Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-07 Thread DoctorBill

Ray Davison wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

As a PS to my previous post - MY problem with ALL of this is that
once I learn HOW to do all thisafter six months or more of not
constantly being involved with it - I forget it !  I forget the
details and have, essentially, to re-invent the wheel ! Start from
scratch.  Give me a break - I am 76 years old !  I am lucky I can go
to the bathroom by myself !  I have to come back here and have you
nice folks explain it all AGAIN after a while..

So do I also get a "break"?  I'm 82, and beside building desktops I 
redesign old cars.

I currently maintain four desktops and three laptops.

The apps are on an apps partition and the data is on a data partition. I 
can reinstall or replace an OS and the most I need to do to the apps is 
create a fresh run object (shortcut).

And updates are done in isolation.  I also always have multiple versions 
of each app.  I never replace an app or OS until I an convinced the 
replacement is superior.  So every computer has multiple versions of Win 
and Mozilla and/or Mozilla clones.

On desktops, the apps are on one HDD and apps and data are on another 
HDD.  I have clones of each.  So my backup and restore is to swap a HDD. 
  And the OSs don't know the apps/data has changed and the apps/data 
doesn't know the OSs has changed.

With a couple decent tools building a partition structure is not difficult.

And Mozilla products are very easy to organize.

Well congratulations on being 82 !  AND being able to do ALL THAT !  Wow.

Each of us has our Limitations (as Dirty Harry said) and I have my own.
I hope - if I make it to 82 - that I can do as well as you are now !

Keep going... Never stopNever retire.  I just wish it didn't hurt so 
much !

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-06 Thread WaltS48

On 1/6/20 3:44 PM, Ray Davison wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:

As a PS to my previous post - MY problem with ALL of this is that
once I learn HOW to do all thisafter six months or more of not
constantly being involved with it - I forget it !  I forget the
details and have, essentially, to re-invent the wheel ! Start from
scratch.  Give me a break - I am 76 years old !  I am lucky I can go
to the bathroom by myself !  I have to come back here and have you
nice folks explain it all AGAIN after a while..

So do I also get a "break"?  I'm 82, and beside building desktops I 
redesign old cars.

I currently maintain four desktops and three laptops.

The apps are on an apps partition and the data is on a data partition. I 
can reinstall or replace an OS and the most I need to do to the apps is 
create a fresh run object (shortcut).

And updates are done in isolation.  I also always have multiple versions 
of each app.  I never replace an app or OS until I an convinced the 
replacement is superior.  So every computer has multiple versions of Win 
and Mozilla and/or Mozilla clones.

On desktops, the apps are on one HDD and apps and data are on another 
HDD.  I have clones of each.  So my backup and restore is to swap a HDD. 
  And the OSs don't know the apps/data has changed and the apps/data 
doesn't know the OSs has changed.

With a couple decent tools building a partition structure is not difficult.

And Mozilla products are very easy to organize.

You win! 

OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS - Gnome Desktop

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-06 Thread Ray Davison

DoctorBill wrote:

As a PS to my previous post - MY problem with ALL of this is that
once I learn HOW to do all thisafter six months or more of not
constantly being involved with it - I forget it !  I forget the
details and have, essentially, to re-invent the wheel ! Start from
scratch.  Give me a break - I am 76 years old !  I am lucky I can go
to the bathroom by myself !  I have to come back here and have you
nice folks explain it all AGAIN after a while..

So do I also get a "break"?  I'm 82, and beside building desktops I 
redesign old cars.

I currently maintain four desktops and three laptops.

The apps are on an apps partition and the data is on a data partition. I 
can reinstall or replace an OS and the most I need to do to the apps is 
create a fresh run object (shortcut).

And updates are done in isolation.  I also always have multiple versions 
of each app.  I never replace an app or OS until I an convinced the 
replacement is superior.  So every computer has multiple versions of Win 
and Mozilla and/or Mozilla clones.

On desktops, the apps are on one HDD and apps and data are on another 
HDD.  I have clones of each.  So my backup and restore is to swap a HDD. 
 And the OSs don't know the apps/data has changed and the apps/data 
doesn't know the OSs has changed.

With a couple decent tools building a partition structure is not difficult.

And Mozilla products are very easy to organize.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-06 Thread Paul B. Gallagher

Daniel wrote:

Yes, DocBill, as far as you are concerned, a Partition is 'just' a Drive 

e.g., I have a 500 GB hard drive in this laptop, but I only have Windows 
7 accessing about a third of that space (I have a different Operating 
System, Linux, on the rest) on the Physical Hard Drive. I have...
a)    my Windows 7 Operating System Partition, the C:\ drive, on about 
40 Gb,
b)    then my programs (MSOffice, SeaMonkey, etc.), on the 80 GB D:\ 
drive (or Partition), and,
c)    then I have my SeaMonkey Profile and and music file on a 30 GB E:\ 
drive (or Partition)

A lot of Computer Users will have just the one Partition, their C:\, 
which will occupy the entire space of their physical hard disk!

And that's fine, as long as the computer does what they want, who cares 
how it is set up!!

In the olden days when mechanical malfunctions were more common, it was 
important to know that a crash of one "drive" in a partition arrangement 
was generally equivalent to a crash of all. So for example it made no 
sense to back up data from one partition onto another within the same 
physical drive (I'd say it still doesn't). But HDDs nowadays are so 
reliable that whatever logical partition arrangement the user chooses 
(if any) is generally fine for all practical purposes.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-06 Thread Daniel

DoctorBill wrote on 6/01/2020 2:03 PM:

Ray Davison wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

I also always have multiple versions of each app. 

As an aside, I have never "installed" a Mozilla app.  I always use the 
ZIP distros.  SM is available as a ZIP.  Un-zip and copy to where ever 
you want with a name such as SM_Version_XXX, or something that is 
meaningful to you.  Then create a shortcut.

Not a Compuker-Savy person anymore (well a smidgen maybe...) - so by
"partition" do you mean another Drive letter on the same drive - or a
totally different storage (like a Thumb Drive) device ?

What you describe sounds VERY good.if I just completely understand
all of it - and know enough to set it up !
Thanks for taking the time to describe that !


Yes, DocBill, as far as you are concerned, a Partition is 'just' a Drive 

e.g., I have a 500 GB hard drive in this laptop, but I only have Windows 
7 accessing about a third of that space (I have a different Operating 
System, Linux, on the rest) on the Physical Hard Drive. I have...

a)  my Windows 7 Operating System Partition, the C:\ drive, on about 40 Gb,
b)	then my programs (MSOffice, SeaMonkey, etc.), on the 80 GB D:\ drive 
(or Partition), and,
c)	then I have my SeaMonkey Profile and and music file on a 30 GB E:\ 
drive (or Partition)

A lot of Computer Users will have just the one Partition, their C:\, 
which will occupy the entire space of their physical hard disk!

And that's fine, as long as the computer does what they want, who cares 
how it is set up!!


Win7 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5 Build identifier: 20190609032134

Linux User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.1 Build identifier: 20171015235623

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-05 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

I also always have multiple versions of each app. 

As an aside, I have never "installed" a Mozilla app.  I always use the 
ZIP distros.  SM is available as a ZIP.  Un-zip and copy to where ever 
you want with a name such as SM_Version_XXX, or something that is 
meaningful to you.  Then create a shortcut.

Not a Compuker-Savy person anymore (well a smidgen maybe...) - so by
"partition" do you mean another Drive letter on the same drive - or a
totally different storage (like a Thumb Drive) device ?

What you describe sounds VERY good.if I just completely understand
all of it - and know enough to set it up !
Thanks for taking the time to describe that !


As a PS to my previous post - MY problem with ALL of this is that once I 
learn HOW
to do all thisafter six months or more of not constantly being 
involved with it -
I forget it !  I forget the details and have, essentially, to re-invent 
the wheel !
Start from scratch.  Give me a break - I am 76 years old !  I am lucky I 
can go to
the bathroom by myself !  I have to come back here and have you nice 
folks explain it

all AGAIN after a while..

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-05 Thread DoctorBill

WaltS48 wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

The profiles still end up in the .mozilla and .thunderbird folders. 
Too much work to change the locations.

The same on Windows.

The profiles end up where ever you put them.  But you do need to 
specify.  I put the apps and profiles in separate trees of my choice 
and location, and I put mail in a separate tree in a third location.

And if you allowed an install routine to place the profile and mail in 
a default location, it is "too much work" only if you are unable to 
copy/delete or move a sub-directory.

Or don't want to think about how you want to set it up. Too damn lazy.

Ha - NOW you've gotten to the ROOT of it !  My problem exactly !

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-05 Thread DoctorBill

Ray Davison wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

I also always have multiple versions of each app. 

As an aside, I have never "installed" a Mozilla app.  I always use the 
ZIP distros.  SM is available as a ZIP.  Un-zip and copy to where ever 
you want with a name such as SM_Version_XXX, or something that is 
meaningful to you.  Then create a shortcut.

Not a Compuker-Savy person anymore (well a smidgen maybe...) - so by
"partition" do you mean another Drive letter on the same drive - or a
totally different storage (like a Thumb Drive) device ?

What you describe sounds VERY good.if I just completely understand
all of it - and know enough to set it up !
Thanks for taking the time to describe that !

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-05 Thread Ray Davison

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
If you use the zip method some dlls will not be registered. This affects 
"send to email" and i.e. screen reader support. Installing it is 
recommended. There are known problems with creating the profile in a 
directory outside of your profile. I would suggest to use the default 
location and use the installer whenever possible. There are ways to set 
up the Windows profile on a different drive if needed.

You should be cautious telling people they cannot do what they are 
actually doing.  I have been doing what I described since Netscape, 
which is where my mail files began life.

And, once when I was trying to determine the time and date of a bug 
insertion, I had twenty versions of the Mozilla suite - later SM - on a 
HDD.  I would not want to try that with the installer distros.

