Re: [biofuel] Liberal Bias and Dissent

2003-03-23 Thread bratt

I belong to nothing to be traitorous about. 

Or as it was put in Braveheart:  I cannot be a traitor since I never swore 
fealty to the English king.. 

Substitute any of the following in place of English King

Der Fruher
The Oil Cartel
The Emperor
Pimp and Prostitutes
Der Komindant
The Butcher
The Zionists
World Domination
Strayed Rabid Dogs
Homo Goat Ropers
Drug Lords
Raving Lunatics



Things were far better when the biggest question about the activities in the  
white house was,  Which cigar would you recomend for a second date?
  - Original Message - 
  From: csakima 
  Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 9:50 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Liberal Bias and Dissent

  Mister Bratt -


  -Darth Vader
  from Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope

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  - Original Message -
  From: bratt [EMAIL PROTECTED]



  By Rafe Husa: 03/21/03

  We have bombing and war yet there is no declaration of war.

  A new Cabinet position (Homeland Security) has been created yet Congress
  passed neither enabling legislation nor has Congress appropriated funding of
  such, nor has the Cabinet Member been confirmed by Congress.

  ---meesage truncated-

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[biofuel] Deep-fried turkey - big pots of oil...

2003-03-23 Thread Neoteric Biofuels Inc

Fad creating headaches for wastewater treatment plant / sewerage works 

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Re: [biofuel] Arrogance of Power

2003-03-23 Thread Tricia Liu

Paul  other non-believers: Please leave God out of your discussion!  Show
some respects toward other members!
   Thanks you!

Political Discussion:  It will die down when the war is over, please have
patience and also respect each others!
When the time change, the topic will be back
to BioFuel only!  Have patience! Please!

Jennifer:  Happy to find you are interested in BioFuel like the rest of us.
But how come the military is not getting any
  BioFuel?  They are good for commuter buses and transportation?
Help us!?
  And you should know promoting BioFuel is the responsibility of
any governments. To find alternative fuel.
  While the European Governments are working on producing more
BioFuel, this Administration is too busy
  and President Bush is slashing budgets for renewable energy
programs!  Government can do a lot more than
  BioFuel group.  But the only discussion you can find is here
in this group?  It saddens me that the
  Administration cares more on Oil Industry but not the Farming
or BioFuel Industry!  Never heard a word of
 encouragement from them to produce more BioFuel or providing
equal if not more than the 1.2 Billion funds for
 Hydrogen program!  (Producing from the same Oil Industry
 You are not responsible for this, but if you are following up
this subject.  You will learn
 the fact that why only 1% American drives Diesel vehicles while
European is 37%(French is 68%).  Leaders
should lead the people, we are trying to promote BioFuel in the
private sector!  That is not fair and not for the best
 interest of American people! BioFuel is cleaner and there are
millions of over production crops, if an able government
 is a good leader for BioFuel.  They can do a lot!
The farmers with high tech are one of the best, most productive
farmers in the world.   But the government set quota
 for them and didn't find a way to help them to produce to full
or bigger capacity for making BioFuel!  It's
such a simple oversight or other conspiracy?  Farming and
BioFuel deserve more attention.  It's equally important to
have fossil fuels for people who needs speed and fly airplanes.
But for others who only needs for transportation not
top speeds, BioFuel is the fuel.  It should be the basic fuel,
the government should charge more on gasoline(Which we
have to pay higher military expense to secure) but free taxation
for BioFuel.(Because it's made in USA and cleaner
energy)  Maybe protectionism is bad to protect domestic
industries from foreign import.  But considering the
hostile oil producing nations, this is another survival fight.
Even Military may solve the current urgency, but in the
long run a substitute fuel is most important and TOP URGENT

 World Energy is raising price from $2.87 to $3.40/gallon in
SFO?  While Biodiesel Industries has price $1.40/gallon
 out of Vegas.
 Why are World Energy charging so high?   Seeing that gasoline
is raising prices, so BioFuel is raising price as well?
 You should try to lower the price to win more drivers to drive
BioDiesel Vehicles!!
 The BioFuel industry is like the European Union, a body with so
many heads with their own interests!  You see!
 When you need the government and they are not there!?

 If I had to trust my life to the hand of God, or the United States Marine
 Corp, I'd chose USMC.  They have a better record of protecting people from
 the thugs of this world.

 Semper Fi


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Re: [biofuel] Re:Winter war in Finland

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


I have a video card and if it is working, I can start
to do the DVDs. At this point it is possible to put
them on my server, for you to look at and download.


At 09:16 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:


No apology necessary.  I'm glad you followed it up
tho.  I'm a bit of a WW2 buff, and was curious whether
the Luftwaffe actually flew on the side of the Soviets
in the winter war.  I'd love to see your films some



Message: 18
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 22:52:39 +0100
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Winter war in Finland

Hi Thor,

I just want to come back to an earlier discussion we
in fairness to your father. Since I did claims in
front of the
list, I am also posting this.

Finally I had an opportunity to look at my father's
films  from
the winter war in Finland once more, had to buy a new
to be able to move them to DVD.

A few sequences before the part that show the plane,
it is
a sequence that is obviously filmed from an aeroplane
it is maybe the same plane with the swastika in the
later clip.

I had researched the swastika, but did not find any
to Finland, as your father mentioned.

My mother is now 84 and have problems with the short
but very good memory from things that happened before
years ago. I asked her about it and this are the

Yes, the Germans helped Stalin in the winter war and a
of them ended up in the hospital where she was.

Yes, the Finish had the swastika on their aeroplanes
and the
plane in the film was probably Finish.

Yes, the Germans copied the swastika from the Finish.

It seems that I was wrong in my assumption and your
was right. I mixed the above information and made the
conclusion about the aeroplane. Give my apologies to
your father.


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[biofuel] Guernica was : Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


I am still waiting for you, to show your expertise in
history and especially your knowledge of the events
in and around Guernica.


At 08:31 PM 3/22/2003 +0100, you wrote:


Your comment would have been a little bit constructive,
if you tell me why it is not comparable. Both were first
experiments in a new kind of terror bombing on foreign
soil. Both were aimed not only to test terror bombing, but
also to show strength by the perpetrator. Both were aimed
to terrorize the population to obedience. So you tell me
about Guernica and the difference, since you are so well


At 08:42 AM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:

When I saw the shock and awe in TV, one of my
first thoughts was about Guernica.
 If you don't know the difference between what happened in Spain in the
 1930's and what's happening in Iraq today, then I suggest you sue you
 educational system for incompetence. Obviously, you know nothing about

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
be surprised if the members of this list supports
name calling anyway, it is not my experience.

Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
allow him to do that.


At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:

I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
Personal insults are often the result of frustration
from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.


thor skov

Message: 15
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other

Paul Schwartz wrote:

   except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
its not only dogs
   are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
   Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
honourable. So why
   their example?
   Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
provides the only
   warning of cruise
   missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
 Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
threaten the peace
 the world and murder his own people to retain his
illegitimate power,
 the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
this earth.
 and fascists--like Andrew--

Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
fascist? You have
two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
without reservation.
Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
do it by

 beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
 we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
up and go away;
no one
 cares what you think.

You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.

 Let's get back to bio diesel.

And you will not tell this list what to do.

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
settle this

Keith Addison
List owner


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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Mark Ehle

I am brand new member on this list.

When do we start talking about biofuel?

From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:21:48 +0100


I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
be surprised if the members of this list supports
name calling anyway, it is not my experience.

Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
allow him to do that.


At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
 to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
 the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
 someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
 their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
 or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
 Personal insults are often the result of frustration
 from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
 from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
 like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
 thor skov
 Message: 15
 Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
 From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
 Paul Schwartz wrote:
except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
 its not only dogs
are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
 honourable. So why
their example?
Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
 provides the only
warning of cruise
missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
  Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
 threaten the peace
  the world and murder his own people to retain his
 illegitimate power,
  the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
 this earth.
  and fascists--like Andrew--
 Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
 fascist? You have
 two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
 without reservation.
 Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
 do it by
  beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
  we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
 up and go away;
 no one
  cares what you think.
 You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
  Let's get back to bio diesel.
 And you will not tell this list what to do.
 Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
 ill-advised. Your
 posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
 settle this
 Keith Addison
 List owner

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[biofuel] U.S. INC Was: Robert Rabello: Deficit Spending and Energy Policy

2003-03-23 Thread csakima

I think you're right.   A trade deficit would seem to be like a store having
a non-stop sale.  The sale of cash ... for a reduced amount of product.
Then you give away the store .. and the store goes broke.

National Deficit ... I also think you're right.   Deficit Spending DOES seem
a little like were funding this whole thing of some large credit card.  Or
rather some large mortgage loan.   With all the residential property,
business property of the whole United States, and more importantly the
slave ownership papers of our future generations, being offered up for
Collateral.   I think some big economic expert once made that analogy on
some radio talk show ...

The problem is .. what happens when you can't pay up. Ahem .

Don't both seem daunting to fix??   That's IF your trying to fix the
problem.  Me think Mr. II is NOT trying to fix the problem .. but rather
is thinking of the US (as a whole) as a large, massive CORPORATION.   That
him and his cronies have had enough fun with.   And is now trying to sell.
Sell all the assets .. sell the name ... and get out.   And make a
whopping massive profit  Problem is ... we
on this list are the employees.   And what happens when the owners of a
company sell out.   We're all out of JOBS.  Out on the streets.   Or in the
ocean ... in this case  since the geographic U.S. ITSELF is the
Corporation's property.


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- Original Message -
From: murdoch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

--fast forward

When a person or an enterprise or a giant nation runs a deficit, the meaning
of the word would seem to indicate that at some point, there has to be a
payback.  In a way, one is borrowing against the future.


Bush II, at present, seems intent on borrowing the people of the United
States into oblivion.  His so-called tax-cuts are, in my view, proposals to
*increase* future gross tax revenues, since ultimately someone will have to
pay in the future for money borrowed today.  His revisiting of the by
spending oodles of money we can stimulate the economy thinking, a brazen
and wantonly irresponsible drunkard's philosophy that I thought we put to
bed with the end of Reagan's term, has been astonishing.  What is he
thinking.  Can any Conservative seriously believe that this philosophy of
government spending has a place in a legitimate fiscally conservative
approach to government?

What I wonder is whether it would be too much of a stretch to make some
connection between the government deficit and the trade deficit. I don't
mean to imply that there's a direct causal connection or anything, but isn't
it a bit striking that the amounts seem somewhat similar?  Don't both seem
daunting to fix?  Perhaps eliminating the oil portion of the trade deficit
might, somehow, also help make it easier to address the Government deficit?

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Re: [biofuel] Gasoline From Coal

2003-03-23 Thread Donald Strong

Aloe, Dave:  +We have
enough energy for the next 400 years if the damn Yankees don't steal

You lost that war, remember, so it belongs to us.

a damn yankee,  Don Strong

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[biofuel] No Sympathy for Murderous Suicide Bomber Propaganda

2003-03-23 Thread Stuart Kreitman


Your bloated messages are irrelevent to this newsgroup and amount to 
denial of service spam.
Take your myopic political sentiments elsewhere.

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[biofuel] FW: ATM SCAM in Minn.

2003-03-23 Thread kirk

RE: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of otherwar-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread kirk

Vern there is a difference between a topic cop and interceding re a flamer.
You can't see that?


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of
otherwar-related threads

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this

Keith Addison
List owner

Lets see  you are now the List owner not just the good shepherd you have
us believe when you wrote:

No, it is not *my* list. I'm it's steward - servant, skivvy.

My point is that even you turn to violent threats and ultimatums and can do
so because you have the power to do it on this list. What is that old like
about power corrupts?

I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted correctly but it
does let some of the wind out of your anti war position where negotiation
is always better than action.

Have a good day.

Best regards,

PS:  Perhaps some will enjoy the humor and the moral in the following:

Re: [biofuel] U.S. INC Was: Robert Rabello: Deficit Spending and Energy Policy

2003-03-23 Thread murdoch

I think you're right.   A trade deficit would seem to be like a store having
a non-stop sale.  The sale of cash ... for a reduced amount of product.
Then you give away the store .. and the store goes broke.

National Deficit ... I also think you're right.   Deficit Spending DOES seem
a little like were funding this whole thing of some large credit card.  Or
rather some large mortgage loan.   With all the residential property,
business property of the whole United States, and more importantly the
slave ownership papers of our future generations, being offered up for
Collateral.   I think some big economic expert once made that analogy on
some radio talk show ...

Talking of future generations, it seems to me that we hear so much
talk of the unborn (mostly though not exclusively from the Republican
party), and their concern for the lives of the unborn.  Why not
concern for not spending the unborn into oblivion before they're even
born or conceived?

I'd also like to see the big experts return to talking about a
Balanced Budget Amendment.  Right now the states are in tough
circumstances, having to cut spending and raise taxes.  Some of those
states, I think, have enacted Balanced Budget amendments.  One reason
their revenue base is in disarray is, arguably, that the Federal
Government does not seem as inclined to behave itself.  I think an
Amendment of some sort is overdue.  Doubtless, as soon as it was fresh
out of the box, some pretext for temporary suspension of it would be
found on grounds of national security, but I'd like to see it in place
nevertheless.  I think a way to do this might be for some of the
states in dire financial circumstances to get together to sue the
Federal Government to get its financial house in order, and get some
good energy policy going while they're at it, and-or to work for
responsible fiscal laws for the Federal Government.

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Re: [biofuel] Lots of Guns - U.N memories

2003-03-23 Thread Robby Davenport

couldn't help but remember when this was in the news  and the big 
topic was Cliton put the usa under full control of the U.N. . and no one 
said a word our troops wear the un insignia and the only person to buck 
it was a private New. you may be able to find an article on him doing 
this . the movie black hawk down , that operation was totally under U.N. 
control  , all of this is actually treason according to the united 
states constitution.   regards Robert

Steve Spence wrote:

actually that would be Brady .

Steve Spence
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- Original Message -
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 9:00 AM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Lots of Guns - No Butter!


Ron was the vegetable.

-Original Message-
From: Steve Spence [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 6:36 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Lots of Guns - No Butter!

Our school food programs went downhill when Reagan replaced vegetable with
ketchup. Nobody told him a tomato was a fruit ...

Steve Spence
Subscribe to the Renewable Energy Newsletter
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- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:08 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Lots of Guns - No Butter!

Lots of Guns - No Butter!

Draconian Cuts in School Lunch, Food Stamp and
Farm Bill Programs to be decided this Week
by the US House of Representatives

Call your representatives this week if you care about nutrition and
farm program gains from the last Congress.

Urge them to protect our society's most vulnerable
at this time of national crisis.

Tell your representative not to allow proposed cuts in Child
Nutrition, Food Stamp and those Farm Bill programs vital to the
health of low income children, their families, the environment and
family farmers.

Call tomorrow.

Call the US Capitol Switchboard to get your representative's phone
number:  202-224-3121

Ask for the staff responsible for child nutrition programs and/or
agriculture. Leave a message if you get voice mail.

For more information on the pending cuts, see the March 17 press
release from the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities at

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RE: [biofuel] No Sympathy for Murderous Suicide Bomber Propaganda

2003-03-23 Thread kirk

Sell me something I will buy.
I think the subject line to your email says it all.
Any view contrary to yours is SPAM.
Don't be so blatantly dishonest. That small text file didn't deny you any
Too bad you couldn't answer what the author said instead of your childish
attempt at manipulation.


-Original Message-
From: Stuart Kreitman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: [biofuel] No Sympathy for Murderous Suicide Bomber Propaganda


Your bloated messages are irrelevent to this newsgroup and amount to
denial of service spam.
Take your myopic political sentiments elsewhere.

