Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bon à savoir... spécial trolls

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Christian Rogel
Le 7 oct. 2015 à 22:37, a écrit :
> Et une spécial pour Vincent, les trolls en Bretagne ce sont les Korrigans.
>   des Korrigans
> Vous remarquerez qu'ils ont émigré à Angers.
> Korrrigan  ça veut grosso-modo petit 
> nain.
> Oups, pour une fois je dis merci à Wikipédia car les trolls 
>  sont des géants, pas des nains.
> Et les korrigans plutôt bienfaisants ;-).
> Bon, allez, fini de trouer !

Pas d’accord, tu trolles de travers : les korrigans sont aussi des trolls 
malfaisants, car, ils posent des questions pièges et malheur à celui qui répond 
à côté. Il peut être happé dans leur danse en ronde et emmené dans le monde 
inférieur, celui qui ne communique avec le nôtre que dans la nuit du 31 octobre 
(Samhain/Halloween en Irlande).

Korrig (ou kourrig) signifie nain et Le Corre signifie Le Court, donc le petit. 
Du côté de Vannes, ce sont des polpégans (une rue à Theix) et ailleurs des 
courriquets (kourriked) ou des poulpiquets.

On trouve des voies nommées d’après les korrigans dans une quarantaine de 
communes en Bretagne et une « Rue Korrigans » à Salon-de-Provence (?).

Christian R.___
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Le 7 octobre 2015 18:04, Xavier Cremaschi  a écrit :

> méthodes agiles = méthodes de développement logiciel qui permettent une
meilleure réactivité face aux changements de spécification.

Mais aussi: "Dont les mouvements sont souples et rapides." et/ou "Qui
comprend vite"

Toute la différence entre des grands projets lourds et hyper planifiées où
l'on fait quelques grands pas avec mille précautions (et de fortes chances
de se planter) ou plein de petits pas où une erreur est vite rectifée... et
qui aboutissent ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Leonardo


il nuovo file degli edifici sembra avere qualche problema...non riesco a 
passare dal WGS 84 /UTM zone 33N (Epsg:32663) al WGS84 (EPGS4326), 
salvando il tutto come un nuovo SHP in QGIS. Questo è l'errore che mi 

Esportazione nel file vettoriale fallita.

Errore: Errori nella scrittura dell'elemento:

Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )
Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )Interrotto dopo 1001 

Inoltre lo stesso errore mi appare quando cerco di selezionare tutti gli 
edifici con un attributo e salvandoli su uno shape a parte.

Sono l'unico che ha questo problema o c'è qualcosa che non va nel file 

Per il resto i dati sono estremamente promettenti e ben allineati alla 
PCN2012, lo script di conversione dovrebbe essere abbastanza facile da 
adattare partendo da quello veneto. Mi riservo ulteriori commenti quando 
potrò modificare correttamente il file degli edifici.


Il 07/10/2015 17:48, Leonardo Frassetto ha scritto:

Eccellente! ( letto alla Montgomery burns). Stasera li controllo e 
vediamo un po per lo script.

Il 07/ott/2015 17:43, "Francesco Piero Paolicelli" 
> ha scritto:

ora abbiamo gli attributi :)

2015-10-02 10:39 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer

2015-10-02 8:34 GMT+02:00 Federico Cortese

Dove si potrebbe creare una pagina wiki per eventuale import?

se viene importato qualcosa va linkato da qui:

Guardando le pagine attualmente "linkate" non mi sembra che ci
sia un sistema (ma sarei a favore di iniziare a crearne uno,
tipo wiki/Import/IT/Puglia/CTR/2013 ...)

Cosa dovrebbe essere documentato è descritto qui:

  Step 4 - Documentation

 1. You *must* register your permissions and project by adding
a line to the table at Import/Catalogue
 2. You *must* write a plan for your import in the OSM wiki.
Create a wiki page outlining the details of your plan.
This plan must include information such as plans for how
to convert the data to OSM XML
, dividing up
the work, how to handle conflation
, how to
map GIS attributes to OSM tags
, how to
potentially simplify any data, how you plan to divide up
the work, revert plans, changeset size policies, and plans
for quality assurance
. An
example for this can be found at Import/Plan Outline

 3. If required by the data owners, you *must* add an
acknowledgement of the list to Contributors

e (un



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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problématique de modélisation indoor sur des plans inclinés

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden osm . sanspourriel
Les promoteurs immobiliers pour les permis de construire comptent à 
partir du "rez-de-chaussée" côté haut afin de pouvoir mettre plus 
d'étages que prévus au PLU : s'ils ont droit à R+5, ils prennent R+5 
côté rue haut et ça donne du R+6 ou pire côté bas.

On peut supposer que les étages sont ensuite nommés ainsi, un 
supermarché devrait suivre cette logique (même si c'est une logique plus 
mercantile que mathématique : ceux qui habitent côté bas peuvent habiter 
au premier ou au deuxième sous-sol ce qui fait drôle car non ils 
n'habitent pas dans les caves mais dans de vrais appartements avec 
vraies fenêtres. Je connais au moins un immeuble dans ce cas.


Le 07/10/2015 14:01, Jérôme Seigneuret - a écrit :

J'ai intégré la partie indoor d'un supermarché dont voici le résultat 
sur OpenLevelUp 
Il me reste un peu de travail pour ajouter les entrées (portes 
internes externes et issues de secours) et les horaires d'ouvertures

J'aimerai m'occuper de faire la même chose pour le Polygone et l'Odysséum.

Mon problème est le suivant:
Le bâtiment à des sorties qui ne sont pas au même niveau d'un coté du 
bâtiment et de l'autre et donc si l'on considère le niveau du sol 
comme niveau 0, j'ai du mal à voir comment composer les niveaux qui 
compose le bâtiment ( 0 + 1 ou -1 et 0 ).


Pour l'/Odysséum  : /
/  __/
/   vu d'est en ouest_0_ |___||__//

Même contexte sur Polygone mais sur deux niveaux. Le niveau 0 d'un 
coté est le niveau 2 de l'autre coté.

Je suis preneur de toute remarque sur le travail déjà effectué et pour 
la problématique de niveau.



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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] problème sur serveur(s) osm-fr ?

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Muselaar


Je ressors ce vieux message, après une absence prolongée d'OSM ces 
derniers temps. Mais j'avais le mal du pays, et je reviens, même si je 
n'aurai pas autant de temps à l'avenir que dans le passé. Mais il y a  
de toute façon régulièrement des trucs à corriger dans son environnement.

Où en est-on, avec Belfort ? Comment peut-on utiliser les photos de la 
CAB dans JOSM ? Finalement, les photos obliques seront accessibles 
aussi, ou bien c'est trop lourd ?
Elle sont utiles, car permettant de détromper par rapport à la photo 
verticale, et de mieux se repérer, par rapport à des souvenirs de 
promenade, par exemple.


Le 29/04/2015 11:59, Christian Quest a écrit :
Pour Belfort, je pensais mettre en place le serveur ces derniers mois 
à La Fonderie, mais ça a été sans arrêt repoussé. Il devrait être 
installé début mai et en attendant je vais installer ça chez moi, si 
possible ce week-end.

Le 29/04/2015 11:15, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :

Bonjour Christian,

Pas de réponse de l'Université de Grenoble pour le serveur d'images 
aériennes ? Si je ne m'abuse, ils doivent être revenus de vacances.


PS : sur le même thème, sais-tu si ça avance pour la photographie 
aérienne de Belfort ? Je n'ai pas de nouvelles depuis sacrément 

Le 19 avril 2015 09:51, Christian Quest > a écrit :

Oui, le serveur d'images aériennes ne répond plus depuis 48h.

Nous avons demandé à l'Université de Grenoble (où se trouve ce
serveur) d'aller jeter un oeil... patience donc à cause du week-end.

Le 19/04/2015 09:41, Pierre-Yves Berrard a écrit :


Depuis quelques jours, la photo aérienne du Grand Nancy

ne se charge plus dans JOSM (connect timed out) :

Pour les requêtes overpass, la base à
semble être ne plus être à jour non plus.

Un problème sur les serveurs d'osm france ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Obtener el sentido de las calles

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Simó Albert i Beltran
Como saben la señalizacion vertical precede a la horizontal. En pueblos
como el mio, suelen canviar la señalizacion vertical pero no la


Description: PGP signature
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wiener Karten in JOSM

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Markus Straub

Sonderbar.. seit gestern funktioniert es nun wieder (ohne Änderungen).
Auch recht, danke jedenfalls für den Link!


On 2015-10-06 02:02, Kevin Kofler wrote:

Markus Straub wrote:

seit geraumer Zeit funktionieren die Wiener Hintergrundkarten
(Mehrzweckkarte, Satellitenbild, Hausnummern) nicht mehr - hat wer von
euch einen Workaround bzw. eine neue URL für die Tiles?

Die Tile-URLs unter:
funktionieren jedenfalls, zumindest im Merkaartor. (Ich habe es gerade noch
einmal ausprobiert.)

 Kevin Kofler

Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Obtener el sentido de las calles

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Simó Albert i Beltran
Pueden usarse los datos de la IDE de la Comunitat Valenciana para mapear?

Description: PGP signature
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Federico Cortese
2015-10-07 23:46 GMT+02:00 Leonardo :
> Ciao,
> il nuovo file degli edifici sembra avere qualche problema...non riesco a
> passare dal WGS 84 /UTM zone 33N (Epsg:32663) al WGS84 (EPGS4326), salvando
> il tutto come un nuovo SHP in QGIS. Questo è l'errore che mi appare:
> Esportazione nel file vettoriale fallita.
> Errore: Errori nella scrittura dell'elemento:
> Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )
> Geometria dell'elemento non importata (errore OGR: )Interrotto dopo 1001
> errori
> Inoltre lo stesso errore mi appare quando cerco di selezionare tutti gli
> edifici con un attributo e salvandoli su uno shape a parte.
> Sono l'unico che ha questo problema o c'è qualcosa che non va nel file
> rilasciato?

Ho fatto una prova veloce con QGIS:
nessun problema a cambiare proiezione (da EPSG:32663 a EPSG:3857), ma
se provo a riesportare in un nuovo shape ottengo lo stesso errore da
te riscontrato.
Invece ho provato ad applicare una query per "tipologia"='chiesa' e
salvare il risultato in un nuovo shape proiettato in EPSG:3857 e qui
nessun problema.
Probabilmente l'errore è dovuto ad alcune geometrie in particolare.
Appena avrò tempo darò un'occhiata più approfondita.


