[TMIC] THIMEROSAL (mercury) POISON for the masses

2008-04-03 Thread Jonathan Kus
THIMEROSAL (mercury) POISON for the masses


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[TMIC] flu shots

2008-04-03 Thread GAYLON123
I'm so glad that I have always been  stubborn enough to never get a flu shot 
or allow any of my children to have a  flu shot.  Just the thought of having 
yourself injected with the virus  itself has always seemed stupid to me.   
Every time someone gets a flu  shot that I knew seemed to get sick within a 
after the shot.  So  now I will FOR SURE NEVER GET A FLU  SHOT!

**Planning your summer road trip? Check out AOL Travel Guides.

[TMIC] Stiff neck

2008-04-03 Thread Robert Pall
As per my more recent e mails I have stated that my good leg has
been exhibiting new wonderful sensations such as burning and freezing.
One other item for discussion...I also notice pain and stiffness in my
neck...have any other members gone thru this and if so what was the
diagnosis. Lastly having had TM for more than 10 years I am having pain
in my left knee...I attribute this to the way I have adapted to
walking...it would not surprise me if in the near future I perhaps will
need knee (hip too?) replacement. It just appears that every time I feel
I have a handle on this lousy condition something else comes up...and
the worst part of this is I believe as we get older (I am 60) many of
our symptoms will become more pronounced as we face normal aging
problems such as  arthritis. Other than continually adding more and more
pain meds, what are we suppose to do. Per Dr. Kerr he wants me to
conduct almost all exercise in the pool..either swimming or even
walking...low impact...I should have realized that years ago ..but youth
is wasted on the youngOK I am thru rambling for todaythanks for
letting me vent!

Rob in New Jersey

[TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread Robert Pall
I am obviously on a letter writing campaign...this is due to
what I perceive as a worsening of my condition...ok here is my
questionI have been working full time for the past 10 years after
contacting TM (obviously this was after the hospital and rehab)...I
drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome to New York City) and for the
first time I am really wondering how much longer I will be able to keep
this up...it just keeps getting harder. On the one hand if I stop
working I will have all the time in the world to think of my condition
(bad!), on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and harder both
physically and mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just cut
down..that cannot work.therefore what I have done mentally is say to
myself that if I can just work 2 more years then I can retire...only
problem is that 2 years seems like a very very long time! 
I am going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up
with an excellent Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of
weeks...so I am trying to be proactive...just not sure how much longer
my positive attitude will be enough to get me by!

Sorry about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of
you are so much worse than I am!

Thanks for everything!

Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread Jenna
Hi Rob,
I don't see it as complaining.  I see it as asking your friends for advise.  
And that is what we are here for.  Let us know how the MRI goes and the new Dr. 
 Have a great day!

- Original Message 
From: Robert Pall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Thursday, April 3, 2008 9:32:01 AM
Subject: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

I am obviously on a letter writing campaign…this is due to what I 
perceive as a worsening of my condition…ok here is my question….I have been 
working full time for the past 10 years after contacting TM (obviously this was 
after the hospital and rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome to New 
York City) and for the first time I am really wondering how much longer I will 
be able to keep this up…it just keeps getting harder. On the one hand if I stop 
working I will have all the time in the world to think of my condition (bad!), 
on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and harder both physically and 
mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just cut down..that cannot 
work…..therefore what I have done mentally is say to myself that if I can just 
work 2 more years then I can retire…only problem is that 2 years seems like a 
very very long time! 
I am going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up with an 
excellent Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of weeks…so I am 
trying to be proactive…just not sure how much longer my positive attitude 
will be enough to get me by!
Sorry about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of you 
are so much worse than I am! 
Thanks for everything! 
Rob in New Jersey 


You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.  

RE: [TMIC] Stiff neck

2008-04-03 Thread Gerry Surette
I too am 60 years young. I too HAD a stiff neck. my solution is an oval 
pillow. before I used this I could barely move my neck in the morning.. 
Scince I got the pillow. I have not had any problems. Talking about venting. 
I was recently diagnoised with ITP I have to undergo 5 days of five hours 
per day 0f Iv immunoglobulin. then they  WILL HAVE MY SPLEEN TAKEN OUT. i 

From: Robert Pall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Stiff neck
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 08:55:19 -0400

As per my more recent e mails I have stated that my good leg has
been exhibiting new wonderful sensations such as burning and freezing.
One other item for discussion...I also notice pain and stiffness in my
neck...have any other members gone thru this and if so what was the
diagnosis. Lastly having had TM for more than 10 years I am having pain
in my left knee...I attribute this to the way I have adapted to
walking...it would not surprise me if in the near future I perhaps will
need knee (hip too?) replacement. It just appears that every time I feel
I have a handle on this lousy condition something else comes up...and
the worst part of this is I believe as we get older (I am 60) many of
our symptoms will become more pronounced as we face normal aging
problems such as  arthritis. Other than continually adding more and more
pain meds, what are we suppose to do. Per Dr. Kerr he wants me to
conduct almost all exercise in the pool..either swimming or even
walking...low impact...I should have realized that years ago ..but youth
is wasted on the youngOK I am thru rambling for todaythanks for
letting me vent!

