Re: [Biofuel] Israel's "Terrorists"

2004-10-01 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
ites about biofuels with 
english translations.
Please excuse my bad english. hope this not contribute to misunderstood 
between Europe and USA ;-)

Keep on doing well

frantz DESPREZ
Europa Union

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Re: [Biofuel] France Bests U.S. In Energy Security Through Efficiency, Technology

2004-10-08 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
The New York Times > Business >


Slow Learner on Energy-Efficiency Front



Published: October 5, 2004

The United States, land of gas-guzzling S.U.V.'s and air-conditioned 
McMansions, might do well to turn to the country some Americans love 
to hate for lessons on how to curb its reliance on imported oil: France.


Most European countries, for example, have encouraged drivers to buy 
cars with diesel engines, which burn 30 percent less fuel than regular 
engines. Two-thirds of cars registered in France are diesel-fueled, 
according to the European Automobile Manufacturers' Association. That 
compares with diesel sales of less than half of 1 percent in the 
United States.

... but too much Diesel cars means problems for raffineries (balance 
production between  diesel and lighter gasoline) and Environment 
especially in towns (Noise, Sulfur dioxide, ozone and particles). Step 
to step, diesel oil price is rising up, approaching from regular prices. 
It's the same for PLG to keep taxes incomes level for state.
About cars, the newspaper's forgotten other measures as speed limits, 
compulsory carburation (pollution) control every couple of year...
European Union and France also rules about efficiency for home heat (1/4 
of oil cunsumption), including help for insulation or changing for new 
systems with  fossils fuels or alternative energies.

One hurdle to diesel sales in the United States is that compared with 
conventional gasoline-powered cars, diesels emit more smog-forming 
pollutants, though they offer lower emissions of the kind that 
contribute to global warming. Still, with better technology, some 
carmakers like Chrysler plan to offer new diesel models later this year.

While diesels have made little headway, fuel-efficient hybrid cars - 
with electric motors that take over for the gas engines at low speeds 
and stops - are gaining in popularity. But so far, only a few 
carmakers offer them, and there is a waiting list for some of the more 
popular models, like the Toyota Prius.

An additional disparity between the United States and France is the 
approach to nuclear energy. With domestic production of oil a tiny 3 
percent of the two million barrels it consumes each day, France has 
turned to nuclear power as its economic savior; 80 percent of its 
electricity now comes from the country's 19 nuclear plants, compared 
with 40 percent in Sweden, 30 percent in Japan and Germany and 20 
percent in the United States.

"Because it didn't draw a lucky geological hand, France has always 
looked for energy independence," said Dominique Maillard, the 
country's top official in charge of energy policy as the director of 
energy at the Ministry of Industry. "We used nuclear power as a path 
to offset our dependency on imports."

The United States, in contrast, has turned up its nose at nuclear 
energy, in part because of the risk of a meltdown (much reduced in 
recent years, experts say), and in part because of the controversy 
over the disposal of nuclear waste. The biggest factor, though, was 
the soaring cost of building nuclear plants to satisfy more rigorous 

Since the accident at the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor in 
Pennsylvania in March 1979, no new reactors have been built. With oil 
prices rising and concern about global warming spreading, nuclear 
power advocates argue that a new generation of power plants can 
overcome the problems with nuclear energy at an acceptable cost.

To be sure, the depiction of the United States as the world's energy 
wastrel and of France as a model of virtue can be overdrawn. All 
developed countries have significantly improved their energy 
efficiencies in manufacturing and construction since 1973. Moreover, 
oil's slice of global energy demand has fallen to 35 percent today 
from 45 percent 30 years ago.

But Nuclear power is absolutly not a perfect solution. "Energy 
independence" is not true because we don't have enough uranium 
ressources. The total costs are not included (dismantle nuclear power 
plant for exemple or manage nuclear waste for centuries). The 
radioactives wastes are very dangerous and we cannot give that kind of 
present to our children (the glass containers have a life-time shorter 
than the radioactive matters they contains). Nobody's perfect, and 
Tchernobyl can happen again everywhere. French people never had 
democratic choice about power policy.
The nuclear lobby in France is so powerful and linked to government and 
the monopolistic state owned electricity provider EDF (Electricite De 
France) , that efforts on alternative energy development are ridiculous, 
compared to other European countries like Danmark (wind energy), Germany 
(geothermic, biomass...) or Spain (solar).
If energy savings are now in our culture, US states like California are 
an exemple for us for things to do (alternative energie

Re: Fire ants was RE: [Biofuel] US Blocks Phase Out of Lindane in North America

2004-10-11 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

We don't have fire ants in Europe but all ants use to follow pheromones 
paths and are very sensitive to strong smells.
By dry weather, many matters can be used to stop the ants on their 
"roads", from coffee powder to sulfur.
My grand parents used to make lines of sulfur along the walls or front 
of the door to avoid ants to come in. It seems to be very efficient,  
not only a repellent but also insecticide. They knex that it is useless 
to spray or pour** household insecticide products on ant nests**.
Now, they would rather use new chemicals poison that are not immediatly 
lethal and more appropriate. That kind of trap use a bait in a small 
shelter (so you can use it by all weather and in any place) where only 
very tiny insects can get inside, the working ants will bring back the 
poisonous food in their home and feed larvas and other adults (including 
the queen). By this way, you can destroy the colony that invade your 
territory. This poison is told as non remaining in Environment (less 
than DDT), and safe for homeotherm (= hot blood) animals but does the 
ants threat worth to use it ? Rachel Carson (1968) in  /Silent Spring/, 
1962, doesn't think so (printed again in 1994 in the USA prefaced by 
Vice-President Al Gore). Fire ants are not so dangerous (less than wasps 
and bees), and even are good auxiliaries against cotton pests or to 
drain and air the soil.
In america, a special insecticide for this kind of trap and turned 
especially against fire ants /(Solenopsis invicta) /has been developped, 
called Amdro¨ (active matter is hydramethylnon). But it also kill the 
only native ants that could challenge the fire ants settlements.
Laboratories around the world are working on biological ways to reach 
the same results, as it works for caterpillars with Bacillus 
thuringensis. Other organic insecticides already exist (Texas research 
for exemple : but 
the only sustainable way to stop the fire ants is to reach an ecological 
If you have waterproof floor around the house (pavment, concrete ...) , 
you also can wash it regularly with perfumed products : it will destroy 
the pheromones paths and may work as a repellent.

see this Virginian web site :
and many other ones ...


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Re: [Biofuel] US to sell 5000 smart bombs to Israel

2004-10-18 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Where do you get this stuff ? Britain certainly DID give away 
Palestine so the Zionists could set up their own state. Read the 
Balfour Declaration, as that is what that is all about.
The UN, rather after the fact, ascended to an already-in-effect 
possesion of this land by the Zionists, and so, in May 1948 the 
political state of Israel was "officially" open for business. (...)

... and remember the Haganah (the zionist secret army) used terrorism 
(bombs against official buildings and h™tels, assassinations) to fight 
the British power in Palestine (by mandatory of the Societe des nations 
since the Versailles traite) who was trying to stop the jews illegal 
immigration already before WW2.
Of course, this is not a justification for use of terrorism by 
palestinians. But forget these facts is nowadays one more proof of the 
cynism of Sharon's friends.

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Re: [Biofuel]Beaten Afgan bride

2004-10-18 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

<>It is quite possible the story is true. 500 years ago the story 
could have been true in continental Europe or England. Our 
enlightenment is quite recent actually and even now is incomplete. Our 
willingness to hurt each other transcends reason.


Short story :
A journalist went in Afghanistan when the talibans ruled the country. 
She was shocked to see the women respectuously walking 10 meters behind 
theirs husbands or brothers along the road.
She flied back last year and has been  glad to see that  things have 
changed, and now the women were walking 10 meters ahead. The males were  
following this time.
Very excited, the journalist interviewed one of the women and asked her 
whith emphasis what's made this change possible.

"the talibans mined the road before leaving " answered the woman.

possible this story is true ?
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Re: [Biofuel] Kerry & left leaning Polls

2004-10-18 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


So, again, if the French prefering Kerry is a reason to vote for Bush, who
gets the vote when the terrorists openly say they want to keep Bush? 


I'm french and I prefer...

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Re: [Biofuel] Jean Pain woodchip compost pile space heater?

2004-11-08 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

   Keith Addison a écrit :

 Greetings Rob

 Certainly some of the biofuel lurkers and respondents know of this
 famous French agroforestry guru, Jean Pain.  One of his interesting
 projects was to use the chips from the slash and thinnings of the
 forests for space heating.  Decomposing chips, piled on exterior
 masonry walls heated the thermal mass which then could radiate heat
 towards the occupants.  The part I'm missing here is the book which
 has the image of the PVC loop, buried in the chips pile, which
 circulates warmed water to the interior radiators.  With this
 enhancement, a little interior temp increase for a short period
 wouldn't cool the pile significantly, yet could be programmed to
 say, heat the kitchen and bath before breakfast.  Anyone know the
 Title of this texts for inter library loans?

 Is there a book? Maybe there's one in French.

   There is :
   In English :

 Pain, Ida and Jean
  The Methods of Jean Pain
   Self published 1980, minor bumping, edgewear, in english, 88pp photos
   N° de réf. du libraire : R858

   Prix :  EUR 47.66 ([2]Convertir dans une autre devise)

   Livraison : [3]Frais & Durée de livraisonLibrairie : [4]Kilauea Books,
   P.O.Box 425, Kurtistown, HI, Etats-Unis, 96760
   ([5]Rechercher dans le catalogue du libraire) ([6]Coordonnées de la
   Conditions de vente : Check or money order,US funds; 10 day return
   policy on hardbounds. Credit cards accepted through ABE Commerce under
   order options w/book listing. 10% off during the month of october on
   any book up to $ us for discounts on books over $100.00.
   Conditions de livraison: Surface shipping(media) can take 3-5
   weeks.Priority is highly recommended.Shipping costs are based on books
   weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we
   may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required. Shipping
   is Priority for all U.S. Cost is $4.50 in addition to book
   price.Overseas/Global priority is $9.00.Modes de paiement acceptés
   - Visa
   - EuroCard/MasterCard
   - Chèque
   - Mandat international
   - Paypal
   For original edition in French (or german version):
   references have a look on
   You can see the cover of the french eighth edition at
   [9] . The website has not been
   updated since 1999. English version still under construction...)
   but out of print in France, may be for sale in Belgium (informations :
   Comité Jean Pain asbl, Hof ter Winkelen, B-1840 LONDERZEEL, Belgique)
   You also have a lot of litterature about biomass everywhere, relating
   parts of the "jean pain method" (i.e.
   or of course the Keith 'bible ;-)

 Jean Pain: France's King of Green Gold



   2. javascript:openNewWindow( 
 480, 400, 'yes' )
   3. javascript:openNewWindow( '/servlet/ShippingRatesPL?vid=22888', 640, 600, 
'yes' );
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[Biofuel] Un nouveau biodiesel testŽ en Poitou-Charentes - a new biofuel tested in France

2005-03-03 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

/   [ 24/02/2005 18:35 ] //Un nouveau biodiesel, prŽsentŽ comme plus 
propre, a commencŽ ˆ tre testŽ ˆ l'Žchelle industrielle jeudi ˆ Melle 
(Deux-Svres), a indiquŽ SŽgolne Royal, prŽsidente de la rŽgion 
Poitou-Charentes, ˆ l'AFP. /

  Le projet a cožtŽ 3 millions d'euros dont un million financŽ par le 
conseil rŽgional. "On sort des laboratoires pour passer en phase 
opŽrationnelle", a dŽclarŽ Mme Royal.

L'unitŽ pilote, qui a prŽsentŽ jeudi ˆ la presse son travail en faisant
rouler un vŽhicule avec son biocarburant, entend montrer d'ici ˆ fin 
juin qu'elle peut passer ˆ un stade de production industrielle, selon la 

Une quinzaine de personnes, dŽtachŽes par le groupe franais de chimie 
Rhodia, y travaille.

Ce projet entend rŽpondre aux appels d'offres de production de
biocarburants annoncŽs par le gouvernement pour cette annŽe, dans le 
cadre de son plan de dŽveloppement des biocarburants. La France tente 
ainsi de se conformer ˆ une directive europŽenne.

Selon ses concepteurs, ce biodiesel - de l'ester d'Žthanol - est plus
propre que les autres car sa base est ˆ 100% vŽgŽtale alors que les 
biodiesels actuellement sur le marchŽ - ˆ base d'ester de mŽthanol - 
rŽsultent d'une rŽaction de l'ester, issue de la transformation des 
huiles vŽgŽtales (colza et tournesol) avec du mŽthanol qui est un 
produit de synthse pŽtrochimique.

Selon la mme source, avec ce nouveau biodiesel, le mŽthanol est 
remplacŽ par de l'Žthanol issu de betterave ˆ sucre, ma•s, ou canne ˆ sucre.

Cette base sera mŽlangŽe ˆ du gazole comme pour tous les biodiesels.

En terme de cožt, "au prix o est le baril actuellement", le litre de ce
nouveau biocarburant est exactement le mme que celui du diesel 
classique, a assurŽ Jacques Barbier, ingŽnieur chez Valagro ˆ qui 
appartient le brevet.

Pour l'instant, il existe deux types de biocarburants, le biodiesel,
mŽlange de gazole et d'ester, et les bioessences, mŽlange d'essence et 


A corporated made biofuel for diesel engines, ester of ethanol 100 % 
vegetal based (beetroot, corn or canesugar) instead of methanol.


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[Biofuel] [Fwd: Tell Big Auto to clean up their cars and our air SEND ACTION~a13070u957813]

2005-03-11 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

X-Account-Key: account8
Received: from ([])
by with esmtp (Exim 4.34) id 1D97IO-PJ-1f
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Date: Wed, 9 Mar 2005 14:56:39 -0500 (EST)
From: "Katelyn," <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Tell Big Auto to clean up their cars and our air SEND
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;


Last fall we told you about the auto industry's attempt to derail a ground 
breaking new law in California that would reduce global warming pollution from 
car exhaust by 30% by 2016.  Together supporters and 
allied organizations sent more than 100,000 letters to the automakers urging 
them to refrain from a lawsuit that would undercut this effort to clean up 
global warming pollution. 

But the auto industry is currently listening to its lawyers instead of 
consumers and has joined the lawsuit.  We now need you to  tell the automaker 
CEO's that this lawsuit is a slap in the face to each and every American 
consumer that  wants cleaner cars and a healthier environment!

Click the link below now to send an email to the CEO's of General Motors, 
Toyota,  DaimlerChrysler, Honda, Ford and Nissan urging them to drop this anti 
public-health lawsuit and implement clean car technology now!  
Or if you're a registered user, simply hit "reply" and then hit "send" and 
we'll automatically send the message below on your behalf.

Car companies are trying to have it both ways: they tease us with promises of 
cleaner cars --"zero emissions," "energy for the future" -- then sue to prevent 
states from setting standards to cut global warming pollution from automobiles.

Instead of implementing the cost-effective clean car technology they already 
have, automakers turned to their lawyers for excuses. Won't the automakers ever 
learn?  They have battled regulations for seat belts, air bags, catalytic 
converters, fuel economy, and, now, for reducing global warming emissions. The 
complaint is always the same -- it's just too hard.

But the California regulations were crafted around technologies that are 
already in use, like better engine electronics, improved transmissions and 
energy-saving tires, which when combined slash heat-trapping emissions from 
cars and trucks.

We know the auto industry can build cleaner cars. The solutions are there, and 
American consumers are ready to put them on the road. A healthy, competitive 
auto industry relies on ingenuity, not lawsuits.

Click this link to tell Big Auto CEO's to lose the can't-do attitude and build 
cleaner cars now!

Once you've taken action, please help us spread the word about this campaign by 
forwarding this email to your friends, family and co-workers.

Thanks for your help!


Katelyn Sabochik
Online Campaign Manager

Registered Users: Simply reply to this email, hit send, and we'll automatically 
send the message below to the CEO's of General Motors, Toyota, DaimlerChrysler, 
Honda, Ford and Nissan on your behalf.
Dear Sirs,

I am very disappointed to hear about your company's lawsuit to stop progress on 
an issue of critical importance to our health, our economy and our environment 
--the urgent need to cut global warming pollution.

Global warming is happening. We're already seeing the polar ice caps melting 
and changes in habitat with deadly consequences for many animal and plant 
species. If that's not enough, global warming is a public health hazard, 
projected to worsen smog and trigger more asthma attacks and hospitalizations.

Cars and trucks make up the second largest source of global warming pollution, 
sending heat-trapping carbon dioxide into the air for decades to come.

For more than 40 years, California has led the nation and the world in creating 
sound, sensible air pollution standards -- leadership that has been 
acknowledged in federal clean air laws. That's why more than 80 percent of 
Californians backed the world's first law designed to reduce automotive global 
warming emissions when it passed three years ago. The new performance standards 
are supposed to phase in starting in 2009, giving you ample time to deploy new 
technology. But instead of stepping up to meet the challenge, your company and 
others have gone to court to try to block the law.

You have the know-how and technology to help fix the global warming problem. 
Smart engineering such as cylinder deactivation and continuously variable 
transmissions are available today to build cleaner cars and trucks. 

As a consumer, I tire of automakers' loc

[Biofuel] Petrol wields profit, but it also kills

2005-03-15 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

"Petrol wields profit, but it also kills
*When it comes to energy, economic and geo-strategic interests generally
determine the course of European politics. MEP Alain Lipietz asks
whether politicians will give the environment a chance*

Alain Lipietz, member of the European Green party and ex-French
presidential candidate, analyses the decreasing availability of petrol,
the development of renewable energy sources and the role the European
Union will be expected to play.

*Does the European Green party deem the increase in the price of petrol
to be a positive thing?*
Yes, in the sense that it encourages people to watch their consumption
of petrol. But it is not the best solution to the problem: it would be
of much better use to increase public awareness. There comes a point
when we need to send a strong signal. It would have been better to levy
a strong eco-tax during the last decade when the price of petrol
exported by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC
) was low. Whilst maintaining stable
prices for consumers, taxes could have been used to finance research or
equipment which saves energy, such as public transport. This chance was
missed ten years ago. Without these technical adjustments, both
industrialised and industrialising countries are now completely
dependent on petrol. For various geological and geo-political reasons
(Iraq, Russia, Nigeria), the availability of petrol is significantly
decreasing. As a result, its price is currently skyrocketing and the
repercussions of the lack of political action are being felt. But every
cloud has a silver lining and this [price surge] might actually push
people to start saving energy.

*Does the current crisis present us with an opportunity to develop
renewable energy sources?*
There are three possible responses to the high price of fuel. The first
is to ultimately cut down on consumption, by driving more slowly for
example. The second one, and this is where the “price warning” comes in,
is to increase the economy’s efficiency in energy handling; such things
as cars, factories, light bulbs and so on should waste less energy.
Finally, our third response could be to actually change our sources of
energy. It seems obvious that the more expensive petrol becomes, the
more appealing renewable energy will seem. However, this is not enough:
petrol is still cheaper than some renewable energy.

*In that case, should we wait for renewable energy to become profitable?*
We might not have to. The European Union has already recommended that
21% of our energy be renewable by 2010. However, this measure has no
constraining value. Some member states, like Germany, Denmark and Spain,
fix a very high price on electricity produced by renewable energy (wind,
biomass, etc.). This means they have to be subsidised. The several dozen
wind turbines in France are still very expensive, whereas a few thousand
of them would cost much less. These countries are effectively
kick-starting the process: they start off by subsidising in order to
support large-scale production that will be profitable in the long run.

*What are the issues at stake when it comes to abandoning petrol?*
New industries have begun to explore this area. Some electrical
companies in Europe seem to have grasped that the future is set to be
the age of renewable energies. Germany, Denmark and Spain have developed
an industry dedicated to equipping sources of renewable energy. France,
on the other hand, seems to stick to looking to dangerous nuclear
technology as a means of energy independence from petrol. Indeed, EDF
[the main French electricity company] has supported neither the wind
turbine nor the geothermic industry. Vested interests of big
industrialists in every country continue to weigh heavily on the
electrical production infrastructure.

*Are you concerned at all about the risks the reduction in petrol
consumption would involve for the development of the oil-exporting
I am President of the European Parliament’s Delegation for relations
with the Andean Community
. As it happens, the
five member states produce petrol: Venezuela (a big producer), Columbia,
Equator, Peru and Bolivia. For these countries, the consequences are
substantial. When petrol prices are relatively low, they cancel research
contracts and remove all chances for academics to travel and so on. In
Venezuela, 80% of state income comes from petrol. For years, I’ve told
Venezuelans, “You are a big exporter whose income rests solely on
petrol; but at the same time, you are the first victims of global
warming, what with all this torrential rain causing thousands of
deaths”. Today, Venezuela is the first big exporter of petrol to have
signed the Kyoto Treaty, because even though petrol wields profit, it
also kills. For next April, we have organised a colloquium there in
order to construct a Euro-Venezuelian alliance on petrol costs.

[Biofuel] Carbon Tax Plan Good for Australia

2005-03-15 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Australia: Ex-BHP chief Anderson backs carbon tax 

Paul Anderson, the chief executive of leading US electricity and gas 
utility Duke Energy Corp, has put his weight behind the introduction of 
a carbon tax. Greens Senator Bob Brown backed Mr Anderson's call for a 
carbon tax instead of a GST. "We believe that is a much better way of 
utilising taxes for the public good, than a GST, which is regressive," 
he said. "A carbon tax can be aimed to make sure that those people who 
come forward with technologies that protect the environment and defray 
global warming get rewarded, where those people who pollute the 
environment, pay."

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[Biofuel] Ireland: Green Party campaign to bring biofuel plant to Carlow escalates

2005-03-22 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

 Green Party campaign to bring biofuel plant to Carlow escalates

*20 March 2005*

*Green Party Deputy Leader Cllr. Mary White* has renewed her call for 
the Government to remove all excise duty from the production of biofuels.

Cllr. White said today that, “The European Commission recently decided 
to allow as state aid the exemption of excise duty from the production 
of biofuels in certain pilot projects in Ireland (Scheme for Excise 
Relief for Pilot Projects). Rather than restrict this aid to pilot 
projects, I believe that the time is now right for the complete lifting 
of excise duties on biofuel production.”

“The Carlow sugar factory closed its doors on 11 March. There is a 
golden opportunity to turn the factory into a state of the art biofuel 
plant, saving Carlow jobs and generating huge employment within the 
farming and business sectors. If this stance is adopted it will make the 
production of ethanol economically viable and will turn the second 
smallest county in Ireland into a giant of the renewable energy sector.”

“Next week I will be meeting with business interests from the UK who 
build and operate biofuel plants in an effort to bring this business to 
Carlow. Never has the time been more suitable. Carlow has the land bank, 
farmers are eager to diversify and the town itself is crying out for a 
dynamic new industry. There is also the pressing need to comply with the 
Biofuels Directive (2003) which states that biofuels must reach 2% of 
all transport and heating fuels sold by 2005.”

“I intend to lobby ceaselessly to support the development of the biofuel 
industry. With biofuel plant operators eager to explore the Carlow scene 
it is incumbent on the Government to lift excise duty on ethanol 
production to bring the processing of sugar beet and wheat into a new 
era where fuel from Carlow farms gives added income, employment and 
rural and urban prosperity,” concluded Cllr. White.


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[Biofuel] Alco Bio Fuel, première grande unité de production de bioéthanol en Belgique - first big bioethanol production unit in Belgium

2005-04-14 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

as soon as 2007 all the Ethanol needed for Belgium to reach the european 


*Alco Bio Fuel, première grande unité de production de bioéthanol en 

Le 06.04.2005 à 09:43 - 29 hits

Leader en vente d’éthanol en Europe, le groupe Alcogroup, via 
Alcofinance s.a., vient de créer la société Alco Bio Fuel. Alcofinance 
détient 51% des parts du capital, les 49 autres étant détenus par 
Vandema/Vanden Avenne Izegem (29% des parts) et Aveve/Wal.Agri (20% des 
parts), deux entreprises présentes sur le marché du grain. Objectif ? « 
Construire une usine capable de couvrir l’ensemble des besoins de 
bioéthanol du marché belge et permettre ainsi à la Belgique d’atteindre 
dès 2007 les objectifs communautaires fixés en 2010 pour l’essence », 
explique Aveve dans un communiqué.

Basée à Gand, cette première ligne de production devrait être 
opérationnelle dès 2007. A terme, Alco Bio Fuel prévoit la construction 
de 3 lignes de production d’une capacité totale de 300 000 m3 d’éthanol 
et ce, principalement à base de grain belge. Aveve précise encore que « 
produit à partir de la distillation de biomasses végétales, les 
excédents de grain existants et la reconversion des cultures de 
betteraves permettent des productions d'éthanol largement suffisantes 
pour atteindre le niveau préconisé dans les directives européennes ».

Déjà utilisé au Brésil et dans certains Etats des Etats-Unis, l’éthanol 
peut s'utiliser soit en mélange direct avec l'essence, soit via l'ETBE, 
(Ethyltertiobutylether), un oxygéné qui augmente aussi le degré 
d'octane. Techniquement, aucune modification des voitures n'est 
nécessaire à ce stade de mélange. Autre avantage, l’utilisation 
d’éthanol dans l’essence permet une réduction non négligeable des 
émissions de CO2 (voir ABN 64 et 65). La Commission européenne a 
d’ailleurs promulgué une directive demandant aux Etats membres de mettre 
en place des programmes de biocarburants avec comme objectif d'atteindre 
2% en 2005 et 5, 75% en 2010.

De sources bien informées, trois autres unités de production (éthanol et 
biodiesel) sont en projet en Flandre et en Wallonie. Leur concrétisation 
dépend des négociations actuelles sur la défiscalisation des 
biocarburants, lesquelles butent sur l'obligation d'être sans effet sur 
le budget fédéral.

Plus d’infos :
Charles-Albert Peers, Senior Partner ALCOGROUP et Président ALCOFINANCE
s.a. Boulevard du Souverain 100 1170- Bruxelles Tél. : 00 32 (0)2 663 38 47

- *Source :*
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[Biofuel] Gas & Electric Vehicle Symposium in Monaco

2005-04-14 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Monaco - Monday 4th April 2005
EVS 21 - CFBP and the WLPGA present Autogas Hybrid Electric Vehicle

Other thematics :
• Symposium:
• General information :

On the occasion of the 21st Worldwide Battery, Hybrid and Fuel Cell 
Electric Vehicle Symposium in Monaco, the French Propane and Butane 
Federation (CFBP) and the World LP Gas Association (WLPGA) will showcase 
a new prototype hybrid electric passenger vehicle engineered to run on 
clean Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Autogas).

RM Gaz in close collaboration with the CFBP and the French Petroleum 
Institute (IFP) took a major step in improving the environmental 
performance of HEV’s with the introduction of the Toyota Prius II hybrid 
operating on Autogas. The revolutionary vehicle delivers the same fuel 
economy and dependability associated with standard electric hybrid 
technology - plus the added advantages of utilizing an 
environmentally-friendly alternative fuel.

Autogas has long delivered emissions advantages over conventional petrol 
and diesel fuels. The world’s most widely used alternative fuel has 
undergone rigorous scientific testing, with test results yielding 50% 
less carbon monoxide, 40% less hydrocarbons, 35% less nitrogen oxides 
(NOx) and 50% less ozone forming potential compared to petrol. When it 
comes to limiting greenhouse gases, the Toyota Prius Autogas prototype 
emits only 92 g/km2 of CO2 from the tailpipe, or 11.5% less than the 
petrol version.

In addition to its environmental strengths, Autogas delivers a number of 
economic advantages to motorists. Due to its environmentally-friendly 
characteristics, autogas enjoys fuel excise tax exemptions that can make 
the final pump price far lower than petrol in many countries. In the 
hybrid format, only half volume of fuel will be needed to travel the 
same distance as a conventional vehicle - further leveraging the price 
discounts and delivering major cost savings to motorists who choose the 
exciting new autogas hybrid vehicle.

Official Web sites :

On the Web :
• EVS21 Monaco exhibition. The exhibition will take place in the 
Grimaldi Forum’s Espace Ravel, a 4,000 m² area at the heart of the 
Conference Centre, looking out onto the Mediterranean Sea... In addition 
to Symposium delegates, numerous international city, community and 
corporate representatives will be present to view the latest models on 
show, which will also create a real “business to business” meeting.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] NRW (Germany, EU) State Initiative on Future Energies

2005-04-14 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

   NRW State Initiative on Future Energies
   Ministry of Transport, Energy and Spatial Planing Nordrhein-Westfalen,
   Germany (Europa)
   Documents to download in English about Biomass i.e and several other ,

 * [2]Biogas plant using the IMC process
  + I&E: 1/1998
  + I&E: 2/1998
  + [3]I&E: 3/2001
 * [4]Integrated energy supply using biomass
  + I&E: 2/1999
  + [5]I&E: 3/2001
 * [6]Producing biological fuels
  + [7]I&E: 1/2000
 * [8]Energy-saving vegetable oil production
 * [9]"Region-Oil" - putting the sun in your tank
 * [10]Phased reforming of biogenic residues



   2. file://localhost/service/brosch_down/KeynoteProjects.pdf
   3. file://localhost/service/i_u_e/download/Iue_2001-3.pdf
   4. file://localhost/service/brosch_down/KeynoteProjects.pdf
   5. file://localhost/service/i_u_e/download/Iue_2001-3.pdf
   6. file://localhost/service/brosch_down/KeynoteProjects.pdf
   7. file://localhost/service/i_u_e/download/Iue_2000-1.pdf
   8. file://localhost/service/brosch_down/KeynoteProjects.pdf
   9. file://localhost/service/brosch_down/KeynoteProjects.pdf
  10. file://localhost/service/brosch_down/KeynoteProjects.pdf
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Re: [Biofuel] Which Oil is Best

2005-04-25 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Do you suppose that UK developed a taste for palm oil because it was 
readily available from 'the empire'?

maybe, but then It also should be available for France.
In fact here (France, EU) you can find palm oil bars in every 
supermarket. (the most famous brand is "Vegetaline" for frying purpose 
(i.e. french fries). Palm oil is also used as a substitute to butter. 
Tastyless and imported but healthier. This new taste may be came from 
the last world wars when butter was rare and replaced by "margarine", 
fat matter from vegetal oil. Now the main reason to use it are diet 
(cholesterol free, overheated oil non cancerogenic)  and savings 
(cheaper than butter).
Other food habits remains from wars (napoleonic: i.e.sugar from beetroot 
; WWI & II : chicoree in place of coffee...)
But in southern France olive or rapeseed oil are still spread used 
probably because of the hotest climate that already limited the use of 
butter in mediterannean countries.
I guess that the global warming will soon do the same effects in the 
northern part of France... and allow to produce palm oil in the south ;-)

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Re: [Biofuel] hydrogen fire place

2005-04-25 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

If anyone want to buy the fireplace, I want to know, I have a bridge to sell
them, in San Francisco CA.

the golden one ? must be expensive !

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[Biofuel] Biocarburant : de l'huile de cuisson dans le moteur / biofuel : edible oil in motors

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

In Switzerland,Rh™ne-Alpenergie-Environnement (RAEE) has made a study to 
prepare exploitation of oils from restaurants.

At Biocarb, company settled in La Plaine, near Geneva, you can fill up your car 
with biodiesel made from vegetal oil. The company recycles while cleansing and 
esterising, the cooking oils collected in Switzerland and France.

To import this technique : it's the goal of Rh™ne-Alpenergie-Environnement, 
local agency for energy. " layer is important because it's forbidden for 
restaurants professionnals to trow away their used oils in sewer network. It 
happened in Switzerland that oils freeze, stay and make sewer pipes burst. In 
Savoy (French alps), and in Aix en provence (south of France), communities 
start to enforce the reglementation", explains Jean-Paul Goy. The [french] 
environment code (item L 541-2)and the health code ( item L 35-8)will be get 
out of the drawer.

Nowadays, only 10% of the vwo from professionnals are collected in this area, 
to be exported or used for products like soap. RAEE has studied this potential. 
This project could emerge with the building of a collect and transformation 
unit, managed by Biocarb in the area.

But there is an handicap : in France, used and recycled VWO should be taxed 
(TIPP = Inner Tax on Petrol Products)when in Switzerland, Nederland,Austria, 
Germany (20% of VWO recycled), this biofuel is encouraged.

The layer is wider than the only restorants and canteens vwo.

One day, like Spanish do, people could be asked to bring their used vwo in 
recycling centers [the french already do it but only for motor oil]. 6 000 000 
of swiss use 100 000 tons of vwo,  we understand that the consumption of 
the 60 000 000 of french is interresting.

Michel Deprost [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Biocarb website:  

frantz Desprez

original version :  

Le Progrs, 29 avril 2005

Biocarburant : de l'huile de cuisson dans le moteur

Rh™ne-Alpenergie-Environnement a rŽalisŽ une Žtude pour prŽparer l'exploitation 
des huiles du secteur de la restauration.

Chez Biocarb, entreprise installŽe ˆ la Plaine, prs de Genve, on peut faire 
le plein avec du biodiesel fabriquŽ ˆ partir d'huile vŽgŽtale. Le sociŽtŽ 
recycle en les nettoyant et en les esthŽrisant, les huiles de cuisson 
collectŽes en Suisse et  en France.

Importer cette technique : c'est l'objectif de Rh™nalpenergie-Environnement, 
agence rŽgionale de l'Žnergie. Ç Le gisement est important, car il est interdit 
aux professionnels de la restauration de jeter leurs huiles dans le rŽseau. Il 
est arrivŽ, en Suisse, que les huiles figent, stagnent et qu'un rŽseau Žclate 
sous l'effet du gel. En Savoie, comme ˆ Aix-en-Provence, les collectivitŽs 
commencent ˆ veiller au respect de la rŽglementation È explique Jean-Paul Goy. 
Le code de l'environnement (article L 541-2) et le code de la santŽ (article L 
35-8) vont tre ressortis des tiroirs.

Aujourd'hui, seuls 10 % des huiles des professionnels sont collectŽes dans la 
rŽgion, pour tre exportŽs, ou utilisŽs pour des produits comme les savons. 
RAEE a rŽalisŽ une Žtude pour Žtudier le potentiel. Le projet pourrait 
dŽboucher sur la construction d'une unitŽ de collecte et de transformation, 
gŽrŽe par Biocarb, dans la rŽgion.

Il existe un handicap : en France, l'huile de cuisson usagŽe et recyclŽe serait 
soumise ˆ la taxe intŽrieure sur les produits pŽtroliers (TIPP) alors qu'en 
Suisse, en Hollande, en Autriche, en Allemagne (20 % de recyclage) ce 
biocarburant est encouragŽ.

Le gisement est plus vaste que les huiles des restaurants et cantines. 

Un jour, comme en Espagne, les particuliers pourraient tre incitŽs ˆ porter 
leurs huiles en dŽchetteries. Les six millions de Suisses consomment 100 000 
tonnes d'huile, on comprend le gisement franais.

Michel Deprost [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Le site de Biocarb : 

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l'huile de cuisson dans le moteu

[Biofuel] 80% of brand new Mercedes sold in Germany with particle filters

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

It's a hit for Germany, but also for whole Europe (55% in Sweden, 47% in 
Swizerland, 25 to 35% in Italy and Austria, versus only 5,5% in France, 2,2% in 
Belgium and 0,9% in Spain)
Since October 2003, Mercedes-Benz  has delivered about 140 000 particles 
filters, including 110 000 for Germany alone.

traduction approximative de FD

Filtre ˆ particules

80% des Mercedes neuves ŽquipŽes en Allemagne

28/04/2005 11:43 - DaimlerChrysler publie avec fiertŽ cette statistique 
surprenante : depuis le mois de janvier de cette annŽe, pas moins de 80% 
des Mercedes-Benz neuves immatriculŽes sont ŽquipŽes d'un filtre ˆ 

C'est non seulement un taux record pour l'Allemagne, mais Žgalement pour 
le reste de l'Europe (55% des Mercedes vendues en Sude, 47% en Suisse, 
25 ˆ 35% en Italie et en Autriche, contre seulement 5,5% en France, 2,2% 
en Belgique et 0,9% en Espagne).

Depuis octobre 2003, Mercedes-Benz a livrŽ quelque 140.000 filtres ˆ 
particules, dont prs de 110.000 rien que pour l'Allemagne.

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[Biofuel] new biodiesel store

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

URL of the new biodiesel store :

looks interesting for US

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[Biofuel] Soy-based biodiesel now available at Teutopolis service station

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Soy-based biodiesel now available at Teutopolis service station

By BILL GRIMES, Daily News

TEUTOPOLIS - There's a lot of places Roch Koester could get diesel fuel 
for his Ford F-350 pickup truck that would be closer to his home in 
Wheeler than Wessel's Grocery in Teutopolis.

But Koester, who raises quarter horses, has been faithful to Wessel's 
since the combination grocery/filling station started carrying biodiesel 
fuel April 1.

"I drive out of my way to get to it," Koester said. "I've been using it 
ever since the station started selling it."

While Koester admits the biodiesel blend that includes 11 percent 
soybean oil doesn't make his truck perform any better, he said it 
doesn't do any worse. There are some side benefits as well, he said.

"The exhaust smell isn't nearly as repulsive," he said.

Koester isn't the only member of his family who gets soy biodiesel at 
Wessel's. Son Pete, who lives between Sigel and Neoga, swings through 
Teutopolis to get his fuel.

Store owner John Wessel said he hopes the soy biodiesel trend catches 
on, though his store is still the only place in Effingham County where 
biodiesel is available.

"You see on TV how dependent the United States is on foreign oil," 
Wessel said. "But this fuel helps our local farmers, because we have so 
many people in this area who grow soybeans."

Wessel said several customers had asked him this winter if he might 
consider selling soy biodiesel. But he said other customers weren't so 
sure about the merits of the blended fuel.

"People were a little skeptical at first," he said. "But when they 
started using it, they saw so many good things about it.

"One of my customers uses it to drive about 1,500 miles a week and 
reported saving about 2 1/2 miles per gallon.

"I haven't heard any complaints - not one," Wessel added.

Soy biodiesel is distributed locally by Effingham-Clay Service Co. 
Marketing manager Gerald Witges said Effingham-Clay has been marketing 
the blended fuel for about three years. While Wessel's is the first 
station to offer the blend on the retail level, soy biodiesel has been 
available to area farmers since Effingham-Clay began marketing.

Witges said there are many advantages to choosing biodiesel fuel over 
regular No. 2 diesel.

"It's a locally grown product," he said. "Those soybeans used in this 
fuel are raised by producers right here in Effingham and surrounding 

"Also, it meets all the requirements of the Clean Air Act to clean up 
vehicle pollution."

Witges said other advantages of the blended fuel include the fact that 
it improved the lubricity of truck engines up to 66 percent and extends 
the life of fuel pumps and injectors. But the fuel has other advantages 
in that it: contains no sulfur, lowers emissions of carbon dioxide, 
produces less odor, reduces particulate matter by 47 percent, is 
biodegradable and non-toxic.

There's also economic advantages involved with the use of soy biodiesel, 
thanks to a tax incentive bill passed last year by the Illinois General 
Assembly that became effective Jan. 1.

Bill Grimes can be reached at 217-347-7151 ext. 132 or 

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[Biofuel] M-PACT Speakers Look at the Future of Fuels

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


   M-PACT Speakers Look at the Future of Fuels
   [] By Melissa Master
   INDIANAPOLIS -- At the Midwest Petroleum and Convenience Tradeshow
   held in Indianapolis, Ind., a regional event for petroleum marketers
   and convenience store operators from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and
   Kentucky, things got off to a lively start with a session featuring
   two experts: Bob Bassman, who spoke about petroleum marketing
   agreements and the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act, and Rick Geise,
   who spoke about the future of biodiesel.
   Bassman, a partner at Bassman, Mitchell & Alfano who has served as
   general counsel to the Petroleum Marketers Association of America
   since 1979, kicked things off with an overview of the basics of
   petroleum marketing agreements. "I came into the industry as the model
   shifted from three-bay full-serve to self-serve gas-and-go," he said.
   As someone who has seen the industry evolve from the days when
   handshake contracts were not unheard of, Bassman emphasized the
   importance of memorializing in writing the terms agreed on by the
   franchisor and franchisee regarding pricing, the duration of the
   relationship, the allocation of environmental responsibility and
   security and amortization agreements.
   When it comes to dealer and subjobber agreements about basis pricing,
   Bassman said, "You want to word it precisely." He also noted that in
   order to comply with the Petroleum Marketing Practices Act (PMPA),
   contracts with all dealers should be uniform to guarantee that they
   are not discriminatory. In most PMPA litigation, he said, the
   franchisor has emerged the victor. "What was designed as a shield for
   franchisees is not infrequently a sword for franchisors," he
   Bassman also pointed out some popular misconceptions about the scope
   of the PMPA, explaining that it does not make any reference to pricing
   or require franchises of any particular duration. It also does not, to
   the dismay of many litigants who believed otherwise, require that a
   franchisee be offered the right to purchase his station if the
   franchisor is selling it, unless the franchisee will be nonrenewed
   based on that sale.
   Making Money on Biodiesel
   Next on the agenda was Geise, director of marketing and brand manager
   for Cold Spring, Ky.-based Griffin Industries, which collects meat and
   poultry byproducts, grocery scraps, and restaurant grease and waste
   from the bakery industry and recycles them into fats, oils, proteins,
   alternative fuels, leather goods, organic fertilizers and methyl
   esters for the pet food, animal feed, industrial/chemical, petroleum,
   leather and turf industries.
   Seeing that Indianapolis was hosting a "Star Wars" convention, Geise
   began his presentation with a quote from Yoda: "Decide you must to
   first dig your well before you become thirsty." In this case, the
   quote applies to the role of biodiesel in relation to petrodiesel. The
   traditional role of biodiesel in the eyes of the Department of Energy,
   Geise explained, has been to reduce dependency on foreign oil,
   encourage domestic economic development and lower emissions; but the
   ultimate role of biodiesel, as Geise sees it, should not be to
   supplant petrodiesel but to extend the functional life of the world's
   petroleum supply and thus buffer global demand.
   Geise went on to outline biodiesel's advantages: It can use the same
   pipes, tanks and fueling systems as petrodiesel; it can be used in
   standard vehicles formulated for petrodiesel; and it reduces emissions
   of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbon and particulates. Finally, even in
   blends that are as low as 2 percent biodiesel, biodiesel increases the
   lubricity of diesel fuel by 50 percent.
   Geise also touched on the challenges in selling biodiesel, including
   the fuel management issues created by cold flow; fluctuation in
   feedstock value that can cause corresponding fluctuations in price;
   and manufacturer warranties that do not allow for biodiesel usage or
   mandate low inclusion levels.
   Finally, he summarized the limitations to biodiesel, saying, "It's
   never going to be a complete displacement of diesel fuel." In fact, he
   said, the maximum market penetration is 5 to 7 percent of domestic
   diesel consumption, due to factors including production capacity and
   feedstock potential capacity.
   Despite those limitations, however, biodiesel is a worthwhile
   investment for jobbers and retailers, Geise concluded. First, there
   are federal incentives to sell biodiesel, and state incentives in some
   locations. Second, there is the issue of demand from consumers. He
   cited a case study with Lykins Oil, which sells a biodiesel blend from
   seven retail pumps in Kentucky and Ohio. In its first year with

[Biofuel] Green Machines, Switching to renewable energy gets easier, From cars to homes, more Americans trying that lifestyle

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

   Green Machines

   Switching to renewable energy gets easier
   From cars to homes, more Americans trying that lifestyle
   Chris Gardner / AP
   Ron Cascio gets ready to fill up his car with soy-based biodiesel at a
   station near his home in Berlin, Md.
   o [4]Fuel up on vegetable oil
   Apr. 20: Cars that run on cooking oil? MSNBC Countdown's Monica
   Novotny reports on the boom in biodiesel.


   By Brad Foss
   The Associated Press
   Updated: 9:08 a.m. ET April 27, 2005

   For people like Ronald Cascio, who fuels his pickup with a soybean oil
   derivative, and J.D. Doliner, whose home is partly solar powered, the
   high price of energy isn't a worry.

   That doesn't mean their renewable energy preferences come cheap. In
   fact, it requires an extra financial commitment to wean one's home or
   vehicle off fossil fuels.

   Nonetheless, a growing number of Americans are embracing cleaner
   technologies and more energy-efficient lifestyles. It makes them feel
   good and, depending on how high prices rise for traditional energy
   sources, they say renewables might even make economic sense over the
   long haul.

   "Some people spend their money on jet-skis and boats," explained
   Cascio, who lives in Berlin, Md. "So, say we spend another $1,000 a
   year on fuel than we have to, what's the big deal? We feel good about
   it. You can't put a price on that."

   Costs, benefits
   Cascio regularly spends about $3.35 a gallon for pure biodiesel,
   chemically altered soybean oil which is fully compatible with the
   standard diesel engine in his 1989 Ford truck. But because diesel
   vehicles are nearly a third more efficient than those that run on
   gasoline, Cascio said his choice of fuel isn't looking so bad right
   now that gasoline averages more than $2.20 a gallon nationwide.


   In the case of Doliner, who lives in Arlington, Va., it may take more
   than three decades for the $18,000 solar panel system she and her
   husband installed to pay for itself. But the former venture capitalist
   said the investment is worth it merely for the "psychic income" she

   The Doliners recently renovated their home to be about 50 percent more
   energy efficient, but they still get about two-thirds of their
   electricity from the grid and rely on natural gas for home heating and
   to back up their solar water heater.

   "But we are having an impact on the number of power plants that are
   built," Doliner said.

   'Cheaper to save energy'
   That's right, said Paul Torcellini, who researches residential and
   commercial building designs for the Department of Energy's National
   Renewable Energy Laboratory. Reducing the country's dependence on
   fossil fuels requires two behavioral changes: adopting renewables and
   boosting energy efficiency, he said.

   o [7]Biodiesel power
   Feb. 11: Environmental Alternatives produces biodiesel, an
   environmentally friendly fuel manufactured from vegetable oils. takes a look inside the operation.

   "It is much cheaper to save energy than it is to make it, by at least
   a factor of two to one," Torcellini said. Anyone considering solar
   panels should buy the most energy-efficient appliances and light bulbs
   and make sure their walls and windows are properly insulated, he said.

   Those interested in biodiesel simply need a diesel-engine vehicle. To
   show its support of the technology, DaimlerChrysler ships its new Jeep
   Liberty off the assembly line fueled with B5, which contains 5 percent
   biodiesel. The most common grade of biodiesel at the pump, B20, is 20
   percent biodiesel and 80 percent regular diesel.

   The amount of biodiesel sold in the U.S. has grown from 500,000
   gallons in 1999 to roughly 30 million gallons in 2004, said Jenna
   Higgins, a spokeswoman for the National Biodiesel Board. By
   comparison, the U.S. burns more than 100 billion gallons of gasoline
   each year and 4 billion gallons of ethanol, a fuel additive derived
   from corn.

   The Solar Energy Industry Association estimates there are enough
   photovoltaic panels installed in the U.S. to power about 286,000
   homes, up from 60,000 homes in 2000. A considerably smaller group of
   enthusiasts -- perhaps 20,000 homeowners nationwide -- have erected
   wind turbines on their property, according to the American Wind Energy

   Push for more tax incentives
   Wider acceptance of alternative energy by consumers will require a
   significant expansion of what is now only a limited patchwork of

[Biofuel] Biodiesel Plant is Planned in Mexico

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


   Biodiesel Plant is Planned in Mexico, Mo.

AIADA   summary

 Apr. 26--A consortium of companies plans to build a $30 million
   biodiesel plant in Mexico, Mo., that will combine soybean oil with
   methanol to churn out 30 million gallons of the alternative fuel each

 Bond secured $895,000 in a 2004 appropriations bill to establish the
   National Center for Soybean Biotechnology at the University of
   Missouri-Columbia and $1 million a year later for more research.

 Decatur, Ill.-based Archer Daniels Midland, or ADM, is the other
   partner in the venture.
   Apr. 26--A consortium of companies plans to build a $30 million
   biodiesel plant in Mexico, Mo., that will combine soybean oil with
   methanol to churn out 30 million gallons of the alternative fuel each

   "We are now turning our soybean fields into the oil fields of the
   future," said Sen. Kit Bond, R-Mo., who attended a news conference
   yesterday in Mexico to announce the plan. Bond secured $895,000 in a
   2004 appropriations bill to establish the National Center for Soybean
   Biotechnology at the University of Missouri-Columbia and $1 million a
   year later for more research.

   The plant will be owned by Mid-America Biofuels LLC, a partnership of
   farmer-owned organizations that includes Biofuels Inc., Ray-Carroll
   County Grain Growers and MFA Oil. Decatur, Ill.-based Archer Daniels
   Midland, or ADM, is the other partner in the venture.

   ADM is a giant agribusiness firm that processes and markets
   agricultural commodities. It has 26,317 employees. Last year, the
   company earned $495 million on sales of $36.2 billion.

   Farmer groups will hold controlling interest in the venture, said
   Warren Stemme, president of Mid-America Biofuels and a St. Louis
   County soybean farmer. He said yesterday's announcement was the
   culmination of an idea hatched more than a decade ago in University of
   Missouri research labs but said the effort needed an income tax break
   passed last fall to make it economically feasible.

   It costs about $2.50 per gallon to produce biodiesel, which is then
   blended with regular diesel. The result costs about 2 cents a gallon
   more at retail than regular diesel, but Stemme and other promoters say
   that is necessary to start increasing the nation's supply of fuel

   "That's peanuts compared with the defense costs to protect our oil
   interests overseas," he said, adding that the "true cost" of gasoline
   is much higher than the price at the pump.

   Construction on the plant is expected to start this summer and be
   completed in 12 to 18 months. The construction cost is based upon an
   estimate of $1 for every gallon of biodiesel produced annually.

   An exact location hasn't been determined, but it's expected to be
   built near the ADM soybean oil processing facility at East Liberty and
   Calhoun streets near downtown Mexico, said David Boone, Mexico's
   director of economic development.

   Boone said the plant will have multiple benefits for the region.

   "It's the first major biodiesel plant in Missouri, and it creates
   other economic opportunities for the area," he said. "It's a cluster
   effect; it will attract other projects that are

   Boone said the production facility, which will be relatively small --
   perhaps 5,000 square feet -- is expected to provide 25 to 30 jobs and
   contain specialized equipment, piping and storage tanks.

   Local residents won't notice any foul odors from the production
   process, he added.

   Biodiesel produced at the plant will be sold to blenders and
   distributors, such as MFA Oil, which will combine the biodiesel with
   regular diesel fuel, typically in blends of 2 percent or 20 percent
   biodiesel. The blended fuel then is used in diesel trucks and farm

   It will take about 20 million bushels of soybeans, or about 10 percent
   of the state's annual harvest, for the plant to produce 30 million
   gallons of biodiesel, Stemme said. Biodiesel also can be used to
   manufacture other products, including paint and plastics, because its
   properties are similar to petroleum, said Dale Ludwig, executive
   director of the Missouri Soybean Association.

   The Jefferson City-based Missouri Soybean Association supported the
   effort to make fuel from soybeans and will have a seat on the board of
   Mid-America Biofuels LLC, Ludwig said.

   The special interest group has about 2,000 member farmers that pay $60
   dues each year, and it also depends upon grants. Sen. Jim Talent,
   R-Mo., yesterday announced the soybean association won a $750,000
   grant from the Department of Transportation to promote the use of
   biodiesel and to test the fuel for use by St. Louis and Kansas City
   transit systems.


[Biofuel] Senate Backs Renewable Fuels

2005-04-29 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Senate Backs Renewable Fuels

/Apr 27, 2005 4:27 pm US/Central/
*St. Paul* *(AP)* The Minnesota Senate unanimously approved legislation 
Wednesday to make state agencies use less gasoline and more renewable 
fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen made from crops.

The state would have to cut gas use in half by 2015, while boosting its 
consumption of diesel fuel and renewable fuels, if the bill from Sen. 
Jim Vickerman, DFL-Tracy, succeeds.

Vickerman also would require more fuel efficiency from new state 
vehicles: They would have to get at least 30 miles per gallon on city 
streets and 35 mpg on highways.

The Senate approved the bill on a 55-0 vote.

Senate Backs Renewable Fuels

/Apr 27, 2005 4:27 pm US/Central/
*St. Paul* *(AP)* The Minnesota Senate unanimously approved legislation 
Wednesday to make state agencies use less gasoline and more renewable 
fuels such as ethanol, biodiesel and hydrogen made from crops.

The state would have to cut gas use in half by 2015, while boosting its 
consumption of diesel fuel and renewable fuels, if the bill from Sen. 
Jim Vickerman, DFL-Tracy, succeeds.

Vickerman also would require more fuel efficiency from new state 
vehicles: They would have to get at least 30 miles per gallon on city 
streets and 35 mpg on highways.

*Related Stories :*

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Re: [Biofuel] The Balfour Decision Reconsidered

2004-12-06 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Hallo Jay,

Interesting  but  there  are  2 small problems. Britain and France had
effectively  lost  the war.

Europe has lost the war and the world supremacy.

The US saved their bacon

... and gained more.
The US human loss excepted (thanks to those who gave their lives), USA 
were the only winners, very well paid back for their investments, 
economically and politicaly.
Europe has been punished for his stupid damned nationalisms that always 
lead to war.
Bismark and Wilhem II should have been threaten for their 
responsabilities in that huge waste. May be all the europeans 
governments : the French included, guilty
of their will of revenge after the 1870's prussian invasion and the lost 
of "honor", few eastern territories and billions of gold-francs.


(255 men of my village have been killed between 1914 and 1919*, meaning 
10 % of the whole population, one male out of five ! Half of the male 
workers was dead or disabled. The average age was 22)
*1919 because thousands of allied soldiers kept fighting in eastern 
europe, some of them until 1921 with the white russians against red army

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Re: [Biofuel] Looking for bio oils and lubricants

2004-12-17 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


I am looking for biodegradable, 100% (or 99.9%) plant derived 2-stroke
and 4-stroke motor oils and lubricants. We have many vehicles running on
ethanol, biodiesel and SVO, and just hate the idea of putting in petro
motor oil on our next oil changes. We are looking for a bulk buy of some
sort, maybe even a distributorship, but haven't had luck locating a
business which markets 100% biooil for use in 4 stroke engines. Any help
is appreciated, I know its out there. Thanks!

bio oils and France
(all links to french speaking sites)

In France, you can find biodegradable oils and lubricants for sawchains 
or low duty purposes in any supermarket, and of any kind on the net :
For industrial purposes as well (i.e. , , )

other sites for biodegradable Motor oils :
2-stroke outboard motor oil :
or Tornade 2T "bio" 
(biodegradable but not made from plants)

or Eco2 :

4-stoke :
*HELIANTHE* ¨ : lubrifiant biodŽgradable 5 - 40 W pour moteurs essence 
et diesel ˆ base d'huile de tournesol olŽique et d'additifs de la 
SociŽtŽ TECNOL ˆ Escalquens (Toulouse), 1995.

Professionnals say that in 10 years from today, biolubricants will take 
20 % of  the lubricants market in Europe (1 to 2% today) (in English)
but the french gov policy doesn't help very much the sustainable SVO 
Our friends and neighbours from Belgium are working more on 
biolubricants despite of few help either
but the best are the Germans  
(in english) (type 
biodegradable lubricant to reach the 8 german bio-oil makers who can export)

For US providers, I guess that a simple google search can give you answers
"At least 13 independent North American companies and cooperatives are 
commercially producing plant-based lubricants", but often for hydrolic 
fluid or food grade use (plant-based ?)

but don't forget that "biodegradable from plants" doesn't mean 
necesserly environment friendly if plant production involves GMO and 

and you maybe could do-it-yourself ?

(please apologize for my poor english)

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[Biofuel] Full file about biodiesel in french

2005-01-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

To read on line :

To download (3 Mo):

Worth a link in JtF Keith ?
Among our wishes for 2005, we're planning an english version and would 
like to purpose you a translation of a part of your site in french. But 
that means time and skill we don't have for the moment

Still for french speaking readers, pages about "l'affaire Tournesol" 
(The Sunflower case), the problems we have with the french government, 
often against the European rules, to support plant based fuels.

Happy New Year

(in french, bio[logical] doesn't only mean "plant made" but can mean as 
well "organic")

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[Biofuel] German motors designed for vegetal oil

2005-01-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

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[Biofuel] Contribution of french car makers in development of biodiesel in Brazil

2005-01-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


   [Creating synergies with agricultural sectors that could develop biodi
   esel in Brazil.]
   Greenhouse effect
   Develop complementary energy sources
 Type : Partnership
   Products : 206 Diesel, Xsara Picasso Hdi
   Subsidiary Activity : Vehicle production and distribution
 Country : Brazil
   Subsidiary : PSA Peugeot Citro‘n Do Brasil
   Good practice in brief
   The Group is sharing feedback with LADETEL (a Brazilian laborary
   specialising in biofuels) with a view to developing biodiesel. It is
   also providing technical and logistical support for validation studies
   (loan of two Group vehicles)
   In April 2003, Brazilian President Lu’s In‡cio Lula da Silva and the
   Ministers of Mining, Energy and the Environment held a meeting with
   Jean-Martin Folz. Mr Folz suggested making the Group's experience in
   biodiesel available to a Brazilian interministerial mission set up to
   study this fuel.
   The Group's contribution is based on an exchange of expertise between
   experts from PSA Peugeot Citro‘n and LADETEL. At the same time, the
   Group is loaning two vehicles free of charge for biodiesel trials (a
   206 and a Xsara Picasso), as well as providing logistics support
   (purchasing of diesel fuel, vehicle maintenance, etc.).
   A multi-disciplinary Group team and LADETEL (University of Sa› Paulo),
   which is in charge of the programme "Biodiesel Brasil". Financed by
   the Brazilian government, the programme is conducted by Professor
   Miguel Dabdoub and a team of around twenty research students.
   A conference on biofuels could be held in Autumn 2004 to present the
   first results of the tests conducted with LADETEL (each vehicle will
   cover 80,000 km). The event would bring together Brazilian political
   representatives, farming experts and opinion leaders.

   [] Other websites
 [2]Official site of the biodiesel programme in Brazil




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[Biofuel] Biomass : a new record for US ethanol industry

2005-01-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

30/12/2004 : The Renewable Fuels Association announced that the U.S. 
ethanol industry set a monthly production record for October of 226,000 
barrels per day (b/d), according to data released by the U.S. Energy 
Information Administration.

Production was up 20 percent compared to last October when 188,000 b/d 
of ethanol were produced. October's daily production record also ties 
the all-time monthly record set in September of this year.

The ethanol industry is expected to produce more than 3.4 billion 
gallons in 2004, up from 2.81 billion gallons in 2003. Currently, 83 
ethanol plants nationwide have the capacity to produce nearly 3.6 
billion gallons annually.

There are 16 ethanol plants and 2 major expansions under construction 
with a combined annual capacity of almost 750 million gallons.

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[Biofuel] solutions pour rouler a l'huile vegetale - sunflower powered solutions

2005-01-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

In english :

En franais :

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Re: [Biofuel] Veg Oil vs Bio diesel

2005-01-07 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

ken murphy a Žcrit :

It was reported in the news papers a couple of years
ago that a local company changed to using vegetable
oil as a fuel in all their large trucks.  The owner of
the company made the change because of the reduced
pollutants from VO as opposed to diesel. He said there
was no conversion of any sort required on his trucks. 
He simply began fueling them with VO.

Normal. When Rudolph Diesel has invented the diesel motor, the 
petrodiesel fuel didn't exist and the motors was design to work with VO 
from linen seeds.


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[Biofuel] E pluribus unum (was biodiesel processor)

2005-01-07 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

E Pluribus Unum
Motto of the USA since 1776

Out of many, one ? Tous ensemble ne faire qu'un ?
Frightening for countries out of the Empire when it's policy is so 
agressive and so selfish abroad (despite of current US aid in Indonesia).

Should rather be the UN motto
(an even I'd be afraid because in human societies as in Nature, "la 
richesse nait de la diversite", wealth comes from diversity)

With the Emperor G.W.Bush, the motto of the great US democraty could be
Nec Pluribus Impar
motto of the french absolutist king Louis XIV (1638-1715)
"Above all men"

Don't forget that the other US motto, on the reverse side of the 1776 
great seal is "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."

/Ç In varietate concordia È
Unie dans la diversitŽ
United in diversity
motto of the EuropeanUnion
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[Biofuel] Tell automakers: Stop suing and start making clean cars - petition pour soutenir la loi sur l'air propre en Amerique du Nord

2005-01-13 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

qui devrait etre suivie par plusieurs etats et le Canada.

Did you know that the major automakers are suing the state
of California to try and block recently passed clean air 
regulations? Thank you for receiving Animals & Environment
Alerts from Care2 and ThePetitionSite - please take a 
moment to stand up for clean air and clean cars today:

Governments and industries around the world are waking up 
to the reality of climate change and are beginning to 
focus attention on reducing global warming emissions. And 
the state of California is leading the way, having 
recently passed a landmark law to reduce heat-trapping 
emissions from cars, trucks, and SUVs.

But instead of doing their fair share to curb these 
harmful gases, the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, 
including self-described environmental leaders such as 
Ford and Toyota, recently sued the people of California to
block this law! Only Honda and Nissan out of the major 
automakers have yet to join the lawsuit.

Eight states and Canada are already poised to join 
California and adopt their clean air standard - and the 
Clean Air Act gives them this right. Together, these 
states and Canada represent more than a quarter of the 
North American auto market. But instead of seeing this 
enormous consumer demand for clean cars as an opportunity,
the automakers are suing to block this critical clean air 

Enough green-washing. Please sign this petition today to 
tell the offending automakers that they can't hide behind 
their environmental marketing. They must turn away from 
this irresponsible anti-consumer, anti-public health 
lawsuit, or suffer the consequences with their customers.

Please sign here:

Thank you for all that you do!

- Rebecca,
Care2 and ThePetitionSite team

Thank you for receiving Animals & Environment Alerts 
from Care2 and ThePetitionSite! If you learned something 
interesting from this newsletter, please

forward it to your friends, family and colleagues.

To stop getting this newsletter:

or send an empty email to:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Inc. - 275 Shoreline Drive, Suite 150 - Redwood City, CA 94065

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Re: [Biofuel] Automotive Black Box

2005-02-08 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


Those cameras are everywhere here in the UK. On motorways they track you
over bridge to over bridge and in urban areas they are on most traffic
lights. Now some towns are using them to fine people for not wearing
seat belts and stopping for a few seconds to let passengers out.
Apparently the UK has more cameras for head of population than any other
country.   Chris. 

and France follows...but will not go as far (I hope). I've seen a 
documentary about scotland yard, able to follow automatically a 
pedestrian across London city. G.Orwells was brittish, wasn't he ?

In France, the law makes difficult to film public spaces, and very 
difficult to record the movies and pictures for security purpose.
And such a picture or movie cannot be considered as an evidence, but 
only a clue.

Despite of this, we have more and more "automatic radars" on road sides.
The whole process is automatic and some errors happened dued to the OCR 
software that doesn't read properly the licence plates.
Newspapers regularly laugh about  farm tractors supposed to reach 150 
kph , 600 km far from the farm or fees sent to previously dead persons.
Among many counter-measures invented by few drivers : light leaded 
photographic flash behind windshield to overexpose camera, cursive 
caracters on the plate (illegal but not prosecuted), polarisant film, 
nautic radar detector (illegal and seems to work only with old long 
range systems, useless with laser telemeters) ...
The best tip respect the speed limits. All the automatic cameras 
are localised on official websites and by big traffic signs.
But we also have mobile cameras, hidden in anonymous car boots parked 
anywhere on roadsides and operated by policemen.
The photos are no more systematically send by post at the owner of the 
car : this has broken too many marriages because you can see very 
clearly the faces of passengers, and the time and location of the shot 
are printed on the photo ;-)
Some traffic lights are also connected with sensors and cameras. When I 
was a city representative, I had to watch over the settlement of such a 
system : when a car was entering too fast in town, the traffic light 
turned to red to stop it. And if a car drives  through the line when the 
red light is on, the camera shoots and can send it by mail to the 
police. (the pictures are never saved in the box to limit sabotage threat)
About black box : the tachychronometers [tachychronographe] are already 
compulsory for professionnals trucks and buses, may be in all the 
European union, formerly made to control working time of drivers. Some 
associations against driving criminality recently asked for the 
extension to all the cars of a german made black box (Siemens VDO, 
Stuttgart), sealed and  only for justice use. Others ways are used by 
corporate fleet manager : GPS or Argos system, Inboard chips already 
used to pass frontiers, tolls or gates without stop. You already can 
read your average speed on your exit ticket at the motorway near 
Montpellier, or on the screen of your dashboard computer in several new 
european cars.


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[Biofuel] French prime minister plan for biofuels

2005-02-10 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

   automatic translation of the beginning :
   Politics(Policy) Jean-Pierre Raffarin clarifies his plan for biofuels
   PARIS ( AP) - France is going to produce 800.000 tons of supplementary
   biofuels before 2007, of which 480.000 tons of diester and 320.000
   tons of ethanol, announced on Wednesday Jean-Pierre Raffarin. " I have
   just made the arbitrations(refereeings), the call for tender is going
   to be proposed from tomorrow in Brussels ", declared Mr Raffarin
   during the inauguration of the collection of pen portraits of the
   State Secretaries to the Agriculture. He clarified that he had given
   his approval to the production of " 320.000 tons of biofuels in the
   field ethanol " and of " 480.000 tons in the field to diester ". This
   distribution will contribute according to Matignon " to restabilize
   the production " between the fields diester and ethanol. This last
   field had set of the delay. The new productions will be added to most
   than 400.000 tons of biofuels produced at present in France, as it is
   explained to the ministry of Agriculture(...)


   Jean-Pierre Raffarin prŽcise son plan pour les biocarburants
   PARIS (AP) -- La France va produire 800.000 tonnes de biocarburants
   supplŽmentaires d'ici 2007, dont 480.000 tonnes de diester et 320.000
   tonnes d'Žthanol, a annoncŽ mercredi Jean-Pierre Raffarin.
   ÇJe viens de faire les arbitrages, l'appel d'offres va tre proposŽ
   ds demain ˆ BruxellesÈ, a dŽclarŽ M. Raffarin lors de l'inauguration
   de la galerie de portraits des secrŽtaires d'Etat ˆ l'Agriculture.
   Il a prŽcisŽ qu'il avait donnŽ son agrŽment ˆ la production de
   Ç320.000 tonnes de biocarburants dans la filire ŽthanolÈ et de
   Ç480.000 tonnes dans la filire diesterÈ. Cette rŽpartition
   contribuera selon Matignon ˆ ÇrŽŽquilibrer la productionÈ entre les
   filires diester et Žthanol. Cette dernire filire avait pris du
   Les productions nouvelles s'ajouteront aux plus de 400.000 tonnes de
   biocarburants produites actuellement en France, explique-t-on au
   ministre de l'Agriculture.
   Les droits de dŽfiscalisation correspondant ˆ ces productions
   supplŽmentaires feront l'objet d'appels d'offres europŽens qui seront
   adressŽs jeudi par la France ˆ Bruxelles, a prŽcisŽ M. Raffarin. Les
   biocarburants bŽnŽficient d'une exonŽration partielle de taxe
   intŽrieure sur les produits pŽtroliers (TIPP).
   Le Premier ministre, qui avait annoncŽ ce plan en septembre dernier, a
   insistŽ sur ce Çbond qualitatif et quantitatif pour la France dans le
   domaine des biocarburantsÈ. ÇC'est pour nous l'occasion de pouvoir
   rapprocher agriculture et environnementÈ, a-t-il soulignŽ.
   Jean-Pierre Raffarin avait souhaitŽ en septembre que la production
   franaise de biocarburants soit triplŽe d'ici ˆ 2007. Ce triplement
   cožtera environ 320 millions d'euros au budget de l'Etat en raison des
   incitations fiscales aux producteurs, prŽcise-t-on au ministre de
   Issus de la transformation de produits d'origine vŽgŽtale ou animale,
   les biocarburants permettent de rŽduire les Žmissions de gaz ˆ effet
   de serre. Contraction de diesel et ester, le ÇdiesterÈ est un mŽlange
   de gazole et d'huile de soja, de tournesol ou de colza. L'Žthanol est
   fabriquŽ ˆ partir d'essence, de betterave ou de cŽrŽales.
   Le gouvernement assure que ce plan biocarburants n'est qu'une premire
   tranche. Selon Matignon, l'Etat lancera une deuxime tranche aprs
   2007 pour se conformer ˆ l'objectif, fixŽ ˆ la France par le Protocole
   de Kyoto contre le rŽchauffement climatique, de 5,75% de biocarburants
   dans le carburant auto d'ici 2010. AP


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Re: [Biofuel] "Cold War Shivers": War Preparations in the Middle East and Central Asia

2006-10-26 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
of course, peacekeeping is a pretext for NATO forces to stand in this 
area, close from oil from black sea to "the" gulf.

the french armoured vehicles on the picture subtitled "chars leclerc" 
are in fact armoured troops carriers on wheels (VAB = Véhicule de 
l'Avant Blindé), not Leclerc tanks.
Note that both run on diesel flexfuel engines that can use several kinds 
of fuels.


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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel Hybrids

2006-10-27 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Citroën C4 hybrid HDI and Peugeot 307 CC hybrid HDI :


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Re: [Biofuel] More Weird Weather

2006-12-12 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Hello all,

In Europe, first time never known that swallows are still flying in 
northern France in mid december. Usually, they're all in South Africa 
for months.
The geese migration only began after the storm last week-end. Not yet 
snowed below alt.1200m (about 3600ft). Roses are still blooming. My kids 
had a bath in ocean not far from Nantes for halloween (we usually have 
chilly equinox storms at this time). Mediteranean mushrooms and insects 
have reached britanny, Paris and Belgium.
Specialists say that for one more degree C°, the climate move 200km to 
north. So before I normally die, I should see Madrid or Algier climate 
in Nantes.

(where are the icy winters of my youth ?)

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[Biofuel] extrait revue de presse RAC-F / extract from RAC-F press review

2006-08-25 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
1)Les biocarburants : Quel intérêt ? Quelles perspectives ? Patrick
Sadones Energie Durable en Normandie (EDEN) 21 juillet 2006

- Bilans énergétiques et effet de serre des filières de biocarburants
- Rentabilité économique de la production de biocarburants
- L’hypothèse d’une valorisation en alimentation animale des coproduits des
biocarburants est-elle réaliste ?

2)Environmental, economic, and energetic costs and benefits of biodiesel
and ethanol biofuels PNAS | July 25, 2006 | vol. 103 | no. 30 Par Jason
Hill et coll.

Jason Hill*,{dagger},{ddagger},§, Erik Nelson{dagger}, David Tilman*,§,
Stephen Polasky*,{dagger}, and Douglas Tiffany{dagger}

Departments of *Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior and {dagger}Applied
Economics, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108; and
{ddagger}Department of Biology, St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN 55057

Negative environmental consequences of fossil fuels and concerns about
petroleum supplies have spurred the search for renewable transportation
biofuels. To be a viable alternative, a biofuel should provide a net energy
gain, have environmental benefits, be economically competitive, and be
producible in large quantities without reducing food supplies. We use these
criteria to evaluate, through life-cycle accounting, ethanol from corn
grain and biodiesel from soybeans. Ethanol yields 25% more energy than the
energy invested in its production, whereas biodiesel yields 93% more.
Compared with ethanol, biodiesel releases just 1.0%, 8.3%, and 13% of the
agricultural nitrogen, phosphorus, and pesticide pollutants, respectively,
per net energy gain. Relative to the fossil fuels they displace, greenhouse
gas emissions are reduced 12% by the production and combustion of ethanol
and 41% by biodiesel. Biodiesel also releases less air pollutants per net
energy gain than ethanol. These advantages of biodiesel over ethanol come
from lower agricultural inputs and more efficient conversion of feedstocks
to fuel. Neither biofuel can replace much petroleum without impacting food
supplies. Even dedicating all U.S. corn and soybean production to biofuels
would meet only 12% of gasoline demand and 6% of diesel demand. Until
recent increases in petroleum prices, high production costs made biofuels
unprofitable without subsidies. Biodiesel provides sufficient environmental
advantages to merit subsidy. Transportation biofuels such as synfuel
hydrocarbons or cellulosic ethanol, if produced from low-input biomass
grown on agriculturally marginal land or from waste biomass, could provide
much greater supplies and environmental benefits than food-based biofuels.

corn | soybean | life-cycle accounting | agriculture | fossil fuel

Contributed by David Tilman, June 2, 2006

Author contributions: J.H., D. Tilman, and S.P. designed research; J.H.,
E.N., D. Tilman, S.P., and D. Tiffany performed research; J.H., E.N., D.
Tilman, S.P., and D. Tiffany analyzed data; and J.H., D. Tilman, and S.P.
wrote the paper.

Conflict of interest statement: No conflicts declared.

§To whom correspondence may be addressed at: Department of Ecology,
Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, 1987 Upper Buford Circle,
St. Paul, MN 55108. E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

National Academy of Sciences of the USA
&subtopic_id=11&doc_id=13115 (11 Jul 2006  Ethanol use growing but far from
cure-all for energy problems)

source : liste RAC-F du 09/08/2006

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[Biofuel] EEB-position-on-bioenergy

2006-03-06 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Hi world,

english version :

translation in french :


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[Biofuel] Biodiesel in Southern China

2006-03-10 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

  D1 Oils and Chinese Government Cooperating on Biodiesel in
  Southern China

8 March 2006

UK-based biodiesel producer D1 Oils plc (D1) and the Center for Energy 
and Environment Protection (CEEP) within the Ministry of Agriculture of 
the Government of the People’s Republic of China have signed 
a Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to promote the adoption 
and production of biodiesel produced from jatropha in southern China.

The MOU covers scientific and technical cooperation to explore the 
potential for biodiesel planting and refining projects through the 
combined expertise and personnel of D1 and CEEP.

Both parties will jointly establish a seed farm to demonstrate jatropha 
growing in China. The farm will act as a training centre for agronomy 
practices and will produce a local supply of quality seeds for the 
planting of jatropha.

CEEP and Ministry of Agriculture personnel will be visit to D1’s 
international agronomy sites to learn best practice techniques for 
promoting biodiesel crops, particularly jatropha. Visits will also be 
undertaken to D1’s UK refinery operations to investigate the potential 
for establishing small-scale modular refinery operations in China.

Land suitable for jatropha curcas planting in China is most prevalent in 
the southern provinces in China, in particular Guangdong, Guangxi, 
Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou, Fujian, and Hainan. D1 will work with CEEP and 
suitable local organizations to undertake a detailed identification of 
existing non-agricultural land in these areas to evaluate planting 
potential and investigate opportunities to incorporate jatropha planting 
into existing rural agricultural programs.

The MOU also covers cooperation on climate change abatement and policy 
work. D1 and CEEP will work together to develop policies, models and 
procedures that will promote biodiesel development in China in support 
of both national policies, including China’s Renewable Energy Law, and 
policies pursued under the Kyoto Protocol such as the Clean Development 
Mechanism (CDM).

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Re: [Biofuel] Carbon Monoxide in Red Meat - incompetence in the FDA

2006-03-10 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Kenji James Fuse a écrit :
> I always assumed carotene comes from carrots - am I wrong here?
the name of carotene for sure but many others sources in food,,7bm,00.html?par=msn%7Cdiet%7Chyper&iv_cobrandRef=msndiet

And about eggs colors, to make the yellow more yellow, feed your 
chickens with corn (not GM of course). And to have dark eggs, choose the 
right chicken species.
For exemple, I have "copper black Marans", a local race (central 
atlantic coast in France) that make surprising brown chocolate eggs :

(still bad english speaker)

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Car runs on water

2006-05-12 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
aquafuel : 13 % water added to diesel or biodiesel:
works in every diesel engine.


up to 75 % water in a pantone engine ?


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2007-01-18 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

January 4, 2007 -
Copyright © 2007
Policy Institute 
Prices in History
R. Brown 
fuel ethanol distilleries has soared since the late-2005 oil price
hikes, but
data collection in this fast-changing sector has fallen behind. Because
inadequate data collection on the number of new plants under
construction, the
quantity of grain that will be needed for fuel ethanol distilleries has
vastly understated. Farmers, feeders, food processors, ethanol
investors, and
grain-importing countries are basing decisions on incomplete data.
Department of Agriculture (USDA) projects that distilleries will
require only
60 million tons of corn from the 2008 harvest. But here at the Earth
Institute (EPI), we estimate that distilleries will need 139 million
than twice as much. If the EPI estimate is at all close to
the mark, the emerging competition between cars and people for grain
likely drive world grain prices to levels never seen before. The key
are: How high will grain prices rise? When will the crunch come? And
what will
be the worldwide effect of rising food prices?
reason for
the low USDA projection is that it was released in February 2006, well
the effect of surging oil prices on investment in fuel ethanol
distilleries was
fully apparent. Beyond this, USDA relies heavily on the Renewable Fuels
Association (RFA), a trade group, for data on ethanol distilleries
construction, but the RFA data have lagged behind movement in the
drew on four
firms that collect and publish data on U.S. ethanol distilleries
construction. RFA is the one most frequently cited. The other three
firms are
Europe-based F.O. Licht, the publisher of World Ethanol and Biofuels
BBI International, which publishes Ethanol Producer Magazine; and the
Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), publisher of Ethanol Today.
the lists of plants under construction maintained by RFA, BBI, and ACE
are not
complete. Each contains some plants that are not on the other lists.
Drawing on
these three lists and on biweekly reports from F.O. Licht, EPI has
compiled a
more complete master list. For example, while we show 79 plants under
construction, RFA lists 62 plants. (We welcome any information that
improve this list, which can be viewed at
to the
EPI compilation, the 116 plants in production on December 31, 2006,
were using
53 million tons of grain per year, while the 79 plants under
larger facilities—will
use 51 million tons of grain when they come online. Expansions
of 11 existing plants will use another 8 million tons of grain (1 ton
of corn =
39.4 bushels = 110 gallons of ethanol).
easily 200 ethanol plants were in the planning stage at the end of
2006. If
these translate into construction starts between January 1 and June 30,
at the same rate that plants did during the final six months of 2006,
then an
additional 3 billion gallons of capacity requiring 27 million more tons
grain will likely come online by September 1, 2008, the start of the
harvest year. This raises the corn needed for distilleries to 139
million tons,
half the 2008 harvest projected by USDA. This would yield nearly 15
gallons of ethanol, satisfying 6 percent of U.S.
auto fuel needs. (And this
estimate does not include any plants started after June 30, 2007, that
would be
finished in time to draw on the 2008 harvest.)
unprecedented diversion of the world’s leading grain crop to the
production of fuel will affect food prices everywhere. As the world
corn price
rises, so too do those of wheat and rice, both because of consumer
among grains and because the crops compete for land. Both corn and
futures were already trading at 10-year highs in late 2006.
The U.S.
corn crop,
accounting for 40 percent of the global harvest and supplying 70
percent of the
world’s corn exports, looms large in the world food economy. Annual U.S.
exports of some 55 million tons account for nearly one fourth of world
exports. The corn harvest of Iowa
alone, which
edges out Illinois as the leading
exceeds the entire grain harvest of Canada. Substantially
reducing this
export flow would send shock waves throughout the world economy.
Wisner, Iowa State University
economist, reports that Iowa’s
demand for corn from processing
plants that were on line, expanding, under construction, or being
planned as of
late 2006 totaled 2.7 billion bushels. Yet even in a good year the
harvests only 2.2 billion bushels. As distilleries compete with feeders
grain, Iowa
could become a corn importer.
supplies tightening fast, rising prices will affect not only products
made directly
from corn, such 

[Biofuel] Lights out

2007-01-31 Thread frantz Desprez
French site of "L'alliance pour la planete" :
English page :

An URL to follow efficiency of the black out (real time electricity 
consumption in France):


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Re: [Biofuel] Lights out

2007-01-31 Thread frantz Desprez

> An URL to follow efficiency of the black out (real time electricity 
> consumption in France):
english version :

Friends of the earth - France who launched the idea :


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[Biofuel] Over 145 environmental, development and social organizations call upon the EU to abandon biofuel targets.

2007-02-10 Thread frantz DESPREZ


Thank you
for your support of this call
to the EU.  Please send this Press Release about the Open letter onto
national Press contacts and email lists/networks.  
you.  Andrew for biofuelwatch

8th, 2007
immediate release
Press Release
from biofuelwatch and
Corporate Europe Observatory 
In the build up to the EU Conference of
Energy Ministers next Monday
February 12th that will discuss future EU energy strategy, over 145
social and environmental organisations have sent out a strong call to
Council of the European Union, EU Commisioners and ministers to stop
rainforest destruction for biofuels.  The groups believe that a
on biofuel targets is needed to protect natural forests and local
communities in the global south.
In an Open Letter to the EU institutions and
citizens (full text
available in English at website:,
and in Spanish at:
The letter was launched and signed by 19 organisations and individuals.
It is
open to further signatures, and in one week, a further 130
organisations have
signed.  The regularly updated list of signatures can be found on  
 Key points are:

  The proposed targets will amongst other
things promote crops with poor greenhouse gas balances, trigger
deforestation and loss of biodiversity and exacerbate local land use


  Not only is deforestation itself a major
cause of CO2 emissions, but biodiesel from South East Asian palm oil
(where most world palm oil currently originates), can be expected to
cause between two and eight times as much CO2 emissions from damage to
peat as the CO2 emissions from the fossil fuel diesel it replaces.


  The EU Biofuels directive puts 20 Million
hectares of rainforest in Indonesia at extreme risk. 
If destroyed, and its associated peat land is drained, this could
release 50 Billion tonnes of carbon – the equivalent of 6 years of
current levels of carbon emissions.  When added to current extremely
high levels of global fossil fuel emissions, it could take the planet
over a climate tipping point. 


  Citizens of the producer countries, including
Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Indonesia,
Malaysia, and Cameroon
already suffer the consequences of the current expansion of the
monoculture crops that are increasingly used for biofuel production,
like palm oil, soya and sugar cane.  These include increased
destruction of biodiversity and rural livelihoods and further erosion
of food security, with serious impacts on water, soil, and regional
climate patterns. There are also human rights concerns including very
poor working conditions and low wages, violent land conflicts, death
and health crises due to the use of agrochemicals and deforestation.

Earlier this month, hundreds of Latin
American NGOs, which are part of
five networks, wrote an open letter to the EU in which they criticised
EU plans as presented by the commission: "It is most unlikely that
will ever achieve self- sufficiency in the production of biofuel from
production of energy crops and therefore it is very possible that this
will be
done at the expense of lands on which the food sovereignty of our
The Indonesian NGO, Sawit Watch, which
represents communities and
workers affected by oil palm plantations, has sent their own open
letter to
European politicians, warning that Europe's Biofuel policy threatens to
deforestation, more global warming, and further social conflict in Indonesia and that Europe
must act to reduce, not boost the demand for palm oil.
EU ministers will discuss the EU energy
package at their March 7th-8th
meeting after which, the commission is expected to table a formal
proposal to increase the share of biofuels in transport to the minimum
target of 10%.  
Nina Holland from Corporate Europe
Observatory says "we very much
hope that ministers will listen to the concerns raised by Southern NGOs
and to
the strong evidence that our biofuel policy is making deforestation and
warming even worse.  We hope that they will abandon the proposals
them and instead agree policies which will reduce Europe's
energy demand promote truly renewable energy forms.”
Biofuelwatch’s Almuth Ernsting says
“these biofuels targets are likely to make the climate crisis worse
– they essentially export EU transport emissions to the South in the
of emissions from deforestation and intensive agriculture-they may
take us to a climate tipping point and disaster”.
Biofuelwatch’s Andrew Boswell says:
“Aggressive targets for biofuels in the EU do not help the people in
South.  Such targets only benefit large industries that will displace
small farmers and communities from their land to develop v

[Biofuel] Liposuccions: a new source of biodiesel :-)

2007-02-13 Thread frantz Desprez
Liposuccions: a new source of biodiesel! A norwegian businessman, Mr.
Lauri Venøy, will settle in Miami in Florida to launch a production of
biodiesel starting from greases resulting from liposuccions. 60% of the
Americans are in overweight and a great number of them has recourse to
the liposuccion. For Mr. Lauri Venøy, that can represent a lucrative
market in the field of renewable energies. The norwegian contractor is
currently in talks with the Jackson Memorial American hospital for the
signature of an agreement, which would enable him to acquire 11.500
liters of human grease resulting from liposuccions each week, and thus
to produce 10.000 liters of bio-diesel.

BE Norway number 71 (8/02/2007) - Embassy of France in Norway/ADIT -

Liposuccions : une nouvelle source de biodiesel !
Un homme d'affaire norvégien, M. Lauri Venøy, va s'installer à Miami en
Floride pour lancer une production de biodiesel à partir des graisses
issues des liposuccions.

60 % des Américains sont en surpoids et un grand nombre d'entre eux ont
recours à la liposuccion. Pour M. Lauri Venøy, cela peut représenter un
marché lucratif dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables.

L'entrepreneur norvégien est actuellement en pourparler avec le très
grand hôpital américain Jackson Memorial en vue de la signature d'un
accord, qui lui permettrait d'acquérir 11 500 litres de graisse humaine
issue des liposuccions chaque semaine, et ainsi de produire 10.000
litres de bio-diesel.

BE Norvège numéro 71 (8/02/2007) - Ambassade de France en Norvège / ADIT

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Re: [Biofuel] vanishing honey bees

2007-02-28 Thread frantz Desprez
Kirk McLoren a écrit :
> ++
> | Vanishing Honeybees Will Affect Future Crops   |
> |   from the bee-gone dept.  |
> |   posted by kdawson on Tuesday February 27, @14:07 (Bug)   |
> |   |
> ++

also known in Europe for years.  Among different causes , impact of 
pesticides like "gaucho" (imidaclopride) or "regent ts" (fipronil) has 
been proven, especially with coated sunflowers seeds.  After years of 
struggle between environmentalists and big chemicals companies (Bayer & 
BASF) , coated sunflowers seeds have been withdraw from french market in 
1999, but not coated corn seeds. And new pesticides, maybe worst, 
replaced the suspected ones.
But bees were still dying in some regions, 2 or 3years after those 
pesticides have been banned. Others explanations : very long remanence 
in environment after use and other chemicals involved (massive mortality 
at seeding time in April), climate change (too hot in summer) and new 
agricultural usages (less biodiversity, less interesting flowers) when 
Varroa and nosemose infections (and possible other unknown pathologies) 
are maximum, the food possibilities for honeybees are lower than before 
(weakness and mortality in August)...

So, research is still going on...

(one wild hive at home)

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Re: [Biofuel] Tamba diary

2007-04-25 Thread frantz Desprez
Keith Addison a écrit :
> (...)
>> Keith,
>> If you want a more permanent means of predator dissuasion, the Pastore
>> Maremmano dog is an excellent guard for pigs, sheep, goats, chickens and
>> donkeys.
> Well, I'd like that. I once had a Pyrenean mountain dog, much the 
> same as a Maremma, very nice indeed, but these dogs are huge! They 
> weigh in at about 50kg, it'd eat us out of house and home. The idea 
> is to protect our meat-producers, but I think they might eat more 
> meat than they'd protect.
> Actually we considered a dog a while back, though nothing so 
> enormous, but we ruled it out. A dog is more of a commitment than 
> we're prepared to make. We're not sure how long we'll be in this 
> place, nor even in Japan, for that matter. I doubt it would work very 
> well anyway, there are lots of small fields here, fenced, with birds 
> in any three or four of them, the dog couldn't be in all of them at 
> once. Nor in three hutches at night which raccoons or a weasel could 
> attack. And it wouldn't protect hatchlings from crows. Also this 
> place is too small for such a beast, it's only about 800 sq metres.


The great pyrenean dog ( ) is used only as a 
guardian against predators threats.
reach 60 kg ( ), and 
is back in the moutain as brown bears are reintroduced.
Shepherds  use another dog to help them to lead the cattle, that is 
another sense of "to guard" for me ( )

I have no dog but geese are also very efficient and careless.


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Re: [Biofuel] Support Your Local Grower (ie Food...or otherwise?:))

2007-05-31 Thread frantz DESPREZ
Keith Addison a e'crit :
> No downside. We have a wwebpage on CSAs:
> Community-supported farms
known as AMAP in France'une_agriculture_paysanne

> Needs some updating - actually it didn't start in Japan, it started 
> in Switzerland. (And some of the links are broken.)
Wikipedia says it started mid 60's in Japan, called Teikei


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Re: [Biofuel] Quantifying the Price of Packaging/Sending the Message

2005-10-07 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Bede a écrit :

> with the rising cost of oil these will eventually become valuable 
> resources,
> Its also only a matter of time before we start mining our rubbish dumps!
> There's also a French company i saw on Beyond 2000, it had to do with 
> turning tires back into its raw components.
> once again once bought back, it cost more to process than the end 
> products where worth.


I didn't heard about it but I know that a part of non-re-usable tyres 
are recycled in France as materials for road making (noiseless, water 
draining), drainage pipes or combustibles for industry or thermic power 
plants. But it's only a part of refused. Not far from my home, a former 
career will be filled with tyres for long time stock.
Tyres recycling in France is the business of this organisation :
English brochure :

PEHD, PET and ABS are industrialy re-used once as textile fabric ("polar 
wool", car components or many other not-for-food purposes)
I guess that many other uses are planned but not enough to solve 
problems. 101 chemical ways of plastic recycling are described [in 
french] by the french gov agency for environment ( ). 
Simple energetic use is often not available dued to chloric or heavy 
metallic parts in plastics.

Many URL about this. Plastic wastes recycling is a rising industry in 
More money to manage wastes than to reduce their consuption
business is business

frantz from france

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Re: [Biofuel] Quantifying the Price of Packaging/Sending the Message

2005-10-07 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Hakan Falk a écrit :

>You were right before, now you got it wrong. Now 
>I have to ask you to read up on the world wars 
>and the influence from the US finance powers. 
>Iraq was plunged into the Iranian war by US and 
>was not really successful, so the US occupation 
>got rid of a failing leader. You are right in 
>that before US took over the role as manipulator, 
>the French was involved in a lot of wars.
French has first support Iran (lend and borrow money, sold weapons, 
helped iranian nuclear research, while protecting Khomeiny near Paris)
Then helped Irak in it's war against Iran until both became weak enough. 
French technicians helped to build the Irak nuclear plant Osirak, and 
just before it was achieved, french let a caravan as a signal just front 
of the tunnel to reactor heart few hours before Israelian air force 
launched a guided bomb.

France, so called "human right country", is known to be fully or partly 
responsible of many dirty things, especially in Africa.

sometimes not very proud to be french

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[Biofuel] SUV Drivers in Paris Get Wind Knocked Out of Them

2005-10-11 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
SUV Drivers in Paris Get Wind Knocked Out of Them
  A clandestine group lets air out of tires as a form of protest. The
  vehicles' owners are not amused.

  By Sebastian Rotella
  LATimes Staff Writer
  October 10, 2005

  PARIS -- If the French marauders known as The Deflated waged their
  of urban subversion in Southern California, the mecca of the sport
  utility vehicle, by now they would probably have been jailed, beaten,
  shot or at least sued.

  But five weeks after the clandestine crew of environmentalists launched
  a low-intensity war on SUVs in Paris, there are no casualties to
  Except, of course, for dozens of deflated gas-guzzling vehicles, said
  Sous-Adjudant Marrant (Sub-Warrant Officer Joker), the mysterious,
  masked leader of Les Dégonflés.

  Under cover of night, Marrant's troops target Jeep Cherokees, Porsche
  Cayennes and other four-wheel-drive vehicles parked on the tree-lined
  avenues and cobblestoned lanes of wealthy neighborhoods. The
  eco-guerrillas deflate tires without damaging them, smear doors with
  and paste handbills on windshields proclaiming that the vehicles are
  dangerous, polluting behemoths that do not belong in the city.

  "We use the mud to say that if the owners will not take the
  four-wheel-drives to the countryside, we will bring the countryside to
  the four-wheel-drives," said Marrant, 28, who uses an alias because
  angry drivers deluge his website, with
  threatening mayhem and questioning his manhood.

  Although his nom de guerre was inspired by Subcommander Marcos, the
  masked Mexican guerrilla revered by leftists, Marrant insists he is not
  violent or even particularly serious. "Deflated" is a self-deprecating
  name that also means "coward" in French. The group wants to send a
  mischievous message while avoiding damage to the vehicles, injury and
  prosecution, the thin, mop-haired activist said during an interview in
  corner cafe on the Seine's left bank, longtime turf of radicals and

  "We emphasize the comic, the burlesque side," Marrant said with the
  earnest, wide-eyed look of a prankster trying to keep a straight face.
  "It would be hard to take us to court. We don't slash tires, we deflate
  them. Air doesn't cost anything. As for getting cars dirty, that's
  nothing. I would plead guilty to that. Our rules are to never run from
  the police. And always run from the owners."

  The rise of anti-SUV activism in France shows that one man's vandal can
  be another man's avenger. The deflators are on the fringe of a movement
  that has considerable support at City Hall, which is governed by an
  alliance of the Socialist and Green parties.

  Christophe Delabre, the president of a French association of SUV
  has appeared in a television debate with Marrant, who wore sunglasses,
  baseball cap and a bandanna to conceal his identity. Delabre does not
  find his adversary amusing.

  "It's comparable to extremism, to discrimination, to inciting hate,"
  Delabre said. "You can't stigmatize a category of the population with
  impunity under the pretext that they drive a kind of vehicle [The
  Deflated] put others' lives in danger, and that's unacceptable. It's
  of the question that this kind of action is tolerated in France. I
  understand how the police can arrest deflators and let them go a few
  hours later."

  * *Although city leaders don't condone vandalism, officials have gone
  far as proposing that Paris ban sport utility vehicles. Deputy Mayor
  Denis Baupin, who oversees transportation programs, has called the SUV
  "a caricature of a car."

  Baupin spoke during a recent rally of about 200 activists at a Jeep
  dealership where the manager had agreed to shut down early for the day.
  The decision drew cheers from children wearing cow and buffalo masks,
  cyclists hoisting bikes triumphantly aloft.

  "An SUV is totally useless for Paris," Baupin said in his speech,
  blaming the recent devastating hurricanes in the U.S. on climate change
  caused by pollution. "The situation is striking: The country that
  refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol suffered from a climatic
  catastrophe We all feel sorry for the dead in New Orleans. But now
  maybe the United States should start considering that their development
  pattern is not to be repeated worldwide and that it causes

  In the United States, sport utility vehicles account for one of every
  four automobiles sold, but in France, SUVs represent only about 5% of
  the market. The prices are high for middle-class families, but sales
  jumped about 20% last year.

  Overt official hostility has encouraged antisocial attacks masquerading
  as activism, Delabre charged.

  "This reflects the impact of the statements made during the last two
  years by Mr. Baupin," he said. "He h

Re: [Biofuel] pvc question

2005-10-14 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Rexis Tree a écrit :

> i recalled that in the journeytoforever website they did try washing 
> biodiesel with a soda bottle (1.5L), i guess that plastic is similar 
> to PVC plastic. So thats mean should be ok.


May be OK but probably not PVC but PET


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Re: [Biofuel] Grey water heat recovery and low tech Solar collectors????

2005-10-14 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Hakan Falk a écrit :

>Do not worry, it must be other developed countries than US, this
>because US is using more gasoline than water. Cannot be the
>French either, since I saw some statistics that they only shower
>once every two weeks and that was the immigrants, according
>to a French guy I know. It is no sure numbers on how often the
>real French shower. They have however the best perfumes on
>the market.
>I feel a bit guilty here, because it is the Swedes who are using
>more water than gasoline and they shower several times a week.
>A very wasteful people, the Swedes, and they have a lot of water
>also. They should be ashamed to use so little oil, according to
>a well known oil company, who threatened to stop delivering oil.

I feel concerned as a french. I must try to find out explanations to 
save the honor of my team ;-)
During the 50's, french were considered as dirty people because of their 
very low consuption of soaps and toothbrushes, and a very low rate of 
modern bathroom equipment. And obviously, it's true that a very short 
part of appartments and houses were equiped with WC or showers. That 
even doesn't mean that people were dirty : my grand parents told me how 
they used to wash with [the famous french] wet gloves and basins twice a 
day. Ask 1/3 world people how heavy is water when you have to carry it 
for km or bring it at the 5th floor. An active policy of public aids for 
years helped France to stick at the european average. Now we can waste 
good water like our developped friends.
During the 90's, new statistics showed that the average french used more 
soap than the average brittish. Proudness.
But I also read that the statistics were based on different parameters. 
A panel of few citizens or samples in a hand , and the total amount of 
soap or water sold divided but population in the other. And in rural 
areas of France, we often have wells. Water is free and not counted. 
Only people who uses "l'eau de la ville" (= city water, the drinkable 
water with good bleach taste...) pay the pollution tax (included in the 
water bill). And water is not only used in the bathroom.
I supposed that depends on national habits. For teeth washing, and know 
only very few people with their natural teeth. They probably didn't care 
as we do when they were young, and when get a plastic smile, they kept 
on to not use much water and toothbrushes... The delicious garlic 
fragrance of old french breathes may be not came of the vegetable ?

About perfumes, the french fame came from king Louis XIV, who had very 
smart water pieces in his gardens of Versailles palace, but any bathroom 
or toilets in buildings. Courtisans were supposed to do their needs in 
pots or on the floor behind curtains. So what we call the "Louis XIV 
method" is to use cosmetics and perfumes to hide the odors from lack of 
bodycare. And I guess that the perfumes had to be efficient :-|)

More seriously, Swedes have a great luck to have big water ressources. 
In some parts of France, southern Europe and elsewhere worldwide, 
droughtness is severe. Spain or Brasil plans to do as California to 
change river ways. Water is one of the main real reasons of the war 
between palestinians and Israelians.
At home, one of my 2 wells is dry since July and our pond is completly 
dry for the first time in 52 years. Newspaper are speaking of less than 
one month of drinkable water stocks in central western France. We can 
survive without oil, not without water.

(one shower a day)

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Re: [Biofuel] Grey water heat recovery and low tech Solar collectors????

2005-10-14 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Mike Weaver a écrit :

> M. Falk:
> As a person with (minor) French ancestry, I am shocked and offended at 
> your suggestion that the French do not bathe regularly.
> I challenge you to defend yourself in a duel of honor.  Shampoo at 
> fifty yards, the first one to achieve a glossy sheen to be declared 
> the winner.
> I name as my seconds Vidal Sasoon and the Breck girl.  If the first 
> duel is not satisfactory, we will rinse and repeat.
> Prepare to meet your suds.
> M. Weaver
M. Weaver,

I am very grateful of your sollicitude, but be careful, scandinavians 
are famous for their weapons of mass desinfection.
They could invite you into a steam bath until you've been cooked, before 
roll you in snow or dive in icy water.
None a civilized gentleman as you surely are can resist such a barbarian 
And since Volvo refused to married Renault, we are in bad t(h)erms.

M. Desprez
( with half of my ancestry from Normandy, so Hakan is maybe a cousin of 

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Re: [Biofuel] Scientific method- Easy Keith!

2005-10-25 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Fred Finch a Žcrit :

> (...)
> I did encounter two smelly French guys at a local music store. (...)
> I have several Arab friends who would say that it is the US Government 
> that is acting as the terrorist. (...)

please, don't make of one sample a generality
Look at the forest behind the tree.

I've seen on TV an american guy called Bush, speaking, walking and 
thinking like a duck.
Do you think that all americans are treatened by the bird flu ?


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Re: [Biofuel] Nikola Tesla, The Master of Lightning

2005-11-24 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Rexis Tree a écrit :

> Facinating, we had an era of electric car in the pass.
> Nikola Tesla is the reason we are using AC power today. He invented an 
> electric car power source that require no charging and can power an 
> 80hp car to 90 mph.

The first car, named "never satisfied", that has broken the 100 km/h 
barrier in 1889, was electric powered

jamais content

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Re: [Biofuel] The bad news about Biodiesel --> in France

2005-11-24 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
john owens a écrit :

> What I would like to know is why these big biodiesel companys in 
> europe that are sabose to be ahead in the biodiesel industry haven't
> started using algae to produce biodiesel.
> This is taken from wikipedia biodiesel 
> /The production of algae to harvest oil for biodiesel has not been 
> undertaken on a commercial scale, but working feasibility studies have 
> been conducted to arrive at the above yield estimate. In addition to a 
> high yield, this solution does not compete with agriculture for food, 
> requiring neither farmland nor fresh water. /

Maybe because they're linked to indutrial farming ?
France is the EU country with the longest seashore. I heard about only 
one project of methanisation of algaes from the "green tides" (nitrates 
and phosphorus pollution of coastal waters around Britanny that make 
amazing and smelly accumulation of green algae every summer)

In France for exemple, the government biofuel plan is based only on 
actual sugar beetroot industry (in North-East France) or petrol 
raffineries and big colza farming.
While this, the same government gave instructions to catch and convict 
drivers who are using SVO in their diesel car. Cynically because it 
makes 15 € less tax per average tank fill for State (and one car out of 
2 is diesel powered in France), don't care if it's good for Kyoto 
targets or national commercial balance.
Farmers are the only tolerated users if selfconsumption. In facts 
Biofuels or anything used as a fuel cannot be sold without paying the 
TIPP (Domestic tax on oil products), excepted if made by big companies, 
dued to EU rules.

have a look on the European Energy Crops Internetwork site :
i.e :

about TIPP tax :*france*_en.pdf

outlaw with my old french fries smelling car.

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Re: [Biofuel] [Fwd: Economist make sense (except for Krugman)]

2005-08-23 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
robert luis rabello a écrit :

>Joe Street wrote:
>   Indeed . . .  The roots of the new conflict originate in the ashes of 
... that itself originates in the ashes of WWI (traité of Versailles)
that itself (concerning western europe) came from the franco-prussian 
war of 1870 and the napoleonic wars...and so ones.
It appears that wars make more problems than they solve

And each time, it's nationalism and big corporations interests that led 
to war

from france (EU)

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Re: [Biofuel] Katrina slams New Orleans. Is There Blame?

2005-09-02 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
"France must be punished"
   Condie RICE

On Aug 31, 2005, at 11:10 PM, Marylynn Schmidt wrote:

>>OK .. well .. history
>>New Orleans, as was the rest of Louisiana (remember something called  
>>Louisiana Purchase) owned by the French and was an important port of  
>>But really only a port that sent goods to another land.
>>New Orleans was also the only area in the south that contained a  
>>of "free black".
>>It also needs to be understood that the majority of those "free black"  
>>from a line of "freed" slaves (women) who were the "contract purchased
>>mistresses" of the wealthier French gentry .. and of course .. their
>>"offspring" .. sometimes many, many generations .. with mothers  
>>negotiations on behalf of their daughters to obtained the best possible
>>"contract" to ensure their future wealth.
>>The whiter the skin the more desirable.
>>Laws were passed .. because after many generations of black having  
>>fathered by white the features nor the darker skin was no longer there  
>>these laws required all colored women (any colored blood) to wear head
>>I have a "thing" about "head scarves"!!
>>.. and .. no .. my ethnic background is  
>>German/English/Irish/Scotch/with a
>>bit of Swedish (as if a "bit of anything" could fit in there).
>>The old French Quarter was .. in a large part .. whole sections of
>>neighborhoods (individual houses) that the French gentry would buy for  
>>"contract acquired" (usually for life) concubine .. these were actual
>>contracts .. and even if the the "gentleman" grew tired of his  
>>mistress ..
>>the wealth/the house/the contract was fulfilled .. this property was  
>>in the
>>name of the mistress and was hers and hers alone.
>>If his wealth permitted he could enter into another contract with  
>>New Orleans wasn't a "planned" neighborhood .. but historically, it  
>>has gain
>>a certain reputation of being a great place to party.
>>Party people flocked toward that kind of environment .. and business
>>The fact that oil was discovered in the Gulf just adds to the  
>>population ..
>>the businesses .. and the party.
>>.. as an after-thought, once the Americans purchased that area from the
>>French .. a large percentage of the "free black" disappeared (sold  
>>and their property somehow landed in the hands of others.

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[Biofuel] Vacation is Over... an open letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush

2005-09-05 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Friday, September 2nd, 2005

Dear Mr. Bush:

Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina 
and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted. 
Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do 
you need help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears parking lot. 
Man, was that a drag.

Also, any idea where all our national guard soldiers are? We could 
really use them right now for the type of thing they signed up to do 
like helping with national disasters. How come they weren't there to 
begin with?

Last Thursday I was in south Florida and sat outside while the eye of 
Hurricane Katrina passed over my head. It was only a Category 1 then but 
it was pretty nasty. Eleven people died and, as of today, there were 
still homes without power. That night the weatherman said this storm was 
on its way to New Orleans. That was Thursday! Did anybody tell you? I 
know you didn't want to interrupt your vacation and I know how you don't 
like to get bad news. Plus, you had fundraisers to go to and mothers of 
dead soldiers to ignore and smear. You sure showed her!

I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying to 
Louisiana, you flew to San Diego to party with your business peeps. 
Don't let people criticize you for this -- after all, the hurricane was 
over and what the heck could you do, put your finger in the dike?

And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you 
specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New Orleans 
this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even if 
you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there weren't going to be 
any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you had a much more 
important construction job for them -- BUILDING DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ!

On Day 3, when you finally left your vacation home, I have to say I was 
moved by how you had your Air Force One pilot descend from the clouds as 
you flew over New Orleans so you could catch a quick look of the 
disaster. Hey, I know you couldn't stop and grab a bullhorn and stand on 
some rubble and act like a commander in chief. Been there done that.

There will be those who will try to politicize this tragedy and try to 
use it against you. Just have your people keep pointing that out. 
Respond to nothing. Even those pesky scientists who predicted this would 
happen because the water in the Gulf of Mexico is getting hotter and 
hotter making a storm like this inevitable. Ignore them and all their 
global warming Chicken Littles. There is nothing unusual about a 
hurricane that was so wide it would be like having one F-4 tornado that 
stretched from New York to Cleveland.

No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30 
percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had no 
transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's 
not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white 
people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has 
nothing -- NOTHING -- to do with this!

You hang in there, Mr. Bush. Just try to find a few of our Army 
helicopters and send them there. Pretend the people of New Orleans and 
the Gulf Coast are near Tikrit.


Michael Moore

P.S. That annoying mother, Cindy Sheehan, is no longer at your ranch. 
She and dozens of other relatives of the Iraqi War dead are now driving 
across the country, stopping in many cities along the way. Maybe you can 
catch up with them 
before they get to DC on September 21st.

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[Biofuel] MEPs caught up in hydrogen hype?

2005-09-16 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Several MEPs called on 12 September for a fundamental shift away from 
the oil era into the green hydrogen economy. But is their initiative 
based on science or inspired by political hype?


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Re: [Biofuel] Rove to rebuild New Orleans

2005-09-23 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

> wrote:
>"So according to the New York Times, Carl Rove is in charge of
>rebuilding New Orleans??(...)
no, the French will ...

>> /President Bush and a giddy Jacques Chirac shake hands on the deal./
>> BATON ROUGE, LA. - The White House announced today that President 
>> Bush has successfully sold the state of Louisiana back to the French 
>> at more than double its original selling price of $11,250,000.
>> "This is a bold step forward for America," said Bush. "And America 
>> will be stronger and better as a result. I stand here today in unity 
>> with French Prime Minister Jack Shiraq, who was so kind to accept my 
>> offer of Louisiana in exchange for 25 million dollars cash."
>> The state, ravaged by Hurricane Katrina, will cost hundreds of 
>> billions of dollars to rebuild.
>> "Jack understands full well that this one's a 'fixer upper,'" said 
>> Bush. "He and the French people are quite prepared to pump out all 
>> that water, and make Louisiana a decent place to live again. And 
>> they've got a lot of work to do. But Jack's assured me, if it's not 
>> right, they're going to fix it."
>> The move has been met with incredulity from the already beleaguered 
>> residents of Louisiana.
>> However, President Bush's decision has been widely lauded by Republicans.
>> "This is an unexpected but brilliant move by the President," said 
>> Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist. "Instead of spending billions and 
>> billions, and billions of dollars rebuilding the state of Louisiana, 
>> we've just made 25 million dollars in pure profit."
>> "This is indeed a smart move," commented Fox News analyst Brit Hume. 
>> "Not only have we stopped the flooding in our own budget, we've made 
>> money on the deal. Plus, when the/ god-awful French/ are done fixing 
>> it up, we can easily invade and take it back again."
>> The money gained from 'The Louisiana Refund' is expected to be 
>> immediately pumped back into the rebuilding of Iraq.
joke :-D


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[Biofuel] reportage sur huile carburant - JT france 2 hier soir

2005-09-27 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Hier, très bon sujet sur l'huile végétale carburant au JT de 20h sur 
France 2 hier soir lundi 26 .
Visible pendant une semaine à cette adresse :
Resélectionner journal du 26 septembre.
Aller voir à 25mn30sec sur les 32mn24 du JT.



Yesterday night, WVO in the news on french TV
See at
select lundi 26 septembre , be patient while advertising and then
start 25mn30 after beginning


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[Biofuel] liens francophones pour les biocarbura nts et + spécialement l'HVC - french speaking links about biofuels and especially SVO

2005-09-27 Thread Frantz DESPREZ
Source : forum oliomobile

Georges Louis dans la marne loueur de presses
Tel : 0326804933
Port : 0680100520
Dossier sur l'HVC
lieu ou on peut télécharger la clé de vim COMBIEN D HUILE DANS MON MOTEUR
lieu ou on peut télécharger un comparatif des différents presses et 
filtres à huile
Contrôle des injecteurs
diagnostique injecteurs et recherche de panne par les fumées
Fiche ADEME huile brute
Dépliant sur l'huile de oliomobile
la référence dans le domaine
un site qui parle de l’huile carburant
Rapport marleix à l'assemblée nationale du 26 mai 2004
Adresse ou on peut télécharger la directive européenne 2003/30/CE de mai 
vendeurs de kits biréservoirs
vendeurs de kits biréservoirs
vendeurs de kits biréservoirs'huile%20dans%20les%20moteurs.doc
l'huile dans les moteurs'huilecarburant.pdf
utilisation de l'huile dans les moteurs
L'huile de tournesol
plaidoyer pour l'HVB de pierre Joyes du 3 février 2004
Econologie carburer à l'huile vegetale brute
L'HVB vue par Peder Jensen de la commission européenne du 20 septembre 2004
comparaison des biocarburants
PDF 8 KO comparatif filières EMHV et HVP
PDF 27 KO visuel présentation carburants et fiscalité
SITE + PDF 3 MO Voici une adresse ou tu peux télécharger (en bas de la 
page) un document complet sur le l'huile carburant de Mat Lechien (amateur)
SITE tout sur le biocarburant

Les liens vers VALBIOM (site belge en condition belge) le nom est titi10 
et le mot de passe est denis ou il faut s'enregistrer avant de télécharger
PDF 123 KO Direction Générale Fiscalité et Union Douanière de février 2004
PDF 471 KO Etude de préfaisabilité pour l'implantation d'un projet de 
trituration à la ferme en région wallone de mai 2003
1.73 MO par Marie Hélène Novak et Jean-Marc Jossart de juin 2004
PDF 630 KO Visite de l'atelier huile du 18 janvier 2005
SITE les phases de production
PDF 669 KO plaidoyer en faveur de l'huile végétale'HVP_en_Allemagne.pdf
PDF 1.36 MO lien qui permet de télécharger un compte rendu de voyage en 
Allemagne axé sur l'huile carburant réalisé les 18 et 19 mars 2005

Le site anti voiture donc pas vraiment en faveur des HVB mais interressant.

Frantz Desprez

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Re: [Biofuel] Pantone-Reactor

2008-05-02 Thread frantz Desprez
Fritz Friesinger a écrit :
> Hello all,
> i received lately a Video showing a Dieseldriven car with a modified engin!
> Apparentli this results in great fuelsavings beside very clean burning!
> I have some trouble to put the Video in the List,but you could go to 
> and get more Info from there Website! Everything is in french maybe Frantz 
> coul help a little with this
> Fritz

If I can, it will be my pleasure, but I'm really busy and my english is 
so poor...
I once said that I also would  like to try a translation of Keith's 
site, like the spanish one. But It'd be a full time job ! So I'm waiting 
for my children grow or to be retired (or fired) ;-)
Whatever, a couple of pages are not a full website, so tell me what I 
can do for you

friendly yours


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Re: [Biofuel] Could Acetone improve mileage

2007-08-28 Thread frantz Desprez
John Mullan a écrit :
> Looks to me that the acetone helps clean out injectors, etc, and hence the
> improvement in mileage.  Stop using acetone, deposits build up again, and
> lower mileage.
> John. 
also help to keep vegetal oil liquid at low temp


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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Rumsfeld flees France fearingarrest....................................

2007-11-08 Thread frantz Desprez
Mark Cookson a écrit :
> This from a nation who collaborated with Germany during the 2nd world
>  war, rounded up their own French resistance fighters for execution,  and
>  then had the brass neck to charge the Jews the railway fare whilst they
>  were shipped to the death camps in cattle trucks. And not only allowed
>  the people responsible to remain in France but remain in government
>  office for the rest of their lives.
>  Not forgetting building the underground control bunkers in Iraq and
>  selling them an airforce
>  If charity begins at home where does justice live these days?
> Mark
You've forgotten "provided the nuclear plant Osirak" ... and the way for 
Israel to destroy it.

Nothing simple, and so well splitted between Good and Bad as neocons 
like to say.
There is no perfect human nation.

frantz (french)

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Re: [Biofuel] Sustainable Subsoiler and Other Questions

2007-12-17 Thread frantz Desprez
David Penfold a écrit :
> Keith,
> I've recently bought 10 acres in France and am trying to plan an integrated 
> farm (as well as get my largely irrelevant French farming qualifications 
> required to be a farmer here).
> Anyway, one of my problems is that I have very compacted clay and need to use 
> a subsoiler. I don't want to invest in a tractor. I saw that you used one on 
> the farm in Japan. Was it a tractor-pulled one or using some other form of 
> energy? Do non-tractor driven subsoilers even exist? I haven't been able to 
> find any information on them, I was considering driving posts into the ground 
> and pulling a subsoiler to the post using an engine fixed to the post and a 
> very strong cord of some sort (it seems potentially dangerous). Has anybody 
> looked into such alternative arrangements?
> Another question. I've been wondering what alternatives exist for feeding 
> chickens. I think you were wondering about whether potatoes and their 
> peelings could do the job. How did this go? I've planted fifteen chestnut 
> trees at 10-metre spacing, as these seem to have the right 
> protein-carbohydrate balance for poultry. Before I go and plant any more, I 
> would like to verify their suitability as a food source for poultry. Anyone? 
> If not, I guess we could eat them ourselves.
> I may use wood pyrolysis for running an old tractor if I actually do end up 
> needing a tractor. Has anyone here actually managed it? Is the power really 
> only 1/3 of what the engine would produce using petrol (or alcohol)? Does 
> anyone here have any real-world experience of using this expedient technology?
> Thanks for the inspiring work (and answering the questions that I'm only just 
> starting to ask myself),
> David

Try to contact the local "CUMA" (Coopérative d'Utilisation de Machines 
Agricoles). It's a place where you can hire modern tools at very low 
prices, and meet people who could help and give you pieces of advices. 
I'm not a farmer but use it, in the name of a friend of mine, farmer 
himself. The custom of mutual help is still alive in many rural areas. A 
farmer can help you in charge for you to help him back another time.

You also can find helpfull and friendly people in associations like (for professionals, the english 
version is still under construction)
Many sites and association for non professionnals rural people.

Where are you settling in France ?

in Vendée near Nantes (Atlantic coast) - France

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Re: [Biofuel] Sustainable Subsoiler and Other Questions

2007-12-17 Thread frantz Desprez
> Hi David
>> Thanks for the inspiring work (and answering the questions that I'm only
> just starting to ask myself),
> You're most welcome, thanks for saying so.
>> Keith,
>> I've recently bought 10 acres in France
> Very nice too, good for you. Is this a long-term plan coming to fruition
> at last or something more recent?
> Where in France, Mediterranean or north? Anyway what's their excuse for
> the clay pan, they're not rice farmers there are they? :-)
There ARE rice farmers in Camargue (Rhone river delta) :
> Rice farmers or not, in the old days Chinese village farmers didn't
> usually own their land, some Manchu mandarin probably owned it, but the
> farmer owned the topsoil, the landlord only owned the subsoil.
French law : people can own the soil but french state always owns the 

What's about tryin' horse power ?


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Re: [Biofuel] Monsanto U: Agribusiness's Takeover of Public Schools

2008-02-21 Thread frantz Desprez
Hi, goodwill people,

For french and german speaking people,
Watch the video about "The world by Monsanto"
tuesday, the 11th of march, on ARTE channel

also, for all, including english speakers :


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Re: [Biofuel] Hybrid Diesel

2005-06-30 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Paddy O'Reilly a écrit :

I'm not sure what the average price of "gas" (aka petrol) is in the 
US, in Ireland it has just passed the Euro mark per litre - that's 
USD5.44 a gallon and in England its about 90p per litre - that's 
USD8.17 a gallon.

Perhaps this kind of price in the US will be enough to get people's 
attention (George Bush and his cohorts would be delighted at this price).

Unfortunately nothing significant is still being done in Europe about 
changing to biofuels.


In France, the average price is around 1,11 Euro per liter of gazoline 
(unleaded 95, it's more for 98) and 1 Euro for "gazole"(diesel), due to 
the huge (about 80% of price) taxes.
Compared to sunflower edible oil  first price at 1,10 Euro / liter or 
PLG at 0,66.
No legal way for commercial biofuels out of the industrial solution 
chosen by french gov. People begins to get out of invidualism and use 
more public transportations or "co-voiturage" (don't know the right 
translation in English : co-conveyance or car sharing ?).
And I do agree with last words of Paddy, and the political crisis in EU 
won't help it, especially with the british presidence for the next 6 
month according to recent news explaining that the whole agricultural 
areas of UK could  not  be enough to reach  EU  biofuels goals, and how 
T. Blair is opposed to EU continental countries on agricultural subsidies.

What's about running cars with "turf" in Irland ? ;-)

(3 trips in Eire since 1986)

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Re: [Biofuel] Mystery logo

2005-07-01 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

"more information in booklet of your car" ?


-Original Message-
Sent: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 21:45:25 -0400
Subject: [Biofuel] Mystery logo

I saw a few logos stamped on the inside of the gas tank fuel door of 
my vehicle, a 2003 Dodge Caravan SE. One of them, I found out is 
"E85", the symbol for "ethanol 85". Another symbol, which is a mystery 
to me, represents the letter "i" stamped on the right page of a book. 
Any ideas as to the meaning of the "i inside a book" symbol?

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Re: [Biofuel] fuel efficient cars and motorcycles

2005-07-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ


todd, that's awesome!  curiously, i've been pondering this very concept--a 
diesel-powered motorbike--recently.  i figured it had to have been done 
somewhere by someone.  best fo luck

More about dieselmotorcycles :

The US Marine Corps use Kawasaki KLR 650 modified with a diesel motor. 
The british S.A.S. would already use it in Afghanistan according to "the 
Telegraph" (in french)
The video of the motorcycle :
Blogs were talking about it since 2000 

A little French motorcycle maker (boccardo) made ones several years ago, 
based on Citroën motor, before disappeared. 
( But 
nowadays in Europe, it's a dutch manufacturer, Star Twin Motors in 
Loenen (niederland) who makes a sport bike running with a VW 1200cc TDI 
motor, called ThunderStar 1200 TDI.

(the whole story in French at
in english :

in Dutch :


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Re: [Biofuel] Hybrid Diesel

2005-07-04 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Chris a écrit :

Wood gasification, using peat instead of wood?  (Burning the 'smoke' 
in a regular car engine.)


But Paddy was right when he objected me that it is not ecological. 
Peat-bogs are very special habitats for fauna and flora (i.e. 
carnivorous plants) and they need thousands years to regerenate. We 
should consider them as fossil carbon preserves (the future oil fields 
of Ireland ;-) ) and biodiversity preserves.
I was kidding because I worked in one "turf" extraction plant and the 
boss was running a furnace with it. The smell and the smoke were ... 
exotic to me. Guinness bier matched well with the smoky taste of the 
Irish stew cooked in the furnace.
Good remembers. But also, I was sorry to see how Ireland was spending 
it's natural ressources (not only peat, but also chemical pollution or 
sea overexploitation).
I hope that the Irish laws on environment protection have been improved, 
it's a so nice country.


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Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid

2005-07-07 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Hakan Falk a écrit :


WTC was the home for many foreign organizations and it was many
citizens from other countries in the building. How many of the victims
were actually real AMERICANS, at least before they died?


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Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid

2005-07-08 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Hakan Falk a écrit :


I have looked at several lists and if you look at the one you
pointed to, it is some lack of definitions. If you look at from
country and citizenship as an example. It is Indian sites that
says the they had 43 victims, the English at 67 seems to
be quite common. I gave up and do not understand why it would
be so difficult with one list on origin and get it accurate.

The best number I can get for Americans in WTC, is 1,700+
and this is probably quite accurate and common. For the rest,
it is large variations. In Spain the number of Spanish is much
higher and I know of two families who lost a member in WTC
and they are not even mentioned on your list.

It is often said that the victims represented 115 countries and
your list with 36, is the lowest I have seen.

It is a mess and I cannot understand why.


a beginning of explanation could be the double nationality. USA don't 
allow dual citizenship when it's legal in France and many other countries.
So for exemple, my nephews, born in Washington state from a US mother 
and a French father, and actually living in France, have both US and 
French nationality regarding to the french law. At their legal majority, 
they will can choose...or not. But regarding the US law, they're only US.
So I guess that if they were among the 9-11 victims, US would have count 
them as US and the french gov as french citizens.

world citizen

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Re: [Biofuel] It's imperialism, stupid

2005-07-08 Thread Frantz DESPREZ

Gustl Steiner-Zehender a écrit :

Hallo Frantz,

The  US does allow dual citizenship with conditions.  Children born of
US citizens abroad may have dual citizenship in the case of US service
personnel at the very least.  Jews may have dual citizenship no matter
where they are born is my understanding.  I know folks who have German
and  US citizenship because they were born in Germany with an American
father and German mother.  Things are not so cut and dried as they may

Interesting, I only knew my brother case : after married an american he 
had to choose US nationality or keep his french EU passport. I believed 
it was an exclusive choice.
I also have family in Germany where the "right of blood" is in use (you 
are german whereever you're born if you're parents are germans, but 
you're not automatically german if born in Germany), compared to France 
where "right of soil" applies (you are french, even from foreign parents 
if you're born on french soil).
Of course nothing is so simple. That makes things exciting... and 

rather exhausted today ;-)

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