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RE: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of otherwar-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread vern_hendershott

Hi Kirk,

What part of I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted
correctly did you not understand?

If you would read what I said you may see that I was only pointing out to
Keith that he has been carrying water on both shoulders, I assume that as
he has not responded he did not take any exception to what I said.

You will not find any reference to topic cop in my text as I am aware of
Kirk's views on this subject and as it is his list I have two choices, I
can accept his rules or I can leave.

Best regards,

Vern there is a difference between a topic cop and interceding re a flamer.
You can't see that?


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of
otherwar-related threads

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this

Keith Addison
List owner

Lets see  you are now the List owner not just the good shepherd you have
us believe when you wrote:

No, it is not *my* list. I'm it's steward - servant, skivvy.

My point is that even you turn to violent threats and ultimatums and can do
so because you have the power to do it on this list. What is that old like
about power corrupts?

I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted correctly but it
does let some of the wind out of your anti war position where negotiation
is always better than action.

Have a good day.

Best regards,

PS:  Perhaps some will enjoy the humor and the moral in the following:

Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Kris Book

Come on people, this whole left/right wing bickering is
getting us nowhere. I'd like to try and make a little sense
out of this whole mess, so we can get back to constructive

First and foremost, I think we can all agree that all
governments are corrupt. Every one of them is only
concerned about its own agenda and there is no limit to
what they will do to achieve it. Pointing fingers at other
governments is ludicrous to say the least, when they all
sleep in the same bed.

Next, I am amazed that the majority of Americans can easily
see propaganda coming forth from other countries but, here
even intelligent, educated folks swallow this bitter media
pill like it is candy. Did you know that a great amount of
what we see in the news is now generated by advertising
agencies. If you don't believe me do a little searching on
the Web.

By now, I'm sure that most of you Republicans are calling
me another damn hippee communist but, that is far from the
truth. I fought in Vietnam as a machine gunner in a convoy
unit (92nd Trans) and I saw all of the Nam and a good sized
chunk of Cambodia. While we never stopped long enough to
take a body count, I am an excellent shot so I estimate my
own kills at between 15-20.

I am a patriot but, I cannot support this war. First
because, it is Unconstitutional and second this whole
charade is no more a war than the last Gulf War was.
In 1991, we did not lose one soldier to Iraqui fire and
they had a lot more resources then. 

I do agree that Saddam is a real threat but, that is only
to his own people and neighbors and possibly Israel. IMHO,
we should have sent in only our Special Forces to capture
or kill him or better yet just put a bounty on his head so
his own people would be motivated to do the job. Do any of
you think that Saddam's own soldiers support his agenda? I
think that you will find that most of them follow orders
for fear of what would happen if they resist his orders.

Finally, I want to say that I think our money would be
better spent making peace not war. For every Iraqui killed
in this war, many more will become terrorists because that
is the propaganda that is being slung in the Arab world. We
will never achieve peace through violence in that part of
the world, these folks live to die for a just cause.

kris book

P.S. All through history, the rich have maintained control
of the world by convincing the masses that the other guy is
the culprit. It's time to wake up and see that we all live
under the rich man's thumb and if we'd stop hating each
other for a few minutes, control will slip from their

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[biofuel] Fuel filter help?

2003-03-23 Thread A Wilkins


I would really appreciate it if someone on this list could help me chose 
the correct filter size for my VW Jetta '90 non turbo.

I know that I use about 7 litres an hour on the highway, but I also know 
that the pump asks for a lot more fuel than it uses.  I am going to purchase a 
filter for WVO, but I am not sure of how many Gallons per hour it should be 
able to handle?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Aidan Wilkins
London, Ontario 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Mark Ehle wrote

I am brand new member on this list.


When do we start talking about biofuel?

Three years ago and ever since, up to now and beyond. There are these 
links at the bottom of every message, have you checked them?

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When do we start talking about biofuel?

So, what do you want to talk about? Start a new discussion of you 
like, pick up on an old one, ask questions, tell us what you're 
doing, what your interests are, any problems you're having... Or are 
you here to listen? No problem, lurkers welcome.

Best wishes


 From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
 Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:21:48 +0100
 I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
 be surprised if the members of this list supports
 name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
 Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
 it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
 allow him to do that.
 At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
  I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
  to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
  the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
  someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
  their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
  or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
  Personal insults are often the result of frustration
  from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
  from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
  like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
  thor skov
  Message: 15
  Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
  Paul Schwartz wrote:
 except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
  its not only dogs
 are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
 Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
  honourable. So why
 their example?

 Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
  provides the only
 warning of cruise
 missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
   Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
  threaten the peace
   the world and murder his own people to retain his
  illegitimate power,
   the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
  this earth.
   and fascists--like Andrew--
  Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
  fascist? You have
  two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
  without reservation.
  Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
  do it by
   beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
   we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
  up and go away;
  no one
   cares what you think.
  You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
   Let's get back to bio diesel.
  And you will not tell this list what to do.
  Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
  ill-advised. Your
  posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
  settle this
  Keith Addison
  List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread craigreece


Eloquently put, and I agree absolutely.


You wrote:

  Come on people, this whole left/right wing bickering is
 getting us nowhere. I'd like to try and make a little sense
 out of this whole mess, so we can get back to constructive

 First and foremost, I think we can all agree that all
 governments are corrupt.


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Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this

Keith Addison
List owner

Lets see  you are now the List owner not just the good shepherd you have
us believe when you wrote:

I've never called myself the good shepherd, and neither has anyone 
else except you (by which I'm considerably less than charmed). Check 
it out, do an archive search - all you'll find is YOU. You'll also 
find there that I've called myself List owner 123 times, but that's 
news to you? - you want to twist it into a knife and make an issue of 
it? You're really full of it, aren't you Vern? I'm the list owner, 
that's all there is to it - that's what Yahoo calls it: Owner. Got 

Hakan recently referred to me as a shepherd, which surprised me a 
bit, I hadn't thought of it that way - I ended up thinking that sheep 
are a lot less sheepish than alleged, and not dumb at all. The good 
shepherd is another matter, and I find your using it obnoxious.

No, it is not *my* list. I'm it's steward - servant, skivvy.

What I would have you believe when I wrote that it's not *my* list. 
I'm it's steward - servant, skivvy, is that it's not *my* list, I'm 
it's steward - servant, skivvy. I do believe it stands quite soundly 
on its own and as it is without your weird interpretations.

My point is that even you turn to violent threats and ultimatums and can do
so because you have the power to do it on this list.

Violent? It was forceful, it was exactly as forceful as it was 
intended to be, but it was not violent.

Part of being the owner-skivvy of a list is to take action when 
members get out of line. Paul Schwartz was way out of line in calling 
Andrew a fascist, and such gratuitous abuse of other members is not 
allowed here. Here's another part - the bouncer. Clubs have bouncers 
- at well-managed clubs they're seldom used, but they're there just 
the same. Here it's seldom used, but it's used when necessary. Just 
when it's necessary and how it's used has been established through 
the history of the list, from the first couple of times it happened, 
with much debate, and subsequent debate.

Just to scotch your drift, when a member gets out of line like this I 
don't care who it is or what his/her views are, he/she will be told 
to apologise or else. Something similar has happened to someone who'd 
become a friend, with much prior off-list correspondence: he was 
warned, he ignored it, out he went.

This is how it works: my duties are to the best interests of the list 
and the issues it represents, and to the individual members until 
they go against the best interests of the list and the issues it 
represents. Simple enough.

What is that old like
about power corrupts?

Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You, being a 
blind apologist here for exactly that phenomenon, should at least be 
able to get the quote right.

I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted correctly

Make up your mind - it was correct or it was corrupt? Which? Choose one.

but it
does let some of the wind out of your anti war position where negotiation
is always better than action.

Interpreting again, weird. Where have I said that negotiation is 
always better than action, or implied that? Provide the exact 
references please.

One of the differences between you and me, Vern, I suspect between 
all you war-party guys and me, is that I've been waging peace all my 
life - it's a LOT tougher, more difficult, and more dangerous 
(physically so) than what you're doing, and it relies on a coherent 
foundation that does not include pretence, wilful blindness, denial, 
multiple disconnects and an ever-shifting basis rigged together as 
you go along. Nor the our's is not to question why ceding of 
personal responsibility that too often goes with wearing a uniform - 
that is *supposed* to go with wearing a uniform. And waving a flag: 
My country right or wrong indeed. We are not ants. Further than 
that, too often, in too many places, have I seen uniforms used as a 
badge of authority to cover corruption, crime, brutality. And if 
these views cause offence, too bad - go and read your Thoreau.

Thus I have no automatic respect for the Marines at MATCA, and when 
reading this:

 With all of this talk of impending war, many of us
 will encounter Peace Activists who will try and
 convince us that we must refrain from retaliating
 against the ones who terrorized us all on September
 11, 2001, and those who support terror.

... no respect at all. Are they perhaps among the 42% of Americans 
who now believe Saddam Hussein was responsible for the Sept 11 
attacks and not Osama bin Laden (heard of him?). let alone 
Afghanistan (since more or less abandoned to its fate, like the last 
time)? Let alone the civilians now being bombed in Iraq? The only way 
you can believe that is via pretence, wilful blindness, denial, 
multiple disconnects and an ever-shifting 

Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Andrew

  except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and its not only dogs that
  are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the France's, Britain's,
  Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too honourable. So why follow
  their example?
  Interesting to note that the howling of dogs provides the only early
  warning of cruise
  missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.

Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to threaten the peace of
the world and murder his own people to retain his illegitimate power, then
the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on this earth.  Tyrants
and fascists--like Andrew--beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut up and go away; no one
cares what you think.

Let's get back to bio diesel.


Part of a strange message received off-list from Paul:

I'll point out I did apologize to Andrew, on list and without reservation,
but I was booted before it could be posted.  Please forward my apology to
him, if you will.

Please note that he was NOT booted.

Best wishes


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Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

+ And you will not tell this list what to do.

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this

Keith Addison
List owner +++

A-H,   the topic cop comes out of the bushes.

Don Strong

Yes, Don Strong, you are a confused person, as I said before. Please 
now explain (and please make sure that you do) how disciplining an 
out-of-line list member who has directed gratuitous abuse at another 
member is being a topic cop? Also, re this:

+ And you will not tell this list what to do.

How is this being a topic cop? Please explain exactly why you left 
out what it was a response to - this:

 Let's get back to bio diesel.

And you will not tell this list what to do.

How is countering a wannabe topic cop being a topic cop?

If you now wish to allege (I can see you coming, it's easy) that I 
have disciplined Paul Schwartz because of his views (which you 
share), I'll require you to provide susbstantive evidence of that, 
and disproof of this, from my current message to Vern:

Just to scotch your drift, when a member gets out of line like this 
I don't care who it is or what his/her views are, he/she will be 
told to apologise or else. Something similar has happened to someone 
who'd become a friend, with much prior off-list correspondence: he 
was warned, he ignored it, out he went.

This is how it works: my duties are to the best interests of the 
list and the issues it represents, and to the individual members 
until they go against the best interests of the list and the issues 
it represents. Simple enough.

In responding to this message I advise you to abandon your normal 
style of selectively snipping anything you find disagreeable and 
pretending it never existed.

Keith Addison
List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Thor, Hakan


I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
be surprised if the members of this list supports
name calling anyway, it is not my experience.

Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
allow him to do that.


At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
 to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
 the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
 someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
 their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
 or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
 Personal insults are often the result of frustration
 from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
 from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
 like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
 thor skov

First, I did not ban him. Please take note: I did not ban Paul, and 
said or did nothing to indicate that I had. I withdrew his posting 
privileges until he'd apologized to Andrew for abusing him so 
gratuitously, or given a satisfactory explanation for it. That is 
quite different to banning him. He is still a list member, he still 
receives list messages.

Otherwise, I agree with you, but list members should not abuse other 
members, if they do I'll take action. There is no censorship issue 
here (but see below). These lists are not public places where people 
automatically have rights - the right to freedom of speech etc. 
They're much more like private clubs, after all you have to subscribe 
(even though it's free). Subscription doesn't give you rights, it 
gives you privileges. With the privileges come obligations: ignore 
the obligations and you lose the privileges, it's that simple. It's 
fully agreed on the list owners' lists that subscription constitutes 
an agreement to abide by the group rules. We don't make much of an 
issue about rules here, there aren't very many of them, it's mostly 
netiquette. But this matter of abuse is one rule, with enough 
precedent behind it - it's well known that I don't allow abuse. Of 
course the conclusion most of the war party here has jumped to, 
including Paul Schwartz, is that I've thumped him because of his 
views. Withdrawing his posting privileges has nothing to do with 
suppressing his views (I think we might manage to survive them 
somehow, LOL!), but they're all going to believe that no matter what. 
So let them, it's what they do after all, believe stuff they need to 
believe no matter what.

My message to Paul says:

Your posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this 

Paul wrote me a confused letter (see my other message, Disconnects - 
was Re: [biofuel] Arrogance of Power) asking me to forward his 
unreserved apology to Andrew, and so, despite his strange ineptness 
in not delivering it himself, his posting privileges have now been 

I'd guess that he was expecting to be censored for his views, maybe 
even aiming for that, and was all too ready to misconstrue what was 
happening when he got disciplined for unacceptable behaviour instead. 
Well, these guys thumping Paul's barrel haven't proven too good so 
far at seeing what it says in front of them in black and white - that 
would make their lives much more difficult, wouldn't it?

Regarding censorship - who do you think it is that keeps calling for 
censorship? The war party, of course - freedom of speech just as 
long as it freely expresses their views only, and suppression and 
censorship of any dissenting view. They call it More evenhandedness 
and so on. This is what Paul Schwartz said in his message to me:

Frankly, you should have stopped the political threads the moment it
started. They were off-topic and inflammatory... If you want a good 
list you should stop these things before they start. You should 
state clearly in the rules that these types of postings will not be 
tolerated.  Frankly, my outburst was caused by your inaction...

He attacks me for suppressing his opinions, which I didn't do, but 
then he calls for censorship - that's what he'd do, and I'm wrong for 
not doing it. And we have to listen to all this noisy and illogical 
junk from this small minority of a minority and take it seriously and 
do what we're told? They ALL demand restriction of views other than 
their own, all of them. And we have to listen to it and keep on and 
on trying to explain things to them, again and again, while they 
studiously ignore anything that might not sit well with their version 
of the current movie? These people complain so loudly about off-topic 
political posts, but who exactly is it who's responsible if not them? 
Why should we put up with it? You, Thor, Robert and others have 
posted messages here which crystallise the majority view, many 
offlist messages confirm that, but we all have to knuckle down and 
listen to these people, defer to them, 

Disconnects - was Re: [biofuel] Arrogance of Power

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hello Todd and all

- Original Message -
From: Paul Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:47 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Arrogance of Power


  Let's get back on topic.

And then he posts four more times off topic. Go figure.

Captain Jennifer also did that: My last word on this subject... 
Next message: NO POINT did I mention Treason... Next 
message: Dear Harley... - last-word promises all forgotten by now. 
(Fine critters, goldfish...)

But then who ever said that arch conservative types play by any rules but
the ones they make up as they go.

We're getting some real textbook examples of that, eh?

A bit of a blood thirsty chap and none too prone towards historical accuracy
to boot.

Todd Swearingen

And a bit disconnected too. I got a thoroughly strange off-list 
message from the guy saying this:

You know, after a week or two of USA bashing, bashing of those who support
and defend this country and 24 hours of me defending my country and its
leaders what happens, I get kicked off. So much for diversity of opinion.

