Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-20 Thread osm . sanspourriel
Pour certains archipels, Spatiocartes marines toujours sur le semble est pas mal.

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-20 Thread Jérôme Amagat
Je suis pas d'accord, moi ce que je comprends :
De la laisse de haute mer (limite mer terre lors d'une marée haute coef
120) jusqu’à la limite des eaux territoriales à 12 miles de la ligne de
base, c'est le domaine public maritime. Et le DPM est géré par l’état et
pas par les communes (c'est donc le cas sur les eaux intérieurs : laisse de
haute mer jusqu’à ligne de base). Pour la police OK c'est pour la commune
mais en gros que sur les plages. L’état peut accorder des concessions pour
l'exploitation des plage ou des ports a des collectivités territoriales (ou
a des groupes privés) mais c'est toujours l’état qui dictent ses lois.
(avec les concessions au cimetière c'est toujours la commune qui gère tout
le cimetière).
la ligne de base ça sert à tracer d'autres lignes et aussi dans le droit
maritime, c'est pas les même règle qui s'applique pour l’entrée d'un bateau
dans les eaux territoriales et les eaux intérieurs mais j'ai pas
l'impression qu'il y ai un changement au niveau des gens qui gère ces eaux.

Le 20 mars 2016 à 06:59, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :

> Cela n'a rien à voir avec le fait que pour délimiter les eaux de la mer on
> utilise dans OSM la laisse de haute mer.
> En métropole si on utilise la natural=coastline pour les communes, c'est
> en fait faux car ce devrait être la ligne de base (incluant les eaux
> intérieures, et c'est ce qu'on fait déjà pour inclure les ports protégés
> par digues, les marinas, et les estuaires pas trop larges (moins de 50
> mètres environ à marée basse), et toutes les eaux situées en amont d'un
> pont sur l'estuaire qui serait plus long que les 50 mètres (eaux
> intérieures à partager entre deux communes si ce ne sont pas les mêmes sur
> chaque rive) ou en amont d'un barrage (les eaux de l'étang ou du port dans
> la retenue est aussi à partager de chaque côté d'un chenal central si là
> aussi il y a plusieurs communes sur les rives).
> Les communes s'étendent jusqu'à la basse mer (la ligne de base), même si
> ce terrain est dans le domaine maritime de l'Etat ; elles y ont des
> compétences limitées mais bien existantes (en terme de police locale et
> sécurité par exemple, diverses décisions de tribunaux ont confirmé leurs
> responsabilité et obligations) et peuvent demander à l'Etat des concessions
> pour certains aménagements côtiers (extension de port, digues et ouvrages
> de protection des côtes, canalisations de rejet en mer, câbles de transport
> d'énergie ou de télécommunication...), même si elles n'ont pas la capacité
> légale d'accorder elles-mêmes les permis de construire sans un décret
> préfectoral ou ministériel ou une loi nationale. Elles sont également
> consultées par l'Etat si c'est lui qui est à l'initiative de ces
> constructions dans les eaux intérieures.
> Elles reçoivent des taxes locales, même si personne n'y "réside" de façon
> permanente, sur les concessions agricoles autorisées dans ce domaine
> maritime (huitres, moules, élevages piscicoles) et des taxes portuaires.
> Elles ont des obligations en terme d'assainissement et de maintien de la
> propreté des plages, et posent et entretiennent des poubelles de collecte,
> elles réensablent les plages  artificielles.
> Seulement voilà, en métropole, on n'a pas encore tracé la ligne de base,
> on a juste cherché une approximation avec la ligne de côte d'OSM, pour nous
> simplifier la vie (on n'a pas de données assez précises pour positionner
> correctement la ligne de base).
> En revanche je n'ai PAS dit que les communes auraient des droits sur les
> eaux territoriales au delà de la ligne de base.
> Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:24, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit :
>> En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne
>> natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les laisses
>> de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les limites à 24
>> miles pour les frontières des pays.
>> Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les admin_level=8,
>> il faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.
>> (si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas tout
>> bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas comment
>> c’était avant :) ).
>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:27, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>>> Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se trompe
>>> sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions sur le
>>> découpage français.
>>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
 Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord
 qu'on a viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées
 qui n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
 codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
 ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes

Re: [talk-ph] Project NOAH-ISAIAH requires the help of the Openstreetmap Community for building footprints

2016-03-20 Thread Ervin Malicdem
A new task was opened for the Project NOAH ISAIAH Structures footprint
map-up adding the province island of Camiguin. Please help us map your
locality in OpenStreetMap so we can create effective risk analysis maps of
your location.

*Task 1684 - Project NOAH ISAIAH Camiguin Map building footprints map-up*

*Task 1636 - Project NOAH ISAIAH Cavite Map building footprints map-up*

*More about ISAIAH and the need for OpenStreetMap data.*

For LGUs and educational institutions who are interested to learn how to
map in OSM, please refer them to Project NOAH by emailing

Ervin Malicdem

On Fri, Mar 18, 2016 at 3:58 PM, Ervin Malicdem  wrote:

> Please know that DOST-Project NOAH (Nationwide Operational Assessment of
> Hazards) has recently launched *ISAIAH* (Integrated Scenario-based
> Assessments of Impacts and Hazards)
> Project NOAH has been developing hazard maps for the Philippines over the
> past 3 years. And through ISAIAH, risk analysis maps will be developed this
> year which needs OpenStreetMap data, specifically the building footprints,
> as part of the data needed to calculate risk through a scenario-based
> assessment.
> We invite the OpenStreetMap community, educational institutions and LGUs
> to work with us in mapping your locality.
> Please use the hashtag* #ProjectNOAH-ISAIAH* on your changesets.
> We have set tasks in the HOT Tasking Manager for this purpose and we
> started out in the province of Cavite.
> *We will be adding tasks over the coming months and post them at this
> email thread.*
> *Task 1636 - Project NOAH ISAIAH Cavite Map building footprints map-up*
> *More about ISAIAH and the need for OpenStreetMap data.*
> For LGUs and educational institutions who are interested to learn how to
> map in OSM, please refer them to Project NOAH by emailing
> Ervin Malicdem
talk-ph mailing list

[Talk-GB] UK Chapter: Who will be the "we"?

2016-03-20 Thread Dave F

Hi all

OK, this a genuine, non rhetorical, non cynical question.

I've loosely been following the discussions of setting up a UK:chapter 
of OSM.

After you've decided upon the process you all want to take & when you've 
started writing documents & sending emails out to the wider world, who 
will be the "we", as in "we feel OSM is doing this incorrectly/correctly?

Who are the OSM contributors you believe you will represent?

Dave F.

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Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-cz] Galerie predevsim ceskych prikladu vyuziti OSM a vyzva k zaslani/oznameni dalsich prikladu vyuziti OSM

2016-03-20 Thread Pavel Bokr

ve spolupraci s Pavlem Zbytovskym jsem na vytvoril samostatnou galerii 
vyuziti OSM:

Smyslem je ukazat vyuziti OSM predevsim v ceskych projektech a ceske komunite. 
Zatim je to takovy zarodek, verime ze dalsi priklady budou pribyvat a stanou se 
dalsi inspiraci jakymi ruznymi zpusoby lze OSM vyuzivat.

Na konci je teda zminka i globalnich projektech nad daty OSM, aby se ukazalo 
alespon to nejzajimavejsi ze zahranicnich projektu (idealne nad CR). Z toho 
zahranici by tam asi mel byt jen vyber toho opravdu nejzajimavejsiho, aby bylo 
videt ze jake zajimave veci z toho delaji v zahranici a ze uzemi CR se neresi 
jen v ceskych projektech. Hlavni obsah teto stranky by vsak podle me melo byt 
ceske vyuziti.

Timto si dovoluji vyzvat ostatni, aby zaslali nebo oznamili dalsi vyuziti OSM, 
ktere by se zde mohlo prezentovat:

- dalsi obrazky do galerie prezentujici vyuziti (casem az bude vice obrazku se 
treba muze ukazat potreba prekategorizovani, pripadne muzeme vybirat jen ty 

- tipy na on-line vyuziti, ktere by se resili odkazy aby tam byla videt prima 
on-line funkcnost vyuziti OSM, tady bude asi dost webu, ktere pouzivaji mapy 
podobne jako projekt Maticka Metropolis, ale protoze me ted zadny nenapada (i 
kdyz uz jsem nejake urcite videl), tak doufam ze nekoho neco napadne a praskne 
to :-)

- tipy na vyber jen tech nejzajimavejsich mezinarodnich projektu (neco uz jsem 
tam naznacil ale urcite jsou i jine a patrne i zajimavejsi globalni vyuziti – 
tak pokud povazujete neco za zajimavejsi tak sem taky s tim; treba ja sam jsem 
nekde videl zajimavou mapu nejakeho piratkeho stylu, ale uz za boha nevim kde a 
blbec jsem si asi neulozil odkaz nebo ulozil tam kde uz o nem nevim, ted jsem 
nejakou nasel ale nebyla to ta puvodni co sla hodne zoomovat)

- pripadne i jine typy tipu pokud uznate za vhodne ze by se na strance meli 

Jakekoliv pripominky jsou take samozrejm vitany!

Pavel Bokr___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Interview pro OpenCage blog

2016-03-20 Thread Pavel Zbytovský

bavili jsme se s redakcí weekly a došli jsme k závěru, že není třeba texty
konsolidovat do "obecného stanoviska", ale že pěkně zazní hlasy
jednotlivých členů komunity.

Prosím zkontrolujte na odkazu [1], že vám vyhovuje navržený překlad a
podepište se tak, jak chcete být zveřejněni.  (Je tam nějaký nejistý
"pavel" - možná Pavel Machek?)

Dejme si asi 3 dny na úpravy a ke konci týdne bych to poslal k publikaci

Pavel Zbytovský


On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 1:02 PM Pavel Zbytovský  wrote:

> Ahoj,
> ozval se nám na twitter Ed Freyfogle z blogu OpenCage [1], že by s námi
> jako českou komunitou rád udělal interview. Viz odkaz - zajímavý rozhovor
> třeba s Marokem.
> Zde [2] je google dokument, kam prosím, doplňte česky k jednolivým bodům
> co si myslíte, že by mělo zaznít, potom to někdo naformuluje v celých
> větách. (Zhruba za týden)
> Pavel
> [1]
> [2]
Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] Ne/mapovat stezky, ktere jsou znaceny jen "na papire"?

2016-03-20 Thread Petr Vozdecký

prosim o nazor: mapovat ci nemapovat (tedy vytvaret relaci s vysledkem 
zobrazeni trasy na mape) u tras (typicky naucna stezka), ktere maji v realu 
jen tabule s tematickymi zastavenimi, ale zadne fyzicke znaceni nemaji? 
Resp, jejich "spravnou trasu" (treba i nekontinualni s odbockami a 
variantnimi trasami k nelinearne umistenym tabulim) lze dohledat jinou 
cestou, napr. na souvisejicim webu...

Znaceni s vysledkem vykreslovani v mape je dvojsecne - na jednu stranu 
muzeme rict, ze v mape nabizime "vice nez v realu", ale na druhou stranu v 
praxi existuje techto "naucnych stezek" mrak a nezridka se jejich trasy 
kryji - jak by to pak vypadalo na mape, sama zelena?

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Starting now: Next UK group call

2016-03-20 Thread SK53
Can I ask everyone to place such comments in-line on the AoA document in
GoogleDocs. It is far too much work for me to:

a) reply to every individual point in each email to list
and b) to ever have a hope of knowing if I've addressed issues raised.

Many of the points here and discussed by others are already noted by me in
the AoA comments, In some cases because I did not have a few on what a
final draft should be & in others because I needed to keep some flexibility
because I wasn't sure what the general view was going to be.

One specific point: it's a really bad idea to force accounts to be prepared
in as little as 4 months after the financial year end, particularly if the
treasurer is an honorary voluntary position. This type of rapid timetable
usually requires really good processes, and in practice the final month
cant be closed until things like bills & expenses have come in & been paid,
So in practice this is unlikely to happen until 2 months after year end; &
then one can go through year-end processes (bad debt write-offs,
reconciliation of P to B/S etc).


On 20 March 2016 at 20:27, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <> wrote:

> On 17 March 2016 at 20:04, Rob Nickerson 
> wrote:
> > It's 8pm Thursday 17th and the UK group call is just starting.
> Here are some comments/thoughts from me on what I think were the three
> main areas of the Articles of Association that were left open after
> the call.
> Powers of the Directors
> In the current draft Articles, the directors' post is limited to do
> things (of classes of things) specifically authorised by resolutions
> of the members. Limiting the directors power in some way (rather than
> allowing them to do anything) is probably a good thing, but we need to
> be very careful that they have enough freedom/power to actually get
> things done.
> The idea of the AGM approving a budget is good, but I don't think this
> will solve things completely. I would envisage a significant amount of
> the work of the board / committees will be in running tools and
> events, being involved with talking to people and the media, lobbying
> government / companies for open data, etc. These are things that don't
> necessarily involve expenditure and so wouldn't be covered by a
> budget. Whilst many of these things could be done by people acting as
> individuals, it would be preferable if they could be done by people
> formally acting on behalf of OSM-UK.
> I think we're either going to have to give the board quite a bit of
> leeway in their powers, or we're going to need a mechanism to get
> rapid approval from the members for lots of things. Perhaps a
> compromise would be to allow the board to do pretty much anything
> (perhaps with some financial / legal constraints) but insist that
> non-routine things (consultation responses, press releases, ...) are
> published to members (say) 48 hours in advance to allow for
> objections. If >n object, then the board can't go ahead without a full
> vote.
> Board Size
> The initial draft said 5-15 directors, leaving the precise number
> open. I think flexibility would be good (particularly as we don't know
> how things will evolve at this point), but I agree that there is an
> issue of the variable size creating arguments / uncertainty at the
> AGM. Perhaps this could be resolved by explicitly stating that the
> precise number is fixed and can only be amended by special resolution
> of the members. I'd then go for a size of something like 5-10 in the
> Articles, and probably start off with 5-7, depending on who wants to
> be involved. If there are reasons to change the size of the board,
> then this can be done without having to change the Articles, but it
> would require a formal resolution at a General Meeting.
> AGM Timings
> The draft Articles merely stated that at an AGM must be held every
> year, which could mean a gap of almost 2 years if this is interpreted
> as at least one in every calendar year.
> Presumably the main function of the AGM apart from
> electing/re-electing the directors, is to approve the financial and
> other reports for submission to Company's House. There's presumably an
> annual cycle for this, and deadlines that have to be met.
> How about stating in the Articles that the AGM must be held within
> (say) 4 months of the end of each financial year of the company? This
> would allow some flexibility over timing, while still forcing an
> average of at least one meeting every year, and limiting the gap
> between meetings more. More importantly though, it would make sure we
> always have a timely review of the annual accounts, and can approve
> the reports for submission in time.
> Best wishes,
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?

2016-03-20 Thread Stefan Keller
His Stefan

Nice hack!
But Shapefile remains an oldtimer with more drawbacks than limited
field names; see [1].
GeoJSON (ascii) and GeoPackages (binary) are formats which are more
suited for the job.
I still have hope that JOSM will be able to read those vector formats too.



2016-03-20 19:29 GMT+01:00 Stefan Baebler :
> Hi!
> On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 12:56 AM, Stefan Keller  wrote:
>> I of course know Shapefiles but they are deprecated because e.g. they
>> cut-off field names at 10 chars. GeoJSON or GeoPackage are better
>> alternatives.
> For RABA-KGZ landuse import in Slovenia we pushed the-10 character limit in
> shapefiles / dbf to 11 characters and even inserted special characters
> (colons) in field name (to allow us to have "source:date" tag) by altering
> the binary data using bbe (sed-like binary block editor) as the last step of
> data preparation:
> bbe -e "s/SOURCEDATE\x00/source:date/" source.dbf -o target.dbf
> JOSM reads it nicely using OpenData plugin, as well as QGIS and other
> editors.
> Full example and context can be seen at
> Example shapefiles can be seen (in browser and in JOSM) at
> best regards,
> Stefan

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Historial de cambios de un elemento y Manual de iniciación a OSM

2016-03-20 Thread Carlos Dávila

El 20/03/16 a las 22:27, pablo rey escribió:

*Ver el historial de edición de un elemento*
Hace unos años, creo que con potlach, me parece recordar que se podía 
ver una lista de qué usuarios habían editado un elemento en OSM. Ahora 
no consigo encontrar la forma de verlo y en la wiki dicen que ahora 
mismo eso no es posible 
Para el historial mira la página del elemento que sea (necesitarás su 
ID) y arriba a la izquierda tienes un enlace "Historial". Por ejemplo:

En JOSM selecciona el elemento y pulsa Ctrl+h

Por favor, no me envíe documentos con extensiones .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, 
.ppt, .pptx, .mdb, mdbx
Instale LibreOffice desde
LibreOffice es libre: se puede copiar, modificar y redistribuir libremente. 
Gratis y totalmente legal.
LibreOffice está en continuo desarrollo y no tendrá que pagar por las nuevas 

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Historial de cambios de un elemento y Manual de iniciación a OSM

2016-03-20 Thread Rafael Avila Coya


Un saludo,

Rafael Ávila Coya

Le 20/03/16 22:27, pablo rey a écrit :

Del 29 al 31 de abril estaremos dando desde Montera34
 un taller gratuito sobre las cartografías
digitales en Donosti (*Google maps is not the map. Taller de
cartografías digitales
El curso es un taller de introducción express práctico a los mapas

En él dedicaremos una parte del mismo a los básicos de OSM. Me han
surgido unas cuantas dudas que comparto por aquí:

*Manuales de iniciación a OSM*
En la wiki he encontrado algunos manuales interesantes pero no nada muy
actualizado o completo. He visto:

  * Beginners guide,
  * Curricula (más una estructura de curso que los contenidos)
  * Mapping weekend

¿Sabeis si hay por ahí algún curso/curricum actualizado sobre OSM?

*Ver el historial de edición de un elemento*
Hace unos años, creo que con potlach, me parece recordar que se podía
ver una lista de qué usuarios habían editado un elemento en OSM. Ahora
no consigo encontrar la forma de verlo y en la wiki dicen que ahora
mismo eso no es posible


Muchas gracias,

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] Historial de cambios de un elemento y Manual de iniciación a OSM

2016-03-20 Thread pablo rey
Del 29 al 31 de abril estaremos dando desde Montera34 
un taller gratuito sobre las cartografías digitales en Donosti (*Google
maps is not the map. Taller de cartografías digitales ciudadanas* El curso es un
taller de introducción express práctico a los mapas digitales.

En él dedicaremos una parte del mismo a los básicos de OSM. Me han surgido
unas cuantas dudas que comparto por aquí:

*Manuales de iniciación a OSM*
En la wiki he encontrado algunos manuales interesantes pero no nada muy
actualizado o completo. He visto:

   - Beginners guide,

   - Curricula (más una estructura de curso que los contenidos)
   - Mapping weekend

¿Sabeis si hay por ahí algún curso/curricum actualizado sobre OSM?

*Ver el historial de edición de un elemento*
Hace unos años, creo que con potlach, me parece recordar que se podía ver
una lista de qué usuarios habían editado un elemento en OSM. Ahora no
consigo encontrar la forma de verlo y en la wiki dicen que ahora mismo eso
no es posible


Muchas gracias,
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Starting now: Next UK group call

2016-03-20 Thread David Woolley

On 20/03/16 20:27, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

In the current draft Articles, the directors' post is limited to do
things (of classes of things) specifically authorised by resolutions
of the members. Limiting the directors power in some way (rather than

I need to get the AoA and spend some time with them, but this seems 
strange.  In normal companies, they only thing that constrains what the 
directors do is statute law and the articles of association.  If the 
members want to constrain a director of such a, normal company, they 
would do so by adding a restriction to the articles of association, 
which will require a special resolution (75% majority and the motion 
must be detailed in the meeting calling notice).

It sounds more like you are proposing that the whole of the members form 
the board and your directors are really just the senior managers.

Directors are about making decisions, not about carrying them out.

I'm not even sure that a director who is constrained by an ordinary 
resolution would be acting legally, as directors are required to 
exercise independent judgement.

I'm also confused about whether or not you are allowed to drop the 
limited.  You might be able to qualify for that privilege, and I saw one 
example in which you tried to exercise it, but today I saw someone using 
limited in the name.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [UK Chapter] Definition of OSM.

2016-03-20 Thread David Woolley

On 20/03/16 19:25, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) wrote:

The most simplest phrase I can think of that isn’t as flippant as the
Thameslink Programme would be “an open-access cartography service”.

The service is not the main part of the operation.  That is provided by 
the map database.  The associated services are only provided to assist 
contributors to the database, and to promote its use.  OSM is not 
competing with Bing and Google as actual service providers.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Starting now: Next UK group call

2016-03-20 Thread Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 17 March 2016 at 20:04, Rob Nickerson  wrote:
> It's 8pm Thursday 17th and the UK group call is just starting.

Here are some comments/thoughts from me on what I think were the three
main areas of the Articles of Association that were left open after
the call.

Powers of the Directors

In the current draft Articles, the directors' post is limited to do
things (of classes of things) specifically authorised by resolutions
of the members. Limiting the directors power in some way (rather than
allowing them to do anything) is probably a good thing, but we need to
be very careful that they have enough freedom/power to actually get
things done.

The idea of the AGM approving a budget is good, but I don't think this
will solve things completely. I would envisage a significant amount of
the work of the board / committees will be in running tools and
events, being involved with talking to people and the media, lobbying
government / companies for open data, etc. These are things that don't
necessarily involve expenditure and so wouldn't be covered by a
budget. Whilst many of these things could be done by people acting as
individuals, it would be preferable if they could be done by people
formally acting on behalf of OSM-UK.

I think we're either going to have to give the board quite a bit of
leeway in their powers, or we're going to need a mechanism to get
rapid approval from the members for lots of things. Perhaps a
compromise would be to allow the board to do pretty much anything
(perhaps with some financial / legal constraints) but insist that
non-routine things (consultation responses, press releases, ...) are
published to members (say) 48 hours in advance to allow for
objections. If >n object, then the board can't go ahead without a full

Board Size

The initial draft said 5-15 directors, leaving the precise number
open. I think flexibility would be good (particularly as we don't know
how things will evolve at this point), but I agree that there is an
issue of the variable size creating arguments / uncertainty at the
AGM. Perhaps this could be resolved by explicitly stating that the
precise number is fixed and can only be amended by special resolution
of the members. I'd then go for a size of something like 5-10 in the
Articles, and probably start off with 5-7, depending on who wants to
be involved. If there are reasons to change the size of the board,
then this can be done without having to change the Articles, but it
would require a formal resolution at a General Meeting.

AGM Timings

The draft Articles merely stated that at an AGM must be held every
year, which could mean a gap of almost 2 years if this is interpreted
as at least one in every calendar year.

Presumably the main function of the AGM apart from
electing/re-electing the directors, is to approve the financial and
other reports for submission to Company's House. There's presumably an
annual cycle for this, and deadlines that have to be met.

How about stating in the Articles that the AGM must be held within
(say) 4 months of the end of each financial year of the company? This
would allow some flexibility over timing, while still forcing an
average of at least one meeting every year, and limiting the gap
between meetings more. More importantly though, it would make sure we
always have a timely review of the annual accounts, and can approve
the reports for submission in time.

Best wishes,


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 20.03.2016 um 20:24 schrieb Stefano :
> Anche krapfen e wurstel, e quindi?

wurstel è proprio italiano, in tedesco non esiste (esistono Wurst e Würstchen). 
Ci sono delle parole che vengono da altre lingue, ma sono integrati e la gente 
le conosce (Wurstel), altre parole invece sono usati come parole straniere 
(Weißwurst), e solo gli esperti di questo campo le conoscono. Per un inglese, 
chalet è del primo tipo, pinnetta del secondo. Ci sarà qualche antropologo 
inglese specializzato nella cultura sarda chi conosce "pinnetta", ma non esiste 
una voce nel oxford dictionary (nemmeno in Wikipedia in questo caso).

Se ho capito il tuo punto, vorresti usare parole non solo del inglese per i 
tag, ma non ti piace indicare la lingua? Oppure sostieni che si tratta di una 
parola inglese? Io segnerei la lingua e lo farei soltanto in casi specifici 
dove non ci sono parole corrispondenti nel inglese.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [UK Chapter] Definition of OSM.

2016-03-20 Thread Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)

The most simplest phrase I can think of that isn’t as flippant as the 
Thameslink Programme would be “an open-access cartography service”.

— Amaroussi.

> On 20 Mar 2016, at 18:44, Gregory  wrote:
> This isn't a description/blurb for the website/marketing.
> This is for the AoA which is a legal document and needs to state what it 
> means when it refers to "OpenStreetMap". Reading the document (or searching 
> it for "OpenStreetMap") will help you understand the relevance. As Jerry said 
> on the call, it needs to be a proper legal definition (not using words that 
> need further definition) and it shouldn't matter too much to us (our 
> branding/slogan can change any time).
> From the land of the prince bishops,
> Gregory.
> On 20 March 2016 at 17:55, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)  > wrote:
> Dang, wrong sender email and wrong destination email again!
> Maybe try:
> “A free map service where users don’t need to pay elephant-sized fees to 
> reuse the data.”
> or
> “Maps without borders, literally.” 
> —Amaroussi
>> On 20 Mar 2016, at 17:36, Gregory > > wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Included in the meeting on Thursday[1] was discussion on the definition of 
>> "OpenStreetMap" in the AoA.
>> For me, I think it is important that OSM is not controlled by a single 
>> entity, and the ability to fork and/or replicate it is essential. Some folk 
>> may feel more strong about me. I am actually happy with the OSMF 
>> protecting/guarding the data and infrastructure at the moment. It may not 
>> ever happen or be needed, but I think it's good to keep possible if two 
>> foundations existed. Technology is possible, and will get better with the 
>> ability of duplicate databases that communicate to keep up-to-date without 
>> you noticing. This already happens within OSMF having two DB servers, and I 
>> think France had a DB server with a read/write API.
>> Anyway, I also understand a clear/simple definition is needed.
>> Currently...
>> "Open Data and services managed by the OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd."
>> Able to make it less exclusive?, so we're not fixed to the OSMF.
>> "An open dataset and connected services which are available from 
>> OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd, and other/mirror providers."
>> Possible?
>> "A free geographic database created by a number of people, along with 
>> initiatives and services to promote it's maintenance"
>> Just thought, how often do the draft AoAs mention "OpenStreetMap"?
>> Answer: 9 times
>> References: 5.1 (to OSM community), 5.2 & 5.3 (to OSM data), 6.6(actually a 
>> reference to OSMF), the CIC name(3 times), and the definition is 2 
>> occurrences.
>> We talked about OSM community needing it's own definition.
>> I still defend that the data on OSMF's servers is only one copy of it, it 
>> just happens that at the moment that copy gets accepted as the most recent. 
>> However, it seems defining the community is more important than defining OSM 
>> itself. :)
>> From a 100-year-old terrace house,
>> Gregory.
>> [1] Notes of our meeting 
>> [2] OSMF website has a (non-legal) description 
>> P.S. I sent this on Thursday night, just from the wrong e-mail address so it 
>> didn't go through.
>> -- 
>> Gregory
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> -- 
> Gregory
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Stefano
Il giorno 20 marzo 2016 20:08, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> sent from a phone
> Am 20.03.2016 um 15:47 schrieb Stefano :
> no, perchè chalet è (anche) una parola inglese, mentre l'altra no:
> chalet è una parola inglese, pinnetta non lo è (e non è nemmeno tedesco,
> anche se viene usato in un articolo tedesco di Wikipedia).

 E ger è mongolo, non inglese ;-)

> Oppure mi confermi che Heimatschutzarchitektur è una parola italiana?

Come puoi confermarmi questo è uno *stile architettonico*, di certo non
vado a taggarmi building=gotico, che è insensato.

Altre parole italiane ben conosciute: ;-)

Anche krapfen e wurstel, e quindi?

Questi dovresti ritaggarli
> no, perché non gli ho taggato, ma invito tutti quelli che hanno usato quel
> tag di ritaggare con un prefisso.

Sarebbe un edit meccanico, dovresti parlarne con [tagging] e con [imports]
prima di suggerirlo!

> Ciao,
> Martin


> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-20 Thread Clifford Snow
On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 11:52 AM, Roman Yepishev 

>  * Some of the addresses from MassGIS point to parks, monuments, or
> buildings are located a few feet away. While it may possible to assign
> the marker to the building nearby, I'd prefer not to do the guess work
> and leave it for refining in the future.

I used a 5 meter rule when conflating outlines and addresses. If the
address was within 5 meters I assigned it to the outline. The next time I
do an address import I'm going to refine that to first check that the
address and building are in the same parcel.

We imported addresses for parks and other such features. My experience is
that someone with a park address would like to be routed to the address.
You could manually position the address node at the main parking lot.

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [UK Chapter] Definition of OSM.

2016-03-20 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 03/20/2016 06:36 PM, Gregory wrote:
> Included in the meeting on Thursday[1] was discussion on the definition
> of "OpenStreetMap" in the AoA.

It might be interesting to consider - unless you've done that already -
that the OSMF itself is *not* limited to supporting OpenStreetMap; in
fact OpenStreetMap (as a project) appears nowhere in the OSMF AoA.
Instead, the OSMF is established for

(1) encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free
geospatial data; and

(2) providing geospatial data for anybody to use and share.

Likewise, the boilerplate local chapter agreement only binds the parties
to (seek to) "mutually support the activities of the other".

So theoretically, if the OSMF should decide that the newly founded
LibreStreetMap project is worthier of support than OSM is, the OSMF
*could* support LibreStreetMap instead of (or in addition to) OSM, and
the local chapter would be expected to "mutually support" this activity.

This is all very hypothetical terrain of course but if you wanted to
keep the LC in sync with OSMF lingo then you'd have to speak of general
"free geospatial data" too, and not not specifically of OSM.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

Am 20.03.2016 um 15:47 schrieb Stefano :

>> no, perchè chalet è (anche) una parola inglese, mentre l'altra no:

chalet è una parola inglese, pinnetta non lo è (e non è nemmeno tedesco, anche 
se viene usato in un articolo tedesco di Wikipedia). 

Oppure mi confermi che Heimatschutzarchitektur è una parola italiana?

Altre parole italiane ben conosciute: ;-)ßwurst

> Questi dovresti ritaggarli

no, perché non gli ho taggato, ma invito tutti quelli che hanno usato quel tag 
di ritaggare con un prefisso.


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Oops, duplicate logain:refs added! (WAS: Re: Logainm data import #1 done!)

2016-03-20 Thread Rory McCann
Hash: SHA1

Hi all,

It turns out there was a little problem with the logainm import, which
Meenatuggart noticed. There are about ~120 logainm:ref's which are on
more than one OSM object. Duplicate logainm:ref's basically.

I've made a simple page on which shows the problems, so
that we can fix it up.

Please find the page here:

I may add additional "QA" checks to that page when I can think of
additional ones.


On 14/03/16 22:17, Rory McCann wrote:
> Hi all,
> As I said on my OSM diary[1], I have finally made an import of the 
> Logainm data. I used the import account rorym_import_logainm[2]. I 
> imported it in 2 goes. First just the baronies (which was only 6 
> missing), to test that the import worked. That was changeset 
> 37805913[3]. Then I imported the rest, in 3 changesets[4][5][6].
> All in, I updated 20,506 objects. About 56% of civil parishes were
> able to be matched up, and 39% of townlands. The main reason for
> the low number is due to how the script matches up. For CPs, it
> looks at the barony it's in, and checks the logainm id of that, and
> then looks for an exact name match. If the barony has not been
> mapped, then it can't match up. Likewise, for townlands, it looks
> at the CP. No CP mapped and the townland can't be matched up. There
> is a lot of areas where only townlands are mapped. If you want to
> improve Logainm importing, please add more baronies and civil
> parishes.
> There were many cases where an exact name match wasn't found. I
> haven't looked into this yet, but I suspect it might be just
> misspellings, or things like that.
> It takes a long time to upload 20,000 objects with JOSM. :)
> I plan to continue to work on this, improve the script, and re-run 
> imports as more OSM data is added. You can follow it on the user
> diary for the import account[7].
> Rory
> [1]: [2]:
> [3]:
> [4]:
> [5]:
> [6]:
> [7]:
> ___ Talk-ie mailing
> list 
Version: GnuPG v2.0.22 (GNU/Linux)


Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-20 Thread Roman Yepishev
Hi, all! Going back to the point...

I stopped linking to the .osn files in order to minimize the confusion.

Instead, every neighborhood gets their .gpx file with the details of
the issues encountered at that particular address:
 - Building is missing.
 - Building has more than one address.
 - Building has a street name that is not known to OSM or has not been
added to the mapping.

This will allow locating the issues quicker while surveying.

I have also generated the .pbf file containing the last export of US,
MA from Geofabrik + unique house numbers. Since I am using OsmAnd, I
have also generated the .obf map. Basically, that's how OSM would look
like if the current list of changes is applied.

There was a question of the data accuracy earlier - I've spent the last
3 days spot-checking the building numbers and I have to say they are
pretty accurate. Some buildings, however, have picked one number from
the range assigned, and this will have to be rectified manually as
well. The data from Boston Tax Parcel may help with that, but it's
license is not completely clear.

I found a couple of issues while generating the datasets/surveying the
 * Some of the addresses from MassGIS point to parks, monuments, or
buildings are located a few feet away. While it may possible to assign
the marker to the building nearby, I'd prefer not to do the guess work
and leave it for refining in the future.
 * Original OSM street names must have been imported from MassGIS
roads, and a few of these don't correspond to the signs (something as
minor as Conry Crescent Street vs Conry Crescent or slightly more
interesting Glenvale Terrace vs Chestnut Terrace). So there are
clusters of buildings in .gpx file pointing to possible street naming
issues, which will have to be manually correlated with the signs on the
 * Multipolygon buildings are not supported by my script, so there will
be up to 48 'missing building' false positives for the whole Boston.

Overall, I feel pretty good about the quality of the data and would
like to hear more about issues that I may have missed.

Roman Yepishev

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [UK Chapter] Definition of OSM.

2016-03-20 Thread Gregory
This isn't a description/blurb for the website/marketing.

This is for the AoA which is a legal document and needs to state what it
means when it refers to "OpenStreetMap". Reading the document (or searching
it for "OpenStreetMap") will help you understand the relevance. As Jerry
said on the call, it needs to be a proper legal definition (not using words
that need further definition) and it shouldn't matter too much to us (our
branding/slogan can change any time).

>From the land of the prince bishops,

On 20 March 2016 at 17:55, Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap) 

> Dang, wrong sender email and wrong destination email again!
> Maybe try:
> “A free map service where users don’t need to pay elephant-sized fees to
> reuse the data.”
> or
> “Maps without borders, literally.”
> —Amaroussi
> On 20 Mar 2016, at 17:36, Gregory  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Included in the meeting on Thursday[1] was discussion on the definition of
> "OpenStreetMap" in the AoA.
> For me, I think it is important that OSM is not controlled by a single
> entity, and the ability to fork and/or replicate it is essential. Some folk
> may feel more strong about me. I am actually happy with the OSMF
> protecting/guarding the data and infrastructure at the moment. It may not
> ever happen or be needed, but I think it's good to keep possible if two
> foundations existed. Technology is possible, and will get better with the
> ability of duplicate databases that communicate to keep up-to-date without
> you noticing. This already happens within OSMF having two DB servers, and I
> think France had a DB server with a read/write API.
> Anyway, I also understand a clear/simple definition is needed.
> Currently...
> "Open Data and services managed by the OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd."
> Able to make it less exclusive?, so we're not fixed to the OSMF.
> "An open dataset and connected services which are available from
> OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd, and other/mirror providers."
> Possible?
> "A free geographic database created by a number of people, along with
> initiatives and services to promote it's maintenance"
> Just thought, how often do the draft AoAs mention "OpenStreetMap"?
> Answer: 9 times
> References: 5.1 (to OSM community), 5.2 & 5.3 (to OSM data), 6.6(actually
> a reference to OSMF), the CIC name(3 times), and the definition is 2
> occurrences.
> We talked about OSM community needing it's own definition.
> I still defend that the data on OSMF's servers is only one copy of it, it
> just happens that at the moment that copy gets accepted as the most recent.
> However, it seems defining the community is more important than defining
> OSM itself. :)
> From a 100-year-old terrace house,
> Gregory.
> [1] Notes of our meeting
> [2] OSMF website has a (non-legal) description
> P.S. I sent this on Thursday night, just from the wrong e-mail address so
> it didn't go through.
> --
> Gregory
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-20 Thread osm . sanspourriel
Philippe, que ce soit un travail en cours n'est pas un problème, le 
problème c'est que les outils de vérification braillent avec raison sur 
ce point et que tu n'as pas averti celui qui surveille de près l'état 
des frontières.

Un petit fixme, une note dans le changeset pour qu'il sache que c'est un 
état temporaire et le voilà rassuré.
Là il se demande - à tort en se plaçant de ton point de vue mais à 
raison du sien -  comment il se fait, alors que la France a une 
couverture complète du niveau 8 on trouve des terres émergées françaises 
en dehors de communes.
Pense que statistiquement les Allemands sont d'un naturel plus anxieux 
que les Français.

Et l'ordre en plus ;-).

Une petite indication (par exemple dans le changeset ou une discussion 
associée) et le "problème" est réglé.

Pour les limites communales, je préfère nettement qu'on en reste au 
niveau de haute-mer (95 ou 120 ? ;-)) : c'est la limite communale de 
plein droit.
L'estran c'est avant tout un espace maritime public. Une concession 
n'est qu'une concession, pas un droit.
Certes la commune a des devoirs mais à mon humble avis, si on décide 
d'entrer cette donnée, ça doit être des polygones spécifiques : pour la 
commune ce n'est pas une zone de plein droit.

Tu parles de la zone entre la ligne de base et le trait de côte.
Ça me semble être extrêmement généreux pour les communes : superpose sur 
le site du SHOM les cartes administratives puis les Délimitations 
maritimes (et en fond les ENC si tu veux).
Tu verras que les eaux intérieures sont délimitées par les îles, pas par 
le continent. Ce qui agrandirait beaucoup les communes !

Je vois bien des procès perdus par des communes à propos de police sur 
l'estran (comme une personne qui se noie dans un endroit interdit à la 
baignade mais la personne est passée par le sentier côtier sur lequel ne 
figurait pas l'avertissement - du sentier côtier on voit bien que la 
plage est dangereuse mais la commune a perdu) mais pas en mer.

Au fait 50 m pour la largeur maxi de mer entre deux communes, ça sort de 
ton chapeau (mesure pifométrique) ou tu t'appuies que le wiki ou un 
texte législatif ? Je n'ai pas vu ça et j'ai l'impression que la règle 
des eaux intérieures est assez floue : 50 m tu es dans le vrai mais avec 
des exceptions.

Par exemple sur OSM la limite mer/eaux intérieures est faite au niveau 
du pont de Saint-Nazaire.
Si tu prends, données ENC ou cartes marines tu vois que ça 
arrive à l'île de Nantes/de Beaulieu (et non au pont de Cheviré comme 
j'aurais pensé). Cartes marines et non cartes fluviales. En amont de 
Cordemais on a la dernière carte marine pour le port de Nantes FR57396D, 
toute fraiche du 25/02/2016 en 1.0).
Nantes Chantenais sert d'ailleurs de référence altimétrique maritime et 
le MNT de façade atlantique s'arrête là.


Le 2016-03-20 04:22, Philippe Verdy - a écrit :
En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne 
natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les 
laisses de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les 
limites à 24 miles pour les frontières des pays.
Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les 
admin_level=8, il faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.

(si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas 
tout bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas 
comment c’était avant :) ).

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?

2016-03-20 Thread Stefan Baebler

On Sun, Mar 6, 2016 at 12:56 AM, Stefan Keller  wrote:
> I of course know Shapefiles but they are deprecated because e.g. they
> cut-off field names at 10 chars. GeoJSON or GeoPackage are better
> alternatives.

For RABA-KGZ landuse import in Slovenia we pushed the-10 character limit in
shapefiles / dbf to 11 characters and even inserted special characters
(colons) in field name (to allow us to have "source:date" tag) by altering
the binary data using bbe (sed-like binary block editor) as the last step
of data preparation:
bbe -e "s/SOURCEDATE\x00/source:date/" source.dbf -o target.dbf

JOSM reads it nicely using OpenData plugin, as well as QGIS and other

Full example and context can be seen at

Example shapefiles can be seen (in browser and in JOSM) at

best regards,
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [UK Chapter] Definition of OSM.

2016-03-20 Thread Amaroussi (OpenStreetMap)
Dang, wrong sender email and wrong destination email again!

Maybe try:

“A free map service where users don’t need to pay elephant-sized fees to reuse 
the data.”


“Maps without borders, literally.” 


> On 20 Mar 2016, at 17:36, Gregory  wrote:
> Hi all,
> Included in the meeting on Thursday[1] was discussion on the definition of 
> "OpenStreetMap" in the AoA.
> For me, I think it is important that OSM is not controlled by a single 
> entity, and the ability to fork and/or replicate it is essential. Some folk 
> may feel more strong about me. I am actually happy with the OSMF 
> protecting/guarding the data and infrastructure at the moment. It may not 
> ever happen or be needed, but I think it's good to keep possible if two 
> foundations existed. Technology is possible, and will get better with the 
> ability of duplicate databases that communicate to keep up-to-date without 
> you noticing. This already happens within OSMF having two DB servers, and I 
> think France had a DB server with a read/write API.
> Anyway, I also understand a clear/simple definition is needed.
> Currently...
> "Open Data and services managed by the OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd."
> Able to make it less exclusive?, so we're not fixed to the OSMF.
> "An open dataset and connected services which are available from 
> OpenStreetMap Foundation Ltd, and other/mirror providers."
> Possible?
> "A free geographic database created by a number of people, along with 
> initiatives and services to promote it's maintenance"
> Just thought, how often do the draft AoAs mention "OpenStreetMap"?
> Answer: 9 times
> References: 5.1 (to OSM community), 5.2 & 5.3 (to OSM data), 6.6(actually a 
> reference to OSMF), the CIC name(3 times), and the definition is 2 
> occurrences.
> We talked about OSM community needing it's own definition.
> I still defend that the data on OSMF's servers is only one copy of it, it 
> just happens that at the moment that copy gets accepted as the most recent. 
> However, it seems defining the community is more important than defining OSM 
> itself. :)
> From a 100-year-old terrace house,
> Gregory.
> [1] Notes of our meeting 
> [2] OSMF website has a (non-legal) description 
> P.S. I sent this on Thursday night, just from the wrong e-mail address so it 
> didn't go through.
> -- 
> Gregory
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] [Talk-GB] OSM with Wikidata: now covers UK and Ireland

2016-03-20 Thread Edward Betts
Brian Prangle  wrote:
> I would import only after an invitation by a mapper or mappers in the
> relevant county, and only after they've checked where your data has more
> than one match and indicated which of the multiple matches is the
> appropriate one

Thanks Brian. My technique for dealing with the duplicate matches is just to
skip them. Anybody is free to add the wikidata tag by hand.

I made the duplicates visible on my list of matches because in some cases we
might be able to devise a method for picking where to add the wikidata tag


Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-de] Straßendaten via Script herunterladen

2016-03-20 Thread Hansi

Hallo zusammen,

bin noch ein Anfänger inSachen Open-Street und möchte gerne  wissen ob 
folgendes möglich ist:

Alle Straßen mit Straßennahmen incl Lat-, Log- mittels Script aus z:B 
einem Bundesland in einem Textfile herunterzuladen.

Vielen Dank für Eure Hilfe.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Stefano
Il giorno 20 marzo 2016 15:23, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> sent from a phone
> > Am 20.03.2016 um 12:55 schrieb Stefano :
> >
> > Perché, nelle montagne ci sono i building=fr:chalet ?
> no, perchè chalet è (anche) una parola inglese, mentre l'altra no:
> --> mongolo per

Questi dovresti ritaggarli

E ho guardato solo le prime pagine di taginfo.

> ciao,
> Martin


> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-20 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 20 March 2016, Tobias Wendorff wrote:
> [...] In Germany, manual generalized data by human
> cartographers are protected by copyrigh - courts have already proofed
> this.

This is not really related to the topic here but to prevent possible 
misconceptions about the German legal system:

Data is never protected by copyright in Germany.  Graphical 
representations of data can be copyright protected of course but this 
depends on the level of individuality present (the term used in the law 
is 'persönliche geistige Schöpfungen').  To my knowledge there has been 
no court decision or other serious legal assessment claiming copyright 
(in contrast to database rights) on pre-graphical geodata 
representations under German copyright law.

Christoph Hormann

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 20.03.2016 um 12:55 schrieb Stefano :
> Perché, nelle montagne ci sono i building=fr:chalet ?

no, perchè chalet è (anche) una parola inglese, mentre l'altra no:

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-20 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am Do, 17.03.2016, 23:47 schrieb Tom Lee:
> Tobias, the best option for ensuring the data is usable by OSM is an
> explicit statement of permission for the OpenStreetMap project to
> incorporate and use the data under the project's terms. This is generally
> considered preferable to a dataset that is ODbL-licensed without such a
> statement.

I agree. This corresponds exactly to what I have sought so far.

> However, I would encourage you to consider non-OSM users as well when
> choosing the license. ODbL is not widely used outside of OSM. A license
> like CC-BY 4.0 is more widely used and actively maintained. Choosing it
> would ensure compatibility with a large number of non-OSM datasets. And if
> paired with a permission statement like what's described above, OSM could
> still use the data without any license compatibility worries.

There is one point, which creates a pain in my stomach: In 4.4a of ODbL v1
only one of the three options is allowed, let's choose ODbL. Since we state
"facts are free", the data in there is CC0 (or whatever is equal to this).

ODbL is a database license it only regulate the access to the data. What
if I put properity or CC-BY data in there, which actually DOES have a
copyright? In Germany, manual generalized data by human cartographers
are protected by copyrigh - courts have already proofed this.

Can ODbL's "BY" overwrite the "BY" of data in another copyright?
The share-alike might be an agreement of the database holder to protect
his collection of unprotected CC0 (etc.) data only.

Best regards,

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-20 Thread Tobias Wendorff
Am Do, 17.03.2016, 23:47 schrieb Tom Lee:
> Tobias, the best option for ensuring the data is usable by OSM is an
> explicit statement of permission for the OpenStreetMap project to
> incorporate and use the data under the project's terms. This is generally
> considered preferable to a dataset that is ODbL-licensed without such a
> statement.

I agree. This corresponds exactly to what I have sought so far.

> However, I would encourage you to consider non-OSM users as well when
> choosing the license. ODbL is not widely used outside of OSM. A license
> like CC-BY 4.0 is more widely used and actively maintained. Choosing it
> would ensure compatibility with a large number of non-OSM datasets. And if
> paired with a permission statement like what's described above, OSM could
> still use the data without any license compatibility worries.

There is one point, which creates a pain in my stomach: In 4.4a of ODbL v1
only one of the three options is allowed, let's choose ODbL. Since we state
"facts are free", the data in there is CC0 (or whatever is equal to this).

ODbL is a database license it only regulate the access to the data. What
if I put properity or CC-BY data in there, which actually DOES have a
copyright? In Germany, manual generalized data by human cartographers
are protected by copyrigh - courts have already proofed this.

Can ODbL's "BY" overwrite the "BY" of data in another copyright?
The share-alike might be an agreement of the database holder to protect
his collection of unprotected CC0 (etc.) data only.

Best regards,

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-20 Thread Dale Kunce
Thanks Simon very helpful.

Sorry HDX is Humanitarian Data Exchange, is basically a clearinghouse of
datasets that organizations push up and maintain. There is lots of open geo
data available through the site, some of which would be appropriate for OSM
if they put an appropriate license on it. Many of the datasets are for
developing or highly at risk countries.
On Mar 20, 2016 10:35 AM, "Simon Poole"  wrote:

> would seem to be the most complete version of "how we really would like you
> to release data to us".
> It is not really a surprise that OSM requires a special case, it is simply
> due to OSM actually being a special case and essentially being the only
> project that digests open data and produces such with the downstream end
> user very often multiple tiers away. Most other data consumers (the goog
> and so on) typically have complete. or at least tight. control over the end
> product and wont have issues with complicated attribution requirements and
> other restrictive terms.
> Outside of specific terms for OSM, currently, IMHO, organisations wanting
> to release data on open licence terms don't really have many good options.
> They will typically gyrate to CC by licences even though 2.0 and 3.0 don't
> really work for data (which is likely why  commercial users are such a fan
> of them) and 4.0 is a total rewrite which raises some questions with
> respect to use as a data licence that remain unanswered.
> If it was up to me I would suggest
> , however it is not clear if
> the authors are still interested at all in any of the O* licences.
> Simon
> PS: what is HDX, besides being CHJ (cool humanitarian jargon)?
> Am 19.03.2016 um 18:52 schrieb Dale Kunce:
> I'm very curious about the cc-by compatibility. The Red Cross is doing a
> very large mapping project in West Africa, ground truthing a lot of the
> data created by remote mappers during ebola. As part of the project we want
> to release the data both in OSM and in a more complete form (not all data
> gathered is appropriate for osm) on HDX. Our original thinking was to
> double license the data, Cc-by 4.0 for HDX with an explicit license for
> OSM.
> What is the best route for organizations to do something like this. From
> this thread I can see the need for a checklist or at the very minimum a
> wiki page with sample language. Forgive me if this already exist I haven't
> found anything online yet.
> Dale
> On Mar 18, 2016 9:58 PM, "Simon Poole"  wrote:
>> Diane
>> Any comment from CC on the -other- issues that have been raised wrt CC by
>> 4.0 and ODbL compatibility and in general with the way it works for
>> databases?
>> Simon
>> Am 18.03.2016 um 17:19 schrieb Diane Peters:
>> Just to be clear on the attribution removal requirement in CC's licenses,
>> Erik asserted:
>> I wish people would stop releasing data with CC-by; "you have to
>> attribute us, but you have to remove that attribution when ever we
>> want you too" which is not present in ODbL so
>> There is no such absolute obligation. In 4.0, the removal requirement
>> provides: "If requested by the Licensor, You must remove any of the
>> information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A)
>>  to the
>> extent reasonably practicable."  (Sec. 3a3
>> ). And in 3.0,
>> it's "to the extent practicable", which from a CC perspective is
>> functionally the equivalent (Sec. 4a
>> ).
>> Diane
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Tom Lee  wrote:
>>> Tobias, the best option for ensuring the data is usable by OSM is an
>>> explicit statement of permission for the OpenStreetMap project to
>>> incorporate and use the data under the project's terms. This is generally
>>> considered preferable to a dataset that is ODbL-licensed without such a
>>> statement.
>>> However, I would encourage you to consider non-OSM users as well when
>>> choosing the license. ODbL is not widely used outside of OSM. A license
>>> like CC-BY 4.0 is more widely used and actively maintained. Choosing it
>>> would ensure compatibility with a large number of non-OSM datasets. And if
>>> paired with a permission statement like what's described above, OSM could
>>> still use the data without any license compatibility worries.
>>> Of course, if you can do without attribution, you might consider
>>> something even more simple that disclaims liability but imposes no other
>>> terms. If that's an option let me know and I can turn up some examples.
>>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Erik Johansson 
>>> wrote:
 On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Tobias Wendorff

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Intervenir pendant le State Of The Map France 2016

2016-03-20 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry


Le 08/02/2016 06:35, Vincent de Château-Thierry a écrit :

le programme du prochain State Of The Map[1] est à construire, car comme
chaque année, la conférence se compose à l'aide des contributions de
Si vous souhaitez aborder un sujet particulier lors d'une présentation,
un atelier, une mapping-party, à vous de jouer !

Il vous reste tout juste 1 mois pour proposer des interventions qui 
enrichiront le programme du State of the Map à Clermont-Ferrand du 20 au 
22 mai. N'attendez pas le dernier moment !

On recense déjà une vingtaine de communications, mais il manque la vôtre 
;) Les sujets abordés sont d'ores et déjà variés, allant des Communs à 
la dataviz, en passant par Overpass, la collecte indoor, les SIG ou 
encore Wikipedia. En lien avec OSM dans tous les cas.

Pour chaque proposition, vous trouverez ici les infos, et les quelques 
éléments à nous communiquer :

Merci et à bientôt,

ps. les liens autour du SOTM :
infos générales :
s'inscrire à la Conférence :

se loger :

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Global high-resolution model of relief

2016-03-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 17.03.2016 um 19:01 schrieb clustergis :
> We haven't got any ftp, but you can make an script using this template

yes, I've tried this, but I got an http 502 bad gateway error 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes (osm: message 3 of 20)

2016-03-20 Thread Christian Quest
Oui sauf que le découpage des codes postaux n'est pas vraiment
géographique... la Poste ne fonctionne pas par "zonage", chaque adresse est
rattachée à un code postal individuellement même si au final ça peut
ressembler à des zones.

Si on veut connaitre avec précision le code postal d'une adresse, il faut
regarder dans la BAN (ou les fichiers de La Poste). Notre approximation
actuelle dans OSM par commune est suffisante à mon avis.

Il n'y a que sur des rares zones où une commune est pluridistribuée que ça
vaut le coup de séparer, par sur les 35000 autres ;)

Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:33,  a écrit :

> > Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on
> a viré des codes postaux en
> Non ils disent que pour éviter ce genre de problème ils ont décidé en
> Allemagne de dissocier les découpages administratif des découpages postaux.
> Dans 90 % des cas c'est identique et dans 10 % des cas c'est différent.
> On doit être un peu dans les mêmes métriques.
> Le 2016-03-19 23:23, Philippe Verdy - a écrit :
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Stefano
Il giorno 20 marzo 2016 08:14, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> sent from a phone
> Am 18.03.2016 um 14:44 schrieb Gian Mario Navillod <
> mi chiedo se non meritino un building=pinnetta (
> metterei "it:pinnetta" per dare una dritta sulla lingua usata

Perché, nelle montagne ci sono i building=fr:chalet ?

> ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] specie dell'albero nel name

2016-03-20 Thread trimoto
Mmm... non credo che sia corretto (in particolare non credo che vada
indicata la famiglia di una pianta, in quanto si tratta di un'informazione
troppo generica). Genus dovrebbe corrispondere al genere della pianta (cioè
al livello tassonometrico immediatamente superiore al livello specie). Io
credo si più corretto in questo modo (faccio l'esempio con il pioppo nero):

genus=* genere a cui appartiene la pianta (Populus)

species=* nome della specie in latino (Populus nigra)

genus:xx=* nome del genere nella lingua scelta (per l'italiano, Pioppo)

species:xx=* nome della specie nella lingua scelta (per l'italiano, Pioppo

taxon=* è un tag alternativo a genus e species. Come taxon è possibile
inserire, in latino, il nome della specie (Populus nigra) o di una
particolare sottospecie o cultivar (Populus nigra italica).

taxon:xx=* come sopra ma con i nomi comuni (Pioppo nero, Pioppo nero
italico, Pioppo lombardo).

name=* eventuale nome proprio della pianta

Credo che il tag genus sia utile nel caso in cui non si conosca la specie,
ma solo, appunto, il genere di appartenenza di una pianta (vedo un pioppo:
so che è un pioppo ma non so la specie esatta). Può essere omesso se esiste
già il tag species.


Quoto, quasi in toto, eccetto tassonometria, tassonomia è il termine
Secondo me il tag taxon da solo con come valore il nome della specie è
sbagliato e l'indicazione sulla wiki di osm è sbagliato.
il temine taxon in biologia (che sia botanica o zoologia non cambia nulla, i
taxa (plurale di taxon) son gli stessi dato che la classificazione (alias
tassonomia) degli esseri viventi è una sola a partire dal taxon Regno
(animali, vegetali ecc). I taxa sono i nomi che vengono dati ai vari livelli
di classificazione (cladi) sono taxa la specie, il genere, la famiglia,
l'ordine ecc.
se proprio si volesse utilizzare il tag taxon lo farei solo con es.
taxon:genus:Populus ma mi pare comunque inutile. 
Per chi volesse approfondire su wikipedia c'è la spiegazione estesa del
termine taxon

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mapathon umanitario - lunedì 21/3

2016-03-20 Thread Marco Minghini
> iscritto pure io ;-)
> ci sarà anche per questo un hashtag da usare in modo da contare gli edit?

Certo, è indicato sulla descrizion: *#mapathongeolab*

> -
> Ciao,
> Aury

A domani!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] licenses suitable for import

2016-03-20 Thread Simon Poole
would seem to be the most complete version of "how we really would like
you to release data to us".

It is not really a surprise that OSM requires a special case, it is
simply due to OSM actually being a special case and essentially being
the only project that digests open data and produces such with the
downstream end user very often multiple tiers away. Most other data
consumers (the goog and so on) typically have complete. or at least
tight. control over the end product and wont have issues with
complicated attribution requirements and other restrictive terms.

Outside of specific terms for OSM, currently, IMHO, organisations
wanting to release data on open licence terms don't really have many
good options. They will typically gyrate to CC by licences even though
2.0 and 3.0 don't really work for data (which is likely why  commercial
users are such a fan of them) and 4.0 is a total rewrite which raises
some questions with respect to use as a data licence that remain unanswered.

If it was up to me I would suggest , however it is not clear if
the authors are still interested at all in any of the O* licences.


PS: what is HDX, besides being CHJ (cool humanitarian jargon)?

Am 19.03.2016 um 18:52 schrieb Dale Kunce:
> I'm very curious about the cc-by compatibility. The Red Cross is doing
> a very large mapping project in West Africa, ground truthing a lot of
> the data created by remote mappers during ebola. As part of the
> project we want to release the data both in OSM and in a more complete
> form (not all data gathered is appropriate for osm) on HDX. Our
> original thinking was to double license the data, Cc-by 4.0 for HDX
> with an explicit license for OSM.
> What is the best route for organizations to do something like this.
> From this thread I can see the need for a checklist or at the very
> minimum a wiki page with sample language. Forgive me if this already
> exist I haven't found anything online yet.
> Dale
> On Mar 18, 2016 9:58 PM, "Simon Poole"  > wrote:
> Diane
> Any comment from CC on the -other- issues that have been raised
> wrt CC by 4.0 and ODbL compatibility and in general with the way
> it works for databases?
> Simon
> Am 18.03.2016 um 17:19 schrieb Diane Peters:
>> Just to be clear on the attribution removal requirement in CC's
>> licenses, Erik asserted:
>> I wish people would stop releasing data with CC-by; "you have to
>> attribute us, but you have to remove that attribution when ever we
>> want you too" which is not present in ODbL so
>> There is no such absolute obligation. In 4.0, the removal
>> requirement provides: "If requested by the Licensor, You must
>> remove any of the information required by Section 3(a)(1)(A)
>>  to the
>> extent reasonably practicable."  (Sec. 3a3
>> ). And in
>> 3.0, it's "to the extent practicable", which from a CC
>> perspective is functionally the equivalent (Sec. 4a
>> ). 
>> Diane
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 3:47 PM, Tom Lee > > wrote:
>> Tobias, the best option for ensuring the data is usable by
>> OSM is an explicit statement of permission for the
>> OpenStreetMap project to incorporate and use the data under
>> the project's terms. This is generally considered preferable
>> to a dataset that is ODbL-licensed without such a statement.
>> However, I would encourage you to consider non-OSM users as
>> well when choosing the license. ODbL is not widely used
>> outside of OSM. A license like CC-BY 4.0 is more widely used
>> and actively maintained. Choosing it would ensure
>> compatibility with a large number of non-OSM datasets. And if
>> paired with a permission statement like what's described
>> above, OSM could still use the data without any license
>> compatibility worries.
>> Of course, if you can do without attribution, you might
>> consider something even more simple that disclaims liability
>> but imposes no other terms. If that's an option let me know
>> and I can turn up some examples.
>> On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 5:43 PM, Erik Johansson
>> > wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Tobias Wendorff
>> > > wrote:
>> > Dear list,
>> >
>> > could you please recommend me licenses for 

Re: [Talk-it] mapathon umanitario - lunedì 21/3

2016-03-20 Thread Aury88
iscritto pure io ;-)
ci sarà anche per questo un hashtag da usare in modo da contare gli edit?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] Vandalismへのリバートについて

2016-03-20 Thread Satoshi IIDA

急いでいたので普段使い慣れたツールにしただけです :)

2016年3月20日 18:00 ribbon :

> On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 05:39:44PM +0900, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
> > また、しばらくは日本全体で監視が必要だなぁ、と思っていて、
> > いまのところ折を見つけてやっている監視方法のメモを書きました。
> >
> >
> 質問です。
> 上記の内容、OSMFJのページじゃなくて、qiitaにした理由、
> なにかあるのでしょうか?
> ribbon
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] Vandalismへのリバートについて

2016-03-20 Thread ribbon
On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 05:39:44PM +0900, Satoshi IIDA wrote:

> また、しばらくは日本全体で監視が必要だなぁ、と思っていて、
> いまのところ折を見つけてやっている監視方法のメモを書きました。



Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] Vandalismへのリバートについて

2016-03-20 Thread Satoshi IIDA





(以前はYahoo Pipesだと思っていたのですが、いまだとZapierとか?

2016年3月20日 15:10 Taro Matsuzawa :

> 松澤です。
> Overpass APIで元のwayが取得できます。
> 確認するといいださんがVandalism対応で消してしまっています。
> こういうの厄介ですね...
> On 2016/03/20 14:06, Shu Higashi wrote:
>> 場所はこのあたりです。
>> 2016/03/20 Shu Higashi :
>>> 東です。
>>> 数日前にVandalismと思しき行為に対して
>>> いいださんなど対応頂いているようで、お疲れ様です。
>>> 私の自宅近くでも行われていたようでリバートされたのだと思いますが
>>> 県道が4-5kmほど消えていました。
>>> (下記画像の赤線部分)
>>> 復旧は地元なので私の方で行えますが
>>> リバートの問題なのか、Vandalismによる被害なのか
>>> よくわからなかったので
>>> ご参考までにこちらでお知らせしておきます。
>>> ___
>> Talk-ja mailing list
> --
> Georepublic Japan Ltd.
> 3-24-14, Honmachi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan
> Taro Matsuzawa
> Senior Developer
> eMail:
> Web:
> Tel: +81 (03) 4578 9352
> Fax: +81 (03) 3374 0291
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Global high-resolution model of relief

2016-03-20 Thread Mike Thompson
I think this could be very useful, especially when working with rivers and

I am having trouble finding the actual link for downloading the data and/or
connecting to the service.


On Wed, Mar 16, 2016 at 12:05 PM, clustergis  wrote:

> Hi,
> probably you know that recently NASA has released all SRTM data of
> elevation with a resolution of 30m.
> In the ClusterGIS association ( we have made a
> global model of relief of high-resolution (15m/px), in geotiff format.
> Data can be downloaded from the page with CC
> BY license.
> We want to offer these data to OpenStreetMap community, especially to the
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT).
> We thought they are a good complement to OSM data in many parts of the
> world.
> Kind regards,
> GonZaLo López
> ClusterGIS Team
> @clustergis
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[Talk-GB] UK government to spend £5 million rebuilding postcode data it sold off in 2013

2016-03-20 Thread Eric Grosso
Hi all,

For info, if you didn't see this news:

It isn't written if it'll be in continuation of the Open Addresses UK
project ( or not, but for sure, the £110
million figure comes from the report of this project (, figure
itself derived from the one provided by the Danish government.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [english 66%] Re: tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 18.03.2016 um 19:35 schrieb Alessandro :
> Se il manufatto è lo stesso va mappato con lo stesso tag principale: se è una 
> pinetta è una pinetta. Se poi non è utilizzabile ci sarà un secondo tag che 
> lo dirà.

se mappi il manufatto, si, se descrivi delle funzioni (shelter) non 
necessariamente: una rovina non ti procura riparo quindi non metti 
amenity=shelter (per esempio)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Napo coordinato trentino

2016-03-20 Thread Davide Ondertoller
stiamo definendo tutto in questi giorni, poi partono le proposte :)

Il giorno 16 marzo 2016 12:12, Maurizio Napolitano  ha

> >> Sappi Luca che si pensava di proporti di fare il relatore per un
> workshop
> >> sul tema "OpenStreetMap per l'escursionimo"
> >
> > buono a sapersi
> Si sta cominciando ora a definire il tutto
Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] DOT construction updates

2016-03-20 Thread Steven Johnson
+1.5 for the maproulette suggestion. 


Sent from my electronic tether. 

> On 2016年3月16日, at 19:47, Charlotte Wolter  wrote:
> Martijn,
> The Arizona Dept. of Transportation (ADOT, has 
> extensive information on both proposed and completed projects, sometimes with 
> photos. Seems like a good resource.
> These could make good Mapoulette challenges.
> --C
> At 11:20 AM 3/16/2016, you wrote:
>> Hi all, 
>> I was thinking about a good way for the community to get a feed of 
>> construction updates from state DOTs. Has anyone ever attempted this? A good 
>> start should be a list of state DOTs (I found 
>>, not sure if it's 100% 
>> current). But where to go from there? Every state DOT has its own mechanism 
>> / format to distribute updates. Do they all have an RSS feed? Or twitter?
>> At this point I am just curious to hear if anyone else has thought about 
>> this already and if so what you have come up with so far.
>> (What triggered this again for me: I heard someone mention that the work on 
>> the I-96/US-23 interchange in Michigan was complete, but could not find any 
>> confirmation. See this pretty cool video from MDOT for what they are doing 
>> there: The situation on OSM 
>> reflects the pre-construction reality —> 
>> )
>> Martijn
>> ___ 
>> Talk-us mailing list 
> Charlotte Wolter
> 927 18th Street Suite A
> Santa Monica, California
> 90403
> +1-310-597-4040
> Skype: thetechlady
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] "type=*" déprécié dans les relations?

2016-03-20 Thread Philippe Verdy
Note aussi que "highway=road" est déprécié depuis longtemps au profit des
autres valeurs plus précises ou sinon "highway=unspecified" si réellement
on n'a pas d'information. Pourtant il en reste plein.

Si pour les autres types de relation on doit par exemple remplacer
"type=natural" par une valeur appropriée de "natural=*" on n'a aucune
valeur évidente de remplacement, et cela mériterait alors une analyse pour
les repérer, et savoir ceux qui peuvent être convertis de façon quasi
automatique (grace à d'autres tags déjà présents et non ambigus).

Sinon, autant laisser en attendant ces valeurs de "type=*" ambiguës, sans
même avoir à créer une nouvelle valeur fourre-tout de substitution (pas la
peine de refaire la même chose que "highway=unspecified" qui n'a fait que
déplacer le problème de l'ancien "highway=road" avec une valeur ayant les
mêmes problèmes qu'avant).

Dans ce cas le traitement est "simple": si une relation utilisant
"type=xyz" n'a pas un autre tag "xyz=*" mieux qualifié, la signaler comme
ambiguë, et ne rien changer, mais la reporter sur un outil QA tel qu'Osmose
(car elle est même déjà incompatible avec d'autres tags déjà présents dans
la relation ou dans des relations maitre).

Dans l'immédiat je ne voit pas l'intérêt de garder "type=boundary" quands
on a déjà explicitement un tag "boundary=*" : le "type=boundary" est
clairement redondant (vérifier avant que les rendus qu'on utilise ne
dépendent pas dans leurs règles de la présence de "type=boundary" pour
afficher les frontières, mais qu'ils se contentent juste de "boundary=*".

Les rendus ont d'autres problèmes sur les frontières: souvent ils ne
tiennent pas compte du tag "boundary=*"" présent dans les relations, mais
uniquement de ce tag (et de "admin_level=*") sur les ways. Souvent ces ways
ont oublié ces tags, et les frontières disparaissent du rendu alors que les
relations sont bien formées et correctement taguées. C'est un exemple où
l'ancienne façon de taguer est la seule encore prise en compte (et pourtant
on a du mal à définir une valeur appropriée pour "boundary=*" sur les ways,
qui peuvent servir à plein de choses et même pour des frontières de types
différents (boundary=adminsitrative, boundary=postal_code,
boundary=political). Même chose pour les valeurs à donner au tag
"political_division=*" sur ces mêmes ways (il n'y a pas de critère objectif
de choix aussi facile que les "admin_level=*" pour les frontières
administratives ; exemple avec les valeurs "canton" et
"circonscription_législative"...) Là encore ce n'est pas sur le way qu'il
faudrait chercher l'info mais sur les relations qui ont ce way en membre.
Mais ces relations ne devraient pas être cherchées selon leur "type=*" mais
uniquement sur "boundary=*".

Tout cela a des conséquences aussi sur la quantité de travail que doivent
produire les outils d'exports vers les bases de rendus (exemple osm2pgsql
qui passe un part énorme de son temps à chercher différentes façon de
taguer la même chose afin de générer des listes de features importables sur
une base de données GIS standard qui sert ensuite à alimenter un serveur de
rendu). On le sait, les serveurs ont de plus en plus de travail (mais pas
la capacité de monter en charge aussi vite. Plus la base grossit, et plus
cela devient lourd et plus les rendus ont du retard.

Bref des nettoyages s'imposent dans la base OSM sur ce qui est réellement
utile et sur ce qu'on devrait déprécier bien plus rapidement pour soulager
le travail des serveurs et leur faire gagner en réactivité (et aussi mieux
utiliser les ressources disponibles). Mais évidemement les divers outils
utilisateurs des données devrient être passés en revue pour savoir s'ils
n'ont pas encore besoin de valeurs obsolètes (et uniquement celles-là car
ils leur manque la prise en compte des nouveaux tags)

Le 17 mars 2016 à 16:32, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> > De: "Philippe Verdy" 
> >
> > J'ai vu à plusieurs endroits que le tag type=* serait déprécié dans
> > les relations, parce qu'il est en fait ambigu, et parce que les
> > relations peuvent en fait simultanément de plusieurs types
> > différents.
> Philippe, tu as un lien vers les endroits en question ? Autant je trouve
> le tag type=* complètement inutile (et ses déclinaisons en espace de nom
> "*:type=*"), autant le déprécier a des conséquences sur pas mal
> d'implémentations où un filtre se fait sur la valeur du tag type=*. Ce
> serait un changement majeur, qui mérite une diffusion large (et du temps).
> Merci pour tes infos supplémentaires.
> vincent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 18.03.2016 um 14:44 schrieb Gian Mario Navillod 
> :
> mi chiedo se non meritino un building=pinnetta 
> (

metterei "it:pinnetta" per dare una dritta sulla lingua usata 

Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Lietuvos reljefo permatomos kaladėlės

2016-03-20 Thread Ramas
aš gan daug eksperimentavau su hillshading, tik naudojau SRTM duomenis.
Mano skriptus galima pasižiūrėti

Didžiausios bėdos buvo su greitaveika ir tvarkingais png failais. Lietuvos
atveju turėtų būti lengviau, nes mažiau duomenų, kaladėlių...

O beja tarpkitko visai įdomu, kad hillshading'ą galima perduoti ir kaip
vektorinę info. Mapbox šioje vietoje pirmauja -

2016-03-17 11:40 GMT+02:00 Tomas Straupis :

> Sveiki
>   Gal kas bandėte daryti permatomas reljefo kaladėles (hillshading,
> tinkamas openlayeriams) iš geoportale esančių Lietuvos aukščio
> duomenų?
> --
> Tomas
> ___
> Talk-lt mailing list
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Taller humanitario Inundaciones Mozambique (OSM) - iCarto

2016-03-20 Thread Rafael Avila Coya

Hola, Antón:

Olvidé, pero otra lista en la que puedes publicar es en la del HOT.


On 17/03/16 10:12, Antón Amado wrote:


Mi nombre es Antón Amado, responsable del área de cooperación para el
desarrollo de la empresa iCarto.

Desde iCarto y en colaboración con la Universidade da Coruña vamos a
realizar, en el marco del proyecto SIXHIARA
, un taller de mapeo de las zonas afectadas
por las inundaciones en el norte de Mozambique.

El taller será el *viernes 8 de abril en la Escuela de Caminos, Canales
y Puertos de la UDC*.

Para inscribirse al evento o tener más información:

Agradeceríamos se diese difusión.


Antón Amado Pousa
CEO iCarto
iCarto | Innovación, Cooperación, Cartografía y Territorio S.L. / |
+34 881927808
c/ Rafael Alberti nº 13 – 1ºD
15008 A Coruña, Galicia (Spain)

Este correo electrónico contiene información estrictamente confidencial
y es de uso exclusivo del destinatario, quedando prohibida a cualquier
otra persona su revelación, copia, distribución, o el ejercicio de
cualquier acción relativa a su contenido. Si ha recibido este mensaje
por error, por favor conteste a su remitente mediante correo electrónico
y proceda a borrarlo de su sistema.
Sus datos personales serán tratados de forma confidencial y no serán
cedidos a terceros ajenos a ICARTO. En cualquier caso, podrá ejercer los
derecho de oposición, acceso, rectificación y cancelación de acuerdo con
lo establecido en la Ley Orgánica 15/99, de 13 de diciembre, de
Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal dirigiéndose a Innovación,
Cooperación, Cartografía e Territorio, SL. (ICARTO) en la dirección
postal a C/ Rafael Alberti, nº 13, 1ºD, 15.008 – (A Coruña).

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] Vandalismへのリバートについて

2016-03-20 Thread Taro Matsuzawa


Overpass APIで元のwayが取得できます。



On 2016/03/20 14:06, Shu Higashi wrote:


2016/03/20 Shu Higashi :




Talk-ja mailing list

Georepublic Japan Ltd.
3-24-14, Honmachi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Taro Matsuzawa
Senior Developer


Tel: +81 (03) 4578 9352
Fax: +81 (03) 3374 0291

Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [english 66%] Re: tag cuile e pinnetta

2016-03-20 Thread Dino Michelini
Grazie Andrea per la doverosa precisazione linguistica ed avermi 
chiarito i miei dubbi su quando utilizzare i termini cuile e pinetta.

Più in generale, credo che il problema circa lo stato della costruzione 
esista anche ad es. in Appennino o sulle Alpi marittime ma per fortuna 
esiste una maggiore copertura GSM ed una maggiore frequentazione 
rispetto ai Supramontes. Per ora per definire lo stato di un bivacco, 
rifugio si potrebbe utilizzare la seguente combinazione che permette di 
distinguere anche graficamente sulla mappa lo stato dell'edificio:

Pinnette utilizzabili (buono stato di conservazione)
Pinnette (rifugi, bivacchi... ) non utilizzabili (in rovina o distrutte)
building:condition=partly_ruinous, mainly_ruinous, completely_ruinous

Certo è che come si è fatto per i nuraghe 
(, forse si 
potrebbe creare come suggerisce Gian Mario Navillod un tag building=pinnetta

Il 18/03/2016 14:34, andriatz ha scritto:

son d'accordo. faccio solo un appunto "cuile" in sardo vul dire
semplicemente ovile, mentre le costruzioni a cui ti riferisci sono appunto
pinnete. Mi sembra interessante come tag, io ne ho mapato qualcuna e ho
messo un generico building=yes. effettivamente trovare un modo per
specificare non sarebbe male.

View this message in 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Palestra scolastica

2016-03-20 Thread Federico Cortese
On Mar 17, 2016 18:28, "scratera"  wrote:
> ...e inserire anche il tag sport=multi

Si, ma solo se c'è un Tag leisure=sports_centre o leisure=gymnasium. Se si
usa solo il building=gymnasium non credo.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: relations boundary admin_level=4 manquantes

2016-03-20 Thread Philippe Verdy
Cela n'a rien à voir avec le fait que pour délimiter les eaux de la mer on
utilise dans OSM la laisse de haute mer.

En métropole si on utilise la natural=coastline pour les communes, c'est en
fait faux car ce devrait être la ligne de base (incluant les eaux
intérieures, et c'est ce qu'on fait déjà pour inclure les ports protégés
par digues, les marinas, et les estuaires pas trop larges (moins de 50
mètres environ à marée basse), et toutes les eaux situées en amont d'un
pont sur l'estuaire qui serait plus long que les 50 mètres (eaux
intérieures à partager entre deux communes si ce ne sont pas les mêmes sur
chaque rive) ou en amont d'un barrage (les eaux de l'étang ou du port dans
la retenue est aussi à partager de chaque côté d'un chenal central si là
aussi il y a plusieurs communes sur les rives).

Les communes s'étendent jusqu'à la basse mer (la ligne de base), même si ce
terrain est dans le domaine maritime de l'Etat ; elles y ont des
compétences limitées mais bien existantes (en terme de police locale et
sécurité par exemple, diverses décisions de tribunaux ont confirmé leurs
responsabilité et obligations) et peuvent demander à l'Etat des concessions
pour certains aménagements côtiers (extension de port, digues et ouvrages
de protection des côtes, canalisations de rejet en mer, câbles de transport
d'énergie ou de télécommunication...), même si elles n'ont pas la capacité
légale d'accorder elles-mêmes les permis de construire sans un décret
préfectoral ou ministériel ou une loi nationale. Elles sont également
consultées par l'Etat si c'est lui qui est à l'initiative de ces
constructions dans les eaux intérieures.

Elles reçoivent des taxes locales, même si personne n'y "réside" de façon
permanente, sur les concessions agricoles autorisées dans ce domaine
maritime (huitres, moules, élevages piscicoles) et des taxes portuaires.
Elles ont des obligations en terme d'assainissement et de maintien de la
propreté des plages, et posent et entretiennent des poubelles de collecte,
elles réensablent les plages  artificielles.

Seulement voilà, en métropole, on n'a pas encore tracé la ligne de base, on
a juste cherché une approximation avec la ligne de côte d'OSM, pour nous
simplifier la vie (on n'a pas de données assez précises pour positionner
correctement la ligne de base).

En revanche je n'ai PAS dit que les communes auraient des droits sur les
eaux territoriales au delà de la ligne de base.

Le 20 mars 2016 à 03:24, Jérôme Amagat  a écrit :

> En France métropolitaine les communes s'arrêtent à la ligne
> natural=coastline qui est censé être une laisse de haute mer. les laisses
> de basse mer et les lignes de base ne serve qu'à tracer les limites à 24
> miles pour les frontières des pays.
> Pourquoi Philippe tu veux faire différemment là, pour les admin_level=8,
> il faut utiliser les frontières terre mer déjà tracés.
> (si je suis a coté des problème de chacun, je veux dire que j'ai pas tout
> bien comprit, que j'ai regardé rapidement et que je sais pas comment
> c’était avant :) ).
> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:27, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>> Bref cet utilisateur allemand (tout seul en fait: "wambacher") se trompe
>> sur toute la ligne, il a mal regardé ou fait de fausses suppositions sur le
>> découpage français.
>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:23, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
>>> Sinon méfiance avec ce que disent les allemands qui croient à tord qu'on
>>> a viré des codes postaux en France, alors que les communes fusionnées qui
>>> n'ont pas de code postal sont celles dont les communes membres ont des
>>> codes postaux différents (et qui les gardent). En France les codes postaux
>>> ne sont pas découpés exactement comme les communes. Même dans les communes
>>> simples (sans fusion) on a plusieurs zones postales (grandes villes
>>> uniquement), et cela ne devrait pas les surprendre en Allemagne vu qu'ils
>>> ont aussi des communes découpées par les zones postales.
>>> De même certains n'étaient pas au courant des fusions de régions alors
>>> que tout est OK (ils n'ont pas regardé les start_date/end_date ou les ont
>>> mal analysés). (D'où les prétentues régions manquantes en admin_level 4)
>>> Ils ne sont pas au courant non plus de a scission du département du
>>> Rhône en deux parties et confondent l'ancien département (devenu
>>> circonscription départementale et regroupant le nouveau département avec la
>>> métropole) et le nouveau, qui sont tagués différemment (start_date/end_date)
>>> Le 19 mars 2016 à 23:14, Philippe Verdy  a écrit :
 Tu parles des îles Tuamotus ? Je n'ai rien viré du tout, tout est là,
 il manque encore des éléments pour quelques atolls mais ils n'étaient pas
 encore là et je les ajoute.
 Le gros changement est la séparation des entités physiques (motus et
 ilots), leur regroupement par commune ou par commune associée, l'ajout des
 noms manquants, et