Re: [OSM-ja] 位置参照情報(町丁目の階層づくり)について

2019-08-29 Thread Satoshi IIDA


■連絡: サンプルデータを作りました


■連絡: インポート・アウトラインを作りました。

■相談: タグの付与について
その場合、ref:ISJ_JP などのタグを使って残すことも視野かと思います。

■相談: localty (カテゴリ0)の扱いについて
従来のタグ付与では、大字・小字・丁目のコードの 0 に対して、localtyが提案されていました。
Github上にある concat_originals.csv というファイルが、もともとのCSVデータを結合してあるもので、

$ cat ./concat_originals.csv | grep ,\"0\"$ | grep -v 京都






Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Toponimia en Galicia

2019-08-29 Thread David Marín Carreño
Estoy completamente de acuerdo con lo expresado por dcapillae, y a favor de
lo expresado por él.

Este cambio afecta a todos los hispanohablantes, no solo a los gallegos.

La Coruña y Orense son nombres en idioma castellano de dos ciudades
gallegas. El hecho de que "el único nombre aceptado por las Cortes
Españolas" sea A Coruña y Ourense no implica que, en idioma castellano,
ambas ciudades se denominen y se hayan denominado siempre de otra manera.

En caso contrario, propoingo borrar el name:es de Londres y Moscú, ya que
ambos nombres no han sido aceptados por las Cortes Españolas, y denominemos
a dichas ciudades con sus nombres London y Mockba, que es como las llaman
por allí, y es lo que pone en los carteles de las carreteras.
David Marín Carreño 

El vie., 30 ago. 2019 a las 2:10, dcapillae ()

> Buenas noches.
> Las decisiones por consenso son decisiones en las que todos participan, es
> decir, que todos son corresponsables. La responsabilidad (o la culpa, si se
> prefiere) es de todos. Si la comunidad gallega toma esa decisión y el resto
> de la comunidad española la asume, todos sois responsables.
> Por lo demás, recuerdo que fui censurado en un grupo de contacto, grupo en
> el que se encuentra buena parte de la comunidad española, por decir esto
> mismo, es decir, que «A Coruña» es el nombre en gallego y que «La Coruña»
> es
> el nombre en español. Se me dijo que comentarios de este tipo eran política
> e ideológicamente inaceptable, y que por eso me habían censurado, por
> utilizar el canal para compartir mensajes de contenido político e
> ideológico.
> La decisión de censurar a un usuario, la injusticia de acusarle de algo que
> no ha hecho, también es corresponsabilidad de todos los administradores del
> grupo, no solo de la persona que borra los mensajes. Contacté con tres
> administradores y ninguno me apoyo, luego entiendo que compartíais la
> decisión. La opinión que tengo del silencio mantenido por algunos otros
> usuarios me la reservo.
> En este sentido, me parece muy destacable que nuevamente se me vuelva a
> cuestionar a mí en lugar de entrar a valorar la decisión de la comunidad
> gallega. Espero que en esta ocasión nadie me censure ni me acuse oportuna e
> injustamente de nada, aunque no me extrañaría visto los antecedentes.
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Toponimia en Galicia

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae
Buenas noches.

Las decisiones por consenso son decisiones en las que todos participan, es
decir, que todos son corresponsables. La responsabilidad (o la culpa, si se
prefiere) es de todos. Si la comunidad gallega toma esa decisión y el resto
de la comunidad española la asume, todos sois responsables.

Por lo demás, recuerdo que fui censurado en un grupo de contacto, grupo en
el que se encuentra buena parte de la comunidad española, por decir esto
mismo, es decir, que «A Coruña» es el nombre en gallego y que «La Coruña» es
el nombre en español. Se me dijo que comentarios de este tipo eran política
e ideológicamente inaceptable, y que por eso me habían censurado, por
utilizar el canal para compartir mensajes de contenido político e

La decisión de censurar a un usuario, la injusticia de acusarle de algo que
no ha hecho, también es corresponsabilidad de todos los administradores del
grupo, no solo de la persona que borra los mensajes. Contacté con tres
administradores y ninguno me apoyo, luego entiendo que compartíais la
decisión. La opinión que tengo del silencio mantenido por algunos otros
usuarios me la reservo.

En este sentido, me parece muy destacable que nuevamente se me vuelva a
cuestionar a mí en lugar de entrar a valorar la decisión de la comunidad
gallega. Espero que en esta ocasión nadie me censure ni me acuse oportuna e
injustamente de nada, aunque no me extrañaría visto los antecedentes.

Sent from:

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Talk-us Digest, Vol 141, Issue 22

2019-08-29 Thread Anthony Costanzo
> Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2019 07:09:25 -0500
> From: Paul Johnson 
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 6:40 AM Joseph Eisenberg 
> wrote:
> > That's probably not relevant for anywhere in the USA (even in Alaska
> > the main highways between cities are paved... right?) but it's a
> > reminder that we can certainly choose to do things in a way that makes
> > sense for mapping the USA; we don't have to use the British or German
> > standards.
> >
> The larger cities in southern Alaska.  Most are gravel, including a paper
> interstate.  I think Alaska's the last state to still have gravel state
> highways.

Alaska does have gravel state highways, but the main road between
Fairbanks and Anchorage (Parks Highway, AK 3) is entirely paved, as is
the entirety of the Alaska Highway itself and the roads connecting it
to Fairbanks and Anchorage. So the statement "the main highways
between cities are paved" is still true.

That said, no, Alaska is not the last state to still have gravel state
highways. Vermont still has a couple (part of VT 121 is gravel, for
example). Montana has quite a few, including one section of a primary
route (MT 38 over Skalkaho Pass). Utah has at least one (UT 261's Moki
Dugway segment). Further examples likely exist.

As for the original subject that spurred this discussion... I agree
with the general sentiment that for any classifications other than
motorway (which for US purposes is treated as being equal to
"freeway"), the road's network importance matters more than its
geometry. It may be fine for some sections of former US 66 to be
tagged as trunk if they still function as major through roads, but
since most sections do not function as such their classification
should be lowered to the level appropriate for the given segment.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Boîtes à lettres : ref, collection_times

2019-08-29 Thread Christian Quest
Ces identifiants à 6 caractères figurent dans le fichier opendata publié
par La Poste:

On a commencé à les mapper en espérant que ça soit l'identifiant officiel,
avant que la liste soit ouverte, et on a bien fait ;)

Attention, quand ce fichier officiel a été publié, on a constaté des
localisations de mauvaise qualité, sûrement à cause d'un géocodage été fait
à l'arrache.
A-t-il été amélioré depuis ? aucune idée !

Le jeu. 29 août 2019 à 23:56, Jacques Lavignotte  a
écrit :

> amenity=post_box
> *   ref=* - le numéro interne identifiant la boîte aux lettre (s'il
> existe).
> J'ai trouvé des trucs collés dessus comme : A5Q7M8 A6H2Q9
> On a un document de LaPoste quelque part sur le Grand Ternet ?
> *collection_times=*
> Pour la boîte lambda, pas de problème,
> mais celle du centre de tri j'ai :
> Pour les départements 21, 22 : du lundi au vendredi 18:00, samedi 16:00
> Pour les départements 23, 24 : du lundi au vendredi 22:00, samedi 18:00
> me laissent dubitatif...
> J.
> --
> GnuPg : C8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Toponimia en Galicia

2019-08-29 Thread Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso

Creo que con este tema de los idiomas tenemos un pensamiento cercano, pero
pienso que no son maneras de expresarlo. Así se termina perdiendo la razón.
Culpar a toda la comunidad Española, cuando no tiene nada que ver no lo veo
bien. No se ha hablado en este caso nada sobre esto. Parece que ha sido
cosa de la comunidad Gallega.

Pido por favor que no se culpe a todo el mundo sin necesidad.

