Re: [Talk-it] pronto soccorso ospedali italiani

2019-02-26 Thread Aury88
dieterdreist wrote
> se tanti usano il tag per altro che uscite d’emergenza, sarà deprecato
> presto ;-)
> Ciao, Martin 

onestamente martin, non ho mai visto verificarsi un evento del genere. spero
tu sia ironico xD
 finchè il tag attualmente in utilizzo è descritto e non viene formalmente
scoraggiato questo continuerà ad essere usato. 
considera anche che a fronte degli 8 365 entrance=emergency ci sono solo 125
exit=emergency; il rischio serio è quindi che si continuerà ad utilizzare il
primo ed il secondo addirittura non venga preso in considerazione neanche
dagli applicativi ([1]vs[2])

considera che anche deprecarli di per se non basta...per esempio, nonostante
fossero stati deprecati da anni, amenity=fitness_center,
amenity=fitness_centre, amenity=fitness, sport=fitness_center,
sport=fitness_centre e sport=sports_centre  hanno continuato a venire
inseriti fino a quando il sottoscritto non si è messo a modificare i casi
ovvi quasi uno ad uno a rischio anche di venire bannato per l'editing
"massivo" (un paio di migliaia di elementi... seppur la maggior parte dei
casi erano il passaggio da leisure=fitness_center a
leisure=fitness_centre) questo momento mi stanno prudendo le mani per
non effettuare il passaggio da industrial=scrapyard e amenity=auto_wrecker a
industrial=scrap_yard pur essendo poche decine di casi in tutto il mondo

capisco che è una mappa libera ma qui sembra più una mappa anarchica se
nessuno comincia ad "disincentivare" l'uso di elementi definiti errati o

ci serve assolutamente un sistema automatico per avvisare gli ultimi
mappatori degli elementi mappati con un determinato tag definito deprecato
sulla wiki


Sent from:

Talk-it mailing list

[talk-ph] Central Visayas road alignment validation is complete, Calabarzon is next.

2019-02-26 Thread Erwin Olario
We'd like to thank all the mappers who continue to contribute updates and
feedback, especially the student volunteers of the PUPSJCWTS++ project
[1],  for your diligent efforts to identify and digitize missing roads tasks
in Luzon [2], Visayas [3], and Mindanao [4].

We at Team Kaart is pleased to announce the completion of our road
validation (and fixes) in the Central Visayas region [5] two weeks ago,
where over 1,100 kilometers of road geometry and alignment was looked into
(and fixed, where necessary). We also addressed missing roads, and JOSM
validation issues that we encounter in the tasks.

The effort is going to be replicated in Calabarzon [0], albeit at a much
slower pace since it isn't going to be an immediate priority for now.

As always, questions, or comments are welcome. Please do not hesitate to
get in touch.


talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HOT Microgrants 2019!

2019-02-26 Thread Rebecca Firth
Hi All,

Just a reminder that the call for applications for HOT Microgrants 2019
ends in just two days on Thursday 28th Feb - midnight EST. Please make sure
to get your applications in before then!

Thanks a lot & happy to help answer any questions,


On Tue, Feb 5, 2019 at 10:11 AM Rebecca Firth 

> Hi,
> Very pleased to announce the launch of HOT Microgrants 2019! Many OSM
> communities around the world are achieving amazing results on zero or
> near-zero budgets. HOT wants to support the development of these
> communities. This year we're especially focusing on projects which improve
> regional support for OSM communities, working with local authorities, and
> engaging with local open data/tech communities. We're looking to provide up
> nine Microgrants between $2,000 - $5,000 USD.
> Please find all details, including program changes for 2019, and the
> application form on the website:
> Thanks,
> Rebecca
> --
> *Rebecca Firth*
> Director, Community & Partnerships
> @RebeccaFirthy
> *Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
> *Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
> web  | twitter  | facebook
>  | donate 

*Rebecca Firth*
Director, Community & Partnerships 

*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team*
*Using OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response & Economic Development*
web  | twitter  | facebook
 | donate 
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi

On 2019-02-27 00:26, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> alla fine devono interpretare la situazione anche le persone che decidono la 
> classe “ufficiale”.

Si e no: vedi, nel mio post precedente, il punto "/Identificazione delle fonti 
di informazione/*"*


> In generale non mi aspetto grosse differenze tra quello che abbiamo e quello 
> che è ufficiale.

Non lo so... non ci scommetterei... comunque potrebbe essere una informazione 
utile per verifiche sulla qualità della mappatura.

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 27. Feb 2019, at 00:20, Sergio Manzi  wrote:
> Come (forse un po' confusamente) spiegavo nel post originale, il "valore 
> aggiunto" starebbe nel utilizzare una gerarchia non basata su descrizioni 
> (dal wiki) e successivamente interpretata dal mapper, ma su definizioni e 
> attribuzioni ufficiali alle quali corrispondono o dovrebbero corrispondere 
> specifiche tecnico-funzionali ben precise.

alla fine devono interpretare la situazione anche le persone che decidono la 
classe “ufficiale”. 
In generale non mi aspetto grosse differenze tra quello che abbiamo e quello 
che è ufficiale.

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

On 27. Feb 2019, at 00:05, Volker Schmidt  wrote:

>> so che esiste il tag, ma in tutte le giurisdizioni che conosco è 
>> completamente sinonimo con bicycle=no, non ci sono differenze. 
> Ci sono posti dove non puoi entrare con la bici: alcuni rari casi all'aperto 
> (un parco a Muenchen, mi sembra di ricordare) e tanti edifici pubblici e 
> privati

si, ma non è bicycle=no il tag per indicare che non si può spingere una bici. 
Il tag bicycle è per “andare in bici”.

Tra altro, in questi casi dove la bici non la puoi spingere, suppongo che la 
puoi portare sulle spalle, per esempio mettendola in una scatola. Volendo con 
le ruote smontate. Io ricordo una zona pedonale in Olanda come esempio.

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi
Ciao Andrea,

On 2019-02-27 00:03, Andrea Albani wrote:
> mi sfugge qual'è lo scopo di aggiungere la classificazione delle strade 
> secondo CdS alle highway in Italia, esprimendo questa una gerarchia già 
> descritta dai valori del tag highway.
> Al di là dell'aggiungere informazioni in più al database OSM intravedi altri 
> risvolti pratici dalla loro presenza ?

Come (/forse un po' confusamente/) spiegavo nel post originale, il "/valore 
aggiunt//o/" starebbe nel utilizzare una gerarchia non basata su descrizioni 
(dal wiki) e successivamente interpretata dal mapper, ma su definizioni e 
attribuzioni ufficiali alle quali corrispondono o dovrebbero corrispondere 
specifiche tecnico-funzionali ben precise.

Quindi sì, una gerarchia anche questa, ma basata su criteri diversi e quindi 
distinta e non coincidente con quella "classica".

Le ricadute positive sarebbero a mio avviso molteplici, ma mi limito a due:

  * Arricchimento del database con una informazione comunque valida, importante 
e pertinente all'infrastruttura stradale. Cavolo, non per fare polemiche 
sterili, ma ho visto passare proposte per definire se una valvola idraulica è a 
sfera o a diaframma e onestamente mi sembra che questa informazione (/la 
classificazione ufficiale delle strade Italiane in base al CdS/) mi sembra 
anche un pelino più vicina al "core business" di OSM...

  * Dato che la classificazione CdS "/si porta dietro/" dei prerequisiti 
tecnico funzionali, queste informazioni potrebbero essere sfruttate dai router 
per un instradamento ancora più preciso.

Immagino anche che alcune amministrazioni potrebbero essere interessate a 
questa informazione. Magari è anche un modo per "diffondere" l'uso di OSM.



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Volker Schmidt
"uncontrolled" non è l'assenza di strisce, ma l'assenza di semafori. Vedi:
Assenza di strisce e senza semaforo è "unmarked"

On Wed, 27 Feb 2019 at 00:05, Volker Schmidt  wrote:

> so che esiste il tag, ma in tutte le giurisdizioni che conosco è
>> completamente sinonimo con bicycle=no, non ci sono differenze.
> Ci sono posti dove non puoi entrare con la bici: alcuni rari casi
> all'aperto (un parco a Muenchen, mi sembra di ricordare) e tanti edifici
> pubblici e privati
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Volker Schmidt
so che esiste il tag, ma in tutte le giurisdizioni che conosco è
> completamente sinonimo con bicycle=no, non ci sono differenze.

Ci sono posti dove non puoi entrare con la bici: alcuni rari casi
all'aperto (un parco a Muenchen, mi sembra di ricordare) e tanti edifici
pubblici e privati
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Andrea Albani
Il giorno mar 26 feb 2019 alle ore 23:15 Sergio Manzi  ha

> FORSE ora, se pensiamo che la cosa sia realmente interessante (*io
> ovviamente lo penso...*) e da farsi, varrebbe la pena di affrontare i
> passi successivi che a mio avviso potrebbero essere:
>- *Identificazione della tag* - A me la proposta di Martin,
>"official:it:cds=*" può andare bene. Mi chiedo che differenza ci sarebbe ad
>"usare ref:it:cds=*". Forse ref: è più adatto a citare la fonte di una
>specifica informazione (*da dove ho spauto che **questa** strada è una
>"f"*) piuttosto che il quadro normativo di riferimento (*cosa
>definisce una strada come "f"*)?
>E non potrbbe semplicemente essere qualcosa del tipo "it:cds:class=*"
>o "it:cds:road_class=*"?
>- *Identificazione dei valori della tag* - Probabilmente facile: mi
>sembra che si possano usare le classi definite nel CdS (a-f). Giusto?
> - *Identificazione del processo decisionale* - Scusate, è certamente
>ignoranza mia, ma per una cosa del genere... si vota sul wiki? Con le
>stesse regole del tagging generale?
>- *Identificazione delle fonti di informazione* - Che si fa? Furioso e
>certosino tagging da parte di tutti i volenterosi o (*spero di non
>bestemmiare...*) import da ipotetiche fonti ufficiali con licenza
>compatibile o "compatibilizzabile" (manleva)? Esistono?
Ciao Sergio,

mi sfugge qual'è lo scopo di aggiungere la classificazione delle strade
secondo CdS alle highway in Italia, esprimendo questa una gerarchia già
descritta dai valori del tag highway.

Al di là dell'aggiungere informazioni in più al database OSM intravedi
altri risvolti pratici dalla loro presenza ?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 23:42 Uhr schrieb Alessandro Sarretta <>:

> On 26/02/19 23:20, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> +1, lo faccio anch'io così, nodi su ogni incrocio del crossing con la
> strada (tranne il tag bicycle, che non lo metto quasi mai, sarebbe sempre
> no in quei casi). L'unica differenza: oramai faccio crossing=zebra.
> Martin, solo per comprendere, usi crossing=zebra per un attraversamento
> pedonale senza semaforo, mentre usi crossing=pelican per uno con semaforo?

crossing=zebra lo uso per attraversamenti pedonali con strisce, senza
semaforo, e con segnaletica verticale (oppure in prossimità ad un
incrocio). Pelican non lo ho mai usato, uso crossing=traffic_signals per
semafori pedonali. Volendo potrei usare crossing=uncontrolled quando le
strisce non hanno valore legale (dimenticata o illegibile la segnaletica
verticale). Al proposito: in Italia valgono anche i cartelli "vecchi",
oppure solo quelli attualmente descritti nel CdS? Perché conosco
segnaletica verticale tonda, ancora un po' leggibile, posta a delle
strisce, e sono incerto.

Se guardate qui:
gli unici valori veramente introdotti sono uncontrolled, zebra,
traffic_signals, unmarked e island, forse anche "no" (0,5%).

