[Talk-hr] lijenost i ODBL licence

2012-01-19 Thread valent.turko...@gmail.com
Priznajem lijen sam i zbog toga mi se nije dalo precrtavati sve ponovo
zbog onih koji nisu prihvatili novu odbl licencu, lakše mi je bilo
poslati par emailova i eto, malo po malo dosta ih se javilo i
prihvatilo novu licencu.

Ako je meni uspjelo uz minimalan trud slanja par istih poruka par
ljudi, vjerujem da bi i drugi mogli dobiti slične rezultate na svome
području, znam da su neki već to radili, ova poruka je za one koji
nisu. I neće vam svi pozitivno odgovoriti, ali to nije ni bitno, treba
doći od onih uspavanih koji su radili prije a sada duže vrijeme nisu
bili na osm-u da prihvate licencu kako se ne bi trebalo precrtavati i

Ugodan dan vam želim,

follow me - www.twitter.com/valentt  http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, wireless, scuba, linuxmce smart home, zwave
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

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[Talk-hr] slaganje podloge balonom

2012-01-19 Thread Matija Nalis
Ako ima zainteresiranih za ideju, naletih pa mozda je interesantno:

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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Re: [Talk-hr] slaganje podloge balonom

2012-01-19 Thread valent.turko...@gmail.com
2012/1/19 Matija Nalis mnalis-openstreetmapl...@voyager.hr:
 Ako ima zainteresiranih za ideju, naletih pa mozda je interesantno:

Zakon! Jedini im fali neki žiroskopski nosač ako sam dobro vidio...

Evo i par mojih linkova na sličnu temu snimanja iz zraka:
Kite Aerial Photography: http://scotthaefner.com/kap/
Vol. 01: Kite Aerial Photography Puts Your Eye in the Sky -

i par videa:
follow me - www.twitter.com/valentt  http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, wireless, scuba, linuxmce smart home, zwave
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

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Re: [Talk-hr] lijenost i ODBL licence

2012-01-19 Thread valent.turko...@gmail.com
Ostavit ću autora anonimnim (osim ako se ne želi sam predstaviti) pa
proslijediti da ima i ovakvih poruka:

Dakle kada kroz JOSM pokušavam u bazu snimiti promjene, dobijam
grešku s objašnjenjem da samo pod novim uvijetima smijem snimati

Nego, vidim da je dosta aktivno precrtavanje starih podataka, dakle ne
zamjena starih novim, već precrtavanje starih i zamjena starih
podataka precrtanima.

Mene veseli vidjeti da postoji napor da se stari podaci spase od
prijetnje brisanja, ali takav postupak nije rješenje. Taj postupak
stvara privid da starih podataka više nema, da postoje samo novi koji
više nemaju obavezu nošenja Creative Commons licence, i ujedno nestaje
trag originalnog autora. No to nije tako. Podatak nastao preradom
(adaptation) starog podatka i dalje nosi sve svoje licencne obaveze,
uključujući obavezu priznanja autorstva prethodnog podatka.

To nije dobro. Niti za OSM, jer počinje živiti u iluziji da su mu
podaci čisti ODbL - a kasnije bi mu se mogao desiti pravni spor, a
niti za zajednicu, jer se više ne vidi trud stvarnih doprinositelja,
već se trud i autorstvo iskazuje precrtavačima.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] lijenost i ODBL licence

2012-01-19 Thread Janko Mihelić
Pošalji mu slijedeći link:


Naime precrtava se tamo gdje ima Binga ili gps-tragova, znači sa tim
podacima, ne preko starih podataka. Naravno, moguće je da je netko napravio
grešku i precrtao preko podatka kod kojeg nema druge pozadine, ali onda je
na originalnom autoru da nađe taj slučaj, i takav podatak će se odmah


2012/1/19 valent.turko...@gmail.com valent.turko...@gmail.com

 Ostavit ću autora anonimnim (osim ako se ne želi sam predstaviti) pa
 proslijediti da ima i ovakvih poruka:

 Dakle kada kroz JOSM pokušavam u bazu snimiti promjene, dobijam
 grešku s objašnjenjem da samo pod novim uvijetima smijem snimati

 Nego, vidim da je dosta aktivno precrtavanje starih podataka, dakle ne
 zamjena starih novim, već precrtavanje starih i zamjena starih
 podataka precrtanima.

 Mene veseli vidjeti da postoji napor da se stari podaci spase od
 prijetnje brisanja, ali takav postupak nije rješenje. Taj postupak
 stvara privid da starih podataka više nema, da postoje samo novi koji
 više nemaju obavezu nošenja Creative Commons licence, i ujedno nestaje
 trag originalnog autora. No to nije tako. Podatak nastao preradom
 (adaptation) starog podatka i dalje nosi sve svoje licencne obaveze,
 uključujući obavezu priznanja autorstva prethodnog podatka.

 To nije dobro. Niti za OSM, jer počinje živiti u iluziji da su mu
 podaci čisti ODbL - a kasnije bi mu se mogao desiti pravni spor, a
 niti za zajednicu, jer se više ne vidi trud stvarnih doprinositelja,
 već se trud i autorstvo iskazuje precrtavačima.

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Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Costa Concordia on OSM

2012-01-19 Thread Ed Garcia
+1 on the slogan.  :)

On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 10:15 AM, Jim Morgan j...@datalude.com wrote:

 Eugene Alvin Villar wrote, On Thursday, 19 January, 2012 10:29 PM:
  Well, somebody thought that the ship would remain it its half-sunk
  state for quite some time and thus mapped it on OpenStreetMap:

 Reminds me of an old military saying: If it moves, salute it. If it
 doesn't move, paint it white. Only in this context it should be: If it
 doesn't move, map it! Maybe an OSM Tshirt slogan. :-)



   datalude: information security
   e: j...@datalude.com
   Philippines: +63 2 403 1311 / mob: +63 917 849 3939
   Hong Kong: +852 6489 4132
   w: http://www.datalude.com/

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website administrator:
- www.waypoints.ph
- reeflife.eppgarcia.com

PADI Divemaster #491048
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Several portions of Makati now under Taguig's jurisdiction - what to do next?

2012-01-19 Thread tutubi
Hi Ian,

it's not yet over. the SC's decision may flip-flop again :P

hmm...which barangay is Kalayaan avenue located? My concern is mostly on
the number coding.
Kalayaan avenue from EDSA up to BGC is Makati where there's no number
coding window.
Taguig has no number coding except EDSA and C5.

I think I need to update my personal map of number-coding free roads :P

IIRC, there's also a request or case of pateros to re-acquire lost
territories from makati, some of those
given to Taguig but that's another story

lastly, residents of those affected barangays like students of UMak may
have to pay tuition, the sick have to look for another hospital besides
OsMak. Senior citizens will miss free movie screenings and birthday cakes
from Binay


On Fri, Jan 20, 2012 at 11:52 AM, ianlopez ian_lopez_1...@yahoo.com wrote:


 Question: should we modify the administrative boundaries or wait for
 Makati's reaction/next move?

 Tony Montana: Me, I want what's coming to me.
 Manny Ribera: Oh, well what's coming to you?
 Tony Montana: The world, chico, and everything in it.
 Blog: http://ianlopez1115.wordpress.com/
 OpenStreetMap/Twitter: ianlopez1115
 Facebook: ian.lopez

 talk-ph mailing list

I explore, therefore I blog.


I don't need a map! I have the GPS. Never need a map again, thank you
  - Car lost on Route 66, Radiator Springs
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 49, Issue 7

2012-01-19 Thread Dirk Roels (Hotmail)

Op 19/01/2012 3:29, talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org schreef:

Ik heb hem een boodschap gestuurd met het voorstel om een samen te zitten
en hem wat bijkomende uitleg te geven.


Hallo Jo,

ik ben Dirk Roels (AKA Koalake).
Ik ben (in het begin bij m'n ontdekking van OSM) nogal actief geweest in 
Schilde (kreeg geen opmerkingen betreffende fouten of zo)
Moest je een afspraak maken met die onbekende, ik ben ook wel 
geïnteresseerd in een introductie. Je kan dan misschien 2 vliegen in 1 
klap slaan.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 49, Issue 7

2012-01-19 Thread Sander Deryckere
Ik begrijp niet echt waarom de BADMAP en de CLEANMAP samen niet de
volledige kaart geven, en ook niet waarom die kaarten verschillen op
verschillende zoom niveau's. Maar Berlare, of het naburige dorp Uitbergen,
lijken goede plaatsen om na de licentiewijziging een mapping party te

Ik zou zelfs eerder naar Uitbergen gaan, omdat daar na de wijziging nog
minder data zal overschieten.



Op 19 januari 2012 10:14 schreef Jo winfi...@gmail.com het volgende:

 Op 19 januari 2012 09:22 schreef Dirk Roels (Hotmail) 
 dirk_ro...@hotmail.com het volgende:

  Op 19/01/2012 3:29, talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org schreef:

 Ik heb hem een boodschap gestuurd met het voorstel om een samen te zitten
 en hem wat bijkomende uitleg te geven.


  Hallo Jo,

 ik ben Dirk Roels (AKA Koalake).
 Ik ben (in het begin bij m'n ontdekking van OSM) nogal actief geweest in
 Schilde (kreeg geen opmerkingen betreffende fouten of zo)
 Moest je een afspraak maken met die onbekende, ik ben ook wel
 geïnteresseerd in een introductie. Je kan dan misschien 2 vliegen in 1
 klap slaan.


 Hallo Dirk,

 We zouden inderdaad al eens vaker wat mapping parties e.d. organiseren om
 nieuwe medewerkers in te lichten. Ik ga dat de 27e/28e doen, maar dan in
 Normandië (op een event rond 'vrije software/content' in Lion sur Mer). Dat
 is waarschijnlijk wat ver uit de kering...  Talk-fr is een goeie plaats om
 m'n Frans wat bij te schaven, maar dan krijg je ook dat soort vragen,
 natuurlijk :-) In ieder geval, dan ben ook eens in Normandië geweest, maar
 het is wel spannend. Eerst een presentatie voor zo'n grote groep en dan de
 mapping party.
 Misschien moesten we eens iets organiseren ergens in Oost-Vlaanderen in
 februari. Waarom Oost-Vlaanderen? Omdat er daar veel data verloren dreigt
 te gaan, die aangeroerd of gecreëerd werd door rendle. Binnen een maand of
 2 zal een groot deel van de data daar verdwenen zijn.

 Berlare verdwijnt nagenoeg compleet van de kaart, als we er niets aan doen.

 Zo hebben we dan 3 vliegen in 1 klap.

 Ik ben ook eens in de Kempen aan het rondkijken geweest, maar daar zal het
 nog meevallen. Een andere locatie is misschien Zolder.

 Het kan natuurlijk ook los staan van de licentieovergang, al is dat op dit
 moment wel een heet hangijzer. Ik geraak gemakkelijk in
 Aarschot/Herselt/Herentals/Geel met bussen 305 of 307. De buslijnen zitten
 al in OSM, een andere plaats op de routes van die lijnen werkt ook voor
 mij. Wat we nodig hebben is een rustig café/taverne met internettoegang.
 Afhankelijk van hoeveel mensen erheen komen, is een zaaltje natuurlijk ook
 meegenomen, maar dat maakt het natuurlijk heel wat lastiger om iets te

 Ik houd je op de hoogte als die andere persoon een teken van leven geeft.
 Met hem zou het natuurlijk eerder ergens in het Leuvense plaatsvinden. Laat
 maar weten of het voor jou zou lukken om naar hier te komen op een
 vrijdagavond of een zaterdagnamiddag. Zondagnamiddag zou ook nog kunnen
 voor mij.



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Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Mapping party Berlare intro voor nieuwkomers

2012-01-19 Thread Sander Deryckere
Op 19 januari 2012 15:29 schreef Jo winfi...@gmail.com het volgende:

 We hoeven niet te wachten tot na de overgang hoor. We kunnen ook nu al
 grote delen opnieuw traceren en vers op de kaart zetten.

 De reden waarom ik Berlare had voorgesteld, is omdat we best maximaal
 1-1,5 uur voorzien voor het verzamelen van de data. De nadruk moet
 voornamelijk liggen op het invoeren van de data achteraf, met coaching van
 de beginnende mappers door de 'anciens'. Het lijkt me eenvoudiger om een
 gebied met een hogere dichtheid aan gegevens in kwadranten te verdelen en
 op korte tijd vrij veel data te verzamelen.

 De andere reden is, dat het eigenlijk voor 1 persoon praktisch mogelijk
 is, om Uitbergen weer op de kaart te zetten, door er gewoonweg een paar uur
 te gaan mappen en dan thuis alles in te geven, als iemand dat zou willen.



Ik zou liever wachten tot de licentiewijziging om verschillende redenen:

   - Ik verwijder niet graag data vooraf. Vooral omdat ik de datagebruikers
   de mogelijkheid wil geven om de finale CC-BY-SA database voor enkele
   maanden te gebruiken, tot de ODBL database op hetzelfde niveau zit. Als we
   data vooraf verwijderen moeten we kunnen garanderen dat enkele uren later
   data van dezelfde kwaliteit er op staat.
   - Als we wachten tot alles in orde is met de licenties, dan zijn we
   zeker dat we geen onnodig werk doen (straten hermappen die niet moesten
   gedaan worden)
   - Als we straten maar verwijderen net voor we de nieuwe er op zetten, om
   voorgaande problemen op te lossen, dan bestaat het gevaar dat we de oude
   OSM data gebruiken om die opnieuw er op te zetten (wat ons in een
   twijfelachtige situatie brengt qua copyright. Ik wil zeker tegenstanders
   van ODBL geen reden geven om OSM aan te klagen)
   - In de lente zal het waarschijnlijk (hopelijk) iets warmer en beter
   weer zijn. Dat is altijd aangenaam om te mappen.

Met de afweging Berlare-Uitbergen ga ik akkoord dat Berlare dan inderdaad
waarschijnlijk beter is.

Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] App voor iPad

2012-01-19 Thread Peter Verschueren
Iemand die een OSM app gebruikt voor iPad?
Kan deze persoon eens met mij off-list contact opnemen?
Heb een aantal vraagjes.

Alvast bedankt,

Walking Beaver

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] App voor iPad

2012-01-19 Thread Jo
Ik ken iemand die iLOE gebruikt. Hij zal zelf wel kontakt met je opnemen.
Hij zit op deze lijst. Ik vind het enkel spijtig dat relaties niet
ondersteund worden. Van de andere kant, OsmAnd en Vespucci ondersteunen ze
ook niet, dus zou ik niet mogen klagen. Maar relaties maken een steeds
belangrijker onderdeel uit van het kluwen onderling verbonden data waaruit
OSM bestaat.


Op 19 januari 2012 18:53 schreef Peter Verschueren peter.verschue...@me.com
 het volgende:

 Iemand die een OSM app gebruikt voor iPad?
 Kan deze persoon eens met mij off-list contact opnemen?
 Heb een aantal vraagjes.

 Alvast bedankt,

 Walking Beaver

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Vandalisme?

2012-01-19 Thread Jo
Ik heb antwoord gekregen op m'n voorstel om hem wat meer uitleg te geven.
Hij is lid van een wandelclub en heeft die edits met de beste bedoelingen
gemaakt. De GPX'en die hij heeft zijn echter al wat ouder en onder het
bladerdek van de bomen is zo'n GPS nu eenmaal niet bepaald betrouwbaar.

Hij heeft alleszins ook interesse in een mapping party. Dus ik denk dat ik
probeer om in februari iets te organiseren, waarbij de nadruk vooral op de
nabewerking ligt en minder op het verzamelen van de data. Al is dat
natuurlijk ook belangrijk. Ik dacht aan 1-1,5 uur buiten en dan 3-4 uur
ergens binnen. Ik ga al op zoek naar een café waar ze wireless hebben, of
waar ik een access point mag inpluggen in hun netwerk.


Op 19 januari 2012 03:29 schreef Jo winfi...@gmail.com het volgende:

 Ik heb hem een boodschap gestuurd met het voorstel om een samen te zitten
 en hem wat bijkomende uitleg te geven.


 Op 19 januari 2012 03:07 schreef Gerard Vanderveken g...@ghia.eu het

 Op luchtfoto's zijn er wel tracks te zien in de omgeving van die vijver -
 Dus ik denk dat die weg wel degelijk bestaat.

 Vandalisme zou ik het echt wel niet willen noemen.
 Hij lijkt wel met de beste intenties bezig te zijn.

 Probleem is wel de nauwkeurigheid waarmee de weg GPS-gelogd en/of gemapt
 Ook de aansluiting met bestaande wegen  of ongewenste intersekties met
 andere elementen moet beter.
 Kwestie dat iemand hem wat op weg zet door tips en uitleg voor
 verbeteringen te geven en in het begin zijn bijdragen wat te screenen.


 Jo wrote:

 Dat zijn inderdaad zeer bizarre toevoegingen. Ik ben al aan het mappen
 geweest op al die plaatsen en ik kan met grote zekerheid zeggen dat daar zo
 geen paden zijn. Één van die paden loopt zelfs over een watervlakte... Je
 moet dan niet enkel Jezusallures hebben, maar ook over een omheining


 Op 18 januari 2012 17:38 schreef Klaas Gadeyne klaas.gade...@gmail.comhet 

 Ter info:
 Ik ontdekte zonet dat er op zijn minst in het Leuvense een heel aantal
 dubieuze ways gecreeerd zijn door een nieuwe user, bv.


 Ik heb hem een boodschap gestuurd met de vraag om meer uitleg.
 Misschien zijn er ook op andere plaatsen zaken veranderd...



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 Talk-be mailing 

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 49, Issue 9

2012-01-19 Thread Marc Gemis

ivm met verschillende data op verschillende zoom levels. Ik vermoed
dat het gevolg is dat niet alle zoom levels op hetzelfde moment terug
worden opgebouwd. Je ziet gelijkaardige effecten op bv.
openwandelkaart.nl of de lonvia maps. Wandelwegen die je toevoegt,
verschijnen niet even snel op alle zoom levels.

Verder heb je natuurlijk ook het verschijnsel dat niet alle data
zichtbaar is op alle zoomlevels. Cafe's en restaurants vind je enkel
als je dieper inzoomt.




Sander asked why the data in Cleanmap and badmap is not the same on
all levels. I think this is because the data for the different levels
is not rebuild at the same time. You have similar effects on e.g.
lonvia and openwandelkaart.nl Furthermore not all data is displayed at
all levels, think e.g. pubs and restaurants.

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Talk-be Digest, Vol 49, Issue 9

2012-01-19 Thread Marc Gemis
2012/1/20  talk-be-requ...@openstreetmap.org:   - Als we straten
maar verwijderen net voor we de nieuwe er op zetten, om   voorgaande
problemen op te lossen, dan bestaat het gevaar dat we de oude   OSM
data gebruiken om die opnieuw er op te zetten (wat ons in een
twijfelachtige situatie brengt qua copyright. Ik wil zeker
tegenstanders   van ODBL geen reden geven om OSM aan te klagen)


do you mean that I need to prove that I actually was in a certain
street before I can remove and remap it ? Do you still have all data
(on paper, gps track, photo, etc.) of everything that you ever mapped

What about landuse ? This is always mapped from satellite images ( I
assumue). So why should one wait until it disappeared before mapping
it again ?
An example is the Lippelobos (close to Lippelo - what a surprise ;-)
)  I know it's called Lippelobos, I've been there before, so I can
remove the current area, and use Bing satellite images to remap it.
But you say I have to wait until it's actually gone ?

What about streets that I've passed when I surveyed for the
knooppunten ? I did not write down the name of the streets because
they were there. If I had known they would we lost, I would have noted
them down.
It's also easier when I delete/re-add the streets now than loose them
and my own mapping work above them.



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] Mixing OSM and FOSM data

2012-01-19 Thread Frederik Ramm


On 01/19/12 03:07, andrzej zaborowski wrote:

Giżycko is one example, http://osm.org/go/0Pp7zn7~-- . As FK28..
pointed out the major such cases are where mappers who imported
ODbL-incompatible data accepted the Contributor Terms or CT-accepters
import ODbL-incompatible data.  With version 1.2.4 requiring
compatibility with only the current licensing terms,

Ah yes. This really is a problem, and it certainly was a very bad 
decision to make that change to the CT.

The issue has been discussed here


and elsewhere on this list.

We can only hope that most people misunderstand this whole thing and 
in their minds treat agreeing to CT and agreeing to ODbL the same. A 
strict reading of the current CT leads to the conclusion that while we 
can re-build the database to only contain data by CT agreers in April, 
we cannot release the result under ODbL because we do not even *know* 
which contributions are ODbL compatible and which aren't. I hope that 
LWG have some clever plan on how to deal with this. Otherwise they would 
not have made that change when they released 1.2.4, right ;-)?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] Mixing OSM and FOSM data

2012-01-19 Thread Mike Dupont
Same here, the OSM is pressuring me to accept the CT which would
amount to prejury  for imported CC-BY-SA data
again here is my statement, I am still getting spam mails from bots on
accepting the license.

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 5:46 PM, andrzej zaborowski balr...@gmail.com wrote:
 In one of the cases I'm talking about, those people never had the
 intention to deal with OpenStreetMap, they had a similar project to
 OSM under CC-By-SA long before OSM existed.  Now OSM uses their map
 data and entire cities initially imported from their project are shown
 green.  This is a consequence of how LWG wrote the Contibutor Terms
 and the cleanness-criteri

James Michael DuPont
Member of Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova http://flossk.org

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] Mixing OSM and FOSM data

2012-01-19 Thread Andrew Harvey
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:07 PM, andrzej zaborowski balr...@gmail.com wrote:
 Giżycko is one example, http://osm.org/go/0Pp7zn7~-- . As FK28..
 pointed out the major such cases are where mappers who imported
 ODbL-incompatible data accepted the Contributor Terms or CT-accepters
 import ODbL-incompatible data.  With version 1.2.4 requiring
 compatibility with only the current licensing terms, an account's
 CT-acceptance and ODbL-compatibility are independent variables and
 this leads to a lot of misunderstandings.  (This should be fixed if
 the database rebuild should use CT-acceptance as input, but the longer
 it takes to notice the problem the more costly the fix is going to be)

Yep and I used this logic (which is confirmed by
even though I didn't know it at the time) when I agreed to the CTs as
I stated http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/aharvey/diary/14416

On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 7:05 PM, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:
 Ah yes. This really is a problem, and it certainly was a very bad decision
 to make that change to the CT.

 The issue has been discussed here


 and elsewhere on this list.

 We can only hope that most people misunderstand this whole thing and in
 their minds treat agreeing to CT and agreeing to ODbL the same. A strict
 reading of the current CT leads to the conclusion that while we can re-build
 the database to only contain data by CT agreers in April, we cannot release
 the result under ODbL because we do not even *know* which contributions are
 ODbL compatible and which aren't. I hope that LWG have some clever plan on
 how to deal with this. Otherwise they would not have made that change when
 they released 1.2.4, right ;-)?

Spot on. Thanks for highlighting this issue.

There was a lot of noise made by some in the community trying to get
mappers to accept the CTs, so even though I've uploaded some content
CC-BY by another party which I have no right to relicense, I agreed to
the CTs anyway with the logic andrzej pointed out.