El jue., 29 ago. 2019 23:36, dcapillae  escribió:

> Buenas noches.
> Sigo habitualmente los cambios que se producen en el wiki, tanto de las
> páginas sobre documentación como de las páginas de discusión. Retomo este
> hilo a raíz de un último cambio realizado en las páginas del proyecto de
> mapeo de España [1]. La persona responsable del cambio es lo de menos, lo
> importante es el cambio, no la persona. Me consta que Iván colabora
> habitualmente en el wiki y que lo hace muy bien.
> De nuevo ocultando los nombres en español porque son nombres antiguos que
> supuestamente nadie usa. Me llama la atención que «La Coruña»  [1] sea un
> nombre antiguo que supuestamente nadie usa cuando yo lo uso, como lo usan
> otras muchas personas hispanohablantes. El nombre en español de A Coruña no
> es «A Coruña» es La Coruña. No es un nombre antiguo en español, es su
> nombre
> en español, tanto como «A Coruña» es su nombre en gallego. ¿Que necesidad
> hay de poner «A Coruña» como nombre en español? ¿Qué necesidad hay de
> relegar el nombre en español a una forma de nombre antiguo cuando es
> absolutamente falso que lo sea? ¿No es suficiente con poner «A Coruña» en
> la
> etiqueta «name» como corresponde? ¿Qué interés hay en ponerlo también como
> nombre en español cuando no lo es?
> Es odiosa la manía que tiene la comunidad española de ocultar los topónimos
> en español, pero en eso estamos; y además, por consenso. Una decisión por
> consenso implica que todos han dado su consentimiento y todos están de
> acuerdo. Todos, sin exención de ninguno. Por eso, entre otras razones,
> decidí dejar de colaborar con esta comunidad y no participar más de sus
> «consensos».
> OpenStreetMap es un proyecto internacional y multilingüe donde todas las
> lenguas tienen su espacio. La política oficial de nombres es muy cara. No
> tiene sentido traducir nombres a lenguas donde esos nombres no existen ni
> se
> usan. Respetar los usos, respetar las lenguas. Los nombres de topónimos en
> español que se usan, que están en uso, que yo uso, como muchas otras
> personas hispanohablantes, no se pueden considerar nombres antiguos o en
> desuso por el «consenso» de ésta ni de ninguna otra comunidad sin
> despreciar
> a esa lengua y a quienes la utilizan.
> Por «consenso» de la comunidad española de OSM, A Coruña puede tener su
> nombre ruso pero no lo puede tener en español.
> Lamentable.
> P. D.: Reitero que lo importante es el cambio, la decisión por «consenso»,
> no la persona que lo hizo. Iván hace una gran labor en el wiki,
> especialmente con la documentación en gallego, algo que personalmente ya le
> he agradecido en alguna ocasión, que le agradezco ahora nuevamente y que
> espero que continúe.
> [1]
> [2] (consultado el 29 de
> agosto de 2019 a las 23:28 hora local)
> [3]
> --
> Sent from:
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-de] Keine anonymen Kommentare an Notes mehr möglich

2019-08-29 Thread Michael Reichert
(freie Übersetzung von Frederiks Beitrag auf der Mailingliste Talk)


es ist nach einer zweijährigen Diskussion über das Für und Wider der
Entschluss gefasst worden, dass anonyme Kommentare an Notes
(Fehlerberichte auf, nicht Punktdatenobjekte) nicht
mehr möglich sind.

Bis vor zwei Tagen konnten anonyme (d.h. nicht angemeldete) Benutzer
Notes anlegen und bestehende Notes kommentieren; nur schließen konnten
sie die Notes nicht.

Jetzt können anonyme Nutzer *weiterhin* Notes anlegen, aber sie können
sie nicht kommentieren oder bestehende Notes schließen.

Man ist in einer langen Diskussion, die zu dieser Entscheidung geführt
hat (siehe und,
übereingekommen, dass anonyme Kommentare an Notes selten nützlich sind.
Wenn sie es doch nützlich sind, kommen sie meist von Benutzern, die
vergessen haben, sich anzumelden. In der letzten Zeit stattgefundene
Spam- und Vandalismuswellen haben das Notes-System in manchen Regionen
unbenutzbar gemacht. Der Schaden hat den Nutzen überwogen. Es ist
tatsächlich einfacher, einen Vandalen zu bekämpfen, der neue, nutzlose
Notes anlegt (indem man sie einfach schließt), als seine
Hinterlassenschaften aus bestehenden Notes zu entfernen.

Viele Grüße


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-talk] Anonymous comments on notes now disabled

2019-08-29 Thread stevea
Such portals are ours (OSM's) to manage as we see fit.  "After two years of 
discussions" sounds like consensus.  Defining something as "rarely useful" 
(then agreeing upon that) seems a helpful approach.  Looks like a good call, 

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Anonymous comments on notes now disabled

2019-08-29 Thread James
I support this, I've even seen SEO services open notes just to have a "link
back to their site"

On Thu., Aug. 29, 2019, 5:49 p.m. Frederik Ramm, 

> Hi,
> after two years of discussing the pros and cons, a decision has now been
> reached to disallow anonymous comments on notes.
> Up until two days ago, anonymous (i.e. not logged-in) users could create
> notes and comment on existing notes; the only thing they could not do
> was close a note.
> Now, anonymous users can *still* create notes, but they cannot comment
> on or close existing notes.
> In the long discussions leading up to this decision (see
> and
> we
> agreed that anonymous comments on notes are rarely useful, and when they
> are, they come mostly from users who have just forgotten to log in. This
> was weighed against recent massive spam and vandalism activities which
> rendered the notes system near unusuable in some regions. Perversely, it
> is much easier to fight a vandal creating new, useless notes (by just
> closing them) than it is to clean up their droppings from existing notes.
> Bye
> Frederik
> --
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Boîtes à lettres : ref, collection_times

2019-08-29 Thread Jacques Lavignotte


*   ref=* - le numéro interne identifiant la boîte aux lettre (s'il 

J'ai trouvé des trucs collés dessus comme : A5Q7M8 A6H2Q9

On a un document de LaPoste quelque part sur le Grand Ternet ?


Pour la boîte lambda, pas de problème,

mais celle du centre de tri j'ai :

Pour les départements 21, 22 : du lundi au vendredi 18:00, samedi 16:00

Pour les départements 23, 24 : du lundi au vendredi 22:00, samedi 18:00

me laissent dubitatif...


GnuPg : C8F5B1E3 Because privacy matters.

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Anonymous comments on notes now disabled

2019-08-29 Thread Frederik Ramm

after two years of discussing the pros and cons, a decision has now been
reached to disallow anonymous comments on notes.

Up until two days ago, anonymous (i.e. not logged-in) users could create
notes and comment on existing notes; the only thing they could not do
was close a note.

Now, anonymous users can *still* create notes, but they cannot comment
on or close existing notes.

In the long discussions leading up to this decision (see and we
agreed that anonymous comments on notes are rarely useful, and when they
are, they come mostly from users who have just forgotten to log in. This
was weighed against recent massive spam and vandalism activities which
rendered the notes system near unusuable in some regions. Perversely, it
is much easier to fight a vandal creating new, useless notes (by just
closing them) than it is to clean up their droppings from existing notes.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Toponimia en Galicia

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae
Buenas noches.

Sigo habitualmente los cambios que se producen en el wiki, tanto de las
páginas sobre documentación como de las páginas de discusión. Retomo este
hilo a raíz de un último cambio realizado en las páginas del proyecto de
mapeo de España [1]. La persona responsable del cambio es lo de menos, lo
importante es el cambio, no la persona. Me consta que Iván colabora
habitualmente en el wiki y que lo hace muy bien.

De nuevo ocultando los nombres en español porque son nombres antiguos que
supuestamente nadie usa. Me llama la atención que «La Coruña»  [1] sea un
nombre antiguo que supuestamente nadie usa cuando yo lo uso, como lo usan
otras muchas personas hispanohablantes. El nombre en español de A Coruña no
es «A Coruña» es La Coruña. No es un nombre antiguo en español, es su nombre
en español, tanto como «A Coruña» es su nombre en gallego. ¿Que necesidad
hay de poner «A Coruña» como nombre en español? ¿Qué necesidad hay de
relegar el nombre en español a una forma de nombre antiguo cuando es
absolutamente falso que lo sea? ¿No es suficiente con poner «A Coruña» en la
etiqueta «name» como corresponde? ¿Qué interés hay en ponerlo también como
nombre en español cuando no lo es?

Es odiosa la manía que tiene la comunidad española de ocultar los topónimos
en español, pero en eso estamos; y además, por consenso. Una decisión por
consenso implica que todos han dado su consentimiento y todos están de
acuerdo. Todos, sin exención de ninguno. Por eso, entre otras razones,
decidí dejar de colaborar con esta comunidad y no participar más de sus

OpenStreetMap es un proyecto internacional y multilingüe donde todas las
lenguas tienen su espacio. La política oficial de nombres es muy cara. No
tiene sentido traducir nombres a lenguas donde esos nombres no existen ni se
usan. Respetar los usos, respetar las lenguas. Los nombres de topónimos en
español que se usan, que están en uso, que yo uso, como muchas otras
personas hispanohablantes, no se pueden considerar nombres antiguos o en
desuso por el «consenso» de ésta ni de ninguna otra comunidad sin despreciar
a esa lengua y a quienes la utilizan.

Por «consenso» de la comunidad española de OSM, A Coruña puede tener su
nombre ruso pero no lo puede tener en español.


P. D.: Reitero que lo importante es el cambio, la decisión por «consenso»,
no la persona que lo hizo. Iván hace una gran labor en el wiki,
especialmente con la documentación en gallego, algo que personalmente ya le
he agradecido en alguna ocasión, que le agradezco ahora nuevamente y que
espero que continúe.

[2] (consultado el 29 de
agosto de 2019 a las 23:28 hora local)

Sent from:

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-Talk-ZA] Fwd: [Osmf-talk] SotM 2020

2019-08-29 Thread David Richfield
Hi all,

I'll be attending this year's SOTM in Heidelberg, because it's just
around the corner from where I live (Worms). If there's anyone I can
speak to or anything I can find out while I'm there, let me know.



On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 14:53, Edson Nicolai via Talk-ZA
> Hi Bernelle,
> I‘ve added my name to the list. I’ll be checking back to see if there’s any 
> update.
> Cheers.
> Ed Nicolai
> Music Video/TV Ad Director - Motion Graphics
> Namibia: +264 81 43 31 374
> Angola: +244 945 75 23 11
> Zambia: +260 967617783
> - [for emergencies only]
> > On 28 Aug 2019, at 1:36 PM, Bernelle Verster  wrote:
> >
> > Hi Edson
> >
> > Replying to all for interest:
> >
> > Team:
> > I need team members listed on the page to show strength of numbers,
> > basically. So, for starters, please add your name (thanks Geoffrey!).
> > Also, please share this bid to your networks!
> >
> > Insider knowledge:
> > I don't know the OSM community nor do I know the SotM format. I have
> > organised the Debian Conference in Cape Town before (DebConf16), which
> > I think is a similar culture.
> >
> > Format:
> > My interest in getting involved, and also my concern that I may
> > 'corrupt' the format, is that I am interested in using OSM in games,
> > urban metabolism visualisations and information design, and organising
> > a conference is a great way to learn and connect. I would like the
> > conference to have tracks addressing these things, which hopefully
> > would also incentivise creatives and people who otherwise may not be
> > interested in OSS mapping stuff to attend - bringing new blood and
> > pretty things. I need help to keep the conference true to the SotM
> > format.
> >
> > Remote participation:
> > For accessibility, but also for the increasing concern about
> > (long-haul) flights and climate change, I would like a greater
> > emphasis on remote participation. Ideally, an avatar in a virtual
> > world :) Like, SimCity for OSM! (not that far fetched, but probably a
> > lot of work) Ideas needed on how to improve accessibility here.
> >
> > Location:
> > My current favourite is the University of Cape Town Rondebosch campus,
> > as I know how things work there and we have a staff member on the team
> > (DebConf16 was held there). I still need a letter of support from a
> > relevant department/faculty to give us a venue discount. Does this
> > suit people in terms of access, transport, whatever? Other ideas? If
> > anyone wants to help with catering or venue quotes, also get in touch
> > please. Feel free to add known costs to the wiki as an indication to
> > the bid committee, see Heidelberg (this year's SotM) bid as example:
> >
> >
> > regards
> > B
> >
> >> On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 2:06 PM Edson Nicolai via Talk-ZA
> >>  wrote:
> >>
> >> Hi Bernelle,
> >>
> >> I’m based in Luanda, and couldn’t attend previous conferences, but looking 
> >> at the possible dates on the page, I might attend this one.
> >>
> >> Let me know what info you might need from me and how I can help at all.
> >>
> >>
> >> Ed Nicolai
> >>
> >> Music Video/TV Ad Director - Motion Graphics
> >>
> >> Namibia: +264 81 43 31 374
> >> Angola: +244 945 75 23 11
> >> Zambia: +260 967617783
> >>
> >> - [for emergencies only]
> >>
>  On 28 Aug 2019, at 12:59 PM, Bernelle Verster  
>  wrote:
> >>>
> >>> Hi
> >>>
> >>> I submitted a bid to host the 2020 State of the Map conference in Cape
> >>> Town, South Africa [1].
> >>>
> >>> The deadline for this bid is Saturday 31 August 2019. At the moment we
> >>> have a very small team, and no interest from the OSM community in
> >>> South Africa. I am willing to lead the bid but will have to withdraw
> >>> if there is not sufficient interest to help organise it.
> >>>
> >>> Please add your names and give indications of suitable
> >>> venues/locations and catering options if you have opinions on this.
> >>>
> >>> regards
> >>> Bernelle (indiebio)
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
>  On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 10:47 AM Bernelle Verster  
>  wrote:
>  Hi
>  There is now a bid for Cape Town. I don't have a team yet, so this
>  group posting is to call any interested peoples to add their name and
>  share ideas for what they'd like to see.
>  You can find me through email or IRC (indiebio).
>  regards
>  Bernelle
> > On Mon, Jul 29, 2019 at 6:56 AM Enock Seth Nyamador 
> >  wrote:
> >
> > FYI
> >
> > -- Forwarded message -
> > De : Christine Karch 
> > Date: mar. 18 juin 2019 à 23:59
> > Subject: [Osmf-talk] SotM 2020
> > 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae
Je suis désolé, Christian. J'ai confondu votre nom (pas Richard).

Toutes mes excuses.

Sent from:

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae

[Traduction automatique]

Merci, Richard. 

La suppression du préfixe "ProjetWiki" ne change pas le contenu des pages.
Les premières lignes des pages seront les mêmes que maintenant. Vous pouvez
les éditer et les modifier si vous le souhaitez. Je n'ai aucune préférence à
ce sujet. Je voudrais juste aider à supprimer le préfixe "ProjetWiki" dans
les noms de pages. Je ne changerai pas le contenu. Tout restera comme avant.

[En anglais]

Thank you, Richard.

Removing the prefix "WikiProject" does not change the content of the pages.
The first lines of the pages will be the same as now. You can edit and
modify them if you wish. I have no preference on this subject. I would just
like to help remove the prefix "WikiProject" in the page names. I will not
change the content. Everything will remain the same.

Sent from:

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread Christian Rogel

> Le 29 août 2019 à 10:17, marc marc  a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Le 28.08.19 à 19:30, dcapillae a écrit :
>> Je ne parle pas français. Pardonnez-moi si je vous écris en anglais.
> FR: La discussion en anglais serrait mieux sur la liste talk au lieu 
> d'une liste francophone. j'ai traduit les phrases importantes du message 
> d'origine. je répond dans un message séparé pour éviter qu'on confonde 
> ma traduction et ma réponse.
> EN: The discussion in English would be better on the list talk instead 
> of a french-speaking list. I also translated the important sentences of 
> the original message. I answer in a separate message to avoid confusion 
> between my translation and my answer.

On pourrait croire qu'on refuse toute contribution dans une autre langue autre 
que le français sur cette liste.

C’est important de rester ponctuellement accessible à des non-francophones, 
pourvu que ce soit ponctuel et informatif.
Ce qui est nécessaire est d’éviter que cela devienne un fil dans une langue non 
comprise par tous, quoique ce soit arrivé une ou deux fois,
sans doute par égard pour la qualité de l’interlocuteur, un membre de la 
Fondation, Paul Norman, il me semble.

Il faut faire ce que tu as fait : traduire l’essentiel du message et, 
éventuellement, résumer le débat sur la liste anglophone.

Réponse à la question posée : bonne idée, à condition que les premières lignes 
de la page indique qu’il s’agit d’une tâche à laquelle des
volontaires son appelés.

Christian R.
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Hauke Stieler
Hallo Hartmut,

> da muss man unterscheiden ob das ein gemeinsamer Knoten ist, mit
>   amenity=fuel
>   shop=yes
> oder ob neben dem Tankstellen-Node, oder innerhalb des Tankstellen-
> Gebäudes, noch ein zusätzlicher shop-Knoten angelegt ist.

ich stehe da gerade auf dem Schlauch, verstehe ich das richtig?

Situation A "shop" und "fuel" an einem Knoten/Polygon. Situation B
"fuel" auf Knoten/Fläche und "shop" auf Knoten/Fläche daneben.