Never mind all the same old usual disconnects with USA bashing etc - 
Thor and Robert, Americans both, have responded to that more than 
adequately: the point is HE WASN'T KICKED OFF! And still hasn't 

And *of course* he thinks he's been disciplined because of his 
opinion - how inconvenient it would be otherwise, to see it for 
what it is: nothing to do with opinion, but with the gratuitous 
abuse of another member.

Yet he says he did apologise to Andrew, both on-list and without 
reservation (but would he ever have done so had he not been told to? 
- no way) - but he got booted before it could be posted. Nope - my 
message had told him his posting privileges had been suspended, so 
what a surprise when he finds he can't post. Every message contains 
this in the header: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED], and 
indeed that's who his message to me was addressed to - but he didn't 
try to send the apology there. He did, however, cc his message to me 
to Harley and Capt Jennifer USAF.

Also a fairly textbook example of the tortured logic by which the 
war-party rationalises its irrational behaviour. Just as long as 
they're all happy, never mind who else gets dead somehow.

Most weirdly, Paul says it's all my fault, LOL!

Frankly, you should have stopped the political threads the moment it
started. They were off-topic and inflammatory.  I'm sorry you and I don't
see eye to eye on the politics But, like I said, I didn't start it.  All I
really wanted to do was end the political nonsense and, in someway, I
succeeded, I think.

If you want a good list you should stop these things before they start. You
should state clearly in the rules that these types of postings will not be
tolerated.  Frankly, my outburst was caused by your inaction. You should
have nipped it in the bud.

If I have contributed to your education on list management then, in some
small way, I have succeeded in making the bio-diesel list a better place.


I guess he even believes it. Er, thankyou Paul, sorry to be so 
recalcitrant, but it seems I remain uneducated. Not sure how it's my 
fault that you called Andrew a fascist (for protesting at the bombing 
of innocent civilians). I guess he'll be puzzled how come he's still 
getting emails even though he got kicked off. Maybe he'll figure it 
out in the end.

Harley, by the way, preferring his denials, unsubbed. That's just 
cutting off your nose to spite your face. Well, of course he can 
still read messages at the list board at Yahoo, though that really 
does make it difficult to sort out the biofuels-content (!) messages 
from the political crap he says he doesn't want (at least that of 
it he disagrees with).

I think Mark's hilarious on-tyopic/off-topic post put it all in 
perspective (at last!), along with Robert's letter:

nauseating when viewed from a non-American perspective.  The problems
are compounded by many years of fundamentally flawed energy policy, and
that's the reason why this discussion BELONGS on a biofuels list.

He's not the first to say that.

As for the USA-bashing complaints, it's baffling - nearly all of it 
comes from Americans. Point that out and they take no notice, plough 
right on complaining about USA-bashing, and convinced of it 
furthermore, regardless.



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Re: [biofuel] Arrogance of Power

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Tricia Liu wrote:

Paul  other non-believers: Please leave God out of your discussion!  Show
some respects toward other members!
   Thanks you!

I agree with what you're saying Tricia, but some people have talked 
about God here in the past without any disrespect and without being 
off-topic either, or not much. So maybe it's okay as long as it's 
done with respect and with consideration for other list members' 

Political Discussion:  It will die down when the war is over, please have
patience and also respect each others!
When the time change, the topic will be back
to BioFuel only!  Have patience! Please!

I doubt it will ever die down, too many people here see biofuels as a 
very political subject - it IS a very political subject! This debate 
about politics has been going on almost since the list started 
three years ago. There's been consistent majority support for keeping 
the discussion open and unrestricted, especially because the 
membership is so broad (worldwide) and diverse. Looking at the list 
as a whole, at everything that's happened here since it was founded, 
the whole body of the archives, and all the spin-offs, actions, 
campaigns, advocacy, results, technology and method and information 
development and improvements, there's no doubt that it has paid off 
very well indeed, in many different and unexpected ways.

Best wishes



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RE: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of otherwar-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Kirk,

What part of I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted
correctly did you not understand?


If you would read what I said you may see that I was only pointing out to
Keith that he has been carrying water on both shoulders, I assume that as
he has not responded he did not take any exception to what I said.


You want your owner-skivvy on duty 24/7, eh? Sorry, I do sleep 
sometimes, though not very much, and I'm busy all the time, so 
sometimes you just might have to wait a little bit. And you assume 
wrong. You've got my response now, go and read it please.

You will not find any reference to topic cop in my text as I am aware of

You mean Keith's. Anyway it's not my view any more than it's my 
list, as I've told you before, but it seems you're going to go on 
thinking that anyway. So go ahead, do whatever you like. Just don't 
expect me or anyone else to act accordingly.

views on this subject and as it is his list


I have two choices, I
can accept his rules


or I can leave.

Up to you, of course.


Best regards,

Vern there is a difference between a topic cop and interceding re a flamer.
You can't see that?


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of
otherwar-related threads

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this

Keith Addison
List owner

Lets see  you are now the List owner not just the good shepherd you have
us believe when you wrote:

No, it is not *my* list. I'm it's steward - servant, skivvy.

My point is that even you turn to violent threats and ultimatums and can do
so because you have the power to do it on this list. What is that old like
about power corrupts?

I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted correctly but it
does let some of the wind out of your anti war position where negotiation
is always better than action.

Have a good day.

Best regards,

PS:  Perhaps some will enjoy the humor and the moral in the following:

From the Marines at MATCA

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[biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread robert luis rabello

I've been wondering recently how higher fuel prices will impact the
production of biodiesel, which requires methanol (a fossil input), and
ethanol, which requires some kind of heat energy (frequently derived
from fossil fuels) for distillation.

Some of the people on this list have expressed delight at the higher
gasoline prices we're seeing.  Here in Vancouver, a liter of regular
currently ranges from about .74 to as high as .87, depending on the
area.  We're starting to see these higher prices impact food costs, so
even vegetable oils or saccharine feed stocks that require
transportation from point of harvest to point of use will also rise.

Has anyone calculated the percentage increase these factors will
have on the production of biodiesel and ethanol?

By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a glass
lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to tear it
apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a thing
for biodiesel production?

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Mark Ehle

Actually, what I meant was, it really looks like this list is more about 
politics than biofuel.

Is and has it always been this way? If so, I will just unsubcribe and you 
all can keep doing what you do.

Otherwise - I am going to be making biodiesel this summer. Anybody have any 
experience using it in multifuel diesel engines like what is in army trucks?

Thanks -


From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:19:09 +0900

Mark Ehle wrote

 I am brand new member on this list.


 When do we start talking about biofuel?

Three years ago and ever since, up to now and beyond. There are these
links at the bottom of every message, have you checked them?

 Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
 Biofuels list archives:

 When do we start talking about biofuel?

So, what do you want to talk about? Start a new discussion of you
like, pick up on an old one, ask questions, tell us what you're
doing, what your interests are, any problems you're having... Or are
you here to listen? No problem, lurkers welcome.

Best wishes


  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
  Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:21:48 +0100
  I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
  be surprised if the members of this list supports
  name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
  Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
  it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
  allow him to do that.
  At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
   I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
   to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
   the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
   someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
   their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
   or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
   Personal insults are often the result of frustration
   from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
   from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
   like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
   thor skov
   Message: 15
   Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
   From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
   Paul Schwartz wrote:
  except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
   its not only dogs
  are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
  Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
   honourable. So why
  their example?
  Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
   provides the only
  warning of cruise
  missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.

Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
   threaten the peace
the world and murder his own people to retain his
   illegitimate power,
the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
   this earth.
and fascists--like Andrew--
   Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
   fascist? You have
   two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
   without reservation.
   Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
   do it by
beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
   up and go away;
   no one
cares what you think.
   You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
Let's get back to bio diesel.
   And you will not tell this list what to do.
   Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
   ill-advised. Your
   posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
   settle this
   Keith Addison
   List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Gasoline From Coal

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

Uhwhatever happened to repatriation in the figurative sense of the

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Donald Strong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:33 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Gasoline From Coal

 Aloe, Dave:  +We have
 enough energy for the next 400 years if the damn Yankees don't steal

 You lost that war, remember, so it belongs to us.

 a damn yankee,  Don Strong

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PLEASE READ THIS - was Re: [biofuel] No Sympathy for Murderous Suicide Bomber Propaganda

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

... especially the last bit.

Stuart Kreitman wrote:


Your bloated messages are irrelevent to this newsgroup and amount to
denial of service spam.
Take your myopic political sentiments elsewhere.

Mr Kreitman, you will not dictate what is relevant and irrelevant to 
this newsgroup [sic], and nor will anyone else, except the majority 
opinion, which does not support you.

The messages were not bloated, others have been much longer but you 
have not objected to them. Why not be honest and straightforward and 
say it's the content that you object to?

Take your myopic political sentiments elsewhere.

Kirk posted an article by the widely respected Muslim academic 
Chandra Muzaffar of Penang in Malaysia. As it happens Chandra is a 
friend of mine, a brilliant man, immensely knowledgeable, with a 
unique style of incisive analysis. He's also most courageous - he has 
a long record of fighting oppression. Waging peace, as we say.

It is quite clear, Mr Kreitman, viewing your ridiculous response to 
his article, just whose political sentiments are myopic.

Now take note - you, and the clique you seem to belong to here, a 
minority of a minority, Americans who support the US attack on Iraq, 
are creating a noisy, disproportionate, unseemly and nonsensical 
hubbub, constantly calling for restrictions to the discussion: the 
views of others with whom you do not agree must be restricted, while 
you constantly bleat and whine about perceived but imaginery 
restrictions to your own freedom of speech. These demands for 
restriction are themselves likely to be restricted because they are 
contrary to the spirit of this list and are causing disruption to its 
smooth functioning. Cease and desist, all of you, now - no more calls 
for the discussion to be restricted. Got it?

Keith Addison
List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Ken Basterfield

I think you are right as usual.
It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be the
list moderator
- Original Message -
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul


 I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
 be surprised if the members of this list supports
 name calling anyway, it is not my experience.

 Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
 it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
 allow him to do that.


 At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
 to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
 the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
 someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
 their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
 or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
 Personal insults are often the result of frustration
 from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
 from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
 like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
 thor skov
 Message: 15
 Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
 From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
 Paul Schwartz wrote:
except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
 its not only dogs
are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
 honourable. So why
their example?
Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
 provides the only
warning of cruise
missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
  Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
 threaten the peace
  the world and murder his own people to retain his
 illegitimate power,
  the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
 this earth.
  and fascists--like Andrew--
 Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
 fascist? You have
 two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
 without reservation.
 Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
 do it by
  beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
  we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
 up and go away;
 no one
  cares what you think.
 You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
  Let's get back to bio diesel.
 And you will not tell this list what to do.
 Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
 ill-advised. Your
 posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
 settle this
 Keith Addison
 List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Actually, what I meant was, it really looks like this list is more about
politics than biofuel.

Not so at all - there is a definite grey area between the two though. 
Members have said things like this:

nauseating when viewed from a non-American perspective.  The problems
are compounded by many years of fundamentally flawed energy policy, and
that's the reason why this discussion BELONGS on a biofuels list.


Political discussion is VITAL to the future of biofuels.


For a copy of our anti-war/biodiesel alternatives factsheet, please see:

etc etc etc

Is and has it always been this way? If so, I will just unsubcribe and you
all can keep doing what you do.

That's up to you, but there's no shortage of direct discussion of 
biofuels here, as well as biofuels issues. Did you check the links I 
referred you to? The archives is an amazing resource of all aspects 
of biofuels information, and so is the collective knowledge of the 
list membership. Much of the information in the Biofuels section at 
Journey to Forever was developed from or with the help of the list, 
and that is acknowledged to be the premier source of small-scale 
biofuels information on the web. Anyway, nobody's forcing you to read 
anything you don't want to read, the one doesn't detract from the 
other, they're complementary.

But... it's up to you.

Best wishes

Keith Addison

Otherwise - I am going to be making biodiesel this summer. Anybody have any
experience using it in multifuel diesel engines like what is in army trucks?

Thanks -


 From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
 Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 04:19:09 +0900
 Mark Ehle wrote
  I am brand new member on this list.
  When do we start talking about biofuel?
 Three years ago and ever since, up to now and beyond. There are these
 links at the bottom of every message, have you checked them?
  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
  Biofuels list archives:
  When do we start talking about biofuel?
 So, what do you want to talk about? Start a new discussion of you
 like, pick up on an old one, ask questions, tell us what you're
 doing, what your interests are, any problems you're having... Or are
 you here to listen? No problem, lurkers welcome.
 Best wishes
   From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
   Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:21:48 +0100


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Re: [biofuel] Re:Winter war in Finland

2003-03-23 Thread Ken Basterfield

Do you know anything about the Nazi submarine U234. It was featured in a UK
Channel 4 programme entitled 'Last Missions oif WWll'
Seemingly, it was carrying a whole load of secret material and designs for
the japanese to progress and the fall of Germany.
Included was a complete Me262 for them to copy and, surprisingly, 560kilos
of Uranium oxide.
Is there any truth in this story and would you have any links to follow?
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:16 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re:Winter war in Finland


 No apology necessary.  I'm glad you followed it up
 tho.  I'm a bit of a WW2 buff, and was curious whether
 the Luftwaffe actually flew on the side of the Soviets
 in the winter war.  I'd love to see your films some



 Message: 18
Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 22:52:39 +0100
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Winter war in Finland

 Hi Thor,

 I just want to come back to an earlier discussion we
 in fairness to your father. Since I did claims in
 front of the
 list, I am also posting this.

 Finally I had an opportunity to look at my father's
 films  from
 the winter war in Finland once more, had to buy a new
 to be able to move them to DVD.

 A few sequences before the part that show the plane,
 it is
 a sequence that is obviously filmed from an aeroplane
 it is maybe the same plane with the swastika in the
 later clip.

 I had researched the swastika, but did not find any
 to Finland, as your father mentioned.

 My mother is now 84 and have problems with the short
 but very good memory from things that happened before
 years ago. I asked her about it and this are the

 Yes, the Germans helped Stalin in the winter war and a
 of them ended up in the hospital where she was.

 Yes, the Finish had the swastika on their aeroplanes
 and the
 plane in the film was probably Finish.

 Yes, the Germans copied the swastika from the Finish.

 It seems that I was wrong in my assumption and your
 was right. I mixed the above information and made the
 conclusion about the aeroplane. Give my apologies to
 your father.


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Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy


I don't know if its delight that's being expressed more than it's a
thankfulness that some market corrections are coming into play and that
perhaps the playing field is becoming a little more level.

Most are aware that higher fuel costs disproportionally harm those of lesser
income. It's hardly a pretty fact.

Call it sick, but wouldn't that be similar to what the war advocates
casually call collateral damage?

Had government leadership and industry been responsible over the decades,
most recently over the past three decades, none of this would be as
devastating as it might yet prove to be.

Problem with creating ever wider chasms is that the bridges to get across
them become exponentially higher in cost, materials and losses to construct.

As for the hot water tank, I believe that JTF had an example of just that at
one time or another.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

 I've been wondering recently how higher fuel prices will impact the
 production of biodiesel, which requires methanol (a fossil input), and
 ethanol, which requires some kind of heat energy (frequently derived
 from fossil fuels) for distillation.

 Some of the people on this list have expressed delight at the higher
 gasoline prices we're seeing.  Here in Vancouver, a liter of regular
 currently ranges from about .74 to as high as .87, depending on the
 area.  We're starting to see these higher prices impact food costs, so
 even vegetable oils or saccharine feed stocks that require
 transportation from point of harvest to point of use will also rise.

 Has anyone calculated the percentage increase these factors will
 have on the production of biodiesel and ethanol?

 By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a glass
 lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to tear it
 apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a thing
 for biodiesel production?

 robert luis rabello
 The Edge of Justice
 Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

I think you are right as usual.
It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be the
list moderator

And you Mr Basterfield? Trolling again, are you? - grinding your 
little axe? It wouldn't be about time for you to moderate your 
responses, would it? You want me to do it for you? Well, nothing to 
stop you wanting. If there were any basis to what you're saying, 
would your messages even appear? But, somehow, inexplicably, they do 
- how very baffling for you, eh?


- Original Message -
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

  I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
  be surprised if the members of this list supports
  name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
  Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
  it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
  allow him to do that.


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Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Todd


I don't know if its delight that's being expressed more than it's a
thankfulness that some market corrections are coming into play and that
perhaps the playing field is becoming a little more level.

Most are aware that higher fuel costs disproportionally harm those of lesser
income. It's hardly a pretty fact.

Call it sick, but wouldn't that be similar to what the war advocates
casually call collateral damage?

Had government leadership and industry been responsible over the decades,
most recently over the past three decades, none of this would be as
devastating as it might yet prove to be.

Problem with creating ever wider chasms is that the bridges to get across
them become exponentially higher in cost, materials and losses to construct.

As for the hot water tank, I believe that JTF had an example of just that at
one time or another.

Did we? It doesn't ring a bell - can you jog my memory a bit?


Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

  I've been wondering recently how higher fuel prices will impact the
  production of biodiesel, which requires methanol (a fossil input), and
  ethanol, which requires some kind of heat energy (frequently derived
  from fossil fuels) for distillation.
  Some of the people on this list have expressed delight at the higher
  gasoline prices we're seeing.  Here in Vancouver, a liter of regular
  currently ranges from about .74 to as high as .87, depending on the
  area.  We're starting to see these higher prices impact food costs, so
  even vegetable oils or saccharine feed stocks that require
  transportation from point of harvest to point of use will also rise.
  Has anyone calculated the percentage increase these factors will
  have on the production of biodiesel and ethanol?
  By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a glass
  lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to tear it
  apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a thing
  for biodiesel production?
  robert luis rabello
  The Edge of Justice
  Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: Disconnects - was Re: [biofuel] Arrogance of Power

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

 If you want a good list you should stop these things before they start.
 should state clearly in the rules that these types of postings will not
 tolerated.  Frankly, my outburst was caused by your inaction. You should
 have nipped it in the bud.

No doubt someone will correct me if I'm wrong, which no doubt I am :-)

But isn't that one of the arguements that conservatives alway use against
liberals. I thought it was the demon liberals who are always chastised for
attributing poor behavior and bad choices at doorsteps other than personal
responsibility - a product of genetics, a product of parenting, a
product of social influences, a product of their environment.

Does that make Mr. Shwartz a bleeding heart liberal? Doubtful. But is more
along the lines of  making up the rules and changing them to fit as you go.
Seems to be an ever increasing practice amongst the right these days. No
wonder I took a left out of their camp decades ago.

Todd Swearingen

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy


I would consider it more analogous to letting mice run free in the grainery
under the assumption that they'll get gorged and eventually stop feeding.

It just doesn't happen. If left unchecked to some degree (in this case the
degree being the level of personal attack) the mice propigate, the grainery
is consumed and everyone else starves.

No good comes from doing nothing, at least in this instance.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Ken Basterfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

 I think you are right as usual.
 It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be the
 list moderator
 - Original Message -
 From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

  I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
  be surprised if the members of this list supports
  name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
  Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
  it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
  allow him to do that.
  At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
  I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
  to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
  the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
  someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
  their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
  or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
  Personal insults are often the result of frustration
  from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
  from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
  like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
  thor skov
  Message: 15
  Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
  Paul Schwartz wrote:
 except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
  its not only dogs
 are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
 Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
  honourable. So why
 their example?

 Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
  provides the only
 warning of cruise
 missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
   Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
  threaten the peace
   the world and murder his own people to retain his
  illegitimate power,
   the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
  this earth.
   and fascists--like Andrew--
  Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
  fascist? You have
  two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
  without reservation.
  Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
  do it by
   beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
   we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
  up and go away;
  no one
   cares what you think.
  You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
   Let's get back to bio diesel.
  And you will not tell this list what to do.
  Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
  ill-advised. Your
  posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
  settle this
  Keith Addison
  List owner
  Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
  Biofuels list archives:
  Please do NOT send Unsubscribe messages to the list address.
  To unsubscribe, send an email to:
  Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Kris Book


Everything you need to make biofuels can be found at the
Journey to Forever Web site and any specific questions that
you have will get answered here, believe it or not. 

All this war crap got started just about three or four
weeks ago and will go away very soon(at least most of it
will). Usually everyone gets along pretty well but, lately
we seem to have found a few newcomers with tunnel vision
compounded by the need to always get the last word in.

For the most part everyone is here to figure out how to
live without petroleum products and only use the earth's
renewable natural resources.

kris book

-- Mark Ehle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Actually, what I meant was, it really looks like this
 list is more about 
 politics than biofuel.
 Is and has it always been this way? If so, I will just
 unsubcribe and you 
 all can keep doing what you do.

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Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

If memory serves, there was at one time a pink-bubble wrapped hot water tank
fastened inside some sort of wood frame that was being touted as a vacuous
processor or something similar.

Or was it a site that was referenced on this list and hot linked to?

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

 Hi Todd

 I don't know if its delight that's being expressed more than it's a
 thankfulness that some market corrections are coming into play and that
 perhaps the playing field is becoming a little more level.
 Most are aware that higher fuel costs disproportionally harm those of
 income. It's hardly a pretty fact.
 Call it sick, but wouldn't that be similar to what the war advocates
 casually call collateral damage?
 Had government leadership and industry been responsible over the decades,
 most recently over the past three decades, none of this would be as
 devastating as it might yet prove to be.
 Problem with creating ever wider chasms is that the bridges to get across
 them become exponentially higher in cost, materials and losses to
 As for the hot water tank, I believe that JTF had an example of just that
 one time or another.

 Did we? It doesn't ring a bell - can you jog my memory a bit?


 Todd Swearingen
 - Original Message -
 From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:55 PM
 Subject: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise
   I've been wondering recently how higher fuel prices will impact
   production of biodiesel, which requires methanol (a fossil input), and
   ethanol, which requires some kind of heat energy (frequently derived
   from fossil fuels) for distillation.
   Some of the people on this list have expressed delight at the
   gasoline prices we're seeing.  Here in Vancouver, a liter of regular
   currently ranges from about .74 to as high as .87, depending on the
   area.  We're starting to see these higher prices impact food costs, so
   even vegetable oils or saccharine feed stocks that require
   transportation from point of harvest to point of use will also rise.
   Has anyone calculated the percentage increase these factors will
   have on the production of biodiesel and ethanol?
   By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a glass
   lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to tear it
   apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a thing
   for biodiesel production?
   robert luis rabello
   The Edge of Justice
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[biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

Okay, so it's easy to throw 10 or 15 pounds of burger chips and grill scrapings 
into a compost heap. What the opossums and raccoons don't get the worms will.

But has anyone seen any type of an inexpensive hydraulic ram set up that can 
get the last drops of fat out of the solids prior to composting?

Approximately 10% out of every 250 gallon dumpster is a boatload of high oil 
content slop. Too much to just feed to the hogs and too much in short order to 
simply compost without reducing the oil content first.

Todd Swearingen

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Donald Strong


Todd:  How about modifying one of the common log splitters ? ( think potato
ricer on the end of the ram).

Don Strong, proud tennis-ball machine

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread bratt

When do we start talking about biofuel?

What have you got to say?  What do you want to know?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mark Ehle 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 6:35 AM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

  I am brand new member on this list.

  When do we start talking about biofuel?

  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
  Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 13:21:48 +0100
  I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
  be surprised if the members of this list supports
  name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
  Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
  it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
  allow him to do that.
  At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
   I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
   to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
   the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
   someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
   their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
   or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
   Personal insults are often the result of frustration
   from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
   from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
   like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
   thor skov
   Message: 15
   Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
   From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
   Paul Schwartz wrote:
  except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
   its not only dogs
  are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
  Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
   honourable. So why
  their example?
  Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
   provides the only
  warning of cruise
  missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.

Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
   threaten the peace
the world and murder his own people to retain his
   illegitimate power,
the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
   this earth.
and fascists--like Andrew--
   Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
   fascist? You have
   two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
   without reservation.
   Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
   do it by
beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
   up and go away;
   no one
cares what you think.
   You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
Let's get back to bio diesel.
   And you will not tell this list what to do.
   Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
   ill-advised. Your
   posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
   settle this
   Keith Addison
   List owner

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Re: [biofuel] Re:Winter war in Finland

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


No, I have heard the same stories and others. My main interest
in and about WWII have been quite normal reading, except for
the quite large exposure I had from people that lived trough it on
both sides, in one way or the other. I am generally interested in
history and especially perceptions from all sides. History is
mostly written by the winners and it take at least 100 years to
get to a less emotional and objective version, this was said by
a historian and to me it has been confirmed time and time again.

I think that maybe Thor knows more about U234.


At 08:57 PM 3/23/2003 +, you wrote:
Do you know anything about the Nazi submarine U234. It was featured in a UK
Channel 4 programme entitled 'Last Missions oif WWll'
Seemingly, it was carrying a whole load of secret material and designs for
the japanese to progress and the fall of Germany.
Included was a complete Me262 for them to copy and, surprisingly, 560kilos
of Uranium oxide.
Is there any truth in this story and would you have any links to follow?
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:16 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re:Winter war in Finland

  No apology necessary.  I'm glad you followed it up
  tho.  I'm a bit of a WW2 buff, and was curious whether
  the Luftwaffe actually flew on the side of the Soviets
  in the winter war.  I'd love to see your films some
  Message: 18
 Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2003 22:52:39 +0100
 From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Winter war in Finland
  Hi Thor,
  I just want to come back to an earlier discussion we
  in fairness to your father. Since I did claims in
  front of the
  list, I am also posting this.
  Finally I had an opportunity to look at my father's
  films  from
  the winter war in Finland once more, had to buy a new
  to be able to move them to DVD.
  A few sequences before the part that show the plane,
  it is
  a sequence that is obviously filmed from an aeroplane
  it is maybe the same plane with the swastika in the
  later clip.
  I had researched the swastika, but did not find any
  to Finland, as your father mentioned.
  My mother is now 84 and have problems with the short
  but very good memory from things that happened before
  years ago. I asked her about it and this are the
  Yes, the Germans helped Stalin in the winter war and a
  of them ended up in the hospital where she was.
  Yes, the Finish had the swastika on their aeroplanes
  and the
  plane in the film was probably Finish.
  Yes, the Germans copied the swastika from the Finish.
  It seems that I was wrong in my assumption and your
  was right. I mixed the above information and made the
  conclusion about the aeroplane. Give my apologies to
  your father.

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


I am surprised that you could read this message in what I wrote.
It is maybe needed that I once again have to say what I sad so
many times, that I am afraid to embarrass Keith. I have never seen
such a good moderator with sense for what people need to talk
about in such a political issue as the energy questions. Sometimes
almost all get a little derailed, but he show a large respect and
patience with it.

I think that it is symptomatic with all this concerns about this
attack on Iraq. It is many nationalities on the list and many concerns.
No wonder that it is discussed a lot, but at the same time the
majority of the postings are valuable interchange of views. It
is actually an opportunity the get a true international  view from
grass root level. The fact that it is so many against the attack and
occupation, is representative for what the world thinks about it.

According to my opinion, it is all about Iraqi oil and the future will
prove it. You are already seeing this in what is happening.


At 08:51 PM 3/23/2003 +, you wrote:
I think you are right as usual.
It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be the
list moderator
- Original Message -
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

  I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
  be surprised if the members of this list supports
  name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
  Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
  it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
  allow him to do that.
  At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
  I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
  to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
  the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
  someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
  their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
  or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
  Personal insults are often the result of frustration
  from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
  from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
  like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
  thor skov
  Message: 15
  Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
  Paul Schwartz wrote:
 except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
  its not only dogs
 are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
 Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
  honourable. So why
 their example?

 Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
  provides the only
 warning of cruise
 missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
   Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
  threaten the peace
   the world and murder his own people to retain his
  illegitimate power,
   the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
  this earth.
   and fascists--like Andrew--
  Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
  fascist? You have
  two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
  without reservation.
  Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
  do it by
   beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
   we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
  up and go away;
  no one
   cares what you think.
  You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
   Let's get back to bio diesel.
  And you will not tell this list what to do.
  Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
  ill-advised. Your
  posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
  settle this
  Keith Addison
  List owner

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[biofuel] ethanol mixtures

2003-03-23 Thread Jack Kenworthy

can anyone tell me the maximum amount of ethanol that you can blend with 
gasoline and burn in an unmodified gasoline engine?  I have a 55 gall drum of 
ethanol lying around that I can't make biodiesel with and I am looking for a 
suitable use.  thanks.
Jack Kenworthy
Sustainable Systems Director
The Cape Eleuthera Island School
242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy


- Original Message -
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul


 You would be surprised of how much mice excrements that
 are allowed in grains by the health authorities. -:)


 At 04:18 PM 3/23/2003 -0500, you wrote:
 I would consider it more analogous to letting mice run free in the
 under the assumption that they'll get gorged and eventually stop feeding.
 It just doesn't happen. If left unchecked to some degree (in this case
 degree being the level of personal attack) the mice propigate, the
 is consumed and everyone else starves.
 No good comes from doing nothing, at least in this instance.
 Todd Swearingen
 - Original Message -
 From: Ken Basterfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:51 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
   I think you are right as usual.
   It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be
   list moderator
   - Original Message -
   From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
   Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
be surprised if the members of this list supports
name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
allow him to do that.
At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:

I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
Personal insults are often the result of frustration
from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.


thor skov

Message: 15
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other

Paul Schwartz wrote:

   except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
its not only dogs
   are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
   Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
honourable. So why
   their example?
   Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
provides the only
   warning of cruise
   missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.
 Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
threaten the peace
 the world and murder his own people to retain his
illegitimate power,
 the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
this earth.
 and fascists--like Andrew--

Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
fascist? You have
two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
without reservation.
Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
do it by

 beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
 we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
up and go away;
no one
 cares what you think.

You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.

 Let's get back to bio diesel.

And you will not tell this list what to do.

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
settle this

Keith Addison
List owner


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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


You would be surprised of how much mice excrements that
are allowed in grains by the health authorities. -:)


At 04:18 PM 3/23/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I would consider it more analogous to letting mice run free in the grainery
under the assumption that they'll get gorged and eventually stop feeding.

It just doesn't happen. If left unchecked to some degree (in this case the
degree being the level of personal attack) the mice propigate, the grainery
is consumed and everyone else starves.

No good comes from doing nothing, at least in this instance.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Ken Basterfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

  I think you are right as usual.
  It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be the
  list moderator
  - Original Message -
  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
   I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
   be surprised if the members of this list supports
   name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
   Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
   it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
   allow him to do that.
   At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
   I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
   to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
   the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
   someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
   their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
   or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
   Personal insults are often the result of frustration
   from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
   from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
   like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
   thor skov
   Message: 15
   Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
   From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
   Paul Schwartz wrote:
  except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
   its not only dogs
  are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
  Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
   honourable. So why
  their example?
  Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
   provides the only
  warning of cruise
  missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.

Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
   threaten the peace
the world and murder his own people to retain his
   illegitimate power,
the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
   this earth.
and fascists--like Andrew--
   Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
   fascist? You have
   two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
   without reservation.
   Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
   do it by
beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
   up and go away;
   no one
cares what you think.
   You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
Let's get back to bio diesel.
   And you will not tell this list what to do.
   Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
   ill-advised. Your
   posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
   settle this
   Keith Addison
   List owner

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Re: [biofuel] ethanol mixtures

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk

Hi Jack,

You will probably get the answer from the whole list, but
up to 10% Ethanol seems to be a limit that all agree on.


At 05:42 PM 3/23/2003 -0500, you wrote:
can anyone tell me the maximum amount of ethanol that you can blend with 
gasoline and burn in an unmodified gasoline engine?  I have a 55 gall drum 
of ethanol lying around that I can't make biodiesel with and I am looking 
for a suitable use.  thanks.
Jack Kenworthy
Sustainable Systems Director
The Cape Eleuthera Island School
242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax

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[biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread Thor Skov

OK, I lied, this isn't about biofuels per se, but
rather about home energy generation.

I am rebuilding my house in Seattle, and want to go
with passive solar heating supplemented with an
efficient wood fireplace insert (see, biofuels!).

My question is about solar water heating.  I'd like to
use solar panels and recaptured waste water heat to
preheat water, store it in tanks, and then pipe it to
electric on-demand heaters at the point of usage. 
Does anyone know of a design for such a system?  I
really know nothing about such a system, but am
frantically trying to educate myself with whatever
materials I can find.  Any leads or suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.

Thor Skov

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Re: [biofuel] ethanol mixtures

2003-03-23 Thread bratt

There are two more important consideraations when using ethanol or methanol 
mixtures in gasoline. 

 One is the corossive nature of alcohol and its effect on seals, gaskets and 
hoses.  There is also mild corrosion of aluminum.   Limiting the mix ratio 
keeps it minimal. 

The other is that addition of alcohol or methanol will raise the octane rating, 
however, after reaching a certain point, adding more will drop the octane 
reading, according to the lab at the local refinery.  I did not get figures, 
but If I were using up 55 gallons, I would use it in a 10 per cent solution, 
just like the local gas station pumps.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Jack Kenworthy 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:42 PM
  Subject: [biofuel] ethanol mixtures

  can anyone tell me the maximum amount of ethanol that you can blend with 
gasoline and burn in an unmodified gasoline engine?  I have a 55 gall drum of 
ethanol lying around that I can't make biodiesel with and I am looking for a 
suitable use.  thanks.
  Jack Kenworthy
  Sustainable Systems Director
  The Cape Eleuthera Island School
  242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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RE: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread kirk

I think the all time record for contaminants allowed though is held by
I still like the stuff though.


-Original Message-
From: Hakan Falk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul


You would be surprised of how much mice excrements that
are allowed in grains by the health authorities. -:)


At 04:18 PM 3/23/2003 -0500, you wrote:

I would consider it more analogous to letting mice run free in the grainery
under the assumption that they'll get gorged and eventually stop feeding.

It just doesn't happen. If left unchecked to some degree (in this case the
degree being the level of personal attack) the mice propigate, the grainery
is consumed and everyone else starves.

No good comes from doing nothing, at least in this instance.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Ken Basterfield [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 3:51 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

  I think you are right as usual.
  It is time for Keith to moderate his responses. He is supposed to be the
  list moderator
  - Original Message -
  From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 12:21 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul
   I second this and think that Thor is right. I would
   be surprised if the members of this list supports
   name calling anyway, it is not my experience.
   Paul is only hurting himself and I do not think that
   it is going to escalate to a general behavior if you
   allow him to do that.
   At 09:25 PM 3/22/2003 -0800, you wrote:
   I sincerely hope you don't go through with your threat
   to censure Paul for his comments.  I've believed in
   the sticks and stones approach to debate.  If
   someone resorts to name calling they pretty much lose
   their audience (unless you're watching Jerry Springer
   or Rush Limbaugh) and render themselves ineffective.
   Personal insults are often the result of frustration
   from the inability to articulate one's thoughts, or
   from a lack of a good argument.  And censorship looks
   like, well, censorship.  Please reconsider.
   thor skov
   Message: 15
   Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 03:22:14 +0900
   From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Subject: Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other
   Paul Schwartz wrote:
  except that you're not a dog, I'm not a dog, and
   its not only dogs
  are killing. Indeed the colonial histories of the
  Spain, etc. to infinity, don't often look too
   honourable. So why
  their example?
  Interesting to note that the howling of dogs
   provides the only
  warning of cruise
  missiles incoming to Baghdad. Its all they've got.

Good, let it be known that if any tyrant chooses to
   threaten the peace
the world and murder his own people to retain his
   illegitimate power,
the howling of dogs may be the last thing he hears on
   this earth.
and fascists--like Andrew--
   Pardon me, are you calling Andrew a tyrant and a
   fascist? You have
   two choices: justify that or apologize, onlist,
   without reservation.
   Not responding is not an option. No further warnings,
   do it by
beware, if you threaten the peace of the USA and
we will unleash the dogs of hell on you.  Andy, shut
   up and go away;
   no one
cares what you think.
   You are (a) wrong and (b) right out of line.
Let's get back to bio diesel.
   And you will not tell this list what to do.
   Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be
   ill-advised. Your
   posting privileges have been withdrawn until you
   settle this
   Keith Addison
   List owner

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RE: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of otherwar-relatedthreads

2003-03-23 Thread kirk

My point is that even you turn to violent threats and ultimatums and can do
so because you have the power to do it on this list. What is that old like
about power corrupts?
end snip

The discipline was invoked re flaming. Keith said he is not a topic cop and
he isn't.
Flamers are another kettle of fish. The point is not that you agree with
disciplining flamers, the point is you referenced power corrupts. Keith is
still uncorrupted -- still not a topic cop.

-Original Message-
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:29 AM
Subject: RE: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of

Hi Kirk,

What part of I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted
correctly did you not understand?

If you would read what I said you may see that I was only pointing out to
Keith that he has been carrying water on both shoulders, I assume that as
he has not responded he did not take any exception to what I said.

You will not find any reference to topic cop in my text as I am aware of
Kirk's views on this subject and as it is his list I have two choices, I
can accept his rules or I can leave.

Best regards,

Vern there is a difference between a topic cop and interceding re a flamer.
You can't see that?


-Original Message-
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 12:55 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Arrogance of Power and a bunch of
otherwar-related threads

Respond to the above by tomorrow. Defiance would be ill-advised. Your
posting privileges have been withdrawn until you settle this

Keith Addison
List owner

Lets see  you are now the List owner not just the good shepherd you have
us believe when you wrote:

No, it is not *my* list. I'm it's steward - servant, skivvy.

My point is that even you turn to violent threats and ultimatums and can do
so because you have the power to do it on this list. What is that old like
about power corrupts?

I must say that in this case I agree that you have acted correctly but it
does let some of the wind out of your anti war position where negotiation
is always better than action.

Have a good day.

Best regards,

PS:  Perhaps some will enjoy the humor and the moral in the following:

Re: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread robert luis rabello

Thor Skov wrote:

 My question is about solar water heating.  I'd like to
 use solar panels and recaptured waste water heat to
 preheat water, store it in tanks, and then pipe it to
 electric on-demand heaters at the point of usage.
 Does anyone know of a design for such a system?  I
 really know nothing about such a system, but am
 frantically trying to educate myself with whatever
 materials I can find.  Any leads or suggestions would
 be greatly appreciated.

 Thor Skov

I remember reading a book about energy efficiency quite a while ago.  
Although the
title eludes me now, one of the things I DO remember is the idea of plumbing 
bath tub /
shower, dishwasher and kitchen sink drains into a basement level holding tank.  
This could
be as simple as an insulated plastic drum.  The cold water line that leads 
into the
domestic hot water tank (or tankless heater) would run through a coil at the 
top of this
drum to pick up waste heat that would otherwise just drain into the sewer 
mains.  As
new hot water drains from the house into the top of the holding tank, old 
and cooler
water would be drained from the bottom.

If you're serious about solar, you might try some of these links.  I wanted 
to explore
these options in my own house, but met resistance from the builder and the bank:

A builder friend of mine once said: Anything is possible, as long as 
there's money. .

Here are some wood friendly links for you to consider: people are 
having a
sale right now.  Their smallest gasification boiler is selling for about $6 500 

Good luck!  I used to burn a lot of wood, and I miss having a fire in the 

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] Guernica was : Arrogance of Power and a bunch of other war-related threads

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


Since I learned that you have the posting rights again and I
hope that name calling is no longer necessary, I will post
may answer on the list as follows,

At 11:31 AM 3/23/2003 -0800, you wrote:
My replies to the group have apparently been blocked, although I am getting
the posts.  So for the time being, I assume my presence is unwelcome in the
forum.  I did post a reply, but it came back to me.  I suggest you talk to
the list monitor and ask him for a copy, if he still has it.  Apparently, I
can be called names, but I can't return the favor.  I do believe that
Liberals and the Left, in general,  are more intolerant of dissent than the

I fully and completely disagree with your identification of Andrew,
even if I agreed I am upset about someone saying it. I have full
understanding of Keith reaction and I am happy that you now
can post your apology.

The short answer

Your answer might to some extent cover the Spanish civil war,
but not Guernica. Now it is my turn to wonder if you know what
you are talking about.


1. Civil war

Yes, and with the Franco's side heavily supported by the Germans.
By this helping the Spanish people to get rid of the legal

2. Terrorist act committed by the Spanish, and their proxies, on the

No, committed by the German pilots and planes, who flew the Stukas
used in Guernica. It was the first live test of terror bombing tactics,
developed by the Germans. Later frequently used by Germans and
the opposite side in WWII.

3. Intended targets were civilians.

The target is the psychological effect on the general population,
their leaders and the military. In absolute number of civilian
casualties (collateral damage) Baghdad is probably larger,
but in percentage of the targets population very much smaller.
I get sick when I see Rumsfeld purring like a cat, when he talks
about it. On the other hand, the German defence minister was
probably very pleased with Guernica also.

4. One of the greatest works in the history of art was painted to
commemorate the occasion.

By Pablo Picasso and hanging in UN and was covered when Powell
and others did the press conferences about Iraq. Was regarded as
unsuitable at the occasions.


1. Saddem is financing wars in other parts of the world.  He is no different
from John Gotti, he hires killers to do his dirty work.  It doesn't matter
that the killers always die in the attack.

The only known financing known was the financial support to families of
suicide bombers, which other states in the neighborhood also did.

2. He signed an agreement to stop a Internationally sanctioned war in 1991
and has gone back on that agreement.  For that reason alone we have the
right to attack.

He signed an agreement with UN and not with we. UN has not
sanctioned this attack and occupation.

3. He is harboring those who attacked us and others.  He won't give them up.
So we claim the right to go get them ourselves.

This is not in any way proved and the perception is a propaganda
ploy for the American public.

4. Not a civil war.

Americans are supporting the Iraqi people to get rid of Saddam?

It is done in the name of the suppressed part of the people and
as a help to them. I think that US by this is trying to advertise
this as a civil war. You are right, it is not, it is an aggression by
a foreign power and against the UN charter. What I don't understand
is that you are not supporting Bush/Blair on this issue.

5. Our targets are not civilians; true we some time kill or main the
innocent, but so does he.

For shock and awe the target is the psychological effect on the
general population, their leaders and the military. This is what I said
and why I compared shock and awe with Guernica. I still stand for
my impression.

6.  Saddams policies are causing the death of about 5000 children a month
(or do Amnesty Intern. say a year?).  We are doing this, For the children.

The UN blockade that US refuse to lift, is the direct cause for those
death, nothing else. We can discuss the validity or smartness of the
blockade itself, but it is no question that US have been very hard on this.
US thought that by letting the people suffer, Saddam would be removed
by the people. If the medicin and starvation was an issue, it has been
many attempt by other nations to stop it.

7. No great works of art will commemorate this action.

I am not so sure. Maybe a great Arab painter will do something of
this also.

Now, answer the question I posed and which was bounced.  Would the world be
a better place without Saddam in it?

Does that have anything to do with the comparison between
Guernica and Baghdad?

Second question,  when I suffer quietly while my country is bashed by those
on the list for weeks and then I decided to talk on all comers and defend my
homeland, I get bounced in less than 24 hours.  Who acting like Dr. Joseph
Goerbels here?

I think you mean Goebbels and he is recognized as one of the most

RE: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread kirk

25 years ago I knew a phD at the lab who just ran 3/4 pvc back and forth in
his attic instead of a fan coil unit. He placed the unions outside so if a
joint failed it would not flood. He was getting 140 to 160 degree F water in
the summer.

-Original Message-
From: robert luis rabello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:35 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

Thor Skov wrote:

 My question is about solar water heating.  I'd like to
 use solar panels and recaptured waste water heat to
 preheat water, store it in tanks, and then pipe it to
 electric on-demand heaters at the point of usage.
 Does anyone know of a design for such a system?  I
 really know nothing about such a system, but am
 frantically trying to educate myself with whatever
 materials I can find.  Any leads or suggestions would
 be greatly appreciated.

 Thor Skov

I remember reading a book about energy efficiency quite a while ago.
Although the
title eludes me now, one of the things I DO remember is the idea of plumbing
bath tub /
shower, dishwasher and kitchen sink drains into a basement level holding
tank.  This could
be as simple as an insulated plastic drum.  The cold water line that leads
into the
domestic hot water tank (or tankless heater) would run through a coil at the
top of this
drum to pick up waste heat that would otherwise just drain into the sewer
mains.  As
new hot water drains from the house into the top of the holding tank,
old and cooler
water would be drained from the bottom.

If you're serious about solar, you might try some of these links.  I
wanted to explore
these options in my own house, but met resistance from the builder and the

A builder friend of mine once said: Anything is possible, as long as
there's money. .

Here are some wood friendly links for you to consider: people
are having a
sale right now.  Their smallest gasification boiler is selling for about $6
500 U.S.)

Good luck!  I used to burn a lot of wood, and I miss having a fire in
the house!

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread bratt

I remember a grey water system article in Mother Earth News where the heat was 
recovered from waste water , and used to flush the toilets.  There was a system 
where heat was stored in barrels of water in the basement as well.  

Perhaps someone has an index from Mother Earth and can find the articles.

Heating by solar is quite common, where sunshine is available.   Where I live 
we are very short of daylight hours in winter when we need the heat.  Also 
there is the freezing problem when circulating water outdoors in winter.  Some 
manufacturers claim to have all climate systems that work.  I read about one 
such system at

They have an automatic shut down built in so when freezing happens, it drains 
the outdoor system.

To have a system work here in the bitter cold north, you would have to run 
antifreeze and a heat exchanger to get any appreciable run time in winter.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Thor Skov 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 5:23 PM
  Subject: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

  OK, I lied, this isn't about biofuels per se, but
  rather about home energy generation.

  I am rebuilding my house in Seattle, and want to go
  with passive solar heating supplemented with an
  efficient wood fireplace insert (see, biofuels!).

  My question is about solar water heating.  I'd like to
  use solar panels and recaptured waste water heat to
  preheat water, store it in tanks, and then pipe it to
  electric on-demand heaters at the point of usage. 
  Does anyone know of a design for such a system?  I
  really know nothing about such a system, but am
  frantically trying to educate myself with whatever
  materials I can find.  Any leads or suggestions would
  be greatly appreciated.

  Thor Skov

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Re: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread Hakan Falk


I am doing the part of solar heating and heat
on demand in my house and it works fine. It
is however somewhat different to what you are
describing, depending on what you mean with
point of demand. You must have separate feed
of hot and cold water to the point of demand.

I have a tank of 300 liter, heated by solar panels.
It then goes through a direct heat exchanger. If
the solar heated water is over 60 degree Celsius,
it goes directly to the hot water tap, if it is under,
the direct heater make up for the difference.

I have plans of getting additions from a wood
cassette and running pipes through the waste
chamber deposit tanks. I need however a much
larger hot water tank for this and will add 300 to
500 more. This because of the very high energy
output from the wood cassette. It is some special
thoughts around this and it will need thermic
valves and separate hot water tanks. For the
moment it is better to only have the solar.


At 03:23 PM 3/23/2003 -0800, you wrote:

OK, I lied, this isn't about biofuels per se, but
rather about home energy generation.

I am rebuilding my house in Seattle, and want to go
with passive solar heating supplemented with an
efficient wood fireplace insert (see, biofuels!).

My question is about solar water heating.  I'd like to
use solar panels and recaptured waste water heat to
preheat water, store it in tanks, and then pipe it to
electric on-demand heaters at the point of usage.
Does anyone know of a design for such a system?  I
really know nothing about such a system, but am
frantically trying to educate myself with whatever
materials I can find.  Any leads or suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.

Thor Skov

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread martin

Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have anything in it. I would 
assume it would be possible to press potato chips and get oil out. They 
soak up a lot of oil from the deep-frying process. There are bacteria 
used to eat oil. For example in Lake Placid, NY they had a problem with 
grease in the sewer. So they dumped grease-eating bacteria in the sewer. 
Problem solved.. sort of. The grease down the drain in the first place 
is interesting.

Appal Energy wrote:

Okay, so it's easy to throw 10 or 15 pounds of burger chips and grill 
scrapings into a compost heap. What the opossums and raccoons don't get the 
worms will.

But has anyone seen any type of an inexpensive hydraulic ram set up that can 
get the last drops of fat out of the solids prior to composting?

Approximately 10% out of every 250 gallon dumpster is a boatload of high oil 
content slop. Too much to just feed to the hogs and too much in short order to 
simply compost without reducing the oil content first.

Todd Swearingen

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] ethanol mixtures

2003-03-23 Thread martin

As someone else said 10% would be fine. Don't bother buying anything 
higher than 87 octane if you add the ethanol, the ethanol will raise the 
octane a couple points. You may want to consider adding some dry gas 
if you mix the gasoline with ethanol. Water will cause problems with the 

Jack Kenworthy wrote:

can anyone tell me the maximum amount of ethanol that you can blend with 
gasoline and burn in an unmodified gasoline engine?  I have a 55 gall drum of 
ethanol lying around that I can't make biodiesel with and I am looking for a 
suitable use.  thanks.
Jack Kenworthy
Sustainable Systems Director
The Cape Eleuthera Island School
242-359-7625 ph. 954-252-2224 fax

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Re: [biofuel] Assasins and suicide bombers...

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 05:03 am, Greg and April wrote:
 I knew it went back farther than WW2, just couldn't find a reference.  Do
 you have some I can check out?

yerah, somewhere, but I'd have to dig... I suggest google...


*sigh*  just googled for assasin and history... no useful hits, but lots and 
lots of game stats and character/film references Make you doubt the 
intelligence of the human race

cool! got one! and it looks pretty good too. enjoy...

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy


That's the standard practice done here, or at least heating the fats and
oils to 140*F and let to settle. But it's the bottom 10% of the meats and
chips and fines mixed with oil that needs to have as much oil pressed out of
it as possible.

Up to this point I was contemplating a 25 gallon capacity metal screen in
cylindrical form, reinforced with steel, running both horizontal and
vertical, throwing a thick bag filter inside the sleeve, filling with the
slime left over from every couple hundred gallons of oil, placing a
circular steel plate on top of the bag and applying slow but constant
pressure using a screw or hydraulic press.

It could cost as much to fabricate as might a small refurbished oilseed
press, presuming that an oilseed press could do the job. At the moment an
oilseed press is not on my shopping list.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

 Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
 I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have anything in it. I would
 assume it would be possible to press potato chips and get oil out. They
 soak up a lot of oil from the deep-frying process. There are bacteria
 used to eat oil. For example in Lake Placid, NY they had a problem with
 grease in the sewer. So they dumped grease-eating bacteria in the sewer.
 Problem solved.. sort of. The grease down the drain in the first place
 is interesting.

 Appal Energy wrote:

 Okay, so it's easy to throw 10 or 15 pounds of burger chips and grill
scrapings into a compost heap. What the opossums and raccoons don't get the
worms will.
 But has anyone seen any type of an inexpensive hydraulic ram set up that
can get the last drops of fat out of the solids prior to composting?
 Approximately 10% out of every 250 gallon dumpster is a boatload of high
oil content slop. Too much to just feed to the hogs and too much in short
order to simply compost without reducing the oil content first.
 Todd Swearingen
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: [Biofuel] Crude Oil Price

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 09:56 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2) Mistaken my quote It's a book.
 oops! (silly mistake)

yeah. All the best ones are...

If one considers that, with a few notable exception (napalm and nylon), most 
discoveries occur with a that's funny instead of a eureka!, then mistakes 
are the biggest sorce of advancement mankind knows...

so by that rational, I am one of the most prolific researchers I know :-)

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Ken Provost

Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have
anything in it.

I'd be most concerned about high levels of
saturated fats -- that's what usually inspires
ME to throw out the last of a barrel. The sat.
fats continue to settle in the barrel -- even-
tually you get an oil that would give a biodiesel
like butter :-)  What I need is a good way to
utilize (or dispose of) THAT crap. -K

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Fwd: [Burnveggies] excise tax, biodiesel, and war

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Sat, 22 Mar 2003 09:34 am, girl_mark_fire wrote:
 Calif. does have the most expensive fuel prices (petroleum, not just
 biodiesel) in the US- and that's not necessarily the fault of taxes-
 just fuel sellers taking advantage of their random and corporate
 right to charge people whatever the hell they want. We're looking at
 $2.19 minimum for 89 octane gasoline at the moment, much higher for
 higher octane stuff. World Energy biodiesel is $3.40 a gallon in SF.

 oh well. Doesn't affect me- my biodiesel still costs 43 cents a

 thanks for the clarifications on your tax situation!

still seems to me that the problem is that this is just not a high enough cost 
for oil... given that the co.s that produce it will never have to pay for 
cleaning up the damage it is doing to the planet...

so biodiesel at 43c/gallon is cheap not just because it is less cost, but 
because there is no associated damage to the wrold as a result of using it 
(other than a bit of heat polution... - and neglecting the cost of making 
cars... and the fact that in general we use way more stuff than we relly 
need. OK, maybe not a stirling example, but still, a darn sight better than 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
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2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 05:14 pm, Keith Addison wrote:

 We have in Canada, a massive store of petroleum in the Athabasca Tar
 Sands.  Estimates are that it is 400 times (or was it 4,000) times
 the known regular world oil reserves.  It is oil soaked shale,
 costly to extract.

there are so many things wrong with shale oil... a while ago I was looking at 
various patents (the co i was working for had a neat idea as to how to 
process this stuff... thank god they went belly up).
basically, I found a really scary patent.

to extract oil from coal and/or shale oil, you have to heat it up (Pyrolise it 
in low O2 atm.). this does 2 things, it vapourises teh volitile fraction and 
breaks (cracks) the non-volitile into liquid or gaseous fractions.  One 
patent involved rubblising the shale oil insitu (e.g. underground) then 
setting fire to it and collecting the liquids and gasses driven off.  Now in 
most places in the world, underground fires are avoided... anyone see the 
series of articles in NS recently talking about the bushfires in indonesia 
being ignited by coal seam fires?

Dr Paul van den Bergen
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Re: [biofuel] Banning Paul

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:35 pm, Mark Ehle wrote:
 I am brand new member on this list.

 When do we start talking about biofuel?

I know you are trying damn hard to ignore it, but i believe this was a 
sarcastic comment about the amount of OT content, especially about the 
current hostilities, liberals versus conservatives, and other marginally 
biodiesel discussion on the list at the moment...

sure I would prefer the discussion to be more on topic. 150 emails in a 
weekend is quite hefty.  but then a judicious choice of which emails I read 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 01:16 pm, Ken Provost wrote:
 Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
 I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have
 anything in it.

 I'd be most concerned about high levels of
 saturated fats -- that's what usually inspires
 ME to throw out the last of a barrel. The sat.
 fats continue to settle in the barrel -- even-
 tually you get an oil that would give a biodiesel
 like butter :-)  What I need is a good way to
 utilize (or dispose of) THAT crap. -K

wouldn't you be better off keeping the high grade stuff (e.g. initial waste 
oil) as you biodiesel feed stock and using the waste being discussed here in 
some sort of methane digestor to produce a nice high grade methane feedstock 
- e.g. for use to make methanol?

I seem to recall something about using methane and a catalyst in air to make 
methanol and that it was a relatively easy process... curse my feeble 
memory... Zubrin was talking a lot about fuel making processes for Mars 

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Re: [biofuel] ethanol mixtures

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 09:42 am, Jack Kenworthy wrote:
 I have a 55 gall drum
 of ethanol lying around that I can't make biodiesel with 

out of curiosity, why not?

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Re: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 10:23 am, Thor Skov wrote:
 OK, I lied, this isn't about biofuels per se, but
 rather about home energy generation.

 I am rebuilding my house in Seattle, and want to go
 with passive solar heating supplemented with an
 efficient wood fireplace insert (see, biofuels!).

my only comment on this is be aware of wood stove emmissions. In cities they 
seriously contribute to asthma causing smog. they are banned in my local 
municipality in all new homes... people still install them though... *sigh*

 My question is about solar water heating.  I'd like to
 use solar panels and recaptured waste water heat to
 preheat water, store it in tanks, and then pipe it to
 electric on-demand heaters at the point of usage.
 Does anyone know of a design for such a system?  

No hints I am afraid, but one comment I would make is that Si based solar 
panels decrease dramatically in efficiency when heated.  so solar hot water 
and solar power generation are contra-indicated.  infact it is worth your 
while to water cool you solar panels if you have access to cheap (rain) 

there is a new type of solar panel - DSC - that utilises a different type of 
electricity generation - nano-particle TiO2 and a photosensitive dye - that 
increases efficiency with temperature... I was thinking of setting up a 
parabolic trough lined with alfoil, a strip of these panels and backing them 
with hot water pipes  but I have too many other projects going at the 
moment, so it will have to wait... 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
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[biofuel] One Litre Line

2003-03-23 Thread Darryl McMahon

I hope some of you can help explain to me what I have seen of late.

I am a biodiesel novice and no chemist.  I have spent a couple of months now 
building my one-litre biodiesel processing plant.  This is intended to model 
plans for a larger 100-150 litre setup to come later.  But I want to keep my 
mistakes small (and I make plenty to learn from).

The reactor is a scavenged slow cooker, which does a reasonable job of keeping 
mixture at about 50 degrees C at the lowest setting.  Agitation is provided by 
discarded mix master with one beater that is lowered into the cooker while 
to a plexiglas splatter shield.  The settling tank is a 1.8 litre glass jar, 
the washing tank is a 2-litre glass jar with 2 small air stones, a 5-gallon 
aquarium pump, plastic tubing and a large steel washer as a weight.

The first batch was done with fresh vegetable oil.  I made the methoxide using 
ml of methanol and 3.5 grams of lye.  The titration results were bizarre the 
time, and closer to the expected result the second time.  I went with Mike 
recommended recipe for the one-litre test batch.  I put the oil into the 
then the methoxide.  All went as expected from my reading.  I allowed the 
mixing to 
go for about an hour, then drained the lot into the settling tank.

The separation began quite quickly, and after a couple of days there was a 
coloured precipitate layer at the bottom, but less than I expected.  I estimate 
bit less than 10% of the total volume (say about 100 ml).  Does this make sense 
given it was fresh oil instead of waste oil?

I let the batch settle for about 2 weeks, and then transferred the oil to the 
washing tank, drawing the oil off from the top.  I noticed at this time that 
seemed to be some dendritic material, almost like wisps of white cotton 
growing up from the sediment layer.  Any ideas on what that is?

Onto the washing.  I set up the washer with the stones at the bottom of the 
then added about 500 ml of tap water, more or less the Idaho method, as I 
understand it anyway.  Then I added the oil, a little over a litre, so 
containing some methanol/methoxide.  Before I started the bubbling, there was a 
significant white layer above the water and below the oil.  Reminded me of 
mayonnaise.  I suspect a water/methoxide reaction, as I see no visible reaction 
when I mixed methanol and water for comparison.

Oh, no vinegar used.  When I was finally set to go tonight, not a drop to be 
in the house.  I'll be sure to correct that before the next washing.

After I started the bubbling, the mayonnaise came to look more like white 
aquarium stone or rock salt.  Anyway, the wash is under way now.  Bubbling 
froth at 
the top was ferocious initially, but after 20 minutes it has subsided a lot.  
mix is quite opaque and a dark cream colour now.  I have had to stop the 
bubbling a 
little after an hour, as one of the air stones has disintegrated (12 hours was 
recommended).  It is starting to settle out again, looks like there will be a 
pile of whitish precipitate once settling is done.

The second batch was made from lightly used vegetable oil (to deep fry a 
but has been stored for some time since then.  Titration indicated 1.5 ml, so I 
used 5 grams of lye (1.5 + 3.5) and 200 ml methanol.

This batch frothed some during the stirring phase, which I did not notice with 
first batch (fresh oil).  The separation started slower, but there is much more 
precipitate this time (at least 25%).  However, there are a few of the 
white threads suspended in the clearer oil, apparently due to having trapped 
bubbles which are keeping them buoyant.  I'm sure they'll filter out in the 

So, now that I actually have some experiences to report, I would also like to 
Tom Leue for putting up with us for an afternoon last November when we brought 
snow to Massachusetts.  His tour of the facility and advice were, and are, much 

So anything you can tell me about what I have described, or any mistakes you 
see I am making, please let me know.

Darryl McMahon

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friendly housing was Re: [biofuel] A biofuels question (sort of)

2003-03-23 Thread martin

A friend of mine was/is building a recycled house. He used wooden beams 
from a factory being torn down. The structure is either a hexagon or a 
decagon shape, I can't remember exactly. It has a center concrete 
column, this is where the interesting part is. There is a heavy wood 
stove at the bottom inside the concrete column, with exhaust ducts 
looping through the inside of the column. The column was filled with a 
couple tons of sand. His plan was to be able to fire the stove at a high 
heat once or twice per day, and get all the energy necessary to heat the 
concrete column and it's several tons of thermal mass up to a decent 
temperature. I've been at college so I don't know how well it has worked 
this winter. I'll get back to you on that.
Oh, the outside walls were built using cord wood and papercrete.
The roof is about 18 inches thick, consisting [top to bottom] wood 
[recycled], foam insulation?, hot-rolled roofing, plastic sheeting, 
gravel, soil, grass.
I helped put the soil on the roof - a power-lifting ladder and 5 gallon 
buckets, the rest of the work being manual labor [I'm tall, my back hurt 
bad the next day!].

 From a distance the building looks very nice. It appears to be of stone 
construction. He chose the least arable land I could buy. All-in-all 
quite an interesting house.
It's not connected to the electrical grid either. Solar, wind power only.

Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread martin

If you thought you had the skills to fabricate it yourself, it shouldn't 
cost too much. I don't know how much used seed presses cost. I live in a 
degenerated agriculture area. I don't know if anyone around here ever 
grew crops to extract the oil.

Appal Energy wrote:


That's the standard practice done here, or at least heating the fats and
oils to 140*F and let to settle. But it's the bottom 10% of the meats and
chips and fines mixed with oil that needs to have as much oil pressed out of
it as possible.

Up to this point I was contemplating a 25 gallon capacity metal screen in
cylindrical form, reinforced with steel, running both horizontal and
vertical, throwing a thick bag filter inside the sleeve, filling with the
slime left over from every couple hundred gallons of oil, placing a
circular steel plate on top of the bag and applying slow but constant
pressure using a screw or hydraulic press.

It could cost as much to fabricate as might a small refurbished oilseed
press, presuming that an oilseed press could do the job. At the moment an
oilseed press is not on my shopping list.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...


Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Guernica

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Hakan

So now Paul Schwartz chooses to continue his foolishness off-list by 
writing to you.

He sent me two more letters off-list, both sent to 
[EMAIL PROTECTED], but addressing me by name, so he 
knows the score on that well enough. In the first he protested again 
that he'd been booted for his opinions (not!), then in the second it 
finally dawned on him that, as my message had said in the first 
place, his posting privileges had been suspended until he'd 
apologized to Andrew - but that I'd stopped him doing that by banning 
him (not!).

By this time, please take note, his posting privileges had been 
restored, as I'd said on the list, as he had apologized to Andrew 
(though indirectly). So he had in fact, in his bumbling fashion, 
succeeded in submitting his apology, by the obvious route, and had 
not been stopped from doing so, had not been banned, had not been 
bounced in less than 24 hours, and his posting privileges had been 
restored, as promised, but he hadn't figured that out yet. (This 
person presumes to be teaching me about list management, LOL!)

It's hard to find anything he got right, but this is his conclusion, 
no matter what, and I'm sure it's completely unshakable:

Good one Keith, I apologize, you ban my posts so they won't go through and
then say I wasn't banned, I had my posting privileges revoked until I
apologize--but, you won't let me apologize.  You know,  I think that's
really clever.  It's clear you want no dissent on your board.  So I'll go
away, I have to earn a living and this is taking up too much of my time.

But, we know what really happened here.


Right from the start, he instantly jumped to the conclusion (along 
with others in the war party) that his precious views were being 
VIEWS OF THOSE HE DISAGREES WITH, as others in the war party 
continued to do all along, baying for the USA bashers to be 
silenced (but not them of course).

And with this ludicrous series of fact-free disconnects he proves 
it - Viola! - suppression of his views! And the rest of the war party 
will believe it too.

But, we know what really happened here.

So he unsubscribed. Despite the incompetence of its delivery, his 
apology to Andrew was accepted, his posting privileges restored as 
promised - everything exactly as promised: but try telling the guy he 
wasn't banned because of his views. Naah, he knows better. From 
below, off-list to Hakan:

 Second question,  when I suffer quietly while my country is bashed by those
 on the list for weeks and then I decided to talk on all comers and defend my
 homeland, I get bounced in less than 24 hours.  Who acting like Dr. Joseph
 Goerbels here?

See? Bounced. Nothing about his calling Andrew a fascist of course. 
(From mice to gerbils, LOL!)

He did get a reply:

But, we know what really happened here.

WE do, but you're just kidding yourself. So what.

Which is about as much as it bothers me. If people want to fool 
themselves, that's their problem. But this kind of weak-minded denial 
and obfuscation here is list-pollution, and that's my problem. So 
he's gone, good riddance. That much less noise.



Since I learned that you have the posting rights again and I
hope that name calling is no longer necessary, I will post
may answer on the list as follows,

At 11:31 AM 3/23/2003 -0800, you wrote:
 My replies to the group have apparently been blocked, although I am getting
 the posts.  So for the time being, I assume my presence is unwelcome in the
 forum.  I did post a reply, but it came back to me.  I suggest you talk to
 the list monitor and ask him for a copy, if he still has it.  Apparently, I
 can be called names, but I can't return the favor.  I do believe that
 Liberals and the Left, in general,  are more intolerant of dissent than the

I fully and completely disagree with your identification of Andrew,
even if I agreed I am upset about someone saying it. I have full
understanding of Keith reaction and I am happy that you now
can post your apology.

 The short answer

Your answer might to some extent cover the Spanish civil war,
but not Guernica. Now it is my turn to wonder if you know what
you are talking about.

 1. Civil war

Yes, and with the Franco's side heavily supported by the Germans.
By this helping the Spanish people to get rid of the legal

 2. Terrorist act committed by the Spanish, and their proxies, on the

No, committed by the German pilots and planes, who flew the Stukas
used in Guernica. It was the first live test of terror bombing tactics,
developed by the Germans. Later frequently used by Germans and
the opposite side in WWII.

 3. Intended targets were civilians.

The target is the psychological effect on the general population,
their leaders and the military. In absolute number of civilian
casualties (collateral damage) Baghdad is probably larger,
but in percentage of the 

[biofuel] Hot water tank - was Re: Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Todd, Robert

If memory serves, there was at one time a pink-bubble wrapped hot water tank
fastened inside some sort of wood frame that was being touted as a vacuous
processor or something similar.

:-) Don't be rude. Vacuum.

Or was it a site that was referenced on this list and hot linked to?

No, memory succesfully jogged, thankyou. That's Dale's touchless 
processor, I forgot it was a water heater tank, and didn't at all 
connect it with the glass-lined tank Robert found - would Dale's tank 
be glass-lined? Anyway, it's here:

Dale's message to the list about it is here:



Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:07 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise


  As for the hot water tank, I believe that JTF had an example of just that
  one time or another.
  Did we? It doesn't ring a bell - can you jog my memory a bit?
  Todd Swearingen
  - Original Message -
  From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:55 PM
  Subject: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise


By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a glass
lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to tear it
apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a thing
for biodiesel production?
robert luis rabello
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Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread MH

 Some of the people on this list have expressed delight at the higher
 gasoline prices we're seeing.  Here in Vancouver, a liter of regular
 currently ranges from about .74 to as high as .87, depending on the
 area.  We're starting to see these higher prices impact food costs, so
 even vegetable oils or saccharine feed stocks that require
 transportation from point of harvest to point of use will also rise.

 Hello Robert, 
 Nymex Crude Crude Oil price has dropped to about $27 USD
 from $38/barrel. 

 Gasoline pump prices have dropped from $1.829/US gallon ($0.48/litre)
 to $1.649 ($0.43/litre) and as low as
 $1.529/US gallon ($0.40/litre) here abouts. 

 AAA Current State Averages: Click on state for detailed information
 *Prices Are In US Dollars Per Gallon.

 I haven't noticed any food price increases except
 moo milk ranging from $1.68 to $1.89/US gallon. 
 Ice cream prices are usually up at this time of
 year here in America's Dairyland.  

 This Week In Petroleum
 has some interesting US information.  

 International Energy Price Information
 can also be interesting weekly.  

 California Energy Commission
 has excellent price links and charts
 for ethanol  petroleum product for CA
 and across the states. 
 U.S. Gasoline  Crude Oil Prices by Year 1930-1999 chart
 Fuel Ethanol Prices (Last 10 Years)
 Gasoline Taxes by State 1998
 Alaska 26.3 cents,  Hawaii 54.7 cents.

 Current Methanol Price
 The Methanex non-discounted US reference price for March 2003 is $273 per 
tonne (82.0 cents per gallon).

 According to industry consultants, Chemical Market Associates Inc. (CMAI), US 
Gulf net transaction
 pricing for barges was $263 per tonne (or 79.0 cents per gallon) during the 
month of February 2003. 

 As of March 14, 2003, CMAI lists US Gulf Coast spot pricing for barges between 
$286 and $306 per
 tonne (or 86.0 and 92.0 cents per gallon). 

 In Europe, the first quarter 2003 contract list price FOB Rotterdam 
represented a price of 228 Euros,
 or approximately $238 per tonne (72.0 cents per gallon) at the time quarterly 
pricing was established. 

 As of March 14, 2003, CMAI quoted spot pricing in the Asia/Pacific region 
between $284 and $302
 per tonne (or 85.4 and 90.8 cents per gallon), depending on location. 

 Methanex's average realized price for the 12 months ended December 31, 2002 
was $155 per tonne
 (47.0 cents per gallon) compared with $172 per tonne (52.0 cents per gallon) 
for the year ended
 December 31, 2001.


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Re: [biofuel] Hot water tank - was Re: Impact of Energy Price Rise

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

Hey Keith,

 No, memory succesfully jogged, thankyou. That's Dale's touchless
 processor, I forgot it was a water heater tank, and didn't at all
 connect it with the glass-lined tank Robert found - would Dale's tank
 be glass-lined?

Chances are more than good. It's one of the two norms - glass lined and
not :-)

Dale would probably know by now if his wasn't. It's been around for a couple
of years, yes?


 Anyway, it's here:

 Dale's message to the list about it is here:



 Todd Swearingen
 - Original Message -
 From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise


   As for the hot water tank, I believe that JTF had an example of just
   one time or another.
   Did we? It doesn't ring a bell - can you jog my memory a bit?
   Todd Swearingen
   - Original Message -
   From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:55 PM
   Subject: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise


 By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a
 lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to
tear it
 apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a
 for biodiesel production?

 robert luis rabello
 The Edge of Justice
 Adventure for Your Mind

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread bratt

Have you considered making up a centrifuge to spin the mass and get the oil 
out?  Some of the apple growers have adapted Scharf spin dryers and even 
washing machines for use as a centrifuge in cider production.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: Appal Energy 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:08 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...


  That's the standard practice done here, or at least heating the fats and
  oils to 140*F and let to settle. But it's the bottom 10% of the meats and
  chips and fines mixed with oil that needs to have as much oil pressed out of
  it as possible.

  Up to this point I was contemplating a 25 gallon capacity metal screen in
  cylindrical form, reinforced with steel, running both horizontal and
  vertical, throwing a thick bag filter inside the sleeve, filling with the
  slime left over from every couple hundred gallons of oil, placing a
  circular steel plate on top of the bag and applying slow but constant
  pressure using a screw or hydraulic press.

  It could cost as much to fabricate as might a small refurbished oilseed
  press, presuming that an oilseed press could do the job. At the moment an
  oilseed press is not on my shopping list.

  Todd Swearingen

  - Original Message -
  From: martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:24 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

   Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
   I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have anything in it. I would
   assume it would be possible to press potato chips and get oil out. They
   soak up a lot of oil from the deep-frying process. There are bacteria
   used to eat oil. For example in Lake Placid, NY they had a problem with
   grease in the sewer. So they dumped grease-eating bacteria in the sewer.
   Problem solved.. sort of. The grease down the drain in the first place
   is interesting.
   Appal Energy wrote:
   Okay, so it's easy to throw 10 or 15 pounds of burger chips and grill
  scrapings into a compost heap. What the opossums and raccoons don't get the
  worms will.
   But has anyone seen any type of an inexpensive hydraulic ram set up that
  can get the last drops of fat out of the solids prior to composting?
   Approximately 10% out of every 250 gallon dumpster is a boatload of high
  oil content slop. Too much to just feed to the hogs and too much in short
  order to simply compost without reducing the oil content first.
   Todd Swearingen
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Re: [biofuel] Hot water tank

2003-03-23 Thread robert luis rabello

Keith Addison wrote:

 No, memory succesfully jogged, thankyou. That's Dale's touchless
 processor, I forgot it was a water heater tank, and didn't at all
 connect it with the glass-lined tank Robert found - would Dale's tank
 be glass-lined? Anyway, it's here:

Alack!  The tank is NOT glass lined--its plain steel.  I took the whole 
apart this afternoon and will have to thoroughly wash the thing to rid it of
accumulated rust and its rather nasty chlorine smell.  It has threaded 
for a lower inlet and an upper outlet, some kind of clean out on the top that is
too tough for me to remove, and of course, a standard 1 500 watt electric 

It holds 12 Imperial gallons, whatever those are, and would probably make 
an easy ethanol still conversion.

robert luis rabello
The Edge of Justice
Adventure for Your Mind

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[biofuel] From the barrel of oil

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison 
down to earth, online

Oct 31 02

 From the barrel of oil

Geopolitics is not only about war and peace. It is about controlling 
the world resources, particularly 'black gold'. Several international 
conflicts in recent times have been sparked by the need to control 
oil fields. The world's dependence on oil is complete. Yet insecurity 
about energy supply is greater than ever before. With war clouds 
hovering over Iraq and the conference on climate change coming up in 
Delhi, Down To Earth digs into the role of oil in global politics


The US President George W Bush is raring to launch an attack on Iraq. Whether 
it has weapons of mass destruction or not, Iraq certainly has the world's 
second largest reserves of petroleum after Saudi Arabia. Thanks to UN 
sanctions, it produces a mere fraction of its potential. The US, on the other 
hand, is the world's largest consumer and importer of oil. It is certain 
whatever else, the desire to control Iraq's oil lubricates the US war 
machinery. As the daily Washington Post reports, US oil companies are ready - 
drills and all - to enter the Iraqi oilfields after Saddam Hussein's removal. 
Oil companies from the other four permanent member countries in the UN Security 
Council (the UK, France, Russia and China) also have interests in Iraqi oil 

The US oil tactics are clear. Countries that participate in the US 
effort against Hussein will get a fair share in the post-Hussein 
Iraqi oil party. It's pretty straightforward. France and Russia have 
oil companies and interests in Iraq, said R James Woolsey, former 
director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who is all for attacking 
Iraq. They should be told that if they are of assistance in moving 
Iraq towards a decent government, we'll do the best we can to ensure 
that the new government and American companies work closely with 

Elements favoured to constitute a 'decent government' in Iraq - if 
Hussein is ousted in a US-led attack, that is - include the Iraqi 
National Congress (INC), a forum of opposition groups backed by the 
US. The Western media quoted an INC leader, Ahmed Chalabi, as saying 
that he favoured the creation of a US-led consortium to develop Iraqi 
oilfields: American companies will have a big shot at Iraqi oil. 
Several countries, including India, Italy, Vietnam and Algeria, 
already have agreements with Iraq to extract oil. But these are in 
the cold bag due to the UN sanctions on Iraq. In a post-Hussein Iraq, 
these agreements are likely to be scrapped in favour of US companies.

All this speculation has led to a rapid rise in oil prices -hovering 
close to US $30 to the barrel, US $5 of which is being labelled 'war 
premium'. There are fears that it might climb beyond US $50 and set 
in a recession as had happened after the 1991 Gulf War. Just before a 
meeting of ministers of Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries 
(OPEC, a cartel that keeps oil prices unnaturally high by controlling 
production through quotas) in Osaka, Japan, in the third week of 
September 2002, the most influential member of OPEC, Saudi Arabia, a 
US ally, had said that it would increase supplies of oil to 
compensate any shortfall resulting from US military action against 
Iraq. But, at the Osaka meet, OPEC ministers decided to keep oil 
production levels unchanged till the end of the year as they were 
afraid of releasing extra oil into a weakening global economy. Major 
oil producers are unhappy with the prospect of the opening up of 
Iraq's oilfields. They fear the glut of oil might drive down the 
prices. The Iraq imbroglio is also about the US need to control the 
Saudi oil regime with competing reserves, according to The Economist.

But why is oil so important to international politics?

Oil that glitters

Petroleum fuels the engines of the global economy. So there is never 
enough of it. Oil politics dictates international relations

The post-war boom had brought gas-guzzling vehicles, expanding 
highways and mushrooming suburbs in the industrialised countries, 
especially the US. This boom was fuelled by oil - the industrialised 
economies depended almost entirely on intensive use of fossil fuels. 
The world learned about its dependence on oil in 1973.

 *  Nuclear change for climate
The Yom Kippur War broke out in October 1973 between Arab countries 
and Israel. The Arab nations embargoed oil export to Western nations 
that supported Israel and cut down production. OPEC, formed in 1960, 
was a big enough supplier to control prices by this time.

The result was chaos in all the industrialised countries.

