Accidently Deleted Junk Folder

2010-04-15 Thread Tim Hamm
Hello Tbudl,

  I  accidently  deleted  my  Junk folder and would like to be able to
  bring  it  back  but  what is the procedure for doing so?  I guess I
  could  recreate  the  folder  but  how  do  I get the icon back?

Best regards,

The Bat! v4.2.33.9
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Accidently Deleted Junk Folder

2010-04-15 Thread Maurice Snellen
On Wednesday, April 14, 2010 at 21:17 (which was Thursday, April 15,
2010 at 06:17 where I am) Tim Hamm wrote:

 I accidently deleted my Junk folder and would like to be able to bring
 it back but what is the procedure for doing so? I guess I could
 recreate the folder but how do I get the icon back?

Create a new folder and call it $JUNK$


Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3
The Bat! v4.2.33.9; ; AJS v0.0; MyMacros 1.11a; 

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Accidently Deleted Junk Folder

2010-04-15 Thread Volker Ahrendt
[Reply to: »Tim Hamm« · 2010-04-15 · 06:17 h (CET)]

Moin, Tim!

   I accidently deleted my Junk folder and would like to be able to
   bring it back but what is the procedure for doing so? I guess I
   could recreate the folder but how do I get the icon back?

IMHO you just have to open the Windows Explorer and create the folder
$JUNK$. After the next start-up of The Bat! and [ctrl][shift][alt]+L
the Junk folder should be back.

HTH  Cheers!

- --
Volker Ahrendt | | The /\^o^/\! [Pro] 4.2.35
Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium [Build 7600]
Direct eMail without [The Bat!] in subject line will end in Nirvana!

»The knack of flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground
and miss.«

Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), »The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy«

Current version is 4.2.23 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-10-02 Thread Dan Grunberg
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 20:05:23 +0200 (2:05 PM EDT here) Nikola Knezevic wrote:

 Dan, ovo si ti izjavio [29.9.2004, 7:50:03 PM]:
DG Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:03:30 +0200 (4:03 AM EDT here) Nikola Knezevic wrote:

 is this a bug or a feature. I've set up a filter as described (in
 Read messages). It works only when I start it manually. When I
 mark all messages in JUNK as read (because filter sets only some
 of them as unread), exit Bat! and return, all messages remain
 read, allthough the condition of the filter is to mark as unread
 all messages with status read (+ some extra conditins).

DG This might work for you:

DG 1. If you want your Junk mail to remain in a folder when you exit
DG TheBat!, create a file for that purpose. Let's call the folder
DG SavedJunk. (If you want your Junk mail to remain in a folder when
DG you exit TheBat!, skip this step.)

DG 2. Highlight the Junk mail (not the SavedJunk folder).

 No, no, thats OK, my Junk remains in Junk folder (actually, it
 remains there for one day), but thats not important. Important thing
 is that I've set up a filter (a discussed in previous messages -
 Read), which will mark all messages inside JUNK folder as unread,
 _if_ their status is read and Recipient is one of my emails.

See (1) below.

(2) See if this might work automatically:

Use a Read messages filter with it's source folder set to JUNK. Move
all of the messages that you want to mark unread into another folder
(let's call it KnownJunk) and mark the message as unread.

 So far, it works only if I manually refilter JUNK folder (although
 the filter is set to active).

(1) Have you set the filter as follows?

Rule is:

 [x] Active

 [ ] Manual only

If that isn't the problem, consider not having the filter mark the
messages Unread, instead consider these possibilities: 

  a) Use the filter to apply a color group (let's call it Green)
 established, for this purpose, as a partial simulation unread
 for this special case. (Possibly you could filter all Green mail
 into a virtual folder into which all your other Unread mail is filtered.)

b) See (2) above.

 Then, if I mark all messages inside JUNK folder to read, after
 exiting The Bat! and restarting it again, all the messages in JUNK
 folder remain read. But I thought they should be refiltered...

Just a thought:

How about filtering

Using: The Bat! v2.12.00, BayesIt! 0.5.9,
   MyMacros 1.11, gMacrosPlugin 0.80
   Windows 2000 v5.0 - Build 2195 - Service Pack 4


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-09-29 Thread Nikola Knezevic
Dan, ovo si ti izjavio [28.9.2004, 11:38:32 PM]:
 But, as someone said, NFS doesn't quite work. Using this method,
 I've made a filter which will mark all read messages (in JUNK folder
 with my email as recipient) as unread. But it worked yesteday, and
 today it isn't working... :)

 BTW, what's the purpose of Source folder in filter conditions?

DG A selectable Source folder allows messages, that already have been
DG filtered and moved to any folder, to be filtered again by a Replied
DG filter or a Read filter. The Replied or Read filtering becomes more
DG efficient (faster), because only messages that already have been
DG recognized by other filters will be filtered again.

BTW, is this a bug or a feature. I've set up a filter as described (in
Read messages).
It works only when I start it manually. When I mark all messages in JUNK
as read (because filter sets only some of them as unread), exit Bat! and
return, all messages remain read, allthough the condition of the filter
is to mark as unread all messages with status read (+ some extra

... Life: a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatality rate.
Nikola Knezevic

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-09-29 Thread Dan Grunberg
Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:03:30 +0200 (4:03 AM EDT here) Nikola Knezevic wrote:

 is this a bug or a feature. I've set up a filter as
 described (in Read messages). It works only when I start it
 manually. When I mark all messages in JUNK as read (because filter
 sets only some of them as unread), exit Bat! and return, all
 messages remain read, allthough the condition of the filter is to
 mark as unread all messages with status read (+ some extra

This might work for you:

1. If you want your Junk mail to remain in a folder when you exit
   TheBat!, create a file for that purpose. Let's call the folder
   SavedJunk. (If you want your Junk mail to remain in a folder when
   you exit TheBat!, skip this step.)

2. Highlight the Junk mail (not the SavedJunk folder).

   TheBat! = Folder = Properties

  [x] Maximum number of stored messages is 0

  [ ] Keep messages in base on exit

  [x] Remove old messages[x] compress folder

  If you created SavedJunk

  [Copy to]

[x] SavedJunk

Using: The Bat! v2.12.00, BayesIt! 0.5.9,
   MyMacros 1.11, gMacrosPlugin 0.80
   Windows 2000 v5.0 - Build 2195 - Service Pack 4


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-09-29 Thread Nikola Knezevic
Dan, ovo si ti izjavio [29.9.2004, 7:50:03 PM]:
DG Wed, 29 Sep 2004 10:03:30 +0200 (4:03 AM EDT here) Nikola Knezevic wrote:

 is this a bug or a feature. I've set up a filter as
 described (in Read messages). It works only when I start it
 manually. When I mark all messages in JUNK as read (because filter
 sets only some of them as unread), exit Bat! and return, all
 messages remain read, allthough the condition of the filter is to
 mark as unread all messages with status read (+ some extra

DG This might work for you:

DG 1. If you want your Junk mail to remain in a folder when you exit
DGTheBat!, create a file for that purpose. Let's call the folder
DGSavedJunk. (If you want your Junk mail to remain in a folder when
DGyou exit TheBat!, skip this step.)

DG 2. Highlight the Junk mail (not the SavedJunk folder).

No, no, thats OK, my Junk remains in Junk folder (actually, it remains
there for one day), but thats not important.
Important thing is that I've set up a filter (a discussed in previous
messages - Read), which will mark all messages inside JUNK folder as
unread, _if_ their status is read and Recipient is one of my emails.
So far, it works only if I manually refilter JUNK folder (although the
filter is set to active). Then, if I mark all messages inside JUNK
folder to read, after exiting The Bat! and restarting it again, all the
messages in JUNK folder remain read. But I thought they should be

... IBM: Incredibly Boring Manuals
Nikola Knezevic

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-09-28 Thread Nikola Knezevic
Dan, ovo si ti izjavio [27.9.2004, 3:40:43 PM]:

   So, how to write filter which will append every message coming in
   JUNK from account tesla to file spam.txt?

   I've set up filter in Incoming mail for Common folders, but it
   doesn't do its job. I've even set to add colour group, just to see
   how it works, but nothing happens, until I manually refilter JUNK

DG Have you tried:

DG 1. TheBat! = Options = Prefences = Antispam

DG  [x] Mark stored junk mail as read.

DG 2. TheBat! = Account = Sorting Office/Filters = Read messages

DG  Set up your filter up in the Read messages folder.

OK, this works, but it beats me why the method using Incoming mail
doesn't work as expected (or my expectations are wrong).

But, as someone said, NFS doesn't quite work. Using this method, I've
made a filter which will mark all read messages (in JUNK folder with my
email as recipient) as unread. But it worked yesteday, and today it
isn't working... :)

BTW, what's the purpose of Source folder in filter conditions?

Nikola Knezevic

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-09-28 Thread Dan Grunberg
Tue, 28 Sep 2004 16:55:01 +0200 (10:55 AM EDT here) Nikola Knezevic wrote:

 Dan, ovo si ti izjavio [27.9.2004, 3:40:43 PM]:

   So, how to write filter which will append every message coming
   in JUNK from account tesla to file spam.txt?

   I've set up filter in Incoming mail for Common folders, but it
   doesn't do its job. I've even set to add colour group, just to
   see how it works, but nothing happens, until I manually refilter
   JUNK folder.

DG Have you tried:

DG 1. TheBat! = Options = Prefences = Antispam

DG  [x] Mark stored junk mail as read.

DG 2. TheBat! = Account = Sorting Office/Filters = Read messages

DG  Set up your filter up in the Read messages folder.

 OK, this works, but it beats me why the method using Incoming mail
 doesn't work as expected (or my expectations are wrong).

 But, as someone said, NFS doesn't quite work. Using this method,
 I've made a filter which will mark all read messages (in JUNK folder
 with my email as recipient) as unread. But it worked yesteday, and
 today it isn't working... :)

 BTW, what's the purpose of Source folder in filter conditions?

The Source folder is fixed as the Inbox for Incoming mail filters.

The Source folder is fixed as the Outbox for Outgoing mail filters.

The Source folder for Replied and Read filters is selectable.

A selectable Source folder allows messages, that already have been
filtered and moved to any folder, to be filtered again by a Replied
filter or a Read filter. The Replied or Read filtering becomes more
efficient (faster), because only messages that already have been
recognized by other filters will be filtered again.

Using: The Bat! v2.12.00, BayesIt! 0.5.9,
   MyMacros 1.11, gMacrosPlugin 0.80
   Windows 2000 v5.0 - Build 2195 - Service Pack 4


Daniel A. Grunberg   Kensington, Maryland, USA

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Filtering inside JUNK folder

2004-09-26 Thread Nikola Knezevic
  I have several account, one of them being hosted on Linux machine,
  where I put CRM114 to filter the mail. It isn't perfect, so it misses
  a couple of spam messages, which are later picked by BayesIt. Well,
  BayesIt moves those messages to common JUNK folder, which is OK. But I
  need one more thing, and thats to append all those messages coming
  from that account to one file.

  So, how to write filter which will append every message coming in JUNK
  from account tesla to file spam.txt?

  I've set up filter in Incoming mail for Common folders, but it doesn't
  do its job. I've even set to add colour group, just to see how it
  works, but nothing happens, until I manually refilter JUNK folder.


  PS. In case you wonder why I need this, its because I have to retrain
  CRM on false negatives...

... Plavusha,Pishtolj,Pejdzer=tri P,ali ja vishe volim 3p!
Nikola Knezevic

Current version is 3.00.00 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Junk folder

2003-11-07 Thread Gerard
Hi tb,

That's a strange name, isn't it

ON Friday, November 7, 2003, 5:33:45 AM, you wrote:

tko Where is the junk folder? Or, what is a junk folder?

It is a dedicated folder for the BayesIt spamplug in that holds all the
processed emails.

tko Will it be created automatically by a spam plugin like BayesIt?


tko Can it exist as a Common Folder? Can it have any name I choose?

I have not been able to get that done.

tko Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

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Best regards,
Golfers must learn to love the challenge when they hit a ball into the
rough, trees, or sand. The alternatives--anger, fear, whining, and
cheating--do no good.

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Junk folder

2003-11-07 Thread Gordon Woolf
Hello Gerard,

On Friday, November 7, 2003, 6:45:55 PM, you wrote:

 tko Can it exist as a Common Folder? Can it have any name I choose?

 I have not been able to get that done.

I just called a new common folder $junk$ as something said
somewhere (the help files? the website?) and there it was, named
Junk mail and with the red cross.

Having got it I'm not sure whether I want it -- it collects junk
sent there by various filters I've told to send stuff there, but
when I delete from it the deleted messages go to the common trash
folder, so it turns one step into two. That may or may not be

Any other folders with special names are there that I don't know

Gordon Woolf
The Worsley Press
Hastings, Victoria, Australia  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
New Book: Success in Store - How to Start or Buy a Retail Business,
Enjoy Running It and Make Money

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Junk folder

2003-11-07 Thread Thomas Fernandez
Hello Gordon,

On Fri, 7 Nov 2003 19:27:50 +1100 GMT (07/11/2003, 15:27 +0700 GMT),
Gordon Woolf wrote:

 Having got it I'm not sure whether I want it -- it collects junk
 sent there by various filters I've told to send stuff there, but
 when I delete from it the deleted messages go to the common trash
 folder, so it turns one step into two. That may or may not be

Some people want to store the junk mail, in order to read through it
later and see whether there is a false positive. Or they just collect
junk mails in order to train another Bayesian filter later.

 Any other folders with special names are there that I don't know

All system folders:



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Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information:

Junk folder

2003-11-06 Thread tb

Where is the junk folder? Or, what is a junk folder?

Will it be created automatically by a spam plugin like BayesIt?

Can it exist as a Common Folder? Can it have any name I choose?

Current version is 2.01.3 | Using TBUDL information: