Re: [Talk-de] OSM in Irland?

2012-08-22 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On Tuesday, 21 August 2012, Werner Poppele wrote:

 also vielleicht stell ich mich ja wieder mal dumm an: Aber ich weiss nicht
 was #osm-ie sein soll.

Sorry, da habe ich das IRC-Kanal gemeint, dort sind am allermeisten irische
Mapper zu finden. Die Mailingliste ist auch eine Option, aber viel weniger


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM in Irland?

2012-08-21 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2012/8/15 Michael Kugelmann

 Aber wenn es keine sinnvollen Luftbilder gibt und es scheinbar nur wenige
 lokale Mapper gibt ist das verständlich. Und dazu vermute ich, dass die
 Bevölkerungsdichte in Irland kleiner ist als in Deutschland. Zusätzlich wohl
 auch in vielen Gebieten deutlich ländlicher geprägt als in Deutschland und
 damit vielleicht nicht so nahe an Neogeographie (Aussage ist nicht
 böße/abwertend gemeint!).

Lustiges Timing - gerade ist einiges an Bildmaterial von Bing
freigegeben worden, darunter auch in Donegal, Fermanagh, ganz Galway
und Mayo, halb Clare, Giant's Causweay uvm. Wie man gut erkennen

...machen Luftbilder bei uns sehr viel aus, gerade weil die Community
sehr stark auf Dublin konzentriert ist. Wir können uns nun auf viel
mehr Detail freuen. Wer mithelfen mag - vielleicht ist dem einen oder
anderen von euch langweilig weil die eigene Gegend fertig gemappt ist
- lang bitte hin! Aber bitte mit Voranmeldung auf #osm-ie um
abzustimmen, wo vielleicht Leute schon aktiv sind oder um das Tagging
besser anpassen zu können.

LG aus Dublin,

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk-ie] Licence Change - it's happening

2012-07-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Dear Irish community,

Most of you know in one form or another about the licence change. Many
of you also know that the data redaction was to take place in April.
It has of course taken quite a bit longer, but a lot of care has been
taken and we now have a good toolset that has been tested against a
real data set on a test API server. That test data set was Ireland, as
it happens.

Since the test ran satisfactorily, it is now planned to start the real
redaction - that is, to begin the process of identifying
non-ODbL-compatible data and:

a) Removing it from the data set. In Ireland, this will not entail the
loss of very much data

b) Making any non-compliant data from old versions unobtainable

This real redaction will start with Ireland and may commence as soon
as tomorrow. So if you see some unusual map changes, this may be the

Any discussion welcomed here or on IRC.


Talk-ie mailing list

[Talk-de] Billigfliegen nach Tokio für SOTM

2012-05-19 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Liebe Mapper,

es gibt von euch wohl einige, die bei SOTM gerne dabei wären, sich
allerdings den teuren Flug nach Tokio nicht leisten wollen. Da habe
ich vielleicht eine Lösung, die allerdings schnell verfallen wird.
Gestern Abend ist es mir gelungen, eine Flugverbindung von Europa(*)
nach Tokio hin und zurück für rund €275 zu buchen. Da helfen sowohl
vorteilhafte Tarife als auch eine Sonderaktion von Alitalia (20%
Rabatt für Buchungen bis 21 Mai).

(*) Warum Europa so grob erwähnen? Um die besten Preisen zu
erwischen müssen Startflughafen und Endflughafen unterschiedlich sein.
Ich konnte z.B. AMS-TYO-BUD buchen.

Die Einzelheiten:üge-nun-89741

Viel Spass!

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

[OSM-talk] Rebuild plan (followups to rebuild list, please)

2012-03-22 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Dear Community,

I have waited a day to reply to the sudden wave of feedback regarding
the rebuild task list and plan. In this way I hope to ensure that my
reply is constructive and useful. I urge others to adopt a similar

It would be nice to be able to claim that it was gratifying to see
such a sudden surge of interest in a topic for which it has, until
now, been difficult to drum up much enthusiasm. Those who have
participated in the process of getting us to the point where we have a
plan and an emerging toolset - they deserve our thanks and they have
mine. Those who have chosen to snipe, often in non-specific terms, at
this plan, imperfect though it may be, well, I think they should
consider how things get done around here. Clearly they would have done
a better job and it's unfortunate that they did not step forward in a
timely fashion and do so.

All this being said, allow me to address those criticisms that have
been made in specific enough terms to allow it. There is a risk I will
leave out something important, but something tells me I'll hear about
that soon enough. I will politely request that followups be made to, a list that is open to all interested
parties and that exists for the purpose of such discussions as this. I
personally will assume that any followup not to rebuild@ is
unproductive punditry that need not be addressed in actual planning.

The plan should be postponed until after April 1st

To this I will simply state that deadlines are a Good Thing when you
are trying to get something done. Until we have completed this task it
is good that we should work to some deadlines even if they have to
evolve in the light of circumstances. If a safe rebuild or a portion
of it really has to slip beyond 1st April then that will have to
happen. There is, however, no virtue in ensuring that we slip by a
token few days just to prove that the world will not end. But be
assured that the plan is a living document that will not ignore
emerging realities.

There should be _much_ more test runs and validation of the edits made

The more testing the better, this is clear. I hope that those calling
for improvements here have read, understood and fed back weaknesses
found in the test suite:
(all files test*)

Unlesss you prefer to systematically verify every object in the planet
file, this will provide the single greatest chance of successful data
migration. We do also need spot checking of data changes made to a
real API database and this is planned. It will need manpower, of
course, something that is still lacking in this process.

Let me recap on the planned nature of these tests - as can be seen
from the plan, this weekend is to see a test run on a subset or
subsets of the data set on the dev server, these subsets being chosen
for being representative of many of the important test cases (and
probably having regard to the locations where volunteer data checkers
have the local knowledge to most easily spot unexpected behaviour).

As this is a fast moving process, the plan does not yet reflect the
fact that we also hope to commisison the new database server and
install a full API database. The redaction process will then also be
commenced on this box (we have a choice whether to test the offline or
online redaction), something that will give us the fairest benchmark
(and the most random distribution of test cases) possible. Even during
the running of this full planet test it will be possible to view and
validate the decisions being made.

Until we run these tests we don't know how we will have to react to
what we find. If we discover that data is vanishing all over the place
and wrong redactions are happening, this will oblige much greater
caution than if everything behaves well. The benchmarking will also be
revealing. If we discover that live redaction on a non-loaded API
seems to suggest (random figure with no basis used for effect) a whole
month of database churning, that might indicate that an offline
redaction is much smarter (consider the scope for conflicts or just
plain degradation of API performance).

But we have to perform the tests first - after that, if we can see
that our projections are flawed, we will need to address this.

This can be done without downtime and should be

Two points need to be made about this, and both are hinted at above.
Firstly, _if_ we wish to use the opportunity of the licence change to
migrate to the new server (and database version), something Matt is
keen to do, this will require at least some downtime. A separate
discussion must be had about the principle of live redaction V offline
redaction (which is assumed to be quicker and avoids certain
theoretical issues such as permormance hit and redactions conflicting
with real edits).

We still lack the benchmarks to make a truly informed decision between
the live and offline options. The plan, as many of you have 

Re: [Talk-de] OSM in Irland?

2012-02-23 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Hallo uns sorry, dass ich deine Überlegungen einige Tagelang übersehen habe...

2012/2/23 Steffen Grunewald

 Was mir noch zusätzlich Kopfschmerzen macht: die Küstenlinie scheint
 einigermaßen zum Bing-Bild zu passen.

Also... Was du als Küstenlinie gesehen hast passt sehr wohl zum
Bing-Bild, sofern das Bild auch nicht korrigiert wurde. Überall, wo
Bing lediglich Satbilder liefert kann man - jedenfalls in Irland -
durchaus 100m daneben liegen. Die Küstenlinie in Irland, wo nicht
inzwischen verbessert worden, wurde auf Landsatbasis automatisch
erstellt, samt Versatz. Wer also vor hat, von den Bing Satbildern
abzumalen hat auch zu kalibrieren, was ich meistens anhand der Straßen
mache, die meinstens irgendwo auf dem Satbild zu ahnen sind.

Auf dieser Weise habe ich dir soeben ein Geschenk gemacht - die
Küstenlinie zwischen Kilkee und Loop Head auf beiden Seiten der
Halbinsel habe ich neu abgemalt. Lässt sich sicherlich verbessern, was
allerdings gut warten kann, bis uns Bing in einigen Monaten
vernünftigen Bilder liefert. In der Zwischenzeit habe ich dir
zumindest etwas Terra firma verzaubert, was du wohl gut brauchen
kannst. Je nachdem, wie du mit mkgmap umgehst, wirst du aber wohl auch
deine Küstenlinien neu berechnen müssen.

 Das ist allerdings ein Kriterium ;) Dann fahren wir dort hin, wo noch
 wenig Straßen gemappt sind, dann haben wir wenigstens unsere Ruhe ;);)
 Für den Loop Drive scheint das halbwegs zu passen...

Da fällt mir übrigens was ein... In Kilkee habe wir noch eine (kleine)
Menge POIs die von der Lizenzumstellung platt gemacht werden:,wtfe_point_clean,wtfe_line_clean,wtfe_point_harmless,wtfe_line_harmless,wtfe_point_modified,wtfe_line_modified_cp,wtfe_line_modified,wtfe_point_created,wtfe_line_created_cp,wtfe_line_created

Auch bei Liscannor haben wir ein kleines Stück Strasse und einen POI.

Sollte es dir passen, könntest du uns einen Gefallen tun, indem du
diese Daten rettest.

 Wo wahrscheinlich kein Tourist freiwillig entlangkommt, sind die vielen
 Nebenstraßen (selbst aus den DOPs bei OSI ist nicht zu erahnen, welche
 Oberfläche die einem präsentieren werden).

Fürs Radl in den meisten Fällen ganz OK.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM in Irland?

2012-02-23 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2012/2/22 Steffen Grunewald
 Maidin mhaith,


Da hat einer geübt!

 Da ich dort aber mit dem Fahrrad langfahren will, werde ich den Garmin
 mitlaufen lassen und zumindest die Kreuzungen als Wegpunkte schreiben.
 Bis dahin sind aber vermutlich source=Bing-Einträge (hier ist eine
 Verbindung, du mußt halt nur genau gucken) immer noch besser als gar
 nichts, oder?
 Ich verstehe eine Menge Spaß, und gebe dem Mapper vor Ort, dem das nicht
 paßt, gern eine Pint aus.

Da riskierst du leider nicht so sehr viel, in dem Eck sind mir nicht
viele Mapper bekannt. In welcher Jahreszeit ist es denn soweit?


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] OSM in Irland?

2012-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Halle Steffen, sei aus Dublin begrüßt!

2012/2/16 Steffen Grunewald

 in Vorbereitung auf eine Irlandreise habe ich mir auch die OSM mal angesehen,
 für das Garmin Nüvi und Oregon. Die img-Dateigrößen verheißen ja nichts Gutes,
 37MB für die Kukuk-Basemap sind verglichen mit knapp 900MB für D bei Raumbezug
 nicht wirklich viel Platz für Details... und die fehlen in der Tat, v.a. in
 den ländlichen Regionen - Dublin isn't everywhere.

Ja, auf dem Land wird's weniger dicht, was auch damit zu tun hat, dass
eine überzeugende Mehrheit der irischen Mapper eher im Dubliner
Ballungsraum leben. Da kommt noch dazu...

 Die Luftbilder bei sind auch nicht gerade scharf (jedenfalls nicht im
 County Kerry). Gibt es eine andere Quelle für halbwegs brauchbar aufgelöste
 Luftbilder, die man nutzen könnte, um dem ein wenig abzuhelfen?

Ja, das ist bei uns immer ein Problem gewesen, was sich erst jetzt
langsam verbessert. Für das, dass unsere Mapper nicht so gut verteilt
sind und dass unsere Luftbilder keine volle Abdeckung liefern. Da muss
ich leider bestätigen dass Bing das beste ist von allem was wir haben.
Dafür kann ich einiges positives berichten: die Bing Updateaktion hat
die Abdeckung soeben vor zwei Wochen um einiges vervollständigt und
eine totale Abdeckung wird bis ende 2012 versprochen. Heute sieht's so

Die größte Grün-dargestellte Flache (Südost und Midlands) sowie ein
grosszügiges Gebiet um Belfast sind nagelneu (November bzw. Juli
2011), korrekt kalibriert und von der Qualität mindestens ausreichend
(gelegentlich stören Schatten). Dafür muss ich warnen, gerade weil du
Kerry erwähnt hast, dass du in fast allen Anderen Gebieten mit
Verschiebungen zu rechnen hast. Solltest du also vor haben, vor,
während oder nach der Reise abzumalen, unbedingt vorher Kalibrieren!
Sonst kann die Verschiebung bis 30m betragen, da verstehen wir Mapper
vor Ort wenig Spaß ;) Wenn ungenügend GPX daten vorhanden sind, oder
wenn sie wenig genau sind, melde dich einfach bei mir, ich habe für
fast alle Gebiete Korrekturen.

Du wirst wohl finden, gerade wo viele Touristen gerne hinfahren, dass
die Strassenabdeckung gar nicht schlecht ist, anders sieht das mit
Landuse aus. Bei Wanderwegen muss man das gut erwischen, wobei man
auch erwähnen soll, dass unsere Berge in dieser Hinsicht relativ wild
sind, die Wanderwege ergeben sich eher von selbst. Wegen Nebel- und
Unwettergefahr empfehle ich, ohne 1:50k Ordnance Survey Karte keine
Bergwanderung zu unternehmen - auch wenn die Wege in OSM drin sind,
kann 5m neben dir ein Steilhang sein...

Bei Fragen steht dir die irische Community gerne zu Verfügung, sowohl
auf der Mailing List, wie schon erwähnt, als auch auf IRC unter
#osm-ie. Manche von uns können sogar auf Deutsch helfen.

Viele Grüße aus DUB,

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] feedback requested

2011-12-25 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 24 December 2011 23:03, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Dermot McNally wrote:

 Another mapper walks by, notices that the place is a pizzeria and adds
 back an identical tag. Are we clean or dirty now?

 Dirty, because the very same situation could arise with a non-agreeing
 mapper adding cuisine=pizza, the agreeing mapper cleaning the
 object and a third mapper reverting that last action. I have no way of
 telling apart a revert to the non-agreeing mapper's version and a true
 remapping from original sources. I'm open to suggestions but I can't
 see an easy way out.

Yes, I see the problem - I pose the question because it's interesting
given that the desired end-game is a node that is both clean _and_ has
cuisine=pizza. But you go on to cover this case...

 These changes carry with them the slight complication that they make
 tainted-ness dependent on the current version of the way. This means
 that an object that was previously untainted could now become tainted
 again, by exactly the process that you outline above (re-adding of the
 cuisine tag). That would be a very good use case for odbl=clean, or
 maybe we could introduce something that users can place in their
 changeset comment saying all edits in this changeset are remapping
 from original sources, or we could even say: Whenever the changeset
 has a source tag we consider this to be original sources...

This was the issue I had in mind, and yes, odbl=clean will fix it. For
anybody who hasn't read the LWG minutes, LWG is in favour of
respecting odbl=clean come the switchover phase. We've asked for
community feedback on this (and on the principle that
moving-nodes-cleans-their-position, which we also favour) since we
want the decision to be an accountable one having regard to all valid
legal and ideological points that should be considered.

Now for a horrid twist to the thought experiment - odbl=clean is, as
you have described its use above, a nice solution to the problem of
wanting to cleanly reapply cuisine=pizza without wiping history. But
what if things happen like this?:

1. Agreeing mapper maps the restaurant and names it
2. Non-agreeing mapper adds the cuisine tag
3. Agreeing mapper removes the cuisine tag and sets odbl=clean. He or
she does not have enough information to assert the cuisine tag and
chooses, on balance, to lose the tag for now.
4. Well-meaning new (therefore agreeing) mapper sees the node, notices
the cuisine tag in the history and reapplies it without having
personal knowledge to back this up. odbl=clean is still set.

This is very similar to the case where the cuisine tag is reapplied
without us having odbl=clean set. Certainly, we can point out that we
expect good faith and due diligence from mappers. But if we are
prepared to consider the object clean in this case, why not also in
the case where the cuisine tag has just had a temporary holiday from
the object even if odbl=clean has not been set?


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] feedback requested

2011-12-25 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 25 December 2011 21:05, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 On Sun, 25 Dec 2011 13:48:24 +

 4. Well-meaning new (therefore agreeing) mapper sees the node, notices
 the cuisine tag in the history and reapplies it without having
 personal knowledge to back this up. odbl=clean is still set.

 To me, this is on par with well-meaning new mapper copies data from
 Google believing it is ok. It is something where we have to make a
 good effort to explain to people that they shouldn't do it, and if it
 turns out somebody has misunderstood, or made a mistake, then we have
 to fix that.

 I don't see *many* people using history to look for extra features to

OK, that's fine by me - I like that answer, because it allows us to
respect odbl=clean in all cases. I also agree that anybody rummaging
in the history for lost tags can be expected to know better than to
re-animate tainted tags.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] feedback requested

2011-12-24 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 24 December 2011 19:32, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 I have prepared changes to the OSMI map that allow me to

 * treat untagged nodes as clean if moved by an agreeing mapper


 * treat any tags contributed by a non-agreeing mapper as harmless if
  these tags are not present any more in the current version

Also nice - two clarifications would be useful, if you could briefly give them:

1. This would, I suppose, mean that a formerly tainted node which
has both been moved and stripped of any tainted tags would also be
considered clean. Is this so, or is the moved node rule implemented as
a special case that can only every apply to untagged nodes?

2. Consider the case of a node that is mapped by an agreeing mapper as
a restaurant. A non-agreeing mapper comes along and adds
cuisine=pizza. An agreeing mapper cleans the object by removing this
tag. Time passes...

Another mapper walks by, notices that the place is a pizzeria and adds
back an identical tag. Are we clean or dirty now?

 * treat any nodes added to a way by a non-agreeing mapper as harmless
  if these nodes are not present any more in the current version of
  the way

Excellent. So this will have the effect of ignoring the edit by the
non-agreeing mapper in the _way's_ history, right?

Thanks for the clarifications. Indeed, thanks for this awesome resource.

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Are objects still tainted when they are edited from a better source ?

2011-12-15 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 15 December 2011 15:17, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:

 When I use high-resolution imagery to improve areas formerly mapped from
 low-resolution imagery, I change the source tag on the objects I touch -
 i.e. from Yahoo low resolution satellite to Microsoft Bing satellite.
 Since my edit is correlated with a change of source, can it still be
 considered as a tainted derivative ?

What you describe seems to me a reasonable argument for considering
the _geometry_ clean. In particular, many of us are strongly of the
view that an untagged node which is moved can be deemed clean by
virtue of the fact that no aspect of the node endures from any
previous unclean state. You haven't indicated whether, in these cases,
you would have moved every single node, though that seems not to be
the main weakness in your scenario...

What about non-geometric aspects of the way? Perhaps it has a name, a
highway type, a lanes tag or whatever. If these tags have a clean
history, once again, I would be in favour of considering the object
clean. But you can't really deem the entire way clean just by
recreating the geometry if you also retain unclean tags.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Copyprotection for OSM based material

2011-11-25 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 25 November 2011 11:07, Nic Roets wrote:

 I will go even further and say this is already happening by people who have
 already agreed to the ODbL. (Should I point out the examples that I know of

From where we stand now, they are doing nothing wrong, since ODbL does
not yet apply to the database. Now, you can of course claim that what
those people are doing now represents a good indication of intent for
when ODbL does kick in...


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: Datum Lizenzumstellung bekannt

2011-11-24 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/11/23 Wolfgang Barth

 Wenn man das einschaltet, wie sehe ich dann die Lizenzprobleme?
 Hab keinen Hilfetext dazu gefunden. Eingefärbt? Wie?

Das ganze ist (vorerst auf Englisch) hier dokumentiert:

Ja, alles Objekte die als Unsauber gelten (nach gleichen Regeln, wie
in JOSM) werden mit farben versehen.

Dunkelrot: Der V1 Mapper hat die Lizenzumstellung ausdrücklich abgelehnt.
Transparent-Rot: V1 ist sauber, aber ein weiterer Mapper hat abgelehnt.
Orange: Mindestens ein Mapper hat noch keine entscheidung getroffen,
aber noch keiner hat abgelehnt.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: Datum Lizenzumstellung bekannt

2011-11-23 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/11/20 Wolfgang Barth
 Am 20.11.2011 22:52, schrieb Dermot McNally:

 Bin spät dabei, aber vielleicht ist es für dich noch interessant zu
 wissen, dass auch Potlatch  den Lizenzstatus anzeigen kann.


 Dann sag mal wie. Ich hab das bisher nicht entdecken können.

Sorry, also:

Das Plugin heißt licensechange und erscheint normal auf der
Pluginliste unter Einstellungen (schätzungsweise, benutze ich auf
Englisch). Kann sein, dass du auch die Pluginliste aktualisieren
musst. Einfach installieren, Anleitung lesen:

...und bei Bedarf hier wieder fragen.

Viel Spass!

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: Datum Lizenzumstellung bekannt

2011-11-23 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Wieder sorry, falsche Auskunft gegeben (wie das mit JOSM geht dürfte
dir wohl klar sein...):

Oben rechts befindet sich in Potlatch eine Schaltfläche. Auf Englisch
heißt sie ganz brav Options. Scheinbar sorgt ein Bug dafür, dass sie
auf Deutsch [Object Object] heißt, was wohl der Grund ist, dass sie
nicht aufgefallen ist. Dahinter sind manche Einstellungen, darunter
eine, die Lizenzstatus einblendet.


2011/11/23 Dermot McNally
 2011/11/20 Wolfgang Barth
 Am 20.11.2011 22:52, schrieb Dermot McNally:

 Bin spät dabei, aber vielleicht ist es für dich noch interessant zu
 wissen, dass auch Potlatch  den Lizenzstatus anzeigen kann.


 Dann sag mal wie. Ich hab das bisher nicht entdecken können.

 Sorry, also:

 Das Plugin heißt licensechange und erscheint normal auf der
 Pluginliste unter Einstellungen (schätzungsweise, benutze ich auf
 Englisch). Kann sein, dass du auch die Pluginliste aktualisieren
 musst. Einfach installieren, Anleitung lesen:

 ...und bei Bedarf hier wieder fragen.

 Viel Spass!

 Igaühel on siin oma laul
 ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Aerial photo offsets

2011-11-20 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 7 November 2011 08:50, Janko Mihelić wrote:

 The leader of the project, Dermot McNally, talked at the Vienna state of the
 map. There is no video, but there are slides:

 If I understood right, some code was written.

Hi - I'm just seeing this now. Not only is code written, the service
is up and running on the dev server (or was, it has been neglected in
the past while). The biggest lack at the moment is editor support from
the three main editors, whose developers have more ideas than time.

See also here:


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: [bulk]: Re: Datum Lizenzumstellung bekannt

2011-11-20 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/11/11 Wolfgang Barth

 Ich hab jetzt licencechange installiert in josm (owohl ich eher gerne mit
 potlatch arbeite) und lade mal hier und da in meine Gegend eine Teilmap.

Bin spät dabei, aber vielleicht ist es für dich noch interessant zu
wissen, dass auch Potlatch  den Lizenzstatus anzeigen kann.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] OSMF Board - ich bin Kandidat

2011-08-30 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Hallo zusammen,

ich wollte euch (sehr) kurz mitteilen, dass ich für die kommende OSMF
Wahl Kandidat bin. Alles Infos, auch zu den Anderen würdigen
Kandidaten, hier:


Igaühel on siin oma laul
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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CTs are not full copyright assignment

2011-06-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On Friday, 17 June 2011, Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer wrote:

 Please note that the CT do not guarantee a 2/3 majority of the community. Only
 a part of the community is entitled to vote.

I read your other mail on that topic. I don't personally have any
objection to addressing weaknesses in the definition of active
contributor. Given the likely slight impact on the outcome of any
vote I wouldn't even object to including a time-limited right to vote
for all past contributors (though see below), though we would need to
be careful then about whether we would require 66% of former
contributors to say yes or just 66% of those who ultimately cast a
vote. The former would become unworkable as more and more inactive
mappers became unreachable.

As to the definition of former contributor - in a post-CT-adoption
OSM that would probably mean excluding those never to have agreed to
the CT (in other words, restrict voting rights to those who still have
data in OSM). It remains to be seen whether the difference will prove
a significant one.

 Shortly after I wrote these words, a respected community member attacked me as
 being blinded by ideology. He never apologised, and no one contradicted him.
 This personal attack is the main reason why I am now completely unwilling to
 accept the CT as long as I see peoblems in it.

With reference to Rob's reply on this issue, and assuming his quote to
be in-context (it certainly matches my recollection), I agree with his
interpretation. The quote does not attack you as blinded by
ideology. As such, that post, which I also agree to be well-argued,
should have no bearing on your attitude to CT.


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legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] data derived from UK Ordnace Survey

2011-06-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 June 2011 11:00, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Does that not effectively rule out any future relicensing because the burden
 of checking existing data is just too high? I mean, how would one even
 *begin* to perform such a check, given that nobody is actually obliged to
 tell us what license restriction his externally-sourced data might be under?

Not quite, based on what Richard is saying. It would allow future
relicensing but only if the new licence remained compatible with the
terms seen to be required by the OS (currently attribution, if I've
understood correctly).

It's an unfortunate limitation, certainly, but not quite the same as
condemning us to ODbL or CC forever.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Users who disagree to ODbL but want PD / CC0

2011-06-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 June 2011 15:34, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:

 Could we then export change 2 to a PD database first and
 import that into ODbL OSM?

Wouldn't it be much simpler for those users to simply accept CT? PD is
a superset of CT and ODbL after all...


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Re: [OSM-talk] Users who disagree to ODbL but want PD / CC0

2011-06-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 June 2011 16:04, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen wrote:
 No, it would be simpler for OSM.

Works for me - I'm an OSM mapper and the work in question is from OSM
mappers. Floris' comments talk about saving as much data as
possible, by context, saving it for OSM. The easiest way to do this
is as I have suggested.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Users who disagree to ODbL but want PD / CC0

2011-06-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 June 2011 16:55, Thomas Davie wrote:

 If we convince them to release under PD, then we can take their work and then 
 license it as ODbL, so not wanting their work licensed ODbL precludes 
 releasing under PD.

Notwithstanding the fact that much of the reasoning here would not be
out of place in the Vatican...

If there are mappers who would happily tick a box saying something
like: I authorise absolutely anybody to use the data I have
contributed in any way that pleases them, but who prefer not to tick
the one we currently have for the CT, and if such an additional box
would stand up legally, then sure, why the hell not?

A former president of Ireland managed to fudge his oath of office and
finally take his seat in Parliament through a broadly similar stunt.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Users who disagree to ODbL but want PD / CC0

2011-06-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 June 2011 18:55, Robert Kaiser wrote:

 I know at least one person who does exactly that just because he wants to
 harm the OSMF because he disagrees with the processes - not with the
 outcome, though.

The harm he's doing is to the other mappers in the areas he has mapped.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 14 June 2011 05:18, Russ Nelson wrote:

 Nathan was being gracious. You ARE trolling. Stop it.

I like to assume good faith on the lists. I have never for a moment
doubted the sincerity of your position on the licence change, and I
demand the same courtesy from you. It's acceptable for people to draw
different conclusions from the same data. In a democracy, a majority
decides which way a decision should fall.

 Very likely many non-Muslims voted against the ban. They were NOT
 treated differently after the vote. Stop arguing that accepting the
 license means anything more than accepting the license, Dermot. It
 doesn't. In particular, I accepted the license because I know that if
 I do not, then my (rather significant) contributions would be deleted,
 and I would be banned from further contributions. I can and have
 accepted the license without approving of it.

That too is a reason to accept. Most countries and organisations avoid
the kind of micro-democracy that would have avoided the situation we
have today in OSM where some people (a minority) complain that they
are being asked to vote (or pronounce, decide, choose if you
don't want to call it a vote) on the wrong question and that they
would prefer to have been asked a different question. Such a
micro-democracy would never have managed to agree on a question to
ask, and while this might be a useful outcome for those who favour the
status quo, that seems to me a lot like one group asserting its will
over another not by constituting a majority, but by constituting a
loud enough minority (UN Security Council springs to mind here).

So instead of a micro-democracy, we have ended up with a central group
of people producing the proposal on which ultimately all mappers
needed to take a decision. As will be clear, I tend to agree with the
thrust of their reasoning and I find that the people involved are
honest and have the good of the project at heart. But is it not still
unfair that specifically that group got to come up with the proposal?
Not at all. And again, I'd like to come back to how democratic
governments tend to work.

If you look at the role of the OSMF in advancing the licence change
initiative, one option is to consider that they were acting in the
manner of a government. This might grate if you take the view that you
never voted for them. But ultimately, it isn't just governments that
get to propose laws. Minority groups in parliaments, right down to
single independent members, also get to do so. And in the case of the
Bavarian smoking ban, a law change even came from an ad-hoc group of
citizens. So the right to propose legislation (or, in this case, a
licence change) is not some mysterious one. There is no reason any
grouping within the project cannot form to promote a different change
- in fact, any group that wishes to do so will find it much easier to
do so once the initial change to CT is made because of the 66%

But, I (continuously) hear you point out, the OSMF is uniquely
well-placed to force through its will because it controls the
servers.. This is, of course, true. I can counter with the usual
retort that it is everyone's option to fork and that this is the
defense against an evil Foundation. You can counter that OSMF will
still prevail as it enjoys recognition as the one true fork. And we
all go away frowning.

Thing is, even an evil foundation would have to consider the
sustainability of a post-CT data set. On the one hand, OSMF has the
advantage that it could, using the servers and domains it controls,
move to ODbL under CT with, say 20% of today's data - technically they
are not even subject to any democratic decision of mappers. To return
briefly to the issue of legislation sponsored by a government, the
cabinet in planning the legislation needs to keep it sufficiently
reasonable that it will pass a vote by a majority of the house.
Opposition-sponsored bills are harder. They require the same majority
and you know that government party can defeat it on a whim. Such a
bill needs to be so strong it its merit that even your political
rivals will go for it. The Bavarian referendum on the smoking ban is
probably closest to our licence change, and even here, a defined
majority of the turnout is sufficient to carry the law.

In our vote the OSMF had both the theoretical latitude to ignore
democracy and operate without a majority, but also the practical
constraint that anything less than an overwhelming mandate would screw
up the map beyond redemption. This much stronger imperative informed
the entire process of licence selection. The process was not a secret
and nobody's consent was taken for granted. The eventual proposal is
one that failed to please many, for all kinds of reasons. Russ, I've
already publicly stated that you did the decent thing by agreeing to
the change despite your many difficulties with the process. As far as
I'm concerned, barring those mappers who have contributed data

Re: [Talk-de] PR: June 16, Bloomsday: Pubs in Dublin

2011-06-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/6/13 RalfGesellensetter
 A good puzzle would be to cross Dublin without passing a pub.
 -James Joyes, Ulysses

Pünktlich hat rorym ein Ergebnis zum Thema veröffentlicht:

Fazit: es geht! (meistens...)


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Re: [OSM-talk] Poll on Governance, what constitutes news, wiki front page

2011-06-13 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 13 June 2011 14:41, TimSC wrote:

 So I ask any interested parties and Richard: please respond with a
 definition of what constitutes news and/or some reasoning that it is one
 person's hobbyhorse, otherwise I will revert you back. Also if you want to
 raise awareness of the poll, I would appreciate some support here! ;)

It was put very succinctly by somebody earlier - paraphrasing, you
know something is news if it's important enough that somebody other
than the person who did it thinks it's news. In a similar vein,
Wikipedia takes a dim view of people writing an article about

We all have diary pages to publicise our OSM deeds that we think
people care about. If they actually do, somebody else will post it as


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Re: [Talk-de] PR: June 16, Bloomsday: Pubs in Dublin

2011-06-13 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/6/13 RalfGesellensetter
 A good puzzle would be to cross Dublin without passing a pub.
 -James Joyes, Ulysses

Viele Dublin Pubs fehler noch auf OSM, aber User rorym hat sich mit
genau diesem Thema beschäftigt. Bislang ohne eine passende Strecke zu

Als Voraussetzung soll eine gültige Strecke vom Royal Canal bis zum
Grand Canal verlaufen.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-11 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 June 2011 13:21, TimSC wrote:

 4) Join the OSMF as a member (people keep suggesting this but I don't
 actually agree!)

This might be a good point for you to outline how you think important
stuff should be organised - how to ensure servers are bought and stay
up, how to watch over issues of licence and how decisions should be
taken. A difficulty with any status quo is that dissenting opinions
tend to be expressed in terms relative to that status quo, which can
seem negative.

What's the better way?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On Friday, 10 June 2011, Ben Laenen wrote:

 then why is it making all the decisions on the new license? Or am I then
 misunderstanding how the whole process is taking place?

I suggest that you are. We the mappers are making the decisions based
on a proposal drawn up at great length by OSMF. And mappers will
continue to hold the power over future decisions of this sort.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 10 June 2011 21:38, Nic Roets wrote:

 2. How do they know that there is overwhelming support from the
 community ? (I don't believe the license change passed this test) and

Close to 99% of mappers who actively voted supported the change.

 3. And waiting for the community to get 100% behind a change can take
 a very long time. If we want to compete with Google Map Maker, we may
 need to act much faster.

Here I agree with you fully. This is why the CT are hugely important
to the future of the project. You have declined them. How do you
propose that we, as a project, equip ourselves to react quickly in a
way that does not require 100% support?

 In the short term people should either become OSMF members or live
 with the consequences. In the long term, we could adopt a process
 where voting does not cost anything. (For example, I recently received
 a couple of messages from Wikimedia saying that my small number of
 edits made me eligible to vote in their election).

How much did it cost you to cast your no vote?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 10 June 2011 22:16, TimSC wrote:

 I think you are confusing support the relicense with accept the
 relicense and that difference is significant.

Not at all - I know of no form of democracy that distinguishes between
grudging acceptance or evangelical zeal. In particular, in direct
democracy such as a referendum, small groups always design the
question that will be put to the electorate, tuning it as required so
it will command the support of a sufficient majority while still
achieving the goal.

If a sufficient majority votes yes (and this is often also referred to
as supporting the referendum), it is carried. If close to 99% votes
yes then it is common to talk of overwhelming support. Will some
voters be grumbling that they didn't like how the question was posed?
Sure they will. But the result is still binding, because that's how
democratic decisions work.

We attack the principles of democracy at our peril - most of the tried
alternatives are quite nasty.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
I'd like to save Nic the trouble of taking issue with my claim below -
I've since realised that he reversed his no vote, something that
changes very much the character of the point he was making.

Sorry Nic,

On 10 June 2011 21:50, Dermot McNally wrote:
 On 10 June 2011 21:38, Nic Roets wrote:

 3. And waiting for the community to get 100% behind a change can take
 a very long time. If we want to compete with Google Map Maker, we may
 need to act much faster.

 Here I agree with you fully. This is why the CT are hugely important
 to the future of the project. You have declined them. How do you
 propose that we, as a project, equip ourselves to react quickly in a
 way that does not require 100% support?

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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 10 June 2011 23:01, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 I cannot think of any democratic process where only the 'yes' voters are
 allowed to participate in the results. Can you?

About a year ago, Bavaria held a referendum to ban smoking in just
about all indoor public places including pubs, restaurants and Beer
Tents. Non-smokers were free to vote no, and we must presume that
many did. But because the vote was carried they are no longer free to
smoke in those places.

They are, of course, free to use them without smoking indoors. Just as
opponents of the OSM licence change will be free to participate in OSM
post-change, just not under their preferred terms. It seems a perfect


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 10 June 2011 23:35, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 It's a flawed analogy, since there were two decisions for smokers: whether
 to vote yes or no on the referendum, and (after it passed) whether to
 patronize these places. With OSM there is only one decision; someone who
 'votes' against the change gets their contributions removed, as if someone
 who voted no on the referendum was no longer allowed to visit the pub and
 grab a beer with friends.

Not at all. It's not a perfect analogy, but it covers perfectly the
future right of the no voters to continue to use the facility. In the
OSM context, this is possible by either accepting the terms and
keeping your previous contributions on the map or (for whatever
reason) standing by the no vote and creating another account. That the
no voter would prefer not to have to do all this is clear, but then
democracy always disappoints somebody.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 June 2011 00:15, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 I think you're being deliberately obtuse

That's amusing coming from somebody who thinks he can inhibit the use
of data he has declared as PD, but let's carry on...

, but I'll continue to assume
 otherwise. In a democracy, there are no personal consequences for voting
 either way. One's vote is counted, and *the final tally is the only thing a
 vote counts for*. If yes voters and no voters are treated differently after
 the vote, it's not a democratic vote.

Switzerland around the same time held a referendum on whether to ban
the building of Minarets. I expect that many Muslims voted against the
ban. The referendum was carried. No voters _are_ treated differently
after the vote.

The vote was democratic by any definition. It happens to be IMO a very
dark incident for democracy, but that doesn't take away from the

 Hence the new license acceptance
 process is not a democratic vote.

Your definition of democracy does not seem to accord with mine. Where
did you get it?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 June 2011 01:02, Nic Roets wrote:

 I would quite like to take my data and start my own PD / CC0 project.
 So by simply matching my new license to the conditions set by the
 OSMF, I would be voting yes in your referendum.

Of course, you are free to do that. So we need to measure OSMF by
standards different to those which we would expect from a national
government. OSMF can't force you to pay tax and can't divest you of
any data you own. Their only leverage is over how or whether you get
to use resources that they are managing. And as the managers of those
resources they find themselves taking an interest in licence stuff
that most of us don't consider all that often.

 In this referendum, the OSMF substantially influenced the outcome by
 declaring beforehand We are changing the license. They refused to
 register new users who do not vote yes. The emails that was sent out
 only listed the advantages of the license change.

Sounds very sneaky the way you portray it. Sins of omission? They
should probably have linked to arguments both for and against from the
wiki pages outlining the plan. Come to think of it, that's exactly
what they did. Odd that you didn't mention it.

 I am not saying OSMF acted illegally or that the license change is a
 bad thing. I am merely saying that the OSMF decided on the license
 change before there was overwhelming support for it from the

Was The Community ever going to beat a path to the OSMF demanding a
licence change? I doubt it. Does that mean that we didn't need one? It
does not. Most mappers, and I include myself, are very happy that
Somebody Else(tm) runs the servers, scrounges for the funds, made a
slippy map work and generally gives us what we need so we can just go
out and map.

Should the people hosting the data not be at the core of thinking
about the legal aspects? It's not like the rest of us were queuing up
to have our say.

 The license change was not driven by the community. It was
 driven by a few individuals. How else can you explain the dismally low
 voter turn out when the OSMF members voted on it ?

It was driven by the few individuals who took an interest in the
matter. They were not secretive about their project, indeed
evangelical is the word I would use. For a long time they were met
with a large round of indifference, as reflected in the poll turnout
you mention. Licences, we discover, are just not sexy. It'll all sort
itself out is a common reaction to stuff we find too abstract to care
about. It's alright not to care. It's not alright to invent problems
that don't exist.

So anyway, we've come further in the process. It turns out that in
order to find out what people think you have to steal their football
and not give it back until they tell you. Democracy might be fair, but
it turns out it's pretty boring too. Still, we know now that an
overwhelming number of mappers are sufficiently OK with the change.

Some aren't, for various reasons. And that's a shame. But those of you
who aren't need to consider a few things. You need to realise that
you're not the only ones here. You need to realise that there are a
_lot_ of smart people contributing to OSM and most of them are OK with
this. You need to understand that if you try to use your data as
leverage you are typically jeapordising the contributions of lots of
your fellow mappers.

You need to remember that this change isn't the final roll of the
dice. You didn't like the way this change was proposed, promoted,
voted upon? Well, the new CTs define in some detail how it has to be
done in the future. That's progress. You would have preferred
PD/Beerware/CC-BY-stand-on-one-leg? Groovy - just find 2/3 of active
mappers who want that too and it can happen without all the
accusations of bad faith we've had this time around.

In summary - if we were in the business of immediate perfection in OSM
nothing would have gone into the map until the whole world was fully
surveyed. We do incremental mapping. Learn to attain your licencing
goals the same way.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 June 2011 00:53, John F. Eldredge wrote:

 True.  I clicked the button to accept the license, since this was necessary 
 in order to continue editing, but I don't much care for the license.  In 
 particular, I disliked the fact that you had to agree in advance, sight 
 unseen, to any future changes in the license.

Wasn't this a provision of CC-BY-SA too? Why is it only a problem when
applied to ODbL?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Join the OSMF !

2011-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 June 2011 02:13, John F. Eldredge wrote:

 When I signed up in the first place, I was required to say I accept having 
 my data placed under the CC-by-SA license, but, unlike the new license, I 
 was not required to waive my right to have a say in any future license change.

You are not waiving your right to have a say with the new CT. You are
waiving your right to have a veto. I can't name a single mapper
important enough to have one of those.

 The OSMF is replacing democracy with oligarchy, so that, in the future, no 
mappers except the tiny fraction who are members of the OSMF will have a say 
in any future license change, such as changing over to charging for the use of 
map data.

No, we've never had democracy prior to CT. What we've had is a
situation where any one mapper may erect a barrier to whatever
decision needs to be made. CT replaces this with democracy requiring a
2/3 majority of active mappers. Those mappers do not have to be OSMF
members as your comments above suggest. Have you actually read the CT?


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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CTs are not full copyright assignment

2011-06-08 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 8 June 2011 17:59, Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer wrote:

 I am willing to grant the OSFM + 2/3 of the community the right to relicense
 my contributions in the following ways:
 * the current versions of the ODbL and/or of the CC-BY-SA,
 * all past and future versions of the ODbL and/or of the CC-BY-SA,
 * all licenses that follow the Share-Alike/Copyleft principle, and

That's not a bad start - but if I play spot-the-missing-bit, it looks
to me that you aren't prepared to trust 2/3 of the community to decide
that (for reasons not yet forseen) a licence other than the two you
list and which may not be copyleft/sharealike.

The difficulty I see is what might happen under those unforseen
circumstances. Let's take a fanciful (but not impossible) assumption
that in 50 years, the various map data providers operating either free
beer or speech policies (as of today that would include OSM for speech
and Google for beer) have transformed the landscape to the extent that
Navteq decides that map data is a commodity, that they too will give
away what they have, will integrate the concept of Community into
their data maintenance and otherwise try to out-OSM OSM.

Now, keep in mind that this is a fanciful example, so let's not be
sidetracked by whether we think they would ever do such a thing. The
issue is that the OSM Community at that time would find themselves
having to consider how OSM should fit in a world where this had
happened. Let's further suppose that some users of geodata continued
to find obstacles to using OSM, but seized on the opportunity to
exploit this newly freed Navteq data which, let's just suppose, had
been declared PD.

Such a development might in fact prove to be a game-changer. The OSM
Community might well find that, in a world where geodata is often PD,
sharealike is the kiss of death for a project. It therefore seems
important to equip The Community of the future to decide on all
aspects of future licence policy, including a yes or no to sharealike.

Your preference should a situation like this arise seems to be:

 * all other licenses if I am contacted and do not object within 6 weeks.

So in 50 years time (and I hope that we are both still alive to cast
our vote at that time), each of us will get the chance to express
ourselves on this important matter. My interpretation of your 6 week
timeout is that, should you be unreachable, bored or dead, The
Community is free to make the decision without you, and that's
certainly an improvement over where we are today.

But suppose you are reachable - suppose you consider the issue for a
week and decide to say no, but a solid majority of mappers say yes. 50
years worth of the stuff you mapped and anything sitting on top of it
(which I'm going to claim will, by then, have diluted your own stuff
into insignificance) will have to be removed somehow. And that's just
not fair.

If your data gets contributed to a project where it will by definition
be mixed with those of other mappers you have to accept that the
decision-making process of what may be fairly done with the mixed data
set must also be shared with those same mappers. We can talk about
what percentage should constitute a strong majority. We can talk about
how to prevent gerrymandering of the pool of eligible voters.

But we shouldn't and mustn't talk about vetoes. Today every old
mapper has a veto on changes of this sort. Your list above proposes to
grant a one-time mandate to allow for a specific foreseen licence
change deemed necessary. But it proposes to retain the veto. Not one
of us is so important to OSM that he or she has the right to stand in
the way of the accountable will of The Community.


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legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CTs are not full copyright assignment

2011-06-07 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On Tuesday, 7 June 2011, Ed Avis wrote:

 The process is pretty simple really:

 - decide what licence you want without bothering to hold a vote

A lot of thought and consultation went into the proposed licence and
polls were taken to back up the conclusions. Of course, the fact that
the process took years has led to plenty of mappers who can claim not
to have been asked. They've all been asked now, though, and the
results speak for themselves.

 - get everyone to sign up to new contributor terms allowing that licence

Indeed. Asking people seems like an excellent way to address your no
vote concern.

 - block anyone who says no from contributing

 and presto! you have your 2/3 majority of active contributors.

Such an approach could possibly work, albeit at the cost of losing the
community if the community held the process to be unfair. The fact is,
though, that people who said no have not yet been blocked from
contributing and the 2/3 majority has already been reached. The wrong
kind of majority, perhaps?

I'm reminded of an argument I was drawn into at the Munich Oktoberfest
last year. Smoking is now banned indoors in Bavaria, and one chap, who
claimed to be a lawyer, was intent on having a smoke regardless. He
considered the law undemocratic. It had been brought in by a
referendum forced on the government by a citizen's petition. The
referendum was carried. This guy reasoned that lots of smokers
abstained from voting because the result was a foregone conclusion,
therefore a non-democratic result.

How shall we define democracy in OSM? I'm heavily drawn to a model
where the course of action endorsed by 99% of those voting can be
deemed legitimate.


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legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CTs are not full copyright assignment

2011-06-07 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 7 June 2011 14:35, Anthony wrote:

 A 2/3 majority of what?  When was a poll held?

Your next paragraph suggests that you know when.

 Do you really think it's a valid poll where, for months, you're only
 allowed to say yes, and then even after you're allowed to say no, you
 can switch your mind until the answer is yes (at which point you can't
 change it back)?

Yes, I do. And the numbers suggest that most people agree with me.

 This is besides the fact that the question being asked is not the
 right question in the first place.

It is up to those asking the question to determine what question they
would like to have answered. In this case, the people asking for a
mandate to change the licence/copyright terms of the database we host
are those directly involved in the hosting of said database. They have
a right and duty to consider these issues and the mandate they seek
will not prevent any of us from making use of today's data set in any
way we were already permitted to do so.

 And besides the fact that I haven't been allowed to vote.

In the old days they might have been plucking chickens and boiling up
the tar. These days antisocial behaviour just gets you banned.

 There was no vote.

Over 32000 mappers have agreed to a proposal. 387 have disagreed. If
you choose not to consider this a vote, fair enough, but any longtime
readers have had plenty of chances to form an opinion of your brand of


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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CTs are not full copyright assignment

2011-06-07 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 7 June 2011 15:20, Anthony wrote:

 Of 8,402,321 people eligible to vote, 8,357,560, or 99.5%, cast
 ballots--8,348,700 of which favored Hussein, the government said.
 There were 5,808 spoiled ballots.

Luckily our licence vote is more transparent. Details on who said yes
and no are available, so any irregularities will easily be found.
Happy hunting!


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Re: [OSM-talk] Breaking up is hard to do (was New Logo in the Wiki)

2011-05-04 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 4 May 2011 18:21, Nic Roets wrote:

 I rejected the CTs because I felt the OSMF* was out of touch with the
 community. Your statement just reaffirms that.

The Community, by my definition, is made up of the people who map,
most of whom are not members of OSMF. The change in licence and CTs
has been endorsed massively by The Community. I won't make any blanket
judgement on people who feel they have to say no to the change - some
are indeed in tricky situations - but I find your very premise flawed.


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Re: [Talk-de] OSMF

2011-05-04 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/5/4 Markus

 - es gibt keine wählbare Alternative

Aber der Lizenzwechsel (genau gesehen, der CT-Wechsel) gibt der
Community einen Weg, Lizenzvorschläge in Zukunft (von mir aus, sogar
in naher Zukunft) zu wählen. Wollen genug Leute einen Lizenzwechsel,
kann das auch passieren, indem 66% der aktiven Community das zustimmt.
Dass gerade ODbL dir nicht gefällt ist natürlich Schade - dafür haben
über 98% aller Mapper, die aktive abgestimmt haben den Wechsel
zugestimmt (und zählt man die Neumapper mit dann sind's deutlich

Diese Mapper sind also bereit, die neue Lizenz mindestens zu
tolerieren. Ich muss auch davon ausgehen, dass manche davon sich eine
andere Lizenz wünschen würden. Vielleicht werden sie, nach der
Umstellung, Druck machen, mit der Hoffnung, dass 66% der Community
gleicher Meinung ist. Was ich dir auch empfehle - Ja sagen, und die
Wege nutzen, die uns bis jetzt gefehlt haben, deine Ideen
durchzusetzen - solltest du genug Unterstützung findest, natürlich.
Fair is fair.


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Re: [Talk-de] OSMF

2011-05-04 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/5/4 Markus

 Ja, das ist eine Verbesserung.

 Der Preis ist aber m.E. zu hoch:
 - Verlust von verdienten OSMern
 - Datenverlust (in noch unbestimmter Höhe)

Dieses Medizin muss das Projekt früher oder später schlucken. Je
früher, desto weniger Verlust an Daten und Mapper. Es kann einfach
nicht sein, dass jeder einzelner Mapper ein Veto hat über ungeplante
von aussen gezwungene Änderungen. Die Verlust an Mappern kann
natürlich durchaus verhindert werden - OSM ist und bleibt euer
Projekt. Steht euch wirklich so viel im Wege, weiterzumachen mit einer
Lizenz die sich so unwesentlich unterscheidet von der Alten?

 - Verletzung des Vertrauens zur OSMF

Oft behauptet, zu selten begründet. Und wenn, kann jeder etwas dafür.
Ist schließlich _unsere_ OSMF. Wer das besser kann soll sich wählen

 - Verletzung der Idee der Freiheit (durch unfreies Verfahren)

Wer hat dir denn deine Stimme geklaut? Ein Verfahren wird nicht unfrei
weil dir das Ergebnis nicht passt. Hätten 98% der Mapper nein gesagt,
müsste ich dir wohl Recht geben. Haben sie aber nicht.

 Ja, aber die reinen Zahlen trügen.
 Sie sind zu einem grossen Teil Folge
 - des friss oder Stirb-Zwanges
 - mangelnder Alternativen
 - unverständlicher Inhalte
 - der verbreiteten Gewohnheit Lizenzen einfach zuzustimmen
 - des die praktische Arbeit wichtiger nehmens

- (wichtiger als deine Vermutungen) dass jeder, auch jeder Depp, eine
Stimme hat, die zu respektieren ist.

Bis jetzt, habe ich im Projekt immer mit sehr intelligenten Mappern zu
tun gehabt. Haben wirklich 98% so blöd abgestimmt? Oder halten sie den
Wechsel nur für unbedenklich.

Es kann echt nicht sein, dass deine Bedenken wichtiger sind als die
Stimmen von 98%, oder?


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-23 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/23 Mike  Dupont

 Das man meine Daten verwendenet um dann PD daten herzuleiten und das als
 nicht derivat zu erklaren, halte ich fuer einen Streitfall. Mann sollte das
 erstmals gar nicht zulassen, und wenn man PD daten behalten mochte, sollte
 man die woanders machen aber nicht mischen.

Tut doch keiner. Wollen wir doch nicht bei den Tatsachen bleiben?


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-23 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/23 Mike  Dupont

 Ich habe es so verstanden :
  es gibt einige mapper die ihre Daten also PD markieren und so
 weiterlizenziern, diese Mischen ihre Daten im OSM pool, und geben ihre
 Beitraege auch als PD weiter,

 wenn es nicht so ist, habe ich was falsch verstanden.

Jeder darf bestimmen wie _seine_ Daten benutzt werden, und manche
Mapper bezeichnen tatsächlich _ihre_ Daten als PD - und das übrigens
seit lange, mit oder ohne Lizenzwechsel. Aber Mischwerke, wo
nicht-PD-Daten auch dabei sind, dürfen nicht so als PD betrachtet
werden. Man darf nur das hergeben, was einem gehört.

Die neue Lizenz ist keine PD-Lizenz und nichts was ein Alleinmapper
über seine Daten erzählt wird diese Tatsache ändern.


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-21 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/21 Markus

 Wenn die OSMF in destruktiver Weise mit der Community umgeht (hier der
 Inhalt und Ablauf des geplanten Lizenzwechsels),

...dann hätte die Community dementsprechend negativ reagiert beim
Abstimmen. Hat sie aber nicht, sondern überwiegend positiv.

 Ulf ist ein Teil davon.

Das muss er selber wissen. Wenn, dann ist er ein Teil von einer
Community die _mit_ Lizenzwechsel weitergehen will. Aber gerne sollen
wir abwarten, wie sich die Zahlen entwickeln.


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Re: [OSM-talk] License graph

2011-04-19 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 19 April 2011 13:14, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
 On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 13:51:06 +0200
 Frederik Ramm wrote:

 One small plea: Could you refrain from saying the camp that wants to
 move to the ODbL. It sounds like it's a small bunch of people when
 indeed it is the overwhelming majority.

 well that's just meadowdust.
 The ODbL camp did not even get a majority of the OSMF members to vote
 in favour of the method of changeover.
 To make your majority you add in X thousand who joined late and didn't
 get a vote, and subtract Y thousand who haven't yet made an edit.

In addition to lacking skills of politeness it seems you cannot count
either. Since the artificially-fixed epoch of last Sunday - prior to
which over 10,000 users agreed to the change, explicitly, not
automatically - the stats of yes versus no decisions, excluding those
existing yeses, are, as I type this mail:

Yes: 708 (88%)
No: 95 (12%)

Fred describes this as an overwhelming majority. You disagree. based
on some hand-wavy logic and a suggestion of deceit involving new
signups when it is abundantly clear that such new signups do not form
part of the claim you hope to dispute.

Stick to the facts. Learn to add and subtract. Learn some basic human
courtesy. Stop the accusations of deceit when you are the one
presenting the false information.


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-19 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/19 Manuel Reimer

 Mal doof gefragt: Wie schaffe ich es, diese Liste so durch die OSM-API zu
 stopfen, dass eine Liste von Usernamen rausfällt?

Das kann ich nicht direkt antworten, kann aber sein, dass du hier auf
deine Kosten kommst:


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Re: [OSM-talk] License graph

2011-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 19 April 2011 00:08, David Murn wrote:

 I actually meant that the 2 graphs had different scales.  When youre
 showing numbers upto 80, fair enough use a scale of 0-100, but dont use
 0-100 on one and 0-120 on the other, and call it an even comparison.
 Skewing graphs is a 5th-grade maths lesson.

I didn't see anybody call it an even comparison. The graphing tool use
is, as far as I know, choosing its own scale for each line more or
less as a consequence of its core purpose of graphing server stats.
Those are not comparison graphs, just two graphs that happen to sit on
the same axes. We have to do our own mental processing.

But even with different scales, the wedge shape that's opening up
between the lines tells us all we need to know. We could play with the
scale to see how quickly it's happening, but that's about all.


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/18 Doru Julian Bugariu

 Wieso geht es irgendwem an, *wer* auf disagree klickt? Soll das ein
 elektronischer Pranger werden, oder was? Ich finde, jeder hat das
 *Recht* sich so zu entscheiden wie er mag, ohne dass er irgendjemandem
 Rechenschaft schuldig ist.

Weil ein nicht-Zustimmer die Macht hat, zu bestimmen dass meine Arbeit
irgendwann aus dem Map rausfliegt obwohl ich selber zugestimmt habe
und die Lizenzumstellung für unbedenklich halte. Darüber möchte ich
schon informiert werden und die Gelegenheit haben, das mit dem Anderen
zu besprechen. Da soll er auch nichts dagegen haben, ist halt eine


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/18 Ulf Lamping

 Ich nehme mir das Recht heraus, die Arbeit die ich bei OSM geleistet habe zu
 einem mir genehmen Zeitpunkt umzulizensieren - oder halt auch nicht. Die
 Gründe dafür sind alleine meine Sache und dazu bin ich *niemandem*
 Rechenschaft oder Erklärungen schuldig - und ganz bestimmt nicht Leuten die
 mir persönlich vollkommen unbekannt sind.

Sehe ich doch nicht so:

$ grep ulfl ireland.osm | wc -l

In einem Land, wo die Mapper zum Lizenzwechsel eher positiv stehen,
hast du mitgeholfen. Stichwort mit. Und wer weiß, was noch an
Ulfgeschenken in der History stecken? Überlässt du deine Arbeit der
Community wirst du wohl geholfen haben. Aber wenn deine Daten wirklich
weg müssen wirst du dagegen Mist gebaut haben. Und eine Erklärung bist
du in dem fall dieser Community doch schuldig.

Da diese eine gute Erklärung sein wird - grundlos würdest du uns so
was nicht antun oder? - wird die Community wohl Verständnis dafür


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/18 Ulf Lamping

 Ich habe meine Arbeit unter einer bestimmten Lizenz der ganzen Welt zur
 Verfügung gestellt, nicht nur einer bestimmten Community.

Nicht _mal_ der Community.

 Ob die Community Verständnis dafür hat, spielt eigentlich keine Rolle.

Jeder soll selber entscheiden, ob die Community dich verlässt oder du
die Community.

Viel Glück!

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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/18 Ulf Lamping

 Wenn die Community von ihrer eigenen Arbeit jetzt nichts mehr wissen will

Ist irgendwie komisch, oder? Fast 11,000 Deppen und weniger als 100
die das richtig sehen.


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Re: [Talk-de] Auswertung der ersten Reaktionen auf Lizenzwechsel Phase 3

2011-04-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/19 Ulf Lamping

 Ich sehe das eher so, das 11000 Mapper tendenziell bereit sind, die Arbeit
 von 100 wegzuwerfen, um einem Ziel zu folgen das keinem so richtig klar ist.
 Aber das ist meine persönliche Sicht.

Klingt nicht sehr klug, wenn das so wäre. Vielleicht ist das Ziel
denen doch klar, nur dir nicht, oder dir klar, nur unpassend. Alles
legitim. Aber wie gesagt, solche Meinungen soll man bereit sein, mit
der Community zu teilen, damit man zumindest versteht, nach welchem
Prinzip ein Unbekannter von weit weg die Daten verschwinden lässt. So
ist es nämlich aus seiner persönlicher Sicht.

 P.S: Bitte versuche doch solche Feindbilder wie Deppen und Richtigseher
 zu vermeiden, das bringt uns doch nicht weiter.

Ohne Fakten, keine Feinheiten, man sieht nur gut und böse. Was meine
Daten gefährdet kommt mir böse vor. Meint ein Anderer, ich habe nicht
mal das Recht zu wissen warum, verstärkt sich diese Meinung.

Es muss aber nicht so bleiben, oder?


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 April 2011 07:00, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

 Why does the ODbL faction not start with a fork of ODbL compliant data?
 Why do they need to force a split of the existing CC-by-SA data?

A lot of the differences of opinion on this matter are finding
expression in the words people choose to use to describe the different
points of view. I found your use of faction interesting enough to
check some dictionary definitions of the word. Here's one I found
particularly apt:

1.  a group of people forming a minority within a larger body, esp a
dissentious group

So let's see which point of view ends up mainstream and which belongs
to a dissenting minority. So far, as I look at the volume of map data,
as I look at the vast majority of the people who have built and
maintained the map and the infrastructure on which it runs, what I see
is people who, sometimes with misgivings, are throwing their weight
behind the licence change. Among such people I see unity of purpose.

Opposition to the change seems to stem from a number of disparate of
often contradictory reasons, none of which I personally find
compelling. What I can not with any seriousness regard the opposition
I have seen as is the mainstream. It is on the anti-change side that
I see not one faction, but several.

Others may not (yet) share my view, and should observe the rate at
which the remaining community votes yes and no. Nothing in this
process will remove the freedom from anybody to continue to use the
data already mapped exactly as they always have, nor to continue
maintaining a data set under those terms. But if The Community should
be seen to support the licence change, I will see it as irresponsible
for individual mappers to take their ball and go home just because
they can.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 April 2011 08:28, Russ Nelson wrote:

 In every schism, it's not clear who is splitting from whom. Don't
 presume an answer without first asking the question.

Actually, I have thought widely on this. My slightly earlier email
this morning outlines my thought on what defines the mainstream in
this difficult issue.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-16 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 April 2011 08:31, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

 So has anyone asked the FOSS gurus of licensing?
 I have never seen it mentioned while I was subscribed to legal-talk. I
 am quite prepared to start writing emails (phrased neutrally) requesting
 an opinion if these people have not been asked before.

 If then the opinion is that the new licence has merit, we then need
 work on how the contract provisions fit in with other legal codes not
 just those derived from either the Westminster or Napoleonic codes.

How long have you been in this discussion, Elizabeth? Quite a while,
according to my recollection. Given that you seem to now see a
requirement for this kind of validation, I find it strange that you
wouldn't have sought it at a much earlier stage than this. Normally
abject opposition should come after, not before, neutral appraisal
of the proposal, shouldn't it?


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-15 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 15 April 2011 23:21, Ian Dees wrote:

 At what point was the entire (active) OSM community asked if they wanted to
 relicense their data? If they haven't (I certainly wasn't) then when will
 we? Is this accept/decline that vote? If so, how do I vote no? How do I vote
 yes but withhold the option of changing my vote when I see the final

Well, I'm not trolling either, though this probably isn't the answer
you were looking for. Still, it's one way of breaking what seems to be
a deadlock:

Ian, could I ask you to consider agreeing to license your work to date
under ODbL? And in addition, to agree to the new CTs, which seem to me
to contain important provisions to avoid orphaning our map data if for
some reason we are not around to agree to some later legally
significant point that a significant majority of the Community active
at that time agrees is necessary?

So now that you've been asked, the discussion can turn in the IMHO
more productive direction of dealing with actual concerns with the
change rather than the protocol.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-15 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 16 April 2011 00:07, Ian Dees wrote:

 Thanks for asking me (if this were a vote my answer would be No, but in
 the interest of moving on from this nonsense and keeping data flowing I'll
 eventually say Yes), but the important part of my question was everyone
 else -- the community of OpenStreetMap. When were *they* asked?

FWIW I would have favoured earlier specific requests for a vote, but
it's basically been an impossible position for the LWG from what I can
see as an outsider. On the one hand, everybody wants to feel consulted
about the change. On the other, plenty of people have complained
throughout the process about being offered a half-baked solution.
Turns out this stuff is complicated.

I'm not the first person to say so on the lists, but it seems to bear
repeating - the process has not been a secret, the key details of what
problem the change attempts to solve have been documented for a long
time now and absolutely anybody with a thirst for knowledge on the
matter has had many resources at his or her disposal. When I first
became aware of the documentation and read it, I certainly felt
consulted, and very soon after it became possible to indicate
approval, it was clear to me both that the promoters of the change
wished me to do so (at that point I felt asked) and how I might go
about doing so.

As of Sunday, we are now aware, those not yet to vote yes are to
asked to vote yes or no. It remains unclear whether an OSMF message
is to be a part of this asking - I would tend to feel this would be a
good thing, as some mappers just wanna have fun^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H map,
and may well not know about this process at all.

Many mappers have had concerns and actual difficulties with some of
the consequences of the changes. Some of them have engaged positively
in the process to try and find an accommodation. Many... quite frankly
haven't. I started mapping with OSM in good faith and expecting good
faith from other mappers. So far I have only been disappointed by
those mappers who willfully vandalised the map or undermined it
through tainted data.

This licence change now gives every mapper the means of undermining
the map through withholding of their own data, once freely given and
now very likely a foundation of data created by other mappers, also in
good faith. I understand that many mappers feel they _can't_ relicense
some or all of their work, and that's a really tough situation. But
mappers who just plain _won't_ agree to leave their data in, even
though there is no legal obstacle to it, should strongly consider
whether they are being true to the community they claim to be a part


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Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-15 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/15 Rainer Knaepper

 Was will Dermot beweisen?

Beweisen nichts, sondern nur verstehen. Es scheinte und scheint mir
noch, dass du bei der ersten OSM Anmeldung auf gleicher Art eine Liste
auf Englisch von verbindlichen Bedingungen zur Teilnahme zugestimmt
hast. Und dann, wie auch heute, hättest du die Option gehabt, dich von
inoffiziellen aber glaubwürdigen Communityquellen in der Muttersprache
zu informieren. Deine Aussage finde ich gerade so überraschend weil es
seit lange deutsche Übersetzungen gibt - jeder, der danach gesucht hat
hätte mit Sicherheit was gefunden, oder?


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 18:12, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 What happens in the future if I decline? Can I accept at a later date?

 Since there has been no response to this, I plan to:
 *hold off on accepting or declining with my NE2 account
 *create a new account, publicly linked to NE2, for contributions under the
 This seems to be the only way to continue to 'vote' against the change.

Let me start by answering your question - declining now does allow you
to accept at a later date.

But your suggested course of action has me confused - you are happy to
make contributions under the new CT and intend to do so, but yet you
wish to vote against the change. Your choice, I supposed.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 19:05, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 Thank you. Do you speak for the OSMF?

No - hence my silence and no doubt that of others when you asked
before. But I have been following the licence issue attentively and
have seen this question answered more than once from official

 I oppose the change, primarily because of the damage it will cause. I've
 already seen what removing small amounts of data will do
 ( and
 do not wish to see more of this.

 On the other hand, I wish to continue to contribute, and, because I am happy
 to contribute into the public domain, I cannot, under my personal ethics,

I applaud your ethics, but it seems to me that your chosen course of
action, unless you do intend to accept at a later stage for your
existing account, will contribute more to the damage you fear than to
the smooth transition many of us would like to see.

Witholding one's data from the new licence, especially if there is no
objection to that licence, is not a very sane way to avoid damage to
the map.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 19:12, andrzej zaborowski wrote:

 I see it logical.  Wanting to contribute to the currently biggest,
 most fun free map, with most impact on the industry and a name you got
 used to, you soon will have no choice other than to do so under then
 new CT because that free map is ruled by people in favor of it.  Yet
 the accept/decline buttons are your first chance to vote or express
 what you think about the switch if you want to have some say in this
 (quite important for the project) decision.  So use this chance, vote
 with your data as someone said at the beginning of the process.  This
 is also the only way left to find out what the mappers think.

Ah, but is it _your_ data? Or might you have built some of it on top
of mine? Or perhaps I built in good faith on a foundation you created.

So by all means state your opinion and by all means share your
opinions with other mappers. But if, once a consensus is clear, The
Community comes out in favour of the change, many of us will think
very ill of people who still choose to pull out the bottom brick from
the wall and go home. Because that's not the kind of community I've
had the privilege to belong to.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 14 April 2011 23:38, David Murn wrote:

 Its not terribly confusing from here.  What he is suggesting, is
 creating an account to contribute 'clean' data, which he is prepared to
 agree to OSMF's terms about.  What he is voting against, is OSMF using
 previously created data which is not practical to split the 'clean' from

He didn't say that - there is enough FUD in this discussion without
inventing more.


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Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement

2011-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 15 April 2011 00:08, David Murn wrote:

 So, please feel free to tell me where I invented anything?

Right here:

What he is voting against, is OSMF using
previously created data which is not practical to split the 'clean' from

As quoted in my earlier mail. Nothing in Nathan's mails suggested that
practicalities or tainted data have any bearing on his decision. That
is what you have invented - it might indeed be _your_ reason for
voting against, and I would certainly have to respect that. But please
stick to facts, this process is complicated enough as it is.

Indeed, the last comment on this page indicates that tainted data are
certainly not a feature of Nathan's contributions:


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Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel Phase 3 beginnt am Sonntag

2011-04-14 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/4/14 Rainer Knaepper
 Frederik Ramm schrieb:

 Knuffig ist, daß ich einer rechtsverbindlichen Vereinbarung zustimmen soll,
 die ich nicht verstehe.

War das nicht bei der ersten Anmeldung genau so? Oder waren die
Bedingungen dann verständlicher?


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Re: [OSM-talk] CC-BY-SA still available? (was: OpenStreetMap License Change Phase 3 Pre-Announcement)

2011-04-13 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 13 April 2011 15:15, Ed Avis wrote:

 What's the plan for deciding whether and when to cut off CC-BY-SA 
 Would it require a 2/3 vote of contributors?

I guess the problem with continuing to allow CC distribution of the
data is that that would leave OSM unprotected in those jurisdictions
where CC isn't recognised for map data. Given that this is a main goal
of the change, it seems that removing CC as a possible licence (for
the data at least - it might be that it would be OK for map tiles)
can't be avoided.

That said, under the new CT, the door seems to remain open to a
reintroduction of a (later version, improved?) CC licence if such were
deemed to be Free and Open and subject to the 2/3 mandate.


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[OSM-talk] OSM is dying (was Re: We Need to Stop Google's Exploitation of Open Communities)

2011-04-11 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 April 2011 16:41, Ian Dees wrote:

 When Google turns Google MapMaker on in the US and Europe*, it will become
 much harder to recruit new mappers to our community (that is already quite
 small). Being passive about this issue means that OSM and its more-open data
 will eventually be drowned out by Google's much greater marketing might.

(With apologies to the wonderful Slashdot troll team...)

It is official; Netcraft now confirms: OSM is dying

One more crippling bombshell hit the already beleaguered OSM community
when IDC confirmed that OSM market share has dropped yet again, now
down to less than a fraction of 1 percent of all online maps. Coming
close on the heels of a recent Netcraft survey which plainly states
that OSM has lost more market share, this news serves to reinforce
what we've known all along. OSM is collapsing in complete disarray, as
fittingly exemplified by failing dead last in the recent
Neogeographer's comprehensive route-finding test.

You don't need to be Gulliver to predict OSM's future. The hand
writing is on the wall: OSM faces a bleak future. In fact there won't
be any future at all for OSM because OSM is dying. Things are looking
very bad for OSM. As many of us are already aware, OSM continues to
lose market share. Red ink flows like a river of blood.

Mapping parties are the most endangered of them all, having lost 93%
of participants to the shinier Google (™) mapping parties complete
with jelly beans and free massages. The sudden and unpleasant
departure of long time OSM contributor Fake SteveC only serves to
underscore the point more clearly. There can no longer be any doubt:
OSM is dying.

Let's keep to the facts and look at the numbers.

OSM founder SteveC states that there are over 500k mappers in OSM. How
many active mappers are there? Let's see. The number of anti-ODbL
posts on the OSM mailing lists versus those praising the OSMF in the
strongest possible terms is roughly in ratio of 5 to 1. Therefore
there are about 12.33 active mappers. Attendance at a recent Google
Mapping Party, cunningly disguised as a flash mob, was estimated to
contain 100k disgruntled former OSM mappers. A recent article put
indignant Germans who argue instead of mapping at about 80 percent of
total OSM mappers. Therefore there are about -200k OSM contributors
(adjusting for those who are demanding their data back). This is
consistent with the number of incidents of drunk barge owners tripping
over ropes and landing in the canal.

Due to the Cyprus edit war, abysmal sales and so on, the Java Applet
went out of business and was taken over by Pot Latch which makes
another troubled map. Now API 0.5 is also dead, its corpse turned over
to yet another charnel house.

