Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-21 Thread hawaiijim

Mnyb;538514 Wrote: 
> Squeezeboxserver is written in perl ?

It sounded strange to me because I thought Perl was just a scripting
language for Web pages. However 'Wikipedia says'
(, "The Squeezebox
Server software is written in Perl, and will run on Linux, Microsoft
Windows, Apple Macintosh, BSD platforms."


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-20 Thread hawaiijim

Mnyb;538308 Wrote: 
> If would also like to get some senior members interest in this topic,
> maybe it could get patched somehow if you have programming skills and
> can read the code (it is open source after all).
> I don't have programming skills at all so I can only report my
> findings.
> I can not give any constructive help to the developers, I think that
> would be greatly appreciated.
> I think my little cowon mp3 player handles shuffle without a problem ?
> So something is not thoroughly designed as it should.

Where is the code available for download? I heard that it's written in
Perl. I'm not a Perl developer, but I'd still love to look and see what
they're doing that is causing performance problems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-20 Thread hawaiijim

iPhone;538007 Wrote: 
> If when using Touch in the TinySC self server mode having a 100 song
> playlist limit is your only reason for not buying a Touch, it is my
> opinion that you should not be allowed to ever buy a Touch. That's just
> plain silly for a reason for not buying a Touch.
> First this only applies when using the Touch as a standalone server.

Since I only want to use the Touch as a standalone server, that's like
saying "this only applies every time you want to use it."

iPhone;538007 Wrote: 
> Second there is nothing that says you can't save multiple 100 song
> playlists and just load a second saved Playlist when the first finishes
> (which by the way on average will be 6 hours later!). How many times do
> you listen to music for more then 6 hours straight? And how hard would
> it be to queue up a second saved playlist when you happen to listen for
> more then 6 hours straight? I will tell, not hard just a few touches on
> the display.

The Current Playlist can never be more than 100 songs, so I'm guessing
that if you want to select a folder to play, you'll get the same 100
songs in that folder every time. That's just lame.

Also, I would want large m3u playlists, and then just randomize play
within a playlist.

iPhone;538007 Wrote: 
> Please remember that TinySC is just that, TINY. There is only so much
> memory available on the device. Playlists and their associated baggage
> (cover art) take up large amounts of assets ...

Again, the Squeezebox Server could have easily minimized resources by
handling playlists intelligently. I'm looking at a screenshot now, and
a playlist displays only three items for each track: the song title,
the band name, and an album cover thumbnail image. In addition, the
playlist needs to know the location of each song. With the exception of
the cover art thumbnail images, that type of data does NOT use up heavy
system resources. As I pointed out above, 1000 songs would take up only

It's almost certainly the cover art thumbnail images that are taking up
the heavy system resources. If system resources are that strained,
thumbnail images could have been left out of Touch playlists without
anyone noticing or caring. WinAmp doesn't display thumbnail images for
playlists and nobody ever complains. Neither does RealPlayer. The only
music software I'm aware of that displays cover art in playlist mode is

Even if cover art thumbnail images are to be displayed, the TinySC
easily could have cached only nearby cover art in memory. (For example,
10 tracks in each direction plus the 5 tracks currently displayed.) If a
user scrolls wildly, then just load images like a web browser does.
There would be no delay in scrolling the playlist, just in loading
cover art, but users could then have huge playlists.

In addition to loading track name, band name, track location, and
unnecessary cover art into memory, the TinySC may be loading all track
info into memory (i.e. stuff that doesn't get displayed in playlists).
If the TinySC is doing that, then it would be a much bigger strain on
memory while also being unnecessary.

Finally, I ask again, does the iPod have a 100 track (or similar)
limitation for its current playlist? It almost certainly is far more
resource-constrained than the Squeezebox Touch. If it doesn't have such
a limitation, then the "lack of resources" argument is pure bunk.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-20 Thread hawaiijim

Phil Leigh;537935 Wrote: 
> You really know how to win friends and influence people...

Sorry, I'm just feeling frustrated and disappointed because I'm not
going to be getting a Squeezebox Touch now.

Phil Leigh;537935 Wrote: 
> You see that nice little display on the screen that shows you the
> current playlist (with artwork) that you can scroll up and down and
> interact with... guess that needs to be in-memory right? How else is it
> going to be displayed on the screen?

The currently selected one needs to be in memory. You may want nearby
ones to be in memory too for someone scrolling up and down nearby items
in the playlist, but there's no reason on Earth to keep hundreds in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-20 Thread hawaiijim

usch;537738 Wrote: 
> they must be doing something really weird, like keeping the entire
> database record for each track in memory.

That sounds to me like it's exactly what they're doing. It's nuts.

I don't know what Squeezebox Server playlists are like, but look at
this m3u playlist created by WinAmp:

> #EXTINF:224,Daft Punk - Harder Better Faster Stronger
> \Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\My Music\MP3\Daft Punk - Harder
> Better Faster Stronger.mp3
> #EXTINF:199,The Clash - London Calling
> \Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\My Music\MP3\The Clash - London
> Calling.mp3
> #EXTINF:418,UB40 - Rat In Mi Kitchen
> \Documents and Settings\Me\My Documents\My Music\MP3\UB40 - Rat In Mi
> Kitchen.mp3

That's an entire m3u playlist for three songs. According to its
Windows' properties, it's taking up 410 bytes for the 3 tracks. That
means a 1000 track playlist would likely take up only 133K. Plus, you
don't even need to open the entire playlist in memory simultaneously.
All you have to do is know your place in the file, then seek to the
next item in the playlist and load that item into memory.

I bet they're loading the entire playlist into memory, plus all the
track info for each playlist track, plus album cover images for each
track. You'd have to do something retarded like that to run into
performance problems.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-20 Thread hawaiijim

tipsen;537888 Wrote: 
> Not when playing music natively supported by the system (FLAC, MP3 etc)
> but maybe when transcoding files.
> From
> Native or Transcoded?
> In the SqueezeCenter/Squeezebox world, this can be an important
> difference. The various models of Squeezebox can handle different file
> types internally, so given (for example) an MP3 file can decode it into
> music within the box. Other file types can't be handled within the
> Squeezebox and are "transcoded", i.e. decoded in SqueezeCenter into
> another format that the Squeezebox does know how to handle (see also:
> Transcoding). SqueezeBox players natively handle the following
> formats:
> Lossless: AIFF, PCM, FLAC, WAV
> Lossy: MP3, OGG and WMA (except WMA Lossless):
> Some earlier models just MP3. See Hardware comparison.
> Another significant difference for a Squeezebox is that you can
> fast-forward or rewind with a format that can be played natively, but
> not one that is being transcoded.

That entirely misses the point. There is little reason for a playlist
to use any significant resources unless the software doing it is poorly
designed. Looking at the comments in 'this bug'
( it looks like
playlist handing is a kluge that requires an entire rewrite.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

JJZolx;537839 Wrote: 
> Yes, you can.  But you'll have the same limit of no more than 100 tracks
> that can be in the current playlist when using the built-in server.

Arg! That's just an unforgivable design flaw.

JJZolx;537839 Wrote: 
> What you also might do is put hopes of using the built-in server out of
> your mind.  It has numerous limitations and, before you've even touched
> a Squeezebox, you've already run into one that doesn't fit how you like
> to listen to your music.

The ability to play from SD card or thumb drive is the only reason for
considering the Squeezebox Touch. The reason I never got a Roku
Soundbridge is because of their PC-centric view of digital music. I
thought Logitech had gotten home digital audio right, but I guess not.

Does anyone know if the iPod has a 100 song playlist limit, or
something similar? It's battery-operated and almost certainly has a
weaker CPU and less memory than the Squeezebox Touch. If the iPod
doesn't have such a limit, then that's proof positive that Logitech
screwed up their playlist handling. I'm a software developer and I
can't figure out how you'd design playlist handling in such a way that
a >100 song playlist puts a strain on system resources. It's just a
list! The actual playing of music should put a much greater strain on
system resources than a playlist.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

Mnyb;537829 Wrote: 
> Why do you need to "cover your music with playlists" ?
> Music is browsable by 
> genre
> artist
> album
> year
> Or by Random Mix's  like this:
> Random songs
> Random artists
> Random albums
> Random years
> Here you can exclude genres you don't want in that mix.
> Random mix is not like a regular playlist it gets filled in as you go
> so more songs will be added to it as you go .
> I'm not particularly fond of the playlist limit either, it's just 
> simple text file ? so I'm with you on that.
> But it does not make the product impossible to use.

Thanks for that info. I've never owned a Squeezebox before, and haven't
gotten a Touch (yet), so I don't know how it works. I read the
( but didn't see
non-playlist music-playing mentioned.

I'm thinking if I want to play by genre, I probably can't group genres,
right? I probably can't have it play both "Rock" and "Classic rock" as a
single super-genre. Same limitation with "Techno" and "Breakbeat",

Can you tell it to play all the music within a particular folder?
That's how my car's CD/MP3 player works. I would hope the Touch has
similar functionality. I group my music in folders by super-genre, so I
have a "Rock" folder, a "Hip hop" folder, a "Pop" folder, and an
"Electronica" folder, etc.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 500 track maximum in playlist?

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

erland;535320 Wrote: 
> The performance of Squeezebox Server with large playlists are really
> bad, thus the limitation.

That sounds to me like poorly-implemented playlist handling.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 2 USB drive questions for Touch

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

mlsstl;533095 Wrote: 
> I plugged my USB drive into the Touch ... The drive has just shy of
> 48,000 songs.

Have you encountered the '100 songs per playlist limit'
when playing from USB drive? With that ridiculous limit, it seems you
would need 480 playlists to cover all of your music.

mlsstl;533095 Wrote: 
> It is playing most of my music just fine, but I'm get an "unable to play
> file type" error message when it tries to play a M4A (iTunes) song. 
> In looking at the Wiki page for the Touch, the chart indicates these
> files should play. What do I need to do?

I'm guessing you never upgraded your iTunes music to be DRM-free. When
did you buy your iTunes songs? You do realize that all older iTunes
songs are DRM-protected, right? That means nothing but iTunes and iPods
can play it. If you have DRM-protected iTunes music, you can upgrade to
non-DRM music for 30¢ per song. That 30¢ per song is actually a good
deal, because not only will your music be DRM-free, but it will also be
of higher audio quality. Old iTunes songs are 128-kbps AAC, while
non-DRM iTunes songs are 256-kbps AAC.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

Mnyb;537726 Wrote: 
> As soon as I involve my Touch or Radio ca 170 songs makes it totally
> unresponsive 100% cpu until you won't care anymore the whole system
> just dies.

I'm starting to get the sense that the Touch is a giant software bug
that also plays music.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

JJZolx;537718 Wrote: 
> Not "also".  It's describing exactly the scenario you describe.  It's a
> cap when using the built-in server of the Touch.  If you're using
> another server running on a computer or NAS then the cap is whatever is
> set on that server (which defaults to 500, but can be increased.)

Yes also. People who have never had a Squeezebox before don't know how
the Squeezebox works. Usually when I think of a server, I think of it
in terms of client-server, as in one device connecting to another. So
the question is whether the built-in server is what the Touch uses when
it is directly playing songs stored on itself. I guess the answer is

JJZolx;537718 Wrote: 
> Yes, it's limited to 100 tracks when using the built-in server with a
> USB drive or SD card.  I think this is due to memory problems with the
> Touch when running the server.

Wow. I mean ... wow. If I don't want to keep my PC running all the
time, so store songs directly on the Touch instead, I'll be limited to
playlists of 100 songs. Really? A playlist is just text. I can't see
how that uses up much memory. I think Logitech just lost a sale. Wow.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

OK, I see 'here'
that when using the Touch as a home music server, "The maximum playlist
length is capped at 100 tracks." I don't quite understand exactly what
this means.

I assume it's saying that if you have a Squeezebox Touch and a
Squeezebox Radio, that the maximum number of tracks you can listen to
on the Radio (via the Touch) is 100.

However, does that also mean that if I only have a Squeezebox Touch,
and I listen to songs stored on SD card, that my maximum SD card
playlist will be 100?

Could someone with a Squeezebox Touch please confirm whether you can
have playlists longer than 100 songs when playing songs stored on USB
drive or SD card?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Playlists when using USB drive

2010-04-19 Thread hawaiijim

usch;535674 Wrote: 
> But be aware that - according to the release notes - playlists on the
> Touch are limited to 100 items anyway.

The Touch only allows playlists of 100 songs? That seems rather


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] coax and rca out

2010-04-18 Thread hawaiijim

If your receiver has different options depending on digital or analog
input, it may be worth using both.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] But... It sounds soooo good

2010-04-17 Thread hawaiijim

Are you guys using the analog jacks? If you use digital output,
shouldn't the bits arriving at your receiver be exactly the same
regardless of which digital music player you use?

I'm wondering whether the compliments regarding sound quality are just
due to the placebo effect, like the guys who think they get better
sound from $50 HDMI cables than from $5 HDMI cables.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] user reviews needed!

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

pounce;535752 Wrote: 
> I don't trust any reviews on Amazon unless they are "Amazon Verified
> Purchase". Too many fanboys or haters posting nonsense reviews without
> ever buying the product.

It's not just fanboys and haters. There are people who get paid by the
publisher to write positive book reviews on Amazon. Then there is also
the Kindle one-star campaign that is currently attacking author Michael
Lewis for the fact that his new book is not yet available for the
Kindle. (The Squeezebox Touch may soon be getting one-star ratings if
there's not a Kindle version of it for $9.99.)

> The warning flags for this poster was they just joined this forum, their
> first post was asking for people to go to Amazon and add reviews and
> they linked to a product page for a vendor other than Amazon. Call me
> silly...

You're not silly. I have a blog that frequently gets hit with link
spam, so I am quick to delete any comments that look spammy. I fully
admit that my creation of this thread hits the red flags. (For the
record, my post above was 'my third'
(, but any
posts within the first few days should be suspect.)

In my defense, I present the following evidence:

1. sells all the other Squeezeboxes, so it is almost certain
they will sell the Touch when it becomes available to most online
2. It is not unreasonable to encourage reviews on the website of a big
name retailer like, Crutchfield, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, etc. It
is the presence of the no-name seller on Amazon that is making my
request suspicious.
3. An hour before posting the request for reviews on this forum, 'I
posted a similar request'
in the Customer Discussions section's Squeezebox Touch page
under the username "JP".
4. From that Customer Discussion, you can click on my username to view
'my profile'
( From that
profile, you can confirm that JP's nickname is hawaiijim, which is my
username here. You can also view all my product reviews that go back to
June 1, 2000, as well as my Listmania Lists, etc, demonstrating that I
am a legitimate customer.
5. I don't know how to prove that I am not related to C4DEALZ, because
it is impossible to prove a negative, but if I was there's a good
chance it would be mentioned on my profile.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] user reviews needed!

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

pounce;535661 Wrote: 
> Just an odd request to have reviews posted on Amazon if your just want
> to how people feel about the product. Does an Amazon listed review
> somehow make it more valid that reading through the posts here or
> asking specific questions about the product in these forums?
> Vendors often use links to their products in forums in exactly the way
> you posted. It increases search results and the likelihood that someone
> would make the purchase from the link without being aware they were
> picking a 3rd party vendor vs buying direct from amazon

Amazon has a star rating system that gives a sense of how much people
like or dislike an item. Crutchfield is similar, but has a smaller
customer base. This forum doesn't have a star rating system. Also, in a
user review, people generally give their overall impression, while this
forum seems dominated with bug reports. It's hard to tell whether the
complaints here are overall opinions or just people listing pet peeves
on a site where they can get help. If Amazon or Crutchfield user
reviews were as critical as this forum, I wouldn't buy the Touch.

It never occurred to me that asking for user reviews on a major
retailer's website would look suspicious, but since Amazon doesn't
actually have it themselves yet, just one of their "sellers" does, I
get it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535553 Wrote: 
> I just checked again and noticed that one retailer is now
> selling for 334.99. I don't think the price is adjusted because of my
> CDN IP address, although others might want to check it out. That's
> capitalism for you. : ) The pent up demand is causing at least one
> retailer to jack prices. 
> As an aside, I also note the following in the product description:
> "Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S."

Ha! That's funny. I see it too. That retailer was selling it for
$299.99 about an hour ago. It must be selling well compared to the
available stock. When I say I mean itself, not
one of its shady "sellers".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

iPhone;535523 Wrote: 
> Again its not discriminatory pricing, its the price that market will
> bear.

Actually, 'it is price discrimination'
"Wikipedia" Wrote: 
> Price discrimination, or price differentiation [1], exists when sales of
> identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the
> same provider. In general, the practice of charging different customers
> different prices is called price discrimination.[1]  In a theoretical
> market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no
> transaction costs or prohibition on secondary exchange (or re-selling)
> to prevent arbitrage, price discrimination can only be a feature of
> monopolistic and oligopolistic  markets[2], where market power can be
> exercised.

"Discrimination" in this case is not a bad thing, it's just a way of
maximizing revenue. Actually, the definition I quoted appears to be
incorrect. A better definition is 'here'
> A seller price discriminates when it charges different prices to
> different buyers. The ideal form of price discrimination, from the
> seller's point of view, is to charge each buyer the maximum that the
> buyer is willing to pay.

Sometimes price discrimination is done with different versions of the
same product, such as the different versions of MS Windows 7 that sell
at different prices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

iPhone;535523 Wrote: 
> Again its not discriminatory pricing, its the price that market will
> bear.

Actually, 'it is price discrimination'
"Wikipedia" Wrote: 
> Price discrimination, or price differentiation [1], exists when sales of
> identical goods or services are transacted at different prices from the
> same provider. In general, the practice of charging different customers
> different prices is called price discrimination.[1]  In a theoretical
> market with perfect information, perfect substitutes, and no
> transaction costs or prohibition on secondary exchange (or re-selling)
> to prevent arbitrage, price discrimination can only be a feature of
> monopolistic and oligopolistic  markets[2], where market power can be
> exercised.

"Discrimination" in this case is not a bad thing, it's just a way of
maximizing revenue. Actually, the definition I quoted appears to be
incorrect. A better definition is 'here'
> A seller price discriminates when it charges different prices to
> different buyers. The ideal form of price discrimination, from the
> seller's point of view, is to charge each buyer the maximum that the
> buyer is willing to pay.

Sometimes price discrimination is done with different versions of the
same product, such as the different versions of MS Windows 7 that sell
at different prices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535522 Wrote: 
> If I follow the link to the Amazon Global Program store, I notice that
> the Touch is not available through this link. But, as I said, I have
> not tried to complete a checkout on for the Touch.

For the record, the Touch is not yet available from in the
U.S. I'm just assuming it will be soon. They've got all the other
Squeezeboxes. As a test, try to see what info you get for a Squeezebox


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

Sike;535520 Wrote: 
> My main point of this thread was that Logitech is/was selling the device
> for 225 $ themselves, not a discounter, while we europeans have to wait
> until it becomes availible and then pay double.

You could always move to the states. We'd love to have you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535471 Wrote: 
> If you live in Canada, you must purchase from the Web site,
> not

This doesn't seem right to me. I can go to (not
right now and see their 'shipping rates to Canada'
$7.99 per shipment plus $1.99 per item. These rates are different than
the 'rates listed on'
even though, 'according to'
(, the U.S. dollar is currently
roughly equal in value to the Canadian dollar.

On the page, 'it says'
> gladly accepts orders from all around the globe. Available
> product lines, shipping rates and fees may vary depending on the
> delivery address for your order.

On the page, 'it says'
> can ship to almost any address in the world. Click the links
> to the left for more information on costs and delivery times.

Of course, I don't live in Canada so you probably know better than me,
but when the Squeezebox Touch becomes available from it may
be worth your while to at least attempt to buy it from
(unless you REALLY need instructions in French).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

dmg;535443 Wrote: 
> The issue is similar in Canada, where the CDN dollar is higher than the
> US dollar and yet the MSRP is $379.00 CDN. The Touch is not yet
> available in Canada and one rumour has it that it will be May before
> the CDN stock arrives.

Are you telling me that Canadians can't buy directly from U.S. internet
retailers? in Seattle, Washington doesn't ship to Vancouver?
(Not that has the Touch yet, but I'm sure they will soon.) I
think most credit cards can be used to buy stuff in foreign currencies
for a small fee. You do have the 'same electrical outlets as us'
(, right?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] user reviews needed!

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

pounce;535388 Wrote: 
> Do you work for C4DEALZ?

No. I've never even heard of C4DEALZ before (and I wouldn't buy from
them for that very reason). But, since all the other Squeezeboxes are
sold by Amazon, I assume Amazon will be selling the Touch themselves
before long.

That said, my post above does reflect my self-interest. I want to know
how good the Touch is before I buy it. I'm dying to get one, but I
worry that the delayed release may indicate that it's inherently buggy.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] International users getting screwed again..

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

Wow, and I though Americans were impatient. I wouldn't count having to
wait a week or two as "getting screwed". After all, think of how many
months all of us have had to wait while the Touch was delayed again and
again. Compared to that, a few weeks is nothing. Personally, I'm waiting
so other people can find the bugs. ;)

As for the US$225 price, I'm guessing that's about what it will sell
for on once they have adequate stock. (Of course, most of
you Europeans have a VAT, so you'll never see that price. That's not
Logitech's fault, though.)

Keep in mind that while Logitech is Swiss, SlimDevices is American,
isn't it? (I understand that the software developers are in


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Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Access the connectet USB Drive?

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

I was hoping to store my songs on an SDHC card connected directly to the
Touch, but I just realized that my computer's card reader only handles
SD (2 GB max), not SDHC (32 GB max). I use an SDHC card for my camera,
but I just transfer files to my computer via the camera's USB cable.

If I want to permanently store my songs on an SDHC card connected to
the Touch, I assume from what's been said above that I could copy them
from my computer via WiFi, but that would be slow. (I could just do it
overnight while I sleep.)

Is it possible to plug a USB drive into the Touch and copy files from
it to an SDHC card also connected to the Touch? I see no hardware
reason to prevent it, but I don't know what the Touch's software
interface is like.


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[SlimDevices: Touch] user reviews needed!

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

I strongly encourage those of you who have received your Squeezebox
Touch to add a brief user review to There are no reviews
there yet. Is it cool? Is it buggy? Potential Touch customers want to

The page for the Squeezebox Touch is 'here'


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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] 500 track maximum in playlist?

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

tebling;535274 Wrote: 
> I just brought my Touch home, unpacked, did the firmware update, and
> connected it to SBS 7.5.0 over ethernet.  Regardless of whether I add
> tracks from the Touch itself or from the web interface, I cannot add
> more than 500 tracks - otherwise it comes up with a message saying
> "playlist full" and caps the playlist to 500 items.
> Please tell me this isn't a limitation of the Touch?!  I have a SB3 and
> even a SliMP3, neither of which have this problem.

Wow, that would be really dumb on Logitech's part if it's true. It
should at least be able to handle 512 tracks. Where did their software
developers go to school?

All joking aside, I see no technological reason (besides memory) for it
to max out at any value under 4,294,967,295, the size of an unsigned
long int.


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Touch mailing list

Re: [SlimDevices: Touch] Support of SDXC SD Cards (>32 GB)

2010-04-15 Thread hawaiijim

danull;535156 Wrote: 
> Not sure if I can revive an old thread (does this make me a
> troublemaker) - but I am interested in the answer to whether Touch will
> be able to support these SDXC cards in the future (i.e. out of the box,
> with a firmware update, or can't happen) and looks like we never got a
> real answer...

I strongly doubt it will. I'm not aware of any SD readers that can now
handle SDHC due to a software upgrade. Hardware matters. What you're
asking for is the equivalent of an old DVD player now being able to
play Blu-Ray just because of a software upgrade. Dream on!

I'm willing to bet the Squeezebox Touch 2 will have a much larger
screen and SDXC capability, but that will be several years away.


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