Bei Situation A kann man meines Erachtens schauen, was da ist und ob man
das genauer hin bekommt (wie du geschrieben hast, wenn es z.B. eine
eigene Marke ist). Wäre aber ja auch nicht *falsch*, wenn es nicht
gemacht wird, nur *ggf.* ungenau.

Bei Situation B hat ja schon jemand "fuel" und "shop" getrennt, aber
auch da kann man dann schauen, ob man den "shop" Knoten genauer mappt.

Jetzt mein Schlauch auf dem ich stehe:
In wie fern muss man da groß unterscheiden? In B hat jemand schon
getrennt und in A kann man es ggf. noch tun. Oder würde man *zusätzlich*
zu einem separaten shop-Knoten an der Tankstelle trotzdem "shop=yes"
setzen? (was ich doppelt-gemoppelt finde und nach meinem Verständnis
auch nicht so im wiki beschrieben ist)

> Ein shop=convenience würde ich da persönölich erst zusätzlich anlegen
> wenn das auch als andere Marke beworben wird, auch wenn es nur einen
> gemeinsamen Kassierer gibt, also zB. aktuell bei den Kooperationen
> von Aral und ReweToGo ...
Ich glaube da kann man sich streiten. Ich mache es vom Angebot abhängig.
Bei einem "Rewe to go", Spar oder Ähnlichem, ist es für mich aber auch
klar "convenience".


P.S.: Habe die Karte angepasst, jetzt gibt es verschiedene Layer nach
Punkt/Fläche/Relation und Tankstelle/nicht-Tankstelle.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Hauke Stieler
Hallo Michael,

> Der Tagging-View des OSM Inspectors zeigt bislang im Layer
> "Name/description without important tag" Nodes und Ways an, die name=*,
> description=*, website=*, comment=*, url=* oder contact:website=* (inkl.
> Subtags für andere Sprachen), aber kein wichtiges "Feature-Tag" wie
> shop=*, amenity=* usw. haben. shop=yes habe ich bislang als Feature-Tag
> behandelt. Ab dem nächsten Datenupdate (irgendwann heute Nacht oder
> morgen früh) sind in dem Layer auch Objekte mit shop=yes zu sehen,
> sofern sie nicht andere wichtige Tags (z.B. amenity=fuel) haben.

Das klingt gut, dann kann es da natürlich auch nachschauen :)


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Hauke Stieler
Hallo Volker,

dein Einwand war richtig, es geht wohl nur um Punkte (sofern ich die
Änderungen am CartoCSS richtig interpretiere). Habe die Karte
aktualisiert und unterscheide jetzt zwischen Punkten, Flächen und
Relationen und auch nochmal zwischen Tankstelle/keine Tankstelle.

Die Idee, die ich hatte war es nicht *falsche* Tags zu beheben, sondern
einfach *ungenaue*, weil ich es schade finde, dass Geschäfte auf Grund
ungenauer Tags für nicht-Techies unsichtbar werden. Wie man das genauer
machen kann/soll muss man dann natürlich vor Ort sehen und entsprechend
des Wikis anpassen.


On 29.08.19 10:20, Volker Schmidt wrote:
> Die Stil-Aenderung auf der OSM-Karte betrifft ausschliesslich Punkte, die
> *nur* mit shop=yes eingetragen sind:
> "Openstreetmap-carto, the map style used in the "Standard" layer on
>, will stop rendering features tagged with only
> "shop=yes" next release (probably next month)"
> Somit ist diese neue Karte nicht besonders nuetzlich, da sie eine Unmenge
> von falschen Alarmen enthaelt.
> Volker
> On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 09:56, Harald Hartmann 
> wrote:
>> Wäre das nicht auch was für einen Maproulette Task?
>> Luxemburg hat schon mal einen drin:
>> ___
>> Talk-de mailing list
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Am Mittwoch, 28. August 2019, 23:03:35 CEST schrieb Hauke Stieler:
> Moin,
> da ja ab jetzt Orte mit "shop=yes" im Carto-Style nicht mehr gerendert
> werden, habe ich mir mal angeschaut welche das sind und eine Karte für
> Deutschland erstellt.
> Ich glaube die meisten kann man durchaus genauer mappen als mit
> "shop=yes". Wäre ja schade, wenn man Geschäfte auf Grund schwammiger
> Tags nicht mehr sieht.
> Grüße
> Hauke

In "meinem" engeren Bereich sind sind das drei nodes, Überarbeitung durchaus 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Historic 66 as highway=trunk in OK

2019-08-29 Thread Bradley White
> Also language introduced by NE2 when he changed the wiki to justify his own 
> national mass edit on the US highways.

If all this language was added unilaterally by NE2, can we find the
specific wiki edits that they made and roll them back? I'm on the same
page with Steve that describing how tagging currently *is* used and
debating over how tagging might be better used, should be kept

> Feels like conflating expressways and primaries.

Certainly, relative to current tag usage, which is why I'm debating
current tag usage. If 'highway' is supposed to, fundamentally, denote
importance (Proposed_features/Highway_key_voting_importance), it seems
to me that there's a big difference in importance between a highway
that connects population centers of ca. 10,000+ (current primary usage
as described in United_States_roads_tagging), and a highway connecting
population centers of ca. 100,000+ (Vegas to Boise, Reno to Redding,
etc), regardless of the physical condition of the road. Conversely, it
seems strange to use such a tag as high in the hierarchy as 'trunk'
for a fairly minor state highway that is otherwise 'secondary', simply
because the highway turns divided. I can sympathize with many mappers,
especially newer ones, not understanding what to do with 'trunk'. It
is probable that this 'strangeness' is due to rendering choices in
osm-carto, but it's been made clear that country-specific rendering is
logistically near-impossible and won't be happening. I've thought
about putting together a US-specific style that uses highway ref as a
factor in rendering, so that highways that are properly tagged per OSM
standards show up as one might "expect" them to on a US map. But I
certainly can't afford to host a tile server right now.

I'd be much more on-board with the 'trunk' = 'expressway' thing (been
halfway there for a bit) if the following happened:
- Removal of "important highway where no motorway exists" or
equivalent verbiage from wiki tagging guidelines. If this was added
unilaterally by one editor, it should be removed regardless.
- Rewriting 'trunk' section of US road tagging guidelines, with a
section on understanding the concept of access control, and including
multiple photographed examples of different kinds of expressways with
descriptions. I'd be happy to help contribute to this.
- Systematic review of 'primary' use in the US - if this is going to
mean 'nationally important road', there shouldn't be things like
nearly every state highway being tagged 'primary', or downtown areas
filled to the brim with 'primary' (Houston and LA as particularly
egregious examples), or 'primary' roads that almost exactly parallel
an interstate (the interstate is the primary road!). I have been
working on this in California for a while, but it usually quite
time-consuming - many roads have been inappropriately bumped up so
they cut through the TIGER mess, when in reality it's the TIGER mess
that needs to be cleaned up first.

> Feels like conflating expressways and primaries.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Historic 66 as highway=trunk in OK

2019-08-29 Thread Kevin Broderick
Vermont has at least two state highways that are partially or entirely
gravel, too.

On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 10:20 AM Wolfgang Zenker 

> * Paul Johnson  [190829 14:09]:
> > On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 6:40 AM Joseph Eisenberg <
> > wrote:
> >> That's probably not relevant for anywhere in the USA (even in Alaska
> >> the main highways between cities are paved... right?) but it's a
> >> reminder that we can certainly choose to do things in a way that makes
> >> sense for mapping the USA; we don't have to use the British or German
> >> standards.
> > The larger cities in southern Alaska.  Most are gravel, including a paper
> > interstate.  I think Alaska's the last state to still have gravel state
> > highways.
> Many (if not most) of Montanas "Secondary State Highways" are gravel.
> Wolfgang
> ( lyx @ OSM )
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Kevin Broderick
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am Do., 29. Aug. 2019 um 16:14 Uhr schrieb Hartmut Holzgraefe <>:

> Ein shop=convenience würde ich da persönölich erst zusätzlich anlegen
> wenn das auch als andere Marke beworben wird, auch wenn es nur einen
> gemeinsamen Kassierer gibt, also zB. aktuell bei den Kooperationen
> von Aral und ReweToGo ...

ich würde das eher auf die Größe (wie viele Sachen gibt es zu kaufen) als
auf die Marke beziehen, mit der geworben wird bzw. anders ausgedrückt kann
ein convenience Laden auch ohne Marke existieren. Z.T. gibt es da auch
richtige Supermärkte, wobei es dann eher Supermärkte mit Tankstelle sind
als Tankstellen mit Laden ;-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Historic 66 as highway=trunk in OK

2019-08-29 Thread Wolfgang Zenker
* Paul Johnson  [190829 14:09]:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 6:40 AM Joseph Eisenberg 
> wrote:

>> That's probably not relevant for anywhere in the USA (even in Alaska
>> the main highways between cities are paved... right?) but it's a
>> reminder that we can certainly choose to do things in a way that makes
>> sense for mapping the USA; we don't have to use the British or German
>> standards.

