A bit perplexed here ... .gif attachments not being displayed within received HTML emails.

2007-12-06 Thread subscriber2list
Hi Folks,

I had not noticed this until recently ... .gif attachments do not show
up within the body of received HTML email messages, but .jpg's do without any
problem.  .gif attachments do show up in side pane though.  However,
when I click on them to be displayed, while a display window is
opened, nothing is displayed in it.

I also tried to save these .gif attachments and the save function
didn't seem to work properly as nothing was actually saved to the
designated folder that I selected to save them in.

Bat version is 3.99.29

I had recently updated from 3.99.1 version.

OS is Win98 SE.

I did search the Ritlab QA's for this problem but didn't see any real
references to this problem.  I did see where when folks tried to
append an attachment to their emails it didn't show up (I tried that
and I also have that problem too apparently), but this .gif thing I'm
sure is something entirely different (I think).

I also looked to see what settings allowed what attachments to be
displayed and saw where .jpg, .gif, et al were allowed.  But right now
I'm not sure where I find these settings again!  LOL!

Is anyone else experiencing this sort of behavior re: .gif's?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Maintenance - getting rid of deleted messages from various folders ... they seem to be stuck, for lack of a better word

2006-09-14 Thread subscriber2list

Using Bat Version 2.11.2.

Recently while performing Maintenance on selected folders I ran across
something that surprised me.

Over the years I've been fat, dumb and happy deleting messages from
various Inboxes which have seemingly been moved the deleted messages
to the trash folder. I knew these messages can be restored if need be
... if done before I have taken any action to perform Maintenance.
From what I just read (and I may have misinterpreted it), it seems
these deleted messages are still contained in whatever folder you
delete them from, rather than completely moved to the trash folder and
archived there, so to speak, if they need be restored.

However, while performing Maintenance, I paid a wee bit more attention
when I selected the Inbox folder on one of my accounts.  Lo and
behold, while The Bat! displayed the number of messages contained
within the Inbox folder and the total size of these messages, I
noticed a large number under the columnar heading of Deleted in the
Maintenance Folder Centre window. I thought What the heck?  I also
noticed in other folders much smaller numbers under the Deleted
columnar heading. So ... I selected these smaller folders to
perform maintenance on, selected Compression (delete messages) and
when the process had been completed, the numbers under the Deleted
column disappeared along with appropriate informational messages being
displayed in the Folder Maintenance Centre's display window. Good

But when I tried to do the same process with various Inboxes that had
much larger numbers, i.e., 40K+, under the Deleted column, it seemed
not to work properly.  The Folder Maintenance Centre's window  just
displayed forever.  The progress bar eventually filled up to the end,
but the process appeared to be still running on the surface.  However,
when I looked to some how much CPU process time was being used by this
activity ... it was down to nothing ... zero, zilch ... so I figured
the process had run its course, however, there was no indication of
this from the displayed window at all ... meaning no message was
displayed the read similar to folder such and such has been
processed, so many messages removed and amount of space saved.

S ... I then took the following action of selecting under the
Folder menu the Browse deleted messages option.  Yup, the messages
were still there! I was able to undelete these messages, one at a
time, and have them restored to the Inbox folder.  Deleting them again
did not seem to get rid of them.

Is there a way to retrieve all these deleted messages in mass versus a
one by one process and really get rid of them?  I wish to get rid of
them as obviously they occupy quite a bit of space.

Thanks in advance.

A Midget amongst The Bat! Giants!

Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

What is the name of the file that contains the list of email addresses that are displayed when one

2004-10-14 Thread subscriber2list
Hello tbudl,

... opens a new message?  The email addresses are displayed when one
clicks on the double downward pointing caret arrows in the To:

What I wish to do is delete some of the names from this list, but,
thus far, have not found the specific list or any option that
initiates this list to be created. I haven't created any personal
address books, sooo ... Will keep looking!

Thanks in advance.

A Midget amongst The Bat! Giants!

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Is there a way to temporarily disable/turn-off the Connection Centre capability while The Bat! is open?

2004-07-23 Thread subscriber2list

I'm looking for a way to temporarily turn off the Connection Centre
feature for short periods of time.  Is this possible?  If so, how does
one go about it?  Hopefully, it is only a matter of selecting one or
two options at most.  Going into each account to stop the checking for
emails is a pain.

Yes, I checked the tbudl archives, but could find nothing specific in
regards to this action.

Thanks in advance.

A Midget amongst The Bat! Giants!

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

How does one activate/use the Mailing List option that I see greyed out under the Specials Menu?

2004-07-17 Thread subscriber2list

What does the Mailing List option under the Specials Menu do?   I
read on another list, that it was intended for use to manage mailing
lists, ie.e, subscribe, unsubscribe, contact mailing list owner, etc.

