Re: [Talk-us] State Open Data

2018-08-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I think that this is the data for Iowa that you're looking for:

On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 10:22 AM, Clifford Snow 

> A few months back I made available Washington State Roads background layer
> available for use in JOSM and iD. (Shoutout to Mapbox for providing free
> hosting of this service.) I would like to add other states but need your
> help finding open data suitable for inclusion in OSM.
> To help please update this Google Sheet document [1] with the Open Data
> information. You'll need to give me your email to allow editing but anyone
> should be able to view the information.
> [1]
> nevksjpQ0Y7tTA/edit?usp=sharing
> Thanks,
> Clifford
> --
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Slack: Do we need an Alternative (was Planning an import in Price George...)

2018-06-10 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sat, Jun 9, 2018 at 10:21 PM, Bryan Housel  wrote:

> > I'm also interested in how others feel about Slack. Is it good for the
> community or should we look elsewhere?
> Glad you asked!  I think Slack has changed the way I work for the better.
> Here are some advantages..
> * lower barrier to entry for less technical folks

Signing up for a mailing list is really that hard?

> * works well for both sync and async chat

I completely disagree on the async chat. Maybe it would work if people took
advantage of the conversation threading features that Slack and some other
clients offer but they rarely do. Therefore you're stuck scanning pages and
pages of comments looking for needles in haystacks and trying to
reconstruct the conversations.

> * decent search

It has search, but the fact that Slack's (and many others are the same)
search is a walled garden makes its use limited.

> * everyone is on it
> I really can’t imagine going back to something else.  I’d happily pay for
> it if they asked me to.
> There are currently over 800 people on the OSM-US Slack, and over 3000 on
> the GIS Spatial Community Slack.  I have no idea how many people are
> subscribed to the talk-us mailing list.

800 people signed up for an account, but only 20 or so have a client open.
I hadn't even logged in since September 2017 when this discussion started.
Doesn't really sound to me like everyone is making use of Slack.

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Slack: Do we need an Alternative (was Planning an import in Price George...)

2018-06-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I have objections to the use of Slack in particular, and to the use of
real-time communication tools in general (not just Slack but other tools
like IRC, HipChat, Rocket.Chat etc.).

My objections to Slack in particular primarily come down to the fact that
using it puts too much control in the hands of a commercial entity. IANAL
and I haven't read the terms of service but I'd certainly be more
comfortable using open source software running on OSM servers.

My objection to real-time communication tools in general that it limits
visibility of and participation in discussions from less dedicated members
of the community.

First, the real-time nature of the communication means that noise tends to
overwhelm the signal. I don't keep Slack or other tools open at work - it's
just too distracting. When I get home in the evenings I'm not going to wade
through the past 24+ hours of discussion looking for fragments of
discussions I might be interested in. Some tools (like Slack) have
attempted to re-invent threaded conversations but I haven't seen them
widely used yet.

Second, most of the tools are only searchable from within themselves.
External search indexes like Google and Bing can't or won't index the
content. On some platforms (IRC in particular) there are a lot of people
that expect all discussions to be ephemeral and not archived at all.

That said, I'm not totally against the use of such real-time communication
tools. For things where real-time interaction is essential (Is X up? How do
I Y? Am I doing Z right?) it's great. For social chit-chat it's great. For
anything else I'm not so sure.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 2:45 PM, Clifford Snow 

> SteveA wrote:
> At least once, Clifford invited me to join Slack as well.  However, after
> reading Slack's Terms of Service Agreement (a contract of adhesion,
> really), I could not and do not abide with the ways which Slack (and other
> proprietary, not-open-source/open-data communication platforms) divide our
> community into "those who Slack" and "those who don't."  Even as Clifford
> has acknowledged this issue in these posts, I feel compelled to speak up
> about this again whenever I see this invitation to Slack again and again.
> I don't wish to throw rocks at the good process and results which happen
> because some of us collaborate on Slack.  I do wish to urge OSM volunteers
> to seriously (re-?)consider that there are well-established, perfectly
> useful communication methods (email, wiki, talk-us, face-to-face,
> meetups/Mapping Parties...) which do not require "shiny apps laden with
> hidden, commercial code" that ask us to cloak our communication into the
> private realm of a for-profit company.  As an open-source/open-data
> project, I remain puzzled why OSM volunteers do this.
> Perhaps what I'm suggesting (again?  I seem to recall it has been brought
> up before) is that if OSM uses a "live-collaboration communication app"
> that we either develop our own or choose some open-source version of one
> without onerous License Terms that MANY (not just me) find offensive.
> Is that possible?
> Thanks for reading.  I mean this in the best interests of OSM longer-term.
> SteveA
> California
> OSM Volunteer since 2009
> Steve,
> I must admit I like Slack better than some other forms of communications.
> For example, I don't participate on any OSM forums. IRC is nice, but the
> Slack, as a version of IRC, is just better. Since Slack was introduced to
> the community I've notice the talk-us mailing list traffic has slowed and
> even more so is the #osm-us IRC channel which for all practical purposes is
> dead.
> Communications within the community is one of the most important aspects
> of what makes our community thrive. We need tools that allow people to be
> engaged in discussions and process to be successful. Tools that people want
> to use. To me, seeing the number of people that use Slack compared to other
> forms of communications, means the community has chosen.
> I'm also part of a open source community that uses IRC and mailing lists
> to communicate. When Slack was introduced, just like OSM, traffic drop to
> nothing on IRC and mainly announcements on the mailing list. Part of that
> maybe because people use Slack in their day job.
> I don't wouldn't have any objections to another platform with more
> agreeable terms of service. But what specifically to Slack's terms is
> objectionable?
> I'm also interested in how others feel about Slack. Is it good for the
> community or should we look elsewhere?
> Best,
> Clifford
> --
> @osm_seattle
> OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Post-Harvey & Irma Images from Digital Globe

2017-09-13 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
Digital Globe has released some imagery of the areas affected by Hurricanes
Harvey & Irma. It was just raw TIFFs though. Before I spend a lot of time
figuring a more convenient way to look at these images I was wondering if
anyone had already done so.

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bar vs Pub vs Restaurant in the US?

2016-09-29 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I think that you're all overthinking it, and trying to fit a European
square into a US circle. First of all, the US doesn't have pubs, unless the
owner is specifically trying to recreate the atmosphere of a European pub
(or at least what an Americans think a European pub is). Doesn't matter if
a European visiting the US would think of the establishment as such, they
just don't really exist around here.

Second, almost every establishment that sells alcoholic beverages for
on-premises consumption is legally required to sell food of some sort. I've
been in bars that had a toaster oven to heat up frozen pizzas and that
qualified as food. And there are establishments where the distinction
between "bar" and "restaurant" based on the food they serve is very fuzzy.

Third, the laws/regulations around liquor licenses are complex for various
historical and political reasons and vary state by state and probably even
city by city. What classifies as a bar in one state might be a restaurant
in another.

So, trying to come up with hard and fast rules as to what's a pub, bar or
restaurant is doomed to failure. The only test that makes any sense is
"what do the locals consider it?" I know that's too fuzzy for some people
but trying to come up with precise definitions for OSM is doomed to failure
because there aren't precise definitions in the real world.

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 12:16 PM, Greg Troxel  wrote:

> Andrew Wiseman  writes:
> > The wiki uses a European context, so here's my attempt at classifying
> what
> > is what in the US. Let me know what you think.
> I mostly agree; comments on details.
> > To me, a "pub" in the US would be bars that have food, but the food isn't
> > the main attraction - you mainly go there to hang out or talk with
> friends
> > or watch the game or just drink, but they may have food too. For
> example, a
> > sports bar or your neighborhood bar if they have wings or nachos or
> > burgers, but that's not the main draw. Wonderland in DC, for a specific
> > example.
> pub/restaurant is hard, as both have food.  But agreed that if (some
> combination of) the primary draw is a great beer selection, the ambience
> is "in a bar" vs "restaurant that has a bar someplace", and if the menu
> tends to burgers and pizza, then pub is the right call.
> > A "bar" would be a place that doesn't serve food at all, like a cocktail
> > bar or just some bar without food, where they might not have seats, which
> > is something the wiki suggests. The Adams Morgan area in Washington, DC
> has
> > a lot of these places, for example, where people stand around and drink
> > mostly, maybe dance too. McSorley's in New York would be another example
> of
> > a bar, with seats.
> Or even places that have some food, but are not really intending to have
> meals.   Or where the food is really really secondary as you say.
> > And a "restaurant" would be a place where there is alcohol but you mainly
> > go for food -- for example, bar and grill chains TGI Fridays, Applebee's,
> > Buffalo Wild Wings, etc. would fall into this category. So would
> non-chains
> > that are similar. I would posit that most people don't go to TGI Friday's
> > just to drink.
> Yes, but restaurant in OSM also requires that you are seated at tables
> with table service.  if you get it yourself, then:
> > There's also "cafe" as a separate tag which can include food and alcohol,
> > but to me a cafe is a coffee shop that might also have beer or food, but
> > coffee is the main attraction -- like a Starbucks in the US.
> That's not what the OSM tag means; it's more european.  In OSM, "cafe"
> means (usually) that there is real food, but (always) that you order at
> a counter and then either take it yourself or have the staff bring it to
> you.  However, a coffee shop is very probably a cafe under this
> definition.  But so is a place that has real food cooked by a chef,
> except that you don't get waited on.
> One area of disagreement you'll find is the boundary between fastfood
> and cafe.  A McDonald's, to pick the poster child, is clearly "fast
> food".  The OSM definition talks about how the food is prepared in
> advance vs to order for a specific customer.  I have been tagging dunkin
> donuts as fast food rather than cafe; you can get a sausage egg and
> cheese - but it's factory food in the microwave.  Starbucks I see as on
> the line, and boutique coffee shops tend to get cafe.  This is
> troublesome because it more or less comes down to "real food" vs
> "factory food".
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.
Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument

2016-08-25 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
So, if you haven't seen the announcement, yesterday President Obama
established the latest National Monument.

It'd be nice to get at least the boundaries into OSM, anyone have a
source for the data? I didn't see anything obvious in the NPS data

Jeff Ollie
The majestik møøse is one of the mäni interesting furry animals in Sweden.

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Common names of highways do not match road signs.

2016-07-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Jul 8, 2016 at 9:22 AM, Andy Townsend  wrote:
> In the UK we've also had a problem with some (generally armchair) mappers
> thinking that "all roads must have a name" and "any name is better than no
> name" so they've been adding "names" that might have been in a news report
> ages ago along the lines of "Greater Chigley and Trumpton Bypass Scheme"
> which aren't signed and aren't useful.  I tend to move those to
> "description".

That kind of happens in the US - the main problems are highways and
freeways that have been given an official name (for some level of
"officialness") but aren't useful. The one that comes to mind is I-235
in Des Moines. According to the Iowa DOT, it's official name is
"Interstate Highway 235" but the city of Des Moines named it the "John
MacVicar Freeway" in the 1960's (or at least they did the parts that
are within the city limits)[1].  But, no one ever refers to it as
anything but I-235 and I'd bet that most people don't even know that
it's called anything but I-235. There's probably a tiny sign somewhere
that lets you know what it's called but the rest of the signage never
refers to it.

I'm sure that there are similar stories all over. I'm not sure if the
"*:signed=no" tags help with this but some scheme for tagging a name
that is official on some level but isn't useful for navigation
(because it isn't signed etc) would be helpful.


Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Common names of highways do not match road signs.

2016-07-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
It's been a long time since I've messed much with turning OSM data
into Garmin maps, but even back then the main problem was mapping the
OSM data model to the Garmin data model, what kind of data to retain,
what data to leave out, what data needed to be massaged before being
included etc. It's more of an art than a science. If you're having
problems, they best thing to do isn't to change the OSM data (unless
it's obviously wrong) but to discuss with the OpenMapChest people what
sort of changes could be made to their translation process to improve
your results. This is the first I've heard of OpenMapChest (but it
looks cool, I still have a Garmin GPS that I get out now and then) so
I don't know what the best way to contact them is (there's nothing on
their web site that provides specific contact information).

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 9:32 PM, Kevin Morgan  wrote:
> It is confusing to use open street maps in my area(Central Ohio) for
> driving directions since the "common names" of high ways do not match
> road signs. The common names are used by open map chest for road names.
> For example when turning on to State Route 315 with OpenMapChest loaded
> on my GPS I am directed to turn on to Olentangy Freeway. However the
> tiger name on open street maps is State route 315. Would it make more
> sense to configure driving maps to use tiger names for driving
> directions,  change commons names to include the state route number or
> interstate number, or add state route number/ interstate number as a
> different tag?
> --
>   Kevin Morgan
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Timezones in USA?

2016-05-26 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 3:17 PM, Frederik Ramm  wrote:

> I don't know how time zones are defined "at the source" but it is very
> unlikely that someone puts up signs.

In the US, they do put up signs, at least along major roads.

Jeff Ollie
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2016-05-10 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, May 10, 2016 at 12:28 PM, OSM Volunteer stevea <> wrote:

> As an aside, I STILL believe that it is/would be correct WITHIN this
> boundary to ALSO tag landuse=forest where it is KNOWN (ground truth is
> best, but public data, signage or other sources could convince me) that
> harvesting of wood is allowed in those specific areas where there is
> exactly this sort of tree cover.  Although, I might evolve further still to
> be convinced to use a landcover tag (instead) if/as this becomes better
> developed.  The landcover tag becoming more clearly rendered would likely
> help here.

I think that the landuse=forest tag as you describe it here is close to
useless for the purposes of OSM. First of all, the areas that the US Forest
Service (or similar state agency) allows timber to be harvested from is
going to change, probably at least on a yearly basis, as the agencies
manage the lands under their control. Second of all, the information on
where timber harvesting is currently allowed may not be public information
since it's part of a commercial contract with a private business (I could
be wrong through). Third, that sort of information is probably of little
use to the general public anyway since only those companies with the
necessary permits would be allowed to harvest timber anyway.  And no,
gathering up dead wood from the forest floor for a campfire does not count
in my book as timber harvesting.

If you were planning a hike through a National Forest and wanted to avoid
areas that were actively being harvested, you'd be much better off
contacting the US Forest Service directly anyway as they'd be able to
inform you about other issues with your hiking plans like recent landslides
that made trails impassable, wildfires, etc.

Jeff Ollie
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Tagging National Forests

2015-08-19 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 10:16 PM, stevea wrote:

 Me collecting firewood makes this a forest producing timber.  Full stop.

So my backyard is a forest now?  My backyard has trees, and I collect all
of the downed branches and use them when I build fires in my fire pit.  I
really don't see how it's useful to take the definition of a forest to
such an extreme.

Jeff Ollie
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] State of the Map US 2015 is over - thank you!

2015-07-02 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 (which were all recorded by the way, so you can watch them at your leisure
 if you want —

Why are all of the videos unlisted on YouTube?  I like to watch these sort
of videos on my TV, which means that a series of web pages that I have to
click in and out of is an absolutely terrible user experience.  If they
were listed it'd be very easy to queue up the ones that I was interested

Jeff Ollie
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] State of the Map US 2015 is over - thank you!

2015-07-02 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Jun 12, 2015 at 3:25 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 (which were all recorded by the way, so you can watch them at your leisure
 if you want —

Why are all of the videos unlisted on YouTube?  I like to watch these sort
of videos on my TV, which means that a series of web pages that I have to
click in and out of is an absolutely terrible user experience.  If they
were listed it'd be very easy to queue up the ones that I was interested

Jeff Ollie
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] scanned USGS Topo Layer?

2013-12-02 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:11 PM, Darrell Fuhriman wrote:

 Yes, exactly.

 I know we're all obsessed with computers and stuff, but those guys were damn 
 good at what they did, and shouldn't be underestimated. (Whether the maps are 
 at an appropriate scale is a different issue.)

 But there's very little, if any, effort in keeping the quads up to date 
 anymore. All the effort is focused on the national atlas.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Cemeteries in OSM?

2013-07-29 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Thomas Colson wrote:
 Are there any examples of detailed cemetery mapping in OSM? E.g. individual
 head-stones are mapped with interred information. Is this even an
 appropriate use of OSM? I have a cemetery mapping  project with LOTS of good
 data, pondering the best way to publish it….

Outside of OSM, genealogists are extremely interested in
cemetery/grave information.  Two of the larger projects that I know of
are:  (Longer established, but does not include
GIS data for individual graves/headstones) (Newer, but includes GPS and a photo of each

I couldn't find detailed information, but I believe that the data from
these projects is not open unfortunately.

IMHO, detailed information about every grave isn't appropriate for OSM:

1) Unless specialized apps are developed, searching the data would be difficult.
2) Do maps render high enough zoom levels to distingush individual graves?
3) As other have discussed, data quality issues.
4) Ability to attach metadata, or provide stable links to other
sources of information.

The exception to the rule would be for historic figures or celebrities
that the general public might want to search for/visit.

What I _would_ like to see is an improvement in the accuracy of
cemetery names/locations/outlines.  Many cemeteries were loaded into
OSM as part of the GNIS import.  Unfortunately, that resulted in many
name and location inaccuracies.  I've improved nearby ones that I
could but some (esp. small pioneer or family cemeteries) are going to
take an on-the-ground visit because they aren't visible from aerial
imagery, etc.

If a cemetery has named/numbered subdivisions it would be nice to get
that information into OSM because sometimes you know a grave is in a
certain section of a cemetery.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Oklahoma disaster mapping

2013-05-22 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 7:09 AM, Mikel Maron wrote:
 HOT is engaged, but right now as

Very nice, but the text of the instructions refers to Hurricane Sandy.

Is there an official announcement that I could re-share on FB or G+
to get some more help?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Update for Great Smoky Mountains National Park

2013-04-25 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Thomas Colson wrote:
 Great Smoky Mountains National Park is planning to update its core base
 data. We have identified many inconsistencies in online location-based data
 which often results in hazardous navigation scenarios for park visitors
 (e.g. travel on a closed trail, wrong way on road, etc…) and plan to slowly
 migrate our latest data collection to the public domain. In addition, we are
 including many new Points of Interest and other man-made features not
 presently included in the park OSM footprint.

I think that this is an awesome project.  It's been a while since I've
been to the park, but I've been daydreaming about a visit to the park
this summer in conjunction with a Linux user conference.  Probably
won't happen due to time  budget constraints but I'm glad to see
these sort of improvements to the map.

One question about what I saw on the wiki page.  I can understand not
wanting the public to drive on administrative roads, but are those
roads closed to hikers as well as vehicular traffic?  I can understand
keeping hikers off of the roads under normal circumstances but if I
was out hiking a trail that crossed an administrative road I'd be
pretty confused if the map on my GPS didn't show it.  I'd find them
useful as navigational references if nothing else.  I would think that
it'd be useful in emergency situations as well.  For example if a
group of hikers was trying to evacuate an injured/sick person an
administrative road could be a quicker way to get to more advanced
medical care.  Or for volunteers conducting a search for lost hikers.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Update for Great Smoky Mountains National Park

2013-04-25 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 11:10 AM, Thomas Colson wrote:
 A Linux conference in east TN?!!

Nah, in Charleston, SC actually, but since I'd probably be driving
from Iowa the park wouldn't be far out of the way.

If I do it, I'd like to make it a two-week trip, with one week for the
conference and one week for sightseeing on my own.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Airport Tagging

2013-04-23 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Rick Marshall wrote:

 2.  Who decides the geographical limits of an aerodrome?

If you don't have parcel data from a government GIS department, I
would go with the fence that surrounds most airports if it's visible
in the Bing imagery.  That usually takes care of the I'll get into
trouble if I cross this line sort of questions.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Extracting data from traffic sign recognition aboard modern cars ?

2013-04-19 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 6:42 AM, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:

 Automotive environments are not known for their openness so I'm not holding
 my breath - but the potential for massive widely distributed automated data
 collection is worth starting to watch the topic.

I don't know much about any of this, but you might want to start looking here:

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Build your own GPS receiver

2013-03-18 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:09 PM, Andrew Gregory wrote:

 It's all down to your application. What do you want to do that you can't do
 on a $50 smartphone?

Well, the first thing that I'd be looking for is performance...  The
GPS on the phones that I've used have not had great accuracy, or
battery life either.  The Galaxy Nexus that I have right now draws
power faster than a standard 0.5A USB charger can deliver it when the
GPS is on, and I've had no luck finding a car charger that will
deliver more than that to the Nexus.

Second, and actually probably more important, DIY is not always about
doing it _cheaper_, it's about doing it _fun_.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] RAGBRAI Mapping

2013-03-18 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 1:01 AM, Clifford Snow wrote:

 On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 10:40 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:

 Also, what's the best way to share this with non-OSM people?  The
 route is starting to be rendered on OpenCycleMap, except that it
 doesn't show up at the scale I would need to show the whole route (and
 might get confused with other routes in the region).  The following
 URL doesn't work for me for some reason:

 Change your url to match the previous example.  It probably should be

No, the /browse/relation/2821829 page has a small map window with a
link below it that says view relation on larger map which is a link
to /?relation=2821829.  The 2nd style has worked in the past, but
I'm not sure if it's a bug in the particular browsers I'm using or if
there's a bug on the OSM website, it's been a while since I've tried
to use this feature of the OSM website and there have been a lot of
changes on both sides of the equation.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] RAGBRAI Mapping

2013-03-18 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 6:35 AM, KerryIrons wrote:

 I hope you are aware that the RAGBRAI route changes every year.  And that is
 not just adjustments to the route but rather completely different routes
 each year.  While routes may repeat after a few years, if you did the
 RAGBRAI route every year you would eventually show a large fraction of the
 east/west roads in Iowa as being bicycle routes, or at least RAGBRAI.

Yep, I've lived in Iowa longer than RAGBRAI has been around so I'm
familiar with RAGBRAI's route changes.  Once RAGBRAI is over I'll
either delete the relations or change the tagging to reflect it's
historic status so it doesn't clutter up the maps.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] RAGBRAI Mapping

2013-03-18 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 1:21 AM, Toby Murray wrote:

 Hmm... I might look at doing something similar for Biking Across
 Kansas. Not sure if these event routes really belong in OSM as a route
 relation though. They do not indicate a route that should be generally
 preferred for bicycles. It is just specific to a single event and only
 to event participants. So this seems like a case of tagging for the

Keeping it outside of OSM would be problematic, basically for
maintenance purposes.  I had to split numerous ways while I was
creating the relations.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] RAGBRAI Mapping

2013-03-18 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 12:03 AM, Toby Murray wrote:

 Again, I wasn't saying it shouldn't be in OSM at all. I was saying
 that it shouldn't be tagged as a regional cycle network. Because it

I'm flexible on the tagging, as long as I can figure out a reasonable
way to share it with non-OSM insiders.  Using:

would almost be perfect, except that I can't get it to work reliably
(for some reason just now it worked, but I haven't gotten it to work
for several days).  Also, adding a giant circle just because a node
has a tag is annoying.

I'll have some free time later this week, maybe I'll look into
generating my own overlay tiles.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk] OpenCycleMap and Missing SRTM Data

2013-03-17 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
There's a large oddity in the OpenCycleMap rendering in Iowa, likely
due to missing SRTM data:

I know that there's nothing that can be done with the SRTM data, but
would it be possible for the OpenCycleMap to render the contour lines
and hill shading in Iowa with data provided by the state mapping
agency?  The data is freely accessible (I'd have to double-check the
exact terms though).

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

[Talk-us] RAGBRAI Mapping

2013-03-17 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I know that in the past there has been some interest in RAGBRAI among
OpenStreetMappers (if you're not familiar with RAGBRAI it's best
described as a week-long moving party where to have to ride your
bicycle from party location to party location).  The detailed route
was announced last week, so I thought that it would be interesting to
study the route in more detail by building up a route relation in OSM:

On one day there's an optional route (called the Century Loop or the
Karras Loop) that brings the day's ride to 100 miles if you take it
instead of the normal route:

The route between towns is pretty well fixed, but the route through
larger towns might be adjusted later.

I'm hoping that I can attract some armchair mappers to help fix up the
TIGER deserts that the route goes through.  Bing has pretty good
aerial coverage of the entire route so it should be fairly easy to
align the streets and clean up any obvious errors.  I'll be doing what
I can between now and the end of July, but there's a lot of work to be

Also, what's the best way to share this with non-OSM people?  The
route is starting to be rendered on OpenCycleMap, except that it
doesn't show up at the scale I would need to show the whole route (and
might get confused with other routes in the region).  The following
URL doesn't work for me for some reason:

I tried both Firefox and Chrome and the map area just stays blank...

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] parcel data next steps

2013-02-23 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 11:07 AM, Jason Remillard wrote:
 +1 on this, one step at a time. Lets just get the data first.

 I don't think we should worry about importing or standardizing into anything
 yet. That step should happen once we have a pretty good size sample of the
 data so we can figure out what's available.

Do do we have a place to put the data set up?  Also what would be a
good way to track which areas of the country we've already acquired
data for?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] parcel data next steps

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Feb 22, 2013 at 7:55 AM, Greg Troxel wrote:

 I always find it boggling that open data projects are willing to use
 google docs and google hangouts.  It would be really nice to at least
 have the data in a free software/free culture compatible place like an
 OSM foundation server.

While there may be open alternatives to Google Docs (I don't know,
I've never looked - and wikis don't count as far as I'm concerned),
I've never seen any open alternative to Google Hangouts.  I'd love to
be corrected on that point though.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] parcel data next steps

2013-02-22 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Brian Cavagnolo wrote:

 Regarding the data gathering, the main objective is to gather recent
 raw data, licensing terms, and meta data from jurisdictions in
 whatever form they make it available, organize it in a dumb directory
 structure.  I was just going to set up an FTP (read-write)  and HTTP
 (read-only) server to get this going.  Are there any
 recommendations/opinions on a longer-term approach here?  Custom
 webapp?  Off-the-shelf webapp?  Somebody mentioned a git repository.

 Regarding standardization/import, I was planning on setting up an
 empty instance of the rails port as a test bed.  Then participating
 users could point JOSM and other tools at this alternative rails port
 to examine, edit, and import parcel data.  We could also provide
 planet-style dumps and mapnik tiles.  The idea is that we would have a
 safe place to screw up and learn.  Does this sound like a reasonable

Rather than an open rails port that anyone can point JOSM at and
edit, I'd suggest something different.  The rails port would be
read-only, so that end-users could use it as a read-only layer in
JOSM, or used to render tiles, etc.

The only way for data to get into the rails port would to be imported
from the original source files provided by the respective
jurisdictions.  We'd need to develop software that could handle the
imports, hopefully in an incremental fashion so that as updates are
made available you wouldn't have to rebuild the entire database.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2013-01-11

2013-01-11 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 5:51 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:


These appear to be incomplete - all of the files are only 3.5K each!

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US Addressing

2012-11-29 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 11:28 AM, Ian Dees wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 10:51 AM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:

 The Iowa DNR has an ongoing project to provide statewide geocoding
 data.  As of this summer they had about 50% of the state covered:

 It would be fairly trivial to convert these shape files and import them.

 That is awesome. I'm adding data to the spreadsheet based on this listing

I quickly hacked up a script to convert the Iowa data into a JOSM
changeset.  I converted Story County, Iowa (which includes Ames, Iowa
and Iowa State University) and stuck what I came up with here:

(hopefully that link works for you, this is the first time I've used
Google docs to share data in this way).

It looks pretty good from what I saw, with the obvious exception that
newer homes aren't tagged.  I'm going to clean up my code a bit and
stick it up on github somewhere.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US Addressing

2012-11-29 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 4:26 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
 It looks pretty good from what I saw, with the obvious exception
 that newer homes aren't tagged.  I'm going to clean up my code
 a bit and stick it up on github somewhere.

 If you chaps are all dead set on doing another massive TIGER import - hey,
 it's your funeral - could I at least urge a little caution on the
 practicalities of it all?

 Just having a look at the .osm file posted here, for example, the street
 names are all unexpanded: Washington St, Park Ave, Deer Run Ln, etc. There
 have been about 937 threads about expanding TIGER street names since the
 initial import and it would be a shame to fall into the same hole again.

None of the Iowa data that I am processing originates with the US
Census or TIGER.  The underlying sources of the data are described ad
nauseum here:

Basically the data comes from county auditor parcel data, processed
through the US Postal Service addressing database, and compared
against aerial photography to move the point to the intersection of
the driveway with the road.

As for name expansion, I'll take a look into that.  The data source
that I'm using doesn't separate prefixes and suffixes out like TIGER
does though...

 I'm also very very doubtful about the value of importing city, state and (!)
 country: if we don't have polygons for all of those already, then we really
 should. Importing n billion nodes into the States which all say hey, this
 is in the States will bloat the database and hammer download speeds for
 absolutely no gain whatsoever.

As Richard Welty said, the addr:city tag is pretty much required, as
US addresses aren't defined by the boundaries of the city you live in
(or don't live in for rural addresses), but the post office that
delivers your mail.

I can see not including the country or the state, do the various
routing/geocoding engines take advantage of state/country polygons?
Are there any exceptions out there where the address is physically in
one state, but their postal address is from a neighboring state
because that's where the post office is?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fw: [CrisisMappers] RE: Need maps of the Jersey shore

2012-11-02 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I see that they have added quite a bit more imagery, is there a way to view
the imagery as one merged layer, rather than having to add each separate
flight as a layer?

On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 at 10:32 AM, Chris Lawrence wrote:

 On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 7:42 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
  On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Mikel Maron
  Some mapping requests starting to come in on Crisis Mappers. The Jersey
  shore is particular is going to need remapping (destroyed beach front
  Is there anyone supplying post-Sandy imagery that armchair mappers can

 NOAA has tiles from the National Geodetic Survey available (extracted
 URLs from, which
 also should give you a sense of the coverage areas):{zoom}x={x}y={y}.png{zoom}x={x}y={y}.png{zoom}x={x}y={y}.png

 So far it's right on the shoreline; I'd expect more to be coming
 online over the next few days.

 Chris Lawrence


 Talk-us mailing list

Jeff Ollie
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fw: [CrisisMappers] RE: Need maps of the Jersey shore

2012-10-31 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Wed, Oct 31, 2012 at 6:32 PM, Mikel Maron wrote:
 Some mapping requests starting to come in on Crisis Mappers. The Jersey
 shore is particular is going to need remapping (destroyed beach front

Is there anyone supplying post-Sandy imagery that armchair mappers can use?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] National Park boundaries

2012-07-23 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Martijn van Exel wrote:


 There are 37 classes in total, most of them with only a few instances.

 What do y'all think of that idea?

Perhaps add a us: prefix to the value?


Also, what about tagging for areas managed by the US Fish  Wildlife
Service (National Wildlife Refuges) and the U.S. Army Corps of
Engineers (recreation areas surrounding dams/lakes created for flood
control purposes, not sure if they have an official name).

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] U.S. inland waterways

2012-05-15 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, May 15, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
 Is anyone familiar with the regulations governing the U.S. inland waterways
 (such as the Mississippi River and the Intracoastal Waterway)?

It's been a long time since I've done any boating, so I'm not an
expert or anything... but some of the questions you ask below cross a
lot of jursidictional boundaries.

 From my brief look, it seems to be less these barge configurations are 

Allowable barge configurations are largely determined by the U. S.
Army Corps of Engineers, because they are the ones that built and
operate the locks and dams and dredge river channels to maintain

 and more you can go anywhere but don't crash.

Mostly, except for:

1) Waterways or shorelines that are privately owned.
2) Wildlife refuges allow some uses but not others
3) Areas near dams or other infrastructure that would be either
dangerous or present security issues.

Which is pretty much just like on land...

 Is this correct, or are there defined maximum sizes?

Maximum boat sizes on inland waterways is largely a practical matter,
although the U. S. Coast Guard has rules and regulations designed to
promote safety (much like the NHTSA does for motor vehicles).  In the
same way that the size of the Panama Canal created the Panamax ship
size, locks and dams control the size of boats on inland waterways.

 In either case, any idea what the suitable tags might look
 like (other than the generic boat=yes ship=yes)?

I guess that depends on what you're trying to do...  If you are trying
to tag the largest possible vessel that can navigate a waterway (under
normal conditions at least) you could probably come up with a
reasonable set of tags.  Inland waterways are highly dynamic though...

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] City boundaries on the Canada/US border

2012-03-30 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Mar 30, 2012 at 9:50 AM, Toby Murray wrote:

 The problem with conflicts is if someone is splitting ways that are
 members of the US border relation down in Arizona while you are doing
 the same up in Washington. But in general I don't think this will be a
 huge problem. Much of the US border is either in water or sparsely
 populated areas where frequent edits are unlikely.

Could this be mitigated somewhat by the use of super relations? IE on
relation each for the US-Canada, US-Mexico, US-Pacific, US-Atlantic
borders tied together with one super relation?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2012-02-25

2012-02-27 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Dave Hansen wrote:
 These are based off of Lambertus's work here:

 I wrote scripts to joined them myself to lessen the impact of doing a
 large join on Lambertus's server.  I've also cut them in large longitude
 swaths that should fit conveniently on removable media.

The 4G .torrent file is an empty file:

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] One click quality printed maps (as an OSM advantage)

2011-12-05 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 5:27 AM, Richard Weait wrote:

 Maposmatic - pretty one page map with street index.

 Appears idle

 Perhaps this one for multipage?

 Poster and mural-sized big maps (mind the tile usage policy)

I've tried a number of these options as well as Walking Papers as Brad
mentioned but (when they worked) they failed for what I needed because
they all used tiles downloaded from  The tiles from work well enough for on-screen usage but are far too low
resolution for print use.  They are also opaque which makes them hard
to combine with other data sources.

My personal use case would be generating custom topographic maps that
can be printed out to scale and used for orienteering.  I'd really
love to use OSM data and combine it with topographic data produced by
the state to create an updated map of my local Boy Scout camp.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] One click quality printed maps (as an OSM advantage)

2011-12-05 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 On 12/05/2011 09:48 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:

 I've tried a number of these options as well as Walking Papers as Brad
 mentioned but (when they worked) they failed for what I needed because
 they all used tiles downloaded from

 Neither Walking Papers, nor Hikingbook, nor Maposmatic *ever* used tiles

Whatever the ultimate source, both Walking Papers and Maposmatic use
Mapnik style sheets close enough to the main style sheets that
the difference is irrelevant to me (for this purpose at least).  I
hadn't tried Hikingbook but I went and checked out some of the samples
that were in the wiki and it's at least 75% of what I need.  I
followed the links and found Mapweaver
(  I may give this a
try and see what I can come up with.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Combining State/County Borders Physical Features?

2011-10-14 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I noticed in the past few days that user Alexander Roalter has been
converting administrative boundaries in the Midwest to relations
(which I think is good) but in some cases he's combined state and
county boundaries with physical features, especially rivers.  A prime
example is the eastern border of Iowa and western border of Illinois
now shares the same ways as the Mississippi River.  I personally feel
that combining administrative borders with other features is not the
right way to handle the borders - while the boundaries may originally
have been defined by the river that won't always hold, see the history
of Carter Lake, Iowa for an example.,_Iowa

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2011-09-30

2011-10-13 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 9:43 AM, Dave Hansen wrote:
 These are based off of Lambertus's work here:

 I wrote scripts to joined them myself to lessen the impact of doing a
 large join on Lambertus's server.  I've also cut them in large longitude
 swaths that should fit conveniently on removable media.

I'm a little confused...  What's the difference between these files
and what was here previously?  Also, it looks like the Oct 9th files
are truncated as the 4000MB file is only 2.1G (usually they are around

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 2011-09-30

2011-10-13 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 10:00 AM, Dave Hansen wrote:
 On Thu, 2011-10-13 at 09:48 -0500, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
 Also, it looks like the Oct 9th files
 are truncated as the 4000MB file is only 2.1G (usually they are around

 It says 3GB for me at the moment.

 [ ]4000MB-lon_-164.66_to_156.18.2011-09-30.gmapsupp.img13-Oct-2011 15:38 3.1G 
  [ ]

 I wonder if it was being rebuilt somehow while you were looking at it.

Yes, those are the Sep 30th files...  The truncated ones appear to be
the Oct 9th files:

19:50   2.3G

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] What should a US map of OSM data look like

2011-09-17 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 6:28 PM, Paul Johnson wrote:
 On Mon, 2011-09-12 at 18:41 -0400, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

 Render shields at lower resolutions, since the US is not as dense as the UK.

 I'm curious how we'll handle this given the sheer number of route

A table like this:

with SVGs that can be matched to routes based upon various tags is
they way to go I think.  Although the renderer itself probably won't
use a Wiki page, but the idea is there.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] What should a US map of OSM data look like

2011-09-12 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
 A few of us were just asking on irc what a US-style tile theme would
 look like?

 Naturally, I think highway shields should be included.

 Lars Ahlzen suggested elevation in feet rather than metres.

 Ian Dees liked the idea of fewer different colors for roads, blue /
 motorway, green / trunk, red / primary ...

 Perhaps de-emphasize pubs and make bowling alleys more prominent?

 Let's brainstorm ... what would you have OSM data look like in USA.

 For extra credit, can it also look good in Canada and Mexico?  Can we
 show hockey rinks? ;-)

I'd like to see county borders more prominent.

Also, it would be nice to have english names of places in non-english
speaking locales be more prominent.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Brainstorm: What should a US map of OSM data look like

2011-09-12 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 6:10 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
 Let's keep this more brainstormy and less discuss-y and debate-y
 for now, okay?

 Trim and add your ideas to the list for your reply.  We'll come back
 around for discussion later. ;-)

 A few of us were just asking on irc what a US-style tile theme would look 

 - distinguish divided highways
 - distinguish toll roads
 - deconflict trunk / tree colors
 - Render shields at lower resolutions
 - De-emphasize railways at lower zooms.
 - Label motorways with both name and number where both are tagged
 - Fewer road colors
 - Distinguish road surface, so gravel, unpaved is obvious.

Distinguishing level B maintenance roads would be nice too.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] amenity:fuel and fuel types for the US

2011-08-18 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 9:25 AM, Toby Murray wrote:

 So just tag it as fuel:octane_87, fuel:octane_89, etc. Not Sure about
 the kerosene. fuel:kerosene=yes would seem logical but I'm not sure
 what the non-taxable use has to do with things.

I believe that this has to do with road-use taxes.  Part of the price
you pay for gasoline is actually a tax that goes into special road
construction and repair funds.  The kerosene for sale at the station
is probably for non-vehicular uses (generators and lamps perhaps) and
thus does not include the road-use tax.

 While we're on the topic of fuel types... I've been wondering about
 diesel. The JOSM preset has 3 different diesel checkboxes. One is for
 bio diesel which is fine. But is there any chemical difference between
 Diesel and Diesel for Heavy Goods Vehicles? Or is this tag just
 clarifying the physical characteristics of the pump? (enough space and
 clearance for a big rig to maneuver to the pump) Or is this tag for
 something else entirely?

Possibly, I know around here there are stations that sell diesel at
pumps side-by-side with the gasoline pumps - you'd never get a large
tractor-trailer in there to fuel up.  There are also a few stations
(aside from the large truck stops on the Interstate) that have
separate stations for tractor-trailers to fuel up.  They actually have
pumps on both sides of the vehicle that are connected to one payment
system so that tanks on both sides of the vehicle can be fueled

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 09-06-2011

2011-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Dave Hansen wrote:
 On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 08:50 -0700, Clifford Snow wrote:
 I'm trying to download the 4G version, but it looks like the server
 may not be able to handle the load.  I'm wondering if anyone can put
 these up as a torrent feed?

 The question is who else would seed it. :)

 Does anyone know of any handy command-line, scriptable tools to create
 and seed torrents?

Not that I've done this stuff before, but I'd look at opentracker,
mktorrent, and using HTTP seeding:

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 09-06-2011

2011-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 5:19 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:
 On Tue, 2011-06-21 at 12:29 -0500, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
 Not that I've done this stuff before, but I'd look at opentracker,
 mktorrent, and using HTTP seeding:

 mktorrent + HTTP seeding looks like just the trick.  I'm testing out a
 few of the images, but if anyone else wants to seed to help me make sure
 it works, go right ahead:

Hmm... it looks like the HTTP URL embedded in the torrent isn't quite
right as I'm getting a 404.  Looks like the URL is missing the
latest part of the directory, although I think it would be better to
use the 19-06-2011 link used.

GET /garmin/Lambertus/4000MB-lon_-164.58_to_156.05.gmapsupp.img HTTP/1.1

Range: bytes=32768-49151

User-Agent: Transmission/2.22


Accept: */*

Accept-Encoding: gzip;q=1.0, deflate, identity

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 23:56:44 GMT

Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)

Content-Length: 349

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

title404 Not Found/title
h1Not Found/h1
pThe requested URL
/garmin/Lambertus/4000MB-lon_-164.58_to_156.05.gmapsupp.img was not
found on this server./p
addressApache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu) Server at
Port 80/address

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] highway=cycleway or highway=path

2011-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
 From: David Turner

 Like any router, OTP requires clear rules for whether a cyclist or a
 pedestrian may use a way.  But OTP does not restrict what tags are used
 to define these rules.  That is configurable on a per-install basis.
 So, if Portland are OSM editors decide that highway=cycleway means
 bicycles and pedestrians can use the way, that's totally cool.
 Meanwhile, if in some other area (San Diego, say) highway=cycleway means
 strictly bicycles only, then OTP users in San Diego can configure their
 version that way.

 tl;dr: make any locally consistent decision based one what's best for
 the map and don't panic about OTP.

So for example, if I'm visiting San Diego and want to plan a trip from
my hotel to the zoo, I have to first track down the website that
understands the local tagging conventions because San Diegoans decided
to tag things differently from Des Moinesians?  Or even worse, will I
be able to find an iPhone or Android app that knows how to route in
San Diego using OpenStreetMap data?

How does that do anything but drive traffic to Google Maps and hurt
people like MapQuest?

Note, this isn't a criticism of OpenTripPlanner - I think it's great
that their routing engine is so configurable.

This IS a criticism of people that believe that tags shouldn't have a
globally consistent meaning.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Whole-US Garmin Map update - 09-06-2011

2011-06-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 7:27 PM, Dave Hansen wrote:

 I'm regenerating a new set now.  How did you coax transmission in to
 giving you such nice debugging output?

It's called Wireshark :)

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Which county next?

2011-06-07 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Jun 6, 2011 2:10 PM, Steve Coast wrote:

 Right now it's going through King County, WA. Anyone have a preference for
what order to go through the US?

I'd love to see Polk County, Iowa...
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Logo in the Wiki

2011-05-02 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 5:22 AM, Thomas Davie wrote:

 On 2 May 2011, at 11:18, Dave F. wrote:

 On 02/05/2011 05:53, Andrew Gregory wrote:

 I just had to comment on this because I could hardly believe what I was 

 In a global, world-wide-web, no matter what time is selected for an IRC (or 
 whatever) meeting, it's going to be inconvenient for *someone*. Deal with 

 No. Don't use IRC!!!

 Discuss on this forum instead of IRC. It's self recording of *everything* 
 that's said  allows *all* to contribute at *all* times.

 It's really simple. Even enough for you to deal with it.

 But causes discussions that could be had in 10 minutes to get spread out over 
 10 weeks ;)

And also ignores people that can't use IRC for a number of reasons
(work doesn't allow it, generally), or like me choose not to hang out
on IRC all day because it's incredibly disruptive to actually *getting
work done*.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Civil War sites

2011-03-28 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sat, Mar 26, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Richard Welty wrote:

 i'm debating whether or not i want to set up a parallel database, using
 the OSM design, to contain historical data that can be used in a mashup
 with OSM, and opening it up for historically minded mappers to use as
 a laboratory for experiments in how one would tag this stuff.

Actually, what might be really interesting is having a wikispaces type
hosting environment where anyone could set up a separate OSM instance
with a separate database, rails port, mapnik rendering with a custom
stylesheet etc.

This would be interesting to map historic data that's not appropriate
for the main OSM database (for example, one OSM-space per
battlefield), or to experiment with nonstandard tagging, or to create
maps with non-OSM compatible licenses (although I would discourage the

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Civil War sites

2011-03-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Mar 8, 2011 at 4:00 AM, Steve Coast wrote:

 Anyone interested in mapping civil war sites, maybe with a mapping party? I
 mention because the anniversaries are all coming up.

Coincidentally I heard a segment on The Story last night about
Garrett Silliman, an archaeologist that uses GPS and other high-tech
tools to investigate Civil War battlefields.

It's about 35 minutes into the podcast.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] Bike / Pedestrian directions on the MQ Open sites

2011-03-05 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Antony Pegg wrote:

 knowing the amazing diligence of this community, I'm sure you guys will find
 tags we've missed that should or could be used for bike/pedestrian.  If you
 feel its worth mentioning, please please please provide some point of
 reference so we can eyeball it - a wayID, or a link to a route on the open
 mapquest site where it isnt going thru a feature you think it should.

Hmm, I just tried it out and wondered why this route completely
avoided a very nice bike trail:

What tags is the route planner looking for when considering bicycle routing?

Otherwise, I think the MapQuest Open service is great!

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Bike / Pedestrian directions on the MQ Open sites

2011-03-05 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Mar 4, 2011 at 8:04 AM, Antony Pegg wrote:

 knowing the amazing diligence of this community, I'm sure you guys will find
 tags we've missed that should or could be used for bike/pedestrian.  If you
 feel its worth mentioning, please please please provide some point of
 reference so we can eyeball it - a wayID, or a link to a route on the open
 mapquest site where it isnt going thru a feature you think it should.

Hmm, I just tried it out and wondered why this route completely
avoided a very nice bike trail:

What tags is the route planner looking for when considering bicycle routing?

Otherwise, I think the MapQuest Open service is great!

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] all our addresses are belong to you

2011-03-03 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
Here's my modifications to the code...  The original code will fail on
lines like this:

critical_address_file_us.csv:3424 Peachtree Rd,
critical_address_file_us.csv:3424 Peachtree Road,

Because it doesn't take into account the quoting when splitting the
file.  Using the csv module takes care of that.  I was also getting
some invalid XML so I switched to using LXML to build the XML to
ensure well-formedness.  The files are small enough that building the
whole XML tree in memory isn't a problem.  I also perform a few data
cleanups as well and split the US out into individual states.

One thing that I noticed about the data is that there are several
Canadian addresses in the US file.

Jeff Ollie
Description: application/download
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TIGER 2010 Imports

2010-12-15 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 10:01 AM, Ian Dees wrote:

 I really don't want to run into the situation we currently have with NHD
 where everyone is doing the conversion with different tools using different
 sets of mapping files and uploading in different ways. Let's have a
 discussion about how this should be pulled off first.
 Having said that: let's start a thread here about getting the TIGER data
 moving along.

Would someone have enough resources to convert all of the TIGER 2010
shapefiles into OSM XML data and load that into a blank OSM database
with a new Mapnik instance (with a custom style) as well?  That way
you could use the TIGER 2010 data as a background in JOSM or Potlatch
for people to review the data at least and perhaps could be used to
manually trace new data into OSM.

 What steps can we take to move the shapefiles in to OSM
 format? How can we collaborate on the mapping to OSM tags?

I'd start with getting a wiki page set up with the types of
information that is stored in the TIGER 2010 shapefiles.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] TIGER 2010 Imports

2010-12-15 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Ian Dees wrote:
 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:23 PM, Ian Dees wrote:

 On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 12:22 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:

 I'd start with getting a wiki page set up with the types of
 information that is stored in the TIGER 2010 shapefiles.

 Sounds like a great idea.

 I created a stub page here:
 Beyond the metadata mappings, is there any other info that we should store
 on there?

It would be good to document the process for loading the shape files
into a database and setting up mapnik to render from that database.  I
don't have the resources to do the whole US but I'd like to experiment
with my neighborhood.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Venues for State of the Map US and International Conferences (Peter Batty)

2010-09-11 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 6:16 PM, Katie Filbert wrote:

 (if not, maybe Havana? -,_Cuba )

Not that I have anything personal against Cuba, but having SOTM in
Cuba would severely limit the participation by U.S. citizens.

From what I have read here:

U.S. citizens need to apply for special licenses to travel to Cuba and
they are only granted under special circumstances.  Section F.2
Professional meetings organized by an international professional
organization would seem to be the relevant section, except that only
applies to full time professionals which I doubt applies to most
U.S. OSMers.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] What would you want done with TIGER 2010?

2010-08-24 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I'm pretty sure that personal information isn't released, at least not for a
very long time. This comes up in genealogical contexts where past censuses
are very valuable in tracing your ancestry.  I forget the exact number but
its many decades, perhaps as many as 75-100.

On Aug 24, 2010 6:12 PM, Ian Dees wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 5:44 PM, Anthony wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 1:45 PM, Lord-Castillo, Brett wrote:
  TIGER 2010 is a different beast from past TIGER products. Each county
 required to respond to the Census bureau with their addressing and
 centerline data to build it. So, it is a year or more out of date, but
 it is derived mostly from existing local sources.

 Required under what law? Do they have to release it into the public

 Title 13 of US code says that the census must release its data for
 to use. They've interpreted this to mean public domain as with other
 federally-funded projects.
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POI collector

2010-08-14 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
2010/8/14 Paweł Niechoda

 Here you can download apk file for android versions (tested on android

Unfortunately, I get a force close on my Motorola Droid running 2.2.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] How to get college students involved?

2010-08-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Richard Weait wrote:
 John, Paul and Stefan are all doing mapping on their campuses, and
 they haven't given us links. Please show us your good work, gentlemen!

Here's what I've done for the community college that I work for:

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] How to get college students involved?

2010-08-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 9:03 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 9:48 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
 On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 7:03 AM, Richard Weait wrote:
 John, Paul and Stefan are all doing mapping on their campuses, and
 they haven't given us links. Please show us your good work, gentlemen!

 Here's what I've done for the community college that I work for:

 Nice stuff.  Do you have any tips to offer new campus-mappers?

I've been lucky to have recent (Apr 2009), high resolution (~0.4ft)
aerial imagery available from the USGS so I've been able to get a lot
done.  So try and find an imagery source that you can use.  Even with
an imagery source you'll want to walk around campus a lot to verify
all those details that can't be spotted from the air (is that dark
blob a bench or a trash bin?).  Other than that, just go out and JFDI.
 Don't wait around for permission, etc.

In my case, I've just been doing this for personal reasons, so I
haven't bothered the guys that maintain the official CAD drawings for
campus.  If this had been a class project or a official project for
the college I would have been bugging them for all the data that they
have on hand.

 That is quite a sport complex north of campus.

Yes it is.  The community's quite proud of it, and I've had some fun
mapping it as well as the rest of the town.  It's around a mile from
my house so it's pretty easy for me to get over there to verify the
details that I can't see from the air.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Fwd: Re: [OSM-talk] Mapquest launches site based on OSM!

2010-07-09 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 4:19 PM, Toby Murray wrote:

 Also, I see they are rendering highway shields. Didn't I see a big
 discussion about that here recently? :)

 Wonder if they are using the route relations to render them...

Not sure what they are doing, because I-80 near Des Moines has
shields, but I-35 doesn't.  I was going to take a look later to see if
I could figure out what was different between the two cases.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Reply-to field in list messages

2010-06-10 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 3:59 PM, David ``Smith'' wrote:

 Why doesn't the talk-us list use the reply-to field so that simple
 replies go to the list, not just the original poster?  The newbies
 list does that.  Every other e-mail list I've ever been on does that.
 So why not this one?

Please let's not start this discussion here (again probably, I'm not
going to search the archives).  This is a religious topic - there's no
right answer and discussions rarely result in anything positive.
For reference, please read:

And then please let this topic go away.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Software goes on, brain goes off...

2010-06-01 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 11:43 AM, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 2010/6/1 Anthony
 The road should simply be marked as having no pavement/sidewalk.
 Something like pavement=yes/no is a start at least. It's best to avoid
 subject assessments like how dangerous a road is.

 Hmm, is shoulder a fairly universal term?  Because shoulder=no would be
 much more daunting to me than pavement=no.

 Not that I am native, but I think that shoulder is a different term
 than sidewalk/pavement, because it can also be unpaved, while a
 pavement IMHO should be paved. A shoulder is simply the side of the
 road (I guess), kept free from traffic, while a pavement is designed
 for pedestrians.

Perhaps bikeshedding here, but if you were to ask me to walk on the
pavement I'd look at you strangely. To me (and to many Americans)
pavement implies the road surface itself, not the path along the side
of the road.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Software goes on, brain goes off...

2010-06-01 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, May 31, 2010 at 6:20 PM, Anthony wrote:

 Looking more closely, there is a sidewalk, which turns into a cycleway
 (, about 50 feet from the
 roadway, on the southbound side which is the same side she was walking on.
 And if she had been using the sidewalk while heading north on Main St, it
 would have led her directly to that sidewalk.

Interesting thing about that is that the cycleway shows up in Mapnik
and OsmaRender, but doesn't in CloudMade's maps, and CloudMade doesn't
use the cycleway for routing.  In fact CloudMade gives a nearly
identical route to Google.  Does CloudMade's routing engine ignore

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Tagging] Fast food vs. restaurant vs. cafe

2010-05-03 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 8:33 AM, Apollinaris Schoell wrote:

 good summary. and because of the rule fast food to be avoided I rarely map 
 these. and interestingly I see more real restaurants and cafe in osm. are 
 most mappers foodies?

I tend to map whatever is on the ground, despite my feelings about
whatever services may be offered or what is represented.

I think it would be nice to add a restaurant guide to the wiki that
lists generally agreed-upon tags for popular chains like we are
discussing, or have an easy interface into tagwatch or similar to see
what other people are actually tagging on these businesses.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Civil Defense Sirens?

2010-05-03 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
With the start of Tornado season in the Midwest upon us, I thought it
would be interesting to map civil defense sirens:

However, I can't find any existing examples and either I'm tired or
coming down with something but I can't really think of a good way to
tag these either.  As for rendering, we could use the International
Civil Defense symbol:

Might make a good project of the week too...

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Civil Defense Sirens?

2010-05-03 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 12:17 PM, Richard Weait wrote:
 On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:

 Only if you have very very good imagery and know what you are looking
 at.  In Google's higher resolution imagery you can see them if you
 know what to look for and then if there's street view imagery
 available you can confirm.  Obviously you can't trace from Google
 imagery though.  I'd link to an example on Google if people think
 that's appropriate.

 Better to find an example on wikimedia commons, or to shoot your own
 example photo.  The line between acceptable planning from a
 proprietary map, and unacceptable deriving data from a proprietary map
 is blurry enough to some.  Why confuse it further?

There are plenty of examples of ground-level photos of civil defense
sirens in the Wikipedia article I linked...  Linking to Google Maps to
provide examples of how civil defense sirens appear in aerial
photography is frowned upon I'm sure.

 I know of a place the tests at 1pm on Tuesday.  Perhaps that should be
 a tag as well?


