Re: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread Clive Taylor
10 November 2002, 20:20, you wrote:

MB> I'm about to hire my local ISP (who have given me reliable
MB> trustworthy service for 5 years) to build my dream machine
MB> for me. 

Curious to know why a ISP should be in the business of building and
supporting PCs. How local is this ISP? What computer equipment do they
offer and how do prices compare to, say, Dell or other mainstream

Clive Taylor
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Backing up folder settings

2002-11-11 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Joseph,

On Sun, 10 Nov 2002 23:38:26 -0600GMT (11-11-02, 6:38 +0100GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

JN> There's an option in Tools/Backup to backup folders with messages.
JN> There does not, however, seem to be an option to backup the folder
JN> tree structure without the individual message files.  Is that correct?
JN> I don't want to backup the messages, just the skeleton in case I need
JN> to restore it after a problem.

Just copy the account.flx file. That contains the folder structure
(including folder templates and identities) of the respective account.

Groetjes, Roelof

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: %Quotes doesn't quote empty lines

2002-11-11 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Daniel Dekany <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The Quotes macro does not quote empty lines. [...]

These Quick Templates do the job. HTH.
Best regards, Carsten

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Marek Mikus
On Sun, 10 Nov 2002, Anthony Xin Chen wrote:

> Thought the following site might be of interest to you
> featuring some ready made glyphs for TB.
thanks for advertising :-)

BTW you can watch my FTP too :-)))

Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

OT local ISP building computer from generic parts [was, Re[2]: AVGplug in after re-installing?]

2002-11-11 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Clive,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 1:52:51 AM, you wrote:


Maybe tbudl will tolerate one last OT post on this thread. Then let's
move to tbot? (I hope you're subscribed there.)

MB>> I'm about to hire my local ISP (who have given me reliable
MB>> trustworthy service for 5 years) to build my dream machine
MB>> for me. 

CT> Curious to know why a ISP should be in the business of building and
CT> supporting PCs. ...

I used the term ISP loosely. It is a local company which has a
"computer sales" business as part of its services. Among those
services is ISP. This is not unheard of. In another state, last
summer, the ISP (local domain--would that be a way to put it?) of my
sister, which has an actual computer store and lab attached as part of
its business, built a machine for her from generic parts. They used
everything they could out of her old machine, to keep down costs.

Klez-h had done a major mean number on hers. So she transferred no
data. She just supplied them with the cds for the old applications she
wished to keep.

Mine is in good shape except for being way too small; an old Compaq
tower, not simple to upgrade; running Win95B; and not interfacing well
with the HP LaserJet 6L black-and-white printer. Plus all the symptoms
point to a diagnosis that the Sony Trinitron Multiscan 200ES monitor
is "overscanning," such that I have no vertical scroll bar and cannot
reach the corners of "windows" to re-size them.

All this hardware will be five years old in January. Time for a
change, wouldn't most agree?

In the best interests of Mary and The Bat!?

CT> How local is this ISP?

It is truly local. The owners live here.

They were just beginning to expand when I signed on as a customer in
1998. As a courtesy to me, they brought in the boxes from the trunk of
my car--I had bought everything "off the shelf" at the in-town branch
of a chain office supply store--set it up on the computer desk which
I'd just had delivered from a local furniture store, and showed me
the "on button" and the modem icon and the e-mail client program icon
on the Desktop.

They had installed Netscape at my request. I had bought Microsoft
Office Small Business Edition and Eudora Pro 4.0 also at the office
supply store. The ISP technician had put these on for me as well.
I was truly a beginner.

This was at no charge to me. Future house calls would be $35 an
hour (US dollars). I never needed any. They did give me support over
the phone once or twice--no charge, of course.

This is a small city. Population about 50,000. The last time I was at
the Premiernet website I believe they were saying their ISP customer
base (mostly businesses) was under 2,000.

CT> What computer equipment do they
CT> offer and how do prices compare to, say, Dell or other mainstream
CT> manufacturers?

They are offering anything I wish. Just as a ballpark offer (and I
mean to buy a much larger hard drive and more RAM than quoted):

They wrote me that they could build me a machine, with the price
including a new monitor comparable to my old one, and,
read on ( :) ):

With an HD of 40 GB and 128 MB of RAM, a Pentium 4 chip, Windows 98SE
(my own choice for OS) and transfer all my data and applications for
$1100 US. We haven't discussed length of warranty yet. This is for all
new parts. I don't wish to keep any components from the old Compaq.
The offer includes a good upgradeable case with plenty of expansion
room and good fans.

BTW, the technician is coming to pick up the Tower and test it to see if
it is my old monitor or something else making my vertical scroll bar
and "windows" corners inaccessible, on Tuesday morning, November 12.
That's tomorrow. At that time we will arrange all the specs and the
final price of what I am engaging them to build for me.

Any further discussion OT on this thread--carry on privately or on
tbot? I'm still open to input on the specifications for my new system.


Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread Anders M Eriksson

Is there someway to automatically zip an attachment?

// Anders

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Allie C Martin
Hash: SHA1

In ,
Mean Drake [MD] wrote:'

MD> The Bat! offers a number of templates for replies, forwards etc.
MD> But is there any way to customise the ">" marks used in these.
MD> Like in OE one can elect to use any character or none at all
MD> while quoting original text. Here it seems we use the initials
MD> or name or ">" characters but cannot set it to nothing or some
MD> other character. Is it possible to customise that.

Not without the use of a fancy regex macro.

Why do you wish to do this anyway? Note that many clients, including
TB! will only recognize '>' as a quote prefix and will therefore not
treat text prefixed in any other way, as a quote. This can lead to
unwanted side effects. For example, TB! here colours quoted text
differently. If it doesn't detect the '>' prefix, the quoted text
will not be coloured.

This is why it's not such a good idea to use initialled quote
prefixes all the time. I personally confine using initialled quotes
when writing to those who use a client that supports it.

- -- 
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32) - GPGshell v2.65


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread Eddie Castelli
Dear Anders,

 --->>> Anders M Eriksson / Montag, 11.11.2002, 11:00:05
Automatically zipping attachments?

> Is there someway to automatically zip an attachment?

Do you mean when you want to make attachments (so they are ZIPed) or
when receiving and storing these attachments?

best regards


Powered by  v1.61 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 
PGP (public) is available:

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Fake V i r u s Warning

2002-11-11 Thread William Moore

I've just been read this on the PC Flank security site

Fake virus alert carries Braid worm
November 11, 2002 

Fake email virus alert sent by a Russian antivirus company Kaspersky
Labs was infected with Braid worm. After massive attack on the company's
Web server, hackers have stolen its customer list and emailed them all
with a worm disguised as a company newsletter. "We are conducting an
investigation to reveal the sources of this attack and are taking the
necessary measures... to ensure that this type of attack will never
succeed in the future," Eugene Kaspersky, founder and head of research
for the company, said in an advisory about the email. Braid, also known
by Kaspersky Labs as Bridex, hasn't spread very widely. The worm, which
is a variant of the Lovebug virus, is written in Visual Basic and has
its own email engine, which means that it can spread itself even if
compromised computer does not have an email software such as Outlook
installed. The worm infects computers running on Windows. It creates a
number of copies of itself on the hard drive then searches for email
addresses and then sends itself out to them. Kaspersky Labs reminds
users that their newsletters arrive in plain text format and do not
contain any attached objects. If users receive a message with attached
objects – they should not open them, but submit them to Kaspersky Labs'
technical support ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) for an expert evaluation.



Flying with The Bat! 
Windows 2000 Pro 2195 Service Pack 2

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Delete & filter bug?

