Re: [OSM-fi] Fixing broken and old-style multipolygons

2017-04-03 Thread Jukka Rahkonen


Right, those seem to come from the notorious Corine Landcover import 
that was never completed nor reversed even it does have loads of 
topological errors. It does bring some colour to the map in about 25% of 
the Finnish territory, though. You may know that we do not have very 
good alternative sources for land cover imports because 71,6% of the 
area of Finland is covered by forests. Therefore our topographic map 
database does not even have a class for forests - they are background, 
not interesting at all.

I had a look at some polygons and I do not know exactly how they should 
be corrected. For example relation

It has an inner member which 
somehow looks the same as

The inner polygon, that is coniferous wood, is a simple polygon with 
only outer ring. So as a stand-alone it could carry its own tags. But 
because the ring is re-used as a hole of the bigger mixed wood polygon 
it should not have tags. Instead the single ring coniferous area should 
be changed into a multipolygon relation that has only one member, and 
that new relation would get the coniferous tag. Is this correct?

I really much doubt that anybody is interested in correcting the Corine 
polygons but people has not been too eager to revert the import  either. 
Because of the colour, you know. But let's see how other members of the 
Finnish community react. I fear also that OSM will never get rid of the 
hand-written multipolygon relation system and because the reason for the 
trouble will not be fixed you have been forced to start  your huge 
effort with fixing the broken data Good luck 
for you.


-Jukka Rahkonen-

Jochen Topf kirjoitti 2017-04-03 13:25:


You might have seen that a few weeks ago I started a huge effort to
clean up broken (multi)polgyons and old-style multipolygon relations
(with tags on ways instead of on the relation) in OSM. You can find out
more about this project on .

I am writing on this list here, because Finland is a major hotspot for
those multipolygon problems. See these maps:

This is probably due to some imported data. Is anybody here interested
in this topic? How can we move this forward?


talk-fi mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] DB Performance (was: JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?_

2016-03-23 Thread Jukka Rahkonen


Stefan did not tell enough details for repeating the test exactly so my 
test set-up is probably a bit different.

Program: GDAL 2.1.0dev, released 2015/99/99 on Windows, compiled with 
sqlite-3.10.2 and libspatialite-4.3.0a

Test data: 100 points (2D) without attributes in shp format
Storage: USB 2.0 drive, same disk used for both input and output
Test script which is also testing a performance hint about turning 
synchronous write off:

@echo %time%
ogr2ogr -f gpkg plain_points.gpkg plain_points.shp
@echo %time%
ogr2ogr -f gpkg plain_points_nosync.gpkg plain_points.shp --config 

@echo %time%
ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco spatialite=yes plain_points.sqlite 

@echo %time%
ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco spatialite=yes plain_points_nosync.sqlite 
plain_points.shp --config OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS OFF

@echo %time%
ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco spatialite=yes plain_points_nosync_gt.sqlite 
plain_points.shp --config OGR_SQLITE_SYNCHRONOUS OFF -gt 65536

@echo %time%

Timings from the 5 runs:

1: 38 seconds
2: 38 seconds
3: 41 seconds
4: 37 seconds
5: 39 seconds


1) In my tests with my data, software, and hardware, there were no 
meaningful differences in the conversion speeds. Test data of one 
million points may be too small or then the conversion needs so little 
computing that I was actually measuring the I/O speed of the USB drive.
2) Stefan measured a creation time of 1 min 51 sec for the Spatialite. 
There must be something in that. Fresh GDAL uses a default value of 
2 for -gt (not corrected into all GDAL documents) and using -gt 
65536 did not make any difference with GDAL 2.1-dev. However, with 
explicit -gt 200 the timing was 93 second so it may explain most part of 
the slow result. 200 is what old GDAL versions use as a default value 
for -gt which makes 5000 transactions for one million points. Stefan, 
which GDAL version did you use? Could you make a new test with bigger 
-gt value and if needed, re-consider your conclusion "Spatialite is 
several times slower for creation time". Could it rather be 
"Transactions are expensive with SQLite, try to avoid making too many"?

File sizes of my test data which had million points without attributes:
shp: 35 MB
gpkg: 92 GB
splite: 130 GB

I took also a sample of one million points from a real world dataset 
with attributes: three doubles, two dates, and two strings and that 
changed the numbers quite a lot:

shp: 170 MB
gpkg: 153 GB
splite: 185 GB

No huge differences is file sizes when data have attributes.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Mike Thompson wrote 2016-03-23 03:26:

This from the ogr2ogr documentation[1] may be relevant:

"When writing into transactional DBMS (SQLite/PostgreSQL,MySQL,
etc...), it might be beneficial to increase the number of INSERT
statements executed between BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION
statements. This number is specified with the -gt option. For example,
for SQLite, explicitly defining -GT 65536 ensures optimal performance"

[1] [3]

On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Stefan Keller <>

Hi Frederik and Jukka

Before I try give answers to performance let's be aware that we're
least I am) speaking about a "desktop exchange format", not a
fomat for GIS processing.

But Frederik's comment piqued my curiosity and I did some quick
I generated 1 mio. records in PostsGIS with this table
CREATE TABLE benchmark (id serial primary key, txt varchar(32),
geometry(point,4326) );

Then I used OGR2OGR to create the following three file formats:
GeoPackage (using 73.9 MB disk space), Shapefiles (dbf/shp/shx 117
and Spatialite (173 MB).

Creation time of GeoPackage was 18 sec., Shapefile 21 sec. and
Spatialite 1 min 51 sec.
So, GeoPackage is a bit faster than Shapefiles and significantly
(about 37%) smaller in size.
Spatialite in fact consumes much more disk space than Shapefile and
GeoPackage, and Spatialite is several times slower for creation

This could explain the preformance issues of Spatialite Frederic


2016-03-22 13:56 GMT+01:00 Jukka Rahkonen

Frederik Ramm [1]> writes:


On 03/20/2016 10:56 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> But Shapefile remains an oldtimer with more drawbacks than


> field names; see [1].
> GeoJSON (ascii) and GeoPackages (binary) are formats which are


> suited for the job.
> I still have hope that JOSM will be able to read those vector

formats too.

Frankly, whenever I venture into the brave new world of

Spatialite, I

come back to good old shape files after a while for performance


I'm not sure if Geopackage has significant performance

improvements over

simple Spatialite but if it hasn't then my recommendation for

simple GIS

processing is certainly to stick with shape files for the time

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?

2016-03-22 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm> writes:

> Hi,
> On 03/20/2016 10:56 PM, Stefan Keller wrote:
> > But Shapefile remains an oldtimer with more drawbacks than limited
> > field names; see [1].
> > GeoJSON (ascii) and GeoPackages (binary) are formats which are more
> > suited for the job.
> > I still have hope that JOSM will be able to read those vector formats too.
> Frankly, whenever I venture into the brave new world of Spatialite, I
> come back to good old shape files after a while for performance reasons.
> I'm not sure if Geopackage has significant performance improvements over
> simple Spatialite but if it hasn't then my recommendation for simple GIS
> processing is certainly to stick with shape files for the time being -
> despite all their shortcomings.

Hi Frederic,

I would like to receive some sample data, exact way to reproduce some of
your ventures and cold numbers about the speed you have experienced.
Spatialite does have it's limits but for plain selects with spatial and
attribute filters it can well outperform both shapefiles and PostGIS. 

I keep most vector data for WMS services in Spatialite or GeoPackage due to
the already mentioned and some other reasons:
- supports long attribute names
- supports strings longer than 255 characters
- supports SQL
- supports attribute indexes
- much less encoding problems due to UTF-8
- one single file vs. a bunch of files in shapefile, perhaps even split to
separate bunches for points, lines and polygons.

For me SpatiaLite is a little bit slower than shapefiles if only spatial
filter (BBOX) is used but usually faster if also attribute filters are
involved, especially if more than one field is needed in filters (Shapefiles
can be sorted by one attribute only). Of course spatialite must have indexes
which suit the queries and when it comes to spatial index, the client must
know how to utilize the table based R-Tree index. I also recommend to VACUUM
once the database is ready to use.

Many spatial operations are relatively slow in Spatialite and I don't
usually utilize them on-the-fly with WMS server. Instead, I run the
algorithm once and store the result into a new table because a few
mega/gigabytes of additional disk space is not crucial on the server. 
However, such operations tend to be slow also if shapefiles are used as
source data.

Write performance especially with concurrent writes is another story. I am
talking about read-only operations. I know that I am writing empty words as
far as I do not include reproducible facts but I am willing to join to a
controlled test if someone is organizing such.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] JOSM plugin to import GeoJSON?

2016-03-07 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Stefan Keller> writes:

> To Ian and/or anybody
> I'm searching a plugin to import GeoJSON vector data into JOSM.
> I of course know Shapefiles but they are deprecated because e.g. they
> cut-off field names at 10 chars. GeoJSON or GeoPackage are better
> alternatives.
> Is this plugin still maintained: ?
> Other plugins or alternatives?

Perhaps ogr2osm still works

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Motion: Dedicated mailing list for abandoned railways

2015-09-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

I suggest to make a new mailing list for those who want to talk about
abandoned railways. I can see that such does not exist yet It has already suggested to use
the Historic list but I
have understood that abandoned railways are special and therefore they
deserve a dedicated list.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Any expert CC-BY -> ODbL negotiators?

2015-09-01 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Steve Bennett <stevagewp@...> writes:

> Hi all,  I've been trying to convince the state government of Victoria
(southeast Australia) to allow their VicMap raw data to be imported into
OSM. It's currently CC-BY, and they've told me they're happy in principle
for it to be used this way, but they're uncomfortable making the recommended
statement "DELWP has no objections to geodata derived in part from Vicmap,
either traced from Vicmap map products, or directly from spatial extracts,
being incorporated into the OpenStreetMap project geodata database and
released under a free and open license".


Have you noticed that there are already quite many Australian datasets
including Victorian Government data listed here:

-Jukka Rahkonen
legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] What extra permissions are needed to include CC-BY data in OSM

2015-05-06 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Simon Poole simon@... writes:

 CC-BY 4.0 contains the following (4.b):
 if You include all or a substantial portion of the database contents in
 a database in which You have Sui Generis Database Rights, then the
 database in which You have Sui Generis Database Rights (but not its
 individual contents) is Adapted Material; and
 Adapted Material is essentially a derivative Work, or using ODbL terms
 a derivative database. The CC-BY terms would however seem to make it
 impossible to create an ODbL collective database from an OSM dataset
 including CC-BY material.


I do not quite understand what I'd have if I import OSM data into one table
and CC-BY 4.0 data into another table in the database. If the whole database
is then Adapted Material and under CC-BY but not its individual contents,
does it mean that I can truncate OSM tables and deliver the database as
such? Or if I import CC-BY and OSM data into the same table can I do delete
from table where source='OSM' before delivering that as a CC-BY 4.0 database?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Steve's better map

2014-10-29 Thread Jukka Rahkonen


Steve Coast promised to make the best address map of the world by 
himself if he will not be elected into the board of the OSM Foundation:

If I don't get elected then I'll continue focusing on address data 
outside of OSM. It's frankly the easier route but it would be a real 
shame if OSM isn't the venue to make it happen.

I have been thinking that perhaps that would be the best route anyway 
even if Mr. Coast gets elected to the board. By my own experience about 
the addresses in OSM they feel fuzzy and somewhat difficult to utilize 
outside OSM. Addresses given to building polygons are quite simple to 
move to centroids of the polygons for making a point layer of all the 
addresses but for example finding the municipality or city for the 
address points is tedious because administrative units are defined as 
relations which are also somewhat fuzzy and all too often broken.

With a dedicated database and tools for addresses the route could really 
be easier and faster and I would not feel ashamed at all while importing 
addresses from this master address database into OSM later.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Where did we get 500000 new users?

2014-07-25 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

There is a big jump in the number of OSM users between 20th and 21st of
July, why? See

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Using geocoding results in an app

2014-05-28 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Marcel Kühn kuehn.marcel@... writes:

 Hello everybody,
 I've been looking through the archive of the mailing list, yet haven't 
 found a definite answer to this. I'm building an app in which the users 
 can fill in address information for their own or other locations. This 
 address information needs to be converted to lat / loon coordinates, 
 which are then saved in the database. I've currently planned on using 
 mapquest for the geocoding, which uses OSM data.
 So, here's my question: Do I have to make the geocoded data (addresses + 
 lat / lon coordinates) available as a download? If so I'm afraid I have 
 to look for other ways to geocode my data / ditch the app since I guess 
 couldn't afford the possible traffic generated by those downloads.

 Any help is appreciated!


It is hard to find definitive answers from this list but I have understood
that the current interpretation is that your database would be derived from
OSM and thus you must publish the data you collect under ODbL. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Converting .osm file into shape file or mapinfo table

2014-05-28 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Hermann Peifer peifer at writes:

 Below is what I would do on my MacBook. More info at
 $ wget
 $ mkdir outfiles
 $ ogr2ogr outfiles/ liechtenstein-latest.osm.pbf

The aim was to get MapInfo files, thus
ogr2ogr -f MapInfo file input.pbf

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution

2014-05-03 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Steve Coast steve@... writes:

 But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re speaking here about 
 the simple ask, that if you use OSM you please say clearly on the map 
 that it is OSM. You’re getting a great dataset, for free, under an open 
 license, that millions of people are contributing to. We’re not asking 
 for $100,000 license fees, we’re just asking that you say who we are.
 It’s the ultimate human need; I was here. I did this.

OSM is such a strong project that there should be no need to exaggarate. We
have 1.6 million registered users [1] and of those a bit more than 30
has made the last edit into the database [2]. The number of active members
is  growing steadily and linearly [3]. And by looking at the list of Top
users editing over the past in [1], imports has nowadays a huge importance
for the project - I was here, sitting in my own armchair. I did this import.

I agree with the attribution to OSM, we have written rules and all players
should follow them. When looking the attribution from opposite side,
according to our contributor terms all imported data come OSM data as soon
as it is stored into the database and we have no need to mention the origin
of data. However, we voluntarily do that at least to some extent, which is
fair [4] [5] [6].


-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attributing OpenStreetMap at Mapbox

2014-05-03 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Richard Weait richard@... writes:

 I feel that the attribution that you currently use provides
 insufficient recognition for OpenStreetMap.

Do you feel that the attribution page should provide better recognition for
OSM that for the other data providers? OSM data is probably the biggest data
source worldwide so it could be reasonable. However, in Finland and Norway,
for example, MapBox may utilize more data from the national mapping agencies
(or maybe not, I do not know). Would that change the situation - localised
ranking of data sources needed?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Azimuth measurement

2014-04-08 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
François Lacombe francois.lacombe at writes:

 Is there a solution to that issue ?
 Measuring geographic north directly isn't so simple I think.

Walk 10 or 100 meters or one kilometer to the direction where the feature
which you want to align guides you, measure another point with GPS and
there's an azimuth line. The longer the line the better is the accuracy.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Isn't All That Open, Let's Change That and Drop Share-Alike

2014-03-14 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Simon Poole wrote:

 One thing I would like to hear about in this context of this discussion,
are examples of concrete use cases that are not happening because of
share alike and that are in general things that the community would like
to support (so not evil corp can't take the data now and keep it).
Concrete in the sense that they are uses that really would happen if
share alike would be dropped, not we can build a straw man that shows
how bad share alike is.

Hi Simon,

We have considered that we cannot use OpenStreetMap as a background map in
any of the applications where users are sending location aware information
back to administration. For showing existing data it would be OK but not
for gathering data from users because user could locate a place corner of
Annankatu and Merimiehenkatu by looking at
the OSM map. The interpretation of ODbL is that this location is derived
from OSM data and thus the database of the administration would become
ODbL. It could be OK in some use cases but some data are confidential and
ODbL is not an option. Therefore we do not use OSM at all. We use our own
services and Google Maps.

This is a concrete example. However, changing the interpretation of ODbL
into georeferencing locations by looking at OSM map does not yield a
derivative database would not necessarily change the situation in Finland
any more because since 2012 most raster and vector data from the National
Land Survey of Finland have been open data under attribution-only license.
Because of this using the data is simple. This has also helped OSM because
raster maps and aerial images can be utilized for digitizing and vector
data imports have started this year.

Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetMap Isn't All That Open, Let's Change That and Drop Share-Alike

2014-03-14 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Simon Poole wrote:

 Two remarks/questions:

 - is the derived data actually being publicly used?
Sometimes is, sometimes not. If it is publicly used then it may be that
only part of the attributes are public. Something that is not publicly
used right now may come public in the future but still not with all the
attributes. With the maps from the National Land Survey there is no need
to worry about all that. Unfortunately there is not yet infrastructure for
making the use of NLS maps as easy as OSM or Google and that is a trouble
for small municipalities, for example.

 - Off Topic: the use doesn't seem to be compatible with what is
generally known about googles ToS (naturally I assume that is just a
question of money)

I haven't heard about any troubles with Google's ToS and I know that
lawyers have been used for checking that. Don't know about money.

-Jukka Rahkonen-


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] where to buy custom, large print OSM maps?

2014-03-08 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Mikel Maron mikel_maron at writes:

 anyone doing this?
 * Mikel Maron * +14152835207  at mikel s:mikelmaron

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution Requirements

2014-01-11 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Simon Poole simon@... writes:

 Am 10.01.2014 07:15, schrieb Clifford Snow:
   like the Mapbox solution the author mentions of putting a box
   on the map to take you to another page. I realize that unless
   the user clicks on the link, they will never discover that OSM
   contributed to this product. Since OSM may be only one of many
   contributors this make sense considering that there is only so
   much screen real estate available. 
 Clifford, to make this very short: this is NOT acceptable. See the
 last board minutes.
 And I'm very tired of people trying to weasel around the absolute
 minimal requirements we pose on reuse of OSM data.

Minutes from October, 2013 is the latest in page

Do yuo mean that?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Attribution Requirements

2014-01-11 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Simon Poole simon@... writes:

 That are not the last board minutes as you know, there are:

It is not my pleasure to ask stupid questions but I had a black out even you
clearly wrote See the last board minutes. I apologize. Good thing is that
now there is a link to just 2013-12-10 minutes in the archive which makes
things even more clear for the future readers.


-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] License review request: Sardinia ad-hoc authorization

2013-11-26 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jonathan Harley jon@... writes:

 On 23/11/13 10:45, Simone Cortesi wrote:
  On Sat, Nov 23, 2013 at 10:20 AM, Paul Norman penorman@... wrote:
  The mentions of the OpenStreetMap Foundation in the document are
  confusing, as to my knowledge no one from the OSMF is involved in or a
  party to this agreement, but I don't think that alone would prevent the
  use of data.
  I asked them to licence the data to OSMF, which is the copyright
  holder of the eponymous project.
 It doesn't make a difference to this, but actually, the OSMF is the 
 publisher of the database, not the copyright holder. Copyright of each 
 contributor's contributions remains with that contributor. This is why 
 the requested attribution is © OpenStreetMap contributors and not © OSMF.
 You probably knew this, and this is just nit-picking, but this is the 
 legal-talk list so we ought to be accurate.

I feel that OSMF is more than just a publisher of the database because we
all have granted OSMF 
 a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable licence
to do any act that is restricted by copyright, database right or any related
right over anything within the Contents, whether in the original medium or
any other. These rights explicitly include commercial use, and do not
exclude any field of endeavour. These rights include, without limitation,
the right to sub-license the work through multiple tiers of sub-licensees
and to sue for any copyright violation directly connected with OSMF's rights
under these terms. To the extent allowable under applicable local laws and
copyright conventions, You also waive and/or agree not to assert against
OSMF or its licensees any moral rights that You may have in the Contents.

-Jukka Rahkonen-


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Timezones (was: Deleting data)

2013-10-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
 I'd go the other way and abolish Winter Time. ;-)
 No DST = dark summer evenings. Not nice!

 Going on topic, not sure if something like time zones
 belongs in OSM. Would it not be better to use a more 
 specialised web service to look up time zones for a 
 given lat/lon? I'd prefer to minimise overloading 
 OSM with things which are not on the ground data. 
 For one thing, it means bigger planet files and more 
 demands on software to extract the data you want.

A handful of polygons is no trouble to handle in the GIS world but our
self-made problem is that we must convert nice simple polygons into heavy
relations. Perhaps area primitives will come true one day and give some help

-Jukka Rahkonen-


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] About CC-4.0 and ODbl

2013-10-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Rob Myers rob@... writes:

 On 03/10/13 04:32 AM, Jonathan Harley wrote:
  On 02/10/13 18:59, Rob Myers wrote:
  Is it possible to have a BY-SA 4.0 Produced Work?
  It's possible to give a produced work derived from OSM any license you
  like (if that's what you mean?) so long as it retains OSM's attribution.
  Including all rights reserved.
 But doesn't BY-SA claim to cover the database rights? Doesn't that clash
 with the ODbL?


Pekka was asking about initial import if the source vector data is published
as CC-BY-4.0. Do you have opinions about that?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Making iD the default editor on

2013-08-20 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frederik at writes:

 (It would be cool if the make square tool would reject the making 
 square of very un-square things like roundabouts, but all our other 
 editors will happily square a circle for you so it would be a bit unfair 
 to demand different from iD I think.)

At least for me the make square tool in P2 adjusts only lines which
already make an almost right angle and that is indeed cool. But that is just
a detail and not a strong reason for keeping P2 as a default editor. Myself
I continue to use P2 because I can configure several custom base layers and
select them with function keys and because for me P2 draws vectors faster
when panning and zooming (Windows 7, Firefox v. 23.0.1) but iD is also good
enough. Both editors have their own strong points and I do not hate either
of them. I like Merkaartor and JOSM too but perhaps I am on a wrong list
with my positive feelings. Well, I admit that the Java applet was not an
especially reliable editor.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Clarifying Geocoding and ODbL

2013-06-17 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Robert Whittaker (OSM lists robert.whittaker+osm@... writes:

 I'd still very much like to hear of potential use cases, where
 regarding the inputted search data plus returned coordinates as a
 derivative database (which may be part of a collective database with
 other proprietary data in it) would actually cause problems.

I feel that this requirement prevents state and municipality agencies in
Finland from using OSM maps as base maps in their web applications. There
are often some feedback mechanism in the applications so that users can send
a message about data error or then they announce that something in broken or
something has happened in some location. Usually user does not know the
coordinates but only the address or that something happened in the corner of
A- Street and B-Street. Uncertainty about if all the administrative data
which have some connection with the user feedback would become share-alike
if user locates the place by clicking on top of the OSM base map makes
administration to use Google and other other base map providers instead.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] iD Editor live on OpenStreetMap

2013-05-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Tom MacWright tom at writes:

 Filed an issue for that idea at
- in the future, please file issues on GitHub rather than posting to the
mailing list, so that they're seen and actionable by developers.


If ideas are filed directly into GitHub they won't be seen and discussed by
other users. Mailing lists may feel oldfashioned but they still have some
good points. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Geospatial PDF maps from OSM data

2012-11-23 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frans Thamura frans at writes:

 Hi jukka
 Any idea to make the map also in svg or eps?

No idea about SVG of EPS output at all. I was just testing the much improved PDF
driver in the GDAL development version. GDAL does not write SVG at all but it is
using either libpoppler or libpodofo for producing PDF and I guess that they can
write SVG as well. For GDAL it may not make so much sense because I do not know
if there is any standard method for georeferencing SVG. Cloudmade seems to
deliver something like that, though, and GDAL can read it but not write

I consider that GDAL offers good tools tp begin with for someone who wants to
make a web service or a standalone application for authoring feature rich maps
in PDF format. For the end user the work flow is much too complicated, but it is
doable as the tutorial shows.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Geospatial PDF maps from OSM data

2012-11-22 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

I wrote a tutorial about using some new features of the next GDAL version 1.10.
It is a GDAL tutorial but the examples are using just OSM raster and vector data
so they may interest also this audience. PDF is not anything special and we do
already have PDF export option in the OSM main map but these recipes bring also
coordinates and OSM tags into the PDF map and users can themself decide what OSM
features to add on top of the base map.

The tutorial:

Sample map in PDF format:

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is there a PD part in OSM?

2012-10-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Martin Koppenhoefer dieterdreist@... writes:

 I wonder if data you download now or did so in the past from OSM
 servers can be used as PD data. There are some users who have publicly
 declared that they consider their contributions to OSM to be in the
 public domain. For simplicity I'd like to restrict this question to
 users who have either made this declaration in their user description
 or have linked their wiki account from their user description (i.e. it
 is clear, which OSM username the declaration was made for and that the
 user was the owner of this account).
 Is it possible to download this data from OSM servers (or
 mirrors/extracts/elaborations from this) under a cc-by-sa or ODbL
 license and still consider it PD due to the dual licensing, the user
 has expressed he wishes his data to be under?

There are no such data in OSM. PD declaration in the user page is just a
manifest but it does not have any real meaning.

Discussion about PD was directed into a special legal-general mailing list in
October, 2008.

Best place to read about OSM and PD is still the legal-talk archives from the
the same time, October 2008

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Réf.: Re: All you've ever wanted to know about the french cadastre

2012-09-28 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Philip Barnes phil at writes:

  I would prefer to keep the source tag with the object. Within a changeset I
will often have some roads where source is GPS, have traced some buildings from
bing, and added a few pub/shop names where source is survey

Changeset info can be obtained only from native OSM services. If someone
downloads shapefiles from Geofabrik or Cloudmade or OSM data in GML format
from my WFS server the changeset tags are a bit difficult to obtain. If 
such data contain osm_ids then it is possible to find the history of 
the objects from OSM services but I do not think it is compulsory to 
include osm_ids in WFS services or derived ODbL databases.

Users can delete or edit the object source tags but perhaps there are still
better possibilities that they remain in ODbL chain than the changeset 
source tags.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Street/POI Index from OSM data

2012-09-28 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Alex Rollin alex.rollin at writes:

 I am rather new to OSM data.  I've enjoyed doing edits on the map and 
now I'd
like to start learning how to arrange it on a printed page.
 I know there are lots and lots of tools out there.
 Could I receive a few recommendations for getting some text data out?
 I was thinking I might need to use Osmosis.  Some pointers would be
 very helpful.
 I would like to:
 Select a bounding box (I can produce lat/lon)
 Get a list of street names'
 Output a CSV file (or other text file)
 Select a bounding box (I can produce lat/lon)
 Get a list of POIs
 Output a CSV file (or other text file)
 For these I would also like to be able to get any other attributes/
keys like
description text or other things.

 Thank you to each of you for all the work you do!


Sorry for a bit delayed answer but GDAL/OGR OSM driver developer had 
to do a couple of fixes for making this task to perform well.

So you can do all that with GDAL OSM driver and SQL query language. Output
can be despite CSV any other format that is supported by GDAL/OGR for 

Install a very fresh GDAL development version, about rev. 24970 or higher.
For Windows you can get it from gisinternals

You want to query streetname from osm lines and name and probably some other
attributes from osm points and from a limited area. It is possible but quite
slow to create such CSV file directly from OSM data file that can be in
osm-xml or pbf format with following command

ogr2ogr -f CSV streets.csv finland.osm.pbf -sql select distinct 
name from lines where highway is not null order by name 
-spat 24.821 60.123 25.259 60.317

However, it is faster, especially if you want to do more queries, 
to convert OSM data first into Spatialite database. Here is a quite 
optimised command to use as a template

ogr2ogr -f SQLite -dsco spatialite=yes finland.sqlite finland.osm.pbf

This conversion takes a few minutes with 130 MB finland.osm.pbf file. 
Then you can repeat the first streetname search and it will be pretty fast

ogr2ogr -f CSV streets.csv finland.sqlite -sql select distinct name 
from lines where highway is not null order by name 
-spat 24.821 60.123 25.259 60.317

The poi file can be created in a similar way. Let's say you want to 
get all the amenities and names for those. The command is

ogr2ogr -f CSV poi.csv finland.sqlite -sql select name, amenity 
from points where amenity is not null order by amenity
-spat 24.821 60.123 25.259 60.317

Note 1. Read the OSM driver manual page. The second command does not 
work before editing the defauld osmconf.ini file so that amenity 
is included in the points layer attributes.

Note 2. There is a little bug in ogr2ogr CSV driver that may prevent 
creating a new csv file if there is already another CSV file with an 
uncommon structure in the same directory. The one-column CSV file that 
was created in the first example has such a structure. Delete the file 
or rename it with another extension before running the second example.


-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Visualizing OSM relations with GDAL and OpenJUMP

2012-08-10 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

I noticed that I can get all kind of OSM relations on a map rather simply by
using the new OGR OSM driver, Spatialite
database for storing the converted vector and OpenJUMP with DB Query plugin for
showing the results on a map. I wrote a short how-to with a few screen captures

There might be already utilities for visualizing any kind of OSM relations but
even so, one more cannot make much harm.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Custom Imagery

2012-06-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Alex Rollin alex.rollin at writes:

 I am looking into how to use custom imagery for tracing.
 Can anyone point me at a process, and how-to?
 I was looking at the Digital Globe site, thinking of buying some images.
 What would I do with them to load them into JOSM?  It appears there is no
open background image and add to map dialog.

Could you tolerate using Merkaartor?  It has a pretty good support for all
images supported by GDAL. It can do on-the-fly reprojection too.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] osm2pgsql hstore (was: Wind turbines no longer rendered on mapnik layer)

2012-02-17 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jochen Topf jochen at writes:

 Much too slow. Requiring joins on every query is not a good idea. And having
 the right indexes is important. You can't just index everything and hope it
 would do the right thing. (The most important index btw is the geometry index
 not the attribute indexes, although having the right attribute indexes here
 or there can help.)
I sent by followup accidentally to osm-dev list. The main message was that
perhaps there is a need to do some tests before saying if hstore or joined
tables are faster.

Here is a Spatialite database for testing

First trials suggest that joined tables with proper indexes are not at all
slow and compared with the standard tables created by osm2pgsql the query
times can be several times faster. This is not a fair comparison because
osm2pgsql tables are missing the attribute indexes but so they normally do
in the Mapnik chain. Query times vary, so try yourself. Data is osm_lines
from Berlin from some months ago.

By the way, recent development around GDAL suggests that Spatialite may be
faster with spatial and attribute queries than PostGIS. Improvements in GDAL
Spatialite driver made Mapserver about 20 times faster than it used to be and
now Spatialite is faster that PostGIS and even shapefiles.

query from osm_line from osm2pgsql
select geometry, highway from osm_line
where highway='primary'
0.531 seconds

query from joined tables
select * from line_geometry, tags
where tags.tag='highway' and tags.value='primary'
and tags.join_id=line_geometry.osm_id
0.059 seconds

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] osm2pgsql hstore (was: Wind turbines no longer rendered on mapnik layer)

2012-02-16 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frederik at writes:

 On 02/16/2012 07:25 PM, Graham Jones wrote:
  This reminded me of a question I have been meaning to ask for quite a
  while - is a database generated by osm2pgsql with an hstore expected to
  perform similarly to one without?
 I never ran one with hstore when I think of what this must mean for the 
 database engine, and storage space, then I shudder and would not be 
 surprised by the factor 5 you mentioned.

How about doing it with relations? Let the importer program create four tables 

These tables would each have two attributes: Geometry and osm_is. Geometries in
the osm_relation would be of type geometry collection, that is, a collection
of whatever, and it could hold for example the tranport route relation with the
route and bus stops and everything in one PostGIS geometry object.

Then there should be one or four tables for tags (everything in one table or
split to suit the geometry tables). The three attributes would be osm_id, key,
and value. Osm_id would be used as a foreing key for joining geometries and
attributes. If osm_id can not be guaranteed to be unique then there should be
point_id, line_id, polygon_id and relation_id added to suitable places.

Every attribute would be indexed. For Mapnik use where all that is needed is to
do simple SQL selects.  I guess that this database would be faster to query than
hstore even it also contains all the tags. It might be faster for Mapnik than
the current tables with extra wide attribute schema because now attributes are
not indexed at all (or are they?). SQL queries according to tags and values or
even with a part of the tag and value strings would be easier to do than from
hstore. People could enhance attributes for some special uses by converting
max_speeds and other values which are actually measures from strings to integers
or doubles etc.

This option is so obvious that I believe that someone must have tried it
already. It would be nice to hear about experiences.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] proprietary keys and values, machine readable vs. humans

2012-01-25 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frederik at writes:

 On 01/24/2012 04:27 PM, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
  We will see much more proprietary keys in the future because people are
  importing huge amounts of spatial data from external sources.
 Maybe we should simply stop them from doing that?
  Much of that
  data is hard or impossible to update by OSM contributors but new updates
  will be offered from the original sources.
 That sounds like a perfect reason to not import.
  Topological data and landuse
  data are some examples. Corine land cover will be updated this year, 9
  gigabytes of topological vector data from the National Land Survey of
  Finland will be free under attribution-only license in May and so on.
 All that should not be in OSM.

Myself I agree with you. But lots of people consider that the Mapnik slippy map
in is the main product of OSM and they like that the map
is better with more colours. We cannot really say that data that are needed for
colouring the map should not be imported into the OSM database without giving an
alternative. Right now I remember only two common examples about combining OSM
data and some other data outside the main OSM database for rendering. First is
about height contours and another one is about using OSM coastline shapefiles.

Let's take Corine an an example because even it is a fine dataset, it is made
for different purpose and in OSM it can only serve for giving some colour to the
maps. If it should not be imported into the OSM database then what would be a
better way for utilising Corine data? I would really like to see the Corine data
somewhere else than in the main OSM database because I am interested in the true
OSM data created by OSM users. I do not have any use for Corine land cover data
but I cannot avoid downloading it over and over again every time I am fetching a
new OSM country extract.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] proprietary keys and values, machine readable vs. humans

2012-01-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Pieren pieren3 at writes:

 On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 12:42 PM, Jonathan Bennett
 openstreetmap at wrote:
  We have (or at least, should have) a simple principle in OSM: Ignore what
you don't understand.
 I could add another one : delete what is beyond understanding.
 Because your principle is against another one : verifiability.
 Because your principle - if it is tolerated - might end up with
 elements tagged with dozen references to external applications and the
 readable tags will disappear in the number.

We will see much more proprietary keys in the future because people are 
importing huge amounts of spatial data from external sources. Much of that
data is hard or impossible to update by OSM contributors but new updates 
will be offered from the original sources. Topological data and landuse 
data are some examples. Corine land cover will be updated this year, 9 
gigabytes of topological vector data from the National Land Survey of 
Finland will be free under attribution-only license in May and so on. In such
situation people start thinking about adding source-IDs as OSM tags in a hope
that some part of the data could be more or less automatically updated on
the OSM side later.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-talk-nl] Dutch Cadastre released all topo vector, raster and toponym data under CC-BY

2012-01-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Stefan de Konink stefan at writes:

 OpenStreetMap NL was in Dutch news today being one of the first
 receivers of the TOP10nl dataset of the Dutch Cadastre. Since 1-1-2012
 the Cadastre releases its data under the CC-BY license, they even take
 contributions back.
 The data itself is in the highest precision usable between scales
 1:5000 and 1:25000. TOP10NL is gathered from aerial photography,
 digital measurements in the field and existing data.
 We already contacted what would be their 'ideal' contribution form,
 going beyond a simple email contribution with this object is wrong.

The National Land Survey of Finland will also publish whole lot of data (raster
maps, aerial images, laser scanning data and the whole topographic database in
vector format) with attribution-only licence in May 2012. I have been working
with the vector database and I know it has nearly 500 thematic layers and it
takes around 10 gigabytes in zipped shapefiles. It is at least 50 times more
than we have now in OSM. I can't yet imagine what it will mean for the OSM
project in Finland. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-fi] vuosaaren bbox

2011-12-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ilpo Järvinen kirjoitti:
 On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Ari Moisio wrote:

 Ikuisuusprojektini OSM-kartat loadstonelle jatkuu, kiitokset

 Jouduin pilkkomaan Helsingin alueen kaupunginosiksi ja  sain tehtyä
 kaikista muista paitsi Vuosaaresta josta en löytänyt  boundarya mistän
 karttapohjasta. Ehtisikö joku  vilkaista minlat, maxlat, minlon ja
 -arvot joiden sisään vuosaari jää?

 Kyllä sillä nykyään pitäis olla boundary... lisäsin sen joku kk-pari sit
 kun huomasin että puuttu

Mikä sinun mielestäsi muuten on Vuosaaren kaupunginosa?  Kuvassa näkyy
Kaupunkimittausosaston pienaluejakoa tuolta suunnalta, mitkä niistä
ottaisit mukaan Vuosaareen?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk-fi mailing list

Re: [OSM-fi] vuosaaren bbox

2011-12-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ilpo Järvinen kirjoitti:
 On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:

 Ilpo Järvinen kirjoitti:
  On Fri, 9 Dec 2011, Ari Moisio wrote:
  Ikuisuusprojektini OSM-kartat loadstonelle jatkuu, kiitokset
  Jouduin pilkkomaan Helsingin alueen kaupunginosiksi ja  sain tehtyä
  kaikista muista paitsi Vuosaaresta josta en löytänyt  boundarya
  karttapohjasta. Ehtisikö joku  vilkaista minlat, maxlat, minlon ja
  -arvot joiden sisään vuosaari jää?
  Kyllä sillä nykyään pitäis olla boundary... lisäsin sen joku kk-pari
  kun huomasin että puuttu

 Mikä sinun mielestäsi muuten on Vuosaaren kaupunginosa?  Kuvassa näkyy
 Kaupunkimittausosaston pienaluejakoa tuolta suunnalta, mitkä niistä
ottaisit mukaan Vuosaareen?

 Onko tää joku kompakysymys? :) Mannerta sisältävät vanhan helsingin
rajan sisipuolella, vartioharju-mellunmäestä poikki. Ne pitäis olla kyl

Ei ole kompakysymys, mutta Helsingin maalaiskunnan Vuosaaressa syntynyt
vaimo ei ole kotona ja minä olen maalta. Siis Uutela, Aurinkolahti,
Nordsjön kartano, Niinisaari, Mustavuori, Keski-Vuosaari, Rastila ja
Meri-Rastila? Tuosta minun kuvani pohjalla olevasta Helsinki Region
Infoshare -paikasta ladatusta aineistosta ei sitä saa selville.
Niin se näyttää täälläkin olevan
 Eli Vuosaari on Helsingin maalaiskunnasta vuonna 1966 kaapattu alue,
mutta kuuluuko siihen myös pala Sipoosta kaapattua aluetta Mustavuoressa?



talk-fi mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Blocked applications at tile server

2011-11-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Václav Řehák rehakv01 at writes:

  A fixed application would be one that does not use the OSM tile servers. The
  tile usage policy gives the example of distributing an app using tiles from as an activity which is forbidden without prior
  permission from system administrators.
 Well, and what is your recommended way to do the mapping then?

Perhaps to download the very fresh OSM data as vectors? Something like the data
layer we have in the standard OSM web map.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Blocked applications at tile server

2011-11-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Václav Rehák rehakv01 at writes:

  Perhaps to download the very fresh OSM data as vectors? Something like
 the data 
  layer we have in the standard OSM web map.
 Do you have real experience with this?

In a way, yes. I am mostly playing with tradional GIS and our national data but
the following link will send you all the osm_lines from a 10 km by 10 km
bounding box. Data comes from the OSM Mapnik schema and all the tags 
attached to the lines are included. See elements like
ref=3071, name=Ritvalanraitti, highway=tertiary,
surface=paved, z_order=4

You do not need to download the whole Czech data if you just want to check a
couple of streets. Ten by ten kilometers in my example seems to be from an
area that does not have many highways but it should give you an idea. 
This query will send all the osm_lines from the centre of Helsinki.,6671000,386000,6672000

This hundred by hundred meter box should give almost immediate response.,6671000,385100,6671100

I am updating data only every now and then but the database could be updated
with the Minutely Mapnik system and vectors would never be more than a 
couple of minutes old.

XML is not so interesting to look at but this OpenLayers example shows just
similar XML vector data on top of a raster map. Use the Delete Feature tool
and you will believe that they are vectors and nothing that is burned into
the raster image.

I do not want to advertise WFS over native OSM services, it just happens
to be a service I know somethign about. My message is that there can be 
other, maybe more flexible ways for utilising OSM data than just those 
boring tiles.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Daily stats report stopped?

2011-09-27 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Have the statistics stopped? The title of the page seems to be
OpenStreetMap stats report run at Fri Sep 09 00:00:12 +0100 2011

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Extract a polygon into a polygon filter file format

2011-08-27 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Pieren pieren3 at writes:

 On Fri, Aug 26, 2011 at 2:23 PM, Kirill Bestoujev bestoujev at
  I think it is better to try to persuade
  mappers from those countries to create the border in way everyone does.
 No. If we created this super-relation in France, it is because the
 original single relation became simply too big for normal editions.
 The country boundary is very long and complex (following natural
 If you want an approximate polygon, you can download the one published
 by geofabrik for instance. If you want a very precise polygon
 following exactly the border, we have a python script which is doing
 what you want with super-relations. Please contact the french mailing
 list or the french dev-fr ML for that.

If relations are such that osm2pgsql can handle them and convert into polygons
it might be easier to catch them from the Mapnik PostGIS schema. For example the
natural=water, name=Saimaa multipolygons (total number or polygons 68, all
together have 4262 holes, one polygon alone has 490 holes in it, and the whole
dataset is having 157551 nodes) can be drawn on a map from with this request,borders,osm_alueetTRANSPARENT=TRUEFORMAT=image/pngBBOX=-369151.98300283286,6597900.0,1511076.628895184,8057331.444759207SRS=EPSG:3067STYLES=sql=(tags
@ 'natural=water') AND (tags @ 'name=Saimaa')

and data can be downloaded with this
@ 'natural=water') AND (tags @ 'name=Saimaa')

The latter request will take some time, perhaps 30 seconds. 

I suppose this is not yet as easy to do from the native OSM database but for
sure sometimes in the future it will. Some kind of direct access to polygons
would be the first step and there has been some discussion about it in

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] using osm data and other sources in a project

2011-08-19 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
James Livingston lists@... writes:

 If you can't produce separate tiles, because rendering requires 
 accessing both databases at once, then you essentially have 
 combined the two databases together into a new one and are then 
 rendering based on that. So would assume in this case you'd have
 to distribute the combined database (or the non-OSM one and
 tell people to put them together as the modification).-- James

There is another world behind the tiles which is much more interesting and
flexible. Look at the image,borders,osm_viivatTRANSPARENT=TRUEFORMAT=image/pngBBOX=-369151.98300283286,6597900.0,1511076.628895184,8057331.444759207SRS=EPSG:3067STYLES=

The blue sea is coming from one database, borders from another and red OSM
motorways from a third. All with one request and end user cannot separate the
sources from the png image. Let's assume that sea and border data are not
allowed be added to OSM or delivered as ODbL. Should we tell WMS users that they
are not allowed to do the WMS request as LAYERS=sea,borders,osm_viivat but they
must make three separate requests and combine the result,6597900.0,1511076.628895184,8057331.444759207SRS=EPSG:3067STYLES=,6597900.0,1511076.628895184,8057331.444759207SRS=EPSG:3067STYLES=,6597900.0,1511076.628895184,8057331.444759207SRS=EPSG:3067STYLES=

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Moving Map on Netbook?

2011-08-11 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frederik at writes:

 I'd like to use my netbook to show a moving map. Assuming that I 
 somehow get gpsd hooked up and delivering position reports[*], what 
 software can I use?

There has been done some work for turning OpenJUMP into a moving map
application. The basic work was done by Edgar Soldin last year and it sort of a
tutorial is at

The base map can come from any source supported by OpenJUMP: georeferenced
rasters images, WMS server, shapefiles or a database. I have used it with a
combination of OSM vectors drawn from PostGIS on top of a base map rendered with
a local WMS server (Mapserver). Tiles are not supported because OpenJUMP does
not support them. Map is very flexible because user can select free set of
rasters, WMS layers and vectors for the project and adjust the visibility of
each layer. Data does not need to be only OSM data. Or perhaps other way, OSM
data must be translated into a raster map or some GIS format first. I have been
using osm2pgsql for that. When data is imported with the hstore option I can get
what ever OSM data I want on a moving map by creating layers with SQL query.

Moving map does not look very good at the moment because base map and GPS
location cursor are updated together. However, I have scheduled a little project
with Ede so that location cursor could be updated independently from the base
map. That would be approximatele one weeks work. 

OpenJUMP is not at all nice to use on the move because of the user interface
which is planned for desktop GIS. I have tried to use it with Windows tablet but
most of the icons are muct too small to be usable. But OpenJUMP is GPL and Java
so here might be people capable to do further development.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] I want my access back

2011-08-11 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Robert Kaiser kairo@... writes:

 BTW, if you would want to change OSM to be PD, you probably would need 
 to wipe the map clean and restart from scratch, as most contributors 
 want an attribution to the project at least - and that's what's not 
 guaranteed with current CC-BY-SA due to not applying for databases 
 appropriately in some jurisdictions.

Theoretically we wouldn't need to guess if most OSM contributors want an
attribution or not. There is the alternative Agree, and I consider my
contributions Public Domain. Those who have selected this do not care about
attribution. However, only a few sysadmins know how many of us have selected
this option because no statistics have been published.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Slim mode in osm2pgsql and out of memory error

2011-06-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Martijn van Oosterhout kleptog at writes:

 On 9 June 2011 08:38, Saphy Mo saphyfar at wrote:
  The file is the same Europe.osm.bz2 directly downloaded from geofabrik. I
  will decomprese it and try to see the order of Nodes, Ways and relation.
  But the error happens while pending_ways query.
 It occurs to me you can see this during import, by seeing which
 counters go up first.

The osm2pgsql wiki
says it is smart to increase the value of checkpoint_segments. I have a
feeling that it is compulsory, at least I was not able to import the Finnish
excerpt at all with the PostgreSQL 9.0 default value. But perhaps you have
increased it already.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is mail address legal@... valid?

2011-06-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Michael Collinson mike@... writes:

 Hi Jukka,
 Yes, it is still in use and we read everything and we we do try to 
 respond. Have we missed something?
 License Working Group

It is just about a proper way of attributing OSM in a Web Feature Service (WFS).
I posted a question first to this mailing list on May 16th and then to the
members of License Working Group on May 20th and another try on June 1st. Not so
hurry to get an answer, I just wanted to know that the question has arrived and
the working group is aware about it. The service itself is up and configured now
so that the WFS service metadata includes links to OSM license page. I have also
a separate web page describing the service and OSM license in mentioned there as
well with.

Service metadata is always available from
and it contains AccessConstraints section with the following text

Contains Map data from OpenStreetMap contributors
under CC-BY-SA license 
Additional OpenStreetMap constraints 
Contains spatial data from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
under NLS open license

The data from the service do not necessarily contain any hint about the origin
of the data or the licenses. In WFS users are supposed to chech such things from
the service metadata. However, WFS services can be used without studying the
metadata throughly. An example of direct data access and the output:

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Is mail address valid?

2011-06-03 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

The page
suggests that the licensing working group members should be reading posts sent
to a group address Is that address still in use?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-fi] Kuntien rajoista

2011-05-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ari Moisio kirjoitti:

 Olen rakentelemassa lähinnä näkörajoitteisille sopivaa karttasysteemiä
 joka OSM:n kartta-aineistoon ja Loadstone-ohjelmistoon
 ( Tarkoitus olisi tehdä kartat suurinpiirtein
 kartta per kunta mutta nyt tuli tenkkapoo koska läheskään kaikkien kuntien
 rajoja ei löydy OSM:n tiedoista. Tarkkaa polygonia en tarvitse,  bbox
 riittää hyvin.

 Löytyykö täläinen tieto helposti jostain vai onko rajat katsottava jostain

 Joillain kunnilla löytyy toki way tai useampi joka kiertää kunnan rajoja
 ja is_in-tageillakin löytyy jotain mutta esimerkiksi Uurainen jää näillä
 konsteilla aika pieneksi:-(

Kuntien rajat saa palvelusta näillä pyynnöillä GML2-muodossa:

EPSG:900913 (Google-projektio)

EPSG:4326 (WGS84)

EPSG:3267 (ETRS-TM35FIN, Suomen kansallinen suositeltu projektio)

Palvelun metatiedot:

MML:n lisenssi on käytännössä sama kuin CC-BY, eli vapaampi kuin OSM:lla.

Heti, kun Kosmo GIS -ohjelmasta on ladattavissa versio 2.0.1 sivustolta niin sillä voi tehdä helposti ja suomen kielellä muun
muassa sellaisia hakuja, joista on esimerkki tiedostossa  Uusi Kosmo-versio ilmestyy
todennäköisesti viikon sisällä.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk-fi mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Copyright and License in WFS service

2011-05-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
National Land Survey wanted only to have this text in the AccessConstraits
  Contains spatial data from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS)
   under NLS open license  

The license in English is here

I included also this text in the AccessConstrainst about OSM data

 Contains Map data from OpenStreetMap contributors
under CC-BY-SA license
Additional OpenStreetMap constraints 

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Copyright and License in WFS service

2011-05-16 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Could you tell what is the proper way to credit OpenStreetMap in a WFS service?
I am planning to start keeping my WFS server solidly up and I would like to have
a few OSM datasets in the service. In the beginning they would be the osm_point,
osm_line and osm_polygon layers which are the standard PostGIS layers created by
osm2pgsql with the hstore option for keeping all the tags. In addition the
service would contain some data from the National Land Survey of Finland (NLS).
The NLS datasets have a more permissive license than OSM data, NLS open data
license which is attrirution only and pretty close to CC-BY.

WFS standard defines the AccessConstraints element in the service metadata 
and I have sketched to have there a text like

Access Constraints
Contains Map data from OpenStreetMap contributors 
licensed under the Creative Commons 
Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 licence (CC-BY-SA)
Check also additional OpenStreetMap constraints

Contains map data from from the National Land Survey of Finland
licensed under the NLS open license

Would this be enought? WFS service metadata can be obtained by doing a
GetCapabilities request

However, it is possible to download data from the service without ever doing the
GetCapabilities request by sending

In this case the OSM data have been imported with osm2pgsql and after that there
are not much left in the data to tell that they come originally from OSM.

Is it enough to use the standard WFS way and include access constraints in the
service metadata where users can read them if they wish or should there be some
other means to make it compulsory to read the access constraints before
downloading data?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Unlicensed use of the logo in iPhone app?

2011-05-16 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
What I appreciate is that our logo is honouring the traditions.  See the old
ArcView logo

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] PD aspiration statistics

2011-05-10 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

The licensing working group has been discussing about a thing 
called PD aspirations

Excerpt from the minutes

5. OpenStreetMap PD-Contributor Terms

Freimut Kahrs wrote to us concerning an issue that has 
recently emerged on German and international blogs and 
mailing lists, suggesting that mappers should be able 
to choose between two different Contributor Terms offered 
by OSMF:

1. CT-ODbL (the current 1.2.4 Contributor Terms)

2. CT-PD , which releases personal contributions into 
public domain and allows direct use as such by end users 
of the OSM geodata set.

A discussion concluded that there are disadvantages. It 
was also felt that, while attractive to a segment of the 
community, it goes against the 2007 consensus of choosing 
the latter of going PD or go something like CC-BY-SA but
written for data. We noted that we are already giving an 
opportunity to folks to indicate their PD aspirations.  
It would need work on whether it is legally feasible and 
would also require changes to OSM's end user licensing, i.e. 
not just ODbL.

Are there plans to publish some day the statistics about how 
many users have been willing to indicate their PD aspirations 
and how wide a segment we are talking about? Without statistics
the bare opportunity to indicate PD aspirations is not very 
much to be happy about. 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] PD tick box

2011-04-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Cartinus cartinus at writes:

 On Monday 18 April 2011 04:47:30 Steve Coast wrote:
  Today I watched a few people sign up for OSM and they all ticked the PD
  box without even looking at it, it was very entertaining.
 And hereby the expected anti-PD campaign is officially started.

I would guess that lots of people are also selecting ODbL + CT without looking
at those and the anti-PD campaign has started a long, long time ago. But it
would be really entertaining to see statistics about how many people have
checked the PD tick box.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] PD tick box

2011-04-18 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Fabio Alessandro Locati fabiolocati at writes:

 Am I worng or the PD-box is for statistical use only?

It may be there for statistics but no numbers have ever been published. The
other possible reason for the existence of the tick box is to make PD-minded
people feel happy and be quit. Somehow similar case than the creation of the
legal-general mailing list.

PD-box does not have any practical effect, all data that is uploaded into OSM
database is under the same OSM licence.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping huge lakes as coastline

2011-04-14 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Teemu Koskinen teemu.koskinen at writes:

 I converted a few of the biggest lakes in Finland a few years ago to 
 coastlines, and they worked fine, until last year some other user converted 
 them to multipolygons with natural=water -tags. He also splitted the biggest 
 lake (Päijänne) in pieces, which created arbitrary lines across the lakes at 
 random where the lake was divided to different polygons.
 The biggest lakes in Finland have tens of thousands (or even hundreds of 
 thousands) nodes and a LOT of islands, so it's not practical to represent 
 as (multi)polygons IMO.

It is not practical, either, to represent them as coastlines. For example
osm2pgsql is not importing coastlines into PostGIS at all but users must use the
processed land polygons as shapefiles for rendering these coastline lakes. One
may say it works fine with Mapnik rendering because of this shapefile
workaround. Some could call it as a dirty hack. For example, it gets complicated
when somebody wants to add tags for the lakes and islands.

By the way, i checked that the biggest lake polygon in the data of the National
land survey of Finland is the lake Saimaa, and it has exactly 287273 vertices
and more than 5000 islands. It is a bit heavy to handle in PostGIS and Oracle
Spatial and with GIS programs but not at all impossible.

There is a wiki page about the future of areas in OSM. Handling big lakes is one
more thing to be discussed there, see

In the data 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping huge lakes as coastline

2011-04-14 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jukka Rahkonen jukka.rahkonen at writes:

 By the way, i checked that the biggest lake polygon in the data of the 
 land survey of Finland is the lake Saimaa, and it has exactly 287273 vertices
 and more than 5000 islands. It is a bit heavy to handle in PostGIS and Oracle
 Spatial and with GIS programs but not at all impossible.

Sorry, I made a wrong query and the correct number is 820357 vertices.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Spanish official land register (Catastro) changes its license

2011-04-07 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
jynus jynusx at writes:

 I think it is an announcement with the same impact as the one from the
 French Cadastre or Ordinance Survey permissions, maybe even better, as
 we have directly permission to get and use the vectorial data, updated
 every 3 months.
 We are yet greatly shocked on the Spanish mailing list, but if anyone
 is interested we will start working on coordinating there and on the
 wiki. We have yet to review the exact conditions and how to conform
 with them, and also see how are we going to merge it with existing

I am pretty sure that Catastro is doing good job also with the updates. Perhaps
we should start seriously to think about alternative ways for utilising foreign
data together with OSM data and not just import and merge everything that is
available. It can be pretty hard to update the imported, merged and perhaps user
enhanced data with the updates coming from the original data provider. But if
the data will not be updated OSM will have a partly enhanced but also partly
outdated snapshot of data. The aim should be up-to-date and user enhanced data.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Tag for true OSM data?

2011-03-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

I am mostly interested in truly original OSM data created by our contributors.
Now when folks are more and more importing data into OSM it is getting less
usable for me. For example if I want to use Corine landcover data I prefer using
it from the original sources and not pushed through OSM. Could it be reasonable
to have some true_osm=yes tag for the original OSM features?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Tag for true OSM data?

2011-03-31 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
M∡rtin Koppenhoefer dieterdreist at writes:

 2011/3/31 Martijn van Exel
 Having said that, there's the important issue of human contributors 
 adding value to the imports: adding metadata, removing stale data, 
 improving geometry. Those are real human contributions that would 
 not have occurred if it weren't for the import happening first.

 And with the time, the original imports will more and more (given an
 active community) fade towards cloudbased human mapping.

 I also don't share the fear that there will on the long run a growing
 amount of imports but rather guess that imports will become less,
 because it becomes always more complicated to import stuff, when half
 of it is already present in OSM, while it was easy to import into an
 empty map.

Data which are significantly enhanced by the users (I know, it 
is hard to define what is significant) would be valuable for me 
as well. Basically I do not care about rendering but I have an 
interest in plain data. I am after interoperability without a 
need to import everything into OSM first. I would like to do 
spatial queries from the database and through web services and 
see what features and what tags OSM users have recorded around 
a given place and do comparisons with data from other data sources. 
But I fear no single tag nor a simple tag combination can ever be 
used for finding the real user contributed data and I will need 
to preprocess OSM data somehow.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Licensing Working Group

2011-03-25 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Grant Slater writes:

 Not true. ODbL licensed data *can* be forked at any time without
 asking anyone for their blessing.
 I don't see how you come to the conclusion otherwise. The Licensing
 Working Group consulted with a lawyer during drafting of the ODbL to
 ensure that the ODbL licensed content would be forkable.

What would the proper way for a fork to deal with those data publishers who want
to be attributed? Would it be enough for the fork maintainer to have a link to


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] georeferencing OSM

2011-03-07 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Łukasz Stelmach stlman at writes:

 This has been discussed[1] some time ago but the answer is somehow
 unclear to me. I understand that EPSG:900913 is (may be?) a crappy
 projection[2]. However, I still need a map of Poland at zoom 6-8 warped
 to EPSG2180. How to use geotifcp (how to prepare metadata) to embed
 appropriate information in an image exported from OpenStreetmap?

I would capture first the image of your area by using native EPSG:900913
projection with gdal_translate and WMS driver as described at the bottom of the
document  As a result you will have on a disk a
geotiff file which is simple to re-project further into EPSG:2180 with gdalwarp.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] How to remove my data since 2006

2011-01-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Maarten Deen md...@... writes:

  CTs will allways be per account. There is nothing linking seperate 
  accounts together or even to an actual person. There is only an e-mail 
  Any one person can also create multiple accounts and choose to accept 
  or not accept the CT for his currently exisiting account as he wishes.

That brings to my mind that how we can ever say in a reliable way who 
is an active contributor as defined by the CTs
 An active contributor is defined as:
a natural person (whether using a single or multiple accounts) 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CT clarification: third-party sources

2010-12-14 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Francis Davey fjm...@... writes:

 On 13 December 2010 22:46, Anthony o...@... wrote:
  It's unclear to me whether a 2/3 majority of active contributors have
  to vote yes, or merely 2/3 of some unspecified quorum of active
 It is extremely unlikely that any English court would think so. The
 phrase a 2/3 majority vote of active contributors would be
 understood in its natural way, namely that 2/3 (or more) of all active
 contributors must vote in favour of the change. If there was to be a
 quorum then the terms would say so.

I do not really believe that the turnout percentage in any OSM poll would reach
66.7 percent, even if we count just the active contributors.  It is nowadays a
good percentage even in the election of the parliament. In year 2007 in Finland
the turnout seemed to be 67.9%. And because all active contributors for sure
would not vote for Yes it would mean in practice that OSM license could never
be changed. Myself I have been thinking that the 2/3 majority means the share of
those who vote. Obviously it would be better to write it clearly into the CTs
how we want it to be interpreted and not to ask it afterwards from any English

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] CT clarification: third-party sources

2010-12-14 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frede...@... writes:

 On 12/14/10 10:28, Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
  I do not really believe that the turnout percentage in any OSM poll 
would reach
  66.7 percent, even if we count just the active contributors.
 The turnout percentage in the kind of poll mandated by the CT will be 100%:
 An 'active contributor' is defined as [someone who] has maintained a 
 valid email address in their registration profile and responds within 3 

Right, I apologize. I was remembering that we have about 15000 active
contributors but actually we have just that amount of potentially active

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Microstation import

2010-12-03 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ed Loach ed at writes:

 If ogr2osm doesn't recognise it, perhaps you can use ogr2ogr to convert it
into something that ogr2osm will recognise:

Ogr2osm is a python script that is using ogr so it should support all the same
formats that ogr2ogr. A try with ogrinfo may still give some more information,
as well as reading the document 

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Spam in OSM forum?

2010-11-25 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

I suppose that this last forum posting in this thread is pure spam, with all
those smileys with links to various web places.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] So how *do* you get GPS waypoints into OSM?

2010-11-22 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Steve Bennett stevagewp at writes:

Try WP1.gpx - WP12.gpx

I added the same fake two node track to each file somewhere from the area of the
first WP file.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Historical Data in OSM database

2010-11-09 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Lester Caine lester at writes:

 In the past we have been told If you want it - Add it - other people do not 
 have to use it. I just think this is another case of that which we need to 
 agree methods for since at least a few people DO want to share the 
 If I'm mapping on some historic side port of the data why would I then bother 
 adding current stuff back to the main one ... I'd just be happy with the one 
 was using ...

This historical information thing is another example, in addition to 
more and more geospatial data that could be imported into OSM, that perhaps
importing everything into a huge OSM trunk is not the only or even the best
way for combining data from different sources. For example the Finnish 
prototype of Inspire map portal can already show about 80 map layers 
together without any imports between the databases. All the layers 
(except the two OSM layers) are coming from the original data providers 
and combined at the client. Soon some of the layers will be downloadable 
as vectors or rasters through the same porta. The result is by no means 
nice cartography but still already usable for comparing datasets. For 
example the coverage of the official highway data and OSM, Digiroad and 
OpenStreetMap in the Transport networks category. The portal is at

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SotM11 will be held in Denver.

2010-10-25 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
SotM11 is planned to be arranged just after the FOSS4G conference. I do not
believe it is an accident because Steve Coast and Mikel Maron are members of the
FOSS4G Local Organizing Committee
It can be a good idea if people can spend the whole week and take part in the
both conferences. Or then somebody could have a speech in both conferences.
After all, we are not so far away from the FOSS4G folks and software. OSM was
very visible in FOSS4G this year but also we might have something to learn from
the paleogis side.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] legal FAQ license

2010-10-13 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frede...@... writes:

 I think you have understood this all right. In my eyes there's a wide 
 band between clearly non-copyrightable edits on one side (which we could 
 legally keep in OSM even if the person who added them said no - but 
 we're unlikely to exercise that right) and edits that are clearly 
 works on the other (which are thus copyrightable in some countries). 
 In between there may well lie some edits that are extremely unlikely to 
 qualify as a work in terms of IP law, but where we would still remove 
 them if the person who added them were to ask us to do it. For these, I 
 think the opt-out mechanism is morally acceptable.

And of course we are using the same rules for taking and giving, or? Same
amounts of data we consider non-copyrightable and keep therefore in the database
can be taken out from the new ODbl-OSM database as if they were PD? And even
store masses of separate extracts into one database because that's what we would
do ourselves?

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Voluntary re-licansing and CT 1.1

2010-10-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ed Avis e...@... writes:

 Perhaps there should be a meta-contributor-terms where you agree to 
 accept future
 contributor terms proposed by the OSMF.  Then there wouldn't be the need to
 re-ask everybody each time the contributor terms change.

Insurance companies would love this idea :) However, I consider that by 
accepting Contributor Terms the mapper makes a binding contract with 
OSMF and that can be changed only if both OSMF and mapper accept it. 
License can be changed later because that possibility is written in CT 
but not CTs.

Now we have perhaps 20 or 30 thousand contracts with CT 1.0 but apparently in 
the future contibutors will be asked to accept CT 1.1. What is the plan with 
those CT 1.0 mappers? Will they just continue to contribute under CT 1.0 or 
will they be asked to accept CT 1.1 before they can continue?  For me the 
changes between 1.0 and 1.1 look negligible but perhaps having both CT 1.0 
and CT 1.1 users could make things even more garbled.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Checking if I understand correctly...

2010-10-05 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Ed Avis e...@... writes:

 What I meant to say was: under these contributor terms, OSM is not compatible
 with itself!  Although the OSM project licenses its data under CC-BY-SA
 or under ODbL, it would not accept such licences from others.
 Whether this really matters, or is just an obscure point of principle, is open
 to debate.  But it's certainly the case.

It is hard to believe that we want to build such a system but if that is 
the case then it will matter once someone takes some OSM data and lets own 
users to do updates and inserts. Isn't for example OpenAddresses such a 

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Voluntary re-licansing and CT 1.1

2010-10-04 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Some of us have pressed a button and accepted contributor terms v. 1.0. However,
there seems to be a draft for version 1.1

Does it mean that the voluntary re-licensing campaign is chiefly an exercise and
everybody will need to accept version 1.1 once it is ready?

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Attribution in digital services like WFS

2010-09-23 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

It is easy to deliver OSM vector data through WFS service as gml

or as json if gml does not feel comfortable

What is hard is to give attribution and show the license. Of course I can
add Access constraints element to the service metadata
ows:AccessConstraintsData from OSM, license

and users can read it at any time from the service with

But is that enough? WFS service can be used without ever reading the
document and user may receive tons of digital OSM vector data without
really knowing where those did come from and what is the license.

I can add a new field into all the layers, attribution and populate it
with some text. That way the attribution could be glued into each feature,
but I am not sure if I can force WFS users to fetch that attribute even
that way because WFS allows users to request just a subset of attributes.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Natural person in CT 3

2010-09-20 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Clause 3 in CTs says:

 An active contributor is defined as:
a contributor natural person (whether using a single or multiple accounts) 

This aims, I suppose, at giving only one vote for each natural person. How could
this be checked? The real identity of contributer has never been asked, all we
have is the user name - email combination.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Partnership between OSM and local government?

2010-09-20 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Aun Yngve Johnsen lists at writes:
 You mean, how would the city council benefit apart from the fact they  
 are participating in a free, powerful routable map with loads of  
 features? Free worldwide distribution, availability on several types  
 of equipment. Software to make everything from local restaurant  
 guides, to routable maps with custom warnings.
 Besides there are thousands and thousands of volunteers doing the work  
 for them, without getting paid, demanding no more than access to the  
 finished works.

There can be a little problem if municipalities are also selling 
their geodata. For sure municipalities can use dual license for the 
original data but what happens if they want to update their own data 
with OSM user contributions? Would the whole updated dataset become 
share alike as well?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can OSM sources be public domain CC-0(zero)?

2010-09-02 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Simon Biber wrote:

 On Thu, 2 September, 2010 11:22:54 AM, andrzej zaborowski balrogg
 at wrote:

 Besides, there's nothing in the Google Terms of Service which says
 you may not make use of the facts you learn by using this website.
 That'd just be silly. Not to mention unconscionable, and therefore

 Google does say that certain information displayed is proprietary 
 and may not be provided to others.

 any unauthorized copying or reproduction of the content in any form,
 or by any means, is not permitted

Did anybody read the discussion in

The question was not about copying or reproducing  something that 
exists on a map. It was about using an existing map or satellite 
imagery for locating some new feature that does not appear on the map.
This is how the discussion started.

The question by Richard Fairhurst (2008 October 9)
Interesting (I know, I know, I should get a life). But if the nice chaps
at Richmond tell you there’s a recycling box at the corner of Park Lane
and Park Road, and you use Google (map or satellite) to determine that
said corner is at 51.425297,-0.334935, isn’t that a derivation?
Because it would be really, really cool if it wasn’t.

The answer by Ed Parsons (2008 October 9)
@ Richard,
OK so this is really cool then, as I can use Google maps to determine
the actual location, as it both does not occur on the original map or
at Richmond’s website. It is the product of my interpretation in this
case based on local knowledge and the imagery therefore it is not derived !

Niklas is having very analogous use case. He took a photo and he knows 
he was standing at the corner of Park Lane and Park Road. If he then
looks at Google maps and takes the coordinates for geotagging his photo,
Ed Parsons seems to think that the geolocation of the photo is not derived.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can OSM sources be public domain CC-0(zero)?

2010-09-01 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Niklas Cholmkvist towardsoss at writes:

 When I map, sometimes I add sources to my contributions. It could be a
 bus route relation where I may add the GPS trace I took while riding the
 bus as the source for the route. Other times if I name a street I may
 use a geotagged/geolocated photo of the street sign as a source.(thus
 proving that the name is the same as the one shown on the street sign) 
 In some cases where I want to fine-adjust the location of a geotagged
 photo using for example the rendered OSM Mapnik images, will part of my
 photo(or the photo in whole) become CC-BY-SA-2.0? (this question arised
 after I considered making all my geotagged -in EXIF- photos public
 domain CC-0-1.0-Universal) 


If you do not want to start a new war, take the coordinates from Google
Earth/Maps.  Judged by the blog
Google will not rise a hullabaloo against you.  But if you want to have fun
check the coordinates from both OSM and Google (and Yahoo and Bing as well)
and use the average. 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Culvert and average contributor

2010-08-27 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Pieren pieren3 at writes:

 It seems that culvert=yes is ambiguous. It can be a ford or applied on the
road. I'm also in favour to replace culvert=yes by tunnel=culvert,
bridge=culvert or ford=culvertIt has also the advantage of simplifying the tag
management in applications (can just handle tunnel=* or bridge=* or ford=*).

And it can also be considered how ofter culvert is needed.  Normally, if a 
ditchcrosses a way it does it through a culvert, at least here in Finland,
and everybody knows it without splitting the waterway and adding culverts 
or layer definitions etc. But for sure there are culverts which are worth 
having their own tags.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Future relicensing in the contributor terms and data imports

2010-08-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
James Livingston li...@... writes:

 On 23/08/2010, at 4:22 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
 Not only the Contributor Terms - the whole project is. Data importing 
 should always be the exception and not the rule.
 But is it though? I guess that's the nub of the issue with data imports 
 and licensing - some people are against 
 data imports and some people like them.

I remember that Frederik has used a word interoperability in some of his 
mails. Most OSM folks seem to think that interoperability means either
a) transparent tiles and OpenLayers or
b) vacuuming all the geodata with somehow suitable license into OSM.

I believe there could be also other ways. It is understandable 
that road data are imported into the main OSM database because we have 
lots of our own highway data with better and more up-to-date knowlegde 
about road attributes. Road data must also be noded for making it 
suitable for navigation and OSM data model with the spaghetti topology 
and all the data on a one single layer suits this use. However, some 
of the data which have been imported could as well be used from somewhere 
else, like from a separate OSM-Import database or from an external service.

Use of SRTM countour lines in OpenCyclemap, Openmtbmap and in some other 
places is one (only?) good example about using non-OSM data together with 
OSM data without imports.

It is not really a pleasure to try to follow the rules given in documents like

Still I think that it is better this way than by having a huge Central 
Spatial Data Infrastructure database in Brussels. Perhaps we will also
start thinking some day that all the data which are possible to import
into OSM do not need to be imported but they can still be utilised.
I believe that this was what Frederik meant, not that we should map
everything by ourselves.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Is CC-BY-SA is compatible with ODbL - a philosophical point

2010-08-23 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
andrzej zaborowski balr...@... writes:

 That's what I think the plan is.  However it is made very difficult by
 the fact that those data providers most likely chose their SA licenses
 in order to be able to use any improvements made on top of their data,
 which we are planning to very soon make impossible for them.  So we
 now approach them and say Hello, can you please grant all these..
 perpetual.. irrevocable.. etc. rights to something called OSMF, and by
 the way you won't be able to use OSM data any more because our new
 license is not compatible with yours.

It may be hard to give something back from OSM to many of the data 
providers. Public domain sources like USGS cannot take the updates 
because they are funded for producing public domain data 
Ordance Survey can't take updates because it is also selling licenses 
for commercial use. Thus both the European and American mapping agencies 
have one thing in common, they can't accept updates from OSM community 
but they need to build their own community feed back systems.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Potlatch for Newbies

2010-08-21 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Graham Jones grahamjones139 at writes:

 I think improving the documentation for new users (and experienced ones too!)
is a really good idea - I think we lack information for the casual new user.
 The disadvantage of directing this group to Potlatch is that they need to
understand quite a few concepts before they can really do anything (nodes, ways,
tags, the fact that there is no definitive list of approved tags etc. etc.).

This mail from developer mailing list is also worth reading:

An excerpt from that mail says (please read the whole message still to
understand what is the meaning of 'simple editor') 

The OSM data model is complex and sophisticated, and any
attempts at a 'simple' editor will simply mess up other peoples work.
Especially when you start touching relations, which seeing as
relations themselves involve nodes and ways that's pretty much any

OSM statistics at
are showing that the number of active OSM contributers stopped growing about one
year ago. Perhaps one reason for that is just the complex and sophisticated data
model, together with growing interest of creating relations and editors which
cannot hide the complexity yet.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Valid geometry for closed ways

2010-08-20 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frederik at writes:

 Iván Sánchez Ortega wrote:
  If you want polygons to behave as in paleo GIS, you should refer to the 
  industry standars. Specifically, to , version 1.2.1, page 26:
 Agree with all, except that, for simplicity, we tend to make an 
 exception in
 |  +--+--+   |
 |  |  |  |   |
 |  +--+--+   |


As well as in

|| a ||
| b  |   ||
| |

That is, the inner ring touching the outer ring in more than one point. That
situation is a bit complicated to handle with OGC simple features. It would mean
drawing an U-shaped b and a box shaped a and combining then into an OGC
multipolygon with two outer rings.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Valid geometry for closed ways

2010-08-20 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Sebastian Klein bastikln at writes:

 I remember someone said that Multipolygon would be misnomer. But 
 according to this specification, it fits quite well, doesn't it?

All the polygons can be called multipolygons. Polygon is a simple variant of a
multipolygon, and it can hold only one outer ring. It can still contain however
many inner rings, even zero. It is often good for GIS users if in the dataset
only real multipolygons are presented as such because sometimes some spatial
functions do not accept multi-outer-ring things. But yes, OSM multipolygon
relations which are most often one-outer-ring-with-holes can be called
multipolygons also in the GIS world.


 talk mailing list
 talk at

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Re: [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one to use?

2010-08-19 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Anthony osm at writes:

  So I prefer to add the street name to the street (as name) and addr:street
  to the building/shop etc.
 I think for now that's probably the best solution.  And just hope
 there aren't too many instances of Main Street on the addr vs. Main
 St on the way.  And do some sort of nearby search.
 Unfortunately, that means I can't do a simple SQL query to find out
 what street has the most addresses on it in the OSM database.  OTOH,
 I could probably come up with a fairly simple SQL query to answer How
 many addresses are there on Broad Street in Philadelphia, especially
 if I'm willing to approximate Philadelphia as a rectangle.

Something like this might work with data imported with osm2pgsql

select count(*) from osm_polygon opoly, osm_line oline
where oline.highway is not null
and opoly.building is not null
and [distance from street to buildings is less than x meters];

However, the distance query is not very simple for the whole 
world data, see

There is no need to approximate Philadelphia as a rectangle, you can 
use the whole geometry in spatial intersects filter

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-17 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
TimSC mapp...@... writes:
 Hi all,
 Apologies if this has been raised before, but I was wondering about GPS 
 track data and licenses. Presumably we are using public GPS trace data 
 under CC-BY-SA. By the way, it would be helpful to clarify that on the 
 wiki. I'll ignore the problem of tracing other people's tracks and the 
 resulting relicensing issues. At the moment, I am considering how GPS 
 tracks work with the CT and ODbL (assuming they too will be relicensed).

I have understood that uploaded GPS track logs that we have now are 
effectively public domain. They are facts (even they do not allways 
tell the truth) and they miss all the creativity so they are not copyrightable.
 Everybody can use at least individual tracks for any purpose. At the 
moment only OSM map data are under CC-BY-SA but track logs are free facts.
Anybody can download the original track logs, trace from them and create a
commercial or public domain map from those.

I believe that after the possible license change there would not be any
difference between GPS track logs and other kind of contributions and they 
would all be covered by ODbL and contributor terms.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] ODbL, CTs and tracing GPS tracks

2010-08-17 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
80n 80n...@... writes:

 Jukka Rahkonen wrote:

 I have understood that uploaded GPS track logs that we have now are
 effectively public domain. They are facts (even they do not allways
 tell the truth) and they miss all the creativity so they are not 

 Is this a correct understanding of what a fact is, from a legal point
 of view? A telephone number is a fact in the sense that it is it's own
 identity.  A copy will be identical.  And this seems to be the basis 
 of much US case law in this area.  On the other hand GPS tracks are 
 made up of information, but they are samples of a paths and no two 
 sets of GPS tracks will ever be identical.  The stuff of GPS tracks 
 is very different from the stuff of telephone numbers.Before using 
 the GPS tracks are facts meme we really should have a better 
 understanding of what constitutes a fact, in legal terms. 

I can't say how facts look like from the legal point of view, or if such 
exist at all. In real life many of us consider also unrepeatable 
approximations as facts, like how much we weight. Completely defined  
facts like telephone numbers are rare exceptions. Most measurements are 
more or less inaccurate. See for example

GPS track logs recorded with recreational GPS units are approximations of the
route, accurate to something like +/- 10 meters. I wouldn't say 
that due to this inaccuracy track logs are creative work. However, I 
wouldn't be surprised if they still are from the legal point of view.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] ODBL vote (was Re: Enough is enough: d isinfecting OSM from poisonous people)

2010-08-12 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Sam Vekemans acrosscanadatrails at writes:

 after checking the 'in addition make pd' box, is there a way to
 'uncheck' that box if we change are mind at a later date? say, if i
 discover more information that would make me change my mind.
 (i can with google photos, as an example)

Does the phrase you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain has any
real meaning? Can somebody download data which are only edited by PD minded
people from the main OSM database and use those for any purpose?

If the answer is yes then changing your mind should only be possible for new
edits and by creating a new user account. Somebody may already believed you and
started to use data as PD. However, I suppose that checking the PD box is only a
declaration and will not really allow anybody to use parts of the OSM database
as PD. Thus it would not harm anybody if you could change your PD considerations
whenever you want.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenJUMP supports live GPS with OSM data now

2010-08-11 Thread Jukka Rahkonen

OpenJUMP GIS ( is about to get a brand new live GPS
extension. I did some testing with the rc4 version and wrote some lines with
screen captures into

Some features:

- Unlike GPSD based solutions like JOSM livegps plugin, OpenJUMP GPS 
extension works with Windows
- Nothing OpenStreetMap specific included. OpenJUMP can open shapefiles
and read data from PostGIS database. OSM shapefiles from Geofabrik or 
Cloudmade can be used as such, as well as OSM data imported into PostGIS
database with osm2pgsql.
Also the new 'tags' column of hstore datatype is supported and therefore 
all the OSM tags can be accessed by OpenJUMP if the PostGIS import has been
done by using the -k option
- OSM can combine OSM data with anything else that can be converted into
shapefiles or PostGIS, including data from all the various OSM forks
we may have :)
- Georeferenced images and WMS services can be used together with vector

- Not suitable for OSM editing. Edits can be saved into shapefiles and 
with some struggle converted into osm format with tools like 
for further processing with JOSM but it's tricky. So no, OpenJUMP is 
not an OSM editor.
- No routing. Osm2pgsql brakes the topology and even there has been some
pgrouting plugin for OpenJUMP I would believe it won't work well with 
OSM data. Some kind of a workaround is to download route from Cloudmade
in gpx format, convert it to shapefile and add then as a new layer 
into OpenJUMP map.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] CC-BY-SA derived ODbL data

2010-08-10 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Richard gave me an idea for mixing the stew.

Let's say that a user who stays with CC-BY-SA has drawn crossing streets and
buildings around the corner. Then another user who is willing to go with ODbL
locates some POIs by looking at the ready OSM map. Sooner or later the streets
and buildings will disappear from the OSM-ODbL but what will happen to the POIs?
I suppose there are folks who say that also these POIs should be deleted from
(or not transferred to) the OSM-ODbL database because they are derived from the
CC-BY-SA only data.

How strict are we going to be with these cases? If we are going to be strict,
how can we sort them out? 

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Frederik declares war on data imports...

2010-08-10 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Jaak Laineste jaak.laineste at writes:

 I don't really see how someone can even have the idea (or argument)
 that map is just a database of facts.
  I'd suggest a simple technical test for is X an art or fact.
 1. ask two persons to create the X.
 2. store it to a digital file, and make diff of the files.
 Only if you can get no differences then this was a pure fact. I am
 sure that mapping (like e.g. photography) will fail the test, even
 without trying it out.
I like this test because it will make things easy. No fuzzy shades of grey like
some Richard is suggesting. Can you give an example of a thing that is done by a
human being and that is not art by this definition?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Frederik declares war on data imports...

2010-08-10 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Richard Fairhurst richard at writes:

 Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
  I like this test because it will make things easy. No fuzzy shades of grey 
  like some Richard is suggesting.
 I'm not suggesting, I'm reporting. You might like things to be easy but that
 isn't the way the law works... or we wouldn't have been having this
 discussion for the last five years.

I am awfully sorry, I did it again. I should have just written that I consider
that the test that Jaak suggests is too simple, and the shades of grey are the
colours I tend to see around me.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-06 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
80n 80n...@... writes:

 There are many things that meet the almost trivial threshold that legally
constitutes creativity. Road classification, land use, abstraction,
generalization, selectivity, arbitrary tagging, arrangement, smoothness, routes,
desire paths, boundary approximation, building outlines, junction topology,
address schema, layers, etc.  All creative, all copyrightable.

I have been leading a team of digitizers tracing features from aerial images. I
was doing everything I could to minimize the creative or artistic part of their
work. Actually, a quite heavy system of internal and external quality control
was there just to make sure that every worker was producing about the same sort
of bulk data.

There are also other and bigger organizations than OSM doing same kind of, for
my mind non-creative, work. Mapping agencies in the European countries, for
example. I think that we must not claim that this kind of work is creative and
copyrightable. That will be used against us and against all the citizens willing
to use geospatial data produced by our administrations. We should show an
example about free geodata, not the opposite.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] decision removing data

2010-08-06 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
80n 80n...@... writes:

 So, without your best endeavours, would you agree that these contributors
would naturally introduce some creativeness?  If you have to expend effort to
remove creativity then you have made a pretty good case for the existence of
creativity.  Thank you for your testimony.

Somehow I feel that you did understand what I meant, but I may be wrong. Anyhow,
I apologize, I should have written clearly that I did not really mean they were
creative. They made errors. We learned them and tested them with calibrated test
areas until they could do acceptable work. You can call them contributors, we
called them workers. I suppose our boss would have used trained monkees instead
if she had enough bananas.

I have been doing rather a lot of digitising in my life. I do not consider my 
own digitising work as creative, just work. Others can feel in a different way,
I speak for myself. Very similar work (but not as fun) as using a sewing
machine, or welding steel plates, or plowing with a tractor - just try to follow
the lines which you see. I think I would rather go welding now than continue
this thread any longer.


legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Rendering street names across several ways

2010-07-02 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
andrzej zaborowski balrogg at writes:

 I think the rules for joining segments by osm2pgsql should be something like:
 * name='s are equal,
 * highway/railway/waterway/aeroway class is equal (however I wouldn't
 mind osm2pgsql joining a 3-segment way where the middle segment is
 shared with a tramway)
 * only two such ways meet at the common node -- not a Y type of
 junction where all three ways have identical names  classes.
 * (possibly) not divided by a crossing with a higher class way,
 * (possibly) not meeting at a narrow angle
 * oneway='s are equal (or inverse, in case the ways have opposite directions),
  * unless it's a zoom level where the oneway arrows are invisible.


I hope that if osm2pgsql will have this kind of Mapnik specific import rules,
they would be optional. People are using osm2pgsql also for other purposes than
Mapnik rendering.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Share-A-Like (non-) Verifiability because they are not publicly accessable

2010-06-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Andy Allan gravityst...@... writes:

 No. That would be avoiding the whole point of the share-alike license.
 If they have geographic data that we don't have, and they mix it with
 OSM data, then the whole point is that we end up with access to their
 geographic data. It's called share-alike! Not
 Really, if people (businesses, charities, individuals or whoever) have
 data they wish to keep private, they can still use OSM data
 internally. If they want to Publicly Convey this Database, any
 Derivative Database, or the Database as part of a Collective
 Database, then they can't avoid the licence.


You are obviously reading , section 4.5 in a different
way that I do.  

  a. For the avoidance of doubt, You are not required to license Collective
Databases under this License if You incorporate this Database or a Derivative
Database in the collection, but this License still applies to this Database or a
Derivative Database as a part of the Collective Database; 

For me it looks like business users can feel safe with their data if they do not
make derivative databases, for example by enhancing their own data by taking
tags from OSM database. Drawing their own data on top of OSM basemap is OK,
isn't it?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Share-A-Like (non-) Verifiability because they are not publicly accessable

2010-06-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Richard Fairhurst rich...@... writes:
 Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
  Andy Allan writes:
  If they have geographic data that we don't have, and they mix it 
  with OSM data, then the whole point is that we end up with access 
  to their geographic data.
  You are obviously reading section 4.5 in a different way that I do.   
  For me it looks like business users can feel safe with their data if they 
  do not make derivative databases, for example by enhancing their 
  own data by taking tags from OSM database. Drawing their own data 
  on top of OSM basemap is OK, isn't it?
 Which fits in exactly with what Andy said. 
 The key word is mix.

Ok, I missed the meaning of mix. Thus our advice for Oliver about the cable
network is not to mix the private data with OSM data inside his own copy of OSM
database. It will be OK to render OSM basemap tiles and use for example a
separate WFS-T service [1] for showing and editing the cable network vectors.
Users must just take care that they do not edit cable lines according to what
they see on the OSM map, otherwise all of the cable network data will be
considered to be derived from OSM data and thus fall under odbl.

[1] Openlayers example combining tiles and WFS-T



legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Share-A-Like (non-) Verifiability because they are not publicly accessable

2010-06-24 Thread Jukka Rahkonen
Frederik Ramm frede...@... writes:

 I think that OSM as a whole - and this is not a legal issue - needs to 
 improve interoperability. What we're currently seeing is import mania, 
 poeple trying to stuff every possible bit of information into OSM 
 because that's the easiest way for them to use it in conjunction with 
 OSM data. There is too much geodata in the world for this to be 
 sustainable - OSM must stick to things that mappers map.

I agree. An EU-driven example about interoperability can be seen at

It is a pilot implemantation about what Inspire directive calls view services.
Some rought OSM data from Geofabrik shapefiles are also included, on layers
Transport networks - OpenStreetMap and Buildings - OpenStreetMap buildings. OSM
data has a scale limit, zoom in enough and data appears but there are not many
buildings outside the Helsinki district. GetFeatureInfo - the i tool works on
these layers. Interoperability does not need to mean that everything that exists
needs must be imported into OSM. 

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