And all you have to do to "set up the Windows profile on a different 
drive" is move an existing profile and tell SM to use it in the new 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-04 Thread Frank-Rainer Grahl
If you use the zip method some dlls will not be registered. This affects "send 
to email" and i.e. screen reader support. Installing it is recommended. There 
are known problems with creating the profile in a directory outside of your 
profile. I would suggest to use the default location and use the installer 
whenever possible. There are ways to set up the Windows profile on a different 
drive if needed.


Ray Davison wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

I also always have multiple versions of each app. 

As an aside, I have never "installed" a Mozilla app.  I always use the ZIP 
distros.  SM is available as a ZIP.  Un-zip and copy to where ever you want 
with a name such as SM_Version_XXX, or something that is meaningful to you.  
Then create a shortcut.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-04 Thread WaltS48

Ray Davison wrote:

WaltS48 wrote:

The profiles still end up in the .mozilla and .thunderbird folders. 
Too much work to change the locations.

The same on Windows.

The profiles end up where ever you put them.  But you do need to 
specify.  I put the apps and profiles in separate trees of my choice and 
location, and I put mail in a separate tree in a third location.

And if you allowed an install routine to place the profile and mail in a 
default location, it is "too much work" only if you are unable to 
copy/delete or move a sub-directory.

Or don't want to think about how you want to set it up. Too damn lazy.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-04 Thread Ray Davison

WaltS48 wrote:

The profiles still end up in the .mozilla and .thunderbird folders. Too 
much work to change the locations.

The same on Windows.

The profiles end up where ever you put them.  But you do need to 
specify.  I put the apps and profiles in separate trees of my choice and 
location, and I put mail in a separate tree in a third location.

And if you allowed an install routine to place the profile and mail in a 
default location, it is "too much work" only if you are unable to 
copy/delete or move a sub-directory.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-04 Thread WaltS48

On 1/4/20 1:59 PM, Ray Davison wrote:

Ray Davison wrote:

I also always have multiple versions of each app. 

As an aside, I have never "installed" a Mozilla app.  I always use the 
ZIP distros.  SM is available as a ZIP.  Un-zip and copy to where ever 
you want with a name such as SM_Version_XXX, or something that is 
meaningful to you.  Then create a shortcut.

I guess other than the Linux distro builds, I have never "installed" a 
Mozilla, SeaMonkey Project or Thunderbird Project application on my 

The profiles still end up in the .mozilla and .thunderbird folders. Too 
much work to change the locations.

The same on Windows.

OS: Ubuntu Linux 18.04LTS - Gnome Desktop

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-04 Thread Ray Davison

Ray Davison wrote:

I also always have multiple versions of each app.  

As an aside, I have never "installed" a Mozilla app.  I always use the 
ZIP distros.  SM is available as a ZIP.  Un-zip and copy to where ever 
you want with a name such as SM_Version_XXX, or something that is 
meaningful to you.  Then create a shortcut.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-04 Thread Ray Davison

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 running 
(Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to the 
newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !

This is your chance to disassociate all internet apps from the OS.  My 
data files began life in Netscape.  Do yours go back that far?  And 
those files have been used on many computers by multiple versions of Win 
and OS/2.  And, I have never "lost" my email.

The trick is, I have never had the apps or data on a boot partition. The 
apps are on an apps partition and the data is on a data partition. I can 
reinstall or replace an OS and the most I need to do to the apps is 
create a fresh run object (shortcut).

I also always multiple versions of each app.  I never replace an app or 
OS until I an convinced the replacement is superior.  So every computer 
has multiple versions of Win and Mozilla and/or Mozilla clones.

The first thing you need to do is copy the entire profile - which is a 
directory tree - to another partition of your choice, with the name of 
your choice.  Also copy the app tree to a place and name of your choice.

Then after you install Win, create an app shortcut with a 
"-Profilemanager" run switch, which will open profile manager.  Take SM 
by the hand to where you copied the profile and tell SM to use it.

On desktops, I now have only OSs on one HDD and only apps and data on 
another HDD.  I have clones of each.  If one dies, I can swap in the OS 
HDD and the data doesn't know the difference, or swap the apps/data HDD 
ans the OSs do not know the difference.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-03 Thread Daniel

DoctorBill wrote on 04/01/20 02:26:

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 02:58:

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 
2.49.1 SeaMonkey.

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine 
to the newer one ?
It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember 

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 
installed (Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is 
great !

I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older 
GAMES mostly.

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't 
"Kill" the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the 

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that 
SeaMonkey is "OUTDATED" -

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted 
this with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although 
there are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to to get the latest 
(approved) version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises 
itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest 
it is a very old Version.

I come to this NewsGroup FROM either THIS old HP Business Computer using
Windows 7 using 2.49.1
My DELL "All-In-One" used business compuker using Windows 10 and 2.49.5.
Two different SeaMonkeys depending on which I am using AT THE TIME.

I can relate to this, Bill!

