NoOp wrote:
2. What if your preferred email application were something other than
SeaMonkey? You'd set your email preferences as above only use the path
to that particular email client.

Then what caused SeaMonkey to get added to the Gnome Preferred Applications 
list (with the wrong switches) in the first place?

I had been using Thunderbird up until I installed SeaMonkey. Thunderbird was 
handling the mailto: links correctly.

At that time, SeaMonkey was not in the list. After I instilled SeaMonkey, it 
was there, just the switches were incorrect.

What ever adds SeaMonkey to the list of Gnome Preferred Applications, THAT 
needs to be updated to use the correct switches.

I would think that something in the SeaMonkey installation process adds 
SeaMonkey to the Preferred Applications list. Thus why I started with a bug 
against SeaMonkey.


Michael Lueck
support-seamonkey mailing list

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