[Talk-cz] taskman pro cyklotrasy

2016-01-07 Thread Ladislav Laska

docela by se mi líbilo, kdyby začal existovat taskman pro cyklotrasy, vedle
turistického (případně i další, třeba koňské stezky). Když se tak pohybuji 
okolo, často si značím i
cyklotrasy, respektive kontroluji, kudy vedou, a rád bych si takovou věc
zaznačil do taskmana.

Existuje nějaký důvod, proč ho nemít teď?

Tedy kromě zjevného, že turistické trasy chvíli potrvají a až potom se do toho
potenciálně pustí více lidí, něco z toho zastará... Ale u cyklotras to snad
nebude tak rychlé, když vedou často po silnicích a tak... A kdyžtak potom bude
snadné omrknout dlouho označené čtverce někdy při finálním review.

TL;DR: Přeji si, aby existoval taskman pro cyklotrasy a koňské stezky :-)

S pozdravem Ladislav Láska  
Katedra Aplikované Matematiky, MFF UK   tel.: +420 739 464 167

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Lacuna no mapa - SC

2016-01-07 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
Assim que o plugin reverter for corrigido no JOSM (não está revertendo
nada) eu reverto e verifico os changesets 35542767 e 35604230 que
modificaram essa área.

O caminho ausente que você viu foi criado em
https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/16031925, que é uma edição
muito suspeita por sinal.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Lacuna no mapa - SC

2016-01-07 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
2016-01-07 21:26 GMT-02:00 yoshichika ando :
> alguém sabe se a região de Treviso/Lauro Muller foi afetado? tem alguns nós
> perdidos.

Vou dar uma olhada nisso.

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Dealing with internet_access=wifi

2016-01-07 Thread Andy Townsend

On 06/01/2016 14:18, Jakob Mühldorfer wrote:


according to taginfo "internet_access=wifi" is used almost 80 times 
Would you agree it is safe to automatically change all of these to 

As I understand it, "wifi" means "one of the 802.11 variants" whereas 
"wlan" means "any sort of or wireless local area network". However, I 
can't think of a single example in the last decade of something other 
than 802.11 used for _local_ wireless networking, so I'd say they were 
pretty much synonymous, and so no information would be lost.

Can anyone else think of an exception?



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-07 Thread Stuart Reynolds
My vote would go to a format of ref:. Looking at the wiki for ref, a 
great many of the “” there are not things that can be ascertained 
from a ground survey, but are internal IDs or reference numbers. What I am 
proposing is therefore consistent with the wiki.

I’m not at all hung up on what  should be, though. “edubase” ought 
to feature in there somewhere, and while I am minded to add “uk” as well, none 
of the entries tabulated on the wiki seem to bother with the country name. So 
would someone care to pick one, or choose one of these suggestions:

  *   ref:edubase
  *   ref:edubase_urn
  *   ref:uk_edubase
  *   ref:uk_edubase_urn
  *   ref:school:edubase
  *   ref:school:edubase_urn

I think that my favourite is the first - it has the benefit of simplicity, and 
it is something that people are likely to be able to remember and therefore 
use. And in case anyone really doesn’t know what it is, “edubase” is readily 

I would like to start adding these in / amending the tags that I already have, 
so if we could reach some consensus then that would be great. Thanks.


On 6 Jan 2016, at 14:06, SK53 > 

Purely a personal preference, but I like to keep ref for thing which 
(generally) can be determined on a ground survey. I also like to keep separate 
genuine administrative references (such as the PRoW ones prow_ref, or minor 
roads admin_ref) separate from exposed system keys such as the edubase one.

For Food Hygiene (FHRS) data the equivalent internal identifier has converged 
on fhrs:id, but this was is in part because a number of other items of data 
from the Food Hygiene scheme have also been added within OSM. So I dont think 
this establishes any precedent for whether one has ref:supplier or supplier:ref 
or supplier_ref. Consistency would be nice but is not essential

If adding an edubase identifier, I'd also appreciate it if a FHRS one can be 
added too. These are certainly invariant, only changing when the premises 
change ownership. (I'm not sure what applies when school catering is 
outsourced, or if a school acquires academy status.

I must say I like the various suggestions for better micromapping of schools: 
this means that there is plenty to do even in well mapped areas. One thing I've 
always wanted to map, but have never noticed suitable tags, are the 
hard-surfaced school playgrounds. Clearly, using the existing 
leisure=playground is a poor idea as it changes the meaning of existing mapped 
objects; and also many primary schools will have a proper playground too.


On 6 January 2016 at 12:42, Stuart Reynolds 
Hi Jez,

I was pondering that myself as I added the Edubase numbers to the schools that 
I have added and/or modified. I had two thoughts: one, we could just write a 
piece of free text such as “UK Edubase” in front of the ref; two, which is more 
elegant although involving non-standard tags, is that we tag it as 
ref:uk_edubase=* (or similar).


On 6 Jan 2016, at 11:36, Jez Nicholson 
> wrote:

On the ref=*. Is there any convention for indicating that the ref is Edubase? 
I've tagged Brighton Montessori with ref=133348 ...but how would an interested 
party know that they would be able to find more details on Edubase 
http://www.education.gov.uk/edubase/establishment/summary.xhtml?urn=133348 ?

I agree that where an object is clearly 'owned' by an authority/company/etc. 
that it is *the* 'ref'. e.g. postbox numbers


On Tue, 5 Jan 2016 at 17:05 Stuart Reynolds 
I’m thinking that while we are reviewing the schools, it would be a good idea 
to add the Edubase reference into a Ref tag for each school boundary polygon, 
to make it easier to track in future. Is that reference stable enough?
If we think that it is a good idea, perhaps we could make it part of an agreed 
“do minimum” for this project. For example:

  *   draw and tag the boundary polygon with a minimum of
 *   amenity=school
 *   name=*
 *   ref=*
  *   add entrances
 *   at least one entrance=main
 *   barrier=gate where appropriate - I would have thought most schools 
will have gates
 *   others entrances where appropriate
  *   then optionally, but preferably, draw the school buildings and tag 

I know we don’t want to be prescriptive, but it would certainly help people 
(like myself) who haven't participated in projects before ’t there was a 
(readily achievable) level of expectation as to what involvement in the project 

Personally I have been adding in the buildings, but I haven’t been worrying 
(for now) about playing fields and the like - I’ll go back and revisit those if 
I have time. But there are a surprising 

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Marc Gemis
What about changeset comments with "google" in it ?

On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 11:47 AM, Hans De Kryger
> So i just came across an edit of a user near me that listed the source of
> his edit as (Google Maps Street View) (1)
> I have just contacted the user asking for more information about his edit
> and let him know of the the policy of OpenStreetMap not to copy from other
> maps.
> So i thought i would search tags (source=google) hoping to find any source
> tagged with the word google anywhere. Assuming there has to be more. Here's
> what i found (2)
> Seems like any others should be addressed.
> (1) http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3835343766#map=19/33.85088/-112.10980
> (2) https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=source%3Dgoogle
> Regards,
> Hans
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/TheDutchMan13
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] FOSDEM, booth for HOT, Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team

2016-01-07 Thread Jo
Hi Johan,

Having both booths next to each other would be great indeed. I hope we get
a spot in the K-building (it's warmer there). The devroom will probably be
in that older AW-building, which is relatively far away from it, so it
wouldn't be totally convenient for people who want to attend lectures and
visit/staff the booths...

I get the impression the booths in AW-building are mostly hacker/hardware

A few years ago we were near the entrance of AW while it was freezing and
it was drafty there, so I hope wel don't end up there.

I will pass on the message to the people from HOT that there is still  room
for a talk.


2016-01-07 9:18 GMT+01:00 Johan Van de Wauw :

> Ok,
> Turns out OSGeo actually has a booth for itself. I'll check with the
> organisation so they can make sure the booths are next to eachother.
> Most of us know at least something about HOT so we can jump in if
> there are a lot of interested people.
> Kind Regards,
> Johan
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 9:15 AM, Johan Van de Wauw
>  wrote:
> > Hello Jo,
> >
> > Where would the booth be? In which building?
> >
> > OSGeo could definitely help staffing a booth if we can put some of our
> > info there. 2 years ago we had a booth next to the one of
> > openstreetmap.
> >
> > Something different: there is still room for one (or several shorter)
> > presentations at the geospatial devroom. If people from HOT would like
> > to give another presentation (apart from the keynote): please get in
> > touch.
> >
> > http://blog.gisky.be/2015/12/schedule-for-geospatial-devroom-fosdem.html
> >
> > Kind Regards,
> > Johan
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 9:03 PM, Jo  wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> FOSDEM is coming along again at the end of the month. HOT has reserved a
> >> table. At the moment there are three of us to man it.
> >>
> >> Would anybody else be interested to come and help us for a few hours on
> >> Saturday or Sunday?
> >>
> >> If you don't know all that much about HOT, but you do know a bit about
> >> Openstreetmap, you're also very welcome.
> >>
> >> Polyglot
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-be mailing list
> >> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> >>
Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Hans De Kryger
So i just came across an edit of a user near me that listed the source of
his edit as (Google Maps Street View) (1)

I have just contacted the user asking for more information about his edit
and let him know of the the policy of OpenStreetMap not to copy from other

So i thought i would search tags (source=google) hoping to find any source
tagged with the word google anywhere. Assuming there has to be more. Here's
what i found (2)
Seems like any others should be addressed.

(1) http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3835343766#map=19/33.85088/-112.10980
(2) https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=source%3Dgoogle



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Violazione licenza OSM - Ediciclo

2016-01-07 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 07/01/2016 11:09, Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:
> [1]
> http://www.ibs.it/code/9788865491515/marcolin-paolo/collio-dintorni-bicicletta.html
> [mappa Ediciclo]
> http://cascafico.altervista.org/osm/violazioni/ediciclo_plave.jpg
> [screenshot OSM]
> http://cascafico.altervista.org/osm/violazioni/Screenshot-07012016-plave.png

Ci somiglia, però su OSM mancano parecchi nomi presenti su quella
cartografia, poi che ci sia parte di OSM ci sta, seppur con geometrie
tirate alla "vacca" e nomi ancor più in "vacca".

Ho provato a cercare l'autore e vedere se ha un sito, ma è un nome
comune ed è difficile capire quale sia e comunque non ne vengo a capo in
questa direzione, ci sono anche altri autori di libri con quel nome.

Scrivere alla casa editrice non so se serva, ma così com'è fatta è
difficilmente dimostrabile per me, somiglia molto, ma chiedere
all'autore è l'unica, con tutti e se e tutti i ma.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-at] Wiener Baugrundkataster

2016-01-07 Thread Friedrich Volkmann
Ich bin mal wieder am Vervollständigen der Wiener Katastralgemeinden und
wundere mich, ob sie wirklich so komisch verlaufen oder ob bei der
behördlichen Digitalisierung nur so geschlampt wurde.

Hier ein Screenshot, weil der Permalink nicht funktioniert:

Nicht nur die Grenzen der Katastralgemeinden, sondern auch der Grundstücke
verlaufen bis zu einigen Metern neben den Zäunen. Die Grundeigentümer werden
beim Aufstellen der Zäune doch nicht freiwillig auf so breite Streifen ihres
Grundes verzichtet haben? Und die Gebäude haben noch weniger mit der
Realität (bzw. mit dem Hintergrund-Layer) gemeinsam.

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Marc Zoutendijk
Fun to see that someone working at Google is using his (Googles?) knowledge to 
add information to OSM:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Recherche de formation en Python

2016-01-07 Thread didier2020
et commencer par l'achat d'un livre ?
dans ce cas je te conseille :

ensuite tu peu regarder ca

Le jeudi 07 janvier 2016 à 00:57 -0700, Tony Emery a écrit : 
> Bonjour à tous,
> Je cherche à me former aux rudiments de Python dans le cadre professionnel.
> Je recherche donc un organisme de formation pour cela et pas trop cher.
> L'orientation de la formation est essentiellement SIG et OpenStreetMap mais
> si on peut aussi faire du web, je prends...
> Voilà, si vous connaissez un organisme (ou que vous êtes formateur), merci
> de me contacter.
> Je peux envisager une formation sur Paris ou sur Montpellier si l'organisme
> ne peut pas se déplacer chez nous (Avignon).
> Merci d'avance
> -
> Tony EMERY
> Administrateur OpenStreetMap.fr
> Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
> Géomaticien & chef de projets
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Recherche-de-formation-en-Python-tp5864169.html
> Sent from the France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Fahrverbot beschreiben

2016-01-07 Thread Friedrich Volkmann
On 07.01.2016 08:19, Carl von Einem wrote:
> Und man kann sich lange über nicht komplizierte Beschilderungen lustig
> machen, aber das "Soziale Netzwerk" weiss bestimmt einen kürzeren Text, der
> wirksam den Anwohnern den überregionalen Durchgangsverkehr aus dem Vorgarten
> hält.