Rob in New Jersey

Re: [TMIC] Stiff neck

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton
Rob, we are so blessed as to have a hot tub and doing water therapy has
probably been the best thing I could be doing.  With already having the hot
tub and with the price of gas, adding to that not being able to work any
longer, I decided I would set up my own set up PT (sorry to be repeating
myself to those who have already read this!!) and the main PT in my plan was
water therapy.  I do 5-6 different sets for all parts of my body and that
includes swimming in place (sitting in one spot) to keep up the upper body
strength the take care of the lazy bottom part!!  

Not everyone has a hot tub but are you are close to a YMCA?  They would
probably have a wonderful pool and/or an exercise warm pool where the PT
from your hospital has patients come over for water therapy. These warm
pools are specifically designed to just to the water therapy and have a
Physical Therapist there for you if your physiatrist writes a script for you
  A script from your provider for PT which in my case covered the water
therapy so I did not have to join the Y to use their facility. Sorry for
being so 'wordy' but sometimes we just don't know what is available without
finding out from each other! 

A wonderful surprise that came out of the water therapy was that when we
went on vacation with my daughter and family last Thanksgiving the place we
stayed had a large pool and I learned that I can actually swim again!  My
daughter was helping me and had to tell me that I was even kicking my legs
and feet!  If a person was able this would be wonderful therapy for your
back since our backs have such a tendency to get so stiff from lack of


---Original Message---
From: Robert Pall
Date: 04/03/08 07:55:33
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Stiff neck
As per my more recent e mails I have stated that my good leg has
been exhibiting new wonderful sensations such as burning and freezing. One
other item for discussion…I also notice pain and stiffness in my neck…have
any other members gone thru this and if so what was the diagnosis. Lastly
having had TM for more than 10 years I am having pain in my left knee…I
attribute this to the way I have adapted to walking…it would not surprise me
if in the near future I perhaps will need knee (hip too?) replacement. It
just appears that every time I feel I have a handle on this lousy condition
something else comes up…and the worst part of this is I believe as we get
older (I am 60) many of our symptoms will become more pronounced as we face
normal aging problems such as  arthritis. Other than continually adding more
and more pain meds, what are we suppose to do. Per Dr. Kerr he wants me to
conduct almost all exercise in the pool..either swimming or even walking…low
impact…I should have realized that years ago ..but youth is wasted on the
young….OK I am thru rambling for today….thanks for letting me vent!
Rob in New Jersey 

Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton
Oh, Rob, to us there is no complaining when it comes to our TM.  If that
were the case, we might as well back out of TMIC and crawl in a hole and be
alone, again!!

One of the most difficult moments of this entire TM time is when I had to
walk in and give my notice having to tell my 'other family' of many years
that I just could not do what I did before I was stricken.  Nursing was so
wonderful and the people I worked with and were truly my friends plus I was
a lead nurse boss and by golly, I liked that!!  I was sad to be giving up
all of the patients that I had gotten to know so well over the years, also. 
The clinic would have let me continue working but my ability and stamina
were not even half of what they were before.  There was just too much pain
and by noon I could hardly motivate.  Plus I then had an hour drive back
home which was stressful even with hand controls (that I didn't use)
(another story)..

So, Jack and I talked it over and me, being spoiled rotten (at work and) at
home finally decided I had to quit.  I was able to get onto disability quite
fast and have not regretted it one moment.  I miss my people from the bottom
of my heart but I just couldn't keep on.  Jack then took early retirement
and we have had the most wonderful time together.  THE BEST PART  NO
ALARM CLOCK!!  We are so busy and able to help the kids and grandkids more
plus get back into volunteering in our little town, again.  When the weather
is halfway nice, we are outside.  (I have a picture of me on the tractor if
you want to see it!)

Anyway, just my two cents worth.  Seriously, it's a very personal decision. 
That's where the prayer comes in

---Original Message---
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/3/2008 8:32:19 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
I am obviously on a letter writing campaign…this is due to what I
perceive as a worsening of my condition…ok here is my question….I have been
working full time for the past 10 years after contacting TM (obviously this
was after the hospital and rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome
to New York City) and for the first time I am really wondering how much
longer I will be able to keep this up…it just keeps getting harder. On the
one hand if I stop working I will have all the time in the world to think of
my condition (bad!), on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and
harder both physically and mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just
cut down..that cannot work…..therefore what I have done mentally is say to
myself that if I can just work 2 more years then I can retire…only problem
is that 2 years seems like a very very long time! 
I am going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up with
an excellent Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of weeks…so
I am trying to be proactive…just not sure how much longer my positive
attitude will be enough to get me by!
Sorry about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of you
are so much worse than I am! 
Thanks for everything! 
Rob in New Jersey 

RE: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton

If you would see me walk, you would KNOW that I had either been tipping the
bottle or was certainly disabled!  I was just too darned stubborn to use the
hand control and how, I don't know, but my right foot (the weakest one) just
took care of me!!!  We live around a lot of deer and that old foot came to
the rescue many times...amazing!  J

When I walked into the DMV to get my driver's license renewed, there was no
doubt there had been 'changes' since I had last had it done.  I had to take
a driver's test and even with the hand control built in the car, I didn't
use it so had a choice in how my license was 'issued'.  I chose to have it
shown as 'handicapped' but the gal told me I could certainly have it as 
normal' since I didn't use the controls at all during the test and passed
with flying colors.  I wasn't quite ready to give them up 'just in case'. 
Now that the weather is better, I'll be out driving more and retake the test
  But that danged old parallel parking is for the birds!  I didn't do so hot
when I was 16 and still don't like it!!  J

PS:  Me, too!
---Original Message---
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/3/2008 10:13:05 AM
To: jrushton
Subject: RE: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
I loved your reply. I think it will be the right choice for me (sooner
rather than later). Mentally I could not use hand controls...it would have
made me feel disabled and embarrassed! Strange as it seems I want people to
not see me as disabled and certainly not treat me as disabled...but time is
taking its toll!
Thx Again!
PS: I believe if we ever met we would like each other!

From: jrushton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 9:08 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com; Robert Pall
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

Oh, Rob, to us there is no complaining when it comes to our TM.  If that
were the case, we might as well back out of TMIC and crawl in a hole and be
alone, again!!
One of the most difficult moments of this entire TM time is when I had to
walk in and give my notice having to tell my 'other family' of many years
that I just could not do what I did before I was stricken.  Nursing was so
wonderful and the people I worked with and were truly my friends plus I was
a lead nurse boss and by golly, I liked that!!  I was sad to be giving up
all of the patients that I had gotten to know so well over the years, also. 
The clinic would have let me continue working but my ability and stamina
were not even half of what they were before.  There was just too much pain
and by noon I could hardly motivate.  Plus I then had an hour drive back
home which was stressful even with hand controls (that I didn't use)
(another story)..
So, Jack and I talked it over and me, being spoiled rotten (at work and) at
home finally decided I had to quit.  I was able to get onto disability quite
fast and have not regretted it one moment.  I miss my people from the bottom
of my heart but I just couldn't keep on.  Jack then took early retirement
and we have had the most wonderful time together.  THE BEST PART  NO
ALARM CLOCK!!  We are so busy and able to help the kids and grandkids more
plus get back into volunteering in our little town, again.  When the weather
is halfway nice, we are outside.  (I have a picture of me on the tractor if
you want to see it!)
Anyway, just my two cents worth.  Seriously, it's a very personal decision. 
That's where the prayer comes in
---Original Message---
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/3/2008 8:32:19 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
I am obviously on a letter writing campaign…this is due to what I
perceive as a worsening of my condition…ok here is my question….I have been
working full time for the past 10 years after contacting TM (obviously this
was after the hospital and rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome
to New York City) and for the first time I am really wondering how much
longer I will be able to keep this up…it just keeps getting harder. On the
one hand if I stop working I will have all the time in the world to think of
my condition (bad!), on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and
harder both physically and mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just
cut down..that cannot work…..therefore what I have done mentally is say to
myself that if I can just work 2 more years then I can retire…only problem
is that 2 years seems like a very very long time! 
I am going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up with
an excellent Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of weeks…so
I am trying to be proactive…just not sure how much longer my positive
attitude will be enough to get me by!
Sorry about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of you
are so much worse than I am! 
Thanks for everything! 
Rob in New Jersey 


Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread JHarper33
That's a hard one, Rob. Do you have any other job  options?
Barbara H.
_http://barbarah.wordpress.com/_ (http://barbarah.wordpress.com/) 
In a message dated 4/3/2008 9:32:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

I am obviously  on a letter writing campaign…this is due to what I perceive 
as a worsening of  my condition…ok here is my question….I have been working 
full time for the  past 10 years after contacting TM (obviously this was after 
the hospital and  rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome to New York 
City) and for the  first time I am really wondering how much longer I will be 
able to keep this  up…it just keeps getting harder. On the one hand if I stop 
working I will have  all the time in the world to think of my condition (bad!), 
on the other hand  work just keeps getting harder and harder both physically 
and mentally(bad  too!). Please don't tell me to just cut down..that cannot 
work…..therefore  what I have done mentally is say to myself that if I can just 
work 2 more  years then I can retire…only problem is that 2 years seems like a 
very very  long time!  
I am  going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up with an 
excellent  Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of weeks…so I am 
trying to  be proactive…just not sure how much longer my positive attitude 
be  enough to get me by! 
Sorry  about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of you are so 
much  worse than I am!  
Thanks for everything!  
Rob in New Jersey 


**Planning your summer road trip? Check out AOL Travel Guides.

[TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread Jan Hargrove
  I've wondered how you could possibly be driving that distance and working 
full time!
  I know that when I overdo, my residuals are worse and in my mind, your 
scedule would
  be WAY TOO MUCH for me!! Of course, I'm older than you, but my symptoms have
  progressed as the years have passed. I'll be celebrating 12 years this month 
and I 
  know I couldn't do what you do.
  If I were you, I'd ask about the possibility of SS Disability . In my 
opinion, there's no 
  sense in working until what health you have is gone!!
  Just my 2¢,
In a message dated 4/3/2008 9:32:45 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   I am obviously on a letter writing campaign…this is due to 
what I perceive as a worsening of my condition…ok here is my question….I 
have been working full time for the past 10 years after contacting TM 
(obviously this was after the hospital and rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a 
day (welcome to New York City) and for the first time I am really wondering how 
much longer I will be able to keep this up…it just keeps getting harder. On 
the one hand if I stop working I will have all the time in the world to think 
of my condition (bad!), on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and 
harder both physically and mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just cut 
down..that cannot work…..therefore what I have done mentally is say to myself 
that if I can just work 2 more years then I can retire…only problem is that 2 
years seems like a very very long time! 
  I am going for a spinal MRI next week and Dr Kerr hooked me up with 
an excellent Dr. in New Jersey whom I will be seeing in a couple of weeks…so 
I am trying to be proactive…just not sure how much longer my positive 
attitude will be enough to get me by!
  Sorry about this I truly hate complaining when I know so many of you 
are so much worse than I am! 
  Thanks for everything! 
  Rob in New Jersey 


  Planning your summer road trip? Check out AOL Travel Guides.

[TMIC] Brazil

2008-04-03 Thread T Kanon
Dear TM Family,
  I left for Brazil on March 24.  My family doctor who is an infectous disease 
specialist suggested that I DO NOT take the shot for yellow fever so I did 
not!!!   BTW, I´m still in Brazil and will be returning on April 5th.  
  I and five friends landed in Rio and from then on referred to ourselves as 
the girls from Ipanema.  I am having the most awesome time.  I am challenging 
myself to do things that I probably would not do if I was able bodied!!!  
  I took a cable car up Sugar Loaf mountain, toured the city which is so 
beautiful and ate, ate, ate,.
  I am  now in Iguassu Falls.  I walked the cat walk to the Argentina side, 
took the boat ride which literally goes under the falls and today I took a 
helicopter ride over the falls.  I was so scared doing each of these things but 
what a great feeling afterward.  Having wonderful friends who were always there 
 to give me a hand and encourage me made the difference.
  I used bug spray with DEET which I don´t like but I felt protected.
  All those who are deciding whether or not to travael.I say DO IT!!!  I ´m 
not home yet and still can´t believe the experiences I´m having.  Am I 
  Stay well everyone,
  Foz do Iguaçu

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

Re: [TMIC] Brazil

2008-04-03 Thread Sandy Heidel
My husband and I are learning our way through the world of red wine.  We are 
stuck on the Malbec from Argentina.  You might wanna tour some wineries.  
Evidently Malbec is a grape that grows better there than anywhere else in the 
world.  Oh ya, even the cheap stuff is good!  Chile has some great Carmenere 
Sandy in Wisconsin where 45 degrees seems downright balmy!
  - Original Message - 
  From: T Kanon 
  To: tmic-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2008 11:47 AM
  Subject: [TMIC] Brazil

  Dear TM Family,
  I left for Brazil on March 24.  My family doctor who is an infectous disease 
specialist suggested that I DO NOT take the shot for yellow fever so I did 
not!!!   BTW, I´m still in Brazil and will be returning on April 5th.  
  I and five friends landed in Rio and from then on referred to ourselves as 
the girls from Ipanema.  I am having the most awesome time.  I am challenging 
myself to do things that I probably would not do if I was able bodied!!!  
  I took a cable car up Sugar Loaf mountain, toured the city which is so 
beautiful and ate, ate, ate,.
  I am  now in Iguassu Falls.  I walked the cat walk to the Argentina side, 
took the boat ride which literally goes under the falls and today I took a 
helicopter ride over the falls.  I was so scared doing each of these things but 
what a great feeling afterward.  Having wonderful friends who were always there 
 to give me a hand and encourage me made the difference.
  I used bug spray with DEET which I don´t like but I felt protected.
  All those who are deciding whether or not to travael.I say DO IT!!!  I ´m 
not home yet and still can´t believe the experiences I´m having.  Am I 
  Stay well everyone,
  Foz do Iguaçu

  You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster 
Total Access, No Cost.

Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton
Yes, I do, Galon.  Nurses put miles on (not literally, but it feels like
it!) and even more so in a hospital setting.  Most all of the medical field
is computerized with way more sitting at the computer and not nearly as much
moving around working with paper and charts but there is still a lot of
moving and walking.  

Also, there are the hospitals, etc. that have gone to the longer shifts but
then you get a longer period of time that you have off.  They are also the
ones that pay the best.  In the clinical settings, you get more regular
hours and days but the pay is not as good.  Drawbacks in each.  BUT!!  I don
t regret one second of all of the time I was able to be a nurse.  Life is
way to short to give up your dream and you may be able to work it out just

There are so many fields in nursing you can get into and I do so encourage
you to look into it further! 

I don't think you would put on as many miles being a radiologist and you
might really enjoy that, also!  All sorts of directions you can go!  The
world is open to you!

My motto??  JUST DO IT!!!  And think of the cheering squad you have here
through TMIC no matter which direction you go!!!

---Original Message---
Date: 4/3/2008 10:53:37 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
  Jeanne, I have been strongly considering going back to school in the
health care industry, but when my mother just a few weeks ago was in the
hospital with a brain tumor and operation the daily walking back and forth
from her rooms and the parking garage day after day for over a week had me
walking very slowly for the last few days of her stay in the hospital. The
distance was great and my fatigue was extreme. This has caused me to rethink
this field because I watched all the different nurses and how much they have
to walk in a days time. Since you are experienced in this area I would like
to ask you a question.If I were to study the Radiologic field do you
think the amount of walking would be drastically reduced since most of the
time the patients would be coming to me instead of having to go to the
patients all day over and over again?   What do you think about this theory?
In a message dated 4/3/2008 11:09:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Oh, Rob, to us there is no complaining when it comes to our TM.  If that
were the case, we might as well back out of TMIC and crawl in a hole and be
alone, again!!
One of the most difficult moments of this entire TM time is when I had to
walk in and give my notice having to tell my 'other family' of many years
that I just could not do what I did before I was stricken.  Nursing was so
wonderful and the people I worked with and were truly my friends plus I was
a lead nurse boss and by golly, I liked that!!  I was sad to be giving up
all of the patients that I had gotten to know so well over the years, also. 
The clinic would have let me continue working but my ability and stamina
were not even half of what they were before.  There was just too much pain
and by noon I could hardly motivate.  Plus I then had an hour drive back
home which was stressful even with hand controls (that I didn't use)
(another story)..
So, Jack and I talked it over and me, being spoiled rotten (at work and) at
home finally decided I had to quit.  I was able to get onto disability quite
fast and have not regretted it one moment.  I miss my people from the bottom
of my heart but I just couldn't keep on.  Jack then took early retirement
and we have had the most wonderful time together.  THE BEST PART  NO
ALARM CLOCK!!  We are so busy and able to help the kids and grandkids more
plus get back into volunteering in our little town, again.  When the weather
is halfway nice, we are outside.  (I have a picture of me on the tractor if
you want to see it!)
Anyway, just my two cents worth.  Seriously, it's a very personal decision. 
That's where the prayer comes in
---Original Message---
From: Robert Pall
Date: 4/3/2008 8:32:19 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
I am obviously on a letter writing campaign…this is due to what I
perceive as a worsening of my condition…ok here is my question….I have been
working full time for the past 10 years after contacting TM (obviously this
was after the hospital and rehab)…I drive more than 2 hours a day (welcome
to New York City) and for the first time I am really wondering how much
longer I will be able to keep this up…it just keeps getting harder. On the
one hand if I stop working I will have all the time in the world to think of
my condition (bad!), on the other hand work just keeps getting harder and
harder both physically and mentally(bad too!). Please don't tell me to just
cut down..that cannot work…..therefore what I have done mentally is say to
myself that if I can just work 2 more years then I can retire…only 

Re: [TMIC] Brazil

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton
Tobe!!!  I'm so PROUD of you and HAPPY for you!!!  Enjoyenjoyenjoy!!!  Keep
a journal so you can relive your trip!  I can't stress that enough and take
lots of pictures to add to your journal...

Have a wonderful few days that you have left and have a safe trip home! 
---Original Message---
From: T Kanon
Date: 4/3/2008 11:47:31 AM
To: tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: [TMIC] Brazil
Dear TM Family,
I left for Brazil on March 24.  My family doctor who is an infectous disease
specialist suggested that I DO NOT take the shot for yellow fever so I did
not!!!   BTW, I´m still in Brazil and will be returning on April 5th.  
I and five friends landed in Rio and from then on referred to ourselves as
the girls from Ipanema.  I am having the most awesome time.  I am
challenging myself to do things that I probably would not do if I was able
I took a cable car up Sugar Loaf mountain, toured the city which is so
beautiful and ate, ate, ate,.
I am  now in Iguassu Falls.  I walked the cat walk to the Argentina side,
took the boat ride which literally goes under the falls and today I took a
helicopter ride over the falls.  I was so scared doing each of these things
but what a great feeling afterward.  Having wonderful friends who were
always there  to give me a hand and encourage me made the difference.
I used bug spray with DEET which I don´t like but I felt protected.
All those who are deciding whether or not to travael.I say DO IT!!!  I
´m not home yet and still can´t believe the experiences I´m having.  Am I
Stay well everyone,
Foz do Iguaçu

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster
Total Access, No Cost. 

[TMIC] urogenital system operation

2008-04-03 Thread neda fotouhie
  I would like to ask you to read the news from the following link:
  And inform me if you know anything about this kind of devices or is anyone 
using it? If yes how much does it help you?
  Thank you very much

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton
It's hard, isn't it, to realize that it is real and that it is not going to
go away like the flu BUT you just keep on doing the very best that you can,
keep as good an attitude as possible, DON'T GIVE UP, and every time you go
to PT and they tell you to do 25 whatevers, do 35!  Keep a smile on your
face as much as you can and pretty soon it moves to your heart and soul and
that is what can get you through the rougher times.  Also, remember that it
is okay to have those times when all you want to do is curl up in a ball and
feel sad and sometimes even mad.as long, tho, as you get back up and
take off again!  

Life is just too danged short no matter if you're 20 or 70 so you live,
laugh, and love..literally!

Off of my high horse(which, at times, is a lazy, crazy old mule)


---Original Message---
Date: 4/3/2008 12:35:41 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
Thank you,   I do know the feeling about determination. I was in total
disbelief that I had been stricken. Actually I would have to say that I only
now am really coming to terms with my TM illness since it hit me almost 7
months ago.
In a message dated 4/3/2008 1:26:04 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
My last day was a year last Sept.  The TM hit 5/2005 and I was determined I
could get right back to work as soon as I could stand and move with a cane,
by golly!  It actually set me back a bit because I pushed myself too hard.
The best way is to go on line.  If I was starting out, I would go to the
college and go into the nursing department and talk to one of the advisors. 
They would be wonderful in getting you started.  You will have your
parallels that you'll need to get out of the way.  You'll need to get your
school transcripts and you will get credit for a lot you've already taken in
the maths, sciences, and humanities.  Some classes you can probably
challenge and may not even need to take them.  All of these things your
advisor can help you with.  The biggest part is walking through that college
door to get started! You may go into the program thinking you want to go in
a certain field and halfway through change your mind which is perfectly all
right!  You can't always tell until you get into your studies and clinicals
and see what is actually done.
 I wish you ALL of the best in whichever direction you decide upon!!  Please
keep me up to date on your decision??  Jeanne 
---Original Message---
Date: 4/3/2008 12:13:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
Thanks for the reply Jeanne,  how many years has it been since you had to
quit your head nursing job?And what is the best way to get just how many
different fields a person can specialize in ,  in the health care field? 
In a message dated 4/3/2008 12:56:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Yes, I do, Galon.  Nurses put miles on (not literally, but it feels like
it!) and even more so in a hospital setting.  Most all of the medical field
is computerized with way more sitting at the computer and not nearly as much
moving around working with paper and charts but there is still a lot of
moving and walking.  
Also, there are the hospitals, etc. that have gone to the longer shifts but
then you get a longer period of time that you have off.  They are also the
ones that pay the best.  In the clinical settings, you get more regular
hours and days but the pay is not as good.  Drawbacks in each.  BUT!!  I don
t regret one second of all of the time I was able to be a nurse.  Life is
way to short to give up your dream and you may be able to work it out just
There are so many fields in nursing you can get into and I do so encourage
you to look into it further! 
I don't think you would put on as many miles being a radiologist and you
might really enjoy that, also!  All sorts of directions you can go!  The
world is open to you!
My motto??  JUST DO IT!!!  And think of the cheering squad you have here
through TMIC no matter which direction you go!!!
---Original Message---
Date: 4/3/2008 10:53:37 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
  Jeanne, I have been strongly considering going back to school in the
health care industry, but when my mother just a few weeks ago was in the
hospital with a brain tumor and operation the daily walking back and forth
from her rooms and the parking garage day after day for over a week had me
walking very slowly for the last few days of her stay in the hospital. The
distance was great and my fatigue was extreme. This has caused me to rethink
this field because I watched all the different nurses and how much they have
to walk in a days time. Since you are experienced in this area I would like
to ask you a question.If I were to study the 

Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread jrushton
My last day was a year last Sept.  The TM hit 5/2005 and I was determined I
could get right back to work as soon as I could stand and move with a cane,
by golly!  It actually set me back a bit because I pushed myself too hard.

The best way is to go on line.  If I was starting out, I would go to the
college and go into the nursing department and talk to one of the advisors. 
They would be wonderful in getting you started.  You will have your
parallels that you'll need to get out of the way.  You'll need to get your
school transcripts and you will get credit for a lot you've already taken in
the maths, sciences, and humanities.  Some classes you can probably
challenge and may not even need to take them.  All of these things your
advisor can help you with.  The biggest part is walking through that college
door to get started! You may go into the program thinking you want to go in
a certain field and halfway through change your mind which is perfectly all
right!  You can't always tell until you get into your studies and clinicals
and see what is actually done.

 I wish you ALL of the best in whichever direction you decide upon!!  Please
keep me up to date on your decision??  Jeanne 
---Original Message---
Date: 4/3/2008 12:13:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
Thanks for the reply Jeanne,  how many years has it been since you had to
quit your head nursing job?And what is the best way to get just how many
different fields a person can specialize in ,  in the health care field? 
In a message dated 4/3/2008 12:56:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Yes, I do, Galon.  Nurses put miles on (not literally, but it feels like
it!) and even more so in a hospital setting.  Most all of the medical field
is computerized with way more sitting at the computer and not nearly as much
moving around working with paper and charts but there is still a lot of
moving and walking.  
Also, there are the hospitals, etc. that have gone to the longer shifts but
then you get a longer period of time that you have off.  They are also the
ones that pay the best.  In the clinical settings, you get more regular
hours and days but the pay is not as good.  Drawbacks in each.  BUT!!  I don
t regret one second of all of the time I was able to be a nurse.  Life is
way to short to give up your dream and you may be able to work it out just
There are so many fields in nursing you can get into and I do so encourage
you to look into it further! 
I don't think you would put on as many miles being a radiologist and you
might really enjoy that, also!  All sorts of directions you can go!  The
world is open to you!
My motto??  JUST DO IT!!!  And think of the cheering squad you have here
through TMIC no matter which direction you go!!!
---Original Message---
Date: 4/3/2008 10:53:37 AM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
  Jeanne, I have been strongly considering going back to school in the
health care industry, but when my mother just a few weeks ago was in the
hospital with a brain tumor and operation the daily walking back and forth
from her rooms and the parking garage day after day for over a week had me
walking very slowly for the last few days of her stay in the hospital. The
distance was great and my fatigue was extreme. This has caused me to rethink
this field because I watched all the different nurses and how much they have
to walk in a days time. Since you are experienced in this area I would like
to ask you a question.If I were to study the Radiologic field do you
think the amount of walking would be drastically reduced since most of the
time the patients would be coming to me instead of having to go to the
patients all day over and over again?   What do you think about this theory?
In a message dated 4/3/2008 11:09:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Oh, Rob, to us there is no complaining when it comes to our TM.  If that
were the case, we might as well back out of TMIC and crawl in a hole and be
alone, again!!
One of the most difficult moments of this entire TM time is when I had to
walk in and give my notice having to tell my 'other family' of many years
that I just could not do what I did before I was stricken.  Nursing was so
wonderful and the people I worked with and were truly my friends plus I was
a lead nurse boss and by golly, I liked that!!  I was sad to be giving up
all of the patients that I had gotten to know so well over the years, also. 
The clinic would have let me continue working but my ability and stamina
were not even half of what they were before.  There was just too much pain
and by noon I could hardly motivate.  Plus I then had an hour drive back
home which was stressful even with hand controls (that I didn't use)
(another story)..
So, Jack and I talked it over and me, 

[TMIC] Sandy and Tobe

2008-04-03 Thread Regina Rummel
I'm traveling with you vicariously.  You make it sound awesome.   Wish I had 
your guts. 
Have a great time and let us know more about your adventures in Brazil and 

[TMIC] when do you know it's time to quit?

2008-04-03 Thread Regina Rummel
Hi Rob in N.J.,
It's a very personal decision.  Your commute is quite a deterrent and certainly 
a source of frustration.  Would you feel the same way if you worked close to 

I am retired and now only work on Tuesdays and Saturdays, close by thank 
Goodness.  Not that long ago, I could work all week but gradually as time 
progresses, I noticed that by the time I get home, my feet hurt and I can 
hardly move.  I long to just go to bed regardless of what time it is, read, 
watch TV and fall asleep.  I'm even exhausted the next day.  I know that  I am 
not improving.  I tell myself that if I don't improve, at least I want to do 
all I can to not get worse.   I exercise hard and I keep working.  

Sometimes I wonder how much longer I will be capable of working at all, will it 
be time to quit?  I don't share that with anyone but you.  When asked how I am 
(they see me dragging my left foot, my cane, my walker), I smile and say fine 
or hanging in there, or rarely  just a little tired, but I'm okay.  No one 
in interested in hearing anything else.   

I think it's best to take it one day at a time.  I for one am not ready to give 
up.  It's great that you have access to Dr. Kerr and will have a neurologist 
nearby that he recommends.  Let us know the result of the MRI and what  follows.
Sending good wishes your way.

Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Try finding a new profession.

  Before I finished being a Family Practitioner in 1999, I was learning how to 
be a writer, then started submitting articles to magazines, then was befriended 
by a woman who hardly knew me- She turned out to my editor.  She'd been reading 
my articles. I wrote well, but just needed a little bit of help.  She would 
rewrite my articles, then send them back to me.  I'd study the changes she 
made, then rewrite the article again.  The first time we did this that document 
attached to our e-mail went back and forth 12 times, then OK'd, and published. 
I received a check for $1000.  I was hooked, plus I'd found a way to continue 
practicing medicine the way I wanted, not what the insurance co. wanted.  I 
found that the insurance problems were just too much, and that writing articles 
for women's magazines paid better, and no-one ever called me up in the middle 
of the night to complain about the latest sexual position, I'd written about in 
the issue she'd purchased at the grocery store t!
 hat afternoon.

Maybe you can't write. How about a real Estate broker license?  Or doing  deed 
searches for law firms?  Or Selling Insurance?  Or if you want something even 
better... AMWAY!!  Don't Laugh

Amway is a pretty unique company. I did Amway for about 5 years while building 
my practice.  A patient showed me the plan. I worked his plan and made lots of 
money.  It made the difference in the quality of home we had, the location of 
our winter vacation.  I actually recruited several other physicians.  My 
patient (Sponsor) is still doing Amway, but lives in a small mansion outside 
San Diego, works 15 hrs a week and earns $300,000 a year.

So, Change how you earn your money

Good Luck- Look in the white pages under AMWAY


Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

2008-04-03 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   If I were you, I'd ask about the possibility of SS Disability . In my 
 opinion, there's no 
   sense in working until what health you have is gone!!

I get about $13,000 a year from SSDisability.

How does one live on that amount?  Are there people who live on that income?  
They must not go out to eat very often, probably have to turn the thermostat 
dfown to 55. That's Scary


[TMIC] med question - meloxicam and baclofen

2008-04-03 Thread randy rankin
Ok - what's the scoop on these drugs. Have any of you all taken them? 
  Did they help?
  Where there any significant side effects?
  I was sent to a bone doc. to have a look. 
  He wants me to try baclofen for spasms, (i didn't know that I was having them 
- everyone else says that I'm not have spasms - I'm so confussed on the term 
spasms. - first neuro talked about my legs being spastic because they wouldn't 
move - he pick them up and the right leg would stick in mid area lol - he'd 
have to push it back down. When I mentioned spasm later, everyone would look 
at me oddly and say that I wasn't having spasms. Now this guy is giving me meds 
for spasms and says that my right leg shows signs of spasticity)
  He said my vert was great - mild degeneration in mid T and at L-5 S-1 - which 
I already knew about. The 'arthritis' is genetic/ getting older he said - but 
it is unusual for my age. He said my 2001 car accident didn't have anything to 
do with it - but my chiro told me in 01 that it would come in time because it 
almost always shows up in a few years after a major collision. Anyway - what's 
the scoop on all these meds. before I decide to go ahead and take them I just 
wanted find out if it is worth the time. 

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total 
Access, No Cost.

[TMIC] RE: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #156

2008-04-03 Thread marieke dufresne

re: Gaylon  Nurisng School

I am Marieke, 32 yrs old, TM since 2004 (hit me at T1, so I was totally 
paralyzed from mid-chest down). I now walk with a cane and a long (full, KAFO) 
brace. I take meds 4x a day,  for spasticity, neuro pain, low BP, bowels, 
bladder... AND I will be graduating from nursing school in 5 weeks! I have 4 
weeks of clinical left (16 days) and a week of exams and then a few weeks off 
then I start work (cross your fingers I have an interview next week).

I will not lie, nursing school is hard, freaking hard! Not just because of the 
course work, but because of TM and what it's left me with (or without) I get 
physically exhausted and basically have NO energy for anything else. Especially 
now that I have had 4 days a week of clinical... My back hurts, my leg (good 
side) hurts, more so after the 4 days of 8 hr shifts on my feet. While it's 
true you can choose where you want to work when you are done, you still have to 
be able to get through school and it's requirements in clinical (skills as well 
as required hours). When I started I had no idea if I would be able to get 
through ONE day of clinical a week the first year, let alone 2 days (in 2nd 
year) and 4 days in 3rd! BUT I made it... somehow... not sure how! LOL

If you think that you can get through the clinical days your school requires 
(and yeah, a lot of those days are spent standing/walking) then go for it!

Feel free to email me or ask me any questions.

Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 11:15:30 -0700
Subject: tmic-digest Digest V2008 #156

--Forwarded Message Attachment--

tmic-digest Digest  Volume 2008 : Issue 156
Today's Topics:
  Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is  [ jrushton [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
  [TMIC] urogenital system operation[ neda fotouhie [EMAIL PROTECTED] ]
--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 10:24:59 -0500
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; tmic-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!

My last day was a year last Sept.  The TM hit 5/2005 and I was determined I 
could get right back to work as soon as I could stand and move with a cane, by 
golly!  It actually set me back a bit because I pushed myself too hard.
The best way is to go on line.  If I was starting out, I would go to the 
college and go into the nursing department and talk to one of the advisors.  
They would be wonderful in getting you started.  You will have your parallels 
that you'll need to get out of the way.  You'll need to get your school 
transcripts and you will get credit for a lot you've already taken in the 
maths, sciences, and humanities.  Some classes you can probably challenge and 
may not even need to take them.  All of these things your advisor can help you 
with.  The biggest part is walking through that college door to get started! 
You may go into the program thinking you want to go in a certain field and 
halfway through change your mind which is perfectly all right!  You can't 
always tell until you get into your studies and clinicals and see what is 
actually done.
 I wish you ALL of the best in whichever direction you decide upon!!  Please 
keep me up to date on your decision??  Jeanne 

---Original Message---

Date: 4/3/2008 12:13:13 PM
Subject: Re: [TMIC] When do you know if it is time to quit!
Thanks for the reply Jeanne,  how many years has it been since you had to quit 
your head nursing job?And what is the best way to get just how many 
different fields a person can specialize in ,  in the health care field? 

In a message dated 4/3/2008 12:56:52 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:

Yes, I do, Galon.  Nurses put miles on (not literally, but it feels like it!) 
and even more so in a hospital setting.  Most all of the medical field is 
computerized with way more sitting at the computer and not nearly as much 
moving around working with paper and charts but there is still a lot of moving 
and walking.  
Also, there are the hospitals, etc. that have gone to the longer shifts but 
then you get a longer period of time that you have off.  They are also the ones 
that pay the best.  In the clinical settings, you get more regular hours and 
days but the pay is not as good.  Drawbacks in each.  BUT!!  I don't regret one 
second of all of the time I was able to be a nurse.  Life is way to short to 
give up your dream and you may be able to work it out just great!  
There are so many fields in nursing you can get into and I do so encourage you 
to look into it further! 
I don't think you would put on as many miles being a radiologist and you might 
really enjoy that, also!  All sorts of directions you can go!  The world is 
open to you!
My motto??  JUST DO IT!!!  And think of the cheering squad you have here 
through TMIC