I would be happy to try to track down the source tags I used for this
data for the LWG, but I'm not going to waste my time doing it if I
don't feel the LWG will take it seriously when trying to clean the DB
of non-ODBL content.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] Mixing OSM and FOSM data

2012-01-19 Thread Simon Poole

Am 19.01.2012 10:53, schrieb Andrew Harvey:

There was a lot of noise made by some in the community trying to get
mappers to accept the CTs, so even though I've uploaded some content
CC-BY by another party which I have no right to relicense, I agreed to
the CTs anyway with the logic andrzej pointed out.

I would be happy to try to track down the source tags I used for this
data for the LWG, but I'm not going to waste my time doing it if I
don't feel the LWG will take it seriously when trying to clean the DB
of non-ODBL content.

Which non-ODBL compliant source would this be, if I may ask?


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] Mixing OSM and FOSM data

2012-01-19 Thread Rob Myers
On 19/01/12 09:51, Mike Dupont wrote:
 Same here, the OSM is pressuring me to accept the CT which would
 amount to prejury

If you cannot accept the CTs please don't. Nobody wants you to make a
false representation.

- Rob.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] [OSM-talk] Mixing OSM and FOSM data

2012-01-19 Thread Mike Dupont
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 9:25 PM, Rob Myers r...@robmyers.org wrote:
 On 19/01/12 09:51, Mike Dupont wrote:
 Same here, the OSM is pressuring me to accept the CT which would
 amount to prejury

 If you cannot accept the CTs please don't. Nobody wants you to make a
 false representation.

Well then it continues.
1. I get all these mails from people who are telling me to switch,
they just dont stop or listen.
2. when I work on saving my data and providing maps under a license I
understand and have experience, get forced out of the project.
3. when you get forced out, then you work on saving your work, and are
not allowed to interact on the mailing list (forks are

This is all pressure in various forms. I get shunned on facebook and
get private mails from people in osm pressuring me.



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Implementing the licence change

2012-01-19 Thread ant

On 18.01.2012 23:49, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 They are not known. A mailing list has been created (the rebuild list)
 to discuss how exactly the database rebuild is going to happen, and in

I didn't know about that list - I'll join it.

 terms of policy, LWG will have the ultimate decision. And they are
 asking for out input via the What is clean page.

 That page is not, and was not intended to be, a binding document - it
 might become one later.

 I assume that LWG will certainly value your help in improving that

Thanks for clarifying the purpose of the What is clean page, because I
wasn't sure whether I was entitled to edit it, not being an LWG member.

 IANAL. But I like to approach problems in a systematical manner. For
 example, I recently asked myself the question, „What is a copyrightable
 object in OSM?“. I think this is a fundamental question to answer if you
 discuss licence topics.

 It has often been said that computer geeks, of which I presume you are
 one, are not well suited to perform legal analyis. The lawyer's answer to

 Is a node copyrightable?

 will almost certainly be it depends. (On country, circumstances, ...)


 In OSM, our current answers are:

 Yes, we treat a node as copyrightable;

 If yes, what's copyrightable about it?

 Its position and tags, unless the tags have been created automatically.

 What's copyrightable about a way?

 The sequence of its nodes and its tags.

 Is the list of references to nodes copyrightable separately from the
 way's tags?

 Every single tag and every single node reference are a treated as
 copyrightable by us.

 Are references to nodes atomic? (I.e. Is a single reference
 copyrightable? Or is only the list as a whole?)


So moving a way is not considered a modification of the way, but of the
individual nodes.
And changing a way's references from ABC to ACB is not a modification at
all, because no reference is created and no reference is removed. We
cannot say that there was a modification in regard to any of the references.

Next question, since according to your answers the approach is rather
fine-grained, one might ask if single words within tags are
copyrightable. What about roles of relation members, are they separated
from the members' references?

Above all, we must not forget to consider whether the creation or
modification of a single reference, a single role - i.e. anything we say
to be atomic - can possibly constitute a creative work.

 Considering that neither the definitions of what is clean and what is
 tainted nor the technical details of the implementation have yet been
 finalized, it seems unreasonable for me to remap.

 Thankfully, few other people think like you do. There may be edge cases,
 but I guess that whichever way these edge cases are decided, a
 significant portion of what is now considered tainted will always be
 tainted. And that stuff should be remapped *now*.

I will certainly start remapping at some point. It's just that I don't
feel confident about it at the moment, because there are so many
unanswered questions.

 It's ok to discuss these things, but the approach I won't move a finger
 until I am told *exactly* what the rules are is not helpful. The rules
 might *never* be final - even when we do the rebuild according to the
 then-believed-final rules, it could happen that someone later points out
 an oversight, or a court decides something, forcing us to remove things
 we thought we could keep or vice versa. You can only ever go up to 80%
 certainty in these matters. Demanding more is not realistic.

I'm not demanding. I just want to help raising the bar of certainty, in
order to prevent us from overseeing something.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Implementing the licence change

2012-01-19 Thread andrzej zaborowski
On 19 January 2012 21:48, ant antof...@gmail.com wrote:

 On 18.01.2012 23:49, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 They are not known. A mailing list has been created (the rebuild list)
 to discuss how exactly the database rebuild is going to happen, and in

 I didn't know about that list - I'll join it.

 terms of policy, LWG will have the ultimate decision. And they are
 asking for out input via the What is clean page.

 That page is not, and was not intended to be, a binding document - it
 might become one later.

 I assume that LWG will certainly value your help in improving that

 Thanks for clarifying the purpose of the What is clean page, because I
 wasn't sure whether I was entitled to edit it, not being an LWG member.

 IANAL. But I like to approach problems in a systematical manner. For
 example, I recently asked myself the question, „What is a copyrightable
 object in OSM?“. I think this is a fundamental question to answer if you
 discuss licence topics.

 It has often been said that computer geeks, of which I presume you are
 one, are not well suited to perform legal analyis. The lawyer's answer to

 Is a node copyrightable?

 will almost certainly be it depends. (On country, circumstances, ...)


 In OSM, our current answers are:

 Yes, we treat a node as copyrightable;

 If yes, what's copyrightable about it?

 Its position and tags, unless the tags have been created automatically.

 What's copyrightable about a way?

 The sequence of its nodes and its tags.

 Is the list of references to nodes copyrightable separately from the
 way's tags?

 Every single tag and every single node reference are a treated as
 copyrightable by us.

 Are references to nodes atomic? (I.e. Is a single reference
 copyrightable? Or is only the list as a whole?)


 So moving a way is not considered a modification of the way, but of the
 individual nodes.
 And changing a way's references from ABC to ACB is not a modification at
 all, because no reference is created and no reference is removed. We
 cannot say that there was a modification in regard to any of the references.

 Next question, since according to your answers the approach is rather
 fine-grained, one might ask if single words within tags are
 copyrightable. What about roles of relation members, are they separated
 from the members' references?

 Above all, we must not forget to consider whether the creation or
 modification of a single reference, a single role - i.e. anything we say
 to be atomic - can possibly constitute a creative work.

To be safe you cannot make any decision based on what rights a
*single* instance of anything would have because the criteria will be
applied in bulk.  In practice you always have to consider what rights
a database of such references could be protected by.

Secondly it's known that in some instances in some countries
creativity is not required for copyright to work.  Thirdly in many
countries there are other intellectual property rights that could play
some roles.  So the criteria have to be based on where you can say
there's no content left from an incompatible edit, not whether it's
uncreative.  Or where something is part of a bulk edit that will be
trivial to recreate if it's lost.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Implementing the licence change

2012-01-19 Thread Frederik Ramm


On 01/19/2012 09:48 PM, ant wrote:

So moving a way is not considered a modification of the way, but of the
individual nodes.


And changing a way's references from ABC to ACB is not a modification at
all, because no reference is created and no reference is removed. We
cannot say that there was a modification in regard to any of the references.

No, the (relative) place of the reference in the list of references also 
counts. Changing the node list from 1,2,3 to 3,2,1 is a meaningful change.

Next question, since according to your answers the approach is rather
fine-grained, one might ask if single words within tags are

Our current approach is to take a tag value as a whole. This is 
certainly not always correct. Also, let me remind you that we don't 
judge what is copyrightable and what isn't; we're trying to do something 
that is *reasonable* with regard to copyright. This involves a lot of 
judgment calls.

What about roles of relation members, are they separated
from the members' references?

I'd treat them like a tag, so yes.

Above all, we must not forget to consider whether the creation or
modification of a single reference, a single role - i.e. anything we say
to be atomic - can possibly constitute a creative work.

Some people have called for summarily force-relicensing the contribution 
of anyone who has added less than a certain amount of data.

Problem is, we're starting to get into the database realm. If you take 
the latest Harry Potter novel then no single word in it is 
copyrightable. But the combination of a significant portion of words is.

Our fine-grained approach (i.e. let's simply try not to use *any* word 
from Harry Potter, that way we're sure that we won't infringe 
copyright) might be erring on the side of caution, but I'd prefer that 
over non-agreers raising a fuss after the license change because they 
spot something in there that isn't clean.

I'm not demanding. I just want to help raising the bar of certainty, in
order to prevent us from overseeing something.

Well if you find certainty, be sure to inform us since we'll be very 
interested ;)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geocaching.com moved to OSM (partly)

2012-01-19 Thread Borbus
On 18/01/12 16:46, Ben Johnson wrote:
 That's exactly how I ended up here.

Me too.  I bought my GPS receiver for Geocaching, but I also love maps
and quickly realised that the only good maps for my Garmin were based on
OSM.  Nowadays OSM has become much more important than Geocaching for
me, though.  I try to only go caching in places that could do with some

It looks like they are still using Google by default in the big map,
though.  I kept meaning to make a post in the forum to try to convince
them to switch to OSM by default.  OSM is often better and contains
things that are actually useful for cachers like footpaths.  I'm sure
many of them like maps and would become OSMers like me.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How I got here - was Geocaching.com moved to OSM (partly)

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Nick Hocking nick.hock...@gmail.com:
 mick Wrote

 I was pointed here by someone on the Devon list at the rootsweb genealogy 

 Hi mick

 When I map a country town I am always on the lookout for any cemetery.
 I find some very obscure ones and always put them on the map.

 What are your feelings about putting individual gravestone info into
 OSM such as the persons name and maybe date and grave location
 (row, number ???).  It would be good for searching and to get the
 same sat nav, that got you to the cemetry, to walk you to the grave

 Does this data belong in OSM or should it be a seperate layer
 looked after by Genealogists somewhere else.

There is some similar data of this kind already in OSM:

- in 2008 some mappers in Berlin started mapping the graves of famous
people: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Berlin/OSM_meets_Six_Feet_Under
(in German)
- there are some tags (e.g. tomb=war_grave) to map specific types of graves

but as far as I know there is not yet anybody mapping ordinary
graves (i.e. of people that are neither famous nor did they die in an
extraordinary way). One problem I'd see around here is that this kind
of data is not very stable (usually the dead remain only for 20 years
in their graves, not for eternity, but this depends on the religion
and local culture).

Keeping this data in a separate layer is suboptimal: e.g. you will
have tombs in OSM and the graves in them in another layer, now if
someone moves the tombs (to improve the position) they would move the
dead out of their tombs. Very bad for your karma...


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How I got here - was Geocaching.com moved to OSM (partly)

2012-01-19 Thread LM_1
There are much less stable things than graves and tombstones being
mapped. That is not really a problem.
The graves are there (unlike some historical feature), easily visible,
fairly stable. I do not see any reason why they should not be mapped
in OSM database.
They are not likely going to be rendered by any big renderer, but that
does not really matter if someone wants to map them...
Lukas (LM_1)

2012/1/19 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com:
 2012/1/19 Nick Hocking nick.hock...@gmail.com:
 mick Wrote

 I was pointed here by someone on the Devon list at the rootsweb genealogy 

 Hi mick

 When I map a country town I am always on the lookout for any cemetery.
 I find some very obscure ones and always put them on the map.

 What are your feelings about putting individual gravestone info into
 OSM such as the persons name and maybe date and grave location
 (row, number ???).  It would be good for searching and to get the
 same sat nav, that got you to the cemetry, to walk you to the grave

 Does this data belong in OSM or should it be a seperate layer
 looked after by Genealogists somewhere else.

 There is some similar data of this kind already in OSM:

 - in 2008 some mappers in Berlin started mapping the graves of famous
 people: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Berlin/OSM_meets_Six_Feet_Under
 (in German)
 - there are some tags (e.g. tomb=war_grave) to map specific types of graves

 but as far as I know there is not yet anybody mapping ordinary
 graves (i.e. of people that are neither famous nor did they die in an
 extraordinary way). One problem I'd see around here is that this kind
 of data is not very stable (usually the dead remain only for 20 years
 in their graves, not for eternity, but this depends on the religion
 and local culture).

 Keeping this data in a separate layer is suboptimal: e.g. you will
 have tombs in OSM and the graves in them in another layer, now if
 someone moves the tombs (to improve the position) they would move the
 dead out of their tombs. Very bad for your karma...


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How I got here - was Geocaching.com moved to OSM (partly)

2012-01-19 Thread Peter Wendorff

You see? Again the multi-layer and merging-data problem...
I'm pretty sure, that problem is one of the most important problems to 
solve in or around osm.

A few years ago I thought about writing an application to manage a 
As my father had to manage one (who is in which grave? in which layer 
of the grave? when buried? where is the grave? is it grass only or with 
other plants? what about the state of the grave stone? and so on).

That time I didn't know about osm, but if I would try that again, I 
would like to combine that application with osm (while the application 
would have to store much more data that does not belong to osm, as it's 
concerned with privacy issues (who is responsible for the grave, how to 
contact him/her? how it is payed for it)

But we have to solve the concurrency-source-problem first, I fear.


Am 19.01.2012 12:20, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

2012/1/19 Nick Hockingnick.hock...@gmail.com:

mick Wrote

I was pointed here by someone on the Devon list at the rootsweb genealogy

Hi mick

When I map a country town I am always on the lookout for any cemetery.
I find some very obscure ones and always put them on the map.

What are your feelings about putting individual gravestone info into
OSM such as the persons name and maybe date and grave location
(row, number ???).  It would be good for searching and to get the
same sat nav, that got you to the cemetry, to walk you to the grave

Does this data belong in OSM or should it be a seperate layer
looked after by Genealogists somewhere else.

There is some similar data of this kind already in OSM:

- in 2008 some mappers in Berlin started mapping the graves of famous
people: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Berlin/OSM_meets_Six_Feet_Under
(in German)
- there are some tags (e.g. tomb=war_grave) to map specific types of graves

but as far as I know there is not yet anybody mapping ordinary
graves (i.e. of people that are neither famous nor did they die in an
extraordinary way). One problem I'd see around here is that this kind
of data is not very stable (usually the dead remain only for 20 years
in their graves, not for eternity, but this depends on the religion
and local culture).

Keeping this data in a separate layer is suboptimal: e.g. you will
have tombs in OSM and the graves in them in another layer, now if
someone moves the tombs (to improve the position) they would move the
dead out of their tombs. Very bad for your karma...


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How I got here - was Geocaching.com moved to OSM (partly)

2012-01-19 Thread Janko Mihelić
There is such thing as sustainable mapping. That means, you should map
things that are likely to be properly corrected when they change. A better
alternative for graves would be a link to the graveyards website where
there could be a list of graves.


2012/1/19 LM_1 flukas.robot+...@gmail.com

 There are much less stable things than graves and tombstones being
 mapped. That is not really a problem.
 The graves are there (unlike some historical feature), easily visible,
 fairly stable. I do not see any reason why they should not be mapped
 in OSM database.
 They are not likely going to be rendered by any big renderer, but that
 does not really matter if someone wants to map them...
 Lukas (LM_1)

 2012/1/19 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com:
  2012/1/19 Nick Hocking nick.hock...@gmail.com:
  mick Wrote
  I was pointed here by someone on the Devon list at the rootsweb
  Hi mick
  When I map a country town I am always on the lookout for any cemetery.
  I find some very obscure ones and always put them on the map.
  What are your feelings about putting individual gravestone info into
  OSM such as the persons name and maybe date and grave location
  (row, number ???).  It would be good for searching and to get the
  same sat nav, that got you to the cemetry, to walk you to the grave
  Does this data belong in OSM or should it be a seperate layer
  looked after by Genealogists somewhere else.
  There is some similar data of this kind already in OSM:
  - in 2008 some mappers in Berlin started mapping the graves of famous
  (in German)
  - there are some tags (e.g. tomb=war_grave) to map specific types of
  but as far as I know there is not yet anybody mapping ordinary
  graves (i.e. of people that are neither famous nor did they die in an
  extraordinary way). One problem I'd see around here is that this kind
  of data is not very stable (usually the dead remain only for 20 years
  in their graves, not for eternity, but this depends on the religion
  and local culture).
  Keeping this data in a separate layer is suboptimal: e.g. you will
  have tombs in OSM and the graves in them in another layer, now if
  someone moves the tombs (to improve the position) they would move the
  dead out of their tombs. Very bad for your karma...
  talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How I got here - was Geocaching.com moved to OSM (partly)

2012-01-19 Thread John Sturdy
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 11:20 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer
dieterdre...@gmail.com wrote:
 One problem I'd see around here is that this kind
 of data is not very stable (usually the dead remain only for 20 years
 in their graves, not for eternity, but this depends on the religion
 and local culture).

In ordinary UK churchyards and other cemeteries, the graves remain for
centuries, and there are some gravestones and tombs still in place
from several centuries ago.

 Keeping this data in a separate layer is suboptimal: e.g. you will
 have tombs in OSM and the graves in them in another layer, now if
 someone moves the tombs (to improve the position) they would move the
 dead out of their tombs. Very bad for your karma...

I remember, from working on a project to encourage local authorities
to use free / open source software, that there are specialized
software packages for cemetery management.  (These were a sticking
point / excuse for inertia in FLOSS adoption, as they ran only on
Windows.)  It might be worth looking for existing standards as to what
data is kept.  There might also be existing databases that would be
available for import (although I gather some of the OSM community
isn't keen on bulk imports, but these will at least be fairly local).
And perhaps local authorities who are starting to use OSM might be
interested in using it to store their cemetery data.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Spam in user diaries

2012-01-19 Thread Matthias Meißer
Hi, as our spam protection by trigger on people that mark a entry with 
the words spam seem to work, we get currently a lot of spam, that 
seems to be send out via our twitter account anyway:


So I'd like to ask if we could add a delay before twitter them. This 
gives users enough time to tag them as spam and make sure, that we don't 
broadcast any annying advertisings.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch licence status highlighting wrong?

2012-01-19 Thread woll
Build 2.3-129 of Potlatch does seem to have fixed the inconsistencies that I
was seeing.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Spam in user diaries

2012-01-19 Thread Tom Hughes

On 19/01/12 19:08, Matthias Meißer wrote:

Hi, as our spam protection by trigger on people that mark a entry with
the words spam seem to work,

Not sure what you're saying here, but if you think writing spam as a 
comment has some effect then you are very mistaken.

   we get currently a lot of spam, that
seems to be send out via our twitter account anyway:

That twitter account is completely unofficial as far as I know. I have 
no idea who even runs it. The openstreetmap account is the official one.


Tom Hughes (t...@compton.nu)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Fwd: Herinnering OSGeoNL en OSM nieuwjaarsborrel

2012-01-19 Thread Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

-  Originele bericht 

Beste mappers,

Vanmiddag ben ik nog even langs de locatie voor a.s. zondag geweest om
aan te geven, dat ze ons voor een nieuwjaarsborrel kunnen verwachten.
Voor degenen die niet uit Utrecht komen: loop gewoon naar de Domtoren.
Aan de voet vind je een aantal cafés, waar Lofen tussenin zit.

Vanaf 13.00 is iedereen welkom!

Tot dan!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Edward Mac Gillavry

Als je tijdens de borrel naar de WC gaat: kijk even om je heen naar de
middeleeuwse resten van het bisschoppelijk paleis, dat hier gestaan heeft.
Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] Gögn frá strætó - stoppistöðvar

2012-01-19 Thread Björgvin Ragnarsson

 The map features page suggests using public_transport=stop_position with
 bus=yes instead of highway=bus_stop so I suggest you change that.
 Otherwise it looks good.

 Þórir Már

I will use public_transport=stop_position and bus=yes in addition
to highway=bus_stop as that's how it is commonly tagged:

Here is an updated OSM file: http://pastebin.com/7pP27Nhi



 2012/1/15 Björgvin Ragnarsson nifgr...@gmail.com


 Guðmundur Bjarni kunningi minn (í CC) hefur verið í sambandi við Strætó
 undanfarna mánuði varðandi að fá gögn frá strætó til að geta búið til
 forrit í símann með uppl. um næsta strætó. Fyrir nokkrum vikum fékk hann
 excel skjal með með öllum biðstöðvum strætó,
 Einar Örn stjórnarmaður í Strætó Bs. sendi honum þetta og í tölvupóstinum
 stóð að þetta er opið og sjálfsagt að deila áfram. Ég snaraði þessu
 svo á OSM format, http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=kEkiGAHS, með
 eftirfarandi skriftu: https://github.com/nifgraup/straeto-utilities.

 Hefur einhver skoðun á þessari vörpun hjá mér, þ.e. stutt nafn verður
 name og langt nafn verður alt_name?

 Einnig, hvernig haldið þið að best sé að setja þetta inn með tilliti til
 gagnanna sem fyrir eru?

 Ath. að það er möguleiki að við fáum fleiri gögn, t.d. hvaða leiðum hvert
 stopp tilheyrir. Starfsmaður Strætó bs. sem er að semja pólisíu um
 afhendingu gagna til almennings hafði samband við Guðmund og spurði út í
 hvað fleira gæti nýst.


 Talk-is mailing list

 Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

Re: [Talk-is] (English) Bus System

2012-01-19 Thread Thorir Jonsson
I agree, we should go with option #1


On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 1:05 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason

 2012/1/18 Björgvin Ragnarsson nifgr...@gmail.com:
  1. scrap the existing bus stops and import the new data, (We could save a
  few stops, e.g. stops around Hlemmur)
  2. Import just the unmapped stops,
  3. Import the new data but try to keep the coordinates of existing stops?

 IIRC I mapped a lot of the existing stops inaccurately, some even from
 memory. I think option #1 makes the most sense. The Strætó data is
 going to be much better than what we have, and will be easier for
 whoever's importing it.

 We can always look at the history of the old stops later.

 Talk-is mailing list

Talk-is mailing list

[Talk-de] Hack-Wochenende in Karlsruhe 25/26. Febr 2012

2012-01-19 Thread Jochen Topf

Es wird mal wieder Zeit für ein Hacking-Wochenende in Deutschland. Und weil wir
faul sind und nicht woanders hin reisen wollen, haben wir das in Karlsruhe
angesetzt, wo der Besprechungsraum im Geofabrik-Büro am Wochenende eh leer

Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust zu einer Reise in den sonnigen Süden und kommt mit
Euren Ideen, Projekten und Notebooks zu einem netten Wochenende mit OSM-Hacking
und Fachsimpelei.

Weitere Infos und (unverbindliche) Anmeldung unter

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterstützung bei Datenbereinigung gesucht

2012-01-19 Thread Michael Krämer

anscheinend ist durch die Diskussion hier die eigentliche Bereinigung
der Daten etwas in Vergessenheit geraten. Daher habe ich mal noch ein
paar Orte abgearbeitet - es sind aber noch genügend übrig...

Ach so, mein Vorgehen war dabei jetzt die Variante, dass ich
place-Werte für Knoten und Weg angeglichen habe.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterstützung bei Datenbereinigung gesucht

2012-01-19 Thread hike39
Hallo Michael,
welcher Wert war bei Dir dann der ausschlaggebende? Ich habe nämlich
auch einige versucht anzugleichen. Aber es stellte sich bei mir immer
die Frage ist die Bezeichnung des Knoten oder des Wegs der richtigere.


Am 19.01.2012 13:24, schrieb Michael Krämer:
 anscheinend ist durch die Diskussion hier die eigentliche Bereinigung
 der Daten etwas in Vergessenheit geraten. Daher habe ich mal noch ein
 paar Orte abgearbeitet - es sind aber noch genügend übrig...
 Ach so, mein Vorgehen war dabei jetzt die Variante, dass ich
 place-Werte für Knoten und Weg angeglichen habe.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Unterstützung bei Datenbereinigung gesucht

2012-01-19 Thread Michael Krämer

Am 19. Januar 2012 15:19 schrieb hike39 ho...@hike.de:
 welcher Wert war bei Dir dann der ausschlaggebende? Ich habe nämlich
 auch einige versucht anzugleichen. Aber es stellte sich bei mir immer
 die Frage ist die Bezeichnung des Knoten oder des Wegs der richtigere.

Das habe ich jeweils anhand von Bing und gegebenenfalls Wikipedia
bestimmt. Wobei der Übergang zwischen hamlet und village natürlich
schon fließend ist. Aber gerade die Einwohnerzahl aus Wikipedia hilft
da oft weiter - so es sie denn gibt.


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Jacques Nietsch
Das Wrack der Costa Concordia ist schon gemappt, sogar mit voller  



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Walter Nordmann
das forum war schneller ;)


Aber etwas spinnerlt ist es schon.


Wenn du den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht siehst, fälle die Bäume und du wirst 
sehen, dass da kein Wald ist.
View this message in context: 
Sent from the Germany mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Jan Tappenbeck

Am 19.01.2012 16:21, schrieb Jacques Nietsch:

Das Wrack der Costa Concordia ist schon gemappt, sogar mit voller



Schon kalte Kaffee !


Gruß Jan :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Manuel Reimer

Jan Tappenbeck wrote:

Schon kalte Kaffee !


Damit bist du der zweite ;)

Zur Info: Es soll auch Leute geben, die Foren nicht besonders mögen und eine 
Mailingliste, bzw. eine Newsgruppe (Gmane), vorziehen.

Von daher danke für's Posten, denn sonst hätte ich das nicht mitbekommen.



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Jacques Nietsch jacques.niet...@gmx.de:
 Das Wrack der Costa Concordia ist schon gemappt, sogar mit voller

So ganz klar ist der Fall noch nicht, die italienische Liste
spekuliert, wo der Umriss herkommt, und hierüber geben die
Changeset-tags und Objekt-tags bisher keinen Aufschluss.

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Markus

Hallo Jacques,

Das Wrack der Costa Concordia ist schon gemappt

Die Route zur Unfallstelle auch,
incl. nautischen Daten und Wikipedia-Link :-)

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hack-Wochenende in Karlsruhe 25/26. Febr 2012

2012-01-19 Thread Matthias Meißer

Am 19.01.2012 10:50, schrieb Jochen Topf:


Es wird mal wieder Zeit für ein Hacking-Wochenende in Deutschland. Und weil wir
faul sind und nicht woanders hin reisen wollen, haben wir das in Karlsruhe
angesetzt, wo der Besprechungsraum im Geofabrik-Büro am Wochenende eh leer

Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust zu einer Reise in den sonnigen Süden und kommt mit
Euren Ideen, Projekten und Notebooks zu einem netten Wochenende mit OSM-Hacking
und Fachsimpelei.

Weitere Infos und (unverbindliche) Anmeldung unter

Leider ist für mich Karlsruhe zu weit weg, aber wie muss man sich sowas 
eigentlich vorstellen? Ich selbst würde mich glaube ich als nicht so 
wahnsinnig guten Programmierer verstehen, weder kann ich Ruby on Rails, 
noch bin ich in die Tiefern von JOSM oder Mapnik vorgedrungen. Gibt es 
da so minimale Skills? Habt ihr euch überlegt, woran ihr gerne schrauben 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hack-Wochenende in Karlsruhe 25/26. Febr 2012

2012-01-19 Thread Jochen Topf
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 06:34:25PM +0100, Matthias Meißer wrote:
 Am 19.01.2012 10:50, schrieb Jochen Topf:
 Es wird mal wieder Zeit für ein Hacking-Wochenende in Deutschland. Und weil 
 faul sind und nicht woanders hin reisen wollen, haben wir das in Karlsruhe
 angesetzt, wo der Besprechungsraum im Geofabrik-Büro am Wochenende eh leer
 Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust zu einer Reise in den sonnigen Süden und kommt 
 Euren Ideen, Projekten und Notebooks zu einem netten Wochenende mit 
 und Fachsimpelei.
 Weitere Infos und (unverbindliche) Anmeldung unter
 Leider ist für mich Karlsruhe zu weit weg, aber wie muss man sich
 sowas eigentlich vorstellen? Ich selbst würde mich glaube ich als
 nicht so wahnsinnig guten Programmierer verstehen, weder kann ich
 Ruby on Rails, noch bin ich in die Tiefern von JOSM oder Mapnik
 vorgedrungen. Gibt es da so minimale Skills? Habt ihr euch überlegt,
 woran ihr gerne schrauben würdet?

Es gibt keine vorgegebenen Themen. Jeder macht, was er mag. Das ganze ist
schon für Programmierer gedacht, aber wenn jemand z.B. gerne Doku schreibt,
aber nicht programmieren kann, dann kann er auch so was beitragen. Oder Wiki
aufräumen oder Flyer designen oder sonstwas. Wir werden niemanden ablehnen,
der nicht programmieren kann oder will.

Typischerweise ist das bei solchen Event so, dass jeder diverse Projekte hat,
die ihn interessieren und dann arbeitet man erstmal daran, fragt hier mal
um Hilfe oder Ideen oder bietet dort mal Hilfe an. Dann stellt man fest, wo
man vielleicht Gemeinsamkeiten hat und was zusammen machen kann oder so.
Das ergibt sich dann von selbst. Es ist eine Mischung aus Programmieren und
Diskutieren. Es geht auf jeden Fall drum, wirklich aktiv an was zu arbeiten,
was einen persönlich interessiert.

Die Teilnehmer können vorab schonmal im Wiki eintragen, was sie so
interessiert. Das gibt dann anderen die Möglichkeit zu sehen, ob da vielleicht
auch für sie interessante Themen dabei sind. Aber eine Garantie, dass bestimmte
Themen behandelt werden gibt es nicht.

Auf jeden Fall gibt es kein vorgegebenes Programm und keine Bespaßung,
jeder muss selbst schaun, dass er sich irgendwie beschäftigt.

Jochen Topf  joc...@remote.org  http://www.remote.org/jochen/  +49-721-388298

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hack-Wochenende in Karlsruhe 25/26. Febr 2012

2012-01-19 Thread Peter Wendorff

Ich wär gerne dabei, um an der Look-and-Listen-Map zu schrauben, aber 
wir sind damit schon vom 31. bis 2. in Karlsruhe auf der Learntec, und 
den dann entstehenden Brückentag am Montag muss ich leider zur Uni - 
und für das hin- und her ist es mir dann doch zu weit.

Insofern viel Spaß an die, die da sein werden - und hoffentlich bis zum 
Nächsten Mal


Am 19.01.2012 10:50, schrieb Jochen Topf:


Es wird mal wieder Zeit für ein Hacking-Wochenende in Deutschland. Und weil wir
faul sind und nicht woanders hin reisen wollen, haben wir das in Karlsruhe
angesetzt, wo der Besprechungsraum im Geofabrik-Büro am Wochenende eh leer

Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust zu einer Reise in den sonnigen Süden und kommt mit
Euren Ideen, Projekten und Notebooks zu einem netten Wochenende mit OSM-Hacking
und Fachsimpelei.

Weitere Infos und (unverbindliche) Anmeldung unter


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Gehling Marc

sollte die Route dann nicht auch den Felsen streifen?

Mfg Marc 

Am 19.01.2012 um 18:19 schrieb Markus:

 Hallo Jacques,
 Das Wrack der Costa Concordia ist schon gemappt
 Die Route zur Unfallstelle auch,
 incl. nautischen Daten und Wikipedia-Link :-)
 Gruss, Markus
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Hack-Wochenende in Karlsruhe 25/26. Febr 2012

2012-01-19 Thread Jo
Ich muss aus Belgien kommen, also ziemlich weit aber vielleicht doch nicht
ganz unmöglich.

Wenn da jemand mit interesse auf Java auf dem Android Platform da sein
wird, oder vielleicht sogar jemand mit interesse in Vespucci oder OsmAnd,
dann werde ich warscheinlich schon ausreichend motiviert sein um so weit zu

Ich möche nämlich gern damit anfangen einiges zu ändern, aber brauche
jemand der mich damit starten kann.

Jetzt programmiere ich meistens in Python. Mit Hilfe eines Plugins kann ich
so JOSM skripten.


2012/1/19 Peter Wendorff wendo...@uni-paderborn.de

 Ich wär gerne dabei, um an der Look-and-Listen-Map zu schrauben, aber wir
 sind damit schon vom 31. bis 2. in Karlsruhe auf der Learntec, und den dann
 entstehenden Brückentag am Montag muss ich leider zur Uni - und für das
 hin- und her ist es mir dann doch zu weit.

 Insofern viel Spaß an die, die da sein werden - und hoffentlich bis zum
 Nächsten Mal


 Am 19.01.2012 10:50, schrieb Jochen Topf:


 Es wird mal wieder Zeit für ein Hacking-Wochenende in Deutschland. Und
 weil wir
 faul sind und nicht woanders hin reisen wollen, haben wir das in Karlsruhe
 angesetzt, wo der Besprechungsraum im Geofabrik-Büro am Wochenende eh leer

 Vielleicht habt ihr ja Lust zu einer Reise in den sonnigen Süden und
 kommt mit
 Euren Ideen, Projekten und Notebooks zu einem netten Wochenende mit
 und Fachsimpelei.

 Weitere Infos und (unverbindliche) Anmeldung unter


 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Markus

Hallo Marc,

sollte die Route dann nicht auch den Felsen streifen?

Die Position von 20:53 ist 300m von der Küste weg.
Der Fels, an dem das Schiff gestrandet ist liegt irgendwo dazwischen.
Ich dachte, es war ein Unterwasserfels, der nicht in OSM drin ist.
Könnte aber auch der sichtbare Fels sein: N42°21.896' - E10°55.263'

Die Ostküste von Giglio ist relativ steil, die Wassertiefe erreicht in 
200m Abstand von der Küste bereits 100 m:


So wie ich höre, hat der Kapitän nach 21 Uhr noch ein Ankermanöver 
gefahren, und hat sich dann vermutlich absichtlich so an die Küste 
gelegt, dass das Schiff möglichst nicht tiefer sinkt, und 
Bergungsmassnahmen erleichtert werden.

Warum die letzte Position nicht im Protokoll ist weiss ich nicht, wir 
werden sie aber anhand des Land-Mappings ergänzen :-)

Gruss, Markus

- - - -
OpenSeaMap ist nächste Woche auf der Boot:
21.-29. Januar
Halle 11, Stand H13

Ein gemütlicher Treffpunkt für alle OSMer :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Wolfgang Barth
Ich hab schon sonstwo gelesen, daß das die Koordinatenpunkte sind, die 
vom automatischen Verfolgungssystem gesendet waren.