I dual boot this HP Laptop. On Windows 7, I have installed SeaMonkey 
2.49.5. On my Linux installation, I have SeaMonkey 2.49.1 - I've 
downloaded the 2.49.5 and I will get around to updating  one day! ;-P

I am NOW on the old HP with Win 7.  I downloaded 2.49.5 but have not
run it yet.  All the 'extras' (extensions and Plugins) that I have on 
this 2.49.1

will have to be re-setup  on the 2.49.5.a PITA !
As time goes on, I forget HOW to do all that - (I'm 76) and struggle 
with "Keeping Up"

with all the new changes.  Ignorance is expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.
How can the 2.49.5 be made to spoof with the new FireFox V52 
recognition signal ?

Two ways ... either, first, in your Preferences 
(Edit->Preferences->Advanced) and tick the box to Advertise Firefox 
compatibility. That will tell every website you go to that your 
program is like Firefox

But, it will still mention SeaMonkey, and some sites will be confused 
by this so they still will not work, so 

Second, in the web browser part of SeaMonkey type "about:config" 
(without the inverted commas), accept the warning and then type 
'Useragent' in the Search: line. That will just leave those 
preferences that include the word useragent. One of those will be 
'general.useragent.compatMode.firefox'. Double click on that 
preference will change the 'Value' from 'false' to 'true'.

Additionally, if there is a particular website that is causing 
problems (often banking sites), in this config page, you can add a 
preference that would apply only to that particular website and set it 
to 'spoof' Firefox only just for that website, but I'm unsure how to 
enter a new preference like this.

Maybe someone else will suggest how to do that.

And it just occurred to me that there is a third method of changing 
the Preferences ... by setting up a preference that applies only to 
that particular website and saving that/those preferences in a *TEXT* 
file called UserConfig and saving that file in the same location as 
your Preferences file. This method allows you to add comments against 
each preference that you add/change so that you can know why you did 
that  when your memory fails you! ;-)

You can check out the available preferences at ...

DoctorBill (still trying !)

Keep on trying, Doc!

I have all that you suggested running.  No "Text" though
Some site still don't like my system.

Thanks !

I guess nothing is perfect, some people will always think that they know 
what you want to do better than you! ;-P


Win7 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5 Build identifier: 20190609032134

Linux User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.1 Build identifier: 20171015235623

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-03 Thread DoctorBill

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 02:58:

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine 
to the newer one ?
It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember 

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed 
(Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is 
great !

I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older 
GAMES mostly.

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't 
"Kill" the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the 

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that 
SeaMonkey is "OUTDATED" -

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted this 
with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although 
there are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to to get the latest (approved) 
version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises 
itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest 
it is a very old Version.

I come to this NewsGroup FROM either THIS old HP Business Computer using
Windows 7 using 2.49.1
My DELL "All-In-One" used business compuker using Windows 10 and 2.49.5.
Two different SeaMonkeys depending on which I am using AT THE TIME.

I can relate to this, Bill!

I dual boot this HP Laptop. On Windows 7, I have installed SeaMonkey 
2.49.5. On my Linux installation, I have SeaMonkey 2.49.1 - I've 
downloaded the 2.49.5 and I will get around to updating  one day! ;-P

I am NOW on the old HP with Win 7.  I downloaded 2.49.5 but have not
run it yet.  All the 'extras' (extensions and Plugins) that I have on 
this 2.49.1

will have to be re-setup  on the 2.49.5.a PITA !
As time goes on, I forget HOW to do all that - (I'm 76) and struggle 
with "Keeping Up"

with all the new changes.  Ignorance is expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.
How can the 2.49.5 be made to spoof with the new FireFox V52 
recognition signal ?

Two ways ... either, first, in your Preferences 
(Edit->Preferences->Advanced) and tick the box to Advertise Firefox 
compatibility. That will tell every website you go to that your program 
is like Firefox

But, it will still mention SeaMonkey, and some sites will be confused by 
this so they still will not work, so 

Second, in the web browser part of SeaMonkey type "about:config" 
(without the inverted commas), accept the warning and then type 
'Useragent' in the Search: line. That will just leave those preferences 
that include the word useragent. One of those will be 
'general.useragent.compatMode.firefox'. Double click on that preference 
will change the 'Value' from 'false' to 'true'.

Additionally, if there is a particular website that is causing problems 
(often banking sites), in this config page, you can add a preference 
that would apply only to that particular website and set it to 'spoof' 
Firefox only just for that website, but I'm unsure how to enter a new 
preference like this.

Maybe someone else will suggest how to do that.

And it just occurred to me that there is a third method of changing the 
Preferences ... by setting up a preference that applies only to that 
particular website and saving that/those preferences in a *TEXT* file 
called UserConfig and saving that file in the same location as your 
Preferences file. This method allows you to add comments against each 
preference that you add/change so that you can know why you did that 
 when your memory fails you! ;-)

You can check out the available preferences at ...

DoctorBill (still trying !)

Keep on trying, Doc!

I have all that you suggested running.  No "Text" though
Some site still don't like my system.

Thanks !
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-03 Thread Daniel

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote on 03/01/20 11:47:

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 03:03:

PS - I turned off the "Automatic Update" on my HP with Windows 7.
Hoping that that keeps MicroSoft from "Zapping" it and shutting it down.