> The larger cities in southern Alaska.  Most are gravel, including a paper
> interstate.  I think Alaska's the last state to still have gravel state
> highways.

Many (if not most) of Montanas "Secondary State Highways" are gravel.

( lyx @ OSM )

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Hartmut Holzgraefe

On 28.08.19 23:52, Hauke Stieler wrote:


aber auch ein Geschäft an/in einer Tankstelle geht doch genauer als "ja,
da ist ein Geschäft" oder nicht? Manchmal ist ja ein halber Supermarkt
drin, manchmal aber auch nur ein kleiner Laden mit Snacks und Getränken.

Finde nicht, dass das ein false-positive ist, auch das Wiki verstehe ich
so, dass es durchaus genauer geht [0]. Und wenn man nichts genaueres
weiß/erkennen kann, dann ist das leider so, aber immerhin hat man es
versucht ;)

da muss man unterscheiden ob das ein gemeinsamer Knoten ist, mit


oder ob neben dem Tankstellen-Node, oder innerhalb des Tankstellen-
Gebäudes, noch ein zusätzlicher shop-Knoten angelegt ist.

Ein shop=yes an amenity=fuel bedeutet einfach nur: an der Tanstellen-
Kasse bekommt man auch andere Sachen als nur Benzin und vielleicht
noch Öl.

Ein shop=convenience würde ich da persönölich erst zusätzlich anlegen
wenn das auch als andere Marke beworben wird, auch wenn es nur einen
gemeinsamen Kassierer gibt, also zB. aktuell bei den Kooperationen
von Aral und ReweToGo ...

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] OSM pivo 3Q/2019

2019-08-29 Thread Jiri Vlasak
On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 02:25:37PM +0200, Milan Cerny wrote:
> Připomínám, ve středu je opět termín OSM piva.

Já věděl, že něco prošvihnu. Příští týden tu nejsem. Omlouvám se.


talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

2019-08-29 Thread François Lacombe
Le jeu. 29 août 2019 à 10:52, marc marc  a
écrit :

> si tu modifies le dataitem, rien ne met à jour la page wiki et les
> outils ont donc des informations différentes. pire même la page
> wiki peux afficher une info différente du dataitem.

Bonjour Marc,

Effectivement, lorsqu'un dataitem est mis à jour à la main, il faudrait
supprimer purement et simplement le champ correspondant de la page wiki
La template va normalement chercher automatiquement le contenu dans le
dataitem de sorte à ne pas avoir d'informations discordantes

Il reste que cette pratique risque de poser problème pour l'instant aux
outils qui ne vont chercher que dans les pages wiki et pas dans les

Dès que ce changement sera fait, on pourra commencer à vider les pages wiki
de ce contenu redondant.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-bo] Errores en instrucciones Tarea HOT OSM en Roboré

2019-08-29 Thread Noemi Nahomy

En el grupo de osm-latam lei que Miriam va  solicitar la correción
esperemos actualicen la tarea de HOT.


El mié., 28 ago. 2019 a las 23:04, Marco Antonio (<>) escribió:

> Hola,
> Alguien activó el mapeo en HOTOSM sobre el área residencial de Roboré,
> y leyendo las instrucciones menciona:
> * alinear todas los caminos a la nueva imagen satelital MAXAR que provee
> Es un error, en Bolivia las imagenes satelitales de MAXAR, ESRI tienen
> desplazamientos respecto a los datos y no al revés... en la zona
> andina se nota más estos desplazamientos, en la zona de los llanos es
> menor pero existe desplazamiento
> Ya existe ediciones que están realineando las calles, sugiero
> contactar y corregir esto en las instrucciones que mencione que se
> ajuste el desplazamiento previa edición. La imagen Bing en toda
> bolivia no tiene desplazamientos
> Abrazos,
> Marco Antonio
> ___
> Talk-bo mailing list
Talk-bo mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] hebdoOSM Nº 474 2019-08-13-2019-08-19

2019-08-29 Thread theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 474 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

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Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-ca] hebdoOSM Nº 474 2019-08-13-2019-08-19

2019-08-29 Thread theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 474 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

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Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-africa] hebdoOSM Nº 474 2019-08-13-2019-08-19

2019-08-29 Thread theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 474 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

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Talk-africa mailing list

[Talk-ht] hebdoOSM Nº 474 2019-08-13-2019-08-19

2019-08-29 Thread theweekly . osm

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 474 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître 
*en français*. Un condensé à retrouver sur :

Bonne lecture !

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hebdomadaire sans être membre ? Il vous suffit de vous connecter sur avec votre compte OSM. Pour en savoir plus 
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Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate ( pour 
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[talk-cz] OSM pivo 3Q/2019

2019-08-29 Thread Milan Cerny
Připomínám, ve středu je opět termín OSM piva.


talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Historic 66 as highway=trunk in OK

2019-08-29 Thread Kevin Kenny
On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 8:11 AM Paul Johnson  wrote:
> The larger cities in southern Alaska.  Most are gravel, including a paper 
> interstate.  I think Alaska's the last state to still have gravel state 
> highways.

Not just southern Alaska. It's kind of hard to pave over permafrost,
so there's a lot of gravel Up North as well.  Used to be that most of
the AlCan Highway was gravel.
73 de ke9tv/2, Kevin

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Historic 66 as highway=trunk in OK

2019-08-29 Thread Paul Johnson
On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 6:40 AM Joseph Eisenberg 

> That's probably not relevant for anywhere in the USA (even in Alaska
> the main highways between cities are paved... right?) but it's a
> reminder that we can certainly choose to do things in a way that makes
> sense for mapping the USA; we don't have to use the British or German
> standards.

The larger cities in southern Alaska.  Most are gravel, including a paper
interstate.  I think Alaska's the last state to still have gravel state
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Historic 66 as highway=trunk in OK

2019-08-29 Thread Paul Johnson
On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 11:41 PM Bradley White 

> > For example, US Hwy 101 is the main route connecting the cities (e.g.
> > Eureka) and towns along the coast of northern California. Right now
> > only some segments are tagged as highway=trunk. I would like to
> > upgrade all of it to highway=trunk, up to Hwy 199, where most traffic
> > leaves 101 and heads to I-5, at Crescent City.
> I did this a year or two ago, then changed it back following the
> previous time this discussion came up last year. Someone else has
> recently changed it back to trunk in its entirety as you describe (as
> well as US 395, CA 70); I explained in a changeset comment that the
> "major intercity highway where no motorway exists" definition (per
> Highway:International_equivalence) is contentious and not commonly
> used, but that I have no plans on reverting their changes.

Also language introduced by NE2 when he changed the wiki to justify his own
national mass edit on the US highways.

> Caltrans doesn't appear to have "divided" as a requirement for an
> expressway build, or even necessarily a freeway (See:(California)
> State Highway Map 2005; David Rumsey Map Collection) - these terms are
> used to describe the level of access control on a given highway. US
> 101 through Redwood Ntl Park is signed with "Freeway Entrance" and is
> fully access controlled, but is an undivided 4-lane road. Many 2-lane,
> undivided roads are considered expressways in California, for example:


- Vasco Road connecting Antioch & Livermore
> - Portions of CA 4 west of Angels Camp
> - CA 108 east of Sonora (fully access controlled 2-lane road)
> Once you know what to look for - reduced access to adjacent
> properties, smoothed road geometry (esp. when bypassing old highways),
> hard shoulders, usually 65 mph - they aren't too hard to differentiate
> from conventional 2-lane highways with no access control. Where these
> are obvious I generally tag them as trunk roads as opposed to primary.
> Specifically in the case of CA 108, I reject that a fully access
> controlled two-lane road is anything less than a trunk, if we have
> decided to use 'trunk' to mean 'expressway'. California doesn't use
> AASHTO definitions so I won't either.

