Re: [Talk-transit] NaPTAN import

2009-03-18 Thread Christoph Böhme
Hi all

has there been any progress with the NaPTAN import yet? The list has
been very quiet recently.
I started programming the visual merge tool but I have not yet reached
a point where there is something to show. I decided not to modify the
busstop data in the osm database directly but to keep a seperate copy
of the relevant nodes that can be merged into the database at some
point when we tidied it up (basically like the dracos tool does it).

Just wanted to let you know that I have not given up on the import ...


Brian Prangle schrieb:

 Hi everyone
 Summarising where I believe we've got to:
 1. Thomas: schedule for completion - we're entirely in your hands -
 agree it's best to avoid the API update.
 2. Birmingham only for test import
 3. No highway=bus_stop tags, enabling us to merge/verify existing OSM
 data ( Christophe's visual tool to eventually solve this manual task)
 BUT tag taxi ranks as amenity=taxi
 4. Import on the basis of the current selection/naming in naptan
 tagging wiki. Imports to be carried out by new user naptan
 5. Plusbus zones and stop areas - import the naptan data only and
 leave doing anything with it until the debate on stopareas reaches a
 6. Roger/Peter:  is our current method of accessing the data OK? Or
 do you have to explicitly issue us with a dataset (perhaps the data
 publicly available for test is not the most current/accurate?)
 7. Andy: agree on re-tagging w mids bus stops with route_ref and using
 semicolons instead of pipes to separate route nos in order to
 standardise - presume you have an automated routine for this?
 8. Update needed on wiki regarding bus_stops (Andy? I'm happy to do a
 first draft for you to edit before publication - or better still
 submit it to this discussion list)
 Parked for later discussion/solution
 a)Stopareas (see above)
 b)Big-bang vs regional adoption (probably a talk gb discussion once
 Birmingham data and process completed)
 c)handling NaPTAN bus_stop updates
 d) importing further NaPTAN public transport data
 e) user feedback - there's a wide range of skill and experience in
 the OSM community and there are certain to be problems. An explicit
 route needed? f) how to maintain data integrity once it's imported
 and inexperienced users potentially delete data that other users have
 written applications that rely on it being there. I guess this is
 general problem not specific to this project- but this is a donated
 dataset and potentially could drive a considerable number of
 Unless there are any strong objections,(or I've ommitted anything
 from the discussions) I'd like to think we can close the discussion
 on the import and let Thomas get on with finishing the coding. Thank
 you everyone for your time and contributions
 We can continue discussion on the parked items and anything else that
 doesn't impact the coding for the first live Birmingham import

Talk-transit mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Philippine addressing system for OSM

2009-03-18 Thread maning sambale
If we could create a sensible addressing at least for Metro Manila we
can invite businesses to add their address to osm

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:36 AM, maning sambale wrote:

 I have been discussing with rally about adding addresses to osm.  We
 all know it's messy here in the Philippines but rally outlined an even
 more messy situation!
 I hope we can pool our minds together to come-up with a sensible
 addressing format for the Philippines.

 I've started a wikipage to collect some notes

 I suggest we adopt the Karlsruhe Schema and adopt all possible tags
 that fit the Philippines.

 here's the email from rally (background rally works in courier service
 so he knows this stuff very well):
 housenumber : number or alphanumeric (eg 12-C, 5-A), or
 housename: for addresses on Avenues (eg. ortigas ave ext or
 manila east
 roads) that has no street number, but building names only

 street: sometimes blank (for sitios with no streets; of for
 with no streets - using Lot/Block/Phase)

 state -- not applicable
 for NCR:

 postcode: zipcode

 Note: In the US,  zipcode combined with
 house number and street name
 are enough info for a package to be delivered.
 because their expanded zipcode makes the equivalent
 barangay, sitio, town,
 city, state becomes redundant info.
 a specific expanded ZIP points to a small specific area in
 the country. So,
 once a messenger reached that zipcode area, all he has to
 do is look for the
 street and house number. sometimes it includes APT or SPC
 (apartment  or
 Space number). no need to specify condo or name of
 townhouse (as they
 consume extra space in the database).

 The dream is for every filipino living in a specific area,
 to know his/her
 expanded zipcode. maybe, all he needs to do is dial his
 landline on his
 area, and the computer answers back with the correct
 zipcode; or simply ask
 the barangay tanod for their zipcode. then, there's no
 need to memorize the
 name of apartment, condo, building name, project
 subdivision. that way, typo
 error don't  matter as long as the zipcode is correct.
 according to wiki,
 Taytay Rizal is 41square Km. yet the zip code is one
 4-digit number for the
 entire town. Now what's the use of this zipcode to a
 messenger? no use.

 my point is, after the tag addr:street we must
 go to many other sub-levels
 before going to city or town.

 some barangays in the philppines are just too big for one
 expanded zipcode,
 so we further divide it into sitio or big village or big
 wait, it's not that easy to teach and implement.

 what complicates the address system is the inefficient use
 of address fields
 in paper forms: rural and city addresses need different

 NCR have districts and barangays but don't
 have provinces, and sitios and
 puroks are not that many.

 RURAL AREAS have provinces and barangays, but have lots of
 sitios and
 puroks, but practically no districts (except for
 congressional districts
 which is not used on Address system) - because
 congressional district keeps
 on changing very often.

 since there are lots of streetname duplication
 in a particular town, rural
 addresses need to specify subdivision name, or sitio or
 purok name or
 neighborhood association name; else the mails get lost.
 There are no laws
 governing the naming of streets. it's a
 free-for-all system for LGU to
 name it to any names they like.

 if we use all fields (1) house number or Lot/Blk/Phase, (2)
 Floor Number,
 (3) building name or Apartment name, (4) streetname, (5)
 sitio or purok, (6)
 subdivision name (or project name), (7) barangay name, (8)
 town or city
 name, (9) province, (10) regions name, (11) country name,
 (12) zip code...
 gosh there's a lot of field that will be blank or be
 filled up with a lot of
 1. some don't have House number, but Lot/Blk/Phase ---
 How do you search Lot
 Block Phase? Doesn't make sense and creates logistical
 nightmare. One block
 normally covers 3-4 streets (on all sides) - not
 environment friendly - lots
 of fuel spent searching.
 2. If Lot/Blk/Phase is used, then some don't use street
 names (especially
 for those subd given permit to sell even without naming
 their streets), then
 after a few years put names on the street and mess up the
 address database.
 3. if they don't live in a building, then what's
 the use of Floor Number and
 building name field? (imagine the precious terabytes wasted
 on the harddrive
 trying to reserved space for these unused space on a
 typical database)
 4. some buildings are condos, some office/residential (so
 we use building
 field to enter the condo name) when some would insist that
 it should be on
 the Projects Name --- same field reserved for
 Subdivision Name so which-
 which? what about a townhouse, since these 

Re: [talk-ph] Philippine addressing system for OSM

2009-03-18 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
I don't think this is just an OSM-PH problem. If we can create a nice
extensible system, we can share it as an addressing standard that can be
used by everyone in the Philippines. This begs the question: how do other
companies/organizations/DHL/FedEx deal with the addressing mess in the
Philippines? If these are not trade secrets, we should talk to them and see
what systems are in place and how we can improve on them and create a

Regarding the problem of database space waste, this isn't a problem for OSM
since we only add key=value tags as necessary. Fields that are blank just
don't exist (i.e., aren't tagged) for that geographic feature.

I guess this is why the addressing system in Google Map Maker is extremely
broken for the Philippines; people just don't know what to put in the
sub-locality, locality, city, district/county, state fields in
Google Map Maker. I've seen this really fantastic address there once:
Taguig, Makati, Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines. In some
instances, I've tried to correct the addresses by inputing Fort Bonifacio
as the barangay (under the locality field) since Fort Bonifacio was one of
the several barangays created in Taguig City late last year (see this NSCB
press release: And you
know what? Google Map Maker rejected my changes since it did not recognize
Fort Bonifacio as a valid name. (So I said, screw Map Maker.)

Anyway, I have never lived in the provinces, only in Metro Manila, so I'm
not at all familiar with the purok/sitio system that seems to be often used
in rural areas. What I do know is that most folks in Metro Manila do not
even know what barangay they live in.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:41 AM, maning sambale

 If we could create a sensible addressing at least for Metro Manila we
 can invite businesses to add their address to osm

 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:36 AM, maning sambale wrote:
  I have been discussing with rally about adding addresses to osm.  We
  all know it's messy here in the Philippines but rally outlined an even
  more messy situation!
  I hope we can pool our minds together to come-up with a sensible
  addressing format for the Philippines.
  I've started a wikipage to collect some notes
  I suggest we adopt the Karlsruhe Schema and adopt all possible tags
  that fit the Philippines.
  here's the email from rally (background rally works in courier service
  so he knows this stuff very well):
  housenumber : number or alphanumeric (eg 12-C, 5-A), or
  housename: for addresses on Avenues (eg. ortigas ave ext or
  manila east
  roads) that has no street number, but building names only
  street: sometimes blank (for sitios with no streets; of for
  with no streets - using Lot/Block/Phase)
  state -- not applicable
  for NCR:
  postcode: zipcode
  Note: In the US,  zipcode combined with
  house number and street name
  are enough info for a package to be delivered.
  because their expanded zipcode makes the equivalent
  barangay, sitio, town,
  city, state becomes redundant info.
  a specific expanded ZIP points to a small specific area in
  the country. So,
  once a messenger reached that zipcode area, all he has to
  do is look for the
  street and house number. sometimes it includes APT or SPC
  (apartment  or
  Space number). no need to specify condo or name of
  townhouse (as they
  consume extra space in the database).
  The dream is for every filipino living in a specific area,
  to know his/her
  expanded zipcode. maybe, all he needs to do is dial his
  landline on his
  area, and the computer answers back with the correct
  zipcode; or simply ask
  the barangay tanod for their zipcode. then, there's no
  need to memorize the
  name of apartment, condo, building name, project
  subdivision. that way, typo
  error don't  matter as long as the zipcode is correct.
  according to wiki,
  Taytay Rizal is 41square Km. yet the zip code is one
  4-digit number for the
  entire town. Now what's the use of this zipcode to a
  messenger? no use.
  my point is, after the tag addr:street we must
  go to many other sub-levels
  before going to city or town.
  some barangays in the philppines are just too big for one
  expanded zipcode,
  so we further divide it into sitio or big village or big
  wait, it's not that easy to teach and implement.
  what complicates the address system is the inefficient use
  of address fields
  in paper forms: rural and city addresses need different
  NCR have districts and barangays but don't
  have provinces, and sitios and
  puroks are not that many.
  RURAL AREAS have provinces and barangays, but have lots of
  sitios and

Re: [talk-ph] Philippine addressing system for OSM

2009-03-18 Thread maning sambale
I made draft schema based on Karlsruhe Schema with several modifications

For comments

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 11:39 AM, maning sambale wrote:
 On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 10:36 AM, maning sambale wrote:
 idiot-proof efficient address system. :-)
 I don't think it will be :), but I'm hoping we can make a workable plan

 Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Philippine addressing system for OSM

2009-03-18 Thread maning sambale
 I get worried when people start talking about addressing here.

 What you would have to reference here is the land title information.
 I know its not good but it is correct, to a point.
But this would mean a different approach to mapping which would be
very difficult information (land titles) to obtain.

What we need is to be able to use the address data for efficient
service delivery.  This house orders pizza, how do we get there?

 DHL and Fedex secret is the telephone number on the slip..

 The post office is the one with the best system.. Even if it is broke also.

 talk-ph mailing list

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] immutable=yes Fwd: DEC Lands

2009-03-18 Thread Douglas Furlong
I believe back on the 10th of March Russ said in three seporate emails that
he would upload the data, monitor the changes (dealing with associated
conflicts) and report back here with his findings.
I am fairly certain in another email shortly after he said he's now done it.


On Mar 18, 2009 12:20 AM, Matt Amos wrote:

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 10:46 PM, Russ Nelson wrote: 
On Mar 16, 2009, at 7:09...
potlatch, JOSM and merkaartor already support several external data
sources (yahoo! imagery, gpx points, WMS, etc...)

if your data source is useful to a significant number of people then
they (or you) will add support to the editors.

in my opinion your arguments for a unified interface to GIS data are
not compelling. on the other hand, i don't see any disadvantage to
adding DEC lands data to OSM. in the end it reduces to: do you want to
import and maintain this data, including the responsibility of
resolving mistakes and disputes with other community members, or would
you prefer to just debate the point endlessly on this list?



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Re: [OSM-talk] Multipolygons in Mapnik

2009-03-18 Thread Martijn van Oosterhout
On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 7:53 PM, Jon Burgess wrote:
 You are correct, the hourly diff imports can not handle the multipolygon
 relation properly. These will fix themselves after the weekly import
 each Wednesday. Any edit to the nodes or ways in the relation will
 probably break it again.

Does anyone have a grip on the actual problem? When I wrote the diff
handling code I thought I covered all the bases, so I'd be interested
to know the failure mode.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Lester Caine
While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be 
applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia because of 
their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!

On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only 
later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know 
we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors 
have found the same problem.

The bottom line in my mind is that if we applied the same heavy handed 
rubber to OSM that is applied in wikipedia then many people whould have 
walked from here.

All I am probably asking at this point is that links FROM OSM to an 
article should bear some what when an 'editor' gets it into his head 
that the article should be chopped. But that can only be ensured by 
pressure inside wikipedia, and some flag that osm IS linking to it?

In the meantime, the bulk of the links WE need to create at this time 
are to secondary place information, and there are lots of alternative - 
more open - places that we can link to.
  Freely usable up to date facts ... - Only really useful as a cross reference?
  OSM search usually gets the location right, but a link back to
  source search would be useful? - ( with advertising :( ) Growing library of local information - Growing photo gallery
  ( This site would benefit from replacing MapQuest by OSM ;) ) Pictures via place name - roughly

Of cause what would be nice would be a common standard for location 
names, so we can just create new links automatically. I keep returning 
to a nice hierarchic front end for osm, which nowadays is probably just 
a different view on the place search?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Shaun McDonald
Hi Lester,

You could take a look at includipedia, which is basically a fork of  
the wikipedia to become an inclusive version of the wikipedia.


On 18 Mar 2009, at 08:53, Lester Caine wrote:

 While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be
 applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia  
 because of
 their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!

 On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
 later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
 we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
 have found the same problem.

 The bottom line in my mind is that if we applied the same heavy handed
 rubber to OSM that is applied in wikipedia then many people whould  
 walked from here.

 All I am probably asking at this point is that links FROM OSM to an
 article should bear some what when an 'editor' gets it into his head
 that the article should be chopped. But that can only be ensured by
 pressure inside wikipedia, and some flag that osm IS linking to it?

 In the meantime, the bulk of the links WE need to create at this time
 are to secondary place information, and there are lots of  
 alternative -
 more open - places that we can link to.
  Freely usable up to date facts ... - Only really useful as a cross reference?
  OSM search usually gets the location right, but a link back to
  source search would be useful? - ( with advertising :( ) Growing library of local information - Growing photo gallery
  ( This site would benefit from replacing MapQuest by OSM ;) ) Pictures via place name - roughly

 Of cause what would be nice would be a common standard for location
 names, so we can just create new links automatically. I keep returning
 to a nice hierarchic front end for osm, which nowadays is probably  
 a different view on the place search?

 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Firebird -

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] GPS track upload working?

2009-03-18 Thread Ed Avis
When I try to upload a GPS track using,
it takes a while and then gives a blank page.  The track does not appear in the
list (even as 'pending').

Is anyone else seeing the same?

Ed Avis

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS track upload working?

2009-03-18 Thread Shaun McDonald
What is the size of the track that you are trying to upload?


On 18 Mar 2009, at 13:58, Ed Avis wrote:

 When I try to upload a GPS track using 
 it takes a while and then gives a blank page.  The track does not  
 appear in the
 list (even as 'pending').

 Is anyone else seeing the same?

 Ed Avis

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Russ Nelson

On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

 While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be
 applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia  
 because of
 their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!

 On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
 later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
 we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
 have found the same problem.

This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the  
OSMF.  They should make an arrangement with Wikipedia saying: that an  
article linked from OSM to Wikipedia is by definition noteworthy, and  
that that justification cannot be used to delete an article from  
Wikipedia.  There might be other reasons: for example that the  
locations linked between OSM and Wikipedia are in fact not related, or  
the *location* is not worth including in OSM.

If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to  
cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.

Russ Nelson - - - Twitter: Russ_OSM -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS track upload working?

2009-03-18 Thread Kærast
On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:58:41 + (UTC)
Ed Avis wrote:

 When I try to upload a GPS track using, it takes a while and then
 gives a blank page.  The track does not appear in the list (even as
 Is anyone else seeing the same?

I had something similar this morning, it seemed to upload ok but didn't
appear in the list as pending and then I got an import failure email:

failed to import. Here's the error:

  Unable to open /store/gpx/traces/335849.gpx (errno=No such file or
directory) XML parser at line 0 column 0

Since that trace didn't actually add much new I gave up and just
used it locally.  I've just uploaded another trace though which has
uploaded and parsed ok.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Peter Miller
2009/3/18 Russ Nelson

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

  While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be
  applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia
  because of
  their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!
  On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
  later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
  we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
  have found the same problem.

 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the
 OSMF.  They should make an arrangement with Wikipedia saying: that an
 article linked from OSM to Wikipedia is by definition noteworthy, and
 that that justification cannot be used to delete an article from
 Wikipedia.  There might be other reasons: for example that the
 locations linked between OSM and Wikipedia are in fact not related, or
 the *location* is not worth including in OSM.

With respect, there are good reasons for some articles to not make it into
Wikipedia. Certainly the process for removing them can be a little crude but
the notability criteria for Wikipedia are necessary. I had trouble with some
articles about minor ferry services in Suffolk (one did arguably have
notability as being the smallest registered ferry in Europe, however even
that was not enough for the group). They were deemed 'not-notable'
individually but I did get them to stick when someone suggested an article
'local ferries in Suffolk'. It would have been better to have had another
place to put them where that problem didn't arise but WIkipedia is not that
place really. Here is what we ended up with...

It may be necessary for OSM to create a companion wiki for OSM where every
feature or relation (or group of features) can have an article and that
existence of a feature in OSM is criteria enough for inclusion but it would
need people who would maintain it and it would need to be linked into the
OSM tool base.

ITO would be very supportive of an initiative to provide descriptions,
photos and subjective information about features in the OSM database which
don't belong in OSM itself. The word 'smoothness' comes to mind! If anyone
is interested in this then possibly we should set up a wiki page for it:)


Peter Miller
ITO World Ltd

 If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to
 cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.

 Russ Nelson - - - Twitter: Russ_OSM -

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Dave Stubbs
2009/3/18 Russ Nelson

 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

 While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be
 applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia
 because of
 their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!

 On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
 later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
 we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
 have found the same problem.

 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the
 OSMF.  They should make an arrangement with Wikipedia saying: that an
 article linked from OSM to Wikipedia is by definition noteworthy, and
 that that justification cannot be used to delete an article from
 Wikipedia.  There might be other reasons: for example that the
 locations linked between OSM and Wikipedia are in fact not related, or
 the *location* is not worth including in OSM.

 If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to
 cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.

Wikipedia have their whole concept of notability. We have the concept
that if it exists you can map it. This isn't really compatible. If I
map my house (I have done, it's an address, OSM wants that data) and
link it to a page about my house on wikipedia I'd fully expect the
wikipedia article to get deleted on notability grounds. My house is
not notable just because it exists, but it is worth mapping.

It's not just us who might link to a wikipedia page that gets removed
on such grounds. That's wikipedia's problem, not ours, and they seem
quite happy with it.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Russ Nelson

On Mar 18, 2009, at 11:57 AM, Dave Stubbs wrote:

 Wikipedia have their whole concept of notability. We have the concept
 that if it exists you can map it. This isn't really compatible.

Then perhaps we need to, as Lester suggests, have our own information  
base?  Either link to includipedia or else link to our own wiki --  
which would redirect to Wikipedia if no such article exists.
Russ Nelson - - - Twitter: Russ_OSM -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Lester Caine
Peter Miller wrote:
 2009/3/18 Russ Nelson
 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Lester Caine wrote:
   While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be
   applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia
   because of
   their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!
   On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
   later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I
   we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
   have found the same problem.
 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the
 OSMF.  They should make an arrangement with Wikipedia saying: that an
 article linked from OSM to Wikipedia is by definition noteworthy, and
 that that justification cannot be used to delete an article from
 Wikipedia.  There might be other reasons: for example that the
 locations linked between OSM and Wikipedia are in fact not related, or
 the *location* is not worth including in OSM.
 With respect, there are good reasons for some articles to not make it 
 into Wikipedia. Certainly the process for removing them can be a little 
 crude but the notability criteria for Wikipedia are necessary. I had 
 trouble with some articles about minor ferry services in Suffolk (one 
 did arguably have notability as being the smallest registered ferry in 
 Europe, however even that was not enough for the group). They were 
 deemed 'not-notable' individually but I did get them to stick when 
 someone suggested an article 'local ferries in Suffolk'. It would have 
 been better to have had another place to put them where that problem 
 didn't arise but WIkipedia is not that place really. Here is what we 
 ended up with...

I'd have a little more sympathy with wikipedia if they did not slap 
large banners over many articles and then not ACTUALLY do anything about 
them for 18 months ...
The person how decided to complain should be required to back up a 
complaint within a reasonable time, or the banners simply get taken off. 
A lot of the potential links I WAS making in 2007 still have the same 
garbage plastered over them and none of the points of clarification I 
posted at the time have ever been answered :(

 It may be necessary for OSM to create a companion wiki for OSM where 
 every feature or relation (or group of features) can have an article and 
 that existence of a feature in OSM is criteria enough for inclusion but 
 it would need people who would maintain it and it would need to be 
 linked into the OSM tool base.
 ITO would be very supportive of an initiative to provide descriptions, 
 photos and subjective information about features in the OSM database 
 which don't belong in OSM itself. The word 'smoothness' comes to mind! 
 If anyone is interested in this then possibly we should set up a wiki 
 page for it:)

I have to admit to a side line interest in viovio and I will be looking 
at switching the mapping links to use osm, but while 'researching' this 
email, came up and seems to provide a very nice 
base that we could dovetail with nicely!

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread anonymous guy
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Russ Nelson wrote:
 Then perhaps we need to, as Lester suggests, have our own information
 base?  Either link to includipedia or else link to our own wiki --
 which would redirect to Wikipedia if no such article exists.

I agree with the idea of setting up a wiki just for this effort.

The main justification I would have is that it's never a good idea to
take all your and your community's efforts and hand them over to a
third party's care.  If for any reason something happens, you're stuck
without your work at least or you're life is made quite complex.

It's an easy habit to get into making infoboxes or see also type
links which go to the various other good sources out there.
- wikipedia, includipedia, citizendium, etc.
- official government website
- official travel website
- whatever

Perhaps if the page/link naming scheme was kept the same as
Wikipedia's, then you could hack a link into the template which would
automatically appear on every article page.

If I can manage to get into things, I'd gladly donate some spare time
assisting.  I've been involved in several medium-sized MediaWiki
installations in the past.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Lester Caine
These should have been to the list ... pigging 'redirect'!

Shaun McDonald wrote:
 Hi Lester,
 You could take a look at includipedia, which is basically a fork of the 
 wikipedia to become an inclusive version of the wikipedia.

I have seen that - but it seems to have stalled? I've never been able to
navigate it ... seems to highlight the 'problem' with
wikipedia - especially since it's being developed by one of wikipedias
founders ;) is probably more what *I* had in mind, but it does
seem to be a bit out of date on key country data :( But the world Fact
Book should be the only reference needed for that nowadays.

 On 18 Mar 2009, at 08:53, Lester Caine wrote:
 While the effort being put into links WITH wikipedia are to be
 applauded, many of us are no longer contributing to wikipedia because of
 their propensity to kill of material that is not 'noteworthy'!

 On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
 later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
 we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
 have found the same problem.

 The bottom line in my mind is that if we applied the same heavy handed
 rubber to OSM that is applied in wikipedia then many people whould have
 walked from here.

 All I am probably asking at this point is that links FROM OSM to an
 article should bear some what when an 'editor' gets it into his head
 that the article should be chopped. But that can only be ensured by
 pressure inside wikipedia, and some flag that osm IS linking to it?

 In the meantime, the bulk of the links WE need to create at this time
 are to secondary place information, and there are lots of alternative -
 more open - places that we can link to.
  Freely usable up to date facts ... - Only really useful as a cross reference?
  OSM search usually gets the location right, but a link back to
  source search would be useful? - ( with advertising :( ) Growing library of local information - Growing photo gallery
  ( This site would benefit from replacing MapQuest by OSM ;) ) Pictures via place name - roughly

 Of cause what would be nice would be a common standard for location
 names, so we can just create new links automatically. I keep returning
 to a nice hierarchic front end for osm, which nowadays is probably just
 a different view on the place search?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Lester Caine
These should have been to the list ... pigging 'redirect'!

Shaun McDonald wrote:
 Hi Philip,
 What's the status of Includipedia? Did the import every get fully 

As long as you use 'search' Includipedia actually looks quite a complete
copy of wikipedia and none of the model railway pages I've been tracking
have have any of the censorship crap on them ;) I'd had to drop links to
wikipedia because of their treatment of model railway attractions ...

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Tim 'avatar' Bartel

2009/3/18 Russ Nelson
 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

 On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
 later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
 we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
 have found the same problem.

 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the
 OSMF.  They should make an arrangement with Wikipedia saying: that an
 article linked from OSM to Wikipedia is by definition noteworthy, and
 that that justification cannot be used to delete an article from
 Wikipedia.  There might be other reasons: for example that the
 locations linked between OSM and Wikipedia are in fact not related, or
 the *location* is not worth including in OSM.

 If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to
 cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.

There are several reasons why this isn't possible, but the biggest one
is the following: Wikipedia isn't controlled by the Wikimedia
Foundation but by the community. With whom do you like to make an
arrangement? It's pretty hard to make an arrangement with a community
consisting out of constantly changing people.

Bye, Tim.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Lester Caine
Tim 'avatar' Bartel wrote:
 2009/3/18 Russ Nelson
 On Mar 18, 2009, at 4:53 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

 On a number of occasions in the past I have linked to articles only
 later to find the 'censors' message at the end of a link :( and I know
 we have had this discussion in the past where other OSM contributors
 have found the same problem.
 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the
 OSMF.  They should make an arrangement with Wikipedia saying: that an
 article linked from OSM to Wikipedia is by definition noteworthy, and
 that that justification cannot be used to delete an article from
 Wikipedia.  There might be other reasons: for example that the
 locations linked between OSM and Wikipedia are in fact not related, or
 the *location* is not worth including in OSM.

 If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to
 cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.
 There are several reasons why this isn't possible, but the biggest one
 is the following: Wikipedia isn't controlled by the Wikimedia
 Foundation but by the community. With whom do you like to make an
 arrangement? It's pretty hard to make an arrangement with a community
 consisting out of constantly changing people.

That is probably the main reason who I would prefer to find an 
alternative 'location' to direct links to. And some useful suggestions 
have already been made.

While I CAN appreciate the idea of our own wiki. That would require a 
lot more hardware. Viovio has several terabytes of images already, and I 
suspect can probably top that. So sharing the load would 
sound a lot more sensible?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Firebird -

talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] License Working Group meeting today

2009-03-18 Thread SteveC
Dear all

Due to some phone problems for one of our number being unable to dial  
in to the call, we decided that we should postpone by a day to sort  
those issues out. We covered a little ground - essentially that we've  
not had back feedback from OSMFs lawyer yet and some slight changes to  
the plan to take in to consideration good points received from the  
community - namely that we should build in time for a 1.0 review also.

More tomorrow.



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Tom Hughes
Peter Miller wrote:

 Finally, lets not be frightened about the cost of another box and the 
 hosting because terrabytes and gigabytes are really cheap these days. We 
 have just bought a box with 7 Terrabytes of disk storage and it cost 
 £100 per terrabyte. We are also about to import all 1,000,000 of photos 
 of geographic features in the UK  from Geograph (all CCBYSA) to see how 
 it copes.

Monetary cost is, I agree, not the issue. Time costs for development, 
maintenance and administration are.

I think we should stick to doing one thing well and rather than trying 
to do lots of things and not managing to do any of them well.


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread paul youlten
Is there any reason that we can't use Flickr to host photographs? they
seem to be fans of OSM:


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 7:15 PM, Tom Hughes wrote:
 Peter Miller wrote:

 Finally, lets not be frightened about the cost of another box and the
 hosting because terrabytes and gigabytes are really cheap these days. We
 have just bought a box with 7 Terrabytes of disk storage and it cost
 £100 per terrabyte. We are also about to import all 1,000,000 of photos
 of geographic features in the UK  from Geograph (all CCBYSA) to see how
 it copes.

 Monetary cost is, I agree, not the issue. Time costs for development,
 maintenance and administration are.

 I think we should stick to doing one thing well and rather than trying
 to do lots of things and not managing to do any of them well.


 Tom Hughes (

 talk mailing list

Tel: +44(0) 7814 517 807

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] restart the Mapnik daemon?

2009-03-18 Thread Wes Townsend

Apologies, as I am new to this list. Can someone restart the Mapnik daemon?
I am getting blank output when I export an Area (using the GUI). Thank you.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Lars Aronsson
Lester Caine wrote:

 I'd have a little more sympathy with wikipedia if they did not slap 

The problem with your criticism is that they can't be 
identified.  It is like blaming the OSM mappers (what? me?) for 
putting more energy into mapping England than Scotland. You can of 
course be dissatisfied with the poor coverage of some regions, but 
you don't achieve anything by trying to blame the entire project 
for this.

Some articles get improved, others not, others again get deleted. 
The best insurance for keeping your article is to make it good. 
From OSM, perhaps we should just link to Wikipedia articles that 
are pretty good already (more than 1 kbyte of text, and having 
source citations), since these are more likely to stay around.

 The person how decided to complain should be required to back up 
 a complaint within a reasonable time,

And now you're complaining about Wikipedia. So how are you going 
to back up your complaint? By improving Wikipedia?

  Lars Aronsson (
  Aronsson Datateknik -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] restart the Mapnik daemon?

2009-03-18 Thread Jon Burgess
On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 15:13 -0400, Wes Townsend wrote:
 Apologies, as I am new to this list. Can someone restart the Mapnik
 daemon? I am getting blank output when I export an Area (using the
 GUI). Thank you.

The output will be blank until the weekly import completes in a few
hours time.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Moving few meters some OSM/SHP file

2009-03-18 Thread Ivan Garcia
Hi, is there any program GUI or command line that allows me to move all the
nodes of a OSM/SHP file few meters in any direction N/S/E/W ?

I've tried JOSM but I need to do it manually sellecting all the nodes and
moving with SHIFT+arrows

Best regards.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Peter - are you really sure about geograph? AIUI only the photos are
CC-BY-SA, the geolocation is OS-derived. Please check.

Sorry for crap formatting, moving house so on mobile.


Peter Miller-7 wrote:
 On 18 Mar 2009, at 17:11, Lester Caine wrote:
 Tim 'avatar' Bartel wrote:

 If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to
 cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.

 There are several reasons why this isn't possible, but the biggest  
 is the following: Wikipedia isn't controlled by the Wikimedia
 Foundation but by the community. With whom do you like to make an
 arrangement? It's pretty hard to make an arrangement with a community
 consisting out of constantly changing people.

 That is probably the main reason who I would prefer to find an
 alternative 'location' to direct links to. And some useful suggestions
 have already been made.

 While I CAN appreciate the idea of our own wiki. That would require a
 lot more hardware. Viovio has several terabytes of images already,  
 and I
 suspect can probably top that. So sharing the load  
 sound a lot more sensible?
 As I see it there are a number of different sorts of 'associated' data  
 for OSM that needs a reliable and welcoming home somewhere:
 1) Photos - these need to have locations and a direction or  
 alternatively two positions, one for the camera and one for the  
 subject of the photo. In addition to that it is useful to know when it  
 was taken and any special attributes, was it taken when it was  
 snowing, was it raining, is it a picture of something pretty or of a  
 defect or of a signpost or what. All of this information would allow  
 applications to decide which ones to use. A journey planner would show  
 pictures of the pretty things on the route but another application  
 might want to show defects to the local council or show illegal  
 parking to the police. So... there is a whole load of stuff to do with  
 photos , some pretty pictures of scenery can go in WikiTravel and  
 Viovio etc, but some of the other stuff wouldn't be appreciated there  
 and we might need to provide a home.
 2) Articles - background information for a street, when it was  
 constructed, why, where its name came from and possibly plans for its  
 future. Hard to see who else would give this house-room.
 3) Subjective information about ways - muddy in winter, poor lighting,  
 too narrow for a double buggy, very crowded on market days etc.
 I would like us to think about all this stuff. We need to decide which  
 bit below in Wikipedia (certainly the right place for articles about  
 towns), for Viovio (pretty pictures?), and which nerdy details about  
 traffic, pot poles, traffic signs and bus stop poles and origins of  
 street names belong in OSM and no-where else.
 Finally, lets not be frightened about the cost of another box and the  
 hosting because terrabytes and gigabytes are really cheap these days.  
 We have just bought a box with 7 Terrabytes of disk storage and it  
 cost £100 per terrabyte. We are also about to import all 1,000,000 of  
 photos of geographic features in the UK  from Geograph (all CCBYSA) to  
 see how it copes.
 Can I suggest that if we are serious about this that we get a wiki  
 page together with the brief for the project and see what it looks  
 like as we work on it. Does this project have a name and are in vague  
 agreement about the scope and the need?

 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Firebird -

 talk mailing list
 talk mailing list

View this message in context:
Sent from the OpenStreetMap - General mailing list archive at

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM is a Google Summer of Code 2009 project!

2009-03-18 Thread Mikel Maron
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Spam] Re: [Spam] Re: Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Peter Miller

On 18 Mar 2009, at 21:23, Richard Fairhurst wrote:

 Peter - are you really sure about geograph? AIUI only the photos are
 CC-BY-SA, the geolocation is OS-derived. Please check.

I am sure that Barry Hunter (who started it) assured me at sotm2008  
that the whole thing is CCBYSA and that the OS who sponsor the project  
had agreed to that but I don't see that message repeated on their  
website. I will check with him again and report back.



 Sorry for crap formatting, moving house so on mobile.


 Peter Miller-7 wrote:

 On 18 Mar 2009, at 17:11, Lester Caine wrote:

 Tim 'avatar' Bartel wrote:

 If we're going to cooperate with Wikipedia, then they need to
 cooperate with us by not allowing any dangling links.

 There are several reasons why this isn't possible, but the biggest
 is the following: Wikipedia isn't controlled by the Wikimedia
 Foundation but by the community. With whom do you like to make an
 arrangement? It's pretty hard to make an arrangement with a  
 consisting out of constantly changing people.

 That is probably the main reason who I would prefer to find an
 alternative 'location' to direct links to. And some useful  
 have already been made.

 While I CAN appreciate the idea of our own wiki. That would  
 require a
 lot more hardware. Viovio has several terabytes of images already,
 and I
 suspect can probably top that. So sharing the load
 sound a lot more sensible?

 As I see it there are a number of different sorts of 'associated'  
 for OSM that needs a reliable and welcoming home somewhere:

 1) Photos - these need to have locations and a direction or
 alternatively two positions, one for the camera and one for the
 subject of the photo. In addition to that it is useful to know when  
 was taken and any special attributes, was it taken when it was
 snowing, was it raining, is it a picture of something pretty or of a
 defect or of a signpost or what. All of this information would allow
 applications to decide which ones to use. A journey planner would  
 pictures of the pretty things on the route but another application
 might want to show defects to the local council or show illegal
 parking to the police. So... there is a whole load of stuff to do  
 photos , some pretty pictures of scenery can go in WikiTravel and
 Viovio etc, but some of the other stuff wouldn't be appreciated there
 and we might need to provide a home.

 2) Articles - background information for a street, when it was
 constructed, why, where its name came from and possibly plans for its
 future. Hard to see who else would give this house-room.

 3) Subjective information about ways - muddy in winter, poor  
 too narrow for a double buggy, very crowded on market days etc.

 I would like us to think about all this stuff. We need to decide  
 bit below in Wikipedia (certainly the right place for articles about
 towns), for Viovio (pretty pictures?), and which nerdy details about
 traffic, pot poles, traffic signs and bus stop poles and origins of
 street names belong in OSM and no-where else.

 Finally, lets not be frightened about the cost of another box and the
 hosting because terrabytes and gigabytes are really cheap these days.
 We have just bought a box with 7 Terrabytes of disk storage and it
 cost £100 per terrabyte. We are also about to import all 1,000,000  
 photos of geographic features in the UK  from Geograph (all CCBYSA)  
 see how it copes.

 Can I suggest that if we are serious about this that we get a wiki
 page together with the brief for the project and see what it looks
 like as we work on it. Does this project have a name and are in vague
 agreement about the scope and the need?



 Lester Caine - G8HFL
 Contact -
 L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
 EnquirySolve -
 Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
 Firebird -

 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the OpenStreetMap - General mailing list archive at

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia (was: Map tag in Wikipedia)

2009-03-18 Thread Lars Aronsson
Tim 'avatar' Bartel wrote:

 Regarding the people interested in the map project: Because the 
 project just started, it won't be too useful to add more people 
 to the group before we have buyed the servers, brought them to 
 our data center in Amsterdam and set up a base system.

There's a lot more to be done, and a lot more going on with maps 
in Wikipedia than just the new map toolserver.  The 15,000 euro 
from WMDE is another step forward, but not the first and not the 
last.  The existing toolserver with the GeoHack and WikiMiniAtlas 
applications represents a series of previous steps forward.

The Berlin meetup is one chance for those interested in all of 
these little projects to see each other, learn about recent 
advances, and discuss how to continue from here.  Another such 
chance is the State of the Map conference in July.  The deadline 
for SOTM paper submissions is May 3. Enough time to get ideas in 
Berlin and write up a synopsis for SOTM.

Setting up the map toolserver will be important. But other people 
can do other things in the same time. For example, we will have to 
consider how the current coordinate links in Wikipedia articles 
should be changed to inline map presentations.  Should they fit in 
infoboxes?  We still have no system for interwiki synchronization 
of coordinates.  Different languages of Wikipedia can specify 
different coordinates for the same city, with different precision. 
To what extent does OSM link back to Wikipedia, and how should 
that be improved? I recently introduced WikiMiniAtlas in the 
Swedish Wikipedia, and initiated a translation of the GeoHack page 
into Norwegian (bokmål and nynorsk).  Yesterday, the page was translated into 
Swedish and Russian. At the Berlin meet-up we can inspire someone 
to do such things for other languages of Wikipedia.

Last year, Inge Wallin and I applied for funds for a Swedish tile 
server. The hardware is being installed now. Our primary interest 
is to render OSM in the style of Swedish cartography. But we also 
need to know how this can best be coordinated with the German map 
toolserver and other resources.

So, the map project is a lot bigger than the map toolserver.

  Lars Aronsson (
  Aronsson Datateknik -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM is a Google Summer of Code 2009 project!

2009-03-18 Thread Ian Dees
2009/3/18 Mikel Maron

You stole my thunder! :)

OSM should start receiving applications for summer of code work soon. Keep
the list of project ideas updated so we can attract some student

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moving few meters some OSM/SHP file

2009-03-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ivan Garcia capiscuas at writes:

 Hi, is there any program GUI or command line that allows me to move all the
nodes of a OSM/SHP file few meters in any direction N/S/E/W ?I've tried JOSM but
I need to do it manually sellecting all the nodes and moving with
SHIFT+arrowsBest regards.

OpenJUMP can do that with shapefiles.  Select the features, give distance and
angle and you've done.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Frederik Ramm

Russ Nelson wrote:
 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the  

OSMF telling the Wikikpedia people what to do would be like the 
Wikipedia people telling us what to do. We'd laugh at them and go on.

A Wikipedia link from OSM is just like any other web link - you have no 
guarantee that its target will remain present (or online). Let's just 
accept this and get on with things. By all means, put a link to 
Encycoplaedia Britannica if you want but how sure are you that this 
outlasts the Wikipedia article?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?

2009-03-18 Thread Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists)
Frederik Ramm wrote:
Sent: 19 March 2009 12:00 AM
To: Russ Nelson
Cc: Talk Openstreetmap
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] Alternatives to wikipedia?


Russ Nelson wrote:
 This is a serious enough issue that it should be escalated to the

OSMF telling the Wikikpedia people what to do would be like the
Wikipedia people telling us what to do. We'd laugh at them and go on.

A Wikipedia link from OSM is just like any other web link - you have no
guarantee that its target will remain present (or online). Let's just
accept this and get on with things. By all means, put a link to
Encycoplaedia Britannica if you want but how sure are you that this
outlasts the Wikipedia article?

or we could just start our own factual database beyond geospatial data. Its
clearly a whole lot easier and less contentious if you are only responsible
for documenting fact, and it's a sure way of staying ahead of the game with
this linked-data malarkey.

Leave everything else for Hello magazine.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] mapnik does not display symbols

2009-03-18 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Thursday 12 March 2009 23:26:14 Jon Burgess wrote:
 On Thu, 2009-03-12 at 18:15 +0530, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
  looks like the problem is missing columns in the lenny install. I checked
  and find the fedora10 install has 52 columns whereas the lenny one has
  only 41. I cannot find the file which contains the create table statement
  - if I can get my hands on that, I could check and manually add the
  missing columns. btw, the fedora10 install does not have a 'construction'
  column, but still works. Any idea where this create table statement is
  and where does it get a list of columns?

 The create table command is generated by osm2pgsql. The list of columns
 is defined in the I mentioned earlier in this email chain.
ok. reinstalled everything - has kicked in and I am getting all 
the columns including the 'construction' column. When I run, 
I am getting a perfect image. But when using renderd and mod_tile, I get a 
good image upto about zoom level 12, higher zooms are giving a b0rked image. 
You can see this here:
Kenneth Gonsalves

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap and Wikipedia (was: Map tag in Wikipedia)

2009-03-18 Thread Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason
2009/3/17 Tim 'avatar' Bartel

 2009/3/11 Frederik Ramm
 Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:
 Anyway, there's a MediaWiki developer meetup in Berlin next month


 But it would be very cool if someone that *did* know something about
 the OSM platform were to go and talk to the people involved there
 about getting OSM on Wikipedia.

 There will be people who know both OSM and Wikipedia, and they will talk
 about these things.

 Yes. Church of emacs provided an English translation of our info
 page - thanks!

 You can find it here:

 Abstract: Wikimedia Germany is very interested in supporting the
 interaction between OSM and Wikipedia. So the board decided to
 allocate 15.000 Euros for some hardware and initiated a project with
 two main goals:
 - Integrating OSM maps into Wikipedia
 - Building a Map-Toolserver similar to the Wikimedia-Toolserver to
 give any interested OSM developer an easy possibility to build tools
 and special maps without the hassle of building an own infrastructure

 Any further ideas? Add them to the talk page or join us in Berlin!

I'll be coming to the meeting in Berlin and look forward to seeing you
all and discussing OSM intergation into Wikimedia sites.

It would be nice to get all the interested parties together on some
forum before the meeting whether it be IRC, mailing lists or something
else. I added myself to the Team section on the wiki but more
communication with the other nodes in said team would be welcome:)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moving few meters some OSM/SHP file

2009-03-18 Thread Ivan Garcia
Thanks Jukka,

I had problems with OpenJum to load my shapefiles with unicode special
characters, altought uDig didn't have any?

Is that a known problem?

Best Regards.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Jukka Rahkonen

 Ivan Garcia capiscuas at writes:

  Hi, is there any program GUI or command line that allows me to move all
 nodes of a OSM/SHP file few meters in any direction N/S/E/W ?I've tried
 JOSM but
 I need to do it manually sellecting all the nodes and moving with
 SHIFT+arrowsBest regards.

 OpenJUMP can do that with shapefiles.  Select the features, give distance
 angle and you've done.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Lithuanian revert

2009-03-18 Thread OSM Foundation Admin
--ENGLISH Further down--

Duomenų darbo grupė (anksčiau vadinta Vandalizmo darbo grupe) tyrė
galimą duomenų autorinių teisių pažeidimą Lietuvoje.  Šio tyrimo
pasekoje buvo nuspręsta užblokuoti kai kurias paskyras, ir ištrinti jų
įvestus duomenis.  Pradinis įtarimas buvo iškeltas el. pašto
dėl ko buvo susisiekta su suinteresuotomis šalimis.  Konkrečiai,
naudotojas Pranas negalėjo pateikti patenkinamo atsako dėl jo įvestų
duomenų šaltinio, taigi šio naudotojo paskyra buvo sustabdyta
tolesniam tyrimui.  Manome, kad iškart po to šis naudotojas ar kiti
netoliese dirbantys naudotojai sukūrė daugelį paskyrų per keletą
valandų, kas sukėlė daugiau įtarimų.

Šią situaciją išsprendėme sustabdydami visas šias paskyras ir
pašalindami visus jų įvestus duomenis.  Tai dalį duomenų sugrąžins į
senesnę būseną, ir dalis vėlesnių pakeitimų bus prarasta.  Tai yra
skaudu, bet neišvengiama.

Paskyrų, kurias palietė šis sprendimas, sąrašas yra pateiktas wiki.

Į kiekvienos užblokuotos paskyros nurodytą el. pašto adresą išsiuntėme
žinutę, kurioje pranešėme apie šį sprendimą, bei nurodėme, kaip
susisiekti su darbo grupe dėl šio sprendimo peržiūrėjimo.  Be to,
išsiuntėme pranešimus visiems vartotojams, kurie prisidėjo prie
Lietuvos duomenų kūrimo, pranešdami jiems, kad kai kurie jų pakeitimai
galėjo būti prarasti, jei jie buvo padaryti virš pašalintų duomenų.

Kadangi šie abejotini duomenys vis dar egzistuoja ankstesniuose planet
dumpuose, šie dumpai taip pat pašalinti.  Mes tikimės, kad
šie dumpai bus vėl prieinami, kai abejotini duomenys bus iš jų
pašalinti.  Tikimės bendruomenės pagalbos darant šį darbą.

Jei turite klausimų apie šį reikalą, arba bet kokių klausimų dėl
duomenų OpenStreetMap duomenų bazėje, kreipkitės į Duomenų darbo grupę
šiuo adresu:

Duomenų darbo grupė
OpenStreetMap Foundation


The Data Working Group (formerly called the Vandalism Working Group) has
been investigating a possible data copyright infringement in Lithuania. As a
result of this investigation it has been decided by the group to block a
number of accounts and to delete data relating to these accounts. The
original allegation was raised on the talk mailing list
resulted in some initial communication with the parties concerned.
Specifically the user Pranas was not able to provide an acceptable response
with respect to the origin of the data entered into OpenStreetMap and this
persons account was temporarily suspended for further investigation. At the
same time we believe that this user and or other users in the area
registered multiple new OpenStreetMap usernames over a short period of a few
hours, this further raised concerns.

The process, which is now complete, has been to shut all of these accounts
and remove all the data belonging to them, this will result in the rollback
of some data and the loss of some data due to later edits, this is
unavoidable but regrettable.

The usernames impacted by this decision can be found on the wiki.

The registered email address for each account that has been closed has been
sent an email informing of the decision with details of how to contact the
working group in case of appeal. Furthermore we have emailed all the other
contributors of data in Lithuania to let them know why data has suddenly
been removed and to notify them that they may have lost some of their own
data if edits lay on top of the data removed.

Because potentially questionable data still exists in previous planet dumps
these dumps are being withdrawn. It is hoped that these dumps can be made
available again once the questionable data has been removed, community
technical support is requested for undertaking this work.

If you have any questions about this matter or any other matter relating to
the data in the database please email the data working group at You can find general guidance on how to treat data
abuse, disputes and vandalism, on the wiki at

Data Working Group
OpenStreetMap Foundation
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moving few meters some OSM/SHP file

2009-03-18 Thread Ivan Garcia
I'm trying to find in OpenJump which menu can offer me to move the distance
and angle. Do you know exactly which one?


On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:25 PM, Jukka Rahkonen

 Ivan Garcia capiscuas at writes:

  Hi, is there any program GUI or command line that allows me to move all
 nodes of a OSM/SHP file few meters in any direction N/S/E/W ?I've tried
 JOSM but
 I need to do it manually sellecting all the nodes and moving with
 SHIFT+arrowsBest regards.

 OpenJUMP can do that with shapefiles.  Select the features, give distance
 angle and you've done.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moving few meters some OSM/SHP file

2009-03-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ivan Garcia capiscuas at writes:

 I'm trying to find in OpenJump which menu can offer me to move the distance
and angle. Do you know exactly which one?Thanks.Ivan.


It seems to be available only from the mouse right click menu, in English the
selection is perhaps Move along angle.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Routable Garmin kaarten

2009-03-18 Thread Lambertus
Geert Schuring wrote:
 ik zit te wachten op midden nederland 
Even geduld nog :-)

 klopt het dat de routeerbare kaart nu zowel voor fietsers als voor auto's
 routeerbaar is?

De Garmin device bepaald welke soorten vervoer gebruikt kunnen worden op 
de kaart. Op voorwaarde dat er data aanwezig is. Nu heeft OSM gelukkig 
veel fietspaden en voetpaden, dus ja: voetgangers, fietsers, 
automobilisten etc kunnen deze kaart gebruiken.

 - Original Message 
 From: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list
 To: OpenStreetMap NL discussion list
 Subject: Re: [OSM-talk-nl] Routable Garmin kaarten
 Date: 17/03/09 14:12
 Sinds kort staan ook de kaartdelen voor noord en zuid Amerika online. Er 
 zijn nog een paar gebieden in noordwest Europa die niet renderen, dat 
 wordt in de komende tijd opgelost.

 De nieuwe locatie voor de routeerbare Garmin kaart is nu:

 Talk-nl mailing list

 Message sent using UebiMiau 2.7.10
 Talk-nl mailing list

Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Portal. Agora vai?

2009-03-18 Thread Roberto Mello Pereira Filho

Olá Vitor,

Esta de pé sim!!!


On 17/03/2009, at 21:38, Vitor George wrote:


A gente discutiu bastante a idéia do portal, registrou domínio, mas  
acabou não indo em frente.

Eu tenho tentando falar com o Arlindo, mas não consigo encontrá-lo.  
É uma pena, porque ele já tinha registrado o domínio mapaslivres.or 

De qualquer maneira ainda podemos registrar o  
Sobre a hospedagem, lembro que o Roberto havia oferecido. Ainda é po 
ssível, Roberto?

Queria ver se conseguimos colocar o Drupal no ar, pois o projeto est 
á muito parado! Nas últimas semanas não houve nenhuma inscrição  
na lista.

O OSM comemorou hoje (ou ontem) o 100.000ésimo usuário, mas eu chuto 
 que a comunidade brasileira devem ficar na casa dos 0,5%. Temos que 
 reverter este quadro!


Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Fixme

2009-03-18 Thread Lukas Kallies
Hi Dominique,

 Wenn ich die ganze Stadtmitte mit Road zu pflastere ist es 
 auch nichts ...ich dachte mehr an einem Tag der sich mit Suchtools 
 wieder leicht zurück finden lässt...wenn ich mir später vor Ort ein paar 
 notizen gemacht habe. Oder welche jemand anderes der Ortskundig ist 
 ergänzen kann.

ich verwende für so etwas note=FIXME, das wird auch vom JOSM Validator 
erkannt und ist so recht leicht wieder zu finden bzw. auch durch Andere 
zu finden.

Tagwatch hat dieses Tag auch oftmals in Frankreich gefunden:

Viele Grüße

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gauß-Krüger WGS-84

2009-03-18 Thread Stefan Dettenhofer (StefanDausR)
Thomas Reincke schrieb:
 Stefan Dettenhofer (StefanDausR) schrieb:
 Thomas Reincke schrieb:
 Die Ergebnisse lagen ~300m daneben.
 Da fehlte bestimmt der Ellipsoidübergang.

 Könnte sein, das war auch mein erster Verdacht.
Aha - den Code hatte ich auch mal vor längerer Zeit in mein Programm 
eingebaut, bis mir das mit dem Ellipsoidübergang aufgefallen ist. Die 
Formal von Grossmann liefert in erster Näherung eine Umrechnung in das 
Deutsche Hauptdreiecksnetz (EPSG: 4314)
Die GK-Koordinaten benutzen genauso wie geogr. Koordinaten im DHDN das 
Ellipsoid WGS72 (Bessel 1841). Du willst aber WGS-84, daher benötigst Du 
noch den Übergang von Bessel auf WGS84.
Ich benutze z.Zt. den Sourcecode von Geotrans. Der ist zwar nicht ganz 
so genau wie NTv2, aber die Abweichung liegt unter einem Meter (und hier 
kommen wir ja schon wieder in den Bereich der Plattentektonik und somit 
zu dem Problem WGS-84 - ETRS89 (GRS80).

Noch eine Anmerkung am Rande:
Wenn Du vom LVA geographische Koordinaten bekommst, dann kann es 
durchaus sein, dass die im DHDN (EPSG: 4314) vorliegen. Mir ist das so 
passiert und daher ist mir damals das Problem mit der Formel von 
Grossmann erst mal gar nicht aufgefallen.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet

2009-03-18 Thread Dieter W.

Ich will ein Feuchtgebiet markieren. JOSM benutzt den Schlüssel:
natural:wetland   plus   wetland:swamp

eine ältere Version ist:
Meine Frage: warum wird nur bei der älteren Version in Osmarender bzw
Mapnik das Symbol für Feuchtgebiet dargestellt? Habe ich da was falsch

Man kann es sogar mit Wald gleichzeitig benutzen für Auwald siehe hier

Gruß Dieter

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Josm: Relation-Fenster im Vordergrund

2009-03-18 Thread Dirk Stöcker

On Tue, 17 Mar 2009, Dimitri Junker wrote:


Wenn wir einen Mechanismus schaffen, der aktive Relationsfenster über
Änderungen informiert ist das Problem behoben

Und wo soll da das Problem sein? Man schickt dem Relation-Editor eine
Nachricht: Element xyz hat sich geändert. Und wenn das zu kompliziert sein

Und genau da ist das Problem. Wer ist man. Man sind in JOSM duzende 

Warum soll die Komunikation in die eine Richtung funktionieren in die andere

Weil 1-Viele einfach und schon standardisiert ist, Viele-1 nicht.

Jetzt sag mir doch bitte mal eine einzige kritische Aktion die ich durch die
Blokierung nicht durchführen kann. Es mag ja sein, daß man bei einer
geringen Auflösung so sehr behindert wird, daß man nichts macht, aber bei
2560*1024 Pixeln sehe ich da keine Einschränkung

Sie kann es nicht verhindern. Dazu müsste man den Dialog komplett 
blockieren lassen und dadurch würde er noch schlechter zu benutzen. Es 
soll behindern. Wer über Absperrungen klettert muss genauso mit den 
Konsequenzen leben, wie derjenige der diese Blockade umgeht. Es zeigt Das 
ist nicht erwünscht. Wer's trotzdem macht ist selber schuld.

-- (PGP key available)___
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet - sry OT Frage

2009-03-18 Thread Lars Schimmer
Hash: SHA1

Dieter W. wrote:

 Man kann es sogar mit Wald gleichzeitig benutzen für Auwald siehe hier

Nur mal ne Frage, was ist das denn da für nen Kasten etwas weiter westlich?

 Gruß Dieter

Lars Schimmer
- --
- -
TU Graz, Institut für ComputerGraphik  WissensVisualisierung
Tel: +43 316 873-5405   E-Mail:
Fax: +43 316 873-5402   PGP-Key-ID: 0x4A9B1723
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?

2009-03-18 Thread Thomas Schäfer

gestern am Stammtisch in München sind einige Flyer nicht wegegangen bzw. nicht 
angenommen worden, weil V.i.S.d.P. fehlt!

Wenn hier sonst soviel über Lizenzen und rechtliche Sachen gestritten wird, 
kann ich nicht verstehen, wie dann so etwas übersehen werden kann.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas Schäfer

Am Freitag 06 März 2009 schrieb Frederik Ramm:

 mittlerweile haben wir sage und schreibe 25.000 von den alten Flyern
 unters Volk gebracht, und ich musste nachproduzieren. Mir war die braune
 Farbe ueber (und ich konnte auch den Witz nicht mehr hoeren, ob wir
 fairen Kaffee verkaufen wuerden oder so) ;-) daher habe ich den Flyer
 jetzt eher so blaugrau statt braun eingefaerbt und das Titelbild gegen
 etwas moderneres ausgetauscht.

 Falls jemand vorher schonmal ueber
arble_Images gestolpert war, dann wisst ihr jetzt, wozu ich das brauchte -
 wir haben jetzt eine Marble-Weltkugel auf dem Titel.

 Im Druck kommt das alles ganz huebsch raus - *etwas* bunter als auf dem
 Bildschirm, aber IMHO eine gelungene Abwechslung. Die Quelldateien zum
 Flyer sind im OSM-SVN unter misc/pr_material/german_flyer_2009_03.

 Wie gewohnt, kann der Flyer bei mir in 10/100/200 Stueck kostenlos
 bestellt werden. Ich habe auch noch einen kleinen Restbestand von den
 brauen, also wenn jemand partout die alten besser findet, gibts die auch
 noch ;-)


 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet - sry OT Frage

2009-03-18 Thread Tobias Hägele

Lars Schimmer schrieb:
 Nur mal ne Frage, was ist das denn da für nen Kasten etwas weiter westlich?

Getagged ist es als

Way 23891033

* aeroway: runway
* created_by: Potlatch 0.8a



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Josm: Relation-Fenster im Vordergrund

2009-03-18 Thread Dimitri Junker

Und genau da ist das Problem. Wer ist man. Man sind in JOSM duzende

Und da wird nicht irgendeine Klasse verwendet über die die Änderungen 
durchgeführt werden? Ist da wirklich un 'guter' alter Manier alles in 
globalen Variablen?

Wer über Absperrungen klettert muss genauso mit den Konsequenzen leben,
wie derjenige der diese Blockade umgeht.

Das da was blokiert werden soll habe ich erst durch Eure Komentare bemerkt. 
Mein erster Eindruck war: wer hat denn das programiert. Es war für mich also 
nicht als Sicherheitsabsperrung erkennbar sondern als scheinbare 
Fehlkonstruktion. Deutlich besser wäre eine Warnung (abstellbar) beim Öffnen 
des Relation-Editors wo klipp und klar drin steht was man nicht tuen soll. 
Denn jetzt sieht es ja so aus (am Beispiel von Busrouten). Man muß das 
Hauptfenster und den Relationeditor gleichzeitig benutzen, schon alleine um 
Elemente hinzuzufügen. Einer bestehenden Bushaltestelle einen Namen geben 
ist wohl auch unkritisch, nur kommt der Name nicht an wenn die Haltestelle 
schon in der Relation ist. Also macht man weiter und findet eine fehlende 
Haltestelle, fügt die ein, zuerst in die Karte dann in die Relation, sollte 
auch unkritisch sein. Dann will man ein Straßenstück einfügen, muß es aber 
vorher teilen. Teilt man erst und fügt dann ein sollte auch alles OK sein. 
Bemerkt man aber, daß ein bereits eingetragener way zu lang ist wird es 
kritisch, obwohl das wahrscheinlich auch noch halbwegs klappt. Spätestens 
wenn man im Hauptfenster etwas löscht was im Relation-Editor enthalten ist 
wird es wirklich kritisch.
Langer Rede kurzer Sinn: Man muß in beiden Fenstern gleichzeitig arbeiten 
gewöhnt sich dabei an die Einschränkungen und erkennt nicht wann der 
kritische Moment kommt.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet

2009-03-18 Thread Chris-Hein Lunkhusen
Dieter W. schrieb:

 Ich will ein Feuchtgebiet markieren. 

Hmmm, wieso muss ich gerade an eine MTV-Moderatorin denken? *g*

 JOSM benutzt den Schlüssel:
 natural:wetland   plus   wetland:swamp
 eine ältere Version ist:
 Meine Frage: warum wird nur bei der älteren Version in Osmarender bzw
 Mapnik das Symbol für Feuchtgebiet dargestellt? Habe ich da was falsch

Die Renderer sind manchmal etwas hinterher. ;-)

laut Mapfeatures ist marsh tatsächlich veraltet
(warum auch immer) :

natural=marsh   Marsch, Sumpf, Moor, Ried (veraltet, siehe

natural=wetland   Marsch, Naturbelassene Flächen, die Überflutungen
ausgesetzt sind oder staunasse Böden aufweisen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet - sry OT Frage

2009-03-18 Thread Johann H. Addicks
 Nur mal ne Frage, was ist das denn da für nen Kasten etwas weiter westlich?

ein Modellflugplatz?
Das runway-tag wird vom Mapnik so gerendert, dass es für Verkehrsflugplätze  
Für Segelflugplätze oder gar Modellflugplätze sieht das dann reichlich  
überdimensioniert aus.

Hat schonmal jemand mit dem width-tag an runways experimentiert?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Reply-To: auf die Liste Was: Es gibt neue Flyer

2009-03-18 Thread Sebastian Niehaus
Florian Lohoff writes:


 Reply-To: auf die liste ist einfach broken - aber bevor ich hier eine
 Diskussion vom Zaun breche habe ich das meinem procmail beigebracht:

Hm, Gnus kann das auch Gruppenweise, Stichwort Ignore broken Reply-To

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet - sry OT Frage

2009-03-18 Thread JuergenL
Am 18. März 2009 12:42 schrieb Johann H. Addicks
 Nur mal ne Frage, was ist das denn da für nen Kasten etwas weiter westlich?

 ein Modellflugplatz?

Nein, wahrscheinlich ein ehemaliger Flugplatz:

 Das runway-tag wird vom Mapnik so gerendert, dass es für Verkehrsflugplätze
 Für Segelflugplätze oder gar Modellflugplätze sieht das dann reichlich
 überdimensioniert aus.

 Hat schonmal jemand mit dem width-tag an runways experimentiert?

Ja, außerdem hab ich versucht die Oberfläche mit anzugeben. Kleinere
Flugplätze haben ja oft Graspisten. Die Renderer machen aber immer das
gleiche daraus.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?

2009-03-18 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 18. März 2009 11:13 schrieb Thomas Schäfer

 gestern am Stammtisch in München sind einige Flyer nicht wegegangen bzw. nicht
 angenommen worden, weil V.i.S.d.P. fehlt!

ja, so einen Flyer hätte ich auch nie angenommen, man weiss ja nicht,
vielleicht steckt eine terroristische Vereinigung dahinter, man nimmt
nichtsahnend so ein Teil und schwuppdiwupp ehe man sich versieht
findet man sich in einem Internierungscamp auf Guantanamo oder
Afghanistan wieder...

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] or/p mit ActivePerl unter Windows nicht nutzbar?

2009-03-18 Thread Stefan Muthers
Am 15.03.2009 03:44, schrieb Johann H. Addicks:
 Stefan Muthers schrieb:
 Backslashs verwendet werden. Lässt sich or/p dennoch irgendwie unter Windows
 benutzen? Wenn ja, was muss ich ändern?

 Bin ich drueber gestolpert, als ich ergooglen wollte, was or/p überhaupt

 Was hast Du denn herausgefunden?

ich habe herausgefunden, was sich hinter dem namen or/p verbirgt.

 Mir wird das auch dem verlinkten Beitrag nicht klar.

der OP hatte ein problem mit or/p auf windows, möglicherweise wegen
hard codierten Unix Verzeichnistrenner im Code von op/p.
Im verlinkten Beitrag ist eine Lösung für eine solche Hardcodierung zu 

Ob es auch die Stelle ist, die das Problem beim OP verursacht hat, weiß 
ich nicht, denn ich hatte keine Zeit, das genauer zu untersuchen.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gauß-Krüger WGS-84 [OffTopic]

2009-03-18 Thread Gerrit Lammert

Ist jetzt nicht mehr OSM-bezogen, aber soviele kundige Mitleser muss ich
einfach ausnutzen. ;-)
Aha - den Code hatte ich auch mal vor längerer Zeit in mein Programm 
eingebaut, bis mir das mit dem Ellipsoidübergang aufgefallen ist. Die 
Formal von Grossmann liefert in erster Näherung eine Umrechnung in das 
Deutsche Hauptdreiecksnetz (EPSG: 4314)
Die GK-Koordinaten benutzen genauso wie geogr. Koordinaten im DHDN das 
Ellipsoid WGS72 (Bessel 1841). Du willst aber WGS-84, daher benötigst Du 
noch den Übergang von Bessel auf WGS84.
Ich benutze z.Zt. den Sourcecode von Geotrans. Der ist zwar nicht ganz 
so genau wie NTv2, aber die Abweichung liegt unter einem Meter (und hier 
kommen wir ja schon wieder in den Bereich der Plattentektonik und somit 
zu dem Problem WGS-84 - ETRS89 (GRS80).

Ich möchte die Transformation von WGS84 in GK in SQL nachbilden.
Ich habe eine gut funktionierende Transformation in c#, aber diese besteht
aus vielen Objekten und Unterfunktionen, das ist nur sehr umständlich in
SQL zu implementieren.
Der Delphi-Code hinter obigem Link ist da deutlich angenehmer.
Hab es nun auch schnell hinbekommen, aber natürlich die bereits
angesprochene Abweichung von ein paar hundert Metern.
Nachdem ich nun den ganzen Vormittag nach einer Möglichkeit gesucht habe,
die Ellipsoidtransformation durchzuführen gebe ich auf und bitte Euch um

Also, wie bekomme ich den obigen code dazu das gleiche Ergebnis zu liefern
bei Geo84 - GK3.

Ich habe bereits versucht die Werte für e2 und c auf den WGS-ellipsoiden
anzupassen, aber das hat nicht geholfen (was ist c überhaupt)?

Wäre toll, wenn ihr mir helfen könntet.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?

2009-03-18 Thread

-Original Message-
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:01:27 +0100
Subject: Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?
From: Martin Koppenhoefer
To: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch

Am 18. März 2009 11:13 schrieb Thomas Schäfer

 gestern am Stammtisch in München sind einige Flyer nicht wegegangen
bzw. nicht
 angenommen worden, weil V.i.S.d.P. fehlt!

ja, so einen Flyer hätte ich auch nie angenommen, man weiss ja nicht,
vielleicht steckt eine terroristische Vereinigung dahinter, man nimmt
nichtsahnend so ein Teil und schwuppdiwupp ehe man sich versieht
findet man sich in einem Internierungscamp auf Guantanamo oder
Afghanistan wieder...

Gruß Martin

Man muss nicht alles ins Lächerliche ziehen.

Derjenige meinte das ernst und wenn ich mir andere Flyer/Prospekte
anschaue - hat er Recht.

MIt freundlichen Grüßen

Thomas Schäfer
Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?

2009-03-18 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 18. März 2009 13:36 schrieb

 -Original Message-
 Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2009 13:01:27 +0100
 Subject: Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?
 From: Martin Koppenhoefer
 To: Openstreetmap allgemeines in Deutsch

 Am 18. März 2009 11:13 schrieb Thomas Schäfer

 gestern am Stammtisch in München sind einige Flyer nicht wegegangen
 bzw. nicht
 angenommen worden, weil V.i.S.d.P. fehlt!

 ja, so einen Flyer hätte ich auch nie angenommen, man weiss ja nicht,
 vielleicht steckt eine terroristische Vereinigung dahinter, man nimmt
 nichtsahnend so ein Teil und schwuppdiwupp ehe man sich versieht
 findet man sich in einem Internierungscamp auf Guantanamo oder
 Afghanistan wieder...

 Gruß Martin

 Man muss nicht alles ins Lächerliche ziehen.

 Derjenige meinte das ernst und wenn ich mir andere Flyer/Prospekte
 anschaue - hat er Recht.

sehe ich nicht so, immerhin ist ja mit der Internetadresse das Ganze
weit davon entfernt, anonym oder nicht nachvollziehbar zu sein. Die
Adresse steht groß und fett vorne drauf. Ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt
auch keinen Fall vorstellen (ausser Paragraphenreiterei), dass das
V.i.S.d.P. hier eine Rolle spielen könnte, es geht ja nicht (direkt)
um ein politisches Thema. Klar, wenn ich einen politschen Flyer
verteile (meinetwegen einen Demo- oder Boykottaufruf, ein politsches
Pamphlet oder Werbung für eine Partei), mache ich das in jedem Fall
drauf, aber bei OSM?

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gauß-Krüger WGS-84 [OffTopic]

2009-03-18 Thread Markus
Hallo Gerrit,

 Ich möchte die Transformation von WGS84 in GK in SQL nachbilden.

Ich fände schön, wenn wir für OSM eine Funktion hätten, mit der wir 
Koordinaten und Höhen aus jedem System in jedes andere umformen könnten.

a) zum Einbauen in beliebige Programme
b) als Web-Interface

Tobias ist da auch grad dran, die Ergebnisse finde man hier:

Mit herzlichem Gruss,

PS: kannst Du diese Tabelle vervollständigen?

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gauß-Krüger WGS-84 [OffTopic]

2009-03-18 Thread Stefan Dettenhofer (StefanDausR)
Hallo Gerrit,

Gerrit Lammert schrieb:
 Ist jetzt nicht mehr OSM-bezogen, aber soviele kundige Mitleser muss ich
 einfach ausnutzen. ;-)
 Also, wie bekomme ich den obigen code dazu das gleiche Ergebnis zu liefern
 bei Geo84 - GK3.

 Ich habe bereits versucht die Werte für e2 und c auf den WGS-ellipsoiden
 anzupassen, aber das hat nicht geholfen (was ist c überhaupt)?
Das geht gar nicht, da der o.g. Code keine Ellipsoid-Transformation 
macht! Diese kann man z.B. mit einer Helmert-Transformatiion erledigen.
Du musst dazu einen ganz anderen Code nutzen: z.B. Geotrans oder Proj4

Wenn Du das in SQL lösen willst, dann kannst Du auch gleich eine 
entsprechende Datenbank nehmen, die die Koordinatentransformationen 
schon eingebaut hat: Oracle (spatial) kann das und die 
PostGIS-Erweiterung zu PostgreSQL sicherlich auch.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gauß-Krüger WGS-84 [OffTopic]

2009-03-18 Thread Markus
uff - falscher Link.
Richtig ist:

 Tobias ist da auch grad dran, die Ergebnisse finde man hier:ß-Krüger

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?

2009-03-18 Thread

sehe ich nicht so, immerhin ist ja mit der Internetadresse das Ganze
weit davon entfernt, anonym oder nicht nachvollziehbar zu sein. Die
Adresse steht groß und fett vorne drauf.

Das stimmt nun schon mal nicht. Vorne steht nur openStreetMap unterwegs
für eine frei Weltkarte

 Ich kann mir ehrlich gesagt
auch keinen Fall vorstellen (ausser Paragraphenreiterei), dass das
V.i.S.d.P. hier eine Rolle spielen könnte, es geht ja nicht (direkt)
um ein politisches Thema. Klar, wenn ich einen politschen Flyer
verteile (meinetwegen einen Demo- oder Boykottaufruf, ein politsches
Pamphlet oder Werbung für eine Partei), mache ich das in jedem Fall
drauf, aber bei OSM?

Und wenn man hinschreiben kann wer die Druckkosten übernommen hat,
sollte man wohl auch hinschreiben, welche Person maßgeblich für den
Inhalt des Flyers verantwortlich ist.

Wie gesagt ich wurde gestern von einem aktiven Wikipediamitglied darauf
hingewiesen, dass er sie so nicht mitnehmen braucht, weil da, wo er sie
auslegen könnte, alles ohne V.i.S.d.P. vernichtet wird.

Ich kenne das Presserecht nicht. Aber Deine Einschätzung, dass ich OSM
von den Dingen, die Du oben aufgezählt hast, so stark unterscheidet,
glaube nicht. 
Schließlich steckt auch in freie Karte ein politsche Bedeutung. Und
der Anspruch der keine Nutzungseinschränkungen stellt indirekt einen
Boykottaufruf zu den teilweise werbefinanzierten Bezahlkarten dar.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Thomas Schäfer

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Nachrichten von Gary68

2009-03-18 Thread Gary68
Hallo alle zusammen,

anbei die Nachrichten von Gary68...

NEU ist der Kreisel Check unter Some Checks. Hier wurden am Wochenende
knapp 600 Fehler bereinigt. PS: Er kann auch Linksverkehr.

Die Summe aller Einträge beläuft sich derzeit auf 74.251.

Alle bugs als GPX file 
ODER ein Extrakt daraus: 

Mapping Quality 


OSB Reports 


SomeChecks (Area) 

SomeChecks (double nodes in ways) 

Roundabout Check 

Unmapped Places 




Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM und Wikipedia kooperieren

2009-03-18 Thread Sven Anders
Am Dienstag, 17. März 2009 21:12 schrieb André Reichelt:
 Sven Anders schrieb:
  Aus diesem Grund hat Wikimedia Deutschland 15.000 Euro für Hardware
  bereit gestellt und startet zusammen mit Mappern aus der OSM-Community
  ein entsprechendes Pilotprojekt. So hat sich eine Gruppe von
  interessierten Wikipedianern und OSMlern zusammengefunden, um zwei
  Ziele zu erreichen: Die Integration von OSM-Karten innerhalb der
  Wikipedia und den Aufbau eines „Karten-Toolservers”.

 Solange OSM nicht zu so einem bürokratischen Haufen wie die Wikipedia
 verkommt. OSM sollten auf jeden Fall völlig unabhängig von der
 Wikimedia-Foundaion und sonstigen Institutionen bleiben.

Das mit der Unabhängigkeit ist natürlich immer so eine Sache, wenn Wikipedia 
in drei Jahren sagen würde: Ätch ihr bekommt jetzt keine Server mehr dann 
müssten wir schnell etwas neues finden (was aber  auch nicht mehr als eine 
Woche einen Spendenaufruf auf der HP schalten ist). Aber ich finde bevor wir 
die Wikipedia so kritisieren, sollten wir uns mal unsere eigene Nase 
anschauen (die Art und weise wie die OSMF entscheidet, etc). (Ich warte jetzt 
auf den nächsten Blog-Beitrag in dem steht: Die OSMF ist die Nase von OSM.)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Gauß-Krüger WGS-84 [OffTopic]

2009-03-18 Thread Gerrit Lammert

Hi Stefan.

On Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:14:34 +0100, Stefan Dettenhofer (StefanDausR)
 Das geht gar nicht, da der o.g. Code keine Ellipsoid-Transformation 
 macht! Diese kann man z.B. mit einer Helmert-Transformatiion erledigen.
 Du musst dazu einen ganz anderen Code nutzen: z.B. Geotrans oder Proj4

Jo, hatte inzwischen auch aufgegeben und den gut funktionierenden C#-Code
Ist zwar eine ziemliche Arbeit (Objektorientiert in SQL erzeugt Unmengen
von DECLARE-Anweisungen und meine linke Hand ist ganz ausgeleiert vom
@-Zeochen hinzufügen), aber funktioniert jetzt wie es soll.
 Wenn Du das in SQL lösen willst, dann kannst Du auch gleich eine 
 entsprechende Datenbank nehmen, die die Koordinatentransformationen 
 schon eingebaut hat: Oracle (spatial) kann das und die 
 PostGIS-Erweiterung zu PostgreSQL sicherlich auch.

Schön wärs. Die Koordinatentransformation ist nur eine ganz kleine
Anwendung. Das ganze läuft auf MSSQL, also keine Geofunktionen (sofern ich

Danke für Eure Hilfe.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM und Wikipedia kooperieren

2009-03-18 Thread Stefano Kowalke

 Solange OSM nicht zu so einem bürokratischen Haufen wie die Wikipedia
 verkommt. OSM sollten auf jeden Fall völlig unabhängig von der
 Wikimedia-Foundaion und sonstigen Institutionen bleiben.

ich interpretiere das mal in Richtung dieser IMHO nervigen

Man kann ja bei der WP nichts mehr schreiben ohne den Relevanzkatalog
auswendig zu kennen.

Wenn ich erst nachschauen muß, welche Sachen ich in OSM taggen darf, weil
sie irgendjemand für relevant erachtet, schwindet schnell die Lust.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Lizenz: Nearby-User abgeleitete Datenbank?

2009-03-18 Thread Stefan Schwan


kann man seine Position auf einer Slippymap eintragen und wird dann
für andere Mitglieder auf der Karte Nearby-Users angezeigt...
Diese Daten stellen dann doch eine abgeleitete Datenbank dar und
müssten in Zunkunft unter der ODbL, auch für Nichtmitglieder, als
Datenbank veröffentlicht werden?

Stimmt das?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Feuchtgebiet

2009-03-18 Thread Torsten Leistikow
Chris-Hein Lunkhusen schrieb:
 laut Mapfeatures ist marsh tatsächlich veraltet
 (warum auch immer) :
 natural=marsh   Marsch, Sumpf, Moor, Ried (veraltet, siehe
 natural=wetland   Marsch, Naturbelassene Flächen, die Überflutungen
 ausgesetzt sind oder staunasse Böden aufweisen.

Wenn du bei wetland nachschaust, dann siehst du, dass du mit wetland=*
noch weiter unterscheiden sollst. Statt natural=marsh jetzt also
natural=wetland und zusaetzlich wetland=marsh.

Daneben ist jetzt z.B. auch saltmarsh fuer Salzwiesen oder swamp
definiert, letzteres wuerde laut Beschreibung zu Auwaeldern passen.

In meinen Augen ist wetland schon eine der besseren Neuerungen, die es
in letzter Zeit gegeben hat.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz: Nearby-User abgeleitete Datenbank?

2009-03-18 Thread Bernd Wurst

Am Mittwoch, 18. März 2009 schrieb Stefan Schwan:
 unter der ODbL, auch für Nichtmitglieder, als
 Datenbank veröffentlicht werden?

Unterscheidet sich die ODbL in diesem Punkt so sehr von den gängigen 

Ich kenne jetzt den Wortlaut der ODbL dazu nicht, aber z.B. bei der GPL geht 
es immer nur um die Lizenz unter der ich es weitergebe, nicht um das 
Zielpublikum. Ich kann also z.B. ohne Probleme sagen, niemand bekommt meinen 
Sourcecode außer den Leuten die mein Programm kaufen. Nur darf dann jeder von 
denen den Sourcecode frei weitergeben wenn er mag. Aber ich muss ihn nur den 
Leuten zugänglich machen die das Produkt an sich von mir bekommen.

Gruß, Bernd

EXCLUSIVE PHOTO: Turing machine with two heads!

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenz: Nearby-User abgeleitete Datenbank?

2009-03-18 Thread Nop


Stefan Schwan schrieb:[username]/account
 kann man seine Position auf einer Slippymap eintragen und wird dann
 für andere Mitglieder auf der Karte Nearby-Users angezeigt...
 Diese Daten stellen dann doch eine abgeleitete Datenbank dar und
 müssten in Zunkunft unter der ODbL, auch für Nichtmitglieder, als
 Datenbank veröffentlicht werden?
 Stimmt das?

Würde ich nicht so sehen. Die Marker werden in einer unabhängigen Layer 
gemalt und separat verwaltet, die OSM-Daten werden dadurch nicht 
verändert. Also entsteht auch keine abgeleitete DB.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] JOSM Eigenschaften-Fenster wieder andocken

2009-03-18 Thread Roland Spielhofer
ich hab unabsichtlich in JOSM auf das Pin-Symbol des 
Eigenschaftenfensters geklickt, worauf das nun ein eigenes Fenster ist, 
das sich ums Verrecken nicht wieder andocken lässt. Wie krige ich das hin?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM und Wikipedia kooperieren

2009-03-18 Thread André Reichelt
Stefano Kowalke schrieb:
 Solange OSM nicht zu so einem bürokratischen Haufen wie die Wikipedia
 verkommt. OSM sollten auf jeden Fall völlig unabhängig von der
 Wikimedia-Foundaion und sonstigen Institutionen bleiben.
 ich interpretiere das mal in Richtung dieser IMHO nervigen

Ja genau, das meine ich. Eigentlich sollte man zum Protest dagegen die
Wikipedia überall so lange blacklisten, bis diese überheblichen
Bürokraten alle entlassen werden.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] User visualisieren

2009-03-18 Thread Jan Tappenbeck
Moin !

gibt es einen einfachen Weg alle highways eines Users in einem 
bestimmten Gebiet zu visualisien ??

Gruß Jan :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] User visualisieren

2009-03-18 Thread Jonas Krückel (John07)
Jan Tappenbeck schrieb:
 Moin !

 gibt es einen einfachen Weg alle highways eines Users in einem 
 bestimmten Gebiet zu visualisien ??
OSM-Mapper von ito-world sollte das können.

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] highway=bus_stop und weitere tags f ür diesen Node

2009-03-18 Thread Toni Erdmann

auf http://ö kann man ja schon seit einiger Zeit die Bus-
S-Bahn und sonstige Routen sehen.

Beim Mappen von Bushaltestellen in München und Umgebung bin ich
nun auf unterschiedliche Vorgehensweisen beim taggen der Haltestellen

bus_lines=210,216oder   bus_routes=210,216  oderref=210,216

Da Bus:Routes die Nummer der Busline im ref tag hat würde ich das auch
so für bus_stop machen wollen und die anderen tags entfernen.

Wie sieht es denn mit shelter=yes/no aus?
Oder doch lieber  amenity=shelter?
Für dieses gint es in der CycleMap aber schon ein Icon.
Das würde ein Bus-Icon und ein Hütten-Icon am selben Node ergeben.
Ich  weiss, wir mappen nicht für die Renderer, aber die Renderer sind
auch ein Teil von OSM und sollten daher zumindest nicht ignoriert

Ansonsten denke ich, name, operator, network und website(:official)
sind konform mit den Bus:Routes und können so bleiben.

Und das die Haltestellen jeweils neben der Straße eingezeichnet werden
ist ja auch schon länger Konsens.

Wie seht Ihr (in anderen Städten) die Sache?


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Groesstes OSM-Treffen weltweit? Einladung nach Essen!

2009-03-18 Thread Rotbarsch

Vielleicht sind wir ja das größte monatliche OSM-Treffen weltweit. Falls 
nicht, ist es bei uns trotzdem nett!

Auf jeden Fall möchte ich auf diesem Weg auch die OSMler aus den 
Nachbarstädten und solche, die gerade zufällig oder absichtlich in der 
Nähe sind herzlich einladen, am:

Samstag, 28.03.2009
ab 19:00 Uhr
nach Essen (Ruhr)
ins Unperfekthaus (UPH)
in den großen Raum rechts neben der Treppe nach oben.

Wer schon immer mal wissen wollte, was die OSM Foundation so treibt kann 
an diesem Abend Henk Hoff treffen, der selbige einmal vorstellt.

Infos zum UPH und seinem Eintrittspreis gibt es hier [1]. Rückmeldungen 
zum OSM-Treffen sind hier [2] erbeten. Dort gibt es auch ein paar 
weitere Infos.

Viele Grüße aus der Kulturhauptstadt 2010!

vom Rotbarsch


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] User visualisieren

2009-03-18 Thread DarkAngel
Jan Tappenbeck schrieb:
 Moin !
 gibt es einen einfachen Weg alle highways eines Users in einem 
 bestimmten Gebiet zu visualisien ??
 Gruß Jan :-)
Mit dem Usertools-Plugin in JOSM kann man alle Objekte
auswählen/markieren, bei denen der User als letzter eingetragen ist.


Gruß Mario

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Rheinkilometrierung / Stromkilometer

2009-03-18 Thread Schorschi
Hat jemand einen Vorschlag für die Erfassung der Stromkilometrierungen? 
Welche Tags wären sinnig?

Oder halten das hier alle für sinnlos? (Kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen, 
da die Kilometerangabe oft für Fähren, Inseln, Brücken, Untiefen etc. 
eingesetzt wird).

Ich bin ganz erstaunt, darüber noch nichts im Wiki zu finden ... und hab 
mal eine Frage dazu auf die Diskussionsseite zum Rhein gesetzt.

Gruß, Schusch
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] User visualisieren

2009-03-18 Thread Tobias Knerr
DarkAngel schrieb:
 Jan Tappenbeck schrieb:
 gibt es einen einfachen Weg alle highways eines Users in einem 
 bestimmten Gebiet zu visualisien ??

 Mit dem Usertools-Plugin in JOSM kann man alle Objekte
 auswählen/markieren, bei denen der User als letzter eingetragen ist.

Da braucht man nicht mal ein Plugin, das kann die eingebaute (und
äußerst leistungsfähige) Suchfunktion des JOSM.

Einfach nach


suchen. Damit lässt sich das Resultat auch, wie gewünscht, auf highways

user:Namedesbenutzers highway:

für alle Objekte des Benutzers mit highway-Key

user:Namedesbenutzers type:way highway:

für alle Ways des Benutzers mit highway-Key.

Die Frage (visualisieren) war natürlich etwas unklar gestellt, auch
wenn ich vermute, dass JOSM-Selektion wohl nicht das gewünschte war.
Aber egal. Hab ich schon erwähnt, dass ich die JOSM-Suche schlichtweg
genial finde? ;-)

Tobias Knerr

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] highway=bus_stop und weitere tags f ür diesen Node

2009-03-18 Thread Gerrit Lammert
Hi Toni.

Toni Erdmann wrote:
 auf http://ö kann man ja schon seit einiger Zeit die Bus-
 S-Bahn und sonstige Routen sehen.

Ja, das ist echt fein.

 Da Bus:Routes die Nummer der Busline im ref tag hat würde ich das auch
 so für bus_stop machen wollen und die anderen tags entfernen.

Ich denke, aktuell ist, dass die Linie gar nicht mehr als Attribut des
Stops eingetragen wird, sondern durch die Aufnahme des Stops in die
entsprechende Route-Relation. dadurch ist die Information ja vorhanden.
Und wenn mal wieder eine Buslinie umbenannt wird (geschieht hier
ständig), dann brauch man das nur einmal anzupassen und nicht an jeder

 Wie sieht es denn mit shelter=yes/no aus?
 Oder doch lieber  amenity=shelter?

Ich mache es so, dass amenity=shelter einen einzelnen Node beschreibt
(wenn man sehr detailliert mapt) und shelter=yes eine Eigenschaft des
Nodes ist, an den es gehängt wird (hier also des Busstop).
Also einmal: Hier ist die Haltestelle und hier ist das Häusschen
Und das andere mal: Hier ist die Haltestelle mit einem Wartehäusschen

 Und das die Haltestellen jeweils neben der Straße eingezeichnet werden
 ist ja auch schon länger Konsens.

Guck Dir doch auch mal


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Es gibt neue Flyer V.i.S.d.P. ?

2009-03-18 Thread Ulf Möller schrieb:

 Und wenn man hinschreiben kann wer die Druckkosten übernommen hat,
 sollte man wohl auch hinschreiben, welche Person maßgeblich für den
 Inhalt des Flyers verantwortlich ist.

Muss man aber nicht, laut Landespressegesetz Baden-Württemberg brauchen 
nur periodische Druckwerke einen verantwortlichen Redakteur...

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Rheinkilometrierung / Stromkilometer

2009-03-18 Thread Garry
Schorschi schrieb:
 Hat jemand einen Vorschlag für die Erfassung der Stromkilometrierungen? 
 Welche Tags wären sinnig?

 Oder halten das hier alle für sinnlos? (Kann ich mir gar nicht vorstellen, 
 da die Kilometerangabe oft für Fähren, Inseln, Brücken, Untiefen etc. 
 eingesetzt wird).

 Ich bin ganz erstaunt, darüber noch nichts im Wiki zu finden ... und hab 
 mal eine Frage dazu auf die Diskussionsseite zum Rhein gesetzt.

Den Bedarf gibt es ja u.a. auch bei Autobahnen.
Das Problem ist dass man derzeit in OSM solche Kilometersteine nicht 
gegen verschieben schützen


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Mapsource - Europakarte mit Höhenline n UND routeable?

2009-03-18 Thread Johann H. Addicks
Torsten Leistikow schrieb:
  Die Skripte, Style- und Typ-Dateien von mir gibt es auf

Vielen Dank für die wirklich umfassende Dokumentation!


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Rheinkilometrierung / Stromkilometer

2009-03-18 Thread Johann H. Addicks
Garry schrieb:

 Den Bedarf gibt es ja u.a. auch bei Autobahnen.
 Das Problem ist dass man derzeit in OSM solche Kilometersteine nicht 
 gegen verschieben schützen

Mein Ansatz wäre jetzt gewesen, die bestätigte Position (wie auch
immer ermittelt) in die Note als Lat/Lon zu schreiben und da wöchentlich
ein Script drüberlaufen zu lassen, um ggf. Alarm zu schlagen.
Es soll einen User geben, der bei OSM für soetwas Checkscripte baut ;-)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] highway=bus_stop und weitere tags f ür diesen Node

2009-03-18 Thread Dimitri Junker

Und das die Haltestellen jeweils neben der Straße eingezeichnet werden
ist ja auch schon länger Konsens.

Nein ist es nicht, Will man nämlich eine Relation für die Buslinie erzeugen 
müssen alle Haltestellen auf der Straße sein nicht daneben. Ganz einfach 
weil es 3 Arten von Haltestellen gibt: stop, forward_stop und backward_stop 
Erstere wird von Bussen in beiden Fahrtrichtungen angefahren die anderen nur 
in einer Richtung. Dabei wird die Richtung des Weges zu Grunde gelegt. Also 
muß die Haltestelle zu einem Weg gehören. Und zwar auch nur zu einem. Dies 
gilt zwar nur bei Stops die nur in einer Richtung angefahren werden, aber 
das sind ja genau die die Du neben der Straße zeichnen willst.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] JOSM Eigenschaften-Fenster wieder andocken

2009-03-18 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 18. März 2009 19:12 schrieb Roland Spielhofer
 ich hab unabsichtlich in JOSM auf das Pin-Symbol des
 Eigenschaftenfensters geklickt, worauf das nun ein eigenes Fenster ist,
 das sich ums Verrecken nicht wieder andocken lässt. Wie krige ich das hin?


Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] highway=bus_stop und weitere tags f ür diesen Node

2009-03-18 Thread Thomas Reincke
Dimitri Junker schrieb:
 Und das die Haltestellen jeweils neben der Straße eingezeichnet werden
 ist ja auch schon länger Konsens.
 Nein ist es nicht, Will man nämlich eine Relation für die Buslinie erzeugen 
 müssen alle Haltestellen auf der Straße sein nicht daneben. Ganz einfach 

Der Mast gehört dort hingezeichnet wo er steht. Wenn OSM das nicht hin 
bekommen sollte gehört das Datenmodell an dieser Stelle angepasst.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread H.S.Rai
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:04 AM, PlaneMad wrote:
 ... but my contacts in the chennai corporation have
 promised to share their information with me

They will be able to share whatever possible legally.

Indian Governments contribution to FOSS is to much. The visible name I
can recall is BOSS, but I my observation is that Linux users using
more Ubuntu than BOSS.


Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:24:39 H.S.Rai wrote:
 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:04 AM, PlaneMad wrote:
  ... but my contacts in the chennai corporation have
  promised to share their information with me

 They will be able to share whatever possible legally.

hows this:
Kenneth Gonsalves

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:29:27 Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
 On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:24:39 H.S.Rai wrote:
  On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:04 AM, PlaneMad wrote:
   ... but my contacts in the chennai corporation have
   promised to share their information with me
  They will be able to share whatever possible legally.

 hows this:

and they have their own osm too!
Kenneth Gonsalves

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread PlaneMad
that license is as encouraging as a drunk snail. is there absolutely no
public domain map data for india anywhere?

right now the election comission seems to be the best bet

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves law...@au-kbc.orgwrote:

 On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:29:27 Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
  On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:24:39 H.S.Rai wrote:
   On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 11:04 AM, PlaneMad
... but my contacts in the chennai corporation have
promised to share their information with me
   They will be able to share whatever possible legally.
  hows this:

 and they have their own osm too!
 Kenneth Gonsalves

 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:58:42 PlaneMad wrote:
 that license is as encouraging as a drunk snail. is there absolutely no
 public domain map data for india anywhere?

 right now the election comission seems to be the best bet

am just getting junk on this
Kenneth Gonsalves

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread Shajeer Mohammed

# PC Boundaries (Zipped SHAPE file):

# AC Boundaries (Zipped SHAPE 

From: Kenneth Gonsalves
Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2009 13:28
Subject: Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

 On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:58:42 PlaneMad wrote:
 that license is as encouraging as a drunk snail. is there absolutely no
 public domain map data for india anywhere?

 right now the election comission seems to be the best bet

 am just getting junk on this
 Kenneth Gonsalves

 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread PlaneMad
there are two scripts available in the osm svn to do the conversion

anyone want to give it a go?

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 4:16 PM, PlaneMad wrote:

 we can easily dereive all state boundaries and most of the district
 boundaries if we can convert the shapefiles. there still doesnt seem to be
 any wasy way of doing it

 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Shajeer Mohammed shaj...@hotmail.comwrote:


 # PC Boundaries (Zipped SHAPE file):

 # AC Boundaries (Zipped SHAPE

 From: Kenneth Gonsalves
 Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2009 13:28
 Subject: Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

  On Wednesday 18 March 2009 12:58:42 PlaneMad wrote:
  that license is as encouraging as a drunk snail. is there absolutely no
  public domain map data for india anywhere?
  right now the election comission seems to be the best bet
  am just getting junk on this
  Kenneth Gonsalves
  Talk-in mailing list

 Talk-in mailing list


Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread Raja Subramanian
On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 5:31 PM, PlaneMad wrote:
 there are two scripts available in the osm svn to do the conversion

 anyone want to give it a go?

I used to convert: has a GK option and I was not sure what it
does, so I produced osm files with and without it.  The files
load fine in JOSM.

The output osm files are here:

Nothing has been uploaded to OSM.  Feel free to upload if you
see fit.

- Raja

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

2009-03-18 Thread Shajeer Mohammed
These file have details about on assembly constituency/parliament name. 
There is no district boundaries or other administrative boundaries 
available. So does it make sense to have them in OSM?

Also before loading to OSM, there are couple of things that we need to take 
1. of course the license itself
2. What attributes from the shapefile we should take? (state name, assembly 
constituency/parliament name, local name,  etc..).

I have found files this  source to have district boundaries and state 
boundaries. No idea abt the license


From: Raja Subramanian
Sent: Wednesday, 18 March 2009 18:59
Subject: Re: [Talk-in] chennai map from Survey of India

 On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 5:31 PM, PlaneMad wrote:
 there are two scripts available in the osm svn to do the conversion

 anyone want to give it a go?

 I used to convert: has a GK option and I was not sure what it
 does, so I produced osm files with and without it.  The files
 load fine in JOSM.

 The output osm files are here:

 Nothing has been uploaded to OSM.  Feel free to upload if you
 see fit.

 - Raja

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