Did that also on The Windows 10 computer.  I can now 'allow' 
upgrading or
not - depending on what results others are reporting.  Some control - 
I hope.


Some would suggest that not such a bad practice, Doc. That way, rather 
than letting the updates be automatically installed, you can wait a 
week or so, let others try out the update and, if no problems are 
found, you can apply the updates when you want ... as long as you do 
remember to apply them eventually!!

You can not tun off updates in regular Windows 10. Doing so you would 
need to go deep into the task scheduler and also stop some services. 
This usually leaves the installation half broken and would also stop 
updates for Windows Defender.


Ah!! Another reason that I'm, yet, to make the move to 10!!

Thanks FRG.

Win7 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5 Build identifier: 20190609032134

Linux User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.1 Build identifier: 20171015235623

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-02 Thread Frank-Rainer Grahl

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 03:03:

PS - I turned off the "Automatic Update" on my HP with Windows 7.
Hoping that that keeps MicroSoft from "Zapping" it and shutting it down.

Did that also on The Windows 10 computer.  I can now 'allow' upgrading or
not - depending on what results others are reporting.  Some control - I hope.


Some would suggest that not such a bad practice, Doc. That way, rather than 
letting the updates be automatically installed, you can wait a week or so, let 
others try out the update and, if no problems are found, you can apply the 
updates when you want ... as long as you do remember to apply them eventually!!

You can not tun off updates in regular Windows 10. Doing so you would need to 
go deep into the task scheduler and also stop some services. This usually 
leaves the installation half broken and would also stop updates for Windows 

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-02 Thread Daniel

DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 03:03:

PS - I turned off the "Automatic Update" on my HP with Windows 7.
Hoping that that keeps MicroSoft from "Zapping" it and shutting it down.

Did that also on The Windows 10 computer.  I can now 'allow' upgrading or
not - depending on what results others are reporting.  Some control - I 


Some would suggest that not such a bad practice, Doc. That way, rather 
than letting the updates be automatically installed, you can wait a week 
or so, let others try out the update and, if no problems are found, you 
can apply the updates when you want ... as long as you do remember to 
apply them eventually!!


Win7 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5 Build identifier: 20190609032134

Linux User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.1 Build identifier: 20171015235623

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-02 Thread Daniel

DoctorBill wrote on 03/01/20 02:58:

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?
It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember 

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed 
(Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is great !
I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older GAMES 

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't 
"Kill" the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the 

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that 
SeaMonkey is "OUTDATED" -

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted this 
with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although there 
are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to to get the latest (approved) 
version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises 
itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest it 
is a very old Version.

I come to this NewsGroup FROM either THIS old HP Business Computer using
Windows 7 using 2.49.1
My DELL "All-In-One" used business compuker using Windows 10 and 2.49.5.
Two different SeaMonkeys depending on which I am using AT THE TIME.

I can relate to this, Bill!

I dual boot this HP Laptop. On Windows 7, I have installed SeaMonkey 
2.49.5. On my Linux installation, I have SeaMonkey 2.49.1 - I've 
downloaded the 2.49.5 and I will get around to updating  one day! ;-P

I am NOW on the old HP with Win 7.  I downloaded 2.49.5 but have not
run it yet.  All the 'extras' (extensions and Plugins) that I have on 
this 2.49.1

will have to be re-setup  on the 2.49.5.a PITA !
As time goes on, I forget HOW to do all that - (I'm 76) and struggle 
with "Keeping Up"

with all the new changes.  Ignorance is expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.
How can the 2.49.5 be made to spoof with the new FireFox V52 recognition 
signal ?

Two ways ... either, first, in your Preferences 
(Edit->Preferences->Advanced) and tick the box to Advertise Firefox 
compatibility. That will tell every website you go to that your program 
is like Firefox

But, it will still mention SeaMonkey, and some sites will be confused by 
this so they still will not work, so 

Second, in the web browser part of SeaMonkey type "about:config" 
(without the inverted commas), accept the warning and then type 
'Useragent' in the Search: line. That will just leave those preferences 
that include the word useragent. One of those will be 
'general.useragent.compatMode.firefox'. Double click on that preference 
will change the 'Value' from 'false' to 'true'.

Additionally, if there is a particular website that is causing problems 
(often banking sites), in this config page, you can add a preference 
that would apply only to that particular website and set it to 'spoof' 
Firefox only just for that website, but I'm unsure how to enter a new 
preference like this.

Maybe someone else will suggest how to do that.

And it just occurred to me that there is a third method of changing the 
Preferences ... by setting up a preference that applies only to that 
particular website and saving that/those preferences in a *TEXT* file 
called UserConfig and saving that file in the same location as your 
Preferences file. This method allows you to add comments against each 
preference that you add/change so that you can know why you did that 
 when your memory fails you! ;-)

You can check out the available preferences at ...

DoctorBill (still trying !)

Keep on trying, Doc!

Win7 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5 Build identifier: 20190609032134

Linux User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.1 Build identifier: 20171015235623

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-02 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?
It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember 

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed 
(Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is great !
I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older GAMES 

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't 
"Kill" the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the 

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that 
SeaMonkey is "OUTDATED" -

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted this 
with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although there 
are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to to get the latest (approved) 
version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises 
itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest it 
is a very old Version.

I come to this NewsGroup FROM either THIS old HP Business Computer using
Windows 7 using 2.49.1
My DELL "All-In-One" used business compuker using Windows 10 and 2.49.5.
Two different SeaMonkeys depending on which I am using AT THE TIME.

I am NOW on the old HP with Win 7.  I downloaded 2.49.5 but have not
run it yet.  All the 'extras' (extensions and Plugins) that I have on 
this 2.49.1

will have to be re-setup  on the 2.49.5.a PITA !
As time goes on, I forget HOW to do all that - (I'm 76) and struggle 
with "Keeping Up"

with all the new changes.  Ignorance is expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.
How can the 2.49.5 be made to spoof with the new FireFox V52 recognition 
signal ?

DoctorBill (still trying !)

PS - I turned off the "Automatic Update" on my HP with Windows 7.
Hoping that that keeps MicroSoft from "Zapping" it and shutting it down.

Did that also on The Windows 10 computer.  I can now 'allow' upgrading or
not - depending on what results others are reporting.  Some control - I 


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-02 Thread DoctorBill

Daniel wrote:

DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed 
(Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is great !
I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older GAMES 

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't "Kill" 
the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the Internet.

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that SeaMonkey 

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted this 
with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although there 
are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to to get the latest (approved) 
version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises 
itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest it 
is a very old Version.

I come to this NewsGroup FROM either THIS old HP Business Computer using
Windows 7 using 2.49.1
My DELL "All-In-One" used business compuker using Windows 10 and 2.49.5.
Two different SeaMonkeys depending on which I am using AT THE TIME.

I am NOW on the old HP with Win 7.  I downloaded 2.49.5 but have not
run it yet.  All the 'extras' (extensions and Plugins) that I have on 
this 2.49.1

will have to be re-setup  on the 2.49.5.a PITA !
As time goes on, I forget HOW to do all that - (I'm 76) and struggle 
with "Keeping Up"

with all the new changes.  Ignorance is expensive.

Thanks for the suggestion and comments.
How can the 2.49.5 be made to spoof with the new FireFox V52 recognition 
signal ?

DoctorBill (still trying !)
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-01 Thread Daniel

DoctorBill wrote on 02/01/20 17:09:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed 
(Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is great !
I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older GAMES 

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't "Kill" 
the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the Internet.

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that SeaMonkey 

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


DocBill, looking at your UserAgent, it indicates that you posted this 
with SeaMonkey 2.49.1

This is not the latest version ... that would be 2.49.5 although there 
are even later (trial) versions out there

Go to to get the latest (approved) 
version for your OS. ;-P

And note that because even the latest SeaMonkey version advertises 
itself as based on FireFox V 52, some/many sites will still suggest it 
is a very old Version.


Win7 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.5 Build identifier: 20190609032134

Linux User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) 
Gecko/20100101 SeaMonkey/2.49.1 Build identifier: 20171015235623

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2020-01-01 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 running 
(Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to the 
newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !


I bought a used DELL "All-In-One" compuker with Windows 10 installed 
(Business Office Machine) and updated to the latest version.

I must say - after having it for about two weeks or so, I LIKE IT !
Windows 10 that is...   Took some getting used to, but it is great !
I still have an OLD LENOVO 8922-5WU LapTop with Windows XP on it  and
my old HP G60 LapTop with Windows 7 on it FOR older GAMES 

I turned "Automatic Update" OFF on both so that MicroSoft can't "Kill" 
the older versions if they ever somehow get connected to the Internet.

Been told that MicroSoft will eventually DO THAT !

Will I have to go to FireFox ?  I keep getting messages that SeaMonkey 

EVEN THOUGH I HAVE THE LATEST UPDATE on the Windows 10 machine


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-15 Thread Don Spam's Reckless Son

DoctorBill wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !


I just did all I wanted to do !
I explained it - took a while.then it disappeared here !  Never 
showed up.


Does that mean it has stopped working again?  Copy the entire profile, 
NFN Smith told you where to copy it from and Jonathon N Little where to 
copy it to.

spammus ergo sum, viruses courtesy of
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread Jonathan N. Little
DoctorBill wrote:
> Sorry - I already ran the setup and SM is up and running on the "New"
> machine.
> Confusing stuff.
> I did go to Users and got into the "Profile" (I remember THAT !) and copied
> abook.mab and bookmarks.html  and pref.js to a thumbdrive.
> If I shove them into the same place on the New Machine, will THAT work ?
> I am like a boulder rolling around in a Glassware store !

No problem just:

1) Close SeaMonkey

2) In File Explorer go to "%APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey"
 (Hidden path unless you have Show Hidden Files Folders enabled)

3) Delete "Profiles" folder and "profiles.ini" file.

