JJZolx wrote: 
> Using the remote, it's exactly the same. And given that with the SB2/3
> the remote interface is all you have, I fail to understand your
> reasoning. Expecting the touch interface to work exactly like the remove
> interface makes absolutely no sense.They are not the same; out of the box the 
> SB2/3 supports quick launch
numeric button shortcuts.  That is if Radio Paradise is a favorite, I
can press and hold a numeral button, say #1 for about 5s and it saves
Radio Paradise as a quick launch shortcut.  Now whenever I push and hold
#1 for about 2s, Radio Paradise will play.  Also works from off, so that
with one button push, I can turn on my SB2, tune to Radio Paradise (and
thru IR Blaster) also turn on my amp and set the source to the CD input.
On the Touch remote, out of the box, the numeral keys basically do
nothing.  There is no geek port and thus no IR Blaster support.

JJZolx wrote: 
> They're not similar. They're identical. There is no such thing as "off".Not 
> true, the standby clock has a lighter background, the off clock a
black background.  They can be configured to be the same, if you like.

JJZolx wrote: 
> Again, being that there is no power off, I fail to understand this line
> of thinking. If the Touch is playing audio and you hit either Pause or
> Stop, if you can't tell that the command has been received then there's
> something very wrong.I beg to differ, when I hit the off button, the music 
> immediately stops
and the display changes to the off display; clock with Black background.
Hitting pause, pauses the music only.

JJZolx wrote: 
> It's a years-old product that won't be seeing any more significant
> development. It will be discontinued first.I suspect you may be right, but I 
> hope not.  Perhaps I'd go Sonos, if I
were starting from scratch today, but I love my Squeezeboxes, I'm just
not so sure about the Touch at this point...

By the way, I did find a thread that indicated that the numeric IR
remote quick launch functionality can be unlocked in the Touch; just
haven't gotten around to enabling it yet.


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