Re: Example build.xml error?

2005-10-12 Thread Anto Paul
On 10/10/05, René Schade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi List,

 Starting a new project, I deceided to move to Tomcat 5.5.

 In the Application Developer's Guide

 There is an example build.xml file for installing  reloading the project, a 
 basic build-file:

 Using this build.xml file works fine, except for one thing. Whenever I do a 
 change followed by ant reload, it does not deploy the changes to the 
 server. The changed files are recompiled in to the local /build folder, 
 followed by a reload of the server, but the changed files are never deployed 
 to the server.

It should be that class files are not compiled to Tomcats applications
WEB-INF\classes folder. You can check this by comparing timestamps of
a modified class file.
Perhaps you have to make property build.home  point to the application
context directory of Tomcat. ie. something like
property name=build.homevalue=${catalina.home}/myapp/

Anto Paul

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Re: newbee question on servlet and html

2005-10-12 Thread Anto Paul
On 10/11/05, Developer Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I wrote my first html and servlet and deployed it on tomcat 5.5. The html
 works okay when i call it from the browser. The servlet too works okay when
 i call its doget() method by invoking it from the browser. EG:.
 However, when i try to invoke the servlet from an html form I get a message
 box - (file download security warning) - Do you want to save this file, with
 funny number suffixed to the my servlet name.

 Not sure what is happening.
 Here is my HTML code snippet.


 h1 align =3D centerBeer selecton Page /h1

 form method=3DPOST action=3DBeerSelect

what is this 3D before POST ?

Anto Paul

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RE: Getting Apache2 forwarding to tomcat5

2005-10-12 Thread Richard Mixon
I believe that SuSE does not supply JK2, but only JK. And as another poster
said, JK2 is now deprecated.

I got the  RPM apache2-jakarta-tomcat-connectors working pretty easily as
I remember.
I moved from the RPM to a newer compiled version of JK version 1.2.14 a
couple of months ago to get newer features and better load balancing.

HTH - Richard

-Original Message-
From: Dan Chesmore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 4:22 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Getting Apache2 forwarding to tomcat5

I have read about 25 different websites on getting this setup. I have read
through this list trying to find the answer I need. I have spent the last 2
days and soon 3rd day trying to get this working. I need Apache to forward
port 80 and 443 requests to tomcat to 8080 and 8443. I am working on the
non-ssl right now. I get an error in Apache error_log
[error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker /*.jsp-0
[error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker /patientC
onnect-1 ajp13:localhost:8009

Let me give a bit of history and config files.
This is running on SLES9 x86-64 version.
Apache and tomcat and the connectors are from RPMs that came with SuSE.
Everything is installed in SuSE default install location.


LoadModule jk2_module /usr/lib64/apache2/

Location /*.jsp
JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009

Location /patientConnect
JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009



info=Maps the requests. Options: debug

info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with multiprocess
serve rs file=/usr/share/tomcat/logs/jk2.shm

info=Global server options

info=Status worker, displays runtime informations

info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.

info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

# Define the worker


Both the and the httpd.conf.local are located in
/etc/apache2 directory.

In the /usr/share/tomcat/conf/ directory is the and the




# Set the desired handler list
# handler.list=apr,request,channelJni
# Override the default port for the socketChannel
# Default:
# channelUnix.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.socket
# Just to check if the the config  is working #

# In order to enable jni use any channelJni directive # channelJni.disabled
= 0 # And one of the following directives:

# apr.jniModeSo=/opt/apache2/modules/

# If set to inprocess the mod_jk2 will Register natives itself # This will
enable the starting of the Tomcat from mod_jk2 # apr.jniModeSo=inprocess

and the server.xml that was modified:

!-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
Connector port=8080
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
   debug=0 connectionTimeout=2
   disableUploadTimeout=true /
!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
 to 0 --

!-- Note : To use gzip compression you could set the following
properti es :

   noCompressionUserAgents=gozilla, traviata

!-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --
Connector port=8443
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
   enableLookups=false disableUploadTimeout=true
   acceptCount=100 debug=0 scheme=https secure=true
   clientAuth=false sslProtocol=TLS /

!-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
 Connector port=8009
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 debug=0
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /

!-- Define a Proxied HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8082 --
!-- See proxy documentation for more information about using this.
Connector port=8082
   maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
   acceptCount=100 debug=0 connectionTimeout=2
   proxyPort=80 disableUploadTimeout=true /


!-- Logger shared by all Contexts 

RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

2005-10-12 Thread Richard Mixon

Thanks - should have thought of that first. Now that I turned on
LiveHTTPHeaders, I cannot get it to fail. I was able to do this consistently

Just to be sure, I'll try again tomorrow morning. Maybe its just late.

Thanks much - Richard

-Original Message-
From: Mark Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 6:14 PM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

Have you looked at the headers between Tomcat and your UA? Is your UA
actually sending the UA header? If it is then it looks like a sitemesh
problem from what you have described. There are a range of tools for looking
at headers.
livehttpheaders is good, as is TcpMon which is distributed as part of Axis.


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 12:00 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header
 Thank you for the test - but I still get a null user-agent right after 
 the login. Here is a snippet of my code:
   !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN;
   %@ include file=/common/taglibs.jspf%
   %@ page import=com.ltoj.common.Constants %
   html:html locale=true
   %@ include file=/common/meta.jspf %
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url 
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url 
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url 
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url 
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url 
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url 
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=c:url 
 value='/styles/default.css'/ /
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=c:url 
 value='/styles/messages.css'/ /
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=c:url 
 value='/styles/tabs.css'/ /
   String _userAgent = request.getHeader(user-agent);
 Here's the sequence:
 1) I issue a request to this page.
 2) CMA says oh, that's protected and shows my custom login page. I 
 get user-agent displayed fine:
  USER-AGENT='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; 
 Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7'
 3) But on the next page (the original target page of the request), 
 user-agent shows as null.
 I can refresh the page or go to any other page in my application and 
 the user agent is fine again.
 The only thing a bit non-standard about this JSP page is that it is a 
 SiteMesh decorator page.
 If I run the same test, same pages in Tomcat 5.5.9 I never get 
 user-agent of null.
 Our application does check the user-agent header a good bit. 
 We use Select
 lists with option groups - but some browsers do not support this so we 
 simulate it by indenting the select options ourselves.
 Luckily all of this activity happens well after the initial login - so 
 we are safe, now that I changed the decorator to make sure user-agent 
 is not null before doing anything with it.
 But it seems other applications might be affected by this - no?
 Thanks again - Richard
 -Original Message-
 From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 1:45 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header
 Hmm, I downloaded 5.5.12 and tried the agent-header specific code with 
   public void processLogin(User user, HttpServletRequest req, 
 HttpServletResponse res) {
   StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer();
   info.append(login );
   info.append( [);
   info.append(] );
   info.append( );
   info.append( );
   info.append( );
   info.append( / );
   info.append( Agent: );
 outcome was:
 2005-10-08 15:36:50,453 INFO  - login leon [6] [EMAIL PROTECTED] male premium / Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; 
 rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.8
 which I think was same behaviour as before.
 I took tomcat out of the box (5.5.12 tar.gz

RE: dynamical class loading

2005-10-12 Thread Allistair Crossley
this is a complex answer that *probably* only the Tomcat devs can answer of 
someone knowledgable about the JVM and class loaders, so don't expect too many 
users to answer. 

i believe from my limited knowledge that you cannot reload single classes in a 
tomcat web application as a whole class loader is associated with a web 
application. i believe the problem is more to do with the JVM although I 
*believe* WebLogic manages it. perhaps if a dev has time to explain they will.


 -Original Message-
 From: dumbQuestionsAsker _ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 12 October 2005 09:11
 Subject: dynamical class loading
 can somone give me an information?
 I want to know if it is possible to past and load classes into 
 web-inf/classes path without beeing forced to reload the 
 whole webapp ?
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Re: serving content from outside the context

2005-10-12 Thread Darryl L. Miles

John Laughton wrote:

Hi, I hope this is the right mailing list for this question

I am using tomcat 5.0.28
I have a simple web app and want to serve up some images in the jsp 
pages, but the images are outside the context

The HTTP statement looks like
img alt=thumb image src=/data/webData/family/DSC01183.JPG/

The web app is under /usr/local/tomcat/webapp/family
On the browser it only shows thumb image as it cannot get to the 
hyperlink http://xx.xx.xx.xx/data/webData/family/DSC01183.JPG

(IP shown as xx.xx.xx.xx for security)

I have read a lot about tomcat and figure there must be a way to 
configure server.xml and/or web.xml to allow this to work, but cannot 
see it ?

It is possible ?

Are you wanting TC to serve the static files or do you use AJP connector 
and Apache.  The easiest way to serve files from outside is to let 
Apache serve them and configure up AJP connector, then mount the entire 
content or just *.jsp pages to TC.

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Re: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

2005-10-12 Thread Darryl L. Miles

Tim Fennell wrote:

I've posted my patch for Jasper/Tomcat at the following location:

The page has a brief overview, a download link and  before and  
after screenshots so you can get an idea for what exactly the patch  
does before you decide to patch your own environment.  If you give it  
a shot and have any problems and/or suggestions for improving it  
please let me know - but please read the readme first ;)

Excellent addition.  Maybe once you have got an initial around of 
feedback for users of the latest 5.0.x and 5.5.x you might like to post 
it up on Tomcat Bugzilla and 
attach the patch.


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RE: dynamical class loading

2005-10-12 Thread dumbQuestionsAsker _

Thank you for your answer.
You told me that it has more to deal with JVM, I tried using a 
URLClassLoader unsuccessfully, that's why I asked.

Have a nice day(or night).

From: Allistair Crossley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Tomcat Users List
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: RE: dynamical class loading
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:16:12 +0100

this is a complex answer that *probably* only the Tomcat devs can answer of 
someone knowledgable about the JVM and class loaders, so don't expect too 
many users to answer.

i believe from my limited knowledge that you cannot reload single classes 
in a tomcat web application as a whole class loader is associated with a 
web application. i believe the problem is more to do with the JVM although 
I *believe* WebLogic manages it. perhaps if a dev has time to explain they 


 -Original Message-
 From: dumbQuestionsAsker _ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 12 October 2005 09:11
 Subject: dynamical class loading

 can somone give me an information?
 I want to know if it is possible to past and load classes into
 web-inf/classes path without beeing forced to reload the
 whole webapp ?

 10 Mo pour vos pièces jointes avec MSN Hotmail !

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RE: serving content from outside the context

2005-10-12 Thread Arup Vidyerthy
Or if you don't want to do what Darryl is suggesting you can configure your
tomcat to use unix symlinks by setting the allowLinking attribute to true.

Then you can simply create a softlink inside your webapp directory that
points to your data directory.

That will work as well.


-Original Message-
From: Darryl L. Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 October 2005 09:59
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: serving content from outside the context

John Laughton wrote:

 Hi, I hope this is the right mailing list for this question

 I am using tomcat 5.0.28
 I have a simple web app and want to serve up some images in the jsp 
 pages, but the images are outside the context

 The HTTP statement looks like
 img alt=thumb image src=/data/webData/family/DSC01183.JPG/

 The web app is under /usr/local/tomcat/webapp/family On the browser it 
 only shows thumb image as it cannot get to the hyperlink 
 (IP shown as xx.xx.xx.xx for security)

 I have read a lot about tomcat and figure there must be a way to 
 configure server.xml and/or web.xml to allow this to work, but cannot 
 see it ?

 It is possible ?

Are you wanting TC to serve the static files or do you use AJP connector and
Apache.  The easiest way to serve files from outside is to let Apache serve
them and configure up AJP connector, then mount the entire content or just
*.jsp pages to TC.

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Re: connection timeout reached JK IsapiRedirect.dll

2005-10-12 Thread Reynir Hubner
Hash: SHA1
ah sorry, I mean IIS 6 (the newest one).
- -reynir

Reynir Hubner wrote:

 Hi, I'm using tomcat 4.1.x and Coyote JK connector, with IIS 5. I
 just updated to isapi_redirect-1.2.14.dll.

 I did that because I've been getting alot of those error messages
 into the log(stderr.log):

 - 12.10.2005 09:50:53 org.apache.jk.common.ChannelSocket
 processConnection - INFO: connection timeout reached

 Can anyone explaine these (still coming after the update). this is
 the config for the connector :

 Connector className=org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector
 port=8009 minProcessors=5 maxProcessors=275
 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 acceptCount=100
 debug=0 connectionTimeout=1 useURIValidationHack=false



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RE: Tomcat on Windows: advantages of running as a service?

2005-10-12 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Tom Burke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 12 October 2005 11:18
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Tomcat on Windows: advantages of running as a service?
 I'm running Tomcat 5.0.28 on a Windows 2003 server, and I need to 
 automatically shut it down  restart it. One way is to control it via 
 shutdown.bat  startup.bat, and run these as scheduled tasks at (say) 
 3:30am and 3:31am. However, I've noticed that while shutdown.bat will 
 shut it down if it was previously started as a service, startup.bat 
 won't run it as a service, it starts it at a command prompt.

Why not use net stop servicename and net start servicename with the
name of the Tomcat service?

 My question is: does this matter? If I'm running on Windows are there 
 any advantages to running Tomcat as a service? Or disadvantages to 
 running from the command prompt?

If you run it as a service: you can ensure it restarts if the machine
reboots unexpectedly for any reason; you can take actions if the service
crashes; and you can run the service as a specified user fairly simply.
If you run from the command line, you have none of these options.

- Peter

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Re: Tomcat on Windows: advantages of running as a service?

2005-10-12 Thread Ben Souther
The net start service name and net stop service name commands
will allow you to stop and start Windows services from the command line
(and thus from a batch script).  You can get the service name from the
Services property window.

On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 06:18, Tom Burke wrote:
 I'm running Tomcat 5.0.28 on a Windows 2003 server, and I need to 
 automatically shut it down  restart it. One way is to control it via 
 shutdown.bat  startup.bat, and run these as scheduled tasks at (say) 
 3:30am and 3:31am. However, I've noticed that while shutdown.bat will 
 shut it down if it was previously started as a service, startup.bat 
 won't run it as a service, it starts it at a command prompt.
 My question is: does this matter? If I'm running on Windows are there 
 any advantages to running Tomcat as a service? Or disadvantages to 
 running from the command prompt? The server is dedicated to tomcat, by 
 the way.
 Tom Burke 
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RE: Tomcat on Windows: advantages of running as a service?

2005-10-12 Thread Dale, Matt

Running from a service makes it a no brainer to start up tomcat when you reboot 
the machine as it does it automatically.

Disadvantages I would see is that it hides the console and makes it difficult 
to changes options like JAVA_OPTS.

-Original Message-
From: Ben Souther [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 October 2005 12:12
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat on Windows: advantages of running as a service?

The net start service name and net stop service name commands
will allow you to stop and start Windows services from the command line
(and thus from a batch script).  You can get the service name from the
Services property window.

On Wed, 2005-10-12 at 06:18, Tom Burke wrote:
 I'm running Tomcat 5.0.28 on a Windows 2003 server, and I need to
 automatically shut it down  restart it. One way is to control it via
 shutdown.bat  startup.bat, and run these as scheduled tasks at (say)
 3:30am and 3:31am. However, I've noticed that while shutdown.bat will
 shut it down if it was previously started as a service, startup.bat
 won't run it as a service, it starts it at a command prompt.

 My question is: does this matter? If I'm running on Windows are there
 any advantages to running Tomcat as a service? Or disadvantages to
 running from the command prompt? The server is dedicated to tomcat, by
 the way.

 Tom Burke

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RE: Illegal Field Name Error

2005-10-12 Thread Asad Habib

Hello, below I have provided the struts configuration file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?
!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
   -//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN;

  forward name=home path=/home.jsp /

  action path=/registrationType 
 forward name=missing-registration-type 
path=/missingRegistrationType.html /

I am new to Struts so perhaps I overlooked something. Also, Anto, thanks 
for your input. I flushed the .class files and recompiled but that did not 
fix the problem. I also tried with a fresh copy of struts.jar. Your help 
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

- Asad

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005, Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy wrote:

Cant you send the struts-config.xml ?

-Original Message-
From: Asad Habib [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 11 October 2005 14:59
Subject: Illegal Field Name Error

I am receiving the following error when trying to run a Struts application.
checked and it seems that I do have all of the appropriate jar files
But for some reason, the Action class is not being recognized. Any help
be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

- Asad

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Illegal field name has inconsistent
in class
root cause

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field name has inconsistent hierarchy
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)










sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor51.invoke(Unknown Source)

java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke($ Method)
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.

Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

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RE: Illegal Field Name Error

2005-10-12 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Can you prove me the action registration.RegistrationTypeAction as well ?

-Original Message-
From: Asad Habib [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 12 October 2005 12:42
To: Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Illegal Field Name Error

Hello, below I have provided the struts configuration file:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1 ?
!DOCTYPE struts-config PUBLIC
-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Struts Configuration 1.2//EN;

   forward name=home path=/home.jsp /

   action path=/registrationType
  forward name=missing-registration-type
path=/missingRegistrationType.html /

I am new to Struts so perhaps I overlooked something. Also, Anto, thanks 
for your input. I flushed the .class files and recompiled but that did not 
fix the problem. I also tried with a fresh copy of struts.jar. Your help 
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

- Asad

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005, Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy wrote:

 Cant you send the struts-config.xml ?

 -Original Message-
 From: Asad Habib [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 October 2005 14:59
 Subject: Illegal Field Name Error

 I am receiving the following error when trying to run a Struts
 checked and it seems that I do have all of the appropriate jar files
 But for some reason, the Action class is not being recognized. Any help
 be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

 - Asad

 HTTP Status 500 -

 type Exception report


 description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
 fulfilling this request.


 javax.servlet.ServletException: Illegal field name has inconsistent
 in class
 root cause

 java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field name has inconsistent
 java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)










 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor51.invoke(Unknown Source)

 java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke($ Method)
 note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
 Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.

 Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

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Re: dynamical class loading

2005-10-12 Thread David Delbecq

I used dynamic class reloading on a commercial J2EE server and, believe me,
it brings far more problems than it solves.

First, when you dynamically reload a class here is what can happen:

webapp start under classloader instance x
webapp instanciate class A and store in session
class A has changed on disk, classloader reload it using a special class
and marking this class to be handled by this new classloader (y)

now this code
A someA = (A)session.getAttribute(someKey)
will through a ClassCastException because
A.getClass() != session.getAttribute(someKey).getClass()

is true :)

All code involving static method/static variables is subject to such
More funny, you can end up in some condition instanciating old version
of classes.

Thrust me, when dynamically classloading, half of code breaks like this
most of time,
sometimes silently, and you end up crazy, trying to debug a code which
in fact is
not bugged.

If your webapp is particulary slow to start and you need faster
development, better take a look at unit testing
of deactivate parts of your webapp when debugging!

dumbQuestionsAsker _ a écrit :

 can somone give me an information?
 I want to know if it is possible to past and load classes into
 web-inf/classes path without beeing forced to reload the whole webapp ?

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RE: dynamical class loading

2005-10-12 Thread Allistair Crossley
 Thrust me, when dynamically classloading, half of code breaks 
*rotfl* this has made my afternoon

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Re: dynamical class loading

2005-10-12 Thread David Delbecq
Allistair Crossley a écrit :

Thrust me, when dynamically classloading, half of code breaks 

*rotfl* this has made my afternoon


Nice one indeed :D

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Re: filter: How to set browser encoding?

2005-10-12 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Mark, have a look here:

Just added that to JWP last weekend :)  It essentially calls
request.setCharacterEncoding() with whatever you configure.

(Oops... ignore the description of the encodingScheme parameter... just
realized I have a cut-and-paste error in the javadoc.  D'oh!).

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

On Wed, October 12, 2005 10:53 am, Mark said:
 Hi everybody,
 I've got a request from my client to force an encoding in the
 browser, regardless what user have set.

 When I set encoding inside my filter to Windows-1257 in the HTML
 source code I see only ?s:??? ? ???.

 Is there any easy way to enforce browser to set proper encoding?

 May be I need to setContent type after I obtain a writer in the
 Note, all outputs are generated by servlets:

 public void doPost( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp
   throws IOException, ServletException
   // do something

 In MyFilter.doFilter() I do following:

 I use 5.0.28 with Redhat 9.
 Any input is welcome.


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RE: Q:how to remove charset from HTTP responce to allow browser use a browser selected charset?

2005-10-12 Thread Mark
Hi Rick,
Yes my data comes from different locales I should say it's a legacy
data. I have no ability co convert it to UTF-8 right now.

response.setContentType(text/html;charset=...); mess up the not
UTF-8 output, I'm getting ???s instead of a valid data.

I think I'll go with request.setCharacterEncoding(encoding);

Crossing my fingers...

--- Rick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Mark,
   Can you talk a little about what the data is.. Just form data
 different locales?
 I store all my data in UTF-8 and just instruct the page encoding to
 be the
 same (UTF-8) and I'm able to handle input and display of whatever
 enter. Had a few odd things to overcome to get it working like,
 JSP: I had to save the actual JSP file in UTF8 otherwise I couldn't
 get it
 to serve the page with UTF8 properly.. This started after Tomcat
 5.0.16 or
 something like that.  
 Servlet: don't think I had to do anything wild.. Just set the
 charset before
 you do anything with the output stream, including just getting a
 handle to
 the stream writer.  Set the contenttype first.
 Depending on what you are reading from and such. You may also want
 to set
 some Java ARGs when starting Tomcat... Like:
 -Djavax.servlet.request.encoding=UTF-8 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8
 Not sure if this is relevant, but hope it helps,
 -Original Message-
 From: Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Posted At: Thursday, October 06, 2005 12:13 PM
 Posted To: Tomcat Dev
 Conversation: Q:how to remove charset from HTTP responce to allow
 use a browser selected charset?
 Subject: Re: Q:how to remove charset from HTTP responce to allow
 browser use
 a browser selected charset?
 Hi Mark,
 In my case servlet generates an output, so no JSP for now...
 Can I do it using filters? Or define and store user's prefs with
 outside of tomcat and  in the session and use if it's exists in the
 Thanks a lot!
 --- Mark Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Mark wrote:
   In my application users enter data using different languages.
   The problem I'm facing is the browser sets the page encoding
   to ISO-8859-1. (I guess this is default based on server OS)
   User can change encoding on the page (Browser settings) and 
   everything looks OK but only for one page. On the next page
   is back to ISO-8859-1.
   Is there any way to instruct tomcat not to send the page
  If you are using JSPs, no. The spec requires that the charset is

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RE: serving content from outside the context

2005-10-12 Thread John Laughton

Thanks for the suggestions
I didn't really want to run Apache, especially as I have tomcat (which is 
suppose to be a web server - I thought ?)

For now I have added a file to
This xml file contains

?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?
Context path = /myData docBase=/data/webData

now I can access http://xx.xx.xx.xx/myData/

In the dir /data/webData, I created a WEB-INF and a WEB-INF/web.xml

I guess what I have done is created a new context in the area of my hard 
drive where the static jpg files exist

The only issue I have is that I expose /data/webData part of my hard drive

At 10:06 AM 10/12/2005 +0100, Arup Vidyerthy wrote:

Or if you don't want to do what Darryl is suggesting you can configure your
tomcat to use unix symlinks by setting the allowLinking attribute to true.

Then you can simply create a softlink inside your webapp directory that
points to your data directory.

That will work as well.


-Original Message-
From: Darryl L. Miles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 October 2005 09:59
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: serving content from outside the context

John Laughton wrote:

 Hi, I hope this is the right mailing list for this question

 I am using tomcat 5.0.28
 I have a simple web app and want to serve up some images in the jsp
 pages, but the images are outside the context

 The HTTP statement looks like
 img alt=thumb image src=/data/webData/family/DSC01183.JPG/

 The web app is under /usr/local/tomcat/webapp/family On the browser it
 only shows thumb image as it cannot get to the hyperlink
 (IP shown as xx.xx.xx.xx for security)

 I have read a lot about tomcat and figure there must be a way to
 configure server.xml and/or web.xml to allow this to work, but cannot
 see it ?

 It is possible ?

Are you wanting TC to serve the static files or do you use AJP connector and
Apache.  The easiest way to serve files from outside is to let Apache serve
them and configure up AJP connector, then mount the entire content or just
*.jsp pages to TC.

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  John Laughton,Cisco Systems
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RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

2005-10-12 Thread Richard Mixon
OK - yes, it was lack of sleep that was causing the problem to not appear, I
was starting Tomcat 5.5.9 instead of 5.5.12, sorry :(

The problem is still there. I even took SiteMesh out of the picture, to make
sure it was not the problem (should of done that sooner).

Here are the steps:

1) Request a protected page form my app.
2) My CMA login page pops up, I enter userid and password.
3) This POST is issued when I submit it:
 POST /stars/auth/ j_username=user1j_password=password1login=Login
4) HTTPLiveHeaders show all of the GET requests have a user-agent set
   (I've included all 90 lines of them below).
5) My page that appears has the following code:
  String _userAgent = request.getHeader(user-agent);
6) And displays the following on my page:

Unless someone has other ideas I'm thinking it's a but in 5.5.12 at this
point and will post it to Bugzilla.

Thanks to Mark and others for their help.

 - Richard

START OF HTTPLiveHeaders capture from the above POST:


POST /stars/auth/ HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 45
HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:46 GMT

cb3d50674ea64189 HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:46 GMT

GET /stars/ HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 2989
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:52 GMT

Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept: image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1

HTTP/1.x 400 Invalid URI
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:52 GMT
Connection: close

-Original Message-
From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:45 AM
To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header


Thanks - should have thought of that first. Now that I turned on
LiveHTTPHeaders, I cannot get it to fail. I was able to do this consistently

Re: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

2005-10-12 Thread Jess Holle
Does this only occur when connecting directly to Tomcat or is it also an 
issue when going through Apache and mod_jk?

Richard Mixon wrote:

OK - yes, it was lack of sleep that was causing the problem to not appear, I
was starting Tomcat 5.5.9 instead of 5.5.12, sorry :(

The problem is still there. I even took SiteMesh out of the picture, to make
sure it was not the problem (should of done that sooner).

Here are the steps:

1) Request a protected page form my app.
2) My CMA login page pops up, I enter userid and password.
3) This POST is issued when I submit it:
POST /stars/auth/ j_username=user1j_password=password1login=Login
4) HTTPLiveHeaders show all of the GET requests have a user-agent set
  (I've included all 90 lines of them below).
5) My page that appears has the following code:
 String _userAgent = request.getHeader(user-agent);
6) And displays the following on my page:

Unless someone has other ideas I'm thinking it's a but in 5.5.12 at this
point and will post it to Bugzilla.

Thanks to Mark and others for their help.

- Richard

START OF HTTPLiveHeaders capture from the above POST:


POST /stars/auth/ HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 45
HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:46 GMT

cb3d50674ea64189 HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:46 GMT

GET /stars/ HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 2989
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:52 GMT

Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept: image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; username=user1

HTTP/1.x 400 Invalid URI
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:52 GMT
Connection: close

-Original Message-
From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:45 AM

To: 'Tomcat Users List'
Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header


Thanks - should

Re: where is a text/html;charset= ?

2005-10-12 Thread Jon Wingfield
You need to submit a valid HTTP request. Yours doesn't have the version 
at the end of the request line.


GET / HTTP/1.0

(Thats a two linefeeds: one marking the end of the request line and one 
blank line indiating the end of the http headers)

You should then see the HTTP response, headers and all.
If you want to submit HTTP/1.1 requests you need to submit some 
mandatory headers (Host and maybe Date) otherwise you get a 400 back.

$ telnet
telnet open localhost 8080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.1

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 17:26:36 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Connection: close


Alternatively you can use plug-ins for Mozilla/Firefox and IE which 
allow you to see the raw response:



Mark wrote:

Hi everybody,

How can I see the complete output stream for each http request?

I tried:
$telnet localhost 8080
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
htmlheadtitleHello Test4/title/headbody/body/html
Where is a text/html;charset=...? or I'm missing something?


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RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

2005-10-12 Thread Richard Mixon
Have not tried it with Apache/mod_jk in front - just with Tomcat and
accessing it as http://computername:8080/stars/ .

Not sure of your drift. Are you just looking for another date point (that's
good) - or is there some implication as to how user-agent headers work with
Tomcat standalone?

Thank you - Richard

-Original Message-
From: Jess Holle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2005 10:00 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

Does this only occur when connecting directly to Tomcat or is it also an
issue when going through Apache and mod_jk?

Richard Mixon wrote:

OK - yes, it was lack of sleep that was causing the problem to not 
appear, I was starting Tomcat 5.5.9 instead of 5.5.12, sorry :(

The problem is still there. I even took SiteMesh out of the picture, to 
make sure it was not the problem (should of done that sooner).

Here are the steps:

1) Request a protected page form my app.
2) My CMA login page pops up, I enter userid and password.
3) This POST is issued when I submit it:
 POST /stars/auth/ 
4) HTTPLiveHeaders show all of the GET requests have a user-agent set
   (I've included all 90 lines of them below).
5) My page that appears has the following code:
  String _userAgent = request.getHeader(user-agent);
6) And displays the following on my page:

Unless someone has other ideas I'm thinking it's a but in 5.5.12 at 
this point and will post it to Bugzilla.

Thanks to Mark and others for their help.

 - Richard

START OF HTTPLiveHeaders capture from the above POST:


POST /stars/auth/ HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; 
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 45
HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:46 GMT

cb3d50674ea64189 HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; 

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved Temporarily
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Location: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Content-Length: 0
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:46 GMT

GET /stars/ HTTP/1.1
Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
Referer: http://smartfish:8080/stars/
Cookie: JSESSIONID=3F6575A5957AC84BCC60FA878ED092A5.srv1; 

HTTP/1.x 200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Pragma: No-cache
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store,max-age=0
Expires: Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT
Content-Type: text/html;charset=UTF-8
Content-Language: en
Content-Length: 2989
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 16:33:52 GMT

Host: smartfish:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv:1.7.12)
Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7
Accept: image/png,*/*;q=0.5
Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive

Re: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

2005-10-12 Thread Jess Holle

Richard Mixon wrote:

Have not tried it with Apache/mod_jk in front - just with Tomcat and
accessing it as http://computername:8080/stars/ .

Not sure of your drift. Are you just looking for another date point (that's
good) - or is there some implication as to how user-agent headers work with
Tomcat standalone?

I'm wondering whether any issue that exists is Tomcat-wide or specific 
to the HTTP connector (or to the new AJP-based connectors for that matter).

Jess Holle

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Re: Newbee question on servlet and html - Really frustated with this problem.

2005-10-12 Thread Developer Developer
thanks everybody. I could solve the problem.
 There was a typo in my response text.
 When I changed the following line
 It jus worked like a charm.
 thanks !

 On 10/10/05, Developer Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 does anybody know how to fix this problem.
   Invocation of servlet prompts a messagebox posing a questions  do you
 want to save this ? instead of executing it and returing the output in the
 html document.

  On 10/10/05, Developer Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I wrote my first html and servlet and deployed it on tomcat 5.5. The
  works okay when I call it from the browser. The servlet too works okay
  I call its doget() method by invoking it from the browser. EG:. 
  However, when i try to invoke the servlet from an html form I get a
  box - (file download security warning) - Do you want to save this file ?
  It has a
  funny number suffixed to the my servlet name.
  Not sure what is happening.
  Here is my HTML code snippet.
  h1 align =3D centerBeer selecton Page /h1
  form method=3DPOST action=3DBeerSelect
  pSelect Beer Characteristics/p
  Thanks !

Re: where is a text/html;charset= ?

2005-10-12 Thread Mark
Thanks Jon,

 text/html;charset= is not there yet...

Here what I've got:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=95EA4260325D4C1FCBF8196773A4BED3; Path=/
Content-Length: 478
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 20:34:37 GMT
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Connection: close

htmlheadtitleHello Test4/title


--- Jon Wingfield [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You need to submit a valid HTTP request. Yours doesn't have the
 at the end of the request line.
 GET / HTTP/1.0
 (Thats a two linefeeds: one marking the end of the request line and
 blank line indiating the end of the http headers)
 You should then see the HTTP response, headers and all.
 If you want to submit HTTP/1.1 requests you need to submit some 
 mandatory headers (Host and maybe Date) otherwise you get a 400
 $ telnet
 telnet open localhost 8080
 Connected to localhost.
 Escape character is '^]'.
 GET / HTTP/1.1
 HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
 Transfer-Encoding: chunked
 Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 17:26:36 GMT
 Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
 Connection: close
 Alternatively you can use plug-ins for Mozilla/Firefox and IE which
 allow you to see the raw response:
 Mark wrote:
  Hi everybody,
  How can I see the complete output stream for each http request?
  I tried:
  $telnet localhost 8080
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  GET /
  htmlheadtitleHello Test4/title/headbody/body/html
  Where is a text/html;charset=...? or I'm missing something?
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Re: apache virtual hosting + server.xml + context

2005-10-12 Thread sudip shrestha
We are having the similar problem,
but if we place context in server.xml, ( I also have a META-INF/context.xml
) and as we are using dbcp connection pool, and it seems that tomcat
initializes those pool twice

On 10/7/05, gianni dalmasso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 hi list, i have a problem. i have apache 2.0 + tomcat 5.5.
 i have N name based virtual hosts on the same machine managed by apache;
 some of them need to use tomcat (have jsp pages and servlets...)
 if i set a server.xml of tomcat with several hosts, and every host has ist
 context -- it's ok ( but tomcat documentation says Please note that for
 tomcat 5, unlike tomcat 4.x, it is NOT recommended to place Context
 elements directly in the server.xml file)
 if i try to move the context informations in a .xml file in a
 $CATALINA_HOME/conf/[enginename]/[hostname]/ directory, tomcat cannot serve
 anything (it acts as he cannot find files in docBase);
 - which is the right configuration ?
 - is it necessary to define different host in server.xml ?(-- so, when i
 add a new host i need to restart apache and tomcat...)
 thanks in advance

 here is the configuration that works..

 Include /var/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/conf/mod_jk.conf


 NameVirtualHost xx.yy.zz.kk:80

 VirtualHost xx.yy.zz.kk:80

 DocumentRoot /var/www/html



 VirtualHost xx.yy.zz.kk:80

 Directory /var/www/html/aaa 

 DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html index.jsp



 DocumentRoot /var/www/html/aaa

 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

 JkMount /servlet/* ajp13


 VirtualHost xx.yy.zz.kk:80

 Directory /var/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/bbb 

 DirectoryIndex index.htm index.html



 DocumentRoot /var/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps/bbb

 JkMount /*.jsp ajp13

 JkMount /servlet/* ajp13





 Context path=







 Context path=







 This for example, don't work

 setting :




 appBase = /var/www/html/aaa (or similar... )




 the file : $CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/

 Context path=





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Re: Getting Apache2 forwarding to tomcat5

2005-10-12 Thread Dan Chesmore
Thank you very much. That did the trick.

On Tue, 2005-10-11 at 16:58 -0700, Lyndon Tiu wrote:
 1) It is recommended to use mod_jk version 1 as version 2 is deprecated and 
 anything that is new in version 2 has been rolled into version 1.
 2) All you need is this in server.xml:
  !-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
   Connector port=8009
 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 debug=0
 protocol=AJP/1.3 /
 You may comment out the sections about 8080 and 8443 as apache talks to 
 tomcat through 8009.
 3) If you insist on using mod_jk version 2, here are sample config files that 
 worked for me:
 In httpd.conf:
 LoadModule jk2_module /usr/local/apache/modules/
 JkSet config.file /usr/local/apache/config/
 JkSet shm:file /usr/local/apache/logs/shm.file
 JkSet shm:size 1048576
 JkSet shm:disabled 0
 info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
 Lyndon Tiu
 On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 18:22:21 -0500 wrote:
  I have read about 25 different websites on getting this setup. I have
  read through this list trying to find the answer I need. I have spent
  the last 2 days and soon 3rd day trying to get this working. I need
  Apache to forward port 80 and 443 requests to tomcat to 8080 and 8443. I
  am working on the non-ssl right now. I get an error in Apache error_log
  [error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker /*.jsp-0
  [error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker /patientC
  onnect-1 ajp13:localhost:8009
  Let me give a bit of history and config files.
  This is running on SLES9 x86-64 version.
  Apache and tomcat and the connectors are from RPMs that came with SuSE.
  Everything is installed in SuSE default install location.
  LoadModule jk2_module /usr/lib64/apache2/
  Location /*.jsp
  JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
  Location /patientConnect
  JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
  info=Maps the requests. Options: debug
  info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with
  multiprocess serve
  info=Global server options
  info=Status worker, displays runtime informations
  info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.
  info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
  # Define the worker
  Both the and the httpd.conf.local are located
  in /etc/apache2 directory.
  In the /usr/share/tomcat/conf/ directory is the and the
  # Set the desired handler list
  # handler.list=apr,request,channelJni
  # Override the default port for the socketChannel
  # Default:
  # channelUnix.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.socket
  # Just to check if the the config  is working
  # shm.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.shm
  # In order to enable jni use any channelJni directive
  # channelJni.disabled = 0
  # And one of the following directives:
  # apr.jniModeSo=/opt/apache2/modules/
  # If set to inprocess the mod_jk2 will Register natives itself
  # This will enable the starting of the Tomcat from mod_jk2
  # apr.jniModeSo=inprocess
  and the server.xml that was modified:
  !-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
  Connector port=8080
 maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
 enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
 debug=0 connectionTimeout=2
 disableUploadTimeout=true /
  !-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout
   to 0 --
  !-- Note : To use gzip compression you could set the following
  es :
 noCompressionUserAgents=gozilla, traviata

RE: apache virtual hosting + server.xml + context

2005-10-12 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: sudip shrestha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Re: apache virtual hosting + server.xml + context
 We are having the similar problem,
 but if we place context in server.xml, ( I also have a 
 ) and as we are using dbcp connection pool, and it seems that tomcat
 initializes those pool twice

Which is exactly as it's defined to work.  You should only have one
instance for each unique Context element, otherwise you will get
multiple deployments and corresponding initializations.

 - Chuck

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RE: Newbee question on servlet and html - Really frustated with this problem.

2005-10-11 Thread Mauricio Fernandez A.
Did you define your servlet in your WEB-INF/web.xml?

Mauricio Fernandez

-Mensaje original-
De: Developer Developer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes, 11 octubre, 2005 5:23
Asunto: Newbee question on servlet and html - Really frustated with this

does anybody know how to fix this problem.
  Invocation of servlet prompts a messagebox posing a questions  do you
want to save this ? instead of executing it and returing the output in the
html document.

 On 10/10/05, Developer Developer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I wrote my first html and servlet and deployed it on tomcat 5.5. The html
 works okay when I call it from the browser. The servlet too works okay
 I call its doget() method by invoking it from the browser. EG:.
 However, when i try to invoke the servlet from an html form I get a
 box - (file download security warning) - Do you want to save this file ?
 It has a
 funny number suffixed to the my servlet name.

 Not sure what is happening.
 Here is my HTML code snippet.


 h1 align =3D centerBeer selecton Page /h1

 form method=3DPOST action=3DBeerSelect

 pSelect Beer Characteristics/p

 Thanks !

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RE: Rep. : Executing custom action on deploy

2005-10-11 Thread Robert Graf-Waczenski
Or, if your init method is not in a servlet class, you may want to have
your class implement the ServletContextListener interface. Then the
method contextInitialized() is your friend, it is called by tomcat for
each implementor upon initialization of your web app context, i.e. the
startup event of your web application.


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 11:38 AM
 Subject: Rep. : Executing custom action on deploy

 In your web.xml file, declare a servlet like this :


 And in your servlet, the init() method is called when the
 server start :

 import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
 import javax.servlet.ServletException;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
 import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;

 public class myServletextends HttpServlet
   /** Init */
   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
 // do your action

   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
 HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
// ...



  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/10/2005 18:32:03 

 I'm writing a web application for tomcat and I have a strange request:
 I would like to execute an initializing function in order to
 initialize correctly my applicaiton when it becomes available
 (deployed into tomcat or tomcat itself is started)

 I have written such behaviour in a method, so what can I do
 to execute it?

 Thanks for your help, Matteo

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Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

2005-10-11 Thread Amadeo Alonso

Cabe suponer que has mirado la linea 211 de tu''?, ...
parece corresponder a lo primero escrito por ti y, frecuentemente, esto da 
una pista.
Parece involucrar un problema de Acceso de Java -muy pijotero siempre-, ¿es 
todo accesible?.

Graficar = =   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
.. Method)
com.Prueba.comandos.Graficador2.crearBarChart3DVertical( Original Message -From: Mauricio Fernandez A. [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: Tomcat Users List 
tomcat-user@jakarta.apache.orgSent: Monday, October 10, 2005 3:06 PMSubject: RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 You can see that here, after click on Graficar: The web test app can be 
found here and the wanted result after click on Graficar is something like this (static page) Mauricio Fernandez 
-Mensaje original- De: Viorel Dragomir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enviado el: lunes, 10 octubre, 2005 15:53 Para: Tomcat Users List Asunto: Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 What 
exception ? [ If it's not confidential. :) ] Viorel Dragomir . .. --- - Original Message - 
From: Mauricio F
ernandez A. To: Tomcat Users List Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 14:42 Subject: RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 Trying again to make the graphics appear in my web app, I did a 
test webapp and I had been trying to start the Tomcat with -Djava.awt.headless=true option as I read in some forums #export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true 
#/usr/java/jakarta-tomcat/bin/ But they do not appear either The web test app can be found here and the wanted result after click on 
Graficar is something like this (static page) Also I have try to insert in the Graficador.class constructor the next System.set/getProperties 
lines public Graficador(String Path){ super(); this.contexto = Path; this.background = null; //System.setProperty returns the current value before assignment String vrPropiedad = 
System.setProperty(java.awt.headless, true); // Log the befo
re assignment value to a log file to debug logger.debug(BEFORE = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad); //and log the after assignmet value to a log file too 
vrPropiedad = System.getProperty(java.awt.headless); logger.debug(NOW = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad); } And these are the log file lines 
the app write 2005-10-10 11:18:15,996 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Loading form 2005-10-10 11:18:15,999 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Form OK ! 2005-10-10 11:18:24,710 [-t] DEBUG 
[grafica.jsp] - loading page:grafica.jsp 2005-10-10 11:18:24,716 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating object: Graficador 2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - 
BEFORE =java.awt.headless = true -- It is True! 2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - NOW = java.awt.headless= true -- It is True! 2005-10-10 
11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 1 ... OK 2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 2 ... OK 2005-10-10 11:18:24,
748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 3 ... OK 2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Giving the control to a 
Graficador Object, it must make the chart 2005-10-10 11:18:24,769 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Starting chart creation ... 2005-10-10 
11:18:24,788 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Data process  OK 2005-10-10 11:18:25,548 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Creating Chart  OK 2005-10-10 
11:18:25,549 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Making a PNG image from Chart And here the app trhows an exception Any idea is always welcome, 
thanks. Mauricio Fernandez - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - To 
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RE: Illegal Field Name Error

2005-10-11 Thread Raghupathy,Gurumoorthy
Cant you send the struts-config.xml ?

-Original Message-
From: Asad Habib [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 11 October 2005 14:59
Subject: Illegal Field Name Error

I am receiving the following error when trying to run a Struts application.
checked and it seems that I do have all of the appropriate jar files
But for some reason, the Action class is not being recognized. Any help
be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

- Asad

HTTP Status 500 -

type Exception report


description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
fulfilling this request.


javax.servlet.ServletException: Illegal field name has inconsistent
in class
root cause

java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field name has inconsistent hierarchy
 java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)










 sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor51.invoke(Unknown Source)

 java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke($ Method)
note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache 
Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.

Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

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Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 OK!!! BUT.....

2005-10-11 Thread David Delbecq
Hello, if, like i suppose from your various errors, jfreechart require
awt/swing api and do draw on it,
you need to run the tomcat server inside a X server, not only do you
need to have fonts
installed and corresponding X libraries (like your link suggest was
problem), you also need to
to have X server running and DISPLAY envirronement variable set accordingly.

I would first suggest you start tomcat with
If, like i suppose will be the case, you get HeadlessExceptions when
running like this, this mean
you definitly need to run tomcat server inside a X environment.

David Delbecq
Mauricio Fernandez A. a écrit :

Thanks for your help

Now I have reinstalled the XFree86 completly including the Xvfb and I can
start it (XVfb), to test if it is running I execute a xclock and I don´t get
any error, so I think it is running ok

However, now, when I try to get the jsp wich must show a graphic I get
another different error:


And in another web app in the same server the error is:

   java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
   java.awt.Toolkit$ Method)

So having in mind that before Xvfb Installation the error was:

I think I am just with another different problem.

Can somebody understand this?


Mauricio Fernandez



Hi Mauricio,

I had the same problem. The solution is as follows:

1. Download and install a virtual frame buffer
   Where to find and how to install:

2. Do not forget to create a script to start xvfb - you will find the script
under the link above

3. Edit the or as follows:

#export DISPLAY
export DISPLAY=IP_of_your_machine_where_Tomcat_is_running:0.0
export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=false

4. Start xvfb

5. Restart Tomcat

Mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards

Aliye Edao

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RE: After adding a context xml file, web-app doesn't always start

2005-10-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: David Farrell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: After adding a context xml file, web-app doesn't always start
 I think I may have missed something.

Such as telling us which version of Tomcat you're using.

 tomcat throw an exeption that my app conspiracy
 cannot be found under /webapps/conspiracy

Your docBase attribute says webapps/conspiracy is the location of the

 I imagine that I need to do something to my context xml file?  I'm not
 really sure but the only change in the app pre and post this error is
 moving the db stuff to the xml file.

Where is your context xml file?  What is it's actual name?  (The
attached file is named context_home.xml, which can't be really be what
you're using.)  Read up on the attribute fields of the Context element
for the version of Tomcat you're using.  In particular, if you're using
5.5.x, don't put Context in server.xml, and don't use the path

 - Chuck

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Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 OK!!! BUT.....

2005-10-11 Thread David Delbecq
David Delbecq a écrit :

Hello, if, like i suppose from your various errors, jfreechart require
awt/swing api and do draw on it,
you need to run the tomcat server inside a X server, not only do you
need to have fonts
installed and corresponding X libraries (like your link suggest was
problem), you also need to
to have X server running and DISPLAY envirronement variable set accordingly.

I would first suggest you start tomcat with

Sorry, it's CATALINA_OPTS  (with the *S*)

If, like i suppose will be the case, you get HeadlessExceptions when
running like this, this mean
you definitly need to run tomcat server inside a X environment.

David Delbecq
Mauricio Fernandez A. a écrit :


Thanks for your help

Now I have reinstalled the XFree86 completly including the Xvfb and I can
start it (XVfb), to test if it is running I execute a xclock and I don´t get
any error, so I think it is running ok

However, now, when I try to get the jsp wich must show a graphic I get
another different error:


And in another web app in the same server the error is:

  java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
  java.awt.Toolkit$ Method)

So having in mind that before Xvfb Installation the error was:

I think I am just with another different problem.

Can somebody understand this?


Mauricio Fernandez



Hi Mauricio,

I had the same problem. The solution is as follows:

1. Download and install a virtual frame buffer
  Where to find and how to install:

2. Do not forget to create a script to start xvfb - you will find the script
under the link above

3. Edit the or as follows:

#export DISPLAY
export DISPLAY=IP_of_your_machine_where_Tomcat_is_running:0.0
export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=false

4. Start xvfb

5. Restart Tomcat

Mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards

Aliye Edao

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Re: manager webapp question

2005-10-11 Thread Marcus Franke
On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 04:00:24PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:

 I have a tomcat server which serves some webapps for different purposes.

 I now would like to have another instance of the the manager webapp just
 for one of the webapps on this server, that another person can use the
 manager webapp to administer this one special webapp and not
 all the others, too.

 so I have normal /manager/html and I would like to have something

 /web1/manager/html that is capable of adminstering web1

 Can this be done? And if yes, what do I have to do?
Hmm, I guess I can answer that question by myself. If I use 
vhosts in tomcat and I have just the manager and the normal
webapp in that one vhost will I see more than one webapp?

And how do I secure access to that special vhosts manager
webapp? As the normal tomcat-users.xml users with the manager
role would be able to login into every manager on that
tomcat server?


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Re: manager webapp question

2005-10-11 Thread Marcus Franke
On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 05:13:33PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 04:00:24PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
  Can this be done? And if yes, what do I have to do?
 Hmm, I guess I can answer that question by myself. If I use 
 vhosts in tomcat and I have just the manager and the normal
 webapp in that one vhost will I see more than one webapp?

Hmm, just tried the config on my local test server and only in the
first host I can reach the /manager/html pages, in the second host
I created there was no manager, just the one webapp I configured
inside the host context..


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RE: manager outofmemory exception

2005-10-11 Thread Peter Crowther
 From: Enrique Rodriguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 What i don't understand is that I sometimes get OutOfMemoryException
 when i upload new aplitications to the tomcat using the manager.
 I Profiled my aplication and i don't have any memory issue.

Just to check: Did your profiling include looking at PermGen?

 Is this a manager bug? Why the Total Memory is never higger 
 than 128 MB but I get OutOfMemoryExceptions?

Java always loads classes into the permanent generation (PermGen) and
never (to my knowledge) reclaims that space, even when you unload
classes.  So you may be running out of PermGen space.  You may wish to
increase that.  A search on a Tomcat archive for 'Permgen' should give
you plenty more information!

- Peter

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Re: manager outofmemory exception

2005-10-11 Thread Tim Funk


Enrique Rodriguez wrote:

I know this is a very common issue but i want to be sure about it.

I have 5 tomcats on a 8Gb RAM machine. The number of applications
installed on tomcats are 5 to 15. All the tomcat run with -Xms128M
-Xmx512M but the manager aplication never show JVM memory higger than

This is the JVM memory state for the tomcat with 15 application: 

Free memory: 73.94 MB Total memory: 128.62 MB Max memory: 510.37 MB

What i don't understand is that I sometimes get OutOfMemoryException
when i upload new aplitications to the tomcat using the manager.

I Profiled my aplication and i don't have any memory issue.

Is this a manager bug? Why the Total Memory is never higger than 128 MB
but I get OutOfMemoryExceptions?

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RE: manager outofmemory exception

2005-10-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Enrique Rodriguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: manager outofmemory exception
 What i don't understand is that I sometimes get OutOfMemoryException
 when i upload new aplitications to the tomcat using the manager.

Search the archives - this comes up frequently.  Assuming you're using a
HotSpot JVM (Sun 1.4 or later), you're probably running out of PermGen
space, where all the instances of java.lang.Class (among other things)
are stored.

 - Chuck

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RE: Form Based Authentication

2005-10-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Form Based Authentication
 It's point (c) that's proving problematic; there's no way to
 reauthenticate that I can see.

What happens if you just invalidate the existing session?

 - Chuck

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RE: Form Based Authentication

2005-10-11 Thread Peter Bright

 -Original Message-
 From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 11 October 2005 17:18
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Form Based Authentication
  From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Form Based Authentication
  It's point (c) that's proving problematic; there's no way to 
  reauthenticate that I can see.
 What happens if you just invalidate the existing session?

The user gets logged out.

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RE: Form Based Authentication

2005-10-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: RE: Form Based Authentication

   It's point (c) that's proving problematic; there's no way to 
   reauthenticate that I can see.
  What happens if you just invalidate the existing session?
 The user gets logged out.

Exactly - and they then must reauthenticate with the updated password.
Isn't that what you want?

 - Chuck

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RE: Form Based Authentication

2005-10-11 Thread Peter Bright

 -Original Message-
 From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: 11 October 2005 17:23
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Form Based Authentication
  From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Form Based Authentication
It's point (c) that's proving problematic; there's no way to 
reauthenticate that I can see.
   What happens if you just invalidate the existing session?
  The user gets logged out.
 Exactly - and they then must reauthenticate with the updated password.
 Isn't that what you want?
No, sorry, it was unclear. I want them to be reauthenticat/ed/ with the
new credentials /automatically/.  Without making them have to
reauthenticate /by hand/.

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Re: JSP Newbie seeking guidance

2005-10-11 Thread Glen Mazza

Justin Jaynes wrote:

I would HIGHLY recommend using SuSE Linux 10 which can
be purchased or download from Novell directly at  Also, see the openSuSE project (essentially
the open source community effort half of the
SuSE/novell team).

I used to run RedHat but was disappointed in the drop
to Fedora.  I tried SuSE a few years ago and have
never looked back.  So easy to install and configure. 
The YaST systems management tool is amazing.  You can

still do everything the manual way (and I do
sometimes).  But the firewall is easy and strong, the
package management is simple, the install resizes
partitions (even NTFS).  Just so many highly polished
surfaces there.  Try SuSE and see if you ever go back.

I have run tomcat and SuSE in production for over a
year and not had a problem and am now in the process
of upgrading my production server to SuSE 10 and
tomcat 5.5.12.  So far so good.  It's all working in
my development area.  The improvements in 5.5.12 are
EXCELLENT.  But there are significant changes in how
you set up the server.xml file, so read up on the 5.5
doc page.  I had previously only been using 5.0.x. 
ALso, I had some glitchy problems with 5.5.9.  No

reason to download it now anyhow, since 5.5.12 is
stable release.

I also recommend PostgreSQL 8.0 from if
you need database (as i imagine you must) (open source
and fully ansiSQL standard and RDBMS compliant, unlike
mySQL --don't yell at me for saying so, please-- i
know how much many people love mySQL.

You have to build Postgresql from source on SuSE 10
since no rpms are out in the combination of those
versions of SuSE and PGSQL.  I tired to use older
RPMS--not a good idea.  But the build and install went
perfectly.  Be sure you have the proper dev packages
installed before you try.  If not, the documentation
tells all you need to know.

PostgreSQL 8.0, Tomcat 5.5.12, and SuSE 10 are real
winners.  I have had --no-- problems with the past
versions, and these new versions seem up to par or

I LOVE SuSE 10.0 for my desktop environment/school
computing/web surfing/DVD watching(i use KDE) and run
everything just described on my Dell Inspiron 6000
notebook.  That's my developemnt envrionment. 
Obviously the combination of KDE and the servers on a
notebook are no match for my production environment. 
but I must say, my notebook and the software on it do

all I ever ask them to--school work, web surfing,
large SQL routines, JVM, Tomcat--and a fair bit of
graphics design.  All on open source software.  What a
wonderful world we live in.  (The DVD's I run on XINE,
which I had to build, since XINE is stripped down for
leagal reasons in SuSE 10, but the build installed
great and runs with no problem just by typing xine in

--with more to say than you probably wanted to here

By no means--useful to me as well.  Thanks for sharing.


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Re: Continuing Frustration and Misery with Deployer

2005-10-11 Thread Glen Mazza
What happens if you deploy using the Tomcat manager application?  Same 
error or doesn't occur then?  This may help zero in on the problem.


Allistair Crossley wrote:

Hi List,
Honestly, I wish Tomcat web application deployment would be easier/smarter. To pre-empt certain list members from telling me it's my fault, I can assure you my WAR itself is totally 100% no doubts valid. 
Perhaps it is my method of deploying that is causing the issue, I don't know. I am attempting to use the Tomcat Client Deployer (the Ant script that comes with deployer).
I use it to compile the WAR and now want to deploy it to a waiting Tomcat. I ensured my Tomcat webapps folder was wiped and the conf/Catalina/localhost had no context configuration files.
My WAR contains a META-INF/context.xml for deploying the context configuration.
After I compile my WAR with Deployer, I call 
C:\apache-tomcat-5.5.12-deployerant -Dserver=intratest deploy

Buildfile: build.xml

   [deploy] OK - Deployed application at context path /ROOT
So it's deployed OK. 
I wait 5 minutes and then put a request into Tomcat. 404. Why? Because it failed to start the context which in a nutshell is all I ever get when deploying from WARs.
My WAR has been exploded fully which is at least something.
The logs reveal:
2005-10-07 16:18:29,882 -  WARN (org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig:597) - A docBase D:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\ROOT inside the host appBase has been specified, and will be ignored

2005-10-07 16:18:30,163 - ERROR (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext:3796) 
- Error starting static Resources
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Document base 
D:\jakarta-tomcat\webapps\ROOT does not exist or is not a readable directory
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.addChild(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.addChild(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployDescriptor(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployApps(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.lifecycleEvent(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardServer.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
 at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
 at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.start(
 at org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap.main(
2005-10-07 16:18:30,163 - ERROR (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext:3949) 
- Error in resourceStart()
2005-10-07 16:18:30,195 - ERROR (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext:4100) 
- Error getConfigured
2005-10-07 16:18:30,195 - ERROR (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext:4153) 
- Context [] startup failed due to previous errors
2005-10-07 16:18:30,195 -  INFO (org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext:4250) 
- Container org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].[/] 
has not been started
It is not clear if this exception is thrown at the time when the WAR has not been exploded and of course ROOT will not exist.
My META-INF/context.xml has

Context docBase=/ROOT reloadable=true antiJARLocking=true antiResourceLocking=true 

Does nobody else have issues with using the Deployer? Is it just me having all this bad luck? Honestly I am at my wits end with this deployment. I am fed up with manually having to deploy files to our Tomcat servers, exploding them myself and then restarting Tomcat. 

When will Deployer actually work?

Kindest, frustrated, Allistair.


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Re: manager webapp question

2005-10-11 Thread Marcus Franke
On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 05:47:00PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 05:13:33PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 04:00:24PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
   Can this be done? And if yes, what do I have to do?
  Hmm, I guess I can answer that question by myself. If I use 
  vhosts in tomcat and I have just the manager and the normal
  webapp in that one vhost will I see more than one webapp?
 Hmm, just tried the config on my local test server and only in the
 first host I can reach the /manager/html pages, in the second host
 I created there was no manager, just the one webapp I configured
 inside the host context..


made a mistake, forgot to copy over the manager.xml file vom
CATALINA_HOME/conf/Catalina/localhost/ to my new virtual host.

Have now a manager webapp in both the default vhost localhost
and my vhost test.local but both managers can see all
installed webapps :(

Did not expected to see them there..


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RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 OK!!! BUT.....

2005-10-11 Thread Mauricio Fernandez A.
I know the best way to set up this is by using -Djava.awt.headless=true but
I had been tryin almost everything. The problem is my server is a remote
rack server so it doesn´t have any display hw and as the -Djava... option
seems desn´t work for me i am trying to use the Xvfb.

By the way, could it be ok reboot the server in level 5?, does it have

Mauricio Fernández A.
Ingeniero de Sistemas
U. Autónoma de Manizales

-Mensaje original-
De: David Delbecq [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: martes, 11 octubre, 2005 16:50
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9 OK!!! BUT.

Hello, if, like i suppose from your various errors, jfreechart require
awt/swing api and do draw on it,
you need to run the tomcat server inside a X server, not only do you
need to have fonts
installed and corresponding X libraries (like your link suggest was
problem), you also need to
to have X server running and DISPLAY envirronement variable set accordingly.

I would first suggest you start tomcat with
If, like i suppose will be the case, you get HeadlessExceptions when
running like this, this mean
you definitly need to run tomcat server inside a X environment.

David Delbecq
Mauricio Fernandez A. a écrit :

Thanks for your help

Now I have reinstalled the XFree86 completly including the Xvfb and I can
start it (XVfb), to test if it is running I execute a xclock and I don´t
any error, so I think it is running ok

However, now, when I try to get the jsp wich must show a graphic I get
another different error:




And in another web app in the same server the error is:

   java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
   java.awt.Toolkit$ Method)


So having in mind that before Xvfb Installation the error was:

I think I am just with another different problem.

Can somebody understand this?


Mauricio Fernandez

Hi Mauricio,

I had the same problem. The solution is as follows:

1. Download and install a virtual frame buffer
   Where to find and how to install:

2. Do not forget to create a script to start xvfb - you will find the
under the link above

3. Edit the or as follows:

#export DISPLAY
export DISPLAY=IP_of_your_machine_where_Tomcat_is_running:0.0
export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=false

4. Start xvfb

5. Restart Tomcat

Mit freundlichem Gruß / kind regards

Aliye Edao

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Re: JSP Newbie seeking guidance

2005-10-11 Thread John Geiger
Not at all, Justin. Thank you, thank you!

Also, thank you, Mark Eggers.

As I am so new to this, I run the risk of veering off-topic, which I realize
is inappropriate. That said, I will get my newbie noggin back into the
woodshed so that I may be true to this list.

Best wishes,
John G.

on 10/10/05 10:11 PM, Justin Jaynes at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --with more to say than you probably wanted to here

John Geiger
Fox Parlor Design
Pho 415-821-7100
Fax 415-821-7102
Cell 415-307-2554

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RE: Form Based Authentication

2005-10-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Although we are working in a Websphere/LDAP environment, we had the same
requirement as you, and we managed to solve it.

What we did (and I'm going from fairly distant memories, so hopefully I'm
at least close to right) is this... user logs on.  We have a filter that
checks for password expired/reset (both a forced PW change) via flags set
in a previous filter (values taken from LDAP) and redirects to the change
screen if applicable.  This all of course happens only after a
successful logon, i.e., user entered valid credentials, including
expired password already.  We destroy the session before leaving that
filter.  Password is changed, all without creating a new session along the
way.  Once it is changed, we redirect back through the logon process as
before.  We decided that it was *better* to make the user log on again
because it proves they remember the password they entered 2 seconds ago :)

I suppose if I had to allow that automatic authentication, I would NOT
destroy the session and instead just redirect to the first protected
resource of the app from the change PW screen.  Since the user was let in
the first time around, they are really authenticated already.  In essence,
the filter that catches that forced PW change flag is acting like the
container, intercepting all protected requests and redirecting to a change
PW screen.  If you did it smartly you should be able to grab what resource
was requested when the filter fired so as to not have to hardcode where to
go to after that forced PW screen is finished.


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

On Tue, October 11, 2005 12:24 pm, Peter Bright said:

 -Original Message-
 From: Caldarale, Charles R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 11 October 2005 17:23
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: RE: Form Based Authentication

  From: Peter Bright [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: RE: Form Based Authentication
It's point (c) that's proving problematic; there's no way to
reauthenticate that I can see.
   What happens if you just invalidate the existing session?
  The user gets logged out.

 Exactly - and they then must reauthenticate with the updated password.
 Isn't that what you want?

 No, sorry, it was unclear. I want them to be reauthenticat/ed/ with the
 new credentials /automatically/.  Without making them have to
 reauthenticate /by hand/.

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Re: Fwd: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

2005-10-11 Thread Frank W. Zammetti
Wow, you are my hero!  I've always missed that from the Weblogic days!  I
for one would love to see this added.

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti

On Tue, October 11, 2005 1:15 pm, Tim Fennell said:
 Apologies in advance for cross-posting this, but I sent this email
 out to the tomcat-dev list a couple of days ago and have received no
 replies at all...  I think this is quite  a useful feature, and I'm
 wondering how best to go about contributing it.

 -Tim Fennell

 Begin forwarded message:

 From: Tim Fennell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: October 9, 2005 5:50:11 PM EDT
 Subject: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs
 Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List


 I'll apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to post this,
 or if this has been covered before.  I had a good read through the
 Tomcat docs and faqs, searched the bug database, and googled around
 on the topic, but could not really find anything.

 I've been using Tomcat for a while, and in general have found it as
 good a servlet/JSP container as any I've used.  With one exception
 (no pun intended).  A long time ago I started out using WebLogic,
 and the one thing that I loved about WebLogic, that is missing from
 Tomcat, is that when an Exception occurred in a JSP it would tell
 you what line number *in the JSP* generated the exception, and show
 you a snippet of code around the offending line.

 For quite a while I'd figured that the way Tomcat was built
 prevented this from being easy/possible, but I didn't look.  Well,
 I finally got around to looking, and it only took me a couple of
 hours to implement it.  Which makes me wonder if there is some
 other reason that this isn't done in Tomcat/Jasper?

 At any rate, I have code that will do this now, and I think it'd be
 a great productivity boost for anyone else developing JSPs on
 Tomcat.  It amounts to small patches to two files.  The first is
 org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler to make it hang on to the parse
 tree (pageNodes) if in development mode, and a getter to make this
 accessible.  The second is to
 org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper to do the grunt work of
 mapping a stack frame from the exception back to the line in the
 JSP that it came from.

 It's all coded up to function only when in development mode, and is
 reasonably well commented.  Would any of the committers be
 interested in taking a look at this if I put together a patch and
 posted it here?  Cheers,

 -Tim Fennell

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RE: manager outofmemory exception

2005-10-11 Thread Enrique Rodriguez
Thanks, i will try to set maxpermsize to 256m

Regards, Enrique.

El mar, 11-10-2005 a las 17:11 +0100, Peter Crowther escribió:
  From: Enrique Rodriguez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  What i don't understand is that I sometimes get OutOfMemoryException
  when i upload new aplitications to the tomcat using the manager.
  I Profiled my aplication and i don't have any memory issue.
 Just to check: Did your profiling include looking at PermGen?
  Is this a manager bug? Why the Total Memory is never higger 
  than 128 MB but I get OutOfMemoryExceptions?
 Java always loads classes into the permanent generation (PermGen) and
 never (to my knowledge) reclaims that space, even when you unload
 classes.  So you may be running out of PermGen space.  You may wish to
 increase that.  A search on a Tomcat archive for 'Permgen' should give
 you plenty more information!
   - Peter
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RE: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

2005-10-11 Thread GB Developer
regardless how the commiters feel about it, are you willing to release your
patched source files? (So for example, I can compile and deploy them
myself?)   ;)  If so, I'd say a page on your wiki might be alright for
distro, with a link to the page sent to tomcat-user  ?
I'd be giving it a try about 10 minutes after you send out your email, since
I've often wondered about this feature. Usually right after digging through
the work directory for a generated java file. 

 -Original Message-
 From: Tim Fennell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 12:15 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: Fwd: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs
 Apologies in advance for cross-posting this, but I sent this email  
 out to the tomcat-dev list a couple of days ago and have received no  
 replies at all...  I think this is quite  a useful feature, and I'm  
 wondering how best to go about contributing it.
 -Tim Fennell
 Begin forwarded message:
  From: Tim Fennell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: October 9, 2005 5:50:11 PM EDT
  Subject: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs
  Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List

  At any rate, I have code that will do this now, and I think it'd be
  a great productivity boost for anyone else developing JSPs on  
  Tomcat.  It amounts to small patches to two files.  The first is  
  org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler to make it hang on to 
 the parse  
  tree (pageNodes) if in development mode, and a getter to make this  
  accessible.  The second is to  
  org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper to do the grunt 
 work of  
  mapping a stack frame from the exception back to the line in the  
  JSP that it came from.

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Re: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

2005-10-11 Thread Leon Rosenberg
could you post your patch for download anywhere? If you need webspace,
I can provide you some. I would find the patch extremely helpful, and
would love to have it in my development tomcat, as soon as possible.


On 10/11/05, Tim Fennell [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Apologies in advance for cross-posting this, but I sent this email
 out to the tomcat-dev list a couple of days ago and have received no
 replies at all...  I think this is quite  a useful feature, and I'm
 wondering how best to go about contributing it.

 -Tim Fennell

 Begin forwarded message:

  From: Tim Fennell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: October 9, 2005 5:50:11 PM EDT
  Subject: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs
  Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List
  I'll apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to post this,
  or if this has been covered before.  I had a good read through the
  Tomcat docs and faqs, searched the bug database, and googled around
  on the topic, but could not really find anything.
  I've been using Tomcat for a while, and in general have found it as
  good a servlet/JSP container as any I've used.  With one exception
  (no pun intended).  A long time ago I started out using WebLogic,
  and the one thing that I loved about WebLogic, that is missing from
  Tomcat, is that when an Exception occurred in a JSP it would tell
  you what line number *in the JSP* generated the exception, and show
  you a snippet of code around the offending line.
  For quite a while I'd figured that the way Tomcat was built
  prevented this from being easy/possible, but I didn't look.  Well,
  I finally got around to looking, and it only took me a couple of
  hours to implement it.  Which makes me wonder if there is some
  other reason that this isn't done in Tomcat/Jasper?
  At any rate, I have code that will do this now, and I think it'd be
  a great productivity boost for anyone else developing JSPs on
  Tomcat.  It amounts to small patches to two files.  The first is
  org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler to make it hang on to the parse
  tree (pageNodes) if in development mode, and a getter to make this
  accessible.  The second is to
  org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper to do the grunt work of
  mapping a stack frame from the exception back to the line in the
  JSP that it came from.
  It's all coded up to function only when in development mode, and is
  reasonably well commented.  Would any of the committers be
  interested in taking a look at this if I put together a patch and
  posted it here?  Cheers,
  -Tim Fennell
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Re: Virtual Hosting and SSL

2005-10-11 Thread Justin Jaynes
I DID try, but there is no IP address attribute for
connector elements. .. at least not in the
documentation listed on the 5.5 documentation /
configuration setup.

How would I do it?  Can you please indicate the

Thanks, Justin

--- Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Justin Jaynes wrote:
  I am running tomcat 5.5.12 and need to host two
  both with ssl.  
  Can you set up two connectors (one port 443 and
  port 80) for one specific ip address and another
  of connectors for another ip address? 
 Yes. :-)
 That's exactly what you need to do. Try it, ask if
 you run into a
 specific problem...
 Hassan Schroeder -
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
   dream.  code.

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Re: JSP Newbie seeking guidance

2005-10-11 Thread Justin Jaynes

If you need help with setting up the environment I
described (and BOY could I have used help my first
time--mostly I tutored myself and failed and failed
before succeeding) you can ask me and I will know at
least where to point you for relevant information.  I
assume you have done your own building of software
packages from source like PostgreSQL, but if you
haven't, that alone can feel like a daunting
task--really, its quite simple.  Just email me
directly and I'll fill you in as much as I can.


--- John Geiger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Not at all, Justin. Thank you, thank you!
 Also, thank you, Mark Eggers.
 As I am so new to this, I run the risk of veering
 off-topic, which I realize
 is inappropriate. That said, I will get my newbie
 noggin back into the
 woodshed so that I may be true to this list.
 Best wishes,
 John G.
 on 10/10/05 10:11 PM, Justin Jaynes at
  --with more to say than you probably wanted to
 John Geiger
 Fox Parlor Design
 Pho 415-821-7100
 Fax 415-821-7102
 Cell 415-307-2554

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Re: Virtual Hosting and SSL

2005-10-11 Thread David Smith
Try address= or whatever IP you want tomcat to bind to. 
The port attribute will do the same thing for defining what port number
to bind to.


Justin Jaynes wrote:

I DID try, but there is no IP address attribute for
connector elements. .. at least not in the
documentation listed on the 5.5 documentation /
configuration setup.

How would I do it?  Can you please indicate the

Thanks, Justin

--- Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Justin Jaynes wrote:

I am running tomcat 5.5.12 and need to host two


both with ssl.  

Can you set up two connectors (one port 443 and


port 80) for one specific ip address and another


of connectors for another ip address? 

Yes. :-)

That's exactly what you need to do. Try it, ask if
you run into a
specific problem...

Hassan Schroeder -
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.


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Re: Virtual Hosting and SSL

2005-10-11 Thread Justin Jaynes
I'll try... thanks so much for such a fast reply.  Is
there any document about that feature on the tomcat
apache site?


--- David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Try address= or whatever IP you want
 tomcat to bind to. 
 The port attribute will do the same thing for
 defining what port number
 to bind to.
 Justin Jaynes wrote:
 I DID try, but there is no IP address attribute for
 connector elements. .. at least not in the
 documentation listed on the 5.5 documentation /
 configuration setup.
 How would I do it?  Can you please indicate the
 Thanks, Justin
 --- Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Justin Jaynes wrote:
 I am running tomcat 5.5.12 and need to host two
 both with ssl.  
 Can you set up two connectors (one port 443 and
 port 80) for one specific ip address and another
 of connectors for another ip address? 
 Yes. :-)
 That's exactly what you need to do. Try it, ask if
 you run into a
 specific problem...
 Hassan Schroeder -
 Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
   dream.  code.

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Re: Virtual Hosting and SSL

2005-10-11 Thread Hassan Schroeder
Justin Jaynes wrote:
 I DID try, but there is no IP address attribute for
 connector elements. .. at least not in the
 documentation listed on the 5.5 documentation /
 configuration setup.

On this page??

Look again :-)

Hassan Schroeder - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

  dream.  code.

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Re: Virtual Hosting and SSL

2005-10-11 Thread Justin Jaynes
Strike that--I just found that documentation after
looking the hundredth time.  I guess we overlook what
we didn't know before, assuming it isn't what we
wanted to find--or something strange like that.

But I found it.  Thanks everyone.


--- Justin Jaynes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'll try... thanks so much for such a fast reply. 
 there any document about that feature on the tomcat
 apache site?
 --- David Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Try address= or whatever IP you
  tomcat to bind to. 
  The port attribute will do the same thing for
  defining what port number
  to bind to.
  Justin Jaynes wrote:
  I DID try, but there is no IP address attribute
  connector elements. .. at least not in the
  documentation listed on the 5.5 documentation /
  configuration setup.
  How would I do it?  Can you please indicate the
  Thanks, Justin
  --- Hassan Schroeder [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Justin Jaynes wrote:
  I am running tomcat 5.5.12 and need to host two

  both with ssl.  

  Can you set up two connectors (one port 443 and

  port 80) for one specific ip address and

  of connectors for another ip address? 

  Yes. :-)
  That's exactly what you need to do. Try it, ask
  you run into a
  specific problem...
  Hassan Schroeder -
  Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===
dream.  code.


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Re: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

2005-10-11 Thread Tim Fennell
I certainly don't have a problem with that.  Obviously I'd rather  
have it in the main codebase - while I don't have a problem running a  
patched version of jasper, I'm sure that would freak out a good  
number of PHBs ;)  But since there is interest I'll clean up what I  
have, put it online and post a link here.  That should happen some  
time this evening.


On Oct 11, 2005, at 2:01 PM, GB Developer wrote:

regardless how the commiters feel about it, are you willing to  
release your

patched source files? (So for example, I can compile and deploy them
myself?)   ;)  If so, I'd say a page on your wiki might be alright for
distro, with a link to the page sent to tomcat-user  ?

I'd be giving it a try about 10 minutes after you send out your  
email, since
I've often wondered about this feature. Usually right after digging  

the work directory for a generated java file.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Fennell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 12:15 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Fwd: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

Apologies in advance for cross-posting this, but I sent this email
out to the tomcat-dev list a couple of days ago and have received no
replies at all...  I think this is quite  a useful feature, and I'm
wondering how best to go about contributing it.

-Tim Fennell

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tim Fennell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 9, 2005 5:50:11 PM EDT
Subject: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs
Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List

At any rate, I have code that will do this now, and I think it'd be
a great productivity boost for anyone else developing JSPs on
Tomcat.  It amounts to small patches to two files.  The first is
org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler to make it hang on to

the parse

tree (pageNodes) if in development mode, and a getter to make this
accessible.  The second is to
org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper to do the grunt

work of

mapping a stack frame from the exception back to the line in the
JSP that it came from.

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RE: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-11 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To answer some questions below:

Perfectly means it is our production tomcat server.  It performs all the
functions required and is accessed from the legacy webserver.

Getting images from the path http://webserver/PI/image.png.  We have no
direct access linked to tomcat instances on the their ports.

The Tomcat and Webserver will be on the same server.

JkShmFile seems to be for unix installs where this resides on RedHat
Linux EL3.  I can add it if it is required for linux.

Jkmount directives are not new but from a 4.1.24 Tomcat and Jk_mod
that was upgraded.  I will make the changes to be consistent with the
deployed version of Tomcat.

I have 4 workers setup.  1 points to a running 4.1.24 tomcat supporting
an application to be replaced soon I hope.  1 to a separate port on the
4.12.24 tomcat server for one specific application because I was asked
to set it up that way.  1 to the current production tomcat server.  And
one that is for testing and uses the same settings as the production but
I can edit and change as I need to make things work.

I am a bit frustrated as I have not done much to make things break.  I
copied the config files and edited the httpd.conf to be consistent with
the legacy install.  This is the only part that does not work.

If Apache's DocumentRoot does not correspond to Tomcat's appBase, then
any static files contained in the application will not be served by
Apache without some more Apache configuration changes.  Can you give me
an example of this?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Eggers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 10:54 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only


 I have jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 installed and working
 properly on the new
 server.  It is perfectly accessible from the legacy
 web server.

By perfectly accessible you mean . . . ?

 The main page, home.jsp, loads fine in the servlet
 if no page is given.
 http://webserver/PI/  The home.jsp spawns a 503 if
 is in the URL.
 http://webserver/PI/home.jsp   I can successfully
 get images from the
 page from the tomcat instance.  It does not like the
 .jsp extension.

By successfully getting images, do you mean:




 I have watched in Ethereal as no traffic goes from
 the apache to the
 I have tried using the loopback and local network

Why?  Is this Tomcat instance on the same server?

 # Load mod_jk module
 # LoadModule jk_module modules/
 LoadModule jk_module /etc/httpd/modules/

 # Declare the module for IfModule directive
 #AddModule mod_jk.c

 # Where to find
 JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/

 # Where to put jk logs
 JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log

 # Set the jk log level [debug/error/info]
 JkLogLevel debug

 # Select the log format
 JkLogStampFormat [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 

 # JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,
 JkOptions +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat

 # JkRequestLogFormat set the request format
 JkRequestLogFormat %w %V %T

I don't see the specification for JkShmFile

 # Send servlet for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/servlet/* worker1

The above should be:

JkMount /servlets-examples/servlet/* worker1

 JkMount /PI/* worker3
 #JkMount /PI/*.jsp worker3

Why are you using worker3 here?

 # Send JSPs for context /examples to worker named
 JkMount /examples/*.jsp worker1

The above shoould be /jsp-examples/*.jsp worker1

 JkMount /journals/*.jsp worker1

 Worker Properties
 # Define some properties



According to the documentation this should contain a
comma separated list of all the workers.  However, if
you're going to the same Tomcat instance all the time,
you'll only need one worker definition

 # Set properties for worker1 (ajp13)

First of all, there should only be one worker list.
Second of all, why do you have multiple workers going
to the same host but different ports?  Do you have
multiple Tomcats running on this host?


 # Set properties for worker2 (ajp13)


 # Set properties for worker3 (ajp13)


 # Set properties for worker4 (ajp13)

Even after all that is done, there are some other
issues when connecting Apache httpd

Re: tomcat 3.2.4

2005-10-11 Thread Glen Mazza should be 3.2.4.


Steve Souza wrote:

Hi folks,

I'm new to the list, so I apologize in advance for any
faux pas I may commit here!

The question is simple - we'd like to get the 3.2.4
release of Tomcat, but do not see a download link on
the Apache site.  Is it archived somewhere?  I know
it's old, but we haven't moved to the new architecture

Many many thanks!


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RE: tomcat 3.2.4

2005-10-11 Thread GB Developer

 -Original Message-
 From: Steve Souza [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 3:18 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List
 Subject: tomcat 3.2.4
 Hi folks,
 The question is simple - we'd like to get the 3.2.4
 release of Tomcat, but do not see a download link on
 the Apache site.  Is it archived somewhere?  I know

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RE: Tomcat 5.5.9 bugs?

2005-10-11 Thread Niels Beekman


Related to the Dreamweaver-issue: I have this problem too, after some
debugging I found that Dreamweaver does not correctly update the
lastmodified-timestamp on JSP-files when putting them on the server,
which obviously fools the JSP-compiler into thinking that nothing has


This is a known issue with MM and is described at the following URL,
fortunately they  provide a workaround too:


Good luck,



RE: Hijacking the coyote connector

2005-10-11 Thread Caldarale, Charles R
 From: Dobbins, Michael G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Subject: Hijacking the coyote connector
 My next attempt, I repackaged our connector to replace the
 org.apache.catalina.connector package and put that in the

I don't think that's the right place.  -Xbootclasspath should be used
only to override or augment the jars in JAVA_HOME/jre/lib (e.g.,
rt.jar, jsse.jar), not classes that come out of Tomcat's server/lib.  I
suspect things ended up under the wrong classloader, making life
difficult for all concerned.  You will probably have to just replace
server/lib/catalina.jar with your modified version.

I don't see where className was ever a documented attribute for a
Connector element in 5.0 (although it apparently was in 4.1); it is a
valid attribute for Service though.

 - Chuck

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Re: Getting Apache2 forwarding to tomcat5

2005-10-11 Thread Lyndon Tiu

1) It is recommended to use mod_jk version 1 as version 2 is deprecated and 
anything that is new in version 2 has been rolled into version 1.

2) All you need is this in server.xml:

 !-- Define a Coyote/JK2 AJP 1.3 Connector on port 8009 --
  Connector port=8009
enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443 debug=0
protocol=AJP/1.3 /

You may comment out the sections about 8080 and 8443 as apache talks to tomcat 
through 8009.

3) If you insist on using mod_jk version 2, here are sample config files that 
worked for me:

In httpd.conf:

LoadModule jk2_module /usr/local/apache/modules/
JkSet config.file /usr/local/apache/config/
JkSet shm:file /usr/local/apache/logs/shm.file
JkSet shm:size 1048576
JkSet shm:disabled 0


info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket

Lyndon Tiu

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005 18:22:21 -0500 wrote:
 I have read about 25 different websites on getting this setup. I have
 read through this list trying to find the answer I need. I have spent
 the last 2 days and soon 3rd day trying to get this working. I need
 Apache to forward port 80 and 443 requests to tomcat to 8080 and 8443. I
 am working on the non-ssl right now. I get an error in Apache error_log
 [error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker /*.jsp-0
 [error] uriEnv.init() map to invalid worker /patientC
 onnect-1 ajp13:localhost:8009
 Let me give a bit of history and config files.
 This is running on SLES9 x86-64 version.
 Apache and tomcat and the connectors are from RPMs that came with SuSE.
 Everything is installed in SuSE default install location.
 LoadModule jk2_module /usr/lib64/apache2/
 Location /*.jsp
 JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
 Location /patientConnect
 JkUriSet worker ajp13:localhost:8009
 info=Maps the requests. Options: debug
 info=Scoreboard. Required for reconfiguration and status with
 multiprocess serve
 info=Global server options
 info=Status worker, displays runtime informations
 info=Display status information and checks the config file for changes.
 info=Ajp13 forwarding over socket
 # Define the worker
 Both the and the httpd.conf.local are located
 in /etc/apache2 directory.
 In the /usr/share/tomcat/conf/ directory is the and the
 # Set the desired handler list
 # handler.list=apr,request,channelJni
 # Override the default port for the socketChannel
 # Default:
 # channelUnix.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.socket
 # Just to check if the the config  is working
 # shm.file=${jkHome}/work/jk2.shm
 # In order to enable jni use any channelJni directive
 # channelJni.disabled = 0
 # And one of the following directives:
 # apr.jniModeSo=/opt/apache2/modules/
 # If set to inprocess the mod_jk2 will Register natives itself
 # This will enable the starting of the Tomcat from mod_jk2
 # apr.jniModeSo=inprocess
 and the server.xml that was modified:
 !-- Define a non-SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8080 --
 Connector port=8080
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25
enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
debug=0 connectionTimeout=2
disableUploadTimeout=true /
 !-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout
  to 0 --
 !-- Note : To use gzip compression you could set the following
 es :
noCompressionUserAgents=gozilla, traviata
 !-- Define a SSL Coyote HTTP/1.1 Connector on port 8443 --
 Connector port=8443
maxThreads=150 minSpareThreads=25

RE: silent install of Tomcat

2005-10-11 Thread krux mania
Thanks Mauricio, I'll follow this and get back.

Mauricio Fernandez A. [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Maybe you can try with the .zip distribution if your so is Windows or
.tar.gz if Linux or whatever you want/need from

If you don´t know which one download read the README

Mauricio Fernandez

-Mensaje original-
De: krux mania [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lunes, 10 octubre, 2005 19:37
Asunto: silent install of Tomcat


I need to install tomcat 5.0.28 silently for my application. Can this be

If this issue has been previously discussed please send me a pointer to the



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Re: silent install of Tomcat

2005-10-11 Thread krux mania

Sounds like you are using Windows?

 Yes i am using windows.

On my Linux boxes I installed quite silently using rpm and no questions to be

But you could use the tarball/zip for it.

I'll try this, thanks.



 Yahoo! Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free.

Re: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

2005-10-11 Thread Tim Fennell

Hi All,

I've posted my patch for Jasper/Tomcat at the following location:

The page has a brief overview, a download link and  before and  
after screenshots so you can get an idea for what exactly the patch  
does before you decide to patch your own environment.  If you give it  
a shot and have any problems and/or suggestions for improving it  
please let me know - but please read the readme first ;)

Happy bug hunting.

-Tim Fennell

On Oct 11, 2005, at 3:40 PM, Tim Fennell wrote:

I certainly don't have a problem with that.  Obviously I'd rather  
have it in the main codebase - while I don't have a problem running  
a patched version of jasper, I'm sure that would freak out a good  
number of PHBs ;)  But since there is interest I'll clean up what I  
have, put it online and post a link here.  That should happen some  
time this evening.


On Oct 11, 2005, at 2:01 PM, GB Developer wrote:

regardless how the commiters feel about it, are you willing to  
release your

patched source files? (So for example, I can compile and deploy them
myself?)   ;)  If so, I'd say a page on your wiki might be alright  

distro, with a link to the page sent to tomcat-user  ?

I'd be giving it a try about 10 minutes after you send out your  
email, since
I've often wondered about this feature. Usually right after  
digging through

the work directory for a generated java file.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Fennell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2005 12:15 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Fwd: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs

Apologies in advance for cross-posting this, but I sent this email
out to the tomcat-dev list a couple of days ago and have received no
replies at all...  I think this is quite  a useful feature, and I'm
wondering how best to go about contributing it.

-Tim Fennell

Begin forwarded message:

From: Tim Fennell [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: October 9, 2005 5:50:11 PM EDT
Subject: More helpful reporting of exceptions in JSPs
Reply-To: Tomcat Developers List

At any rate, I have code that will do this now, and I think it'd be
a great productivity boost for anyone else developing JSPs on
Tomcat.  It amounts to small patches to two files.  The first is
org.apache.jasper.compiler.Compiler to make it hang on to

the parse

tree (pageNodes) if in development mode, and a getter to make this
accessible.  The second is to
org.apache.jasper.servlet.JspServletWrapper to do the grunt

work of

mapping a stack frame from the exception back to the line in the
JSP that it came from.

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RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Thomas
Have you looked at the headers between Tomcat and your UA? Is your UA actually
sending the UA header? If it is then it looks like a sitemesh problem from what
you have described. There are a range of tools for looking at headers.
livehttpheaders is good, as is TcpMon which is distributed as part of Axis.


 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Mixon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 12:00 AM
 To: 'Tomcat Users List'
 Subject: RE: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header
 Thank you for the test - but I still get a null user-agent 
 right after the
 login. Here is a snippet of my code:
   !DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN;
   %@ include file=/common/taglibs.jspf%
   %@ page import=com.ltoj.common.Constants %
   html:html locale=true
   %@ include file=/common/meta.jspf %
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url
   script type=text/javascript src=c:url
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=c:url
 value='/styles/default.css'/ / 
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=c:url
 value='/styles/messages.css'/ / 
   link rel=stylesheet type=text/css media=all href=c:url
 value='/styles/tabs.css'/ / 
   String _userAgent = request.getHeader(user-agent);
 Here's the sequence:
 1) I issue a request to this page.
 2) CMA says oh, that's protected and shows my custom login 
 page. I get
 user-agent displayed fine:
  USER-AGENT='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; 
 en-US; rv:1.7.12)
 Gecko/20050915 Firefox/1.0.7'
 3) But on the next page (the original target page of the request),
 user-agent shows as null.
 I can refresh the page or go to any other page in my 
 application and the
 user agent is fine again.
 The only thing a bit non-standard about this JSP page is that it is a
 SiteMesh decorator page. 
 If I run the same test, same pages in Tomcat 5.5.9 I never 
 get user-agent of
 Our application does check the user-agent header a good bit. 
 We use Select
 lists with option groups - but some browsers do not support this so we
 simulate it by indenting the select options ourselves.
 Luckily all of this activity happens well after the initial 
 login - so we
 are safe, now that I changed the decorator to make sure 
 user-agent is not
 null before doing anything with it.
 But it seems other applications might be affected by this - no?
 Thanks again - Richard
 -Original Message-
 From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Sunday, October 09, 2005 1:45 PM
 To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Re: Tomcat 5.5.12 and user-agent header
 Hmm, I downloaded 5.5.12 and tried the agent-header specific 
 code with it:
   public void processLogin(User user, HttpServletRequest req,
 HttpServletResponse res) {
   StringBuffer info = new StringBuffer();
   info.append(login );
   info.append( [);
   info.append(] );
   info.append( );
   info.append( );
   info.append( );
   info.append( / );
   info.append( Agent: );
 outcome was:
 2005-10-08 15:36:50,453 INFO  - login leon [6] [EMAIL PROTECTED] male premium / Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows 
 NT 5.0; en-US;
 rv:1.7) Gecko/20040626 Firefox/0.8
 which I think was same behaviour as before.
 I took tomcat out of the box (5.5.12 tar.gz) and only changed 
 the http port.
 On 10/8/05, Richard Mixon [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am just using the standard HTTP connector. This is on my 
  workstation so I don't normally run JK and Apache, except for final
  On the developer list I did see one mention of user-agent 
 header, but 
  on closer inspection it appeared to be for a completely 
 different issue.
  Thanks - Richard

RE: Mod_jk + Apache on RHEL3 gives 503 for jsp only

2005-10-11 Thread Mark Eggers
Here's a quick writeup.

This is going to be a long reply, and I hope it will
be useful.

I am using Fedora Core 4 as a model.  I hope it will
be close enough to RHEL 3 to be useful.  You may have
to change paths in order to correspond to your

First of all, my environment:

Dell 8200 with 768 MB memory
Dual boot:
Fedora Core 4 2.6.13-1.1526_FC4
Windows 2000 Professional


Java 1.5.0_4 from Sun
Apache 2.0.54 from RPM
Tomcat 5.5.9 from
mod_jk from source


Java 1.5.0_4 is installed in /usr/jdk1.5.0_04 and soft

linked to /usr/java
JAVA_HOME is set in /etc/profile
$JAVA_HOME/bin is placed in $PATH before /usr/bin

I've left the Apache RPM install alone, which means
the following:

DocumentRoot /var/www
Logs /etc/logs soft linked to /var/log/httpd
modules  /etc/modules soft linked to
conf /etc/conf

I've created a tomcat user with the same group
membership as apache user.  The home directory is

/home/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9 Current Tomcat


I've placed in /etc/httpd/conf

# basic worker list

# one to serve the applications

# one to check the status

This is all you really need in order to connect a
local Apache to a local Tomcat.

I cannot think of a good reason to define more
workers.  That isn't to say that there aren't any.

If you put multiple workers going to the same host and
different ports, then you will have to modify
server.xml.  Basically, you will have to add a
connector statement for each unique port that you use
in your file.

You have two different ports, so you will need two
connector statements.

Connector port=10009
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8443
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /
Connector port=8099
   enableLookups=false redirectPort=8643
   protocol=AJP/1.3 /

I'm following the examples used by Fedora Core 4 in
configuring other add-on modules for Apache.  You can
place the mod_jk configuration information directly in
/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, but I've chosen to create
a separate file in /etc/httpd/conf.d

The contents of my file are as follows:

# following Fedora's add-on philosophy
LoadModulejk_module modules/

JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/
JkLogFile logs/mod_jk.log
JkLogStampFormat  [%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] 
JkShmFile logs/shm-file

# jk status
JkMount /jk-status/ status


Static File Problem
This is where the configuration can become a little
more complex.  It helps to understand how Apache finds
files to serve.

Each host in Apache has a DocumentRoot.  In Redhat
Fedora, the line that defines that reads:

DocumentRoot /var/www/html

That means that when you enter the following URL:


Apache will look for the DirectoryIndex files (usually
index.html) in:


This is fine until you add an application server into
the mix.  Many people package up the entire
application into one war file.  This means that all
static as well as dynamic content gets loaded into the
application server area.

In your case, that's

Apache will know absolutely nothing about this
directory, and any files that are not mapped by
JkMount and served by Tomcat will not be found by

Static File Solutions
1. Change DocumentRoot

The most global change is to change DocumentRoot.  In
order for this to work, all files in
/usr/local/tomcat/jakarta-tomcat-5.5.9/webapps must be
readable by the user that runs Apache (typically
apache in a Redhat distribution).

The way to do this is to put the following as your
DocumentRoot statement.


While this works, it means that you will have to place
all web sites in this location, even if they do not
have dynamic content.

In general, I don't like this solution.

2. Add Directory and Alias Statements

Traditionally locating static files in a dynamic web
site has been done by using a combination of Directory
and Alias directives.  The Directory directive grants
appropriate server permissions (who gets to see the
files, etc.) and the Alias directive matches a
directory with a base URL.

For example, here's one way to map application1 living



# This goes in httpd.conf
Directory /usr/local/tomcat/webapps/application1/
   Options Indexes 

Re: Illegal Field Name Error

2005-10-11 Thread Anto Paul
On 10/10/05, Asad Habib [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am receiving the following error when trying to run a Struts
 application. I checked and it seems that I do have all of the appropriate
 jar files installed. But for some reason, the Action class is not being
 recognized. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

 - Asad

 HTTP Status 500 -

 type Exception report


 description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it
 from fulfilling this request.


 javax.servlet.ServletException: Illegal field name has inconsistent
 hierarchy in class
 root cause

 java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal field name has inconsistent
 hierarchy in class
  java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)










  sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor51.invoke(Unknown Source)

  java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke($ Method)
 note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache
 Tomcat/5.5.9 logs.

 Apache Tomcat/5.5.9

Delete the generated class files of your application and compile it.
Also check struts.jar that it is not corrupted.

Anto Paul

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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread Bob Hall

Coming into this thread late, but I'm curious.
Why do you want each user to obtain a connection
to the database, effectively logging into the DB,
instead of using a connection pool with a single,
application specific, DB userid/password?

- Bob

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks Doug and Chuck,
 I suspected as much re. the connection pool.  This
 sort of negates the
 value of it a little (for me anyway).
 My original plan was to go with saving the
 connection to the session once
 it was established but I had read somewhere that
 connections are not
 'serializable' and therefore the garbage cleanup in
 tomcat may kill the
 connection unexpectedly?!.?
 Has anyone used session tracking to store database
 connections?  If so, has
 anything bad happened?
 Doug to answer your question How many users are
 there going to be on the
 system at once and can the
 system handle that many open connections?...
 I anticipate that the production version will have
 from 20 - 30 people
 updating information (in different cities ) and
 possibly 50 or so browsing
 the database for information.  The backend database
 will be ORACLE 9i
 running in MS Server 2003 on an IBM server.  In the
 pooled connection
 implementation I allowed for 150 concurrent users. 
 I think oracle running
 on a pretty beefy application server should be able
 to handle it.  The web
 server box will also be MS server 2003 on an older
 style server so I
 suppose the only scary part will be weaknesses (if
 there are any) in Tomcat
 Anyway, I will implement storing the connection in
 the session with the log
 out killing the connection.
 Any comments or gotchas you know about would be
 Jeffery S. Eaton

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 the opinions of the Queensland Department of Main
 Queensland Transport or Maritime Safety Queensland,
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Re: Sending mail with JavaMail (UNCLASSIFIED)

2005-10-10 Thread Andrés Reyes

Samara, Fadi N Mr ACSIM/ASPEX wrote:

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

Are you including your JAR files your BUILD.XML classpath ? 

-Original Message-
From: David Tonhofer, m-plify S.A. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 6:25 AM

To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: Sending mail with JavaMail

Looks like the usual Tomcat classloader hierarchy SNAFU.

Try with ONLY in tomcat/common/lib.

--On Friday, October 07, 2005 12:04 PM +0200 Andrés Reyes [EMAIL PROTECTED]


activation.jar and mail.jar are placed both in /common/lib, and in 
/WEB-INF/lib (and also in JAVA_HOME/lib)

¿Any other place?

¿Maybe the error be in activation.jar itself? ( I want to believe that it

isn't  :( ).


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I'm not compiling with Ant.

* Andrés Reyes ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
* TCOR Desarrollos y Sistemas, S.L.
* Teléfono: 957 76 42 48 
* Fax : 957 76 42 49


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RE: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread Akoulov, Alexandre [IT]
Hi Jeff,

I will implement storing the connection in
 the session with the log
 out killing the connection.

what happens if the user never logs out? then your Tomcat might end up with 
quite a few open connections that it cannot close and the only way to close 
such connections would be to restart Tomcat. I guess you'll also want to 
implement the connection closure when session times out/invalidated (using 

Kind regards,


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, 10 October 2005 3:48 PM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username
and password supplied by user

Thanks Doug and Chuck,

I suspected as much re. the connection pool.  This sort of negates the
value of it a little (for me anyway).

My original plan was to go with saving the connection to the session once
it was established but I had read somewhere that connections are not
'serializable' and therefore the garbage cleanup in tomcat may kill the
connection unexpectedly?!.?

Has anyone used session tracking to store database connections?  If so, has
anything bad happened?

Doug to answer your question How many users are there going to be on the
system at once and can the
system handle that many open connections?...

I anticipate that the production version will have from 20 - 30 people
updating information (in different cities ) and possibly 50 or so browsing
the database for information.  The backend database will be ORACLE 9i
running in MS Server 2003 on an IBM server.  In the pooled connection
implementation I allowed for 150 concurrent users.  I think oracle running
on a pretty beefy application server should be able to handle it.  The web
server box will also be MS server 2003 on an older style server so I
suppose the only scary part will be weaknesses (if there are any) in Tomcat

Anyway, I will implement storing the connection in the session with the log
out killing the connection.

Any comments or gotchas you know about would be useful.

Jeffery S. Eaton

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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
Good question Bob,

This system may eventually be implemented for the government department I
work for in Queensland, Australia.  This project is a pilot one which will
involve four separate district offices in four different cities.  The
department has policies on data security which includes authenticating
individual users to a database.  As this is a requirement I can't avoid I
wanted to find a way to implement it even in the proof-of-concept stage.

User authentication can be implemented on the middle tier in Tomcat but I
don't think this will satisfy the dept. requirements.  That being the case,
my plan was to let the database decide if a user can get into the site.  If
they are authenticated to the db then they have access to the site.  One
other advantage of db authentication which will be important in this case
is the separation of database roles.  Users will have access to update only
the tables they are approved to access.

Jeffery S. Eaton

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the opinions of the Queensland Department of Main Roads,
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RE: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
That's right Sasha,

I will have to ensure connections are closed down automatically if the user
doesn't log out, but at this stage I will note your comment for further


Jeffery S. Eaton

Opinions contained in this e-mail do not necessarily reflect
the opinions of the Queensland Department of Main Roads,
Queensland Transport or Maritime Safety Queensland, or
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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread Bob Hall

Are the uses going to be allowed to execute ad hoc
queries?  If yes, I can see why you would choose to
take the take the direct DB authentication route.

If not, then a a JDBCRealm could be used and specific
role(s) assigned to each user that would govern what
they could do in the webapp.  The isUserInRole()
method in HttpServletRequest can be used to protect
parts of the application as needed.

Info on JDBCRealms:

- Bob

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Good question Bob,
 This system may eventually be implemented for the
 government department I
 work for in Queensland, Australia.  This project is
 a pilot one which will
 involve four separate district offices in four
 different cities.  The
 department has policies on data security which
 includes authenticating
 individual users to a database.  As this is a
 requirement I can't avoid I
 wanted to find a way to implement it even in the
 proof-of-concept stage.
 User authentication can be implemented on the middle
 tier in Tomcat but I
 don't think this will satisfy the dept.
 requirements.  That being the case,
 my plan was to let the database decide if a user can
 get into the site.  If
 they are authenticated to the db then they have
 access to the site.  One
 other advantage of db authentication which will be
 important in this case
 is the separation of database roles.  Users will
 have access to update only
 the tables they are approved to access.
 Jeffery S. Eaton

 Opinions contained in this e-mail do not necessarily
 the opinions of the Queensland Department of Main
 Queensland Transport or Maritime Safety Queensland,
 endorsed organisations utilising the same
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 please immediately notify the sender and delete the
 from your computer.


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Re: Q: Why Tomcat return me a OLD version of my doc.jar in an Applet ?

2005-10-10 Thread Amadeo Alonso

Thaks, Darek

I didn´t now that cache...

- Original Message - 
From: Darek Czarkowski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Friday, October 07, 2005 10:21 PM
Subject: Re: Q: Why Tomcat return me a OLD version of my doc.jar in an 
Applet ?

did you clean up your local cache?
the jar file might be a local version of the file. You might not be able
to see the new version until you remove the old one. (usually

Darek Czarkowski

Infinite Source Systems Corp.
Ph: 604 294 6557 (Ext. 113)
Fx: 604 294 6507
On Sat, 2005-10-08 at 06:05, Amadeo Alonso wrote:

Hi list:

   I apologize me last (first) email to the list with faults on date and 

   Thanks to Mark Thomas for your explanations.

The problem I attempt to solve is the next:

When I demand the page 
'', which has an 
Applet with a tag 'archive=doc.jar', Tomcat (?) v5.5 returns me the OLD 
VERSION of 'doc.jar' (v1) with the old bugs, as I deduct from the 'Java 

I have placed two connector tags  in 'server.xml' file to use ports :80 
y :8080 in the same way

but   return 
de rigth 'doc.jar' (v2),   OK:   return 
de old   'doc.jar' (v1),   BAD:

using  localhost/..., localhost:80/... y localhost:8080/...  OK (v2).

How can I destroy the old version? where is it? What is it happening? Is 
maybe a navigators problem?

 (I get  'similar' results with IE and Firefox )

Thanks in advance

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.

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Re: Sending mail with JavaMail (solved)

2005-10-10 Thread Andrés Reyes

David Tonhofer, m-plify S.A. wrote:

--On Friday, October 07, 2005 1:08 PM +0200 Andrés Reyes 

It doesn't work.

No way???

Back to basics: find all the places where mail.jar is in this
hierarchy of classloaders. Make sure there is only one.
Make sure that jaf.jar is at the same level or above it.

  Bootstrap: uses JVM classes  looks in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext
  System:uses $CATALINA_HOME/bin/bootstrap.jar
 |   and  $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar
  Common:uses $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib
/  \ and $CATALINA_HOME/common/classes
   /\and $CATALINA_HOME/common/endorsed
  /  \jsp and servlet API jars are here
/   |
Catalina:  uses $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib   |
   and $CATALINA_HOME/server/classes|
catalina.jar is here  |
 Shared: uses 
   / \and 

  /   \
 Webapp1  Webapp2 ... --- 

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It is solved.
I put both (activation.jar and mail.jar) in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext and 
removed it from any other place, and it works.
Now, I get MessagingException: invalid provider, but I think it is 
about the mail server.

Thanks for your answers.

* Andrés Reyes ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
* TCOR Desarrollos y Sistemas, S.L.
* Teléfono: 957 76 42 48 
* Fax : 957 76 42 49


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Re: JspC exception with log4j in WEB-INF/lib

2005-10-10 Thread Artur Brinkmann
But as soon as I put log4j-1.2.9.jar into my WEB-INF/lib directory, it 
doesn't work any more. I get the following exception:

 [jasper2] java.lang.NullPointerException
 [jasper2] at 

After building a version of Tomcat which logs the exception that happens 
when trying to create the compiler (by default it's caught without logging), 
I was able to figure out how to fix it.

Apparently, when log4j-1.2.9.jar is in WEB-INF/lib, it also needs to be in 
the ant/lib directory (or somewhere else in the Ant classpath). If it isn't 
there, a ClassNotFound exception will be thrown when trying to create the 
compiler (either Ant or JDT), but this exception is caught without logging 
and later the NullPointer exception happens.

As a side effect, I discovered that the same goes for 
jasper-compiler-jdt.jar. The JDT compiler will not be used unless it's in 
the Ant classpath.

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Re: SessionListener invoked sometimes and not others

2005-10-10 Thread Jon Wingfield
And possibly a HttpSessionActivationListener object as a session 
attibute. The sessionDidActivate() method on the object gets called if 
the session is still valid when tomcat restarts. You can use this to fix 
your state.



Mark Thomas wrote:
So after a restart of tomcat, I login and it appears the 
session is still

valid, so it does not go through my session listener.

I need to be aware of the web application lifecycle and want to grab a
resource when the webapp starts and release when the web app 
goes away. 
How do I do that?

Use a ServletContextListener.


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RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

2005-10-10 Thread Mauricio Fernandez A.

Trying again to make the graphics appear in my web app, I did a test web app
and I had been trying to start the Tomcat with -Djava.awt.headless=true
option as I read in some forums

#export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true

But they do not appear either

The web test app can be found here
and the wanted result after click on Graficar is something like this (static page)

Also I have try to insert in the Graficador.class constructor the next
System.set/getProperties lines

public Graficador(String Path){
this.contexto = Path;
this.background = null;

//System.setProperty returns the current value before assignment
String vrPropiedad = System.setProperty(java.awt.headless, true);

// Log the before assignment value to a log file to debug
logger.debug(BEFORE = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad);

//and log the after assignmet value to a log file too
vrPropiedad = System.getProperty(java.awt.headless);
logger.debug(NOW = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad);

And these are the log file lines the app write

2005-10-10 11:18:15,996 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Loading form
2005-10-10 11:18:15,999 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Form OK !
2005-10-10 11:18:24,710 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - loading page: grafica.jsp
2005-10-10 11:18:24,716 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating object:
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - BEFORE = java.awt.headless
= true -- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - NOW = java.awt.headless =
true -- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 1 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 2 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 3 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Giving the control to a
Graficador Object, it must make the chart
2005-10-10 11:18:24,769 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Starting chart creation
2005-10-10 11:18:24,788 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Data process  OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,548 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Creating Chart  OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,549 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Making a PNG image from

And here the app trhows an exception

Any idea is always welcome, thanks.

Mauricio Fernandez

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Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

2005-10-10 Thread Viorel Dragomir
What exception ?

[ If it's not confidential. :) ]

Viorel Dragomir


- Original Message - 
From: Mauricio Fernandez A. 
To: Tomcat Users List 
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 14:42
Subject: RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

Trying again to make the graphics appear in my web app, I did a test web app
and I had been trying to start the Tomcat with -Djava.awt.headless=true
option as I read in some forums

#export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true

But they do not appear either

The web test app can be found here
and the wanted result after click on Graficar is something like this (static page)

Also I have try to insert in the Graficador.class constructor the next
System.set/getProperties lines

public Graficador(String Path){
this.contexto = Path;
this.background = null;

//System.setProperty returns the current value before assignment
String vrPropiedad = System.setProperty(java.awt.headless, true);

// Log the before assignment value to a log file to debug
logger.debug(BEFORE = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad);

//and log the after assignmet value to a log file too
vrPropiedad = System.getProperty(java.awt.headless);
logger.debug(NOW = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad);

And these are the log file lines the app write

2005-10-10 11:18:15,996 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Loading form
2005-10-10 11:18:15,999 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Form OK !
2005-10-10 11:18:24,710 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - loading page: grafica.jsp
2005-10-10 11:18:24,716 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating object:
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - BEFORE = java.awt.headless
= true -- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - NOW = java.awt.headless =
true -- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 1 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 2 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 3 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Giving the control to a
Graficador Object, it must make the chart
2005-10-10 11:18:24,769 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Starting chart creation
2005-10-10 11:18:24,788 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Data process  OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,548 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Creating Chart  OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,549 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Making a PNG image from

And here the app trhows an exception

Any idea is always welcome, thanks.

Mauricio Fernandez

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RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

2005-10-10 Thread Mauricio Fernandez A.
You can see that here, after click on Graficar:

The web test app can be found here
and the wanted result after click on Graficar is something like this (static page)

Mauricio Fernandez

-Mensaje original-
De: Viorel Dragomir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lunes, 10 octubre, 2005 15:53
Para: Tomcat Users List
Asunto: Re: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

What exception ?

[ If it's not confidential. :) ]

Viorel Dragomir


- Original Message -
From: Mauricio Fernandez A.
To: Tomcat Users List
Sent: Monday, October 10, 2005 14:42
Subject: RE: Problems with graphics on Tomcat 5.5.9

Trying again to make the graphics appear in my web app, I did a test web app
and I had been trying to start the Tomcat with -Djava.awt.headless=true
option as I read in some forums

#export CATALINA_OPTS=-Djava.awt.headless=true

But they do not appear either

The web test app can be found here
and the wanted result after click on Graficar is something like this (static page)

Also I have try to insert in the Graficador.class constructor the next
System.set/getProperties lines

public Graficador(String Path){
this.contexto = Path;
this.background = null;

//System.setProperty returns the current value before assignment
String vrPropiedad = System.setProperty(java.awt.headless, true);

// Log the before assignment value to a log file to debug
logger.debug(BEFORE = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad);

//and log the after assignmet value to a log file too
vrPropiedad = System.getProperty(java.awt.headless);
logger.debug(NOW = java.awt.headless =  + vrPropiedad);

And these are the log file lines the app write

2005-10-10 11:18:15,996 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Loading form
2005-10-10 11:18:15,999 [-t] INFO [index.jsp] - Form OK !
2005-10-10 11:18:24,710 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - loading page: grafica.jsp
2005-10-10 11:18:24,716 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating object:
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - BEFORE = java.awt.headless
= true -- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,746 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - NOW = java.awt.headless =
true -- It is True!
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 1 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,747 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 2 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Creating Category 3 ...
2005-10-10 11:18:24,748 [-t] DEBUG [grafica.jsp] - Giving the control to a
Graficador Object, it must make the chart
2005-10-10 11:18:24,769 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Starting chart creation
2005-10-10 11:18:24,788 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Data process  OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,548 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Creating Chart  OK
2005-10-10 11:18:25,549 [-t] DEBUG [Graficador] - Making a PNG image from

And here the app trhows an exception

Any idea is always welcome, thanks.

Mauricio Fernandez

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Re: Turning on debugging in Tomcat 5.5

2005-10-10 Thread Marcus Franke
On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 09:28:23PM -0700, Bill Barker wrote:
 James Rome [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
  Most of the installed Tomcat classes have something like
  container.isDebugEnabled() {...}
  How do I enable these debug statements in Tomcat 5.5?
 I'll assume that you are using Juli.  If you are using log4j, compare what 
 I'm saying to 
 to see what you need to do.
 First you edit $CATALINA_HOME/conf/ and add and something 

Would this control the logging of the tomcat server itsel, too?

Returning to my previous mail, if I activate connectionTimeout
in the asp13 connector tomcat starts to pollute my catalina.out
with messages about timedout connections.

I know that there are connections which tend to timeout, such is life, 
but its a waste of time and storage when tomcat itself informs we
about that fact :)

Looking inside properties file I find the default log level and it

# Default global logging level.
# This specifies which kinds of events are logged across
# all loggers.  For any given facility this global level
# can be overriden by a facility specific level
# Note that the ConsoleHandler also has a separate level
# setting to limit messages printed to the console.
.level= INFO

So, I guess, if I use something like .level=WARN the pollution
of catalina.out may will stop?


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Re: Turning on debugging in Tomcat 5.5

2005-10-10 Thread Marcus Franke
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 04:41:32PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
 On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 09:28:23PM -0700, Bill Barker wrote:
 # Default global logging level.
 # This specifies which kinds of events are logged across
 # all loggers.  For any given facility this global level
 # can be overriden by a facility specific level
 # Note that the ConsoleHandler also has a separate level
 # setting to limit messages printed to the console.
 .level= INFO
 So, I guess, if I use something like .level=WARN the pollution
 of catalina.out may will stop?

Ok, had a deeper look inside the tomcat startup scripts on my
RHEL box and catalina.out is written as a redirect of the
tomcat stdout.

So, my next guess is, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
could be the right paramter to change?

Sorry, it seems Im not as half as familliar with this stuff
as I should be :(



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Re: Turning on debugging in Tomcat 5.5

2005-10-10 Thread Marcus Franke
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 05:20:07PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
 On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 04:41:32PM +0200, Marcus Franke wrote:
  On Fri, Oct 07, 2005 at 09:28:23PM -0700, Bill Barker wrote:
  # Default global logging level.
  # This specifies which kinds of events are logged across
  # all loggers.  For any given facility this global level
  # can be overriden by a facility specific level
  # Note that the ConsoleHandler also has a separate level
  # setting to limit messages printed to the console.
  .level= INFO
  So, I guess, if I use something like .level=WARN the pollution
  of catalina.out may will stop?
 Ok, had a deeper look inside the tomcat startup scripts on my
 RHEL box and catalina.out is written as a redirect of the
 tomcat stdout.
 So, my next guess is, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
 could be the right paramter to change?

oh no, neither of these points stops my tomcat from being extremly

Any other hints or suggestions how to silence the tomcat?


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Re: apache -- tomcat (mod_jk) works on localhost but not other hosts

2005-10-10 Thread Lyndon Tiu
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:01:04 -0700 (PDT) wrote:
 I'm very new to tomcat and apache.  I've set up apache
 to forward to tomcat using mod_jk.  It works fine on
 the localhost, but if I try to connect through to
 tomcat from any other host I get 404 file not found,

Please send us your and httpd.conf.

Lyndon Tiu

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Re: apache -- tomcat (mod_jk) works on localhost but not other hosts

2005-10-10 Thread Scott MacAlvone
--- Lyndon Tiu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 09:01:04 -0700 (PDT) wrote:
  I'm very new to tomcat and apache.  I've set up
  to forward to tomcat using mod_jk.  It works fine
  the localhost, but if I try to connect through to
  tomcat from any other host I get 404 file not
 Please send us your and

attached, tia, scott

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Re: silent install of Tomcat

2005-10-10 Thread Marcus Franke
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 10:36:55AM -0700, krux mania wrote:
 I need to install tomcat 5.0.28 silently for my application. Can this be done.
 If this issue has been previously discussed please send me a pointer to the 

What do you mean with silent installation?



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Re: silent install of Tomcat

2005-10-10 Thread krux mania
Hi Marcus,
Silent installation also referred to as batch installation is the process where 
the install takes place without presenting any dialogs to the user. The user 
input is put into a properties file and the installation takes it from there.

Marcus Franke [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 10:36:55AM -0700, krux mania wrote:
 I need to install tomcat 5.0.28 silently for my application. Can this be done.
 If this issue has been previously discussed please send me a pointer to the 

What do you mean with silent installation?



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Re: silent install of Tomcat

2005-10-10 Thread Marcus Franke
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 11:11:30AM -0700, krux mania wrote:
 Hi Marcus,
 Silent installation also referred to as batch installation is the process 
 where the install takes place without presenting any dialogs to the user. The 
 user input is put into a properties file and the installation takes it from 

Sounds like you are using Windows?

On my Linux boxes I installed quite silently using rpm and no questions to be

But you could use the tarball/zip for it.


There are some things worth dying for.
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RE: silent install of Tomcat

2005-10-10 Thread Mauricio Fernandez A.
Maybe you can try with the .zip distribution if your so is Windows or
.tar.gz if Linux or whatever you want/need from

If you don´t know which one download read the README

Mauricio Fernandez

-Mensaje original-
De: krux mania [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: lunes, 10 octubre, 2005 19:37
Asunto: silent install of Tomcat


I need to install tomcat 5.0.28 silently for my application. Can this be

If this issue has been previously discussed please send me a pointer to the



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Re: java.lang.ClassCircularityError

2005-10-10 Thread Shankar Unni

Caldarale, Charles R wrote:

According to the bug report, this is only fixed in Mustang (6.0), not
5.0 (aka 1.5).

Ooh, my bad (misread of the fixed release..). Thanks..

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Re: using a datasource connection pool resource with username and password supplied by user

2005-10-10 Thread jeffery . s . eaton
Thanks for the suggestion Bob,

I think what you are saying about realms is valid and most likely the
easiest way to enforce security.  It would be my choice if it wasn't a
corporate standards issue.  I will read up on the link you sent and see if
I can get away with it in terms of meeting with policy.

Thank you all for your input.

Jeffery S. Eaton

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