Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR sensor ALMOST dead - any cure?

2015-03-24 Thread TechHome

Thanks, I did find a post or two that indicated it is possible to do a
factory reset then bit with an SD or USB stick with an appropriately 
named script that will enable ssh, before the touch boots.  Can anyone
confirm our fill in the blanks on this?  One such post was by John
Swenson, but it did not include the details I would need to make it


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR sensor ALMOST dead - any cure?

2015-03-23 Thread TechHome

Please be very cautious when separating the case.  After removing the
stand w/ a 5/64 hex and the two #0 phillips screws, the case will start
to separate from the bottom, but the top section may resist.  In my
case, when I pulled a bit to hard and the top section came free, the two
halves separated enough to have torn the display cable.  I now have a
working touch, controllable only by Wi-Fi with no display.  I'm not
aware of a way to change the Wi-Fi settings as they do not appear in the
web interface.  Luckily I do have a spare Touch, but would love some
pointers on how I can use this Logitech stealth mode touch-less, I
created.  Like I said, work very carefully in separating the case, use a
splodger, or credit card, perhaps.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR sensor ALMOST dead - any cure?

2015-03-13 Thread TechHome

Yes, thanks indeed!

I will order the part and also attempt this repair.  Looks like the
Vishay part with the correct pinout is Vishay TSOP 32238. Here's the
'data sheet' (


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR sensor ALMOST dead - any cure?

2015-03-11 Thread TechHome

paf wrote: 
 I have opened my Touch and measured the signals on the IR module.

  - the VCC is AWFUL, terrible ripple at high frequency. Maybe because
   the wifi antenna is just next to the IR module?
  - the IR out reacts correctly when the remote is sending, even at
   distances where the Touch doesn't react to commands
  - the IR outs is active all the time, i.e. it modulates even when
   the remote is not sending (even when I switch off all lights in the
  - the remote works better when the oscilloscope is connected between
   GND and IR out
 I have noticed that the IR module ist imprisoned in an impressive
 metalic armour. Probably against EMC? 
 Well, I see two possible causes:
  - the IR module is somehow half-dead and sends all the time scrap to
   the decoding chip, which has problems with that. Solvable by
   replacing the IR module (i have alread some replacements modules,
   but they have the wrong pinning... GND and VCC inverted)
  - some decoupling capacitors are dead and there is too much ripple
   everywhere in my Touch - hopeless
 Does anybody know the exact type of the IR module?
 Any clues?
 PatrickVery interesting.  Can't help with sourcing the correct replacement.  
you use Wi-Fi with the Touch?  I'm curious if the IR would work better
if a wired LAN connection was used.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] IR sensor ALMOST dead - any cure?

2015-03-05 Thread TechHome

I also have a Touch with failed IR sensing.  If you complete a
successful repair, please post what you did,



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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Broken Remote

2014-06-12 Thread TechHome


I'm hoping to open the remote to troubleshoot it, without breaking it. 
There are no screws that I've found and I can't figure out hoe to
separate the two halves without risk of breakage.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Broken Remote

2014-06-12 Thread TechHome

Ok, I managed to get it open by inserting the edge of a sharp knife into
the gap and twisting.  there are 3 clips per side.  Unfortunately that
was the good news.  pcb trace is broken where the LED/flasher attaches. 
Thought is was a loose/bad solder joint at first but unfortunately that
was not the case.  I did order one from Logi spare parts, so I'll be
back in business soon.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Broken Remote

2014-06-10 Thread TechHome

Found my SB Touch remote to be unresponsive.  No signs of physical
damage and new batteries doesn't revive it.  My SB2 remote works to
control the touch, so it appears the remote is dead.  I'd like to open
it up to see if it's an obvious fix, but can't figure out how to open it
up.  Anyone been down this road before?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-24 Thread TechHome

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 The Touch does support IR blaster through the headphone jack just like
 the SB3. With the current firmware it's not as capable since it does not
 support raw mode in the IR blaster plugin. If you already have the
 correct information for your amp and use it with the SB3 IR blaster
 plugin you should be able to use it with the Touch version of the IR
 blaster plugin (as long as it's not in raw format). 
 John S.Thanks John, the Touch now feeds an Audiosource power amp with signal
sensing on the input, but it's good to know this now works.  Can you
please explain what raw mode is?  I used the IR signal capture feature
of IR Balster to record the codes; will these codes work?  BTW, in
another room, a SB2 feeds a 5.1 system and IR Blaster works brilliantly.
When the SB2 is powered it turns the receiver on, switches the input to
CD  turns on the B-speakers;  for SB2 power off: B-speakers off, input
to Video1 and receiver power off.  

For the record, I like the Touch, we use it every day and it's growing
on me.  I greatly appreciate the tips you folks have provided in this
thread.  However, I do believe the old SB2/3 platform is pretty well
optimized in terms of usability, but I see so much untapped potential in
the Touch, such as expanded use of gestures and better
quick-launch/shortcut support.  Is there a preferred way to submit
feature requests?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-24 Thread TechHome

JohnSwenson wrote: 
 I'm not an expert on IR Blaster, I've tested it to make sure it works
 but that is as far as I've gotten. If my understanding is correct raw
 mode is very low level information on how the IR beam is modulated. But
 this is a large  sequence of information for each button. There are
 several standards for how IR data is encoded, these allow you to have a
 short set of characters to represent what gets sent. Most manufacturers
 publish these encodings (or at least users have figured out what they
 are), you can type these into the IRBlaster config file. Unfortunately I
 think the learning feature of IR Blaster uses raw mode, it just records
 exactly what's happening with the IR beam without figuring out what the
 encoding is. So unfortunately you probably cannot just directly use
 those learned button pushes with the Touch. 
 All is not lost though. If you can find out what the codes are for the
 devices you wish to control, you can put THOSE into the config file and
 it should  work. There are several web sites that maintain massive
 databases of such control codes, so the probability of finding them is
 pretty high. 
 John S.Thanks John, Guess I'll cross that bridge if/when I need to.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-22 Thread TechHome

JJZolx wrote: 
 Touch has better audio, but the user interface is a step backward in
 many ways. The SB2/3 and Transporter had a mature interface, while
 SqueezePlay on the Touch and Radio feels unfinished.Thank you! 

So very well said in so few words.  Reminds me of why I regretfully
bought a Motorola Xoom over an iPad.  Looking at the specs, it was a
slam dunk.  However, a satisfying user experience cannot be measured in
specs alone.  While I embrace open source and am not a fan of the Apple
Walled Garden, Android Tablets too are a work in progress rather than a
polished product like the iPad.  


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-21 Thread TechHome

JJZolx wrote: 
 Using the remote, it's exactly the same. And given that with the SB2/3
 the remote interface is all you have, I fail to understand your
 reasoning. Expecting the touch interface to work exactly like the remove
 interface makes absolutely no sense.They are not the same; out of the box the 
 SB2/3 supports quick launch
numeric button shortcuts.  That is if Radio Paradise is a favorite, I
can press and hold a numeral button, say #1 for about 5s and it saves
Radio Paradise as a quick launch shortcut.  Now whenever I push and hold
#1 for about 2s, Radio Paradise will play.  Also works from off, so that
with one button push, I can turn on my SB2, tune to Radio Paradise (and
thru IR Blaster) also turn on my amp and set the source to the CD input.
On the Touch remote, out of the box, the numeral keys basically do
nothing.  There is no geek port and thus no IR Blaster support.

JJZolx wrote: 
 They're not similar. They're identical. There is no such thing as off.Not 
 true, the standby clock has a lighter background, the off clock a
black background.  They can be configured to be the same, if you like.

JJZolx wrote: 
 Again, being that there is no power off, I fail to understand this line
 of thinking. If the Touch is playing audio and you hit either Pause or
 Stop, if you can't tell that the command has been received then there's
 something very wrong.I beg to differ, when I hit the off button, the music 
 immediately stops
and the display changes to the off display; clock with Black background.
Hitting pause, pauses the music only.

JJZolx wrote: 
 It's a years-old product that won't be seeing any more significant
 development. It will be discontinued first.I suspect you may be right, but I 
 hope not.  Perhaps I'd go Sonos, if I
were starting from scratch today, but I love my Squeezeboxes, I'm just
not so sure about the Touch at this point...

By the way, I did find a thread that indicated that the numeric IR
remote quick launch functionality can be unlocked in the Touch; just
haven't gotten around to enabling it yet.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-21 Thread TechHome

Just got the Touch presets configured: Settings - Advanced - Beta
Features - Shortcuts  Only six presets available; I mapped press-hold
numeral keys 1 - 6 to presets 1 - 6, which are the same as my Favorites
1 thru 6.  Now my touch presets match my SB 2/3s except numeral keys 7,
8, 9 do nothing.  

I noticed that L-R  R-L swipes are customizable.  Sure would like to
see an option for an upward swipe increase volume and downward swipe
decrease it!

I do agree with the Touchscreen being a bonus on the Touch, I do use it
occasionally, and my kids use it frequently.  Album art in color is cool
for close-in viewing, but for across the room, scrolling artist track on
the 2/3/Classic VFD is more effective.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-18 Thread TechHome

A long time Squeezebox user, from the release of the Squeezebox 2 on, I
have a mix of nine SB2s, SB3s, radios and now a Touch in my home. 
Currently running LMS locally on a Vortexbox.  

In reference to the SB2/3, the Touch seems to be less than optimal in
terms to the user experience in a couple of areas - or perhaps it's just
my lack of familiarity??

1. Power-on/off from the touchscreen.  When the Touch is playing, I seem
to have to tap the back arrow a bunch of times until I get the option to
switch it off.  Am I missing something?  I believe that power on/off is
a key-function that should always be shown. 

2. Quick launch favorites.  With the SB2/3, we use the IR remote long
number press quick launch feature quite a bit.  For example, to go from
OFF to listening to NPR, takes just a long #1 press on the remote;
similarly Radio Paradise is launched with #3.  In comparison, on the
Touch, if there is a quick-launch feature from the IR remote, I haven't
been able to find it.  From the touchscreen UI, I seem have to do these
a. tap the screen to wake it 
b. tap the ON-OFF icon to switch on 
c. tap the back arrow repeatedly until I get to the Home screen
d. tap favorites
e. tap the desired favorite
Please tell me there is an easier way.  I'd love to be able to have
quick access to favorites both via the touchscreen and IR remote.

Thanks, and I'd also love some pointers and tips from Touch power users
to help get up to speed. 

Finally, I have the Touch in a semi-custom install mounted on a bar
back splash with hidden wires, hidden amp and wall mounted NHT Classic
Two speakers.  If there is interest, I will take photos and post to the
custom install forum.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Questions from new Touch adopter

2012-04-18 Thread TechHome

Thanks, didn't know about swipes or the press  hold of the back arrow.

Definitely helps, tho still not as fast as with a SB2/3 - it's loads
better than hitting the back button repeatedly to power off or just to
get home.  Shame that I had to ask on the forums, though; ideally the
product should somehow let the user know about these features, similar
to how it is done on Smart Phones.

I also thought about standby vs off, noting that the default standby
clock display to be very similar to the off display.  However, I do
appreciate the display immediately switching to the clock display when I
turn the unit off from Squeezecommander or the IR remote.  I see it as
feedback that the Touch did power off.

Hopefully the logi crew will continue to enhance the Touch.  MX video
player (Android) accepts side to side swipes to move to advance playback
fwd or back and up/down swipes to adjust screen brightness and volume. 
I don't see a need for side to side swipes to do anything different from
what is done now, but volume control on the Touch would be easier if
instead of having to hit very small targets with your finger we could
swipe up anywhere on the display to crank it up and vice versa to turn
it down.


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