All major surveys show that OSM has steadily declined in market share.
OSM is very sick and its long term survival prospects are very dim. If
OSM is to survive at all it will be among bearded hippies too behind
the times to have discovered Waze. OSM continues to decay. Nothing
short of a cockeyed miracle could save OSM from its fate at this point
in time. For all practical purposes, OSM is dead.

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Re: [Talk-de] Jetzt Live: True Offset

2011-02-19 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/2/19 pos_ei_don
 Hm... klingt nett!
 Nur, welchen Versatz zeigt das Plugin an, wenn in meiner Gegend schon
 korrigiert wird, und ich eine erneute Messung mache?
 Komme ich da mit einem anderen Mapper, der Korrekturdaten eingibt, in die

Rein technisch ist es suboptimal, wenn für einen Bereich mehr als eine
Korrektur zur Verfügung steht. True Offset geht zwar damit relativ gut
um - die Daten von der kleinste Fläche werden genommen - aber stellt
euch volgendes vor: ein Kleindorf befindet sich auf einem Hügel, was
dazu führt, dass die Luftbilder eine andere Korrektur benötigen als
das ganze Umland, obwohl sie eigentlich alle aus einem Bildsatz
stammen. Ein Mapper von der benachbarten Großstadt hat die ganze
Fläche markiert und so getaggt, dass die Verschiebung weg ist, außer
im Dorf, weil er davon nichts weiß.

Sollte ein Dorfbewohner einen True Offset Umriss ums Dorf mappen und
taggen, Wird das meistens akzeptabel funktionieren - sollte er immer
seine Dorfdaten in den Editor laden, dann die Luftbilder holen, wird
sein Editor eine True Offset Abfrage machen, und korrigiert wird. Aber
sollte er erstmal in dem Bereich mappen, wo sein Kollege schon eine
andere Korrektur eingetragen hat, bekommt er halt diese Korrektur, und
damit auch ein bbox for einen weiteren Bereich, wo diese Korrektur
auch gilt (weil der Serverlast ohne solches Caching zu hoch wäre). Und
die Chancen sind gut, dass sein Dorf innerhalb des bbox befindet, d.h.
es wird bei diesem Verfahren keine zweite Abfrage gemacht und die
Korrektur bleibt falsch für sein Dorf - wobei man merken soll, dass
sie vielleicht doch besser ist, als gar keine.

Aus dem Grund empfehlen wir eher, bei solchen Fällen, die Grosse
Fläche so zu zerteilen, dass die Kleinere sie nicht überschneidet.
Inwiefern das Probleme machen wird wollen wir erstmal testen - für
besseren Lösungen sind wir auf jeden Fall offen.

In Bereichen, wo es keine so saubere Grenze gibt, mussen sich die
Mapper natürlich zusammentun, was eigentlich bei jeder
Meinungsverschiedenheit nötig ist - nur in diesem Fall, in Vergleich
zu z.B. Tagging, sollte man auf Tatsachen zurückgreifen, und
schlimmstenfalls eine gemeinsame Messung vornehmen.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Announcement: Availability of True Offset web service

2011-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 18 February 2011 04:08, Steve Bennett wrote:

 For imagery sources like NearMap*, which support a time dimension,
 maybe it's worth including some kind of date field? That would also be
 helpful for imagery that, even if you can't access older imagery, can
 at least tell you the date of the current stuff, so you'd know if the
 offset was out of date.

Not impossible to incorporate into the service, but where should the
date info come from? The solution doesn't know or care about imagery
tiles, which would be the obvious source.

 Relying on a mapper to notice that the
 imagery doesn't seem to line up seems to defeat the purpose of the
 whole thing a bit, in my eyes.

I respectfully disagree. Today's best solution to the problem requires
every mapper to:

* Realise that the default calibration may be incorrect
* Adjust for the error per mapping session, either manually or through
storing and subsequently reusing a bookmark
* Notice whether changes in the base imagery render the assumed
correction factor incorrect and to then recalibrate where that occurs.

True offset requires no more than one mapper to do those things. The
chances of any given mapping session producing offset data are thereby

The only dangerous situation I can foresee is where an offset in a
particular area is corrected once, subsequently corrected in the base
imagery _but_ not one single active mapper in the area notices the fix
and therefore the True Offset correction endures, _and_ where future
mappers blindly believe the imagery even though offset from other data
mapped in the area.

My assumption is that this is unlikely in real life. For a correction
to have been stored in the first place requires that an active mapper
of clue has been interested in the area and has traced from that same
imagery. It is unlikely that he will abandon the area, but if he does,
it will likely have reached a level of completeness sufficient to
cause a mapper of less clue to assume that the imagery is right and
the existing data wrong.

But again, even _if_ this were to happen, I think OSM will still
experience a net rise in the accuracy of imagery traced.

 And yes, it is worse, because mappers could end up applying a false
 offset. and not knowing.

They already do that several hundred times a day. It will happen less
if we have a solution like True Offset in the mix.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Announcement: Availability of True Offset web service

2011-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 18 February 2011 23:35, Steve Bennett wrote:

 Ok, I think you're probably right. One thing that would mitigate the
 situation I was talking about would be if OSM editors display the
 current offset somewhere on the screen. Maybe a little red arrow
 pointing in the appropriate direction (and perhaps length indicating
 the distance of the offset).

Hmm, not bad - that is, at any stage that the imagery has been moved
from its default position, there would be a subtle but visible
indicator? That fits in pretty well with our underlying goals with
True Offset, to make sure no mapper traces without realising that
alignment is sometimes wrong, must be considered and can be changed.

That suggestion, of course, would need to be taken up by the authors
of each editor.


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Re: [Talk-de] Jetzt Live: True Offset

2011-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/2/18 Chris66

 mir ist noch nicht klar, wie man seine lokalen Korrekturdaten
 irgendwo eingeben/Melden kann ?

Alles hier:

Kurze Version: In OSM einen Umriss zeichnen, von einem Bereich wo die
Korrekturdaten gelten sollen. Den Umriss dann so taggen:

Die Werte entnimmt man am besten von eimen JOSM Imagery Bookmark.


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Re: [Talk-de] Jetzt Live: True Offset

2011-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/2/18 Chris66

 Ah, ok, und darf man die Tags einfach bestehenden Polygonen (zB. Admin
 Level 8 Boundaries) anhängen?

Das würde ich eher nicht machen, aus verschiedenen Gründen... Die
Gefahr ist gross, dass solche Polygonen überarbeitet werden, in
Relationen umgewandelt werden usw. Es passiert eh relative selten,
dass eine Bing-Fläche mit einer behördlichen Grenz übereinstimmt.

Grundsätzlich ist es gedacht, dass man einen neuen Umriss macht, der
kann auch später in eine externe Datenbank ausgelagert werden, sofern
praktisch - ist gibt sehr viele Mapper die solche Daten in OSM gar
nicht sehen wollen, und da will ich auch neutral bleiben.

Wichtige tags sind:

calibration = area
data_provider = bing (oder yahoo oder usw.)
zoom_min = nn
area_name = was sinnvolles


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Re: [Talk-de] Jetzt Live: True Offset

2011-02-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/2/18 Heiko Jacobs

 Kann man damit auch lösen, dass Mapper vom falschen / schlechteren
 Luftbild abmalen?
 Sprich: Wenn es lokal ein besser aufgelösteres und aktuelleres Luftbild
 als Bing gibt, kann man dann ein Polygon definiert mit der
 Botschaft Nimm lieber mich! und wenn ja wie?
 Oder vielleicht ist ja stellenweise yahoo besser als bing etc.

Die Idee ist nicht schlecht. Eine Erweiterung wäre schon denkbar - zum
Beispiel, ein Tag wie:


Da könnte ein Editor zwar die Korrektur nehmen, aber zusätzlich einen
Hinweis auf die bessere Quelle zeigen.


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[OSM-talk] Announcement: Availability of True Offset web service

2011-02-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally

Many of you will have followed earlier discussions of the True Offset
process, intended to solve as simply as possible the problem of
imagery offsets by enabling editors to, by default, calibrate
background imagery based on offset data managed by mappers. In this
way, inexperienced mappers or people tracing without local knowledge
can avoid polluting the map with badly offset contributions.

The service is now live and seems to be working well on the dev server
and I have updated the wiki page to reflect this and some late

The highlights:

* You can try it at:

* I have re-documented the meanings of the offset northing and easting
to ensure compatibility in units and sign with the offset bookmarks
already exposed by the JOSM Imagery module.

* This restatement of meaning may lead to a sign shift for one or
other of the values. So if you have previously entered offset data for
consumption by True Offset, please check that it is still correct.
This goes doubly for anybody who recorded offsets based on the
earliest proposals which used metres instead of degrees.

* Offset Database updates are currently manual (this will change). So
for now, if you add or change some offset data, please let me know so
I can cause it to take effect.

* Most of my test offset data has been for Bing imagery in Ireland.
Until the next database update, some of these may be inaccurate.

My appeal: If you are a developer of one of the OSM editors that
supports background imagery layers, PLEASE build support for True
Offset, and please have your editors either apply the corrections
silently by default or at the very least prompt users that a known
offset exists and offer to use it. While I hope True Offset is useful
to experienced mappers who already calibrate their imagery, its real
purpose is to avoid the destructive effect of tracing mappers who
don't even realise they can or should calibrate.

Happy Mapping!

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Re: [OSM-talk] Announcement: Availability of True Offset web service

2011-02-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 18 February 2011 00:08, Ben Last wrote:
 Quick question; how does this cope with updates to aerial/satellite imagery
 that may change the offset for a given service at a given location?

In exactly the same way as, say, the Offset bookmarks offered by JOSM
- it doesn't, and the mapper needs to notice that the imagery doesn't
seem to line up any more. As such, as a baseline, using True Offset is
at worst no worse than other options for managing your calibration.

Though in fact, because the correction factors are maintained by the
crowd, the story is actually likely to be more positive than that.
With private offset bookmarks on JOSM, each individual mapper needs to
notice the change and recalibrate, hopefully doing an accurate job.
With True Offset, the first mapper to notice the change can update the
stored offset. Others may fine-tune it. Everybody else just keeps
mapping without noticing any change.


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[Talk-de] Jetzt Live: True Offset

2011-02-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally

einige von euch wissen, dass ich den True Offset Webservice entwickelt
habe. True Offset soll verhindern, dass Mapper von unkalibrierten
Luftbildern abmalen. Gedacht ist, dass ein Editor, beim Laden von
Luftbildern, nach notwendigen Korrekturen abfragen kann: (auf Englisch, sorry)

Die Highlights:

* Probiert es doch aus!:

* Die Korrekturzahlen habe ich neu dokumentiert, damit sie mit denen
vom JOSM-Imagerymodul besser übereinstimmen.

* Also kann es passieren, dass schon erfasste Korrekturen nun nicht
mehr stimmen. Wer schon Korrekturdaten eingegeben hat, bitten

* Aktualisieren der Korrekturdatenbank erfolgt noch manuell (wird sich
ändern). Bei Änderungen, bitte Bescheidgeben, damit ich das nötige
machen kann.

* Die meisten Testdaten beziehen sich auf Bing-Bildern in Irland und
sind teilweise noch fehlerhaft.

Meine Bitte: An allen Entwicklern von OSM Editoren die Luftbilder
einblenden, BITTE True Offset unterstützen, und bitte die Korrekturen
entweder automatisch holen oder zumindest die User darauf aufmerksam
machen. Freilich ist True Offset auch für die Mapper vorteilhaft sein
kann, die jetzt schon immer vor dem Abmalen kalibrieren. Viel mehr
geht es aber darum zu verhindern, dass ahnungslose Mapper unnötig
schlechte Daten erzeugen.


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Re: [Talk-de] Jetzt Live: True Offset

2011-02-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2011/2/18 Johann H. Addicks

 Warum dieser Aufwand? Weil die Luftbilder allesamt Schrägbild-Aufnahmen
 sind, die gegen ein Höhenmodell entzerrt werden.

Alles schön und gut. In vielen Punkten kann man das alles besser
machen. Aber solange die Bing Luftbilder in manchen Bereichen um 30m
verschoben sind, ist mir der Spatz in der Hand viel lieber.

Und sollte eine bessere Lösung erscheinen, super.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: collateral damage (was: What the license change is going to do to the map)

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 10 February 2011 14:01, Anthony wrote:

 Which, by the way, I denied.  Tracing aerials does not involve copying data.

Maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. Since I began mapping on OSM
(which was a while ago) the considered opinion of the project was
Don't trace Google imagery. We're not sure it's legal, they're
convinced it isn't and it's certainly a breach of their terms of use.
So don't do it. Seriously. Bad things will happen, and it will be your

You failed to heed this. Bad things happened. It's _your_ stupid fault.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: collateral damage (was: What the license change is going to do to the map)

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 10 February 2011 14:24, Anthony wrote:

 It definitely doesn't.  There's no maybe about it.

You seem to have missed my substantive point, so let me restate it:

You deliberately did something we as a community have chosen not to
do. You willfully put the work of others in jeopardy.

This is YOUR fault. You are the wrong-doer here. Your selfishness has
caused a lot of work for other people.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Bing coverage - more levels

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 February 2011 00:00, Dave F. wrote:

 In order to see if an area is super high (z20)  I have to be actually
 zoomed in on that area to zoom level 20. Therefore I can tell if it is
 hi-res from the Bing imagery.

 I'm really failing to see the purpose of this product.

I think the theory is that if you have already done the hard work of
zooming in, the next guy won't have to because he'll see the coloured
tiles at that location. So it's quite a valid bit of crowd-sourcing,
if we accept that the end result is worth having. The end result being
that the whole world appears in _some_ colour, even at very low zoom.


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Re: [OSM-talk] Bing coverage - more levels

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 February 2011 00:27, Dave F. wrote:

 At what zoom level to I have to be at to view an already zoomed in area to
 view dark blue (z20)?

You could be fairly zoomed out if there are enough adjacent z20 tiles
turned dark blue. But yes, it all needs a lot of eyes to be zooming
into a lot of tiles. Basically a group effort to cover the whole earth
down to a fine level of detail.

It'll never work...


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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: collateral damage (was: What the license change is going to do to the map)

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 February 2011 01:11, Anthony wrote:

 Actually, let me correct that.  A tiny fraction (less than 0.001%) of
 the OSM community has told me that by deleting contributions which
 have absolutely nothing to do with my tracing from Google.

What percentage has told you that that what you were doing was OK?


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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: collateral damage (was: What the license change is going to do to the map)

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 February 2011 01:34, Anthony wrote:

 Oh my God.  How many times do I have to say this?  NO OBJECTS WERE INVOLVED.

By now this is all at risk of getting a little like a soap opera, and
like with soaps, there is a risk that people coming in at the middle
of a storyline will fail to grasp the nuances of the situation. So for
their benefit...


* Anthony brags about tracing from Google (did he mean imagery or
maps? Oooh! Cliffhanger)
* Many within the project appalled - Anthony, how could you,
everybody knows it's not allowed
* The Man demands to know what objects are tainted. Anthony insists none are.
* The Man deletes all of Anthony's contribution and banishes him to
the wilderness. Surely only waking up and realising it's a bad dream
will save him now.
* Various mappers chastise Anthony for having brought this misfortune
not only down on his own head, but on those of others. Demand to know
why he didn't just answer The Man's question.
* Anthony insists that yes, he did trace from Google and that no, none
of his contributions represent prohibited content in OSM.
* Anthony goes on to have in his possession simultaneously tea and
no tea, thereby solving one of the stickier puzzle in the
Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy text adventure game[1]. Go Anthony!

Stay tuned to today's rivetting episode of Dynasty!


[1] The key to this conundrum, incidentally, was to go rummaging
inside your own brain, find and remove your common sense, which would
otherwise block any attempt at justifying such an obvious paradox

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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: collateral damage (was: What the license change is going to do to the map)

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 February 2011 02:05, wrote:

 Was there ever a sequel to that text adventure? It
 kind of ended on a cliff-hanger ...

Well there was a crucial bit where the protagonist left the planet...


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Re: [OSM-talk] Fwd: Re: collateral damage

2011-02-10 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 11 February 2011 02:09, Anthony wrote:

 I think the more interesting question is, if I had demanded that all
 my contributions to OSM be removed, would they have been removed?

What basis would you have had for such a demand?


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Re: [OSM-talk] magical road detector to play with

2011-02-03 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On Thursday, 3 February 2011, Steve Coast wrote:

Ooh! Just what I've always wanted.

[goes off to play with it]


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Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Announcement: Corine 2006 Land Cover Import for Republic of Ireland

2011-01-19 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
After some difficulties with a rogue polygon - a pasture area covering
most of Ireland - we now have some working slippy maps linked from the
wiki page linked in my first mail. The most interesting one is the
preview of what the main map would look like post-import. Note that
that includes the effect of Corine landuse polygons overlapping with
ones we already have:

Comments welcome,

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-ie mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik maxing CPU with Corine data set

2011-01-18 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Right - it has taken longer than I expected, but I have an update. We
have solved the problem, which was, indeed, down to at least one
over-large polygon. Stripping out the sea polygons didn't fix things,
so we looked for the largest polygon and found a pasture-cover polygon
covering most of the country. We removed it and can now import in 10
minutes (about as long as the country extract takes) and render tiles

The results can now be seen on a slippy map:

We don't yet have a single layer version representative of what we
would have post-import, but will probably add one.

The missing pasture does leave rather a hole in the country, so we are
looking for nice ways to chop up that polygon, probably at shapefile
level. But that's a much nicer problem to have.

Sincere thanks to all who helped us track this down.

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Mapnik maxing CPU with Corine data set

2011-01-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Hi folks,

I need help with a Mapnik problem we're having in the context of a
Corine Import we're preparing in Ireland:

An outline of the problem is at the bottom of the page, but here are
the key details:

* We have serving a normal slippy map
with some laying clevers of our own to do with language switching and
a few other things. This has the usual mod_tile and it can render
normal map tiles on the fly as you would expect.

* We wanted to sanity check our import file by seeing it render, so we
rolled a new mapnik config and imported our import file into a new
corine DB (that was _very_ slow, more than 2 hours where the current
country extract takes 10 minutes)

* Trying to use pegs the CPU for 15 minutes or so,
then delivers a good image. This is so even for tiny bboxes.

* Switching the broken mapnik config to point to our normal
ireland.osm-populated database fixes the problem and images are
generated instantly.

Right now we don't know whether to suspect our data, our stylesheet
(the normal OSM one), our server capacity (decent, but nothing
special) or Mapnik.

Any tips?

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapnik maxing CPU with Corine data set

2011-01-17 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 17 January 2011 19:19, Lennard wrote:

 If you have some polygons that span half the country, that could be slowing
 down mapnik. If that's the case, and you import this as-is, you'd likely
 affect everyone else rendering Ireland in their mapnik renderer stacks.

Assuming it's our data to blame (which seems most likely) then yes, it
would be bad to have this stuff in the main OSM database. So far this
is just test data on a test PostGIS. No polygons of the scale you
suggest ought to be _getting rendered_. I emphasise this because there
are such polygons in the data set and they even have OSM tagging
(invented). Corine has an ocean layer, which we kept in the conversion
in case it might be useful for coastlines or suchlike.

And here I begin to have a doubt - the sea polygons are tagged
natural=water_sea. My assumption was that these would be ignored in
rendering because no such tag is understood. But as it's a natural
tag, won't it actually be considered a polygon and stored in the DB
anyway? If so, it must be the culprit. What do you think?

 Also, I presume your indexes are good?

The DB is freshly imported with osm2pgsql and vacuum analysed. This is
the same approach as on the other Database used on this Mapnik
instance and it works fine, so I think that's unlikely to be the

But I'm about to create a version of the data file without the
natural=water_sea polygons. They seem unlikely to be useful anyway,
and they are of the kind of size you mention...

Thanks for the pointers, I'll report back.

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Mapper für Interviews (Do, ~15 Uhr ) gesucht, Erfassung und Lösung von Adressprobl emen

2011-01-12 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
Hallo Alex,

Kurz weil vom iPhone geschickt, würde aber gerne mitmachen. Skype: dermotm


On Wednesday, 12 January 2011, Alexander Steinhart / DThinking wrote:
 Liebe OSM Community,

 für einen Design-Thinking Workshop in Rumänien zur “Weiterentwicklung eines
 Tools zur Erhöhung der Adressenqualität und -quantität in OSM” suchen wir
 spontan für morgen Mittag 4-8 interessierte Mapper die sich über Skype zum
 Thema Adresserfassung interviewen lassen. Ziel des Workshops ist Tools wie
 z.B. MapDust so weiter zu entwickeln, dass einfach und gut Adressprobleme
 erfasst und gelöst werden können. Dazu brauchen wir eure Gedanken, Ideen und
 Erfahrungen. Die Interviews werden vom skobbler-MapDust-Team direkt

 Zeitraum 14.30 - 15.30 Uhr (Berlin time), Donnerstag 13. Januar
 Dauer etwa 20 Minuten (in Englisch)

 Wenn ihr Lust und Zeit habt, dann meldet euch bitte einfach bis 14 Uhr via
 Mail (bitte mit eurem Skype-Namen).

 Schon jetzt einmal einen herzlichen Dank.

 Lieben Gruß,
 alex (für das Team)
 Talk-de mailing list

Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bing maps is misplaced

2010-12-27 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 24 December 2010 02:10, Steve Bennett wrote:

 That service looks very useful if it were ever implemented. I'd note
 that it probably needs to know about the date of the imagery too.
 Can't say I'm thrilled about the idea of storing the offset data in
 the main OSM db though.

The service is written and half-deployed, but requires editor support
to make it really useful. If a better home can be found for the offset
data that will be no problem, since the service uses its own PostGIS
database in any case. Consider, though, that the OSM database is a
very simple place for mappers to apply offset data as they become
aware of it.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bing maps is misplaced

2010-12-08 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 8 December 2010 11:05, Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:

 you should not map from any imagery area you know nothing more about.

People should be nicer to their parents. Period


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Versatz in slippymap-Plugin korrigieren

2010-11-30 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
2010/11/30 M∡rtin Koppenhoefer

 Es gibt sogar schon einen Vorschlag, den Offset je nach Gebiet zentral
 zu speichern, und dem User automatisch anzubieten, diesen Offset zu
 verwenden. Implementiert ist das AFAIK noch nicht, d.h. Kommentare
 sind erwünscht:

Da dieser Vorschlag von mir ist...

Die gute Nachricht - Code dafür gibt's schon, nur die Feinheiten
fehlen noch. Hoffentlich gibt's in den nächsten Tagen schon was zu

Und das es auf IRC schon erwähnt wurde - dass diese Lösung sehr grob
und unraffiniert ist klar. Es handelt sich hier um eine Zwischenlösung
die von jedem Editor leicht einzusetzen ist ohne grosse Schlauigkeit
einbauen zu müssen. Wer für einen Editor eine bessere Lösung findet
soll diese natürlich bevorzugen. Ich will lediglich verhindern, dass
zig Mapper am Bing Tag 1 sofort anfangen, 30m daneben abzumalen.


Igaühel on siin oma laul
ja ma oma ei leiagi üles

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-ie] Dublin Bus Stops

2010-09-09 Diskussionsfäden Dermot McNally
On 9 September 2010 06:41, l e wrote:

 is there a difference in overlaying this kind of data on osm and importing

Yes - you can overlay anything you want. So if you are, say, the NRA,
and have road centre line data, you are free to use OpenLayers to mash
them up with the OSM basemap, even if the road data are OSI derived.
The OSM database doesn't in this case become tainted with the
incompatible licence.

What you couldn't do is to derive a batch of map data _from_ OSM, add
it to data of your own and present that as a single layer, unless you
were prepared to give your derived data back to OSM (the sharealike
condition). You don't have to add the data to OSM yourself, but you
have to either do so or make it possible for others to do so. But
since you always have the option of keeping the OSM-derived stuff in a
separate layer anyway, that shouldn't be too limiting in real life.


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