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale


User WJtW[1] has been making large numbers of edits to railways across
Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
"Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435 which may
well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this). However
on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual tracks where
they are already mapped as N separate tracks. According to the wiki this
should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For example, the Channel Tunnel
Rail Link south-east of London, is composed of two tracks (see [2] for a
sample way). They are now both tagged with tracks=2, saying that each
way represents 2 tracks, suggesting there are 4 in total, which is

I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting that they
review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that another
mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the same

Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"? 



[2] ___
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen
I have asked WJtW about this in june this year but received no answer. 
Then I saw user BAGgeraar remove the tracks tag so I asked him about it 
and he too asked WJtW and received no answer.
On the german forum there is a thread [1] about it also indicating it is 
a superfluous tag when all tracks are mapped.

It borders on vandalism.



On 2015-10-07 09:20, Colin Smale wrote:


User WJtW[1] has been making large numbers of edits to railways across
Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
"Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435 which may
well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this).
However on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual
tracks where they are already mapped as N separate tracks. According
to the wiki this should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For example,
the Channel Tunnel Rail Link south-east of London, is composed of two
tracks (see [2] for a sample way). They are now both tagged with
tracks=2, saying that each way represents 2 tracks, suggesting there
are 4 in total, which is wrong.

I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting that they
review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that another
mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the
same intent.

Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"?



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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cartes papiers

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Nicolas Dumoulin
Le mardi 6 octobre 2015 17:24:36 Christian Rogel a écrit :
> > Le 6 oct. 2015 à 05:57, Nicolas Dumoulin
> >  a écrit :
> > 
> > Salut,
> > 
> > Je viens de chercher et de pas trouver sur le wiki si on a une page
> > recensant les cartes papier utilisant OSM. On a ça ?
> > Je viens de voir l'annonce du plan du réseau de bus de Dignes-les-Bains,
> > et je voulais l'ajouter à la liste :-)
> Il y a bien un début de page sous un titre peu accrocheur :

Ok, merci ! Moi j'avais cherché "Michelin" ;-)

J'ai rajouté 2-3 trucs.
J'ai laissé la section "Tableau de bord", mais c'est quoi exactement ? Une 
d'OSM comme SIG de gestion du territoire ?

En parlant de dates, je suis tombé sur cette page un peu à l'abandon et c'est 
dommage :[1]
J'ai rajouté la signature de la convention BAN

Autre page délaissée (depuis 11/2014) pour ceux qui découpent les journaux :

Avis aux amateurs

Nicolas Dumoulin

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Michael Reichert

Am 2015-10-07 um 10:03 schrieb Colin Smale:
> I am not sure it would be vandalism - It is more likely a
> misunderstanding of the intention of the tracks=* tag. But it is very
> damaging, and potentially hard to revert as this has been going on for
> some time and newer edits may have been made. It may need something like
> this: 
>   * Get all changesets from WJtW
>   * get all railway tracks from those changesets with tracks>1
>   * search back through the history to find where the tag was added
>   * see if it was user WJtW that did it
>   * If so, remove the tracks=* tag.

I (a German railway mapper) have been notified by another user about
WJtW's edits last week. I [1] have already started reverting parts of
his edits. That's the way I did it:

- Search for railway=rail + tracks=2 via Overpass Turbo (with meta as
output variant)
- Pick out one way of the result. If its last edited was done by WJtW, I
had a lookat the changeset which did this edit using Achavi. If the
changeset was mostly adding of tracks=2, I reverted it. Sometimes I did
partial reverts if only parts of the changeset were bad.
- If the last edit of the way was done by another user, I had a look
into the way's history and looked for the bad changeset(s) there.

You have to repeat this until the area which you are going to clean is
free of tracks=2.

Note: If you are looking at the area between Dortmund and Cologne –
there are lots of ways with tracks=2 from old times (about 4 to 7 years
ago) because tracks=2 has not been removed when the second track was
added to OSM.

> But in Dutch (as you will know) there is a wonderful expression about
> trying to mop up (a flooded bathroom) while the tap is still running. We
> need to turn the tap off and stop this getting any worse. 
> It's starting to sound like a candidate for a user block until the user
> engages in some kind of dialog. 

I have asked DWG to block him (0-hour-block) because he has been
notified about his errors several times: (21 days ago in German) (11 days ago in English) (7 days ago in English)

It is not the first time that a user used tracks=2 the wrong way. There
were/are users from time to time who add tracks=2 because there was a
map by ITO rendering tracks=2. I asked the people from ITO to shut down
this map a few days ago to prevent future abuse of tracks=2 as tagging
for the renderer. I thank ITO for their quick reaction (the took the map

Best regards

Michael aka Nakaner

[1] via my cleanup account Nakaner-repair

Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Elbsandstein: natural=peak oder natural=rock

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 07.10.2015 um 03:59 schrieb Tom Pfeifer :
>  summit:register = yes
>  damit ist vermutlich die Existenz des Gipfelbuchs gemeint, und nicht ein
>  Register der Gipfel. Etabliert hat sich hier bereits:
>  climbing:summit_log = yes

laut taginfo gibt es ca. 10x mehr summit:register 

> Und
>  difficulty = III
> sollte man auch man anpassen auf das heute übliche Schema
>  climbing:grade:saxon:min = *

difficulty und vor allem das ähnliche piste:difficulty ist allerdings weit 
verbreiteter.   Macht es wirklich Sinn, da eine eigene Skala zu verwenden?


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Richard Mann
Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially
misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing each
line separately.

So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability conflict. I
only did N=1 or N>=4, though.

I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 8:40 AM, Maarten Deen  wrote:

> I have asked WJtW about this in june this year but received no answer.
> Then I saw user BAGgeraar remove the tracks tag so I asked him about it and
> he too asked WJtW and received no answer.
> On the german forum there is a thread [1] about it also indicating it is a
> superfluous tag when all tracks are mapped.
> It borders on vandalism.
> [1] 
> Regards,
> Maarten
> On 2015-10-07 09:20, Colin Smale wrote:
>> Hi,
>> User WJtW[1] has been making large numbers of edits to railways across
>> Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
>> "Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435 which may
>> well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this).
>> However on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual
>> tracks where they are already mapped as N separate tracks. According
>> to the wiki this should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For example,
>> the Channel Tunnel Rail Link south-east of London, is composed of two
>> tracks (see [2] for a sample way). They are now both tagged with
>> tracks=2, saying that each way represents 2 tracks, suggesting there
>> are 4 in total, which is wrong.
>> I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting that they
>> review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that another
>> mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the
>> same intent.
>> Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"?
>> //colin
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO anomalie si 2 codes FANTOIR, 1 en annulation

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden lenny.libre
Tout d'abord, encore merci à tous les deux pour ces développements qui 
nous aider à améliorer les données dans osm.

Concernant les voies annulées, il me semble qu'elles apparaissent encore 
avec les données BAN :


Le 07/10/2015 08:54, Christian Quest a écrit :
C'est corrigé...

Les voies FANTOIR annulées ne devraient plus apparaitre dans le rendu 

L'autre issue est corrigée elle aussi par

Le 6 octobre 2015 23:14, Vincent de Château-Thierry > a écrit :

Le 06/10/2015 18:41, lenny.libre a écrit :

Où peut-on signaler la non prise en compte des codes annulés
et le fait
que le croisement entre BAN et OSM ne trouve pas la voie dans

Par ici :
Un ticket tout frais traite d'un sujet connexe :


Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Vietovardžių ir pan. vertimai

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Tomas Straupis

  Grįžtant prie vertimų. Pakalbėjau su Vilniaus ir Kauno turizmo

  Jų nuomonė. Tai, pagal ką orientuojamasi vietovėje, - gatvių
pavadinimai, miestai, rajonai ir pan. - neverčiami. Buvo net išsakyta
mintis neversti net „gatvė“ į „street“, nes realiame gyvenime
praktiškai niekur nerasi parašyta „street“. Išimtys: centras -> centre
(nors čia kvepia ginču tarp anglų ir amerikiečių-anglų) ir kai kurie
pavadinimai su istoriniu kontekstu, kaip kad Užupis.

  Lankomi objektai, kuriuos užsieniečiai žiūri žemėlapiuose ir
renkasi, ką aplankyti (reiškia jiems reikia suprasti, kas tai tokio) -
muziejai, parkai, bažnyčios ir pan. - verčiami į atitinkamą kalbą,
išskyrus tikrinius žodžius. Taigi pavyzdžiui „Vingio parkas“ ->
„Vingis park“. „Nacionalinė dailės galerija“ -> „National art gallery“
ir pan. Žodžiu verčiam, kaip Saulius siūlo, pagal wikipediją.

  Jei principas tinka ir prieštaravimų nebus - įkelsiu į wiki.

P.S. Naujamiestis lieka Naujamiesčiu, o ne „New city“, kaip ir
Kalniečiai nevirsta Maklaudais :-)


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Diminuzione Tag totali wikipedia

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Luca Delucchi
2015-10-05 12:18 GMT+02:00 Luca Delucchi :

> ci sto lavorando, entro due giorni cerco di sistemare tutto

dovrebbe essere risolto

Simone, c'è da fare qualche aggiornamento?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] BANO anomalie si 2 codes FANTOIR, 1 en annulation

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
C'est corrigé...

Les voies FANTOIR annulées ne devraient plus apparaitre dans le rendu BANO.

L'autre issue est corrigée elle aussi par

Le 6 octobre 2015 23:14, Vincent de Château-Thierry  a
écrit :

> Le 06/10/2015 18:41, lenny.libre a écrit :
>> Où peut-on signaler la non prise en compte des codes annulés et le fait
>> que le croisement entre BAN et OSM ne trouve pas la voie dans OSM ?
> Par ici :
> Un ticket tout frais traite d'un sujet connexe :
> vincent
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale

I am not sure it would be vandalism - It is more likely a
misunderstanding of the intention of the tracks=* tag. But it is very
damaging, and potentially hard to revert as this has been going on for
some time and newer edits may have been made. It may need something like

* Get all changesets from WJtW
* get all railway tracks from those changesets with tracks>1
* search back through the history to find where the tag was added
* see if it was user WJtW that did it
* If so, remove the tracks=* tag.

But in Dutch (as you will know) there is a wonderful expression about
trying to mop up (a flooded bathroom) while the tap is still running. We
need to turn the tap off and stop this getting any worse. 

It's starting to sound like a candidate for a user block until the user
engages in some kind of dialog. 