2002-11-11 Thread Gerard

ON Sunday, November 10, 2002, 5:47:21 PM, you wrote:

L>  I'm glad they worked. About the read bit: have you tried enable the
L>  "mark as read" in the second filter: it will mark it as read and copy
L>  the message. Although it probably will mark both( original and copy
L>  as read) i'm afraid.

Hi Luc,

This is the filter adapted to my account settings and it doesn't work.
It will active on both flagged and non-flaged mails. Cab you see the

Name: New test
Active: 1
Source: \\CPR\Inbox
Target: \\CPR\Inbox
CopyFolder: \\CPR\Inbox\Reply's
MainSet: 30hallo
Actions: faCopyMsg,faoContinueProcessing,faoAdvNoFlagged
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 0
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

Best regards,
Things That Sound Dirty At Golf But Aren't: Look at the size of his

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: OT local ISP building computer from generic parts [was, Re[2]:AVG plug in after re-installing?]

2002-11-11 Thread Clive Taylor
11 November 2002, 10:22, you wrote:

MB> Any further discussion OT on this thread--carry on privately or on
MB> tbot? I'm still open to input on the specifications for my new system.

Interesting, but since I'm in the UK there's probably nothing useful I
can contribute.

Clive Taylor
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: OT local ISP building computer from generic parts [was, Re[2]:AVG plug in after re-installing?]

2002-11-11 Thread Mary Bull
Hello Clive,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 6:49:41 AM, you wrote:

MB>> I'm still open to input on the specifications for my new system.

CT> Interesting, but since I'm in the UK there's probably nothing useful I
CT> can contribute.

That's okay. Thanks anyway.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Windows XP multi-user problem

2002-11-11 Thread Peter Murgatroyd
Hello TBUDL,

I hope I am not covering old ground with this enquiry - I haven't found
relevant help in FAQs or the discussion forum.

I am having real problems setting up The Bat in my new Win XP Home system.

Here is what I am trying to do.

The XP machine is set up for 3 profiles: XPadmin when I want to
administer the machine, PRM when I want to use it and HLM when Heather
wants to use it. Both Heather and I have multiple email accounts.

Under the XPadmin profile I have installed The Bat and entered the registration

I have set up all our accounts plus a BATadmin dummy account.

Using  Options: Network & Administration I have defined the BATadmin
account to have Administrator privileges and all others to have user

I have then set up two BAT user groups, PRM and HLM, and have nested our
personal email accounts into the appropriate groups.

When I now log on to Windows as XPadmin and start The Bat I am
prompted for an ID.  BATadmin opens all the accounts, while HLM and
PRM open our respective sub-sets - so far so good; just what I wanted
to achieve.

Now, if I log off Windows as XPadmin and log on again as PRM, then open The Bat,
I am prompted for a user ID, I enter PRM, and The Bat just hangs.  (I have
also been prompted for registration, and to set up a new account!)

Can anyone explain how I can ensure that whichever user profile logs on to
Windows XP, they can enter their user ID into The Bat and see the accounts
previously set up for them by an administrator logged on
under the XPadmin profile?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, as it is seriously
disturbing my sleep!  I'm sure I must just be missing something

Best regards,
 Peter  mailto:peter@;

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread DG Raftery Sr.
Hash: SHA1

Monday, November 11, 2002
8:39:34 AM
RE: "AVG plug in after re-installing?"

Greetings Clive,

On Monday, November 11, 2002, 2:52:51 AM, you wrote:

CT> Curious to know why a ISP should be in the business of building and
CT> supporting PCs. How local is this ISP? What computer equipment do they
CT> offer and how do prices compare to, say, Dell or other mainstream
CT> manufacturers?

Although many in my area are on broadband (DSL or TW/RR) there are 3
local ISP's who furnish dialup access (Berkshirenet, Vgernet and
Berkshire County Network (BCN)) and all build systems, upgrade systems
and provide service, support and warranty besides their main bread &
butter business which is as an ISP.

- From what I've seen they can be competitive with Dell, Gateway,
TigerDirect and the local office superstores as they all purchase
their parts, components and peripherals wholesale. Not sure if these
are mainstream and namebrand (CPU choices limited to Intel and AMD of
course) but 

They seem to do well and from what I have heard local tech support on
these systems is also rated highly as, again, the support is local. So

I ramble on.

- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

You never finish a program, you just stop working on it.

Version: PGP for Business Security 6.0


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Sync Mobile phone with TB!

2002-11-11 Thread Eddie Castelli
Dear readers from 'TB!udl List',

I'm using Nokias 'PC Suite' to Synchronize my Phonebook entries. PC
Suite is moving the Data to 'MS Outlook'.

   I'm now looking for a way to Synchronize these Data with TB!.
   Is this possible?

   If not, what is the best way to exchange certain addresses from TB!
   with MS Outlook?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

best regards


Powered by  v1.61 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 
PGP (public) is available:

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Delete & filter bug?

2002-11-11 Thread Luc
 Good afternoon Gerard,
It was foretold that on 11-11-2002 @ 13:35:21 GMT+0100 (which was
13:35:21 where I live) Gerard would mumble:

G> It will active on both flagged and non-flaged mails. Cab you see the
G> problem?
 Could you post the other one too?
Best regards,
Powered by The Bat! version 1.62/Beta6 with Windows 2000 (build 2195),
version 5.0 Service Pack 3 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Windows has detected the windows.dll, this is being removed from your
system now."

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Windows XP multi-user problem

2002-11-11 Thread Paul Cartwright

On Monday, November 11, 2002, 8:26 AM, you wrote:

PM> I am having real problems setting up The Bat in my new Win XP Home system.

PM> Here is what I am trying to do.

PM> The XP machine is set up for 3 profiles: XPadmin when I want to
PM> administer the machine, PRM when I want to use it and HLM when Heather
PM> wants to use it. Both Heather and I have multiple email accounts.

I have XP and use TB. I have multiple users on the XP system, and all we
do is just login to our XP account and start TB. the 2nd user had to
create an address book of her own, but the files and message bases are
separate. It just creates another mail folder under \The Bat!
for each account you create. She was able to pull in all her old mail
from OL, by first exporting it to OE then using the wizard to import the
mail and addressbook.


Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread Clive Taylor
11 November 2002, 13:48, you wrote:

DRS> there are 3 local ISP's who furnish dialup access (Berkshirenet,
DRS> Vgernet and Berkshire County Network (BCN)) and all build
DRS> systems, upgrade systems and provide service, support and
DRS> warranty besides their main bread & butter business which is as
DRS> an ISP.

It's an interesting model -- and I suppose it has the advantage of
"locking in" customers to their own ISP services.

Clive Taylor
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Paul Cartwright

On Monday, November 11, 2002, 4:41 AM, you wrote:

MM> thanks for advertising :-)

MM> BTW you can watch my FTP too :-)))


I clicked on that in Mozilla, but it started ws_ftp and I stopped it.
Now my Tiny Firewall keeps alrting that:
Someone from
[], port 20 wants to connect to port 3473 owned by 'Windows
Explorer' on your computer

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

RegKey Location

2002-11-11 Thread Eddie Castelli
Dear readers from 'TB!udl List',

Does someone know the Regkey Location in W2k where I can set the
default eMail Client to TB!? Currently my System now tells that he
doesn't have Outlook when I double click on an .msg File.

best regards


Powered by  v1.61 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 
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Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

*** === *** === *** === *** === *** === *** === *** === ***
Monday, November 11, 2002, 3:23:48 AM, you wrote:

MD> The Bat! offers a number of templates for replies, forwards etc. But
MD> is there any way to customise the ">" marks used in these. Like in OE
MD> one can elect to use any character or none at all while quoting
MD> original text. Here it seems we use the initials or name or ">"
MD> characters but cannot set it to nothing or some other character. Is it
MD> possible to customise that.

I don't know.  I'm relatively new to TB! but it looks like Allie
answered it better than I ever could have.  She makes some good
points.  Thanks Allie.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread Deborah W
On Monday, November 11, 2002, 2:55:24 PM, Clive Taylor wrote:

CT> It's an interesting model -- and I suppose it has the advantage of
CT> "locking in" customers to their own ISP services.

Not really - in the UK you can choose to pay-as-you-go with most ISPs,
so you can have accounts with as many ISPs as you wish. I have a
fixed-price account as my main ISP, but I also have two separate
accounts with other ISPs; if I dial into one of those I pay by the
minute, but if I don't connect using them, it costs me nothing. I can
still use their email service whilst connected through my main ISP - or
vice versa.


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: RegKey Location

2002-11-11 Thread Mean Drake
Why not set The Bat! as default program to open .msg files. Its there in Bat

- Original Message -
From: "Eddie Castelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 8:44 PM
Subject: RegKey Location

Dear readers from 'TB!udl List',

Does someone know the Regkey Location in W2k where I can set the
default eMail Client to TB!? Currently my System now tells that he
doesn't have Outlook when I double click on an .msg File.

best regards


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Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: RegKey Location

2002-11-11 Thread Eddie Castelli
Dear Mean,

 --->>> Mean Drake / Montag, 11.11.2002, 16:37:44
RegKey Location

> Why not set The Bat! as default program to open .msg files. Its
> there in Bat options.

Thanks for the tip. I haven't being aware of this function anymore.
It's not something your using all day ;-)

best regards


Powered by  v1.61 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 
PGP (public) is available:

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Jim D
Hello Batty People,  :)

I used to have my TB installed on Drive C: and all the mail data
stored on Drive D. My C: drive crashed so I now only have 1 drive, and
after reinstalling and restoring backup. I have found every instance
of reference to D:\whatever in the program, and made sure it's all
pointing in the right place, but I must be missing one that I can't
find. My D: drive now is a CDROM.

Occasionally without anything I seem to be doing to trigger it, I get
the following error:

There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into Drive D:

Please, Obi-wan Batobi! You are my only hope!

Best regards,
 Jim D mailto:JD@;
All ideas in this communication are sole property of the voices in my
head. (C) 2002, "The Voices" (TM). All rights reserved.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread Clive Taylor
11 November 2002, 15:27, you wrote:

DW> Not really - in the UK you can choose to pay-as-you-go with most ISPs,
DW> so you can have accounts with as many ISPs as you wish.

But there must be a degree of inertia here that benefits the company
supplying the computer and net connection. After all, if 99% of new
computer users don't change their email prog from Outlook Express, I'm
willing to bet that a very large proportion of users who have a
working Internet set up on their machines don't even consider the

Clive Taylor
Using The Bat! v1.61

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Scott!

On Monday, November 11, 2002 at 4:14:32 PM you wrote:

> She makes some good points. Thanks Allie.

He. Take a look at the Rogues Gallery.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Wenn ich mir eine Art Mensch ausdenke, die allen meinen Instinkten
zuwiderläuft, so wird immer ein Deutscher daraus. (Friedrich

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread Mike Eriksson
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:08:11 +0100, Eddie Castelli wrote:

>  --->>> Anders M Eriksson / Montag, 11.11.2002, 11:00:05
> Automatically zipping attachments?
>> Is there someway to automatically zip an attachment?
> Do you mean when you want to make attachments (so they are ZIPed) or
> when receiving and storing these attachments?

When I attach a file to my email I want it to be zipped. 
// Anders
English is not my first or second language. 
So any errors or thing you find offending isn't there on purpose, 
it's due to the translation

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread Spike
Hello Mike Eriksson,

On or about Monday, November 11, 2002, 11:12:09 AM, in a galaxy
far, far away, Mike wrote:

ME> When I attach a file to my email I want it to be zipped. 
ME> // Anders

If you 'zip' a graphics file (*.jpg/*.gif) the zipped file will
be LARGER, as these files do not compress well or at all.  The
resulting file overhead of the zip format makes the file LARGER,
so you won't save anything, and most people are very wary of zip
files for virus reasons.

It sounds like a throwback to AOL, as they zip any file
attachments that include more than one file automatically as
default. Generally it is a BAD idea.  If you want to zip up
documents, create a zip file of them and attach it.

The automatic route would be self-defeating IMHO.  Most 'document
formats' will compress fairly small, which will save a bit of
bandwidth sometimes.  Actually, the TCP/IP protocol and modem
hardware has compression in it, so you will not actually see much
improvement anyway.  *.txt files always download faster (Kbps
speed) than compressed files.

Warmest tropical wishes,

Get a PERMANENT 100MB capacity mailbox for ONLY
$29.95/year.  No more lost mail due to mailbox
capacity restrictions.  Access by POP3 or Webmail!
Earn a FREE mailbox with their referral program.
(HINT - You get $11.00 towards your mailbox for 
each referral who signs up!)
Apply NOW at
Running The Bat! V1.60h on Windows 2000 Vers. 5 0 
Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

DH> He. Take a look at the Rogues Gallery.

Sorry.  My bad.  Now that you mention that, I do remember seeing a
post earlier about the same thing.  Don't remember if it was the same
person though.

Sorry Allie.  That is common spelling for a female name here in the
US...  I promise not to ask you out on a date.  ;)


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Dierk Haasis
Hello Scott!

On Monday, November 11, 2002 at 7:05:32 PM you wrote:

> Sorry Allie.  That is common spelling for a female name here in the
> US...  I promise not to ask you out on a date.  ;)

Now, that I would take as an insult ... He seems to be a very nice
person, medical doctor, living in a great climate, surely having some
brilliant waters nearby ...

Sorry, got carried away.

Dierk Haasis

The Bat 1.62/Beta6 on Windows XP 5.1 2600Service Pack 1

Life is short ... if you are lucky. (Derek Leveret)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

translator for .cz sites?

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson
I've seen several posts here for what I assume would be good sites
full of info and files, but I can't read them nor can I find a
translator for them (spent about 3 hours looking and testing).  I
assume that .cz is Czechoslovakia (pardon me if I mangled that).  What
is the official language there?  Online translators seem to only have
a few languages (english, german, spanish, french, italian, russian)
and russian did seem to be close though it was just enough to tease

Does anyone know of an online translator or a free download I can use?
 Maybe there are english versions of these same sites?

 What triggered all this was the glyph post.  I saw that they are
 different buttons for TB but can't figure out how in the world to use
 them.  Hehehe  I'll post in the right thread about the glyphs.


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread Mean Drake
What you could try is Use a program like Winzip. It adds itself to the
right click context menus and one of the options when you right click
any file is "Zip and Email", the file gets zipped and the default
email program launches a new message window with the zip attachment.

Monday, November 11, 2002, 9:42:09 PM, you wrote:

ME> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 12:08:11 +0100, Eddie Castelli wrote:

>>  --->>> Anders M Eriksson / Montag, 11.11.2002, 11:00:05
>> Automatically zipping attachments?
>>> Is there someway to automatically zip an attachment?
>> Do you mean when you want to make attachments (so they are ZIPed) or
>> when receiving and storing these attachments?

ME> When I attach a file to my email I want it to be zipped. 
ME> // Anders

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

DEAD HORSE (was AVG plug in after re-installing?)

2002-11-11 Thread Marck D Pearlstone
Hash: SHA1

Hi Clive,

@11-Nov-2002, 16:12 Clive Taylor [CT] in
mid:711312593.2002161213@; said:

CT> But there must be a degree of inertia here that benefits the
CT> company supplying the computer and net connection.


Note: This moderator's interjection is a note to all readers and not
just to the person being replied to, even if their post may have
instigated this reply. Please don't feel singled out Clive.

This topic has gone way "off" / too long and I am forced to pronounce
it dead.

Please take it off-list or to TBOT (where I believe a side thread is
already in progress on this topic).

For anyone unfamiliar with Dead Horse policy, DEAD means DEAD. NO
REPLIES to the list, only off-list or on TBOT.

Thank you.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: translator for .cz sites?

2002-11-11 Thread Marek Mikus
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Scott Johnson wrote:

> I've seen several posts here for what I assume would be good sites
> full of info and files, but I can't read them nor can I find a
> translator for them (spent about 3 hours looking and testing).  I
> assume that .cz is Czechoslovakia (pardon me if I mangled that).
> What is the official language there?

We are already "Czech Republic" (12 years :-)) and language is "Czech".

> Online translators seem to only have
> a few languages (english, german, spanish, french, italian, russian)
> and russian did seem to be close though it was just enough to tease
> me...

I don't know about translator from Czech to English and from English 
to Czech.

> Does anyone know of an online translator or a free download I can use?


>  Maybe there are english versions of these same sites?

I have a little time, so my Official Czech Pages are in Czech language 
only. There will be new design and maybe, I will translate some of them to 

>  What triggered all this was the glyph post.  I saw that they are
>  different buttons for TB but can't figure out how in the world to use
>  them.  Hehehe  I'll post in the right thread about the glyphs.

download zip file, close TB, extract glyphs.bmp to TB's Home directory and 
run TB. If You want another glyph, overwrite previous file by a new one.

Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

MM>> BTW you can watch my FTP too :-)))

PC> I clicked on that in Mozilla, but it started ws_ftp and I stopped it.
PC> Now my Tiny Firewall keeps alrting that:
PC> Someone from
PC> [], port 20 wants to connect to port 3473 owned by 'Windows
PC> Explorer' on your computer

You clicked on an FTP link and apparently WS-FTP is your default FTP
client.  It tried to connect to the site to display it but TPF
detected a new connection about to happen and notified you of it. (you
made the FTP request on port 21 but the reply came back on port 20.
Not quite the same as surfing on port 80 where replies always come back on
the same port.)  I believe that since it is trying to connect to port
3473 on your machine means it is a PASV connection.  I may be wrong on
this point...  This seems to me to be exactly as it should be.  All
you needed to do was authorize that connection so you could see the
site.  I can't explain offhand why it keeps trying to connect
though...  Maybe someone else can explain further if you would like.


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson



Ok...enough teasing.  I like what I saw.  Now what do I need to do or
where do I go to find out how to USE them?  I can't read the web site
above till I find a translator.  :(I'm discussing that issue in
another thread.


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Marek Mikus
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Scott Johnson wrote:

> MM>> BTW you can watch my FTP too :-)))
> MM>>
> <-snip->
> PC> I clicked on that in Mozilla, but it started ws_ftp and I stopped it.
> PC> Now my Tiny Firewall keeps alrting that:
> PC> Someone from
> PC> [], port 20 wants to connect to port 3473 owned by 'Windows
> PC> Explorer' on your computer
> You clicked on an FTP link and apparently WS-FTP is your default FTP
> client.  It tried to connect to the site to display it but TPF
> detected a new connection about to happen and notified you of it. (you
> made the FTP request on port 21 but the reply came back on port 20.
> Not quite the same as surfing on port 80 where replies always come back on
> the same port.)  I believe that since it is trying to connect to port
> 3473 on your machine means it is a PASV connection.  I may be wrong on
> this point...  This seems to me to be exactly as it should be.  All
> you needed to do was authorize that connection so you could see the
> site.  I can't explain offhand why it keeps trying to connect
> though...  Maybe someone else can explain further if you would like.
yes, server sends data back via port 20, so this is why TPF displayed 
warning. I'm using Windows (Total) Commander and TPF asks me allways 
twice - for port 21 (send) and 20 (receive). 

Marek Mikus
Czech Support of The Bat!

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

DH> Now, that I would take as an insult ... He seems to be a very nice
DH> person, medical doctor, living in a great climate, surely having some
DH> brilliant waters nearby ...

DH> Sorry, got carried away.

If he is gay then he may take it as an insult but nothing can be done
about it.  My wife would kill me before I could meet him anyway.

Way off topic here.  


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: translator for .cz sites?

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

*** === *** === *** === *** === *** === *** === *** === ***
Monday, November 11, 2002, 12:28:26 PM, you wrote:

MM> On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, Scott Johnson wrote:

>> I've seen several posts here for what I assume would be good sites
>> full of info and files, but I can't read them nor can I find a
>> translator for them (spent about 3 hours looking and testing).  I
>> assume that .cz is Czechoslovakia (pardon me if I mangled that).
>> What is the official language there?

MM> We are already "Czech Republic" (12 years :-)) and language is "Czech".

>> Online translators seem to only have
>> a few languages (english, german, spanish, french, italian, russian)
>> and russian did seem to be close though it was just enough to tease
>> me...

MM> I don't know about translator from Czech to English and from English 
MM> to Czech.

>> Does anyone know of an online translator or a free download I can use?

MM> no.

>>  Maybe there are english versions of these same sites?

MM> I have a little time, so my Official Czech Pages are in Czech language 
MM> only. There will be new design and maybe, I will translate some of them to 
MM> English.

>>  What triggered all this was the glyph post.  I saw that they are
>>  different buttons for TB but can't figure out how in the world to use
>>  them.  Hehehe  I'll post in the right thread about the glyphs.

MM> download zip file, close TB, extract glyphs.bmp to TB's Home directory and 
MM> run TB. If You want another glyph, overwrite previous file by a new one.

MM> We are already "Czech Republic" (12 years :-)) and language is "Czech".

Pardon my ignorance about your country.  I'm not real bright about US
issues either.  ;)

MM> I have a little time, so my Official Czech Pages are in Czech language
MM> only. There will be new design and maybe, I will translate some of them to 
MM> English.

I understand you not having alot of time and really feel it's my
responsibility to get it translated so I can understand it.  I just
need to find the right tools to do it.  ;)  I'm not having much luck.
 I don't give up easily though.

MM> download zip file, close TB, extract glyphs.bmp to TB's Home directory and
MM> run TB. If You want another glyph, overwrite previous file by a new one.

I actually almost tried that but then thought, "It can't be that
simple can it?"  Thanks!

I'd still like to know what's on those Czech TB pages though.  ;)

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Delete & filter bug?

2002-11-11 Thread Gerard

ON Monday, November 11, 2002, 3:25:01 PM, you wrote:

L>  Could you post the other one too?


That was the same on as you posted.

Shall we continue this on TBTEch?

Best regards,
Good players have the power to think while they are competing.  Most
golfers are not thinking even when they believe they are.  They are only

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: translator for .cz sites?

2002-11-11 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Marek,

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 19:28:26 +0100 (CET) GMT (12/11/02, 01:28 +0700 GMT),
Marek Mikus wrote:

> I don't know about translator from Czech to English and from English 
> to Czech.

>> Does anyone know of an online translator or a free download I can use? hasn't failed me so far. I didn't check about
Czech yet, though.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

I'm not cheap, but I am on special this week.

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62/Beta7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Delete & filter bug?

2002-11-11 Thread Luc
 Good evening Gerard,
It was foretold that on 11-11-2002 @ 19:54:52 GMT+0100 (which was
19:54:52 where I live) Gerard would mumble:

G> Shall we continue this on TBTEch?
 By all means
Best regards,
Powered by The Bat! version 1.62/Beta6 with Windows 2000 (build 2195),
version 5.0 Service Pack 3 and using the best browser: Opera.

"Not a single one of your ancestors died young. They all copulated at
least once." - A cheery thought from Richard Dawkins - British

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread rick
Hello Eddie,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 6:08:11 AM, you wrote:

EC> Dear Anders,

EC>  --->>> Anders M Eriksson / Montag, 11.11.2002, 11:00:05
EC> Automatically zipping attachments?

>> Is there someway to automatically zip an attachment?

EC> Do you mean when you want to make attachments (so they are ZIPed) or
EC> when receiving and storing these attachments?

There is a great program which has a little better compression that
.ZIP format. It is called WinRar.  You can get it from

I don't know if you can automatically call up a zip/rar utility and
have it automatically compress it for you in TB.

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Windows XP multi-user problem

2002-11-11 Thread Allie C Martin
Hash: SHA1

In ,
Peter Murgatroyd [PM] wrote:'

PM> Now, if I log off Windows as XPadmin and log on again as PRM,
PM> then open The Bat, I am prompted for a user ID, I enter PRM, and
PM> The Bat just hangs. (I have also been prompted for registration,
PM> and to set up a new account!)

TB! keeps a lot of its configuration in the registry. This
configuration includes the account setup, the working directories
and general interface preferences. These settings are stored in
HKey_Current_User. When you log on to XP as a different user, the
HKCU branch of the registry specific to that user is loaded.
Therefore when you logged off as admin and logged on a PRM, no TB!
registry data is there in HKCU for PRM. When you run TB!, it will
will start building registry data from what it finds in the
installation directory. All settings aren't there. Registration
information isn't stored there among other things.

What you need to do is to logon, as XPAdmin, fire up the registry
editor by typing regedit.exe at the start menu 'run' command.

Navigate to HKCU/Software/Rit

Right click on the rit 'folder'/key and select 'export'.

Export the key to a file that you can access from whichever user
profile you logon as.

Now when you log on as PRM, the first thing you do before
starting TB! is to restore the rit key by double-clicking on the
export file.

This should fix your problems.

- -- 
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32) - GPGshell v2.65


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Cutomise replies

2002-11-11 Thread Allie C Martin
In ,
Scott Johnson [SJ] wrote:'

SJ> If he is gay then ...

Two mistakes in a day?? :)

It's OK. I took it all in good spirit. No offense taken.

I know that the spelling of my name is a source of confusion. It's
just something I have to live with.

Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Allie C Martin
Hash: SHA1

In ,
Jim D [JD] wrote:'

JD> THEBAT.EXE - NO DISK There is no disk in the drive. Please
JD> insert a disk into Drive D:

JD> Please, Obi-wan Batobi! You are my only hope!

You have a little task on your hands. It involves the registry but
it isn't that bad.

Go to the start menu and hit 'run'.

Type  regedit.exe  and hit .

Now navigate to HKey_Current_User/Software/RIT/The Bat!

You'll see a list of settings that is very plain and not cryptic. :)

Now you need to look in the list for all settings that point to a
path that is incorrect since your drive mapping has changed.

The important ones are:

1) EXE path

2) Program Files

3) ProgramDir

4) Working Directory.

Make sure that these point to the correct drive. If not, then
correct them by double-clicking on each entry, making the correction
in the popup dialog and hitting ok.

Now go to HKey_Current_User/Software/RIT/The Bat!/Users Depot

This is where the path to your account directories are stored.

If the path to your account mail directories are the default
relative to your working directory, then you should see no paths
there. If not, then you'll see the paths there and you have to
correct them to reflect the changes in your drive mapping.

When finished, close the registry editor and then restart TB!. You
should be back in business now. I've been there and done this so I
know it should work once you've changed the paths appropriately.

- -- 
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32) - GPGshell v2.65


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Ricardo M. Reyes
JD> I used to have my TB installed on Drive C: and all the mail data
JD> stored on Drive D. My C: drive crashed so I now only have 1 drive, and
JD> after reinstalling and restoring backup. I have found every instance
JD> of reference to D:\whatever in the program, and made sure it's all
JD> pointing in the right place, but I must be missing one that I can't
JD> find. My D: drive now is a CDROM.

I usually use a little program from Pc Magazine called 'Change of
Address 2'. It's free, and you can find it in the donwnloads section

It scans the registry and .ini files for a certain path (d:\whatever
for example) and changes it to a different one (C:\...)

If you don't find it in the site, send me a pm and I'll mail it to

Ricardo M. Reyes  | (Mar del Plata - Argentina)
  | Usando The Bat! 1.60c

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Jim D
On 11/11/2002, Allie said:
> You have a little task on your hands. It involves the registry but
> it isn't that bad.

Thanks much! That seemed to do the trick! Everything was correct in
the settings except for a few keys that were named things like: "Last
backup location" and so on.

I seem to be error-free now! Excellent!

Whoops! Would you believe that while I was writing this email, I got
the errors again!  It's a series of 3 of them. Maybe it has to do with
the spell checker?

Best regards,
 Jim D JD -at- CastleGK -dot- com
A closed mouth gathers no foot.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Jim D
On 11/11/2002, I said:

> Whoops! Would you believe that while I was writing this email, I got
> the errors again!  It's a series of 3 of them. Maybe it has to do with
> the spell checker?

I have double-checked the registry for any entries that refer to the
D:\ drive. All that remains are "install" and "source" path
references, which seems appropriate, since d: is now a CDROM.

Any more ideas? I have not tried re-installing TB yet...maybe I should
do that.

Best regards,
 Jim D JD -at- CastleGK -dot- com
Never argue with an idiot! People may not be able to tell you apart.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Lars Geiger
Hi Jim,
On Monday, November 11, 2002 at 13:28:25 [GMT -0800], you wrote:

JD> I have double-checked the registry for any entries that refer to the
JD> D:\ drive. All that remains are "install" and "source" path
JD> references, which seems appropriate, since d: is now a CDROM.

JD> Any more ideas?

Do you have any references to files in your templates? For example
something like %COOKIE="D:\My Files\Cookies.txt", %PUT="D:\Mail\Sig.txt"
or something similar.


The Bat! 1.62/Beta7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Laptop mirror

2002-11-11 Thread Fernando P. Nájera Cano
Hash: SHA1

Hi all

I'm going abroad in 4 days, and I'm going to use a laptop from hotel.
As Internet is quite expensive there, I'll be as quick as possible. So
I want to be able to check and send email.

My approach is: the day before leaving home, I'll set all the accounts
to not delete mail from servers. Then, I'll copy the registry settings
and all the folders from desktop to laptop. Hopefully, everything will
run smoothly and with the same config in both computers - both won't
delete mails from server. Then, I'll check emails from laptop using
the Message Dispatcher so I will download only interesting emails and
leaving mailing lists and so on in the server - I'll save bandwith and
money. When I return home, I'll copy all the files from laptop to
desktop and then clean laptop. Lastly, I will revert config so all
messages will be downloaded and removed from server.

Now the question: Am I forgetting something? Is there any other way to
get the same results easier? Will I have any predictable problems
doing this? I come from Eudora - where all I should do was copying the
mail folders - but here in The Bat there are some config in the
registry and that can be tricky... also, I know that doing a backup
copy does not re-create accounts when restoring...

Thank you in advance for any comments

Best regards,

Fernando Nájera
- -- 
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Version: PGP 8.0 (Build 349) Beta


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

>> Whoops! Would you believe that while I was writing this email, I got
>> the errors again!  It's a series of 3 of them. Maybe it has to do with
>> the spell checker?

JD> I have double-checked the registry for any entries that refer to the
JD> D:\ drive. All that remains are "install" and "source" path
JD> references, which seems appropriate, since d: is now a CDROM.

JD> Any more ideas? I have not tried re-installing TB yet...maybe I should
JD> do that.

 I'd be inclined to agree.  Speaking from pure logic and not
 necessarily the best thing where TB is concerned, I would save a copy
 of TB's install folder to be sure I didn't lose any important info and THEN
 try the reinstall.  If reinstalling over itself doesn't do the trick
 you may need to uninstall first (you'll still have the copied folder).

 Maybe I should shutup for a bit.  I'm new in here and don't know the
 newbies from the veterans yet...  I've already stuck my foot in my
 mouth more than once.  :/  Jim probably knows what he(she) is doing
 better than me.  ;)


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Jim D
On 11/11/2002, you said:
> Do you have any references to files in your templates? For example
> something like %COOKIE="D:\My Files\Cookies.txt", %PUT="D:\Mail\Sig.txt"
> or something similar.

Nope, I think I have changed all those. I have been in every setting I
can find and changed them. Been through all my templates (though when
a template can't find a path reference, it just leaves out the cookie
or whatever that it can't find.

Best regards,
 Jim D JD -at- CastleGK -dot- com
Artificial Intelligence usually beats real stupidity.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Laptop mirror

2002-11-11 Thread Allie C Martin
Hash: SHA1

In ,
Fernando P. Nájera Cano [FPN] wrote:'

FPN> My approach is: the day before leaving home, I'll set all the
FPN> accounts to not delete mail from servers. Then, I'll copy the
FPN> registry settings and all the folders from desktop to laptop.
FPN> Hopefully, everything will run smoothly and with the same
FPN> config in both computers

Yes, this will work provided that the TB! installations share the
same paths for the installation and working (Mail) directories.

FPN> - both won't delete mails from server. Then, I'll check emails
FPN> from laptop using the Message Dispatcher so I will download
FPN> only interesting emails and leaving mailing lists and so on in
FPN> the server - I'll save bandwith and money.

Be sure that your mailbox (POP account) has a good enough capacity
to store all that traffic.

FPN> When I return home, I'll copy all the files from laptop to
FPN> desktop and then clean laptop. Lastly, I will revert config so
FPN> all messages will be downloaded and removed from server.

FPN> Now the question: Am I forgetting something?

Not that I can think of.

FPN> Is there any other way to get the same results easier?

Not really. The synchronising tool could help you to use one
installation to update the other. However, since you can copy one
installation on top of the other, it doesn't really matter which way
you do it.

FPN> Will I have any predictable problems doing this?

You shouldn't.

FPN> I come from Eudora - where all I should do was copying the mail
FPN> folders - but here in The Bat there are some config in the
FPN> registry and that can be tricky...

Once you transfer the registry information from one machine to the
next, you shouldn't have problems.

- -- 
Allie C Martin \  TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator/   PGP Key -
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32) - GPGshell v2.65


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Laptop mirror

2002-11-11 Thread Joseph N.

   On Monday, November 11, 2002, "Fernando P. Nájera Cano" wrote in

FPNC> I'll copy the registry settings and all the folders from desktop
FPNC> to laptop. Hopefully, everything will run smoothly and with the
FPNC> same config in both computers - both won't delete mails from
FPNC> server.

Don't forget that you may not be able to use the same SMTP server from
your new, itinerant locations.  You may be able to modify the address
in order to point to the same server, particularly if it is your own,
or you may need to determine a new address for the local server(s),
depending on the ISP or SMTP you use.

FPNC> Is there any other way to  get the same results easier?

I usually follow a procedure somewhat like yours, although I think
less precise. (For example, what registry settings have you copied?)
But, as a backup, I also have configured a web-based mail service to
pull mail from my POP server if necessary. If you do this, remember to
modify your reply-to address so it points to your normal mail address,
not the web service.


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: Laptop mirror

2002-11-11 Thread syv
On Monday, November 11, 2002, Allie C Martin wrote:

My solution would be to have the desktop still use POP and
do not delete for the length of time that you will be away
and have the laptop use IMAP.

Then you can keep all the message on the desktop to for when
you will come back.

-Original Message-
ACM> Hash: SHA1

ACM> In ,
ACM> Fernando P. Nájera Cano [FPN] wrote:'

FPN>> My approach is: the day before leaving home, I'll set all the
FPN>> accounts to not delete mail from servers. Then, I'll copy the
FPN>> registry settings and all the folders from desktop to laptop.
FPN>> Hopefully, everything will run smoothly and with the same
FPN>> config in both computers

ACM> Yes, this will work provided that the TB! installations share the
ACM> same paths for the installation and working (Mail) directories.

FPN>> - both won't delete mails from server. Then, I'll check emails
FPN>> from laptop using the Message Dispatcher so I will download
FPN>> only interesting emails and leaving mailing lists and so on in
FPN>> the server - I'll save bandwith and money.

ACM> Be sure that your mailbox (POP account) has a good enough capacity
ACM> to store all that traffic.

FPN>> When I return home, I'll copy all the files from laptop to
FPN>> desktop and then clean laptop. Lastly, I will revert config so
FPN>> all messages will be downloaded and removed from server.

FPN>> Now the question: Am I forgetting something?

ACM> Not that I can think of.

FPN>> Is there any other way to get the same results easier?

ACM> Not really. The synchronising tool could help you to use one
ACM> installation to update the other. However, since you can copy one
ACM> installation on top of the other, it doesn't really matter which way
ACM> you do it.

FPN>> Will I have any predictable problems doing this?

ACM> You shouldn't.

FPN>> I come from Eudora - where all I should do was copying the mail
FPN>> folders - but here in The Bat there are some config in the
FPN>> registry and that can be tricky...

ACM> Once you transfer the registry information from one machine to the
ACM> next, you shouldn't have problems.


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Jim D
FYI everyone -- I backed up my mail, removed TB, reinstalled it, and
restored the backup and so far no funny errors!  Thanks to everyone
who helped me out!

Best regards,
 Jim D JD -at- CastleGK -dot- com
Help, I've fallen and I can't... Hey, nice carpet!

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:


2002-11-11 Thread Paul Wilson
Monday, 11/11/2002, 5:32 PM

Hi Jim,
On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, at 13:12:28 [GMT -0800] (which was 1:12 PM where I live) 
you wrote about: 'THEBAT.EXE - NO DISK'

JD> Whoops! Would you believe that while I was writing this email, I got
JD> the errors again!  It's a series of 3 of them. Maybe it has to do with
JD> the spell checker?

When I migrated to the new Dell, I used a null cable and the file
mover program that came with the Dell to move most of the programs and
files to the new one. Everything in The Bat! worked fine except for
the spell checker. An install of the last full version and then double
clicking the exported registry key from the old box. Spell checker
works fine now.

Another thing I had to do was point templates to the new location of the
cookie file for those to work also.

 Your communication is greatly appreciated,
If you do not stop that, I will call the attendant. That is forbidden by

Powered by  v1.62/Beta7 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Paul Cartwright

On Monday, November 11, 2002, 1:31 PM, you wrote:

SJ> <-snip->
MM>>> BTW you can watch my FTP too :-)))

SJ> <-snip->
SJ> this point...  This seems to me to be exactly as it should be.  All
SJ> you needed to do was authorize that connection so you could see the
SJ> site.  I can't explain offhand why it keeps trying to connect
SJ> though...  Maybe someone else can explain further if you would like.

exactly, I understand why it tried to connect, but once I closed all the
windows, it KEPT trying to connect back to me

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: how to efficiently fight against spam with the bat!

2002-11-11 Thread DG Raftery Sr.
Hash: SHA1

Monday, November 11, 2002
9:13:43 PM
RE: "how to efficiently fight against spam with the bat!"

Greetings Simon,

On Sunday, November 10, 2002, 7:28:37 AM, you wrote:

S> I  use a program called Mailwasher. It sits between my mailserver and TB! OT
S> has custom filtering capabilites, blacklists, friends lists, etc. and plenty
S> of really useful features.

Good little program and I looked at it myself some time ago. To bad
even the new beta does not support IMAP which is the connection type
used here on 4 of my 5 accounts.

If you use POP3 or APOP it's worth it's price .

- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

Build a system that even a fool can use, and only a fool will use it.

Version: PGP for Business Security 6.0


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread marek jedlinski
> exactly, I understand why it tried to connect, but once I closed all the
> windows, it KEPT trying to connect back to me

If the connection was closed forcibly (i.e., the client didn't get a
chance to send an abort request to the server), the server was still trying
to talk to the client until some timeout occurred.

.marek jedlinski

No ads, no nags freeware:
(KeyNote, PhoneDeck, KookieJar, Oubliette)

"This seems like a case where we need to shoot the messenger." 
(Charlie Kaufman on Cypherpunks list)

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread DG Raftery Sr.
Hash: SHA1

Monday, November 11, 2002
9:37:21 PM
RE: "AVG plug in after re-installing?"

Greetings rick,

On Saturday, November 9, 2002, 1:37:44 PM, you wrote:

r> If you read the url I posted to thomas,
r> on page
r> 19 (pdf document) virus bulletin review explains clearly why they used
r> a older version of grisoft for the tests. There appeared to be
r> technical difficulties with grisoft. The AVG product caused blue
r> screens, and failed to update properly.

H. Been using AVG Pro in conjunction with Fprot Antivirus for a
long time. I would question the results of these claims of failure, on
the behalf of Grisoft, based simply on the fact that the testers were
unable to run the current version of the AV without BSoD's (haven't run
into that on ANY of the workstations here running Win95 through WinXP
and there are 200+) which inclines me to believe that the testing
company is having some serious problems with their OS's.

As a network engineer and lead IS/IT I can say that no AV solution is
100% however Grisoft's AVG has yet to show any type of failure rate
that is claimed above.


- --
 DG Raftery Sr.

All wiyht. Rho sritched mg kegtops awound?

Version: PGP for Business Security 6.0


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: how to efficiently fight against spam with the bat!

2002-11-11 Thread Barry2
Hello Allie,

Sunday, November 10, 2002, 5:40:56 PM, you wrote:

ACM> In ,
ACM> Barry2 [B] wrote:'

B>> I.E. Watch what you are downloading ( using the inbuilt Mail
B>> Dispatcher in TB! is for me an essential part of e-mail security
B>> ) and apply a little common sense  offers too good to miss
B>> can want to offer you more than you bargained for ( viruses ) and
B>> those funny files can have the last laugh on you !!

ACM> This sounds tedious. What's the difference between deleting them
ACM> with the dispatcher and deleting them from your mailbox.

The difference is that the rubbish isn't sent to me at all - I
consider it a complete waste of bandwidth to transfer megabytes of
data onto my PC just to then dump it in the bin !!!

ACM> Most spam mail aren't that big. The time you spend downloading
ACM> headers and examining them is probably more than the time just
ACM> downloading them and then going off-line. You can then delete them
ACM> at your leisure.

Time isn't the issue at all - sure it means scanning through the
headers but with TB!'s ability to list those by Name / Sender / Size
it isn't hard to weed out the spam from the mail that is wanted. It's
also a good first line of defense against new virus outbreaks - you
soon develop an eye for strange message headers and a group of large
files of the same size.

As an example - scanning a download of 200 mails or so takes no more
than a couple of minutes and the subsequent download time is much
shorter for the lack of the Spam !

ACM> Why not do the following.

ACM> Filter all known mail to specific folders.

It already is of course :-) Only new mail ends up in the Inbox.

ACM> Filter all unknown mail to a spam folder. This will comprise a
ACM> single filter that goes below all the others. It is to move all
ACM> messages to the spam folder. Switch the sound off for this folder as
ACM> well.

Again, just is a waste of bandwidth and to scan through such a folder
would take longer than to go through the headers in the Mail
Dispatcher ... not that it's the time angle I'm bothered about, but
surely it's more tedious to go through a whole folder full of Spam
just to weed out what you'd pick up in a matter of seconds before you
downloaded ??

I guess everyone has their own way of using TB! - and for me that is
one of its great strengths - but I can assure you that pre-scanning
the headers first isn't tedious in the slightest - on a dial-up
connection it can be more tedious just watching all that rubbish come
down the phone line < lol >

Each to their own - but the original question was about how to
efficiently fight Spam  the way we do it here there is ZERO spam
on our systems and the only mail we get is the mail we *want* to get.
As a Spam / Virus fighting methodology that takes some beating < lol >

NB - just in case .. we also run up to date AV and Firewall too :-)

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Laptop mirror

2002-11-11 Thread Barry2
Hello Fernando,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 9:55:43 PM, you wrote:

FPNC> Hi all

FPNC> I'm going abroad in 4 days, and I'm going to use a laptop from hotel.
FPNC> As Internet is quite expensive there, I'll be as quick as possible. So
FPNC> I want to be able to check and send email.

First of all - set up the Laptop 2 days before leaving and verify it
will pick up your mail correctly :-)

FWIW - I found using Backup / Restore worked perfectly when upgrading
to another PC. Created accounts and folders etc as if I'd not changed
PC's at all :-)

FPNC> My approach is: the day before leaving home, I'll set all the accounts
FPNC> to not delete mail from servers. Then, I'll copy the registry settings
FPNC> and all the folders from desktop to laptop. Hopefully, everything will
FPNC> run smoothly and with the same config in both computers - both won't
FPNC> delete mails from server. Then, I'll check emails from laptop using
FPNC> the Message Dispatcher so I will download only interesting emails and
FPNC> leaving mailing lists and so on in the server - I'll save bandwith and
FPNC> money. When I return home, I'll copy all the files from laptop to
FPNC> desktop and then clean laptop. Lastly, I will revert config so all
FPNC> messages will be downloaded and removed from server.

On point - depending on how long you will be away, will your mailbox
on the server hold the number of messages ? Also, if you leave
everything on the server then every time you log on with your laptop
you'll have to download and review *all* the files on the server - and
again, depending on the number of files that may take some time to do
and the whole object is to spend a little time on-line ??

Maybe some time making sure only essential files are left on the
server may save time overall !

Best regards,
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 98 4.10 Build  

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[2]: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Scott Johnson

That would make sense.  If the windows were closed but he never hit
cancel first...  Of course he never authorized the connection so the
cancel request may not have been sent even if he did click it.  ;)
Hmmm...  Not sure.

*** === *** === *** === *** === *** === *** === *** === ***
Monday, November 11, 2002, 8:36:38 PM, you wrote:

>> exactly, I understand why it tried to connect, but once I closed all the
>> windows, it KEPT trying to connect back to me

mj> If the connection was closed forcibly (i.e., the client didn't get a
mj> chance to send an abort request to the server), the server was still trying
mj> to talk to the client until some timeout occurred.

mj> .marek jedlinski


Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[4]: AVG plug in after re-installing?

2002-11-11 Thread rick
Hello DG,

Monday, November 11, 2002, 9:51:10 PM, you wrote:

DRS> Hash: SHA1

DRS> Monday, November 11, 2002
DRS> 9:37:21 PM
DRS> RE: "AVG plug in after re-installing?"

