Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
Indeed. As previously stated, Minifree offers a 2 year warranty on all  
orders. As also stated, I do not wish to discuss with Tiberiu further.

You are also quite correct that you are not at fault for what you interpreted  
as a bad experience. If you want me to do something with your previous order,  
that's fine. Ask me and I'll send you a replacement laptop, for the one that  
I originally sent you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

So hey, can you stop trying to trash Minifree?

It's obvious to me that Tiberiu asked you to do this. The timing is too  
perfect. I mean call me paranoid but... yeah.

I'll repeat again: your order at Minifree was under warranty. So if you did  
receive a bad product, you were within your right to receive a full  
replacement, repair or refund. As far as I'm aware, you didn't do any of  
these things.

I'll repeat again: your experience was a genuine screw-up. Please stop trying  
to suggest that all orders are like yours, because they are not.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

I want to say that I very much 100% agree with SuperTramp83.

I'm not happy at all with what Tiberiu and Technoethical has tried to do to  
this thread. Successfully, it seems.

I sincerely hope that people do not believe their statements about me. It's  
clear that it is in his best interest to trash me as much as possible, hence  
his efforts in this thread. It's ironic that he once accused me of  
anti-competitive practises, when it's clear in this thread that he is  
engaging in FUD tactics.

He even recruited someone to work along with him.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

> Finding one of my angry customers, someone who was unhappy with the service  
they received at Minifree, who then told Technoethical about this and bought  
from them instead, and asking them to vandalize a Minifree thread on the  
Trisquel forums... this is not an attack? Interesting.

WOW. First of all, I don't need to /find/ angry Minifree customers, they come  
to Technoethical for better service. And they complain about the experience  
at Minifree. It's natural.

BUT what is more important, is haven't asked anyone to vandalize your thread  
(as you've personally done with the previous Technoethical T400s thread).

In fact, if this forum member is who I think they are, I haven't had an  
e-mail exchange with them for almost half a year. It looks to me that they're  
very upset and they want to blow the whistle on Minifree.

I also haven't had any private e-mail exchange with this forum member (they  
have their contact form disabled) and I haven't asked our customer from half  
a year ago if they are the ones doing this report. I also don't feel  
comfortable asking them that, because it's kind of strange to come out of the  
blue and ask about a random forum thread. Also, this forum member (and former  
customer) hasn't contacted Technoethical in the past 5 months.

> FUD tactics used against me by a fierce competitor who wishes that my  
company didn't exist...

It's funny that you say that. Because you've been the one that didn't want my  
company to exist, or not a Libreboot-compatible hardware-selling type anyway.

And you've been the one spreading FUD about the T400s. What is being reported  
here in this thread and in many other forum posts by what they seem to be  
legit Minifree customers represent the reality of how Minifree does business.  
Which everybody wishes to change.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

> It's obvious to me that Tiberiu asked you to do this. The timing is too  

False. Allow me to speculate about the timing: you announce the relaunch of  
one of your products and invite people to buy from you. This reminds people  
that they don't have a good experience with your company and your products.  
So they come forward.

> I mean call me paranoid but... yeah.

For a detailed explanation why indeed you're being paranoid about this, in an  
attempt to spin it and victimize yourself, see:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

> It's clear that it is in his best interest to trash me as much as possible

That has never been among my objectives. Nor wish that your company didn't  
exist, as you've accused me of in one of your earlier comments.

I just wish, like everybody else, that you stop lying that your prices are  
half of Technoethical's and that you offer good quality products. From the  
reports here it's clear that the good quality products that you sell are  
exceptions. It's also probably why you don't have reviews on your website,  
nor accept payment by card. PayPal could confirm this, but not without a  
court order.

> when it's clear in this thread that he is engaging in FUD tactics.
> He even recruited someone to work along with him.

For a detailed explanation why this is completely false and paranoia, see:


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
Like I said, I don't want to talk to you further. You continue to spread FUD  
about me, and accuse me of doing the same. I never got anyone to post in your  
T400S thread.

Of course, it's only natural that you'd deny my accusations, while continuing  
to take part in this thread. Your tactic thus far has been to try to get me  
to say things that paint myself in a negative light. You also want to drag on  
this "dispute" of ours in this thread as long as possible, so that people see  
the dispute instead of what the thread is all about, so that they become  
disinterested and turn their head away.

You also see fit to promote yourself, in a thread that is not about your  

I know how to deal with you. It's not by responding to you further, it's by  
bringing people here to write reviews about the recently re-launched X200.

You can troll me, but you can't troll my customers. Stay tuned.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
As stated before, I wish to stop talking to you. Please stop responding in  
this thread, and please stop lying that Minifree sells low quality products:  
it doesn't. Minifree is an honest company, and provides the best quality it  
possibly can. Your statement that good, decent products from Minifree are an  
"exception", is false.

It is extremely dishonest and dirty for your company, a competitor of mine,  
to try to use these FUD tactics against me, as you have in this thread. What  
you're saying is actually slander. Of course, I'm not stupid enough to  
threaten to take you to court; but you will regret this. I do not take kindly  
to attacks such as the ones you've been carrying out in this thread. You have  
consistently attempted to troll and de-rail in this thread as long as  
possible, to turn people away from this thread.

You have repeatedly made baseless claims that Minifree defrauds and deceives  
its customers, when it doesn't.

As previously stated in a reply, I know how to deal with you from this point:  
discredit everything you've said by demostrating that Minifree is an honest,  
reliable company. I'll be very aggressively shipping my X200s this week, as  
many of them as I can, and I'll be bringing people here to write positive  
reviews about their laptops that they've bought.

It is futile for me to continue to dispute any of your FUD. It would be  
better for me to simply demonstrate that it is FUD.

Btw: I don't take reviews on because I believe it is not  
credible for a company to have reviews of its own products on its own  
website, that it controls. This is why I try to get people to review  

So stay tuned :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

> You also see fit to promote yourself, in a thread that is not about your  
company, while attempting to de-rail this thread.

Get real. The history of events:

1. You announce the re-launch of X200 at Minifree, inviting people to place  

2. A forum member recommends buying from Technoethical instead, because with  
us "you know what you take". I certainly wasn't in contact with them. Had I  
been in contact with them, they would certainly not have repeated the  
misconception that our prices are high ("the price is big").

3. You then go and re-assert that "Minifree's X200 is half the price" than at  
Technoethical, while allegedly it's the same product. Well, that's a double  
lie. It's not half the price and it's not the same product! It's /based/ on  
the same (Lenovo) product, but the specs are different (double the RAM and  
double the WiFi speed to only take into account the official description of  
the two products on their respective websites) and the quality is different  
too, as it's been reported many times on this forum. You know very well all  
these yourself, but you play dumb.

4. I am prompted by these lies to make a statement, without any intention to  
start an argument.

5. You dismiss the facts I present about the quality and then about the price  
and you go on with your propaganda.

6. Another forum member comes to confirm what I said and contradicts you,  
from the position of being your customer.

7. You go paranoia accusing me that I look for customers with issues with  
your company and bring them to write negatively to hijack your forum thread.

8. I then explain in detail that I haven't been in contact and couldn't  
contact these forum members.

9. You again play dumb and continue with the false accusations, in a second  
attempt to try to spin it by victimizing yourself.

Oh Leah, I read the kinds of you like open books. Stop this nonsense, get  
real and do better job for the customers that trust you. Don't wait for them  
to complain (request to replace) to treat them well (prepare a good  
replacement). And you'll see you'll not get so many complaints any more. Take  
my advice, the way you're doing business will not scale. Because you are  
rising artificially on a growing pile of skeletons (old orders) that keep  
cracking underneath you and you need to take care of them. Because people  
don't stay silent forever.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info


People like me, huh? Get over yourself, sheesh

But yeah, borderline sociopaths never know when to quit. So I'm asking you:  
please stop this madness.

Here's a factual account of what has happened in this thread:
1) I posted a link telling people about a newly launched product for this  
christmas (re-launch)
2) Thread chugging along just nicely... Minifree getting sales. Here I am  
working hard trying to get orders shipped, until...
3) ...oh look, a competitor is spamming the thread with their product  
4) ...oh look, competitor spreading FUD on a thread about another company  
that they compete with
5) competitor repeatedly trolls and attempts to de-rail a thread about a  
competitor's product, to make people not buy it

6) bla bla bla you know the rest. basically

ring a bell?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

>  3) ...oh look, a competitor is spamming my thread with their product  

Citation needed. You think zotis is on of your competitors?


[Trisquel-users] Fedora: How to install RPM sources in dnf?

2017-12-13 Thread hd-scania
[kali@kali dnf]$ sudo dnf install -y

[sudo] password for kali:
Waiting for process with pid 4960 to finish.
Fedora 27 - x86_64 
15 kB/s |  58 MB   

Last metadata expiration check: 0:01:37 ago on Wed 13 Dec 2017 18:23:44 CST.
18 kB/s | 4.3 MB   
   6.9 kB/s |  22 kB   

Error: Will not install a source rpm package (refind-0.11.2-1.src).
[kali@kali dnf]$
Under pacman based Parabola you need to look at PKGBUILD to look for possible  
sources (but you must first of all unpack an *.pkg.tar.xz i.e. an pacman  
binary), under Debian and derivatives like Trisquel and Devuan there is a  
Debian sources extension .dsc but almost impractical (more likely a control  
file over binaries instead of a source, at least under simple ways like  
pacman systems).
Now I am here on Fedora and I need to study to install RPM sources  
(*.src.rpm, from few URL) under dnf, its Dandified packaging tool.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-12-13 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
Indeed, I made the same thing with the window list bar.

As for the non-transparent parts, I recall that this seems to be a bug
somewhere in GTK+, I recall that this might require changing somethings
in GTK+ and rebuild it, but it's a long time since I don't search for

Qt apps unfortunatelly have little integration with GTK+ and with XDG

2017-11-16T06:03:33+0100 wrote:
> I made it a little better.
> Since the Trisquel theme clashes with Guix apps' Adwaita, I changed
> everything to Adwaita.
> Since Adwaita icons and panel color clashes with the default
> wallpaper, I changed the wallpaper to the Trisquel 6 wallpaper.
> Since a thick, solid panel is ugly, I resized it from 44 pixels to 30
> pixels. I would have kept the same thickness and made it transparent,
> but changing the transparency leaves patches of solid black underneath
> applets, and
> could not help me fix it.
> I still don't think it's as nice as Trisquel's defaults, though, and
> Qt apps are stil ugly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread aggeliszotis

Sorry for Starting this.
But personally believe that technoetic is a better company that REALY support  
Free Software with products and Donations.

Also, when I first learn about Libreboot for stallman computing page,
I went to libreboot and learn about a MiniFree and then I start to search for  
the libreleah. Because I have read that she is in the Libreboot Project and I  
was thinking that Mini free have good Free Software Computer to buy .  
(Because libreleah is working on Libreboot project) (In my mind was  
Libreboot=Minifree) (Name MiniFree Product name Libreboot X200 [Only minifree  
do that]) .

After a research I found there is more companies and I said to myself why she  
is in the Libreboot Project and She created a Company base on Libreboot .

Then on some days I saw that Libreboot Then I have read some article for  
libreleah and after a long time I saw again libreboot back in Gnu Again.

After that I saw at Trisquel forum a post from tehnoetic for T400s, I jump in  
the post and as I was reading I saw an answer from liberally that says  
something problem with T400s and then I read in another answer to Tiberiu  
that she says [ I know more for libreboot trust me ] . Also, she said that  
Mini Free is working with T400 and it better. In 1 week she starts again with  

(So now in my mind is liberally = Money).

Sorry for my English.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread no-email

Ministry of Freedom is better!
My Libreboot X200 bought in 2016 is perfect!

So? Who wins?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread aggeliszotis

No one wins my friend .
At the end all we will lose if this will go on .
my beleve is that Minifree must change product name to MiniFree x200 .
And Libreleah it was not supposed to Answer at Tehnoetic post for T400s .
The tehnoetic do there job .
Also Libreleah must do .
(Customers have the voice No the other Companies)
Sorry for my English

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread contact
I really like how LibreLeah is looking to get AMD CPU laptops into Minifree's  
inventory. A few words of caution before jumping in with them, certain  
mid-range laptops have poor battery life. Up to three hours if you are lucky,  
so please try to find a device that lasts a little longer, if possible. The  
other issue is graphics. AMD really needs to sort out their graphics driver  
so that in the event you need to plug in your laptop to an external monitor  
(when using Trisquel, for example) to work on something, you are SOL. (I  
write to AMD ongoing about this issue, and will be sending another letter  
soon.) One of my favorite OS experiences was when I had the Lenovo X120 and  
then the X140E, running Trisquel 6. I had long battery life and a super cool  
OS that did most of the things I needed before life got more complex, like  
sometimes needed multiple monitors.

I think Technoethical had an ASUS netbook or chromebook thingy that was  
converted to something Libre friendly that had no Intel CPU, very cool. If I  
am not mistaken, Nvidea also makes CPU's for some laptops. And there is also  
VIA, and Lemote. Such slim pickings out there in terms of CPU manufacturers.  
The mobile phones running Replicant are an exciting development though. It is  
a pity that there is not wider availability for such devices for North  
America. You need to start somewhere, though.

There was one fellow who complained about a laptop glitch for Minifree and  
LibreLeah had the policy of sending another machine and the first one would  
not need to be sent back until the new one arrived. I like that policy. I am  
guessing Technoethical would do the same.

Running a small business is really tough, especially when you start. You  
really need to promote yourself and post testimonials on your site and all  
that stuff. The emotional ups and downs are almost too much at times. If you  
can survive this part, you may thrive down the road. Try to hang in there.  
You guys are doing important work and I look forward to buying from both of  
you at some point.

I will say this about Paypal and payment. Paypal sucks, they also  
delayed/froze payments for my business. This is a general policy of theirs.  
Sometimes I called them up, yelled and begged, hung up and then tried a  
different rep. Eventually, if I plead and beg hard enough, they release funds  
in a more timely manner. However, if you already have a large pool of cash,  
they will release funds faster. If you are struggling, they will scrutinize.  
Go figure. Also, Paypal claims percentages instead of a standard fee. Like  
they stored my products, marketed them, and helped fabricate. Not. Paypal is  
a monopoly who does as they please and they answer to no one. There really  
needs to be more (viable) payment options out there. Unfortunately, Paypal  
rips you off the least, which is a sad statement. In terms of bank transfers,  
those are expensive. For most banks, you need to have a balance of 20K +  
before wire fees are waived. Not many have that kind of bank balance. Credit  
card companies are a racket who charge rates not much different from your  
local Mafioso. Consumers and business need to presure their elected  
representatives to keep the banks and entities like Paypal in check otherwise  
the exploitation and practise of strangling small business (and customers)   
will continue and get worse. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread ablocorrea
STOP THIS NONSENSE, PLEASE. It's going nowhere and the forum Trisquel-users  
is not the place to continue this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fedora: How to install RPM sources in dnf?

2017-12-13 Thread ablocorrea
Probably this topic can help you:

Your problem seem quite similar to the one they have.

However, this is a Trisquel-Users forum that is also commonly used to discuss  
about Free Software in general, so maybe next time going into their forums  
can save you time, as most people are not going to be able to answer Fedora  
related questions here ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Testing The Trisquel 8 Upgrade Process

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Yesterday I tried again to upgrade to Trisquel 8, but I am still having the  
same problem as when trying to download just Firejail from those  

I have tried to add the key of the Jenkins repositories as Magic Banana  
kindly suggested me but the situation is the same, it did not get solved  
before and neither now when trying to upgrade to Trisquel 8.

This is what I get in the terminal when I do sudo apt-get update:

sudo apt-get update
[sudo] password for studerende:
0% [Working]
Hit freesh InRelease
Hit freesh/main amd64 Packages
Hit freesh/main i386 Packages
Ign flidas InRelease
Ign flidas-security InRelease
Ign flidas-updates InRelease
Ign flidas/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign flidas/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign flidas/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign freesh/main Translation-en_US
Ign freesh/main Translation-en
Ign flidas-security/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign flidas-security/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign flidas-security/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign flidas-updates/main Sources/DiffIndex
Ign flidas-updates/main amd64 Packages/DiffIndex
Ign flidas-updates/main i386 Packages/DiffIndex
Hit flidas/main Sources
Hit flidas/main amd64 Packages
Hit flidas/main i386 Packages
Hit flidas/main Translation-en
Ign flidas/main Translation-en_US
Ign flidas-security/main Translation-en_US
Ign flidas-security/main Translation-en
Ign flidas-updates/main Translation-en_US
Ign flidas-updates/main Translation-en
Fetched 4,171 kB in 26s (158 kB/s)
Reading package lists... Done
W: GPG error: flidas InRelease: The following  
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:  
NO_PUBKEY B138CA450C05112F
W: GPG error: flidas-security InRelease: The following  
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:  
NO_PUBKEY B138CA450C05112F
W: GPG error: flidas-updates InRelease: The following  
signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:  
NO_PUBKEY B138CA450C05112F

W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin-dev'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin-wayland'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin-x11'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'libkf5sysguard-dev'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'libxapian-dev'
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  

W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package php-seclib
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package php-sabre-http
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package php-math-biginteger
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package pypy-cffi
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  

W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin-dev'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin-wayland'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'kwin-x11'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'libkf5sysguard-dev'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'libxapian-dev'
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package pypy-cffi
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  
W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package  

W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'compiz-core'
W: Unknown Multi-Arch type 'no' for package 'compiz-gnome'
W: Ignori

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
Yes, I agree. It should be obvious that this is not the way to go. The  
community will be ruined by this, eventually.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer

Don't you worry. It's water off a duck's back. Your gain, their loss.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

I want it to be known that I 100% agree with loldier and gnutastyc.

The purpose of this thread is to promote Minifree's Libreboot X200, and to  
answer questions about it. Nothing else.

I do hope Technoethical will stop trying to trash this thread. I have no  
intention to continue communicating with them at this point, either here or  

FYI: It's currently 7.30pm 13 December 2017 in the UK, as I write this. Today  
I shipped 8 laptops, and I'm currently preparing more for tomorrow. I'm  
aiming for about 10 tomorrow. Similar on Friday too. If Technoethical  
(Tiberiu) wants me, tell him I'm busy ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr

>My Libreboot X200 bought in 2016 is perfect!

So? Who wins?

As a customer of both companies I can assure you that Technoethical wins ...  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr

>I mean call me paranoid.

No, I am not going to call you anything, however I am not going neither to  
deny that you read my mind.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

So hey, Tiberiu.

As I said earlier, I don't want to talk to you. I only came to this thread to  
check up on it just now. Just FYI: I shipped 8 laptops today. I'm shipping  
many more tomorrow, and on Friday.

I'm sending them all to Trisquel forums to write reviews.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
^ I 100% agree with this. This is not the first time I've had a major dispute  
with Tiberiu/Technoethical on Trisquel forums.

I want it to stop. I posted this thread here about Minifree's Libreboot X200  
with the intention of telling people about it, and answering questions etc.  
Also taking feedback.

Unfortunately, this is now impossible. This thread has been completely  
trashed, because of the hostile actions of a competitor of mine.

I will very likely be creating a brand new thread. I'll be sending people to  
write reviews there instead of here.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
If this is the way some people think they are going to make a point, then I'd  
like to see a new rule adopted here (taken from Modern Vespa). We need to  
come together and let issues be handled on an individual basis with the  
vendor -- somewhere else. The Trisquel Frorum is not the place to do it.

Airing of dealer or vendor grievances -- no matter how well intentioned -- is  
prohibited. Trisquel Users Forum is not the place to resolve disputes with  
businesses or otherwise publicly identify a business whom you allege has done  
something wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
Btw I repeatedly said, in this thread, that Technoethical is also a good  
alternative to Minifree. This, in spite of them spamming about themselves in  
this thread that wasn't about them.

At no point have I ever told people not to buy from Technoethical. I have  
only ever asked Technoethical to stop slandering and trashing Minifree in  
this thread. All I want is for the dispute to either end, or not resume.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
Moreover, it's critical that his never happens again. I remember "them"  
threatening with legal action "if". So, to protect the users and the  
community from any such nonsense, any persons who make legal threats should  
be banned.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread ablocorrea

Exactly. That is the way to go.

To someone else that wrote in this thread his/her experience with minifree  
and to all the people that Leah or Technoethical will at some point ask for a  
review... DON'T DO IT HERE. There is a thousand web pages where you can write  
reviews about online shops, and those will be the places where most people  
will look for reviews before purchasing a product here or there. If they  
don't find that useful, then they might come to this forum and ask (as it  
happened a few weeks ago with someone in the Spanish forum) to the users  
their opinions, but never to other companies.

And Leah, please, if you really agree with us, stop telling how many  
computers you have packed today, stop answering to anything that is not a  
question about your products  and stop mentioning Technoethical in your  
posts, as it could be easily understood as a provoking.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
In fact, Technoethical (aka Tiberiu) posted on this very thread, threatening  
Minifree legally.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
I request that all of Technoethical's posts in this thread be deleted, along  
with any posts related to the dispute that I had with them. The negative  
review against Minifree should be moved to a separate thread.

The threads promoting Technoethical should also be deleted. They are spam,  
since they have nothing to do with Minifree.

I make this request, while being less than 50% certain that it will be  
granted. And it is only a request.

If the above is not possible, then I alternatively request that this entire  
thread be deleted. I will then create a new thread.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Booting error after installing Linux-libre kernel.

2017-12-13 Thread greatgnu


Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-13 Thread greatgnu

*savannah :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
The problem is that you compare Minifree with Technoethical but you cannot  
deal with a review of a customer making a real comparison between the two  

According to my experience Technoethical is not sending laptops which are not  
clean, written with tippex, without Bluethooth, without cam,with a wrong  
administrative password, etc... Technoethical also answer the emails and  
calls from its customers and treat them with respect without calling them  
things in front of others inside a forum thread. Neither they order them not  
to speak nor attempt they not to share their customer experience with others.

Technoethical also does not rely on EU regulation to mislead customers,  
neither they rely the prestige of others (FSF) putting on risk the  
credibility of libre oftware.

If other orders are like mine you should be ready to admit that Technoethical  
sells products of superior quality than Minifree does. But you don't do that.  
You claim that Minifrees quality is the same sold at a lower price. The thing  
about the price has been proven in this thread not to be true. The thing  
about the quality, according to the experience that we had in my family with  
our order from Minifree, was neither true.

We just wanted to make a review for the sake of others. As I said we just  
want to avoid others to have to go through the same horrible experience we  
had to deal with. I do not want Minifree not to have customers but I would  
just like all of them in the future are treated with respect, their emails  
are answered and that the product that they receive is of a minimal quality,  
is clean and written with tippex.  While you achive to do that it is not bad  
that people also get notice that they can find products of quality at  

I think my point is fair and reasonable. Yours calling your customers things  
and trying them not to share their experience is not.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread contact
Hrm, this does not sound entirely fair. We regularly post (justified)  
criticisms of entities like AMD, Intel, Nvidea, Lemote and the like. I do not  
see why small entities should be excused. However, it can be done in a civil  
manner. At this time, there is not much in the way of forums to discuss  
Libre-tech or (civilly) vent frustations. I like that LibreLeah and  
Technoethical bring awareness to their brand and offerings. It is also super  
cool that some are looking to diversify their machine component pool, which  
is good for all of us. With Minifree, they seem to be new, so some vetting is  
called for, to the tune of, 'Hey, bought a product and it worked okay, they  
did not take the money and run.' So people who are actually looking to make a  
purahse can feel more secure. Dialog is needed to grow and I am certain there  
are more than enough sales to go around once the word spreads. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread greatgnu

>I sincerely hope that people do not believe their statements about me

Well, I say I don't know neither one of you, for I never met you but I can  
judge from waht one writes and does on this forum. When I come here I want to  
share tips and learn about free software, and eventually joke. And this is  
all beautiful, but coming here and seeing this shit **AGAIN** makes me go  
ultra meh. My baseball bat is nervous ://
It's just sad how people can not learn how to simply ignore (that includes me  
too sadly, sometimes).
And as far as business goes I really don't think no discussion, no winning or  
losing over words is going to benefit the final quantity of greens in your  
pockets at the end of the year. I will repeat this: it does not matter which  
one of you presents better points or arms a better argumentation, you are  
just looking bad, both of you.

So yeah, you are losing you time **and** money IMHO.

That being said, Leah you especially should just keep doing your work, a work  
that we all have always appreciated a lot. Do your work and your business and  
ignore whatever shit someone writes on some website, right?

just my dos centavos :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread s1lv3r1997

Couldn't agree more with Supertrump83, this fight is pointless.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
I'll say it once more: your order was a mistake. I rectified it as best i  
could. You chose not to exercise your rights. You are still well within your  
right to either receive a refund, repair or replacement of any faulty product  
that you received.

I'll also say this once more: your bad review is not what bothers me. You  
very fairly and reasonably stated your experience with Minifree.

But you went further than that: you tried to suggest that everyone who orders  
from Minifree will experience the same as you. This is not true.

I'll say once more: Minifree deals with a large number of customers. Mistakes  
do happen, occasionally. Like with you.

I still refuse to admit your accusations of Minifree offering poor quality  
products or bad service. I agree that this was the case with *your* order,  
and that I also made attempts to rectify the mistakes that I made with *your*  
order. But in general, this is false.

Up until today, Minifree was doing just fine and making many orders, and  
shipping many orders. We don't ask customers to review us, though perhaps we  
should from now on. You and Tiberiu are doing great damage to Minifree's  

And it's unfair as heck. I ask that you stop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

I just want the trolling, the FUD and the slander against Minifree to stop.

It has repeatedly been suggested, in this thread, that Minifree deceives its  
customers and that it ships poor quality products and provides low quality  

These suggestions are 100% false.

Until today, Minifree has been making many sales. I've been shipping laptops  
quickly, doing the best I can under tight workloads. I've been providing  
generally very good service to my customers, and shipping good products. I  
think it's extremely unfair what has happened to me in this thread, for 2  

1) The accusations made against me/Minifree are all false. Minifree provides  
good quality products and decent service, even with limited resources  
operating under tight deadlines. We make quite a lot of sales, generally, at  
different times of the year.

2) If people believe these accusations, and our sales go down, then... well,  
this is Minifree being damaged. By slander. Credibility is everything. If we  
lose credibility because of what has happened in this thread, that means we  
can't even demonstrate that the accusations are wrong, if our sales die or  
drop too low.

I just want it to stop. Immediately. I want to focus on my customers, on  
Minifree and on Libreboot. I do not want to spend time arguing with  
Technoethical - for the 2nd time, I might add since this has happened before!

I want to spend time helping more people by providing them with libreboot  
laptops. This is important. Libreboot is an important project.

Instead, I've had to waste my time defending myself against a hostile  
competitor, which has resulted in my sales going down. Theirs too, probably.  
It has resulted in less time for me... guess what?

Less people get freedom. People will look elsewhere instead, and become  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
I wouldn't call it fighting. It's more like good old bullying. And it's not  
Leah whose doing the bullying. It's a man's world, after all.

That said, Supertramp has a point, as always. There's only so much we can do  
to help. Leah would be wise to ignore all this shit thrown at her. Take this  
advice and go on with your life and business.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
>False. Allow me to speculate about the timing: you announce the relaunch of  
one of your products and invite people to buy from you. This reminds people  
that they don't have a good experience with your company and your products.  
So they come forward.

That is exactly how it happened.

After reading all the post she wrote today inventing an international  
conspiracy against her. I just could not believe.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info


There is a difference between a critic and a troll

food for thought?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Testing The Trisquel 8 Upgrade Process

2017-12-13 Thread lcerf
About the GPG, it does not look like APT knows about it.  Executing the  
following command in a terminal will import it:
$ apt-key adv --fetch-keys

That said, you only show warnings.  Contrary to errors, warning do not stop  
the execution.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread contact
@gnustatyc, are you an official person here? I see that you are sort of new.  
Who has final say so on these forums? Is that you? Who writes the policies  
and guidelines? The Terms of Service? For the sake of clarity and such. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
Ruben the leader of the project, aka Quidam, has the final say. There are  
moderators. David is one of them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread contact
I like cats. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr

Please Leah, do not continue.

I just wanted to share a review with others and you are turning things worse  
again and again. If the experience of my family was just one out of few  
errors in the businesses trajectory of Minifree just face it and let people  
at least to express themselves.

I would have not continue writing after my first post if you had not called  
me things not had involved me in an international conspiracy against you.  
Everything that I said is completely true and I have the means of prove any  
of my instances, however all the things that you said about me arranging with  
Tiberiu a campaign against you is not true at all and as a lawyer I can say  
to you that under certain premises those statements could even be considered  
personal defamation.

>I'll say it once more: your order was a mistake. I rectified it as best i  
could. You chose not to exercise your rights. You are still well within your  
right to either receive a refund, repair or replacement of any faulty product  
that you received.

No, you never rectified and as I said before I have the means to prove that.  
I have no problem in letting any moderator of the forum or any person from  
the certificate process of the FSF to enter know about the facts of this  
case. You just offered yourself to replace our laptop after we began to write  
our review in this forum, and as Tiberiu told you it is not good business  
policy trying to solve problems after do not care for trying to avoid them.  
The problem is that in my family we do not want any replacement any longer.  
We had that bad experience with Minifree and we do not want anything more  
from Minifree as we say in Spain not even for free. Now we just wanted to  
make a review built  seems you cannot deal with an honest review but just  
with what you like to hear.

I personally do not have anything against you, nor my family. We just had  
that bad experience and we moved on. We highly appreciate the work that you  
make with Libreboot and that is why even though we had a very pleasant  
experience with Technoethical in the past we decided also to acquire one  
laptop from Minifree and give it a try... Because we appreciated you. and  
clearly in the personal side you have completely disappointed us.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr


There is a difference between a critic and a troll

food for thought?

So your customers should in the future also expect you to call them trolls  
among other things when you make a mistake with them? Wow, you are doing  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
Anybody would get paranoid with this amount of trashing. You make it sound  
like she killed your pet dog.

Why don't you cut some slack and tell us if you're going to accept Minifree's  
free replacement or not. I haven't seen you address that point so far, though  
I haven't been looking through everything in this thread. It would be decent  
to let us know how to best placate you so you may move on.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

Hence "if I recall correctly". Can you remind me what actually happened?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
>if I recall correctly at the time, you didn't want me to send a replacement  
unit or provide a refund because you didn't trust me to do it...

No, I am sorry.

You are lying again about our order. That never happened.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info
Despite what you claim to the contrary, I serve most of my customers well.  
Their order is shipped in reasonable time, in good quality.

In the rare circumstance that I do mess up an order, such as yours, I always  
promptly offer to send a replacement or repair the unit, or otherwise fix the  
mistake. If they are unhappy, they ask for a refund and I provide it  

Once again, I will state: if you want a refund, I'll give it. If you want me  
to correct the mistake, I will. I'll go back on your order and deal with you.  
What you ended up doing was buying from a competitor... if I recall correctly  
at the time, you didn't want me to send a replacement unit or provide a  
refund because you didn't trust me to do it... all you had to do was  
re-confirm shipping address for replacement, or provide me with your wire  
instructions so that I could pay you.

What you chose to do instead was attack me for honest mistakes that I made  
with your order. You then went on accusing Minifree of being a bad company  
etc etc and told people not to buy from them, suggesting that the mistakes I  
made with your order are made with every order.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

No answer? Very well:

Here's what happened: either you didn't ask for refund/repair/replacement, or  
you did ask and I provided it.

Despite what you claim to the contrary, I didn't defraud or mistreat you  
either. True, I messed up your order, I freely admit that, but what you've  
said about Minifree generally providing poor service is false.

And despite what you say, Minifree does well by its customers and provides a  
good service. It also makes mistakes, occasionally, like any company. If you  
wish to continue suggesting that your experience is universal with Minifree  
customers, then shame on you.

As I write this, I'm about to go sleep. I've written off this thread  
entirely. I no longer see a point in responding in this thread. All I'm going  
to do now is, as I did today, basically ignore it and focus on shipping my  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread ablocorrea
No, I'm not and you are right, I'm sort of new in this forum (not first time  
in a public forum, though). I just have been getting more and more nervous  
about this conversation going nowhere and getting harmful, while at the same  
time the conversation stopped being respectful at some point.

I apologize if I wasn't polite myself or if what I said led to confusion.

I just believe that in this same forum there's a "English Trisquel GNU/Linux  
users forum" and a "formerly called "the troll hole", this place has aged  
nicely and sometimes provides a cozy environment for off-topic conversations.  
Also trolling --just not all the time--. Visitors are still encouraged to be  
at least civic." and it should be respected, that's what they are for.  
However, you are right that I'm not the one that should take care of that  
being respected, sorry for it, I won't do it again.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread info

I literally do not defraud or deceive my customers.

I literally ship every order, or refund when requested.

The comments by this person and Tiberiu in this thread are blatant,  
consistent, concentrated attacks against me.

I ship almost every order, in good time, and the products that I sell are of  
decent quality. I occasionally make mistakes, like anyone, so one or two  
customers get a faulty product or I somehow forget to ship their order... it  
happens. Not often, but it does.

It happened with this person. They complained to me. In the event, I very  
likely refunded them, but they're not revealing this. Or I hurried up their  
order and shipped it immediately.

I also apologized, in this thread...

I'll provide it.

vltr: So, if I understand correctly from your post, are you now admitting  
that you never had me refund you?

Yes or no: did I refund you.
If the answer is no, please send me your wiring instructions immediately, via  
email, and I'll refund you.

Don't believe me? Send that email.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread leestrobel
Yes, this is really silly. If people have a customer grievance, then they  
should really take it up in private.

It's not healthy for the free-software community to be backbiting each other  
like this :-(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread contact
Have to disagree on that policy, the whole point is Libre tech. If a company  
is making false claims, such as they are Libre, and then turn out to be not  
so Libre, we need to know. If someone is using blood CPU's. that is pretty  
important. Remember, Richard Stallman got arrested by ATI (now a part of AMD)  
for protesting their non-free drivers. Same goes with AMD not having drivers  
like Nouveau to help free as in freedom tech. The whole point of Trisquel is  
free (as in freedom) tech and by definition, not engaging in opressive  
practices, either in the design or fabrication phase. If you do not  
publically identify demonstrable, verifiable (not fake news) wrong doing  
here, that is taking a step backwards. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Testing The Trisquel 8 Upgrade Process

2017-12-13 Thread jamesbythesea

Hey All,

I compiled a list of packages that are in T7 from apt-list. Sadly, I haven't  
been able to do much testing this week because I've had a few things come up.  
If there's anyone interested out there in checking whether packages work  
during the T8 upgrade process, it might be nice if we collaborate using this  
wiki page I wrote (my first page, please help fix it up if you can). That  
way, we don't inadvertently double-check.

Also, does anyone have any ideas on how to do this process intelligently?  
There's like 4 packages, it would probably be worthwhile to think of a  
good strategy for doing this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Why should I answer you whenever you want about whatever you want having into  
account that you did not reply the emails we sent you nor to the calls we  
made you for over 12 days?

Even more, how are you able to manage a business if you are not able to bring  
back to you the facts of the case? Tiberiu has less information than you but  
he is able to know about his order with us. Technoethical caring more for  
their orders and customers? I would say so.

I have nothing more to clarify, not say nothing more to speak to you. As I  
have said multiple times in this thread you never tried to solve the  
situation. You never offered a replacement, refund or whatever until few days  
 we wrote our review here, nor hence we were able to decline any of those  

Have some rest, take it easy and care more about your orders and customers in  
the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk 2.0 Last Touches

2017-12-13 Thread trisquellist

I've tried out Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 beta2.
I liked it.

What this is:
This post is a little feedback / review on trying to try out the second beta  
of Uruk 2. I half expected that the final release would be out before this  
post, and that's indeed what happened, but I'll post this nonetheless.

My understanding of software and hardware is limited.
I have only tried it on old hardware from a live DVD and have not installed  
it, so this is *not* a review of what an *installed* Uruk is like.
I'm sorry I'm posting it here, but my access to the WWW is too restricted to  
find out the proper addressee for each issue, find out the proper channel to  
address each addressee, set things up and then give feedback / bug reports.  
[Edit: I see Uruk bug reports should go to ]

I wanted to try Uruk on an elderly, heavy, loud Acer notebook.
Using an assistant to create a bootable USB drive, I put the Uruk ISO image  
on a thumb drive, put that in the notebook, instructed the notebook to boot  
from removable media, but the notebook skipped the thumb drive and instead  
booted Windows XP, which was installed on the internal hard drive. (When I  
used that to examine the thumb drive, there was no trace of the contents  
except the "EFI" folder, despite Trisquel perfectly recognizing everything on  
that very same thumb drive. This is why I don't think I simply made a mistake  
when writing the image to the thumb drive. Could it have something to do with  
all other folders having lowercase labels?) After two tries, I gave up.
Next, I burned the very same ISO on a DVD. That worked. If memory serves me  
right, the screen was black and there was no sign of the DVD working as  
intended for quite some time, just noise coming from the optical drive. I was  
worried. Finally, Uruk's options menu (in English) silently appeared and I  
chose to run the vanilla live trial version from DVD. If I recall correctly,  
I failed to spot any accessibility, language, or IME options at this stage,  
but I assume there is a well-known keystroke sequence for voice guidance.  
After more waiting, Uruk's top panel, various widget (?) icons, desktop  
background and an unfamiliar panel-like thing in the centre of the bottom  
slowly appeared, one by one, not necessarily in this order. Everything was  
slow and stayed that way.

As with other distros, you can choose to access system settings either from a  
larger super-menu leading to more specific menus, or use the start menu to go  
straight to the more specific ones.
There were one or two settings I wanted to check/adjust but was unable to  
find; unfortunately I forgot what they were.
The ISO comes with a handful of West European languages (I think en, es, fr,  
it, nl) and Arabic. No CJK fonts, I think, and no character utility such as  
gucharmap. (I know I can easily install software from the online  
repositories.) I switched to Dutch, after which many things were in Dutch and  
some in English, the fallback language.

A few things that I think could be better, in no particular order:

System settings:
In the settings super-menu mentioned above, you cannot see which settings are  
in which category unless you click on each category and wait for it to load.  
I think the content of each category should not be hidden behind a category,  
but listed under a category heading instead, so that you can see everything  
already when in the super-menu. To help you understand, this is the way it  
was in at least one edition of Mint, and probably other distros. It looks  
less tidy, but makes finding things less tedious, especially on a slow  

Terminology inconsistency:
The explanation or help of the included firewall uses the terms "toestaan",  
"weigeren", "afwijzen", and "beperken", but the labels on the actual buttons  
are "toestaan" (which I guess means "allow"), "weigeren" ("deny"?), and  
"verwerpen" ("dismiss"?), so I suspect this is a bug. But my understanding of  
Dutch is poor.
I think there was a similar inconsistency in another piece of software, but  
unfortunately I don't even remember which one, nor if that was Dutch or  

Does the system give away users' location?
The top panel shows (a widget with?) the date. You can specify one or more  
geographic locations and specify which of them is your current location, and  
can see the current time for each. As soon as you connect to the internet,  
information about the current weather for each location will be shown, even  
if you have given instructions to show *no* weather information! I assume  
that Uruk tells a weather server which location(s) the user is interested in,  
which, depending on how it is done, might give away the user's geographic  
location to any party intercepting that traffic.

User's work undone:
In one of the package managers, selecting some packages for installation and  
then switching to "expert mode" voids

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Of course you did not refunded me and we do not want a refund now. We just  
wanted to tell our experience. Are you able to deal with that once and for  

Stop misleading people who just read one post and not the whole thread  
inventing constantly the facts of the case.

I have made everything clear many times in this thread, but seems that you  
just try to leave some lies here and there just for misleading anyone not  
able to read the whole thread.

Are you asking so many times about the same for real? What kind of business  
manager are you not being able to recall exactly the facts of the case and  
inventing them in from of others.

Stop mistreating your customers, this time trying to buy their silence.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer

This is getting totally out of hand. Ridiculously predictable, though.

You call refund and free replacement "buying silence"?

A business has no other obligation. Leah has gone to great lengths to amend  
her mistake and yet you fail to appreciate anything that she's been doing to  
set things right. She's reached out to you and you fail to recognize her true  

You pretend to be butt-hurt and go on with this crusade like no end and  
refuse to accept an apology.

There's no business in the world that has a magic wand to turn back time.

Take it or leave it but please come to your senses. There are customers and  
there are shills. Take your pick.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
Zotis, I completely share your appreciation about Minifree business model  
just caring about making profit.

I am not agaisnt that. But business can be made and should be made with nice  
manners and not with bad business practices and as far as I am concerned, I  
do not see any of them present in Minifree's activty.

Your English is fine. Where are you from? If you speak Spanish I invite you  
to participate in the future post that I am planning to write about Minifre.  
As long as Leah complains about us speaking here freely, I think it is better  
just to create a whole thread for people for people being able to speaks  
openly about their experiences with Minifree without them being called things  
by this lady.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr

>Get real. The history of events:

I also share the view that everything happened in the way that Tiberiu said.

>Oh Leah, I read the kinds of you like open books. Stop this nonsense, get  
real and do better job for the customers that trust you. Don't wait for them  
to complain (request to replace) to treat them well (prepare a good  
replacement). And you'll see you'll not get so many complaints any more. Take  
my advice, the way you're doing business will not scale. Because you are  
rising artificially on a growing pile of skeletons (old orders) that keep  
cracking underneath you and you need to take care of them. Because people  
don't stay silent forever.

I am also having the impression that this is the kind of business model that  
this company is promoting, and I also share the view that it is not  
sustainable over time. You expressed it here in a very poetic sense :D ...  
very appropriate for Leah's self created drama.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread masonhock
I'm sorry this happened again, Leah. Thanks so much for all of your hard  
work. I'm glad that a variety of vendors can ethically distribute  
freedom-respecting laptops that you made possible.

Forum posts do not seem to be the best medium for providing information about  
products from any of these vendors. Perhaps adverts like ThinkPenguin's would  
be a better way of informing the Trisquel community.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 returns on Minifree

2017-12-13 Thread vltr
>I'll be very aggressively shipping my X200s this week, as many of them as I  
can, and I'll be bringing people here to write positive reviews about their  
laptops that they've bought.

When I read things like this from Leah, I just get amazed... Honestly I have  
no words. Do you think you are Angela Channing in a Falcon Crest episode?

It is not about shipping aggressively, but just about shipping laptops with a  
minimum level of quality, which are clean, with a working administrative  
password, not written with tippex, treating customers in a good manner,  
answering their emails, and so on... Do you think you can take the challenge?  
I am not confident you can, but certainly I encourage you to do so. Cheer up!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Testing The Trisquel 8 Upgrade Process

2017-12-13 Thread jason
It is probably not realistic to expect people to try out every single  

Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-13 Thread contact
While we are on the topic, when is the new GNU Hurd going to come out? There  
has been a bit of a development lag and am looking forward to the next  
iteration. It has been over a year I think. GNU HURD FTW! 

Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-13 Thread masonhock

Re: [Trisquel-users] So what about the new Trisquel? Is it going to be released?

2017-12-13 Thread enduzzer
I'm still confident that Ruben's not thrown in the towel by a longshot. The  
HURD will emerge as the second in the race and the shining trophy will go to  
Trisquel. Who the also rans are, if any, I'm not sure. GnewSense?