On 2015-10-07 09:40, Maarten Deen wrote: 

> I have asked WJtW about this in june this year but received no answer. Then I 
> saw user BAGgeraar remove the tracks tag so I asked him about it and he too 
> asked WJtW and received no answer.
> On the german forum there is a thread [1 [1]] about it also indicating it is 
> a superfluous tag when all tracks are mapped.
> It borders on vandalism.
> [1 [1]] 
> Regards,
> Maarten
> On 2015-10-07 09:20, Colin Smale wrote: 
>> Hi,
>> User WJtW[1 [1]] has been making large numbers of edits to railways across
>> Europe in the past few months, all with the changeset comment
>> "Electrified". Most of them are adding tags like gauge=1435 which may
>> well be right (although I have no idea of his source for this).
>> However on many occasions he has added tracks=N to the individual
>> tracks where they are already mapped as N separate tracks. According
>> to the wiki this should now be interpreted as N*N tracks. For example,
>> the Channel Tunnel Rail Link south-east of London, is composed of two
>> tracks (see [2 [2]] for a sample way). They are now both tagged with
>> tracks=2, saying that each way represents 2 tracks, suggesting there
>> are 4 in total, which is wrong.
>> I have sent two messages explaining as above and requesting that they
>> review this tagging, but no response so far. I noticed that another
>> mapper has also added a comment to at least one changeset with the
>> same intent.
>> Any ideas how we can stop this behaviour, and repair the "damage"?
>> //colin
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Diminuzione Tag totali wikipedia

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Aury88
Simone wrote
> Il 01/10/2015 20:49, Marco_T ha scritto:
>> Segnalo che deve essere successo qualcosa all'indicizzazione dei tag...
>> Noto un -25631 ma verificando alcuni a caso non sembrano essere
>> rimossi...
>> Saluti
> Non è che magari sono stati sostituiti dal tag wikidata=* ?
> -- 
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

> Talk-it@


abbiamo concordato tutti (o quasi) che fosse meglio tenere l'articolo
wikipedia anche se si aggiunge quello wikidata. 
se fosse quello comunque numeri così elevati di cambiamenti nei taggati
lasciano supporre l'uso di un bot o comunque una procedura automatizzata
che, a prescindere dalla scelta della community italiana di mantenere il tag
wikipedia assieme al tag wikidata, è vietata, senza prima aver discusso la
cosa, dalla community internazionale di OSM.
la cosa non saprei proprio come interpretarla...

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

Am 07.10.2015 um 07:10 schrieb Manuel Reimer :

>> building=church gesetzt ...
> Dafür gibt es das "disused"-Prefix:
> So bleibt erhalten, was es vorher für ein Gebäude war, und das
> "building"-Tag bleibt frei um zu taggen, wofür das Gebäude aktuell
> tatsächlich genutzt wird.

das Gebäude Tag beschreibt den Gebäudetyp, die Nutzung ergibt sich aus den tags 
über die Nutzung :)
Das war schon im Proposal 2007 so:


Es ist am Besten, denselben tag nur für dieselbe Bedeutung zu verwenden ;-)

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-cz] OSM - posunuta silnice a okoli u Stechovic

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Janda Martin
Dobry den,

  narazil jsem na problem u silnice c. 102 vedouci ze Stechovic (u Prahy) 
smerem na jih.
Silnice c. 102 (way ID: 112473304, 33458166, 115600709) a okoli je posunute. 
Overil jsem ze budovy z RUIAN (jeste nejsou pretrasovane maji spravne lokace). 
Chyba vznikla asi mapovanim z podkladu od MS (chyba je u nich). Cast Stechovic 
pod kopcem + krizovatka na kopci jiz posunute nejsou.
Prosim je zde nejaky odbornik a ochotny clovek tuto chybu opravit a 
prekontrolovat i okoli. Do mailu mohu poslat obrazek jak vypada situace.

  Nahodne jsem vybral par mist po republice a na podobny problem jsem nevidel.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Michael Reichert

Am 2015-10-07 um 10:24 schrieb Richard Mann:
> Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially
> misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing each
> line separately.
> So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability conflict. I
> only did N=1 or N>=4, though.
> I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.

You can find the tag detail=track on lots of tracks in South-West
Germany instead of tracks=1.

Best regards


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talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Clifford Snow
I'm trying to add my first bus route. I'm struggling to understand how to
properly add the relation. The route, like most bus routes, loops back over
the same ways. So my questions:

If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions, is the
way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the JOSM warning
message? Or is the way only entered once with just no forward/backward

Are there any good tutorials to add bus routes?


OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Eduardo

El 07/10/2015 8:12 pm, Clifford Snow escribió:

I'm trying to add my first bus route. I'm struggling to understand how
to properly add the relation. The route, like most bus routes, loops
back over the same ways. So my questions:

If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions,
is the way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the
JOSM warning message? Or is the way only entered once with just no
forward/backward direction?

Adding the way to the relation twice, in the proper order, is what makes 
sense to me. Of course, only if the bus travels over it twice in the 

direction of travel (either outwards or returning).

Are there any good tutorials to add bus routes?

I cannot point to one. I had to learn it the hard way.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Jo

I wrote something about it here:

It's written as a reaction to how the stops are mapped in Germany. The way
I see it, the nodes next to the ways are the more important ones, so they
are the ones that get added to the route relations and they are the ones
with all the details.

It's my impression that in Germany the stop posiiton nodes (which are part
of the highways) get all the details. Or sometimes both the platforms and
the stop_positions, which I tried to avoid for simplicity (of maintenance).

Anyway, I created a MapCSS style for visualising it more clearly and
several scripts, but they are most useful if the data of the operators is

I also requested an improvement to JOSM. In expert mode, it's now possible
to sort the ways from 'this point forward'. (so leaving alone all the
members above).

There is one thing I do differently now compared to the period I recorded
those videos. All the platform nodes now go first, then the ways in the
order the bus or tram travels along them. If the bus passes the same
stretch of road twice, it will be in the route relation twice, showing up
red. This doesn't happen very often for trams, but it's a lot more frequent
for buses than one would expect.


2015-10-08 5:28 GMT+02:00 Eduardo :

> El 07/10/2015 8:12 pm, Clifford Snow escribió:
>> I'm trying to add my first bus route. I'm struggling to understand how
>> to properly add the relation. The route, like most bus routes, loops
>> back over the same ways. So my questions:
>> If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions,
>> is the way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the
>> JOSM warning message? Or is the way only entered once with just no
>> forward/backward direction?
> Adding the way to the relation twice, in the proper order, is what makes
> more
> sense to me. Of course, only if the bus travels over it twice in the same
> direction of travel (either outwards or returning).
> Are there any good tutorials to add bus routes?
> I cannot point to one. I had to learn it the hard way.
> Eduardo
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[OSM-ja] 「ここがおかしいJA: How to Map A」の募集

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Satoshi IIDA

やるやるで遅くなってしまいました (^_^;)

OSM wikiの"How to map A"のページですが、

なので、この機会に、「ここがおかしい How to Map A」ということで、



なお、参照する先はMap Featureのページが基本になりますが、

Twitterのハッシュタグ #osmjp につぶやく、
あるいはWikiページの discussionに書き込む、などでも拾うことができるかと思います。

# Facebookで投稿する、でもよいのですが、FBは拾えないことが多々あるのでご注意ください。。。

より便利で正確なリファレンス作成のため、みなさまなにとぞよろしくお願いします :)

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-ja] OSC Tokyo 2015 Fall参加・台湾メンバーとのミートアップ

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Satoshi IIDA



予算は、3 ~ 4000円くらいかなぁ?と踏んでいます。


2015年9月28日 13:04 Kazuyoshi KOMINE :

> 明星大学のこみねです。
> いつもみなさんの意見交換を静かに拝見しております。
> 個人としてなかなか参加できていないのですが、時間が取れたらブースにお邪魔 したいと思っております。
> 高幡不動でしたら駅前の魚民をよく使います。10人くらいまでなら個室がありま す。10人以上の個室もあるかもしれません。
> 皆様のご来場お待ちしております。
> On 2015/09/28 12:46, Satoshi IIDA wrote:
>> いいだです。
>> 来月末の10月24日、25日に開催されるOSC Tokyo 2015 Fallですが、
>> 台湾のOSMコミュニティからも何人かが参加するようです。
>> 発表の内容は、OSMのタイル配信キャッシュサーバについてです。
>> (以前に北海道で発表されたものの続きの感じ?)
>> OSM日本もコミュニティとしてブース出展予定で、
>> 25日は、いいだも参加できる予定です。
>> と、いうわけで、その前後でMeet-upをしたいな、と思っています。
>> いま台湾メンバーに予定を聞いていて、
>> 10月25日の夜かな、という話をしています。
>> 場所は、先方のホテルの都合もあって、
>> 高幡不動か、蒲田のあたりで探す予定です。
>> 次の週に開催されるSotM Japan 2015の話題や、
>> 先週くらいに開催されたSotM Taiwanの話題が中心かな?と思っています。
>> もちろん、いまの状況の情報交換や、
>> 台湾版のOSCともいえるCOSCUPの話も楽しそうです。
>> 詳しいことが決まったらまた告知しますので、
>> 参加できそうなかたは予定あけておいてくださいませ (/・ω・)/
>> P.S.
>> オススメのお店などご存知のかた、教えていただけると嬉しいですw
>> --
>> Satoshi IIDA
>> mail: 
>> twitter: @nyampire
>> ___
>> Talk-ja mailing list
> --
> Windows2003 Serverのメーカサポートは2015年7月で終了します
> ===
> 小峰 一純 Kazuyoshi KOMINE
>   明星大学 情報システム課
> 教育の明星大学
> 2014年、大学創立50周年
> ===
> ___
> Talk-ja mailing list

Satoshi IIDA
twitter: @nyampire
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Errington
I am keen to know the right answer.  Last time I tried it I ended up
creating two routes.  One for outbound, and one for inbound.  Having both
together in the same relation was a bit claustrophobic.  I think I found a
discussion somewhere which resulted in the same conclusion, but I can't
remember where.

Best wishes,


(That reminds me, our local bus terminal has moved, so I have to un-pick
the bit of the routes that went to the old location and re-direct them to
the new one)

On 8 October 2015 at 11:12, Clifford Snow  wrote:

> I'm trying to add my first bus route. I'm struggling to understand how to
> properly add the relation. The route, like most bus routes, loops back over
> the same ways. So my questions:
> If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions, is
> the way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the JOSM
> warning message? Or is the way only entered once with just no
> forward/backward direction?
> Are there any good tutorials to add bus routes?
> Thanks,
> Clifford
> --
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Find missing roads

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Russ Nelson
Martijn van Exel writes:
 > Hi all,
 > Our OSM team cooked up something new. A missing roads plugin for JOSM. I
 > think it's pretty nice but I would really like to hear what you think.

Something's wrong -- there aren't any missing roads in NY (anymore)!!

--my blog is at
Crynwr supports open source software
521 Pleasant Valley Rd. | +1 315-600-8815
Potsdam, NY 13676-3213  | Sheepdog   

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bus Routes

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Maarten Deen

On 2015-10-08 04:12, Clifford Snow wrote:

I'm trying to add my first bus route. I'm struggling to understand how
to properly add the relation. The route, like most bus routes, loops
back over the same ways. So my questions:

If the bus travels over the same way going two different directions,
is the way added twice to the relationship, which means ignoring the
JOSM warning message? Or is the way only entered once with just no
forward/backward direction?

Are there any good tutorials to add bus routes?

Have you read , and 
(which I think should be featured more officially, not in a proposed 
features page)?

The way I do it (and in no way am I saying it is the only way or the 
correct way to do it, but it seems to hold up fine) is make one relation 
for each seperate destination (usually two: a->b and b->a, sometimes 4: 
a->c->b, a->d->b, b->c->a and b->d->a) and group those relations in a 
master relation. The master relations get grouped in a (master-master) 
relation that holds all buslines for one concession.

Each bus relation has all the ways the bus traverses, and if it 
doublebacks on itself somewhere, I add the way twice. JOSM will 
highlight those ways in red in the relation editor, is that the warning 
you describe?
Then add all the stops in correct order with role "stop". If you order 
the ways and nodes in the relation editor, JOSM will put the stops 
I believe officially you should only add nodes with 
"public_transport=stop_position", but in absence of those I also add 
"highway=bus_stop" (or even tag those with 
"public_transport=stop_position" which is not entirely correct).

As an example, see


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale

What is "track_detail=yes"? I can't find it anywhere in the (English)


On 2015-10-07 11:11, Richard Mann wrote: 

> I added track_detail=yes, to achieve much the same end. I haven't looked at 
> railway tagging for a while, though. 
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-lt] Vietovardžių ir pan. vertimai

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Rimas Kudelis


mano galva, pasiūlymas geras. Tik dėl to istorinio konteksto – manau 
reikėtų į jį labai kritiškai žiūrėti. T.y. rašyti vertimą tik tais 
atvejais, kai jis yra ne mažiau žinomas/suprantamas nei lietuviškas 
pavadinimas. Dėl žodžio „gatvė“ manau, jog visgi galima būtų jį versti. 
Galima ir neversti, tik tuomet turbūt būtų logiškiau apskritai nepildyti 
name:en laukų (bent mano manymu, transliteracija į „sveplas“ raides 
nelabai reikalinga).

O prie „Centre“ kaip išimtį dar derėtų pridėti „Old Town“. :)

Kalbant apie kultūrinius anglų konfliktus – o ar negalima OSM'e versti 
atskirai į „anglų“ ir „amerikiečių anglų“ kalbas?

Beje, dar tokia provokacinė mintis man kilo – jei visgi rašytume 
„street“, „park“ ir panašiai – tai kuriuo linksniu turėtų būti rašomas 
lietuviškas žodis? Vardininku („Vingis park“) ar kaip yra originale 
(„Pilies Street“)? Aš kol kas būčiau už originalą, bet tikriausiai prieš 
nusprendžiant reikėtų daugiau pavyzdžių peržvelgti.


2015.10.07 11:44, Tomas Straupis rašė:


   Grįžtant prie vertimų. Pakalbėjau su Vilniaus ir Kauno turizmo

   Jų nuomonė. Tai, pagal ką orientuojamasi vietovėje, - gatvių
pavadinimai, miestai, rajonai ir pan. - neverčiami. Buvo net išsakyta
mintis neversti net „gatvė“ į „street“, nes realiame gyvenime
praktiškai niekur nerasi parašyta „street“. Išimtys: centras -> centre
(nors čia kvepia ginču tarp anglų ir amerikiečių-anglų) ir kai kurie
pavadinimai su istoriniu kontekstu, kaip kad Užupis.

   Lankomi objektai, kuriuos užsieniečiai žiūri žemėlapiuose ir
renkasi, ką aplankyti (reiškia jiems reikia suprasti, kas tai tokio) -
muziejai, parkai, bažnyčios ir pan. - verčiami į atitinkamą kalbą,
išskyrus tikrinius žodžius. Taigi pavyzdžiui „Vingio parkas“ ->
„Vingis park“. „Nacionalinė dailės galerija“ -> „National art gallery“
ir pan. Žodžiu verčiam, kaip Saulius siūlo, pagal wikipediją.

   Jei principas tinka ir prieštaravimų nebus - įkelsiu į wiki.

P.S. Naujamiestis lieka Naujamiesčiu, o ne „New city“, kaip ir
Kalniečiai nevirsta Maklaudais :-)

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden dktue

Wie man das am Besten abbildet weiß ich auch nicht. ;-) Interessant 
wäre es schon, die Kirchengemeinden, Diözesen, Erzdiözesen und was es 
so gibt mit ihren Grenzen zu haben, und dann wie bei Hauptstädten die 
Kirchen in entsprechende Grenzrelationen einzubauen. Andererseits 
ginge so was sicherlich ununterbrochen kaputt, noch mehr als die 
weltlichen Verwaltungsgrenzen, weil sich weniger Leute dafür 
interessieren. Davon unabhängig wären die "Titel" der Kirchen 
vermutlich auch in einen tag zu fassen. Ich habe dafür bei Klöstern 
den tag religious_rank vorgeschlagen (für Abteien und Erzabteien), das 
ließe sich m.E. gut verwenden. 
"operator" wäre z.B. ein tag, mit dem man festlegen kann, zu welcher 
Gemeinde oder anderen Einheit eine Kirche gehört, wichtig dafür wäre, 
dass man immer den niedrigsten Level reinschreibt, also nicht den 
Papst bei allen katholischen Kirchen. Für die Hierarchie könnte man 
vielleicht auch einfache tags verwenden, wo man jeweils die 
nächstübergeordnete Instanz reinschreibt, so was wie: 
"ist_untergeordnet=" Damit 
könnte man auch schon eine Art Karte machen, durch Raten der Größe 
ähnlich wie es Nominatim bei place-nodes macht. Vermutlich gibt es 
noch mehr Blickwinkel auf das Objekt. Was ich auch interessant fände: 
Kunstwerke in Kirchen. Sorry, der Beitrag ist etwas lang geworden, 
aber das wollte ich schon länger mal in Angriff nehmen. Gruß, Martin 
___ Talk-de mailing list 

In Frankreich sind die religiösen Grenzen [1] eingezeichnet.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Weitere Gipfel-Tags / Elbsandstein: ...

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Tom Pfeifer

Martin Koppenhoefer wrote on 2015-10-07 08:04:

Am 07.10.2015 um 03:59 schrieb Tom Pfeifer:

  summit:register = yes
  damit ist vermutlich die Existenz des Gipfelbuchs gemeint, und nicht ein
  Register der Gipfel. Etabliert hat sich hier bereits:
  climbing:summit_log = yes

laut taginfo gibt es ca. 10x mehr summit:register

Das mag sein, und kann an der Art der Importe liegen.
summit:register ist semantisch mehrdeutig, hier aber nur ein Nebenschauplatz.

  difficulty = III
sollte man auch man anpassen auf das heute übliche Schema
  climbing:grade:saxon:min = *

difficulty und vor allem das ähnliche piste:difficulty ist allerdings weit 

> Macht es wirklich Sinn, da eine eigene Skala zu verwenden?

Ja, da es weltweit etwa 10 verschiedene Skalen gibt, die alle aktiv
in den entsprechenden Gebieten verwendet werden.

difficulty ist nicht dokumentiert, hier mischen sich in den Werten
die römischen Ziffern aus Sachsen mit verbalen Beschreibungen, die
offenbar aus dem Pistentagging herüberschwappen.

piste:difficulty ist gut, da es sportartspezifisch ist.

Das soll aber nicht Teil des Reverts sein, daher spalte ich die Diskussion
mal ab.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Richard Mann
I added track_detail=yes, to achieve much the same end. I haven't looked at
railway tagging for a while, though.
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Hartmut Holzgraefe

On 06.10.2015 21:26, Florian Lohoff wrote:

Auf der Ostwestfalen liste haben wir das Thema mal Diskutiert und die
power-mapper waren alle der Meinung das von der Pflege VIEL einfacher
ist wenn es für POIs auch wirklich separate Nodes gibt. Wenn
ein Laden/Restaurant etc zu macht - Node löschen und gut ist. Das
Gebäude bleibt und auch die Adresse. Ansonsten bleibt wieder
irgendein Schrott zurück. Irgendwelche Öffnungszeiten oder random tags.
Wenn das self-contained ist in einem Node ist der dann komplett weg
und damit auch alle Tags die zu diesem POI gehören.

ich hab es gestern für Bielefeld genau umgekehrt gemacht und
building-Outlines und place-of-worship nodes verschmolzen wo
beides getrennt war.

Das hatte allerdings vor allem den Grund das es das Abarbeiten
leichter machte:

* alle place-of-worships mit Overpass Turbo ermitteln
* in JOSM exportieren
* filtern nach "amenity=place-of-worship and not building=church"
* nach und nach alles (noch) sichtbare abarbeiten

Jetzt wo das durch ist puzzle ich das gerne auch wieder auseinander ...


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Proposed "Metadata"-Guideline

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole

thanks for the feed back it is very helpful.

Anybody else with input?

IMHO we might do away completely with a negative (as in share alike
invoked) example  because of the issues this has caused and undoubtedly
will continue to cause.



Am 02.10.2015 um 18:31 schrieb Michael Steffen:
> Simon et al -
> First of all, hello! I started a few months ago as in-house counsel at
> Mapbox. I come from the U.S. gov (FCC) where I did a lot of work,
> among other things, on opening FCC geodata to the public. I've had to
> focus on other things in my first few months, but am looking forward
> to finally being able to turn more of attention to working with this
> group.
> As Tom mentioned, several of us at Mapbox have been digging into the
> specifics of the Metadata guideline and we think something like this
> could be useful in clarifying and opening up important use cases.
> (This is true independently of the broader threads going on around
> geocoding.)
> I've offered specific suggestions below, with explanatory notes.
> Thanks for pushing this along Simon (and others),
> -Michael
> -
> > = Metadata Guideline =
> > == Background ==
> > Many users of OpenStreetMap data are concerned about the share alike
> > implications of the ODbL when using OpenStreetMap derived data
> together with
> > proprietary data, even with such data that is clearly outside the
> scope of
> > the OpenStreetMap project.
> > This guideline attempts to better define usage of OpenStreetMap data
> that
> > the OSMF and the community views as acceptable without invoking the
> share
> > alike clauses of the ODbL. This does not imply, as with all community
> > guidelines, that this is the only legal way to do so, just legal
> usage we
> > consider in line with the goals of the project.
> > The ODbL defines two ways OpenStreetMap data can be utilized with third
> > party data: as part of a “Collective Database” or as a “Derivative
> > Database”.
> > Use in a “Collective Database” does not invoke share alike, the ODbL
> > requires that the individual component databases of the collective
> database
> > are “independent” however does not further define what that means.
> > ~~While it would seem to be simple to define “independent” as having no
> > ~~reference to OpenStreetMap data, every geographic dataset can be
> linked
> > ~~just by virtue of its location information and further it is a trivial
> > ~~exercise to link two datasets isolating OpenStreetMap derived data and
> > ~~references to the other dataset in just one of them, so that is
> likely not
> > ~~a useful criteria.~~
> I'd recommend deleting the paragraph above: it's unnecessary
> and a bit confusing--the first two grafs amply explain why the guidance
> is needed.
> > == The Guideline ==
> > A database containing one or more datasets derived from
> OpenStreetMap data
> > and other sources is considered an ODbL collective database if one
> of the
> > following conditions are fulfilled by the database elements from other
> > sources:
> > * the elements do not contain references to OpenStreetMap original or
> > derived elements 
> > * the elements that contain references to OpenStreetMap elements do not
> > replace or modify existing attributes or geometry of the referenced 
> > OpenStreetMap elements.
> > For the purpose of this guideline
> > * a reference can be a primary or composite database key or any
> other method
> > of identifying a specific OpenStreetMap derived element. 
> > * adding additional attributes by means of such a reference is not 
> > considered modifying the existing attributes of the referenced 
> > OpenStreetMap element. 
> > * referring from an OpenStreetMap derived element to an element from
> another 
> > source in the database is considered equivalent to a reference in
> the other
> > direction.
> I'd add an additional bullet akin to the following:
> > * technical implementations that are functionally equivalent to a
> primary or
> > composite key reference but facilitate performance improvements -- for 
> > example a join of tables by a primary ID for purposes of a production 
> > database -- are equivalent to a reference.
> > == Examples ==
> > The following examples will demonstrate this further.
> > === Examples of where you DO NOT need to share your
> non-OpenStreetMap data
> > * You collect restaurant reviews and reference the restaurants in your
> > database by OSM object id.__[^1]__ ~~(note this is technically
> > defective)~~. Your restaurant reviews are not subject to sharealike.
> As indicated above, I think it would be clearer to move the technical
> point
> to a footnote, where we'd briefly explain *why* it's technically
> defective to use OSM
> ID as a database key.
> > * You generate traffic data from in-car GPS information and use the
> location
> > information to identify roads in OSM to weight them differently in your
> > routing application.
> > ~~=== 

Re: [Talk-lt] Vietovardžių ir pan. vertimai

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Rimas Kudelis


2015.09.19 10:51, Tomas Straupis rašė:

Na, aš, kai rašiau „visi“, tai turėjau omeny „visi vietos gyventojai“.
Visi vilniečiai žino, kas yra Užupis, bet ne visi susivoktų, kad
Zarzecze yra tas pats.

   Bet lenkai vilniečiai Užupio nevadina „Užupiu“ ;-)

Gal. Bet manau dauguma lenkų vilniečių žinos, kas yra Užupis, o štai iš 
lietuvių kas yra „Zarzecze“ žinos vienetai.

   Kilo kita mintis, reikia pažiūrėti į duomenų naudotojus. name:en
pagrindiniai naudotojai būtų užsienio turistai, pavyzdžiui per
vilnius/kaunas tourism aplikacijas ar spausdintus žemėlapius. Tai
galima būtų pažiūrėti, kokie pavadinimai parašyti turistiniuose
žemėlapiuose ir kokių angliškų pavadinimų pageidautų vilnius/kaunas
tourism užsakovai.

Kalbant apie naudotojus – aš pats „Castle street“ aptikau, kai 
grožėjausi savo nubėgtais 10km svetainėje. Lietuviškos 
sąsajos ji kol kas neturi, tikriausiai todėl ir žemėlapius rodo būtent 
angliškus. Tad bent jau anglų kalbos atveju reikėtų nepamiršti, jog ji 
neretu atveju gali būti „defoltu“, nepriklausomai nuo to, kur bazuojasi 
ir kokia kalba kalba galutinis žemėlapio naudotojas.


Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale

Thanks for contacting DWG, Michael. 

It is not limited to tracks=2 by the way - I have seen examples of four
tracks, all with tracks=4... 


On 2015-10-07 10:56, Michael Reichert wrote: 

> Hi.
> Am 2015-10-07 um 10:03 schrieb Colin Smale: 
>> I am not sure it would be vandalism - It is more likely a
>> misunderstanding of the intention of the tracks=* tag. But it is very
>> damaging, and potentially hard to revert as this has been going on for
>> some time and newer edits may have been made. It may need something like
>> this: 
>> * Get all changesets from WJtW
>> * get all railway tracks from those changesets with tracks>1
>> * search back through the history to find where the tag was added
>> * see if it was user WJtW that did it
>> * If so, remove the tracks=* tag.
> I (a German railway mapper) have been notified by another user about
> WJtW's edits last week. I [1] have already started reverting parts of
> his edits. That's the way I did it:
> - Search for railway=rail + tracks=2 via Overpass Turbo (with meta as
> output variant)
> - Pick out one way of the result. If its last edited was done by WJtW, I
> had a lookat the changeset which did this edit using Achavi. If the
> changeset was mostly adding of tracks=2, I reverted it. Sometimes I did
> partial reverts if only parts of the changeset were bad.
> - If the last edit of the way was done by another user, I had a look
> into the way's history and looked for the bad changeset(s) there.
> You have to repeat this until the area which you are going to clean is
> free of tracks=2.
> Note: If you are looking at the area between Dortmund and Cologne -
> there are lots of ways with tracks=2 from old times (about 4 to 7 years
> ago) because tracks=2 has not been removed when the second track was
> added to OSM.
>> But in Dutch (as you will know) there is a wonderful expression about
>> trying to mop up (a flooded bathroom) while the tap is still running. We
>> need to turn the tap off and stop this getting any worse. 
>> It's starting to sound like a candidate for a user block until the user
>> engages in some kind of dialog.
> I have asked DWG to block him (0-hour-block) because he has been
> notified about his errors several times:
> (21 days ago in German)
> (11 days ago in English)
> (7 days ago in English)
> It is not the first time that a user used tracks=2 the wrong way. There
> were/are users from time to time who add tracks=2 because there was a
> map by ITO rendering tracks=2. I asked the people from ITO to shut down
> this map a few days ago to prevent future abuse of tracks=2 as tagging
> for the renderer. I thank ITO for their quick reaction (the took the map
> offline).
> Best regards
> Michael aka Nakaner
> [1] via my cleanup account Nakaner-repair
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Guy Vanvuchelen
Op de vraag van mapper 'Schakkebroek' om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te maken
kreeg hij volgend antwoord:

*wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next nightly
version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International hiking
network node".

02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:


Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten te
zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer -> International hiking
network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar
ervaring mee?


Guy Vanvuchelen


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] bano - fichier full.sjson.gz incomplet

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Cactusbone
c'est bon maintenant ! merci !

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Come cambiare lingua sulla pagina web di Mapillary

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
(Scusate il leggero OT)
Qualcuno sa per caso come cambiare la lingua della pagina web di Mapillary
da English a Italiano. Mesi fa c'era una bandierina in alto a destra per
farlo. Quella bandierina sembra scoparsa.
Utilizzo WIndows 10 con Firefox, Chrome, Edge

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Come cambiare lingua sulla pagina web di Mapillary

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 07/10/2015 11:45, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:
> (Scusate il leggero OT)
> Qualcuno sa per caso come cambiare la lingua della pagina web di Mapillary
> da English a Italiano. Mesi fa c'era una bandierina in alto a destra per
> farlo. Quella bandierina sembra scoparsa.
> Utilizzo WIndows 10 con Firefox, Chrome, Edge
> Grazie
> Volker

Neanche con una distribuzione linux come Debian non vedo come scegliere
la lingua sinceramente. l'unica sembra scrivere direttamente a
Mapillary per avere nuove.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Using a WMS imagery with CC-BY4.0

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Simon Poole
Tom, any feedback yet?


Am 14.07.2015 um 16:22 schrieb Tom Lee:
> I'll add that I've been in touch with CC's US affiliate and they've
> expressed interest in resolving the compatibility question (either
> with formal guidance that applies to 4.0 or in preparation for the
> next license revision). That's on hold pending their availability at
> summer's end; stay tuned.
> To clarify a bit, any CC licenses that are ND or NC are non-open and
> clearly incompatible with the ODbL or any open license. CC BY SA
> 4.0 is
> currently incompatible, but Creative Commons could change that.
> CC BY 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 are clearly  incompatible, thanks to the
> attribution requirements that can't be met.
> CC BY 4.0 has some open questions about compatibility.
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
legal-talk mailing list

[Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Sven Geggus
Hallo zusammen,

irgendein Spezialist hat bei einigen Städten in Siebenbürgen sowas erfasst:

name:de = "Hermannstadt (Sächs: Härmeschtat)"

Das halte ich ehrlich gesagt für völligen Blödsinn.

IMO sollte da klar name:de = "Hermannstadt" stehen!

Sonnst müsste man ja auch sowas machen:
name:de = Aschaffenburg (fränk: Aschebersch)

Ich möchte das Ändern hätte aber gerne vorher eure Vorschläge.

Defakto wäre meine Idee sowas:
name:de = Hermannstadt
name:XXX = Härmeschtat

Frage wäre lediglich was nimmt man für XXX?
lässt sich darüber nicht aus.

Ziel des Ganzen ist ein tagging, dass als Beschriftung wieder den
eigentlichen Namen der jeweiligen Stadt (hier Sibiu) auftauchen läßt.



"Der wichtigste Aspekt, den Sie vor der Entscheidung für ein Open
Source-Betriebssystem bedenken sollten, ist, dass Sie kein
Windows-Betriebssystem erhalten." (von
/me is giggls@ircnet, on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart "OpenWandelkaart
(BE,NL)" activeren.
Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"

Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt



2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

> Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te
> maken kreeg hij volgend antwoord:
> *wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next nightly
> version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International hiking
> network node".
> 02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:
> Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten
> te zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking
> network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar
> ervaring mee?
> Guy Vanvuchelen
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Problématique de modélisation indoor sur des plans inclinés

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Jérôme Seigneuret
J'ai intégré la partie indoor d'un supermarché dont voici le résultat sur
Il me reste un peu de travail pour ajouter les entrées (portes internes
externes et issues de secours) et les horaires d'ouvertures

J'aimerai m'occuper de faire la même chose pour le Polygone et l'Odysséum.

Mon problème est le suivant:
Le bâtiment à des sorties qui ne sont pas au même niveau d'un coté du
bâtiment et de l'autre et donc si l'on considère le niveau du sol comme
niveau 0, j'ai du mal à voir comment composer les niveaux qui compose le
bâtiment ( 0 + 1 ou -1 et 0 ).


Pour l'*Odysséum  : *
*  __*
*   vu d'est en ouest_0_ |___||__/*

Même contexte sur Polygone mais sur deux niveaux. Le niveau 0 d'un coté est
le niveau 2 de l'autre coté.

Je suis preneur de toute remarque sur le travail déjà effectué et pour la
problématique de niveau.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 7. Oktober 2015 um 12:54 schrieb dktue :

> In Frankreich sind die religiösen Grenzen [1] eingezeichnet.
> Gruß,
> dktue

Interessant. Die Polen haben dazu auch schon was im Wiki dokumentiert:

D.h. es ist vielleicht doch nicht so unwahrscheinlich, dass jemand die
Grenzen irgendwann auch in Deutschland einfügt.
Da würden dann auch die Kirchen (Pfarrhäuser, Gemeindehäuser etc.?)
vermutlich zur jeweiligen Einordnung der "Wichtigkeit" gut reinpassen.
Jedenfalls könnte man den religiösen Rang auch über dort bereits definierte
admin_level-Zahlen reinbekommen.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best iOS app for GPS wander, GPX to laptop into OSM?

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Ben Miller
I like MotionX-GPS for recording tracks. You can easily export and share
them in GPX format via email. It's not free, but for a regular mapper it
would be $2 well spent.

You can also use OSM map tiles in the app, although I'm pretty sure that
it's MotionX's own rendering, and it's not usually very up to date.

On Mon, Oct 5, 2015 at 7:55 PM stevea  wrote:

> You know what I mean.  This would be a Mapping Party method.  Why
> loan out GPS hardware?
> OK, Android, too.  Best GPS-phone-enabled app to absorb a decent
> Mapping Party wander and upload to a laptop.  (Something like
> GPSBabel, but streamlined for GPS-phone-to-laptop, could be a USB
> cable, could be Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, there are lots of possibilities).
> Upload to OSM directly (also) from the phone app is OK, too.  The
> idea here is to do an iD walkthrough (on a laptop, at a Mapping
> Party) as a teaching moment.  Uploading a GPX track is one thing.
> Editing the map with iD and good tags and smart data entry is much
> more.  We have the time and patience to share what we know with
> others (we also have newer tools, like smartphones running newer OS
> versions).  We want these new OSM volunteers to soar and fly.  So
> let's conversation-streamline some smartphone-to-OSM_Editor
> solutions.  Anybody?
> I figure I'll just start talking about this here.  You never know who
> is reading and might think "good idea, I might listen in on that
> thread."  Or even throw in two cents.
> Thanks,
> SteveA
> California
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bon à savoir... spécial trolls

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Damouns
Il existe aussi une rue des Trolls à Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez (Vendée) :

Mais comme on peut le voir elle tourne un peu en rond !

Le 7 octobre 2015 08:57, Christian Quest  a écrit :

> Au détour du rendu BANO je découvre il lieu fort utile à connaitre:
> Il s'agit de l'Impasse des Trolls...  heureusement que ce n'est pas un
> boulevard !
> Ah... si ils pouvaient tous s'y perdre ;)
> --
> Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-10-07 14:12 GMT+02:00 Marc Tobias :

> ch würde 'name:gem' setzen

blöd ist es aber schon, dass das siebenbürgische-sächsisch beim
ISO-Sprachcode unter "sonstige germanische Sprachen" fällt, d.h. im
Vergleich zum derzeitigen tagging (das ich auch nicht gut finde), verliert
man die Information, welcher Dialekt es ist.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Marc Tobias

Ich würde 'name:gem' setzen

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Heinz-Jürgen Oertel
Am Mittwoch, 7. Oktober 2015, 11:56:40 schrieb Sven Geggus:
> Hallo zusammen,
> irgendein Spezialist hat bei einigen Städten in Siebenbürgen sowas erfasst:
> name:de = "Hermannstadt (Sächs: Härmeschtat)"
> Das halte ich ehrlich gesagt für völligen Blödsinn.
> IMO sollte da klar name:de = "Hermannstadt" stehen!
> Sonnst müsste man ja auch sowas machen:
> name:de = Aschaffenburg (fränk: Aschebersch)
> Ich möchte das Ändern hätte aber gerne vorher eure Vorschläge.
> Defakto wäre meine Idee sowas:
> name:de = Hermannstadt
> name:XXX = Härmeschtat

name:de = Hermannstadt

ist absolut richtig. Für Sibiu ist der deutsche Name Hermannstadt noch in 
aktivem Gebrauch.

> Frage wäre lediglich was nimmt man für XXX?

Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es für die Siebenbürgisch Sächsische Sprache 
keine einheitliche Schreibweise gibt und würde daher darauf verzichten einen 
name:XXX Tag dafür zu verwenden.

mit freundlichen Grüßen

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Michael Reichert
Hallo Martin,

Am 2015-10-07 um 15:05 schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
> blöd ist es aber schon, dass das siebenbürgische-sächsisch beim
> ISO-Sprachcode unter "sonstige germanische Sprachen" fällt, d.h. im
> Vergleich zum derzeitigen tagging (das ich auch nicht gut finde), verliert
> man die Information, welcher Dialekt es ist.

Lass uns doch name:other:siebenbuergisches-saechsisch=Härmeschtat
erfinden?! Nach ähnlichem Prinzip kann man bei allen Sprachen handeln,
die keinen ISO-Code haben. Die Frage ist bloß, in welcher Sprache der
Key sein sollte, ohne dass sich gleich wieder irgendwelchen Leute streiten.

Viele Grüße


Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-cl] Poleras con mapas

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Cristián Serpell
Hola a todos,

Encontré interesante este artículo, por si alguien quiere hacerse poleras con
mapas OSM:


Talk-cl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Guy Vanvuchelen
Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.


Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Marc Gemis [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart "OpenWandelkaart 
(BE,NL)" activeren.

Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"


Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt wordt. 






2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te maken 
kreeg hij volgend antwoord:

*wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next nightly 
version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International hiking network 

02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:


Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten te 
zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking 
network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar ervaring 


Guy Vanvuchelen


Talk-be mailing list


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cartes papiers

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Vincent de Château-Thierry

> De: "Nicolas Dumoulin" 
> Le mardi 6 octobre 2015 17:24:36 Christian Rogel a écrit :
> > Il y a bien un début de page sous un titre peu accrocheur :
> >
> Ok, merci ! Moi j'avais cherché "Michelin" ;-)
> J'ai rajouté 2-3 trucs.

Merci Nicolas ;-)


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Sven Geggus
Heinz-Jürgen Oertel  wrote:

> Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher, dass es für die Siebenbürgisch Sächsische 
> Sprache 
> keine einheitliche Schreibweise gibt und würde daher darauf verzichten einen 
> name:XXX Tag dafür zu verwenden.

Ich werfe halt ungerne etwas weg was anderen wichtig ist. Nur im name:de Tag
hat das IMO nichts verloren.


"Thinking of using NT for your critical apps?
  Isn't there enough suffering in the world?"
   (Advertisement of Sun Microsystems in Wall Street Journal)
/me is giggls@ircnet, on the Web

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bon à savoir... spécial trolls

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Vincent Pottier

Le 07/10/2015 14:42, Damouns a écrit :

Il existe aussi une rue des Trolls à Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez (Vendée) :

Mais comme on peut le voir elle tourne un peu en rond !

Une rue des Trolls qui tourne en rond, c'est un pléonasme !

Le 7 octobre 2015 08:57, Christian Quest > a écrit :

Au détour du rendu BANO je découvre il lieu fort utile à

Il s'agit de l'Impasse des Trolls...  heureusement que ce n'est
pas un boulevard !

Des trolls en impasse, on s'y attendait !
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Deutsche Namen in Rumäniem (mal wieder)

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 7. Oktober 2015 um 15:10 schrieb Michael Reichert :

> Die Frage ist bloß, in welcher Sprache der
> Key sein sollte, ohne dass sich gleich wieder irgendwelchen Leute streiten.

nach dem "other" sollte er wohl in der jeweiligen Sprache sein, weil man
kaum davon ausgehen kann, dass es für alle sonstigen Sprachen englische
Bezeichnungen gibt. Vielleicht sollte man für die Sprachen, für die es
keine Schriftform gibt, Lautzeichen verwenden? (Wobei das wiederum das
Editieren komplexer macht). S.z.B.

Wenn mans richtig genau macht, ändern sich diese Sachen z.T. auch von Dorf
zu Dorf ;-)
s.z.B. SprachGIS Portal hier:

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-es] Semanario Nr. 271

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Laura Barroso
Hola, el semanario Nr. 271, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el
mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!

WeeklyOSM en Español esta produzido por:
Hola, el semanario Nr. 271, el sumario de todo lo que está ocurriendo en el mundo de OpenStreetMap está en línea en español ¡Disfruta!WeeklyOSM en Español esta produzido por:
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
Ik dacht dat OsmAnd de tiles op je smartphone zet. Dus als je thuis kijkt
en daarna het veld ingaat, zou het kunnen dat je geen verbinding meer nodig

2015-10-07 16:30 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

> Hallo Gerard,
> Ik had helemaal niets gedownload. Ik veronderstelde dat de
> wandelknooppunten gewoon op de offline-kaart zouden verschijnen, ze zijn
> immers opgenomen als POI.
> Het voorstel van Marc is al een grote hulp al zou het nog aangenamer zijn
> om ter plaatse te kunnen zien of een knooppunt reeds gemapt is, in dit
> zonder internetverbinding.
> Guy Vanvuchelen
> *Van:* Gerard Vanderveken []
> *Verzonden:* woensdag 7 oktober 2015 16:20
> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.
> Was dat een .map bestand dat je gedownload had voor een offline kaart?
> Daar hoort ook een .xml konfiguratie / style bestand bij voor de voetwegen.
> Dit moet in dezelfde folder staan en hernoemd worden naar dezelfde naam
> van de .map
> Gerard.
> Guy Vanvuchelen wrote:
> Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.
> Guy Vanvuchelen
> *Van:* Marc Gemis [ ]
> *Verzonden:* woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
> *Aan:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.
> Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart "OpenWandelkaart
> (BE,NL)" activeren.
> Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"
> Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt
> wordt.
> mvg
> m
> 2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :
> Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te
> maken kreeg hij volgend antwoord:
> *wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next nightly
> version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International hiking
> network node".
> 02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:
> Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten
> te zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking
> network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar
> ervaring mee?
> Guy Vanvuchelen
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> --
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Liste aller Kirchen in Deutschland

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Reimer

On 10/07/2015 09:23 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

das Gebäude Tag beschreibt den Gebäudetyp, die Nutzung ergibt sich aus den tags 
über die Nutzung :)

Wenn ich mir den Wiki-Eintrag nochmal genauer betrachte, dann macht das 
durchaus Sinn.

Frage ist nur: Was wäre, wenn jemand nun z.B. den Turm abreißt, bzw. das 
Gebäude so verändert, dass es eben nicht mehr als Kirche erkennbar ist?

Vor allem neue Kirchen sind ohnehin nicht mehr direkt als solche 
erkennbar. Ich kenne da so einen Fall wo eine schöne alte Kirche 
abgerissen wurde. An der Stelle steht jetzt ein moderner Bau, der auch 
eine Stadthalle sein könnte. Begründung war damals, soweit mir bekannt, 
dass man Bedenken hatte, dass das Gebäude nicht für die zunehmende 
Anwohnerzahl ausreicht. Die Zeiten haben sich gewandelt. Heute ist der 
moderne Bau selten mehr als halbvoll.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Gerard Vanderveken

Was dat een .map bestand dat je gedownload had voor een offline kaart?
Daar hoort ook een .xml konfiguratie / style bestand bij voor de voetwegen.
Dit moet in dezelfde folder staan en hernoemd worden naar dezelfde naam 
van de .map


Guy Vanvuchelen wrote:

Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.


Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Marc Gemis []
Verzonden: woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart 
"OpenWandelkaart (BE,NL)" activeren.

Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"


Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt 






2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen >:

Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te 
maken kreeg hij volgend antwoord:

*wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next 
nightly version will have icons for them. Search POI for 
"International hiking network node".

02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:


Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om 
knooppunten te zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> 
International hiking network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik 
niets. Heeft iemand daar ervaring mee?


Guy Vanvuchelen


Talk-be mailing list


Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Guy Vanvuchelen
Hallo Gerard,


Ik had helemaal niets gedownload. Ik veronderstelde dat de wandelknooppunten 
gewoon op de offline-kaart zouden verschijnen, ze zijn immers opgenomen als POI.

Het voorstel van Marc is al een grote hulp al zou het nog aangenamer zijn om 
ter plaatse te kunnen zien of een knooppunt reeds gemapt is, in dit zonder 



Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Gerard Vanderveken [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 7 oktober 2015 16:20
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Was dat een .map bestand dat je gedownload had voor een offline kaart?
Daar hoort ook een .xml konfiguratie / style bestand bij voor de voetwegen.
Dit moet in dezelfde folder staan en hernoemd worden naar dezelfde naam van de 


Guy Vanvuchelen wrote:

Bedankt Marc, zo kan ik thuis (met wifi) tenminste zien wat al gemapt is.


Guy Vanvuchelen


Van: Marc Gemis [] 
Verzonden: woensdag 7 oktober 2015 13:15
Aan: OpenStreetMap Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk-be] Wandelknooppunten in Osmand.


Geen ervaring mee, je kan eventueel ook de on-line kaart "OpenWandelkaart 
(BE,NL)" activeren.

Bij voorkeur als "kaartbron" en de gewone kaart dan als "Underlay-kaart"


Je moet er dan wel rekening mee houden dat je data-abonnement gebruikt wordt. 






2015-10-07 13:04 GMT+02:00 Guy Vanvuchelen :

Op de vraag van mapper ‘Schakkebroek’ om rwn knooppunten zichtbaar te maken 
kreeg hij volgend antwoord:

*wn_ref already supported as POI. I made some corrections and next nightly 
version will have icons for them. Search POI for "International hiking network 

02.10.2015 16:25, Victor Shcherb пишет:


Ik heb de nightly versie gedownload maar het lukt me niet om knooppunten te 
zien.  Wel kon ik een eigen filter maken Vervoer –> International hiking 
network node maar als ik die activeer vind ik niets. Heeft iemand daar ervaring 


Guy Vanvuchelen


Talk-be mailing list




Talk-be mailing list
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Diminuzione Tag totali wikipedia

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Marco_T
Luca Delucchi wrote
> 2015-10-05 12:18 GMT+02:00 Luca Delucchi 

> lucadeluge@

> :
> dovrebbe essere risolto

Perfetto. Grazie.


View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ca] CanVec+

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden James
I was just wondering if anyone knew that CanVec data is being phased out
and replaced by CanVec+. I spoke with Marc LeMaire from NRCan and he said
that they will not be offering .osm conversions of CanVec+ data, which
means that we will have to convert the shapefiles ourselves. My question is
has anyone begun coding/documenting CanVec+ data for conversion yet? Marc
said that they are ending CanVec by the end of the year.
Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Bon à savoir... spécial trolls

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Christian Quest
Au détour du rendu BANO je découvre il lieu fort utile à connaitre:

Il s'agit de l'Impasse des Trolls...  heureusement que ce n'est pas un
boulevard !

Ah... si ils pouvaient tous s'y perdre ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-ja] 10/30(金)15時より浜松で消火栓マッピングパーティやります

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Shu Higashi

「SotMJapan2015非公式プレイベント 10/30(金)消火設備マッピングパーティin浜松」
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Base de données "vitesse maximale" pour la France

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Xavier Cremaschi

Le 06/10/2015 19:23, didier2020 a écrit :

le droit de réserve m'interdit des commentaires désobligeants
force, ce sont des groupes de gens
vives, oui ils sont vivant
agile, euh ... un nouveau mot ?

méthodes agiles = méthodes de développement logiciel qui permettent une 
meilleure réactivité face aux changements de spécification.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Cartes papiers

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Christian Rogel

> Le 7 oct. 2015 à 10:50, Nicolas Dumoulin 
>  a écrit :
> Le mardi 6 octobre 2015 17:24:36 Christian Rogel a écrit :
> > > Le 6 oct. 2015 à 05:57, Nicolas Dumoulin
> > >  > > > a écrit :
> > > 
> > > Salut,
> > > 
> > > Je viens de chercher et de pas trouver sur le wiki si on a une page
> > > recensant les cartes papier utilisant OSM. On a ça ?
> > > Je viens de voir l'annonce du plan du réseau de bus de Dignes-les-Bains,
> > > et je voulais l'ajouter à la liste :-)
> > 
> > Il y a bien un début de page sous un titre peu accrocheur :
> > 
> > 

> J'ai laissé la section "Tableau de bord", mais c'est quoi exactement ? Une 
> utilisation d'OSM comme SIG de gestion du territoire ?

Je ne sais pas non plus. A modifier. Mais, j’insiste sur la nécessité de 
décrire les publications et renvoyer sur les sites qui en fournissent une 
version imprimable.

> En parlant de dates, je suis tombé sur cette page un peu à l'abandon et c'est 
> dommage : 
> J'ai rajouté la signature de la convention BAN
> Autre page délaissée (depuis 11/2014) pour ceux qui découpent les journaux :

J’ai complété pour 2014 et 2015 en exploitant le site d’OSM France. Je signale 
qu’il a un gros défaut : pas de datation des articles. Dans une recherche 
rétrospective, on n’a pas de repère temporel.

Je complèterai en exploitant la liste, mais je lance un appel pour les que 
opérations type Brocas ou Chéméré soient indiquées par leurs opérateurs. Même 
chose pour les actions HOT.

Se souvenir qu’il ne doit pas y avoir une majorité d’actions OS France dans la 
Quid de l’actualité des autres pays francophones ?

Christian R.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Using a WMS imagery with CC-BY4.0

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Tom Lee
I appreciate the nudge--looks like my contact promised a check-in after a
pending call with CC HQ, but that failed to materialize. I've emailed to
follow up. Apologies, this dropped off my radar.

On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 7:46 AM, Simon Poole  wrote:

> Tom, any feedback yet?
> Simon
> Am 14.07.2015 um 16:22 schrieb Tom Lee:
> I'll add that I've been in touch with CC's US affiliate and they've
> expressed interest in resolving the compatibility question (either with
> formal guidance that applies to 4.0 or in preparation for the next license
> revision). That's on hold pending their availability at summer's end; stay
> tuned.
>> To clarify a bit, any CC licenses that are ND or NC are non-open and
>> clearly incompatible with the ODbL or any open license. CC BY SA 4.0 is
>> currently incompatible, but Creative Commons could change that.
>> CC BY 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0 are clearly  incompatible, thanks to the
>> attribution requirements that can't be met.
>> CC BY 4.0 has some open questions about compatibility.
> ___
> legal-talk mailing 
> listlegal-talk@openstreetmap.org
> ___
> legal-talk mailing list
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Leonardo Frassetto
Eccellente! ( letto alla Montgomery burns). Stasera li controllo e vediamo
un po per lo script.
Il 07/ott/2015 17:43, "Francesco Piero Paolicelli"  ha

> ora abbiamo gli attributi :)
> 2015-10-02 10:39 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
>> 2015-10-02 8:34 GMT+02:00 Federico Cortese :
>>> Dove si potrebbe creare una pagina wiki per eventuale import?
>> se viene importato qualcosa va linkato da qui:
>> Guardando le pagine attualmente "linkate" non mi sembra che ci sia un
>> sistema (ma sarei a favore di iniziare a crearne uno, tipo
>> wiki/Import/IT/Puglia/CTR/2013 ...)
>> Cosa dovrebbe essere documentato è descritto qui:
>> Step 4 - Documentation
>>1. You *must* register your permissions and project by adding a line
>>to the table at Import/Catalogue
>>2. You *must* write a plan for your import in the OSM wiki. Create a
>>wiki page outlining the details of your plan. This plan must include
>>information such as plans for how to convert the data to OSM XML
>>, dividing up the work,
>>how to handle conflation
>>, how to map GIS
>>attributes to OSM tags , how
>>to potentially simplify any data, how you plan to divide up the work,
>>revert plans, changeset size policies, and plans for quality assurance
>>. An example
>>for this can be found at Import/Plan Outline
>>3. If required by the data owners, you *must* add an acknowledgement
>>of the list to Contributors
>> e  (un
>> esempio/template)
>> Ciao,
>> Martin
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 268

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Miroslav Suchy
>Jako bakalářský projekt na FIT VUT vnikl v loňském školním roce projekt 
>OsmHiCheck. Celý text práce najdete on-line,
> zde je pak shrnutí z pohledu uživatele.

