Re: [talk-au] Plea to Australian decliners

2012-03-30 Thread John Smith
On 31 March 2012 01:54, Grant Slater  wrote:
> Australian Decliners,
> As a mapper, contributor and member of the project's sysadmin team I
> kindly ask you to please reconsider your declined status. Time is
> about to run out.

You and others didn't care about us, told us to go away as we were
insignificant and our issue were unimportant and now you come begging
for us to reconsider.

Perhaps the whole license issue should be reconsidered, after all you
are the one throwing out the baby with the bath water, you are
choosing to do this, not us, perhaps you should choose to call the
whole thing off.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-10-31 Thread John Smith
On 31 October 2011 14:44, Richard Weait  wrote:
> Are you suggesting that aren't aware of their own license
> terms or that they are acting outside of their terms?  What evidence
> to you provide to support your accusations?

A non-trivial amount of data is listed as crown copyright or
proprietary licensed, neither of which is compatible with the ODBL or
the CT even if you do attribute.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-10-30 Thread John Smith
On 31 October 2011 13:10, Richard Weait  wrote:
> And still, they'd know what they may and may not permit.

You haven't dealt with government plebs much have you?

They are one of the most unpleasant races in the galaxy. Not actually
evil, but bad-tempered, bureaucratic, officious, and callous. They
wouldn't even lift a finger to save their own grandmothers from the
ravenous Bug-Blatter Beast of Traal without orders signed in
triplicate, sent in, sent back, lost, found, queried, subjected to
public inquiry, lost again, and finally buried in soft peat for three
months and recycled as firelighter.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-10-30 Thread John Smith
On 31 October 2011 12:30, Richard Weait  wrote:
> I think that can be taken at their word and that they have
> a clear understanding of which rights they may or may not grant.

They're a clearing house, nothing more, and don't own any of the content.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-10-30 Thread John Smith
On 31 October 2011 11:19, Richard Weait  wrote:
> We trust that you will find this to be sufficient confirmation that it
> is okay to include data from in OpenStreetMap with your
> CT/ODbL accounts.

Since they don't own the datasets I fail to see how this would be
sufficient for anyone concerned.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] What to tag a fire-fighting water tank?

2011-10-30 Thread John Smith
On 30 October 2011 16:24, John Henderson  wrote:
> As far as capacity is concerned, I'd opt for the standard unit for measuring
> large water volumes - megalitres (ML).

Might be commonly used in Australia but the SI unit is actually cubic metres.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-09-26 Thread John Smith
On 25 September 2011 15:58, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> Secondly, With the greatest respect to the user concerned, who has been a
> great contributor to OSM, I don't think we need necessarily respect his
> wishes.  We need to look a bit more carefully at this area to see if
> anything has happened between the data source and OSM which could possibly
> be considered creative or original, or if it is just a pure data
> translation.

The data imported was cc-by-sa at the time, you can't just strip that
license condition out, you'd have to reimport otherwise you'd be in
breach of the original condition placed on the person importing.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODbL permission granted

2011-09-23 Thread John Smith
On 24 September 2011 00:30, Richard Weait  wrote:
> even though the data is unencumbered.  I couldn't possibly comment on
> why a particular user might continue to decline CT/ODbL with their
> import account for a particular data set, when that dataset is
> suitable and permitted for inclusion under CT/ODbL.

It's a bit late in the game to be playing dumb, for the longest time
we Aussies were told how insignificant and unimportant our data was
and how much better it was for OSM to have the freedom to relicense in
the future, now all of a sudden it seems our concerns are suddenly
important enough to be addressed.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-08 Thread John Smith
On 8 September 2011 10:48, Mark Pulley  wrote:
> Quoting Ian Sergeant :
>> I'm sure we are interested in the history of the development of the
>> road network, but I'm not sure our database is the place for the
>> information right now.
> For those interested, a partial history of the development of Highway 1 is
> at Ozroads:

Ian seems to have a particular liking for the Princes Highway...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Charleville, Qld survey suggestions sought

2011-09-07 Thread John Smith
On 7 September 2011 13:09, Christopher Barham  wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm in Charleville, Qld for a couple of days with an iPhone, a garmin oregon 
> GPS and, from tomorrow, a vehicle.
> The place is pretty much unsurveyed, but the DCDB has been used to add 
> streets so the road geometry is ok.
> Will do what I can (street names etc) , but I wondered if there is anything 
> you guys could suggest would benefit from a survey around and about... maybe 
> further out from the town itself?

If memory serves correctly there is a weather museum/attraction at
Charleville, at a guess it'd be near the airport.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-07 Thread John Smith
On 7 September 2011 15:19, Ian Sergeant  wrote:

> Nah, that is all good to me.  I've got nothing against relations.  Nothing
> against routes.  Nothing against multiple relations and multiple routes. In
> fact, I'd have nothing against a parent relation that linked the sections of
> the National Route 1 and the diversionary highway routes, like State Highway
> 60 - at least that is well defined.
> I just have something against this relation, because it is arbitrary and
> confusing.

So your entire argument is that we should delete the whole route
because it isn't contiguous?

Most, if not all routes won't be contiguous, Ross pointed this out the
other day but there is often on/off ramps, roads going from dual to
single carriage way and back again, then you also have roundabouts,
there is all sorts of reasons why gaps exists, but that is even more
reason to have routes for them, so that the bits that are named
Princess Highway can be tagged as such, and if bits are included that
shouldn't be then remove the bits not the entire route.

> I really think verifiability is the key for routes, if we start adding stuff
> to the map that isn't on the ground or can't be verified...

That may be a goal, but it doesn't mean it should be the only one, the
process of mapping is one of going from some information to better
information, and this is a continual process as things change over
time, not just the fact that better sources of data can be mapped

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-07 Thread John Smith
On 7 September 2011 15:49, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> I write " I just have something against this relation, because it is
> arbitrary and confusing"
> and you write "So your entire argument is that we should delete the whole
> route because it isn't contiguous?"

Most routes are arbitrary and confusing, you only have to look at
rural/regional highways going through medium sized towns, this goes
doubly so for tourism routes and is again a very good reason for
having routes, rather than removing them.

> If that was my entire argument, I'd just say that, but instead of that I
> said that it is arbitrary and confusing.  Arbitrary because there is no
> touchstone of verifiability, it is just each person opinion.  Confusing,

The problem usually stems from differences at how the way is gazetted
to how the way is actually built, and for what ever reason the
gazetted version then isn't updated is another argument altogether.

> because it is both a road name and a route, and it is impossible for them
> both to align.  If this gets into a satnav which recommends you continue on
> the Princes Highway route, while actually turning off the Princes Highway
> road - what a mess.  Why do we seek this?

Way names are supposed to have preference, and if you are talking
about local routes that differ in name this shouldn't be an issue and
is one of the reasons to put highway names into routes.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-07 Thread John Smith
On 7 September 2011 16:31, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> The Princes Highway is an historical curiosity, and internal name management
> name assigned by the NSW roads authority, and the name of a bunch of roads
> between Sydney and Adelaide.
> It isn't a route any longer.

It's still a series of non-contiguous sections that is named, these
sections belong as part of a route.

> I'm sure people say they are going to drive the Princes Highway from Sydney
> to Melbourne, but you can never pin it down to actual set of roads.  They
> just mean they are driving down the coast, as opposed to the Hume.  It is a
> useful turn of phrase, but it is a mapping anachronism.

The majority of the route, distance wise, would still exist as it has
for a long time.

> As I said, I'll leave it be, but the chance that this will be developed into
> something meaningful, is zip.

That's a very subjective thing to say, you claim it has no value,
others have obviously disagreed, the main thing to take into account
is what actual harm does it do to the map to exist as a relation, I
say none, so far your suggested examples of harm are imho wrong also
since the way should take precedence over any relation, this way you
can give streets local names and the route sharing the same physical
way can be shown where there no longer is a local route needing to be

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-06 Thread John Smith
On 7 September 2011 12:27, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
>> Princes Highway is part of route 1.
> This isn't helpful.  National Route 1 and the Princes Hwy diverge at many
> points. National Route 1 follows the Southern Freeway south from Sydney for
> a start.

So what, how does that make routes less useful, if anything that makes
them more useful since you can follow the route instead of particular

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-06 Thread John Smith
On 6 September 2011 07:13, Ben Kelley  wrote:
> In general I think it is common that a highway has a different name when it
> goes through a town. Here the route continues, and will often be signposted
> with the route number.
> I'm not sure if that is the case for every road in this relation though.

In the case of the princess highway it's also highway number one which
circumnavigates Australia and changes name as it goes.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-06 Thread John Smith
On 6 September 2011 12:20, Steve Bennett  wrote:
> According to Wikipedia, it should extend all the way from Adelaide to Sydney:

If memory serves correctly, it changes name through Melbourne.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Princes Highway (Relation 538443)

2011-09-06 Thread John Smith
On 6 September 2011 12:50, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> This document tells which roads are RTA funded, and which are local roads,
> and does have a Princes Hwy route for the purposes of funding.  However, I
> really believe we should stick to mapping what is on the ground, else we are
> going to run into trouble.  Noting as well, that the document doesn't
> accurately define the route any more than the suburbs it runs through.

You better start deleting the routes in the US as well then, because
they often have 2 routes for each interstate per state...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Contribution review??

2011-09-06 Thread John Smith
On 6 September 2011 13:26, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> Nearmap is no longer an acceptable source for OSM, since they do not allow
> traces from their imagery to be re-licensed.  I notice at least one of your
> edits sourced nearmap, and that isn't allowed any more.  If you were using
> Potlatch, perhaps you were using bing and didn't notice it?

If you think Nearmap is a valuable resource for mapping from, you are
still welcome to use it when contributing to, as Nearmap
didn't change the license, OSM did.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-11 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 20:53, James Livingston  wrote:
> On 11/07/2011, at 8:47 PM, John Smith wrote:
>> Then why was there such a big fuss made over Haiti edits should be PD
>> so that the UN could mix the data with other datasets...
> Because they were mixing the datasets. If you do something like render tiles 
> within the .au boundaries from one database, and render tiles from outside 
> the boundaries from a different dataset, then it's fine.
> Most useful things you can do with the data can be split up like this, 
> besides producing a combined database. Routing? There aren't any roads 
> between us and other countries, and so on. One of the advantages of being a 
> island :)

But will the ODBL actual make the situation better or worst? It seems
to make everything more complicated, not better.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-11 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 20:05, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir  wrote:
> What he's saying is there is no requirement under Australian Copyright
> law (or CC licence) for a whole compilation/database/document to have
> the same licence. It's the same way the Government can use Creative
> Commons for official documents but they exempt the Coat of Arms from
> that licence (because under Australian law, only officers of the
> Commonwealth can use the Coat of Arms and they use it to signify
> official documents/property).
> The CC licence calls a compilation of things a Collective Work and
> "this does not require the Collective Work apart from the Work itself
> to be made subject to the terms of this Licence."
> Collective Works are not Derivative Works so this is okay!

Then why was there such a big fuss made over Haiti edits should be PD
so that the UN could mix the data with other datasets...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Bing

2011-07-11 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 19:55, Andrew Harvey  wrote:
> It is my understanding that Bing essentially said to OSM "yes you can
> upload to OSM".

All we have is SteveC's word that this is what happened, to the best
of my knowledge Bing themselves near released anything definitive on
their own website.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-11 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 19:29, Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
> It's not using it under a licence other than CC-BY-SA. A "Collective
> Database" or "Collective Work" means that the ODbL part of it is under ODbL
> and the CC-BY-SA part is under CC-BY-SA. This is the very first clause (1a)
> of CC-BY-SA.
> In Australian legal terms, the two databases are "underlying works" and so
> retain their own rights. The two together are a "compilation" (albeit one
> that is so simple it doesn't attract any additional copyright in itself),
> and therefore users need permission of the rights-holders in the underlying
> works. This permission has already been granted in the two open content
> licences used: the "Collective Work" permission of CC-BY-SA and the
> "Collective Database" permission of ODbL.

It's my understanding that CC-by-SA is only compatible with itself,
and it's definitely not compatible with the ODBL because the ODBL
doesn't require any sort of minimum attribution or share a like clause
on produced works.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-11 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 19:04, Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
> they don't have to be the same licence. That unambiguously works with ODbL
> (4.5a): whether it works with CC is a moot point because CC is unclear for
> data licensing, but it's likely that it does (after all, there are

Well if you attempt to use data I've created under any license other
than cc-by-sa I'd be happy to to file an injunction to finally answer
how much copyright extends to map content creation.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 15:19, John Smith  wrote:
> That takes care of ways, but what about the 1.7million nodes attributed to me?

Sorry, that was total objects, only a pitiful 437k nodes.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 15:09, Nick Hocking  wrote:
> Mark wrote
> "Out of interest - the greatest contributor to Australia-Oceania
> according to is the accound used
> for the suburb boundary / postcode boundary import. Once this is
> excluded, does the figure for Australia improve a lot or only
> marginally? (Is there even an easy way to find out?)"
> Hi Mark,
> Yes if we were to revert out the non compliant imports, the bot that just
> added the maxspeed tag on a HUGE number of ways,
> and also the maxspeed:source tag, and also revert out the bot that modified
> that last tag to be source:maxspeed, then
> the numbers may be completly different.

That takes care of ways, but what about the 1.7million nodes attributed to me?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 14:53, Mike  Dupont  wrote:
> Can we make a list of real issues to be resolved and stick with them. There
> are some issues that wont be resolved, such as hurt feelings and lost trust.
> But we dont need to have a fight to the death over them.

I'd like to know if OSM-F are planning to take the moral high ground
or not, that is will they respect the wishes of content authors or

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 12:42, Steve Coast  wrote:
> On Jul 10, 2011, at 7:34 PM, John Smith wrote:
>> On 11 July 2011 12:30, Steve Coast  wrote:
>>> It's not worth my time responding to messages like this.
>>> I wrote a completely rational, neutral and open email outlining the things 
>>> we've tried and asking for ideas of how to make it better.
>> Yes and didn't respond to a single query, but of course politicans do
>> the same thing, they change the question into something they can
>> answer.
> I didn't, you are correct. I said I would however, if it was an email 
> assuming good faith and free of personal attacks. This is common is western 
> societies. Or at least polite societies :-)

So you decide to make radical changes to the OSM community and then
refuse to answer questions cause it upsets your delicate nature?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 12:30, Steve Coast  wrote:
> It's not worth my time responding to messages like this.
> I wrote a completely rational, neutral and open email outlining the things 
> we've tried and asking for ideas of how to make it better.

Yes and didn't respond to a single query, but of course politicans do
the same thing, they change the question into something they can

> If you write back that I'm just arrogant and put my head in the sand, even if 
> you're right, all you're doing is making an ad hominem attack that's not 
> worth responding to.

Commenting on your perceived lack of action isn't an attack on you
personally or your mother etc, no matter how much you'd like it to be,
and you just confirmed my observations.

> [*] - With the caveat that because there are so many pseudonyms being used, 
> it would both be helpful, pragmatic and a sign of respect if you guys would 
> start to identify yourselves. Unfortunately it's become known that some are 
> puppet accounts and we don't know which is which and who's just doing this 
> for fun.

For all you know every person on this list is using a pen name, it
doesn't mean there is a person posting under multiple names although
you wish someone ways so you could use it.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 11:55, Steve Coast  wrote:
> We looked around for all the people claiming that we've been ignoring them 
> and can't actually find any posts by them on the legal lists or to the LWG 
> for many of the people involved. Of course, with so many fake names being 
> used it's hard to be sure they weren't raised under a different pseudonym. 
> From what I've seen, the LWG took all of the concerns very seriously and 
> spent an awful lot of time, on an individual basis, trying to resolve them. 
> Nearmap of course being a good example.

Nearmap is about the only example I can think of that was actually
even attempted to be addressed, everyone else just got told to pester
what ever government department to relicense under odbl, but even if
we had that wouldn't have been compatible with the CTs.

What difference does it make who the concerns come from if they are
valid, this is your posts the other day all over again, you find
something difficult to answer so you try to find ways to weasel out of
answering them, which pretty much sums up most of the other concerns
you've dismissed out of hand.

> I urge you to contrast and compare that with other countries/communities who 
> also have derived from CC data or have imports that need relicensing and so 
> on. Most of them have worked it out. What we're scratching our heads about is 
> how -au is different. I think we've been thinking pretty hard and not come up 
> with anything other than trolls taking over the sentiment of the community.

You mean most of them have ended up agreeing to the changes regardless
if they were able to or not, there is several imports that people went
ahead with in good faith, such as QldProtectedAreas, that were given
the impression that it was ok, however without major changes to the
CTs this data isn't allowed to be imported unless you are planning to
stay under a CC-by or CC-by-SA license.

> We could work on this imported data issue. Well, we have. We've asked 
> multiple times for outlines of where the data is, who imported it and so on. 
> To the best of my knowledge nobody has raised this substantially with the 
> LWG, please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't attend every single meeting.
> We could work on making the LWG meetings more accessible to people in the -au 
> timezone. Well, we have. Several times we've shifted the meeting hours (for 
> example to speak with nearmap) and tried other ways to engage.

or you could do better at dealing with them, rather than saying you
will do something and hope people go away so you can quietly drop them

> We could spend time meeting in person. Well, we've tried a bit there though 
> of course it's expensive and hard. The threat of violence hasn't made me want 
> to come to -au despite having the means to do so, and we've made attempts to 
> get people to come to SOTM.

I must have missed the threats to you or anyone else involved, because
the only previous mention was you expression concern over your safety,
what changed in the last 3 days?

> We could work on making the mailing lists a better place to be. Well, we 
> have. In fact we've approached people about moderating this list but one of 
> them won't do it because - get this - the person fears for his job. They're 
> worried that if they moderate this list the trolls will start phoning their 
> employer. That's quite something. Clearly, things are very unhealthy. If 
> you'd like to help moderate, please get in touch. We don't think an outsider 
> should do it, or anyone who operates under a pseudonym or has been moderated 
> off another list.

Perhaps you should have better rules for everyone, because I have been
threated to be dobbed into my employer to the point that I actually
brought him up to speed on all the nonsense going on, and he turned
round and asked me if I thought it was worth airing to newspapers but
I felt it was a matter to be dealt with internally. Frankly Steve you
really need to try harder on implying pen names mean something
nefarious is going on other than openly outing your BS.

> Of course we're not perfect. But I think we can say we're trying, even with 
> people who traditionally we no longer have time for or who have been 
> moderated off the main lists. You can jump in and say what we should have 
> done in 2009 or something, and I'm sure we made mistakes. But without being 
> personal, and understanding that everyone is a volunteer, what would you do 
> in my position that's reasonable to change things? I'm sure if it was 
> rational we'd attempt it.

You keep making the same mistakes, and of course nothing is being
resolved because you stick your head in the sand and try and pretend
it will just magically take care of itself, all you are achieving
lately is showing how arrogant you can be and how poorly you can spin

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 08:16, Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
> Can we not - both sides - agree to work on building up our own projects, and
> making them as attractive as possible to users old and new, rather than
> knocking the other one?

But my comment before sets the scene for how OSM-F will look to future
users, they will be seen as devious in the methods employed, rather
than being seen as sticking to their moral guns.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 07:54, Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
> Indeed, I was concentrating on the big guys. Albania isn't a big guy. Not
> sure what your point is about imports but neither GB nor Germany have
> particularly significant numbers of imports - the only major import we've
> ever had in Britain is a few counties' worth of bus-stops!

It was my understanding people were importing OS data into GB?

> No matter what point I might make, you're going to read the From: line, see
> that "it's from one of the ODbL guys", and argue against it. And yes, I'm
> sure some of us are guilty of that too.

This is one of the points most people have continued to miss time and
time again no matter how often I've said it, it's the methods being
employed to try and get people to change is what I hate the most,
lying by omission is very common, people aren't being given all the
pertinent facts on the matter to make an actual judgment.

I've spoken to one person since they've agreed and gave some of the
cons and they were upset that they weren't informed better about the
situation, they felt some what cheated how they were corralled into
accepting, others have made similar comments in the last few days
about their own experiences.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Going separate ways

2011-07-10 Thread John Smith
On 11 July 2011 00:02, Richard Fairhurst  wrote:
>Germany 90.1%
>Great Britain 89.1%
>France 96.8%
>North America 96.4%
>Russia 97.2%
>Australia 48.4%

You didn't show Albania which has an even low acceptance rate, nor did
you comment on the fact that several import accounts of large amounts
of data are included in those numbers.

Also the Australia figure is lower than that, the QldProtectedAreas
should never have been imported with an account that had agreed with
the CT.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] missing messages

2011-07-08 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 16:18, Steve Coast  wrote:
> It's been pointed out that I'm not replying to hundreds of messages from
> John Smith, Anthony and friends.
> I don't see them as they're automatically deleted. I find life is better
> without having the trolls fill my inbox.
> However, if I have missed any reasonable points in there then feel free to
> repost them, just don't put those guys email addresses in the to/from/cc
> fields...

As usual, tuck your tail between your legs and run off, unwilling or
unable to justify position, this is partially the reason for no faith
in OSM-F, it has nothing to do with planes or time zones, not to
mention all the BS we're currently being fed by out PM, I doubt even
the OSM-F could even compete with her.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 14:06, SteveC  wrote:
> As for this 'uk mob' thing, that too is unreasonable. As a democratically 
> elected board, we have members from many countries and you are invited to get 
> involved or run for election.

Is it true that you had to do a lot of rule fiddling so you didn't
have to retire to give others a chance on the board?

> Its certainly difficult to integrate the eu, us and au communities when the 
> timezones are so hard to overlap. I am all ears on how we could fix that. It 
> would be wonderful if someone from au could make it to SOTM. In fact they are 
> running a video competition to pay for the costs of someone to attend.

Especially so when you don't bother to listen to any feed back.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 14:06, SteveC  wrote:
> Actually, the license process has been known about for a long, long time so 
> it's not this new turnaround you cast it as. In addition, everyone else 
> (bing, ordnance survey...) has worked with us very reasonably. In fact it's 
> hard to say near map have been unreasonable, just that they were not quite as 
> happy as all our other contributors of similar data.

Was the OS given all pertinent facts about ODBL and how it doesn't
require a minimum level of attribution on produced works?

AFAIK OS requires attribution and ODBL doesn't require it down stream.
This is a big show stopped for most government agencies I've heard
about in Australia.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 13:54, SteveC  wrote:
> I would phrase it that the vast majority aren't lawyers and don't want to
> become one, therefore don't know the implications of the problems with cc.

It's a false assumption, the only way it would be geo factual data is
if you copied 1:1 from raster imagery, making maps is a creative
enterprise, regardless if it's stored in a database or not, just like
wikipedia content is copyrightable even though it's stored in a

I believe CC has since changed their stance, possibly due to all the
discussion over it.

> The next step is to switch, and then if and when CC 4 comes out and is
> applicable to data then it's a simple process to change to that. Of course,
> in theory its a simple to change to switch from our current cc to the future
> one, but then we have this big gap where it doesn't apply.

AFAIK all you have to do is use a european ported license to cover
database rights and there is no issue with upgrades since all CC
licenses I've read include an upgrade clause.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 13:26, SteveC  wrote:
> The vast majority of people are happy with where we are at

What about the 50 odd percent of people that haven't responded?

> I don't see how it's reasonable to throw everything away for one guy who 
> doesn't like his countries laws.

So you're planning to hold onto as much data as possible regardless of
copyright laws and respecting content authors wishes?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 06:46, John Henderson  wrote:
> What particularly turns me off is that I am unable to see a map
> when I go to the site.  Using Firefox on Linux, I click on "Maps" and get

FOSM based tiles are being uploaded to

Although I'm still working to get expired tiles re-rendered in near real time.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-07 Thread John Smith
On 8 July 2011 00:55, Steve Coast  wrote:
> We've gone to insanely long lengths to make that the case, including getting
> clarifications from Ordnance Survey, Nearmap and many others. As far as I'm
> aware there are no remaining issues as to why you can't click 'accept'.

He said he wanted to keep using Nearmap, Nearmap have said you can't...

What clarification did you get from OS? I've not see anything definite posted...

> Not being a shareholder I can't influence them directly. As far as I'm
> aware, their issue is that they don't like the fact that we can change
> license later even though it's restricted to a free and open license. For

What does free mean?
What does open mean?

> all practical purposes I doubt we will ever change again unless and until CC
> release 4.0 which is mooted that it will contain provisions for data
> licensing. It's a simple balance between making sure the data remains open
> but also not going through this horrific license process again in the future
> if, for example, CC is suddenly better in 3-5 years time.

What specifically does CC need to change in their current licenses to
be more useful?
It's my understanding that ODBL doesn't require produced work be
attributed which makes all CC licenses (except CC0) incompatible as
you would be breaking the chain of attribution.

> We could have drawn that line a bit more to one side and defined the license
> or we could have drawn it a bit the other way and said that every single
> contributor has to accept again. Either way there will be detractors. The
> LWG is a bunch of volunteers and they spent a ton of time making that
> judgement and whatever they chose it would be imperfect.

The problem isn't just the new license or the CTs for that matter,
it's how this were carried out, how our concerns were dismissed out of

> I prefer the LWG making a careful decision to the opposite extreme of "do
> whatever nearmap says" (not that they ever made demands to my knowledge) as
> it would be short sighted to deflect the project for one company.

Nearmap was merely a sign of bigger issues and problems that the LWG
or anyone else pushing for change didn't deal with properly and still
haven't otherwise you wouldn't be trying to claim to be the victim

> If you look at Bing on the other hand, I believe we're entirely happy giving
> imagery derivation rights under the future direction outlined above. So, I

Some doubt your claims since Bing hasn't official published anything
on one of their websites, others are worried the use of Bing imagery
will cause grief for OSM-F later.

> believe we should spend energy enlightening aerial providers (or wait for
> them to catch up) given Bing's enlightened example rather than bowing to
> their short-term goals. Even Ordnance Survey have been great to work with
> through these issues. Even OS!

So things are great as long as you get your way?

> So while no doubt nearmap is a great resource and it's a shame they no
> longer want to be involved, it's clear that the majority do - even large
> sclerotic government institutions are being agile and helpful about this.
> The door, as ever, is open should nearmap every change their minds.

They didn't decide to change things, you did so at least man up and
take responsibility for your actions instead of trying to blame

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-06 Thread John Smith
On 7 July 2011 07:54, Mark Pulley  wrote:
> How could I add CC-BY-SA derived data if I use GPS traces, audio recordings
> of names, or imagery like Yahoo or Bing? The only way I could see this
> happening would be if I was to deliberately go out of my way to add a

Actually it's potentially trivial to use CC-by-SA data, since anyone
that supplied contributions under cc-by-sa are still in the database
and you only have to modify previous data to then have data derived
from cc-by-sa

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Active Australian OSM contributors in light of CT/license changes

2011-07-06 Thread John Smith
On 6 July 2011 22:35, Chris Barham  wrote:
> I'd like to think all this rather dull licence bickering will play out
> and OSM will continue and strengthen.  It's sad that people with
> agendas are talking up the 'possible' deletion of data, and rushing
> off to fork.  That energy could have been used towards working on ways

Are ya really going to play OSM-F as a victim card here, for the
longest time no one seemed to give a hoot about us aussies and the
large amounts of CC licensed data we stood to loose, and now in the
11th hour you and SteveC suddenly want to care about the community in

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-legal-talk] Multiple license declaration

2011-06-26 Thread John Smith
-- Forwarded message --
From: TimSC 
Date: 27 June 2011 01:38
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Multiple license declaration
To: "Licensing and other legal discussions." 

Hi all,

I wanted to create a way for individual users to relicense their data
under difference licenses. Since OSM and derivatives are OAuth
capable, it is possible to authenticate a user and get them to agree
to a license. This can be stored in a machine readable format. I hope
this will be useful in transferring data between forks, particularly
if a significant number of people chose permissive licenses. From what
I can tell, most mappers pretty much agree to any license they are
presented with. :)

At this stage, I was hoping for ideas for improvements of the legal
issues. Any thoughts?


legal-talk mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: Yahoo aerials will not be available after September 13, 2011

2011-06-25 Thread John Smith
-- Forwarded message --
From: Nathan Edgars II 
Date: 26 June 2011 00:22
Subject: [OSM-talk] Yahoo aerials will not be available after September 13, 2011
To: Grant Slater 

On 6/25/2011 10:05 AM, Grant Slater wrote:
> On 25 June 2011 15:00, Nathan Edgars II  wrote:
>> On 6/25/2011 9:59 AM, Grant Slater wrote:
>>> On 25 June 2011 14:56, Nathan Edgars IIwrote:

 Andrew-2 wrote:
> It says Yahoo is the main imagery source but it isn’t beginners’ level
> material any more and soon won’t be available at all.

 First I've heard of this:!_Aerial_Imagery

>>> The aerial imagery being available or that Yahoo is retiring their
>>> aerial imagery service/API?
>> The latter. I would have expected something on the talk list.
> Yes makes sense. Go ahead. I would also recommend CC'ing announce@.
> You know as much as I do. But read the linked:
> / Grant

Done, though I'm not subscribed to announce so it may not go through.

talk mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] New Nearmap imagery

2011-06-25 Thread John Smith
Dunno if the Nearmap OSM wikipage will get any more updates, but I've
spent a bit of time updating the Nearmap information on the SharedMap

There is quiet a bit of new coverage in Tasmania, South and Central
Qld and Western Vic...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] "JohnSmith" edits on 19 June 2011

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
On 20 June 2011 14:49, Mark Pulley  wrote:
> Maybe Richard should have asked him privately first - I was mainly
> responding to John's attitude that it didn't matter.

Well, what does it matter now that they're going to start deleting non-CT data?

> Obviously there had to be some sort of source - the question is, what is it?
> Did he go there (quite possible, as I know John does go to that part of the
> country).

A couple of the changes were from past surveys, but I just don't take
as much pride or put as much effort in these days because community no
longer seems to matter so why should I bother putting in extra effort?

> The possible contamination could be if he copied it from a copyright map. I
> am hoping that he didn't do this, but as his initial response to Richard's
> question was "what does it matter", I thought that needed clarification.

To the best of my knowledge, I've only used sources compatible with CC-by-SA.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODBL and real life...

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
On 20 June 2011 03:12, Grant Slater  wrote:
> I am sure theortical (and legally risky) loopholes could be found for
> example as you describe above. We could have contructed painfully

A simple admission that the previous email is a valid argument would
have sufficed

> We have people subverting our CC-BY-SA license right now!!1! *zomg*
> And they wouldn't be abusing our ODbL license in future.
> Case: UN:

Nice spin on things, except they need to adhere to copyright like
everyone else, however what I've pointed out is completely legit and
has no recourse.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] "JohnSmith" edits on 19 June 2011

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
What does it matter since I'm never going to agree to the CT...

On 20 June 2011 02:11, Richard Weait  wrote:
> "JohnSmith" your four changesets today are missing descriptive
> changeset comments.
> The barrier here
> does not advise of the source you used.  The connected way claims
> yahoo as source, but that seems unlikely at the Yahoo resolution
> there.
> The Warialda Creek edits
> also claim Yahoo
> as the source.
> Please clarify for us the sources of these edits?
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODBL and real life...

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
On 20 June 2011 00:55, Grant Slater  wrote:
> If however on the other hand if someone created an SVG file specially
> for the purpose of extracted OSM data and tags, it would be extremely
> difficult for them to argue that is a produced work and not a
> database.

That's assuming a single party acting on bad faith, 2 independent
parties operating independently would be able to claim otherwise.

> There is a simple guideline on the wiki: (from 2009)
>> In other words CC-by-SA protects data better than ODBL.
> No. See above.

You are assuming that a single party or both parties involved are
operating under bad faith, in all likelihood there could be a range of
places to source data from, even for that matter, with a
secondary party operating in the US.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] ODBL and real life...

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
Forgot to mention that SVG files are most likely produced works, even
those they aren't raster images, so converting to SVG and then back to
map data would potentially be pretty trivial.

In other words CC-by-SA protects data better than ODBL.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] rationalising administrative boundaries

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
On 19 June 2011 19:32, Mark Pulley  wrote:
> Some of these boundaries have been edited to include highway=* and
> waterway=* tags (mainly in areas with (at the time) no good imagery). How
> easy is it to get a list of these ways? Now that better imagery is
> available, now would be a good time to move these tags onto new, more
> accurate ways, using imagery, prior to the boundaries disappearing (with the
> loss of other information e.g. names). (Even if the boundaries weren't
> disappearing, it would still be good to create new ways, as the boundaries
> often aren't accurate.)

Assuming that the source tag was left it would be very trivial, you
could use the XAPI to pull these.

However, it's my experience a lot of these ways have been realigned to
aerial imagery, which is what tends to break these boundaries so much.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] ODBL and real life...

2011-06-19 Thread John Smith
For the longest time it was claimed ODBL would better protect data
than CC-by-SA in some jurisdictions, with the US being one of those.

However the opposite seems true, since the above claim was based on
the premise that creating maps wasn't a creative enterprise.

The ODBL doesn't place a limit on what license produced works can be
licensed as, they can be published as PD/CC0.

In any case unless the copyright license contains no derivative
clauses people are then able to derive data from produced works and
that derived data can be used to build a vectorised database.

There is one clause here where countries with database rights, when
the data re-enters those countries the database right might re-apply,
but this doesn't apply for countries like the US (or Australia for
that matter).

Although I'm told that the above section of Database Directive in EU
is untested in court, and I think some CC licenses already waive
database rights and going into the future I believe creative commons
plan to include this in more licenses.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] rationalising administrative boundaries

2011-06-17 Thread John Smith
On 17 June 2011 18:38, Steve Bennett  wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:42 AM, David Murn  wrote:
>> That is the reason why very little effort has been expended mapping
>> Australia lately, until we know what skeleton of data we'll have left to
>> work with after the changeover.
>> If you want to map for OSM at the moment, your best bet is to map
>> offline using something like JOSM, then save all your edits to be
>> uploaded when the licence issue has been sorted out, otherwise you might
>> find youre spending hours fixing up the map only to find all your work
>> removed or broken when other users data is removed.
> So is there some sort of secret Australian cabal that I should know
> about? Do you guys have a mailing list? I sure don't see much of this
> kind of discussion on this list...

It's hardly a secret, in fact one of the guiding emphasises is on transparency.

Although I disagree with mapping offline, that would seem to be the
most likely approach to people duplicating effort.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Bing aerial imagery priorities

2011-06-16 Thread John Smith
-- Forwarded message --
From: Steve Coast 
Date: 17 June 2011 07:09
Subject: [OSM-talk] Bing aerial imagery priorities


I'm speaking personally and there are no guarantees here but I'd like
to get input on what areas you would like Bing to prioritise for
aerial and/or satellite imagery in the coming year. Please mail with the area in question (I'd love to accept
bounding boxes but don't really have the time so cities/countries are
the best).

I will pass this on to the right people and we may or may not be able to help.



talk mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] rationalising administrative boundaries

2011-06-15 Thread John Smith
On 16 June 2011 15:01, Gary Gallagher  wrote:
> Thanks for all the comments, I think I'll hold off. It does seem
> unfortunate that there is no basic work-flow to convert a boundary into
> a relation containing the ways that make it up. From what you've said
> Nick merging nodes still keeps them as separate ways just stacked on top
> of each other - which is what I'm trying to avoid.

The boundaries should already be relations, but people tend to break
them frequently.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] rationalising administrative boundaries

2011-06-14 Thread John Smith
On 15 June 2011 12:16, Gary Gallagher  wrote:
> I've been working on my suburb (Brunswick East), and keep coming across
> tangled messes of ways caused by the boundary data effectively floating
> above different ways. Roads are being connected to the boundary instead
> of the the road. The road or other way has been moved to create a clear
> path for the boundary and vice-a-versa. I presume the overlapping
> sections of the boundary could be merged with the underlying way. Has
> anybody had any experience doing this and what are the potential
> pitfalls?

The current boundaries will be removed in the near future, so if I
were you I wouldn't spend to much time fussing over them.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-legal-talk] Announce: Beginning of Phase 4 of license change process

2011-06-14 Thread John Smith
-- Forwarded message --
From: Michael Collinson 
Date: 15 June 2011 06:30
Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Announce: Beginning of Phase 4 of license
change process
To: "Licensing and other legal discussions." 

As per the implementation plan [1], we intend to move to phase 4 this
Sunday 19th June or as soon after as is technically practical. This
will mean that anyone who has explictly declined the new contributor
terms will no longer be able to edit, (unless they  decide to accept).
 This currently numbers 406 in total compared to over 191,000 who now
contribute under the new terms. They or our forking folks may wish to
grab a planet dump now and another one just before the phase 5
cut-over to ODbL. Planet dumps are generally made every Wednesday as
of 11:01 UK time and become available 3 days later. Next week's
version will probably be made on Tuesday due to the coming UCL

I would emphasise there is currently no need to remove data from the
live database since the license is still CC-BY-SA. I believe there is
no urgency to do so until acceptances have been maximised, local
issues that have a near term solution have been addressed and there is
a sense of community consensus that it is time. The License Working
Group will continue listening to all feedback.

License Working Group


legal-talk mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Free ebooks

2011-06-07 Thread John Smith
Earlier this week 4000 academic books were released for free,
apparently there is quite a lot of GIS books in the mix:

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Redistricting 2.0: Cloud Lets Voters Take Part

2011-05-26 Thread John Smith
CWmike writes "As the 2010 U.S. census results arrived, Los Angeles
County's politicians started ramping up for redistricting — the
once-a-decade, computing-intensive, often contentious process of
geographically carving up the populace into discrete parcels of
voters. In the past, such decisions were made by politicians using
expensive computer systems and software. Participation in the process
was limited to an elite few who could afford experts who understood
redistricting's arcane rules and GIS technology well enough to game
them. This year, however, it won't just be the politicians and special
interest groups poring over the data and tweaking boundary lines. All
4.5 million registered voters in LA County have access to a
cloud-based redistricting application called the Public Access Plan
that lets voters view and modify existing maps and boundaries, submit
comments, and even create and submit their own plans from scratch. LA
County is among the first government entities to consider providing
Web-based tools that allow for direct public participation. 'This
notion of public access has changed quite dramatically,' says Tim
Storey, a senior fellow at the National Conference of State
Legislatures. 'Throwing that wide open is a big step.' The big
question now is whether the public will use it."

Ok, not about Australian political boundaries, but why shouldn't our
politicians be held to the same accountability.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: [Aust-NZ] Open public sector information principles launched [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2011-05-26 Thread John Smith
-- Forwarded message --
From: Bruce Bannerman 
Date: 26 May 2011 15:26
Subject: [Aust-NZ] Open public sector information principles launched
To: OSGeo NZ/AU 


An extract:
"The Australian Information Commissioner, John McMillan, has launched the
government's eight Principles on open public sector information.

According to McMillan, the principles < which have been developed by the
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) through a process
of public consultation < recognise government information as a national
resource that should be published for community access and use.

"These Principles set out the central values of open public sector
information ­ that it be freely available, easily discoverable,
understandable, machine-readable and reusable," McMillan said in a


Aust-NZ mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Kempsey, NSW

2011-05-25 Thread John Smith
There is Bing imagery covering Kempsey, but a distinct lack of
mapping, or was before I started adding them, but still plenty to do.

I mentioned Tamworth a few weeks ago and within a day or so it had
been mapped out extensively from Bing imagery.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Rendering your own maps

2011-05-24 Thread John Smith
Over the past few days I've been documenting the exact steps needed to
setup, run and maintain your own map rendering system. If the area is
small enough you can even do it in a virtual machine, and a vmware
image will be published at some point so all you need to do is
download, run and tell it the area of the planet you are actually
interested in.

We have been given permission from to store map tiles on
their systems, however scripts are still being tweaked to make this as
simple and straight forward that anyone with a little technical
experience would have no problems using. Some details about the
current thoughts on how to best to achieve this based on a few

This should make it possible and easy for anyone that wants tiles for
a custom style sheet.

We have a proof of concept map page running:

While there is tiles for most of the planet up to z6, as a test we
published some z21 tiles for Sydney, only to find out the default
style sheet does very poorly beyond about z18 with roads disappearing
and all sorts of weird things, the only thing that still looked ok was
polygons that get rendered.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] 3D Aerial Photos For the Common Man

2011-05-22 Thread John Smith
An anonymous reader writes "So you have a RC model aircraft snapping
digital photos from the air, but how do you organize them all? This
cheap cloud service from a European research giant will upload your
photos and automatically convert them into 3D models you can navigate
like a video game. And if you don't have a model aircraft, they got
those on-the-cheap too. Let the overhead droning begin!"

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] A modest proposal fo OSM mailing list reform

2011-05-20 Thread John Smith
On 21 May 2011 16:11, John Smith  wrote:
> If people want to use a forum like interface, does that I believe.

Actually does a few different options, include a blog like

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] A modest proposal fo OSM mailing list reform

2011-05-20 Thread John Smith
On 21 May 2011 16:08, Sam Couter  wrote:
> John Smith  wrote:
>> On 21 May 2011 13:52, Nick Hocking  wrote:
>> > Forums (IMO) are much superior to mailing lists for one simple reason
>> > If the forum software is a threaded one then it is really easy to avoid
>> > reading any drivel from the trolls. You just ignore the whole thread if the
>> > troll starts it or just ignore any parts of an otherwise useful thread if 
>> > it
>> > becomes troll infested.
>> While not a forum, you do realise you can do the same thing with a
>> newsgroup interface?
> Any decent mail client will offer the same feature.
> Forums suck hardcore. They all have different feature sets, differently
> disabled UIs, they encourage terrible posting styles, and worst of all I
> have to go to them (and register separately at each one, log in each
> time I visit, manage yet another user profile, remember a whole new set of
> user identities for those I interact with, etc) if I want to read the
> content.
> With mailing lists on the other hand, the content conveniently comes
> direct to me, I get to choose what software has the interface I like, and
> it is impossible for censors to delete stuff before I get to see it. All
> that, and I still have a delete button for stuff I don't want to see.

I was trying to avoid the discussion/flame war over mailing lists v
forums v whatever.

This is a very subjective thing, possibly due to when you started to
use the internet and your personality/preferences etc etc etc

If people want to use a forum like interface, does that I believe.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] A modest proposal fo OSM mailing list reform

2011-05-20 Thread John Smith
On 21 May 2011 13:52, Nick Hocking  wrote:
> Forums (IMO) are much superior to mailing lists for one simple reason
> If the forum software is a threaded one then it is really easy to avoid
> reading any drivel from the trolls. You just ignore the whole thread if the
> troll starts it or just ignore any parts of an otherwise useful thread if it
> becomes troll infested.
> With mailing lists it is easy to just not open a post from a troll but if
> someone else directly quotes a troll then it is a bit tricky to "stop
> reading instantly".
> The trick is that the forum must be threaded. Of course the desperate trolls
> will then start to put their poison in the subject line and to increase
> their use of sock puppets so as to try to trick us into reading their
> garbage. At this point there, unfortunately, needs to be some form of
> moderation/banning (or CENSORSHIP as the trolls will bleat).

While not a forum, you do realise you can do the same thing with a
newsgroup interface?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wiki censorship

2011-05-18 Thread John Smith
On 18 May 2011 23:12, Grant Slater  wrote:
> On 18 May 2011 14:02, John Smith  wrote:
>> On 18 May 2011 22:56, Grant Slater  wrote:
>>>> Grant has absolutely no respect for user wishes, he's defaced my own
>>>> wiki page, which I can no longer edit, after I left a note asking
>>>> people not to edit my wiki page.
>>> What bollocks. I added a notice to the *discussion page* with evidence
>> Yes and since it usually takes 2 to tango, so what actions were taken
>> against others?
> Please supply evidence.
> I have listed the people who have been complaining about you and you
> removing their complains from the discussion page.

How about you start with the first person (Nop), he reverted it
without any discussion, and you are the biggest hypocrite of them all,
you seem to show no bounds when it comes to forcing your opinions of
how people should communicate on others.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wiki censorship

2011-05-18 Thread John Smith
On 18 May 2011 22:56, Grant Slater  wrote:
>> Grant has absolutely no respect for user wishes, he's defaced my own
>> wiki page, which I can no longer edit, after I left a note asking
>> people not to edit my wiki page.
> What bollocks. I added a notice to the *discussion page* with evidence

Yes and since it usually takes 2 to tango, so what actions were taken
against others?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wiki censorship

2011-05-18 Thread John Smith
On 18 May 2011 17:56, Tim Challis  wrote:
> Frankly I'd think twice about using the OSM messaging system, as I note
> your (new!) sharedmap wiki page recommends...

At this stage I'm playing about with options and most likely will not
be making many changes initially to the information that will appear
there... The option has to many annoying flash based ads for
my liking, and the sharedmap wiki config is still being tweaked to be

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wiki censorship

2011-05-17 Thread John Smith
On 18 May 2011 06:38, Elizabeth Dodd  wrote:
> Set of rules made by one group, complaints handled by same group,
> prosecution handled by same group, judgement made by same group,
> punishment handled by same group.

Grant has absolutely no respect for user wishes, he's defaced my own
wiki page, which I can no longer edit, after I left a note asking
people not to edit my wiki page.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Wiki censorship

2011-05-17 Thread John Smith
Sugar coat it all you want, but what action did you take against
anyone else involved?

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Wiki censorship

2011-05-17 Thread John Smith
It seems if you are on the wining side of an argument you end up
blocked, so I'm most likely going to start an aussie wiki and not care
about the "official" wiki

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Nearmap badly out of date

2011-05-12 Thread John Smith
On 13 May 2011 15:38, Steve Bennett  wrote:
> On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 1:24 PM, John Smith  wrote:
>> That's before you consider the resolution, it's so high that railway
>> lines and switching tracks are mapped so accurately people were
>> suggesting to those that make train games they could use OSM data as
>> the basis of their track data for more realistic simulations.
> Yeah, I've wondered for a while if people couldn't make interesting
> RTS type games using OSM data. Would be pretty cool to do a
> military/economic simulation on an area that you know...

I think at least 1 flight sim already uses OSM data.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Nearmap badly out of date

2011-05-12 Thread John Smith
On 13 May 2011 13:14, Steve Bennett  wrote:
> You're not serious. Nearmap is the best resource OSM has ever had in
> Australia. For every kilometre of road where Nearmap shows something
> contradicted by more recent surveys, there are probably 100+
> kilometres of roads that no one could ever have been bothered
> surveying.

That's before you consider the resolution, it's so high that railway
lines and switching tracks are mapped so accurately people were
suggesting to those that make train games they could use OSM data as
the basis of their track data for more realistic simulations.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Queensland border and the MacIntyre River...

2011-05-09 Thread John Smith
On 9 May 2011 20:39, Tim Challis  wrote:
> To save you ploughing through it, the lightning summary seems to be
> since 1946 the mid-line of the river is the answer you want. (If you
> want to get technical, it should be the median line of the riverbanks as
> they existed in 1859... the big catch is, they were not actually
> surveyed then, so the dispute had to be resettled in 1946, and confirmed
> in 1993, and reconfirmed in 2008

I was hoping someone might know due to work or what not, but thanks
for looking it up :D

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Canberra Mapping - out of date

2011-05-09 Thread John Smith
On 8 May 2011 17:47, John Smith  wrote:
> On 5 May 2011 10:33, David Murn  wrote:
>> On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 21:22 +1000, Nick Hocking wrote:
>>> Unfortunately this has meant that Canberra OSM data is now badly out
>>> of date. I have recently heard of a situation where up-to-date
>>> Canberra data could have been *extremely* usefull to somebody.
> What's more of a shame is the fact existing roads are being remapped
> when there is tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of
> rural roads that could be mapped from Bing that isn't already mapped.

Oh and if anyone is looking to redo vector data from Bing, Tamworth,
NSW has a lot of poorly aligned roads based on survey data.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Canberra mapping - nearly up-to-date.

2011-05-09 Thread John Smith
On 9 May 2011 01:28, David Murn  wrote:
> These current edits are of value to OSM, newly developed roads in
> developing suburbs ('some of which already have people living on them').

How can newly developed roads be mapped from Bing?

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Tom Tom selling customer data to the police in .au as well

2011-05-08 Thread John Smith

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Queensland border and the MacIntyre River...

2011-05-08 Thread John Smith
On 9 May 2011 13:39, 4x4falcon  wrote:
> I'd say the centre of the main channel as the only sign I've ever seen there
> is half way across a bridge.

The bridge at Texas has the sign on the southern side of the bridge,
but the 'Welcome to Qld/NSW' sign is on the northern side.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Queensland border and the MacIntyre River...

2011-05-08 Thread John Smith
The south bank of the main stream of the Murray River is the NSW/Vic
border, but does anyone know where the NSW border lies with respect
the MacIntyre River?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Canberra mapping - nearly up-to-date.

2011-05-08 Thread John Smith
On 8 May 2011 21:41, Nick Hocking  wrote:
> As usual - non trolls are welcome to let me know if I've missed anything (or
> made some mistakes).

So people asking difficult, but honest questions are labelled trolls
so you don't have to answer?

All this looks like is vandalism and half baked edits that should be
reverted as you aren't adding value to the map, if you continue to do
so any one of several of us will start reverting all your change sets.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Canberra Mapping - out of date

2011-05-08 Thread John Smith
On 5 May 2011 10:33, David Murn  wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-05-04 at 21:22 +1000, Nick Hocking wrote:
>> Unfortunately this has meant that Canberra OSM data is now badly out
>> of date. I have recently heard of a situation where up-to-date
>> Canberra data could have been *extremely* usefull to somebody.

What's more of a shame is the fact existing roads are being remapped
when there is tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of
rural roads that could be mapped from Bing that isn't already mapped.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Canberra Mapping - out of date

2011-05-05 Thread John Smith
On 6 May 2011 10:47, David Murn  wrote:
> This could almost be considered vandalism, what you are doing to the
> quality of the map data available for Canberra.  Please dont touch any
> of my 'out-of-date' edits from the past 6 months to realign them with 10
> year old aerial imagery.

You mentioned previously that Bing was out of alinement by up to 100m,
if this is the case it is a clear case of vandalism since he should be
at the vest least realigning Bing imagery to GPS traces.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Fwd: [Aust-NZ] LINZ survey

2011-05-05 Thread John Smith
-- Forwarded message --
From: Alister Hood 
Date: 5 May 2011 11:58
Subject: [Aust-NZ] LINZ survey
To: OSGeo NZ/AU ,

Hi everyone,

First, apologies if you get this twice because you’re on both lists.

I don’t think anyone has mentioned yet: if anyone is interested, LINZ
is conducting “an online survey about the geospatial industry in New
Zealand”, to “help inform LINZ's future geospatial product and service

The survey closes at midnight on 10th May.



Aust-NZ mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Reassurance and Licensing

2011-05-04 Thread John Smith
It's such a shame that your high regard for diverse opinions only seem
to matter if they match yours.

On 5/4/11, Ian Sergeant  wrote:
> On 4 May 2011 20:40, Tim Challis  wrote:
>> Sarcasm aside. I am quite happy to go along with Liz' pronunciations to
>> date. If she starts going mad with power and saying something in my
>> name I am not happy with, I think I will let her know then.
> She said something in mine I wasn't happy with, and I did.  Seems we
> are in much the same boat.
> But equally seriously, unless there is some kind of organisational
> structure in Australia, I don't think anybody should attempt to speak
> on behalf of the Australian community.  While you might agree with
> Liz's pronoucement to date, I'm confident there is some diversity of
> opinion out there, and everybody is entitled to put their views as
> they see them.
> Ian.
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM CTs

2011-05-02 Thread John Smith
On 2 May 2011 22:03, Ian Callahan  wrote:
>> Those pushing for changes might have expected things to result in a
>> fork as a result of what's happened but that isn't what has happened,
>> instead the OSM community are on the verge of splintering into many
>> various projects
> Precisely. In all probability none of them will be viable.

Time will tell on this, but already you have some serious efforts,
such as CommonMap, to a lesser extent FOSM, and even just people doing
their own little maps and not sharing with anyone else which is the
worst possible outcome, especially if the areas mapped is done
multiple times.

> My point is that those agitating for change should go off and start their
> own project, not hijack ours.
> They are welcome to use  _our_ data providing they comply with the CTs under
> which it was originally contributed, or as much of it as is compatible with
> their view of propriety. But please don't destroy what so many have worked
> for.

You aren't the first to express this opinion, I doubt you'll be the last.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM CTs

2011-05-02 Thread John Smith
On 2 May 2011 20:55, Ian Callahan  wrote:
> I realise that if OSM is to continue in its previous guise, then the time
> and effort expended on projects like FreeOSM will be wasted. But isn't that
> the best outcome?

Those pushing for changes might have expected things to result in a
fork as a result of what's happened but that isn't what has happened,
instead the OSM community are on the verge of splintering into many
various projects because while people were able to go with the flow in
the past there is no reason that is even a good idea in future based
on all good will being blown up.

So while it might be possible to salvage a status quo section of the
community, everyone else is planning their next move at this point as
it seems obvious that OSM-F is determined to continue ripping the
community apart.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] NSW Dept of Lands aerial imagery...

2011-05-01 Thread John Smith
The NSW Dept of Lands seems to have quite a lot of aerial imagery
(, in their terms of use all
copyrightable material is for personal or non-comercial use only, but
doesn't seem to cover deriving data from their imagery, and what can
be done with it afterwards.