Daraus kann man den wirklich gefahrenen Weg nicht genauer entnehmen.

mfg wb

Am 19.01.2012 19:23, schrieb Gehling Marc:


sollte die Route dann nicht auch den Felsen streifen?

Mfg Marc

Am 19.01.2012 um 18:19 schrieb Markus:

Hallo Jacques,

Das Wrack der Costa Concordia ist schon gemappt

Die Route zur Unfallstelle auch,
incl. nautischen Daten und Wikipedia-Link :-)

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Markus

Hallo Marc,

Wahrscheinlich war die Grundberührung an der Untiefe östlich der Insel 
Scole: N42°21.3' - E10°55.8'

Das stimmt auch mit der vermutlichen Fahrlinie
zwischen 20:37 und 20:53 überein.
Unklar ist, warum für diesen Abschnitt keine Positionen vorliegen.

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Am 20. Januar 2012 00:13 schrieb Markus liste12a4...@gmx.de:
 Hallo Marc,

 Wahrscheinlich war die Grundberührung an der Untiefe östlich der Insel
 Scole: N42°21.3' - E10°55.8'
 Das stimmt auch mit der vermutlichen Fahrlinie
 zwischen 20:37 und 20:53 überein.
 Unklar ist, warum für diesen Abschnitt keine Positionen vorliegen.

evtl. ist er auch zwischen den beiden Felsen bei Scole durchgefahren,
es gibt da verschiedene Versionen in den Medien, das hier zeigt einen
Zoom der entspr. Stelle auf einer Seekarte:

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Wolfgang Barth
Daß er absichtlich zwischen den Felsen durchgefahren ist, das kann ich 
nicht glauben. Fehleinschätzung ja, aber das wäre geplanter Wahnsinn.

mfg wb

Am 20.01.2012 00:22, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:

Am 20. Januar 2012 00:13 schrieb Markusliste12a4...@gmx.de:

Hallo Marc,

Wahrscheinlich war die Grundberührung an der Untiefe östlich der Insel
Scole: N42°21.3' - E10°55.8'
Das stimmt auch mit der vermutlichen Fahrlinie
zwischen 20:37 und 20:53 überein.
Unklar ist, warum für diesen Abschnitt keine Positionen vorliegen.

evtl. ist er auch zwischen den beiden Felsen bei Scole durchgefahren,
es gibt da verschiedene Versionen in den Medien, das hier zeigt einen
Zoom der entspr. Stelle auf einer Seekarte:

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Wolfgang Barth
Da auf Giglio ist im Osten ein path eingezeichnet zwischen der 
Südspitze und dann an der östlichen Küste vorbei zum Hafen. Ich hatte 
wirklich geglaubt, daß es den gibt.

Vor drei Jahren wollten wir dem folgen und wir haben uns zu zweit für 
etliche Stunden durch die weglose Macchia gequält, bis wir die ersten 
Häuser erreichten. Zerschunden und erschöpft erreichten wir die letzte 
Fähre auf das Festland.

Man darf offensichtlich solchen Wegen nicht unbesehen folgen, auch wenn 
sie in einem Internetforum als relativ problemlos beschrieben sind.

Ich hatte damals zwar ein Navi dabei, aber leider noch nicht diese 
Karte, die hätte mir allerhand Schinderei ersparen können.

mfg wb

Am 19.01.2012 21:49, schrieb Wolfgang Barth:

Die Route zur Unfallstelle auch,
incl. nautischen Daten und Wikipedia-Link :-)

Gruss, Markus

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Klaus-Hermann Otto Stanislaus Plöger
Moin Markus,
die Transponder kann man ausschalten (auf der Brücke) aber, was noch
fehlt, und das werden wir bestimmt nie erfahren, wo sind die zwei
vorgeschriebenen EPIRB-Bojen? Hat die die Guardia-Di-Financa? Die Dinger
sind zu groß, um sie mal eben in die Tasche zu stecken.  Oder hat der
nach einigen Blättern betrunkene Kapitän die doch noch mal eben an
Land gebracht? 
Fragen über Fragen…
bis Montag
Am Freitag, den 20.01.2012, 00:13 +0100 schrieb Markus: 

 Hallo Marc,
 Wahrscheinlich war die Grundberührung an der Untiefe östlich der Insel 
 Scole: N42°21.3' - E10°55.8'
 Das stimmt auch mit der vermutlichen Fahrlinie
 zwischen 20:37 und 20:53 überein.
 Unklar ist, warum für diesen Abschnitt keine Positionen vorliegen.
 Gruss, Markus
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] [bulk]: Re: Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Klaus-Hermann Otto Stanislaus Plöger
in der Seekarte nachgesehen?
wenn ja dann schreib es,
Am Freitag, den 20.01.2012, 01:10 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Barth:

 Daß er absichtlich zwischen den Felsen durchgefahren ist, das kann ich 
 nicht glauben. Fehleinschätzung ja, aber das wäre geplanter Wahnsinn.
 mfg wb
 Am 20.01.2012 00:22, schrieb Martin Koppenhoefer:
  Am 20. Januar 2012 00:13 schrieb Markusliste12a4...@gmx.de:
  Hallo Marc,
  Wahrscheinlich war die Grundberührung an der Untiefe östlich der Insel
  Scole: N42°21.3' - E10°55.8'
  Das stimmt auch mit der vermutlichen Fahrlinie
  zwischen 20:37 und 20:53 überein.
  Unklar ist, warum für diesen Abschnitt keine Positionen vorliegen.
  evtl. ist er auch zwischen den beiden Felsen bei Scole durchgefahren,
  es gibt da verschiedene Versionen in den Medien, das hier zeigt einen
  Zoom der entspr. Stelle auf einer Seekarte:
  Gruß Martin
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;)

2012-01-19 Thread Klaus-Hermann Otto Stanislaus Plöger
Ankermanöver bei Wassertiefe über 70m?
Wieviel Kette hat der?
Am Donnerstag, den 19.01.2012, 21:36 +0100 schrieb Markus:

 Hallo Marc,
  sollte die Route dann nicht auch den Felsen streifen?
 Die Position von 20:53 ist 300m von der Küste weg.
 Der Fels, an dem das Schiff gestrandet ist liegt irgendwo dazwischen.
 Ich dachte, es war ein Unterwasserfels, der nicht in OSM drin ist.
 Könnte aber auch der sichtbare Fels sein: N42°21.896' - E10°55.263'
 Die Ostküste von Giglio ist relativ steil, die Wassertiefe erreicht in 
 200m Abstand von der Küste bereits 100 m:
 So wie ich höre, hat der Kapitän nach 21 Uhr noch ein Ankermanöver 
 gefahren, und hat sich dann vermutlich absichtlich so an die Küste 
 gelegt, dass das Schiff möglichst nicht tiefer sinkt, und 
 Bergungsmassnahmen erleichtert werden.
 Warum die letzte Position nicht im Protokoll ist weiss ich nicht, wir 
 werden sie aber anhand des Land-Mappings ergänzen :-)
 Gruss, Markus
 - - - -
 OpenSeaMap ist nächste Woche auf der Boot:
 21.-29. Januar
 Halle 11, Stand H13
 Ein gemütlicher Treffpunkt für alle OSMer :-)
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] dsds?

2012-01-19 Thread Klaus-Hermann Otto Stanislaus Plöger
Gestrandete Schiffe?
Schreiben wir jetzt auch alle meine Fahrradpannen hier hinein?
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Die spinnen die OSMler ;) tun si nich

2012-01-19 Thread Klaus-Hermann Otto Stanislaus Plöger
was ist eine vermutliche Fahrlinie?
http://www.marinetraffic.com/ais/ hat keine Daten. Ich auch nicht. (Ich
logge die) Ich vermute, das da jemand manipuliert hat.
Es gibt da aber noch italienische Behörden, die das aufzeichnen. GdF
marina militare , etc
Am Freitag, den 20.01.2012, 00:13 +0100 schrieb Markus:

 Hallo Marc,
 Wahrscheinlich war die Grundberührung an der Untiefe östlich der Insel 
 Scole: N42°21.3' - E10°55.8'
 Das stimmt auch mit der vermutlichen Fahrlinie
 zwischen 20:37 und 20:53 überein.
 Unklar ist, warum für diesen Abschnitt keine Positionen vorliegen.
 Gruss, Markus
 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Strassenlisten

2012-01-19 Thread Tirkon
Florian Lohoff f...@zz.de wrote:

ich habe heute die Strassenlisten rausgesucht und ins Netz gepackt. 

Vielen Dank! Ich hatte schon die Befürchtung, dass Dich die neue
Lizenz derart verärgert hat, dass Du keine Arbeit mehr in eine
Veröffentlichung stecken würdest.

Das gesamte git repository d.h. inklusive der gesamten historie findet sich 

   git clone git://pax.zz.de/osm-strassenliste

Kann mir jemand erklären, wie man das jetzt runterladen kann? Wenn ich
die Adresse in die Browserliste bringe, beginnt Google eine Suche
danach, ohne etwas Brauchbares zu finden.

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Strassenlisten

2012-01-19 Thread pml1
Am Freitag, 20. Januar 2012, 04:35:31 schrieb Tirkon:
 Florian Lohoff f...@zz.de wrote:
 Das gesamte git repository d.h. inklusive der gesamten historie findet sich 
  git clone git://pax.zz.de/osm-strassenliste
 Kann mir jemand erklären, wie man das jetzt runterladen kann? Wenn ich
 die Adresse in die Browserliste bringe, beginnt Google eine Suche
 danach, ohne etwas Brauchbares zu finden.

git ist eine Versionsverwaltungssoftware (http://git-scm.com), sowas wird 
meist für die Verwaltung von Software-Quellcode verwendet, kann aber auch in 
vielen anderen Fällen eingesetzt werden.

Um das runterzuladen brauchst Du den passenden client (eben git) und musst 
genau den angegebenen Befehl (git clone ...) eingeben. Danach hast du eine 
Kopie des Repositories, d. h. den aktuellen Stand nebst gespeicherter 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] dsds?

2012-01-19 Thread Andre Joost

Am 20.01.2012 01:54, schrieb Klaus-Hermann Otto Stanislaus Plöger:

Gestrandete Schiffe?
Schreiben wir jetzt auch alle meine Fahrradpannen hier hinein?

Wenn sie ein gleich großes Medienecho erzeugen?

BTW: Für umgefallene Reissäcke gibts noch keine tags ;-)

André joost

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Riorganizzazione Map features

2012-01-19 Thread Luca Delucchi
Il 03 gennaio 2012 21:33, Federico Cozzi f.co...@gmail.com ha scritto:
 2012/1/3 Alberto Nogaro bartosom...@yahoo.it:
 Cosa facciamo? Seguiamo l’ordinamento inglese? Manteniamo l’ordinamento
 attuale? Ordiniamo alfabeticamente in italiano? Aspettiamo di vedere cosa
 fanno gli altri? Altre proposte?

 Ordiniamo alfabeticamente in italiano?


 La corrispondenza di ordine tra i due elenchi non mi sembra così importante.

anche secondo me, la cosa più importante sarebbe tenerla aggiornata.
qualche disponibile a tenere sott'occhio la pagina?




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Simone Saviolo
Il 18 gennaio 2012 18:32, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:
 Le fabbriche si taggano con amenity=factory? Ho visto landuse=industrial ma
 non è il caso :)

Perché evitare? Ovviamente la singola fabbrica va indicata con
man_made=works, ma l'area va indicata con landuse=industrial.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread sabas88
Perché non so bene se la produzione è fisicamente li.. Parlo della cressi e
della slam che sono nello stesso capannone a genova :) poi lo cambio allora
Il giorno 19/gen/2012 11:17, Simone Saviolo simone.savi...@gmail.com ha

 Il 18 gennaio 2012 18:32, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:
  Le fabbriche si taggano con amenity=factory? Ho visto landuse=industrial
  non è il caso :)

 Perché evitare? Ovviamente la singola fabbrica va indicata con
 man_made=works, ma l'area va indicata con landuse=industrial.



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Luca Delucchi
Il 19 gennaio 2012 11:22, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:
 Perché non so bene se la produzione è fisicamente li.. Parlo della cressi e
 della slam che sono nello stesso capannone a genova :) poi lo cambio allora

aspè landuse serve per indicare una zona industriale, se parliamo
della slam in via adomoli li non mi sembra molto una zona industriale
al massimo commerciale.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Volker Schmidt
La distinzione fra zona industriale e commerciale è notoriamente
difficile. Lavoro nel bel mezzo della Zona Industriale di Padova (ZIP) ma è
un miscuglio fra ditte produttrici di qualcosa, di ditte che vendono
qualcosa all'ingrosso e al dettagli, tanti uffici (per esempio la
motorizzazione civile di Padova), ristoranti ed alberghi e ricerca (dove
lavoro io).

Non ho mai guardato da vicino a questo problema di distinzione fra le due
tipi di aree non-residenti.
Come si fa distinguere?


2012/1/19 Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com

 Il 19 gennaio 2012 11:22, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:
  Perché non so bene se la produzione è fisicamente li.. Parlo della
 cressi e
  della slam che sono nello stesso capannone a genova :) poi lo cambio

 aspè landuse serve per indicare una zona industriale, se parliamo
 della slam in via adomoli li non mi sembra molto una zona industriale
 al massimo commerciale.



 Talk-it mailing list


Via Vecchia 18/ter
35127 Padova

office phone: +39-049-829-5977
office fax +39-049-8700718
home phone:  +39-049-851519
personal mobile: +39-340-1427105
skype: volker.schmidt
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] nascondere livelli aperti di default

2012-01-19 Thread m.le...@tiscali.it
scusate non so se è il posto adatto per chiedere,
JOSM di default mi apre sempre due livelli
cycles routes
czech hiling trails 
dal momento che non servono quasi mai come faccio per fare in modo che non mi 
vengano proposti?

E' nata indoona : chiama, videochiama e messaggia Gratis.
Scarica indoona per iPhone, Android e PC 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Sky One
2012/1/18 Maurizio Daniele maurizio.dani...@gmail.com:

 Già OSM paga un pegno non indifferente come copertura di molte zone, almeno
 che quelle coperte riflettano una situazione più vera di una normale mappa

+1 su tutto.

Cristiano / Sky One
Home: http://www.skyone.it (itinerari in moto e non solo)
Pensieri: http://blog.skyone.it

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Alessio Zanol
In data giovedì 19 gennaio 2012 11:44:20, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:
 La distinzione fra zona industriale e commerciale è notoriamente

Beh lo stesso discorso vale per moltissime zone come ad esempio i centri 
storici dove a piano terra ci sono i negozi e ai piani superiori gli 


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Maurizio Daniele
Il giorno 19 gennaio 2012 11:44, Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com ha

 La distinzione fra zona industriale e commerciale è notoriamente
 difficile. Lavoro nel bel mezzo della Zona Industriale di Padova (ZIP) ma è
 un miscuglio fra ditte produttrici di qualcosa, di ditte che vendono
 qualcosa all'ingrosso e al dettagli, tanti uffici (per esempio la
 motorizzazione civile di Padova), ristoranti ed alberghi e ricerca (dove
 lavoro io).

 Non ho mai guardato da vicino a questo problema di distinzione fra le due
 tipi di aree non-residenti.
 Come si fa distinguere?

In realtà la distinzione dovrebbe farla il piano regolatore tra aree
produttive e aree terziario, ma spesso questa distinzione è lettera
morta, permettendo, ad esempio, che un capannone industriale sfitto diventi
un Lidl (esempio che ho sotto gli occhi).

Quel che si può fare, in mancanza di dati certi, è valutare la
preponderanza di attività e di tipologia di edifici: solitamente in una
zona industriale ci sono più capannoni, in una commerciale/terziario più
palazzine di uffici... Poi non è che se in una zona industriale nasce una
tavola calda, quel pezzetto diventa commercial, la zona è sempre

Maurizio Daniele - maurizio.daniele (a) gmail.com
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Simone Saviolo
Il 19 gennaio 2012 12:10, Maurizio Daniele
maurizio.dani...@gmail.com ha scritto:
 Il giorno 19 gennaio 2012 11:44, Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com ha

 La distinzione fra zona industriale e commerciale è notoriamente
 difficile. Lavoro nel bel mezzo della Zona Industriale di Padova (ZIP) ma è
 un miscuglio fra ditte produttrici di qualcosa, di ditte che vendono
 qualcosa all'ingrosso e al dettagli, tanti uffici (per esempio la
 motorizzazione civile di Padova), ristoranti ed alberghi e ricerca (dove
 lavoro io).

 Non ho mai guardato da vicino a questo problema di distinzione fra le due
 tipi di aree non-residenti.
 Come si fa distinguere?

 In realtà la distinzione dovrebbe farla il piano regolatore tra aree
 produttive e aree terziario, ma spesso questa distinzione è lettera
 morta, permettendo, ad esempio, che un capannone industriale sfitto diventi
 un Lidl (esempio che ho sotto gli occhi).

 Quel che si può fare, in mancanza di dati certi, è valutare la preponderanza
 di attività e di tipologia di edifici: solitamente in una zona industriale
 ci sono più capannoni, in una commerciale/terziario più palazzine di
 uffici... Poi non è che se in una zona industriale nasce una tavola calda,
 quel pezzetto diventa commercial, la zona è sempre industriale.

Attenzione che commercial non è commerciale, ma è uffici.
Attività commerciale è retail.

Penso che un landuse=commercial vada bene, ad esempio, per alcune aree
nel Centro Direzionale di Milano. Nell'isolato in cui lavoro ci sono
palazzi di 12 o più piani (oltre alla Torre Galfa di 30), uno solo dei
quali ha per lo più abitazioni. Nel mio palazzo ci sono dodici piani
di uffici e un negozio di grafica al piano terra, ed è ovviamente
commercial. In quello a fianco ci sono dodici piani di abitazioni, con
un paio di uffici, un ufficio postale al piano terra e un ristorante
self-service sempre al piano terra; è ovviamente residential.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Alech OSM


-Messaggio originale-
Da: Simone Saviolo [mailto:simone.savi...@gmail.com] 
Inviato: giovedì 19 gennaio 2012 12.18
A: openstreetmap list - italiano
Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici


Il 19 gennaio 2012 12:10, Maurizio Daniele 
mailto:maurizio.dani...@gmail.com maurizio.dani...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Il giorno 19 gennaio 2012 11:44, Volker Schmidt 
mailto:vosc...@gmail.com vosc...@gmail.com ha



 La distinzione fra zona industriale e commerciale è notoriamente 

 difficile. Lavoro nel bel mezzo della Zona Industriale di Padova 

 (ZIP) ma è un miscuglio fra ditte produttrici di qualcosa, di ditte 

 che vendono qualcosa all'ingrosso e al dettagli, tanti uffici (per 

 esempio la motorizzazione civile di Padova), ristoranti ed alberghi e 

 ricerca (dove lavoro io).


 Non ho mai guardato da vicino a questo problema di distinzione fra le 

 due tipi di aree non-residenti.

 Come si fa distinguere?



 In realtà la distinzione dovrebbe farla il piano regolatore tra aree 

 produttive e aree terziario, ma spesso questa distinzione è 

 lettera morta, permettendo, ad esempio, che un capannone industriale 

 sfitto diventi un Lidl (esempio che ho sotto gli occhi).


 Quel che si può fare, in mancanza di dati certi, è valutare la 

 preponderanza di attività e di tipologia di edifici: solitamente in 

 una zona industriale ci sono più capannoni, in una 

 commerciale/terziario più palazzine di uffici... Poi non è che se in 

 una zona industriale nasce una tavola calda, quel pezzetto diventa
commercial, la zona è sempre industriale.


Attenzione che commercial non è commerciale, ma è uffici.

Attività commerciale è retail.


Penso che un landuse=commercial vada bene, ad esempio, per alcune aree nel
Centro Direzionale di Milano. Nell'isolato in cui lavoro ci sono palazzi di
12 o più piani (oltre alla Torre Galfa di 30), uno solo dei quali ha per lo
più abitazioni. Nel mio palazzo ci sono dodici piani di uffici e un negozio
di grafica al piano terra, ed è ovviamente commercial. In quello a fianco ci
sono dodici piani di abitazioni, con un paio di uffici, un ufficio postale
al piano terra e un ristorante self-service sempre al piano terra; è
ovviamente residential.



Talk-it mailing list

 mailto:Talk-it@openstreetmap.org Talk-it@openstreetmap.org



Significa che si mette “landuse” sul palazzo? insieme a building=yes ?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] nascondere livelli aperti di default

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 m.le...@tiscali.it m.le...@tiscali.it:
 scusate non so se è il posto adatto per chiedere,
 JOSM di default mi apre sempre due livelli
 cycles routes
 czech hiling trails
 dal momento che non servono quasi mai come faccio per fare in modo che non
 mi vengano proposti?

probabilmente hai attivato dei relativi plugins. Proverei a
disattivare questi plugins.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread sabas88
Il giorno 19 gennaio 2012 11:27, Luca Delucchi lucadel...@gmail.com ha

 Il 19 gennaio 2012 11:22, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:
  Perché non so bene se la produzione è fisicamente li.. Parlo della
 cressi e
  della slam che sono nello stesso capannone a genova :) poi lo cambio

 aspè landuse serve per indicare una zona industriale, se parliamo
 della slam in via adomoli li non mi sembra molto una zona industriale
 al massimo commerciale.


Quella, esatto :) Cos'è e come la taggheresti?

Il giorno 19 gennaio 2012 12:38, Alech OSM alech.hos...@gmail.com ha

 Significa che si mette “landuse” sul palazzo? insieme a building=yes ?

Sull'area intorno, non sul palazzo..

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Federico Cozzi
2012/1/19 Alessio Zanol nar...@infinito.it:
 Beh lo stesso discorso vale per moltissime zone come ad esempio i centri
 storici dove a piano terra ci sono i negozi e ai piani superiori gli

Mi sembra la definizione perfetta di zona residenziale, a meno che non
intendi residenziale = quartiere dormitorio ;-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Portici

2012-01-19 Thread Volker Schmidt
C'è una proposta interessante in questo contesto:



2011/10/12 Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdre...@gmail.com

 2011/10/12 Alessio Zanol nar...@infinito.it:
  Per gli amanti del micromapping c'è anche il bellissimo tag
 highway=footway +
  footway=sidewalk per i marciapiedi.
  In sostanza si mappano con una way separata dalla strada.

 devo dire che non mi piace tantissimo questo tagging, perchè si tratta
 chiaramente di tagging per i routers/renderer. Altrimenti si avrebbe
 scelto un tag come footway=sidewalk senza il highway=footway. Il
 problema del highway=footway con un way separato è che sta indicando
 una separazione tra strada e marciapiede (altrimenti il marciapiede
 sarebbe incluso nel nostro datamodel come sono le corsie), ma in
 realtà posso attraversare la strada dove mi pare.


