Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Borne de vidange et d'alimentation pour camping cars et/ou bateaux

2015-07-23 Per discussione Yves Pratter
Je ressort un vieux sujet ;)

 Le 19 août 2013 à 18:37, Yves Pratter a écrit :
 Quels attributs utiliser pour ce genre de bornes ?
 Elles peuvent fournir ± les services suivants :
 vidange WC chimiques
 vidange d'eaux usées

Il existe maintenant (?) amenity=sanitary_dump_station et sa 
version fluviale/maritime waterway=sanitary_dump_station

En voici une dans l’aire de camping cars de Métabief (25) :

Quel clés utiliser pour sa petite soeur qui ne fournit que de l’électricité ?
amenity=power_supply ? (il n’y en a que 14 dans TagInfo

Merci d’avance pour vos commentaires :)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Open Data Imports

2015-07-23 Per discussione Andrew
I've done some partial work on collecting / writing some scripts that
work with the current canvec plus shape files. If you want I can send
you a copy. Currently it breaks the files down into the various layers
i.e. building, waterway, hydro lines. The idea was that you could pick
and choose what data layer you wanted.

I haven't touched the scripts in a couple of months, so I'm not sure
exactly where I'm at with them.


On Thu, 2015-07-23 at 14:38 -0400, Daniel Begin wrote:
 Bonjour Andrew,
 Good initiative!
 And it will be perfect if you add all necessary links to good 
 practices/warnings about imports!-)
 I had a look at Canvec+ details (a). 
 - The prepackaged files (250K tiles) are going to be quite large since, from 
 what I understand, they have merged together all (16) underneath 50K. 
 - Custom “areas of interest” might be difficult to manage for data import. 
 - Proposed file formats are similar to what it used to be with standard 
 Canvec, but it does not include OSM format :-(
 About the script(s) used to convert Canvec to OSM, they were built using FME 
 workbenches linked together with batch files (so, obviously not open source).
 Best regards,
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew MacKinnon [] 
 Sent: July-23-15 14:04
 To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
 Subject: [Talk-ca] Open Data Imports
 I am starting to work on importing Open Data datasets. I am using pnorman's 
 ogr2osm script with modified translation files (see It will be some time 
 before I actually import anything.
 I would like to assemble a list of government open data portals in Canada 
 which are compatible with the OSM license. Please add suitable open data 
 sources to 
 []. If they 
 have already been fully imported then you should put a note on that wiki page.
 Also I am trying to figure out a way to import newer CanVec data. The CanVec 
 files in OSM format at
 are out of date and appear to have been created in 2010. Is the script that 
 was used to convert CanVec to OSM open source? It looks like there is a new 
 version of CanVec called CanVec+, has anyone here used it yet? I am hoping to 
 do something about the large amount of broken imported data in OSM in Canada 
 and we need a better way of fixing broken CanVec data than copying from the 
 Geobase WMS layer or cutting and pasting from outdated .osm files from 2010.
 Talk-ca mailing list
 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Borne de vidange et d'alimentation pour camping cars et/ou bateaux

2015-07-23 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Mes deux eurocentimes ;-)
1) Attention :
- fait partie de propositions de 2009 

- fait pour tout un camp

Dont un chemin :

Parmi les propositions :

Describing the power socket for. This means P+N+E,6h according to 
IEC60309 but see power_supply* for other values.

Mais c'est pour tout un camp, ici c'est une borne payante à part.

2) Tu as pensé à :


3) (jamais 2 sans 3) : je n'étais pas sur la liste en 2013, je suis donc 
neutre (est-on en phase ?). Ceci est un jeu de mot, pour ceux qui 
seraient pas au courant.


Le 23/07/2015 22:52, Yves Pratter - a écrit :

Je ressort un vieux sujet ;)

Le 19 août 2013 à 18:37, Yves Pratter a écrit :

Quels attributs utiliser pour ce genre de bornes ?

Elles peuvent fournir ± les services suivants :

  * eau
  * électricité
  * vidange WC chimiques
  * vidange d'eaux usées

Il existe maintenant (?) amenity=sanitary_dump_station et 
sa version fluviale/maritime waterway=sanitary_dump_station

En voici une dans l’aire de camping cars de Métabief (25) :

  * amenity=sanitary_dump_station
  * fee=yes
  * water_point=yes
  * mapillary=la2Cp3Dy6wsnh2vyjOrZSQ

Quel clés utiliser pour sa petite soeur qui ne fournit que de 
l’électricité ?

  * amenity=power_supply ? (il n’y en a que 14 dans TagInfo
  * fee=yes
  * mapillary=60UkppqdSYaueuZWk3KOvg

Merci d’avance pour vos commentaires :)


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

2015-07-23 Per discussione Daniel Begin
Any objections? Of course not!

Your overview of the situation worldwide is pretty exhaustive, and is in
line with most comments, consideration, that were expressed so far.


However, as I suggested in an earlier email, I would keep the topic alive
for a couple of weeks, just to make sure everyone that may feel concerned
about the subject have a chance to comment (since it is summer time).


Unless there are backlashes from some contributors, I propose to keep
everything as is until the end of august and then move forward to update
definitions and data. 


Does everyone comfortable with it?



From: Tristan Anderson [] 
Sent: July-23-15 17:18
To: Daniel Begin; 'Stewart C. Russell';
Subject: RE: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding


So it seems like we're coming to some agreement.  The current Canadian
definition based on that 2005 document should be replaced with something
else that is consistent with the rest of the world.  Once we find this new
definition, the appropriate wiki pages should be updated.

I took a look around the world and finally saw some consistency in how trunk
tags are used.  Stewart's guidelines are basically correct, but I think I
can hammer out a more specific description.  There are two types of roads
with are both usually tagged highway=trunk:

(1) Limited access highways.  This is a physical description for a road that
has some of the characteristics of a motorway.  They are often dual
carriageways of fairly high speed.

(2) Highways connecting distant population centres.  This is a functional
description for a road where used by cars and heavy trucks travelling long
distances or between major cities.  Although usually two lanes, in more
remote areas these roads may have very light traffic, be unpaved, or be

In some parts of the world, like Germany, France and the eastern United
States, all trunk roads are type (1) because long-distance travel is
generally done on their dense networks of motorways.

Conversely, in large swathes of Australia and Canada, as well as in much of
the developing world, all trunk roads are type (2) because type (1) doesn't

The only country I noticed that doesn't follow the above scheme is Britain
(actually just England and Wales), ironically the birthplace of the trunk.
The designation there is used quite liberally, including even short roads
connecting small towns and quite a few of of London's city streets.  Just
look at England at zoom level 5 and observe how unusually green it is.

I suggest using the international model, with types (1) and (2) above
being tagged as trunks in Canada.  This won't change much as it largely
coincides with how roads are already tagged.  The wiki pages can be updated
accordingly then we can look at specific roads in BC and Québec!

Any objections?

 Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 10:08:44 -0400
 Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding
 Thank Russel,
 Your description is pretty close of the one I had in mind (about trunks)
before I found the Canadian definition was referring to the mentioned
 -Original Message-
 From: Stewart C. Russell [] 
 Sent: July-23-15 08:44
 Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding
 The definition of ‘trunk’ is a difficult one, if based on the UK
understanding. Like its unwritten constitution, trunk roads in the UK are
more on a know it when I see it basis.
 Pretty much the only definitions I can think of that would be generally
applicable are:
 * a trunk road goes from one city/town to another.
 * no parking at the side of the road.
 * something above the urban speed limit applies (though there are often
nasty brief exceptions, like a roughly 200m stretch of 30 mph that used to
adorn the A80, dammit).
 A trunk road isn't always dual carriageway. It can have traffic lights,
roundabouts or (rare, in the UK) stop signs. Depending on its age, it may
bypass towns and villages. Older trunk roads may also have all the usual
roads entering it, while newer ones are likely to have on-ramps.
 In summary, the UK definition is so riddled with unwritten exceptions that
trying to apply it rigorously in even one province in Canada will be
frustrating. And no matter what you do, you'll always get some rogue user
that comes along and adds their own tagging. It's a sair fecht …
 Talk-ca mailing list
 Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

2015-07-23 Per discussione Daniel Begin
~~ Un résumé français suit ~~


Bonjour all,


The few comments we got so far show that most of us, but not all, are 
uncomfortable with the “strategic” approach causing inconsistent descriptions 
of actual road “object” within Canada and between CA/US borders.


Since it is summer, I will keep the discussion alive for a while to make sure 
all interested people made their point.  Join the conversation whenever you 
want :-)


We are waiting for more comments…




Ps:  comments received off-list will stay off-list – Please join the actual 
conversation J



En résumé, je questionne la façon d’attribuer le tag ‘trunk’ aux routes 
principales tel que proposé dans un document gouvernemental (a) cité dans le 
wiki (c) et propose de clarifier la  documentation une fois un consensus obtenu.

Les commentaires reçu à date vont pour la plupart (mais pas tous) dans le sens 
qu’une définition de type ‘’stratégique’’ (une route est importante pour 
l’économie d’une région) produit des résultats inconsistants par rapport à la 
perception qu’offre la carte par rapport aux  ‘’infrastructures’’ qui  la 
supporte (les routes ‘’trunk’’ à Toronto, sur la Côte-Nord ou au Yukon sont 
très différentes les unes des autres alors que les autres classes de routes 
sont similaires à la grandeur du pays) – bref la description ‘’physique’’ 
serait plus appropriée.


Vos commentaires sont bienvenus







From: Daniel Begin [] 
Sent: July-22-15 16:44
To: 'Paul Norman';
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding


Bonjour Paul,

You actually highlight what makes me uncomfortable with the “strategic” 
approach applied in many part of Canada.  You are concerned about the road 
network in BC; I am concerned about the network in QC. Until few months ago, 
there were no trunk here; they are now everywhere.


IMO, OSM classification mostly aims at describing the road infrastructures, not 
the strategic/economic importance a local government says about them (almost 
quoted you!-). I understand that Tristan has similar concerns about the 
consequences of such approach in road classification; even if he suggested that 
the current definitions (using strategic approach) are good guidelines (but 
need not be followed religiously).  


Other comments on the subject




From: Paul Norman [] 
Sent: July-22-15 15:59
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding


On 7/22/2015 11:43 AM, Daniel Begin wrote:

So far, I understand we have 2.5 votes for tagging trunk/motorway all roads 
identified as “core route” in document (a); 0.5 against (I am still torn 
between the two approaches!-)

More comments would be appreciated 

Such an approach would be inconsistent with how highways are tagged in BC and 
expectations of locals. It would also make BC quite different than across the 
boarder in Washington.

I can think of several motorways and trunk roads which are not on the list in 
the PDF, and many of the roads on the list are primary, or in at least one 
case, secondary. Some of the roads not on the list are more important in the 
transportation network than ones on it.

The criteria being proposed are also inherently unverifiable. We map the world, 
not what a government database says.

What about new roads? There's a new route that's opened up, and it's a mix of 
trunk and motorway, but it's not listed in the NHS report. To tag it primary 
when less significant roads constructed to a lower standard are tagged as trunk 
and motorway would be absurd.

Because it has a lot of freight, it probably will become a NHS road at some 
point. Does its classification magically change when nothing has changed on the 

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione Christian Quest
Il va y avoir du mouvement dans tout ce domaine dans les années qui

Entre les voitures sans conducteur, et les différentes assistances à la
conduite qui vont de plus en plus se perfectionner (la conduite
automatique sur autoroute développée par Audi est bluffante) le besoin
en données haute-définition va pousser les constructeurs automobile ou
les équipementiers (Bosch par exemple) à investir le domaine des données

Here (ex Nokia, ex Navteq) risque fort d'être racheté par Mercédès/BMW/Audi.

