on ThunderBird for email.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Good Free Anti-Virus software Other Than Avast?

2012-07-12 Thread Michael Lueck

Mort wrote:

Can anyone suggest another free anti-virus software that works well and has no 
bloatware to slow down my PC?

We use Comodo AV and also Comodo Internet Security (which is AV + FW).

They have hard to find free for personal use versions.

They have some annoying installation-time advertisements in their free version... have to 
be smart to install it correctly, unchecking various "help me" check boxes 
along the way.

Reminds me... I need to update my blog about installing the latest version and 
getting through the check boxes correctly.

Once installed, seems to work well.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

support-seamonkey mailing list

Inbox messages disappearing from one POP account after update to 2.10.1

2012-07-12 Thread Michael Lueck


A client has reported that they updated to build 2.10.1 on Windows XP x86. After doing so new messages were disappearing from one POP account's inbox when they would leave that account and come back 
to it. All other POP accounts are behaving properly.

The messages would be there and be read. Once they left that folder they would 
not be there upon their return.

They found a work-around, which I quote:

I created a subfolder and have a copy of all emails sent to the inbox sent to 
the new folder.
The emails stay there. So this can be a work around for now.

Has anyone else seen 2.10.1 doing that sort of nonsense?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Inbox messages disappearing from one POP account after update to 2.10.1

2012-07-12 Thread Michael Lueck

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

Sounds to me as if they've selected View > Threads > Unread instead of All.

That was it! Their View \ Threads menu was short the radio buttons ahead of the 
All \ Unread \ etc...

Once All was clicked the messages showed up again and THEN the radio buttons 
appeared on the menu options, All being the selected one. Very weird!

Thank you!

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

support-seamonkey mailing list

From TB 2.x --> SM ???

2010-10-25 Thread Michael Lueck


Just today I came to the thought that since moving to TB 3.x is undesirable, 
possibly moving from TB 2.x to SM would be a viable choice. Thus some questions:

1) How does SM do as far as supporting the extensions that TB does? As for the browser, I was able to install Ad-Block Plus into my SM profile, and that is as far as I have gone. I mainly install SM 
to get the Composer to clean up nasty HTML code and make it pretty.

2) How portable should TB 2.x profiles be headed over to SM?

3) Any documented steps for doing the migration? I am very comfortable working 
at the command line.

*) I am asking about this for use on Windows XP and also Linux via the official 
Mozilla builds installed via UbuntuZilla.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Moving profiles from XP to Win7

2010-10-26 Thread Michael Lueck

David Wilkinson wrote:
When I do this, I first close SeaMonkey on the old computer, and copy 
the entire profile folder (e.g. salt.profilename) to the new computer. 
Then I use the profile manager on the new computer to create a new 
profile with the same profile name and use "Choose Folder" to navigate 
to the copied profile.

Does current SM still use the shared Mozilla Registry file? If so, then I 
assume this is the correct procedure to restore profiles from a backup, correct?

That is, do not bother backing up the shared registry file itself, simply do 
the above steps?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: From TB 2.x --> SM ???

2010-10-27 Thread Michael Lueck

WLS wrote:

KompoZer is a better for HTML then Composer.

I prefer the cleaned up HTML that Composer produces, at least at this point in 

2) How portable should TB 2.x profiles be headed over to SM?

On Linux under Tools > Import you can select to import all or just
select what you want to import from Thunderbird.

3) Any documented steps for doing the migration? I am very comfortable
working at the command line.

Thanks much! I have ported and am now operating with SM via UbuntuZilla.

One thing to note: For news groups the migration did not transfer *.rc files. 
So I needed to hand copy those files.

Otherwise the migration back seemed to work very well.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Q: How to select Firefox as the default browser in SM emails

2010-10-27 Thread Michael Lueck


How can I specify that I want Firefox to be launched when I click on URL links 
in SM emails?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Q: How to select Firefox as the default browser in SM emails

2010-10-27 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel wrote:

Why would you want to open URLs in any other Browser program?

I am just fine using the latest Firefox, however I was stuck at TB 
prior to migrating to SM.

For now, I am training myself to copy the URL instead of clicking the link, 
then paste it into a FF window. A bit annoying...


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Q: How to select Firefox as the default browser in SM emails

2010-10-27 Thread Michael Lueck

Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:

Hm. Begs the question then, why would you use SeaMonkey for mail/news
and not Thunderbird?

Due to TB 3.x being so undesirable.

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Q: How to select Firefox as the default browser in SM emails

2010-10-27 Thread Michael Lueck

Jay Garcia wrote:

You can't that I am aware of. It's an old bug from the Netscape 7 days
that you can't use another browser. It seems that it's never been fixed yet.

Thanks! Then I will train myself to copy the URL's instead of clicking the 

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

[SOLVED] Re: Q: How to select Firefox as the default browser in SM emails

2010-10-27 Thread Michael Lueck

Greetings Chris-

Chris Ilias wrote:

This pref is old and has not been tested on SM2, but you could give it a
try: <>.

Thanks very much. That link put me onto an extension called "Launchy". I was 
quickly / easily able to come up with an XML file to launch a new Firefox window with the 
specified URL.";>
Mozilla Firefox


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Disappearing sub-folders that are the target of a filter

2010-10-31 Thread Michael Lueck


I am quickily getting annoyed with one observation in current / official builds 
of SM 2.0.x on Linux (Ubuntu 9.04), and installed via UbuntuZilla:

I have message filters configured to move incoming messages to the correct folder. One target folder that gets quite a few emails per day is three folder levels deep, and that folder up and 
disappears! including its subfolders!

I see the twisty icon on its parent folder, I can twist it open / closed, yet 
the children folders do NOT show up again.

I must exit / restart SM.


I have noticed this misbehavior with another subfolder "loosing" its children folders, 
though in that case there are no filters filing messages to those folders... a "dead 
storage" area of my email.

Those are the only two folder / subtrees I am noticing going missing, at this 


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Disappearing sub-folders that are the target of a filter

2010-11-01 Thread Michael Lueck

Michael Lueck wrote:

Those are the only two folder / subtrees I am noticing going missing, at
this point.

I just noticed several other folders playing the same trick... loosing ability 
to show their children folders.

Both with folders that are targets of Message Filters and have no filters 
associated with them.

The common thread seems to be how many levels deep under the InBox they are. I can see the folder two (2) levels under the InBox. Its children folders are what disappear. Restarting SM makes the 
folders re-appear for a matter of time.

Again, suggestions?

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Disappearing sub-folders that are the target of a filter

2010-11-02 Thread Michael Lueck

Bill Davidsen wrote:

No suggestion, but a thought: is this inbox set against an IMAP mail

No, these are local POP accounts.

I just recently migrated from TB


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Disappearing sub-folders that are the target of a filter

2010-11-11 Thread Michael Lueck


I searched through the bug tracker and think I found an existing report that sounds like 
what we are all seeing SM do. Please "me too" vote on this bug:

"Unable to expand a folder's subfolders without opening the folder first in a new 
email window"

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Disappearing sub-folders that are the target of a filter

2010-11-11 Thread Michael Lueck

Stéphane Grégoire wrote:

Or this one :<>

That one sounds like an account will not even open.

All of my accounts at least open up - all 15 or so of them.

So I think this bug report is a different problem.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-18 Thread Michael Lueck


I use the latest Firefox as my web browser, SeaMonkey for Mail/News/Composer. 
On Ubuntu Linux, the official Mozilla binaries installed via UbuntuZilla.

Since switching from Thunderbird to SeaMonkey for email, webpages that have mailto: links do not properly open a new SeaMonkey email message window. SeaMonkey does seem to flash / get focus, just no 
new window opens.

When I was using Thunderbird, mailto: links properly opened a TB email window.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-19 Thread Michael Lueck


The solution was to update the switches Gnome was launching SeaMonkey with as 
it processed the mailto: link.

The correct switches are as follows:
seamonkey -compose %s

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Forward / Reply message icons in SM like TB?

2010-11-19 Thread Michael Lueck


Is there a way to get SM to show if a POP email message has been forwarded / 
replied to?

Thunderbird 2.x has arrow icons that appear when a message has had one/both of 
those operations performed.

Since switching to SM, messages only seem to have an envelope icon to the left 
of the subject. I have had to turn on the Status data column to be able to see 
which ones I have replied to.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-20 Thread Michael Lueck

I also took the time to report this in Bugzilla:

"Incorrect default switches to handle mailto: links / new message window will not 

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-23 Thread Michael Lueck

NoOp wrote:

I'd recommend that you just install via your distro repository

No, I wish to run the official Mozilla binaries, just like I do on Windows.

I have the ability to run current versions of Mozilla products.

were it
not for the fact that the Ubuntu SeaMonkey maintainers can't seem to get
their act together and still haven't backported the lucid fixes yet:
[seamonkey 2.0 crashes with 'RenderBadPicture' diagnostics]

Why would you suggest all of that grief over simply using the official Mozilla 
binaries via UbuntuZilla?!!?!?

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-23 Thread Michael Lueck

NoOp wrote:

2. What if your preferred email application were something other than
SeaMonkey? You'd set your email preferences as above only use the path
to that particular email client.

Then what caused SeaMonkey to get added to the Gnome Preferred Applications 
list (with the wrong switches) in the first place?

I had been using Thunderbird up until I installed SeaMonkey. Thunderbird was 
handling the mailto: links correctly.

At that time, SeaMonkey was not in the list. After I instilled SeaMonkey, it 
was there, just the switches were incorrect.

What ever adds SeaMonkey to the list of Gnome Preferred Applications, THAT 
needs to be updated to use the correct switches.

I would think that something in the SeaMonkey installation process adds 
SeaMonkey to the Preferred Applications list. Thus why I started with a bug 
against SeaMonkey.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: command line chrome and URL

2010-11-25 Thread Michael Lueck

Stan Dickerson wrote:

How can I start Seamonkey from the command line and pass both "-chrome" and
the URL?

I just tested and:

seamonkey -chrome index.html

seems to work for me. It loads a minimal browser without toolbars.

I have SeaMonkey set to start to Mail, as I use Firefox as my main browser. 
With SeaMonkey shut down, it loaded the HTML file as expected.

Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-26 Thread Michael Lueck

Ed Mullen wrote:

Daniel F. wrote:

Hey y'all,

I'm the maintainer of the ubuntuzilla repository. Here are my thoughts/
comments on the matter.

Just a thought. I have no idea what you're talking about because you
have deleted/snipped EVERYTHING to what your are replying.

I started the thread originally, via the Gmane NNTP gateway to this list.

I suspect Daniel replied via the same method.

The thread was working through the correct command line syntax to launch SeaMonkey with when clicking mailto: links within Firefox. Daniel and I came up with the correct syntax, and we are trying to 
find which product has the incorrect syntax.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-26 Thread Michael Lueck

Daniel F. wrote:

It is quite likely, though, that the fault lies not with seamonkey
itself, but with the "preferred applications" gnome applet, which has
'seamonkey -mail %s' as the default option, when it detects the
presence of /usr/bin/seamonkey on the system. This is currently my
best guess.

Which is what NoOp seemed to suggest as well.

I will try to dupe this with a newer build of Ubuntu to see if it is still a 

If it is still a problem, I might open a bug report directly with Gnome, 
bypassing Ubuntu all together.

Thank you Daniel for taking the time to provide verbose input.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-26 Thread Michael Lueck

NoOp wrote:

Unfortunately I didn't see Daniel F.'s reply as it appears that he
posted via google groups

Yes, he said that was the gateway he came through, not which I 

I'm still working on pining this down, but if you look at:
you'll find that the  sections in that file has this set for:

Learn something new every day. I did not know about that program list.

Either way I still think that the issue comes back to the
desktop environment rather than SeaMonkey

Which I will try to recreate on the latest Gnome, and if the problem still 
exists open a bug directly with Gnome.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Forward / Reply message icons in SM like TB?

2010-11-29 Thread Michael Lueck

Michael Lueck wrote:

Is there a way to get SM to show if a POP email message has been forwarded / 
replied to?

Thunderbird 2.x has arrow icons that appear when a message has had one/both of 
those operations performed.

Since switching to SM, messages only seem to have an envelope icon to the left 
of the subject. I have had to turn on the Status data column to be able to see 
which ones I have replied to.

I just started testing SM 2.1b1 and this is still a concern with the UI.

To me it is lagging behind what Thunderbird 2.x offered.

Could someone please advise if it is possible to borrow that small portion of 
the TB 2.x UI and place it into SM?


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SOLVED! SM email not properly responding to FF mailto links

2010-11-29 Thread Michael Lueck

NoOp wrote:

On 11/27/2010 12:32 PM, NoOp wrote:

Thanks! I'll file a bug for Ubuntu at:

[[SeaMonkey/Mozilla] gnome-default-applications.xml defaults for
mail-reader does not handle URL mailto links properly]

Thank you so much. I have subscribed / added my "affects me".


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.1b1 Custom Theme only shows up in Browser window, not Mail window :-(

2010-11-29 Thread Michael Lueck


Is theming (like Firefox 3.6.x supports) only enabled in the Browser window of 
SM 2.1?

I installed my fav from Firefox 3.6.x and it only shows up in SM Browser 
windows, not the main Mail window.


Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.1b1 Custom Theme only shows up in Browser window, not Mail window :-(

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Lueck

S. Beaulieu wrote:

I suggest getting a SeaMonkey theme rather than a Firefox one. Then in will be 
applied in both the browser and Mail.

All right... I would request the person make a SM version of their theme, if I knew how to contact them. There is no obvious way to send a message to the theme developer via the site. :-(

Thanks for the response. Sincerely,

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.1b1 Custom Theme only shows up in Browser window, not Mail window :-(

2010-11-30 Thread Michael Lueck

Jens Hatlak wrote:

b2 will already have it in MailNews, Address Book and Composer, too.

Oh, that sounds better than trying to contact the creator of the theme I use. 
Thank you, Jens!

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Address Book \ Tools \ Export working incorrectly in the past couple of SM releases

2020-12-02 Thread Michael Lueck


I have noticed sudden incorrect behavior being done by SM in the last couple of 
release versions.

Impacted function is Address Book \ Tools \ Export  and then csv for the file 

The first file created contains just the csv header row defining column names.

The UI loops back to the file save as dialog box once you specify the 
fileaname... and the second time you end up with the exported records.

However the UI loops yet again... at that point I get aggravated and cancel out 
of the vicious loop.

This is with the x64 official Linux version from Mozilla.

Does anyone recognize this being written up in Bugzilla already, or should I 
open a new ticket for the regression?

I am thankful,

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: how to reorder email accounts?

2020-12-02 Thread Michael Lueck

Rubens wrote:

I still use that extension.

It is named "Folderpane Tools 0.6.1"

Agreed, we use it as well...

Folderpane Tools 0.6.1
By chuonthis

Allows for customization of the folder pane such as rearranging accounts and 
choosing a startup folder.Status

This extension is no longer being maintained. Please use this extension as an 
Manually sort folders

This extension is in maintenance mode. No new features are planned and only urgent bug fixes will be considered. Patches are welcome; and if someone wants to take over this project and/or actively 
contribute code and features they too are welcome!


Original Author: chuonthis
Current Author: Phil Chee


This extension must be configured before use. To open the options window, open 
the Tools menu, select Extensions, and double-click on the extension.

Override startup folder: Enable this option to override the folder that is 
displayed on startup.
Select folder: Select the folder to display at startup from the 
dropdown menu. To select a folder which has subfolders, open its submenu and 
select choose this folder.
Rearrange accounts: Use the listbox and buttons in this section to rearrange the order that accounts are displayed. The Default account is always listed first. Select an account from the listbox 
and click on one of the buttons below to either set the account as the default, move the account up in the list, or move the account down in the list.
Email accounts and RSS accounts are always placed above the Local Folders. The Local Folders are always placed above Newsgroup accounts. If the Local Folders or a Newsgroup account is set as 
the Default account, it will be placed at the top.

Last Update:  May 24, 2019

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
support-seamonkey mailing list