Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
-- justin ]

On Monday, May 19, 2003, at 06:41  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

 So we need to figure out how to enforce UNINST the old Apache/ 
 if any.

 For example we could adjust MY::install to unlink it, without messing 
 with UNINST=1, though the latter will be the simplest.

Sounds okay to me. I don't know much about the MY:: stuff in 

 and I haven't tried any tests that use Apache::test using the new one.

 I think Geoff's Apache::Clean for mp1 uses it. So does older libapreq.

I just tested it with MasonX::ApacheHandler::WithCallbacks, and it 
looks like it works pretty well. It failed different tests than it did 
with the old Apache::test that I have in the distribution (which I 
didn't know was failing any!), but that's likely to be some error on my 
part or due to a change in Apache::test rather than a flaw in the 
approach you're taking to the case-insensitive problem. So I would say 
that it works pretty well.

 in our case it's then much simpler. Since we don't have 
 lib/Apache/, we can simply test:

 my $is_case_insensitive = -e catfile qw(lib Apache;

Ah, yes, of course. So there _is_ a simple way to test for it!

 Other than the convenience, Apache::Test is used in at least two books 
 ('mod_perl cookbook', and most likely 'practical mod_perl' too. So 
 it's a bummer to have these in Errata if we can find an acceptible 

It's a trade-off. Either well-documented errata for those two books, or 
potential support issues going forward. But you already know that. Your 



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 15726394 Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
-- justin ]

On Monday, May 19, 2003, at 05:08  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

 That's right. Let's try this next: I've attached a new patch, which 
 moves the creation of lib/Apache/ into a Makefile.PL. On 
 case-insensitive systems it'll overwrite lib/Apache/

That appears to work, but it didn't uninstall the old, and I 
haven't tried any tests that use Apache::test using the new one.

 I wish there was a simple test to figure out whether a filesystem is 

I think that Perl itself does something like this:

use File::Spec::Functions qw(catfile);

my $file = catfile 't', 'TestTest';
open F, $file or die Cannot open $file: $!;
close F;
my $is_case_insensitive = -e catfile 't', 'testtest';
unlink $file;

 Also could it possible that under the same OS one partition is 
 case-insensitive while the other is not? If so, what happens if the 
 package is built on one but the target is the other?

Oh, fer cryin' out loud, I don't know. Rename it Apache::Tester and 
don't worry about it, I say.



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 15726394 Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
[ This message is resent on behalf of David Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED].
-- justin ]

On Monday, May 19, 2003, at 03:43  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

 That's the trick. Each of these files contains both Apache::test and 
 Apache::Test (do you see that each has require() called twice?). So it 
 doesn't matter which one gets overwritten. Give it a try.

But you can't have them both in the tarball, because users will get an 
error when they unpack them and will send you bug reports. Here's what 
happens when I apply the patch, just to give you an idea.

mercury% patch -p0  ~/Desktop/patch  The next patch would create 
the file Apache-Test/lib/Apache/,
which already exists!  Assume -R? [n]
Apply anyway? [n] y
patching file Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
Patch attempted to create file Apache-Test/lib/Apache/, which 
already exists.
Hunk #1 FAILED at 1.
1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file 
patching file Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
patching file Apache-Test/lib/Apache/
patching file Apache-Test/lib/Apache/


David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 15726394 Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
[ This message is resent on behalf of David Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED].
-- justin ]

On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, at 08:08  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

 If an old mod_perl 1.0 is installed and it overrides Apache::Test, 
 Makefile.PL will simply fail to satisfy the requirement of a specific 
 version (because Apache::test's version is smaller than 

Not sure I follow you here. checks for such dependencies, but 
Makefile.PL, AFAIK, does not. And CPANPLUS doesn't work right, FWIW, 
because Apache::test has no version number at all, which CPANPLUS 
(mistakenly) assumes means that it's up to date.

 However taking again this track of overriding, we may still 
 have a problem in the following situation:

 root installs mod_perl 1.27 system-wide, user installs Apache::Test 
 locally (can't unlink Apache/, this can be a problem if user's 
 @INC are added after the system-wide ones. But that would be silly, 
 isn't it?

Most likely, yes.

 If we are sticking with this track, we need to figure out the way to 
 make sure that Apache/ is nuked. David, if Apache-Test includes 
 Apache/ and Apache/ is it ensured that any other 
 occurance of Apache/ will be nuked?

I think only if UNINST=1.



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
-- justin ]

On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at 05:44  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

 1) Integrate in I think we should bundle Apache::Test 
 with future versions of mod_perl to make the maintenance simple and 
 remove the original Apache::test from it.

 2) Rename Apache::Test to Apache::Tester (or else) to resolve the 
 Rename the distro Apache-Test to Apache-TestHarness (or else) to avoid 

 Looks like if we can provide a clean implementation of (1) that's 
 would be the best solution. Randy says that it shouldn't be a problem 
 with winFU. If David says that it's cool with MacOSX, let's try to 
 take this route then.

It's much more likely that someone would install 1.27 over an 
Apache::Test installation on Mac OS X than it is on Win32, apparently. 
But if you were to release 1.28 with the new integrated Apache::Test, 
it probably wouldn't be too much of a problem. You might want to post a 
quick query to to get a general feel from the Mac OS X 
Perl community.



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread Philippe M. Chiasson
[ This message is resent on behalf of Philippe M. Chiasson
[EMAIL PROTECTED].  -- justin ]

On Tue, 2003-05-13 at 07:36, Stas Bekman wrote:
 Geoffrey Young wrote:
  I actually like Apache::TestPlan, it's most of the functionality that
  this module provides. but there are a few subs that are not. May be
  this other functionality should move elsewhere.
  given that almost all of the functions from the various Test* packages
  are exported by default and almost nobody specifies an import list
  currently with Apache::Test, I wouldn't worry too much about shuffling
  stuff around later after the immediate problem has been fixed.

 This is what I see now as the simplest solution at all fronts:

 1) keep the distro name Apache-Test.

 2) s|Apache/|Apache/|

 3) contents of Apache/

 package Apache::Test;
 $Apache::Test::VERSION =3D '1.02';
 package Apache::TestPlan;
 # what was previously Apache::Test code follows

 I decided to nevertheless plug these two lines in:

 package Apache::Test;
 $Apache::Test::VERSION =3D '1.02';

 so that CPAN will still index Apache::Test, and we can still tell to
 install Apache::Test, same for dependencies list. Also that's where we
 maintain the distro's version.

 Usage-wise, the only change you have to do is this:

 perl -pi -e 's|use Apache::Test([\s;])|use Apache::TestPlan$1|' files

 Is everybody happy with that solution?

[late on this thread, but nontheless] I also like it

 Stas BekmanJAm_pH -- Just Another mod_perl Hacker mod_perl Guide ---

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E37B) E0C2 480E 7680 1AE5 3631 CB32 A107 88C3=
Q: It is impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenio=
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---End Message---

can I help with docs?

2003-05-28 Thread Jeremy Brown
[ This message is resent on behalf of Jeremy Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED].
-- justin ]


I found it pretty hard to configure flood with current documentation. I
found some good examples with the package but nothing really covering
conglomerates and other types of advanced setups.

Can I help to write some documentation regarding it?

I have figured out a few details and I can reference the code for more
details. But is there anything that has been started with this
information? There seems to be quite a bit of functionality that is
missing from the current docs.


---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
-- justin ]

On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 10:40  AM, Randy Kobes wrote:

 I'm beginning to think that, for all the up-front hassle of it,
 just renaming it to Apache::Tester or Test::Apache will avoid
 more headaches in the long run.

 That's a good point, although as Stas pointed out, it may cause
 some confusion with those already using Apache::Test.

No more so than the Apache::TestLoad solution, and probably less.

 If one views (philosophically) Apache::Test as a major upgrade to
 Apache::test (with a different API), might it be reasonable to
 consider replacing those packages that use Apache::test with
 Apache::Test? For example, in the next mod_perl 1 release,
 require Apache-Test for the tests, and do away with Apache::test?
 This would require rewriting the tests, which might be worth it
 anyway, as a major illustration that Apache-Test works equally
 well with mod_perl 1 (I'd volunteer to look at that, as I'm on
 one of the offending systems).

Even if you did port all the tests in mp1 to Apache::Test, we'd still 
have the problem of someone installing Apache::Test from CPAN, and then 
installing mod_perl 1.27 or earlier and thus restoring Apache::test. 
Lots of organizations are conservative, and wary of upgrading to a new 

 I guess one advantage to this, recalling Stas' suggestion of
 putting the functionality of Apache::test into Apache::Test, is
 that two quite distinct test frameworks don't have to,
 officially, be supported. And it also, eventually, addresses the
 problem of installing mod_perl 1 after an Apache-Test
 installation and overwriting Apache/ with Apache/


 The downside, of course, is that mod_perl 1 is very stable, and
 so major changes like this aren't desireable. Another
 disadvantage is that there's 3rd party mod_perl 1 modules that
 use Apache::test (for example, Apache-Filter), and these would be

Right, although I think many of them include Apache::test in t/lib (I 
know mine does).

 Perhaps a compromise to the above is to just do this on Win32/Mac
 OSX (or even not changing the test framework at all in mod_perl
 1, and just not install Apache/, and then just print out
 a warning that this is being done, and why. This wouldn't affect
 as many users, and in the Win32 world, and perhaps also on the
 Mac, I think users are used to major upgrades that aren't
 necessarily backwards compatible.

It just seems cleaner to me, at this point, to go with a whole new name 
and not have to deal with the _possibility_ of something like this 
leading to confusion.



David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread David Wheeler
[ This message is resent on behalf of David Wheeler [EMAIL PROTECTED].
-- justin ]

On Monday, May 5, 2003, at 07:34  PM, Stas Bekman wrote:

 I don't think this will be robust enough, since vendors tend to do 
 things in their own subtle ways. It's probably much better to 
 explicitly search @INC, rather than relying on INSTALLVENDORARCH.

Hrm, yes, I guess you're right. I was thinking that that would put it 
wherever mp1's make install put it, but vendors may have done all sorts 
of kookie things with it.

 p.s. the Apache/ is quite big but should be ok if it's never be 
 modified, which I hope is the case...

Isn't Ken Williams the maintainer?


David Wheeler AIM: dwTheory
Yahoo!: dew7e
Kineticode. Setting knowledge in motion.[sm]

---End Message---

Re: resolving Apache::Test vs. Apache::test collision

2003-05-28 Thread James G Smith
[ This message is resent on behalf of James G Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED].
-- justin ]

Stas Bekman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We have a problem with using the Apache::Test name, more correctly we have a 
problem with using the Apache/ filename. On platforms with 
case-insentive filesystems (winFU, Mac OS X) if mod_perl 1.x is installed, 
there is Apache/ (notice the lower case 't'). So when you say 'use 
Apache::Test' it loads Apache::test. Boom, nothing works.

There are several routes we can take to resolve this problem:

1. rename Apache::Test to something else. David Wheeler has proposed to use 
Apache::Tester (or even swap the sides: Test::Apache).

As much work as it would require at this point (going through and
changing all the package names, renaming files, munging CVS), I think
Test::Apache would fit in better.

What convinced me of this was a look at my test code.  At the top, ignoring
the code to test for availability, I basically have (under the new name):

use Test::Apache qw(plan have ok skip);
use Test::Apache::Request qw(GET);

plan tests = $some_number, have 'LWP';

# rest of tests here


In my non-Apache modules, I have:

use Test::More;

plan tests = $some_number;

# rest of tests here


There's a nice symmetry here.

Of course, I had to go and try combining the two :)   They seem to
work.  I am able to use Test::More to plan and report testing while I
use Apache::TestRequest to do the fetching.  This undercuts a little
the argument for Test::Apache being the better name.  We still need
the Apache::TestRequest version of GET because it knows where the
test server is.

use Test::More;

eval {
require Apache::TestRequest;
Apache::TestRequest - import(qw(GET));

my @required = qw(
my @unavailable;
if(@unavailable = grep { ! eval require $_ } @required) {
plan skip_all = The following modules are unavailable:  
 . join( , @unavailable);
exit 0;

plan tests = 1;

my $res = GET /mason/test1.html;
ok $res-content eq '[This is a Mason Page]

exit 0;


James Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED], 979-862-3725
Texas AM CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix
---End Message---

Re: can I help with docs?

2003-05-28 Thread Jacek Prucia
On Tue, 27 May 2003 18:10:47 -0700
Jeremy Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I found it pretty hard to configure flood with current documentation. I
 found some good examples with the package but nothing really covering
 conglomerates and other types of advanced setups.

That might be just because conglomerates (and megaconglomerates) aren't
implemented yet. They are a part of design, but right now topmost functional
element is farm. There is a lot of stuff to sort out, so conglomerates and
megaconglomerates won't happen any time soon.

 Can I help to write some documentation regarding it?


 I have figured out a few details and I can reference the code for more
 details. But is there anything that has been started with this
 information? There seems to be quite a bit of functionality that is
 missing from the current docs.

Yes. This is mostly my fault. I've comitted few things without providing an
example config how to use it (baseurl and auth support in particular). However
I started writting real docs some time ago, sorting things out by using every
information available (including cvs commit logs and such).

I've picked up DocBook for the job. Mostly because there are some problems
with integrating our docs with httpd-docs projects (I'll explain them later).
It schould be however quite simple to migrate later from DocBook XML to
httpd-docs XML. If you don't know DocBook, then write in plain text and I'll
translate it to DocBook XML -- after all it's the content that matters.

I'll publish all my work on homepage later this day, and post URL here, so
others may also work on docs. As for commiting that stuff into CVS repo -- I
would prefer to keep docs off httpd-test/flood repo for the time being. I
remember the consensus was that we need to TR flood 1.1 (because flood-0.4 is
buggy, and a lt of fixes went in since that release), but we need some
real docs for that release. So after rolling flood 1.1 with docs, we can
discuss where to put docs, what docs to put (XML or preprocessed HTML?) and
discuss whole repo structure while we are at it :))

Jacek Prucia