Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-12 Thread anthk
There is a LLVM NES 6502 converter. Maybe some guy can create a custom Z80  
recompiler for the GB roms translating them into C and SDL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
I'm not talking about a MMORPG, I'm talking about "Bill's PC"==Cloud Storage  
for Pokemon and if you have your own private server, you use your own cloud  
to store your Pokemon. But, yeah, they could make an engine that "just so  
happens to be compatible with Pokemon Roms". Be it with a rom scan or an  
importer that converts the blob assets in the rom to something that's  
compatible with the Free Engine or whatever and I guess you could use that  
engine to make a non-pokemon clone. It could be like a DnD clone. There's  
already a pokemon clone, but it's not free.

Another good idea would be replacement sprites or midi mod for the original  
non-free content.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread onpon4

I know, I was just throwing that out there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
That's pretty awesome! I hope nintendo doesn't descend from them like locust  
and they probably would especially since the assets are in the repo. A better  
free implementation would be if it was ported to C++/SDL2 and it was  
free/contrib where it would point to address points in a rom (ideally ripped  
from a retrode) or a homebrew "Lebrémon" game where you "Gotta free 'em  
all". Instead of "Bill's PC", you could put it on "Red's Private Server"  
because there is no cloud, only somebody else' Computer.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread onpon4
I don't think Nintendo has developed a Pokemon MMORPG, so it would actually  
be very significant if someone were to develop something like that (obviously  
not including any Pokemon characters, but using original monsters) and make  
it libre. I suspect such a game done right, before Nintendo decides of its  
own volition to release a Pokemon MMORPG, could make a huge impact.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread commodore256
Yeah, but there are legal issues with sharing copyright & trademarked content  
content like the music notes, wave tables, images, dialogue, in-game  
scripting, etc. I've looked at the github page and except for the wave  
tables, (of which I couldn't find) it's all in there.

Like I said, a more legal way to do it would to be to design a rom importer  
where it scans the rom for the asset files in that binary blob and converts  
it to something else like a bitmap spritesheet, midi files, wave pcm files  
and lua scripting.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-09 Thread anthk

You already have the decompiled ASM for GB Pokemon ROMs at github.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-07 Thread gnuser
What I meant was, that by emulating a low specs machine, games were already  
made to work on a slow machine. If I would install proprietary games, I could  
run some older games and get decent gaming experiences. But since I don't,  
those roms are good because they are aged (though they aged well).
I know that games are always pushing the limits of the machines they are  
designed to work on, so you sometimes have to take a step back. :)

Hey you guys still playing libre game night? Any non-3d-required games being  

Also, any way to play over Tor?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-07 Thread onpon4
I don't think what you're observing isn't a modern thing. Very few game  
developers ever make games for especially low spec machines specifically (one  
limited case I'm aware of is the OpenPandora, which has quite weak hardware  
even with the proprietary OpenGL ES implementation). Optimizations are made  
either because they're necessary for the mid-range of computers or a  
dedicated "console" being targeted, or because they're obvious or easy  

For example, interesting fact: while Project: Starfighter will work on very  
old hardware, it has virtually no optimization that's more than common sense.  
In fact, for example, it uses a method for updating the screen that the SDL  
documentation specifically warns against because it's inefficient. The reason  
for this is Starfighter is simplistic enough in the way it works that  
performance was never a problem for it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-07 Thread onpon4

> Also, any way to play over Tor?

Games are never properly configured to use Tor, and you wouldn't want to; it  
would cause terrible lag.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-06 Thread gnuser

I know :)
But since the tablet already has blobs installed and can't even function  
without them, i think we could at least make use of it (hoping to one day get  
Replicant gaming machine ^_^).

you mentioned something about "if a computer can play an emulator+rom, it can  
probably play other games with same or better graphics". And I have been  
thinking, the use of emulators+roms for me is a "last resort" solution,  
because I don't want to install proprietary games, AND modern libre games are  
not made thinking about low spec machines. Emulating a machine that already  
had low specs, but the game creators used to maximum potential actually  
allows to play some interesting games that I wouldn't be able to find a  
proper "clone" in the free/libre world to run in my machine.

Does it make sense? :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-05 Thread zwiebel444
I would like to make a game like wii fit or eyetoy kinetic and they would  
profit from that. DDR (Dance Dance Revelution) (i dont remember the free  
software "Clone") is also a good sample.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-05 Thread tomlukeywood

did you try changing the graphics settings to get better performance?

also you could sell your current laptop and buy another with a GPU that works  
well with trisquel the thinkpad X60 runs mupen64plus very well and it also  
runs DeSmuME

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-05 Thread onpon4
Personally, I would never volunteer time to add motion controls to a game.  
Not because I'm against it, but because I think it's a waste of time. Motion  
controls were nothing more than a fad, really, and you have to be able to  
fall back to the more precise keyboard and mouse, anyway (not everyone has a  
Wii controller).

I suspect a lot of other game developers probably feel the same way. So  
there's a good chance you'll have to add the feature yourself if you really  
want it there.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-05 Thread gnuser
I have tried messing around with the settings, but got nothing good. I mean,  
it runs well in 320x240, which is fine by me, but I can't even stretch that  
over the entire screen. If I use higher resolutions or just "stretch" a low  
resolution over the entire screen, it starts lagging.

On the happy side, I discovered some really nice 3d games on Game Boy  
Advance. I never played or gave any interest to that console, but discovered  
that there are some fun games. And, because it doesn't demand too much CPU,  
my computer can play it very well.
I have been using the "super eagle" filter, though I have read about a hq8x  
filter that apparently makes GBA games almost HD. Too bad I can't find any  
way to install/compile it for GNU/Linux.

As for the suggestion... thanks, but in my country is not easy to sell this  
pc and get a new one. Not when I am broke :(

However, I might give it a go when things get better :)

Another possible "solution" is to try to use an  Android Tablet my gf has  
around and get it to run some games (emulators or not). F-Droid has some  
free/libre games for android :) I think the tablet might be able to run hdmi  
out :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-05 Thread onpon4
You can pretty much guarantee that this tablet is far less capable than your  
laptop without the proprietary video driver or OpenGL ES implementation it  
probably has. It also doesn't help that Android is actually a very heavy  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread onpon4

I keep a list of multiplayer games I have installed. This is my current list:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread gnuser
Ok so in my journey to be able to play some 3d karts game, I have tried the  
following emulators:

snes, super mario kart;
gba, super mario kart;
nintendo ds, super mario kart;
nintendo 64, super mario kart;

the firt two play nicely, no matter what options i choose, but the graphics  
are kinda... meeh. Of course, that is to be expected. The gba actually have  
nice graphics problem is when I want to play full screen at a much bigger  
resolution than it was originally intended for :P And the snes games are  
always enjoyable :)
The last two are too demanding on my machine, considering the fact that I  
don't have graphics card with 3d acceleration to help it.

I suppose I will have to stick to what works, which is snes :(
I will also try to check some free/libre 2d games in the repos (or not in the  
repos but 2d games). I want to play some "fun" games with my gf, and she  
isn't very into "real gaming". It's more a way to play some fun games, have  
some laughs, a little healthy competition, maybe organize a gaming night with  
some friends... just that :)

Any help/suggestions?


Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread gnuser
The config file you mentioned is what, the config for mupen64 that require  
less from the computer? I am having difficulty finding what settings I should  
use to have the best performance (even if at the cost of some quality and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread gnuser

Thanks! I took a look and maybe there is something that might help :)
After a short talk with her, she used to enjoy (with some family members)  
games like Call of Duty, some racing cars games, and of course Wii games  
(which unfortunately I can't even find anything that compares).

So... yeah, though luck :-/

As it seems, my PC can't handle emulating n64 or any other "3d" machine. And  
I don't want to force her (and a few friends) to play ugly looking games in a  
Full HD tv :(

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread gnuser

Thank you both.

I will try the GUI suggested :)

I have mentioned in another thread that I love SuperTuxKart :D but  
unfortunately my PC can't run that game (no 3d graphics) :(
So, my thought was that maybe my CPU could handle emulating the N64 and I  
could play the Super Mario Kart game. I know it's not perfect, but better  
than nothing (and certainly better than spending money buying a console that  
would require me to spend money buying games, all that money going to  
companies that don't give a s*** about me or my principles).

What config file you mean? Isn't it enough to download the rom file and run  
it in an emulator?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread anthk
Not sure if this computing as non-free games, but as they are dumped ROM  
boards, who knows.

CuteMupen worked long ago, don't know if is still alive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-04 Thread tomlukeywood

i reccomend using M64PY as it gives you a GUI

then it will be easy to configure to graphics settings to try and improve  
performance by selecting

setting -> plugins -> video -> configure

[Trisquel-users] Make Mupen64 work faster

2015-11-03 Thread gnuser


I have tried installing Mupen64 to play some old N64 games. However, it works  
very slowly, kinda like sound always stuttering and video moving at a choppy  
fps. I THINK it is because it is using OpenGL for the graphics, which is  
probably not a good idea with me having a ATI graphics card (no blobs  
installed). Is there anything I can do to improve it? Maybe some other  
emulator? Thanks!