Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

2007-09-21 Thread Stacy Harim
Don't speak so quick. I don't know how long it will take for me to get back to 
it.  I messed myself up pretty bad with my back.  A lot of therapy is still 
needed.  I'm still trying to figure out how to get to my feet so I can get 
dressed in a fair amount of time. LOL.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Jill Zmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Stacy Harimmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ; TM 
  Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 10:45 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

  I'm still trying to finish my Bachelors Degree and I'm 37  You guys are 

  Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I've come to grips.  I also want to get my masters and doctrine.  I feel 
like I'll be in school forever and if I don't get that far, then that's ok too. 
 I want to at least get my masters and hopefully teach part time.  With a 
social work masters, I can bring awareness to students going into the field.

  - Original Message - 
  From: randy rankinmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  To: Stacy Harimmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 5:10 PM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

  Stacy - 

  Don't feel bad about graduating when you are 35. I started working on my 
doctorate at 38 - now I'm 40 and hope to graduate in another year or two. TM 
hit me the same DAY that I started school - can you believe it?

  Instead of being in class, or at work, i was in the hospital paralyized 
from the waist down. Had I not listen to that inner voice, instead of the 
idiots at work, it would have been full paraylized with loss of blatter instead 
of have a partial problem with my right leg. Thank God I walked  well 
limped and drug myself off the job and went to the clinic. My boss wrote me up 
for defiance but they all back tracted when they realized how much trouble they 
were about to get into. 

  Keep working on your school - slowly but surely you'll have it out of the 

  Stacy Harim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Jude,

I'm pretty OK.  I was trying to give Regina a glimmer of hope.  I 
believe that any of us that have to deal with the physical/mental after affects 
of TM or ADEM are brave.  I know I will get out of this bed soon.  I won't be 
the same as I was before the spinal fusion but I still have my arms and with 
work, I will be more independent again.  I was going to school for social work 
so I can help others with disabilities and plan to finish when I can.  I did 
have a down time in May before I broke my back when everyone was graduating bc 
I was also supposed to graduate and I still have 2 years left.  I am only 33 
but it does get discouraging to think I'll be 35 before I'm finished.  I have a 
lot of debt to pay off and want to one day own a house and have it paid off 
before I retire which seems it  might be impossible but in reality I know its 

I think we do learn from each other and without this and that quadlist, 
I would be lost without knowing what to do. I do more reading here hence the 
lace of replies but it doesn't mean I don't get anything out of it.

Thanks to you all,
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:28 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

  In a message dated 9/14/2007 4:19:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 

  Stacy and Regina,

  Whatever you both do, please stay with us and give us a good  try.  
I'm relatively certain that we will help you and I'm sure that in turn, we will 
learn something from the experience you have gone through.

  Best of everything to you both,

  Our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet 
they produce for us an immeasurably great Glory that will last forever

  2 Corinthians 4:17

  See what's new at 
AOL.com and Make AOL Your 

  Be a better Globetrotter. Get better travel answers*
 someone who knows.
  Yahoo! Answers - Check it out. 


Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

2007-09-21 Thread Stacy Harim
Thank you Barbara and everyone else giving me encouragement  I really 
appreciate the thoughtfulness.  You all are great support.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 12:29 AM
  Subject: Re: [TMIC] Hi Stacy

  Hi Stacy,

  You Rock!  I absolutely believe that you will get you degree, whether it be a 
masters and doctrine or not, you will be able to bring awareness to students 
going into the field.  And, if you go into social work of any kind, you will do 
that as well.  You have the kind of determination that is needed to succeed and 
get yourself going, even after the problems and surgeries you've had with your 
spine.  I think you can go one step backward and two steps forward, and not all 
of us can do that.  YOU GO GIRL!!

  Anytime you are feeling like you need a pep talk, just let me know.  I'm here 
for you!

  Hugs, Barbara A

  See what's new at AOL.com and 
Make AOL Your 


2007-09-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal


I wish you a belated Happy Birthday.

Next year will be 20 years with TM for me. I don't remember the exact 
date of onset, I just remember
standing up from my seat at a movie theatre, and my left foot/leg was 
numb. Nothing has been normal

since then.

FWIW, I, and many others, understand how you feel. I hope and pray there 
will be a breakthrough

that will help us old timers.

Take care,

Robert Pall wrote:

Yesterday was my 60th birthday….in 6 days it will be my 10 year 
aniversary of having TM. I am feeling somewhat sad and melancholy. I 
normally accept my condition and give thanks that it is not as bad as 
many on the list. However looking back I can no longer remember what 
it felt like to be normal. For people who do not have an affliction 
like ours it is so difficult to explain. This was the first time I was 
ever sick where I could not expect to be all better. Therefore 
instead of celebrating a birthday milestone, I spent much of the day 
feeling sorry for myself. Knowing my personality I am quite sure this 
feeling will soon be over and I will go back to being upbeat. But….10 
years….and not one waking minute where I felt good. Some days are 
better than others….but no day is without discomfort or worse. I have 
found our condition almost impossible to explain to a healthy person…I 
cannot even come to terms with TM at my own level.

I understand strides are being made to help us…but I truly doubt it is 
going to help the old timers. I am grateful that the younger TM'rs 
will benefit. I have not given up hope and will continue to battle 
this condition for as long as I live. I will regain my positive 
attitude and be grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life. I 
just needed to vent to the people who really understand!

Rob in New Jersey


2007-09-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Folks,

Ok, I just wrote to the Oprah show.  Here's the address:

This is what I wrote:

I have a rare medical condition called Transverse Myelitis.  I, and 
others with the illness, are trying to raise awareness of it.  Cody 
Unser, daughter of race car driver Al Unser Jr., is a paraplegic from 
Transverse Myelitis.  Would you consider doing a segment on this 
devastating illness?  Sincerely, Kevin Wolfthal

If you want to write to her, you are welcome to copy/paste what I wrote, 
just change the name.

It can't hurt.


Kevin Wolfthal wrote:


The only thing I can think of right now is if we could get someone 
like Cody Unser
on a show like Oprah, maybe with Dr. Kerr.  She has done programs on 




   Gimme some ideas on how we can make money to fund Doug Kerr. Every 
time I talk to him, he tells me he's hamstringed without the funding. 
Think, I need all the help I can get. Oh, 11 years for me July 12th.

See what's new at and Make AOL Your 

[TMIC] one of our felloe TM'ers

2007-09-21 Thread Alle111
I hope everyone is well today. I received this from a sister of one of our 
family (Roland 'Red) and I think his last name is Hiles (?), but she asked 
that I ask you to please pray for him, thanks.Ella

Subj: Update on Red   Date: 9/19/2007 10:37:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time  
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])   Sent from the Internet 
Hi Ella,
Just wanted to let you know that Red is having his left leg 
amputated tomorrow, September 20th, around 2:00 in the afternoon.  The doctors 
think it best to go above the knee since his leg is contracted.
Would you please ask everyone on the list to remember him in prayer tomorrow? 
 His picture is still in the members list if anyone is interested in who he 
Gee, this is such a hard time. I can't believe 5 years have passed so 
quickly. In fact, his T.M. anniversary was on July 27th this year. 
I think he is handling it well, always making a joke. He said he wanted to be 
a peg leg pirate now. Rick asked him this evening if we could keep his leg 
and make a lamp out of it, like in the movie A Christmas Story. Red really 
that one.
I will give you an update after all is over.
  Love, your friend, Lisa.
Hi Ella,
   Well, it's over. The doctors took off the leg above the knee. They 
also opted to give Red a spinal, thought it was safer than putting him under. 
Red was all for that. The nurses said Red talked non stop during the entire 
surgery!!!   I just happened to be coming down the hall and came upon Red 
and the nurses (after the surgery) as they were taking him back to his room. He 
was wide awake and continued talking to me and dad for the next 1 1/2 hours.  
  I am amazed. He is handling it all so well. Now all he wants to do is heal 
and be able to go fishing before the Fall is over.  . 
I'll be in touch, let you know how Red progresses.
Love, Lisa.

** See what's new at


2007-09-21 Thread JHarper33
Hi Rob,
I just turned 50 last month and then had my 12th TM  anniversary Sept. 1. For 
several years I have not looked forward to Sept. 1, but  then I'd forget 
about it (one of the benefits of being middle-aged :-) ) and  remember a few 
days later that I've passed another milestone with TM. I'm kind  of glad it 
happens that way for me.
There was a time when I could not accept not being healed from  TM. I think 
I've pretty much come to a place of acceptance now, with the Lord's  help. But, 
as you say, there are good days and bad days.
Hope things look up for you soon.
Barbara H.
_ ( 
In a message dated 9/21/2007 1:24:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,  

Yesterday was my 60th birthday….in 6 days it  will be my 10 year aniversary 
of having TM. I am feeling somewhat sad and  melancholy. I normally accept my 
condition and give thanks that it is not as  bad as many on the list. However 
looking back I can no longer remember what it  felt like to be normal. For 
people who do not have an affliction like ours  it is so difficult to explain. 
This was the first time I was ever sick where I  could not expect to be all 
better. Therefore instead of celebrating a  birthday milestone, I spent much 
the day feeling sorry for myself. Knowing  my personality I am quite sure 
this feeling will soon be over and I will go  back to being upbeat. But….10 
.and not one waking minute where I felt  good. Some days are better than 
others….but no day is without discomfort or  worse. I have found our condition 
almost impossible to explain to a healthy  person…I cannot even come to terms 
with TM at my own level. 
I  understand strides are being made to help us…but I truly doubt it is going 
to  help the old timers. I am grateful that the younger TM'rs will benefit. I 
have  not given up hope and will continue to battle this condition for as 
long as I  live. I will regain my positive attitude and be grateful for all of 
the  wonderful things in my life. I just needed to vent to the people who 
Rob in New Jersey 


** See what's new at

Re: [TMIC] one of our felloe TM'ers

2007-09-21 Thread Bernard Pelow
*This is scary for me. For the last few months my right leg has been 
contracting to where I can hardly get the knee past 90 degrees anymore, 
no matter how much I massage and stretch my leg.  And when I have spasms 
now, the leg tries to straighten out, and it causes a lot more pain than 
usual. Is this a normal procedure for someone in this condition? I 
really do NOT want another surgery, especially to lose my leg.

Bernie in Texas*

Hi Ella,
Just wanted to let you know that Red is having his left 
leg amputated tomorrow, September 20th, around 2:00 in the afternoon.  
The doctors think it best to go above the knee since his leg is 

fn:May God bestow on us: peace, faith, blessings, compassion, and forgiveness in our next years as we venture through these times.
adr;dom:Apt. #203;;1941 Gaston Place Drive;Austin;Texas;78723
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Thomas Jefferson said it best,--Those that trade freedom for security deserve neither freedom nor security

Re: [TMIC] one of our felloe TM'ers

2007-09-21 Thread Alle111
In a message dated 9/21/2007 4:25:31 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
For the last few months my right leg has been contracting to where I can 
hardly get the knee past 90 degrees anymore. Is this a normal procedure for 
someone in this condition? 
I really don't know but when I talk to Lisa I will ask. I do know tis wasn't 
a sudden thing as he has had problems with his legs for a while.

** See what's new at


2007-09-21 Thread Larry Throne
I've lived with TM so longit is normal for me. I can't remember what it feels like to not have to tell my leg to move or have to slingthemfrom one spot to another. I have to admit that I worry sometimes that as I age things get more difficult. I don't have the stamina that I used to have. My shoulders, hands and legs are getting worse. I don't know if it's the weather or just something wrong with me. It has just been killing me to write, transfer from my chair to the car, bed ect... They throb or ache constantly. Alieve used to help as did aspercream but niether seem to make a difference anymore. Oh well, I'v got a feeling that they might be doing the same even if I didn't have TM. Just not so bad. Hope you guys are all doing well. Thanks for letting me whine.
Larry in Oklahoma who is really greatful for what I do have.

Larry Throne, MSW

From: Kevin Wolfthal [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Tmic-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [TMIC] 10 LONG YEARSDate: Fri, 21 Sep 2007 13:47:35 -0400Robert,I wish you a belated Happy Birthday.Next year will be 20 years with TM for me. I don't remember the exact date of onset, I just rememberstanding up from my seat at a movie theatre, and my left foot/leg was numb. Nothing has been normalsince then.FWIW, I, and many others, understand how you feel. I hope and pray there will be a breakthroughthat will help us old timers.Take care,KevinRobert Pall wrote:Yesterday was my 60th birthday….in 6 days it will be my 10 year aniversary of having TM. I am feeling somewhat sad and melancholy. I normally accept my condition and 
give thanks that it is not as bad as many on the list. However looking back I can no longer remember what it felt like to be "normal". For people who do not have an affliction like ours it is so difficult to explain. This was the first time I was ever sick where I could not expect to be "all better". Therefore instead of celebrating a birthday milestone, I spent much of the day feeling sorry for myself. Knowing my personality I am quite sure this feeling will soon be over and I will go back to being upbeat. But….10 years….and not one waking minute where I felt good. Some days are better than others….but no day is without discomfort or worse. I have found our condition almost impossible to explain to a healthy person…I cannot even come to terms with TM at my own level.I 
understand strides are being made to help us…but I truly doubt it is going to help the old timers. I am grateful that the younger TM'rs will benefit. I have not given up hope and will continue to battle this condition for as long as I live. I will regain my positive attitude and be grateful for all of the wonderful things in my life. I just needed to vent to the people who really understand!Rob in New Jersey It’s the Windows Live™ Hotmail® you love — on your phone! 


2007-09-21 Thread Grace M.

 *Hi Kevin,*

*RE;  Oprah---we've been trying to get her attention also for a segment on
rare neurological diseases.  Recently, she did feature a gentleman with
Transverse Myelitis.  Last year, i heard that she would be doing a segement,
specifically on neurological disorders, but i haven't seen it yet.  Maybe if
we all bombard her with mail?*


[TMIC] L'Shona Tova

2007-09-21 Thread ACAROE
For all of you that are Jewish and  everyone else, have a Happy and Healthy 
New Year.  May the coming year  bring us all peace and a feeling of well being 
and perhaps a little more medical  insight into our problems.
I, for one, have not felt normal since Labor Day weekend 2005.  If  
one more person tells me what a great attitude I have I am going to bop them  
one.  I never let my feelings show on the outside so they never know what  it 
is like to live with TM.  Thank goodness for this list of understanding  
people.  I may not write to often but I empathize with all of you.  
By the way, had  drinks with a TMer who lives near me.  We met without 
the spouses and had a  wonderful talking session.  Finally put a face to 
on the  list.
Stay well, Rosalie
PS  Lets try to get all of those  non-handicapped people out of our parking 
spaces.  That is one of my  biggest pet peeves.

** See what's new at


2007-09-21 Thread Alton Ryder
Muscles in my left thigh fight it out every night - trying to flex  
and extend at the same time.  Hard on the kneecap.



2007-09-21 Thread Kevin Wolfthal

Hi Grace,

Was it the author with TM she had on?

I think bombardment with email is worth a shot.  I think I'll start 
emailing my
state politicians also.  I have gotten help from some of them on other 

I'd be willing to testify to Congress if it would help.


Grace M. wrote:

/Hi Kevin,/

/RE;  Oprah---we've been trying to get her attention also for a 
segment on rare neurological diseases.  Recently, she did feature a 
gentleman with Transverse Myelitis.  Last year, i heard that she would 
be doing a segement, specifically on neurological disorders, but i 
haven't seen it yet.  Maybe if we all bombard her with mail? /

// /Grace/



Grace M. wrote:

/Hi Kevin,/

/RE;  Oprah---we've been trying to get her attention also for a 
segment on rare neurological diseases.  Recently, she did feature a 
gentleman with Transverse Myelitis.  Last year, i heard that she would 
be doing a segement, specifically on neurological disorders, but i 
haven't seen it yet.  Maybe if we all bombard her with mail? /