4) Copy "Profiles" folder and "profiles.ini" file from old Windows 7
system it will be the same path fill path if your username is bill

5) Start SeaMonkey and your Windows 7 profile will be on the new system.

Take care,

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 running 
(Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to the 
newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !


I just did all I wanted to do !
I explained it - took a while.then it disappeared here !  Never 
showed up.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread Don Spam's Reckless Son

DoctorBill wrote:

NFN Smith wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: this is pretty easy with Mozilla applications.  What to 

1) Install Seamonkey on the new machine, but don't start it up (i.e., 
don't run the setup wizard).

2) Get a copy of the contents of %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey (the 
entire folder) on the old machine. If you haven't set up networked 
sharing, the fastest way to do this is to copy to a USB device (thumb 
drive or external hard drive).

3) On the new machine, copy all your data %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey, 
and you're all set to go, where Seamonkey on the new machine is 
working with an exact and complete copy of what was on your old machine.

I will note that for this, I'm using Windows environment variables (as 
Seamonkey does itself) to find your profile data, rather than trying 
to explain how to find the data in C:\Users\  If you enter the 
location in the address bar in the Windows Explorer, that will get you 
to the correct location, even though your AppData folder is normally 
hidden. The environment variable gets you to the correct location on 
the first try, and ignores the fact that the folder is hidden.

As an aside, this is useful to know for the purposes of making backups 
of profiles.  Because AppData is hidden, Microsoft makes it difficult 
to back up data stored there, and there are a few apps where you 
actually want to back up your data.  All Mozilla apps (not just 
SeaMonkey, but Firefox and Thunderbird, as well) store data in 
AppData, and if you know how to access via environment variable, then 
it's relatively easy to make sure that data gets included when you're 
doing backups.

One minor complication -- I moved a Seamonkey profile to a new 
computer several months ago, using this methodology.  The one problem 
that I had was with newsgroups, in handling read/unread.  For most of 
my newsgroups, I was able to get things to behave, but in a few cases, 
I had to resort to doing a Repair Folder (and re-downloading the 
entire history of headers).  And in one or two newsgroups, that didn't 
work, and I had to unsubscribe and resubscribe the newsgroups.  Not 
really a significant problem, but annoying.


Sorry - I already ran the setup and SM is up and running on the "New" 

Confusing stuff.
I did go to Users and got into the "Profile" (I remember THAT !) and copied
abook.mab and bookmarks.html  and pref.js to a thumbdrive.

If I shove them into the same place on the New Machine, will THAT work ?
I am like a boulder rolling around in a Glassware store !


You want to migrate your entire profile to the new machine, just as NFN 
said.  That way you keep your emails, passwords, bookmarks (which are 
not in bookmarks.html any more) on the new system.  I'm not sure about 
Calendar entries, I migrated mine recently and some of them were lost in 
the move.
I'd tend to delete your new profile, if you need an empty one then you 
can create a new one.

spammus ergo sum, viruses courtesy of
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 running 
(Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to the 
newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Things are changing so fast !


Oh Heck !  I remember the "IMPORT" functions !
Can I import bookmarks and mail from this version on Win 7  TO
the one running in Win 10 ?
I found abooks and bookmarks on this machine and put them on a thumbdrive !


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread DoctorBill

DoctorBill wrote:

NFN Smith wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: this is pretty easy with Mozilla applications.  What to 

1) Install Seamonkey on the new machine, but don't start it up (i.e., 
don't run the setup wizard).

2) Get a copy of the contents of %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey (the 
entire folder) on the old machine. If you haven't set up networked 
sharing, the fastest way to do this is to copy to a USB device (thumb 
drive or external hard drive).

3) On the new machine, copy all your data %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey, 
and you're all set to go, where Seamonkey on the new machine is 
working with an exact and complete copy of what was on your old machine.

I will note that for this, I'm using Windows environment variables (as 
Seamonkey does itself) to find your profile data, rather than trying 
to explain how to find the data in C:\Users\  If you enter the 
location in the address bar in the Windows Explorer, that will get you 
to the correct location, even though your AppData folder is normally 
hidden. The environment variable gets you to the correct location on 
the first try, and ignores the fact that the folder is hidden.

As an aside, this is useful to know for the purposes of making backups 
of profiles.  Because AppData is hidden, Microsoft makes it difficult 
to back up data stored there, and there are a few apps where you 
actually want to back up your data.  All Mozilla apps (not just 
SeaMonkey, but Firefox and Thunderbird, as well) store data in 
AppData, and if you know how to access via environment variable, then 
it's relatively easy to make sure that data gets included when you're 
doing backups.

One minor complication -- I moved a Seamonkey profile to a new 
computer several months ago, using this methodology.  The one problem 
that I had was with newsgroups, in handling read/unread.  For most of 
my newsgroups, I was able to get things to behave, but in a few cases, 
I had to resort to doing a Repair Folder (and re-downloading the 
entire history of headers).  And in one or two newsgroups, that didn't 
work, and I had to unsubscribe and resubscribe the newsgroups.  Not 
really a significant problem, but annoying.