I was also able to figure out that tagstat would let me do a search,
and I found that there are 8 examples of man_made=siren, mostly in
Europe I think.  man_made=tower makes sense too, if you want to
consider tall wooden poles a tower.

 siren:test= (something based on )

Yes, that makes sense as well.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Civil Defense Sirens?

2010-05-03 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 12:29 PM, Lord-Castillo, Brett wrote:
 Just wondering what would be the purpose of mapping civil defense sirens?

Because they are there isn't a good enough reason?

 You have to make some significant decisions of what kind of information to 
 include about the sirens (for example, without range and/or model, you cannot 
 derive projected coverage; without directional coverage you cannot identify 
 nearest covering siren).

Right now I'm just interested in where they are... More information is
welcome but obviously that can be more difficult to obtain.

 Sirens are also one of those areas (like mapping major pipelines) that do 
 fall under homeland security protections for sunshine laws.

Without some proof I call FUD.  Anyway, sunshine laws are for
governments, not for individual citizens.  I'm not expecting people to
drop in on the local emergency management agency and ask for a map of
all the sirens...

 Some jurisdictions (mostly cities) are open with their siren locations, some 
 of them are very protective (mostly those places whose sirens have been 
 subjected to attacks by siren hackers in the past or who have particularly 
 significant security concerns).

I don't see how mapping sirens really increases the security
concerns...  Most civil defense sirens near me are mounted on tall
towers and advertise their location quite loudly on a regular basis.
The ones that I have mapped recently have no physical protection
either, not even a fence around it (except one that is literally in
someone's back yard).

 Mapping site specific sirens (like those used for electric generation 
 facilities) can especially draw scrutiny.

Well, hanging around an electric generation plant and surveiling it is
likely to draw scrutiny no matter what you are looking for.

 As for the feasibility, I recently did a project to map 210 sirens from 
 aerial photos and ground work, and it was virtually impossible without prior 
 knowledge of the siren locations and high resolution aerial oblique photos. 
 In all, it took about 60 hours of work (and that was with a list of 

Hey, I'm not expecting miracles!  I was really expecting people to
take a walk around their neighborhood and note the locations of the
sirens, much like they map their favorite pub.  Eventually we'll get
them all...

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Civil Defense Sirens?

2010-05-03 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Toby Murray wrote:
 Kansas just tested them this morning. There is one on the roof of the
 building I work in. But even looking at the high res (1m) photos
 available from the county GIS website, all I can see is there is
 something there but I can't pick out a distinctive siren shape. This
 would definitely take boots on the ground.

Same here.

 As for testing times, isn't that usually coordinated state-wide? Or is
 it just local? I thought they did a full test of the emergency alert
 system including sirens, TV and radio break-ins at the same time but
 I'm not sure.

On April 7th there was a state-wide drill in Iowa that included a test
of the full Emergency Alert System.  I think that's done annually.  I
think other tests are done on a per-system per-jurisdiction basis.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Google's Park Outlines?

2010-04-14 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
Has anyone noticed that the park outlines in Google maps has been
changing?  They will either shrink and not cover parts of the park
that it did before or they will expand and cover areas that
are not part of the park.

As an example:

Heritage Park should be on both sides of the creek.

Michael park has been moved completely, it is actually a small
neighborhood park at the corner of NE 7th St and NE Wanda Dr.

The outlines for Crestbruck Park and Sunrise Park are fairly accurate.

I guess this is a win for Open Street Map but a lose for people that
use Google Maps to get places.  Is this just fallout from Google's
switch away from commercial map data providers?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Post code areas

2010-04-01 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 6:36 AM, John F. Eldredge wrote:
 In the USA, postal-code (Zip code) boundaries don't necessarily correspond to 
 other administrative boundaries, and are frequently adjusted by the Post 
 Office to balance out the load on different local post offices.  Also, 
 real-estate developers sometimes get the Post Office to shift a Zip-code 
 boundary so that a particular street or neighborhood will be in a 
 more-prestigious Zip code.

Why are US Zip codes being dragged into a discussion of German postal codes?

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Terraserver Urban errors

2010-03-12 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 3:33 PM, Nakor Osm wrote:
 I have seen this too. Note that they moved there web site and using the new
 is slightly better but still has issues.

 One annoying seen in JOSM is that it somehow caches the tiles. Deleting the
 layer is not enough, you need to retsart JOSM to (hopefully) get the real
 tile and not a blank one.

The image cache is in ~/.josm/plugins/wmsplugin/cache.  What you can
also do is adjust your zoom level slightly and JOSM will fetch fresh

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] National Forest signs

2010-03-04 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 10:57 AM, Alan Mintz wrote:
 At 2010-03-03 15:35, Paul Johnson wrote:
Alan Mintz wrote:

  How should one tag the name signs at the entrance to a national forest

  boundary=national_park is an error according to JOSM rendering rules.
  landuse=forest renders and icon in JOSM, but I thought landuse=* was
  generally for areas?

Unless there's something special about them, I'd mark the
boundaries, not the signs.

 Agreed. My purpose in tagging signs, in general, is to provide data points
 for a future audit of existing, or creation of new boundaries. At some
 point after this, the signs could be removed, much like speed limit, weight
 limit, truck route, bike route, etc. signs.

I'd recommend tourism=information for the signs.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

[Talk-us] Higher Resolution Imagery for Wyandotte County, KS?

2010-02-10 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
Does anyone know if there is a free source of higher resolution
imagery for Wyandotte County, KS?  I've gotten ahold of the NAIP
imagery from 2008 and it isn't much better than the Yahoo imagery.
Wyandotte County has imagery, but wants $$$.  The Kansas Geospatial
Commons doesn't appear to have anything better, although it would be
nice if they provided instructions on how to hook up to their WMS

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying Interstate Relations

2010-02-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Matthias Julius wrote:
 Jeffrey Ollie writes:

 What's more annoying is that he is changing the names/refs.   From
 what I understand the ref is supposed to be only the
 interstate/highway number (e.g. 90 or 80) and not I 90 (MN).

 And I don't like this at all.  First, this seems to be different than
 how this is handled in many other places in the world.  From what I
 have seen in Europe there is always the complete designation how it is
 found on highway shields used in the ref tag.

I don't know if you have travelled much in the US and I've never been
to Europe, but US road signs are pretty minimal:

The color and shape of the sign is used to distinguish different types
of routes.

 Second, separating out the highway system requires the data consuming
 application to know how to piece things back together.  Otherwise, a
 shield on a map for example with just a 25 in it is pretty limited in

Again, the color and shape of the shield is used to distinguish different routes

 Third, I consider a reference containing just the number to be
 incomplete.  IMHO, the ref tag should contain the complete designation
 of a piece of highway.  This also makes it easier to search for this.

That's why I set the name tag on the relation to something a little
more descriptive.

Obviously, this scheme works only in the US, which is why the
network tag is used to distinguish US routes from those in other

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] FCC Antenna Structure Import

2010-02-08 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 3:25 PM, Anthony wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 8, 2010 at 12:47 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:

    tag k=ele v=278.9/

 By the way, what is the datum for the elevation figure?

I don't believe that it is specified explicitly, but the latitude and
longitude are in NAD83 so I'm guessing that the elevation is the same.
 I convert the latitude and longitude to WGS84 using the GDAL Python
bindings, I should probably figure out if converting the elevation is
as easy as adding a Z component when I do the conversion.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying Interstate Relations

2010-02-07 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Chris Hunter wrote:

 Last night, user NE2 cleaned up the interstate system by merging all of
 the states with 2 relations per interstate back into 1 relation with
 direction-based roles.  I've already requested a roll-back on the area I was
 working on, but I wanted to check if we still have a consensus on splitting
 each interstate into separate directions at the state line.

What's more annoying is that he is changing the names/refs.   From
what I understand the ref is supposed to be only the
interstate/highway number (e.g. 90 or 80) and not I 90 (MN).  I
use the ref on the relation when building maps for my Garmin to add
highway shields to the map.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Warning: Potential Flamewar] Clarifying Interstate Relations

2010-02-07 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Sun, Feb 7, 2010 at 12:58 PM, Chris Hunter wrote:

 Last night, user NE2 cleaned up the interstate system by merging all of
 the states with 2 relations per interstate back into 1 relation with
 direction-based roles.  I've already requested a roll-back on the area I was
 working on, but I wanted to check if we still have a consensus on splitting
 each interstate into separate directions at the state line.

What's more annoying is that he is changing the names/refs.   From
what I understand the ref is supposed to be only the
interstate/highway number (e.g. 90 or 80) and not I 90 (MN).  I
use the ref on the relation when building maps for my Garmin to add
highway shields to the map.

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Fwd: [Fwd: [CrisisMappers] Mapping Radio and TV Stations _ Help needed!]]

2010-01-27 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 11:25 AM, Karl Guggisberg wrote:

 Be careful with this list, we don't have the OK to import it into the OSM 
 database yet. Sandra is currently investigating.

In the case of radio  TV stations, are we looking for the locations
of the transmitters or the locations of the studios?  Finding
transmitters isn't that hard for remote mappers if you have good
enough satellite imagery but finding the studios would be difficult.

Also, in the future can we find a format that will be easier for
people that don't have Google Earth to use?

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fw: [CrisisMappers] Haiti PCodes

2010-01-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 8:15 AM, David Groom wrote:
 Any suggested tagging structure?

 maybe to cover the three admin levels:

 pcode:1 = 1
 pcode:2 = 833
 pcode:3 = 833-01

 Or any other better suggestions?

These are postal codes?  If so I would recommend not abbreviating to
pcode and instead use postal-code or something similar.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Fw: [CrisisMappers] Haiti PCodes

2010-01-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 8:34 AM, Andy Allan wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Jeffrey Ollie wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 8:15 AM, David Groom wrote:
 Any suggested tagging structure?

 maybe to cover the three admin levels:

 pcode:1 = 1
 pcode:2 = 833
 pcode:3 = 833-01

 Or any other better suggestions?

 These are postal codes?  If so I would recommend not abbreviating to
 pcode and instead use postal-code or something similar.

 They aren't postal codes, as explained by the link that Mikel sent in
 the original email.

Ah, I missed that one.  I see that they are Place Codes.  Still, it
would be good to use an un-abbreviated tag.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Properly georeferenced Haïti imag ery served by ERDAS

2010-01-19 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:56 PM, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:
 SlashGeo mentioned

 Seeing all the problems had with the variously shifted images we have
 seen, this release by ERDAS looks interesting :

 We have updated our Online Web Services to incorporate the GeoEye
 imagery of Haiti collected on January 13, 2010 (made available for free
 download). This very large area has been properly georeferenced.

 And they have a WMS up at

 They are not yet mentioned at

I figured out a WMS URL that works in JOSM and added it to the Wiki.
I noticed that ERDAS also has the recent NOAA aerial images on their
WMS server.  Did they do any additional processing on that or are the
just serving up the data as-is?

If anyone know of any other satellite imagery that is missing from the
wiki page I'd love to hear about it.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Ohio Statewide Imagery Program

2010-01-19 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 7:44 PM, David ``Smith'' wrote:
 I have recently noticed that Google Earth has incorporated OSIP (Ohio
 Statewide Imagery Program,
 imagery into their historical imagery feature.  (Actually, I have to
 wonder why it's not used more on the default/current image layer, as
 in many places it's newer and/or finer-resolution than that layer.)
 Anyway, when the OSIP imagery is visible, the attribution portion of
 the window does not use the copyright symbol.  Just to be sure about
 copyright status, I called Jeff Smith today (his contact info appears
 on the OSIP download page) and asked about it.  He said that the OSIP
 data is all public-domain.  (I also asked him if he was aware of OSM,
 and he said he was, but I didn't press for more details.)

 Since this data is public-domain, and newer and/or sharper than the
 Yahoo! imagery*, I think it would be very worthwhile to investigate
 ways to easily use it for tracing or general reference in OSM.  There
 seems to be a WMS service, but I couldn't get JOSM's WMS plugin to
 work with it.

JOSM's WMS plugin is fairly primitive, in that it can't use the WMS
protocol to discover information about the WMS server and the layers
it offers.  Usually what I do is use QGIS to explore the WMS server
and figure out the URL to plug into JOSM.  I haven't figured out an
easy way to get the URL out of QGIS so I use Wireshark to watch the
packets and extract the URL that way.  Here's a URL that works in JOSM
for Cuyahoga County:;

For different counties, change the number in the LAYERS parameter.

 I acknowledge that using OSIP may be difficult from a programmer's
 standpoint, given that it uses Ohio State Plane projections (which are
 conics) rather than Mercator.

Actually, the Ohio WMS server defaults to using WGS 84, but can
transform it on the server side other projections if you really wanted

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Extended GeoEye imagery now available for use on OSM

2010-01-15 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Fri, Jan 15, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason wrote:

 These are orthorectified 8-bit compresed GeoTiffs, who can help with
 turning these into something usable for OSM editors? I have no idea
 how the TIFF - WMS|Tiles process goes.

MapServer should be able to take those TIFF files and serve them up as
WMS,  I've done it for a number of TIFFs for personal use.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

[Talk-us] 'Tis the season...

2009-11-29 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
The wiki had no guidance, so how should one tag a Christmas Tree farm?
 The one I'd like to tag is a cut your own style out in the country,
certainly the land could be tagged with landuse=farm but is there a
shop= tag that could be added?

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [OSM-newbies] Multiple gmapsupp.img files on Garmin

2009-08-21 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
 On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 10:24 PM, swanilli wrote:

 I have just accidentally discovered that it is possible to have
 multiple gmapsupp.img files on my Garmin Oregon 300. Since I have not
 seen this method mentioned anywhere else here it is.

Actually, with the latest firmware for the Oregon, you don't have to
go through all of that bother and have multiple .img files loaded
simultaneously. See the release notes for beta 2.99 of the Oregon
firmware[1].  Don't actually load beta 2.99, use the release 3.10

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 9:49 PM, Bill wrote:
 I will have to try this with my 76csx

Unfortunately I don't think that any of the older Garmin models have
that capability.  The Colorado and the Dakota may have it (at least in
beta form).


Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Explaining to NASA why the ASTER data should be freely licensed

2009-07-27 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Ævar Arnfjörð wrote:

 NASA/METI have updated their distribution terms with a FAQ in response
 to my questions:

 Unfortunately the new terms aren't new at all, and they still look too
 restrictive to be incorporated into freely licensed datasets.

Ævar, thanks for taking point on this...  These sort of licensing
issues are an annoying, but necessary part of our work and not
everyone has the stomach for it.  I myself have run into the issue
locally... There's nearby county that has very high resolution aerial
images but the standard licensing terms that they offer them under
would make it impossible for me to use with OSM.  That plus the fact
that they would charge me a lot of money for copies of the images has
made me decide not to even bother.

Up next I'm going to see what I can get for the county that I'm an
actual resident of.  Perhaps I'll have better luck there.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] US Online Mapping Parties

2009-07-22 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 9:56 PM, wrote:
 You can check out the NAIP imagery to see if there're more recent data in
 your area which is
 downloadable at it would
 be pretty easy to setup a WMS server for use in JOSM and Merkaartor.
 The 1m imagery in this area (I think it's 1m, personally) is superior to
 the available yahoo imagery, though it is somewhat halo-ey

Thanks for the pointer to the NAIP images...  The GIS department at
ISU has the NAIP images for Iowa up on a WMS server[1] but I've never
been able to access it... maybe I never tried hard enough or maybe
their WMS server is a little different and I don't know what the right
magic incantation is...  Anyway,  I've spent some time recently to
download some of the NAIP images and set up a test WMS server using
the UofM mapserver software.  After a few trials and tribulations,
I've got something working that I can use.  The georeferencing of the
NAIP images seems to be better than the Yahoo images from what I can
tell and the NAIP images provide a consistently high resolution for
all of the areas that I've looked at.  The best of the Yahoo images
look better than the NAIP images, but Yahoo only covers major metro
areas with high resolution data.  With the NAIP images I've finally
been able to do some armchair mapping of my hometown, which only had
low-res imagery available from Yahoo.

It's also extremely nice to have images that are much more recent than
Yahoo offers...

Anyhoo... The server that's running my WMS is a virtual guest borrowed
from work, so it doesn't have a lot of oomph and I'll have to turn it
off eventually.  That said, if we can agree on an area to map for our
online mapping party I'll load the appropriate NAIP images onto the
server and share the URL to the server with those interested in doing
some mapping.


Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] keep right! and landuse=wood

2009-07-20 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 8:26 AM, John wrote:

 --- On Mon, 20/7/09, David Earl wrote:

 Indeed, in most
 developed countries, I would suggest that it is very rare
 for trees to
 be naturally occurring or not managed in some way.

 I've no idea about most developed countries, but I'm confident that not all 
 of Australia has been logged or managed, and I wouldn't be surprised if some 
 parts of Canada haven't been logged or managed either.

In the USA there are large areas where activities like logging are
prohibited at the federal level:

Many states provide similar protections to areas as well.

Although logging may be prohibited currently there may have been
logging activity before the area was designated as a wilderness area.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Proposed automated motorway_link mass edit

2009-07-16 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Frederik wrote:

 Let me know what you think.

I looked at a few of the ways near me and the changes looked good to me...

Jeff Ollie

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Explaining to NASA why the ASTER data should be freely licensed

2009-07-06 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Ian wrote:

 NASA = a US federal government organization. All data originated by US
 federal organizations (and especially when funded by tax payer dollars) is
 in the public domain. I would imagine that the licensing terms they give are
 superseded by these rules.

ASTER is a joint mission between NASA a few Japanese organizations.
As such, I don't think that public domain status can be automatically
assumed of the ASTER data.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Explaining to NASA why the ASTER data should be freely licensed

2009-07-02 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Jul 2, 2009 at 4:15 PM, Ævar Arnfjörð wrote:

 # When presenting or publishing ASTER GDEM data, I agree to include
 ASTER GDEM is a product of METI and NASA.

That clause seems very similar to the BSD advertising clause (and is
problematic for the same reasons):

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Changes in a bbox?

2009-06-25 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 11:43 PM, Tomas wrote:

  I remember seeing recently a link to an rss feed on dev server for
 changesets in defined bbox.
  Is this feature already on prod?

  I need this to identify strange disappearance of data...

Here's the link I use to watch my neighborhood:,40.341797,-90.131836,43.549805

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] 500 Errors When Uploading?

2009-06-20 Per discussione Jeffrey Ollie
I'm getting 500 errors when trying to upload some changes (from
Merkaartor).  It just started a few minutes ago as I've been able to
upload stuff previously.

Jeff Ollie

talk mailing list

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