Vyzaduje login a heslo. Bylo by to mozne zverejnit i pro nas proste smrtelniky 
co jiz nejsme akademici?
Moc rad bych si to precetl.


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Google som kilde

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Jørgen Elgaard Larsen

Den 06-10-2015 kl. 12:23 skrev Lars Thegler:

Wiki'ens FAQ er ændret, så linket findes ikke længere - brug istedet

Den oprindelige tekst findes nu her:

- Jørgen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] CTR : database topografico e ortofoto 2013 a 20CM Regione Basilicata

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Francesco Piero Paolicelli

ora abbiamo gli attributi :)

2015-10-02 10:39 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :

> 2015-10-02 8:34 GMT+02:00 Federico Cortese :
>> Dove si potrebbe creare una pagina wiki per eventuale import?
> se viene importato qualcosa va linkato da qui:
> Guardando le pagine attualmente "linkate" non mi sembra che ci sia un
> sistema (ma sarei a favore di iniziare a crearne uno, tipo
> wiki/Import/IT/Puglia/CTR/2013 ...)
> Cosa dovrebbe essere documentato è descritto qui:
> Step 4 - Documentation
>1. You *must* register your permissions and project by adding a line
>to the table at Import/Catalogue
>2. You *must* write a plan for your import in the OSM wiki. Create a
>wiki page outlining the details of your plan. This plan must include
>information such as plans for how to convert the data to OSM XML
>, dividing up the work,
>how to handle conflation
>, how to map GIS
>attributes to OSM tags , how
>to potentially simplify any data, how you plan to divide up the work,
>revert plans, changeset size policies, and plans for quality assurance
>. An example for
>this can be found at Import/Plan Outline
>3. If required by the data owners, you *must* add an acknowledgement
>of the list to Contributors
> e  (un
> esempio/template)
> Ciao,
> Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] WeeklyOSM CZ 268

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Tom Ka
Moje chyba, nevsiml jsem si, ze jsem pouzil neverejny odkaz. U pocitace pak
opravim i v textu:

BTW uz jsem v hospode a nikde nikdo :-)

On Oct 7, 2015 5:52 PM, "Miroslav Suchy"  wrote:

> >Jako bakalářský projekt na FIT VUT vnikl v loňském školním roce projekt
> OsmHiCheck. Celý text práce najdete on-line,
> > zde je pak shrnutí z pohledu uživatele.
> >
> Vyzaduje login a heslo. Bylo by to mozne zverejnit i pro nas proste
> smrtelniky co jiz nejsme akademici?
> Moc rad bych si to precetl.
> Mirek
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Bon à savoir... spécial trolls

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden François

Le 07/10/2015 16:36, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

Sinon pour leurs prochaines troll-party OSM à Paris, ils se réunissent là:

Pour ceux qui n'ont jamais vu de troll :

Mais la prudence s'impose, comme ce panneau vous y invite :


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] CanVec+

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Adam Martin
Hi all!

Thanks for the heads up, James. I was not personally aware of this change
until now. Reading the news release for the CanVec+ from the Geogratis site
( I think one of
the key statements on the website is that the Department of Natural
Resources is *transitioning* to an improved data model with the goal of
providing seamless information. New vector products will be available under
this model *eventually*. That’s all good.

However, CanVec+ *is not* that new product. It is, instead, “an interim
product for the transition”. CanVec+ is just a new way for the Department
to publish the same data. They mention that it is a model that is supposed
to allow them to frequently update the data at the best resolution. This is
good, but is not likely to be of great benefit to OSM since the areas that
would get frequent update would, most likely speaking and from a logical
standpoint, be areas of high human concentration - AKA areas that OSM user
mapping efforts are concentrated. For other areas, in James’ words, the
shapefiles would need to be manually converted.

Personally, I see little point in adopting this information in any
widespread or meaningful way. CanVec+ is essentially the same data that we
currently have. The possibility of updates to the dataset would be
relatively meaningless. Until the new data format is released, I would
recommend sitting on this matter, if my reading of that news release is
correct (I could be wrong). If a new data format is coming, that might be
useful, though caution would need to be taken to ensure that user changes
were not overridden with it.


On Wed, Oct 7, 2015 at 3:09 PM, James  wrote:

> I was just wondering if anyone knew that CanVec data is being phased out
> and replaced by CanVec+. I spoke with Marc LeMaire from NRCan and he said
> that they will not be offering .osm conversions of CanVec+ data, which
> means that we will have to convert the shapefiles ourselves. My question is
> has anyone begun coding/documenting CanVec+ data for conversion yet? Marc
> said that they are ending CanVec by the end of the year.
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral
No chtěl jsem nejprve vyřešit místo. Ale když jinak nedáš ;-)

Bohužel příští týden do Prahy nejedu, takže bych to viděl až na ten další 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Jachym Cepicky 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 7. 10. 2015 11:07:51
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha


Což takhle doodle?

dal bych to potom na


po 5. 10. 2015 v 9:12 odesílatel Dalibor Jelínek  napsal:



ja te tyden ve strdu nemuzu, utery je OK, nebo ten tyden dalsi.




 From: Petr Dlouhý [
 Sent: Sunday, October 4, 2015 11:00 PM

 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha




rád bych se taky přidal. V úterý ale nebudu moct (resp. až po deváté), a ve 
středu budu moct až po osmé.

Petr Dlouhý
Mob: +420 736 108 424

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Datum: 3. 10. 2015 23:07:26
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha


Dne 3.10.2015 v 10:09 Jachym Cepicky napsal(a):

někdy v týdnu od 12.10?


Ideálně v úterý 13.10 nebo středu 14.10. To bych měl být na nějakých 90% v 
Nějaký tip na místo? Já jich v Praze moc neznám.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2015, 12:03 Jiří Sedláček  wrote:


Taky bych přišel, lokalitou se asi přizpůsobím. 

Nicméně, přišel bych asi spíš za Wikimedia ČR a za Wikipedii a rád bych vás 
osobně pozval na Wikikonferenci (




2015-10-02 9:32 GMT+02:00 Marián Kyral :

Takže fajn,
nějaký zájem by byl ;-)

Nevím jak mi to vyjde příští týden, jedu na školení a ještě přesně nevím, 
jaký bude program. Ale ten další týden by to mohlo vyjít.
Máte tip na nějaké vhodné místo? Nezakouřená hospoda nebo třeba čajovna. 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Dalibor Jelínek 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 30. 9. 2015 9:07:29
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen



i ja bych se zucastnil. 



 From: Petr Schönmann [
 Sent: Wednesday, September 30, 2015 6:23 AM
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen 


Když bude čas tak bych přišel 


Dne út 29. 9. 2015 18:29 uživatel  


Já bych byl pro.

-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral  

Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  

Datum: 29. 9. 2015 12:26:30
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Praha Was: Hospoda Brno - rijen 


je to hrůza, zase mně předběhli :-D

Právě minulý týden jsem uvažoval, že bych navrhl nějakou hospodu v Praze. Po
létě, kdy jsem moc na služebky nejezdil to vypadá, že opět budu jezdit každý
týden. Měl by někdo z Prahy a okolí zájem? Bohužel by to bylo možné jen přes
týden. Úterý nebo středa.

Bohužel Brno je trochu z ruky.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Tom Ka 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 29. 9. 2015 12:01:16
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Hospoda Brno - rijen 

Ahoj, uz jsme se dlouho nevideli, kdyz to Martin tak hezky nadhodil,
vykopavam rovnou termin na pristi tyden:

Misto pro zacatek za mne klidne zase u Kormidla, ale muzeme i jinam v
centru kde to bude rozumne pro vetsinu dostupne.


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] talk Digest, Vol 134, Issue 11

2015-10-07 Diskussionsfäden kassy taylor

-Original Message-
From: "" <>
Sent: ‎10/‎7/‎2015 6:15 AM
To: "" <>
Subject: talk Digest, Vol 134, Issue 11

Send talk mailing list submissions to

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When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of talk digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Michael Reichert)
   2. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Richard Mann)
   3. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Colin Smale)
   4. Re: User WJtW - railway track counts (Colin Smale)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 10:57:49 +0200
From: Michael Reichert <>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Am 2015-10-07 um 10:24 schrieb Richard Mann:
> Putting tracks=1 on multiple parallel tracks is also potentially
> misleading. It's a method of tagging that's been superseded by drawing each
> line separately.
> So I took to adding passenger_lines=N, to avoid a compatability conflict. I
> only did N=1 or N>=4, though.
> I'd suggest converting the tagging to tracks=1+passenger_lines=2.

You can find the tag detail=track on lots of tracks in South-West
Germany instead of tracks=1.

Best regards


Per E-Mail kommuniziere ich bevorzugt GPG-verschlüsselt. (Mailinglisten
I prefer GPG encryption of emails. (does not apply on mailing lists)

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Message: 2
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 10:11:46 +0100
From: Richard Mann <>
To: Michael Reichert <>
Cc: osm <>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

I added track_detail=yes, to achieve much the same end. I haven't looked at
railway tagging for a while, though.
-- next part --
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Message: 3
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 11:19:07 +0200
From: Colin Smale <>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


What is "track_detail=yes"? I can't find it anywhere in the (English)


On 2015-10-07 11:11, Richard Mann wrote: 

> I added track_detail=yes, to achieve much the same end. I haven't looked at 
> railway tagging for a while, though. 
> ___
> talk mailing list
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Message: 4
Date: Wed, 07 Oct 2015 11:20:57 +0200
From: Colin Smale <>
Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] User WJtW - railway track counts
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"


Thanks for contacting DWG, Michael. 

It is not limited to tracks=2 by the way - I have seen examples of four
tracks, all with tracks=4... 


On 2015-10-07 10:56, Michael Reichert wrote: 

> Hi.
> Am 2015-10-07 um 10:03 schrieb Colin Smale: 
>> I am not sure it would be vandalism - It is more likely a
>> misunderstanding of the intention of the tracks=* tag. But it is very
>> damaging, and potentially hard to revert as this has been going on for
>> some time and newer edits may have been made. It may need something like
>> this: 
>> * Get all changesets from WJtW