Sorry - I already ran the setup and SM is up and running on the "New" 

Confusing stuff.
I did go to Users and got into the "Profile" (I remember THAT !) and copied
abook.mab and bookmarks.html  and pref.js to a thumbdrive.

If I shove them into the same place on the New Machine, will THAT work ?
I am like a boulder rolling around in a Glassware store !


I can't find any of that stuff in the "New" Windows 10 hard drive (solid 

I supposedly have full "administrator" access to the ?

What a mess !

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread DoctorBill

NFN Smith wrote:

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 
running (Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to 
the newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: this is pretty easy with Mozilla applications.  What to do:

1) Install Seamonkey on the new machine, but don't start it up (i.e., 
don't run the setup wizard).

2) Get a copy of the contents of %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey (the entire 
folder) on the old machine. If you haven't set up networked sharing, the 
fastest way to do this is to copy to a USB device (thumb drive or 
external hard drive).

3) On the new machine, copy all your data %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey, 
and you're all set to go, where Seamonkey on the new machine is working 
with an exact and complete copy of what was on your old machine.

I will note that for this, I'm using Windows environment variables (as 
Seamonkey does itself) to find your profile data, rather than trying to 
explain how to find the data in C:\Users\  If you enter the location 
in the address bar in the Windows Explorer, that will get you to the 
correct location, even though your AppData folder is normally hidden. 
The environment variable gets you to the correct location on the first 
try, and ignores the fact that the folder is hidden.

As an aside, this is useful to know for the purposes of making backups 
of profiles.  Because AppData is hidden, Microsoft makes it difficult to 
back up data stored there, and there are a few apps where you actually 
want to back up your data.  All Mozilla apps (not just SeaMonkey, but 
Firefox and Thunderbird, as well) store data in AppData, and if you know 
how to access via environment variable, then it's relatively easy to 
make sure that data gets included when you're doing backups.

One minor complication -- I moved a Seamonkey profile to a new computer 
several months ago, using this methodology.  The one problem that I had 
was with newsgroups, in handling read/unread.  For most of my 
newsgroups, I was able to get things to behave, but in a few cases, I 
had to resort to doing a Repair Folder (and re-downloading the entire 
history of headers).  And in one or two newsgroups, that didn't work, 
and I had to unsubscribe and resubscribe the newsgroups.  Not really a 
significant problem, but annoying.


Sorry - I already ran the setup and SM is up and running on the "New" 

Confusing stuff.
I did go to Users and got into the "Profile" (I remember THAT !) and copied
abook.mab and bookmarks.html  and pref.js to a thumbdrive.

If I shove them into the same place on the New Machine, will THAT work ?
I am like a boulder rolling around in a Glassware store !

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Transferring to Windows 10 system

2019-12-14 Thread NFN Smith

DoctorBill wrote:
Right now, as I write this, I am on a Windows 7 system using 2.49.1 

I bought a Dell "All-In-One" compuker with the latest Windows 10 running 
(Uggg!) and loaded

SeaMonkey 2.49.5.

Can I COPY my E-Mail, Bookmarks, Passwords, etc from this machine to the 
newer one ?

It has been YEARS since I did such a thing and I don't remember how.

Short answer: yes.

Longer answer: this is pretty easy with Mozilla applications.  What to do:

1) Install Seamonkey on the new machine, but don't start it up (i.e., 
don't run the setup wizard).

2) Get a copy of the contents of %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey (the entire 
folder) on the old machine. If you haven't set up networked sharing, the 
fastest way to do this is to copy to a USB device (thumb drive or 
external hard drive).

3) On the new machine, copy all your data %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey, 
and you're all set to go, where Seamonkey on the new machine is working 
with an exact and complete copy of what was on your old machine.

I will note that for this, I'm using Windows environment variables (as 
Seamonkey does itself) to find your profile data, rather than trying to 
explain how to find the data in C:\Users\  If you enter the location 
in the address bar in the Windows Explorer, that will get you to the 
correct location, even though your AppData folder is normally hidden. 
The environment variable gets you to the correct location on the first 
try, and ignores the fact that the folder is hidden.

As an aside, this is useful to know for the purposes of making backups 
of profiles.  Because AppData is hidden, Microsoft makes it difficult to 
back up data stored there, and there are a few apps where you actually 
want to back up your data.  All Mozilla apps (not just SeaMonkey, but 
Firefox and Thunderbird, as well) store data in AppData, and if you know 
how to access via environment variable, then it's relatively easy to 
make sure that data gets included when you're doing backups.

One minor complication -- I moved a Seamonkey profile to a new computer 
several months ago, using this methodology.  The one problem that I had 
was with newsgroups, in handling read/unread.  For most of my 
newsgroups, I was able to get things to behave, but in a few cases, I 
had to resort to doing a Repair Folder (and re-downloading the entire 
history of headers).  And in one or two newsgroups, that didn't work, 
and I had to unsubscribe and resubscribe the newsgroups.  Not really a 
significant problem, but annoying.


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