[Texascavers] caving in tv series

2011-09-07 Thread David
Check out the video below.Skip to 5:50 for the caving action:


The comments below are an in-depth analysis of the caving scenes in this

Note each caver has a short coil of rope. The pit looks to be at
least 200 feet.
Is that a CGI pit or a real pit, or a photoshopped pit ?

Note the leader's super-mini-tablet has an app for automatic
cave-system locator, and accurately
predicts the depth of the major passage at 50 meters.

Ironically, all they can afford are Myo XP headlamps.

Each caver rappels on his own rope, using a self-braking descender like the new
Petzl Rig.I think they have on a harness similar to the Petzl
Rescue Falcon Mountain.


Skip from 6:30 to 7:55 to watch rest of caving scene to 8:41.Note one of the
cavers suddenly has a bazooka-sized light source shown below:



( Made by Husky and sold at Home Depot )

Then you have to skip to next episode:


Skip to 1:55 where they discover what they came to find.   That is the infamous
mad-scientist, Nikola Tesla ( a real de-vampired vampire ).He got
stuck in the cave in some
sort of cocoon made by troglobitic giant centipedes that had been
bio-engineered to attack.
( O.K., so that part is a little far fetched )   Then
the trip leader pulls out a cordless circular power grinder, only the
model in the
scene is not the cordless model.

What is really far-fetched about this episode is how Nicoli Tesla called for a
cave rescue, using a secret WW2 communication device powered by his
newly discovered magnetic mental powers ( you have to watch the show to get all
of that part of the plot ).

Another far-fetched part, is their small cave packs are loaded down with guns
and fancy ray guns, that just happen to neutralize the giant centipedes, and
have a high setting for blowing up cave passage.   In addition to
that, they purposely
blocked themselves in not knowing what the continuing passage dangers
lie ahead.

Skip from 5:45 to 7:02

Unfortunately, they eventually find a horizontal mineshaft at the back
of the cave,
so we will never know if they had ascenders to get out of the pit, or
if they went
back to get their ropes.

They are not wearing helmets, nor seem to be dressed for caving, and the cave
floor is pretty flat. Are there even caves in the Columbian highlands ?

David Locklear

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[Texascavers] re: caving in tv series

2011-09-07 Thread David
I think I forgot to mention that the big light that the caver
suddenly had in the cave runs off of 120 volt AC system, and
is not cordless, so they would have needed a generator,
or a big battery pack with inverter.


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[Texascavers] An evacuation bag...

2011-09-07 Thread Nancy Weaver

This from my SF friend:

...is a smart idea.  You can type evacuation in Google  get some 
good ideas.  (As you may recall I have a Red Cross backpack in my car 
 in my apartment to help me survive for 3 days if I experience an 
earthquake in SF.)  I found this list in Wikipedia of items 
recommended for an evacuation bag.  Some of the items you probably 
don't want but the list may help you get organized.

The suggested contents of a bug-out bag vary, but most of the 
following are usually included:

Enough food and water to last for 72 hours. This includes:
Water for washing, drinking and cooking. Canada recommends 2 litres 
per person per day for drinking plus an additional 2 litres per 
person per day for cleaning and 
New Zealand recommends 3 litres per person per day for 
US recommends 1 gallon (3.78 litres) per person per 

Non-perishable foodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag#cite_note-17[18]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_purificationwater purification supplies
Cooking supplieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag#cite_note-18[19]
A http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_aid_kitfirst aid 
Fire starting tool (e.g., matches, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferroceriumferrocerium rod, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighterlighter, etc.)
A disaster plan including location of emergency centers, rallying 
points, possible evacuation routes etc.
Professional emergency literature explaining what to do in various 
types of disaster, studied and understood before the actual disaster 
but kept for reference
Maps and travel 
Standard camping equipment, including sanitation 
Weather appropriate clothing (e.g., 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponchoponcho, headwear, gloves, etc.)
Bedding items such as sleeping bags and 

Enough medicine to last an extended evacuation period
Medical records
Pet, child, and elderly care 
Battery or crank operated 
Lighting (battery or crank operated 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FirearmsFirearms and appropriate 
Cash and change, as electronic banking transactions may not be 
available during the initial period following an emergency or 
Positive Identification, such as drivers license, state I.D. card, or 
social security card

Fixed-blade and folding knife
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_TapeDuct Tape and 

Plastic tarps for shelter and water collection
Slingshot, pellet gun, blowgun or other small game hunting equipment
Wire for binding and animal traps
The above list was developed (I think) in Australia.  The following 
list was developed by the city of Torrence CA.

Evacuation Bags

(Bags should be easy to carry. Bags should have an ID tag and should 
be kept at home, work and in a vehicle. The following are recommended 
for an evacuation bag:

Water, food, and manual can opener
Radio, battery operated
Pocket knife
Personal medications and prescriptions
Extra keys to house and vehicle
Basic first aid kit
Walking shoes, warm clothes, a hat, and rain gear
Extra prescription eye glasses, hearing aid or other vital personal items
Toilet paper, plastic bags and other hygiene supplies
Dust mask
Paper, pens and tape for leaving messages
Copies of insurance and identification cards
Any special items for children and seniors or people with disabilities
The Red Cross website also has recommendations.  The RC recommends 
that you notify friends  family where you are going  when they can 
expect to hear from you next.  And, of course, listen to local 
advisories  evacuate when they recommend itbetter safe than 

I hope you don't ever have to evacuate but being prepared is the best thing.



San Francisco has only one drawback. 'Tis hard to leave. - Rudyard Kipling

Re: [Texascavers] An evacuation bag...

2011-09-07 Thread Andy Gluesenkamp
My mother was forced to evacuate her farm a couple of years ago.  She had time 
to grab seven dogs, a cat, her computer, and a big jug of JD.  She says she has 
no regrets about her choices.
and a few years earlier
My (ex) stepmother, on the other hand, just *had* to go back to her place for 
one more carload of stuff.  All they found of her after the fire had moved on 
was burned bones and dental fillings.
Keep it simple.

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 17:09:40 -0000 Issue 1383

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 17:09:40 - Issue 1383

Topics (messages 18494 through 18507):

caving in tv series
18494 by: David
18495 by: David

fire readiness
18496 by: Nancy Weaver
18498 by: Don Arburn
18500 by: Andy Gluesenkamp
18502 by: Diana Tomchick

Schumacher Fund
18497 by: Crystal LeBoeuf

An evacuation bag...
18499 by: Nancy Weaver
18503 by: Andy Gluesenkamp

Re: TCR 2011!
18501 by: Diana Tomchick
18504 by: Mallory Mayeux
18505 by: Stefan Creaser
18506 by: Fritz Holt
18507 by: brewskyjba.gmail.com


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

Check out the video below.Skip to 5:50 for the caving action:


The comments below are an in-depth analysis of the caving scenes in this

Note each caver has a short coil of rope. The pit looks to be at
least 200 feet.
Is that a CGI pit or a real pit, or a photoshopped pit ?

Note the leader's super-mini-tablet has an app for automatic
cave-system locator, and accurately
predicts the depth of the major passage at 50 meters.

Ironically, all they can afford are Myo XP headlamps.

Each caver rappels on his own rope, using a self-braking descender like the new
Petzl Rig.I think they have on a harness similar to the Petzl
Rescue Falcon Mountain.


Skip from 6:30 to 7:55 to watch rest of caving scene to 8:41.Note one of the
cavers suddenly has a bazooka-sized light source shown below:



( Made by Husky and sold at Home Depot )

Then you have to skip to next episode:


Skip to 1:55 where they discover what they came to find.   That is the infamous
mad-scientist, Nikola Tesla ( a real de-vampired vampire ).He got
stuck in the cave in some
sort of cocoon made by troglobitic giant centipedes that had been
bio-engineered to attack.
( O.K., so that part is a little far fetched )   Then
the trip leader pulls out a cordless circular power grinder, only the
model in the
scene is not the cordless model.

What is really far-fetched about this episode is how Nicoli Tesla called for a
cave rescue, using a secret WW2 communication device powered by his
newly discovered magnetic mental powers ( you have to watch the show to get all
of that part of the plot ).

Another far-fetched part, is their small cave packs are loaded down with guns
and fancy ray guns, that just happen to neutralize the giant centipedes, and
have a high setting for blowing up cave passage.   In addition to
that, they purposely
blocked themselves in not knowing what the continuing passage dangers
lie ahead.

Skip from 5:45 to 7:02

Unfortunately, they eventually find a horizontal mineshaft at the back
of the cave,
so we will never know if they had ascenders to get out of the pit, or
if they went
back to get their ropes.

They are not wearing helmets, nor seem to be dressed for caving, and the cave
floor is pretty flat. Are there even caves in the Columbian highlands ?

David Locklear
---End Message---
I think I forgot to mention that the big light that the caver
suddenly had in the cave runs off of 120 volt AC system, and
is not cordless, so they would have needed a generator,
or a big battery pack with inverter.

---End Message---
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary 
legal papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco 
call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So 
sorry for everyone's losses.
---End Message---
I've had one of these since 9/11.

Don's iPhone.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com
---End Message---
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers 
and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 

[Texascavers] Looking for Speakers- Aggie Speleological Society

2011-09-07 Thread Zach Broussard
Howdy Cavers,

A.S.S. would like to invite any interested cavers to come and give a cave
related speech/ presentation at one of our meetings. Our meetings are held
Thursdays at 7:30pm on the AM campus.

Please keep in mind that due to ASS being a university club, our turnover
rates are quite high and the majority of our grotto is new to caving and
come from a wide array of backgrounds. The more general a topic the better,
but you are welcome to present on what ever you would like. Possible topics
include: intro to cave surveying, cave geology/biology/etc, cave formations,
and so on.

I understand that College Station is out of the way for many of you, and
therefore ASS is willing to reimburse you for gas expenses (within reason).

If you have any interest, please contact me at zachrbrouss...@gmail.com for
further details.


Zach Broussard
Aggie Speleological Society- President

CONFIRM subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-help
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On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:45 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:

 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
 texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.
 I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
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Re: CONFIRM subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com

2011-09-07 Thread Charles Goldsmith

Sent via C=64 Mobile

On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:53 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:

 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
 texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.
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 On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:45 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:
 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
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[Texascavers] Roger Sorrells

2011-09-07 Thread Sam Young
I learned yesterday of the death of Roger Sorrells.  Roger was a very active 
caver in Texas beginning in the late 50’s.  He is mentioned several times in 
“Fifty Years of Texas Caving”.  You can find the obituary here:


Sorry,  .. Sam

[Texascavers] Re: Roger Sorrels

2011-09-07 Thread David
I knew Roger once. Back around 1985, he came to all the Aggie
Grotto meetings.

He would tell us stories that inspired us like rappelling off the
Pecos River bridge, which
we later sort-of did.

I used to invite him on all my caving trips when I lived in College
Station during the
mid-80's.I called him or tried to call him a few times in the
90's, but eventually lost contact with

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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[Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Nancy Weaver
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary 
legal papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco 
call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So 
sorry for everyone's losses.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Don Arburn
I've had one of these since 9/11.

Don's iPhone.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Andy Gluesenkamp
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers 
and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an earthquake 
kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for everyone's losses.

Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the originals 
elsewhere*.  I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of a car during 
a move.  
*Unless your plan is to just keep driving.

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
Go to the following web site


where you will not only have links to maps of fires (complete with names of the 
fires--who knew they were named, just like hurrricanes?) and to recommendations 
for emergency preparedness. Good info here.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Andy Gluesenkamp wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.

 Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the originals 
 elsewhere*.  I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of a car 
 during a move.

 *Unless your plan is to just keep driving.


UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread tbsamsel

I had to pump out our bomb shelter as a kid even before the Cuban Missle Crisis.

TSep 7, 2011 11:12:21 AM, donarb...@mac.com wrote:
I've had one of these since 9/11.Don's iPhone.On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver wrote: I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers and leaving it in the car. My friends in San Francisco call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods. So sorry for everyone's losses.  - Visit our website: http://texascavers.com To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com -Visit our website: http://texascavers.comTo unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.comFor additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] TCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations!

2011-09-07 Thread Saj Zappitello
Howdy Cavers,

It’s almost that time of year again. TCMA Directors election time! We
listened to your input and are making a few changes this year. There will be
no TCMA election at TCR. Instead, you can vote either online at a secure
link we will send out on October 5, or you can request a paper ballot. You
will receive voting information via email, if your email is current and on
file with the TCMA, or via snail mail if we do not have an email address for
you. Only current members will be allowed to vote, so make sure your
membership is current! The final voting day will be October 24.

Also… Would you like to make a difference in conserving Texas caves for
Texas cavers? Please consider running for a board member position! Let us
know if you are interested in running: saj.zappite...@tcmacaves.org,
ronra...@tcmacaves.org, or jerryat...@tcmacaves.org. Thanks!

--TCMA Nominations and Elections Committee

[TCMA-List] TCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations!

2011-09-07 Thread Saj Zappitello
Howdy Cavers,

It’s almost that time of year again. TCMA Directors election time! We
listened to your input and are making a few changes this year. There will be
no TCMA election at TCR. Instead, you can vote either online at a secure
link we will send out on October 5, or you can request a paper ballot. You
will receive voting information via email, if your email is current and on
file with the TCMA, or via snail mail if we do not have an email address for
you. Only current members will be allowed to vote, so make sure your
membership is current! The final voting day will be October 24.

Also… Would you like to make a difference in conserving Texas caves for
Texas cavers? Please consider running for a board member position! Let us
know if you are interested in running: saj.zappite...@tcmacaves.org,
ronra...@tcmacaves.org, or jerryat...@tcmacaves.org. Thanks!

--TCMA Nominations and Elections Committee
To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to tcma-list-subscr...@tcmacaves.org

To Unsubscribe, send an e-mail to tcma-list-unsubscr...@tcmacaves.org.

[Texascavers] OT - firewood

2011-09-07 Thread David
There is tons of firewood available near my house if anybody wants it.

A utility company recently cleared a mile long path through a wooded
area near my house and left all the wood there to just rot. It has been
so dry, that the wood is still good for burning.

It seems ironic like in the Alanis Morissette song.She should
add a verse.It's like a free cord of wood in a fire-burning ban.

Here is the melody, just sing the phrase:


David Locklear

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
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RE: [Texascavers] OT - firewood

2011-09-07 Thread Stefan Creaser
Is it getting cold out?

-- Stefan

From: David [dlocklea...@gmail.com]
Sent: 07 September 2011 19:25
To: Cavers Texas
Subject: [Texascavers] OT - firewood

There is tons of firewood available near my house if anybody wants it.

A utility company recently cleared a mile long path through a wooded
area near my house and left all the wood there to just rot. It has been
so dry, that the wood is still good for burning.

It seems ironic like in the Alanis Morissette song.She should
add a verse.It's like a free cord of wood in a fire-burning ban.

Here is the melody, just sing the phrase:


David Locklear

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium.  Thank you.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Allan B. Cobb
Howdy y’all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y’all there!

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt

I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. My 
first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain other 
than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any ranch 
roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little Honda 
250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If permitted, 
I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to bring theirs.

Fritz Holt

From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Howdy y'all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y'all there!

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don’t remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV’s may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y’all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y’all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Mallory Mayeux
Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would
raise a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when
they're off the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't
four-wheelers cause the same problems?


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu wrote:

 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you
 try bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)

 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

  I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500
 acres. My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don’t remember much about the
 terrain other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are
 there any ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV’s may be ridden?
 My little Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit
 sparks. If permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also
 want to bring theirs.
  Fritz Holt
  From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
  To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
  Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
  Howdy y’all!
  No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the
 site of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless
 to say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there
 WILL BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill
 for cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
  Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get
 very hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really
 hard to avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where
 you park.
  If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
  The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire
 and it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
  TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules
  We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may
 prevent a disaster.
  OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
  The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in
 the pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive
 slow when you are off the pavement.
  For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit
  See y’all there!


 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.

 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt
Indeed they would  --- if ridden carelessly without regard for others. I 
personally ride slowly to take in the scenery. Age is catching up to me and 
while I can still hike, there are times I would rather ride. Other cavers seem 
to enjoy riding my ATV also. I will abide by Allan's decision and rules.


From: Mallory Mayeux [mailto:mmay...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:57 AM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would raise 
a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when they're off 
the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't four-wheelers cause 
the same problems?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383tel:214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353tel:214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.commailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y'all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y'all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.comhttp://texascavers.com/
To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Gill Edigar
   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally
don't have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material
(= fuel for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we
must do as much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be
prepared to fight any fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender
dry juniper which burns like gasoline when ignited and spreads like
wildfire--literally. As a first response measure I've suggested that
everyone include a dry chemical fire extinguisher (or 2) when packing their
caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home.
Not only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear
up what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to
create sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting
around due to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately.
Bicycles should not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint
rocks litter the ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is
happening behind you. Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water
can be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on
this a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives
and have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of
fun and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just
because it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be
plenty to enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements
from the organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get
back to  normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto
meetings and where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt

I'm convinced, you smooth talker you. My ATV (but hopefully not me) stays at 
home. I'll have my hiking boots and walking stick but please don't call it a 
cane. TCR is always a blast and I don't see how it could be any dustier than 
last years gathering. I guess there will be more cold meals at campsites this 
year. That's OK as I like cereal. If Dave's Cave Saloon is operating this year 
I will have to make a donation as I am sure it will be heavily frequented.


From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Cave Tex
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and 
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most 
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally don't 
have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material (= fuel 
for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we must do as 
much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be prepared to fight any 
fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender dry juniper which burns 
like gasoline when ignited and spreads like wildfire--literally. As a first 
response measure I've suggested that everyone include a dry chemical fire 
extinguisher (or 2) when packing their caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home. Not 
only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear up 
what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to create 
sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting around due 
to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately. Bicycles should 
not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint rocks litter the 
ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is happening behind you. 
Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as possible.
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water can 
be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on this 
a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives and 
have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of fun 
and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just because 
it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be plenty to 
enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements from the 
organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get back to  
normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto meetings and 
where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Stefan Creaser
Anyone for salad this year? ;-)

[Chief Cook and Bottle Washer]

From: Fritz Holt [mailto:fh...@townandcountryins.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:18 PM
To: 'Gill Edigar'; Diana Tomchick; 'Mandy Holt'; 'Jenny Holt'
Cc: Cave Tex
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!


I'm convinced, you smooth talker you. My ATV (but hopefully not me) stays at 
home. I'll have my hiking boots and walking stick but please don't call it a 
cane. TCR is always a blast and I don't see how it could be any dustier than 
last years gathering. I guess there will be more cold meals at campsites this 
year. That's OK as I like cereal. If Dave's Cave Saloon is operating this year 
I will have to make a donation as I am sure it will be heavily frequented.


From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Cave Tex
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and 
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most 
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally don't 
have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material (= fuel 
for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we must do as 
much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be prepared to fight any 
fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender dry juniper which burns 
like gasoline when ignited and spreads like wildfire--literally. As a first 
response measure I've suggested that everyone include a dry chemical fire 
extinguisher (or 2) when packing their caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home. Not 
only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear up 
what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to create 
sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting around due 
to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately. Bicycles should 
not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint rocks litter the 
ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is happening behind you. 
Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as possible.
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water can 
be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on this 
a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives and 
have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of fun 
and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just because 
it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be plenty to 
enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements from the 
organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get back to  
normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto meetings and 
where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt
There's probably a KFC in Johnson City that caters. :)  :(

From: Stefan Creaser [mailto:stefan.crea...@arm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:31 PM
To: Cave Tex
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Anyone for salad this year? ;-)

[Chief Cook and Bottle Washer]

From: Fritz Holt [mailto:fh...@townandcountryins.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:18 PM
To: 'Gill Edigar'; Diana Tomchick; 'Mandy Holt'; 'Jenny Holt'
Cc: Cave Tex
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!


I'm convinced, you smooth talker you. My ATV (but hopefully not me) stays at 
home. I'll have my hiking boots and walking stick but please don't call it a 
cane. TCR is always a blast and I don't see how it could be any dustier than 
last years gathering. I guess there will be more cold meals at campsites this 
year. That's OK as I like cereal. If Dave's Cave Saloon is operating this year 
I will have to make a donation as I am sure it will be heavily frequented.


From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Cave Tex
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and 
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most 
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally don't 
have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material (= fuel 
for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we must do as 
much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be prepared to fight any 
fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender dry juniper which burns 
like gasoline when ignited and spreads like wildfire--literally. As a first 
response measure I've suggested that everyone include a dry chemical fire 
extinguisher (or 2) when packing their caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home. Not 
only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear up 
what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to create 
sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting around due 
to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately. Bicycles should 
not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint rocks litter the 
ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is happening behind you. 
Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as possible.
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water can 
be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on this 
a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives and 
have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of fun 
and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just because 
it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be plenty to 
enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements from the 
organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get back to  
normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto meetings and 
where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

[Texascavers] new biners

2011-09-07 Thread David
Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] new biners

2011-09-07 Thread Mark Minton
You're a little late, David.  I reported that on July 
14.  Maybe that was during your Texascavers hiatus...

Mark Minton

At 02:52 AM 9/7/2011, David wrote:

Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear

Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org 

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] Bill Brooks is another caver who appears to have lost everything

2011-09-07 Thread Dale Barnard
It looks almost certain that caver Bill Brooks also lost everything but the
shirt on his back. He is staying with his brother in College Station and has
not been allowed to visit his property yet. The fire was to the NW, NE, and
N of him, so there is almost no hope that it missed his place. If you need
his email address, I can send it to you.


[Texascavers] FW: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt

I must mention that from my personal observation, Wes may be a young guy but he 
is a most active and very accomplished caver.


From: greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of caverarch
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 6:28 PM
To: greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation 
Bank Account Set Up


I am damn sorry to read this. I've been out in the field for the past two weeks 
and not in as continuous contact as usual. Carol and Brad are great people, and 
they need our help now. I suggest that everyone who is able respond.


-Original Message-
From: Mallory Mayeux mmay...@gmail.commailto:mmayeu4%40gmail.com
To: GHG 
Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 1:51 pm
Subject: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank 
Account Set Up

Hello everyone!

As David mentioned, the Schumachers lost their home in the Bastrop
fire. (Their son is Wes, who is always at caver gatherings--young guy,
usually clad in goatee and kilt). They've been a big part of the caving
community for quite awhile and I know everyone's thoughts are with them
right now.