J'ai peur que la logique de partage ne soit pas la plus naturelle pour

Le 23/07/2015 13:33, David Crochet a écrit :

 le JT de 13h de F2 vient de monter les équipements typ haut de gamme
 sur les adaptabilités automatiques des véhicules grâce à, en
 particulier, un système de reconnaissance de panneau de signalisation.

 Est-il possible d'envisager un partenariat pour mutualiser leurs
 informations avec les données tel que, si leur système le permet,
 récupérer le point de modification de limitation de vitesses ou tout
 autre panneau de signalisation.


Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione Karel Volný

  chtěl bych si udělat mapku výletu, poradí někdo prosím nějaký jednoduchý
  udělátor, kde by si šlo různě označit cesty a body, resp. přidat vlastní,
  a napsat k tomu legendu?
  obtahovat čáry na obrázku v GIMPu apod. se mi tak úplně nechce :-)
 Tak, zcela jistě by takovou věc šlo naprogramovat v Leafletu

viz odpověď na jiném místě threadu

 nebo OpenLayers...

hmm, KML example se mi líbí, že bych si požadované cesty připravil a 
vyexportoval třeba v Merkaartoru a jenom mu podhodil svůj datový soubor

jen tam teda nevidím, jak si napsat tu legendu, ale to bych kdyžtak připlácl 

jenže když jsem zkoušel Export map example, tak mi to žádnou mapu ke stažení 

tak asi zase nic, do debugování tohoto se mi vůbec nechce :-/


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-pt] 5ª OSM Party de Albergaria-a-Velha - Angeja

2015-07-23 Per discussione f . dos . santos
Parabéns !

Coloquei também a data no wiki :

Um ótimo dia e boa Mapping Party.

- Mail original -
From: Rita Melo
Date: 23/07/2015 14:09:00
Subject: [Talk-pt] 5ª OSM Party de Albergaria-a-Velha - Angeja

Bom dia, 

Junto reenvio convite para a 5ª OSM Party de Albergaria-a-Velha, pedindo desde 
já desculpa pois por problemas no servidor de email inicialmente enviado não 
foi publicado na lista. 

No próximo dia 25 de julho (das 9h30 às 18h) o município de Albergaria-a-Velha 
organiza, em conjunto com a Junta de Freguesia de Angeja a “ 5ª OSM Party de 
Albergaria-a-Velha - Angeja ” , uma atividade inserida no movimento “Vamos 
mapear Portugal”. 

Este ano o evento será realizado na freguesia de Angeja, contando com a 
colaboração da Junta de Freguesia de Angeja e o apoio da empresa XLM - 
Innovation  Technology e a associação OSGeoPT - Associação de Software Aberto 
para Sistemas de Informação Geográfica. 

Desafiamos-te a fazeres parte da nossa equipa e connosco construíres o mapa 
livre de Albergaria-a-Velha. 

Vamos juntos mapear Angeja! 

Inscreve-te já através do email: 

Local do evento: 40º40’41,42’’N | 8º33’4,97’’ W (Junta de Freguesia de Angeja) 

Ana Rita Melo 

Sistemas de Informação Geográfica 


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Talk-pt mailing list

Talk-pt mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione Radek Šťastný
A co třeba Viking?

Radek Šťastný
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione GarenKreiz
En parlant de logique de partage chez les constructeurs automobiles,
a-t-on une idée du nombre de GPS embarqués permettant d'exporter les
traces après un parcours?

Le 23 juillet 2015 14:26, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Il va y avoir du mouvement dans tout ce domaine dans les années qui

 Entre les voitures sans conducteur, et les différentes assistances à la
 conduite qui vont de plus en plus se perfectionner (la conduite
 automatique sur autoroute développée par Audi est bluffante) le besoin
 en données haute-définition va pousser les constructeurs automobile ou
 les équipementiers (Bosch par exemple) à investir le domaine des données

 Here (ex Nokia, ex Navteq) risque fort d'être racheté par Mercédès/BMW/Audi.

 J'ai peur que la logique de partage ne soit pas la plus naturelle pour

 Le 23/07/2015 13:33, David Crochet a écrit :

 le JT de 13h de F2 vient de monter les équipements typ haut de gamme
 sur les adaptabilités automatiques des véhicules grâce à, en
 particulier, un système de reconnaissance de panneau de signalisation.

 Est-il possible d'envisager un partenariat pour mutualiser leurs
 informations avec les données tel que, si leur système le permet,
 récupérer le point de modification de limitation de vitesses ou tout
 autre panneau de signalisation.


 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cat] Metro de Terrassa

2015-07-23 Per discussione Carlos Sánchez
Entra en funcionament el dia 29. A partir del 25 ja comencen a modificar
els horaris. O sigui que dimarts a la tarda ja es pot anar tocant les coses.

El dia 10 de juliol de 2015, 21:56, yo paseopor ha

 No és per ser impacient, però tenir-ho preparat tipus construction o test
 pel dia que estigui obert canviar propietats i pimpam no estaria de més ;)

 2015-07-10 21:15 GMT+02:00 Jan Esquerra

 no encara, està previst per finals de mes

 El dia 10 de juliol de 2015, 17:55, yo paseopor
 ha escrit:

 He llegit això a premsa. Està en marxa? Algú s'hi posa ?

 Salut i metro

 Talk-cat mailing list

 Talk-cat mailing list

 Talk-cat mailing list


*Carlos Sánchez*
Talk-cat mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tags vides

2015-07-23 Per discussione Christian Quest
Le 23/07/2015 08:06, Hélène PETIT a écrit :
 Le 23/07/2015 01:49, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :
 Mais, si le tag existait déjà (name = toto) et que je le vide dans le
 formulaire... Je le supprime du node ou je l'envoie vide (chaîne de
 caractère vide) ?
 Alors alors ?!



Tu le supprime, on ne met jamais un tag avec une valeur vide.

Ce qu'on renvoie à l'API c'est la nouvelle version de l'objet, donc on
remet tout les tags (sans oublier bien sûr ceux qu'on n'a pas changé)
sauf ceux qui n'existent plus (plus de name, plus de tag name).

Oui, c'est plus une question pour la liste dev, mais une peu de culture
générale technique pour tous c'est bien aussi ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] C / CC

2015-07-23 Per discussione francesca santarelli
Come mai qui compare (automaticamente) la singola C di copyright invece che

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione David Crochet


le JT de 13h de F2 vient de monter les équipements typ haut de gamme 
sur les adaptabilités automatiques des véhicules grâce à, en 
particulier, un système de reconnaissance de panneau de signalisation.

Est-il possible d'envisager un partenariat pour mutualiser leurs 
informations avec les données tel que, si leur système le permet, 
récupérer le point de modification de limitation de vitesses ou tout 
autre panneau de signalisation.

David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Sunil K

I didn't say the model you suggested   is not accurate. The model I
had was not accurate(this is in 2010).  If the reviews in amzon 
other place say it is accurate go for it.

I know Moto G is good,very fast to lock even in somewhat indoor, error
is less but less straight line stability than samsung . I mean if you
go in a car straight but with MOTO you get zig-zagged line (error is
3-4 m only).

I tried Moto E gps(1 st generation) earlier, for a small test only, it
was slow to lock. I am not sure about second generation.

I also don't use any smart phone (I use a tablet only for navigation
and osm mapping).


On 07/23/2015 04:58 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 Hello Sunil,
 If, as per what you're saying, the dedicated GPS units aren't as 
 accurate as the GPS modules found on cell phones, then it would
 make better sense to invest in a cell phone.
 You've suggested the Moto G; may I solicit your (and others)
 opinion about the Moto E 2nd Gen? Reason being it's smaller and
 easier to handle than the Moto G.
 I anyways need to exit the old world of feature phones and enter
 the bold new world of smartphones. :-)
 On 2015-07-23 03:32 PM, Sunil K wrote:
 Dear Mayuresh, I used a Garmin device in 2010 I don't remember
 its model(it cost me 100 euro, but the accuracy was less). But it
 have a gpx logging feature. Resultant gpx can be copied to 
 computer via usb, then josm to upload.
 There are 2-3 things to look for 1. easy to enter POIs (may be
 voice recording), is most important 2. ability to use OSM maps
 (There was a way to convert OSM maps to garmin format), because
 if the map is already there no need to again map it.
 3. Is the accuracy() If these are there, then this device is ok.
 Checkout Columbus V990 suggested by Paramvir (It have voice
 recording feature)
 I know one guy who uses modified osmtracker+ bt headset with
 voice cancellation to capture POIs on a Moto G.
 I use a samsung galaxy tab 7+ which is much more  accurate the
 garmin I had  (but usually no harsh terrain, except my daughter,
 it survived with colorful lines on screen)
 Hope others also give there experiences.
 Regards Sunil
 Regards Sunil
 On 07/23/2015 02:55 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 Hi Sunil,
 Thanks for the response.
 I would prefer to go for a standalone GPS unit like the Garmin 
 eTrex 20 because I can use it under any weather conditions
 (which can get difficult with a smartphone).
 While living in Uran, my primary task would be to perform
 mapping activities during the three seasons which present
 themselves as harsh environmental conditions, i.e. extreme
 heat, heavy rains and bitter winters (no snow though).
 So, suppose if I purchase the Garmin eTrex 20 and use it for 
 logging data, would there be any way to; 1. move data off the
 unit and onto my Chromebook via USB? 2. convert the acquired
 data to be usable with OSM? 3. easily upload that data to OSM?
 Basically, since there are just a few local apps under a 
 Chromebook, would there be any web service which can convert
 the data acquired from the GPS unit to the one which is
 accepted by OSM?
 On 2015-07-23 02:42 PM, Sunil K wrote:
 Dear Mayuresh,
 I would suggest to go for samsung tablet, or Moto G than
 going for a standalone GPS like Garmin or TomTom( because
 cost vs accuracy is better in the case of former, based on my
 experiance from 2010 now it may be different). I dont know
 how good is bluetooth or USB connected GPS (which can be
 connected to your chromebook directly)
 The only important think is GPS should be able to lock
 without 2G or 3G network, in a remote location sometimes this
 is crucial. Another think is battery life with GPS(with and
 without screen on).
 You could use apps like osmtracker to get gpx trail and way 
 points, Navit or OsmAnd(could also be used for tracking) for 
 existing map. There is a OSM editor vespucci but I don't know
 how good it is.
 br Sunil
 On 07/23/2015 01:18 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it
 would be improper to harangue just one person with newbie
 type questions. :-)
 I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount
 of presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south
 east of Mumbai).
 I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found
 very few details.
 Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once
 in every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I
 would like to invest time in helping map that region.
 I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor,
 but found iD to be a lot better for my current situation,
 i.e. only portable is a Google Chromebook.
 I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't
 use a smartphone).
 Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost
 GPS unit for acquiring data which can be easily used with

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione Karel Volný
Dne Čt 23. července 2015 12:20:15, Radek Šťastný napsal(a):
 A co třeba Viking?

hmmm ... tak ten mi teď segfaultnul ještě než se mi podařilo dostat se s 
výřezem mapy do míst, co mě zajímají :-(


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione Karel Volný

 1) Google maps / drive.

to já nerad
[je třeba rozebírat to více?]

