[Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893


Please, sign the petition.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893
>Please excuse my ignorance but what is the benefit of making such an old  
piece of software FLOSS ?

1. Historical interest.
2. Education. I think, a lot of  young programmers want to know how famous  
software works under hood.

>Also I have my problems when I either need a twitter or Facebook account to  
sign something

You need ONLY address of e-mail. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893

>making it "open source" is just mentioned as one possible "solution" to the  
"problem" of Winamp being dead (and not even the preferred "solution", at  

Yes. But , I don't think AOL is going to support Winamp anymore, because this  
is unprofitable.

>Those with interest in Mediaplayers can simply study the VLC sources.

There is huge difference between SOME mediaplayer and a famous one. Somebody  
can think "Winamp(or other famous software) is just fantastic! I would like  
to know how it works! I don't care about VLC/mplayer/etc, I want to see code  
of Winamp only!! "

>Just use VLC.
No, thanks. I didn't like Winamp even in my Windowshood.

[Trisquel-users] New argument against closed-source software.

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893

My inspiration:


Closed-source software can mine cryptocurrency at your expense!

Unlike trojans, this is not crime. This is just form of parasitism.

Battery will run out faster. CPU and GPU will heat more. Your bills for  
electricity will be increasing. You will have to upgrade your PC more  
frequently. Etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where can I download free wallpaper ?

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893

Also, you can generate beautiful images with help of Evolvotron.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893

>Are you writing that VLC is not famous?!

No, I'm not. But Winamp is symbol of his epoch. This is like the Prince of  
Persia or Windows 95.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thunderbird in repos

2013-11-27 Thread aaz893

Trademark restriction are acceptable in free systems.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-28 Thread aaz893


Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-28 Thread aaz893

>Making it "open source" is talked about as a secondary, "solution" to the  
"problem" in the event that AOL is unwilling to continue maintaining it as a  
proprietary program.

Yes. But I doubt AOL is going to support Winamp as a proprietary program  
anymore, because this is unprofitable. So, in fact there is the only option:  
Open Source

Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-28 Thread aaz893

>WinAmp just needs to die.

Maybe. But how about history? Don't we need Winamp's source code just for  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-28 Thread aaz893

>but the petition makes it clear that freedom is not the motive

Yes. It is not an end in itself. It is means. Is this variant much worse?

>so I think signing it is a bad idea.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-29 Thread aaz893


Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-29 Thread aaz893

>This. Petition. Does. Not. Ask. For. Freedom.

 "Our goal is to convince Nullsoft to release the Winamp source code and we  
will take it further | in an open-source way." Hmm.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-29 Thread aaz893

>Where do you read that?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Let's make FLOSS out of Winamp! Petition to AOL.

2013-11-29 Thread aaz893

>That is not the petition page.

Yes, I know, And this is really confusing.

[Trisquel-users] Is GNU AGPLv3+ the strongest copyleft license ?

2013-11-30 Thread aaz893

I think GNU AGPLv3+ is the strongest copyleft license.

quote:"The GNU Affero General Public License is a modified version of the  
ordinary GNU GPL version 3. It has one added requirement: if you run the  
program on a server and let other users communicate with it there, your  
server must also allow them to download the source code corresponding to the  
program that it's running. If what's running there is your modified version  
of the program, the server's users must get the source code as you modified  

So, if you are developer who likes Free Software,  you better use GNU AGPLv3+  
instead of GNU GPLv3+

Re: [Trisquel-users] New argument against closed-source software.

2013-11-30 Thread aaz893

> Someone on a dev team putting in malicious code is nothing new.

No, this is a new trick. Because mining at your expense *isn't crime*. This  
is the purest form of parasitism. And you can make money without users'  
awareness. Of course, you could earn money without

user's awareness long years before bitcoin. But now, THIS IS LEGAL WAY!

I predict epidemy because of Bitcoin rush.

Re: [Trisquel-users] New argument against closed-source software.

2013-11-30 Thread aaz893
"And it's not like this couldn't happen in a poorly managed free software  
project either."

I agree. This is not about certainty but probability.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Your Android Phone Is Secretly Recording Everything You Do

2013-12-02 Thread aaz893

So what? I will buy Android. Because it is the best available choice for me.

[Trisquel-users] Open Hardware and commodity price.

2013-12-04 Thread aaz893


 http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/StrategyLetterV.html (danger, very  
long article)

Every product in the marketplace has substitutes and complements.
A complement is a product that you usually buy together with another product.  
Computer hardware is a classic complement of computer operating systems. ...
In a small town, when the local five star restaurant has a two-for-one  
Valentine's day special, the local babysitters double their rates.
All else being equal, demand for a product increases when the prices of its  
complements decrease.

Let me repeat that because you might have dozed off, and it's important.  
Demand for a product increases when the prices of its complements decrease.  
For example, if flights to Miami become cheaper, demand for hotel rooms in  
Miami goes up -- because more people are flying to Miami and need a room.  
When computers become cheaper, more people buy them, and they all need  
operating systems, so demand for operating systems goes up, which means the  
price of operating systems can go up.

At this point, it's pretty common for people to try to confuse things by  
saying, "aha! But Linux is FREE!" OK. First of all, when an economist  
considers price, they consider the total price, including some intangible  
things like the time it takes to set up, reeducate everyone, and convert  
existing processes. All the things that we like to call "total cost of  
ownership." ...

Open source is not exempt from the laws of gravity or economics. We saw this  
with Eazel, ArsDigita, The Company Formerly Known as VA Linux and a lot of  
other attempts. But something is still going on which very few people in the  
open source world really understand: a lot of very large public companies,  
with responsibilities to maximize shareholder value, are investing a lot of  
money in supporting open source software, usually by paying large teams of  
programmers to work on it. And that's what the principle of complements  

Once again: demand for a product increases when the price of its complements  
decreases. In general, a company's strategic interest is going to be to get  
the price of their complements as low as possible. The lowest theoretically  
sustainable price would be the "commodity
 price" -- the price that arises when you have a bunch of competitors  
offering indistinguishable goods. ... If you can do this, demand for your  
product will increase and you will be able to charge more and make more.


Headline: Transmeta Hires Linus, Pays Him To Hack on Linux.

Myth: They just did it to get publicity. Would you have heard of Transmeta  

Reality: Transmeta is a CPU company. The natural complement of a CPU is an  
operating system. Transmeta wants OSs to be a commodity.

I just wonder, what is the best source of support for the Open Hardware  
movement from this point of view? Maybe a proprietary software company  alike  

[Trisquel-users] How to fight against software patents at your own (Hyperlink).

2013-12-04 Thread aaz893


I just leave it here

[Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-17 Thread aaz893

My fresh view:

Case number #1. My code is awful! If I will make it as FLOSS then I will be  
ridiculed for sure! For example: "Hey dude, I have only one question. How  
this CRAP can work AT ALL?! It is THE WORST code I have ever seen! Bastard,  
your code will haunt me in my NIGHTMARES!!!"

Case number #2. My pretty! I'm the only one, who KNOW how develop this  
program in right way! And I'm the only one, who can DO it in right way!

This list is incomplete. You can add in more cases.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893

This is case number #2, IMHO.

[Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893
Why non-FLOSS is unethical? There is a lot of ethic systems. For example ,a  
meat is unethical for me. I'm an atheist and atheism is unethical for  
somebody else. Etc.

And I can't see any method to convince followers of one ethical system to  
adopt another ethical system. For example, convince a radical muslim to  
accept atheism as ethical thing. Thus, ethic is (mostly)  area of emotions  
and dogmas.

If you saying "You must not [use a proprietary software]/[eat meat]/[beat  
your wife], because this is unethical", then it is equivalent of "You must  
not eat  apples, because apples are unappetizing", IMHO.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893


Couldn't say it better myself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893

I'm sorry, but this is not a psychological problem. =)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893

By the way, I think you need read this article.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893

>Religion is not ethics and ethics are not religion.

How could I confuse them? I'm an atheist. I don't have a religion, but I have  
my personal ethics. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition,  
abbreviated as DSM-5, is the 2013 update to the American Psychiatric  
Association's (APA) classification and diagnostic tool. In the United States  
the DSM serves as a universal authority for psychiatric diagnosis. Treatment  
recommendations, as well as payment by health care providers, are often  
determined by DSM classifications, so the appearance of a new version has  
significant practical importance.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893
>There is no reason that we should allow people to use our forums to actively  
work against our goals.

I see ONLY one way to "work against our goals" via forum:

akirashinigami: FLOSS is the best!

Non-FLOSS_Agitator: FLOSS sucks, because volunteers are incompetent to make  
any good software.

akirashinigami: You convinced me. FLOSS is crap.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893

Very interesting. Please, give me subtitles.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-18 Thread aaz893
>5.Non-free software is never a solution so please do not rationalize,  
justify, or minimize the consequences of proposing non-free software as a  

VERITAS SE IPSA DEFENDIT (Truth defends itself)

[Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-19 Thread aaz893

Samsung Galaxy Star Duos GT-S5282

1.I failed to find the device in compatibility lists. I found "Samsung Galaxy  
S", maybe this is shortening for "Star"?

2.How can I help to create Replicant/Cyanogenmod version for my model?

P.S. I'm not going to return the phone in shop. That was the cheapest Android  
phone and I have big debts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread aaz893

>Ethics are not the only argument for FLOSS.

You're right. But the ethical argument is the most absurd for me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-19 Thread aaz893

>Because proprietary software stops a user from having control over their  

How about this case:

"There is not such thing as freedom. All humans are slaves of the God."

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-20 Thread aaz893

>Ethics is the whole point of Free Software.
Also, there is political argument for FLOSS

Re: [Trisquel-users] I bought a Replicant/Cyanogenmod-incompatible Android phone.

2013-12-20 Thread aaz893

Sorry, but "porting guide" have broken hyperlink.

>The good news is, this device actually looks it would be a good target for  
Replicant if there were CyanogenMod support.

Why do you think so?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-20 Thread aaz893

>"Freedom" is not necessarily the ability to do anything

You're misunderstood me. You can't behave freely AT ALL. You're a   
marionette in hands of the God/laws of Physics(atheistic variant of  
fatalism). Freedom is an illusion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-20 Thread aaz893
I can be wrong, but I heard that  
quakers(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quakers) are fatalists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Forum moderation

2013-12-21 Thread aaz893

How about personal filters for users?

If somebody feel buthurt, then somebody else criticize
RMS/FLOSS/Mother_Teresa, in that case her/she needs to add the person in  
personal "ignore list". IMHO, this is excellent alternative for forum  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Has development on Trisquel 7 started?

2013-12-21 Thread aaz893

Hmm, but Ruben is Armenian name. Is he an Armenian?

[Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread aaz893

I don't have sense of control over my computer.

You can say "You must use only FLOSS, only freedom-friendly hardware, etc.  
Then you can control your computer. "

But alas, it is an overstatement. Because if I encounter a problem, then  
often I forced to google solution and blindly use instructions. Without  
proper understanding, like magic. Thus, sometimes I feel nostalgic about  
times then my needs and my understanding were in perfect harmony.

My criterias of control:

1.I must understand how it works "under hood". My understanding must vary  
from very abstract concepts to detail  comprehension of every "cogwheel",  
according to my needs.

2.If I encounter a problem, then I should be able to solve it on my own,  
without help of other people. In ideal, even without Internet.

3.I must have proper understanding of the solution.

4.I must figure out reasons of the problem.

5.I should be able to optimize computer according my needs.

That should I do? Let's do brainstorm.

1.Development of my problem solving skills. Concept maps, inductive logic,  
mathematics, power search in the Internet, etc.

2.Maybe I need KISS-friendly Linux. You know, like Slackware, Crux.
By the way, if "computations control" can be considered as related to ethics,  
then in my book proprietary MS-DOS much more ethical than opensource  
Trisquel. Because knowledge is power. If you have complicated open source  
system, then it is like "Hey dude, there is a gift for you. This is a cool   
spaceship, I hope you will like it very much. What? You don't know how use  
it? What a pity!


3.Hmm, maybe some of LPIC-1 tutorials can help me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-22 Thread aaz893
>Trying to justify it (family starving) means trying to justify non-free,  
proprietary software

Excuse me, but did you ever heard of so-called "situational ethics"?
There aren't absolute unethical actions. Because ethics depend on context.  
For example, I consider meat is unethical  in my current situation. But if I  
would need meat for  my  survival, then I will eat it. Even if it will be a  
human meat.

>The risk of quitting her job of developing proprietary
software might be small or big, but again nobody forced her to take the
unethical job.

And nobody can force anybody to take so-called "ethical job". That is her/his  
personal decision. And it is why pure ethics fail. Because ethics are  
subjective. I wish I could forbid you to eat meat, but I can't. Beside, meat  
is ethical in YOUR opinioun. I have only one choice. I must convince you that  
giving up meat will fit your egotistical interests. For example, "You know,  
in average vegetarians have longer lifespan than meat-eaters,  
blah-blah-blah". That is also true for FSF-lovers movement. If you want to  
change the world, then you must swallow your pride and try to convince  
developers of proprietary software that FLOSS more profitable for them.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread aaz893

>Who is making you use google/NSA?

I use google because of relevant results. Maybe this is my fault, because my  
search skill not-so-good, but facts are facts. For example, yesterday I was  
searching "activ тариф джуни". Duckduckgo showed me only irrelevant  

>Who is making you not try to understand the instructions?

>who is making you not try to understand the instructions?

 I often try to properly understand problem/reasons of problems/solution, but  
alas, my knoweldge and education are not as good as I want. For example, I  
have no idea how force my OS to see Android phone as media storage. Maybe I  
could figure out the solution if I know how udev works.

But, udev isn't thing in itself. Udev is only ONE subsustym(and it have  
alternatives!) in Linux system. And Linux system isn't thing-in-itself too.  
It have links with hardware, with other computers via Internet, etc. Thus,  
hypothetical book "Complete Udev Guideline for dummies" would have some bits  
of information about Internet, technical standarts, history of computers, so  

But there are two BIG problems.

1. Alas, I don't have this wonderful book. Thus, I must find all related  
material on my own, collect the crumbs to solve the jigsaw puzzle.

2. I have no idea how long my adventure will continue. One month? One year?  
Or maybe the whole life?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-22 Thread aaz893
>With a proprietary system you cannot find out. Code is not available, can be  
obfuscated and you might be breaking the law if you try to find out how  
something works. With Trisquel you're welcome to browse the code, with an  
occasional comment or two and won't run into any legal issues.

I can find information about proprietary system with help of (un)official  
documentation and reverse engineering. For example, MS-DOS is very small and  
simple system, so experienced programmer could analyze it easily and  
completely. On other hand, nobody has enough of lifespan to do complete  
analyze of Trisquel source codes on his/her own. Figuratively, decryption of  
one encrypted book needs less efforts than reading of whole library of normal  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proprietary software as result of psychological problems

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

>There are a lot of examples of absolute unethical actions. Human slavery
is one of them

Did you mean "absolute unethical action ONLY in my book"?

>I don't care what you do in your personal life, nor should you about
what I do in mine.

That's depends who are you and who is me.  Because your behavior in your  
private life may somehow affect me/my family/my country.

>This will not justify cannibalism, which is an unethical practice by all

I can understand your position, but cannibalism doesn't necessarily require  
murder. If the person already dead and it is not my fault, then my conscience  
will be absolute clear. On other hand, if somebody have to kill an other  
human, because s/he hasn't got better options, then this behaviour can be  
considered as ethical from my viewpoint. Thus, you was wrong about "all  

>No individual can, but a law can.

Ruling class use laws to dictate it's will. Nowadays epoch of capitalism,  
thus the ruling class is capitalists. Proprietary software is very profitable  
business. Thus, it might be banned only in case of serious crisis caused by  
proprietary software industry.

>I raise a sheep and sacrifice it and eat it. It doesn't affect you.

It hurts my feelings.

>I write a piece of software for myself and I use it all my life without
releasing it. It doesn't affect you.

I may need that piece of software, thus your "greedy" can affect me.

>I am unethical and you can clearly see that, because I
don't allow you to install it on multiple machines and to modify it to
better serve your needs. My personal decision is affecting you, me being
an unethical software developer hurts you as a my software user.

It is how capitalism works. Everybody must thinks only about own profit.  
Thus, in your terms capitalism is "anti-social".

>Practical reasons (even if they are true) are not enough for a human
being to not do something

On other hand, more rational businessmen have huge advantage. Therefore, if  
you would convince them to use FLOSS only, then it will be the greatest  
success of FLOSS.

> You are using this forum to
attack the reason while Trisquel is developed, to challenge the free
software philosophy and to turn our users' interest away from the free
software movement to the "open source" camp.

Why do you treat "open source" movement like foes?
It reminds me of distinction in vegetarian camp. "Meat is unhealthy!" VS  
"Meat is unethical!". Let's pretend that you think "Meat is unethical and  
healthy" and I think "Meat is ethical and unhealthy". We have opposite  
opinions about meat, but the result is same! It is like 2+5=6+1=7. We have  
different input and equal output. Hence, we should help each other. The same  
goes for "open source" movement.

>That might not be true and not even generally true, and you have no way
of proving such a statement.

I'm sorry, but I can't understand your logic!

> they distribute proprietary
software along with free software.

It is because pure FLOSS doesn't profitable enough, that is all.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

>I don't think it's possible to understand a system to this extent.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

>This is bait

Really? You know, I don't eat meat(because it is unethical for me), but I  
think that meat is healthy and tasty. If I posted this opinion on vegetarian  
forum, then by your logic I'm a troll.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-23 Thread aaz893

How about Ruben? Is he exception?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel processor microcode security update for Trisquel

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

>Without Freedom 1 we can even assertain whether this patch is even an actual  
security fix.

We can test so-called "security fix". If the exploit doesn't work after  
installation of it, then it is really "security fix". Of course, it can  
contain new backdoors and new security vulnerability. But then it is  
definitely a security fix.

>Even though it wasn't explicitally stated in this thread, it's ridiculous to  
suggest that this project should distribute non-free software. Yes, my  
computer may be running this non-free firmware already, but it wasn't  
installed or distributed by anyone in the Trisquel project and furthermore I  
trust the maintainers to continue to reject non-free software.

But how about warning about the security vulnerability? Only warning, without  
distribution of the patch. Like this: "Warning, there is a security  
vulnerability in proprietary microcode of Intel's CPUs."

> when other solutions exist
Really? I request the list.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

>Using proprietary software violates MY code of ethics

By the way, are you a believer or an atheist?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel processor microcode security update for Trisquel

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

Are your ethics based on pure logical reasoning?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

And how can you explain your position about Free Software Movement?

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

>Not an excuse, use StartPage.com instead. :D

I don't see any sense to use StartPage. I don't care about NSA and so on. I  
like DuckDuckGo because of absence of filter bubble. Sometimes it helps me.  
But I have DuckDuckFallback extension. The extension added "Search in Google"  
button in DuckDuckGo interface.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Intel processor microcode security update for Trisquel

2013-12-24 Thread aaz893

I have more important question. Where is exploit?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>However, I've not seen the free software movement making this kind of call  
to authority.

Because ethics of FSF based on the ethical dogmat: "freedom is the highest  
Unfortunately, no-one can prove this statement. It's like a religion, you  
must belive in this dogmat.

>Your argumentitivness seems more to stem from problems you have with  

What problems?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

Sorry for waiting, I didn't have the Internet these day.

Is it because you think ...

1."You cann't trust anyone"?
2. "Giving is better than receiving"?
3. "Freedom is the highest value"?
4. "FLOSS fits my selfish interests"?
5. "Progress is important. And FLOSS is more progressive than proprietary  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>Nobody can understand the whole system in details

Sure thing. But you are missing the point.
I don't want to be Mr. I-know-all !

I just want to figure out stuff I NEED to know. No more, no less. This is the  
most challenging part.

For exampe, is it important to know how TCP/IP works?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>Every movement has ethics and principles, and it promotes them.

Of course. But nobody can promote illogical principles by means of logics.  
You must appeal to emotions. Maybe I missing something, but I can't see this  
approach in FSF advocacy. It's like to use a spoon instead of a hammer. It's  

>Every animal strives for freedom

REALLY?? O_O How about the whole story of domestication of dogs? If every  
animal strives for freedom, then domestication is impossible.

And by the way, how about ants?

>If you believe otherwise ..

I believe otherwise and I don't want to do it. Why? Because I can't see any  
benefits in these specific situations. Your argument looks like "If you don't  
belive "computers are the higest value in my life" then throw away your  
computer right now!".

> free software movement is illogical just like a religion

You got it wrong. Every movement have motivation. But every motivation needs  
under-logical basis. For example, there isn't  any way to prove need to stay  
alive by means of pure logic.
But, if you want to change mind of a person, you must use the same basic  
illogical beliefs.


Person A: "You should care about ecology, otherwise your children would live  
in terrible world of devastation"
Person B: "Hurhurhur! I'm a childfree  
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childfree), go away!"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>Every movement has ethics and principles, and it promotes them.

Of course. But nobody can promote illogical principles by means of logics.  
You must appeal to emotions. Maybe I missing something, but I can't see this  
approach in FSF advocacy. It's like to use a spoon instead of a hammer. It's  

>Every animal strives for freedom

REALLY?? O_O How about the whole story of domestication of dogs? If every  
animal strives for freedom, then domestication is impossible.

And by the way, how about ants?

>If you believe otherwise ..

I believe otherwise and I don't want to do it. Why? Because I can't see any  
benefits in these specific situations. Your argument looks like "If you don't  
belive "computers are the higest value in my life" then throw away your  
computer right now!".

> free software movement is illogical just like a religion

You got it wrong. Every movement have motivation. But every motivation needs  
under-logical basis. For example, there isn't  any way to prove need to stay  
alive by means of pure logic.
But, if you want to change mind of a person, you must use the same basic  
illogical beliefs.


Person A: "You should care about ecology, otherwise your children would live  
in terrible world of devastation"
Person B: "Hurhurhur! I'm a childfree  
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childfree), go away!"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the switch from Ubuntu

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>What else am missing??

1.It's problematic to change default search engine (DuckDuckGo).

2.It's almost impossible to uninstall DuckDuckGo package.

3.Forget about getting help with proprietary software from the community.

4.Documentation(manuals,FAQ, etc) was edited to get rid of any mention of any  
proprietary software.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the switch from Ubuntu

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893
1.When I installed Trisquel, I couldn't figure out how to change default  
search engine without lost of Trisquel's customizations.

2. It is xul-ext-ubufox. Because this package sets DuckDuckGo as default  
search engine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Making the switch from Ubuntu

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893
Yes, I know. But, there is a problem. After restart these settings will be  
overridden by default.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>their campaigning seems effective to me.

I don't want shatter your sweet dreams, but can you tell me percentage of  
computer users who use Trisquel?

> Put one in a leash and then unleash him.
>You will see the difference in his attitude.

You dodged the answer. Maybe I need to repeat my question. If every animal  
want to be free, then how is it possible to domesticate them?

>Don't confuse these with slavery.

Slavery is a subset of hierarchy. I can prove it. Let's pretend that slavery  
isn't a subset of hierarchy. Anarchistic society haven't got any hierarchy.  
Thus, citizens of anarchistic country can have slaves. But, it's absurd.  
Thus, because we have only two mutually exclusive options "Slavery is a  
subset of hierarchy" and "Slavery isn't a subset of hierarchy", then the  
option "Slavery is a subset of hierarchy" is true.

>You can find benefits in each of the three described situations

Maybe I wasn't clear. Surely, it's possible to find out positive sides in  
every situation. But every situation is sum of minuses and pluses. Thus, if I  
said "I can't see benefits", then you must translate it as "the sum is a  
negative number or zero".

>Freedom is above all

How about "free corpse or alive slave" choice? You know, like "300 spartans".

>It's because they are reckless and act before they think

Then why Bill Gates don't use Trisquel? I don't think he is a reckless idiot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

>Freedom does not have to be "the highest value" for a user to only accept  
free software.

Are you sure? Because if freedom isn't the highest value, then user can   
start to use proprietary software because of more important things.

Example: Joe has the highest value and it is his nerves. He hates Abrowser,  
because new versions of Abrowser so slooow. Thus, he started to use  
semi-proprietary Chromium instead.

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-03 Thread aaz893

> How are *we* supposed to know what are *your* "needs" to "have sense of  
control over [your] computer"?

You can't. But maybe you can help me to figure out that I need to know if I  
tell you my needs.

Let's begin with minimum minimorum. If I have the Internet then I can solve  
the most of my problems somehow.
But there's paradox "Chicken or the  
egg"(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_or_the_egg), because sometimes I  
can't have the Internet by reason of technical problem.

Technical support of my internet-provider is bunch of idiots and slackers.  
And my internet-provider is a monopolist, I can't just choose another  
internet-provider. I couldn't use the Internet almost 15 days !!!

That I need to know to be "technical support" for myself in this particular  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-04 Thread aaz893

Thank you, but is it useless without knowledge of TCP/IP and so on?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-05 Thread aaz893
>The fact that there are so many developers who do one of the three things I  

>most of software is proprietary

Congratulations! Now you finally understand why propaganda of FSF is  

>By tricking them, giving them immediate benefits and then enslaving them.

So-called "tricking" isn't only part of domestication. Other part is  
selection. Obedient animals have better survival rate than too freedom-loving  
(i.e. wild) animals. The same goes for beehives, wolf packs, flocks of sheep  
and colonies of phytoplankton. And of course, humans aren't exception. It's  
why Stanford prison experiment and Milgram experiment were successful. Humans  
are domestic animals. We domesticated by ourselves.

For thousand years human societies had strict hierarchy. Thereafter, era of  
capitalism began and hierarchy became more flexible.
But no-one can just throw away thousand years. It's why Third Reich and the  
USSR were created. And maybe it's why I have orgasm-like feeling when I  
imagine myself as small cogwheel in cruel and heartless the military machine  
of Third Reich(or USSR sometimes). Example:  

>Slavery is a subset of hierarchy, that doesn't make hierarchy a bad thing.

I'm not an anarchist or even a democrat, so hierarchy is OK for me.  I just  
wanted to point out your strange definition of hierarchy. Slavery is the most  
extreme case of hierarchy. Slavery reduces so-called "freedom" of a slave  
very much. Other hierarchies also reduce freedom of individual. Of course,  
sometimes you can leave your hierarchy. But if you need/want to stay, then  
you must sacrifice your freedom. For example, if you want to use a  
forum/chat, then you must follow the rules of one. Otherwise, you will be  

>no single big hierarchical tree with a central root (leadership), but that  
doesn't mean there are not a lot of smaller hierarchical trees instead.

My logic is flawless, I just have other definition of anarchy. If so-called  
"anarchistic society" has any hierarchical trees, then it's not anarchy in my  
opinion. If there isn't any  hierarchical trees, then any form of  
exploitation of man by man (e.g. slavery) is impossible.

>you aren't make a good long-term decision when you value benefits over  

So-called "freedom" isn't thing-in-itself. Nobody can fight for pure abstract  
freedom. In fact, people fight for their needs and desires. Freedom is a  
important instrument, but it isn't end in itself.  Freedom is like money. If  
you don't spend/sacrifice it from time to time, then it's worthless trash.

For example, Joe is a slave. The Master told him: "Joe, you must learn  
classical music!". And Joe wants the same thing! He hasn't freedom of choice,  
but is OK, because Joe's desire and master's desire coincide. He is a slave,  
but he is happy.

Other example: Noah is a inveterate bachelor. He wants to have a sweetheart,  
but he doesn't want to sacrifice his freedom.

Thus, he doomed to suffer from loneliness for rest of his life

>He is a perverse person who wants freedom just for himself

Okay, maybe Bill is bad example. But how about other money bags? If freedom  
is so important, then why it's not always good for business plan of company?  
If you're right, then freedom-loving companies must have huge competitive  
advantage. Of course, it can be selfish love, like "I want freedom only for  
myself, but not for others".

And by the way, you dodged "slavery or death!" question. What would you  
prefer and why?

>freedom is the highest value

User "Magic Banana" thinks "Freedom does not have to be "the highest value"  
for a user to only accept free software."(Prooflink:  
How can you comment on that?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is ethic really good argument for FLOSS?

2014-01-05 Thread aaz893

>I will respond just to these two because they are essential in this
>debate and I am tired of arguing with you

But you MUST! For the sake of Justice and Freedom! You're chosen one, last  
hope of FSF, because only you able to stop malicious alliance of roboq6,  
quantumgravity and gnuser!

Re: [Trisquel-users] My conceptual problem with my computer.

2014-01-05 Thread aaz893

>You do not need to precisely understand TCP/IP to administrate a network.

The same goes for configuration of router, isn't it?

[Trisquel-users] Is "SRWare Iron" free browser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

It is fork of Chromium targeting better privacy.

Original Chromium have some parts under unclear licenses.
But maybe SRWare Iron fixed the problem? 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is "SRWare Iron" free browser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

Never belive Wikipedia.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Is "SRWare Iron" free browser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

"it's uploaded to Rapidshare with downloading by most people disabled."

Lets make request to developers.
"Hi, I want to download source code of SRWare Iron.
And please, enable downloading from Rapidshare for everyone". Maybe  
developers just think, that very small amount of people will be want to  
download source code.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is "SRWare Iron" free browser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893
Hmm. Very strange situation. Developers just ignore all questions about  
getting source code.


[Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

For example, Uzbl have mp3 support in html5.
But I prefer Abrowser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

1.Then why Uzbl support mp3?

2.Is patent on mp3 decoding not expired yet?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

"Other browsers use external multimedia frameworks such as GStreamer."

And Abrowser too.
My Abrowser compiled with --enable-gstreamer option.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

I think we confuse two different problem.


MP3 playing just fine, but is not what I want.

I need mp3 support in HTML5.
And html5test.com not see any mp3 support.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-06 Thread aaz893

Oh, really?
I tried nighly builds, Aurora, Firefox Beta. But mp3 not work in HTML5.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893

"Patent encumbered formats are bad for the WWW"
I don`t care. In my country no such thing as "software patent".

And I think really reason is greediness of Mozilla.
How commercial company, Mozilla think about money.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893
Yes. But on other hand, Mozilla should not pay for using mp3-related patents.  
That is a saving of money.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893
"In the parts of the world that do have software patents, using patented  
formats is a serious problem".

I know about it.

"Not caring about software patents because you`re lucky enough to live in a  
country that doesn`t have them is kind of selfish".
Уes, it is egoism. But it is rational egoism. Rational egoism is vital part  
of my life philosophy. I just don`t see any benefits to worry about it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893
"It`s almost sure that you expect other people not to have your own "rational  
You are wrong. If all people behave like me, then the world would be better  
place, IMHO.

"But someday your own position will depend ..."
Maybe. But even if today I will behave the way you want, and there is no  
guarantee that it would not happen with me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893
"How would the world be a better place if nobody put any thought in how their  
actions might affect others?"

You are misunderstood my position. I think about how my behavior will affect  
other people.
Just look at it from a different point of view. All countries have problems.  
My country have a lot of  problems too.
Why I should caring about problems of YOUR country? Especially because you  
have a much higher standard of living than I am.
It`s not envy. This simply means that your country has been much more  
succesful in competing with other countries.

This means that your Society has enough power to solve their own problems.
It`s like asking a weak person to help strongman.

The only way to change my mind, prove that the "software patents" is also my  
problem and you really need my help.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I hear the term "free software" less and less these days

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893

"Free software is software that liberates users, isn`t it?"

I prefer copyleft to permissive licences, but I always think about copyleft  
licences as less liberal. And it is good in this case.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I hear the term "free software" less and less these days

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893
I think really reason not only in ambiguity, but in word "freedom", in  
definition of freedom.

For example, I respect Richard Stallman. But when I hear all this talks about  
"freedom", blah-blah-blah, I want to pinch my


Word "freedom" has a very vague definition. Different people can understand  
it in very different(sometimes even opposite) ways. Because of this,  
"freedom" is a favorite word of demagogues and propagandists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893

"help me directly because it creates critical mass towards their cause".

I think it is very strange method to solve the problem.
For example, if onpon4 have problem with software patents, this is because  
Society of his/her country decided to use software patents. It mean, that USA  
have a lot of people, who belive in usefulness or innocence of software  

And instead of attempting to change mind of people inside USA, s/he trying to  
enlist people from countries that do not have software patents. It is just  
stupid and even dangerous. Society of USA powerful and rich, it not allow any  
pressure from people from other countries.

And what usually happen when people of different countries strongly disagree?  
Yes, a war.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-07 Thread aaz893

"If one million ants would confront you, you would not have chance."

Yes. But it is very different case. In this case it will be most likely war  
between anthills. And some anthills have nuclear weapon.

[Trisquel-users] What difference between main forum and "the troll hole"?

2013-05-08 Thread aaz893


Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-08 Thread aaz893
"I think it was a court ruling that decided that software ideas can be  
Maybe. But even in this case, it was approved by the Society. Who gave judges  
power to make this decision?
The Society. And if judges really will go against interest of the Society,  
they would be fired. Or even worse, there will be the revolution, bloody and  

"any programmer who is rational is against it"
Maybe. But how about businessmen and lawers? They may not agree with you.

"You think it`s limited to the U.S.?"
Of course not!

"not disrupt our efforts to fix the problem"
But why you don`t deleted browsers that support patented formats, like Uzbl,  
xxxterm, etc?

"If that doesn`t work, use another free browser that does support MP3"
Yes, I just do it with xxxterm. Anyway, I just wanted to listen Yandex Music.

"and still more countries have pressure on them to have software patents".
First you have to prove, that there is more beneficial alternatives of  
software patents for a society.

Maybe it is bad only from the point of view of programmers and geeks?

Re: [Trisquel-users] I hear the term "free software" less and less these days

2013-05-08 Thread aaz893

Yes, free software well defined. But not most important word, FREEDOM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-09 Thread aaz893
Just imagine dominoes standing in a row. The Society push first domino and  
started a chain reaction. If something will go wrong, then the Society may  
remove "bad" dominoes and stop chain reaction. Regardless of the length of  
the chain. But if the chain reaction continues, it means that the Society  
thinks "all right".

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-09 Thread aaz893

But how about royalty-free patents?

[Trisquel-users] Are we need to remove software, that support patented formats?

2013-05-09 Thread aaz893
If add support of mp3 in firefox is bad idea because of software patents,  
then it will be logical to remove software, that already have support of  
patented formats.

Or I don't  understand something?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How enable mp3 support in html5 for Abrowser?

2013-05-10 Thread aaz893

Why? Are you think my country will be "infected"?

I think if software patents really such bad thing for the Society, then  
countries without software patents will be have significant competitive  

If your society go mad and saw off the bough on which it is sitting, then it  
is not concern of software_patent-free societies. It is beneficial for  
software_patent-free societies. Because it would weaken powerful competitors,  
like USA.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-10 Thread aaz893
Version for Windows is REQUIREMENT. Twinkle absolutely useless 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-10 Thread aaz893

"Your friends don`t need to use the same programm"

I know it. Installing the same software simplifies troubleshooting of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-10 Thread aaz893
I know it too. But there are less distinction than between different  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Please, help me get rid of Skype.

2013-05-10 Thread aaz893

I think QuteCom better choice. It is have very Skype-like interface.

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