They lost basically everything, so any donations, most specifically money,
clothes, and possibly pet supplies, are appreciated. I am forwarding this
email in case anyone would like to donate. They got out with their dogs and
basically nothing else, so again, anything you can give is needed.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Crystal LeBoeuf leboeu...@gmail.commailto:leboeufcm%40gmail.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 1:04 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up
To: texascavers@texascavers.commailto:texascavers%40texascavers.com

I have set up a secondary checking account of the UT Grotto's in order to
accept donations for Carol and Brad Schumacher. Please email me directly at
leboeu...@gmail.commailto:leboeufcm%40gmail.com for specific information on 
how to make a deposit.

Again, they have lost their whole home to the Bastrop Fire. Accepting item
donations at Crystal LeBoeuf's house in Manchaca or Ediger's house in
Austin. Brad wears at 32/30 pant, med/lg shirt, and 8.5 shoe. Carol is a
36D (whoa!), size 3 in dresses, 7/9 other sizes, and a 7 shoe.

Crystal LeBoeuf

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: [Texascavers] FW: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up

2011-09-07 Thread Mallory Mayeux
Oh, yes, I agree completely. Wes has an impressive caving resume and has
done so much for the caving community in general, (especially in helping
with social events!). He's certainly been caving for a lot longer than I
have. I merely included the short description so that some members of the
Houston grotto, who may not be able to get to caving events as often, would
be able to attach a face to the name.

And in my experience, us 20-somethings are usually referred to as the young
cavers. Wes is an '84 baby, like meand there's nothing wrong with that!


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Fritz Holt fh...@townandcountryins.comwrote:



 ** **

 I must mention that from my personal observation, Wes may be a young guy
 but he is a most active and very accomplished caver.

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *caverarch
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 06, 2011 6:28 PM

 *To:* greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher
 Donation Bank Account Set Up

 ** **



 I am damn sorry to read this. I've been out in the field for the past two
 weeks and not in as continuous contact as usual. Carol and Brad are great
 people, and they need our help now. I suggest that everyone who is able


 -Original Message-
 From: Mallory Mayeux mmay...@gmail.com
 To: GHG greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 1:51 pm
 Subject: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation
 Bank Account Set Up

 Hello everyone!

 As David mentioned, the Schumachers lost their home in the Bastrop
 fire. (Their son is Wes, who is always at caver gatherings--young guy,
 usually clad in goatee and kilt). They've been a big part of the caving
 community for quite awhile and I know everyone's thoughts are with them
 right now.

 They lost basically everything, so any donations, most specifically money,
 clothes, and possibly pet supplies, are appreciated. I am forwarding this
 email in case anyone would like to donate. They got out with their dogs and
 basically nothing else, so again, anything you can give is needed.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Crystal LeBoeuf leboeu...@gmail.com
 Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 1:04 PM
 Subject: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up
 To: texascavers@texascavers.com

 I have set up a secondary checking account of the UT Grotto's in order to
 accept donations for Carol and Brad Schumacher. Please email me directly at
 leboeu...@gmail.com for specific information on how to make a deposit.

 Again, they have lost their whole home to the Bastrop Fire. Accepting item
 donations at Crystal LeBoeuf's house in Manchaca or Ediger's house in
 Austin. Brad wears at 32/30 pant, med/lg shirt, and 8.5 shoe.
 Carol is a
 36D (whoa!), size 3 in dresses, 7/9 other sizes, and a 7 shoe.

 Crystal LeBoeuf

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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 *A bad score is 579. A good idea is checking yours at 

[SWR] Texas Cavers Reunion 2011 -- Special Invite for our New Mexico Neighbors!

2011-09-07 Thread ac
Howdy y’all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y’all there!
SWR mailing list

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 15:39:58 -0000 Issue 1382

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 15:39:58 - Issue 1382

Topics (messages 18483 through 18493):

TSS Mapping Workshop, Saturday, September 24th
18483 by: Leslie Bell

Re: Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up
18484 by: Denise P

another caver loses home
18485 by: David

Re: caver Steve in Bastrop
18486 by: David

new biners
18487 by: David
18488 by: Mark Minton

Bill Brooks is another caver who appears to have lost everything
18489 by: Dale Barnard

Re: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank 
Account Set Up
18490 by: Fritz Holt
18491 by: Mallory Mayeux

TCR 2011!
18492 by: Allan B. Cobb
18493 by: Fritz Holt


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

Feeling creative and don't know what to do with yourself? 
If you've ever wanted to learn how to use graphic design programs such as Gimp 
(similar to Adobe Photoshop) or Inkscape (similar to Adobe Illustrator), have 
we got the place for you.
Texas Speleological Society Mapping Workshop
Saturday, September 24th
10AM - 6PM 
J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Building 18-A 
Austin, TX
Come on down to the TSS headquarters. 
Help us scan and clean maps, and we will teach you how to use Gimp and Inkscape 
for use in creating your own maps and elsewhere. 
We will be serving pizza and sodas for lunch (A donation of $10 is suggested to 
pay for snacks, luncheon and beverages).
For directions, visit: 

Leslie Bell 

---End Message---

This may be premature, but I wonder if anyone has a travel trailer to loan them 
to use at their place if they need one? We offered ours, but it is tiny.

From: leboeu...@gmail.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 13:04:02 -0500
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up

I have set up a secondary checking account of the UT Grotto's in order to 
accept donations for Carol and Brad Schumacher.  Please email me directly at 
leboeu...@gmail.com for specific information on how to make a deposit.  
Again, they have lost their whole home to the Bastrop Fire.  Accepting item 
donations at Crystal LeBoeuf's house in Manchaca or Ediger's house in Austin.  
Brad wears at 32/30 pant, med/lg shirt, and 8.5 shoe.  Carol is a 36D (whoa!), 
size 3 in dresses, 7/9 other sizes, and a 7 shoe.
Crystal LeBoeuf
512-470-5527  ---End Message---
A few of you may know Steve Keselik.

His family is safe, but they too apparently lost everything.


He owns some sort of cabinet making business and that
too apparently burned to the ground.

He used to be on CaveTex, so I will let him or someone that
knows him well post more info.

David Locklear
---End Message---
He took the family to stay with relatives near Galveston. He is
going to chill there
for a while, so does not have any urgent needs.
---End Message---
Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear
---End Message---
You're a little late, David.  I reported that on July 
14.  Maybe that was during your Texascavers hiatus...

Mark Minton

At 02:52 AM 9/7/2011, David wrote:

Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear

Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org 

---End Message---
It looks almost certain that 

[Texascavers] caving in tv series

2011-09-07 Thread David
Check out the video below.Skip to 5:50 for the caving action:


The comments below are an in-depth analysis of the caving scenes in this

Note each caver has a short coil of rope. The pit looks to be at
least 200 feet.
Is that a CGI pit or a real pit, or a photoshopped pit ?

Note the leader's super-mini-tablet has an app for automatic
cave-system locator, and accurately
predicts the depth of the major passage at 50 meters.

Ironically, all they can afford are Myo XP headlamps.

Each caver rappels on his own rope, using a self-braking descender like the new
Petzl Rig.I think they have on a harness similar to the Petzl
Rescue Falcon Mountain.


Skip from 6:30 to 7:55 to watch rest of caving scene to 8:41.Note one of the
cavers suddenly has a bazooka-sized light source shown below:



( Made by Husky and sold at Home Depot )

Then you have to skip to next episode:


Skip to 1:55 where they discover what they came to find.   That is the infamous
mad-scientist, Nikola Tesla ( a real de-vampired vampire ).He got
stuck in the cave in some
sort of cocoon made by troglobitic giant centipedes that had been
bio-engineered to attack.
( O.K., so that part is a little far fetched )   Then
the trip leader pulls out a cordless circular power grinder, only the
model in the
scene is not the cordless model.

What is really far-fetched about this episode is how Nicoli Tesla called for a
cave rescue, using a secret WW2 communication device powered by his
newly discovered magnetic mental powers ( you have to watch the show to get all
of that part of the plot ).

Another far-fetched part, is their small cave packs are loaded down with guns
and fancy ray guns, that just happen to neutralize the giant centipedes, and
have a high setting for blowing up cave passage.   In addition to
that, they purposely
blocked themselves in not knowing what the continuing passage dangers
lie ahead.

Skip from 5:45 to 7:02

Unfortunately, they eventually find a horizontal mineshaft at the back
of the cave,
so we will never know if they had ascenders to get out of the pit, or
if they went
back to get their ropes.

They are not wearing helmets, nor seem to be dressed for caving, and the cave
floor is pretty flat. Are there even caves in the Columbian highlands ?

David Locklear

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] re: caving in tv series

2011-09-07 Thread David
I think I forgot to mention that the big light that the caver
suddenly had in the cave runs off of 120 volt AC system, and
is not cordless, so they would have needed a generator,
or a big battery pack with inverter.


Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] Schumacher Fund

2011-09-07 Thread Crystal LeBoeuf
I just had to go to the credit union and close/reopen our account
because someone posted the account information on a forum.  This
change will NOT affect donations that have already been made or are in
the mail.  All new donors should contact me directly at
leboeu...@gmail.com for the new protocol on how to donate.  Please

Thank you,
Crystal LeBoeuf
UT Grotto Secretary/Treasurer

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] An evacuation bag...

2011-09-07 Thread Nancy Weaver

This from my SF friend:

...is a smart idea.  You can type evacuation in Google  get some 
good ideas.  (As you may recall I have a Red Cross backpack in my car 
 in my apartment to help me survive for 3 days if I experience an 
earthquake in SF.)  I found this list in Wikipedia of items 
recommended for an evacuation bag.  Some of the items you probably 
don't want but the list may help you get organized.

The suggested contents of a bug-out bag vary, but most of the 
following are usually included:

Enough food and water to last for 72 hours. This includes:
Water for washing, drinking and cooking. Canada recommends 2 litres 
per person per day for drinking plus an additional 2 litres per 
person per day for cleaning and 
New Zealand recommends 3 litres per person per day for 
US recommends 1 gallon (3.78 litres) per person per 

Non-perishable foodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag#cite_note-17[18]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_purificationwater purification supplies
Cooking supplieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag#cite_note-18[19]
A http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_aid_kitfirst aid 
Fire starting tool (e.g., matches, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferroceriumferrocerium rod, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighterlighter, etc.)
A disaster plan including location of emergency centers, rallying 
points, possible evacuation routes etc.
Professional emergency literature explaining what to do in various 
types of disaster, studied and understood before the actual disaster 
but kept for reference
Maps and travel 
Standard camping equipment, including sanitation 
Weather appropriate clothing (e.g., 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponchoponcho, headwear, gloves, etc.)
Bedding items such as sleeping bags and 

Enough medicine to last an extended evacuation period
Medical records
Pet, child, and elderly care 
Battery or crank operated 
Lighting (battery or crank operated 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FirearmsFirearms and appropriate 
Cash and change, as electronic banking transactions may not be 
available during the initial period following an emergency or 
Positive Identification, such as drivers license, state I.D. card, or 
social security card

Fixed-blade and folding knife
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_TapeDuct Tape and 

Plastic tarps for shelter and water collection
Slingshot, pellet gun, blowgun or other small game hunting equipment
Wire for binding and animal traps
The above list was developed (I think) in Australia.  The following 
list was developed by the city of Torrence CA.