> bicycle=dismount non esiste ;-)
> cito 2 articoli tedeschi nel merito, sulla situazione legale in Germania
> (qui non ho mai visto un tale cartello):
> in sostanza: quando scendi dalla bici non sei un ciclista, nella legge
> tedesca non ci sono definizioni sul significato del cartello
> Per esserci, il tag bicycle=dismount c'è (
>, ma intendi
> che andrebbe usato solamente in presenza di una segnaletica specifica?
> Effettivamente in Italia non ne ho mai visti di cartelli del genere...

so che esiste il tag, ma in tutte le giurisdizioni che conosco è
completamente sinonimo con bicycle=no, non ci sono differenze.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in USA

2019-02-26 Thread Kevin Kenny
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:05 PM OSM Volunteer stevea
> I'm OK with this as well.  I especially wish to call to the attention to 
> others who may do mechanical wiki edits like this (by Mateusz' good example) 
> that he was careful to:
> 1)  Explain the problem; it confuses mappers/map consumers and wiki 
> authors/readers,
> 2)  Offer a polite proposal as well as taking ownership for any potential 
> problems with it,
> 3)  Have wiki-oriented documentation of this (and here is the link),
> 4)  Say that this was done on a "smaller" (though still countrywide!) scale, 
> and it worked.
> Outstanding!  Thank you, Mateusz for your example of wiki, talk page and 
> community communication.  OSM has every reason to support such excellent 
> suggestions/proposals.

I'll echo Steve.  It's a sound idea, it's well explained, it's well
documented, it's well executed on a pilot scale, and there's a
convincing plan for scaling it to the full planet without choking the
servers. Let's make it happen!

73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Alessandro Sarretta

On 26/02/19 23:20, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
+1, lo faccio anch'io così, nodi su ogni incrocio del crossing con la 
strada (tranne il tag bicycle, che non lo metto quasi mai, sarebbe 
sempre no in quei casi). L'unica differenza: oramai faccio 
Martin, solo per comprendere, usi crossing=zebra per un attraversamento 
pedonale senza semaforo, mentre usi crossing=pelican per uno con semaforo?

bicycle=dismount non esiste ;-)
cito 2 articoli tedeschi nel merito, sulla situazione legale in 
Germania (qui non ho mai visto un tale cartello):

in sostanza: quando scendi dalla bici non sei un ciclista, nella legge 
tedesca non ci sono definizioni sul significato del cartello

Per esserci, il tag bicycle=dismount c'è 
(, ma intendi 
che andrebbe usato solamente in presenza di una segnaletica specifica? 
Effettivamente in Italia non ne ho mai visti di cartelli del genere...



Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Able to host a CDN node? (Inglês)

2019-02-26 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
Eu estou conversando com o pessoal da
Banda não é problema para eles.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Video degli interventi su OSM a FOSS4G-it 2019

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi
Grazie a tutti! Bella iniziativa!


On 2019-02-26 20:13, Marco Minghini wrote:
> per chi non ha potuto seguire la diretta streaming dal FOSS4G, ho 
> caricato su youtube e Wikimedia Commons i filmati che ho fatto con lo 
> smartphone, che sono:
> Grande Marco!
> Li ho raggruppati qui per comodità: 
> E' stato un piacere organizzare la sessione! grazie ancora ai 5 speaker per 
> aver tenuto alto il nome della comunità italiana di OSM :)
> Marco

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi
On 2019-02-26 15:32, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Segnalo anche qui il decreto ministeriale del 2001:
> Fa capire che dietro il CdS ci sono sistemi e criteri più dettagliati...

Esatto Martin, è proprio quello il documento a cui mi riferivo. Io l'avevo 
beccato qui: ma 
il tuo link è senza dubbio preferibile perché da fonte ufficiale.

Come hai giustamente sottolineato si porta dietro un bagaglio non indifferente 
di informazioni tecnico-funzionali che forse potrebbero anche essere 
interpretate come "valori di default" per altri parametri...



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Di., 26. Feb. 2019 um 13:30 Uhr schrieb Volker Schmidt :

> Vari commenti:
> E' essenziale che il nodo comune porti le informazioni:
> highway=crossing
> crossing=uncontrolled (non c'è una persona ne semaforo)
> bicycle=no|yes|dismount
> Queste servono al router sulla strada.

+1, lo faccio anch'io così, nodi su ogni incrocio del crossing con la
strada (tranne il tag bicycle, che non lo metto quasi mai, sarebbe sempre
no in quei casi). L'unica differenza: oramai faccio crossing=zebra.
bicycle=dismount non esiste ;-)
cito 2 articoli tedeschi nel merito, sulla situazione legale in Germania
(qui non ho mai visto un tale cartello):

in sostanza: quando scendi dalla bici non sei un ciclista, nella legge
tedesca non ci sono definizioni sul significato del cartello

> La way che incrocia la strada value taggato secondo use:
> highway=footway
> footway=crossing
> bicycle=no

+1, anche questo faccio così, tranne il bicycle=no (non è implicito con

> o
> highway=path
> path=crossing
> foot=designated
> bicycle=designated
> segregated=yes

caso raro da questi parti...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi

On 2019-02-26 08:44, Simone Saviolo wrote:
> Sono completamente d'accordo - ma per questo non userei la classificazione 
> principale che mettiamo nel tag highway=*.

Mi sta benissimo! :-)

FORSE ora, se pensiamo che la cosa sia realmente interessante (/io ovviamente 
lo penso.../) e da farsi, varrebbe la pena di affrontare i passi successivi che 
a mio avviso potrebbero essere:

  * *Identificazione della tag* - A me la proposta di Martin, 
"official:it:cds=*" può andare bene. Mi chiedo che differenza ci sarebbe ad 
"usare ref:it:cds=*". Forse ref: è più adatto a citare la fonte di una 
specifica informazione (/da dove ho spauto che //_questa_//strada è una "f"/) 
piuttosto che il quadro normativo di riferimento (/cosa definisce una strada 
come "f"/)?
E non potrbbe semplicemente essere qualcosa del tipo "it:cds:class=*" o 

  * *Identificazione dei valori della tag* - Probabilmente facile: mi sembra 
che si possano usare le classi definite nel CdS (a-f). Giusto?
  * *Identificazione del processo decisionale* - Scusate, è certamente 
ignoranza mia, ma per una cosa del genere... si vota sul wiki? Con le stesse 
regole del tagging generale?

  * *Identificazione delle fonti di informazione* - Che si fa? Furioso e 
certosino tagging da parte di tutti i volenterosi o (/spero di non 
bestemmiare.../) import da ipotetiche fonti ufficiali con licenza compatibile o 
"compatibilizzabile" (manleva)? Esistono?

Di nuovo ciao a tutti,


Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-de] Behindertenparkplätze und fee=*

2019-02-26 Thread Richard

ich habe vor einiger Zeit die Seite
angelegt und mir das konkrete mapping angeschaut.

In Deutschland gilt soweit ich weiß, daß öffentliche Parkplätze/Parkhäuser usw. 
normalerweise Gebührenpflichtig sind für Behinderte mit Ausweis kostenlos 
sind.. wird 
aber soweit ich sehen kann fast nirgendwo so getagt.
In anderen Ländern gelten wohl andere Regelungen, für private Parkhäuser soviel 
weiß sowieso.. mit Länderspezifischen Defaults wäre es also vermutlich sehr 
zu handhaben.

Solle man solche Fälle mit fee=yes+fee:disabled=no bzw mit der conditional 
fee:conditional=yes + fee:conditional=no @ disabled;


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Tadeusz Cantwell
Thanks for the year, I got this result in my search. So a bill becomes an
act after it has gone through the full legislative process. The below link
is titled "Local Government (Numbers and Addresses of Buildings in
Townlands) Bill", which is what the research paper was building up to.
here is the pdf of the bill.

I presume if it had been passed it would have been moved from this part of
the website and therefore was not passed?

On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 20:40,  wrote:

> I am pretty sure there was a bill passed to make it a legal requirement
> to
> have the townland in the address, by all official departments, some time
> in
> 2015 or 2016 maybe?
> I know there was a lot of noise at the time by Phil Flanagan from
> Fermanagh as
> he wanted to have building numbers within townlands, instead of street
> name
> and numbers plus townlands we have now.
> All the townlands have been mapped in NI and are tagged like this -
> https://
> On 26.02.2019 20:09, Tadeusz Cantwell wrote:
> > I think it does, Stephen, since at the very least townland names are used
> > in the official database of house names and are used by many councils at
> a
> > local level on signs and as part of their naming convention for roads
> etc,
> > despite no Townland Names Bill having passed the assembly. A very simple
> > question occurs to me, have townlands been already been mapped in N.I and
> > what tags were used for them? If not what tag should be used?
> >
> > On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 19:32, Stephen Roulston via Talk-ie <
> >> wrote:
> >
> > See the motions and recommendations in 2001 and 2002 as set out in the
> > 2009 research paper - does that help?
> >
> >
> >
> > Stephen
> >
> > Sent from my iPad
> >
> > On 26 Feb 2019, at 19:25, Tadeusz Cantwell  wrote:
> >
> > I reread the page, which says the tag refers to officially used
> boundaries, which would not apply to N.I, since it is not the policy of OSM
> to have
> > historic boundaries. However, if, as Stephen says they are still used for
> > the official addresses of houses then they do have a use and I presume,
> > effectively haven't changed since 1921 when the ward system was brought
> in. Does anyone know of any source or document which would clarify the
> matter? Is there some kind of N.I government body to ask.
> >
> > Tadeusz
> > ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> >
> >
>  ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Cormac O Murchú
There is also OSNI open data which is released under the UK Open Government
Licence and is reusable in OSM , see UK OFL in the OSM Wiki.


Add the imagery to josm thus.


1.   Preferences imagery , press +WMS bottom on  right and paste this in



Press 3. Get Layers , data appears below to confirm connector working, 


Option 4 appears as a tick box “Store WMS endpoint only” check that,


7. name it OSNI


OK and OK.


You now have new imagery in your dropdown menu in JOSM and you will be asked
to select a single layer like Townlands or Wards 2012 after you select OSNI


You may need to fiddle with opacity. 


Credit “OSNI Open Data” as you use it in edits. 









Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread marc marc
Le 26.02.19 à 22:06, a écrit :
> Est-ce à dire que le nœud 6132360251 devrait comporter 
> barrier=wall ?

s'il y a bien un mur en travers de la route (?) c'est connu que certains 
routages ne détectent(aient) pas les barrière traversant l'itinéraire en 
l'absence de nœud commun et/ou de tag sur ce nœud
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Le 26/02/2019 à 21:42, Frédéric Rodrigo - a écrit :

Les serveurs ont surtout du mal à répondre. peut être trop de 

Effectivement maintenant OSRM traverse le mur en voiture ^^ :

> Ils n'utilisent que le graphe routier, pas le reste.
Est-ce à dire que le nœud 6132360251 
 devrait comporter 

> Il n'y a pas de limite de marche à pied dans OSRM. Il projet sur le 
graphe routier.

Disons distance au graphe routier si tu préfères. J'ai considéré 
peut-être abusivement que lorsqu'il n'y avait pas de route, 
l'automobiliste sortait de sa voiture et continuait à pied en dehors des 
routes et des chemins balisés en tant que tels ^^.

On est d'accord.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in USA

2019-02-26 Thread OSM Volunteer stevea
I'm OK with this as well.  I especially wish to call to the attention to others 
who may do mechanical wiki edits like this (by Mateusz' good example) that he 
was careful to:

1)  Explain the problem; it confuses mappers/map consumers and wiki 
2)  Offer a polite proposal as well as taking ownership for any potential 
problems with it,
3)  Have wiki-oriented documentation of this (and here is the link),
4)  Say that this was done on a "smaller" (though still countrywide!) scale, 
and it worked.

Outstanding!  Thank you, Mateusz for your example of wiki, talk page and 
community communication.  OSM has every reason to support such excellent 


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread webmaster
I am pretty sure there was a bill passed to make it a legal requirement
have the townland in the address, by all official departments, some time
2015 or 2016 maybe? 

I know there was a lot of noise at the time by Phil Flanagan from
Fermanagh as 
he wanted to have building numbers within townlands, instead of street
and numbers plus townlands we have now. 

All the townlands have been mapped in NI and are tagged like this -

On 26.02.2019 20:09, Tadeusz Cantwell wrote:

> I think it does, Stephen, since at the very least townland names are used
> in the official database of house names and are used by many councils at a
> local level on signs and as part of their naming convention for roads etc,
> despite no Townland Names Bill having passed the assembly. A very simple
> question occurs to me, have townlands been already been mapped in N.I and
> what tags were used for them? If not what tag should be used?
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 19:32, Stephen Roulston via Talk-ie <
>> wrote:
> See the motions and recommendations in 2001 and 2002 as set out in the
> 2009 research paper - does that help?
> Stephen
> Sent from my iPad
> On 26 Feb 2019, at 19:25, Tadeusz Cantwell  wrote:
> I reread the page, which says the tag refers to officially used boundaries, 
> which would not apply to N.I, since it is not the policy of OSM to have
> historic boundaries. However, if, as Stephen says they are still used for
> the official addresses of houses then they do have a use and I presume,
> effectively haven't changed since 1921 when the ward system was brought in. 
> Does anyone know of any source or document which would clarify the matter? Is 
> there some kind of N.I government body to ask.
> Tadeusz
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread Frédéric Rodrigo

Le 26/02/2019 à 20:59, a écrit :

OSRM a une limite de marche à pied très basse, en général comme dit 
Marc, tu déplaces un peu les points vers une route et ça marche.

Ici le problème c'est que la ligne directe est plus de deux fois trop 
grande, OSRM doit avoir une limite plus basse.

Il n'y a pas de limite de marche à pied dans OSRM. Il projet sur le 
graphe routier.

J'ai essayé les 6 modes de calcul proposés par OSRM n'arrive 
à faire le tour de la Rade de Brest qu'en vélo, ce qui est un indice 
que la raison ci-dessus est la bonne. Il faudrait peut-être remonté le 
problème ou titiller sur un ticket ouvert : ça semble être seulement 
un problème de configuration.

Les serveurs ont surtout du mal à répondre. peut être trop de sollicitation.

Par rapport au mur, je vois que tous les autres modes (pied, cycle) de 
OSRM et tous les modes de GraphHooper passent au travers. Fort.

Ils n'utilisent que le graphe routier, pas le reste.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Tadeusz Cantwell
I really should do more research before I press send. There is, of course,
the townlands website which shows they have been mapped for the whole
island. So the advice for it to only to apply to Ireland the country has
been ignored.

On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 20:09, Tadeusz Cantwell  wrote:

> I think it does, Stephen, since at the very least townland names are used
> in the official database of house names and are used by many councils at a
> local level on signs and as part of their naming convention for roads etc,
> despite no Townland Names Bill having passed the assembly. A very simple
> question occurs to me, have townlands been already been mapped in N.I and
> what tags were used for them? If not what tag should be used?
> On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 19:32, Stephen Roulston via Talk-ie <
>> wrote:
>> See the motions and recommendations in 2001 and 2002 as set out in the
>> 2009 research paper - does that help?
>> Stephen
>> Sent from my iPad
>> > On 26 Feb 2019, at 19:25, Tadeusz Cantwell  wrote:
>> >
>> > I reread the page, which says the tag refers to officially used
>> boundaries,
>> > which would not apply to N.I, since it is not the policy of OSM to have
>> > historic boundaries. However, if, as Stephen says they are still used
>> for
>> > the official addresses of houses then they do have a use and I presume,
>> > effectively haven't changed since 1921 when the ward system was brought
>> in.
>> > Does anyone know of any source or document which would clarify the
>> matter?
>> > Is there some kind of N.I government body to ask.
>> >
>> > Tadeusz
>> > ___
>> > Talk-ie mailing list
>> >
>> >
>> ___
>> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Tadeusz Cantwell
I think it does, Stephen, since at the very least townland names are used
in the official database of house names and are used by many councils at a
local level on signs and as part of their naming convention for roads etc,
despite no Townland Names Bill having passed the assembly. A very simple
question occurs to me, have townlands been already been mapped in N.I and
what tags were used for them? If not what tag should be used?

On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 19:32, Stephen Roulston via Talk-ie <> wrote:

> See the motions and recommendations in 2001 and 2002 as set out in the
> 2009 research paper - does that help?
> Stephen
> Sent from my iPad
> > On 26 Feb 2019, at 19:25, Tadeusz Cantwell  wrote:
> >
> > I reread the page, which says the tag refers to officially used
> boundaries,
> > which would not apply to N.I, since it is not the policy of OSM to have
> > historic boundaries. However, if, as Stephen says they are still used for
> > the official addresses of houses then they do have a use and I presume,
> > effectively haven't changed since 1921 when the ward system was brought
> in.
> > Does anyone know of any source or document which would clarify the
> matter?
> > Is there some kind of N.I government body to ask.
> >
> > Tadeusz
> > ___
> > Talk-ie mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread osm . sanspourriel
OSRM a une limite de marche à pied très basse, en général comme dit 
Marc, tu déplaces un peu les points vers une route et ça marche.

Ici le problème c'est que la ligne directe est plus de deux fois trop 
grande, OSRM doit avoir une limite plus basse.

J'ai essayé les 6 modes de calcul proposés par OSRM n'arrive à 
faire le tour de la Rade de Brest qu'en vélo, ce qui est un indice que 
la raison ci-dessus est la bonne. Il faudrait peut-être remonté le 
problème ou titiller sur un ticket ouvert : ça semble être seulement un 
problème de configuration.

Par rapport au mur, je vois que tous les autres modes (pied, cycle) de 
OSRM et tous les modes de GraphHooper passent au travers. Fort.


Le 26/02/2019 à 12:27, marc marc - a écrit :

Le 26.02.19 à 11:58, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :


Avez-vous ce genre de problème avec OSRM.
Impossible de trouver une route entre ces deux lieux.

le mur à travers la route repéré par JB ne devrait pas empecher de
trouver une autre route.
mais c'est un bug que j'ai régulièrement avec OSRM, exemple simplifié
souvent il suffit de bouger les marqueurs d'un millimètre
mais là cela ne fonctionne pas
Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Stephen Roulston via Talk-ie
See the motions and recommendations in 2001 and 2002 as set out in the 2009 
research paper - does that help?


Sent from my iPad

> On 26 Feb 2019, at 19:25, Tadeusz Cantwell  wrote:
> I reread the page, which says the tag refers to officially used boundaries,
> which would not apply to N.I, since it is not the policy of OSM to have
> historic boundaries. However, if, as Stephen says they are still used for
> the official addresses of houses then they do have a use and I presume,
> effectively haven't changed since 1921 when the ward system was brought in.
> Does anyone know of any source or document which would clarify the matter?
> Is there some kind of N.I government body to ask.
> Tadeusz
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Tadeusz Cantwell
I reread the page, which says the tag refers to officially used boundaries,
which would not apply to N.I, since it is not the policy of OSM to have
historic boundaries. However, if, as Stephen says they are still used for
the official addresses of houses then they do have a use and I presume,
effectively haven't changed since 1921 when the ward system was brought in.
Does anyone know of any source or document which would clarify the matter?
Is there some kind of N.I government body to ask.

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Andy Townsend

On 26/02/2019 14:29, Bryce Jasmer wrote:
In that situation, the admin wouldn’t redirect all of their traffic to 
their test site with a potentially broken cert.

I've seen exactly that happen a number of times...

Best Regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Video degli interventi su OSM a FOSS4G-it 2019

2019-02-26 Thread Marco Minghini

> per chi non ha potuto seguire la diretta streaming dal FOSS4G, ho caricato
> su youtube e Wikimedia Commons i filmati che ho fatto con lo smartphone,
> che sono:
> Grande Marco!
Li ho raggruppati qui per comodità:
E' stato un piacere organizzare la sessione! grazie ancora ai 5 speaker per
aver tenuto alto il nome della comunità italiana di OSM :)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Jmapb

On 2/26/2019 10:58 AM, Michael Reichert wrote:

Hi Bryce,

Do you have any safeguards against POIs which do not exist any more and
whose domains are owned by domain sellers now? They often have a very
basic website with a message like "This domain is for sale." and some
advertisement. I would not be surprised if they support HTTPS (and maybe
HTTPS only) these days. Update website=* and similar tags would not be a
benefit to OSM but simulate some kind of up-to-dateness.

Best regards

Good point -- I've seen a fair number of these, though I can't say for sure if 
any of them have been redirecting to https. If they're not yet, though, they 
will soon, now that free trusted certs are widely available.

When the URL in question is still present on the POI's signage, I've been 
changing website= to disused:website= for these (and for the 404s etc.)


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Mike N

On 2/26/2019 8:45 AM, Joseph Reeves wrote:
I can't see the security risk you're trying to protect against. We are 
looking at applications that use OSM data and will refer users to third 
party websites; what is the risk of a malicious user MiTM'ing a http 
request to a restaurant website (for example) and sending me to location 
other than the https version of the site? What web clients are you 
expecting this applies to?

  MITM attacks are not restricted to country operators at borders - 
think Firesheep and any number of similar attacks.  The damage from such 
attacks depend on the site being visited, perhaps minimal if checking a 
restaurant menu, much more serious if the site requires a login.

General browsing security has to begin somewhere, and this edit is just 
a step in that direction.   All web clients benefit from this move, 
except perhaps stripped down clients that do not support TLS, in which 
case they must solve their issues in other ways to operate in a modern 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Paul Norman via talk

On 2019-02-26 6:05 a.m., Frederik Ramm wrote:


when I first read about this planned edit, I was critical too; I
thought, "ah, another eager youngster wanting to make the world a more
secure place by telling everyone else how they ought to conduct their

But if I haven't totally misunderstood this, then the proposal will only
replace a http:// by a https:// pointer if the site operator himself has
added that redirect in their web server configuration.

I find myself also in cautious favour of the edit as explained and that 
it will slightly improve the database overall.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] pronto soccorso ospedali italiani

2019-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 26. Feb 2019, at 07:26, Aury88  wrote:
> fino a quando
> entrance=emergency è descritto come "An emergency exit is a one-way out of a
> building in case of fire. It is often combined with a fire alarm box. See
> also exit=emergency for these" possiamo contestare quanto vogliamo ma il suo
> utilizzo, se lo si deve proprio utilizzare, deve essere solo e limitatamente
> per le uscite di emergenza, non per altre informazioni.
> personalmente mi sorprende che un tag del genere non sia stato già deprecato

se tanti usano il tag per altro che uscite d’emergenza, sarà deprecato presto 

Ciao, Martin 
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-br] Desafios MapRoulette no Brasil

2019-02-26 Thread Andrew Wiseman por (Talk-br)
Olá OSM Brasil
Eu sou Andrew Wiseman do Maps time da Apple. Recentemente, usamos nossa 
ferramenta de análise de dados Atlas ( para 
examinar alguns tipos de problemas possíveis, como intercessão de construções 
com estradas, vias de acesso à rodovias que não têm as classificações corretas, 
formas sobrepostas (geralmente estradas duplicadas) e ângulos da estrada que 
são muito agudos. Eu postei os resultados dessas verificações no MapRoulette, 
uma ferramenta que permite que você passe por possíveis problemas um por um e 
os corrija ou indique que eles não são um problema. Eu queria que você soubesse 
que eles estão disponíveis no caso de outros quererem tentar consertar alguns 
deles - eu também pretendo passar por alguns deles.
No MapRoulette você pode escolher uma tarefa aleatória para corrigir ou clicar 
em uma específica. Se você quiser executar tarefas em um determinado local, 
como em algum lugar com o qual esteja familiarizado, clique em "mais opções" e 
em "carregar tarefas por proximidade".
As verificações são:
- Ângulos agudos:
- Vias de acesso à rodovias:
- Interseções construção-estrada:
- Formas sobrepostas:
Por favor, deixe-me saber se você tem alguma dúvida ou feedback.


Hello OSM Brazil,

I’m Andrew Wiseman with Apple’s Maps team. We recently used our Atlas data 
analysis tool ( 
) to look at a few types of potential issues, 
such as building-road intersections, highway link roads that don’t have the 
correct classifications, overlapping ways (usually duplicated roads) and road 
angles that are too sharp. I've posted the results of those checks on 
MapRoulette, a tool that lets you go through potential issues one by one and 
either correct them or indicate they are not a problem. I wanted to let you 
know they are available in case others wanted to try fixing some of them — I 
also plan to go through some of them myself. 

In MapRoulette you can either pick a random task to fix or click on a specific 
one. If you want to do tasks around a certain location, such as somewhere you 
are familiar with, you can click “more options” then “load tasks by proximity.” 

The checks are:

- Sharp angles:
- Highway link roads:
- Building-road intersections:
- Overlapping ways:

Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback.

Thank you,


Andrew Wiseman |  Maps | iPhone: + | 

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Conversion réseau de train du Montréal métropolitain de public_transport v1 à v2

2019-02-26 Thread Alouette955

J’ai terminé la conversion des 6 lignes de train EXO de PTv1 à PTv2.