I think that generally fits what would be tagged as a trunk as well (fully
access controlled but single carriageway and AASHTO's definition).

> Reno, NV has a couple urban arteries that straddle the divide between
> trunk and primary (specifically: McCarran Blvd/NV 659, Pyramid Hwy/NV
> 445 north of McCarran, Veterans Pkwy, foothills portion of Mt. Rose
> Hwy/NV 431). These roads carry traffic at speeds higher than other
> nearby arteries (45-55 mph as opposed to 40 mph). They are built to
> the highest level of access control specified by Washoe RTC -
> generally no direct access to properties, except for retail/commercial
> areas (where access is quite frequent), or rural areas where no other
> roads provide access to properties. They range from undivided w/
> center turn lane to divided with concrete jersey barriers & headlight
> blinders (similar to a freeway). The majority of these roadways have
> bike lanes, and many have sidewalks. They are quite similar to San
> Jose's expressway system, except for a lack of grade-separated
> interchanges. Are these primary, or trunk? I don't really know. They
> currently sit at an awkward mix of trunk and primary depending on how
> definitively myself and others think they are "expressways" or not.

I'd probably consider those as expressways.

> I don't deny that "divided highway with partial control of access" is
> a rigorous definition, with which it is certainly possible to tag
> unambiguously with. I just question whether it is a good choice in the
> US to use 'trunk' to mean 'expressway' in the same way that 'motorway'
> means 'freeway', when the US has a formal freeway system, but lacks a
> formal expressway system. Most other countries that also lack a formal
> expressway system do not use the trunk/expressway definition (UK,
> Canada, etc). In my area, sticking strictly to "divided highway with
> partial control of access" means very few highways at all will see
> 'trunk' tagging. Certainly, this reflects what's on the ground here if
> we use this definition - but why use a definition that either has to
> be used ambiguously or seldom at all?
> I support orthogonalizing expressways & trunk by using
> 'expressway=yes/no' for access control (maybe
> access_control=full/partial/no?), 'highway=trunk' to mean non-freeway
> road with national-level importance, and using 'oneway' to denote
> whether a highway is divided or not. Then let rendering decide how to
> draw the road from there. Want to see formal expressways drawn
> separately? 'Expressway=yes' & 'oneway=yes'. Want a more general view
> of the most important US highways? 'Highway=trunk'.

Feels like conflating expressways and primaries.

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae

[Traduction automatique]

Toutes les pages relatives au projet cartographique de la France avec le
préfixe "WikiProject" peuvent être vues dans ces deux liens:


[En anglais]

All the pages related to the France mapping project including prefix
"WikiProject" can be seen in these two links:


Sent from:

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae

[Traduction automatique]

J'attends habituellement quelques jours avant d'apporter des changements.
Parfois trois ou quatre jours, parfois une semaine. Je veux connaître
l'opinion de la communauté locale avant de changer quoi que ce soit. J'ai
posé la question dans plusieurs collectivités et elles ont toutes pensé que
c'était une bonne idée.

[En anglais]

I usually wait a few days before making any changes. Sometimes three or four
days, sometimes a week. I want to know the opinions of the local community
before I change anything. I have asked in several communities and they all
thought it was a good idea.

Sent from:

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread dcapillae

[Traduction automatique]

Super, Marc! Merci beaucoup pour la traduction. 

Sent from:

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk] Please join the session on FOSS4G EO Data Challenge 2019 results on 30th August 2019

2019-08-29 Thread Suchith Anand via talk
 Some of the presentations from yesterday’s sessions at FOSS4G 2019 are already 
available at

You can watch the live presentations of the plenary and various parallel 
sessions at the links provided 

I welcome you to tommorow’s (30th August 2019) session at 11am (Bucharest time) 
inOpereta conference room on the results ofFOSS4G EO Data Challenge 2019   

I want to thank all the organisations who supported this competition, the 
mentors and participants. 

Please also attend the GEO session on 30th August 2019 (Friday ) at 9:00 am 
(Bucharest time).  It is a great opportunity to learn more about the  Group on 
Earth Observations, theGEO Work Programme and explore potential avenues for 
collaboration. There will be presentation on (G)EO hackathon  engaging 
indigenous communities byDiana Mastracci (University of Oxford, UK) and also 
sharing ideas for the session on EO and the World's Indigenous Peoples at 
GEOWeek 2019 [1].

We look forward to welcoming you and your contributions for bridging the 
Geospatial Digital Divide [2].

Best wishes,




talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] maxspeed and speeds in car.lua HELP

2019-08-29 Thread Silvia Oviedo
Thank you for your answer.

I have been changing the speeds in the car.lua profile and routing between
different points with different distances. I have found that, for longer
routes if I reduce all the speeds of the profile, there is a noticeable
difference in the travel times, but it is not the same for shorter
distances. From reading the code, I don't understand this behaviour, can
someone point out possible causes?

Longer Route:

Medium Route:

Small Route:

*Longer Route * *distance (Km)* *time (min)*
at original speed 59.6 60
at 2/3*speed 58.4-60.5 66-73.4
at 1/2*speed 58.4-60.7 71.4-78.8
at 1/3*speed 58.6-58.4 78-79
*Medium Route* *distance (Km)* *time (min)*
at original speed 11.6-12.4 15.6
at 2/3*speed 11.6-12.4 16-19
at 1/2*speed 11.6-12.4 16.3-20
at 1/3*speed 11.6-12.4 17-20
*Small Route* *distance (Km)* *time (min)*
at original speed 0.338-0.387 50.3-64.9
at 2/3*speed 0.338-0.387 50.3-64.9
at 1/2*speed 0.338-0.387 50.3-64.9
at 1/3*speed 0.338-0.387 50.3-64.9

Thank you.

El vie., 23 ago. 2019 a las 1:32, Florian Lohoff () escribió:

> On Fri, Aug 16, 2019 at 02:15:07PM +0200, Silvia Oviedo wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I would like to have your input regarding this:
> >
> > In OSM there is tag: maxspeed. In my case, I find that the majority of
> the
> > primary roads have 30mph ~ 48 kph as a max speed. In the car.lua, I find
> > that the highway speed that has been set primary is 65 kph. Is the speed
> in
> > the OSM tag taken into consideration? I understand that the speed table
> is
> > accessed by WayHandlers.speed() function but I am not sure what's the
> > effect of WayHandlers.maxspeed().
> Hi,
> maxspeed, width, oneway, lanes and surface tags are used to determine the
> weight/cost/estimated speed to travel segment - A lanes=1 without
> any oneway will typically assume its typically speed is something like
> halve of the maxspeed. But the whole issue is more complex as lanes
> and maxspeed may carry :forward/:backward suffixes etc.
> So the car.lua with the help of lib/maxspeed.lua and others do that
> estimation. If there is no maxspeed osrm has some assumptions for
> road classes.
> Flo
> --
> Florian Lohoff
> UTF-8 Test: The  ran after a , but the  ran away
> ___
> OSRM-talk mailing list

Silvia Oviedo Castillo
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Michael Reichert
Hallo Hauke,

Am 28/08/2019 um 23.03 schrieb Hauke Stieler:
> da ja ab jetzt Orte mit "shop=yes" im Carto-Style nicht mehr gerendert
> werden, habe ich mir mal angeschaut welche das sind und eine Karte für
> Deutschland erstellt.
> Ich glaube die meisten kann man durchaus genauer mappen als mit
> "shop=yes". Wäre ja schade, wenn man Geschäfte auf Grund schwammiger
> Tags nicht mehr sieht.

Der Tagging-View des OSM Inspectors zeigt bislang im Layer
"Name/description without important tag" Nodes und Ways an, die name=*,
description=*, website=*, comment=*, url=* oder contact:website=* (inkl.
Subtags für andere Sprachen), aber kein wichtiges "Feature-Tag" wie
shop=*, amenity=* usw. haben. shop=yes habe ich bislang als Feature-Tag
behandelt. Ab dem nächsten Datenupdate (irgendwann heute Nacht oder
morgen früh) sind in dem Layer auch Objekte mit shop=yes zu sehen,
sofern sie nicht andere wichtige Tags (z.B. amenity=fuel) haben.,no_feature_tag_ways

Viele Grüße

Michael Reichert

Michael Reichert
Geofabrik GmbHHandelsregister: HRB Mannheim 703657
Amalienstr. 44Geschaeftsfuehrung: C. Karch, F. Ramm
76133 Karlsruhe   Tel: 0721-1803560-0 Fax: 0721-1803560-9

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread deuzeffe

En laissant un délai de réaction, non ?

Le 29/08/2019 à 10:47, a écrit :
Je crois qu'on peut faire plus simple en constatant que personne ne s'y 


Le 29/08/2019 à 10:32, Baptiste Lemoine - Cipher Bliss - a écrit :

ça me semble une bonne idée d'alléger la lecture ainsi.
on fait un framadate de vote ? comment on décide ?

Baptiste LEMOINE - Cipher Bliss   N° SIRET: 79942416300027

Tel 0185461173  / Signal 0627130837

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
Le jeudi 29 août 2019 10:20, marc marc  a écrit :

Le 28.08.19 à 19:30, dcapillae a écrit :

Do you like the idea?

FR: le wiki serrait plus lisible sans ce préfixe inutile.
si vous avez envie de le faire, cela me convient. mais cela
doit être fait pour toutes les pages, y compris celle des villes,
départements, régions.

EN: the wiki would be more readable without this unnecessary prefix.
if you want to do it, that's fine with me. but this must be done
for all pages, including that of cities, departments, regions.

Cordialement, Regards,

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Canoeing infrastructure/river features

2019-08-29 Thread Jez Nicholson
By 'collect some relevant info' I mean 'document your findings from asking
questions on Talk lists and poking round the wiki'. Before constructing any
grand new project pages, I would add a section to a relevant UK page. This
_could_ spin off into a new page later, or it might provoke the response
of, "but this is documented here on  page", or people might join in.
Either way, everyone wins.

A search on and throws up some
pages. The caught my
eye as I didn't know that canoe routes were signed/plotted.

My best experience with the wiki comes from writing
By writing up the situation in the UK and working-in-the-open on a personal
project to locate wind farms, I have found other people who were also
interested, and it has led (partially) to the solar quarterly project.

The OSMWiki is organised in places, chaotic in other places, and
frustrating in many.but it is *ours*. I appeal to all UK Mappers to
make it a good place to be.

On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 9:48 AM Jez Nicholson 

> Interesting. There must be some waterways fans around here somewhere. I
> can see some pages like
> which
> focus on one aspect of canoeing, and some countries appear to have marked
> routes.
> As a UK Mapper you could add to
> and collect
> some info relevant to UK canoeists.
> - Jez
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 5:00 AM Edward Bainton 
> wrote:
>> Hello all
>> I've started to map some features useful (I hope) to canoeists such as
>> myself.
>> Eg, (Irthlingborough
>> Lock)
>> Eg, (bottom right)
>> However, there seems to be quite a lack of objects on the wiki that are
>> suitable. (Full disclosure: I'm an occasional, rather inexpert mapper.)
>> Is this the place to discuss?
>> Edward
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Traductions de page wiki OSM en français

2019-08-29 Thread marc marc
Le 29.08.19 à 00:58, François Lacombe a écrit :
> les traductions des infosbox en tête de page peuvent être directement 
> faites dans les DataItems correspondants

c'est une bonne idée à moyen terme, mais pour l'instant modifier le 
dataitem est à mes yeux une fausse bonne idée, pourquoi ?
actuellement, si tu modifies la page wiki, yurkibot met à jour le 
dataitem. les 2 données sont donc synchronisée et les outils (par ex 
iD<>taginfo) ont donc la même information.
si tu modifies le dataitem, rien ne met à jour la page wiki et les 
outils ont donc des informations différentes. pire même la page
wiki peux afficher une info différente du dataitem.
la compréhension de l'historique des modifs est aussi difficile 
(puisqu'il faut fusionner l'historique de la page wiki+du dataitem)

c'est donc une idée très prometteuse... mais pour le moment
mature que dans le sens wiki->dataitem
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Je crois qu'on peut faire plus simple en constatant que personne ne s'y


Le 29/08/2019 à 10:32, Baptiste Lemoine - Cipher Bliss - a écrit :

ça me semble une bonne idée d'alléger la lecture ainsi.
on fait un framadate de vote ? comment on décide ?

Baptiste LEMOINE - Cipher Bliss  N° SIRET: 79942416300027

Tel 0185461173  / Signal 0627130837

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
Le jeudi 29 août 2019 10:20, marc marc  a écrit :

Le 28.08.19 à 19:30, dcapillae a écrit :

Do you like the idea?

FR: le wiki serrait plus lisible sans ce préfixe inutile.
si vous avez envie de le faire, cela me convient. mais cela
doit être fait pour toutes les pages, y compris celle des villes,
départements, régions.

EN: the wiki would be more readable without this unnecessary prefix.
if you want to do it, that's fine with me. but this must be done
for all pages, including that of cities, departments, regions.

Cordialement, Regards,

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Cancellazione oggetti

2019-08-29 Thread Andrea Musuruane
puoi ripristinare un oggetto con JOSM: File -> Ripristina Oggetto

Poi inserisci l'ID dell'oggetto:

Attento che la sagoma del duomo non è corretta. C'è un problema di
intersezione nell'angolo in basso a sx. Inoltre, vedo dalla history che per
un po' è stato taggato come building=cathedral e poi è stato cambiato in
building=church. building=cathedral è assolutamente corretto essendo quella
la sede vescovile.

Se invece vuoi ripristinare un intero changeset, puoi provare a usare il
Revert plugin. Però temo sia passato troppo tempo perché sia efficace.



On Thu, Aug 29, 2019 at 9:57 AM Lorenzo Pesci  wrote:

> Ho notato che l'utente MonkeyDLuffy
> ha cancellato parecchi oggetti e glielo ho segnalato
> Qualcuno sa recuperarli ?
> (a partire dal Duomo di Fermo)
> Grazie Lorenzo
> Con OpenStar hai Giga, SMS e i minuti che vuoi da 4,99€ al mese, per
> sempre. Cambi gratis quando e come vuoi e in più hai 6 mesi di INFINTY!
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread Baptiste Lemoine - Cipher Bliss
ça me semble une bonne idée d'alléger la lecture ainsi.
on fait un framadate de vote ? comment on décide ?

Baptiste LEMOINE - Cipher Bliss  N° SIRET: 79942416300027

Tel 0185461173  / Signal 0627130837

Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
Le jeudi 29 août 2019 10:20, marc marc  a écrit :

> Le 28.08.19 à 19:30, dcapillae a écrit :

> > Do you like the idea?

> FR: le wiki serrait plus lisible sans ce préfixe inutile.
> si vous avez envie de le faire, cela me convient. mais cela
> doit être fait pour toutes les pages, y compris celle des villes,
> départements, régions.

> EN: the wiki would be more readable without this unnecessary prefix.
> if you want to do it, that's fine with me. but this must be done
> for all pages, including that of cities, departments, regions.

> Cordialement, Regards,
> Marc

> Talk-fr mailing list

publickey - - 0x548ACF17.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Volker Schmidt
Die Stil-Aenderung auf der OSM-Karte betrifft ausschliesslich Punkte, die
*nur* mit shop=yes eingetragen sind:

"Openstreetmap-carto, the map style used in the "Standard" layer on, will stop rendering features tagged with only
"shop=yes" next release (probably next month)"

Somit ist diese neue Karte nicht besonders nuetzlich, da sie eine Unmenge
von falschen Alarmen enthaelt.


On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 09:56, Harald Hartmann 

> Wäre das nicht auch was für einen Maproulette Task?
> Luxemburg hat schon mal einen drin:
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread marc marc
Le 28.08.19 à 19:30, dcapillae a écrit :
> Do you like the idea?

FR: le wiki serrait plus lisible sans ce préfixe inutile.
si vous avez envie de le faire, cela me convient. mais cela
doit être fait pour toutes les pages, y compris celle des villes, 
départements, régions.

EN: the wiki would be more readable without this unnecessary prefix.
if you want to do it, that's fine with me. but this must be done
for all pages, including that of cities, departments, regions.

Cordialement, Regards,
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Removing "WikiProject" prefix

2019-08-29 Thread marc marc

Le 28.08.19 à 19:30, dcapillae a écrit :
> Je ne parle pas français. Pardonnez-moi si je vous écris en anglais.

FR: La discussion en anglais serrait mieux sur la liste talk au lieu 
d'une liste francophone. j'ai traduit les phrases importantes du message 
d'origine. je répond dans un message séparé pour éviter qu'on confonde 
ma traduction et ma réponse.

EN: The discussion in English would be better on the list talk instead 
of a french-speaking list. I also translated the important sentences of 
the original message. I answer in a separate message to avoid confusion 
between my translation and my answer.

dénut de la traduction du message de Daniel :
> remove the "Wikiproject" prefix according

Daniel souhaite renommer les pages pour supprimer "Wikiproject"

> The name of the pages related to the France mapping project would be 
> "France" (name of place) instead of "Wikiproject France"

Le nom des pages relatives au projet de cartographie de la France
serait "France" (nom du lieu) au lieu de "Wikiproject France".

> I have already made in 
> United States [2], Canada [3], Spain [4], Australia [5], New Zealand 
> [6], South Africa [7], and all Spanish-speaking countries [8] on the 
> Wiki. The pages of Israel, Denmark, Norway, United Kingdom, Italy, 
> Germany, India, Russia and Philippines have also been renamed.

Daniel l'a déjà fait pour les pays cités ci dessus.

> All pages with "WikiProject" prefix will be redirected automatically. 

Les pages auront un lien de redirection automatique.

> Do you like the idea?

Aimez vous l'idée ?
Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Cancellazione oggetti

2019-08-29 Thread Lorenzo Pesci

Ho notato che l'utente MonkeyDLuffy
ha cancellato parecchi oggetti e glielo ho segnalato

Qualcuno sa recuperarli ?
(a partire dal Duomo di Fermo)

Grazie Lorenzo

Con OpenStar hai Giga, SMS e i minuti che vuoi da 4,99€ al mese, per 
sempre. Cambi gratis quando e come vuoi e in più hai 6 mesi di INFINTY!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Karte mit shop=yes Orten

2019-08-29 Thread Harald Hartmann
Wäre das nicht auch was für einen Maproulette Task?
Luxemburg hat schon mal einen drin:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Redningsskilte?

2019-08-29 Thread osm
Der er ni opdateringer i 2019. Overkommelig opgave.

Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2019 at 8:54 AM
From: "Peter Leth" 
To: "OpenStreetMap Denmark" 
Subject: Re: [Talk-dk] Redningsskilte?

Kunne kravet om opdatering ikke imødekommes med en aftale om at kommer på denne mailliste - så kan de fortælle at der er sket 
noget - og vi kan reagere på det. Så kan der ikke være mange skilte, der 
smutter rundt i landskabet
/ Peter Leth 

Den tor. 29. aug. 2019 kl. 06.46 skrev Jørgen Elgaard Larsen]>:
På[] kan man se et kort med de 
redningsnumre, der mangler/er for meget i OSM.

Jeg prøvede at lave en import (se,[,]
 men endte med at reverte den på grund af fejl/dubletter.

Fejlene burde være rettet nu, så det vil være trivielt at lave en ny import. 
Men det efterlader stadig kravet om opdatering...


Den 29. august 2019 03.25.02 GMT+07:00, Niels Elgaard Larsen]> skrev:
Ja, det var da en god ide.

Ved brug af data fra accepterer du at opdatere data
jævnligt og dermed holde de data du viser omverdenen ajour.

Hvad betyder det for os?
Betyder det at den person, der begynder at importere data til OSM lover
at blive med at gøre det?

Og hvad hvis personen ikke gør det?
OSM kan ikke være forpligtiget til at slette det hele igen.

I øvrigt et fjollet krav. For de finder vel ikke på at flytte samme
nummer fra een strand til en anden. Og der er ikke noget der forhindrer
os I at putte en håndfuld redningsnumre i OSM baseret på fx Mapillary.  

Seneste opdateringsdato eller udtræksdato skal angives i brugerflade,
hvis datasættet trækkes hjem i eget it-system og anvendes eksempelvis
til at lave offline løsninger.

Vi eller OSM kan ikke forpligte brugerfladesystemer til den slags.
Men man kan vel sige at selvom selvom redningsnumre kommer i OSM laver
vi ikke en decideret offline løsning. Og der vil altid være en
opdateringsdato i OSM.

Men man kunne jo forestille sig at nogen fx lavede en app, der brugte
redningsnumre fra hele verden baseret på OSM og ikke mente de skulle
vise opdateringsdatoer i brugerfladen eller ikke kendte[]'s regler.

Jeg spiller bare djævelens advokat her. Jeg synes at det er en god ide.
Men måske skulle vi for en sikkerheds skyld spørge dem om det ville være
et problem.

Anders Hedelund:
Er der nogen, der har overvejet at inkludere redningsskilte i OSM?

Det er de grønne, nummerede skilte, der står på strandene langs vore

Under "download" står der vilkår for anvendelsen, samt div. filer klar
til brug.

Billedresultat for redningsnumre

Med venlig Hilsen Anders Hedelund -[] +45 
3990 5335 Mob: +45 6150 5335 TR: +90 531 831 0220
Et liv efter overlevelsen:[]


Talk-dk mailing list[]
Dette er sendt fra min mobiltelefon. Undskyld at jeg fatter mig i 
Talk-dk mailing list[] 

Med venlig hilsen 
Peter Leth[][]
T. 5152 2387
Skype. peter.leth1
 ___ Talk-dk mailing list[]

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Redningsskilte?

2019-08-29 Thread Peter Leth
Kunne kravet om opdatering ikke imødekommes med en aftale om at kommer på denne mailliste - så kan de fortælle at der er
sket noget - og vi kan reagere på det. Så kan der ikke være mange skilte,
der smutter rundt i landskabet

/ Peter Leth

Den tor. 29. aug. 2019 kl. 06.46 skrev Jørgen Elgaard Larsen <>:

> På kan man se et kort med de redningsnumre, der
> mangler/er for meget i OSM.
> Jeg prøvede at lave en import (se
>, men endte med at
> reverte den på grund af fejl/dubletter.
> Fejlene burde være rettet nu, så det vil være trivielt at lave en ny
> import. Men det efterlader stadig kravet om opdatering...
> Jørgen
> Den 29. august 2019 03.25.02 GMT+07:00, Niels Elgaard Larsen <
>> skrev:
>> Ja, det var da en god ide.
>> ==
>> Ved brug af data fra accepterer du at opdatere data
>> jævnligt og dermed holde de data du viser omverdenen ajour.
>> ==
>> Hvad betyder det for os?
>> Betyder det at den person, der begynder at importere data til OSM lover
>> at blive med at gøre det?
>> Og hvad hvis personen ikke gør det?
>> OSM kan ikke være forpligtiget til at slette det hele igen.
>> I øvrigt et fjollet krav. For de finder vel ikke på at flytte samme
>> nummer fra een strand til en anden. Og der er ikke noget der forhindrer
>> os I at putte en håndfuld redningsnumre i OSM baseret på fx Mapillary.   
>> ==
>> Seneste opdateringsdato eller udtræksdato skal angives i brugerflade,
>> hvis datasættet trækkes hjem i eget it-system og anvendes eksempelvis
>> til at lave offline løsninger.
>> ==
>> Vi eller OSM kan ikke forpligte brugerfladesystemer til den slags.
>> Men man kan vel sige at selvom selvom redningsnumre kommer i OSM laver
>> vi ikke en decideret offline løsning. Og der vil altid være en
>> opdateringsdato i OSM.
>> Men man kunne jo forestille sig at nogen fx lavede en app, der brugte
>> redningsnumre fra hele verden baseret på OSM og ikke mente de skulle
>> vise opdateringsdatoer i brugerfladen eller ikke kendte til
>>'s regler.
>> Jeg spiller bare djævelens advokat her. Jeg synes at det er en god ide.
>> Men måske skulle vi for en sikkerheds skyld spørge dem om det ville være
>> et problem.
>> Anders Hedelund:
>>>  Er der nogen, der har overvejet at inkludere redningsskilte i OSM?
>>>  Det er de grønne, nummerede skilte, der står på strandene langs vore
>>>  kyster:
>>>  Under "download" står der vilkår for anvendelsen, samt div. filer klar
>>>  til brug.
>>>  Billedresultat for redningsnumre
>>>  --
>>>  Med venlig Hilsen Anders Hedelund -  +45 3990 5335 Mob: +45 
>>> 6150 5335 TR: +90 531 831 0220
>>>  Et liv efter overlevelsen:
>>> --
>>>  Talk-dk mailing list
> --
> Dette er sendt fra min mobiltelefon. Undskyld at jeg fatter mig i korthed.
> ___
> Talk-dk mailing list

*Med venlig hilsen *

*Peter Leth*
*  *

*T. 5152 2387*
*Skype. peter.leth1*
Talk-dk mailing list