Dazu braucht es keinen komplizierten Text, sondern eine vernünftige
Umfahrung. Die Umfahrungen bei Leopoldsdorf/Ma.Lanzendorf/Himberg sind
derart verschlungen, dass man auf ihnen länger braucht als durch die
Ortschaften durch. Da kann man sich nur an den Kopf greifen. Welche Idioten
haben das geplant? Weil keiner freiwillig auf diesen Umfahrungen fährt,
griff man zu Zwangsmaßnahmen (Fahrverbote, bauliche Behinderungen, 30er).
Letztlich schaden diese Umfahrungen, von denen sich die Anwohner eine höhere
Lebensqualität erwartet haben, auch ihnen selber, weil auch sie von den
Behinderungen betroffen sind und weil der Verkehr durch die langen
Umfahrungswege insgesamt mehr wird. Auch wenn Lärm und Abgase jetzt weit weg
scheinen, werden sie zum Problem werden, sobald die Ortschaften an sie
heranwachsen. Schon jetzt entstehen an den Kreisverkehren die ersten
Gebäudekomplexe (Supermärkte u.dgl.). Vom Verlust des Naturraums ganz zu
schweigen. Zum Aufsuchen eines Erholungsgebiets muss man immer weitere
Strecken zurücklegen, wodurch der Verkehr weiter zunimmt.

Bei Ebreichsdorf gibt es eine vernünftige Umfahrung (A3), aber sie ist
mautpflichtig. Ich vermute, dass das von Florian gezeigte Fahrverbot gegen
Mautflüchtlinge gerichtet ist. Doch die angegebenen Routen stehen genau im
rechten Winkel dazu, darum kann ich es nicht nachvollziehen. Wie soll ein
Lkw von Wr. Neustadt nach Götzendorf fahren, wenn nicht über Ebreichsdorf?
Aber vielleicht kommt die Erleuchtung, wenn man weiß, wo die Tafel genau steht.

Friedrich K. Volkmann   http://www.volki.at/
Adr.: Davidgasse 76-80/14/10, 1100 Wien, Austria

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-it] Violazione licenza OSM - Ediciclo

2016-01-07 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Ieri sono entrato in una libreria e, per gioco, ho cercato qualche
violazione OSM... Sono bastati 10' nella sezione guide e ti ho trovato
questa guida [1] che definire molto sospetta è ottimistico.

"Collio e dintorni in bicicletta - Natura storia e vigneti tra Italia e
Slovenia", euro 15, ed. Ediciclo, ISBN 978-88-6549-151-5

Da quel che conosco della zona, tutte le tavole sembra siano state
compilate su dati OSM, modificandone il rendering.
Consideranto che tale compilazione richiede il download, il filtraggio
sugli attributi eccetera, mi risulta difficile sia il solito caso della

Ho sfogliato ulteriormente nella ricerca di qualche attribuzione; a meno
che non mi sia sfuggita (ero senza occhiali) ho trovato solo la classica "è
vietata la riproduzione totale o paraziale con qualsiasi mezzo"... "le
fotocopie possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% per uso personale
dietro pagamento alla SIAE" ecc.ecc.

Ovviamente secca un po' vedere i propri editing venduti blindati. Spiace
anche di più poi che chi lo ha fatto sia un editore per ciclisti, con
patrocinio FIAB e di diversi enti territoriali.


[mappa Ediciclo]
[screenshot OSM]
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-07 Thread Brian Prangle
Many many thanks to Robert for coming up with this tool so quickly: it's
matching might be a bit rough but it's a great help in finding what needs
mapping where



On 3 January 2016 at 18:43, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) <
robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2 January 2016 at 12:51, Brian Prangle  wrote:
> > Happy New Year! (and Happy New Mapping Year!) The first Quarterly Project
> > for 2016 is now under way and is Schools. There are really two strands to
> > this project.
> >
> > The first is to remotely (armchai)r map and get an increase in coverage
> of
> > the number of schools
> >
> > The latest government data is for January 2012 which shows 24,372
> schools in
> > England (including nursery schools, state-funded primary schools,
> > state-funded secondary schools, special schools, pupil referral units and
> > independent schools.)
> Since most of the code could be re-used from what I already do for
> Post Offices, I've put together a quick comparison tool to compare the
> Edubase data for England with what's currently in OSM:
> http://robert.mathmos.net/osm/schools/progress/
> It's a bit rough at the moment. I'm currently only using the data for
> England, and only fetching OSM *ways* tagged with amenity=school .
> There are no markers on the slippy map yet either, and the matching
> process is rather basic. With luck, I'll have some time to make some
> improvements in the next couple of weeks. In the mean time, the lists
> of non-matching items will hopefully still be useful to people.
> One caveat though -- I'm not completely sure that the Edubase data is
> (or should be) available under an OSM-compatible Licence (the OGL in
> this case). In particular the addresses and postcodes may be tainted
> by AddressBase. Until the licence is confirmed, we should avoid using
> Edubase data directly to add or edit Schools in OSM. There should be
> sufficient other sources available though.
> Best wishes,
> Robert.
> --
> Robert Whittaker
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Nicolás Alvarez

> El 7 ene 2016, a las 07:47, Hans De Kryger  
> escribió:
> So i just came across an edit of a user near me that listed the source of his 
> edit as (Google Maps Street View) (1)

This is obviously wrong. Google Street View is not an allowed data source.

> I have just contacted the user asking for more information about his edit and 
> let him know of the the policy of OpenStreetMap not to copy from other maps.
> So i thought i would search tags (source=google) hoping to find any source 
> tagged with the word google anywhere. Assuming there has to be more. Here's 
> what i found (2)
> Seems like any others should be addressed.

But this isn't necessarily wrong. source=google is ambiguous. It could mean 
Google Maps, or it could mean they did a Google search for the information, and 
then wrongly sourced Google instead of the websites found by that search.

In some areas it could also mean data taken from Google Maps satellite imagery 
that Google explicitly allowed the use of, during natural disasters.

Be suspicious of source=google, it's a red flag. But it doesn't immediately 
mean bad data to be removed.

> (1) http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3835343766#map=19/33.85088/-112.10980
> (2) https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=source%3Dgoogle
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz

2016-01-07 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley - tedy

Organizaci jsem vytvořil http://github.com/osmcz - napište mě/walleymu
maila s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam
můžeme posléze přesunout i včetně issues.


Dne 7. ledna 2016 11:09 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):

> Mimochodem, u sousedů založili na githubu organizaci:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email_source=footer#!msg/osm_sk/eRtqyC0J5rY/yfgOSClFEgAJ
> Přijde mi to jako docela dobrý nápad, který stojí za úvahu.
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Marián Kyral 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 8:55:38
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> Supééér,
> teď jen přidat zobrazení rozcestníků, nahrávání rozcestníků a můžeme
> old.openstreetmap.cz vypnout.
> Pak ještě nějaké drobnosti, jako hledání, plánování trasy, vrstva s
> aktivními POI, nástroj na měření vzdálenosti...
> Jen teď nevím, ke kterému projektu ta issue vytvářet :-D
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Pavel Zbytovský 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 2:20:04
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> Nazdar,
> nový český "portál" je téma, které nosím v hlavě už skoro pět let :-)  V
> červnu se udál posun ve formě přehození webu na tento současný, s tím že
> dotvoření mapové leaflet aplikace mělo hbitě následovat. Znáte to jak to je
> s časem... Alespoň v červenci jsem se jsem nad tím ještě sešel v Brně s
> klukama kolem weeklyosm a dali jsme dohromady takový seznam cílů a
> prostředků, co by měl tenhle web splňovat.
> Tady je https://goo.gl/pqRFlq
> a budu moc rád za diskusi nejlépe přímo v tom googledocu, nebo i tady.
> - Přijde mi důležité, aby web měl hodnotu pro nás - komunitu - tj. byla
> tam mapová aplikace, kterou chceme používat (o tom dále)
> - A též se mě hodně dotýká oblast smysluplné propagace OSM veřejnosti. A
> to jednak konzumující (když už to děláme, ať to používaj) a též potenciálně
> tvořící (vždyť v crowdsourcingu je síla), s touto myšlenkou jsem také dělal
> ta školení geocacherů s docela dobrými výsledky [1].
> Třeba vás toho napadne více, myslím, že potenciál je veliký, rostoucí a
> nevyužitý (třeba studentské práce)...
> -
> Nyní k tomu, o čem proběhla diskuse - tj. mapová leafletí aplikace a
> propojení s "cms".
> Myšlenku mám takovou, že celý web vlastně bude živá mapová appka, a
> stránky jí budou akorát překrývat a AJAXem se dotahovat obsah. Mělo by to
> dát důraz na to, že osm je hlavně mapa. A technicky to není problém. Na
> úvodě by mohl být nějaký nerušivý splashscreen, který vysvětli novému
> uživateli na co se to vlastně kouká a navede ho na podstránky.
> Webík opravdu běží na "cms", je to sic má vlastní produkce [2], ale pro
> tenhle účel mi pořád přijde dost vhodné a snadno ohybatelné. Navíc mám
> napsaný plugin pro přihlášení přes osm.org a přidělení editačních práv..
> což bych rád rozdal, kdo by měl zájem obsah upravovat (zejména sekci
> Projekty?). Administrace viz screenshot [3].
> Mám různě rozkreslné wireframy, tak to zkusím trochu zkonsolidovat a během
> dneška/zítřka poslat sem do vlákna.
> Jinak webík [4] jsem zkusmo přerovnal podle sekcí v tom googledocu výše,
> přidal obsah z šuplíku a v leafletu aktivoval to nejjednodušší ovládání.
> Berte to zatím spíš jako draft :-) Též to nahraju do nějakého repo, ať
> mužeme tvořit společně.
> Mějte se
> Pavel
> [1] http://openstreetmap.cz/skoleni/stats
> [2] https://github.com/zbycz/npress
> [3]
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/lc36bzmraxwnyg1/Screenshot-2016-01-07-osm.png?dl=0
> [4] http://openstreetmap.cz/
> -
> Reakce na vlákno "new.openstreetmap.cz Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?"
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/2016-January/013089.html
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Simon Poole
Oh, no.. not again. Please have a look at previous threads with similar

The majority of the google source tags reflect permitted use after the
Earthquake in 2010.

Further as has already been said the use of StreetView is not allowed.


Am 07.01.2016 um 11:47 schrieb Hans De Kryger:
> So i just came across an edit of a user near me that listed the source
> of his edit as (Google Maps Street View) (1)
> I have just contacted the user asking for more information about his
> edit and let him know of the the policy of OpenStreetMap not to copy
> from other maps.
> So i thought i would search tags (source=google) hoping to find any
> source tagged with the word google anywhere. Assuming there has to be
> more. Here's what i found (2)
> Seems like any others should be addressed.
> (1) http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/3835343766#map=19/33.85088/-112.10980
> (2) https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=source%3Dgoogle
> *Regards,**
> *
> *Hans*
> *
> *
> *http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/TheDutchMan13*
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Violazione licenza OSM - Ediciclo

2016-01-07 Thread Stefano Salvador
Ho fatto una rapida georeferenzazione con QGis e le geometria sono
identiche (compresi gli sterrati messi da qualche mountain biker). La
toponomastica, a occhio, l'hanno presa dalla CTRN slovena.



Il giorno 7 gennaio 2016 11:09, Cascafico Giovanni  ha

> Ieri sono entrato in una libreria e, per gioco, ho cercato qualche
> violazione OSM... Sono bastati 10' nella sezione guide e ti ho trovato
> questa guida [1] che definire molto sospetta è ottimistico.
> "Collio e dintorni in bicicletta - Natura storia e vigneti tra Italia e
> Slovenia", euro 15, ed. Ediciclo, ISBN 978-88-6549-151-5
> Da quel che conosco della zona, tutte le tavole sembra siano state
> compilate su dati OSM, modificandone il rendering.
> Consideranto che tale compilazione richiede il download, il filtraggio
> sugli attributi eccetera, mi risulta difficile sia il solito caso della
> "svista".
> Ho sfogliato ulteriormente nella ricerca di qualche attribuzione; a meno
> che non mi sia sfuggita (ero senza occhiali) ho trovato solo la classica "è
> vietata la riproduzione totale o paraziale con qualsiasi mezzo"... "le
> fotocopie possono essere effettuate nei limiti del 15% per uso personale
> dietro pagamento alla SIAE" ecc.ecc.
> Ovviamente secca un po' vedere i propri editing venduti blindati. Spiace
> anche di più poi che chi lo ha fatto sia un editore per ciclisti, con
> patrocinio FIAB e di diversi enti territoriali.
> [1]
> http://www.ibs.it/code/9788865491515/marcolin-paolo/collio-dintorni-bicicletta.html
> [mappa Ediciclo]
> http://cascafico.altervista.org/osm/violazioni/ediciclo_plave.jpg
> [screenshot OSM]
> http://cascafico.altervista.org/osm/violazioni/Screenshot-07012016-plave.png
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz

2016-01-07 Thread Marián Kyral
Mimochodem, u sousedů založili na githubu organizaci:

Přijde mi to jako docela dobrý nápad, který stojí za úvahu.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 7. 1. 2016 8:55:38
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz

teď jen přidat zobrazení rozcestníků, nahrávání rozcestníků a můžeme old.
openstreetmap.cz vypnout.

Pak ještě nějaké drobnosti, jako hledání, plánování trasy, vrstva s 
aktivními POI, nástroj na měření vzdálenosti...
Jen teď nevím, ke kterému projektu ta issue vytvářet :-D


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Pavel Zbytovský 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 7. 1. 2016 2:20:04
Předmět: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz



nový český "portál" je téma, které nosím v hlavě už skoro pět let :-)  V 
červnu se udál posun ve formě přehození webu na tento současný, s tím že 
dotvoření mapové leaflet aplikace mělo hbitě následovat. Znáte to jak to je 
s časem... Alespoň v červenci jsem se jsem nad tím ještě sešel v Brně s 
klukama kolem weeklyosm a dali jsme dohromady takový seznam cílů a 
prostředků, co by měl tenhle web splňovat. 

Tady je https://goo.gl/pqRFlq(https://goo.gl/pqRFlq) 

a budu moc rád za diskusi nejlépe přímo v tom googledocu, nebo i tady. 

- Přijde mi důležité, aby web měl hodnotu pro nás - komunitu - tj. byla tam 
mapová aplikace, kterou chceme používat (o tom dále)

- A též se mě hodně dotýká oblast smysluplné propagace OSM veřejnosti. A to 
jednak konzumující (když už to děláme, ať to používaj) a též potenciálně 
tvořící (vždyť v crowdsourcingu je síla), s touto myšlenkou jsem také dělal 
ta školení geocacherů s docela dobrými výsledky [1].

Třeba vás toho napadne více, myslím, že potenciál je veliký, rostoucí a 
nevyužitý (třeba studentské práce)...


Nyní k tomu, o čem proběhla diskuse - tj. mapová leafletí aplikace a 
propojení s "cms". 

Myšlenku mám takovou, že celý web vlastně bude živá mapová appka, a stránky 
jí budou akorát překrývat a AJAXem se dotahovat obsah. Mělo by to dát důraz 
na to, že osm je hlavně mapa. A technicky to není problém. Na úvodě by mohl 
být nějaký nerušivý splashscreen, který vysvětli novému uživateli na co se 
to vlastně kouká a navede ho na podstránky. 

Webík opravdu běží na "cms", je to sic má vlastní produkce [2], ale pro 
tenhle účel mi pořád přijde dost vhodné a snadno ohybatelné. Navíc mám 
napsaný plugin pro přihlášení přes osm.org(http://osm.org) a přidělení 
editačních práv.. což bych rád rozdal, kdo by měl zájem obsah upravovat 
(zejména sekci Projekty?). Administrace viz screenshot [3].

Mám různě rozkreslné wireframy, tak to zkusím trochu zkonsolidovat a během 
dneška/zítřka poslat sem do vlákna.

Jinak webík [4] jsem zkusmo přerovnal podle sekcí v tom googledocu výše, 
přidal obsah z šuplíku a v leafletu aktivoval to nejjednodušší ovládání. 
Berte to zatím spíš jako draft :-) Též to nahraju do nějakého repo, ať 
mužeme tvořit společně.

Mějte se


[1] http://openstreetmap.cz/skoleni/stats

[2] https://github.com/zbycz/npress(https://github.com/zbycz/npress)

[3] https://www.dropbox.com/s/lc36bzmraxwnyg1/Screenshot-2016-01-07-osm.png?

[4] http://openstreetmap.cz/(http://openstreetmap.cz/)


Reakce na vlákno "new.openstreetmap.cz(http://new.openstreetmap.cz) Was:Re: 
kam s fotografiemi?"


Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Estamos vivenciando uma experiência meritocrática?

2016-01-07 Thread Peter Krauss
Bom dia!  vou comentar/replicar várias respostas...

- - - -

RESP. Gerald e Márcio Vinícius, e resp. ao Cassio, *"... em primeiro lugar,
'por que criar normas'?"*.
Aquilo sobre o caos, a ordem e a anarquia... Como colocou o Gerald,* "... **não
descreveria o sistema do OSM como anárquico e sim como caótico"*.
Otimas colocações(!), regras para combater o caos são distintas das regras
vinculadas a poder... Eu enfatizaria o seguinte:

1) só deveríamos *criar regras quando de fato existem casos precedentes e
problemas relevantes*. Há que existir um sistema (burocracia) para registro
dos casos/reclamações/etc. que em parte é essa lista de discussão.

2) existem dois tipos de regras bem bem distintas, que estão sendo
misturadas na discussão:

2.1) *voluntárias*: tais como marcar hora para um encontro ou criar uma
norma técnica para somar esforços. São essas regras que transformam o caos
em ordem... Como colocou o Márcio, elas tornam as coisas mais previsíveis.
Requerem o mínimo de burocracia: precisam estar escritas, e terem consenso
formalmente legitimado.

2.2) *de obrigação*: requerem penalidades para terem valor de fato como
regras. Em geral representam de fato uma restrição de liberdade... E só
fazem "sentido de obrigação" se vierem acompanhadas de algum tipo de
penalidade, por mais tênue que pareça... Ditar direitos e obrigações requer
"instancia superior", mesmo que em ambientes altamente democráticos, temos
instâncias como assembleias e plebiscitos.

As "normas de obrigação" são em geral esboçadas num Estatuto e depois vão
sendo detalhadas por regulamentação (RFCs
 e seu ciclo de
vida ) ,
que justamente define direitos e obrigações... E portanto são apenas
aplicáveis a aqueles que se comprometeram com o Estatuto... É essa a
demanda que nos impele a criar organizações mais formais (ex. fundações e
ONGs), para *garantir a guarda do patrimônio coletivo* e/ou maior
profissionalismo nos resultados.

- - - -

RESP. 5 de janeiro, Cassio: * "... o que mais via em relação à Wikipédia é
reclamação sobre a postura ditatorial dos responsáveis pelas edições .."*
Esse é um problema de "abuso do poder" e a mesma democracia que dá pode
também tirar... Como outros disseram, o ideal é distribuir um mínimo
possível de poderes. Em termos de ferramental democrático a Wikipedia é um
péssimo exemplo, ainda é uma plataforma primitiva, as discussões são
improdutivas, vale quem grita mais alto ou tem mais tempo para ficar
policiando e reeditando.

- - - -
RESP. a Cassio, *"**uma organização sem a buRRocratização"*; Arlindo, *"já
tive experiências ruins com sistemas com controle central"*; Adriano (caso

Acho que está mais claro agora, diante da pluralidade de opiniões e
visões (alguém
mais comentou corajosamente que editar OSM é passa-tempo),  a OSM-BR aqui, *nós
somos uma comunidade estratificada*:

1* gente que participa só de longe, sem efetuar maiores colaborações.
2* gente que colabora, até de forma eficiente, mas entende tudo como uma
diversão, um passa-tempo.
3* gente que participa, colabora com eficiência, e gostaria de cobrar um
mínimo de eficiência/profissionalismo.

As tais "normas de obrigação" que comentei no inicio, só interessam ao
extrato 3,
a "anarquia/fluidez" interessa mais aos extratos 1 e 2.
Os 3 extratos precisam coexistir em harmonia, ano-a-ano há uma certa
mobilidade das pessoas, de um extrato para o outro.

- - - -

RESP. Gerald de 5 de janeiro de 2016,   *"Sem esta componente
de confiabilidade eu não vejo como o OSM poderá se tornar mais aceito para
o uso do dia-a-dia".*

Não existe nada do tipo de "OSM *stable*"??

A *versão stable* é um conceito muito comum em software,
  https://www.debian.org/releases/  (ou UBUNTU *LTS*)

Em *crowdsourcing* de conteúdo, como na Wikipedia, tem também a noção
de "*featured
que é o que de fato foi homologado.

... Assim poderíamos ter além do "OSM-BeloHorizonte *testing*", que seria o
caso que o Gerald exemplificou,
uma outra *versão, homologada e controlada* por uma comunidade de gente
mais selecionada (que é o que tanto o Alexandre fala, e conceituei acima
como "extrato 3"),  ter também o mapa  "OSM-BeloHorizonte *stable*".

Em 7 de janeiro de 2016 02:58, Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros <
alexandre@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Governo de nenhum país é perfeito. E as nações são projetos muito mais
> maduros do que uma Wikipédia.
> Eu estou aqui (neste tópico) para rejeitar não apenas o caos, como a
> anarquia. Democracia não é fácil fazer; e mesmo a ideal, não agradará a
> todos. Mas democracia é o melhor¹ que o Homem já conseguiu para gerenciar
> poder.
> Alexandre
> 1 ‒ Eu gostaria que fôssemos, eu e todo o Mundo, crentes e sinceros o
> suficiente para uma teocracia. Mas sabemos que não dá...
> Em 5 

Re: [Talk-it] Violazione licenza OSM - Ediciclo

2016-01-07 Thread Giuliano


Il 07/01/2016 11:58, Martin
  Koppenhoefer ha scritto:


  2016-01-07 11:48 GMT+01:00
girarsi_liste :
  alla casa editrice non so se serva
  penso di si. E' un problema, perché tanto i libri sono
  stampati e in parte venduti, mannaggia, perché non ha messo i
  credenziali giusti?


Anche se non avessero preso i dati da OSM (e poi eventualmente
rimaneggiati) devono sicuramente aver preso i dati geografici da
qualche parte e/o da qualcuno. Non credo che esista qualcuno che di
dia delle mappe senza chiedere come minimo l'attribuzione, anche se
sono dati a pagamento.

IMHO se non c'è alcuna attribuzione è ancora più probabile che siano
dati di provenienza OSM.






Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Violazione licenza OSM - Ediciclo

2016-01-07 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Il giorno 7 gennaio 2016 11:56, Martin Koppenhoefer 
ha scritto:

> 2016-01-07 11:09 GMT+01:00 Cascafico Giovanni :
>> Da quel che conosco della zona, tutte le tavole sembra siano state
>> compilate su dati OSM, modificandone il rendering.
> si, confermo che sopratutto il limite orientale di quella foresta
> disegnata 3 anni fa da un utente cascafico odora fortemente di OSM.
> Sembrano proprio i nostri dati...
Indovinato! :-)

E' stato un "easter egg" involontario. stavo perdendo diottrie per i boschi
delle Prealpi Giulie ed ho gettato la spugna lì. In questo periodo sta
intervenendo in zona un import dei vicini sloveni che hanno già cancellato
parecchi nodi (a fin di bene): meno male che non ho continuato.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Recherche de formation en Python

2016-01-07 Thread pepilepi...@ovh.fr
Le 07/01/2016 08:57, Tony Emery a écrit :
> Bonjour à tous,
> Je cherche à me former aux rudiments de Python dans le cadre professionnel.
> Je recherche donc un organisme de formation pour cela et pas trop cher.
> L'orientation de la formation est essentiellement SIG et OpenStreetMap mais
> si on peut aussi faire du web, je prends...
> Voilà, si vous connaissez un organisme (ou que vous êtes formateur), merci
> de me contacter.
> Je peux envisager une formation sur Paris ou sur Montpellier si l'organisme
> ne peut pas se déplacer chez nous (Avignon).
> Merci d'avance


Si vous avez déjà des compétence en programmation dans un autre langage
il y a openclassrooms.com  
qui propose des tutos qu'on peut suivre à son rythme. J'ai suivi leur
toto Django et j'ai trouvé ça très bien, c'est bourré d'exemples et de
TP. Il est possible qu'ils proposent aussi des formations "classiques",
mais je n'ai jamais cherché.

Évidemment l'autoformation sur leur site est entièrement gratuite.

Bonne journée,


> -
> Tony EMERY
> Administrateur OpenStreetMap.fr
> Mandataire Grand Sud-Est
> Géomaticien & chef de projets
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.com/Recherche-de-formation-en-Python-tp5864169.html
> Sent from the France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Visualizzatora cartografico OFFLINE per Windows

2016-01-07 Thread Cascafico Giovanni
Io metterei su un server http minimale sulla LAN o sul localhost a servire
la tile create da te con, per esempio, qtiles (plugin di qgis).
Si potrebbe estrarre da osm solo gli elementi utili alla didattica e
condividerli con chiunqie abbia un browser.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mail nuovi utenti

2016-01-07 Thread Alessandro

Ciao ,
ho visto che hai fatto recentemente delle modifiche nel XXX in
OpenStreetMap. Benvenuto nella comunità dei mappatori!

Sto guardando i primi edits delle persone che si sono recentemente
iscritti ed hanno cominciato a mappare. Ti suggerirei alcune cose per 
aiutarti nel miglioramento dei dati.

Hai usato l'editore "Potlatch", se permetti, ti consiglio di utilizzare 
che a prima vista può sembrar complicato, ma poi ti velocizza il lavoro 
e ti permette di sovrapporre diversi tipi di foto aeree.
Qui http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Pagina_Principale puoi trovare 
informazioni e link a video e tutorial vari.

Poi ti vorrei dire che esiste una mailing list regionale (con poco
traffico) ed una a livello nazionale (con molto più traffico di mail) 
per avere

contatto con gli altri mappatori: puoi porre delle domande e ti
risponderà quasi sicuro qualcuno entro poco tempo; non avere timore a 
far domande, esiste anche per quello.


Se ti interessa, non esitare ad iscriverti!

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mail nuovi utenti

2016-01-07 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Ho ancora aggiunto una frase dopo "foto aeree": come quelle del ministero
dell'ambiente (PCN).

Ho anche mantenuto l'ultimo paragrafo che mi sembra comunque pertinente,
anche se forse rende la mail un po' lunga:

La documentazione principale di OSM è la wiki:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Main_Page (la parte inglese è molto più
completa, quella Italiana dovrebbe essere sopratutto una traduzione, ma
tante pagine non sono ancora tradotte). Se non l'hai ancora visto, puoi
trovare qui una introduzione in OSM in italiano:
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Beginners%27_guide Un’altra giuda in
italiano trovi su questo sito: http://learnosm.org/it/

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-07 Thread Dave F.

On 06/01/2016 14:06, SK53 wrote:
For Food Hygiene (FHRS) data the equivalent internal identifier has 
converged on fhrs:id, but this was is in part because a number of 
other items of data from the Food Hygiene scheme have also been added 
within OSM. So I dont think this establishes any precedent for whether 
one has ref:supplier or supplier:ref or supplier_ref. Consistency 
would be nice but is not essential

I thought fhrs:id was adopted because that format is used in The Food 
Standards Agency database. Keeping any such official references the same 
within OSM seems eminently sensible.

Dave F.

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 285 29.12.2015 – 04.01.2016

2016-01-07 Thread wnreader

die Wochennotiz Nr. 285 mit vielen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da: 


Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Any value in keeping imagery boundaries in OSM?

2016-01-07 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
If I remember correctly, the boundaries were re-added for the benefit of
students mapping from the George Washington University. I can't find it now
but there was a note (tag?) requesting that the boundaries not be deleted.

I prefer that these be deleted as these are not data that properly belongs
in the main OSM database.

On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 4:55 PM, maning sambale 

> Discuss here or in the ticket:
> https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/6
> --
> cheers,
> maning
> --
> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
> https://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
> http://twitter.com/maningsambale
> --
> ___
> talk-ph mailing list
> talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] VisualEditor on the OSM wiki

2016-01-07 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
OK. I'm slightly amused at the praise for enabling VisualEditor on the OSM
Wiki, when there was a huge backlash on the English and German Wikipedias
when VisualEditor was turned on and made the default editor for
non-logged-in and newly registered users:

For comparison, the backlash against VisualEditor (people were complaining
that it messed up templates, tables, and references) is similar (though
with more vitriol) to the one iD faced when it became OSM's default editor
(where people complained that it messed up relations and silently merged
tags in combined ways).

On Mon, Jan 4, 2016 at 11:15 AM, Grant Slater 

> Hi All,
> Glad you like it. I enabled it 2 days ago.
> https://github.com/openstreetmap/chef/commit/8d3c08fa5ec0a351555df7629083c7f54ad262fb
> The Parsoid API is now supported, which should allow
> http://www.kiwix.org/ to make an offline copy of the OSM wiki.
> Kind regards,
> Grant
> On 3 January 2016 at 22:39, Éric Gillet  wrote:
> > I thought I missed the announcement, but looks like it was a secret gift
> > from the wiki sysadmins !
> >
> > Thank you and have a good 2016 :)
> >
> >>
> >> 2016-01-03 23:02 GMT+01:00 Rob Nickerson :
> >> > Hi,
> >> >
> >> > Not sure when this happened (some time recently) but I wanted to thank
> >> > our
> >> > wiki system admins for adding the VisaulEditor extension to the OSM
> >> > wiki.
> >> > For those that don't know the extension is a rich text editor for
> wiki's
> >> > and
> >> > came about following concern over declining new contributors to the
> >> > wikimedia projects. It has taken many years to develop this extension
> >> > but it
> >> > is great to see it now being used on the OpenStreetMap wiki (as well
> as
> >> > the
> >> > WikiMedia sites).
> >> >
> >> > If you have never edited a wiki page before now is the time to try it
> >> > out.
> >> > No longer do you have to remember the wiki syntax to make an edit :-)
> >> >
> >> > Rob
> >> >
> >> > ___
> >> > talk mailing list
> >> > talk@openstreetmap.org
> >> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> >> >
> >>
> >> ___
> >> talk mailing list
> >> talk@openstreetmap.org
> >> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > talk mailing list
> > talk@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
> >
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz

2016-01-07 Thread Pavel Zbytovský
Oba jsem vás tam přizval - zatím tam sice není žádný repozitář, ale můžete
vesele tvořit nové :)


Dne 7. ledna 2016 14:24 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):

> No když jinak nedáte: mkyral
> Ale kde na to vezmu čas zatím vůbec netuším :-D
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Jachym Cepicky 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 13:19:03
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> prosil bych  "jachym"
> čt 7. 1. 2016 v 12:01 odesílatel Pavel Zbytovský 
> napsal:
> Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley - tedy
> https://github.com/walley/osmcz
> Organizaci jsem vytvořil http://github.com/osmcz - napište mě/walleymu
> maila s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam
> můžeme posléze přesunout i včetně issues.
> Pavel
> Dne 7. ledna 2016 11:09 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):
> Mimochodem, u sousedů založili na githubu organizaci:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email_source=footer#!msg/osm_sk/eRtqyC0J5rY/yfgOSClFEgAJ
> Přijde mi to jako docela dobrý nápad, který stojí za úvahu.
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Marián Kyral 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 8:55:38
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> Supééér,
> teď jen přidat zobrazení rozcestníků, nahrávání rozcestníků a můžeme
> old.openstreetmap.cz vypnout.
> Pak ještě nějaké drobnosti, jako hledání, plánování trasy, vrstva s
> aktivními POI, nástroj na měření vzdálenosti...
> Jen teď nevím, ke kterému projektu ta issue vytvářet :-D
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Pavel Zbytovský 
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 2:20:04
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> Nazdar,
> nový český "portál" je téma, které nosím v hlavě už skoro pět let :-)  V
> červnu se udál posun ve formě přehození webu na tento současný, s tím že
> dotvoření mapové leaflet aplikace mělo hbitě následovat. Znáte to jak to je
> s časem... Alespoň v červenci jsem se jsem nad tím ještě sešel v Brně s
> klukama kolem weeklyosm a dali jsme dohromady takový seznam cílů a
> prostředků, co by měl tenhle web splňovat.
> Tady je https://goo.gl/pqRFlq
> a budu moc rád za diskusi nejlépe přímo v tom googledocu, nebo i tady.
> - Přijde mi důležité, aby web měl hodnotu pro nás - komunitu - tj. byla
> tam mapová aplikace, kterou chceme používat (o tom dále)
> - A též se mě hodně dotýká oblast smysluplné propagace OSM veřejnosti. A
> to jednak konzumující (když už to děláme, ať to používaj) a též potenciálně
> tvořící (vždyť v crowdsourcingu je síla), s touto myšlenkou jsem také dělal
> ta školení geocacherů s docela dobrými výsledky [1].
> Třeba vás toho napadne více, myslím, že potenciál je veliký, rostoucí a
> nevyužitý (třeba studentské práce)...
> -
> Nyní k tomu, o čem proběhla diskuse - tj. mapová leafletí aplikace a
> propojení s "cms".
> Myšlenku mám takovou, že celý web vlastně bude živá mapová appka, a
> stránky jí budou akorát překrývat a AJAXem se dotahovat obsah. Mělo by to
> dát důraz na to, že osm je hlavně mapa. A technicky to není problém. Na
> úvodě by mohl být nějaký nerušivý splashscreen, který vysvětli novému
> uživateli na co se to vlastně kouká a navede ho na podstránky.
> Webík opravdu běží na "cms", je to sic má vlastní produkce [2], ale pro
> tenhle účel mi pořád přijde dost vhodné a snadno ohybatelné. Navíc mám
> napsaný plugin pro přihlášení přes osm.org a přidělení editačních práv..
> což bych rád rozdal, kdo by měl zájem obsah upravovat (zejména sekci
> Projekty?). Administrace viz screenshot [3].
> Mám různě rozkreslné wireframy, tak to zkusím trochu zkonsolidovat a během
> dneška/zítřka poslat sem do vlákna.
> Jinak webík [4] jsem zkusmo přerovnal podle sekcí v tom googledocu výše,
> přidal obsah z šuplíku a v leafletu aktivoval to nejjednodušší ovládání.
> Berte to zatím spíš jako draft :-) Též to nahraju do nějakého repo, ať
> mužeme tvořit společně.
> Mějte se
> Pavel
> [1] http://openstreetmap.cz/skoleni/stats
> [2] https://github.com/zbycz/npress
> [3]
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/lc36bzmraxwnyg1/Screenshot-2016-01-07-osm.png?dl=0
> [4] http://openstreetmap.cz/
> -
> Reakce na vlákno "new.openstreetmap.cz Was:Re: kam s fotografiemi?"
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-cz/2016-January/013089.html
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Andy Townsend

On 07/01/2016 11:00, Nicolás Alvarez wrote:

El 7 ene 2016, a las 07:47, Hans De Kryger > escribió:

So i just came across an edit of a user near me that listed the 
source of his edit as (Google Maps Street View) (1)

This is obviously wrong. Google Street View is not an allowed data source.

Indeed - although no so long ago a new user in the UK used 
"source=Google Street View" simply because they misunderstood the source 

The street was half a mile up the road from them and they changed the 
name based on local knowledge.  They then thought they had to 
"demonstrate" to other mappers that what they knew was correct (a bit 
like wikipedia's references) and so added a Google Street View link.  I 
explained that "source=local_knowledge" is perfectly OK, and all was well.

Obviously what needed to happen here was for someone to contact the 
mapper, which Hans has already done, so thanks for that.


Andy (SomeoneElse)

talk mailing list

[OSM-ja] 地図記号が変わるかも

2016-01-07 Thread ribbon




Talk-ja mailing list

[Talk-it] come taggare un portale

2016-01-07 Thread demon.box
sarà sicuramente capitato anche a voi di trovare un portale di accesso ad
esempio di questo tipo:


può essere in legno, tipo due pali laterali ed una "insegna" posta
orizzontalmente con la scritta ad esempio "Agriturismo tal dei tali" messo
magari anche 1km prima di arrivare all'agriturismo.

altre volte può essere in muratura messo ad esempio all'inizio della strada
che porta ad un convento con la scritta "Convento tal dei tali".

a volte al di sotto di questo portale c'è libero passaggio mentre altre
volte (come nella foto) c'è un cancello.

tutto questo per dire: posso secondo voi assimilarlo a 

barrier=sally_port ?


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Simon Poole

Am 07.01.2016 um 12:04 schrieb Dave F.:
> It needs clarifying that it's using Google maps/Streetview that's
> unauthorized.
> I use Google almost every time I add to the database. For example in
> Great Britain there's currently a project to map & update all schools
> in the country. To find their website addresses I use Google search,
> perfectly legitimately. 
I'm not quote sure why you believe that.

While using a small number of individual search results is likely OK
both in the US and EU, systematic extraction and use of specific google
search results by OSM is at least potentially problematic (and the same
goes for any other collection/database of websites). Google doesn't seem
to say anything explicit on the matter, but then I just might be missing it.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Dave F.

On 07/01/2016 13:10, Simon Poole wrote:

Am 07.01.2016 um 12:04 schrieb Dave F.:
It needs clarifying that it's using Google maps/Streetview that's 

I use Google almost every time I add to the database. For example in 
Great Britain there's currently a project to map & update all schools 
in the country. To find their website addresses I use Google search, 
perfectly legitimately.

I'm not quote sure why you believe that.

While using a small number of individual search results is likely OK 
both in the US and EU, systematic extraction and use of specific 
google search results by OSM is at least potentially problematic 

Please explain why.

(and the same goes for any other collection/database of websites). 
Google doesn't seem to say anything explicit on the matter, but then I 
just might be missing it.

You appear unsure about your own claims.

Dave F.

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Simon Poole

Am 07.01.2016 um 15:29 schrieb Christoph Hormann:
> On Thursday 07 January 2016, Simon Poole wrote:
>>> I use Google almost every time I add to the database. For example
>>> in Great Britain there's currently a project to map & update all
>>> schools in the country. To find their website addresses I use
>>> Google search, perfectly legitimately.
>> I'm not quote sure why you believe that.
> This is a great example IMO for the absurdity of some parts of legal 
> database protection as we have in the EU.
> The interesting thing is Google does not even provide direct links to 
> their search results so you have to actually call the site to be able 
> to get its URL.  The idea that Google retains rights on the URL of a 
> website you open in your browser because of the way you got there is - 
> well - interesting, although you are right this is within the scope of 
> the law when done in sufficient volume.
You don't actually have to open the link to be able to copy the URL.

In any case I think we would all agree that
- technically google provides a database of websites URLs 
- the search functionality is simply the way it provides access to the

Now if EU sui generis database protection applies at all to the
database, what would considered to be a substantial extract and if
individual copying by OSM contributors would be considered separately or
combined are all points that likely would have to be decided by a court
except if google would waive such rights (that is why search specific
google  ToS would be interesting). Naturally there's additional
complexity in the the database directive only applies to databases that
are published in countries that provide such protection to publishers in
EU member states (so in the case of google it might not apply at all).

In any case enough question marks to make a blanket "perfectly
legitimately" a bit iffy.


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-07 Thread Wuzzy

I was wondering if there is some standalone application (preferable for
PC) to view OSM data as a map, but dynamically and locally (not
from some random computer on the Internet) rendered.

We already have a large number of websites which show OSM data in all
sorts of different styles and this is pretty cool. But I think all of
them do not show OSM in its full glory, and they are all tailored to
a specific use case.
The www.openstreetmap.org style is already pretty nice IMO but this is
of course not useful for all use cases.

Also most of the websites them use a pre-rendered “base layer” and just
put symbols on top of that. This is not what I want.
Therefore, the KDE program “Marble” does not count. It is able to show
OSM, but it's just the pre-rendered default layers of
JOSM kinda does what I want, but it is obviously not tailored towards
*viewing* map data for everyday usage.

What I want is an application which renders OSM data directly and based
on configurable user settings, i.e. switching on and off certain
features (like country borders) is as simple as clicking a checkbox.

As an analogy, Google Earth has such a feature where you can toggle
some map features, but it is not based on OSM, obviously and also it is
rather limited in that sense.

So I wonder, is there already such a tool which has such features? Or
at least a *similar* tool. It would be very cool if the tool can render
from OSM data directly, but if some manual conversion would be needed,
that would be okay.

I should give some examples:
The program could have a checkbox somewhere to toggle country borders.
So you click the checkbox and they disappear. Or you could have a map
where only lanterns or whatever are displayed. Or a map where only the
surface or landuse types are rendered. Etc. etc. Everything should be
created dynamically.

The reason why I am looking for such a tool is because I think it would
be really useful in many aspects.

In case no such program exists, I wonder if there has been made any
attempt to create such a program (at least).

XMPP: wuz...@jabber.ccc.de
E-Mail: wuz...@mail.ru

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Any value in keeping imagery boundaries in OSM?

2016-01-07 Thread maning sambale
OK, started working on this.  To be sure, inspect each polygon and
check if it depends on valid data.
See: https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/6#issuecomment-169888701

On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 5:27 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar  wrote:
> If I remember correctly, the boundaries were re-added for the benefit of
> students mapping from the George Washington University. I can't find it now
> but there was a note (tag?) requesting that the boundaries not be deleted.
> I prefer that these be deleted as these are not data that properly belongs
> in the main OSM database.
> On Thu, Jan 7, 2016 at 4:55 PM, maning sambale 
> wrote:
>> Discuss here or in the ticket:
>> https://github.com/OSMPH/papercut_fix/issues/6
>> --
>> cheers,
>> maning
>> --
>> "Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden
>> https://epsg4253.wordpress.com/
>> http://twitter.com/maningsambale
>> --
>> ___
>> talk-ph mailing list
>> talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ph

"Freedom is still the most radical idea of all" -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-07 Thread Marc Gemis

or look at the complete list at



On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 3:58 AM, Wuzzy  wrote:
> Hi!
> I was wondering if there is some standalone application (preferable for
> PC) to view OSM data as a map, but dynamically and locally (not
> from some random computer on the Internet) rendered.
> We already have a large number of websites which show OSM data in all
> sorts of different styles and this is pretty cool. But I think all of
> them do not show OSM in its full glory, and they are all tailored to
> a specific use case.
> The www.openstreetmap.org style is already pretty nice IMO but this is
> of course not useful for all use cases.
> Also most of the websites them use a pre-rendered “base layer” and just
> put symbols on top of that. This is not what I want.
> Therefore, the KDE program “Marble” does not count. It is able to show
> OSM, but it's just the pre-rendered default layers of
> www.openstreetmap.org.
> JOSM kinda does what I want, but it is obviously not tailored towards
> *viewing* map data for everyday usage.
> What I want is an application which renders OSM data directly and based
> on configurable user settings, i.e. switching on and off certain
> features (like country borders) is as simple as clicking a checkbox.
> As an analogy, Google Earth has such a feature where you can toggle
> some map features, but it is not based on OSM, obviously and also it is
> rather limited in that sense.
> So I wonder, is there already such a tool which has such features? Or
> at least a *similar* tool. It would be very cool if the tool can render
> from OSM data directly, but if some manual conversion would be needed,
> that would be okay.
> I should give some examples:
> The program could have a checkbox somewhere to toggle country borders.
> So you click the checkbox and they disappear. Or you could have a map
> where only lanterns or whatever are displayed. Or a map where only the
> surface or landuse types are rendered. Etc. etc. Everything should be
> created dynamically.
> The reason why I am looking for such a tool is because I think it would
> be really useful in many aspects.
> In case no such program exists, I wonder if there has been made any
> attempt to create such a program (at least).
> --
> Wuzzy
> XMPP: wuz...@jabber.ccc.de
> E-Mail: wuz...@mail.ru
> ___
> talk mailing list
> talk@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-07 Thread Marc Gemis
oops, I missed the "standalone" part in your message

On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 5:26 AM, Marc Gemis  wrote:
> http://www.openpoimap.org
> http://www.openlinkmap.org
> http://www.flosm.de/en/POI-map.html
> or look at the complete list at
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/List_of_OSM-based_services
> regards
> m
> On Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 3:58 AM, Wuzzy  wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I was wondering if there is some standalone application (preferable for
>> PC) to view OSM data as a map, but dynamically and locally (not
>> from some random computer on the Internet) rendered.
>> We already have a large number of websites which show OSM data in all
>> sorts of different styles and this is pretty cool. But I think all of
>> them do not show OSM in its full glory, and they are all tailored to
>> a specific use case.
>> The www.openstreetmap.org style is already pretty nice IMO but this is
>> of course not useful for all use cases.
>> Also most of the websites them use a pre-rendered “base layer” and just
>> put symbols on top of that. This is not what I want.
>> Therefore, the KDE program “Marble” does not count. It is able to show
>> OSM, but it's just the pre-rendered default layers of
>> www.openstreetmap.org.
>> JOSM kinda does what I want, but it is obviously not tailored towards
>> *viewing* map data for everyday usage.
>> What I want is an application which renders OSM data directly and based
>> on configurable user settings, i.e. switching on and off certain
>> features (like country borders) is as simple as clicking a checkbox.
>> As an analogy, Google Earth has such a feature where you can toggle
>> some map features, but it is not based on OSM, obviously and also it is
>> rather limited in that sense.
>> So I wonder, is there already such a tool which has such features? Or
>> at least a *similar* tool. It would be very cool if the tool can render
>> from OSM data directly, but if some manual conversion would be needed,
>> that would be okay.
>> I should give some examples:
>> The program could have a checkbox somewhere to toggle country borders.
>> So you click the checkbox and they disappear. Or you could have a map
>> where only lanterns or whatever are displayed. Or a map where only the
>> surface or landuse types are rendered. Etc. etc. Everything should be
>> created dynamically.
>> The reason why I am looking for such a tool is because I think it would
>> be really useful in many aspects.
>> In case no such program exists, I wonder if there has been made any
>> attempt to create such a program (at least).
>> --
>> Wuzzy
>> XMPP: wuz...@jabber.ccc.de
>> E-Mail: wuz...@mail.ru
>> ___
>> talk mailing list
>> talk@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] come taggare un portale

2016-01-07 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 07.01.2016 um 17:26 schrieb demon.box :
> quindi utilizzare
> barrier=sally_port
> è troppo "tirato" in questo caso

sally port non è un semplice portale, è una "chiusa" (non sono sicuro che 
questo termine viene usato in italiano anche per cose non-idrauliche, ma il 
principio è lo stesso/simile)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Coming out

2016-01-07 Thread Emmanuel Alquier
Merci à tous pour ces réponses et pour cet accueil !

Vincent, Nicolas, merci pour vos messages, et merci althio pour les liens vers 
les forums, je ne connaissais pas.

Vous m’avez perdu sur quelques sujets je ne vais pas tout commenter (on est 
très vite rentré dans des détails très pointus !) mais je les aborderai avec la 
personne que j’espère trouver, merci de les avoir soulevés. Quelques uns en 
détails :

> Une erreur courante est d'utiliser name non pas pour nommer un objet mais
> pour le décrire.
> Exemple: on ne doit pas mettre "église de trifouillis" comme name=* sur
> une église située à trifouillis.

C’est un sujet important effectivement. J’aurais eu plus tendance à rentrer un 
nom plus complet oui. Cela s’applique même dans le cadre des noms “officiels” ? 
Les agences bancaires, CAF, CPAM ou supermarchés ont tous un nom officiel un 
peu plus descriptif qui serait pourtant très pratique en name : “Franprix 
Grenelle”, “LCL Rivoli”... Je comprends votre logique, mais du coup quand on 
utilise des outils qui s’appuient sur OSM, par exemple en cherchant “CAF” 
autour de moi sur maps.me, j’ai une liste de résultats qui s’appellent tous 
“CAF” , il faudrait que je les ouvre tous un par un pour savoir si c’est bien 
celui que je recherche… pas pratique :/ Quand même plus pratique de voir “CAF 
Laumière”, “CAF Finlay”, “CAF Nationale”, « BNP Paribas Comédie » qui sont les 
noms qui apparaissent sur nos courriers, on sait qu’on y est rattaché. 

On est sur la meme ligne pour l’harmonisation, l’intelligence pour faire 
apparaitre les centre des finances publiques quand on tape “trésor public” par 

Je suis impressionné par le nombre d’outils développés à droite à gauche, plus 
je creuse dans OSM et plus j’en découvre. C’est une bonne chose certainement 
mais pour le démarrage c’est vraiment difficile à appréhender, il y en a dans 
tous les sens :-s

> Sans oublier que si on cherche CAF ou CPAM ou mairie, on va trouver des
> noms de stations bus ou métro ou gares et divers services liés, certes
> proches mais ce qu'on cherche si on veut trouver l'adresse précise ou un
> numéro de téléphone ou les horaires d'ouverture ou le détail des services
> présents qui nécessité d'autres noms (exemple justement avec les services
> fiscaux...)

Oui on a prévu ce cas là et on les a exclu des exports que l’on va réaliser, 
ils ne nous sont pas utiles donc ils ne vont pas venir « polluer » nos 
résultats de recherche.

@Philippe… très bons points également. Oui on va se casser les dents sur tous 
ces cas exceptionnels (de plus en plus courants !), on commencera par le plus 
simple je pense (batiments “mono service”), il devrait déjà avoir pas mal de 

Si vous avez des contributeurs de la communauté à me recommandez, n’hésitez pas 
à leur parler de ma demande ou de m’envoyer leur email, que ce soit des profils 
expérimentés pour m’aider à définir la stratégie ou simplement des gens qui ont 
du temps libre (je suppose qu’il y aura une partie de saisie consommatrice de 
temps qui ne demande pas une expertise ultra poussée), ça m’intéresse toujours.

Encore un grand merci à tous, cela fait très plaisir et désolé de n’avoir pas 
répondu à toutes les interventions.


> Le 7 janv. 2016 à 16:27, althio  a écrit :
> Enchanté et ravi de vous voir à bord !
> Je vous souhaite une belle synergie et de l'enrichissement réciproque
> entre votre application et OSM.
> Bravo pour votre façon d'aborder le système et la communauté.
> J'espère que vous trouverez l'aide nécessaire avec les contributeurs
> et votre proposition de mission rémunérée.
> A ce sujet, pensez à la section dédiée de notre forum ou d'autres :
> http://forum.openstreetmap.fr/viewforum.php?f=22
> http://georezo.net/forum/viewforum.php?id=10
> 2016-01-06 0:07 GMT+01:00 Vincent de Château-Thierry :
>> Bonsoir,
>> Le 05/01/2016 22:57, Nicolas Moyroud a écrit :
>>> Excellente initiative Emmanuel ça fait plaisir de voir des services
>>> comme le votre d'intéresser à OSM et notamment à la contribution aux
>>> données.
>> Un consommateur-contributeur, voilà qui boucle la boucle :)
>> Merci Emmanuel de nous dresser ce tableau autour de Hurikat.
>> En ce qui concerne la contribution rémunérée, le sujet, doucement, émerge en
>> France, mais ça reste très embryonnaire. On commence à voir des demandes qui
>> ont en commun avec la tienne de chercher une forme d'expertise, et d'assumer
>> que cette expertise a un coût (financier). Le souci pour l'instant est qu'il
>> n'y a pas des masses de candidats en face (euphémisme). Alors tant mieux si
>> ton besoin peut aider certains à se fabriquer une expérience dans le
>> domaine.
>> vincent
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
>> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing 

Re: [Talk-it] come taggare un portale

2016-01-07 Thread demon.box
girarsi_liste wrote
> material=wood, oppure sally.

sicuramente intendevi 


voschix wrote
> barrier=sally_port è sbagliato - vedi
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sally_port

e la mia domanda di fondo era proprio questa:

quindi utilizzare


è troppo "tirato" in questo caso

View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Autobahnkilometer

2016-01-07 Thread Martin Reß
erst mal n gutes, gesundes neues Jahr und danke für die schnelle Antwort

Um es genauer zu definieren:

ich möchte eine Karte machen in der die Bereiche sichtbar werden in denen
die Fahrer des Abschleppwagens zuständig sind. z.B.

Fahrer Wagen1  a96 km 0,0 bis km   7,5
Fahrer Wagen2  a96 km 7,5 bis km 28,0
Fahrer Wagen3  Ortsgebiet Wangen

Dazu muss ich die Daten sammeln und irgendwie in der Datenbank speichern

Wg1 und Wg2 als line
  wie  krieg ich nun die Autobahnkilometer so
  erfasst dass die linie der Autobahn folgend
  dargestellt wird

Wg3 als polygon , hier kann ich die Ortssgrenze übernehmen

sorry wenn ich mich n bissel blöd ausdrück,
bin noch absoluter Anfänger

LG Martin
Am 06.01.2016 00:18 schrieb "Tom Pfeifer" :

> Martin Reß wrote on 2016/01/05 20:47:
>> wie leg ich das an ich brauch die km um bereiche einzugrenzen z.b
>> Abschlepper A96 km 0.0 - 7.5 zuständig der nächste von km 7.5 - 28.0  usw.
> Ich versuche noch zu verstehen was du eigentlich machen willst?
> - willst du die Kilometertafeln mappen, die alle 500m an der Autobahn
> stehen?
> - willst du in einem Editor, z.B. JOSM, die Weglängen messen und ggf.
>   entsprechend splitten?
> - willst du eine Auswertung schreiben, die anhand von OSM-Daten die
> Zuständigkeiten
>   ermittelt?
> All das könnte hinter der Frage stecken...
> tom
> ___
> Talk-de mailing list
> Talk-de@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-de
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz

2016-01-07 Thread Marián Kyral
Dne 7.1.2016 v 11:59 Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
> Issue tvoř asi k tomu co posílal walley -
> tedy https://github.com/walley/osmcz

No to právě nevím. To co tam má walley jaksi nesouhlasí s tím co je na
hlavní stránce ;-)

Trochu jsem to testoval a vadí mi, že si mapa nepamatuje, kde je. Takže
koukám na mapu, někam se posunu, pak udělám reload stránky nebo kliknu
na něco nahoře v menu a bum, jsem zase v Praze. To je docela nepříjemné.
- Tohle hlásit taky k walleymu?


> Organizaci jsem vytvořil http://github.com/osmcz - napište mě/walleymu
> maila s gh nickem, kdo chcete write access. Ten walleyho repozitář tam
> můžeme posléze přesunout i včetně issues.
> Pavel
> Dne 7. ledna 2016 11:09 Marián Kyral  > napsal(a):
> Mimochodem, u sousedů založili na githubu organizaci:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/?utm_medium=email_source=footer#!msg/osm_sk/eRtqyC0J5rY/yfgOSClFEgAJ
> Přijde mi to jako docela dobrý nápad, který stojí za úvahu.
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Marián Kyral >
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  >
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 8:55:38
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> Supééér,
> teď jen přidat zobrazení rozcestníků, nahrávání rozcestníků a
> můžeme old.openstreetmap.cz  vypnout.
> Pak ještě nějaké drobnosti, jako hledání, plánování trasy,
> vrstva s aktivními POI, nástroj na měření vzdálenosti...
> Jen teď nevím, ke kterému projektu ta issue vytvářet :-D
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Pavel Zbytovský  >
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic  >
> Datum: 7. 1. 2016 2:20:04
> Předmět: [Talk-cz] new.openstreetmap.cz
> Nazdar,
> nový český "portál" je téma, které nosím v hlavě už skoro
> pět let :-)  V červnu se udál posun ve formě přehození
> webu na tento současný, s tím že dotvoření mapové leaflet
> aplikace mělo hbitě následovat. Znáte to jak to je s
> časem... Alespoň v červenci jsem se jsem nad tím ještě
> sešel v Brně s klukama kolem weeklyosm a dali jsme
> dohromady takový seznam cílů a prostředků, co by měl
> tenhle web splňovat. 
> Tady je https://goo.gl/pqRFlq 
> a budu moc rád za diskusi nejlépe přímo v tom googledocu,
> nebo i tady. 
> - Přijde mi důležité, aby web měl hodnotu pro nás -
> komunitu - tj. byla tam mapová aplikace, kterou chceme
> používat (o tom dále)
> - A též se mě hodně dotýká oblast smysluplné propagace OSM
> veřejnosti. A to jednak konzumující (když už to děláme, ať
> to používaj) a též potenciálně tvořící (vždyť v
> crowdsourcingu je síla), s touto myšlenkou jsem také dělal
> ta školení geocacherů s docela dobrými výsledky [1].
> Třeba vás toho napadne více, myslím, že potenciál je
> veliký, rostoucí a nevyužitý (třeba studentské práce)...
> -
> Nyní k tomu, o čem proběhla diskuse - tj. mapová leafletí
> aplikace a propojení s "cms". 
> Myšlenku mám takovou, že celý web vlastně bude živá mapová
> appka, a stránky jí budou akorát překrývat a AJAXem se
> dotahovat obsah. Mělo by to dát důraz na to, že osm je
> hlavně mapa. A technicky to není problém. Na úvodě by mohl
> být nějaký nerušivý splashscreen, který vysvětli novému
> uživateli na co se to vlastně kouká a navede ho na
> podstránky. 
> Webík opravdu běží na "cms", je to sic má vlastní produkce
> [2], ale pro tenhle účel mi pořád přijde dost vhodné a
> snadno ohybatelné. Navíc mám napsaný plugin pro přihlášení
> přes osm.org  a přidělení editačních
> práv.. což bych rád rozdal, kdo by měl zájem obsah
> upravovat (zejména sekci Projekty?). Administrace viz
> screenshot [3].
> Mám různě rozkreslné wireframy, tak to zkusím trochu
> zkonsolidovat a během dneška/zítřka poslat sem do vlákna.
> Jinak webík [4] jsem zkusmo přerovnal podle sekcí v tom
> googledocu výše, přidal obsah z šuplíku a v leafletu
> aktivoval to nejjednodušší ovládání. Berte to 

[Talk-it] Limiti confini amministrativi comuni del Trentino

2016-01-07 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
Hanno appena pubblicato su dati.trentino.it i limiti amministrativi del Trentino
dopo le nuove fusioni


Maurizio "Napo" Napolitano

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Import POI-uri turism

2016-01-07 Thread Razvan
Eu sunt de acord.

2016-01-07 16:26 GMT+02:00 Janos Rusiczki :

> Da-i voie (sunt date libere) sau luam na-na peste fund? :)
> 2016-01-07 16:23 GMT+02:00 Badita Florin :
>> Pe site-ul turism.gov.ro exista o lista cu 1 de pensini si hoteluri
>> http://turism.gov.ro/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/StructuriCazareClasificate161120151.xls
>> Punem de un import ? Macar unde exista numere ?
>> ᐧ
>> ___
>> Talk-ro mailing list
>> Talk-ro@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ro
> ___
> Talk-ro mailing list
> Talk-ro@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ro
Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Import POI-uri turism

2016-01-07 Thread Rădulescu Răzvan
Cu ocazia asta sa anuntam comunitatea ca am primit si pug-ul de la Rm. 
Valcea de unde o sa importam toate adresele.

On 07.01.2016 16:23, Badita Florin wrote:
Pe site-ul turism.gov.ro  exista o lista cu 
1 de pensini si hoteluri 

Punem de un import ? Macar unde exista numere ?


Talk-ro mailing list

Talk-ro mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] BANO : prise en compte des old_name et alt_name

2016-01-07 Thread Vincent de Château-Thierry

presque tout est dans le titre.
J'ai commencé hier soir à traiter ce ticket :
qui consiste à faire les rapprochements pour BANO sur autre chose que le 
tag name.
Ça ne concerne pour l'instant que les cas simples : on considère les 
tags old_name et alt_name, uniquement sur les noms de voies, (pas sur 
les points adresses ou les relations), et uniquement sur les voies 
spatialement incluses la commune.
Si vous avez connaissance de cas et que vous pouvez y jeter un oeil, je 
suis intéressé par vos retours, surtout si ça ne marche pas. Vous pouvez 
les remonter ici ou dans le ticket ci-dessus.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Is there a OSM map viewer program to dynamically view OSM data?

2016-01-07 Thread Nicolás Alvarez
2016-01-07 23:58 GMT-03:00 Wuzzy :
> Hi!
> I was wondering if there is some standalone application (preferable for
> PC) to view OSM data as a map, but dynamically and locally (not
> from some random computer on the Internet) rendered.
> We already have a large number of websites which show OSM data in all
> sorts of different styles and this is pretty cool. But I think all of
> them do not show OSM in its full glory, and they are all tailored to
> a specific use case.
> The www.openstreetmap.org style is already pretty nice IMO but this is
> of course not useful for all use cases.
> Also most of the websites them use a pre-rendered “base layer” and just
> put symbols on top of that. This is not what I want.
> Therefore, the KDE program “Marble” does not count. It is able to show
> OSM, but it's just the pre-rendered default layers of
> www.openstreetmap.org.
> JOSM kinda does what I want, but it is obviously not tailored towards
> *viewing* map data for everyday usage.
> What I want is an application which renders OSM data directly and based
> on configurable user settings, i.e. switching on and off certain
> features (like country borders) is as simple as clicking a checkbox.
> As an analogy, Google Earth has such a feature where you can toggle
> some map features, but it is not based on OSM, obviously and also it is
> rather limited in that sense.
> So I wonder, is there already such a tool which has such features? Or
> at least a *similar* tool. It would be very cool if the tool can render
> from OSM data directly, but if some manual conversion would be needed,
> that would be okay.
> I should give some examples:
> The program could have a checkbox somewhere to toggle country borders.
> So you click the checkbox and they disappear. Or you could have a map
> where only lanterns or whatever are displayed. Or a map where only the
> surface or landuse types are rendered. Etc. etc. Everything should be
> created dynamically.
> The reason why I am looking for such a tool is because I think it would
> be really useful in many aspects.
> In case no such program exists, I wonder if there has been made any
> attempt to create such a program (at least).

What do you really mean with "directly"? Would your app fetch raw data
from the OpenStreetMap API like JOSM does? That can't possibly work;
the database, API, and data format are not designed for that. If you
were zoomed out enough to see a whole country, it would have to
download *all* of the data for the country (hundreds of megabytes).
Make your "direct" app see all of spain and wait for a 533 MB download
(which would take the server significant resources and time to
generate and compress) before anything appears...

What you can do is create vector tiles from the openstreetmap data,
with reduced detail at reduced zooms, etc. for example only having
borders and no streets or points of interest when you're looking at
entire countries, and then render *that* with whatever style. But no
matter what, you have to put *some* styling decisions on the
generation of the vector tiles, mainly what data may be visible at
what zooms, eg. to stop residential streets from being on the z2


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] kam s fotografiemi? - nástřel vlastností aplikace

2016-01-07 Thread Jan Dudík
Třeba opera upozorňuje přeškrtnutým kolečkem v adresním řádku. V 90% si
toho nevšimnu.

Ing. Jan Dudík
projekce dopravních staveb
tel. 777082195

Dne 6. ledna 2016 16:46 Marián Kyral  napsal(a):

> Nojo, teď už to funguje. Taky na to může prohlížeč upozornit a ne se
> tvářit, že se nic neděje :-(
> Marián
> Dne 6.1.2016 v 14:19 Ladislav Nesnera napsal(a):
> OK. Předám. A když už jsem u té tiché pošty (proti dětství pokrok - do
> písmenka bez zkreslení :-D)
> "Ahoj, problém je v tom, že přistupuješ na HTTPS, pročež pak prohlížeč
> odmítne stáhnout z jiného serveru potřebné skripty, které jsou pod HTTP.
> Správná adresa tedy je:
> http://tools.wmflabs.org/blahma/nenafocene/mapa.php
> (dej si pozor, jestli ti to nemění sám prohlížeč až po zadání)
> Jinak upozorňuju, že ta data není potřeba nijak vytahovat(!) – generuju je
> já a mám je k dispozici v jednoduchém CSV ve formátu "článek \t lat \t
> lon". V obdobném formátu generuje nějakým skriptem svá data i wikipedista
> Frettie, který se zase zaměřil na chybějící tuším kulturní a židovské
> památky podle seznamů (ten můj skript nedovede přistupovat níž než na
> úroveň článku). Pokud byste pro to našli nějaké vhodné využití, můžeme vám
> ty seznamy poskyt{nout/ovat}. Nejlépe by bylo, kdybychom se na to v takovém
> případě podrobněji podívali na příštím wikisrazu, kam i Frettie z Prahy
> pravidelně jezdí. Koordinovat by se to pak mělo i s tou novou aplikací,
> jejíž vývoj si předsevzali Pražáci.
> S pozdravem
> Marek"
> Pokud by se někdo nechal zlákat, pak je jasno, kdy a kam
> ,
> program se dotváří průběžně.
> tož tak ;?)
> On 06/01/16 07:00, Marián Kyral wrote:
> No může to vyexportovat jako geojson a pak zobrazit přes leaflet.
> http://leafletjs.com/examples/geojson.html
> Marián
> -- Původní zpráva --
> Od: Ladislav Nesnera  
> Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Datum: 6. 1. 2016 1:57:39
> Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] kam s fotografiemi? - nástřel vlastností aplikace
> Ááá. Díky. Mám stejnou zkušenost, jen jsem myslel, že to je nějaká
> specialitka mého FF na Linuxu, neb pod Midori mi to jelo. Teď jsem
> vyzkoušel Chromium a též prd. Napsal jsem Blahmovi
> , neb je to jeho
> udělátko. Ostatně, když mě na něj upozorňoval, napsal:
> "Obecně má Wikipedie už vcelku vychytané vytahování souřadnic z infoboxů
> článků k článkům jako takovým tak, že pak fungují dobře např. toto
> zobrazování mapy a i jiné nástroje si mohou poměrně snadno souřadnice k
> článkům vytahovat coby metadata. Např. já jsem takto za odpoledne nakódil
> pravideně aktualizovanou mapu dosud nenafocených článků, kterou začalo
> používat pár wikipedistů, ačkoliv to je jen takový drobný nástroj,
> nedodělaný a WMČR letos plánuje něco většího na ten způsob – ale zatím to
> slouží dobře: https://tools.wmflabs.org/blahma/nenafocene/mapa.php – tam
> to zobrazuji na Googlu, ale kdyby OSM měla podobně snadno použitelné API
> (nebo možná má a kdybych tedy já ho znal), tak to samozřejmě jde klidně
> zobrazovat i na tom podkladu. "
> Třeba to tím směrem někdo posune. Propagace OSM není nikdy dost ;-)
> On 05/01/16 21:43, Marián Kyral wrote:
> Zaujal mně ten odkaz na nenafocená místa: mně se ve Firefoxu 38 zobrazuje
> takhle:
> Koukal jsem na zdroj - je tam google api. Nicméně seznam by se z toho dal
> vytáhnout:
> GV_Draw_Marker({lat:49.16846940,lon:16.67888060,name:'2K 
> Czech',desc:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K_Czech',color:'',icon:'',url:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/2K_Czech'});GV_Draw_Marker({lat:49.20008330,lon:16.57531940,name:'ALTAR
> Games',desc:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALTAR_Games',color:'',icon:'',url:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALTAR_Games'});GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.08767500,lon:14.40290280,name:'A
>  Studio 
> Rubín',desc:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Studio_Rubín',color:'',icon:'',url:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Studio_Rubín'});GV_Draw_Marker({lat:50.0650,lon:14.41516670,name:'Aboard
> city',desc:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aboard_city',color:'',icon:'',url:'https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aboard_city'});
> ...
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing 
> listTalk-cz@openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing 
> listTalk-cz@openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz

[Talk-cl] Etiquetas payment

2016-01-07 Thread Marco González Luengo

Hace poco retomé mi labor de mapear Pichilemu, que había dejado de lado un
poco después de ver que Bing había completado gran parte de la labor, pero
ahora con ayuda de un vehículo puedo recorrer pueblos al interior de la
zona, llegando a la zona rural de Pichilemu, metiendo mano en lo proveído
por Vialidad hace años.

Revisando un poco los POIs que hice dentro del pueblo hace unos años, me
encontré con la etiqueta payment para poder definir los medio de pago que
aceptan los comercios marcados. Como es un pueblo chico y puedo abarcar
esos datos rápidamente, quisiera saber si hay algún acuerdo respecto a las
tarjetas de circulación Chilena, como las aceptadas por Transbank y por los
otros operadores de tarjetas (Multicaja, Santander SuperCaja, BancoEstado
Caja Vecina, etc.).

Con la ayuda de JOSM marqué los payment:cash, payment:visa,
payment:mastercard, los que acepta Transbank hasta ahora.

¿Alguna luz al respecto?

Talk-cl mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-07 Thread Stuart Reynolds
Brilliant, thanks.

As per Rob's email of yesterday, should we also add ref:seedcode for Scotland? 


> On 7 Jan 2016, at 23:01, Andy Mabbett  wrote:
>> On 7 January 2016 at 20:48, Brian Prangle  wrote:
>> If no-one objects to ref:edubase can someone add it to the wiki?  We should
>> probably also add some other  stuff that's come up just in case there are
>> folk who are not on this mailing list who want to discover what the
>> consensus is in the UK for mapping schools.
> Please see:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UK_Quarterly_Projects#Suggested_process_.26_tags
> -- 
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] "UKOSM" Aims draft 2

2016-01-07 Thread Dudley Ibbett
Hi Brian

This is looking good.  

We don't seem to be covering "development" of the actual database in the 
context of increasing the amount of data in it with regard to the UK.  i.e. 
"improving the UK map".  I think it would be good to capture this as an aim but 
I'm not sure about how you would word this.  

Kind Regards


Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2016 12:25:11 +
From: bpran...@gmail.com
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Subject: [Talk-GB] "UKOSM" Aims draft 2

Hi  everyone

Thanks to those who commented on Draft 1  in a previous  thread. 

I've  redrafted to:

1.To increase the size, skills, toolsets and cohesion of the OpenStreetMap
community in the UK.

2.To promote and facilitate the use of OpenStreetMap data by
organisations in the UK.

3.To promote and facilitate the release by organisations in the UK of OpenData  
that is suitable
for use in OpenStreetMap. 

Activities and services to achieve these aims can go in
separately in the remainder of the document subsequently, as can how we define 
the UK to include territories such as Channel
Is, IoM etc. 
Look forward to your comments and draft 3!
BTW next concall scheduled for Wed Jan 27 at 8pm - same no and passcode. I'll 
issue these again nearer the date as a reminder


Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-us] Best practices for coastline to Inland Bay / River transition

2016-01-07 Thread Elliott Plack

What are the current accepts best practices for determining where to "cut
off" the coastline and to begin a river or bay type feature? The wiki seems
to be in disagreement about this, and I've read chatter about switching to
ocean polygons.

Let's take the mighty Potomac River. It is tidal from the mouth to points
upstream from Washinton, DC, yet at some point it switches to waterway
areas and relations. Would it be appropriate to transition the entire river
to a multipolygon and end the ocean at the mouth? Perhaps the whole
Chesapeake Bay should be upstream from the coastline. Anyone ever try
converting this massive coastline areas? What are the best practices?

Elliott Plack
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best practices for coastline to Inland Bay / River transition

2016-01-07 Thread Richard Welty
On 1/7/16 3:12 PM, Elliott Plack wrote:
> Greetings,
> What are the current accepts best practices for determining where to
> "cut off" the coastline and to begin a river or bay type feature? The
> wiki seems to be in disagreement about this, and I've read chatter
> about switching to ocean polygons.
> Let's take the mighty Potomac River. It is tidal from the mouth to
> points upstream from Washinton, DC, yet at some point it switches to
> waterway areas and relations. Would it be appropriate to transition
> the entire river to a multipolygon and end the ocean at the mouth?
> Perhaps the whole Chesapeake Bay should be upstream from the
> coastline. Anyone ever try converting this massive coastline areas?
> What are the best practices?
the Hudson is tidal all the way up to Albany, so that doesn't seem like
a reasonable threshold.

tidal doesn't mean salt, by the way. it simply means that the water level
is impacted by tides. in the case of the Hudson, there's a standing wave
from the actual mouth of the river up to the first dam at Troy.


 Averill Park Networking - GIS & IT Consulting
 OpenStreetMap - PostgreSQL - Linux
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Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Mancata attribuzione

2016-01-07 Thread girarsi_liste
Il 07/01/2016 20:48, Andrea Lattmann ha scritto:
> Buongiorno,
> Non ricordo se ve l'ho segnalato, ma su www.centrometeolombardo.com/radar/ 
> È indicato ©OpenStreetMap contributors però senza link al copyright e non si 
> fa cenno alle licenze...
> Andrea Lattmann

Anche qui c'è senza link:


I riferimenti a OSM non li vedo da nessuna altra parte oltre le mappe,
ne nelle note legali, ne nella privacy.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best practices for coastline to Inland Bay / River transition

2016-01-07 Thread Phil! Gold
* Elliott Plack  [2016-01-07 20:12 +]:
> What are the current accept[ed] best practices for determining where to "cut
> off" the coastline and to begin a river or bay type feature? The wiki seems
> to be in disagreement about this, and I've read chatter about switching to
> ocean polygons.

I'm not sure I've seen a best practice, really, but I have in the past
closed off rivers at their mouths and then tagged their (multi)polygons
waterway=riverbank, tidal=yes.  (Sometimes it can be difficult to tell
where a river stops being tidal, but at least the Potomac doesn't have
that problem.)

My reasoning is essentially along the same lines as what to do when one
river flows into another: at some point the smaller river ends and you
could do worse than to draw a line across the mouth of that river and say,
"Everything on this side is River A and everything on the other side is
River B".  Likewise, at some point, the ocean stops being the ocean (or
the Chesapeake Bay stops being the Chesapeake Bay), so why not at the
mouth of the river?

Bays are a little more problematic, as there's not always as obvious a
mouth as for a river, plus features like bays and coves can coexist with
other features like rivers.[0]  I usually leave bays as point features
unless there's a really obvious delineation between them and everything

I actually went through the work of cutting the Potomac off from the
coastline of the Chesapeake Bay and turning it into riverbank
multipolygons a few years ago, but JOSM crashed and lost my work before I
was able to upload it and I felt too depressed to go back and redo
everything.  I believe I have since gone back and put in *some* riverbank
multipolygons at the upstream end of the tidal region of the river.

[0] I know according to some points of view, the entire Chesapeake Bay is
just the lowest part of the Susquehanna River, but I'm pretty
comfortable leaving the Bay as coastline.

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
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--- --
"I don't trust dreams."
"They said they weren't dreams."
"So?  Dreams lie."
   -- "The Kindly Ones", Neil Gaiman
 --- --

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-07 Thread Brian Prangle
If no-one objects to ref:edubase can someone add it to the wiki?  We should
probably also add some other  stuff that's come up just in case there are
folk who are not on this mailing list who want to discover what the
consensus is in the UK for mapping schools.

Also I'm finding that frequently I'm adding  names to pre-existing school
polygons. Could Rob's progress tool also count schools with names?

Currently taginfo reports of 27149 schools only 20818 have names ( 76.68%)



On 7 January 2016 at 20:11, Rob Nickerson  wrote:

> I second Stuart & Brian on the use of:
> *ref:edubase*
> If at some later point somebody has a good reason to use something else it
> would only take a few minutes to edit the tag. As such I'd go for it and
> start adding it to schools.
> *Rob*
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] FOSDEM, booth for HOT, Humanitarian Openstreetmap Team

2016-01-07 Thread Marc Bessières
Thank you for your quick answer!
Then I'll do either Sunday morning or afternoon (I still have to check what 
conferences I'd like to attend :)

I'll have a look at your screencasts. And thanks for the hangout and Mumble 
ideas, I may give them a try after FOSDEM!


Le jeudi 7 janvier 2016, 19:13:21 Jo a écrit :
> Hi Marc,
> Since the Geo Dev room is on Sunday, there might be people who'd like to go
> attend those sessions.
> You're welcome to ask questions about mapping, but we can also do a
> hangout, or you can find me often in HOT's Mumble channel lately.
> I also started to create screencasts about mapping and validation of HOT
> tiles:
> http://www.twitch.tv/polyglot_openstreetmap/profile/highlights
> Jo
> 2016-01-07 18:54 GMT+01:00 Marc Bessières :
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm a very unregular missing maps and OSM contributor.
> > But I'll be there at FOSDEM, so if I can help, I'd gladly spend half a day
> > at
> > the booth.
> > Just tell me what is in your opinion the time you'd prefer me to be there?
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Marc
> > PS: I'll take that opportunity to ask questions about edits :)
> > 
> > Le mardi 5 janvier 2016, 21:03:21 Jo a écrit :
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > FOSDEM is coming along again at the end of the month. HOT has reserved a
> > > table. At the moment there are three of us to man it.
> > > 
> > > Would anybody else be interested to come and help us for a few hours on
> > > Saturday or Sunday?
> > > 
> > > If you don't know all that much about HOT, but you do know a bit about
> > > Openstreetmap, you're also very welcome.
> > > 
> > > Polyglot

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Dave F.

On 07/01/2016 14:51, Simon Poole wrote:

In any case enough question marks to make a blanket "perfectly
legitimately" a bit iffy.


So it's question marks & not Chinese whispers & scaremongering? I'd 
genuinely like to see where either Google or OSM say this isn't 

If search for a single school name, Google (or one of the many others 
available) returns the URL for that single school. Has it delved into 
it's stored information or returned up to date information on the fly?

I then search for the next name I require. The engine creates a new 
fresh list.

Dave F.

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orthophoto Toulouse 2015

2016-01-07 Thread Sébastien Dinot
Stéphane Péneau a écrit :
> avoir un accès facile à des anciennes orthophotos me semble quelque
> chose d'important

Tout à fait d'accord ! Et moi, je suis du coin. :)

En outre, je ne désespère pas de disposer un jour d'un outil convivial
de détection de changement identifiant les zones dont la couverture
a sensiblement évolué entre deux campagnes aériennes. Cette information
nous aidera à mettre à jour la carte car identifier les zones qui
nécessitent une intervention n'est pas évident une fois le coin bien


Sébastien Dinot, sebastien.di...@free.fr
Ne goûtez pas au logiciel libre, vous ne pourriez plus vous en passer !

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] Parcheggio interrato + campetto da calcio..

2016-01-07 Thread girarsi_liste
Lo so che non si mappa per il rendering, ma volevo essere sicuro non
fosse un problema di rendering.

Ho un edificio ad un solo piano sotterraneo adibito a parcheggio, e il
tetto dell'edificio è a pian terreno, ivi sopra vi è un campetto da calcio.

Ho taggato l'edificio con:





la strada di servizio parcheggio interna:







il semaforo interno, sul nodo della way interna (è in collegamento con
uno esterno in quanto l'acceso è vincolato ad unica direzione di marcia):


Infine il campetto sopra:





Vi sembra buona la taggatura?

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Not sure what to think

2016-01-07 Thread Warin

On 8/01/2016 6:15 AM, Dave F. wrote:

On 07/01/2016 14:51, Simon Poole wrote:

In any case enough question marks to make a blanket "perfectly
legitimately" a bit iffy.


So it's question marks & not Chinese whispers & scaremongering? I'd 
genuinely like to see where either Google or OSM say this isn't 

If search for a single school name, Google (or one of the many others 
available) returns the URL for that single school. Has it delved into 
it's stored information or returned up to date information on the fly?

I then search for the next name I require. The engine creates a new 
fresh list

You could go to the Department of Education and use their search 
function to find the single school website? That should avoid google.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] Mapatón por la Guajira

2016-01-07 Thread stephane bañol acevedo

Hola, mi nombre es Stephane Bañol, me gustaria hacer parte de esta actividad de 
mapeo, pero es necesario saber cuanto es el valor para ir a Bogota, cuanto debo 
aportar, inclusive estoy terminando el curso de sistemas de informacion local, 
por eso me gustaria ir, y contribuir en esta causa, gracias y espero su 
De: hyan...@gmail.com 
Enviado: jueves, 07 de enero de 2016 11:08 a. m.
Para: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Asunto: Re: [Talk-co] Mapatón por la Guajira

Maperos!  Últimos cupos de 100 disponibles, si desean asistir, estar presente 
en el edificio del MinTic y contribuir a la generación de datos para La Guajira 
regístrese pronto!


Mapatón por la Guajira
Una Mapatón es una actividad descentralizada a través de la cual los 
organizadores convocan diferentes actores sociales e institucionales para la 
construcción en tiempo récord de la cartografía de una Área de Interés (AOI 
según la sigla en inglés) con un objetivo específico (ver 
http://www.missingmaps.org/mapathons/ ) Puesto que la Guajira se encuentra en 
crisis por la sequia (ver enlaces de interés), mapearemos las áreas afectadas, 
donde enseñaremos a construir mapas y de manera colaborativa mejoraremos el 
mapa de la región. Los mapas y datos geográficos como resultados de estas 
actividades, estarán a disposición como recurso libre y abierto para uso por 
parte de organizaciones y la comunidad en general. Los elementos a mapear se 
centrarán en la crisis del agua, por lo tanto a partir de imágenes aéreas 
actualizadas se levantarán datos sobre el sistema acuífero, edificaciones y 
asentamientos humanos.  Datos e imágenes que luego podrán ser usados en 
Sistemas de Información Geográfi

porque como dice el Sr. Gasca "no diga que no le avisamos".


Humberto Yances

El 29 de diciembre de 2015, 9:37, hyan...@gmail.com 
> escribió:
Hola maperos!

La Guajira viene sufriendo de sequía al menos desde 2012, la Comisión 
Interamericana de Derechos Humanos estima alrededor de 5.000 niños fallecidos 
por la desnutrición y falta de agua.

Acompáñanos este próximo 20 de enero en la Sala de Innovación del MinTic a 
mapear por La Guajira!  Desde 8 AM hasta 12M


Regístrate, lleva tu portatil y contribuye a la generación del mapa que 
localice jagüeyes y otros cuerpos de agua que ayuden a brindar soluciones.

Este evento es en colaboración con el Missing 
Maps, la Brigada Digital y OSM Colombia, 
contaremos con imágenes actualizadas de la zona para trazarla mientras 
compartimos una torta con el mapa de La Guajira.

Hay cupo para 100 personas!  Animense,

Reciban un caluroso saludo y los mejores deseos para el próximo año,

Humberto Yances

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orthophoto Toulouse 2015

2016-01-07 Thread Stéphane Péneau
Ne contribuant pas vraiment sur Toulouse, mon avis n'a que peu de 
valeur, mais avoir un accès facile à des anciennes orthophotos me semble 
quelque chose d'important :

Le cadastre indique un bâtiment absent d'osm ici : il est nouveau ou est 
détruit ? Je peux le vérifier avec un historique sur l'imagerie
Je ne vois pas grand-chose à cause de l'ombre portée : Voyons ce qu'il 
en est sur les anciennes orthos.
Cette ortho est décalée ou pas ? On combinant les différentes sources, 
et donc entre autres les anciennes orthos, j'ai plus de repères.



Le 07/01/2016 18:30, lenny.libre a écrit :

+1 avec Frédéric.
AMHA Il me semble aussi que les plus anciennes pourraient être 
enlevées (actuellement, il y a les WMS de Toulouse 2007, 2011 et 2013) 
on pourrait peut-être ne laisser que 2013 et 2015


Le 07/01/2016 12:06, Frédéric Bonifas a écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Toulouse Métropole a publié son orthophoto 2015 : 

Y aurait-il une place sur un serveur osm-fr pour l'héberger et la 
servir ?

Merci !

Frédéric Bonifas
+33672652807 skype:fredericbonifas

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] 2016 first quarterly project:Schools

2016-01-07 Thread Rob Nickerson
Not my tool - I just have a version of it running. Adam has provided me an
updated version that I need to look at this weekend. I can see if I can add
such a percentage tracker at the same time. For now you'll just have to
keep looking at the taginfo page:



On 7 January 2016 at 20:48, Brian Prangle  wrote:

> Also I'm finding that frequently I'm adding  names to pre-existing school
> polygons. Could Rob's progress tool also count schools with names?
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Orthophoto Toulouse 2015

2016-01-07 Thread osm . sanspourriel

+1, Geobretagne propose même une double image actuelle / années 50.
En utilisant des comparateurs comme http://mc.bbbike.org/mc/, on compare 


Le 07/01/2016 22:14, Stéphane Péneau - stephane.pen...@wanadoo.fr a écrit :
Ne contribuant pas vraiment sur Toulouse, mon avis n'a que peu de 
valeur, mais avoir un accès facile à des anciennes orthophotos me 
semble quelque chose d'important :

Le cadastre indique un bâtiment absent d'osm ici : il est nouveau ou 
est détruit ? Je peux le vérifier avec un historique sur l'imagerie
Je ne vois pas grand-chose à cause de l'ombre portée : Voyons ce qu'il 
en est sur les anciennes orthos.
Cette ortho est décalée ou pas ? On combinant les différentes sources, 
et donc entre autres les anciennes orthos, j'ai plus de repères.



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Best practices for coastline to Inland Bay / River transition

2016-01-07 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Thursday 07 January 2016, Elliott Plack wrote:
> What are the current accepts best practices for determining where to
> "cut off" the coastline and to begin a river or bay type feature? The
> wiki seems to be in disagreement about this, and I've read chatter
> about switching to ocean polygons.
> Let's take the mighty Potomac River. It is tidal from the mouth to
> points upstream from Washinton, DC, yet at some point it switches to
> waterway areas and relations.



Current placement at the Potomac is completely fine - i would see room 
for moving it both downstream to near the bridge north of Colonial 
Beach or upstream to Alexandria but no particular need for either.

I would strongly suggest keeping Chesapeake Bay mapped as coastline.  
While this is very shallow ecologically it has largely maritime 

Christoph Hormann

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Coming out

2016-01-07 Thread osm . sanspourriel

Le 07/01/2016 17:09, Emmanuel Alquier - emman...@hurikat.com a écrit :

Merci à tous pour ces réponses et pour cet accueil !
à charge de revanche (on a tous à apprendre et effectivement cette 
communauté est très sympa).

Une erreur courante est d'utiliser name non pas pour nommer un objet mais
pour le décrire.
Exemple: on ne doit pas mettre "église de trifouillis" comme name=* sur
une église située à trifouillis.

C’est un sujet important effectivement. J’aurais eu plus tendance à rentrer un 
nom plus complet oui. Cela s’applique même dans le cadre des noms “officiels” ? 
Les agences bancaires, CAF, CPAM ou supermarchés ont tous un nom officiel un 
peu plus descriptif qui serait pourtant très pratique en name : “Franprix 
Grenelle”, “LCL Rivoli”... Je comprends votre logique, mais du coup quand on 
utilise des outils qui s’appuient sur OSM, par exemple en cherchant “CAF” 
autour de moi sur maps.me, j’ai une liste de résultats qui s’appellent tous 
“CAF” , il faudrait que je les ouvre tous un par un pour savoir si c’est bien 
celui que je recherche… pas pratique :/ Quand même plus pratique de voir “CAF 
Laumière”, “CAF Finlay”, “CAF Nationale”, « BNP Paribas Comédie » qui sont les 
noms qui apparaissent sur nos courriers, on sait qu’on y est rattaché.

Le problème (réel) n'est pas OSM mais ici maps.me.
En effet on ne met en principe dans name que le nom affiché sur le terrain.
L'agence LCL de Rivoli, allez je la cherche sur OSM : LCL, rivoli. 

Et je la trouve ;-) :

atm yes 
name   LCL

On est d'accord, on ne veut pas avoir à choisir entre LCL et LCL.

Que rend Nominatim ?
Banque LCL, 19, Rue de Rivoli, Quartier Saint-Gervais, Paris 4e 
Arrondissement, Paris, Île-de-France, France métropolitaine, 75004, 
C'est à dire qu'il qualifie (Banque, mais Bank en allemand par exemple) 
et par géocodage inverse des coordonnées (Emplacement : 48,8558171, 
2,3591925 ), 
il affiche des données de localisation.

Il est possible d'ajouter d'autres noms tels que official_name 
 (48 000 entrées 
dans OSM, France et Allemagne 
 bien fournis) 
ou loc_name  
(si les gens dans le coin disent "LCL Rivoli", c'est un candidat pour un 
nom local) ou de simplifier par exemple l'adresse (si le point est dans 
le quartier Rivoli, afficher Rivoli, si la carte ne montre d'un détail 
du 4e arrondissement de Paris, inutile de dire Paris 4e Arrondissement, 
Paris, Île-de-France, France métropolitaine, 75004, France 
 (sauf éventuellement à 
factoriser ou sous forme d'info-bulle ou autre).

Tout comme il est conseillé de mettre de l'intelligence en amont du 
moteur, il est bon d'en mettre en aval affin d'afficher un nom ou une 
adresse intelligible.

Si tu cherches des gares tu peux te contenter d'afficher disons Lorient.
Si tu cherches Lorient et que l'on ne sait si tu cherches une gare, une 
ville ou autre, c'est Gare de Lorient ou un pictogramme de gare et 
Lorient, un logo SNCF et Lorient... Toutes les solutions peuvent avoir 
du sens (mais le logo de la SNCF si celui qui consulte ne vit pas en 
France moins que le picto).

Là il faut arriver à ce que tes résultats soient tous différents, pas 
forcément dans le nom (un picto de mairie et un picto de gare sont plus 
efficaces que "Hôtel-de-ville de Lorient" et "Gare de Lorient" (sauf 
pour les malvoyants ça va de soi).


Talk-fr mailing list