 Talk-it mailing list


Via Vecchia 18/ter
35127 Padova

office phone: +39-049-829-5977
office fax +39-049-8700718
home phone:  +39-049-851519
personal mobile: +39-340-1427105
skype: volker.schmidt
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Luca Delucchi
Il 19 gennaio 2012 13:39, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 Quella, esatto :) Cos'è e come la taggheresti?

l'edificio in se building più un nodo con la slam ecc ecc, l'area li
intorno landuse = garages



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 18/01/2012 18:32, sabas88 ha scritto:

Le fabbriche si taggano con amenity=factory? Ho visto 
landuse=industrial ma non è il caso :)
Landuse va usato per l'area: se è a prevalenza industriale 
landuse=industrial, se a prevalenza residenziale landuse=residential, se 
agricola landuse=farm/farmland/farmyard... IMHO più che ricoprire 
l'intera area con un unico grande poligono è meglio contornare l'isolato.

Per le fabbriche: man_made=works
volendo ci sarebbe anche building=industrial

-Uffici pubblici
Qui c'è uno spazio grigio, non si potrebbe distinguere? (anagrafe et 

Se ne era parlato in ottobre in questa discussione [1]. Riassumendo:

amenity=public_building + building=yes sull'edificio (+ operator o 
office=administrative (o government) + name=* (es. Ufficio
anagrafe) + opening_hour + birth_registration=yes (per esempio) sul
nodo dell'ufficio (o direttamente sull'edificio se c'è solo quello),
+ level=* [2]

Per esempio una questura:

amenity=pubblic_building + building=yes + operator=Polizia di Stato + 
name=Questura di... sul poligono (+ eventuale landuse=military se c'è 
il cartello)
office=government + passport=yes + name=Ufficio passaporti + 
opening_hours=* + level=* sul nodo dell'ufficio passaporti

Volendo sarebbe da riunire tutto in una relation site.

Paolo M


[2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Level

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread giovanni di lorenzo
é razionale ed utile disegnarja sulla mappa. Con quali dati geografici é
stata posizionata ?

Il giorno 18/gen/2012 22:36, Maurizio Daniele maurizio.dani...@gmail.com
ha scritto:

Il 18/01/2012 18:03, Elena ``of Valhalla'' ha scritto:

 On 2012-01-18 at 15:57:25 +0200, Edoardo Marascalchi wrote:

 In fondo, abbiamo mappato una...
Io francamente non credo che la prevista provvisorietà di un evento (nel
caso specifico, la presenza della nave) debba essere una limitazione.

Più o meno come una strada chiusa per un cantiere o una deviazione sul
trasporto pubblico: qualche volta la durata è talmente breve che non vale
la pena metter mano alla mappa, ma se la variazione dura settimane o mesi,
può aver senso modificare la mappa e poi ripristinarla quando viene meno la

Ad esempio a Torino un importante sottopasso è stato chiuso per un anno
abbondante per lavori, nel mentre è stato taggato come access=no. Ora è
stato riaperto e si è rimosso il tag. Un routing nella zona sulle mappe di
OSM non ti avrebbe invitato a fare una strada che non era accessibile.
Certo non mi metterò mai a mappare dei cantierini di un giorno o due, ma un
evento che modifica i dintorni per mesi invece cerco di inserirlo sempre:
dopotutto a che serve poter aggiornare la mappa in real time se poi non lo
si fa?

Già OSM paga un pegno non indifferente come copertura di molte zone, almeno
che quelle coperte riflettano una situazione più vera di una normale
mappa commerciale.


Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Portici

2012-01-19 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 19/01/2012 14:29, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:

C'è una proposta interessante in questo contesto:



tunnel=building_arcade ?!

IMHO non possono essere classificati come tunnel.

covered=building_passage (+ footway=yes)
covered=building_arcade (+ footway=yes)

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] pedestrian a Venezia

2012-01-19 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 16/01/2012 13:12, totera ha scritto:

Paolo Monegato wrote

Se si vuole sistemare adesso bisognerebbe eliminare ciò che c'è e
rifarlo ex-novo, il che non mi sembra molto corretto nei confronti di
chi ha contribuito (ricordo che alla fine del processo resterà anche un
planet in cc-by-sa per eventuali fork).

Al di là della situazione di Venezia, mi sembra che l'orientamento generale
sia quello opposto, e cioè di rimappare tutto il prima possibile per evitare
grosse perdite al momento del cambio (c'è un please help remapping sulla
home del wiki, sono stati sviluppati i vari strumenti di aiuto...).

Quindi suggeriresti per esempio di cancellare già adesso tutti i 
contributi veneziani di B10xyz e B10xxx e mettersi a rifare tutto?

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Portici

2012-01-19 Thread Volker Schmidt
Se ho capito bene la proposta, si tratta di
al posto di

Mi va bene anche covered - non importa


On 19 January 2012 15:04, Paolo Monegato gato.selvad...@gmail.com wrote:

 Il 19/01/2012 14:29, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:

  C'è una proposta interessante in questo contesto:



 tunnel=building_arcade ?!

 IMHO non possono essere classificati come tunnel.

 covered=building_passage (+ footway=yes)
 covered=building_arcade (+ footway=yes)

 Paolo M

 Talk-it mailing list


Via Vecchia 18/ter
35127 Padova

office phone: +39-049-829-5977
office fax +39-049-8700718
home phone:  +39-049-851519
personal mobile: +39-340-1427105
skype: volker.schmidt
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Michele Zanin
da GE blog:



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
On Thu, Jan 19, 2012 at 15:32, Michele Zanin micza...@gmail.com wrote:
 da GE blog:


mmm ... ora mi chiedo se c'è violazione di licenza ...
Nei sei sicuro deriva da li?
Bisogna sentire chi lo ha fatto.
Dal post leggo che l'immagine è di digitalglobe
Le cui policies dicono
Editorial Use Only
Attribution Rules
No Alternation
Limited Grant of Rights

anche se ho il dubbio del discorso del ricalco, da cui è stato creato
poi questo KML

Mi rincuora di più leggere l'ultima frase
Thanks to the generosity of the folks at CleanCruising.com.au, they've
allowed Paul and PlanetInAction.com to release a full KMZ file of the
stricken ship, which you can download in this KMZ file.
Paul's model is amazingly accurate, and he includes various notes in
the file to show the path of the ship.

... ma alla fine sempre google  vince ...

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com:
 La distinzione fra zona industriale e commerciale è notoriamente difficile.
 Lavoro nel bel mezzo della Zona Industriale di Padova (ZIP) ma è un
 miscuglio fra ditte produttrici di qualcosa, di ditte che vendono qualcosa
 all'ingrosso e al dettagli,

secondome non è un problema:
- se una ditta produce - landuse=industrial
- per un magazino/centro di distribuzione - landuse=industrial
- se una ditta vende al dettaglio (sopratutto / unicamente) - landuse=retail
- se si tratta di un centro amministrativo (senza produzione) -
- se si tratta di una fabbrica con amministrazione integrata nel sito
- landuse=industrial
- se nel caso precedente si riesce a distinguere amministrazione e
produzione - 2 landuse diversi

 tanti uffici (per esempio la motorizzazione
 civile di Padova), ristoranti ed alberghi e ricerca (dove lavoro io).


 Come si fa distinguere?

connoscendo la zona e le attività che si svolgono.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Su relazioni, fabbriche e uffici pubblici

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Paolo Monegato gato.selvad...@gmail.com:
 volendo ci sarebbe anche building=industrial

si, ma non è molto specifico. Se avete connoscenza più profonda farei
distinzione tra produzione e magazzinaggio ( o quello che è).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Maurizio Napolitano napoo...@gmail.com:
 mmm ... ora mi chiedo se c'è violazione di licenza ...
 Nei sei sicuro deriva da li?
 Bisogna sentire chi lo ha fatto.

credo di aver visto che deriva da un imagine creative commons.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] pedestrian a Venezia

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Paolo Monegato gato.selvad...@gmail.com:
 Quindi suggeriresti per esempio di cancellare già adesso tutti i contributi
 veneziani di B10xyz e B10xxx e mettersi a rifare tutto?

Ho scritto a B10xyz sperando che mi risponde (l'ho connosciuto di
persona a Berlino), se intendesse di eventualmente dire si (si può
sempre fare), e che altrimenti andremmo a cancellare già ora i suoi
contributi a Venezia. Vediamo se risponde e come.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Simone Saviolo
2012/1/19 Michele Zanin micza...@gmail.com:
 da GE blog:


Spererei di no:




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread sabas88
source=Digitalglobe Aerial Imagery

2012/1/19 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com


 Editorial Use Only:
  “editorial use” is limited to a publication relating to a newsworthy
 event, or which is otherwise in the public interest.

 Attribution Rules
 All DigitalGlobe products published or otherwise used pursuant to these
 Usage Rules must be attributed to DigitalGlobe as follows: For print,
 presentation and web materials: Credit to DigitalGlobe must appear next to
 or beneath the photo. For broadcast: Credit to DigitalGlobe must appear
 on-screen throughout the entire air-time of the product

 Leggendo questo, si uò utilizzare, ma bisognerebbe mettere i credits a
 DigitalGlobe sulla mappa. In che forma si fa?


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Simone Saviolo
2012/1/19 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com:


 Editorial Use Only:
  “editorial use” is limited to a publication relating to a newsworthy
 event, or which is otherwise in the public interest.

 Attribution Rules
 All DigitalGlobe products published or otherwise used pursuant to these
 Usage Rules must be attributed to DigitalGlobe as follows: For print,
 presentation and web materials: Credit to DigitalGlobe must appear next to
 or beneath the photo. For broadcast: Credit to DigitalGlobe must appear
 on-screen throughout the entire air-time of the product

 Leggendo questo, si uò utilizzare, ma bisognerebbe mettere i credits a
 DigitalGlobe sulla mappa. In che forma si fa?

IANAL, ma non parla di opere derivate.



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com:
 Leggendo questo, si uò utilizzare, ma bisognerebbe mettere i credits a
 DigitalGlobe sulla mappa. In che forma si fa?

si può fare in qualsiasi forma, basta associare l'informazione della
fonte all'uso (qui: edit), quindi direi il changeset-comment sarebbe
il posto migliore.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] pedestrian a Venezia

2012-01-19 Thread Paolo Monegato

Il 19/01/2012 16:25, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:

2012/1/19 Paolo Monegatogato.selvad...@gmail.com:

Quindi suggeriresti per esempio di cancellare già adesso tutti i contributi
veneziani di B10xyz e B10xxx e mettersi a rifare tutto?

Ho scritto a B10xyz sperando che mi risponde (l'ho connosciuto di
persona a Berlino), se intendesse di eventualmente dire si (si può
sempre fare), e che altrimenti andremmo a cancellare già ora i suoi
contributi a Venezia. Vediamo se risponde e come.


Bene, vediamo cosa dice (e soprattutto se risponde).

Paolo M

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Portici

2012-01-19 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2012/1/19 Paolo Monegato gato.selvad...@gmail.com:
 Mi va bene anche covered - non importa

 Quel che criticavo era l'uso di tunnel. Per il resto mi pare vada bene.

si, meglio covered che tunnel, e dovrebbe anche distinguere tra un
colonnato ed una arcada (?) --- quest'ultimo dovrebbe essere
portico in italiano, ma fatto per forza di archi.



Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] zone a traffico limitato

2012-01-19 Thread beppebo...@libero.it
per le zone residenziali a traffico limitato ztl basta mettere residential 
designated e nodo con telecamera?

Per i divieti di accesso per i non residenti? Sempre designated

Per i divieti ai camion di passare in tale zona? spezificare solo auto?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] rimozione costa concordia

2012-01-19 Thread Tiziano D'Angelo
Io prima chiederei a chi ha tracciato se effettivamente ha preso i dati da
lì...non è che abbia semplicemente tracciato a spanne la nave?
Il giorno 19/gen/2012 17:16, sabas88 saba...@gmail.com ha scritto:

 source=Digitalglobe Aerial Imagery

 2012/1/19 Volker Schmidt vosc...@gmail.com


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 DigitalGlobe sulla mappa. In che forma si fa?


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