DRS> Greetings rick,

DRS> On Saturday, November 9, 2002, 1:37:44 PM, you wrote:

r>> If you read the url I posted to thomas,
r>> on page
r>> 19 (pdf document) virus bulletin review explains clearly why they used
r>> a older version of grisoft for the tests. There appeared to be
r>> technical difficulties with grisoft. The AVG product caused blue
r>> screens, and failed to update properly.

DRS> H. Been using AVG Pro in conjunction with Fprot Antivirus for a
DRS> long time. I would question the results of these claims of failure, on
DRS> the behalf of Grisoft, based simply on the fact that the testers were
DRS> unable to run the current version of the AV without BSoD's (haven't run
DRS> into that on ANY of the workstations here running Win95 through WinXP
DRS> and there are 200+) which inclines me to believe that the testing
DRS> company is having some serious problems with their OS's.

DRS> As a network engineer and lead IS/IT I can say that no AV solution is
DRS> 100% however Grisoft's AVG has yet to show any type of failure rate
DRS> that is claimed above.

DRS> Thanks.

Bias is a wonderful thing in this world and so is belief.  Vendors
submit their products to virus bulletin for testing. The results
speak for themselves. AVG is horrible. The one test you quote when AVG
had BSOD problems is only one time. What about the other 17
failures? What is grisofts excuse?  There is also a society called the 'flat earth
society' who believe the earth is flat. There is also a group of
people who do not believe that humans landed on the moon.  I am not
going to argue you the merits of the moon/flat earth societies but i
will debate the validity of AVG.  If you would research AVG via virus
bulletin then perhaps you would learn and not be so biased.  AVG is a
poor performer and the testing clearly shows this.

Here is quote from virus bulletin test of AVG nov, 2001

"It managed to produce a smattering of false positives in the clean
test set which, akin to the previous product, scuppered AVG's attempt
at gaining a VB100% award. AVG was also notable in this test for
missing files in all of the test sets rather than the more limited
selection which characterized detection rates over all products.
Particularly surprising was the repeated missing of the .HTA sample of
JS/Kak.A which has bee in the wild for a number of years."

ON-DEMAND test results for AVG

#of viruses missed during this test by AVG:
in-the-wild : 1
macro   : 20
polymorphic : an outstanding 167
standard: 66

total viruses missed : 254

test machine november 2001 was WindowsNT
also there were numerous false positives.

Why don't you investigate their testing methods. You put a virus on the computer and 
see if the product can
detect it in default setting.

Therefore if I had sent you the JS/KaK.A virus then you would have
become infected with it probably unless you took other precautions
because AVG would not have detected it even after this virus had been
out for more than 2 years.  And you defend this product?

Best regards,

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re[3]: how to efficiently fight against spam with the bat!

2002-11-11 Thread Mitch Wagner
Barry2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said on Monday, November 11, 2002, 7:18:49 PM

> Again, just is a waste of bandwidth and to scan through such a folder
> would take longer than to go through the headers in the Mail
> Dispatcher ... not that it's the time angle I'm bothered about, but
> surely it's more tedious to go through a whole folder full of Spam
> just to weed out what you'd pick up in a matter of seconds before you
> downloaded ??

> I guess everyone has their own way of using TB! - and for me that is
> one of its great strengths - but I can assure you that pre-scanning
> the headers first isn't tedious in the slightest - on a dial-up
> connection it can be more tedious just watching all that rubbish come
> down the phone line < lol >

> Each to their own - but the original question was about how to
> efficiently fight Spam  the way we do it here there is ZERO spam
> on our systems and the only mail we get is the mail we *want* to get.
> As a Spam / Virus fighting methodology that takes some beating < lol >

> NB - just in case .. we also run up to date AV and Firewall too :-)

Aren't you concerned about losing legitimate mail in the spam screen?

Mitch Wagner

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 1

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: FYI:Glyph

2002-11-11 Thread Leif Gregory
Hi Scott,

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, at 12:38:51 [GMT -0600] (which was 11:38 AM where
I live) you wrote:

SJ> Ok...enough teasing.  I like what I saw.  Now what do I need to do
SJ> or where do I go to find out how to USE them? I can't read the web
SJ> site above till I find a translator. :( I'm discussing that issue
SJ> in another thread.

All you need to do is extract the glyphs.bmp file from the compressed
.ZIP, and place it in the C:\Program Files\The Bat! directory (or
whatever directory if you didn't use the default). If you decide you
want to try another glyphs.bmp, just extract that one and overwrite
the previous one. If you want to get back to the default glyphs, just
delete the glyphs.bmp file from the C:\Program Files\The Bat!

Leif Gregory 

List Moderator (and fellow registered end-user)
PCWize Editor  /  ICQ 216395  /  PGP Key ID 0x7CD4926F
Web Site 
Using The Bat! 1.62/Beta6 under Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3 
on a P4 1.6Ghz OC'd to 2.32Ghz with 512MB.

Tagline of the day:
A one-bit brain with a parity error. 

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Laptop mirror

2002-11-11 Thread Fernando P. Nájera Cano
Hash: SHA1

Hi all

I'll reply to all of you here, in one message (to save time). I know I
shouldn't because if you browse by thread blah blah blah... Sorry! O:)

B> First of all - set up the Laptop 2 days before leaving and verify
B> it will pick up your mail correctly :-)

Sure! A good remark, isn't it? :)

B> On point - depending on how long you will be away, will your
B> mailbox on the server hold the number of messages ?
ACM> Be sure that your mailbox (POP account) has a good enough capacity
ACM> to store all that traffic.

I hope so. After all, I'm paying for hosting/email and they say "200
MB storage" including web+email+mysql so it should. If not, someone is
going to receive a "thankyou" email :

Anyway I'll be away only for 3 days.

B> Also, if you leave everything on the server then every time you log
B> on with your laptop you'll have to download and review *all* the
B> files on the server - and again, depending on the number of files
B> that may take some time to do and the whole object is to spend a
B> little time on-line ??

Ok, this could be a little problem (more than 150 messages a day). But
I think that using Dispatcher should be faster than downloading them
using a 56k modem (well, I've used DSL for so long that I don't
remember the "speed" of a modem...)

Anyway, I don't want to miss an email (except spam, you know) so I'll
do it this way.

JN> Don't forget that you may not be able to use the same SMTP server
JN> from your new, itinerant locations.

No problem here. Using my own domain let me send email from any place
(using auth).

JN> (For example, what registry settings have you copied?)
ACM> Yes, this will work provided that the TB! installations share
ACM> the same paths for the installation and working (Mail) directories.

mmm... All of them :) Export to txt + Find&Replace paths + Import
again to registry should be fine :))

JN> I also have configured a web-based mail service to pull mail from
JN> my POP server if necessary.

I have it too. But I won't use it if I can avoid it, it is slower than

Thank you all!

Best regards,

Fernando Nájera
- -- 
Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

Version: PGP 8.0 (Build 349) Beta


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

Re: Automatically zipping attachments?

2002-11-11 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello rick,

On Mon, 11 Nov 2002 14:40:33 -0500 GMT (12/11/02, 02:40 +0700 GMT),
rick wrote:

> I don't know if you can automatically call up a zip/rar utility and
> have it automatically compress it for you in TB.

Yes you can. :-)

The way to do it is to first export the attachment (save to tmp
directory or so) and then use "Run external program" under Options (in
the filter dialog). The call would be to WinRar or whichever zip
utility you use, and this utility's comannd line paramter to zip the
file pointed to.

The idea is pretty much the same as the "second spampal filter"
somewhere on the TBUDLInfo site.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so

Message reply created with The Bat! 1.62/Beta7
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build  A 
using an AMD Athlon K7 1.2GHz, 128MB RAM

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: