Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch vs. Duet

2011-02-16 Thread Rick58

if you register another Logitech product (online). My wife registered an
older mouse (she was trying to fix a problem) and instantly we got a
20% off next purchase code in an email.

Earlier that day I made the decision to purchase the Touch - so I got
it for $240 with free shipping direct from Logitech.

I haven't seen a better deal ...


Bits: Azur 840C, Oppo 980H, SB Touch; Squiggles: Thorens TD-145 + Denon
DL160; Pre-Heater: McIntosh C220; Heaters: Bottlehead Paramount 300B;
Wavemakers: Triangle Titus, NHT SubOne

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-15 Thread Rick58

guidof;611278 Wrote: 
 Hi Rick:
 Thanks for the additional information.
 The evidence seems to be that this is just, as you put it, a cosmetic
 On 24/96 material, the Touch's digital output sounds better than
 anything I heard on my system. Even on 16/44.1, it tends to improve
 over the sound of CDs played on the CA 840C.
 Guido F.I was amazed how things sounded the other night, I agree, best I have
heard. I was going to do a comparison with the CD, but then said the
heck with it and continued to enjoy ...


Bits: Azur 840C, Oppo 980H, SB Touch; Squiggles: Thorens TD-145 + Denon
DL160; Pre-Heater: McIntosh C220; Heaters: Bottlehead Paramount 300B;
Wavemakers: Triangle Titus, NHT SubOne

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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Haven't had this much fun since . . .

2011-02-14 Thread Rick58

guidof;610846 Wrote: 
 About the Squeezebox Touch:
 I haven't had this much fun with an audio gizmo since the Hafler Matrix
 (anyone still remembers that one?).
 First with the Touch out of the box, then with Soundcheck's mods, then
 with rediscovering some forgotten CDs as I (slowly) rip my entire
 collection, and finally with being able to listen to 24/96 downloads,
 it has been a musically exhilarating few months since the Touch has
 lived in my system.
 And all of this for $300! 
 So much music, so little time . . .
 Guido F.I agree completely! I have listened more to my system since I got the
Touch (a couple weeks ago) since I don't know when. I listened to some
'old' stuff the other night, sounded amazing. I think I have
added/upgraded several components since I last listened to it. Guess I
should listen to the CD and do a comparison ... nah! sounds great thru
the Touch (wireless streaming and all), why bother?

BTW, Guido, wondering what is displayed on your 840C when playing thru
the Touch? and if you are going wireless or using Ethernet? (altho I
don't think it would make a difference in what the 840C displays).

Mine shows =20/96 even when streaming 24/96 files, and =20/44.1
when streaming CD-sourced (Apple lossless) files. There is an issue
with the 840C and 'status bits' sent from the source ... 

When connected to my Oppo 980H the same files (burned to and played on
a DVD) read 24/96.

TIA,  - Rick.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] iPeng app on iPhone, affects screen brightness?

2011-02-13 Thread Rick58

I love the iPeng app, never use the Touch (except by remote to change

Using iPeng, seems that whenever I hit 'back' button in the upper left
corner, it usually affects the screen brightness - seems to cycle to
off, dim, full brightness ... eventually it actually does what it's
supposed to do - return to the previous screen.

Just wondering if anyone else 'sees' this?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] iPeng app on iPhone, affects screen brightness?

2011-02-13 Thread Rick58

Thanks! I will check it out.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Latest firware (7.5.3-r9283) broke my m4a playback

2011-02-12 Thread Rick58

huh! being a new Touch owner, and not having many of these, never
noticed that. I only have one album and a handful of individual songs
that are categorized (in iTunes) as Protected AAC audio files, these
indeed do not seem to be seen by the Touch.

Also, one other album and a few songs are called Purchased AAC audio
files. The album IS seen and plays, the others are/do not.

The only thing I can think of is that Apple insists that only iTunes
be 'authorized' to play these songs ...? and maybe the capability slips
thru for various firmware releases. Maybe Apple is corresponding with
Logitech about this, and insisting they 'block' such files to the

Just a guess ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] new touch, very happy

2011-02-04 Thread Rick58

fillmore;608129 Wrote: 
 rick, i got the pm.  thanks for the info, guys.
 some additional specific model info i have (which generates more
 questions) managed to track down.  sony model ht-ss2300 (discontinued)
 apparently outputs 24/96:
 the multichannel pcm seems to only accept hdmi.  would a switch similar
 to this be worth considering to go touch  coax digital  switch  hdmi
 i guess im also wondering if i need to connect it two ways, digital and
 analog rca to take advantage of everything; multichannel, dts, 24/96
 i ripped a couple of the talking heads brick set discs with dvda
 explorer.  the discs have two streams, 24/96 stereo and 24/96 six
 channel...i presume the dts surround?  each version ripped to wav and
 converted to flac.  does it sound like im on the right track?  i just
 wont be able to experience the multichannel until i can convert the pcm
 from spdif out to hdmi inYou're getting way beyond me! with most of this, 
 but looking at the
manual, I saw that 'all digital audio jacks' (including, I would think,
the TV and Digital optical and digital connections) are compatible
with 32, 44.1, 48, and 96kHz sampling frequencies.

It also says to input multichannel digital audio from the DVD player,
set the digital audio output setting on the DVD player.

This sounds like it can accept MC digital audio on these jacks as

It seems worth a try, just take an RCA interconnect cable, hook up the
RCA digital connections, and see what happens. Maybe start with the
sound turned down a bit, in case some noise comes out. If things aren't
compatible, hashy/white noise can be generated (I have heard this noise
when trying to play a 24 bit 176.4kHz FLAC file).

HTH,  - Rick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] new touch, very happy

2011-02-04 Thread Rick58

look on p. 41 of the manual ... talks about setting 'Auto' or 'PCM' as
the priority; says to set to 'PCM' if no sound comes out with the
'AUTO' setting.

Good luck!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] new touch, very happy

2011-02-03 Thread Rick58

with the Touch. Using my iTunes folder and playlists for up to 16/44.1
and separate folders for higher res stuff.

Sounds great! Will try some tweaks (linear PS, etc.) one of these years


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] new touch, very happy

2011-02-03 Thread Rick58

Skinny;607863 Wrote: 
 Yes, I bet it has digital inputs. However, only the newer HD generation
 of receivers is -even capable of outputting audio from hi-rez 24/96
 digital files-. My 10+ yo Sony (one of the first ones with DD + DTS
 decoding btw ;) ) isn't.
 -Skinny Interesting if the OP replies with more info. Looks like the BRAVIA
line was introduced in mid-2005. Hopefully the onboard DAC is 24/96
capable! I have no idea ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] new touch, very happy

2011-02-02 Thread Rick58

Skinny;607286 Wrote: 
 Please specify model number of AV receiver, surely someone will find the
 specs for you then. I bet the receiver has a toslink or RCA digital input ... 
 might sound
better than the internal DAC on the Touch? in any case.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Registered Logitech product, got 20% off Touch!

2011-01-27 Thread Rick58

You're welcome!  and I am really enjoying my Touch, which seems like a
great product, esp. for $240. I have been listening more in the past
week than for several months. That's a good sign ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch and large number of miscellaneous mp3s

2011-01-26 Thread Rick58

Cholas;605635 Wrote: 
 Hope this question isn't too stupid. Everything on my Touch is working
 splendidly, all music tracks tagged properly, album art fine everything
 works without problems. ButI'm a big fan of fifties rock'n'roll (I
 know, I know) and I've got a few hundred MP3 tracks I've collected over
 the years from a variety of sources. Not surprisingly their tags are all
 over the place, loads of different artists, albums etc.This may not be the 
 best answer, but I use iTunes for my 'regular'
playlists (and have hi-res material in separate folders).

I have 'use iTunes' checked (wherever that option is - I am not at home
and don't remember). This option lets the Touch access all the iTunes
playlists, and one is able to select other material (24/96 FLACs, for
example) in other folders.

If you make a playlist in iTunes with all the mp3s in it, should be
able to play in order, random, etc..

HTH,  - Rick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-24 Thread Rick58

Phil Leigh;605036 Wrote: 
 the 24-bit bitstream is simply truncated by your dac - the lowest 4 bits
 are ignored. It will still sound fine (even the best consumer dacs can
 only resolve 21 bits anyway!) I guess I need to remember this! The 840C (not 
 SOTA, but pretty darn
good) is 113dB S/N (A weighted) which if I'm doing it correctly is
about 19 bits.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-22 Thread Rick58

Mnyb;604332 Wrote: 
 But it must be a difference in some bit as his dac reports 24bit when
 conected directly to his computer via toslink  ? THANKS folks for the replies!

With the direct link, it actually indicates =24/96 which I interpret
to mean 24/96 ... but if it says =20/96 even tho in my mind I believe
it is actually 24/96 (as it should be), I tend to 'fear' that it is
being truncated to 16 bits. Don't know why ...

I guess because when playing AIFFs it says =20/44.1.

From all I have read so far (and have the (limited) capacity to
hopefully understand) the 'problem' may be with the 840C, but sounds
like if the device outputs the correct status bits (indicating 24 bit
data is being sent) the 840C should report this correctly?

Could that be 'fixed' with a firmware tweak/revision (to the Touch)?
hopefully so. Seems like at least *some* other DACs or devices display
incoming bit depth, and would benefit from this 'fix'.

Basically, I just want to be 'reassured' that 24/96 is going into the
840C! I guess they could even 'force' the data to indicate that,
whether true or not!?  ;^)

Seems like I 'must' have 24/96 when 24/96 FLACs are played ... it's
just a little 'disappointing' and there's always that 'doubt' when I
see the =20 being displayed ...  :^(

Again, thanks very much, and please continue to discuss ... I will be
reading with much appreciation.

- Rick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-22 Thread Rick58

doh! maybe this shows how much I don't know and that's OK, if I learn
something. I don't really want to learn 'everything' about this, but
would like to understand a little more than I do now ...

The status bits that are referred to are in the data stream itself,
(i.e. the original source (FLAC, AIFF ...) correct? Every word has
them, I guess. So the player cannot 'change' these without some crazy
re-whatevering on the files, and one likely wouldn't want that to be
occurring and consuming computing horsepower in the Touch or the host

Maybe some other files are indeed 'coded' this way. I at this point
only have a dozen or less 24/96 FLAC files (samples from HDTracks and
LessLoss). One would think the originators of the files would want
these 'represented' properly ... if that is indeed the case. 

Oh well, thanks for comments again.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-22 Thread Rick58

Phil Leigh;604464 Wrote: 
 get some insulating tape and place it over the display - problem solved 
LOL  yes, I could not use my 'binoculars' to look at the display, I
guess! It's about 12' away, I can't quite read whether it shows 20 or 24
from my chair!

OTOH, after rereading the 'bug report' I see the issue MAY be related
to something the Touch itself sends:

Looks to me that setting Channel Status Word bit 2 to '1' (and maybe
forcing bits 3-5 to 'zero') when 24 bit data is being sent should
'solve' the issue. 

Hopefully this 'bug' would be assigned sometime soon ...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-22 Thread Rick58

Phil Leigh;604490 Wrote: 
 You might get lucky - but it's a rather niche, cosmetic issue...
 Tell you what, I'll vote for the bug :-)
But wouldn't all DACs that report bit depth along with sample rate
benefit? Maybe the Cambridges are the only ones ... if so, oh well.

If you know, could you verify that if I use 24/96 stereo FLACs thru the

iMac - Airport Extreme (wireless) - Touch - optical out - Cambridge

that the 24/96 data is being delivered to the 840C?

Thanks very much, I really appreciate your comments, even the humourous


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-22 Thread Rick58

Griffin;604495 Wrote: 
 The channel status word bit 2 defines the copyright bit (DCMS). It has
 *nothing* to do with wordlength. I have the official spec on my desk at
 work but ePanorama has a nice overview 'here'
 ( (scroll down to
 channel status). 
 There is no -reliable- status information in spdif reflecting absolute
 word length and there is no need for that information (except perhaps
 for informational purposes like showing the actual depth).I am wondering if 
 the standard you refer to is for the actual data
stream itself, and that discussed in

SQB SPDIF Channel Status Word is something different - part of
'preamble' data that is generated and sent *from the SB Touch itself*
before the 'music data' stream starts? Sorry, I don't know the proper

I see *** This bug has been confirmed by popular vote. *** in Bugzilla;
I presume this means it got 3 votes. 

Thanks, Phil!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-22 Thread Rick58

Mnyb;604505 Wrote: 
 You -can- apparently set this with alsa ? It's actually beyond me if you
 actually should ?
 Apearently you can also chose between consumer spdif or pro AES-EBU
 over spdif .
 Interestingly there is a difference between consumer and pro .
  AHA ... maybe this is the explanation for the confusion I had about
Griffin's post. Thanks.

I would just like to see a 'fix' if possible! :^)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Odd issue with my Touch (might be my DAC)

2011-01-21 Thread Rick58

Phil Leigh;602126 Wrote: 
 Just to reiterate: regardless of what you put into to the Touch (or
 where the volume control is set), what comes out is a 24-bit
 However, if the s/pdif (channel status information bit(s)) are not set
 correctly, then downstream devices might REPORT non-24-bit streams...
I hope this is what is going on with my setup, and that you excuse a
couple of 'noobie' questions.

iMac - Airport Extreme (wireless) - Touch - optical out - Cambridge

The 840C indicates =20/96 which seems strange, when the song being
played is 16/44.1 AIFF or 24/96 FLAC (which are all I have tried so
far, just got the Touch yesterday).

Sounds like it should indicate 24/96 all the time?

The 840C indicates =24/96 when toslinked up to the iMac directly

Wish I could get rid of the pesky = ... ! 

Is there something I need to set differently than 'default' in the
advanced settings? I do have numerous posts, etc. saved by you guys,
but it will take me hours to peruse thru them!

THANKS for comments, tips, etc.!  :^)  - Rick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Registered Logitech product, got 20% off Touch!

2011-01-14 Thread Rick58



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Registered Logitech product, got 20% off Touch!

2011-01-13 Thread Rick58

windycitycy;602290 Wrote: 
 I have 2 Touches and have been waiting for a good price to get a 3rd.  I
 just went and registered one of my many Logitech products (took about 1
 minute).  Hopefully I get the same e-mail. Good luck! I don't know if it was 
 'instantaneous' or not after she


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Touch Parts express power supply

2011-01-12 Thread Rick58

Phil Leigh;601876 Wrote: 
 (from that review)...
 Compared to the PC/FireWire system the Touch S/PDIF system was a
 little muddy and had a bit less separation of instruments, especially
 the drums, when the symphony really got going.
 Coz we know how s/pdif can struggle with those complex bitstreams when
 the music gets going, right?

OK, so one seemingly silly (to you) observation negates the whole
article? Whatever. I know, if you can't measure it, it can't possibly
sound different.

BTW, THANKS for the welcome to the SBT community.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Adding Touch to Airport Extreme network (with NAS) ?

2011-01-11 Thread Rick58

SORRY if this topic has been beaten to death ...

I currently have a Boxee Box, have 99% decided to return it and get a
Touch, as my main interest is streaming 24/96 stereo audio to my
Cambridge 840C CD player's external DAC inputs. The 'Box' is not quite
there yet, is really designed mainly for video, etc..

Currently use APE with external 1TB NFS+ formatted drive (I am calling
it a NAS, altho it's just a standard external HD) plugged into it. I
can access it from my iMac and Boxee Box.

Seems to me that this would work as well with the Touch. (???) from
reading some older threads, and, I believe this article
altho I am not 100% certain.

Seems like the 'early' versions of the Touch required Windows
formatting and only could read from directly-connected HDs, but this
seems to have been taken care of in subsequent firmware revisions.

Wondering also if I move my iTunes folder over to the 'NAS' if I can
point to it both with the iMac and the Touch? and maybe with another
(Windows) laptop, maybe even all at the same time? The other 'users'
would likely only want mp3 files streamed to their computers on
occasion. That may be best addressed in another thread and another
forum tho!

TIA for comments, etc..  - Rick.


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