Searching the archives I found a message where Marck suggested using
the Post sub-option to start a new thread versus removing the
Follow-up information.

I'd like to play with this option, Mailing list, but it is greyed out
and looks unavailable at this time?  Is that true?  Or do I need to
set a setting to activate it?  If this is so ... would you be so kind
to point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance.

A Midget amongst The Bat! Giants!

Current version is 2.12.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: questions/suggestions for the bat...

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hi Allie,

Sunday, June 20, 2004, 7:20:57 AM, you wrote:


AM Holding the Alt key while selecting any item in the message list will
AM list only those messages containing that particular item. So opening
AM your Sent folder and alt-clicking on the name 'Alexander Gladilin' in
AM the To column will list only those messages sent to that person.
AM Moving the mouse away from the list and back will lead to a popup
AM showing the number of messages currently listed (x of y).


Sort of newbie here ... just d/l'ed V2.11.02 late last night and am
now trying to apply/practice some of the things applicable to said
version (I was using a much older version of The Bat! (V2.00.x?)
before) that I am now reading about.  Anyway, the above description of
your steps worked great; my question is ... how does one back-out of
the end result, i.e., return to where ALL messages are listed again
versus just the messages containing the particular item that resulted
from following your steps?  I didn't stumble across the right
combination of keys to be able to do that, so I had to close the
application and reopen it again to evidently reset back to normal
initial conditions.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: questions/suggestions for the bat...

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hello M, Stuart and Urban!

Wednesday, July 7, 2004, 9:19:08 AM, youse guys  wrote various suggestions,
one of which was:

MicCullen On Wednesday, July 7, 2004 @ 9:10:00 PM, subscriber2list wrote:

MicCullen [snips]

subscriber2list Anyway, the above description of
subscriber2list your steps worked great; my
subscriber2list question is ... how does one back-out of
subscriber2list the end result, i.e., return to
subscriber2list where ALL messages are listed again
subscriber2list versus just the messages
subscriber2list containing the particular item that resulted
subscriber2list from following your steps?

MicCullen esc :-)

Hey, thanks for your quick responses.  I read in a later email message
that this action was a Tip of the Day.  I wonder if the Tip told
you how to back out of it, as well?  I'm trying as many suggestions as
folks make here on tips and tricks, but sometimes they tell me the
path to follow, but the not the path of how to return ... hm,

Thanks again.  Really do appreciate your contributions!!!

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: serial number and checksum for TheBat

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Anne,

Tuesday, July 6, 2004, 7:54:02 PM, you wrote:


A Steve,

A If you buy it from somewhere other than Ritlabs direct (as I did
A from Amazon.co.uk) the serial number that comes with it is a
A single number, which has to be entered onto the Ritlabs auth reg
A page here: https://support.ritlabs.com/authreg.htm. This then
A generates the keys that are needed for registration.

It would seem I have a similar problem as I downloaded the upgrade
V2.11.02 and installed it flawlessly.  It went pretty smoothly, but to
my surprise, it appears to be a non-registered 10-day trail version. I
previously had V2.00.nn installed and registered, but that didn't seem
to matter in my case.  Now, the version I had was given to me from a
friend who tried it and didn't like The Bat! ... too complicated for
him he said, so that may be part of the problem.  And, come to think
of it, he may have registered it with his name, etc., but I'mpretty
sure he gave me serial number and other pertinent data I needed, but
... need to find it.  Anyway, using the newly downloaded and installed
V2.11.02 software and hoping to resolve this issue, I attempted via
the Help menu to read the steps in How to Register by selecting said
option and I get an informational message that lists a super long url
to RitLabs and essentially reads Access is denied.

I will be contacting RitLabs as I'm playing with a 10-day Trail
version here, but I do have a question.  If things don't get resolved
with them within the 10-day trail period, can I restore my previous
version, i.e., V2.00.nn?  Or am I S.O.L.?

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: serial number and checksum for TheBat

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, July 7, 2004, 10:54:36 AM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

MB On Wednesday, July 07, 2004, 9:48 AM, you wrote:

s I will be contacting RitLabs as I'm playing with a 10-day Trail
s version here, but I do have a question.  If things don't get resolved
s with them within the 10-day trail period, can I restore my previous
s version, i.e., V2.00.nn?  Or am I S.O.L.?

MB I recall, I think, reading on a thread somewhere that you can revert
MB to previous versions of 2.00xx if you upgraded from a 2.00x
MB version--as you did.

MB Reverting back to a 1.xx from a 2.xx I recall as not being possible.
MB I'm going to do a Search in my personal archives for you about this in
MB just a sec.

Oooh, TY, TY, TY!  That's most gracious of you.  With all you already
have on your plate, I really do appreciate your efforts!  I've got 9
days left, so you have ... time!  :grin:  aaah, :gdr:  I'm hoping it
gets resolved in a timely manner as I am finding V2.11.02 ... pretty
nice overall, but I always do like a fall-back position, if possible!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: serial number and checksum for TheBat

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, July 7, 2004, 11:15:23 AM, you wrote:

MB Hello Mary!

MB On Wednesday, July 07, 2004, 9:54 AM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

s I will be contacting RitLabs as I'm playing with a 10-day Trail
s version here, but I do have a question.  If things don't get resolved
s with them within the 10-day trail period, can I restore my previous
s version, i.e., V2.00.nn?  Or am I S.O.L.?

MB I recall, I think, reading on a thread somewhere that you can
MB revert to previous versions of 2.00xx if you upgraded from a 2.00x
MB version--as you did.

MB subscriber2list, I have not found that thread yet, but I did find the
MB following on Search in a post by Allie Martin to someone who wanted to
MB transfer his copy of The Bat! to his own new machine.

MB I think it is basically bad news for you. I think your best course
MB will be to buy The Bat! in your own name. Perhaps you can get someone
MB to give it to you for your birthday?  Just kidding.

Oh well!  Hey, my birthday is coming up in August!  Do I have any
friends on this list ... I can send my mailing address off-list?  LOL!
Just kidding!

MB But the EULA does seem to plainly forbid your friend to have given you
MB his copy.

Oh, yes, the End User's Losing Again (EULA) document, huh?  Hhhhm, I
wonder how his giving it to me (as a birthday present - yes, that's a
stretch, folks!) since he didn't like it or didn't want to use it
after he purchased it and it only resides/resided on one computer ...
mine!  Oh well, I'm not going to debate it, but it would seem you
can't give it as a boxed gift.  While I agree with most EULA
provisions this is one I really don't necessarily agree, but who am I?
Perry Mason? Matlock? Johnnie Cochran? Hhhh, I wonder how many
recognize those names, huh?  LOL!

Thanks again, Mary.  No problem, but if I disappear for awhile ... you
know why as it appears I may have been illegal according to their
EULA, but I'm good to go for another nine (9) days!  Still don't
understand why the How To Register function doesn't seem to work ...
I would expect it to direct me to the enumerated URL and I could go on
from there.  Oh well ...

MB Begin quote:

MB Friday, February 13, 2004, 6:02:52 AM  (Fri, 13 Feb 2004 06:02:52 -0500)

MB ,- / From EULA \
MB | You are granted a non-exclusive licence to use the program on one
MB | computer at a time. The program may not be rented, leased or
MB | transferred. 

MB End quote.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: serial number and checksum for TheBat

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, July 7, 2004, 11:40:24 AM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

MB On Wednesday, July 07, 2004, 10:28 AM, you wrote:

s Oooh, TY, TY, TY!  That's most gracious of you.  With all you already
s have on your plate, I really do appreciate your efforts!  I've got 9
s days left, so you have ... time!  :grin:  aaah, :gdr:  I'm hoping it
s gets resolved in a timely manner as I am finding V2.11.02 ... pretty
s nice overall, but I always do like a fall-back position, if possible!

MB You will probably want to take your thanks back when you read my
MB follow-up message to Mary on this thread! My commiserations to you.
MB Anyway, I did try. :(

Yes, I got the message, but I still thank you for your efforts.  I
have no real problem with it overall, but do think the area of a
gift is something that has to be handled very carefully ... meaning,
if another person, say a wife or close friend, buys the software for
another person, they need to jump through a few hoops to do it right.
Now, many people are just not that savy per se as they are simply used
to buying boxed software, wrapping it up and giving it to the
intended recipient.  Yes, my situation is different and I have openly
stated the situation ... so I have no qualms ... don't totally agree,
but no qualms.  I think it is a good product, but fear it may be going
the Incredimail direction.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Dictionaries and Spell Checker

2004-07-07 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Britt and Roelof,

I find this interesting.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004, 12:03:43 PM, you wrote:

BH Hi Roelof,

 You can select the language?

BH Yes.

I see where one can select either American English, American English
(CSAPI) or British English dictionary.

Could I create ... say, a German dictionary (with file type of .tlx,
.dic or .txt) and add the file to the list of dictionaries?  And if
so, is there an option somewhere I could than add German option to
the Spell Checker's list of available languages?

It looks like the import option only imports file type of .txt.

Hhhhmm, looks like I'm asking some of your prior questions in
different verbiage, but the possibilities here are interesting.

  How do you see that it doesn't work? Won't it be/stay
the   selected
or  don't you agree with the solutions?

BH If AmE is chosen, every single word in the mail is underlined with
BH red. As soon as I choose BrE instead, the lines disappear. Very
BH strange indeed.

BH BTW, what about these two questions?

 Oh, but in that case I must surely be able to manually copy all the
 words in my own .dic file into UserDic? My .dic file contains
 thousands of words that I've added to it over the years, and then I
 wouldn't have to add each word again to TB UserDic every time it comes
 up. Am I right?

Looks like this should work.  Have you try it yet?  Perhaps, use a
reduced subset of your currently defined .dic file.

 TB would have no means to distinguish between languages.

 But TB UserDic now contains words from different languages. Hence my
 question if I should use one dictionary for each language to add new
 words to. If I add them all to UserDic, how does TB then distinguish
 between those languages?

Yup, I would like to know too :grin:

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Seeking confirmation of my interpretation of Key Nomenclature ...

2004-07-02 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Thomas,

Thursday, July 1, 2004, 12:35:52 PM, you wrote:


s ShiftCtrl+Left or something similar.  I started wondering what
s they might have meant by Left ...

TF It's ambiguous. It can mean left arrow or left mouse botton. So
TF people will usually be more specific.

I agree wholeheartedly, but ... I must still search for specific ones
to enumerate for further clarification.

Would you, by any chance, be able to point me in the right direction
for a list of the currently defined key combinations used in TB!?   I
searched the TB! Help section, but ... alas, it wasn't much of a help.
I think I've seen such a list, but do not remember where ... my bad!

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Seeking confirmation of my interpretation of Key Nomenclature ...

2004-07-02 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Thomas,

Friday, July 2, 2004, 3:09:44 PM, you wrote:


s Would you, by any chance, be able to point me in the right direction
s for a list of the currently defined key combinations used in TB!?

TF Click on the link at the bottom of each message and look for the FAQ
TF file, or go directly to
TF http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBFAQ.html
TF and click on + Is there a compiled list of keyboard shortcuts?.

Thank you, Sir!

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Cyrille,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 5:19:14 AM, you wrote:

C Hello Subscriber2list,

C Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 12:17:21 AM, you wrote:

 Then I displayed the View option menu of the message itself and no
 Follow-up menu selection was offered.  Oh well ... not a biggy to me
 as I can always just create a new message with new subject field
 content, but what Greg described seemed a very handy, dandy thing to
 learn to do ... but, alas, I have failed ... to comprehend something
 or ... Follow-up is not an option with The Bat! Version 2.0 AFAICT.

C You can edit the 'Follow-up' header whenever you are editing a
C message:

C 1) At the top of your editor window you see the editable headers like
C'From:', 'CC:', 'Subject'.

By editor window here, I assume you mean the window that resulted
from my hitting the Reply selection.

C 2) If you can not find between these headers there the 'Follow-up'
Cheader, simply right-click on any of the other header titles
C(on the title at the left, not on the field itself).

I right-clicked on all of the header titles (not the fields
themselves) one by one and got the same result ... a context menu did
open giving me a list of 14 possibilities ... along with the option
selection to Edit Headers.

C 3) The context menu which opens gives you the possibilities to show
C(and to hide) 12 different headers. Among them you find also the
C'Follow-up' header.

No Follow-up possibility was in the context menu of possibilities.
Nor do I quite understand the show and hide reference, but suspect
that is applicable to the newer version releases.  I am using an older
version of The Bat!, Version 2.0.0 (from the About option) (will have
to look for specific other numbers, if needed).

C 4) If you click on 'Follow-up' in this context menu, the 'Follow-up'
Cheader will be shown as an editable header field like 'From:', 'CC:',
C'Subject', etc.

Again, not available to click on.

C 5) In case you are writing a new message this new field will simply be
Cempty. In case you reply or forward a message, TB will
Cautomatically put in the field the message ID of the message you
Creply to (or you forward) and the IDs of the other messages which
Chave been in the 'References' header of the message you reply to
C(or you forward).

Possible of note, is I selected the Edit Headers of the context menu
and it displayed The Bat! -Preferences window with Message Headers
highlighted.  In this window it listed all the header info that makes
up the context menu and a few more.  One of the headers listed, but
not displayed in the context menu is Message-ID ... having entry of NO
to both Address List and Editor (the other three not listed are
Mailer, Date Created, Date Received).

I mention Message-ID as it seems it should come into play when one
changes the Subject field somehow ... if I remember correctly from
reading a few other messages.

Oh well ... Cyrille, thanks for your very gracious and detailed help.
Pretty good steps to follow.  BTW, my Dad's name was Cyrille ;)

Take care,


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Common courtesy on threading!

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Adam,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 10:57:09 AM, you wrote:

A Hello subscriber2list,

A Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 7:47:21 PM, you wrote:

s I hit Reply to create a reply message and actually changed the subject
s field to read This is only a test 

s Then I displayed the View option menu of the message itself and no
s Follow-up menu selection was offered.  Oh well ...

A Ok. That would be different then.


A On mine, I can see

A  From:
A at the top
A and these two at the bottom:

A  Follow up:
A  Return-path:

A On mine, I can see 12 header items listed in this menu. How many for you?

On my context menu I had 14 header items along with an Edit Headers
option which opened up The Bat! - Preference window displaying Message
Headers info.  Pretty slick overall!

A Cyrille has revealed that this list is available in at least two
A places.

Yes, I just finished reading his very thorough description and
responded a wee bit ago.

Thanks for your help and suggestions.


Best Regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Seeking confirmation of my interpretation of Key Nomenclature ...

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Howdy All

I just want to confirm that I am interpreting commands that are listed in various 
emails correctly, as I do try them, but lots of times they don't work for me.  LOL!

For instance:

Shift+Ctrl+L  - I interpret this to mean hold down Shift+Ctrl keys and use L(eft 

Shift+Ctrl+R  - I interpret this to mean hold down Shift+Ctrl keys and use R(ight 

I'm sure I'll have a few more in time ;))

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Cyrille,


 No Follow-up possibility was in the context menu of possibilities.
 Nor do I quite understand the show and hide reference, but suspect
 that is applicable to the newer version releases.  I am using an older
 version of The Bat!, Version 2.0.0

 Oh well ... Cyrille, thanks for your very gracious and detailed help.
 Pretty good steps to follow.  BTW, my Dad's name was Cyrille ;)

C I am not your Dad. But I give you the advice to upgrade to the latest
C version (2.11.02). Don't be afraid it does not hurt (only a little
C bit).

LMAO!  Good advice, but I've never been one to have to have the
latest and greatest ... only the more tested, true and stable is
what I would like.  Heck, The Bat! people have seemed to put out more
versions in a shorter period of time than a blink of an eye!  Here's
hoping they don't rush too fast with all those wild and wonderful
newfangle features and functionality releases as it is a very good
product overall IMHO. Then again, they do have a huge number of field
testers around the world, right?  LOL!  Your folks comments will give
me a hint when to upgrade.

C P.S If your Dad had such I nice name, why did he call you
C 'subscriber2list' then???  (-:

Well, that's a loong story, but to cut to the chase, he gave my
brother the English version of Cyrille, i.e., Cyril.  I use the
subscriber2list handle and others to sort of figure out potentially
where SPAM may come from as I subscribe to many other list as well.
My name is Dirigo.

Thanks again for all your help and suggestions!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 2:09:26 PM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

MB On Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 12:54 PM, you wrote:

S Then I displayed the View option menu of the message itself and no
S Follow-up menu selection was offered

MB Now that you've been through all the trial-and-error possibilities,
MB I'll chime in with my experience. When I was running TB! v. 2.00.6, I
MB had no Follow Up headers option offered anywhere.

Oooh, thanks for the input ... you must have been chuckling there for
awhile, but, Mary ... you could have saved me and others bandwidth and
grey matter.  LOL!  Just kidding 'ya!

MB It was with considerable shock, in a long thread on tbot, that I saw
MB Greg's handy routine.

Well, I guess I should have been over on the tbot thread, huh?  I
liked Greg's description of how-to and thought it a great function.
He didn't chime in when I asked the initial question, so either he
is/wa very busy and didn't see it or thought Hey, I don't want to
rehash it.

MB Skeptical, I gave it a try, and it did work. In fact, once I ticked
MB the Follow Up option, that header remained in my Edit Mail Message
MB window whenever I was replying to a message. The line was occupied by
MB the ID display header in the View Folder window.


MB Sometimes I untick it, just to save my viewing headers space.

Understand ... save the screen real estate.

 MB I think it's probably now definite that versions 2.00.0 through
 MB 2.00.6 do not contain these options.

 I think you're probably correct here.
MB I stayed there for a long time, perfectly happy. Finally took the
MB plunge and upgraded. That went smooth as silk--just downloaded right
MB over my old TB! With The Bat! closed, of course.

Well, good for you!  I too am perfectly happy (within reason, that is
In time I will more than likely take the plunge, but I'm wondering
how does RIT price all these upgrades?  What I mean is ... every time
there is a new release, does one have to pay for the upgrade?  It
would seem so, but they release so many upgrades within a short period
of time, they're beginning to remind me of a few other software

MB If you want this handy routine, you could try upgrading. It's free to
MB all 2.xx users.