 2) Lze si udělat něco vlastního s použitím Leaflet.js Dá se s tím udělat všechno viz výše, na vlastních
 stránkách / vlastním serveru (ocení milovníci samostatnosti!), plus
 WMS/TMS tuším, a tak vůbec obecně je to něco s čím lze manipulovat
 programově, takže není nutné narážet na náhodná omezení. Není to ale i
 pro babičku a maminku, pro ty leda na koukání. Eventuálně existuje
 plugin pro wordpress, který usnadňuje některé úkony...

zběžným náhledem mám dojem, že je to zaměřeno spíše na práci nad mapovými 
dlaždicemi ...

jednotlivé cesty bych tam mohl nacpat přes nějaký ten GeoJSON (čtvrtý+pátý 
example), ale to už se mi jeví složitě jak parní mlátička (zejména z hlediska 
přípravy dat)

na mého vrabce je to příliš velký kanón :-(


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Importation des arbres municipaux sur Nice

2015-07-23 Per discussione Christian Quest
Certains imports sont à bien peser...

@Jérôme: ces données ont un intérêt, certes, mais leur disponibilité en
opendata permet déjà tout les usages que tu as listé.

La question de l'entretien et de la mise à jour des données est celle
qu'il faut à mon avis se poser après celle de la qualité des données
qu'on envisage d'importer.

Qualité: qui a vérifié avec un échantillonnage sur le terrain qu'elles
étaient précises et à jour ? Quelle espoir de les voir mises à jour par
le producteur et quid de l'intégration de ces mises à jour ?

Entretien: qu'en disent les contributeurs locaux ? Ce sont eux qui vont
en priorité pouvoir entretenir des données aussi détaillées.

Le 23/07/2015 00:37, JB a écrit :
 Le 22/07/2015 16:36, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :

 Après, je me pose la question de l'intérêt d'importer une zone
 comme ça, avec des arbres espacés de moins de 1m : Il y en a plusieurs. Tu aurais des
 statistiques de distances ? Moi et QGis, on essaye de s'aimer,
 mais c'est pas toujours facile.
 À part compliquer la contribution, foirer le rendu, rendre
 impossible toute correction humaine ultérieure

 Je vois pas comment les corrections ne serait pas faisable... 
 L'import a un intérêt pour la gestion des arbres. Les arbres plantés
 en touffe à moins d'un mètre c'est une réalité du terrain aussi...
 Oui, certes. Mais si tu mets 5 minutes à trouver dans les données quel
 arbre a été abattu, parce qu'il y en a 52 dans la zone, que le gps
 n'est pas assez précis, qu'il faut compter à partir de la bordure
 nord-est, mais qu'ils sont pas alignés, du coup ça marche pas. Chaque
 pavé d'une rue, c'est une réalité. Chaque arbre des forêts aussi.
 Pourtant, c'était une blague à la mode il y a pas si longtemps. Il y a
 d'autres façons de cartographier pour ça : landuse, landcover.
 Pour une commune l'intérêt est de gérer les plantations. Il me semble
 qu'avec l'age on peut aussi déterminer des arbres remarquables. Quand
 à la hauteur c'est plus dur à déterminer et à maintenir dans le
 temps. Sauf mettre la date de la prise de la hauteur car elle évolue
 dans le temps. 
 Oui, ils ont même parfois un SIG pour gérer ça. Mais c'est pas un
 argument pour rentrer toutes les données dans OSM.
 Ca a aussi un intérêt environnemental: 
  - étude des pollens
  - accueille de la faune
 Un intérêt patrimonial, paysager, ...

 On pourrait aussi gérer l'état de santé même si rien n'existe pour le
 moment dans OSM mais là on est plus dans la gestion.
 Peut être avec des ref=* pour gérer l'abattage d’arbres dangereux et
 l'élagage  ajouter un facteur de croissance automatique par espèce
 pour déterminer un planning prévisionnel d'entretien.

 Bref les possibilités sont grandes même si certains n'en trouve pas
 Bof, change le mot « intérêt » en « inconvénients dépassent les
 avantages ».

 Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-it] name principale vette montagna su confini nazionali + confini nazionali

2015-07-23 Per discussione Gianluca Boero

Ciao a tutti.

Mi agiungo al post sul name dei monti.
Il Val Pellice (To) zona di confine ci sono alcune cime con nome 
prettamente francese. Ovviamente anche qui la disputa è storica, anche 
se il francese risulta una lingua parlata nelle valli Valdesi Italiane.

Ho in programma per l'estate l'escursione sul monte Palavas dove manca il sentiero su 
Osm per raggiungere la vetta.

nel link vedete di cosa si tratta. Il monte Palavas è citato con il tag 
name=tete de pelvas e con i tag name:fr e name:it che ne danno la 
desinenza nelle rispettive lingue. A mio avviso il tag name=tete de 
pelvas è superfluo macon è quello che da la precedenza al rendering 
sulla mappa.

Stessa cosa sul colle dell'Urina poco più in basso.

Quale è la regola ufficiale in questi casi?

Aggiungo ancora la parte riferita ai confini nazionali. Il colle 
dell'Urina sopra citato è posto esattamente al confine tra i due stati 
da secoli, vi è ancora il cippo in pietra con il giglio di Francia  e lo 
scudo Sabaudo.

Su Osm il confine passa alcuni metri prima. Cosa bisogna fare in questi 
casi? Spostare il confine o arretrare il colle?

Per folklore lascio anche la nota sul monte Bric Bucie (se zoomate un po 
sul link che vi ho segnalato sopra lo trovate). Oltre che la contesa sul 
nome, da secoli vi è anche una contesa sull'effettiva altezza del monte 
stesso. I francesi lo danno come 2997 mt (come è segnato su Osm) mentre 
per gli italiani da sempre supera i 3000. Ora pare che ufficialmente lo 
abbiamo declassato al di sotto dei 3000 ma questo rende la diatriba che 
è sempre avvenuta per le vette di confine.Vi è stata anche una diatriba 
su chi lo avesse scalato per primo ma pare che almeno in questo noi 
italiani abbiamo vinto :-)

Il 23/07/2015 12:17, ha scritto:

Message: 7 Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2015 01:12:32 -0700 (MST) From: Davide 
Mangraviti To: 
Subject: Re: [Talk-it] name principale vette montagna su confini 
nazionali Message-ID: 
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Per il massiccio del Monte 
Rosa ci sono più vette la Punta Dufour va bene chiamarla giustamente 
Dufourspitze per questi motivi: ed è già così: Invece la cima del Monte 
Bianco si chiama proprio così e anche qui se, si vuole dare il merito 
della nazionalità a coloro che per primi lo hanno raggiunto, si può 
pensare che venga chiamato Mont Blancperchè motivi amministrativi 
non ce ne stanno che io sappia.. ma a sto punto che si faccia una 
regola che vale sempre! (Nota per chi non c'è mai stato: ma solo da 
Chamonix si vede la cima del Monte Bianco, dalla parte italiana di 
Courmayeur si vede quella che si chiama Mont Blanc de Courmayeur... 
che pure questa ha toponimo francese!! .. e questo i francesi lo fanno 
pesare tantissimo!...) Simone Saviolo wrote

Io non mi intendo di montagna, ma siamo sicuri che il *picco* si chiami
Monte Bianco? Mi sembra che di solito i picchi abbiano un nome proprio,
che il monte sia un'entità più grande e vasta che comprende picchi,
canaloni... Penso ad esempio al Monte Rosa, il cui punto più alto (vado a
memoria) è la Dufourspitze; in quel caso metterei natural=peak,



Gianluca Boero

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] durée des trajets à vélo dans Paris

2015-07-23 Per discussione Yves Pratter
Pour GraphHopper :
More realistic time estimates for routes #382
Take slowdown and accelerating into account #334
Improve Bicycle Routing #330
(liste non exhaustive)

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

2015-07-23 Per discussione Stewart C. Russell
The definition of ‘trunk’ is a difficult one, if based on the UK
understanding. Like its unwritten constitution, trunk roads in the UK
are more on a know it when I see it basis.

Pretty much the only definitions I can think of that would be generally
applicable are:

* a trunk road goes from one city/town to another.

* no parking at the side of the road.

* something above the urban speed limit applies (though there are often
nasty brief exceptions, like a roughly 200m stretch of 30 mph that used
to adorn the A80, dammit).

A trunk road isn't always dual carriageway. It can have traffic lights,
roundabouts or (rare, in the UK) stop signs. Depending on its age, it
may bypass towns and villages. Older trunk roads may also have all the
usual roads entering it, while newer ones are likely to have on-ramps.

In summary, the UK definition is so riddled with unwritten exceptions
that trying to apply it rigorously in even one province in Canada will
be frustrating. And no matter what you do, you'll always get some rogue
user that comes along and adds their own tagging. It's a sair fecht …


Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 23 Jul 2015 11:01:55 +0200
Mateusz Konieczny wrote:

 I published new diary entry

There is also older entry, primarily about rendering surface tag

It was not mentioned on this mailing list.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Limite maritime

2015-07-23 Per discussione Bruno Cortial

Pouvez-vous me préciser à  quelle limite ce chemin correspond ?

S'il s'agit d'une limite en mer entre les régions Pays de la Loire et
Bretagne il y a un hic, car l'île Dumet fait partie de la commune de
Piriac-sur-mer en Pays de la Loire.
De même le SEMREV ( et est plutôt porté par les Pays de la Loire, CCI
Nantes St Nazaire, et Centrale Nantes.

J'ai trouvé ici un document montrant les limites de compétances des préfets
maritimes (qui ne sont pas vraiment des limites de régions). On voit que
l'allure de la limite dans OSM n'est pas la même.

Le décret en question précise dans son article 1 les coordonnées des
points, mais il est noté abrogé sur légifrance. Quoi penser ?

Question technique HS: par quelle(s) opération(s) de topologie trace-t-on
des limites équidistantes

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Mayuresh Kathe


I checked out the Columbus V990 and looks like I can go with it, but;
1. where do I source one in Mumbai?
2. would a Blackberry (with aGPS) be a better option?


On 2015-07-23 02:52 PM, Paramvir Singh wrote:

I have a Columbus V990 a very inexpensive device. I use that for track
gathering and audio notes at POIs. It's so accurate I don't need
anything else.

I use GOMap on iPhone for detailed editing of POIs etc.

If you have an old Blackberry, install GPSLogger II,  a powerhouse app
for track gathering and naming POIs on the tracks itself.

For Android you can use Vespucci or OSMAnd, though am not a fan of 

Most of these devices will give you fairly accurate tacks and POIs
even if there is no cellular data.

That's the reason I bought the Columbus. It's inexpensive and records
tracks for 17 hours a day on a single charge.

Blackberry has the world's best email experience.

On 23-Jul-2015, at 2:42 pm, Sunil K wrote:

Dear Mayuresh,

I would suggest to go for samsung tablet, or Moto G than going for a
standalone GPS like Garmin or TomTom( because cost vs accuracy is
better in the case of former, based on my experiance from 2010 now it
may be different).
I dont know how good is bluetooth or USB connected GPS (which can be
connected to your chromebook directly)

The only important think is GPS should be able to lock without 2G or
3G network, in a remote location sometimes this is crucial. Another
think is battery life with GPS(with and without screen on).

You could use apps like osmtracker to get gpx trail and way points,
Navit or OsmAnd(could also be used for tracking) for existing map.
There is a OSM editor vespucci but I don't know how good it is.


On 07/23/2015 01:18 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:

I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would be
improper to harangue just one person with newbie type questions.

I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of
presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of

I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very few

Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in
every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like to
invest time in helping map that region.

I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor, but
found iD to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e. only
portable is a Google Chromebook.

I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use a

Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS unit
for acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?



Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] C / CC

2015-07-23 Per discussione Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
Perche' la mappa e' tutelata dalle leggi del copyright. Che poi si usi una
licenza CC-BY-SA o oDBL non vuol dire che non esista un copyright!

Il giorno 23 luglio 2015 16:33, francesca santarelli ha scritto:

 Come mai qui compare (automaticamente) la singola C di copyright invece
 che CC BY-SA?


 Talk-it mailing list

Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
skype: asca_edom
Talk-it mailing list

[talk-ph] 2Go Express

2015-07-23 Per discussione Totor
Hi all,

Tinycab is trying to add a 2GO Express shop in Cebu [1]. 

I suggested to use:
operator=2GO Express
name=2GO Express

He also wants to also include the FedEx service they provide.
I could not find any clear method to indicate this (but i found a discussion 

I'd like to suggest:

operator=2GO Express;FedEx
name=2GO Express  FedEx

2GO Express is the operator, they retail FedEx, but I'm not sure this qualifies 
as operator...
Any other/better suggestions ?




talk-ph mailing list

[OSM-ja] 福岡県沖に、似た島が2つ

2015-07-23 Per discussione ISHIKAWA Takayuki

あります (ただし、片方は漢字、片方はローマ字です)。

可能性もそこそこありそうな気がしています。前者は Bing 航空写真


Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Open Data Imports

2015-07-23 Per discussione Paul Norman

On 7/23/2015 8:54 PM, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:

Does anyone know which of these (and others) are compatible with the
OSM license?
Very likely most of them are not released under open licenses. 
Unfortunately, non-open data gets listed in OpenAddresses and there's no 
assurance that you can combine data from one source in OpenAddresses 
with data from another source in it.

OpenAddresses is a good fallback source for a geocoder, but I don't know 
that there are any geocoders that do that yet.

Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] POIs

2015-07-23 Per discussione Marc Gemis

Regelmatig stoot ik op een artikel i.v.m. dat ik wel interessant vind en
met jullie wil delen. (Hopelijk vinden jullie dat niet erg)
Hier is er weer zo eentje:
Een reeks van 6 artikels al over de volledigheid van POIs in de UK.

Joost Schouppe heeft eventjes een vergelijking gemaakt voor Antwerpen:
slechts 37 van de 294 bakkers zouden gemapped zijn.

Dus als POIs je ding zijn, dan mag je gerust zijn, er is nog werk genoeg :-)

--- English ---

You know that I often share articles regarding OSM on this mailing list
(hope you don't mind).
Here's another one:
A series of 6 articles on the completeness of POIs in the UK.

Joost Schouppe ran a test on bakeries in Antwerp. Only 37 of the 294
bakeries are mapped.

So, when you love to map POIs, you'll still have plenty of work :-)


Talk-be mailing list

[OSM-ja] Happy Birthday OSM! 8月9日は OpenStreetMap 誕生日です。

2015-07-23 Per discussione ikiya

2004年8月に英国でスティーブ コーストさんが始めました。

localhost:~ steve$ whois | grep 2004
Created On:09-Aug-2004 18:47:25 UTC


世界各地でOpenStreetMap Birthday partyが催されることと思います。
Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Open Data Imports

2015-07-23 Per discussione Andrew MacKinnon
It might be helpful to look at which is an
project to aggregate address data from various open data portals.

More and more cities have open data now. In Ontario lists:
- Burlington
- Guelph
- Hamilton
- Kitchener
- Oakville
- Toronto
- Waterloo
- Welland
- Windsor

Does anyone know which of these (and others) are compatible with the
OSM license?

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Limite maritime

2015-07-23 Per discussione Damouns
Le 23 juillet 2015 21:00, a écrit :

  est-ce qu'il ne faudrait pas préciser que le point ajouté est le point plein Ouest
 référencé dans :
  source Code
 rural et de la pêche maritime - Article R*911-3  source:website
 = plein ouest ?)

 Et un complément d'info (description ?) sur la limite
 Ça évitera de se poser des questions.

OK pas de souci je te laisse faire !

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Limite maritime

2015-07-23 Per discussione David Crochet


Le 23/07/2015 15:40, Bruno Cortial a écrit :

Quoi penser ?

Qu'il est intégré dans un code :


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione Jean-Claude Repetto
Le 23/07/2015 16:12, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Aucune idée !
 Sur mon Tomtom j'avais ajouté un petit utilitaire pour enregistrer le
 log NMEA... mes premières traces collectées pour OSM !
 Je ne sais pas si sur les dernières versions c'est toujours possible.

Non, tous les TomTom fabriqués depuis 2010 sont verrouillés, impossible
d'ajouter des plug-ins.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione André Riedel
It is not the coloring. I would prefer the rendering of motorway and
trunk with a outer and a inner line.



talk mailing list

Re: [OSRM-talk] U-turns in Map-Matching Algorithm

2015-07-23 Per discussione Matthias Schwamborn
Hi Patrick,

thanks for the clarification. So this check is for the input
coordinates, only, right? What if some candidates introduce a U-turn
(e.g., due to some outliers in the input data)? Thanks.

Best, Matthias

On 22/07/15 12:17, Patrick Niklaus wrote:
 Hey Matthias,
 What the algorithm at that point does is check if the original trace
 might contain a U-Turn at that point. If so it does not add separate
 candidates for each direction (but bidirectional edge based nodes),
 resulting in the possibility of U-Turns at that position.
 Hope this helps.
 On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Matthias Schwamborn wrote:
 Hi all,

 looking at the code in plugins/match.hpp [1], I noticed that candidates
 resulting in a U-turn are allowed but wouldn't you say that these
 candidates are actually pretty unlikely compared to candidates that
 don't result in a U-turn? Am I missing something here? Thanks.

 Best, Matthias

 Matthias Schwamborn

 University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
 Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
 Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
 D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

 OSRM-talk mailing list

 OSRM-talk mailing list

Matthias Schwamborn

University of Osnabrück Tel.:   +49-541-969-7167
Institute of Computer Science   Fax:+49-541-969-2799
Albrechtstr. 28 E-mail:
D-49076 Osnabrück, Germany

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
OSRM-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

2015-07-23 Per discussione Daniel Begin
Thank Russel,
Your description is pretty close of the one I had in mind (about trunks) before 
I found the Canadian definition was referring to the mentioned document.



-Original Message-
From: Stewart C. Russell [] 
Sent: July-23-15 08:44
Subject: Re: [Talk-ca] Highway recoding

The definition of ‘trunk’ is a difficult one, if based on the UK understanding. 
Like its unwritten constitution, trunk roads in the UK are more on a know it 
when I see it basis.

Pretty much the only definitions I can think of that would be generally 
applicable are:

* a trunk road goes from one city/town to another.

* no parking at the side of the road.

* something above the urban speed limit applies (though there are often nasty 
brief exceptions, like a roughly 200m stretch of 30 mph that used to adorn the 
A80, dammit).

A trunk road isn't always dual carriageway. It can have traffic lights, 
roundabouts or (rare, in the UK) stop signs. Depending on its age, it may 
bypass towns and villages. Older trunk roads may also have all the usual roads 
entering it, while newer ones are likely to have on-ramps.

In summary, the UK definition is so riddled with unwritten exceptions that 
trying to apply it rigorously in even one province in Canada will be 
frustrating. And no matter what you do, you'll always get some rogue user that 
comes along and adds their own tagging. It's a sair fecht …


Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione Christian Quest
Aucune idée !

Sur mon Tomtom j'avais ajouté un petit utilitaire pour enregistrer le
log NMEA... mes premières traces collectées pour OSM !
Je ne sais pas si sur les dernières versions c'est toujours possible.

Le 23/07/2015 15:16, GarenKreiz a écrit :
 En parlant de logique de partage chez les constructeurs automobiles,
 a-t-on une idée du nombre de GPS embarqués permettant d'exporter les
 traces après un parcours?

 Le 23 juillet 2015 14:26, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Il va y avoir du mouvement dans tout ce domaine dans les années qui

 Entre les voitures sans conducteur, et les différentes assistances à la
 conduite qui vont de plus en plus se perfectionner (la conduite
 automatique sur autoroute développée par Audi est bluffante) le besoin
 en données haute-définition va pousser les constructeurs automobile ou
 les équipementiers (Bosch par exemple) à investir le domaine des données

 Here (ex Nokia, ex Navteq) risque fort d'être racheté par Mercédès/BMW/Audi.

 J'ai peur que la logique de partage ne soit pas la plus naturelle pour

 Le 23/07/2015 13:33, David Crochet a écrit :

 le JT de 13h de F2 vient de monter les équipements typ haut de gamme
 sur les adaptabilités automatiques des véhicules grâce à, en
 particulier, un système de reconnaissance de panneau de signalisation.

 Est-il possible d'envisager un partenariat pour mutualiser leurs
 informations avec les données tel que, si leur système le permet,
 récupérer le point de modification de limitation de vitesses ou tout
 autre panneau de signalisation.

 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

 Talk-fr mailing list
 Talk-fr mailing list

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Limite maritime

2015-07-23 Per discussione Damouns

Suite à ce sujet de discussion j'ai modifié la limite en question pour
suivre le texte du Code (la version dans la base OSM n'étant pas
sourcée je l'ai écrasée)

J'ai ajoutée une source bien sûr pour cette nouvelle version. L'île en
question est maintenant en région Pays de la Loire !


Le 23 juillet 2015 16:07, David Crochet a écrit :

 Le 23/07/2015 15:40, Bruno Cortial a écrit :

 Quoi penser ?

 Qu'il est intégré dans un code :


 David Crochet

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Recyclage du rendu QA dans osmose: les carreaux INSEE sans route...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Christian Quest
Et voilà un décompte par région et département...

ça traine en Aquitaine !  ;)

Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Navigazione mezzi pesanti

2015-07-23 Per discussione Alessandro

Il 23/07/2015 14:06, Cascafico Giovanni ha scritto:

Oggi ho scoperto che
offre la possibilità di generare rotte anche in funzione dei veicoli
Mi raccomando: installate il plugin josm mapillary e valorizzate
maxheight maxweight maxwidth così avrò degli ETA decenti per i miei
viaggi in camper :-)

Allora vieni tranquillamente in ferie a Genova! Qui i numerosissimi 
tunnel e gallerie hanno tutti i tag maxqualchecosa

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret
Le pluggin est-il encore nécessaire?

Il y a ça sur le wiki

On y trouve une liste de personnes , le système de log employé et le type
de GPS

Le 23 juillet 2015 16:25, Jean-Claude Repetto a écrit :

 Le 23/07/2015 16:12, Christian Quest a écrit :
  Aucune idée !
  Sur mon Tomtom j'avais ajouté un petit utilitaire pour enregistrer le
  log NMEA... mes premières traces collectées pour OSM !
  Je ne sais pas si sur les dernières versions c'est toujours possible.

 Non, tous les TomTom fabriqués depuis 2010 sont verrouillés, impossible
 d'ajouter des plug-ins.


 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 23/07/15 15:37, André Riedel wrote:
 It is not the coloring. I would prefer the rendering of motorway and
 trunk with a outer and a inner line.

Do you mean like this or
something else?

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione André Riedel
2015-07-23 11:01 GMT+02:00 Mateusz Konieczny
 It includes preview of now differently rendered highway=motorway and 

For me the way motorways and trunks are rendered in the german style
looks better.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Importation des arbres municipaux sur Nice

2015-07-23 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret
Oui si l'Open Data existe sauf que sur Montpellier c'est l'inverse qui se
passe. C'est les données contenues dans OSM qui sont proposées (avec la
licence OSM) sur le portail de Montpellier.

Voilà pourquoi je produis ces données en fonction du terrain que j'effectue
et que j'intègre directement dans OSM. La même pour ajouter l'éclairage
public (en parallèle).

Pour le placement je le corrige avec Bing quand c'est possible. Pour
l'alignement avec JOSM, un petit coup de Maj+B et hop! C'est plus propre
que la levé GPS dans certains cas.

On n'est pas nombreux ici à le faire mais bon. Il suffit d'aller faire une
requête Overpass pour se rendre compte des ajouts. J'ai déjà fais pas mal
de chose. Nice à un SIG puissant d'ailleurs le gars qui s'occupait du SIG
est maintenant chez ESRI et s'occupe de programme Arcopole. Je pense que le
SIG est bien plus puissant (équipe, données, logiciel...) qu'ici.

Pour la question d suivi et de maintenant il y a des ref en principe. Si
tel est le cas il est facile de voir celle qui n'en ont pas de celle qui
ont été importé. Si ces données ne sont pas dans le SI de Nice il faut
vérifier si c'est pas en partie privé ou si c'est un manque et donc
proposer un intégration dans le SI de Nice.

La question de la mise à jour est valable pour toutes les données. Dixit
Bâtiment détruit suite à un programme immobilier. Ajout de zone cyclable,
modification des passage piétions avec conformité handicape. Zones de

Le problème de certains tag ou de certaines données c'est la durée de vie.
A partir de quand doit-on revérifier les données et considère-t-on qu'elles
sont obsolètes. Il est certains que quand ce sont les opérateurs eux-même
qui s'occupent de l'intégration et du suivi des données, on peut s'attendre
à ce qu'ils maintiennent correctement les informations. Ici, j'ai
l'impression qu'on a surtout de la contribution perso ou associative.
Peut-être qu'une implication de la Métropole permettrait d'avoir une
dynamique plus intéressante du fait qu'elle touche la globalité du

Le 23 juillet 2015 14:13, Christian Quest a écrit

  Certains imports sont à bien peser...

 @Jérôme: ces données ont un intérêt, certes, mais leur disponibilité en
 opendata permet déjà tout les usages que tu as listé.

 La question de l'entretien et de la mise à jour des données est celle
 qu'il faut à mon avis se poser après celle de la qualité des données qu'on
 envisage d'importer.

 Qualité: qui a vérifié avec un échantillonnage sur le terrain qu'elles
 étaient précises et à jour ? Quelle espoir de les voir mises à jour par le
 producteur et quid de l'intégration de ces mises à jour ?

 Entretien: qu'en disent les contributeurs locaux ? Ce sont eux qui vont en
 priorité pouvoir entretenir des données aussi détaillées.

 Le 23/07/2015 00:37, JB a écrit :

 Le 22/07/2015 16:36, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :

   Après, je me pose la question de l'intérêt d'importer une zone comme
 ça, avec des arbres espacés de moins de 1m : Il
 y en a plusieurs. Tu aurais des statistiques de distances ? Moi et QGis, on
 essaye de s'aimer, mais c'est pas toujours facile.
 À part compliquer la contribution, foirer le rendu, rendre impossible
 toute correction humaine ultérieure

  Je vois pas comment les corrections ne serait pas faisable...  L'import
 a un intérêt pour la gestion des arbres. Les arbres plantés en touffe à
 moins d'un mètre c'est une réalité du terrain aussi...

 Oui, certes. Mais si tu mets 5 minutes à trouver dans les données quel
 arbre a été abattu, parce qu'il y en a 52 dans la zone, que le gps n'est
 pas assez précis, qu'il faut compter à partir de la bordure nord-est, mais
 qu'ils sont pas alignés, du coup ça marche pas. Chaque pavé d'une rue,
 c'est une réalité. Chaque arbre des forêts aussi. Pourtant, c'était une
 blague à la mode il y a pas si longtemps. Il y a d'autres façons de
 cartographier pour ça : landuse, landcover.

   Pour une commune l'intérêt est de gérer les plantations. Il me semble
 qu'avec l'age on peut aussi déterminer des arbres remarquables. Quand à la
 hauteur c'est plus dur à déterminer et à maintenir dans le temps. Sauf
 mettre la date de la prise de la hauteur car elle évolue dans le temps.

 Oui, ils ont même parfois un SIG pour gérer ça. Mais c'est pas un argument
 pour rentrer toutes les données dans OSM.

   Ca a aussi un intérêt environnemental:
  - étude des pollens
  - accueille de la faune
 Un intérêt patrimonial, paysager, ...

  On pourrait aussi gérer l'état de santé même si rien n'existe pour le
 moment dans OSM mais là on est plus dans la gestion.
 Peut être avec des ref=* pour gérer l'abattage d’arbres dangereux et
 l'élagage  ajouter un facteur de croissance automatique par espèce pour
 déterminer un planning prévisionnel d'entretien.

  Bref les possibilités sont grandes même si certains n'en trouve pas

 Bof, change le mot « intérêt » en « inconvénients dépassent les avantages

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 23/07/15 14:53, André Riedel wrote:
 For me the way motorways and trunks are rendered in the german style
 looks better.

This is going to a sticking point much of the time. Certainly if the
colours change form the current set, then I think we will be looking to
provide a 'UK' rendering even if that means only covering the UK area.
There is not a 'single' answer that will ever cover the whole planet,
and keeping the 5 colours in the UK is important.

From a UK point of view there nothing wrong with and certainly that
is what is needed for any routing system.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Paul Johnson
On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 9:07 AM, Lester Caine wrote:

 On 23/07/15 14:53, André Riedel wrote:
  For me the way motorways and trunks are rendered in the german style
  looks better.

 This is going to a sticking point much of the time. Certainly if the
 colours change form the current set, then I think we will be looking to
 provide a 'UK' rendering even if that means only covering the UK area.
 There is not a 'single' answer that will ever cover the whole planet,
 and keeping the 5 colours in the UK is important.

 From a UK point of view there nothing wrong with and certainly that
 is what is needed for any routing system

I think the standard Mapnik needs to be as generic as possible.  Certainly
the German model (also used by Navigon, especially before their merger with
Garmin) fails on it's face quite similarly to how the iconically American
style that Rand McNally popularized (and
emulated regularly by Thomas Brothers, MapQuest, and early versions of
Google Maps) does.  I'm not too intimately familiar with other styles,
though I believe the existing Mapnik is a bit more universal than either
model (roughly splitting the difference), even if American users unfamiliar
with the style are unused to seeing surface expressways (trunks) rendered
differently than primaries, and are likely to go wait, that's a toll
road? seeing green...
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tags vides

2015-07-23 Per discussione Hélène PETIT

Le 23/07/2015 01:49, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :

Mais, si le tag existait déjà (name = toto) et que je le vide dans le
formulaire... Je le supprime du node ou je l'envoie vide (chaîne de
caractère vide) ?
Alors alors ?!



Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] C / CC

2015-07-23 Per discussione francesca santarelli
Mmmm. Ma visto che la CC serve a dire in che modo voglio permettere che la
mia opera si usata, ovvero a liberare alcune clausole del diritto
d'autore, non ti sembra poco efficace e incompleta l'informazione racchiusa
in quel simbolino vicino a OSM? A me sì

Il giorno 23 luglio 2015 15:35, Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi ha scritto:

 Perche' la mappa e' tutelata dalle leggi del copyright. Che poi si usi una
 licenza CC-BY-SA o oDBL non vuol dire che non esista un copyright!

 Il giorno 23 luglio 2015 16:33, francesca santarelli ha scritto:

 Come mai qui compare (automaticamente) la singola C di copyright invece
 che CC BY-SA?


 Talk-it mailing list

 Edoardo Yossef Marascalchi
 skype: asca_edom

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione Jean-Claude Repetto
Le 23/07/2015 16:44, Jérôme Seigneuret a écrit :
 Le pluggin est-il encore nécessaire?
 Il y a ça sur le wiki 
 On y trouve une liste de personnes , le système de log employé et le
 type de GPS

Tout ce qui se trouve sur cette page du Wiki concerne les TomTom
antérieurs à 2010. Pour info, je suis l'auteur de ttMaps, l'un des cinq
logiciels cités sur cette page.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Brandveje

2015-07-23 Per discussione Michel Coene
I JOSM kan du for hvert type fartøj angive access restrictions, inclusiv
emergency services.  Så bicycle=yes, Car=no emergency=yes

2015-07-23 16:41 GMT+02:00 Rasmus Vendelboe

 Hej alle,

 Afledt af note 397487 skal vi have omtagget en vej så den i fremtiden
 bliver til en brandvej. Så vidt jeg kan se er brandveje en opfindelse som
 kommer af Bygningsreglementets 2010 §5.6.1. Den pågældende vej er altså
 primært til brandbiler, men så vidt jeg forstår er der vel ikke noget til
 hinder for at den passeres i hverken bil på cykel eller gåben sålænge der
 ikke parkeres på den? Medmindre de selvfølgelig er skiltet sådan, hvilket
 den ikke er i det her tilfælde.

 Jeg tænker, at såfremt den tagges som:highway=service, access=private kan
 ruteplanlæggere få ideen om den ikke må benyttes. Highway=footway/cycleway
 er det ikke, selvom disse udgør primær trafik på veje. Mangler vi måske et
 dedikeret service=* tag til sådan nogle veje eller har jeg overset noget?
 Hvordan vil i andre tagge en brandvej?


 Med venlig hilsen
 Rasmus Vendelboe (rasmusv)

 Talk-dk mailing list

Michel Coene
Georginehaven 94
Dk-2765 Smørum

+45 52339625
Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny
On Thu, 23 Jul 2015 15:07:59 +0100
Lester Caine wrote:

 From a UK point of view there nothing wrong with and certainly
 that is what is needed for any routing system.

Yes, this part of map is not bad. I am not entirely sure whatever it
will be true after landuse will be mapped.

Readability of nearby is poor, despite
that landuse composition is quite favourable and forest rather not
appearing near trunk roads.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau
Pour ce consoler, on peut se dire qu'on à déjà Mapillary qui le fait, 
ainsi que Skout, et qu'on peut récupérer tout ça dans Josm :


Le 23/07/2015 14:26, Christian Quest a écrit :

Il va y avoir du mouvement dans tout ce domaine dans les années qui

Entre les voitures sans conducteur, et les différentes assistances à la
conduite qui vont de plus en plus se perfectionner (la conduite
automatique sur autoroute développée par Audi est bluffante) le besoin
en données haute-définition va pousser les constructeurs automobile ou
les équipementiers (Bosch par exemple) à investir le domaine des données

Here (ex Nokia, ex Navteq) risque fort d'être racheté par Mercédès/BMW/Audi.

J'ai peur que la logique de partage ne soit pas la plus naturelle pour

Le 23/07/2015 13:33, David Crochet a écrit :


le JT de 13h de F2 vient de monter les équipements typ haut de gamme
sur les adaptabilités automatiques des véhicules grâce à, en
particulier, un système de reconnaissance de panneau de signalisation.

Est-il possible d'envisager un partenariat pour mutualiser leurs
informations avec les données tel que, si leur système le permet,
récupérer le point de modification de limitation de vitesses ou tout
autre panneau de signalisation.


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] voiture lecteur de panneau signalétique

2015-07-23 Per discussione nicolas
Tu écris justement Christian j'ai peur que la logique du partage ne soit pas 
la plus naturelle pour eux et là je ne suis pas sûr. À nous de montrer que 
c'est celle qui coûte le moins cher et rapporte le plus. Et alors ils suivront 


À jeu. juil. 23 08:26:12 2015 GMT-0400, Christian Quest a écrit :
 Il va y avoir du mouvement dans tout ce domaine dans les années qui
 Entre les voitures sans conducteur, et les différentes assistances à la
 conduite qui vont de plus en plus se perfectionner (la conduite
 automatique sur autoroute développée par Audi est bluffante) le besoin
 en données haute-définition va pousser les constructeurs automobile ou
 les équipementiers (Bosch par exemple) à investir le domaine des données
 Here (ex Nokia, ex Navteq) risque fort d'être racheté par Mercédès/BMW/Audi.
 J'ai peur que la logique de partage ne soit pas la plus naturelle pour
 Le 23/07/2015 13:33, David Crochet a écrit :
  le JT de 13h de F2 vient de monter les équipements typ haut de gamme
  sur les adaptabilités automatiques des véhicules grâce à, en
  particulier, un système de reconnaissance de panneau de signalisation.
  Est-il possible d'envisager un partenariat pour mutualiser leurs
  informations avec les données tel que, si leur système le permet,
  récupérer le point de modification de limitation de vitesses ou tout
  autre panneau de signalisation.
 Christian Quest - OpenStreetMap France
 Talk-fr mailing list

Envoyé depuis mon Jolla
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione Karel Volný

 nezkousel jsem, ale pry je strasne sikovne a jednoduche CartoDB.

uff, tak nevim, ale z toho jejich Learn more se mi nezdá, že by to byl 
vhodný nástroj; navíc bych radši něco offline


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Paul Johnson
I think I'm still in heavy preference towards the more distinctive colors
and level of detail of the existing mapnik, but I do like the smaller line
weights for residential.

On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 4:01 AM, Mateusz Konieczny

 I published new diary entry. It includes preview of now differently
 rendered highway=motorway and highway=trunk, possible changes to
 rendering railway=rail, proposed change to rendering of minor service
 tram tracks and more.

 Thanks for all test locations of rural areas! It is really useful.

 Also - is anybody aware about city where
 - landuse is mapped
 - highway=residential/unclassified/track is used correctly both in city
   and nearby area
 - buildings and roads are mapped

 In other words - is there a perfectly mapped town/city?

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] name principale vette montagna su confini nazionali

2015-07-23 Per discussione Alessandro

Il 23/07/2015 10:12, Davide Mangraviti ha scritto:

Invece la cima del Monte Bianco si chiama proprio così e anche qui se, si
vuole dare il merito della nazionalità a coloro che per primi lo hanno

Dare il merito alla nazionalità di chi per primo è arrivato in vetta ad 
un monte ha poco a che vedere col nome ufficiale di una monte. Tra 
l'altro un monte non è solo il suo punto culminante ma lo è nella sua 
completezza e in tutti i suoi versanti.

Personalmente alle numerose vette mappate sul confine IT-FR davo name 
se non ancora mappate e name:it se avevano già il nome francese, era 
però una non decisione in attesa di ufficializzare la convenzione sui nomi.

Usare il doppio nome IMHO non è corretto, in fin dei conti il nome 
ufficiale dell'esempio succitato è Monte Bianco in italiano e Mont Blanc 
in francese e sui documenti ufficiali dei rispettivi paesi appare solo 
il nome nella propria lingua.
Sempre personalmente userei due tag e name dell'atro paese 

Alessandro Ale_Zena_IT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione Jozef Riha
Dňa 23.7.2015 14:27 používateľ Karel Volný napísal:


   chtěl bych si udělat mapku výletu, poradí někdo prosím nějaký
   udělátor, kde by si šlo různě označit cesty a body, resp. přidat
   a napsat k tomu legendu?
   obtahovat čáry na obrázku v GIMPu apod. se mi tak úplně nechce :-)
  Tak, zcela jistě by takovou věc šlo naprogramovat v Leafletu

 viz odpověď na jiném místě threadu

  nebo OpenLayers...

 hmm, KML example se mi líbí, že bych si požadované cesty připravil a
 vyexportoval třeba v Merkaartoru a jenom mu podhodil svůj datový soubor

 jen tam teda nevidím, jak si napsat tu legendu, ale to bych kdyžtak

 jenže když jsem zkoušel Export map example, tak mi to žádnou mapu ke

 tak asi zase nic, do debugování tohoto se mi vůbec nechce :-/


 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Limite maritime

2015-07-23 Per discussione osm . sanspourriel

Très bien, mais je veux encore mieux ;-).

J'ai complété l'Île Dumet.
Parfait pour les points A à D.
Par contre je vois que tu as modifié la
Limite des eaux territoriales de la France sur l'Atlantique

En te basant sur le Code rural et de la pêche maritime - Article R*911-3.
Sauf que la limite est définie ainsi :

Tu as fait une modif pour que les tracés se rejoignent (ce qui est assez 
logique), est-ce qu'il ne faudrait pas préciser que le point ajouté est le point plein 
Ouest référencé dans :
Code rural et de la pêche maritime - Article R*911-3

(ref = plein ouest ?)

Et un complément d'info (description ?) sur la limite

Ça évitera de se poser des questions.

Par exemple quand la Loire-Atlantique réintégrera la Bretagne ;-).


Le 23/07/2015 16:48, Damouns - a écrit :


Suite à ce sujet de discussion j'ai modifié la limite en question pour
suivre le texte du Code (la version dans la base OSM n'étant pas
sourcée je l'ai écrasée)

J'ai ajoutée une source bien sûr pour cette nouvelle version. L'île en
question est maintenant en région Pays de la Loire !


Le 23 juillet 2015 16:07, David Crochet a écrit :


Le 23/07/2015 15:40, Bruno Cortial a écrit :

Quoi penser ?

Qu'il est intégré dans un code :


David Crochet

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] Žďákovský most

2015-07-23 Per discussione Matěj Cepl
Jsme teď v Písku na dovolené a tak jsem dosti citelně 
zaznamenali, že Žďákovský most je uzavřen pro rekonstrukci.  
je tato oprava na další dva roky, z toho minimálně do konce 
tohoto roku bude most uzavřen.

Vzhledem k tomu, že je to most naprosto zásadní pro komunikaci 
v téhle části republiky bylo by dobré nějak naznačit OSMAnd 
 spol., že tudy vlak (tedy auto) nepojede. Vidím dva problémy:

a) Nevím v jakém stadiu podpory a oficiality jsou 
   zejména v OSMAnd.
   doesn’t give me much hope... are really download files over 
   two years old? How often are they refreshed?

Nějaké nápady?


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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 23/07/2015 19:49, Lester Caine wrote:

On 23/07/15 19:34, Andy Townsend wrote:

It's actually farmland rather than farm, and therefore tagged
correctly.  If it was me I'd use a lightly colour for farmland so that
farmyards (also tagged correctly in that area) stand out a bit more
(obligatory Blue Peter** link * to compare
with ).

The legend says 'Farm', and 'Farmyard' is a distinct land use from
farmland, so they should be distinguishable, and while we don't 'tag for
the renderer' 

Oh, _that_ legend:

You can argue whether or not populating most of England with
landuse=farmland is a good use of anyone's time, but you can't argue
that it's wrong :)

What is needed is proper tagging of fields rather than adding random
areas of 'farmland' where the land outside of that is also farmland
anyway. So yes I would argue that some of these areas are wrong when
they have some arbitrary boundary through the middle of farmland.

FWIW I personally tend to only add landuse when I've surveyed and added 
all the gates, stiles, gaps, hedges, walls, fences etc. - but it's an 
entirely personal choice.



talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] faq

2015-07-23 Per discussione Federico Cortese
2015-07-23 12:09 GMT+02:00 francesca santarelli
 Ciao, di questo paragrafo dalla parte grassettata in poi secondo me non si


 Ci piacerebbe che ancora più dati fossero resi pubblici e disponibili
 liberamente. Ciò dipende da quale licenza viene usata. Al momento usiamo
 CC-BY-SA. Se apporti migliorie ai nostri dati e vuoi distribuirne di nuovi,
 deve essere fatto sotto la stessa licenza. Se dai nostri dati crei una
 mappa, che tu usi altri dati o meno, la devi pubblicare sotto la stessa
 licenza. Sotto la proposta nostra nuova licenza ODbL, la regola per la
 pubblicazione di dati migliorati è la stessa. Se crei una mappa, sei libero
 di pubblicarla sotto la licenza che vuoi. Se per farla hai migliorato i
 nostri dati, allora devi condividere quei dati sotto ODbL.

 Qualcuno può sistemarla?

Hai ragione non si capisce proprio. Guardando la pagina inglese il
testo incriminato è:
We would like more data to be made publicly and freely available. We
use the ODbL 1.0 as our distribution licence. If you improve our data
and want to distribute the new data, it must be done under the same
license. If you make a map, you are free to publish that under
whatever license you like as long as you attribute OSM correctly.

Che tradotto dovrebbe essere:
Ci piacerebbe che ancora più dati fossero resi pubblici e disponibili
liberamente. Utilizziamo la licenza ODbL 1.0 per la distribuzione dei
dati. Se apporti migliorie ai nostri dati e vuoi distribuirne di
nuovi, questo deve essere fatto sotto la stessa licenza. Se crei una
mappa sei libero di pubblicarla con la licenza che preferisci,
l'importante è rispettare correttamente l'attribuzione a OSM.



Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Navigazione mezzi pesanti

2015-07-23 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Oggi ho scoperto che offre la possibilità di generare
rotte anche in funzione dei veicoli pesanti.
Mi raccomando: installate il plugin josm mapillary e valorizzate maxheight
maxweight maxwidth così avrò degli ETA decenti per i miei viaggi in camper

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Navigazione mezzi pesanti

2015-07-23 Per discussione Stefano
Il giorno 23 luglio 2015 14:06, Cascafico Giovanni ha

 Oggi ho scoperto che offre la possibilità di
 generare rotte anche in funzione dei veicoli pesanti.
 Mi raccomando: installate il plugin josm mapillary e valorizzate maxheight
 maxweight maxwidth così avrò degli ETA decenti per i miei viaggi in camper

C'è anche questa che segnala i passaggi sotto tunnel e ponti senza maxheight

Questo è un routing per camion

Notare che molti guidatori di pullman o camion usano navigatori per auto e
finiscono in posti non praticabili... :-)



 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Andy Townsend

On 23/07/2015 19:13, Lester Caine wrote:

The random use of FARM for large areas is totally inappropriate, and
personally I'd remove the bulk of those areas ... or cover the rest of
the UK. Using 'farm' for the central farm area makes much more sense and
is what is the normal standard south of 'Birmingham Farm' area ;)

It's actually farmland rather than farm, and therefore tagged 
correctly.  If it was me I'd use a lightly colour for farmland so that 
farmyards (also tagged correctly in that area) stand out a bit more 
(obligatory Blue Peter** link * to compare 
with ).

You can argue whether or not populating most of England with 
landuse=farmland is a good use of anyone's time, but you can't argue 
that it's wrong :)



* and FWIW that I believe is a better trunk option (primary red with 
dark red casing) than what we have now too.

** For those unaware with the British meme - a children's television 
programme that used to show kids how to make things out of odds and 
ends, and then at the end reappear with and here is one I made earlier!.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Open Data Imports

2015-07-23 Per discussione Daniel Begin
Bonjour Andrew,

Good initiative!
And it will be perfect if you add all necessary links to good 
practices/warnings about imports!-)

I had a look at Canvec+ details (a). 
- The prepackaged files (250K tiles) are going to be quite large since, from 
what I understand, they have merged together all (16) underneath 50K. 
- Custom “areas of interest” might be difficult to manage for data import. 
- Proposed file formats are similar to what it used to be with standard Canvec, 
but it does not include OSM format :-(

About the script(s) used to convert Canvec to OSM, they were built using FME 
workbenches linked together with batch files (so, obviously not open source).

Best regards,


-Original Message-
From: Andrew MacKinnon [] 
Sent: July-23-15 14:04
To: Talk-CA OpenStreetMap
Subject: [Talk-ca] Open Data Imports

I am starting to work on importing Open Data datasets. I am using pnorman's 
ogr2osm script with modified translation files (see It will be some time before 
I actually import anything.

I would like to assemble a list of government open data portals in Canada which 
are compatible with the OSM license. Please add suitable open data sources to 
[]. If they 
have already been fully imported then you should put a note on that wiki page.

Also I am trying to figure out a way to import newer CanVec data. The CanVec 
files in OSM format at
are out of date and appear to have been created in 2010. Is the script that was 
used to convert CanVec to OSM open source? It looks like there is a new version 
of CanVec called CanVec+, has anyone here used it yet? I am hoping to do 
something about the large amount of broken imported data in OSM in Canada and 
we need a better way of fixing broken CanVec data than copying from the Geobase 
WMS layer or cutting and pasting from outdated .osm files from 2010.

Talk-ca mailing list

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 23/07/15 19:34, Andy Townsend wrote:
 It's actually farmland rather than farm, and therefore tagged
 correctly.  If it was me I'd use a lightly colour for farmland so that
 farmyards (also tagged correctly in that area) stand out a bit more
 (obligatory Blue Peter** link * to compare
 with ).

The legend says 'Farm', and 'Farmyard' is a distinct land use from
farmland, so they should be distinguishable, and while we don't 'tag for
the renderer' 

 You can argue whether or not populating most of England with
 landuse=farmland is a good use of anyone's time, but you can't argue
 that it's wrong :)
What is needed is proper tagging of fields rather than adding random
areas of 'farmland' where the land outside of that is also farmland
anyway. So yes I would argue that some of these areas are wrong when
they have some arbitrary boundary through the middle of farmland.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

[Talk-ca] Open Data Imports

2015-07-23 Per discussione Andrew MacKinnon
I am starting to work on importing Open Data datasets. I am using
pnorman's ogr2osm script with modified translation files (see It will be some
time before I actually import anything.

I would like to assemble a list of government open data portals in
Canada which are compatible with the OSM license. Please add suitable
open data sources to
[]. If
they have already been fully imported then you should put a note on
that wiki page.

Also I am trying to figure out a way to import newer CanVec data. The
CanVec files in OSM format at
are out of date and appear to have been created in 2010. Is the script
that was used to convert CanVec to OSM open source? It looks like
there is a new version of CanVec called CanVec+, has anyone here used
it yet? I am hoping to do something about the large amount of broken
imported data in OSM in Canada and we need a better way of fixing
broken CanVec data than copying from the Geobase WMS layer or cutting
and pasting from outdated .osm files from 2010.

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Lester Caine
On 23/07/15 17:04, Mateusz Konieczny wrote:
 Lester Caine wrote:
  From a UK point of view there nothing wrong with and certainly
  that is what is needed for any routing system.
 Yes, this part of map is not bad. I am not entirely sure whatever it
 will be true after landuse will be mapped.
 Readability of nearby is poor, despite
 that landuse composition is quite favourable and forest rather not
 appearing near trunk roads.

The random use of FARM for large areas is totally inappropriate, and
personally I'd remove the bulk of those areas ... or cover the rest of
the UK. Using 'farm' for the central farm area makes much more sense and
is what is the normal standard south of 'Birmingham Farm' area ;)

But all of the heavy detail should be an a separate layer so we can
actually see the farms in the farmland areas.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] tutoriels et formations OSM / recrutement Missing Maps

2015-07-23 Per discussione Martin Noblecourt


Comme Benoît l'a signalé aux participants, l'événement de demain soir a 
été reporté à la rentrée faute de disponibilité des ONG devant y participer.

Nous avons cependant décidé de maintenir un RDV informel demain soir 
pour se rencontrer, commencer à discuter du projet et voir ce qui 
pourrait être commencé pendant l'été (sur les outils utilisés notamment).
Vous êtes donc les bienvenus, le RDV est place Gambetta à 19h30 pour un 
restau (Chez Betty), ceux qui seront là avant on peut se retrouver plus 
tôt pour boire un verre à côté.

Contact : ou

A bientôt !


La date est choisie pour le 24 juillet.
L'inscription finale se déroule sur Eventbrite :

2015-06-30 15:41 GMT+02:00 althio at

/  Bonjour,

//  Comme indiqué sur le forum dans la partie francilienne...
//  ... je participe à la mise en place d'un groupe Missing Maps
//  localement à Paris, qui démarre par une session de formation en
//  juillet.
//  J'ai deux besoins :
//  1) de la documentation
//  Je suis intéressé pour récupérer l'existant en tutoriels,
//  présentations, formations pour l'introduction à OSM au niveau débutant
//  (et éventuellement d'autres sujets, tels que les éditeurs, le Tasking
//  Manager, HOT, ...)
//  2) des co-encadrants
//  Je recherche des volontaires pour le jour J, plutôt du genre déjà
//  contributeurs OSM. Tout le monde sera là pour apprendre et échanger,
//  mais quelques co-encadrants permettrait de mettre un peu d'huile dans
//  la mécanique.
//  Si vous pouvez aider dans une rubrique (ou les deux), contactez-moi
//  dès que possible, ici ou hors-liste.
//  Benoît - althio/

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tags vides

2015-07-23 Per discussione Philippe Verdy
Il n'y a pas de tag a valeur vide dans osm. Si un tag est en trop on le
supprime. Dans tous les éditeurs , supprimer la valeur supprimé aussi la
Le 23 juil. 2015 08:08, Hélène PETIT a écrit :

 Le 23/07/2015 01:49, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :

 Mais, si le tag existait déjà (name = toto) et que je le vide dans le
 formulaire... Je le supprime du node ou je l'envoie vide (chaîne de
 caractère vide) ?
 Alors alors ?!



 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Mayuresh Kathe


I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would be 
improper to harangue just one person with newbie type questions.  :-)

I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of presence 
in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of Mumbai).

I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very few details.

Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in every 2 
months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like to invest time 
in helping map that region.

I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor, but found 
iD to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e. only portable is 
a Google Chromebook.

I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use a 

Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS unit for 
acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?



Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] name principale vette montagna su confini nazionali

2015-07-23 Per discussione Simone Saviolo
Il giorno 17 luglio 2015 16:11, Max1234Ita ha

 Io, a buonsenso, proporrei un solo nodo, così taggato:

 name=Mont Blanc/Monte Bianco  (in rigoroso ordine *alfabetico*, così da
 ridurre le possibili contese su chi ha rivendicato per primo la vetta nel
 corso della Storia)
 name:it=Monte Bianco
 name:fr=Mont Blanc

Io non mi intendo di montagna, ma siamo sicuri che il *picco* si chiami
Monte Bianco? Mi sembra che di solito i picchi abbiano un nome proprio, e
che il monte sia un'entità più grande e vasta che comprende picchi, pareti,
canaloni... Penso ad esempio al Monte Rosa, il cui punto più alto (vado a
memoria) è la Dufourspitze; in quel caso metterei natural=peak,


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Potlatch 2 : une interface qui s'affiche par défaut sur OSM

2015-07-23 Per discussione Marc Gemis
Il n'y a pas de support pour IE9  (voir et )


2015-07-22 17:39 GMT+02:00 Nicolas Cucchietti

 Bonjour Pierre-Yves et Bruno,

 Merci pour vos réponses.

 Vous avez certainement raison tous les deux raisons car le Maire a
 souhaité utiliser l'ordinateur de la mairie pour rentrer des données dans
 OSM : la mairie du village s'est créé son propre compte.
 Il me semblait bien avoir utilisé Internet Explorer pour me rendre sur
 OSM, je n'en connaissais pas la version et ne savais pas que iD-Editeur
 pouvait ne pas être optimisé pour les anciennes versions du navigateur de
 Par ailleurs,​ il est possible également que Potlatch 2 soit l'interface
 préféré du compte de la mairie, ce dont je n'ai pas prêté attention.
 Je contacterai sous peu la mairie pour vérifier si le problème est résolu.

 Merci encore ! Vous m'avez été d'une aide précieuse. Je vous tiens au
 courant des suites.

 *Nicolas Cucchietti*
 Stagiaire pour le Conseil de Développement du PNR des Préalpes d'Azur
 Tourisme Durable - Projet Itinérance

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

[talk-ph] What basemap was used during coordination exercise for the Metro Manila Earthquake Drill?

2015-07-23 Per discussione maning sambale
The best map there is of course!

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tags vides

2015-07-23 Per discussione Guillaume AMAT

Arf... Premier message et première bourde. Au bûcher !

Le 23/07/2015 08:06, Hélène PETIT a écrit :

Le 23/07/2015 01:49, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :

Mais, si le tag existait déjà (name = toto) et que je le vide dans le
formulaire... Je le supprime du node ou je l'envoie vide (chaîne de
caractère vide) ?
Alors alors ?!



Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Vyhledávání v DuckDuckGo dle č.p.

2015-07-23 Per discussione Karel Volný

malá oprava -

 DuckDuckGo číslo popisné
 hledal v číslech orientačních.

naopak, hledáno bylo číslo orientační a nalezeno bylo číslo popisné
(Láďa chtěl 742/22 a dostal 22/9)


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Sunil K
Dear Mayuresh,
I used a Garmin device in 2010 I don't remember its model(it cost me
100 euro, but the accuracy was less).
   But it have a gpx logging feature. Resultant gpx can be copied to
computer via usb, then josm to upload.

There are 2-3 things to look for
1. easy to enter POIs (may be voice recording), is most important
2. ability to use OSM maps (There was a way to convert OSM maps to
garmin format), because if the map is already there no need to again
map it.

3. Is the accuracy()
If these are there, then this device is ok. Checkout Columbus V990
suggested by Paramvir (It have voice recording feature)

I know one guy who uses modified osmtracker+ bt headset with voice
cancellation to capture POIs on a Moto G.

I use a samsung galaxy tab 7+ which is much more  accurate the garmin
I had  (but usually no harsh terrain, except my daughter, it survived
with colorful lines on screen)

Hope others also give there experiences.



On 07/23/2015 02:55 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 Hi Sunil,
 Thanks for the response.
 I would prefer to go for a standalone GPS unit like the Garmin
 eTrex 20 because I can use it under any weather conditions (which
 can get difficult with a smartphone).
 While living in Uran, my primary task would be to perform mapping 
 activities during the three seasons which present themselves as
 harsh environmental conditions, i.e. extreme heat, heavy rains and
 bitter winters (no snow though).
 So, suppose if I purchase the Garmin eTrex 20 and use it for
 logging data, would there be any way to; 1. move data off the unit
 and onto my Chromebook via USB? 2. convert the acquired data to be
 usable with OSM? 3. easily upload that data to OSM?
 Basically, since there are just a few local apps under a
 Chromebook, would there be any web service which can convert the
 data acquired from the GPS unit to the one which is accepted by
 On 2015-07-23 02:42 PM, Sunil K wrote:
 Dear Mayuresh,
 I would suggest to go for samsung tablet, or Moto G than going
 for a standalone GPS like Garmin or TomTom( because cost vs
 accuracy is better in the case of former, based on my experiance
 from 2010 now it may be different). I dont know how good is
 bluetooth or USB connected GPS (which can be connected to your
 chromebook directly)
 The only important think is GPS should be able to lock without 2G
 or 3G network, in a remote location sometimes this is crucial.
 Another think is battery life with GPS(with and without screen
 You could use apps like osmtracker to get gpx trail and way
 points, Navit or OsmAnd(could also be used for tracking) for
 existing map. There is a OSM editor vespucci but I don't know how
 good it is.
 br Sunil
 On 07/23/2015 01:18 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would
 be improper to harangue just one person with newbie type
 questions. :-)
 I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of 
 presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of 
 I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very
 few details.
 Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in 
 every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like
 to invest time in helping map that region.
 I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor, but 
 found iD to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e.
 only portable is a Google Chromebook.
 I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use
 a smartphone).
 Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS
 unit for acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

2015-07-23 Per discussione vrs

nevím co přesně potřebuješ, ale možná QGis?

- vektorové vrstvy, lze naimportovat z různých formátů včetně OSM nebo GPS 
- přirazovat styly a popisky k jednotlivým objektům
- rastrové vrstvy jako výška terénu (umí vygenerovat vrstevnice)
- k tisku či exportu do PDF to má Print Composer, kde definuješ výřez, 
rozložení na stránce, přidáš třeba kilometrovou síť, měřítko i právě tu 
To všechno čistě klikáním. Jen je potřeba překonat úvodní šok z množství 
tlačítek a podobně.  :-)


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Martin Tesar
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Datum: 23. 7. 2015 8:36:20
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] mapa s popisky

nezkousel jsem, ale pry je strasne sikovne a jednoduche CartoDB.

Dne 22. července 2015 14:22 Vladimír Slávik
( napsal(a):
znám relativně dobře dvě možnosti pro tvorbu vlastní mapy. Legendu jsem ale 
zatím nikdy neřešil... leda v GIMPu :D S tiskem nápodobně :(

1) Google maps / drive. Aktivně je používám už skoro rok. Jako vrstva pozadí
je některá z map Googlu (doprava / satelit / reliéf atd.). Umí vlastní 
vrstvy, v nich libovolně objekty typu bod, čára, oblast. Pro vše se dá 
nastavit barva nebo ikonka, dají se zobrazit názvy, přidat delší popisky. 
Ikonky se dají nakreslit a importovat vlastní, což mapu náležitě graficky 
pozvedne :) Import a export je ve formátu KML, dá se konvertovat sem tam s 
GPX a OSM. Klidně tedy lze sebrat nějaký objekt z OSM nebo si vycucnout 
trasy ze Seznamu (export jako GPX), pokud je to jen pro vlastní použití, tak
co... Hlavní plus je možnost sdílení s vybranými lidmi a snadné ovládání. V 
příloze je ukázka.

2) Lze si udělat něco vlastního s použitím Leaflet.js
( Dá se s tím udělat všechno viz výše, na vlastních 
stránkách / vlastním serveru (ocení milovníci samostatnosti!), plus WMS/TMS 
tuším, a tak vůbec obecně je to něco s čím lze manipulovat programově, takže
není nutné narážet na náhodná omezení. Není to ale i pro babičku a maminku, 
pro ty leda na koukání. Eventuálně existuje plugin pro wordpress, který 
usnadňuje některé úkony...

Hezký den!

Dne 22.7.2015 v 10:48 Karel Volný napsal(a):

chtěl bych si udělat mapku výletu, poradí někdo prosím nějaký jednoduchý
udělátor, kde by si šlo různě označit cesty a body, resp. přidat vlastní, a
napsat k tomu legendu?

obtahovat čáry na obrázku v GIMPu apod. se mi tak úplně nechce :-)


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list


Martin Tesar

Talk-cz mailing list;___
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Tags vides

2015-07-23 Per discussione Guillaume AMAT
C'est ce que j'ai fait mais j'ai préféré demandé avant de supprimer des 
données comme ça.

Merci !

Le 23/07/2015 09:05, Philippe Verdy a écrit :

Il n'y a pas de tag a valeur vide dans osm. Si un tag est en trop on 
le supprime. Dans tous les éditeurs , supprimer la valeur supprimé 
aussi la clé.

Le 23 juil. 2015 08:08, Hélène PETIT a écrit :

Le 23/07/2015 01:49, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :

Mais, si le tag existait déjà (name = toto) et que je le vide
dans le
formulaire... Je le supprime du node ou je l'envoie vide
(chaîne de
caractère vide) ?
Alors alors ?!



Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Sunil K
Dear Mayuresh,

I would suggest to go for samsung tablet, or Moto G than going for a
standalone GPS like Garmin or TomTom( because cost vs accuracy is
better in the case of former, based on my experiance from 2010 now it
may be different).
I dont know how good is bluetooth or USB connected GPS (which can be
connected to your chromebook directly)

The only important think is GPS should be able to lock without 2G or
3G network, in a remote location sometimes this is crucial. Another
think is battery life with GPS(with and without screen on).

You could use apps like osmtracker to get gpx trail and way points,
Navit or OsmAnd(could also be used for tracking) for existing map.
There is a OSM editor vespucci but I don't know how good it is.


On 07/23/2015 01:18 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would be 
 improper to harangue just one person with newbie type questions.
 I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of
 presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of
 I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very few
 Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in
 every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like to
 invest time in helping map that region.
 I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor, but
 found iD to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e. only
 portable is a Google Chromebook.
 I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use a 
 Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS unit
 for acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?
 ___ Talk-in mailing

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Sunil K
Dear Mayuresh,

I would suggest to go for samsung tablet, or Moto G than going for a
standalone GPS like Garmin or TomTom( because cost vs accuracy is
better in the case of former, based on my experiance from 2010 now it
may be different).
I dont know how good is bluetooth or USB connected GPS (which can be
connected to your chromebook directly)

The only important think is GPS should be able to lock without 2G or
3G network, in a remote location sometimes this is crucial. Another
think is battery life with GPS(with and without screen on).

You could use apps like osmtracker to get gpx trail and way points,
Navit or OsmAnd(could also be used for tracking) for existing map.
There is a OSM editor vespucci but I don't know how good it is.


On 07/23/2015 01:18 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would be 
 improper to harangue just one person with newbie type questions.
 I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of
 presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of
 I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very few
 Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in
 every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like to
 invest time in helping map that region.
 I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor, but
 found iD to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e. only
 portable is a Google Chromebook.
 I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use a 
 Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS unit
 for acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?
 ___ Talk-in mailing

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-in] Mapping Uran ...

2015-07-23 Per discussione Paramvir Singh
I have a Columbus V990 a very inexpensive device. I use that for track 
gathering and audio notes at POIs. It's so accurate I don't need anything else.

I use GOMap on iPhone for detailed editing of POIs etc.

If you have an old Blackberry, install GPSLogger II,  a powerhouse app for 
track gathering and naming POIs on the tracks itself.

For Android you can use Vespucci or OSMAnd, though am not a fan of Android.

Most of these devices will give you fairly accurate tacks and POIs even if 
there is no cellular data.

That's the reason I bought the Columbus. It's inexpensive and records tracks 
for 17 hours a day on a single charge. 

Blackberry has the world's best email experience.

 On 23-Jul-2015, at 2:42 pm, Sunil K wrote:
 Dear Mayuresh,
 I would suggest to go for samsung tablet, or Moto G than going for a
 standalone GPS like Garmin or TomTom( because cost vs accuracy is
 better in the case of former, based on my experiance from 2010 now it
 may be different).
 I dont know how good is bluetooth or USB connected GPS (which can be
 connected to your chromebook directly)
 The only important think is GPS should be able to lock without 2G or
 3G network, in a remote location sometimes this is crucial. Another
 think is battery life with GPS(with and without screen on).
 You could use apps like osmtracker to get gpx trail and way points,
 Navit or OsmAnd(could also be used for tracking) for existing map.
 There is a OSM editor vespucci but I don't know how good it is.
 On 07/23/2015 01:18 PM, Mayuresh Kathe wrote:
 I tried to keep this off list as much as I could, but it would be 
 improper to harangue just one person with newbie type questions.
 I am basically from Mumbai, but also have a certain amount of
 presence in a nearby hamlet called Uran (65Kms south east of
 I checked out the map for that region on OSM and found very few
 Given the fact that I would be spending a month there, once in
 every 2 months (making it around 4 months a year), I would like to
 invest time in helping map that region.
 I have been advised to take a look at JOSM as an editor, but
 found iD to be a lot better for my current situation, i.e. only
 portable is a Google Chromebook.
 I solicit advice on the GPS equipment I would need (I don't use a 
 Would you be kind enough to recommend a decent, low-cost GPS unit
 for acquiring data which can be easily used with OSM?
 ___ Talk-in mailing
 Talk-in mailing list

Talk-in mailing list

[Talk-cz] Vyhledávání v DuckDuckGo dle č.p.

2015-07-23 Per discussione Ladislav Nesnera

Při páchání odkazu do zprávičky jsem narazil na problém, že
DuckDuckGo číslo popisné
hledal v číslech orientačních. Pro Jungmannovu 22 tedy
Napadá vás úprava, která by se dala DuckDuckGo doporučit, aby vraceli
lepší výsledky? (Z interní debaty s Kavolem i pohledu na Wikinu to
u nás je chuťovka :-D)

Díky a prima pařáky

Laďa ;?)

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] Illustrator paintings

2015-07-23 Per discussione fsound
Did you receive this question?

I've done several steps with OSM data, which is under ODbL:

1. I've downloaded shapefiles from Geofabrik.
2. I've then selected some elements using qGIS, projected them to UTM and 
exported to DXF and PDF:
3. I've imported those DXF  PDF files in Illustrator.
4. In Illustrator, I've combined ways, smoothed them to beziers, made some 
elements rounder or even simplified buildings to simpler polygons. But only 
some of them, I didn't track my editos.

Do I have to upload the unstiled lines and polygons from Illustrator somewhere? 
I did not add any data, which hasn't been in the OSM database. Actually, I 
didn't make the quality of the data better, I've done generalization for 
printing it in a leaflet.

Is it enough to add © OpenStreetMap contributors (ODbL 1.0) to the imprint of 
the leaflet?

Best regards!

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] name principale vette montagna su confini nazionali

2015-07-23 Per discussione Davide Mangraviti
Per il massiccio del Monte Rosa ci sono più vette la Punta Dufour va bene
chiamarla giustamente Dufourspitze per questi motivi:
ed è già così:

Invece la cima del Monte Bianco si chiama proprio così e anche qui se, si
vuole dare il merito della nazionalità a coloro che per primi lo hanno
raggiunto, si può pensare che venga chiamato Mont Blancperchè motivi
amministrativi non ce ne stanno che io sappia.. ma a sto punto che si faccia
una regola che vale sempre!

(Nota per chi non c'è mai stato: ma solo da Chamonix si vede la cima del
Monte Bianco, dalla parte italiana di Courmayeur si vede quella che si
chiama Mont Blanc de Courmayeur... che pure questa ha toponimo francese!! 
.. e questo i francesi lo fanno pesare tantissimo!...)

Simone Saviolo wrote
 Io non mi intendo di montagna, ma siamo sicuri che il *picco* si chiami
 Monte Bianco? Mi sembra che di solito i picchi abbiano un nome proprio,
 che il monte sia un'entità più grande e vasta che comprende picchi,
 canaloni... Penso ad esempio al Monte Rosa, il cui punto più alto (vado a
 memoria) è la Dufourspitze; in quel caso metterei natural=peak,
 Talk-it mailing list


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[OSM-talk] New road style for the Default map style - the second version. And thanks for rural test locations!

2015-07-23 Per discussione Mateusz Konieczny
I published new diary entry. It includes preview of now differently
rendered highway=motorway and highway=trunk, possible changes to
rendering railway=rail, proposed change to rendering of minor service
tram tracks and more.

Thanks for all test locations of rural areas! It is really useful.

Also - is anybody aware about city where
- landuse is mapped
- highway=residential/unclassified/track is used correctly both in city
  and nearby area
- buildings and roads are mapped

In other words - is there a perfectly mapped town/city?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Retour sur la contribution à Mapillary

2015-07-23 Per discussione Stéphane Péneau

Le 21/07/2015 07:08, Vincent de Château-Thierry a écrit :
Et sinon, merci Stéphane pour ce retour d'expérience. Anticiper les 
contraintes logistiques, viser juste car on ne reviendra pas de sitôt 
sur les lieux, penser aux détails... bien vu !

Merci !

Il me reste à résoudre le problème des vibrations, l'effet jello. Mon 
smartphone y est particulièrement sensible, et ma voiture n'est pas 
aussi adaptée que certains modèles

ps. petit sourire en voyant ce qui se reflète dans le pare-brise :)



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