Evacuation Bags

(Bags should be easy to carry. Bags should have an ID tag and should 
be kept at home, work and in a vehicle. The following are recommended 
for an evacuation bag:

Water, food, and manual can opener
Radio, battery operated
Pocket knife
Personal medications and prescriptions
Extra keys to house and vehicle
Basic first aid kit
Walking shoes, warm clothes, a hat, and rain gear
Extra prescription eye glasses, hearing aid or other vital personal items
Toilet paper, plastic bags and other hygiene supplies
Dust mask
Paper, pens and tape for leaving messages
Copies of insurance and identification cards
Any special items for children and seniors or people with disabilities
The Red Cross website also has recommendations.  The RC recommends 
that you notify friends  family where you are going  when they can 
expect to hear from you next.  And, of course, listen to local 
advisories  evacuate when they recommend itbetter safe than 

I hope you don't ever have to evacuate but being prepared is the best thing.



San Francisco has only one drawback. 'Tis hard to leave. - Rudyard Kipling

Re: [Texascavers] An evacuation bag...

2011-09-07 Thread Andy Gluesenkamp
My mother was forced to evacuate her farm a couple of years ago.  She had time 
to grab seven dogs, a cat, her computer, and a big jug of JD.  She says she has 
no regrets about her choices.
and a few years earlier
My (ex) stepmother, on the other hand, just *had* to go back to her place for 
one more carload of stuff.  All they found of her after the fire had moved on 
was burned bones and dental fillings.
Keep it simple.

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 17:09:40 -0000 Issue 1383

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 17:09:40 - Issue 1383

Topics (messages 18494 through 18507):

caving in tv series
18494 by: David
18495 by: David

fire readiness
18496 by: Nancy Weaver
18498 by: Don Arburn
18500 by: Andy Gluesenkamp
18502 by: Diana Tomchick

Schumacher Fund
18497 by: Crystal LeBoeuf

An evacuation bag...
18499 by: Nancy Weaver
18503 by: Andy Gluesenkamp

Re: TCR 2011!
18501 by: Diana Tomchick
18504 by: Mallory Mayeux
18505 by: Stefan Creaser
18506 by: Fritz Holt
18507 by: brewskyjba.gmail.com


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

Check out the video below.Skip to 5:50 for the caving action:


The comments below are an in-depth analysis of the caving scenes in this

Note each caver has a short coil of rope. The pit looks to be at
least 200 feet.
Is that a CGI pit or a real pit, or a photoshopped pit ?

Note the leader's super-mini-tablet has an app for automatic
cave-system locator, and accurately
predicts the depth of the major passage at 50 meters.

Ironically, all they can afford are Myo XP headlamps.

Each caver rappels on his own rope, using a self-braking descender like the new
Petzl Rig.I think they have on a harness similar to the Petzl
Rescue Falcon Mountain.


Skip from 6:30 to 7:55 to watch rest of caving scene to 8:41.Note one of the
cavers suddenly has a bazooka-sized light source shown below:



( Made by Husky and sold at Home Depot )

Then you have to skip to next episode:


Skip to 1:55 where they discover what they came to find.   That is the infamous
mad-scientist, Nikola Tesla ( a real de-vampired vampire ).He got
stuck in the cave in some
sort of cocoon made by troglobitic giant centipedes that had been
bio-engineered to attack.
( O.K., so that part is a little far fetched )   Then
the trip leader pulls out a cordless circular power grinder, only the
model in the
scene is not the cordless model.

What is really far-fetched about this episode is how Nicoli Tesla called for a
cave rescue, using a secret WW2 communication device powered by his
newly discovered magnetic mental powers ( you have to watch the show to get all
of that part of the plot ).

Another far-fetched part, is their small cave packs are loaded down with guns
and fancy ray guns, that just happen to neutralize the giant centipedes, and
have a high setting for blowing up cave passage.   In addition to
that, they purposely
blocked themselves in not knowing what the continuing passage dangers
lie ahead.

Skip from 5:45 to 7:02

Unfortunately, they eventually find a horizontal mineshaft at the back
of the cave,
so we will never know if they had ascenders to get out of the pit, or
if they went
back to get their ropes.

They are not wearing helmets, nor seem to be dressed for caving, and the cave
floor is pretty flat. Are there even caves in the Columbian highlands ?

David Locklear
---End Message---
I think I forgot to mention that the big light that the caver
suddenly had in the cave runs off of 120 volt AC system, and
is not cordless, so they would have needed a generator,
or a big battery pack with inverter.

---End Message---
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary 
legal papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco 
call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So 
sorry for everyone's losses.
---End Message---
I've had one of these since 9/11.

Don's iPhone.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com
---End Message---
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers 
and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 

[Texascavers] Looking for Speakers- Aggie Speleological Society

2011-09-07 Thread Zach Broussard
Howdy Cavers,

A.S.S. would like to invite any interested cavers to come and give a cave
related speech/ presentation at one of our meetings. Our meetings are held
Thursdays at 7:30pm on the AM campus.

Please keep in mind that due to ASS being a university club, our turnover
rates are quite high and the majority of our grotto is new to caving and
come from a wide array of backgrounds. The more general a topic the better,
but you are welcome to present on what ever you would like. Possible topics
include: intro to cave surveying, cave geology/biology/etc, cave formations,
and so on.

I understand that College Station is out of the way for many of you, and
therefore ASS is willing to reimburse you for gas expenses (within reason).

If you have any interest, please contact me at zachrbrouss...@gmail.com for
further details.


Zach Broussard
Aggie Speleological Society- President

CONFIRM subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-help
Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.

I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
at texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.

I respectfully request your permission to add


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either came from you, or it has already been verified by
the potential subscriber.

To confirm, please send an empty reply to this address:


Usually, this happens when you just hit the reply button.
If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into
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If you don't approve, simply ignore this message.

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--- Administrative commands for the texascavers list ---

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--- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received.

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Received: (qmail 18977 invoked by uid 89); 7 Sep 2011 17:53:13 -
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X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1244.3)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:45 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:

 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
 texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.
 I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
 at texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.
 To confirm that you would like
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 This confirmation serves two purposes. First, it verifies that I am able
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 message. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,
 you can also send a 

Re: CONFIRM subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com

2011-09-07 Thread Charles Goldsmith

Sent via C=64 Mobile

On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:53 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:

 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
 texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.
 I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
 at texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.
 I respectfully request your permission to add
 to the subscribers of the texascavers mailing list. This request
 either came from you, or it has already been verified by
 the potential subscriber.
 To confirm, please send an empty reply to this address:
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 If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into
 the To: field of a new message.
 If you don't approve, simply ignore this message.
 Thank you for your help!
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 Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact
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 --- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received.
 Return-Path: w...@me.com
 Received: (qmail 18977 invoked by uid 89); 7 Sep 2011 17:53:13 -
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 Wed, 07 Sep 2011 10:53:13 -0700 (PDT)
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 Subject: Re: confirm subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com
 From: Joel King w...@me.com
 In-reply-to: 1315417558.18697.ez...@texascavers.com
 Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 12:53:11 -0500
 Message-id: 32812e8f-39e0-4e19-930d-bbd7722ab...@me.com
 References: 1315417558.18697.ez...@texascavers.com
 To: texascavers-sc.1315417558.bomgcgddmjhcjcejcibd-w5py=me@texascavers.com
 X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.1244.3)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:45 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:
 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
 texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.
 I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
 at texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.
 To confirm that you would like
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 an empty reply to this address:
 Usually, this happens when you just hit the reply button.
 If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into
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 This confirmation serves two purposes. First, it verifies that I am able
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 forges a subscription request in your name.
 Some mail programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses. If you
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 For help and a description of available commands, send a message to:
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 To remove your address from the list, just send a message to
 the address in the 

[Texascavers] Roger Sorrells

2011-09-07 Thread Sam Young
I learned yesterday of the death of Roger Sorrells.  Roger was a very active 
caver in Texas beginning in the late 50’s.  He is mentioned several times in 
“Fifty Years of Texas Caving”.  You can find the obituary here:


Sorry,  .. Sam

[Texascavers] Re: Roger Sorrels

2011-09-07 Thread David
I knew Roger once. Back around 1985, he came to all the Aggie
Grotto meetings.

He would tell us stories that inspired us like rappelling off the
Pecos River bridge, which
we later sort-of did.

I used to invite him on all my caving trips when I lived in College
Station during the
mid-80's.I called him or tried to call him a few times in the
90's, but eventually lost contact with

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Nancy Weaver
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary 
legal papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco 
call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So 
sorry for everyone's losses.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Don Arburn
I've had one of these since 9/11.

Don's iPhone.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Andy Gluesenkamp
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers 
and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an earthquake 
kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for everyone's losses.

Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the originals 
elsewhere*.  I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of a car during 
a move.  
*Unless your plan is to just keep driving.

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
Go to the following web site


where you will not only have links to maps of fires (complete with names of the 
fires--who knew they were named, just like hurrricanes?) and to recommendations 
for emergency preparedness. Good info here.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Andy Gluesenkamp wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.

 Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the originals 
 elsewhere*.  I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of a car 
 during a move.

 *Unless your plan is to just keep driving.


UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

RE: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Louise Power

That's a good site. For those who have never been through something like this 
before, there are some really good recommendations in the Firewise 
Communities link. Look under Homeowners. There's a pdf brochure there that 
talks about how far around your house you should clear and how wide your 
driveway should be and how high the clearance should be. Out here, if your 
drive isn't big enough to handle firetrucks going and coming, the firefighters 
are likely to pass you by. Same goes for having a bridge that won't hold the 
weight of a fully loaded firetruck or water tender. Good luck, all!

 From: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 To: a...@gluesenkamp.com
 CC: texascavers@texascavers.com; nan...@prismnet.com
 Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 16:45:52 +
 Subject: Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness
 Go to the following web site
 where you will not only have links to maps of fires (complete with names of 
 the fires--who knew they were named, just like hurrricanes?) and to 
 recommendations for emergency preparedness. Good info here.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Andy Gluesenkamp wrote:
  I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
  papers and leaving it in the car. My friends in San Francisco call it an 
  earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods. So sorry for 
  everyone's losses.
  Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the 
  originals elsewhere*. I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of 
  a car during a move.
  *Unless your plan is to just keep driving.
 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 21:35:35 -0000 Issue 1384

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 21:35:35 - Issue 1384

Topics (messages 18508 through 18517):

Re: TCR 2011!
18508 by: Diana Tomchick
18514 by: Gill Edigar
18515 by: Fritz Holt
18516 by: Stefan Creaser
18517 by: Fritz Holt

Looking for Speakers- Aggie Speleological Society
18509 by: Zach Broussard

Roger Sorrells
18510 by: Sam Young

Re: Roger Sorrels
18511 by: David

Re: fire readiness
18512 by: Louise Power
18513 by: tbsamsel.verizon.net


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

You can rent a modern mountain bike for the weekend, it's not expensive.

Since there may not be much water for swimming, it would make an enjoyable 
alternative. I managed to do some mountain biking last year, despite the 
relatively steep terrain and dust. It was great fun, and the dogs always enjoy 
running after the bike.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B   
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A. 
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

 I have a standard bike with no gearing and that might be a little tough on 
 the hills and rough stuff. I had a 7 gear Schwinn Cruiser which I donated at 
 the TCR sale the last year at Paradise Canyon.
 -Original Message-
 From: Diana Tomchick [mailto:diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:44 AM
 To: Fritz Holt
 Cc: Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
 bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:
 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.
 Fritz Holt
 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 Howdy y'all!
 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL 
 BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 
 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 
 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.
 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are 
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in 
 the pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and 
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive 
 slow when you are off the pavement.
 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 
 See y'all there!

[Texascavers] TCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations!

2011-09-07 Thread Saj Zappitello
Howdy Cavers,

It’s almost that time of year again. TCMA Directors election time! We
listened to your input and are making a few changes this year. There will be
no TCMA election at TCR. Instead, you can vote either online at a secure
link we will send out on October 5, or you can request a paper ballot. You
will receive voting information via email, if your email is current and on
file with the TCMA, or via snail mail if we do not have an email address for
you. Only current members will be allowed to vote, so make sure your
membership is current! The final voting day will be October 24.

Also… Would you like to make a difference in conserving Texas caves for
Texas cavers? Please consider running for a board member position! Let us
know if you are interested in running: saj.zappite...@tcmacaves.org,
ronra...@tcmacaves.org, or jerryat...@tcmacaves.org. Thanks!

--TCMA Nominations and Elections Committee

[TCMA-List] TCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations!

2011-09-07 Thread Saj Zappitello
Howdy Cavers,

It’s almost that time of year again. TCMA Directors election time! We
listened to your input and are making a few changes this year. There will be
no TCMA election at TCR. Instead, you can vote either online at a secure
link we will send out on October 5, or you can request a paper ballot. You
will receive voting information via email, if your email is current and on
file with the TCMA, or via snail mail if we do not have an email address for
you. Only current members will be allowed to vote, so make sure your
membership is current! The final voting day will be October 24.

Also… Would you like to make a difference in conserving Texas caves for
Texas cavers? Please consider running for a board member position! Let us
know if you are interested in running: saj.zappite...@tcmacaves.org,
ronra...@tcmacaves.org, or jerryat...@tcmacaves.org. Thanks!

--TCMA Nominations and Elections Committee
To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to tcma-list-subscr...@tcmacaves.org

To Unsubscribe, send an e-mail to tcma-list-unsubscr...@tcmacaves.org.

[Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Allan B. Cobb
Howdy y’all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y’all there!

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Mallory Mayeux
Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would
raise a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when
they're off the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't
four-wheelers cause the same problems?


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu wrote:

 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you
 try bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)

 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

  I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500
 acres. My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don’t remember much about the
 terrain other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are
 there any ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV’s may be ridden?
 My little Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit
 sparks. If permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also
 want to bring theirs.
  Fritz Holt
  From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
  To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
  Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
  Howdy y’all!
  No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the
 site of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless
 to say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there
 WILL BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill
 for cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
  Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get
 very hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really
 hard to avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where
 you park.
  If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
  The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire
 and it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
  TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules
  We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may
 prevent a disaster.
  OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
  The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in
 the pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive
 slow when you are off the pavement.
  For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit
  See y’all there!


 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.

 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt
Indeed they would  --- if ridden carelessly without regard for others. I 
personally ride slowly to take in the scenery. Age is catching up to me and 
while I can still hike, there are times I would rather ride. Other cavers seem 
to enjoy riding my ATV also. I will abide by Allan's decision and rules.


From: Mallory Mayeux [mailto:mmay...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:57 AM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would raise 
a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when they're off 
the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't four-wheelers cause 
the same problems?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383tel:214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353tel:214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.commailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y'all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y'all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.comhttp://texascavers.com/
To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread brewskyjba
If that's the case then eliminate all off roaring on or off trails. 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Creaser stefan.crea...@arm.com
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 10:05:09 
To: Mallory Mayeuxmmay...@gmail.com
Cc: Fritz Holtfh...@townandcountryins.com; 
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
I suggest that the only hot air generated is while sitting around with a beer 
and talking...

From: Mallory Mayeux [mailto:mmay...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:57 AM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would raise 
a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when they're off 
the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't four-wheelers cause 
the same problems?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383tel:214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353tel:214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.commailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y'all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y'all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.comhttp://texascavers.com/
To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
You can rent a modern mountain bike for the weekend, it's not expensive.

Since there may not be much water for swimming, it would make an enjoyable 
alternative. I managed to do some mountain biking last year, despite the 
relatively steep terrain and dust. It was great fun, and the dogs always enjoy 
running after the bike.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B   
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A. 
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

 I have a standard bike with no gearing and that might be a little tough on 
 the hills and rough stuff. I had a 7 gear Schwinn Cruiser which I donated at 
 the TCR sale the last year at Paradise Canyon.
 -Original Message-
 From: Diana Tomchick [mailto:diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:44 AM
 To: Fritz Holt
 Cc: Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
 bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:
 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.
 Fritz Holt
 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 Howdy y'all!
 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL 
 BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 
 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 
 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.
 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are 
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in 
 the pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and 
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive 
 slow when you are off the pavement.
 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 
 See y'all there!
 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Gill Edigar
   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally
don't have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material
(= fuel for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we
must do as much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be
prepared to fight any fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender
dry juniper which burns like gasoline when ignited and spreads like
wildfire--literally. As a first response measure I've suggested that
everyone include a dry chemical fire extinguisher (or 2) when packing their
caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home.
Not only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear
up what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to
create sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting
around due to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately.
Bicycles should not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint
rocks litter the ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is
happening behind you. Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water
can be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on
this a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives
and have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of
fun and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just
because it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be
plenty to enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements
from the organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get
back to  normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto
meetings and where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt

I'm convinced, you smooth talker you. My ATV (but hopefully not me) stays at 
home. I'll have my hiking boots and walking stick but please don't call it a 
cane. TCR is always a blast and I don't see how it could be any dustier than 
last years gathering. I guess there will be more cold meals at campsites this 
year. That's OK as I like cereal. If Dave's Cave Saloon is operating this year 
I will have to make a donation as I am sure it will be heavily frequented.


From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Cave Tex
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and 
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most 
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally don't 
have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material (= fuel 
for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we must do as 
much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be prepared to fight any 
fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender dry juniper which burns 
like gasoline when ignited and spreads like wildfire--literally. As a first 
response measure I've suggested that everyone include a dry chemical fire 
extinguisher (or 2) when packing their caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home. Not 
only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear up 
what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to create 
sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting around due 
to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately. Bicycles should 
not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint rocks litter the 
ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is happening behind you. 
Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as possible.
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water can 
be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on this 
a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives and 
have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of fun 
and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just because 
it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be plenty to 
enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements from the 
organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get back to  
normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto meetings and 
where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Stefan Creaser
Anyone for salad this year? ;-)

[Chief Cook and Bottle Washer]

From: Fritz Holt [mailto:fh...@townandcountryins.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:18 PM
To: 'Gill Edigar'; Diana Tomchick; 'Mandy Holt'; 'Jenny Holt'
Cc: Cave Tex
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!


I'm convinced, you smooth talker you. My ATV (but hopefully not me) stays at 
home. I'll have my hiking boots and walking stick but please don't call it a 
cane. TCR is always a blast and I don't see how it could be any dustier than 
last years gathering. I guess there will be more cold meals at campsites this 
year. That's OK as I like cereal. If Dave's Cave Saloon is operating this year 
I will have to make a donation as I am sure it will be heavily frequented.


From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Cave Tex
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and 
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most 
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally don't 
have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material (= fuel 
for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we must do as 
much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be prepared to fight any 
fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender dry juniper which burns 
like gasoline when ignited and spreads like wildfire--literally. As a first 
response measure I've suggested that everyone include a dry chemical fire 
extinguisher (or 2) when packing their caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home. Not 
only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear up 
what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to create 
sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting around due 
to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately. Bicycles should 
not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint rocks litter the 
ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is happening behind you. 
Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as possible.
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water can 
be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on this 
a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives and 
have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of fun 
and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just because 
it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be plenty to 
enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements from the 
organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get back to  
normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto meetings and 
where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt
There's probably a KFC in Johnson City that caters. :)  :(

From: Stefan Creaser [mailto:stefan.crea...@arm.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:31 PM
To: Cave Tex
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Anyone for salad this year? ;-)

[Chief Cook and Bottle Washer]

From: Fritz Holt [mailto:fh...@townandcountryins.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:18 PM
To: 'Gill Edigar'; Diana Tomchick; 'Mandy Holt'; 'Jenny Holt'
Cc: Cave Tex
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!


I'm convinced, you smooth talker you. My ATV (but hopefully not me) stays at 
home. I'll have my hiking boots and walking stick but please don't call it a 
cane. TCR is always a blast and I don't see how it could be any dustier than 
last years gathering. I guess there will be more cold meals at campsites this 
year. That's OK as I like cereal. If Dave's Cave Saloon is operating this year 
I will have to make a donation as I am sure it will be heavily frequented.


From: bgillegi...@gmail.com [mailto:bgillegi...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Gill 
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 4:03 PM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Cave Tex
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and 
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most 
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally don't 
have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material (= fuel 
for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we must do as 
much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be prepared to fight any 
fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender dry juniper which burns 
like gasoline when ignited and spreads like wildfire--literally. As a first 
response measure I've suggested that everyone include a dry chemical fire 
extinguisher (or 2) when packing their caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home. Not 
only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear up 
what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to create 
sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting around due 
to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately. Bicycles should 
not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint rocks litter the 
ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is happening behind you. 
Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as possible.
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water can 
be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on this 
a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives and 
have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of fun 
and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just because 
it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be plenty to 
enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements from the 
organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get back to  
normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto meetings and 
where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

[Texascavers] new biners

2011-09-07 Thread David
Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] Bill Brooks is another caver who appears to have lost everything

2011-09-07 Thread Dale Barnard
It looks almost certain that caver Bill Brooks also lost everything but the
shirt on his back. He is staying with his brother in College Station and has
not been allowed to visit his property yet. The fire was to the NW, NE, and
N of him, so there is almost no hope that it missed his place. If you need
his email address, I can send it to you.


[Texascavers] FW: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt

I must mention that from my personal observation, Wes may be a young guy but he 
is a most active and very accomplished caver.


From: greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com 
[mailto:greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of caverarch
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2011 6:28 PM
To: greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation 
Bank Account Set Up


I am damn sorry to read this. I've been out in the field for the past two weeks 
and not in as continuous contact as usual. Carol and Brad are great people, and 
they need our help now. I suggest that everyone who is able respond.


-Original Message-
From: Mallory Mayeux mmay...@gmail.commailto:mmayeu4%40gmail.com
To: GHG 
Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 1:51 pm
Subject: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank 
Account Set Up

Hello everyone!

As David mentioned, the Schumachers lost their home in the Bastrop
fire. (Their son is Wes, who is always at caver gatherings--young guy,
usually clad in goatee and kilt). They've been a big part of the caving
community for quite awhile and I know everyone's thoughts are with them
right now.

They lost basically everything, so any donations, most specifically money,
clothes, and possibly pet supplies, are appreciated. I am forwarding this
email in case anyone would like to donate. They got out with their dogs and
basically nothing else, so again, anything you can give is needed.


-- Forwarded message --
From: Crystal LeBoeuf leboeu...@gmail.commailto:leboeufcm%40gmail.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 1:04 PM
Subject: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up
To: texascavers@texascavers.commailto:texascavers%40texascavers.com

I have set up a secondary checking account of the UT Grotto's in order to
accept donations for Carol and Brad Schumacher. Please email me directly at
leboeu...@gmail.commailto:leboeufcm%40gmail.com for specific information on 
how to make a deposit.

Again, they have lost their whole home to the Bastrop Fire. Accepting item
donations at Crystal LeBoeuf's house in Manchaca or Ediger's house in
Austin. Brad wears at 32/30 pant, med/lg shirt, and 8.5 shoe. Carol is a
36D (whoa!), size 3 in dresses, 7/9 other sizes, and a 7 shoe.

Crystal LeBoeuf

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Re: [Texascavers] FW: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up

2011-09-07 Thread Mallory Mayeux
Oh, yes, I agree completely. Wes has an impressive caving resume and has
done so much for the caving community in general, (especially in helping
with social events!). He's certainly been caving for a lot longer than I
have. I merely included the short description so that some members of the
Houston grotto, who may not be able to get to caving events as often, would
be able to attach a face to the name.

And in my experience, us 20-somethings are usually referred to as the young
cavers. Wes is an '84 baby, like meand there's nothing wrong with that!


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 9:35 AM, Fritz Holt fh...@townandcountryins.comwrote:



 ** **

 I must mention that from my personal observation, Wes may be a young guy
 but he is a most active and very accomplished caver.

 ** **


 ** **

 *From:* greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com [mailto:
 greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com] *On Behalf Of *caverarch
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 06, 2011 6:28 PM

 *To:* greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com
 *Subject:* Re: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher
 Donation Bank Account Set Up

 ** **



 I am damn sorry to read this. I've been out in the field for the past two
 weeks and not in as continuous contact as usual. Carol and Brad are great
 people, and they need our help now. I suggest that everyone who is able


 -Original Message-
 From: Mallory Mayeux mmay...@gmail.com
 To: GHG greater_houston_gro...@yahoogroups.com
 Sent: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 1:51 pm
 Subject: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation
 Bank Account Set Up

 Hello everyone!

 As David mentioned, the Schumachers lost their home in the Bastrop
 fire. (Their son is Wes, who is always at caver gatherings--young guy,
 usually clad in goatee and kilt). They've been a big part of the caving
 community for quite awhile and I know everyone's thoughts are with them
 right now.

 They lost basically everything, so any donations, most specifically money,
 clothes, and possibly pet supplies, are appreciated. I am forwarding this
 email in case anyone would like to donate. They got out with their dogs and
 basically nothing else, so again, anything you can give is needed.


 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Crystal LeBoeuf leboeu...@gmail.com
 Date: Tue, Sep 6, 2011 at 1:04 PM
 Subject: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up
 To: texascavers@texascavers.com

 I have set up a secondary checking account of the UT Grotto's in order to
 accept donations for Carol and Brad Schumacher. Please email me directly at
 leboeu...@gmail.com for specific information on how to make a deposit.

 Again, they have lost their whole home to the Bastrop Fire. Accepting item
 donations at Crystal LeBoeuf's house in Manchaca or Ediger's house in
 Austin. Brad wears at 32/30 pant, med/lg shirt, and 8.5 shoe.
 Carol is a
 36D (whoa!), size 3 in dresses, 7/9 other sizes, and a 7 shoe.

 Crystal LeBoeuf

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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 *A bad score is 579. A good idea is checking yours at 

[SWR] Texas Cavers Reunion 2011 -- Special Invite for our New Mexico Neighbors!

2011-09-07 Thread ac
Howdy y’all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y’all there!
SWR mailing list

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 15:39:58 -0000 Issue 1382

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 15:39:58 - Issue 1382

Topics (messages 18483 through 18493):

TSS Mapping Workshop, Saturday, September 24th
18483 by: Leslie Bell

Re: Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up
18484 by: Denise P

another caver loses home
18485 by: David

Re: caver Steve in Bastrop
18486 by: David

new biners
18487 by: David
18488 by: Mark Minton

Bill Brooks is another caver who appears to have lost everything
18489 by: Dale Barnard

Re: [greater_houston_grotto] Fwd: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank 
Account Set Up
18490 by: Fritz Holt
18491 by: Mallory Mayeux

TCR 2011!
18492 by: Allan B. Cobb
18493 by: Fritz Holt


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Feeling creative and don't know what to do with yourself? 
If you've ever wanted to learn how to use graphic design programs such as Gimp 
(similar to Adobe Photoshop) or Inkscape (similar to Adobe Illustrator), have 
we got the place for you.
Texas Speleological Society Mapping Workshop
Saturday, September 24th
10AM - 6PM 
J.J. Pickle Research Campus, Building 18-A 
Austin, TX
Come on down to the TSS headquarters. 
Help us scan and clean maps, and we will teach you how to use Gimp and Inkscape 
for use in creating your own maps and elsewhere. 
We will be serving pizza and sodas for lunch (A donation of $10 is suggested to 
pay for snacks, luncheon and beverages).
For directions, visit: 

Leslie Bell 

---End Message---

This may be premature, but I wonder if anyone has a travel trailer to loan them 
to use at their place if they need one? We offered ours, but it is tiny.

From: leboeu...@gmail.com
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 2011 13:04:02 -0500
To: texascavers@texascavers.com
Subject: [Texascavers] Schumacher Donation Bank Account Set Up

I have set up a secondary checking account of the UT Grotto's in order to 
accept donations for Carol and Brad Schumacher.  Please email me directly at 
leboeu...@gmail.com for specific information on how to make a deposit.  
Again, they have lost their whole home to the Bastrop Fire.  Accepting item 
donations at Crystal LeBoeuf's house in Manchaca or Ediger's house in Austin.  
Brad wears at 32/30 pant, med/lg shirt, and 8.5 shoe.  Carol is a 36D (whoa!), 
size 3 in dresses, 7/9 other sizes, and a 7 shoe.
Crystal LeBoeuf
512-470-5527  ---End Message---
A few of you may know Steve Keselik.

His family is safe, but they too apparently lost everything.


He owns some sort of cabinet making business and that
too apparently burned to the ground.

He used to be on CaveTex, so I will let him or someone that
knows him well post more info.

David Locklear
---End Message---
He took the family to stay with relatives near Galveston. He is
going to chill there
for a while, so does not have any urgent needs.
---End Message---
Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear
---End Message---
You're a little late, David.  I reported that on July 
14.  Maybe that was during your Texascavers hiatus...

Mark Minton

At 02:52 AM 9/7/2011, David wrote:

Check out these new biners, not yet on the market.


Unfortunately, the gate is held shut with strong magnets, so you will
not want to have them on a survey trip.

I wonder if the magnets will work well in a really muddy pit.

There is a tiny carbon steel piece fused into the aluminum of the
biner latch.I wonder
how that will corrode ?

Skip to 1:30 in the video below:


Note he ends the video by using the phrase, very secure.

David Locklear

Please reply to mmin...@caver.net
Permanent email address is mmin...@illinoisalumni.org 

---End Message---
It looks almost certain that 

[Texascavers] caving in tv series

2011-09-07 Thread David
Check out the video below.Skip to 5:50 for the caving action:


The comments below are an in-depth analysis of the caving scenes in this

Note each caver has a short coil of rope. The pit looks to be at
least 200 feet.
Is that a CGI pit or a real pit, or a photoshopped pit ?

Note the leader's super-mini-tablet has an app for automatic
cave-system locator, and accurately
predicts the depth of the major passage at 50 meters.

Ironically, all they can afford are Myo XP headlamps.

Each caver rappels on his own rope, using a self-braking descender like the new
Petzl Rig.I think they have on a harness similar to the Petzl
Rescue Falcon Mountain.


Skip from 6:30 to 7:55 to watch rest of caving scene to 8:41.Note one of the
cavers suddenly has a bazooka-sized light source shown below:



( Made by Husky and sold at Home Depot )

Then you have to skip to next episode:


Skip to 1:55 where they discover what they came to find.   That is the infamous
mad-scientist, Nikola Tesla ( a real de-vampired vampire ).He got
stuck in the cave in some
sort of cocoon made by troglobitic giant centipedes that had been
bio-engineered to attack.
( O.K., so that part is a little far fetched )   Then
the trip leader pulls out a cordless circular power grinder, only the
model in the
scene is not the cordless model.

What is really far-fetched about this episode is how Nicoli Tesla called for a
cave rescue, using a secret WW2 communication device powered by his
newly discovered magnetic mental powers ( you have to watch the show to get all
of that part of the plot ).

Another far-fetched part, is their small cave packs are loaded down with guns
and fancy ray guns, that just happen to neutralize the giant centipedes, and
have a high setting for blowing up cave passage.   In addition to
that, they purposely
blocked themselves in not knowing what the continuing passage dangers
lie ahead.

Skip from 5:45 to 7:02

Unfortunately, they eventually find a horizontal mineshaft at the back
of the cave,
so we will never know if they had ascenders to get out of the pit, or
if they went
back to get their ropes.

They are not wearing helmets, nor seem to be dressed for caving, and the cave
floor is pretty flat. Are there even caves in the Columbian highlands ?

David Locklear

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[Texascavers] re: caving in tv series

2011-09-07 Thread David
I think I forgot to mention that the big light that the caver
suddenly had in the cave runs off of 120 volt AC system, and
is not cordless, so they would have needed a generator,
or a big battery pack with inverter.


Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] Schumacher Fund

2011-09-07 Thread Crystal LeBoeuf
I just had to go to the credit union and close/reopen our account
because someone posted the account information on a forum.  This
change will NOT affect donations that have already been made or are in
the mail.  All new donors should contact me directly at
leboeu...@gmail.com for the new protocol on how to donate.  Please

Thank you,
Crystal LeBoeuf
UT Grotto Secretary/Treasurer

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] An evacuation bag...

2011-09-07 Thread Nancy Weaver

This from my SF friend:

...is a smart idea.  You can type evacuation in Google  get some 
good ideas.  (As you may recall I have a Red Cross backpack in my car 
 in my apartment to help me survive for 3 days if I experience an 
earthquake in SF.)  I found this list in Wikipedia of items 
recommended for an evacuation bag.  Some of the items you probably 
don't want but the list may help you get organized.

The suggested contents of a bug-out bag vary, but most of the 
following are usually included:

Enough food and water to last for 72 hours. This includes:
Water for washing, drinking and cooking. Canada recommends 2 litres 
per person per day for drinking plus an additional 2 litres per 
person per day for cleaning and 
New Zealand recommends 3 litres per person per day for 
US recommends 1 gallon (3.78 litres) per person per 

Non-perishable foodhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag#cite_note-17[18]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_purificationwater purification supplies
Cooking supplieshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bug-out_bag#cite_note-18[19]
A http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_aid_kitfirst aid 
Fire starting tool (e.g., matches, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ferroceriumferrocerium rod, 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighterlighter, etc.)
A disaster plan including location of emergency centers, rallying 
points, possible evacuation routes etc.
Professional emergency literature explaining what to do in various 
types of disaster, studied and understood before the actual disaster 
but kept for reference
Maps and travel 
Standard camping equipment, including sanitation 
Weather appropriate clothing (e.g., 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponchoponcho, headwear, gloves, etc.)
Bedding items such as sleeping bags and 

Enough medicine to last an extended evacuation period
Medical records
Pet, child, and elderly care 
Battery or crank operated 
Lighting (battery or crank operated 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FirearmsFirearms and appropriate 
Cash and change, as electronic banking transactions may not be 
available during the initial period following an emergency or 
Positive Identification, such as drivers license, state I.D. card, or 
social security card

Fixed-blade and folding knife
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duct_TapeDuct Tape and 

Plastic tarps for shelter and water collection
Slingshot, pellet gun, blowgun or other small game hunting equipment
Wire for binding and animal traps
The above list was developed (I think) in Australia.  The following 
list was developed by the city of Torrence CA.

Evacuation Bags

(Bags should be easy to carry. Bags should have an ID tag and should 
be kept at home, work and in a vehicle. The following are recommended 
for an evacuation bag:

Water, food, and manual can opener
Radio, battery operated
Pocket knife
Personal medications and prescriptions
Extra keys to house and vehicle
Basic first aid kit
Walking shoes, warm clothes, a hat, and rain gear
Extra prescription eye glasses, hearing aid or other vital personal items
Toilet paper, plastic bags and other hygiene supplies
Dust mask
Paper, pens and tape for leaving messages
Copies of insurance and identification cards
Any special items for children and seniors or people with disabilities
The Red Cross website also has recommendations.  The RC recommends 
that you notify friends  family where you are going  when they can 
expect to hear from you next.  And, of course, listen to local 
advisories  evacuate when they recommend itbetter safe than 

I hope you don't ever have to evacuate but being prepared is the best thing.



San Francisco has only one drawback. 'Tis hard to leave. - Rudyard Kipling

Re: [Texascavers] An evacuation bag...

2011-09-07 Thread Andy Gluesenkamp
My mother was forced to evacuate her farm a couple of years ago.  She had time 
to grab seven dogs, a cat, her computer, and a big jug of JD.  She says she has 
no regrets about her choices.
and a few years earlier
My (ex) stepmother, on the other hand, just *had* to go back to her place for 
one more carload of stuff.  All they found of her after the fire had moved on 
was burned bones and dental fillings.
Keep it simple.

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 17:09:40 -0000 Issue 1383

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 17:09:40 - Issue 1383

Topics (messages 18494 through 18507):

caving in tv series
18494 by: David
18495 by: David

fire readiness
18496 by: Nancy Weaver
18498 by: Don Arburn
18500 by: Andy Gluesenkamp
18502 by: Diana Tomchick

Schumacher Fund
18497 by: Crystal LeBoeuf

An evacuation bag...
18499 by: Nancy Weaver
18503 by: Andy Gluesenkamp

Re: TCR 2011!
18501 by: Diana Tomchick
18504 by: Mallory Mayeux
18505 by: Stefan Creaser
18506 by: Fritz Holt
18507 by: brewskyjba.gmail.com


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:

Check out the video below.Skip to 5:50 for the caving action:


The comments below are an in-depth analysis of the caving scenes in this

Note each caver has a short coil of rope. The pit looks to be at
least 200 feet.
Is that a CGI pit or a real pit, or a photoshopped pit ?

Note the leader's super-mini-tablet has an app for automatic
cave-system locator, and accurately
predicts the depth of the major passage at 50 meters.

Ironically, all they can afford are Myo XP headlamps.

Each caver rappels on his own rope, using a self-braking descender like the new
Petzl Rig.I think they have on a harness similar to the Petzl
Rescue Falcon Mountain.


Skip from 6:30 to 7:55 to watch rest of caving scene to 8:41.Note one of the
cavers suddenly has a bazooka-sized light source shown below:



( Made by Husky and sold at Home Depot )

Then you have to skip to next episode:


Skip to 1:55 where they discover what they came to find.   That is the infamous
mad-scientist, Nikola Tesla ( a real de-vampired vampire ).He got
stuck in the cave in some
sort of cocoon made by troglobitic giant centipedes that had been
bio-engineered to attack.
( O.K., so that part is a little far fetched )   Then
the trip leader pulls out a cordless circular power grinder, only the
model in the
scene is not the cordless model.

What is really far-fetched about this episode is how Nicoli Tesla called for a
cave rescue, using a secret WW2 communication device powered by his
newly discovered magnetic mental powers ( you have to watch the show to get all
of that part of the plot ).

Another far-fetched part, is their small cave packs are loaded down with guns
and fancy ray guns, that just happen to neutralize the giant centipedes, and
have a high setting for blowing up cave passage.   In addition to
that, they purposely
blocked themselves in not knowing what the continuing passage dangers
lie ahead.

Skip from 5:45 to 7:02

Unfortunately, they eventually find a horizontal mineshaft at the back
of the cave,
so we will never know if they had ascenders to get out of the pit, or
if they went
back to get their ropes.

They are not wearing helmets, nor seem to be dressed for caving, and the cave
floor is pretty flat. Are there even caves in the Columbian highlands ?

David Locklear
---End Message---
I think I forgot to mention that the big light that the caver
suddenly had in the cave runs off of 120 volt AC system, and
is not cordless, so they would have needed a generator,
or a big battery pack with inverter.

---End Message---
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary 
legal papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco 
call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So 
sorry for everyone's losses.
---End Message---
I've had one of these since 9/11.

Don's iPhone.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com
---End Message---
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers 
and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 

[Texascavers] Looking for Speakers- Aggie Speleological Society

2011-09-07 Thread Zach Broussard
Howdy Cavers,

A.S.S. would like to invite any interested cavers to come and give a cave
related speech/ presentation at one of our meetings. Our meetings are held
Thursdays at 7:30pm on the AM campus.

Please keep in mind that due to ASS being a university club, our turnover
rates are quite high and the majority of our grotto is new to caving and
come from a wide array of backgrounds. The more general a topic the better,
but you are welcome to present on what ever you would like. Possible topics
include: intro to cave surveying, cave geology/biology/etc, cave formations,
and so on.

I understand that College Station is out of the way for many of you, and
therefore ASS is willing to reimburse you for gas expenses (within reason).

If you have any interest, please contact me at zachrbrouss...@gmail.com for
further details.


Zach Broussard
Aggie Speleological Society- President

CONFIRM subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-help
Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.

I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
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On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:45 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:

 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
 texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.
 I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
 at texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.
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 Some mail programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses. If you
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Re: CONFIRM subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com

2011-09-07 Thread Charles Goldsmith

Sent via C=64 Mobile

On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:53 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:

 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
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 On Sep 7, 2011, at 12:45 PM, texascavers-h...@texascavers.com wrote:
 Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
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[Texascavers] Roger Sorrells

2011-09-07 Thread Sam Young
I learned yesterday of the death of Roger Sorrells.  Roger was a very active 
caver in Texas beginning in the late 50’s.  He is mentioned several times in 
“Fifty Years of Texas Caving”.  You can find the obituary here:


Sorry,  .. Sam

[Texascavers] Re: Roger Sorrels

2011-09-07 Thread David
I knew Roger once. Back around 1985, he came to all the Aggie
Grotto meetings.

He would tell us stories that inspired us like rappelling off the
Pecos River bridge, which
we later sort-of did.

I used to invite him on all my caving trips when I lived in College
Station during the
mid-80's.I called him or tried to call him a few times in the
90's, but eventually lost contact with

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

[Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Nancy Weaver
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary 
legal papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco 
call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So 
sorry for everyone's losses.

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Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Don Arburn
I've had one of these since 9/11.

Don's iPhone.

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver nan...@prismnet.com wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Andy Gluesenkamp
I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers 
and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an earthquake 
kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for everyone's losses.

Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the originals 
elsewhere*.  I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of a car during 
a move.  
*Unless your plan is to just keep driving.

Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
Go to the following web site


where you will not only have links to maps of fires (complete with names of the 
fires--who knew they were named, just like hurrricanes?) and to recommendations 
for emergency preparedness. Good info here.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Andy Gluesenkamp wrote:

 I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
 papers and leaving it in the car.  My friends in San Francisco call it an 
 earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods.  So sorry for 
 everyone's losses.

 Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the originals 
 elsewhere*.  I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of a car 
 during a move.

 *Unless your plan is to just keep driving.


UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
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For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

RE: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread Louise Power

That's a good site. For those who have never been through something like this 
before, there are some really good recommendations in the Firewise 
Communities link. Look under Homeowners. There's a pdf brochure there that 
talks about how far around your house you should clear and how wide your 
driveway should be and how high the clearance should be. Out here, if your 
drive isn't big enough to handle firetrucks going and coming, the firefighters 
are likely to pass you by. Same goes for having a bridge that won't hold the 
weight of a fully loaded firetruck or water tender. Good luck, all!

 From: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 To: a...@gluesenkamp.com
 CC: texascavers@texascavers.com; nan...@prismnet.com
 Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 16:45:52 +
 Subject: Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness
 Go to the following web site
 where you will not only have links to maps of fires (complete with names of 
 the fires--who knew they were named, just like hurrricanes?) and to 
 recommendations for emergency preparedness. Good info here.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:14 AM, Andy Gluesenkamp wrote:
  I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal 
  papers and leaving it in the car. My friends in San Francisco call it an 
  earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods. So sorry for 
  everyone's losses.
  Uhm, you might want to make copies of those documents and stash the 
  originals elsewhere*. I know folks who had that kind of stuff stolen out of 
  a car during a move.
  *Unless your plan is to just keep driving.
 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: Re: [Texascavers] fire readiness

2011-09-07 Thread tbsamsel

I had to pump out our bomb shelter as a kid even before the Cuban Missle Crisis.

TSep 7, 2011 11:12:21 AM, donarb...@mac.com wrote:
I've had one of these since 9/11.Don's iPhone.On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:12 AM, Nancy Weaver wrote: I'm putting together a suitcase with clothes, passport, necessary legal papers and leaving it in the car. My friends in San Francisco call it an earthquake kit, in New Orleans they do it for floods. So sorry for everyone's losses.  - Visit our website: http://texascavers.com To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com -Visit our website: http://texascavers.comTo unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.comFor additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 21:35:35 -0000 Issue 1384

2011-09-07 Thread texascavers-digest-help

texascavers Digest 7 Sep 2011 21:35:35 - Issue 1384

Topics (messages 18508 through 18517):

Re: TCR 2011!
18508 by: Diana Tomchick
18514 by: Gill Edigar
18515 by: Fritz Holt
18516 by: Stefan Creaser
18517 by: Fritz Holt

Looking for Speakers- Aggie Speleological Society
18509 by: Zach Broussard

Roger Sorrells
18510 by: Sam Young

Re: Roger Sorrels
18511 by: David

Re: fire readiness
18512 by: Louise Power
18513 by: tbsamsel.verizon.net


To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

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You can rent a modern mountain bike for the weekend, it's not expensive.

Since there may not be much water for swimming, it would make an enjoyable 
alternative. I managed to do some mountain biking last year, despite the 
relatively steep terrain and dust. It was great fun, and the dogs always enjoy 
running after the bike.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B   
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A. 
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

 I have a standard bike with no gearing and that might be a little tough on 
 the hills and rough stuff. I had a 7 gear Schwinn Cruiser which I donated at 
 the TCR sale the last year at Paradise Canyon.
 -Original Message-
 From: Diana Tomchick [mailto:diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:44 AM
 To: Fritz Holt
 Cc: Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
 bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:
 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.
 Fritz Holt
 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 Howdy y'all!
 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL 
 BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 
 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 
 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.
 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are 
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in 
 the pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and 
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive 
 slow when you are off the pavement.
 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 
 See y'all there!

[Texascavers] TCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations!

2011-09-07 Thread Saj Zappitello
Howdy Cavers,

It’s almost that time of year again. TCMA Directors election time! We
listened to your input and are making a few changes this year. There will be
no TCMA election at TCR. Instead, you can vote either online at a secure
link we will send out on October 5, or you can request a paper ballot. You
will receive voting information via email, if your email is current and on
file with the TCMA, or via snail mail if we do not have an email address for
you. Only current members will be allowed to vote, so make sure your
membership is current! The final voting day will be October 24.

Also… Would you like to make a difference in conserving Texas caves for
Texas cavers? Please consider running for a board member position! Let us
know if you are interested in running: saj.zappite...@tcmacaves.org,
ronra...@tcmacaves.org, or jerryat...@tcmacaves.org. Thanks!

--TCMA Nominations and Elections Committee

[TCMA-List] TCMA Board of Directors Call for Nominations!

2011-09-07 Thread Saj Zappitello
Howdy Cavers,

It’s almost that time of year again. TCMA Directors election time! We
listened to your input and are making a few changes this year. There will be
no TCMA election at TCR. Instead, you can vote either online at a secure
link we will send out on October 5, or you can request a paper ballot. You
will receive voting information via email, if your email is current and on
file with the TCMA, or via snail mail if we do not have an email address for
you. Only current members will be allowed to vote, so make sure your
membership is current! The final voting day will be October 24.

Also… Would you like to make a difference in conserving Texas caves for
Texas cavers? Please consider running for a board member position! Let us
know if you are interested in running: saj.zappite...@tcmacaves.org,
ronra...@tcmacaves.org, or jerryat...@tcmacaves.org. Thanks!

--TCMA Nominations and Elections Committee
To subscribe to this list, send an e-mail to tcma-list-subscr...@tcmacaves.org

To Unsubscribe, send an e-mail to tcma-list-unsubscr...@tcmacaves.org.

[Texascavers] OT - firewood

2011-09-07 Thread David
There is tons of firewood available near my house if anybody wants it.

A utility company recently cleared a mile long path through a wooded
area near my house and left all the wood there to just rot. It has been
so dry, that the wood is still good for burning.

It seems ironic like in the Alanis Morissette song.She should
add a verse.It's like a free cord of wood in a fire-burning ban.

Here is the melody, just sing the phrase:


David Locklear

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RE: [Texascavers] OT - firewood

2011-09-07 Thread Stefan Creaser
Is it getting cold out?

-- Stefan

From: David [dlocklea...@gmail.com]
Sent: 07 September 2011 19:25
To: Cavers Texas
Subject: [Texascavers] OT - firewood

There is tons of firewood available near my house if anybody wants it.

A utility company recently cleared a mile long path through a wooded
area near my house and left all the wood there to just rot. It has been
so dry, that the wood is still good for burning.

It seems ironic like in the Alanis Morissette song.She should
add a verse.It's like a free cord of wood in a fire-burning ban.

Here is the melody, just sing the phrase:


David Locklear

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-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium.  Thank you.

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[Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Allan B. Cobb
Howdy y’all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y’all there!

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt

I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. My 
first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain other 
than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any ranch 
roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little Honda 
250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If permitted, 
I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to bring theirs.

Fritz Holt

From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Howdy y'all!

No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site of 
the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to say, 
Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE NO 
FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for cooking.  
Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very hot 
and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard to 
avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you park.

If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this unsightly 
but it is also a fire hazard.

The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and it 
can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules will 

We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may prevent 
a disaster.

OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
you are off the pavement.

For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

See y'all there!

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don’t remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV’s may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y’all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y’all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Mallory Mayeux
Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would
raise a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when
they're off the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't
four-wheelers cause the same problems?


On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu wrote:

 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you
 try bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)

 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

  I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500
 acres. My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don’t remember much about the
 terrain other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are
 there any ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV’s may be ridden?
 My little Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit
 sparks. If permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also
 want to bring theirs.
  Fritz Holt
  From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
  Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
  To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
  Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
  Howdy y’all!
  No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the
 site of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless
 to say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there
 WILL BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill
 for cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
  Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get
 very hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really
 hard to avoid tall grass as there really isn’t much but do be aware of where
 you park.
  If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
  The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire
 and it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
  TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules
  We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may
 prevent a disaster.
  OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
  The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y’all are
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in
 the pond but there is some.  Let’s hope we get some rain between now and
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive
 slow when you are off the pavement.
  For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit
  See y’all there!


 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.

 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Stefan Creaser
I suggest that the only hot air generated is while sitting around with a beer 
and talking...

From: Mallory Mayeux [mailto:mmay...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:57 AM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would raise 
a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when they're off 
the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't four-wheelers cause 
the same problems?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383tel:214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353tel:214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.commailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y'all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y'all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.comhttp://texascavers.com/
To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Fritz Holt
Indeed they would  --- if ridden carelessly without regard for others. I 
personally ride slowly to take in the scenery. Age is catching up to me and 
while I can still hike, there are times I would rather ride. Other cavers seem 
to enjoy riding my ATV also. I will abide by Allan's decision and rules.


From: Mallory Mayeux [mailto:mmay...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:57 AM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would raise 
a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when they're off 
the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't four-wheelers cause 
the same problems?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383tel:214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353tel:214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.commailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y'all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y'all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.comhttp://texascavers.com/
To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread brewskyjba
If that's the case then eliminate all off roaring on or off trails. 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

-Original Message-
From: Stefan Creaser stefan.crea...@arm.com
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 10:05:09 
To: Mallory Mayeuxmmay...@gmail.com
Cc: Fritz Holtfh...@townandcountryins.com; 
Subject: RE: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
I suggest that the only hot air generated is while sitting around with a beer 
and talking...

From: Mallory Mayeux [mailto:mmay...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:57 AM
To: Diana Tomchick
Cc: Fritz Holt; Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

Even without throwing sparks, my concern would be that several ATVs would raise 
a lot of dust. Allan asked people to drive their cars slowly when they're off 
the pavement in order to avoid kicking up dust. Wouldn't four-wheelers cause 
the same problems?

On Wed, Sep 7, 2011 at 11:43 AM, Diana Tomchick 
I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383tel:214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353tel:214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:


 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.

 Fritz Holt

 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.commailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

 Howdy y'all!

 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL BE 
 NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.

 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 

 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.

 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.

 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 

 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.

 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...

 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are all 
 invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in the 
 pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and then.  
 Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive slow when 
 you are off the pavement.

 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 

 See y'all there!

UT Southwestern Medical Center
The future of medicine, today.

Visit our website: http://texascavers.comhttp://texascavers.com/
To unsubscribe, e-mail: 
For additional commands, e-mail: 

-- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are 
confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, 
please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any 
other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any 
medium. Thank you.

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Diana Tomchick
You can rent a modern mountain bike for the weekend, it's not expensive.

Since there may not be much water for swimming, it would make an enjoyable 
alternative. I managed to do some mountain biking last year, despite the 
relatively steep terrain and dust. It was great fun, and the dogs always enjoy 
running after the bike.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Diana R. Tomchick
Associate Professor
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Biochemistry
5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
Rm. ND10.214B   
Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A. 
Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
214-645-6383 (phone)
214-645-6353 (fax)

On Sep 7, 2011, at 11:49 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:

 I have a standard bike with no gearing and that might be a little tough on 
 the hills and rough stuff. I had a 7 gear Schwinn Cruiser which I donated at 
 the TCR sale the last year at Paradise Canyon.
 -Original Message-
 From: Diana Tomchick [mailto:diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu] 
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 11:44 AM
 To: Fritz Holt
 Cc: Allan B. Cobb; Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 I believe it is an excellent place for mountain biking, so why don't you try 
 bringing a bike instead? Little chance that would spark a fire.
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
 Diana R. Tomchick
 Associate Professor
 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
 Department of Biochemistry
 5323 Harry Hines Blvd.
 Rm. ND10.214B
 Dallas, TX 75390-8816, U.S.A.
 Email: diana.tomch...@utsouthwestern.edu
 214-645-6383 (phone)
 214-645-6353 (fax)
 On Sep 7, 2011, at 10:36 AM, Fritz Holt wrote:
 I read in an earlier post that Flat Creek Ranch had either 300 or 500 acres. 
 My first TCR was there in 2005 but I don't remember much about the terrain 
 other than the creek bed and elevated area where many camped. Are there any 
 ranch roads or trails on the property where ATV's may be ridden? My little 
 Honda 250cc four wheeler has no cat converter and does not emit sparks. If 
 permitted, I would like to bring it to TCR. A few others may also want to 
 bring theirs.
 Fritz Holt
 From: Allan B. Cobb [mailto:a...@oztotl.com]
 Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2011 10:04 AM
 To: Texascavers@Texascavers.Com
 Subject: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!
 Howdy y'all!
 No doubt all have heard about the wildfires in Texas.  Flat Creek, the site 
 of the upcoming TCR, had fires close but not on the property.  Needless to 
 say, Texas is dry and fire dangers are high.  At TCR this year, there WILL 
 BE NO FIRES AT CAMP SITES.  Also, do not plan on bring a charcoal grill for 
 cooking.  Avoid using candles for lighting in and around tents.
 Also, consider where you park as catalytic converters on cars can get very 
 hot and can ignite grass.  DO NOT PARK IN TALL GRASS.  It is not really hard 
 to avoid tall grass as there really isn't much but do be aware of where you 
 If you smoke, DO NOT throw the butts on the ground.  Not only is this 
 unsightly but it is also a fire hazard.
 The grass and trees are very dry.  It will not take much to start a fire and 
 it can quickly get out of control especially if we have any wind.
 TCR generally tries to avoid rules and enforcement.  However, these rules 
 We also encourage everyone to bring a fire extinguisher. We hope to avoid 
 starting a fire but if one breaks out, prompt and immediate action may 
 prevent a disaster.
 OK, enough gloom and doom and rulemaking...
 The Texas Cavers Reunion will be the weekend of October 14-16.  Y'all are 
 all invited to come to the fun and festivities.  There is not much water in 
 the pond but there is some.  Let's hope we get some rain between now and 
 then.  Also, like last year, it could potentially be dusty.  Please drive 
 slow when you are off the pavement.
 For more information and the location of Flat Creek, please visit 
 See y'all there!
 UT Southwestern Medical Center
 The future of medicine, today.
 Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
 For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Visit our website: http://texascavers.com
To unsubscribe, e-mail: texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com
For additional commands, e-mail: texascavers-h...@texascavers.com

Re: [Texascavers] TCR 2011!

2011-09-07 Thread Gill Edigar
   My gut feeling, having many years of experience at Flat Creek Ranch and
having physically walked the grounds last week, is that this is a most
exceptional year. The drouth has dealt us a double blow that we normally
don't have to be concerned with--low water and dry and dead plant material
(= fuel for wild fires). And unless we have significant rains before TCR we
must do as much as possible to prevent sparks and dust and should be
prepared to fight any fires that may arise. We will be camped next to tender
dry juniper which burns like gasoline when ignited and spreads like
wildfire--literally. As a first response measure I've suggested that
everyone include a dry chemical fire extinguisher (or 2) when packing their
caving vehicle for TCR.
   I'm going to suggest that this year people leave ATVs and such at home.
Not only would they be unusually dusty and noisy this year but they can tear
up what little vegetation may be trying to survive and are more likely to
create sparks and, perhaps, flames. The few people who use them for getting
around due to disabilities should operate them slowly and considerately.
Bicycles should not be a problem but it would be good to remember that flint
rocks litter the ranch and flint rocks make sparks. Be aware of what is
happening behind you. Or, better yet, stick to the paved roads as much as
   Be aware that the creek water behind the dam is low and warm. Warm water
can be home to certain organism that could be
harmful to even normally healthy cavers. Diana, perhaps you can expound on
this a bit. The hot tub will be treated but the pond will not be.
  I've been in consultation with the Ranch Manager and the TCR operatives
and have made the above suggestions. I'm convinced that we can have a lot of
fun and a good TCR despite some differences this year. Don't stay home just
because it won't be exactly the same as you remember. There'll still be
plenty to enjoy--people and activities. Stay tuned for further announcements
from the organizers as we get closer. Maybe it'll rain and the TCR will get
back to  normal--or abnormal, however you see it. Rain dances at Grotto
meetings and where ever cavers gather would be appreciated.

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