Does anyone have any thoughts on if they'd be favourable to allowing
the community to derive map data at all?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Trolls

2011-04-30 Thread John Smith
On 30 April 2011 20:09, Nick Hocking  wrote:
> PS - tomorrow I will find out all the ways in Canberra  that I had to fix
>  using nearmap, and replace them using compliant Bing imagery"

So you wiped out perfectly good map data for sub-standard data?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] What to map a site of historical significants...

2011-04-28 Thread John Smith
On 23 April 2011 19:43, John Smith  wrote:
> any one have any thoughts on what to tag a location famous for 2
> reasons, first it was a spot cobb & co got held up by thunderbolt,
> secondly because someone did a painting of the event:
> As there is no marker or anything else to identify the site, the only
> thing I can think of is something like historic=historical_site, but
> that seems a bit redundant...

For the benefit of those not on the tagging list, Martin came up with
a reasonable suggestion:


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Reassurance and Licensing

2011-04-26 Thread John Smith
On 27 April 2011 14:42, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir  wrote:
>> *sarcasm* But it all doesn't matter anyway, John Smith has degreed
>> that all Australian geodata is PD anyway. See:
> A lot of people do take this issue seriously as it affects how you
> collate data from now on. The works dealt with were TV Program Guides
> (IceTV Pty Limited v Nine Network Australia Pty Limited ) and Phone
> Books (Telstra Corporation Limited v Phone Directories Company Pty
> Ltd) which are not considered as ‘original works’ because the creation
> of each publication did not involve ‘independent intellectual effort’
> and/or the exercise of ‘sufficient effort of a literary nature’. The
> rigid process used to make a phone book especially did not allow the
> individual authors (phone company employees) to be creative ;)

Perhaps I should have used all caps for the benefit of Grant,
specifically the bit about being computer generated. Until or unless
computer AI gets good enough to generate map data on their own this
ruling has no bearing over geo data...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Reassurance and Licensing

2011-04-26 Thread John Smith
On 27 April 2011 07:06, Elizabeth Dodd  wrote:
> Bluntly,
> CC-by-SA for geodata is fine here. It's good enough for our government,
> it's good enough for us. (Au government now is using CC-by for data).
> We believe in Share-Alike. Actually, we have been brought up to believe
> in share alike and helping each other, and that might be part of the
> reason you reach a brick wall on the change to a complex legal licence.

Not to mention that those pushing for the change don't agree what the
change actually means, some claim tiles could be published under a PD
license if produced from ODBL data, yet others claim CC-by would be
the minimum requirement, however both of these seem false answers
since that would allow people to turn map rendered tiles back into
vector data which to be enforceable would require end users of map
tiles to become contractually bound by ODBL for any tiles they copy or

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How many NearMap users do you think have accepted the new CTs and ODbL?

2011-04-26 Thread John Smith
On 27 April 2011 04:15, David Groom  wrote:
> But I thought that Nearmap has said that they did not think the CT's were
> compatible with the use of their data.  As I understood it this had nothing
> to do with CC-BY-SA or ODbL.
> So the issue as I understand it is the CT's, and so anyone who has used
> Nearmap as a source and has agreed to the CT's is in violation of both
> Nearmap's licence, and the CT's.
> Of course my understanding of Nearmap's position may be wrong, and I suspect
> they (Ben?) will be able to clarify matters.

That's my understanding as well, even though some have suggested once
you agree you can't unagree, even though there is clear breaches of
contract with OSM-F.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] China now has a hotline to dob in non-licensed mappers...

2011-04-26 Thread John Smith

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tragedy of the commons...

2011-04-25 Thread John Smith
In the last few days people have posted numerous diary entries about
being unaware about the up coming changes.

I am only surprised about how poorly things have been communicated
with mappers, the replies to the posts are typical responses that try
to confuse the issue.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tragedy of the commons...

2011-04-24 Thread John Smith
Same thing in the UK with OS data, it becomes free but requires
attribution and OSM-F turns round and says that's great and all, but
we want it with no strings now.

On 4/25/11, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:06 AM, Elizabeth Dodd  wrote:
>> On Sun, 24 Apr 2011 22:18:41 +1000
>> "Alex (Maxious) Sadleir"  wrote:
>>> Also, I hear that Kiwi OSM surveyors are having just as much trouble
>>> convincing OSM-F that their government too has done the due diligence
>>> on Creative Commons for geodata:
>> the comments are now error 403
> " Gavin Treadgold said,
> April 11, 2011 @ 11:09 pm
> We’ve just got the Govt here in NZ to agree and started releasing lots
> of data in CC-BY (through NZ GOAL), and now OSM is moving the
> goalposts, making us look like fools with our cap in hand asking ‘Can
> we please have some more?’"
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Sent from my mobile device

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Does FOSM really work?

2011-04-24 Thread John Smith
On 25 April 2011 08:09, Kevin Sheather  wrote:
> I have tried to use FOSM but with no success. I have opened an account and
> logged in but none of the links seem to work with the exception of the
> Attribution link that takes me back to an OSM Wiki page. The Potlatch link
> produces a mostly blank page with not a map in sight. Is it designed to
> operate on Windows Explorer 9?

I've only used FOSM with JOSM, I've found it a little slow in
downloading data, but it does work for me. Although it doesn't seem to
have the same 0.25 of a degree limit when downloading, so in rural
areas it actually makes life easier.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tragedy of the commons...

2011-04-24 Thread John Smith
On 25 April 2011 08:26, Andrew Harvey  wrote:
> Once fosm gets a tile server (even a third party one) I'll probably
> switch. In the meantime I thought osm edits were mirrored across to
> fosm (though the more fosm gets edited, there will be merge edits,
> which I'm not sure how fosm will handle.)

That is my understanding as well, and for a while I kept uploading map
data to OSM-F's DB, but I became increasingly unmotivated from doing
this because of emails about immoral ways to get people to accept the
new CTs regardless of if it taints OSM-F's data or not.

> Agreed. just seems to have diffs since
> nov, but no sign of the planet.osm that one starts with before
> applying these diffs.

I've cc'd 80n on this email, he's involved with, hopefully he
can give a time line if nothing exists yet...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tragedy of the commons...

2011-04-24 Thread John Smith
On 24 April 2011 22:48, Richard Weait  wrote:
> No.  It's much closer to a Wikipedia transition from GNU FDL to
> CC-By-SA.  OpenStreetMap is moving to a license that is much better
> suited to data, while maintaining the Share Alike and Attribution
> aspects.

As those in the UK would say... 'Bollocks'...

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Tragedy of the commons...

2011-04-24 Thread John Smith
On 24 April 2011 22:18, Alex (Maxious) Sadleir  wrote:
> As was said on talk, it seems pretty absurd to be moving an open
> mapping project in 2011 such that it is shutting out Ordinance Survey
> and NearMap when all they ask for is attribution.

It's a GPL v BSD type issue, some people want share a like, others
think a BSD/PD style license is the way to go, which would be fine if
they started up their own project, but instead they're trying to
hijack a share a like project with a substantial amount of data, and
some are getting pretty desperate about it judging by their emails to
some of the other mailing lists.

> looks pretty good with potlatch2. Just need a tile server or
> to setup my own again - how does one get a big fat planet.osm?

I'm not sure, at this stage I've just been uploading my edits, but I
should look into this as well so I can have my edits start rendering,
although I'm mostly just interested in the aussie data.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] Tragedy of the commons...

2011-04-24 Thread John Smith
Once upon a time it used to be almost a race to map out new areas from
Nearmap coverage, now whole areas of coverage go untouched for months
or longer...

What was once a source of pride in the community can now only be
described as a 'tragedy of the commons' now that the death knell is
being tolled on the OSM-F...

I have restarted mapping in earnest, but uploading to, I'd
forgotten how enjoyable it was just to get on and map large areas that
are blank and to make the map slightly more complete, knowing that I
wasn't wasting my time to only have my edits reverted later.

On a more amusing note, I'm sure there is a spoof song in 'What a crying shame'

Anyone know where to email Weird Al? :)

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