Voici la page les décrivant:

J’invite à vérifier mon travail.

Malgré qu’il soit facile de modéliser les arrêts, il devient difficile de 
déterminer quelles aiguillages utiliseront les convois entre 2 stations. 
Plusieurs chemins sont possibles. Quoiqu’il en soit j’ai modélisé les voies les 
plus évidentes et directes selon les quais d’embarquement et débarquement 
documentés sur le site

Il reste un problème avec les gares Lucien-L’Allier et Gare Centrale où selon 
les heures d’arrivées/départ des quais différents sont utilisés. Il est 
impossible, tout en respectant le schéma PTv2 de modéliser toutes les quais 
possibles sans briser le chemin de la relation. Dans ces deux cas j’ai utilisé 
la gare comme plateforme (public_transport=platform). Si une autre conclusion 
s’impose il est facile de corriger.



From: Alouette955 
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2019 11:15 AM
To: talk-ca ; 
Subject: Conversion réseau de train du Montréal métropolitain de 
public_transport v1 à v2


Je planifie actuellement de convertir les 6 lignes de train existantes du 
réseau de EXO pour les rendre compatibles au schéma public transport v2. Le 
tout sera fait manuellement à partir des informations en ligne de l’ARTM. Aucun 
import n’est impliqué.

Si quelqu’un travaille sur le réseau de train merci de m’en aviser afin de 
coordonner nos efforts.



P.S. message simultanément expédié sur les listes talk-ca et la liste Montréal 
pour rejoindre un maximum de contributeurs.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Michael Reichert
Hi Bryce,

Am 22/02/2019 um 08.02 schrieb Bryce Jasmer:
> I have written a script that will search for OSM objects that have a
> website tag that explicitly states "http://...; or implicitly uses http by
> leaving of the protocol specification. The script will then loop through
> all that it discovers and asks the http site if it will redirect me to the
> secure version of the website over the https protocol. If it does, I will
> update the database with the new value.

Do you have any safeguards against POIs which do not exist any more and
whose domains are owned by domain sellers now? They often have a very
basic website with a message like "This domain is for sale." and some
advertisement. I would not be surprised if they support HTTPS (and maybe
HTTPS only) these days. Update website=* and similar tags would not be a
benefit to OSM but simulate some kind of up-to-dateness.

Best regards


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I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Patrick Matthews
On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 10:58 AM Cormac O Murchú  wrote:

> This is unfinished business for us really.
> In 1921 the whole of Ireland was built like.
> Townlands > grouped into
> Electoral Divisions  > grouped into
> Rural Districts or Urban Districts >  > grouped into
> Counties.
> In 2016 the south of Ireland is built like.
> Townlands > grouped into
> Electoral Divisions  > grouped into
> Municipal Districts  > grouped into
> Counties.
> And that latter structure corresponds to admin levels 10 to 7 inclusive.
> In NI a key change occurred immediately after partition.
> Electoral Divisions  were deliberately deprecated in favour of Wards. A
> Ward
> is _a different grouping system for whole townlands_ and the creation of
> these Wards was a political decision made in 1923.

Strictly speaking, what happened in 1923 was that electoral divisions were
redrawn and some rural districts were merged (Belleek/Irvinestown and
Lisnaskea/Clones No. 2 in Fermanagh, Crossmaglen/Newry No. 2 in Armagh, the
upper Ards being moved from Downpatrick to Newtownards RD). The orders
defining the new DEDs can be found in the online issues of the Belfast
Gazette at the time and the lists of townlands in each new DED can be seen
in the subsequent census reports from 1926 to 1961. There were further
limited changes at later stages (Downpatrick, Kilkeel, Whitehead,
Newtownabbey being set up as independent urban districts, the merger of the
remainder of Belfast RD into Lisburn RD and the redrawing of DED boundaries
in what were then the Belfast suburbs). The term "wards" was at that stage
only used for subdivisions of urban districts and boroughs.

In 1973 with the restructuring of local government, the term "ward" was
extended to all electoral divisions. There have been three iterations of
wards under the 26-council structure (1973, 1984 and 1992) and one under
the 11-council structure.


> Wards are the admin_level=9 building block in NI.  > grouped into
> District Electoral Areas are the admin_level=8 building block in NI. >
> grouped into
> District Councils like “Fermanagh and Omagh District Council” are the
> admin_level=7 building block. There are 11 of these councils across the 6
> counties.
> The problem is that they often cross county lines unlike in the south where
> no admin level =7 crosses an admin_level=6 boundary. JOSM will fair hiss I
> tells yiz.
> The 32 counties with admin_level=6 tags no longer legally matter SAVE that
> most admin_level=6 entities in the south are coextant with an admin_level=7
> entity with the same name, excepting Cork Dublin and Galway which have more
> admin_level=7 entities than admin_level=6 entities.
> Admin_level=5 entities (provinces) have not existed since the Normans cane,
> in effect. We maintain them as an administrative conceit like we do
> admin_level=6. :)
> In NI Electoral Divisions are boundary=historic (like baronies and cps and
> rds and plu’s are) and with no admin level tag, this has been the case
> since
> 1923, long before OSM ever came along.
> ___
> Talk-ie mailing list
Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-it] Video degli interventi su OSM a FOSS4G-it 2019

2019-02-26 Thread mbranco2
Ciao Lista,

per chi non ha potuto seguire la diretta streaming dal FOSS4G, ho caricato
su youtube e Wikimedia Commons i filmati che ho fatto con lo smartphone,
che sono:

- switch2osm - Maurizio Napolitano
- Nazioni Unite & OSM - Alessandro Palmas
- Accessibilità con OSM - Alessandro Sarretta
- smartMapps - Rachele Amerini
- Mapillary - Chris Beddow

Li trovate cercando "FOSS4G-it 2019 Padova".
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Bryce Jasmer
James, I’m not following you. Can you expand on what changes you assume the
bot will be making, and what the “horribly wrong” event as a result of said
changes? I think you’re leaving out a piece of the puzzle and I’m not sure
what it is.


On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 6:46 AM James  wrote:

> I can give an example of this going horribly wrong:
> redirects to
> but I specifically disabled https on (hosted on
> same server) because josm doesnt play nice with https task manager
> Web admins will redirect their traffic if it needs to be. We shouldn't
> force https, worst case port 80 will redirect to 443 via http header.
> Semi-worst case they have HSTS header that tells browser to connect to 443
> until xyz(far in future) and best case web admin registered on hsts preload
> list, so modern browsers will do their job.
> On Tue., Feb. 26, 2019, 9:39 a.m. Bryce Jasmer,  wrote:
>> The HSTS discussion is completely orthogonal to what the stated goal is
>> and any further discussion on it is really just muddying the waters. HSTS
>> comes into play after the user is already visiting over https.
>> If I’m mistaken, please help me understand.
>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 6:30 AM Rory McCann  wrote:
>>> On 26/02/2019 14:45, Joseph Reeves wrote:
>>> > As an aside, HSTS is interesting here because the website operator is
>>> > saying "only use this domain over https", but at that point, we don't
>>> > need to make changes to the database because the web client should be
>>> > aware of the HSTS preload list; the protocol listed in the referrer
>>> > is not relevant.
>>> I don't think we can rely totally on HSTS. I'm sure not all sites are on
>>> HSTS preload lists. I think OSM has more "website=http://*; tags
>>> (965k)¹
>>> than Firefox² & Chrome³ have in their HSTS preload lists...
>>> [1]
>>> [2]
>>> [3]
>>> ___
>>> talk mailing list
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Une nouvelle manière de tagger les routes

2019-02-26 Thread djakk djakk
Bonne question au sujet de la relativité, entre les rues de New York et les
routes du Nord du Canada ! Moi j’aimerai afficher les routes du Canada en «
piste » dès zoom=5 et n’afficher les autoroutes urbaines secondaires de New
York qu’à partir de zoom=12.
Il faut des attributs pour ça : « importance » et « surface » seraient
suffisants. « Highway » ne me serait pas utile dans ce cas.

Julien « djakk »

Le mar. 26 févr. 2019 à 14:58, marc marc  a
écrit :

> je ne saisis pas en quoi cela aurait tout son sent d'avoir la moitié des
> infos dans un schéma, l'autre moitié dans l'autre et une partie des
> infos incohérente entre 2 schémas qui coexisterait pendant 10 ans.
> je ne vois pas non plus en quoi la proal de djiark t'aiderai dans ton
> problème, si le trunk japonais permet le piéton et l'européen non.
> pour résoudre cela il y a la propal des valeur par défaut (avoir le
> contenu de la page wiki dans des relations par pays voir régions
> afin que chaque outil ne doivent plus réinventer la roue pour
> les récupérer)
> le problème no 1 est peut-être de définir le besoin.
> la propal parle d'un rendu différent entre la première photo
> et la 2ieme.
> j'attends de voir les valeurs des tags et des sources sur les exemples
> proposés pour voir un peu + clair sur ce qui n'est pas possible
> avec les tags actuels pour les ways routier (pour les autres il est
> vrai qu'il y a moins de niveau différent et de critères pertinent)
> Le 26.02.19 à 14:18, Florimond Berthoux a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Au contraire ça a tout son sens, si OSM a une visée mondiale ça serait
> > rudement pratique pour les utilisateurs des données que les tags soient
> > universels.
> > Parce que là concrètement si je veux faire une carte pour cycliste (à
> > tout hasard ;) je dois m'amuser à parser la page du wiki
> >
> > pour connaitre la cyclabilité des trunks et faire un code spécifique
> > pour chaque région. Ça devient lourd.
> >
> > Le mar. 26 févr. 2019 à 13:21,  > > a écrit :
> >
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Le cas du public_transport v2 est un "bon" précédent au même titre
> > que la privatisation du rail en Grande-Bretagne : l'exemple à ne pas
> > suivre.
> >
> > Si on veut que trunk soient les voies express/rapides actuellement
> > limitées à 110 km/h, il suffit de se mettre d'accord.
> >
> > Changer de modèle parce qu'un attribut n'est pas utilisé en France
> > comme ailleurs ça n'a aucun sens.
> >
> > Jean-Yvon
> >
> > --
> > Florimond Berthoux
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread James
I can give an example of this going horribly wrong: redirects to

but I specifically disabled https on (hosted on
same server) because josm doesnt play nice with https task manager

Web admins will redirect their traffic if it needs to be. We shouldn't
force https, worst case port 80 will redirect to 443 via http header.
Semi-worst case they have HSTS header that tells browser to connect to 443
until xyz(far in future) and best case web admin registered on hsts preload
list, so modern browsers will do their job.

On Tue., Feb. 26, 2019, 9:39 a.m. Bryce Jasmer,  wrote:

> The HSTS discussion is completely orthogonal to what the stated goal is
> and any further discussion on it is really just muddying the waters. HSTS
> comes into play after the user is already visiting over https.
> If I’m mistaken, please help me understand.
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 6:30 AM Rory McCann  wrote:
>> On 26/02/2019 14:45, Joseph Reeves wrote:
>> > As an aside, HSTS is interesting here because the website operator is
>> > saying "only use this domain over https", but at that point, we don't
>> > need to make changes to the database because the web client should be
>> > aware of the HSTS preload list; the protocol listed in the referrer
>> > is not relevant.
>> I don't think we can rely totally on HSTS. I'm sure not all sites are on
>> HSTS preload lists. I think OSM has more "website=http://*; tags (965k)¹
>> than Firefox² & Chrome³ have in their HSTS preload lists...
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Other tags/values | Re: HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Bryce Jasmer
You have a good point. I’ll add code to skip that object if multiple
identical values are present.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 6:39 AM Rory McCann  wrote:

> Hi,
> As far as I remember, you're not planning on touching other tags, like
> `contact:website`. *But* what happens if an object has
> `website=,contact:website=`? You'd
> make it inconsistant!
> I suggest a simple solution: If any other tag has that same value, then
> skip that object. Then it won't be made "inconsistant". I have no idea
> how many objects this applies to, possibly none! Hopefully you're script
> will be able to tell us :)
> Rory
> On 22/02/2019 08:02, Bryce Jasmer wrote:
> > I have written a script that will search for OSM objects that have a
> > website tag that explicitly states "http://...; or implicitly uses http
> > by leaving of the protocol specification. The script will then loop
> > through all that it discovers and asks the http site if it will redirect
> > me to the secure version of the website over the https protocol. If it
> > does, I will update the database with the new value.
> >
> > This has a couple of advantages. From now through the end of time, any
> > user clicking on one of those links will be spared the time it takes to
> > establish the connection, ask if there is a secure version of the site,
> > and tear down the connection. It's on the order of 10-200 ms to do, but
> > over the life of the link and the number of objects that are clicked and
> > the population, this could save centuries of time :-)
> >
> > Another advantage is that it will make https more pervasive and
> > hopefully people will start thinking https and forgetting all about
> > http. A more secure internet is in all of our best interests.
> >
> > Anyway, I'd like to (slowly) run this across the planet. I've discussed
> > this on the US Slack channel and have performed the actions on the
> > United States already. I've addressed many questions and have heard no
> > strong objections. I'm seeking feedback from the larger community now
> > before proceeding.
> >
> > The wiki page is
> >
> > The Slack conversation is available, but has died down and the
> > transcript is available at the wiki page mentioned above.
> >
> > The diary entry with some more conversation is at the bot's page:
> >
> >
> > The source code is available on GitLab for review:
> >
> >
> > Example changeset for a run over the "9yfd" geohash:
> >
> >
> > I welcome your input.
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> >
> >
> >
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in USA

2019-02-26 Thread Bryan Housel
Replacing the deprecated `wikipedia:en` tags with newer `wikipedia` tags sounds 
like a great idea.  As mentioned on Slack, I agree that if you can add 
`wikidata` tags at the same time, even better.

Thank you for your work on this!

> On Feb 26, 2019, at 7:51 AM, Mateusz Konieczny  
> wrote:
> Old style wikipedia link is one where language is stored in key, not in value.
> For example "wikipedia:en=Kansas" is an old style link, while 
> "wikipedia=en:Kansas"
> is a form that is currently standard.
> Many old-style Wikipedia links remain and updating them to new style manually 
> is
> boring, tedious and some mistakes may appear during this.
> Some OSM elements have old-style Wikipedia link without new tag what means 
> that this data
> is harder to process for editors and data consumers.
> Also, remaining old-style Wikipedia tags confuse mappers, especially less 
> experienced.
> Therefore I propose to run an automatic edit that will replace old-style 
> Wikipedia links
> with current style of Wikipedia links.
> Please comment no matter what you think about this idea! I will not make the 
> edit without a clear
> support so please comment if you think that it is a good idea and if you 
> think that it should not be done.
> Plan is as follows:
> I will take full responsibility for all edits and if anything goes wrong I 
> will fix it.
> Editing is limited to objects with old-style Wikipedia tags is not 
> conflicting with existing wikipedia=* 
> or wikidata=* tag or other old-style wikipedia tags.
> Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans, 
> animals, plants, events etc) 
> are also skipped
> Each changeset contains a single element or group of close elements to avoid 
> edits spanning 
> across large areas (it is impossible in cases where edited object itself 
> spans very large area)
> After every changeset bot sleeps for one minute.
> This is proposed as reoccurring edit and may be made as soon as new old-style 
> wikipedia links appear.
> documentation page on OSM Wiki is at 
> I have experience with automatic edits. exactly the same task was run in 
> Poland to remove
> more than 6000 old-style Wikipedia links what was completed without any 
> issues.
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] Other tags/values | Re: HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Rory McCann


As far as I remember, you're not planning on touching other tags, like 
`contact:website`. *But* what happens if an object has 
`website=,contact:website=`? You'd 
make it inconsistant!

I suggest a simple solution: If any other tag has that same value, then 
skip that object. Then it won't be made "inconsistant". I have no idea 
how many objects this applies to, possibly none! Hopefully you're script 
will be able to tell us :)


On 22/02/2019 08:02, Bryce Jasmer wrote:
I have written a script that will search for OSM objects that have a 
website tag that explicitly states "http://...; or implicitly uses http 
by leaving of the protocol specification. The script will then loop 
through all that it discovers and asks the http site if it will redirect 
me to the secure version of the website over the https protocol. If it 
does, I will update the database with the new value.

This has a couple of advantages. From now through the end of time, any 
user clicking on one of those links will be spared the time it takes to 
establish the connection, ask if there is a secure version of the site, 
and tear down the connection. It's on the order of 10-200 ms to do, but 
over the life of the link and the number of objects that are clicked and 
the population, this could save centuries of time :-)

Another advantage is that it will make https more pervasive and 
hopefully people will start thinking https and forgetting all about 
http. A more secure internet is in all of our best interests.

Anyway, I'd like to (slowly) run this across the planet. I've discussed 
this on the US Slack channel and have performed the actions on the 
United States already. I've addressed many questions and have heard no 
strong objections. I'm seeking feedback from the larger community now 
before proceeding.

The wiki page is

The Slack conversation is available, but has died down and the 
transcript is available at the wiki page mentioned above.

The diary entry with some more conversation is at the bot's page:

The source code is available on GitLab for review:

Example changeset for a run over the "9yfd" geohash:

I welcome your input.

talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Joseph Reeves
Hi Rory,

Sure, so my point is: If someone wants to encourage https adoption in the
wider world, the OSM database is not the place to do it. Security
mechanisms exist for website operators to implement if they so desire, and
they may need help making the most appropriate decisions.

Cheers, Joseph

On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 14:30, Rory McCann  wrote:

> On 26/02/2019 14:45, Joseph Reeves wrote:
> > As an aside, HSTS is interesting here because the website operator is
> > saying "only use this domain over https", but at that point, we don't
> > need to make changes to the database because the web client should be
> > aware of the HSTS preload list; the protocol listed in the referrer
> > is not relevant.
> I don't think we can rely totally on HSTS. I'm sure not all sites are on
> HSTS preload lists. I think OSM has more "website=http://*; tags (965k)¹
> than Firefox² & Chrome³ have in their HSTS preload lists...
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Bryce Jasmer
The HSTS discussion is completely orthogonal to what the stated goal is and
any further discussion on it is really just muddying the waters. HSTS comes
into play after the user is already visiting over https.

If I’m mistaken, please help me understand.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 6:30 AM Rory McCann  wrote:

> On 26/02/2019 14:45, Joseph Reeves wrote:
> > As an aside, HSTS is interesting here because the website operator is
> > saying "only use this domain over https", but at that point, we don't
> > need to make changes to the database because the web client should be
> > aware of the HSTS preload list; the protocol listed in the referrer
> > is not relevant.
> I don't think we can rely totally on HSTS. I'm sure not all sites are on
> HSTS preload lists. I think OSM has more "website=http://*; tags (965k)¹
> than Firefox² & Chrome³ have in their HSTS preload lists...
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Classificazione strade

2019-02-26 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Segnalo anche qui il decreto ministeriale del 2001:

Fa capire che dietro il CdS ci sono sistemi e criteri più dettagliati...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Bryce Jasmer
In that situation, the admin wouldn’t redirect all of their traffic to
their test site with a potentially broken cert. The bot will only modify
objects where the admin is specifically redirecting traffic already. It
makes no assumptions. The scope is very limited for this exact reason. It
will NOT guess that just because something is listening on 443 that it
should make changes.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 5:12 AM Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 26/02/2019 12:34, Bryce Jasmer wrote:
> > Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most
> > straightforward of redirects. So even ->
> > will be ignored.
> What about certificate checking?  Suppose someone primarily uses http://
> for accessing their server, but has either a self-signed certificate on
> https:// or an untrusted / expired one (perhaps they were testing).
> Presumably in that case you wouldn't change http:// to https:// ?
> Best Regards,
> Andy
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Rory McCann

On 26/02/2019 14:45, Joseph Reeves wrote:

As an aside, HSTS is interesting here because the website operator is
saying "only use this domain over https", but at that point, we don't
need to make changes to the database because the web client should be
aware of the HSTS preload list; the protocol listed in the referrer
is not relevant.

I don't think we can rely totally on HSTS. I'm sure not all sites are on 
HSTS preload lists. I think OSM has more "website=http://*; tags (965k)¹ 
than Firefox² & Chrome³ have in their HSTS preload lists...




talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Frederik Ramm

when I first read about this planned edit, I was critical too; I
thought, "ah, another eager youngster wanting to make the world a more
secure place by telling everyone else how they ought to conduct their

But if I haven't totally misunderstood this, then the proposal will only
replace a http:// by a https:// pointer if the site operator himself has
added that redirect in their web server configuration.

So yes, the SSL certificate might be invalid or self-signed, but if the
operator has configured his server to redirect everyone to that broken
certificate then visiting the site with http will not improve your
existence in any way.

Had this suggested edit been "I'll simply try port 443 and if that's
open I'll re-write the http URL to https" then it would of course not be

But I struggle to find any problems with the suggestion, other than my
general reservation against any automated edit - it will make the object
"look fresh" when indeed it hasn't been touched. In the worst case, an
object might have a wrong web site URL, that points to the web site of
something completely different, and this bot would happily edit the web
site, still pointing to something completely different. But it wouldn't
exactly worsen the situtation...


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Une nouvelle manière de tagger les routes

2019-02-26 Thread marc marc
je ne saisis pas en quoi cela aurait tout son sent d'avoir la moitié des 
infos dans un schéma, l'autre moitié dans l'autre et une partie des 
infos incohérente entre 2 schémas qui coexisterait pendant 10 ans.

je ne vois pas non plus en quoi la proal de djiark t'aiderai dans ton 
problème, si le trunk japonais permet le piéton et l'européen non.
pour résoudre cela il y a la propal des valeur par défaut (avoir le 
contenu de la page wiki dans des relations par pays voir régions
afin que chaque outil ne doivent plus réinventer la roue pour
les récupérer)

le problème no 1 est peut-être de définir le besoin.
la propal parle d'un rendu différent entre la première photo
et la 2ieme.
j'attends de voir les valeurs des tags et des sources sur les exemples 
proposés pour voir un peu + clair sur ce qui n'est pas possible
avec les tags actuels pour les ways routier (pour les autres il est
vrai qu'il y a moins de niveau différent et de critères pertinent)

Le 26.02.19 à 14:18, Florimond Berthoux a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Au contraire ça a tout son sens, si OSM a une visée mondiale ça serait 
> rudement pratique pour les utilisateurs des données que les tags soient 
> universels.
> Parce que là concrètement si je veux faire une carte pour cycliste (à 
> tout hasard ;) je dois m'amuser à parser la page du wiki 
> pour connaitre la cyclabilité des trunks et faire un code spécifique 
> pour chaque région. Ça devient lourd.
> Le mar. 26 févr. 2019 à 13:21,  > a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Le cas du public_transport v2 est un "bon" précédent au même titre
> que la privatisation du rail en Grande-Bretagne : l'exemple à ne pas
> suivre.
> Si on veut que trunk soient les voies express/rapides actuellement
> limitées à 110 km/h, il suffit de se mettre d'accord.
> Changer de modèle parce qu'un attribut n'est pas utilisé en France
> comme ailleurs ça n'a aucun sens.
> Jean-Yvon
> -- 
> Florimond Berthoux
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-us] Proposed mechanical edit - elimination of old-style Wikipedia links in USA

2019-02-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Old style wikipedia link is one where language is stored in key, not in value.

For example "wikipedia:en=Kansas" is an old style link, while 
is a form that is currently standard.

Many old-style Wikipedia links remain and updating them to new style manually is
boring, tedious and some mistakes may appear during this.

Some OSM elements have old-style Wikipedia link without new tag what means that 
this data
is harder to process for editors and data consumers.

Also, remaining old-style Wikipedia tags confuse mappers, especially less 

Therefore I propose to run an automatic edit that will replace old-style 
Wikipedia links
with current style of Wikipedia links.

Please comment no matter what you think about this idea! I will not make the 
edit without a clear
support so please comment if you think that it is a good idea and if you think 
that it should not be done.

Plan is as follows:

I will take full responsibility for all edits and if anything goes wrong I will 
fix it.

Editing is limited to objects with old-style Wikipedia tags is not conflicting 
with existing wikipedia=* 
or wikidata=* tag or other old-style wikipedia tags.

Links detected as invalid (leading to disambigs, articles about humans, 
animals, plants, events etc) 
are also skipped

Each changeset contains a single element or group of close elements to avoid 
edits spanning 
across large areas (it is impossible in cases where edited object itself spans 
very large area)

After every changeset bot sleeps for one minute.

This is proposed as reoccurring edit and may be made as soon as new old-style 
wikipedia links appear.

documentation page on OSM Wiki is at

I have experience with automatic edits. exactly the same task was run in Poland 
to remove
more than 6000 old-style Wikipedia links what was completed without any issues.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Joseph Reeves
This certificate question from Andy is a good one, and is the final reason
I'm emailing to say I would vote against this proposed edit:

   1. I can't see the security risk you're trying to protect against. We
   are looking at applications that use OSM data and will refer users to third
   party websites; what is the risk of a malicious user MiTM'ing a http
   request to a restaurant website (for example) and sending me to location
   other than the https version of the site? What web clients are you
   expecting this applies to?
   2. I can see in the comments of your diary entry that you were told
   about HSTS recently. I'm not trying to be offensive, but that shows you're
   not a HTTPS / web security expert. Do you really think you're the person to
   be making world wide automatic changes to the database? As an aside, HSTS
   is interesting here because the website operator is saying "only use this
   domain over https", but at that point, we don't need to make changes to the
   database because the web client should be aware of the HSTS preload list;
   the protocol listed in the referrer is not relevant.
   3. Again, are you checking https certificates? Do you know that the
   https site actually works?
   4. Are you checking the redirect code? Do you differentiate between
   temporary and permanent redirects?
   5. Are redirects even that bad? If I was to set up some careful
   redirects and have them ignored by a bot that thinks it knows better, I may
   be a little annoyed. What about geographic redirects?
   becomes, for example.
   6. A different, but related issue: You say you "abhor www", but does
   that mean you should be making changes based on this? What about the people
   that like www. ? www. and the bare domain can be different hosts, so what
   about the small number of cases in which people host a different site on
   the bare domain? I notice your own domain resolves a different IP for the
   bare domain and the www subdomain.

I can see that you want to promote https adoption, but I can't see that the
OSM database is the place to do it. In the end, the website operator is
responsible for deciding upon transport security, or not, and in how they
publicise their sites; working with site operators, I think there is better
work to be done encouraging https adoption outside of OSM, or more advanced
topics such as HSTS. I also think you could explore the applications that
use OSM data, and determine if they're using resources such as the HSTS
preload list.

I don't think there has been enough consideration of some of the issues
here, and I think an automated bot edit would create a lot of noise without
any obvious improvements.

Cheers, Joseph

On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 13:14, Andy Townsend  wrote:

> On 26/02/2019 12:34, Bryce Jasmer wrote:
> > Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most
> > straightforward of redirects. So even ->
> > will be ignored.
> What about certificate checking?  Suppose someone primarily uses http://
> for accessing their server, but has either a self-signed certificate on
> https:// or an untrusted / expired one (perhaps they were testing).
> Presumably in that case you wouldn't change http:// to https:// ?
> Best Regards,
> Andy
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Une nouvelle manière de tagger les routes

2019-02-26 Thread Florimond Berthoux

Au contraire ça a tout son sens, si OSM a une visée mondiale ça serait
rudement pratique pour les utilisateurs des données que les tags soient
Parce que là concrètement si je veux faire une carte pour cycliste (à tout
hasard ;) je dois m'amuser à parser la page du wiki
pour connaitre la cyclabilité des trunks et faire un code spécifique pour
chaque région. Ça devient lourd.

Le mar. 26 févr. 2019 à 13:21,  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Le cas du public_transport v2 est un "bon" précédent au même titre que la
> privatisation du rail en Grande-Bretagne : l'exemple à ne pas suivre.
> Si on veut que trunk soient les voies express/rapides actuellement
> limitées à 110 km/h, il suffit de se mettre d'accord.
> Changer de modèle parce qu'un attribut n'est pas utilisé en France comme
> ailleurs ça n'a aucun sens.

> Jean-Yvon
Florimond Berthoux
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Andy Townsend

On 26/02/2019 12:34, Bryce Jasmer wrote:
Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most 
straightforward of redirects. So even -> will be ignored.

What about certificate checking?  Suppose someone primarily uses http:// 
for accessing their server, but has either a self-signed certificate on 
https:// or an untrusted / expired one (perhaps they were testing).  
Presumably in that case you wouldn't change http:// to https:// ?

Best Regards,


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Crossing country border is OK for me. Problem is when one edit object is in say 
Moscow and second
just across Bering Strait resulting in edit bounding box going across entire 

In my bots I use 0.1 degrees as max size of bounding box in both latitute and 
except cases where edited objects are larger.

Feb 26, 2019, 1:48 PM by

> How would you feel about bounding boxes that cross country borders but are 3 
> geohash digits or smaller? (Sorry I cant give you an example at the moment, 
> the power has been out so I can’t access tools on my computer.) I’m not sure 
> what your definition of enormous is and what would be an acceptable size. 
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:39 AM Mateusz Konieczny <> 
> > > wrote:
>> In that case this mechanical edit makes sense for me (as long as edits 
>> will not create enormous bounding boxes due to grouping edits across country 
>> in one edit)
>> Feb 26, 2019, 1:34 PM by >> >> :
>>> Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most 
>>> straightforward of redirects. So even >>> 
>>>  >>> 
>>> >>
>>> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 AM Frederik Ramm <>>> 
>>>  wrote:

 On 26.02.19 12:47, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
 > So when   
 > redirects to
 >    < 
 >  >
 > no edit will be made, right?

 The logic for this appears to be here

 which reads:

 if any((website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) == new_location,
                        website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) + '/'
 == new_location,                             website.replace('http://',
 ' https://www.  ', 1) == new_location,
 website.replace('http://', ' https://www.  ', 1) + 
 '/' == new_location,
                          website.replace(' http://www. 
  ', 'https://', 1)
 == new_location,
 website.replace(' http://www.  ', 'https://', 1) + 
 '/' == new_location)):
                        element['tags']['website'] = new_location


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail 
    ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

 talk mailing list 

>> ___
>>  talk mailing list
>>  >> 
>>  >> 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread Phyks


Il semblerait qu'OSRM soit down en ce moment.,43.448716857936766;3.7453401088714604,43.44872620477184?overview=false=polyline=true 
renvoie une erreur 500.

Le 2019-02-26 12:27, marc marc a écrit :

Le 26.02.19 à 11:58, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :


Avez-vous ce genre de problème avec OSRM.
Impossible de trouver une route entre ces deux lieux.

le mur à travers la route repéré par JB ne devrait pas empecher de
trouver une autre route.
mais c'est un bug que j'ai régulièrement avec OSRM, exemple simplifié
souvent il suffit de bouger les marqueurs d'un millimètre
mais là cela ne fonctionne pas
Talk-fr mailing list


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Bryce Jasmer
How would you feel about bounding boxes that cross country borders but are
3 geohash digits or smaller? (Sorry I cant give you an example at the
moment, the power has been out so I can’t access tools on my computer.) I’m
not sure what your definition of enormous is and what would be an
acceptable size.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:39 AM Mateusz Konieczny 

> In that case this mechanical edit makes sense for me (as long as edits
> will not create enormous bounding boxes due to grouping edits across
> country in one edit)
> Feb 26, 2019, 1:34 PM by
> Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most
> straightforward of redirects. So even ->
> will be ignored.
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 AM Frederik Ramm  wrote:
> Hi,
> On 26.02.19 12:47, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> > So when redirects to
> > 
> > no edit will be made, right?
> The logic for this appears to be here
> which reads:
> if any((website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) == new_location,
>website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) + '/'
> == new_location, website.replace('http://',
> 'https://www.', 1) == new_location,
> website.replace('http://', 'https://www.', 1) + '/' == new_location,
>  website.replace('http://www.', 'https://', 1)
> == new_location,
> website.replace('http://www.', 'https://', 1) + '/' == new_location)):
>element['tags']['website'] = new_location
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny

In that case this mechanical edit makes sense for me (as long as edits 
will not create enormous bounding boxes due to grouping edits across country in 
one edit)

Feb 26, 2019, 1:34 PM by

> Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most 
> straightforward of redirects. So even > 
> >  -> > 
> >  will be ignored. 
> On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 AM Frederik Ramm <> 
> > > wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  On 26.02.19 12:47, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
>>  > So when >> >>  redirects to
>>  > >> 
>> >>  <>> 
>> >> >
>>  > no edit will be made, right?
>>  The logic for this appears to be here
>>  >> 
>>  which reads:
>>  if any((website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) == new_location,
>>                         website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) + '/'
>>  == new_location,                             website.replace('http://',
>>  '>> https://www. >> ', 1) == new_location,
>>  website.replace('http://', '>> https://www. >> ', 1) + '/' == 
>> new_location,
>>                           website.replace('>> http://www. >> ', 
>> 'https://', 1)
>>  == new_location,
>>  website.replace('>> http://www. >> ', 'https://', 1) + '/' == 
>> new_location)):
>>                         element['tags']['website'] = new_location
>>  Bye
>>  Frederik
>>  -- 
>>  Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail >> 
>> >>   ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
>>  ___
>>  talk mailing list
>>  >> 
>>  >> 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Bryce Jasmer
Correct. No change will be made on anything other than the most
straightforward of redirects. So even -> will be ignored.

On Tue, Feb 26, 2019 at 4:23 AM Frederik Ramm  wrote:

> Hi,
> On 26.02.19 12:47, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> > So when redirects to
> > 
> > no edit will be made, right?
> The logic for this appears to be here
> which reads:
> if any((website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) == new_location,
>website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) + '/'
> == new_location, website.replace('http://',
> 'https://www.', 1) == new_location,
> website.replace('http://', 'https://www.', 1) + '/' == new_location,
>  website.replace('http://www.', 'https://', 1)
> == new_location,
> website.replace('http://www.', 'https://', 1) + '/' == new_location)):
>element['tags']['website'] = new_location
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Volker Schmidt
Vari commenti:
E' essenziale che il nodo comune porti le informazioni:
crossing=uncontrolled (non c'è una persona ne semaforo)
Queste servono al router sulla strada.

La way che incrocia la strada value taggato secondo use:



On Tue, 26 Feb 2019, 11:02 Sergio Manzi,  wrote:

> On 2019-02-26 10:51, Cascafico Giovanni wrote:
> Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:49 Sergio Manzi  ha scritto:
>> Forse il nodo in comune, senza nessuna specifica tag, può  essere
>> sufficiente per desumere "lo stato delle cose", ma taggarlo con 
>> "*highway=crossing
>> + highway=**traffic_signals *(se c'è) non mi sembra sbagliato.
> Non è sbagliato, solo ridondante se una way definisce più in dettaglio la
> situazione.
> Senza dubbio, ma, pensando da informatico, penso che se  un programma di
> routing sta "*analizzando*" la strada per prendere decisioni,
> l'indicazione di crossing sulla strada stessa "mi facilita" nella
> decisione, senza dovere analizzare la natura della way con la quale la
> strada ha un nodo è in comune (footway=crossing).
> ... ma forse la mia è solo una pippa mentale ed ogni programma di routing
> che si rispetti dovrà comunque prendere in considerazione la natura delle
> way con le quali un nodo è condiviso.
> Mi sembra assodato, comunque, che il nodo in comune sia di vitale (nel
> senso stretto del termine!) importanza.
> Ciao,
> Sergio
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 26.02.19 12:47, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
> So when redirects to
> no edit will be made, right?

The logic for this appears to be here

which reads:

if any((website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) == new_location,
   website.replace('http://', 'https://', 1) + '/'
== new_location, website.replace('http://',
'https://www.', 1) == new_location,
website.replace('http://', 'https://www.', 1) + '/' == new_location,
 website.replace('http://www.', 'https://', 1)
== new_location,
website.replace('http://www.', 'https://', 1) + '/' == new_location)):
   element['tags']['website'] = new_location


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Une nouvelle manière de tagger les routes

2019-02-26 Thread osm . sanspourriel


Le cas du public_transport v2 est un "bon" précédent au même titre que 
la privatisation du rail en Grande-Bretagne : l'exemple à ne pas suivre.

Si on veut que trunk soient les voies express/rapides actuellement 
limitées à 110 km/h, il suffit de se mettre d'accord.

Changer de modèle parce qu'un attribut n'est pas utilisé en France comme 
ailleurs ça n'a aucun sens.

Si tu veux _ajouter_ ou _étendre_ avec des mesures fiables et 
vérifiables de trafic pourquoi pas.

Ces notions sont toutefois relatives sinon New York sera tout "noir" et 
le sahel tout "blanc".

Et il faut décider de l'échelle de la relativité : pays ? Continent ?


Le 26/02/2019 à 10:13, djakk djakk - a écrit :
Marc, le “trunk” anglais (et japonais) n’est pas du tout le même qu’en 
France, il correspond à une classification administrative, la plus 
forte avant les autoroutes. Il peut très bien s’appliquer à une grosse 
route classique ou à un grand boulevard d’une ville.

Marc, j’avais mis des sources quand j’ai modifié les highway bretons 
en fonction du trafic (les cartes de trafic par département). Sans ça 
c’etait souvent Départementale = secondary.

Adrien, il y aura beaucoup de valeurs par défaut, donc j'espère que 
grâce à ça ça ne tournera pas à l’usine à gaz.

Oui je vais mettre des exemples.

Julien djakk

Le lun. 25 févr. 2019 à 20:09, PanierAvide > a écrit :


Je suis un peu partagé, autant certains aspects ont du sens (un
système admin_level-like pour les routes c'est intéressant),
autant d'autres aspects vont vite tourner à la même situation
qu'actuellement avec highway=* (tag importance, c'est plus flou la
frontière entre routes qu'entres voies ferrées où le réseau est
plus "segmenté").

Ma crainte c'est que ça finisse comme la proposition des tags
public_transport=* : une bonne idée au départ, un bazar en
pratique car les outils ne suivent pas (ou qu'à moitié). Ceci
étant comme proposait marc, ça vaudrait le coup de documenter des
exemples pour voir ce que ça donnerait concrètement.


Adrien P.

Le 25/02/2019 à 19:28, djakk djakk a écrit :

Salut ! J’ai planché sur une nouvelle manière de tagger les
routes (au sens large, ça comprend les pistes cyclables ou les
chemins piétons) :
(en anglais)
J’en parle aussi sur la mailing-list tagging mondiale.

J’attend vos réactions, critiques, nouvelles idées ;-)

Julien “djakk”

Talk-fr mailing list

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[OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Colm Moore

Note that townlands are likely used for other purposes, e.g. conveyancing.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the 
world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead
Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] HTTPS all the Things (Automated Edit)

2019-02-26 Thread Mateusz Konieczny
Feb 22, 2019, 8:02 AM by

> I have written a script that will search for OSM objects that have a website 
> tag that explicitly states "http://...; or implicitly uses http by leaving of 
> the protocol specification. The script will then loop through all that it 
> discovers and asks the http site if it will redirect me to the secure version 
> of the website over the https protocol. If it does, I will update the 
> database with the new value.
So when  redirects to  
no edit will be made, right?
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread marc marc
Le 26.02.19 à 11:58, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Avez-vous ce genre de problème avec OSRM.
> Impossible de trouver une route entre ces deux lieux.

le mur à travers la route repéré par JB ne devrait pas empecher de 
trouver une autre route.
mais c'est un bug que j'ai régulièrement avec OSRM, exemple simplifié
souvent il suffit de bouger les marqueurs d'un millimètre
mais là cela ne fonctionne pas
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread JB
Probablement à cause de ça :

Après, la carto laisse fortement à désirer selon moi.

Le 26/02/2019 à 11:58, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :


Avez-vous ce genre de problème avec OSRM.
Impossible de trouver une route entre ces deux lieux.


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] National Mapathon 2019

2019-02-26 Thread joost schouppe
Hi all,

The registration page is up:
(it contains all the details)

We are still short of volunteers in Mons, Liège and Namur. Let me know if
you are willing to help out! The other location can always use an extra
hand too. Below the pages to register as a volunteer (or simply send me a

Coordination on github:

> On Wed. March 27th, there will be events at:
> ULB (Brussels) - 18:00-21:00
> UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve) - 18:00-21:00
> KUL (Leuven) - 17:00-20:00
> UMONS (Mons) - 18:00-21:00
> On Th. March 28th:
> VUB (Brussels) - 18:00-21:00
> ULiège (Liège) - 18:00-21:00
> Unamur (Namur) - 18:00-21:00
> UGent (Gent) - 18:00-21:0
> On the 30th, there will be events at:
> UCL (Louvain-la-Neuve) - 10:00-13:00
> ULiège (Liège) - 10:00-13:00
> You can also contact me directly if you want to help or just have some
> questions.
> --
> Joost Schouppe
> OpenStreetMap  |
> Twitter  | LinkedIn
>  | Meetup

Joost Schouppe
OpenStreetMap  |
Twitter  | LinkedIn
 | Meetup

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Problème OSRM

2019-02-26 Thread Jérôme Seigneuret

Avez-vous ce genre de problème avec OSRM.
Impossible de trouver une route entre ces deux lieux.

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Townlands and N.I

2019-02-26 Thread Cormac O Murchú
This is unfinished business for us really. 


In 1921 the whole of Ireland was built like.


Townlands > grouped into

Electoral Divisions  > grouped into

Rural Districts or Urban Districts >  > grouped into



In 2016 the south of Ireland is built like. 


Townlands > grouped into

Electoral Divisions  > grouped into

Municipal Districts  > grouped into



And that latter structure corresponds to admin levels 10 to 7 inclusive. 


In NI a key change occurred immediately after partition.  


Electoral Divisions  were deliberately deprecated in favour of Wards. A Ward
is _a different grouping system for whole townlands_ and the creation of
these Wards was a political decision made in 1923. 


Wards are the admin_level=9 building block in NI.  > grouped into 


District Electoral Areas are the admin_level=8 building block in NI. >
grouped into


District Councils like “Fermanagh and Omagh District Council” are the
admin_level=7 building block. There are 11 of these councils across the 6


The problem is that they often cross county lines unlike in the south where
no admin level =7 crosses an admin_level=6 boundary. JOSM will fair hiss I
tells yiz. 


The 32 counties with admin_level=6 tags no longer legally matter SAVE that
most admin_level=6 entities in the south are coextant with an admin_level=7
entity with the same name, excepting Cork Dublin and Galway which have more
admin_level=7 entities than admin_level=6 entities.


Admin_level=5 entities (provinces) have not existed since the Normans cane,
in effect. We maintain them as an administrative conceit like we do
admin_level=6. :)


In NI Electoral Divisions are boundary=historic (like baronies and cps and
rds and plu’s are) and with no admin level tag, this has been the case since
1923, long before OSM ever came along.



Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi
On 2019-02-26 10:51, Cascafico Giovanni wrote:
> Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:49 Sergio Manzi>> ha 
> scritto:
> Forse il nodo in comune, senza nessuna specifica tag, può  essere 
> sufficiente per desumere "lo stato delle cose", ma taggarlo con 
> "/highway=crossing + highway=//traffic_signals /(se c'è) non mi sembra 
> sbagliato.
> Non è sbagliato, solo ridondante se una way definisce più in dettaglio la 
> situazione.

Senza dubbio, ma, pensando da informatico, penso che se  un programma di 
routing sta "/analizzando/" la strada per prendere decisioni, l'indicazione di 
crossing sulla strada stessa "mi facilita" nella decisione, senza dovere 
analizzare la natura della way con la quale la strada ha un nodo è in comune 

... ma forse la mia è solo una pippa mentale ed ogni programma di routing che 
si rispetti dovrà comunque prendere in considerazione la natura delle way con 
le quali un nodo è condiviso.

Mi sembra assodato, comunque, che il nodo in comune sia di vitale (nel senso 
stretto del termine!) importanza.



Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:49 Sergio Manzi  ha scritto:

> Forse il nodo in comune, senza nessuna specifica tag, può  essere
> sufficiente per desumere "lo stato delle cose", ma taggarlo con 
> "*highway=crossing
> + highway=**traffic_signals *(se c'è) non mi sembra sbagliato.
Non è sbagliato, solo ridondante se una way definisce più in dettaglio la

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Sergio Manzi
Così, ad occhio, senza presunzione di assoluta correttezza, mi sembra che il 
nodo in comune ci stia (/utile a chi percorre la strada: pensa ad un 
"navigatore" che ti avvisa di rallentare in corrispondenzamente 

Forse il nodo in comune, senza nessuna specifica tag, può  essere sufficiente 
per desumere "lo stato delle cose", ma taggarlo con "/highway=crossing + 
highway=//traffic_signals /(se c'è) non mi sembra sbagliato.


On 2019-02-26 10:34, Cascafico Giovanni wrote:
> In entrambi i casi, se mappi l'attraversamento come way, il nodo è ridondante.
> Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:27 Andrea Canevazzi  > ha scritto:
> Buongiorno a tutti,
> sto disegnando un pezzo della rete pedonale di Milano e vorrei chiedervi 
> un parere su uno schema di tagging che sto utilizzando agli attraversamenti. 
> (!/history#map=16/45.4579/9.2013=H)
> *
> *
> *Caso 1*: attraversamento pedonale semplice
> - la _linea_ dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag /highway=footway 
> footway= crossing crossing=uncontrolled/
> - l'attraversamento ha un _nodo_ in comune con la strada che attraversa e 
> ha il tag /highway=crossing /
> *
> *
> *Caso 2*: attraversamento pedonale semaforizzato
> - la _linea_ dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag /highway=footway 
> footway= crossing crossing=traffic_signals/
> - l'attraversamento ha un _nodo_ in comune con la strada che attraversa e 
> ha i tag /highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals/
> grazie per la disponibilità e l'aiuto,
> Andrea
> *
> *
> *Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
>  +39 3482453713
> _
> _
> _Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia_*
> *
> /L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un 
> mezzo consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n. 
> 45/E del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato da 
> chi lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato come 
> ogni altro documento su carta.  /
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Il nodo in comune tra strada e attraversamento è essenziale perché  in casi
estremi un navigatore per pedoni può scegliere  di passare da
attraversamento a strada. Esso stabilisce una priorità non un vincolo.

Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:40 Andrea Canevazzi  ha

> Grazie mille per l'indicazione,
> una seconda domanda: cancello i tag ma lascio il nodo in comune o anche il
> nodo è ridondante?
> *Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
>  +39 3482453713
> *Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*
> *L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un
> mezzo consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n.
> 45/E del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato
> da chi lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato
> come ogni altro documento su carta.  *
> Il giorno mar 26 feb 2019 alle ore 10:35 Cascafico Giovanni <
>> ha scritto:
>> In entrambi i casi, se mappi l'attraversamento come way, il nodo è
>> ridondante.
>> Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:27 Andrea Canevazzi 
>> ha scritto:
>>> Buongiorno a tutti,
>>> sto disegnando un pezzo della rete pedonale di Milano e vorrei chiedervi
>>> un parere su uno schema di tagging che sto utilizzando agli
>>> attraversamenti. (
>>> )
>>> *Caso 1*: attraversamento pedonale semplice
>>> - la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
>>> footway= crossing crossing=uncontrolled*
>>> - l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa
>>> e ha il tag *highway=crossing *
>>> *Caso 2*: attraversamento pedonale semaforizzato
>>> - la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
>>> footway= crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
>>> - l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa
>>> e ha i tag *highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
>>> grazie per la disponibilità e l'aiuto,
>>> Andrea
>>> *Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
>>>  +39 3482453713
>>> *Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*
>>> *L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un
>>> mezzo consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n.
>>> 45/E del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato
>>> da chi lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato
>>> come ogni altro documento su carta.  *
>>> ___
>>> Talk-it mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Alessandro Sarretta

On 26/02/19 10:40, Andrea Albani wrote:
Il giorno mar 26 feb 2019 alle ore 10:35 Cascafico Giovanni>> ha scritto:

In entrambi i casi, se mappi l'attraversamento come way, il nodo è

Intendi dire che sono ridondanti i tag sul nodo ?

Secondo me il nodo è indispensabile, ma anche il tag highway=crossing. 
Nel caso di semaforo, anche crossing=traffic_signal mi pare importante. 
Gli altri, come accennavo nell'altra mia risposta, forse sono ridondanti.



Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Alessandro Sarretta


On 26/02/19 10:26, Andrea Canevazzi wrote:

Buongiorno a tutti,
sto disegnando un pezzo della rete pedonale di Milano e vorrei 
chiedervi un parere su uno schema di tagging che sto utilizzando agli 

*Caso 1*: attraversamento pedonale semplice
- la _linea_ dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag /highway=footway 
footway= crossing crossing=uncontrolled/
- l'attraversamento ha un _nodo_ in comune con la strada che 
attraversa e ha il tag /highway=crossing /

*Caso 2*: attraversamento pedonale semaforizzato
- la _linea_ dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag /highway=footway 
footway= crossing crossing=traffic_signals/
- l'attraversamento ha un _nodo_ in comune con la strada che 
attraversa e ha i tag /highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals/

grazie per la disponibilità e l'aiuto,

Mi sembra tutto corretto.

Dove gli attraversamenti hanno le strisce pedonali potresti aggiungere 
crossing_ref=zebra e potresti magari aggiungere anche surface e smoothness.

In generale io ho dubbi su quanto ridondare i tag che si inseriscono 
nell'attraversamento lineare con quelli nel nodo all'intersezione con la 
strada. Potenzialmente nel nodo potrebbero andarci tutti (crossing, 
crossing_ref, kerb, surface, smoothness, wheelchair, ...), ma di solito 
tendo a lasciare gli essenziali come fai tu.




Alessandro Sarretta

skype/twitter: alesarrett

Research information:

 * Google scholar profile
 * Research Gate 
 * Impactstory 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Andrea Albani
Il giorno mar 26 feb 2019 alle ore 10:35 Cascafico Giovanni <> ha scritto:

> In entrambi i casi, se mappi l'attraversamento come way, il nodo è
> ridondante.
Intendi dire che sono ridondanti i tag sul nodo ?
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Andrea Canevazzi
Grazie mille per l'indicazione,
una seconda domanda: cancello i tag ma lascio il nodo in comune o anche il
nodo è ridondante?

*Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
 +39 3482453713 

*Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*

*L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un mezzo
consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n. 45/E
del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato da chi
lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato come ogni
altro documento su carta.  *

Il giorno mar 26 feb 2019 alle ore 10:35 Cascafico Giovanni <> ha scritto:

> In entrambi i casi, se mappi l'attraversamento come way, il nodo è
> ridondante.
> Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:27 Andrea Canevazzi 
> ha scritto:
>> Buongiorno a tutti,
>> sto disegnando un pezzo della rete pedonale di Milano e vorrei chiedervi
>> un parere su uno schema di tagging che sto utilizzando agli
>> attraversamenti. (
>> )
>> *Caso 1*: attraversamento pedonale semplice
>> - la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
>> footway= crossing crossing=uncontrolled*
>> - l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa
>> e ha il tag *highway=crossing *
>> *Caso 2*: attraversamento pedonale semaforizzato
>> - la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
>> footway= crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
>> - l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa
>> e ha i tag *highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
>> grazie per la disponibilità e l'aiuto,
>> Andrea
>> *Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
>>  +39 3482453713
>> *Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*
>> *L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un
>> mezzo consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n.
>> 45/E del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato
>> da chi lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato
>> come ogni altro documento su carta.  *
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
In entrambi i casi, se mappi l'attraversamento come way, il nodo è

Il mar 26 feb 2019, 10:27 Andrea Canevazzi  ha

> Buongiorno a tutti,
> sto disegnando un pezzo della rete pedonale di Milano e vorrei chiedervi
> un parere su uno schema di tagging che sto utilizzando agli
> attraversamenti. (
> )
> *Caso 1*: attraversamento pedonale semplice
> - la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
> footway= crossing crossing=uncontrolled*
> - l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa e
> ha il tag *highway=crossing *
> *Caso 2*: attraversamento pedonale semaforizzato
> - la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
> footway= crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
> - l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa e
> ha i tag *highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
> grazie per la disponibilità e l'aiuto,
> Andrea
> *Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
>  +39 3482453713
> *Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*
> *L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un
> mezzo consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n.
> 45/E del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato
> da chi lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato
> come ogni altro documento su carta.  *
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] logo komunity OSM CZ a logo spolku OSM CR

2019-02-26 Thread majka
On Tue, 26 Feb 2019 at 10:18, Tom Ka  wrote:

> Jinak souhlasim, ze ted je klicove rozhodnout jestlibude log jedno
> (zatim na to vse ukazuje), pak ma smysl dalsi krok a to ladeni podoby
> (a pak dava smysl oslovit nejakeho grafika, pokud v komunite neni).

Ty moje obrázky spíš měly sloužit k ověření toho, že se z toho ta černobílá
(šedá) varianta dá nějak dostat a pořád se z toho na první pohled pozná, že
je to logo spolku. Protože původně jsem o tom měla dost pochybnosti.
talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] attraversamenti pedonali e strade

2019-02-26 Thread Andrea Canevazzi
Buongiorno a tutti,
sto disegnando un pezzo della rete pedonale di Milano e vorrei chiedervi un
parere su uno schema di tagging che sto utilizzando agli attraversamenti. (!/history#map=16/45.4579/9.2013=H

*Caso 1*: attraversamento pedonale semplice
- la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
footway= crossing crossing=uncontrolled*
- l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa e
ha il tag *highway=crossing *

*Caso 2*: attraversamento pedonale semaforizzato
- la *linea* dell'attraversamento pedonale ha i tag *highway=footway
footway= crossing crossing=traffic_signals*
- l'attraversamento ha un *nodo* in comune con la strada che attraversa e
ha i tag *highway=crossing crossing=traffic_signals*

grazie per la disponibilità e l'aiuto,

*Arch. Andrea Canevazzi, Ph.D.*
 +39 3482453713 

*Via Novara, 160 | 20153 Milano | Italia*

*L’invio di documenti anche contabili  tramite posta elettronica è un mezzo
consentito, ai sensi dell’art.21 DPR 633/72 e a seguito della CM n. 45/E
del 19/10/2005; il documento informatico dovrà essere materializzato da chi
lo riceve tramite stampa su supporto cartaceo e quindi conservato come ogni
altro documento su carta.  *
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] logo komunity OSM CZ a logo spolku OSM CR

2019-02-26 Thread Tom Ka
po 25. 2. 2019 v 18:06 odesílatel majka  napsal:
> Jaké bílé plochy? Ty dvě spodní jsou BW + stupně šedé, co by bylo přesně 
> určené na tisk BW. Je tam místo na úpravu zabarvení, je to hozené tak nějak 
> od oka. A vyhodila jsem to rozostření.
> Spíš se mi zdá, že to chce tu lupu trochu decentněji a vlajku uvnitř větší.

Napad - zkusit to bez toho merikruzi u vlajky. Jinak (zatim) ocekavam,
ze v 90% pripadu bude pouzite to plnohodnotne logo, i pro bezny
cernobily tisk, protoze se nebudou nutne delat 2 verze dokumentu,
realne vyuziti je ted bud nejaka ikona pro aplikaci apod. a razitko,
jinak mne uplne nic konkretniho nenapada.

Jinak souhlasim, ze ted je klicove rozhodnout jestlibude log jedno
(zatim na to vse ukazuje), pak ma smysl dalsi krok a to ladeni podoby
(a pak dava smysl oslovit nejakeho grafika, pokud v komunite neni).


talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Une nouvelle manière de tagger les routes

2019-02-26 Thread djakk djakk
Marc, le “trunk” anglais (et japonais) n’est pas du tout le même qu’en
France, il correspond à une classification administrative, la plus forte
avant les autoroutes. Il peut très bien s’appliquer à une grosse route
classique ou à un grand boulevard d’une ville.

Marc, j’avais mis des sources quand j’ai modifié les highway bretons en
fonction du trafic (les cartes de trafic par département). Sans ça c’etait
souvent Départementale = secondary.

Adrien, il y aura beaucoup de valeurs par défaut, donc j'espère que grâce à
ça ça ne tournera pas à l’usine à gaz.

Oui je vais mettre des exemples.

Julien djakk

Le lun. 25 févr. 2019 à 20:09, PanierAvide  a
écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Je suis un peu partagé, autant certains aspects ont du sens (un système
> admin_level-like pour les routes c'est intéressant), autant d'autres
> aspects vont vite tourner à la même situation qu'actuellement  avec
> highway=* (tag importance, c'est plus flou la frontière entre routes
> qu'entres voies ferrées où le réseau est plus "segmenté").
> Ma crainte c'est que ça finisse comme la proposition des tags
> public_transport=* : une bonne idée au départ, un bazar en pratique car les
> outils ne suivent pas (ou qu'à moitié). Ceci étant comme proposait marc, ça
> vaudrait le coup de documenter des exemples pour voir ce que ça donnerait
> concrètement.
> Cordialement,
> Adrien P.
> Le 25/02/2019 à 19:28, djakk djakk a écrit :
> Salut ! J’ai planché sur une nouvelle manière de tagger les routes (au
> sens large, ça comprend les pistes cyclables ou les chemins piétons) :
> (en anglais)
> J’en parle aussi sur la mailing-list tagging mondiale.
> J’attend vos réactions, critiques, nouvelles idées ;-)
> @+
> Julien “djakk”
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 
> listTalk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 12:58 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:23 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 12:58 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:25 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-cu] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:01 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:23 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-cu mailing list

Re: [Talk-pe] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:32 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the HOT blog
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:15 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-pe mailing list

Re: [Talk-uy] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:02 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:22 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-uy mailing list

Re: [Talk-vi] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:02 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:22 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-vi mailing list

Re: [Talk-cr] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:02 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:23 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-cr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 12:58 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:25 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-et] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 12:57 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:25 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-ET mailing list

Re: [Talk-TW] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:03 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the *HOT blog*
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:18 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-TW mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:18 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the HOT blog
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:10 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-mm] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:19 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the HOT blog
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:14 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-mm mailing list

Re: [Talk-mm] 2019 HOT Microgrants

2019-02-26 Thread Jessica Bergmann
Hi All!

A final reminder that the application for the 2019 HOT Microgrants program
will close this Thursday, February 28 at 12midnight EST. We look forward to
welcoming applications from your mapping communities and learning how your
organization is looking to scale your mapping endeavors, diversify your
mapping community, and increase the use of open data at the local and/or
global level.

More information & the application form can be found on the HOT blog
. Please be in touch with any questions that
you may have. All applications must be sent to by
the stated deadline. Kindly note that late applications will not be



On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 1:32 PM Jessica Bergmann <> wrote:

> Hello,
> A friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for a 2019 HOT Microgrant
> is just two weeks away! Communities are invited to apply for a Microgrant
> that will help them to scale their mapping activities and their local and
> global impact. Applications are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST.
> Please see the HOT blog
> for the application review criteria and the link to the application.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at
> A member of our team will reply within 24-48
> hours.
> Cheers!
> Jessica
> On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 1:12 PM Jessica Bergmann <
>> wrote:
>> Hi Everyone,
>> HOT is excited to announce the launch of the 2019 HOT Microgrants
>> program! This year, we will be awarding Microgrants between $2,000-$5,000
>> for 8-10 communities throughout the world to reduce barriers and scale
>> their mapping activities and impact. Applications for the 2019
>> Microgrants program are due by February 28 at 12midnight EST and can be
>> found using this link.
>> We especially encourage communities from the Caribbean, Middle East,
>> North Africa, and Asia to apply, as well as those communities looking to
>> diversify their mappers (gender balance, age, socioeconomic status, etc.),
>> in order to continue expanding the global mapping community. Before
>> submitting your application, ensure that you coordinate with other mapping
>> communities in your country/region, finding opportunities for collaboration
>> where possible and minimizing the number of applications that propose the
>> same mapping project. For more information about the HOT Microgrants
>> program and to see the application review criteria, please check the HOT
>> blog
>> .
>> Please forward this information along to any other individuals and
>> communities you believe would make excellent candidates for this
>> opportunity. Any questions can be sent to or
>> directly to me at this email address. Please allow 24-48 hours for a
>> member of our team to reply.
>> Best,
>> Jessica
>> --
>> *Jessica Bergmann*
>> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
>> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
>> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
>> Skype: jessica.bergmann91
> --
> *Jessica Bergmann*
> Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
> Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
> Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
> Skype: jessica.bergmann91

*Jessica Bergmann*
Partnerships & Community Programs Associate
Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team 
Uganda: +256 754 672 750 | WhatsApp: +1 630 267 3307
Skype: jessica.bergmann91
Talk-mm mailing list

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