The cost of a barrel of crude oil rose from US $3 in 1972 to US $12 
by 1974. This 'oil shock' forced the West to chalk out an aggressive 
plan to free itself of the clutches of OPEC. Securing supplies of 
oil, increasing domestic production and importing from varied sources 

Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread martin

What exactly is vegetable oil, chemically? I know it's not just a plain 
hydrocarbon -- at least I think.

Ken Provost wrote:

Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have
anything in it.

I'd be most concerned about high levels of
saturated fats -- that's what usually inspires
ME to throw out the last of a barrel. The sat.
fats continue to settle in the barrel -- even-
tually you get an oil that would give a biodiesel
like butter :-)  What I need is a good way to
utilize (or dispose of) THAT crap. -K


Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy


Something along those lines. But it would have to be a vertical log
splitter. Still have to design a screen basket that won't split under the

I suppose I could go to the museum and ask if I can rent one of Guttenberg's
first screw presses. After all, he's not using it anymore.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Donald Strong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...


 Todd:  How about modifying one of the common log splitters ? ( think
 ricer on the end of the ram).

 Don Strong, proud tennis-ball machine

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

And to think...all I wanted to do was squeeze the guts out of a few hundred
pounds of oil soaked burger chips

I wouldn't consider the saturated fats necessarily a low grade feedstock,
nor the biodiesel from same to necessarily be inferior. It would just have a
higher cloud point is all. Still a perfectly good fuel under most

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: paul van den bergen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 9:41 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

 On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 01:16 pm, Ken Provost wrote:
  Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
  I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have
  anything in it.
  I'd be most concerned about high levels of
  saturated fats -- that's what usually inspires
  ME to throw out the last of a barrel. The sat.
  fats continue to settle in the barrel -- even-
  tually you get an oil that would give a biodiesel
  like butter :-)  What I need is a good way to
  utilize (or dispose of) THAT crap. -K

 wouldn't you be better off keeping the high grade stuff (e.g. initial
 oil) as you biodiesel feed stock and using the waste being discussed here
 some sort of methane digestor to produce a nice high grade methane
 - e.g. for use to make methanol?

 I seem to recall something about using methane and a catalyst in air to
 methanol and that it was a relatively easy process... curse my feeble
 memory... Zubrin was talking a lot about fuel making processes for Mars

 Dr Paul van den Bergen
 Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
 It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Ken Provost

Paul writes:

wouldn't you be better off keeping the high grade stuff (e.g. initial
  waste  oil) as your biodiesel feed stock and using the waste being
discussed here in some sort of methane digester to produce a nice
high grade methane feedstock- e.g. for use to make methanol?

I'm not sure about bugs that convert lipids to methane -- seems most
methane generators use carbohydrates, in fact, cellulose. Poop, agri-
cultural wastes, that sort of thing. I think real heavy grease wouldn't
do well in a compost pile, for example. -K

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Appal Energy

All veg oils and animal fats are composites of different fatty acids in
different ratios, ie palmitic, stearic, arachnic, linoleic, lanoleic, etc.

These acids are generally bound to a glycerin molecule, erego the term

The ratios of these constituent acids (oils) differ from oilseed to oilseed.
Thus some oils are solid at room temp, such as palm and coconut, some make
harder or more lathery soaps and some make biodiesel that gels or clouds at
lower temps than others

Not all oils and fats are created equal. In fact, none of them.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: martin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

 What exactly is vegetable oil, chemically? I know it's not just a plain
 hydrocarbon -- at least I think.

 Ken Provost wrote:

 Boil [remove water], filter, try to make fuel?
 I don't know, slop from a dumpster could have
 anything in it.
 I'd be most concerned about high levels of
 saturated fats -- that's what usually inspires
 ME to throw out the last of a barrel. The sat.
 fats continue to settle in the barrel -- even-
 tually you get an oil that would give a biodiesel
 like butter :-)  What I need is a good way to
 utilize (or dispose of) THAT crap. -K

 Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 03:30 pm, Appal Energy wrote:
 And to think...all I wanted to do was squeeze the guts out of a few hundred
 pounds of oil soaked burger chips

 I wouldn't consider the saturated fats necessarily a low grade feedstock,
 nor the biodiesel from same to necessarily be inferior. It would just have
 a higher cloud point is all. Still a perfectly good fuel under most

 Todd Swearingen

Just to clarify what I mean by high grade versus low grade.
It may be a high grade fuel once you seperate it from all the rest of the 
junk, thus the desire to press it.  But (IMHO) it is low grade, atleast wrt 
WVO as you do need to do an additional step to extract the value.

high grade (or high value if you prefer) implies to my mind little or no 
processing or inexpensive/low tech/simple/cheap equipment to process it.  
especially where the energy input is low or free.

low grade implies to me that the opposite is true. The fuel source contains 
lots of contamination or materials that are hard to remove or requires 
expensive equipment, difficult processing, or energy intensive processing, 
especially wrt other equivelent sources.

if you don't want to compost it, pyrolise it. Or straight out burn it to make 
steam - water gas, electricity, as energy source for distilling, etc. etc.

My point really is that teh optimal use for a given matter stream will depend 
on a number of factors and (self imposed - e.g. not wanting to use dinofuels) 
limitations.  If cost effectiveness is your aim, (and your definition of cost 
may vary :-) ) then the choice of what you use a given feed strock for will 
(er... should?) be based on the best return for your effort.

Given two feedstocks, WVO and dumster trash with WVO all though it, I would 
make the WVO into diesel and use the trash either as compost, methane 
digestion, fermentation, or low grade fuel to make steam etc. to refine the 
diesel/ distil (m)ethanol.

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 03:16 pm, bratt wrote:
 Have you considered making up a centrifuge to spin the mass and get the oil
 out?  Some of the apple growers have adapted Scharf spin dryers and even
 washing machines for use as a centrifuge in cider production.

Hey! you've been litstening to my brain waves again haven't you?


my father used to keep bees. I think the honey extractor is still floating 
around.  anyhoo, it should be possible to build one using a 44 gallon drum, 
bicycle gear and a couple of bearings.

the other approach would be to use a cyclonic seperation process this is a 
little out of my experience though...  must catch up with my biomass fixated 
mech engineering friend :-)

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

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Re: [biofuel] Hot water tank

2003-03-23 Thread bratt

If I am not mistaken, the glass lined statement was another advertising 
agency con-job. Glass lined was referring to the thin layer of fiberglass 
insulation wrapped around a steel tank.  

They never ever said glass lined tank, although most customers were missled 
to believe that was what was glass lined.

  - Original Message - 
  From: robert luis rabello 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 10:16 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Hot water tank

  Keith Addison wrote:

   No, memory succesfully jogged, thankyou. That's Dale's touchless
   processor, I forgot it was a water heater tank, and didn't at all
   connect it with the glass-lined tank Robert found - would Dale's tank
   be glass-lined? Anyway, it's here:

  Alack!  The tank is NOT glass lined--its plain steel.  I took the whole 
  apart this afternoon and will have to thoroughly wash the thing to rid it of
  accumulated rust and its rather nasty chlorine smell.  It has threaded 
  for a lower inlet and an upper outlet, some kind of clean out on the top that 
  too tough for me to remove, and of course, a standard 1 500 watt electric 

  It holds 12 Imperial gallons, whatever those are, and would probably make 
  an easy ethanol still conversion.

  robert luis rabello
  The Edge of Justice
  Adventure for Your Mind

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2003-03-23 Thread bratt

You won't really want to hear one idiots idea that was proposed to release the 
shale oil -- using small nuclear bombs.

On the topic of underground fires, we have one in the Canadian maritimes that 
was burning begore the arrival of Columbus.  It appeared in the writings that 
are used to verify the Saint Claire voyage of discovery from the Orkney Islands 
about 1200AD.

  - Original Message - 
  From: paul van den bergen 
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 8:24 PM
  Subject: Re: Sasol - was [biofuel] PENTAGON THREATENS TO KILL INDEPENDANT 

  On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 05:14 pm, Keith Addison wrote:
   We have in Canada, a massive store of petroleum in the Athabasca Tar
   Sands.  Estimates are that it is 400 times (or was it 4,000) times
   the known regular world oil reserves.  It is oil soaked shale,
   costly to extract.

  there are so many things wrong with shale oil... a while ago I was looking at 
  various patents (the co i was working for had a neat idea as to how to 
  process this stuff... thank god they went belly up).
  basically, I found a really scary patent.

  to extract oil from coal and/or shale oil, you have to heat it up (Pyrolise 
  in low O2 atm.). this does 2 things, it vapourises teh volitile fraction and 
  breaks (cracks) the non-volitile into liquid or gaseous fractions.  One 
  patent involved rubblising the shale oil insitu (e.g. underground) then 
  setting fire to it and collecting the liquids and gasses driven off.  Now in 
  most places in the world, underground fires are avoided... anyone see the 
  series of articles in NS recently talking about the bushfires in indonesia 
  being ignited by coal seam fires?

  Dr Paul van den Bergen
  Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
  It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread martin

A piece of sched 80 steel pipe could handle the force
You probably couldn't get one big enough to hold 25 gallons though.

Appal Energy wrote:


Something along those lines. But it would have to be a vertical log
splitter. Still have to design a screen basket that won't split under the

I suppose I could go to the museum and ask if I can rent one of Guttenberg's
first screw presses. After all, he's not using it anymore.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: Donald Strong [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:42 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...



Todd:  How about modifying one of the common log splitters ? ( think


ricer on the end of the ram).

Don Strong, proud tennis-ball machine

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Martin Klingensmith

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread paul van den bergen

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 08:42 am, Donald Strong wrote:

 Todd:  How about modifying one of the common log splitters ? ( think potato
 ricer on the end of the ram).

 Don Strong, proud tennis-ball machine

there was a list in Joshua Tickells book From the fryer to the fuel tank... 
I will see if I can remember to bring the book allong and transcribe the 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
It's a book. Non-volatile storage media. Everyone should have one.

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~--
Make Money Online Auctions! Make $500.00 or We Will Give You Thirty Dollars for 

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Re: [biofuel] Master Puzzler for Biofuelers...

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 08:42 am, Donald Strong wrote:
  Todd:  How about modifying one of the common log splitters ? ( think potato
  ricer on the end of the ram).
  Don Strong, proud tennis-ball machine

[he's found his niche! LOL!]

there was a list in Joshua Tickells book From the fryer to the fuel tank...
I will see if I can remember to bring the book allong and transcribe the

Oilseed presses

ApproTec's Mafuti Mali (Oil Wealth) press is a manual press for 
small-scale local production. The Hela Mk II is a high-performance 
manual press for extracting cold-pressed oil from sunflower and other 
seeds. The extraction efficiency is considered better than any other 
manual press -- about 12 kg of sunflower seed per hour. Easy to use, 
tough and durable, but not cheap -- US$265 in Tanzania. Contact Hugh 

The Sundhara oil expeller, designed in Germany for use in Nepal, now 
made in Nepal and Zimbabwe -- 60-70kg/hr (about 15 litres of oil). At 
the Jatropha Website:

The Jatropha System -- many oilseed presses detailed here, see Oil 

Small-scale electric screw presses to press oil from seeds from 
TŠbypressen in Sweden.

KOMET Vegetable Oil Expeller, IBG Monforts in Germany -- range covers 
small hand-operated as well as powered machines. Virtually all 
oil-bearing seeds, nuts, and kernels can be pressed with the standard 
equipment without cumbersome adjusting of screws and oil outlet 
holes. The vegetable oil produced generally needs no refining, 
bleaching, or deodorizing. Big nuts, kernels, and copra (dried 
coconut meat) have to be crushed to the particle size of peas on the 
KOMET Cutting Machine System CRUSHER. IBG Monforts:
Neoteric Biofuels Inc. in British Columbia, Canada:

India's United Oil Mill Machinery  Spares Pvt. Ltd manufactures and 
exports an entire range of machinery and equipment for small, medium 
and large capacity oil mills for seed preparation, oil expelling, 
filtration and refining. Oil expellers for extraction of oil from any 
oil-bearing seed, capacities from 1 ton to 150 tons per day (24 
hours); other machinery/equipment with matching capacities.

* Tiger Mk I Oil Expeller, all steel construction, fitted with steel 
gears and pinions, fitted with steam heating kettle with electricals, 
capacity 2 tons per day (24 hours). US$7,500-00
* Tiger Mk II Oil Expeller, all steel construction, fitted with steel 
gears and pinions, fitted with steam heating kettle with electricals, 
capacity 3-4 tons per day (24 hours). US$9,500-00
* Exceoil Mk 2 Automatic Oil Expeller, all steel construction with 
double reduction helical gear box with steam kettle complete with 
electricals, capacity 8-10 tons per day (24 hours). US$15,000-00

Prices F.O.B. Indian port. Also manufactures the Wolf baby oil 
expeller with a capacity of 1 ton per day , caste-iron construction. 

Dong Kwang Oil Machine Co., South Korea -- automatic edible oil 
presses, from 10kg/hr up. For sesame seed, sunflower, palm kernel, 
cacao, coconut (copra), olive, castor, cotton seed, maize (germ), 
rice bran, almond (germ), apricot (germ), soya bean, Chinese tung 
(germ), walnut, peanut, linseed, rape seed, perilla seed, mustard, 

Tinytech Plants -- Tiny Oil Mill, oil expeller with cooking kettle, 
Groundnut Decorticator, Sunflower Cracker or Palm Nut Cracker, Copra 
Cutter, made in Rajkot, India. Contact: E-mail: 

Build your own press: Now Build This -- The Sunflower Seed Huller 
And Oil Press -- a small press you can build yourself, powered by a 
hydraulic bottlejack (and your arm): three gallons of oil from a 
couple of thousand square feet of plants.

Understanding Pressure Extraction of Vegetable Oils by James Casten 
and Dr Harry E. Snyder, 1985, Understanding Technology Series, 
Technical Paper #40, VITA (Volunteers In Technical Assistance), ISBN 
Small-scale oil extraction methods for village industry -- 4,000 word 
online paper.
VITA Understanding Technology Series:

Small-scale Oilseed Processing by Janet Bachmann, NCAT Agriculture 
Specialist, Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (ATTRA) 
-- Basic processes involved in small-scale oilseed processing, 
includes a low-tech method for raw material preparation using 
sunflower seeds as an example; information on methods and equipment 
used for oil extraction; notes on clarification, packaging, and 
storage. Sources for additional 

Re: [biofuel] Hot water tank

2003-03-23 Thread Keith Addison

Hi Todd

Hey Keith,

  No, memory succesfully jogged, thankyou. That's Dale's touchless
  processor, I forgot it was a water heater tank, and didn't at all
  connect it with the glass-lined tank Robert found - would Dale's tank
  be glass-lined?

Chances are more than good. It's one of the two norms - glass lined and
not :-)

Thankyou, and to EdB.

Dale would probably know by now if his wasn't. It's been around for a couple
of years, yes?

Yes, Jan 2001. A sporadic poster is Dale, more's the pity.


  Anyway, it's here:
  Dale's message to the list about it is here:
  Todd Swearingen
  - Original Message -
  From: Keith Addison [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 4:07 PM
  Subject: Re: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise
As for the hot water tank, I believe that JTF had an example of just
one time or another.
Did we? It doesn't ring a bell - can you jog my memory a bit?
Todd Swearingen

- Original Message -
From: robert luis rabello [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, March 23, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Impact of Energy Price Rise
  By the way, I found a discarded electric water heater with a
  lined tank that looks like it's in good shape.  I'm tempted to
tear it
  apart and see what might be salvageable.  Has anyone used such a
  for biodiesel production?
  robert luis rabello

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