I'm not quite sure I understand ... the handy routine is free if I
upgrade?  Do I pay for the actual upgrade, i.e., from Version 2.00.x
to Version 2.11.x?  I would think so, but since I haven't been into
upgrading very much, I most certainly do not know.

Hey, next time you see where I'm digging myself into a hole here ...
please yell a wee bit earlier and ... pull me out.

Thanks, Mary.  I really do appreciate your comments and what you have
experienced with your past versions of The Bat!  It is a good product
and I do like it.  Kind of a fun product to me.  It opens up so many
opportunities to ask so many questions.  Take care.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Test using References (Follow up ) ... Changing the Subject Field Verbiage

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Terry,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 2:30:26 PM, you wrote:

TGM Hello subscriber2list,

TGM Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 10:54:48 AM, you wrote:

 Again, not available to click on.

TGM I think follow up would be references in version 2.00.

Not sure if this is going to work, but ... I obviously hit Reply to your original 
message, changed the Subject field content, selected References from the context 
menu which displayed a number of message numbers, deleted them and now will send this 
off and see ... what happens!

Best regards,
 subscriber2listmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[3]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Terry,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 2:30:26 PM, you wrote:

TGM Hello subscriber2list,

TGM Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 10:54:48 AM, you wrote:

 Again, not available to click on.

TGM I think follow up would be references in version 2.00.

I think you're right-on based upon the earlier test message I sent.  I used 
References and esentially followed the steps enumerated by Greg (and Cyrille).  I 
viewed the source of the outgoing modified test email and saw where those referenced 
Message-IDs had been removed (as I had actually deleted them from the Reference field 
in test message).

It appeared to accomplish what Greg originally described in regards to Follow-up.

Unless I hear differently young man (assuming you're younger than I) ... thanks a 

Note: this is a reply to your earlier message with everything in its original state 
except ... I have included the References field ... with the message-ids displayed.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[5]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Terry,


 Unless I hear differently young man (assuming you're younger than
 I) ... thanks a bunch!

TGM Only if you were born before 1960. ;-)

LOL!  Yup ... way back ... push 'em back ... well, may be not that far
back .. 1945 or there abouts ...

Best regards,
 subscriber2listmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[4]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Howdy Ben,


BA  The only time i had to pay to upgrade was when the bat went from 1.xx
BA  to  2.xx.  All  the other times i have upgrade it has been free... it
BA  will  be  for  you  too. If you upgrade from 2.00.x to 2.11.x or even
BA  2.12.x  it  is  FREE.  no charge. Ritlabs dont charge for these minor
BA  upgrades.  They  try  and  use  these  update  for  bug fixes and new
BA  functions.

Thanks for the clarification ... guess I might just upgrade sooner
than I thought! ;)


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:47:57 PM, you wrote:


MB Sorry about the ambiguous construction of my sentence in the post
MB you're replying to, where I said, It's free.  :) Upgrading from
MB v.2.00.x to any subsequent version is definitely free. Including
MB to the latest (current) one: v. 2.11.02

I don't think you were ambiguous ... I just always like to confirm
what I think I've read ... possibly a bad habit on my part.


MB I just ignore the new features which I don't understand. It's entirely
MB feasible to do that. So I don't use any Virtual Folders, and I never
MB did use any color groups (although these were available long ago in
MB earlier versions).

MB The features I like are:

MB 1) Viewing mail on the Mail Dispatcher before downloading
MB 2) Address Book templates
MB 3) Quick templates
MB 4) Making filters--once a slight learning curve is mastered

Thanks for the input.

MB I would dearly love to banter with you here, but I already have too
MB bad a reputation for long posts.

Hey, bantering is an art form ... just not always desirable on an
email list, so ... I'll try not to also.

MB I didn't hang back from this thread out of a desire to be mean. I just
MB felt shy, in case I didn't fully understand what was being talked
MB about. I also have a pretty good reputation for getting my foot in my
MB mouth, here and elsewhere. :) And for rambling and getting OT.

Oh, sounds like me ... we could be the dynamic duo that Marck,
Lief, et al wonder Why are they using The Bat!  Just kidding, guys
(and gals)!

MB Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
Here comes another one of those dudes?  Mary, I think I just might!
I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

P.S.  Have you been trouted yet?  Sounds like a great honor ... I
see where one of the moderators earned such an award ... LOL!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 4:22:55 PM, you wrote:

MB Hello subscriber2list!

MB On Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 3:09 PM, you wrote:

TGM Only if you were born before 1960. ;-)

s LOL!  Yup ... way back ... push 'em back ... well, may be not that far
s back .. 1945 or there abouts ...

MB You delightful young puppy! (Have you tried View Threads by References in
MB View/View threads by, in v. 2.00.0 yet?)

Aaah, so I'm a young whipper-snapper, huh?  LOL!  Anyway ... to stay
on The Bat! topic, No, I have not as of yet tried View Threads by
References (am almost sure at one time or another I have - but didn't
really understand what the true effect/result of my actions was at the
time - you know ... I was just pushing the buttons or making various
selections to see what would happen, i.e., how stable The Bat!
was/is!), but promise to do so.

MB Here's doddering old Mary, born c. 1927. :)

Well, I think you're a pretty sharp lady myself.  I've read some of
your prior comments in earlier emails ... you've got spirit, gumption
... you're tough ... keep it up!


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Mary,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 4:44:19 PM, you wrote:


s Oh, sounds like me ... we could be the dynamic duo that Marck,
s Lief, et al wonder Why are they using The Bat!  Just kidding, guys
s (and gals)!

Aaaah, gsh!  Do you think Lief is gonna git me?  My fast fat
fingers misspelled his name ... shame on me, shame on me, shame on me.
Sorry, Leif ... I hope this doesn't mean you'll not help me in the
near future ... I figure you will in the far future as our memories
tend to fade ...

MB They know why *I'm* using The Bat!--because it's absolutely the best
MB e-mail client in the known universe!

Well, that's a very strong statement, but I think I can agree with it
with some reservations.

MB Subscriber2list, would you consider subscribing to TBOT?

s Do you think they'd let me?  Welcome me with open arms or just think
s Here comes another one of those dudes?  Mary, I think I just might!
s I'm sure I would enjoy everyone and learn a thing or two besides.

MB We'd be overjoyed to see you there. We don't always have 600-plus
MB posts every day, as happened over the weekend. Just when some of us
MB feel like partying. g

Aaah, noch eins!

MB Click on the URL at the bottom of this message for info. Or read your
MB Welcome to TBUDL letter for the subscribe to address.

Will do.



Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Follow-up header (was: Common courtesy on threading!)

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Leif,

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 5:20:26 PM, you wrote:

LG Hello subscriber2list,


LG You're toast bud!!! :grin:



Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Seeking confirmation of my interpretation of Key Nomenclature ...

2004-06-30 Thread subscriber2list
Hey Martin,

Thank you so much for responding!

Wednesday, June 30, 2004, 5:28:41 PM, you wrote:

MW Hash: SHA1

MW Hello subscriber2list,

MW On 30 June 2004, 14:33 -0400 (19:33 local time) subscriber2list [S] in

S I just want to confirm that I am interpreting commands that are
S listed in various emails correctly, as I do try them, but lots of
S times they don't work for me. LOL!

MW What are you trying to do?

LOL!  You know .. sometimes I wonder what I'm trying to do myself! No,
seriously, I had been reading some of the emails to the list and they
make reference to this sequence of keys or that sequence of keys.
Most of the time, what is described makes sense to me, but sometimes
... I guess a senior moment ... a few of them don't.  The darn problem
is when I thought I would submit this question I couldn't find the
messages I had been reading within a reasonable amount of time, so ...
I make up these combo's, thinking I was reiterating what I had read.

It's possible someone had actually written:

ShiftCtrl+Left or something similar.  I started wondering what
they might have meant by Left ...

Well, I will continue to search for specifics and resubmit my question
then.  Sorry for any inconvenience ... hopefully, little.



Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Common courtesy on threading!

2004-06-29 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Greg,

Sunday, June 27, 2004, 1:08:30 AM, you wrote:


GS All they have to do when subject is changed in a reply is the

GS following: 1  change subject

GS 2  select View | Follow-up

GS 3  delete message id

GS Walla now they have a reply changing the subject that starts a new
GS thread.  Common courtesy I think.

GS Just like I've done with this message.

I may be missing something here, but I tried the steps you enumerated
and when I got to step #2, under View menu option, I found no
Follow-up menu selection.  Now I'm using an older version of The Bat!,
V 2.0.  Might that be the reason?

Thanks in advance.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

The fun of losing an email folder and ... its subfolders ...

2004-06-29 Thread subscriber2list
Howdy tbud'ers,

Please forgive me if I'm a wee bit unclear as I'm never 100% sure of the correct 
terminology that applies to The Bat! 

I lost an email folder (that had a number of sub-folders containing email messages). 
 I noticed it the other day that I somehow, through my magic keystrokes of 
Shift-Ctrl-Left arrow, managed to move the email folder over and out ... meaning all 
the way out so that it stood by itself outside of its original  account folder, if 
you will.  

Anyway, I made a mental note of this at the time to move it back where it should 
belong with Shift-Ctrl-Right arrow, but ... as we older folks tend to do ... forgot to 
do so and closed The Bat! application program later that night.

The next morning  I fired up The Bat! ... and lo-and-behold, this email folder and its 
sub-folders weren't displayed by The Bat! application program and I'm thinking X-rated 
thoughts ... Oh No! *^%$!#   Never one to panic, I start poking around and managed 
to find the missing folder (and subfolders) under the hood of Windows 98SE file system 
... located at D:\thebatMAIL.  I reasoned that I could move (drag) the email folder, 
security-basics, into the account where it originally was located within the displayed 
The Bat! section ... where the accounts and subfolders are displayed.  Sure enough the 
top-level email folder was displayed by The Bat! and I was able to move it (using the 
infamous Shift-Ctrl-L or R arrows) into its alphabetical order.  BUT, the subfolders 
didn't come along and weren't displayed as I anticipated.  So I dragged them over 
individually, again at the Windows 98SE level, into the specific account where they 
originally were located, BUT, again they were not displayed by The Bat!Even doing 
maintenance and repair once the emails folders were properly located have not done the 

Any ideas how I can moved/drag these subfolders and get them positioned within the 
proper hierarchy to be displayed by The Bat!?   I still have the subfolders.  The Bat! 
version is V2.0.  Obviously I'm missing something.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Common courtesy on threading!

2004-06-29 Thread subscriber2list
Thanks Adam for your reply.

Tuesday, June 29, 2004, 3:23:45 PM, you wrote:

s I may be missing something here, but I tried the steps you enumerated
s and when I got to step #2, under View menu option, I found no
s Follow-up menu selection.  Now I'm using an older version of The Bat!,
s V 2.0.  Might that be the reason?

A Don't think so.  You just have to start a Reply first.

I hit Reply to create a reply message and actually changed the subject
field to read This is only a test 

Then I displayed the View option menu of the message itself and no
Follow-up menu selection was offered.  Oh well ... not a biggy to me
as I can always just create a new message with new subject field
content, but what Greg described seemed a very handy, dandy thing to
learn to do ... but, alas, I have failed ... to comprehend something
or ... Follow-up is not an option with The Bat! Version 2.0 AFAICT.

A That should help.  You should find it there somewhere on the menu.

A As for 3, as soon as you click on the new field displayed, all text
A there should be highlighted.  If it gets unhighlighted, you can
A highlight all again with the keyboard by cursoring down and up between
A the fields.


Best regards,

Current version is 2.11.02 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re[2]: Proper setting(s) needed (?) to advance highlighting of messages within folder when reading consecutive messages?

2004-05-27 Thread subscriber2list
Hello Allie (If I may),

Wednesday, May 26, 2004, 4:28:00 PM, you wrote:


AM These icons exist only when you open a view folder window and browse
AM from the view folder window.  So I assume that's what you're doing.
AM Most will browse using the main windows preview pane.

Yes, that's exactly what I was doing.  I opened a view folder window (although 
admittedly I did not know what to refer to it as ... to me, it was just an open 
message.  I'll have to learn the specific terminology that's applicable to The Bat!  I 
do not use the preview pane at all ... part of that probably due to my  training not 
to in Outlook/Outlook Express days, I assume.  ;-)


AM The view folder window doesn't follow the message list that you see in
AM the main window. The view folder window has its own message list which
AM is disabled by default. To activate it, go to the 'View' menu and
AM select 'Message List'. A message list should appear in the window.
AM It's this message list that you're working with and how it's sorted is
AM independent of the main windows sorting.

Thanks.  This worked although I'm not big on having view folders or view panes taking 
up extra real estate of my screen, but ... what they hey!  I can reduce the pane to 
display only two messages.  It worked pretty good.

Thanks for your responses.

Best regards,

Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Proper setting(s) needed (?) to advance highlighting of messages within folder when reading consecutive messages?

2004-05-26 Thread subscriber2list
Hello TBUDL,

I've tried the archives, but have not come up with good search argument to find a n 
answer to my question.  Hopefully, I can describe it adequately (have a severe head 
cold and am 'floating' in the grey matter section).

When I read messages successively in my Inbox (or any other folder), each message is 
displayed accordingly.   I simply open the first message I wish to read and then from 
that message open the next message or a previous message by selecting the next 
message/previous message icons(?glymphs?).  I may read a number of messages that 
way, but what I have noticed is in The Bat!'s Inbox, the highlighted message is still 
the first message that I started to read.  It has not advanced to whatever the current 
message I am reading.  Is this normal?  Or should the current message that I am 
reading be highlighted within the Inbox? 

I'm sure I have some setting amiss here, but ... haven't been able to figure it out 

Thanks in advance,


Current version is 2.10.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information: