Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread JLIST
It looks like HttpTst User-Agent header is triggering
the firewall on the web server. Use another User-Agent string,
it will go through.

> Hey, 
> I got a strange problem, I am downloading (XML) news from
> different website, and it all was working for a long time. But now
> it won't download anymore from reouters
> (
> First I thought it was a bug in my program, but then I test the
> ICS own example program "HttpTst (BCB6)" and same problem there. It
> starting the download, but never get any data, only the head, then
> the timeout break the connection. It works fine in firefox or
> explorer, even a program call XMLSpy download it all. Anyone has an
> idea, I don't want to replace ICS with another tools, so I was
> hopping there is a solution. 
> Thanks 
> Satto 

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Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread Francois PIETTE
> Maybe a temperary bug in the server using ICS/BCB6 and using
> HTTP/1.0, i  also getting the page now.

This happend quite frequently: at server side, there are scripts, the script 
sometimes use header lines found in the HTTP request sent by the client. The 
script developper test his script with IE and FF and then some user like you 
is using something else which doesn't send the exact same header lines, then 
the script crashes, then the developper see his log files and then fix the 
script, and suddently it works again for the client...

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Francois PIETTE
> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow.

Pay attention to progress bar or similar GUI gadget. If not programmed 
correctly, they could slow down transfer a lot.
Also, try running the FTP component in a worker thread, maybe with a 
priority set to something higher than the main trhread. Having a separate 
thread make the GUI not interfere with the transfer. If you code update the 
GUI and you use a thread, pay attention on how you do it. Avoid Synchronize 
as it defeat multithreading. Have you thread update a variable and have the 
main thread read that variable, using a critical section to avoid 
contention. Do not poll that variable too fast, use a TTimer to check it 
once a second for example.

If you have a really fast network, disk speed may be the limiting factor. 
See the FTP component source and change it so that the files are read using 
much larger buffer. See Arno's message.

You may also enlarge winsock buffer and use larger buffer in twsocket used 
for data channel.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread Ko Brink
Maybe a temperary bug in the server using ICS/BCB6 and using HTTP/1.0, i  
also getting the page now.

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:41:13 +0100, DZ-Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ko Brink wrote:
>> I tested it and got some wierd binary data returned.
>> but when i set the request version to 1.1 i get the page.
>> so try to set httpcli->RequestVer = "1.1";
> I just tried a request with using HTTP/1.0 (a manual request, not using
> ICS), and I received the XML page.  I doubt that this is the problem.
>   dZ.

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Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread DZ-Jay
Ko Brink wrote:
> I tested it and got some wierd binary data returned.
> but when i set the request version to 1.1 i get the page.
> so try to set httpcli->RequestVer = "1.1";

I just tried a request with using HTTP/1.0 (a manual request, not using 
ICS), and I received the XML page.  I doubt that this is the problem.

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Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread Ko Brink
I tested it and got some wierd binary data returned.
but when i set the request version to 1.1 i get the page.
so try to set httpcli->RequestVer = "1.1";

On Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:07:47 +0100, Steen Börlum  

> Hey,
> I got a strange problem, I am downloading (XML) news from different  
> website, and it all was working for a long time. But now it won't  
> download anymore from reouters  
> (
> First I thought it was a bug in my program, but then I test the ICS own  
> example program "HttpTst (BCB6)" and same problem there. It starting the  
> download, but never get any data, only the head, then the timeout break  
> the connection. It works fine in firefox or explorer, even a program  
> call XMLSpy download it all. Anyone has an idea, I don't want to replace  
> ICS with another tools, so I was hopping there is a solution.
> Thanks
> Satto
> _
> Trött på krångliga mejladresser? Skaffa en här!

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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Tobias Rapp
Fias Norbert István wrote:
> The problem is that Indy sends a large amount TCP segments as the
> received window increasing and as no drop occured while ICS FTP
> client does not increase the number of sent segments, so the
> unacknowledged amount of bytes is not increasing.

I have experienced similar issues when comparing ICS and Indy 
components. The problem decreased when setting the BufSize property of 
tWSocket to values between 256k and 1M.

Maybe the FTP client of ICS is can be changed to use a larger BufSize 
values by default (as Indy does, I suppose).


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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Arno Garrels
> I increased the send buffer to 40k. Of course it works only during
> active connections. it does not help.

Have you tried to increase BLOCK_SIZE of the DataSocket and 
BufSize (in TCustomWSocket.Create) of TWsocket's internal send buffer?
They both are set to 1460 by default . Means  a file is read in chunks of 
BLOCK_SIZE and  BufSize is the maximum amout of data being sent in a
single call to socket send().
I think they should be set to a multiple of the optimal MTU value - 28 
(protocol data),
and lower than the socket send buffer size (default = 4096).
The default MTU value of 1500 is often to high in most environments, 
I use MTU 1492, however wireless may require even a lower value. 
> No, there is no FW. As I said with a different component on the same
> PC using same connection and same server I do not experience the
> problem.  

I don't know how the INDY components work, however they will most likely
send the files differently, and they use blocking winsock API which may 
require different parameters?
Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Fias Norbert István wrote:
> No, there is no FW. As I said with a different component on the same
> PC using same connection and same server I do not experience the
> problem.  
> The problem is that Indy sends a large amount TCP segments as the
> received window increasing and as no drop occured while ICS FTP
> client does not increase the number of sent segments, so the
> unacknowledged amount of bytes is not increasing.   
> I am using mobile network - HSDPA - RTT is much higher than in a LAN
> environment. That's why I thought that if I increase the send buffer
> that could help. I tried the following just for test:  
> In procedure TCustomFtpCli.DataSocketPutSessionAvailable
> //original lines
> OptLen := SizeOf(SndBufSize);
> if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
>   @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then
> begin 
> HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
> Exit;
> end;
> //original ends
> //added these lines
> msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);
> if Assigned(FOnDisplay) then FOnDisplay(self, msg);
> SndBufSize := 8192 * 5;
> if (SetSockOpt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF,
> @SndBufSize, optlen) <> NO_ERROR) 
> then begin
> HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
> Exit;
> end;
> if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
>   @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then
> begin 
> HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
> Exit;
> end;
>  msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);
> //addition ends
> I increased the send buffer to 40k. Of course it works only during
> active connections. it does not help. 
> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels 
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:16 PM
> To: ICS support mailing
> Subject: Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem
> I once tested uploading a 2 GB file at 44 Mbits/s in a 100 Mbit/s LAN.
> Write ahead cache was disabled at the Server's HDD  and the
> the disk seemed rather busy, the HDD was probably the bottleneck
> that avoided higher speeds.
> Make sure you do not have any anti-virus software or a personal
> Firewall running, customers frequently reported that upload speed
> increased heavily when they killed their background protection.
> --
> Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> Fias Norbert István wrote:
>> Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he
>> archieves, buti t can be I missed something.
>> I have the following problem
>> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that
>> the client does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is
>> waiting for the previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers
>> ide is big enough. No bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem
>> related to winsock, or can I do anything againts? Can I increase the
>> send buffer size of the data socket?
>> I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine,
>> same connection, same server.
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Norbert
>> Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
>> Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
>> Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
>> Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt
>> Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
>> Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
>> Commercial register: The Company was registered
>> on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of

Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread Steen Börlum

V6, I don't know how to install that one, it says is only for Delphi 7 and up, 
and I run BCB6.
Is there a other web site than where I can locate V6 for 
Står karriären still? Låt någon annan hitta drömjobbet åt dig!
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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Fias Norbert István
No, there is no FW. As I said with a different component on the same PC using 
same connection and same server I do not experience the problem.

The problem is that Indy sends a large amount TCP segments as the received 
window increasing and as no drop occured while ICS FTP client does not increase 
the number of sent segments, so the unacknowledged amount of bytes is not 

I am using mobile network - HSDPA - RTT is much higher than in a LAN 
environment. That's why I thought that if I increase the send buffer that could 
help. I tried the following just for test:

In procedure TCustomFtpCli.DataSocketPutSessionAvailable

//original lines
OptLen := SizeOf(SndBufSize);
if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
  @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then begin
HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');
//original ends

//added these lines
msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);

if Assigned(FOnDisplay) then FOnDisplay(self, msg);

SndBufSize := 8192 * 5;

if (SetSockOpt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, @SndBufSize, 
optlen) <> NO_ERROR)
then begin
HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');

if WSocket_getsockopt(FDataSocket.HSocket, SOL_SOCKET,
  @SndBufSize, OptLen) = SOCKET_ERROR then begin
HandleError('winsock.getsockopt(SO_SNDBUF) failed');

 msg := Format('Send buffer Size> %d', [SndBufSize]);
//addition ends

I increased the send buffer to 40k. Of course it works only during active 
connections. it does not help.

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Arno Garrels
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2008 12:16 PM
To: ICS support mailing
Subject: Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

I once tested uploading a 2 GB file at 44 Mbits/s in a 100 Mbit/s LAN.
Write ahead cache was disabled at the Server's HDD  and the
the disk seemed rather busy, the HDD was probably the bottleneck
that avoided higher speeds.

Make sure you do not have any anti-virus software or a personal
Firewall running, customers frequently reported that upload speed
increased heavily when they killed their background protection.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]

Fias Norbert István wrote:
> Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he
> archieves, buti t can be I missed something.
> I have the following problem
> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that
> the client does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is
> waiting for the previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers
> ide is big enough. No bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem
> related to winsock, or can I do anything againts? Can I increase the
> send buffer size of the data socket?
> I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine,
> same connection, same server.
> Thanks in advance,
> Norbert
> Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
> Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
> Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt
> Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
> Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Commercial register: The Company was registered
> on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of Registration
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Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt

Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
Commercial register: The Company was registered
on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of Registration
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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Arno Garrels
I once tested uploading a 2 GB file at 44 Mbits/s in a 100 Mbit/s LAN.
Write ahead cache was disabled at the Server's HDD  and the
the disk seemed rather busy, the HDD was probably the bottleneck
that avoided higher speeds.

Make sure you do not have any anti-virus software or a personal
Firewall running, customers frequently reported that upload speed
increased heavily when they killed their background protection.

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]


Fias Norbert István wrote:
> Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he
> archieves, buti t can be I missed something. 
> I have the following problem
> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that
> the client does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is
> waiting for the previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers
> ide is big enough. No bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem
> related to winsock, or can I do anything againts? Can I increase the
> send buffer size of the data socket? 
> I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine,
> same connection, same server. 
> Thanks in advance,
> Norbert
> Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
> Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
> Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt
> Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
> Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Commercial register: The Company was registered
> on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of Registration
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Re: [twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Fastream Technologies

I think increasing the buffer size to 16kB would solve the issue.



On 2/27/08, Fias Norbert István <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he
> archieves, buti t can be I missed something.
> I have the following problem
> In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that the
> client does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is waiting for
> the previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers ide is big enough.
> No bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem related to winsock, or can
> I do anything againts? Can I increase the send buffer size of the data
> socket?
> I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine, same
> connection, same server.
> Thanks in advance,
> Norbert
> Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
> Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
> Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt
> Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
> Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
> Commercial register: The Company was registered
> on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of Registration
> --
> To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list
> please goto
> Visit our website at
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[twsocket] FTPClient Put problem

2008-02-27 Thread Fias Norbert István
Honestly I did not find the answer for my following question int he archieves, 
buti t can be I missed something.

I have the following problem
In case of upload with FTPClient the upload is slow. It seems that the client 
does not send enough fast the TCP segments. I mean it is waiting for the 
previous ACK. The receive window size ont he servers ide is big enough. No 
bandwidth limit int he client. Is this problem related to winsock, or can I do 
anything againts? Can I increase the send buffer size of the data socket?

I do not experience the problem with Indy FTP client / same machine, same 
connection, same server.

Thanks in advance,

Magyar Telekom Távközlési Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság
Székhely: 1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
Cégjegyzékszám: bejegyezve a Fővárosi Bíróság mint
Cégbíróságon Cg. 01-10-041928 szám alatt

Magyar Telekom Telecommunications Public Limited Company
Registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
Commercial register: The Company was registered
on number 01-10-041928 by the Municipal Court as Court of Registration
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Re: [twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread Fastream Technologies
Why don't you try with v6?



On 2/27/08, Steen Börlum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey,
> I got a strange problem, I am downloading (XML) news from different
> website, and it all was working for a long time. But now it won't download
> anymore from reouters (
> First I thought it was a bug in my program, but then I test the ICS own
> example program "HttpTst (BCB6)" and same problem there. It starting the
> download, but never get any data, only the head, then the timeout break the
> connection. It works fine in firefox or explorer, even a program call XMLSpy
> download it all. Anyone has an idea, I don't want to replace ICS with
> another tools, so I was hopping there is a solution.
> Thanks
> Satto
> _
> Trött på krångliga mejladresser? Skaffa en här!
> --
> To unsubscribe or change your settings for TWSocket mailing list
> please goto
> Visit our website at
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[twsocket] ICS won't work anymore...

2008-02-27 Thread Steen Börlum

I got a strange problem, I am downloading (XML) news from different website, 
and it all was working for a long time. But now it won't download anymore from 
reouters (
First I thought it was a bug in my program, but then I test the ICS own example 
program "HttpTst (BCB6)" and same problem there. It starting the download, but 
never get any data, only the head, then the timeout break the connection. It 
works fine in firefox or explorer, even a program call XMLSpy download it all. 
Anyone has an idea, I don't want to replace ICS with another tools, so I was 
hopping there is a solution. 
Trött på krångliga mejladresser? Skaffa en här!
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