Re: [twsocket] Nagios like communication

2014-06-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> The linchpin of all this is, that the program itself is up and 
> running, doesn't hang and that it can
> still response. Otherwise, days can go by and no data is recorded.

I hope your application is already a Windows service, you can then make use of
the various service restart options if it stops. 

These options do not handle lock-ups, so you really need a second Windows
service sending messages to the first, and using various methods to crash and
restart it if there is no response, maybe also checking a shared file or
registry key to make sure the first program is working.  

> So my idea was to have a little watchdog (to be programmed) running 
> on a server which regularly connects to all of the clients to get a
> response that all is well. 

Several years ago I had a large project with PCs running on road vehicles,
which is a horrible environment, power surges, heat and vibration.  I had three
'vehicle activity servers' using TWSocketServer which the remote vehicles
contacted via wifi (and later 3G) every five minutes, which updated a SQL
database, reported on web pages.  

I designed a simple TCP/IP ASCII protocol that ended up with about 50 different
commands each way, returning status information like fan speeds and CPU
temperatures so we knew when the PCs were about to die (50% of CPU fans died
within a year).  

Some of this you can do with off the shelf software, I sell an application
ComCap that accepts UDP and TCP messages, and will email based on content or
when they stop, and I use it myself so I know when my remote hosted servers
goes off-line.  

Nagios is probably similar, but much more specialised than ComCap, but I've no
idea what sort of input streams it expects. 


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Re: [twsocket] Openssl-1.0.1g

2014-06-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Is it possible to get ICS working with 1.0.1h?

Yes, but maybe not immediately, it needs someone to compile the DLLs so they
don't need any external run time libraries, any volunteers (I don't understand


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[twsocket] Future improvements for HTTP components?

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
This message is intended to start a dialog about future improvements to ICS
components for Windows, in particular the HTTP client and server components
where the world is moving ahead of us. 

Currently, new features tend to get added as needed by the main ICS developers
for specific projects, for instance I've added cookie and better MIME support
recently for my own projects.  Other users have customised ICS components for
their own purposes, sometimes submitting them as 'usermade' back to ICS,
sometimes making them public in other ways.  

So the first question here is are new features needed for future Delphi
projects using ICS, and if so what, in which order of priority? 

The next question is has someone done this work already, and are they prepared
to donate the work to ICS for others to share?  

Finally, all this new stuff has to integrated and tested with the existing ICS
code, which can be time consuming on it's own, so who can help?  Usually that
is those benefiting from the improvements?

Specifically, for the HTTP client and server components:

1 - Support all the current requests, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, TRACE, OPTIONS and
CONNECT, optionally. 

2 - Support OAuth and/or OpenID authentication.  

3 - Support Web sockets (not really HTTP), already done by Stan Korotky at


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Re: [twsocket] Nagios like communication

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> which component can be used as client to talk to the above server 
> component.
> Building an http server into my program sounds good but is way too 
> much for what I need.

Look at free Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component at:

which is a high level TCP/IP and UDP/IP, server and client, all in a single
component, that can be dropped on a form and only needs a couple of events to
send and receive lines of data.  

There is an EXE demo in the zip.  It handles all the boring error handling,
connection and disconnection events, retries on failure, etc, so you just
program your own protocol. 

I've just finished a new version supporting SSL and IPv6, not on the web site


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Re: [twsocket] Future improvements for HTTP components?

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> basic http server that handles requests but process them on 
> different and configurable number of threads. Anyone?

Have you looked at the existing threaded components and demos: 

OverbyteIcsWSocketTS.pas - Winsock component for building multithreaded servers

OverbyteIcsThrdSrv.dpr - Basic multithreaded TCP server, banner sent in main

OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV2.dpr - Basic multithreaded TCP server, banner sent in
worker thread

OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV3.dpr - Basic TCP server showing how to use

Effectively, the existing HTTP server component needs OverbyteIcsWSocketS.pas
replacing with OverbyteIcsWSocketTS.pas.

I might look at this in a few months, since my own web server is currently
blocking for a few milliseconds while SQL requests complete, but no-one has
ever complained.  


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Re: [twsocket] Nagios like communication

2014-06-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> So, if I want to make the conversation back and forth like asking 
> for a status and waiting for a
> reply, I would need two instances of the component to handle both 
> directions of the communication?

No, once a connection is made you have two-way communication, use the
SendLogLine method to send a line and anything received arrives in the

But you can have as many instances of the component as you need, using
different IP addresses and ports. 

Note this is really designed for line based protocols, it buffers a line at a
time.  I may add streaming in the future, but don't need it for any of my own
applications, yet.


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Re: [twsocket] file size in tftpclient server

2014-06-26 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> how to get the size of the file will be downloaded from the ftp 
> server to make a progressbar in onProgress event?

There are several ways of finding the size of a file, depending on which
commands the FTP server supports.  The easiest is MLST which gets size and time
stamp for a single file, if not try MDTM which is similar, next LIST with a
file name argument may return a single file, but not on all servers, so finally
you LIST the whole directory and find the single file you care about, after
parsing the directory listing, that maybe in several different formats.  

The much faster way is download the free Magenta Systems File Transfer

and use the TMagFtp component which is a high level FTP component hiding all
the differences between FTP servers from you, and allowing you to download or
uploaded hundreds of files, including sub-directories, with a single command.  

There is a single function that does exactly what you need:

function TMagFtp.FtpCheckFile (const RemDir, RemFile: string ; var FSize: Int64;
var FileUDT: TDateTime): boolean;

and another that will download a single file, providing a progress event with
percentage done and estimating time left to complete. 

function TMagFtp.FtpDownOneFile (const FdirSrc, Fnamesrc, Fnametar: string ;
Replopt: TFileCopyRepl) : TTaskResult ;

When downloading multiple files, the progress event gives details for both the
current file and the whole job. 


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Re: [twsocket] file size in tftpclient server

2014-06-27 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I could not install more in Delphi XE6, seem to only have to XE4
> version

It only takes a few seconds to update the XE4 package to XE5 or XE6.
I only have time to update my free components about once a year. 


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Re: [twsocket] Openssl-1.0.1g

2014-07-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Is it possible to get ICS working with 1.0.1h?

The overnight ICS v8 zip has been updated to allow OpenSSL 1.0.1h
to be used. 

However, we still don't have our own compiled OpenSSL DLLs, instead I have
tested it briefly with the Win32 DLLs from:

Note these come with a Windows installer, and need Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
restributables installed before the installer will run.  

If you distribute these new OpenSSL DLLs with your own applications, you need
to ensure the Microsoft runtimes are installed as well. That is why Arno has
previously compiled our own versions that have no dependencies, but he's unable
to work on ICS at the moment. 

Maybe such DLLs are available elsewhere, not really looked. 


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[twsocket] Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component

2014-07-08 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Version 2.0 of the Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component may now be freely
downloaded from:

Version 2.0 adds IPv6 and SSL support including certificate checking
using a PEM bundle file or Windows Certificate Store, adds host name
support for clients and adds sending a stream of unlimited length. 

The component needs ICS v8 dated April 2014 or later installed. 


TMagIpLog is designed for IP stream logging, using TCP Client, TCP Server, UDP
Client or UDP Server protocols, sending simple text lines across a network so
they may be displayed or written to disk remotely. The component allows two way
communication with TCP and UDP, so may also be used for simple protocols such
as communication between two applications. The component supports multiple
client sockets so may be used to send data to two or more different remote
servers at the same time. For TCP and UDP clients, the component will
optionally ping the remote computer first before opening an IP connection to
allow faster failure retries and some confirmation that UDP may work. TCP
client provides repeated connection retry attempts, including re-establishing a
lost connection. UDP client will optionally keep pinging the remote during a
connection to ensure it's still there. UDP server sends data to the IP address
and port from which it last received data. TCP server supports multiple remote
clients connecting. Received data is parsed for various line endings optionally
removing control characters and triggering an event for a received line. The
only other two events are optional, one for state changed when starting and
stopping, the second offering progress information and errors.  The component
supports both IPv4 and IPv6, host name lookup for TCP and UDP Client, and SSL
connections for TCP Client and TCP Server, including remote server certificate
checking using either a local PEM bundle root file or the Windows Certificate

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Re: [twsocket] THTTPCli and 307 or 308 redirects with non GET methods

2014-07-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Not easy to get it from the RFCs or from the online discussions, 

Can we please make a final decision if further redirect changes are needed now,
just doing other updates. 


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1h binaries available

2014-07-14 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Thanks to RTT  for recompiling the OpenSSL 1.0.1h binaries so
there are no external dependencies with Microsoft runtime libraries. 1.0.1h
contains more security fixes, but none as urgent as 

These need to be used with the latest ICS v8 from the SVN, which has been
updated to support both 1.0.1g and 1.0.1h. I've rebuilt all my ICS client and
server SSL applications for 1.0.1h and all have been running OK since last week,
also I've tested the 64-bit binaries with the ICS sample web client and server

Unfortunately, the DNS records for seem to have been temporarily
lost so neither of the ICS web sites has been available since last Friday, and
I've been unable to upload the new SSL files.

Meanwhile, the ICS nightly zips and SSL binaries can be downloaded from the ICS
component page at my web site:

and the SVN repository is available at: 

svn:// or

Note this is a permanent URL for the SVN repository. 


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[twsocket] ICS web client and server new features

2014-07-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
I've updated SVN with improvements to the ICS web client and server to support
all current HTTP methods, specifically for support of RESTful servers.

The DNS records are still broken, so downloads are from:


Jul 16, 2014 V8.09 Angus
Added new methods: OPTIONS and TRACE
Published RequestType for events


Jul 17 2014 V8.08 Angus
Added HTTP/1.1 methods OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, PATCH and CONNECT, all need
to be optionally enabled
OPTIONS and TRACE are handled by this component
PUT and POST need to be handled similarly to POST with an upload
DELETE is handled similarly to GET
CONNECT is really for Proxy Servers and ignored here for now
Added ServerHeader property optionally sent if hoSendServerHdr
Added RequestMethod property for client of THttpMethod
Added RequestUpgrade property for client, websoocket is protocol should be

The web client changes are minor, the main RESTful methods were there already,
added two missing diagnostic methods.  The sample however was 
missing some methods and is now complete. 

The web server needed many more methods adding, none are enabled by default.
The Options property defines which new methods are allowed. 

It would be nice for add a REST demo page to web server demo, if anyone has any
ideas please comment here. 


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Re: [twsocket] ICS web client and server new features

2014-07-18 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
The nightly zips at:

have now been correctly updated with the latest ICS v8 changes.

Due to the DNS failure the nightly job was not checking out the
latest version from the repository so the older version was being zipped
nightly instead. 


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1h binaries available

2014-07-25 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> loaded the ICS site today and saw it empty.. thought maybe it had
> been hacked, then rushed here to check the mailing list. I run a
> small hosting server since around a decade  with a few local
> clients and my own sites, if you need a temporary account 
> with some space 

Thanks, hosting is not an issue, I have hosted Windows servers where the SVN
has always resided. I also host test ICS FTP and HTTP servers. 

The hosting company for has become non-responsive, not answering
any support queries, and they control the domain.  François 
is trying to get control of it again, but it may take some weeks.


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1h binaries available

2014-07-28 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Back to topic, some people have been reporting issues with these 
> new DLLs  (1.0.1h), they get a message like libeay32 was not
> created to run on Windows or something of that sort. 

You need to report exactly what error message on which operating system. Then
get them to try 1.0.1g and see if that works any better. 
You could also ask then to try the Win32 binaries from the OpenSSL web site
that use Microsoft runtimes. 

I've got 32-bit SSL applications running with them on all the major supported
OSs, but did only test 64-bit briefly. 


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Re: [twsocket] Handle Leak

2014-07-30 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I'm using the Version 8 'Gold' build of the ICS components with 
> Delphi XE2 and I'm seeing some strange handle leaks.  Note that I'm 
> not using SSL.
> I've run the application for 48 hours, and have confirmed there are 
> absolutely no memory leaks (memory usage is stable), but the 
> working set keeps growing.  After running Process Explorer and 
> logging handle counts  I've managed to narrow down the leak to 
> Access Token handles.

I run several ICS applications for up to a month at time on multiple PCs and
servers, often only restarting for Windows Updates, and I've not seen any
handle or memory leaks.  

There is a major handle leak in some releases of Microsoft ADO using
asynchronous calls to access databases, fixed a couple of years ago, one of my
applications ending up using 500,000 handles. 

Which specific ICS components are you using, and how many handles are leaked
per hour?  Or is it per connection or something? 

My understanding is access token handles relate to the security context of a
process or thread, and ICS essentially does not use threads or create any


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Re: [twsocket] Set Connection Header with HttpAppServer

2014-07-30 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> is it possible to set the returning header from an HttpAppServer to 
> close (instead of Keep-Alive)? How can I do this?

You can add any headers you like when calling AnswerPage for TUrlHandler class.


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Re: [twsocket] Set Connection Header with HttpAppServer

2014-07-30 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> yes I know, but if I set the Header manual to close it is set 
> twice?!
> > > is it possible to set the returning header from an 
> > HttpAppServer to
> > > close (instead of Keep-Alive)? How can I do this?

So you are already adding the correct header to close the connection, and your
problem is not how to set headers, but how to stop duplicate headers? 

Example headers might help to explain your real problem. 


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Re: [twsocket] Set Connection Header with HttpAppServer

2014-07-31 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> yes the Header Connection is set twice. Here is my code:

Well yes, but it's not set the same twice. 

The HttpConnection (and UrlHandler) class has a KeepAlive property, if you set
it false before sending the answer, then 'Connection: Close' will be sent


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1h binaries available

2014-08-01 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
The Overbyte web sites have finally returned to life, so the new OpenSSL
binaries are also available on the wiki download page:


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Re: [twsocket] HttpAppServer IP

2014-08-05 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> how can I find out the local IP Adress that is used by the 
> HttpAppServer?

In event BeforeProcessRequest:

SocketServer: TWSocketServer;
ListenItem: TWSocketMultiListenItem;

SocketServer := TWSocketServer ((Sender as THttpServer).WSocketServer);
if SocketServer.MultiListenIndex = -1 then begin
RemoteClient.CServerAddr := SocketServer.GetXAddr ; 
RemoteClient.CServerPort := SocketServer.Port ; 
else begin
ListenItem := SocketServer.MultiListenSockets
[SocketServer.MultiListenIndex] ;
RemoteClient.CServerAddr := ListenItem.Addr ; 
RemoteClient.CServerPort := ListenItem.Port ; 
end ;

If you are not using Multilisten, ignore that code. 


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Re: [twsocket] HttpAppServer IP

2014-08-05 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> is it possible to get these information before a client connect - 
> on server startup? 

Conceptual problem here, you specify the IP addresses the web server listens on,
so you must know what address the server is using.  

The only exception in which means any IP address, when you need to use
the client code to find which address the client choose, which could have been
any of those allocated to the PC.  


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1i binaries available

2014-08-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Thanks to RTT  for recompiling the OpenSSL 1.0.1i binaries so
there are no external dependencies with Microsoft runtime libraries. 

1.0.1i contains even more security fixes, but none as urgent as 1.0.1g.  

These need to be used with the latest ICS v8 from the SVN, which has been
updated to support both 1.0.1g, 1.0.1h and 1.0.1i.

The nightly ICS v8 and OpenSSL binaries may be downloaded from:

Note most users only need to download the 32-bit DLLs, the 64-bit DLLs are only
for use with Delphi applications compiled for the 64-bit platform.  The 32-bit
DLLs work on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows with 32-bit applications. 


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Re: [twsocket] Handle Leak

2014-08-11 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Where can I upload the source code for these two apps so you can 
> compile an run them?

Before we even think about review or testing your code, you need to answer some
of the questions in my last reply, since you've yet to explain what components
you are using. 

It is very rare for us to review code, since ICS is so widely used, tested and
stable. We simply don't have the time. 


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Re: [twsocket] Handle Leak

2014-08-12 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> There are no memory leaks, and no other handle leaks, other than 
> security-context tokens.

To the best of my knowledge, ICS does not use security-context tokens in any
components, except perhaps for NTLM Authentication where I think the security
context gets switched or something, but never looked at that code or used NTLM.

> The Client Sample creates an instance of the THttpCli component for 
> each message sent to the Server Sample, which uses a single 
> THttpServer component.

So you have handles leaking in two separate ICS applications, one using HTTP
client, one using HTTP server?


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Re: [twsocket] Handle Leak

2014-08-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> The problem occurs in both server and client or just in one of them?

He's said the leak occurs in both server and client. 

However he has not stated what version of Windows is being used.  

Server versions are designed to handle more connections than client versions,
and 40 connections a second is not realistic for a client OS.  

This problem could also be related to other software on the PC, a firewall for

There is a rare handle problem in ICS: 

!!! Application Exception Big - Unable to create TIcsWndControl hidden window.
Error #8.

which happens about once a month on my public web server, really impossible to
reproduce without a few hundred thousand hits after three or four weeks, but
this is nothing to do with memory leaks or handle leaks, I track those.  So my
solution is simply to restart the service when it happens and send a warning
email, downtime about two minutes. 


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Re: [twsocket] SSL

2014-08-15 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Will ICS support SChannel native Windows SSL? Then we could no
> longer need OpenSSL.

No, ICS can not use native Windows SSL, only OpenSSL.   

Windows does have something called Secure Channel, aka SChannel, that supports
SSL/TLS, but I can only find some general descriptions about it in MSDN,
nothing specific at an API level. 

It would be a major job of many weeks work to change the SSL support in ICS,
and would needing funding from somewhere.  

All that work would be wasted for cross platform development, OSX, Linux,
mobile, etc, 

If you really want to use Microsoft SSL, use the WinInet HTTP components that
MSIE uses, there are Delphi implementations around.


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[twsocket] OT: Buffer Overflow in VCL Bitmap Processing Code

2014-08-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Because Embarcadero is still trying to get it's forums and newsgroups running
after two weeks downtime, some may have missed a security vulnerability in the
VCL graphics unit processing bitmaps:

The bug needs a two line fix in graphics.pas, in all versions of Delphi.


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[twsocket] ICS available for Delphi XE7

2014-09-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
SVN and the nightly ICS snapshot have been updated with new install projects
and packages for Delphi XE7, which was released this week.

There were no source changes needed to support XE7, just new packages and the
include file.  

Only ICS V8 supports XE4 and later, and only for Delphi Win32, Win64 and OSX
projects, no mobile platforms and no C++.

Embarcadero forums came back online about a week ago, but old messages for
about four weeks from late July were lost during the restore process.  

If you read forums using an NNTP news reader, you may not be getting any new
messages, due to the latest message numbers having gone backwards.  Depending
on your news reader, you may need to redownload all messages in each
group/topic, or resign and rejoin them. 


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> For a current project I need to build an HTTP server to which data 
> can be POSTed, so I build one using OverbyteIcsWebServ.dpr as an 
> example.
> I ran into stability problems, and starting slimming my code down 
> to isolate the problem.

Please try uploading your file to one of my public servers, which uses the ICS
webapp server component, and see if you get the same problem.


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Thanks for the idea, can I upload files from software instead of
> using the webpage?

This is explained when you read the web page.


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> No, I can't reproduce using that URL, I'm not really sure what 
> triggers the situation 

I have seen cases where a bug that shows up during testing on a fast LAN is
never reproduced on real world servers and networks.

Try adding bandwidth limiting to your client to slow down the speed on the LAN.
Set BandwidthLimit to bps, and add HttpoBandwidthControl to Options.

This is an alternate to adding extra delays which is effectively what you are
doing by updating the screen. 

There is probably a race condition somewhere, that has yet to be found.


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> No, I can't reproduce using that URL

You did not succeed in saving any files on the server, because my application
ignores all upload file names with file path delimiters.  It will be a better
test if you strip off the path and just leave the XML file name.  

12:42:59 Request:[id=5398] from
i-bin/FileUpload/books.xml POST 
12:42:59 Received Post Data File, Size 4,550, Content Type: application/binary
12:42:59 Illegal Upload File Name: merijn.test/cgi-bin/FileUpload/books.xml
FileName: merijn.test/cgi-bin/FileUpload/books.xml
Post URL:
>From IP Address:
12:42:59 Request Completed:[id=5398]
(, Result 200, took 0ms, CurRead 4.97 Kbytes, CurWrite 2.35


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Re: [twsocket] issues with POSTing data to ICS HTTP server (reproducible with ICS HTTP server demo)

2014-09-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I've tried a number of times with this url 
> rijn.test
> Can you please confirm if the upload went ok?

> Received Post Data File, Size 4,550, Content Type: application/binary
> FileName: merijn.test/cgi-bin/FileUpload/books.xml

No, my application decodes the received POST data with TFormDataAnalyser, and
that has the longer CGI file name.  

It ignores the URL argument if the HTTP content says multipart/form-data.

It's a couple of years since I worked with this stuff and I don't POST files in
any of my active applications, so I'm a little hazy on why it's there -
possibly to test the form decoding components when someone in this mailing list
was having a problem. 


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Re: [twsocket] Simple Example to receive POST Data with THttpAppServer?

2014-09-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> is there a simple example how to receive and manage POST Data with
> THttpAppServer?

The normal web server sample has all the POST data examples, it's exactly the
same for the application web server which is a descendent with the same events.


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Re: [twsocket] Simple Example to receive POST Data with THttpAppServer?

2014-09-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> yes, I've looked at the example. But if I try to implement this to 
> my application the OnPostedData-Event is never raised. I don't know 
> why :-(.

> Is there a Handler for POST-Data, that I have to register first?

You do need an AddPostHandler page handler for each POST page you need, maybe
as well as a AddGetHandler, and you check Client.Method to see which called it.


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Re: [twsocket] Simple Example to receive POST Data with THttpAppServer?

2014-09-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I've added an AddPostHandler, but I don't know how to grab the POST 
> values. Is it the same like get?:
>   ExtractURLEncodedValue(Params, 'user', user);
>   ExtractURLEncodedValue(Params, 'password', password);

For form data, I save the posted data into a stream and then use the form
analyser decoder.  

MemoryStream.WriteBuffer (Client.PostedData^, Client.PostedDataLen);
MemoryStream.Seek(0, 0);
Decoder := TFormDataAnalyser.Create(nil);
Decoder.OnDisplay := DecoderDisplay;
Decoder.DecodeStream (MemoryStream);

For a simple string, use at Client.PostedData directly. 

Look at the mailer code I added to OverbyteIcsWebAppServerMailer.pas which is
where I should have directed you first. 


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer in depdicated thread

2014-09-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I'm trying to make TWSocketServer pworking in a separate thread

Why not start with TWSocketThrdServer? 

Look at the sample OverbyteIcsThrdSrvV3.dpr which uses it. 


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer in depdicated thread

2014-09-11 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
>  However the question is: why events 
> are not raised in case of moving TWSocketServer out of main 
> application thread? 

Because you need a message handler in the thread.  There are lots of samples
that show how to use threads. 


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[twsocket] Testing mailing list

2014-09-24 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Not seen a new message here for two weeks, and had a report posts are not
working, see if this message appears.


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Re: [twsocket] (no subject)

2014-09-26 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Download the "traceroute samples" from

Those usermade samples are all outdated.  

The ICS V8 ping component now has threaded ping, and the
OverbyteIcsPingTst sample has a trace route demo. 


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Re: [twsocket] Problem with Webserver Session

2014-10-01 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I try to implement a Session to my Webserver like in the Wiki, but
> ValidateSession always returns a wrong value. The application is
> implemented as a Service. What could be wrong?

Sessions needs cookies, are sure the server is sending a session cookie for a
new session and the client is returning it correctly?

I use ValidateSession (true or false), don't know what value you expect, to
create a new session or re-use an old session.  But I also pass session ID in
the URLs, so maybe it's not working.


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Re: [twsocket] Problem with Webserver Session

2014-10-01 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I think there is something wrong with setting/recognizing the 
> session cookie because every time I execute the function above a new 
> session will be generated. I got another ICS web server app running
> and there a cookie is set correctly. In this app the cookie is not
> set and I don't know why:

I don't have logging in my web application at that point, so don't know if it
works correctly, just know the application itself does what I expect. 

Never looked at the web session code, you'll need try debug it to see where
things go wrong, although checking where the cookie gets lost is much quicker.


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP server not receiving data from PUT requests - bug report & fix

2014-10-01 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I've  noticed  that HTTP server (OverbyteIcsHttpSrv) is not 
> processing PUT requests correctly. PUT requests can have data
> attached (just like POST) but this data never makes it to the
> program because OnPostedData is never called.

Thanks, will update SVN, but not this week. 


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Re: [twsocket] Problem with Webserver Session

2014-10-01 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> is there example code where I can see the Session handling via URL 
> and SessionID?

The only sample code using web sessions is the web application server, 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I am playing with the OverbyteIcsSslMailSend project (from Ver 7) 
> to see if I can send a message from gmail.
> Unfortunately I get an error 11004 every time I click 'connect'

The V8 demo works fine for me with Gmail, although it defaults to no SSL so you
must change 'SSL Type' to Explicit (StartTLS) using port 25, or Implicit using
port 465.  

Gmail does not work without SSL. 

If you want to save yourself a lot of effort, use my free Mail Queue Component

which hides most of the complexity, and runs a disk queue to mail retries if
the server is unavailable, or uses multiple servers.  


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> However I am now getting the error

> RequestDone Rq=12 Error=EIcsLibeayException Unsupported OpenSSL 
> version (0x0090600F) !
> Supported versions are 0x0090805F - 0x10AF
> FileName: C:\Windows\system32\LIBEAY32.DLL

The general rule with ICS SSL applications is always put the two OpenSSL DLLs
that match the version your application expects in your application directory.
Then you know these will be used independently of other applications using
OpenSSL that may install different versions.  During development, the DLLs need
to be in the debug and release directories unless you change target

Before you use SSL, you should initialise the SSL Context component, which will
load certificates (servers only) and the DLLs and giver an exception if there
are any problems.


Afterwards, you can use call OpenSslVersion and GLIBEAY_DLL_FileName to get the
actual version and DLL location you are using, which is useful for diagnostics.

Since version 7 is so old I don't know the latest OpenSLL version it supported,
you should be using the overnight version of version 8 that we try to keep up
to date supporting the latest OpenSSL.


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Ok, thank you for the advice. To be honest I downloaded CIS ver 7 
> because I couldn't really understand how to get ver 8. 

You just download the ICSV8 snapshot zip from:

The main ICS web site is updated once or twice a year, the download page is
daily update. 

> "Before you use SSL, you should initialise the SSL Context 
> component,"
> Doesn't the demo do that for us then?  So I shouldn't expect it to 
> work 'as is'

It does work as is, but these are simple sample programmes, not commercial
bullet proof applications with extensive error handling and recovery.  

Initialising the context first allows you to trap errors earlier like OpenSSL
missing, and stop use of SSL when it won't work. 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> see how much I can remove to get just the
> core functionality and minimum property seting needed to simply 
> automatically send a emailed newletter.

Please do look at the Mail Queue Component I mentioned, the demo is actually a
cut down version of a mailing list application I wrote 15 years ago and use


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-06 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> OK, will do, that sounds like just what I need as each month  the 
> system will have to send about 6 emails, each with about 90 bcc in 
> order to send an email with a 1 Mb attachment to around 550 people 
> max without falling foul of gmails limits.

One reason I wrote the mailer in the first place was so I could send
individually addressed emails in bulk, rather than using BCC mailing lists.
Takes longer if the body is large, but our bandwidths are now vast.  

Not sure if Gmail is happier with single or multiple addresses, I have my own
public mail server so can do what I like. 

Your application only requires the addition of domain lookup code to find the
MX host, and you can send directly to their mail server avoiding Gmail. 

I intend to add that to the Mail Queue component, but have not got around to it
yet.  When combined with the SMTP server I wrote last year, that would give us
a forwarding email server. 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> The .exe in the zip runs ok but no matter which host and 
> corresponding user/password I use it always reports
> Can Not Open Mail Server: :25 - 426 Timeout

Without SSL, you won't be able to connect to Gmail, see below. 

Just tested the original binary, all I did was changed To: my own email address
and clicked Send Mail, that will also work for you since it will send to my
account through, but obviously not to email addresses hosted
by my server. 

These EXE does need the old OpenSSL files included in the zip, it's not been
updated for two years.  
> And the .proj file I can't get to compile because of loads of 
> errors based around not being able to find types eg
> [Pascal Error] MagentaMailQueue.pas(125): E2003 Undeclared 
> identifier: 'TSmtpSslType'

SSL is optional for ICS applications, these are the errors you get when don't
specify USE_SSL in the project file or don't change:


After either change, rebuild the project so all conditional SSL code is built. 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I agree with Angus, you would be better off to send the e-mails 
> individually to the recipients' mail servers.  

My main point was it's better to send individually addressed emails, than bulk
BCC, they are less likely to be intercepted as spam, even if it takes longer to
do so.  

I did mention sending directly to recipients' mail servers, but this was mainly
if the mail levels are higher than a Gmail account allows.  

There is a spam detection risk when sending from known dynamic IP ranges, and
without reverse DNS for that address, ideally you need DNS MX records and a
mail server to receive bounces. 


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Re: [twsocket] Help with sending mail through gmail please

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> one freshly built from the source code still gives Can Not Open
> Mail Server: :25 - 426 Timeout

Can you please email the entire content of the progress window showing a
message being queued and sent, and the diag window (that may be hidden under
the form) if anything, that's only SMTP protocol.


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocketServer listen connections

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I do not want to close the connection, and not destroy it, must 
> leave all connected clients and access them when needed to send
> data and information,
> I do not need to use Cliente.Free? it will not overload the memory?

No, your Cliente is simply a pointer to the real client in the component, there
is no memory used and free closes the real client, which reduces ClientCount,
so your loop goes mad. 

Note that clients are totally dynamic, each time a client closes or another one
connects, the client total goes up and down, and the index of each client

Maybe this does not matter for your display, but otherwise you need to keep
track of where a connection from, if you wish to respond to it. CliId is unique,
incremented for each new connection.   


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Re: [twsocket] What is the correct format for friendly FROM address in TSslSmtpCli?

2014-10-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I've tried several combinations (Using delphi with TSslSmtpCli) 
> sending both through gmail and through my own ISP's server to both 
> hotmail and a pop3 address. I can't seem to get the right 'from' 
> email to show up when going through gmail. It keeps showing the 
> real gmail account email instead.

That's a Gmail anti-spamming feature.  So you can not forge the From address. 


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP server not receiving data from PUT requests - bug report & fix

2014-10-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I've  noticed  that HTTP server (OverbyteIcsHttpSrv) is not 
> processing PUT requests correctly. 
> The patch below fixes the problem.

Don't know which version you were using, but the patch refers to obsolete code,
PUT handling was added in July.  

Jul 17 2014 V8.08 Angus
Added HTTP/1.1 methods OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, PATCH and CONNECT, all need
to be optionally enabled
OPTIONS and TRACE are handled by this component
PUT and POST need to be handled similarly to POST with an upload


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Re: [twsocket] Use of TSslContext in sending SSL email (quick question)n)

2014-10-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Is it necessary for me to create a separate TSslContext each time I 
> create a new TSslSmtpCliWithFEhloCount

No, an SslContext set-up for SSL client or a single SSL server certificate can
be shared by multiple socket components.  

The only issue is in SSL servers using MultiListen, where different IP
addresses will need different certificates and all will share the same context
so will fail.  Just got caught on this with a project.


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[twsocket] OpenSSL and Poodle exploit

2014-10-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
There has been recent press about an SSL server exploit called Poodle, which
only effect SSLv3, not the more recent TLS 1.x protocols.  

Disabling SSLv3 in servers can be done by setting:

SslContext.SslVersionMethod := sslV23_SERVER;
SslContext.SslOptions := [sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3,

v2 was obsolete long ago.

You should also change the cipher suite, Mozilla now suggests three levels of
ciphers, which are all now added to the latest overnight ICS v8 SVN.  

The minimum browsers these ciphers support are:

sslCiphersMozillaSrvHigh - Firefox 27, Chrome 22, IE 11, Opera 14, Safari 7,
Android 4.4, Java 8

sslCiphersMozillaSrvInter -  Firefox 1, Chrome 1, IE 7, Opera 5, Safari 1,
Windows XP IE8, Android 2.3, Java 7

sslCiphersMozillaSrvBack - Windows XP IE6, Java 6 

so since IE6 is long obsolete I suggest:

SslContext.SslCipherList := sslCiphersMozillaSrvInter; 

Once you have your ICS SSL web server updated and installed on a public server,
there is an excellent SSL testing web site at:

It takes a few minutes to test all the ciphers, but generates a detailed
security report giving your web site a letter rating.  Making the changes above
raised my ICS SSL site from C to A-.  


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Re: [twsocket] missing WPARAM casts

2014-11-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> In  some cases, FHSocket is not cast into WPARAM in 
> OverbyteIcsWSocket  which  can  cause  an exception. Attached patch
> fixes this problem and also   adds  missing  WSocket_setsockopt 
> overload  accepting integer 'optval'.

Attachments to the list are stripped.  Please email me privately the complete
unit, not a patch.


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Re: [twsocket] OpenSSL and Poodle exploit

2014-11-07 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I see you speak of fixing web servers in regard to the poodle 
> exploit. Is there any problem with clients? I see mine are set to 
> sslv23. I believe that was the default. Should I change this and if 
> so, to what?

The issue with clients is they usually need to access a wide range of servers,
some of which may not be using TLS.  Not everyone keeps their servers up to
date.  You can try disabling v2 and v3, but then check your common sites are
still available.  

SslContext.SslOptions := [sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3];
> Also, I was wondering if it's possible to get a snapshot of your 
> openssl 1.0.1i or 1.0.1j?

1.0.1i has been available since August at the downloads page:

We've not yet done an ICS 1.0.1j version, it's a minor release with mitigation
for poodle, but setting options works just as well.  There is quite a lot of
effort in updating and testing new OpenSSL releases, and they are getting too


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Re: [twsocket] Patch to include RTL namespaces support

2014-11-08 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I created a patch to add namespaces to RTL units.

Thanks, patch applied successfully to my local SVN, now need to test with a few
compilers and make sure all FMX and Windows packages can be rebuilt, will take
a few days. 


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[twsocket] OT: Let's Encrypt free SSL/TLS certificates

2014-11-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd

>From next summer, it will be possible for applications to automatically request
and install free SSL/TLS web domain certificates, using infrastructure from
Let's Encrypt certificate authority:

Essentially, the client runs an application that creates the SSL private keys
and certificate request, and sends it automatically to Let's Encrypt.  There
are then challenges to prove the domain is owned by client, either by creating
a DNS record or a specific file on a web server, which the CA checks before
automatically sending a new certificate back, which can be installed
automatically.  Revocation is automated in a similar manner.

The specifications are at:

Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME)
ACME is a protocol for automating the management of domain-validation
certificates, based on a simple JSON-over-HTTPS interface. This repository
contains the specification for ACME.

Effectively these are domain verified SSL certificates, which currently cost
about $16 per year from automated CAs like RapidSSL, 
not a certificate that shows a business name which still costs $200 per year or
more.  Not sure when testing starts, but I'll certainly create an ICS component
to get these SSL certificates, I need it for my own applications.


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Re: [twsocket] IcsLogger

2014-11-23 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I'm trying to use the IcsLogger to trace down an SSL problem, but 
> I'm only getting this one line in the log file:
> 15:21:49:633 InitCtx> OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.0.1i 6 Aug 2014

You also need to attach the logger to any socket or other components you are
using, they should all have an IcsLogger property (so that is also an ambiguous
name for a component). 

But generally you are unlikely to learn more about any SSL errors from the
logger than from properly reporting errors after SSL requests complete.  The
logger is primarily for internal ICS development purposes.  Few people
understand the actual OpenSSL calls, I certainly don't.  


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Re: [twsocket] IcsLogger

2014-11-26 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I have been unable to establish if ICS  supports
> TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2. I expect it does, but would appreciate your
> confirming this.

Yes, OpenSSL supports TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2, you should see this reported in the
handshake completed event like:
Secure connection with TLSv1.2, cipher AES128-SHA, 

But OpenSSL settings may disable some features for backward compatibility, so
you do need to check carefully.

> Thank you so much for your reply. I'm taking your advice and 
> forgetting the IcsLogger and pursuing SSL errors via SSL events.

I've been debugging a handshake problem and it turns out that currently the
IcsLogger uses some OpenSSL error handling routines that are not currently
public in twsocket.pas so can not be accessed by applications.  

so you may get more detailed errors using IcsLogger for SSL errors at present.
I'm going to try and improve the SSL error reporting next month. 


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Re: [twsocket] TR: OverbyteIcsFtpCli.pas error ?

2014-12-02 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> J'ai détecté une anomalie dans l'unité OverbyteIcsFtpCli.pas 
> procedure TSslFtpClient.PBSZAsync;
> begin
>  FFctPrv := ftpFctPbsz;
>  ExecAsync(ftpPbszAsync, 'PBSZ ' + IntToStr(FPBSZSize), [200], 
> nil); end;

Thanks, fixed, don't think it actually stopped the SSL Protection Buffer Size
being set.  


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Re: [twsocket] Webserver problem

2014-12-02 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Am trying to make a basic webserver I got the basic pages showing 
> up but am having trouble with tables and css how do I setup the 
> webserver to support css and basic html like tables and div?

The ICS web server simply sends HTML pages you create to the remote browser, it
has no knowledge of the content of those pages, although there are helpers to
assist in creating pages.  

So you simply create your own HTML pages with CSS content, tables and DIV, as
you would for any web server. 


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Re: [twsocket] Webserver problem

2014-12-02 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I did but seam to not like my code as page is not correct layout 
> things are out of place

Correct your HTML code or use an HTML authoring tool that creates the code for

> also is it possible to add php to webserver?

Not easily. If you want PHP you should use a standard web server like Apache.  

The ICS web server is designed for applications that create their own pages
using the Delphi language, not other scripting languages.


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Re: [twsocket] Sending font styles and colors over network

2014-12-05 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> so am  wondering what would be best way to send the information over 
> network so it would be stable and reliable.

TCP/IP is a reliable network protocol, if data is being corrupted it must be
your implementation of your private protocol. 

I would recommend you use the Magenta Systems IP Log Streaming Component for
your chat system, it will hide all the TCP/IP stuff so you simply send a string
and receive a string, that string being your own designed private protocol.

There is an executable demo in the zip, you can run two copies, one as client,
one as server, to see it all working. 


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1j binaries available

2014-12-11 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Thanks to RTT  for recompiling the OpenSSL 1.0.1j binaries so
there are no external dependencies with Microsoft runtime libraries. 

1.0.1j contains even more security fixes, including one for the Poodle exploit.

These need to be used with the latest ICS v8 from the SVN, which has been
updated to support 1.0.1j and earlier. 

The nightly ICS v8 and OpenSSL binaries may be downloaded from:

Note most users only need to download the 32-bit DLLs, the 64-bit DLLs are only
for use with Delphi applications compiled for the 64-bit platform.  The 32-bit
DLLs work on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows with 32-bit applications. 


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[twsocket] SSL handshake reporting improvement

2014-12-11 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
In earlier ICS versions, it was difficult to report the reason for SSL
handshake failures, which could lead to frustration for users. 

In the OnSslHandshakeDone event, ErrCode was effectively true or false for
success, and you had to enable the IcsLogger to get any OpenSSL error messages,
even then there were also errors reported that were non-fatal and often the
detailed OpenSSL error message was missing.  

With the latest ICS V8 snapshot, ErrCode still returns 0 for successful
handshake, but now an OpenSSL reason code for a handshaking error (literals in
OverbyteIcsLIBEAY.pas), except 1 means 
connection closed unexpectedly without an OpenSSL error being reported (which
usually happens with clients, where the server reports the real error).  

For better reporting, the new SslHandshakeErr property returns the last full
OpenSSL error which is a DWORD with library, function and reason packed as bits,
new functions Ics_Ssl_ERR_GET_LIB, Ics_Ssl_ERR_GET_FUNC and
Ics_Ssl_ERR_GET_REASON will extract each part.

But most applications should use the new property SslHandshakeRespMsg which
contains either the last error or a successfully connected message including
the ciphers and methods negotiated, both of which can be reported in end user

Example of SslHandshakeRespMsg responses from my public web server include: 

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1, cipher AES128-SHA, key exchange RSA, encryption
AES(128), message authentication SHA1

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.1, cipher AES128-SHA, key exchange RSA, encryption
AES(128), message authentication SHA1

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher AES128-GCM-SHA256, key exchange RSA,
encryption AESGCM(128), message authentication AEAD

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1, cipher DES-CBC3-SHA, key exchange RSA, encryption
3DES(168), message authentication SHA1

Error, connection closed unexpectedly
Error, HTTP request, no SSL handshake
Error, HTTPS proxy request, no SSL handshake
Error, wrong SSL version
Error, unknown SSL protocol
error:1409F07F:SSL routines:SSL3_WRITE_PENDING:bad write retry
error:1407609B:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:https proxy request
error:1407609C:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:http request
error:1408A10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_CLIENT_HELLO:wrong version number

The HTTP and HTTPS proxy errors means that a non-SSL request was made to the
SSL server which saw an HTTP command instead of the handshake request,
otherwise the errors appear to be mismatches of SSL versions such as attempted
use of SSLv2 or SSLv3 protocols instead of TLS, or maybe unsupported ciphers.  

Note OpenSSL has hundreds of reason codes and the component only translates the
four most common (as seen on my web server) to simple messages, otherwise the
full OpenSSL error is returned which includes error code, library, function and
reason as mentioned above.  

Also, there is a new property SslCipherDesc with OpenSSL long cipher
description after a handshake, an example being:

AES128-GCM-SHA256   TLSv1.2 Kx=RSA  Au=RSA  Enc=AESGCM(128) Mac=AEAD

The first two arguments are already available in ICS, there are three new
properties SslEncryption, SslKeyExchange and SslMessAuth which are extracted
from SslCipherDesc, and use to create the SSL Connected 
responses shown above. 

The FTP and mail components and the web client and server samples  have been
updated to use SslHandshakeRespMsg. 


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Error

2014-12-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I have one client that is always getting problems with the FTP 
> transfers we are performing.
> Any clues as to what could cause the error at 18:10:37.544

It looks like you are opening a second FTP control connection to a different IP
address before closing the first connection. 


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Re: [twsocket] UNICODE Issue with OverByte ICS SSL SMTP Client

2014-12-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I believe there is an issue with UNICODE messages and the SSL SMTP 
> Client component.  I have not been able to create and send a UNICODE 
> message with the SSL SMTP Client component in which the message
> encodes and decodes properly.  Attached are 8 sample messages.  

Attachments are not allowed in the mail list since few of the hundreds of
people here will be interested in them.

Please make sure you are using the latest V8.04 of OverbyteIcsSmtpProt.pas, no
point in testing old versions. 

Will you please send your eight sample messages to
with the subject set with the parameters and protocol used to send each message,
with SMTP server set to which supports SSL connections.  This
is one of my mail servers so I have all the protocol logs to see what you

However, the SSL and non-SSL components are identical, the SSL version is a
superset of the non-SSL version, SSL only effects low level stuff in the
component, difficult to understand how message formatting can be effected. 


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Re: [twsocket] Quick way to get users MS ping?

2014-12-15 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Am looking for a quick dirty way to get users MS ping from main 
> chat server to client I seen a ping demo in src but seams over 
> complex is there a easier way to get users ping speed?

No easier way, ping does not require much code, this is a cut down example from
the IP Logger component I asked you to look at last week:

with TPingThread.Create (True) do   // create suspended
FreeOnTerminate := True;
PingId := Socnr ;
OnTerminate := PingThreadDone ;
PingHostName := RemHost ;
PingSocketFamily := BindFamily ;  
PingSrcAddress := ICS_ANY_HOST_V4 ;
PingSrcAddress6 := ICS_ANY_HOST_V6 ;
PingTimeout := FPingWaitSecs * 1000 ;
PingTTL := 40 ; // hops
PingLookupReply := false ;  // reverse DNS
Resume ; // start it now, with Delphi XE should use Start
result := true ;
end ;

procedure TMagIpLog.PingThreadDone (Sender: TObject);
  with Sender as TPingThread do   // this event is thread safe
   if ErrCode = 0 then
   RemIp := DnsHostIP ;
   BindFamily := PingSocketFamily ;
   if DnsHostIP <> ReplyIPAddr then
   FLastErrorStr := FCurTitle + ' Ping Did Not Reach Host';
   end else
   FLastErrorStr := FCurTitle + ' Failed Ping' ;


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Error

2014-12-15 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Well that may be  a further problem. When the error occurs the FTP 
> is shut down and a reconnection is made to a backup server. 

I don't see any FTP errors until the second connection attempt starts before
the first has issued a QUIT.  

For FTP, the IcsLogger does not usually show anything useful for protocol
issues, it just confuses the logging. 


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Re: [twsocket] UNICODE Issue with OverByte ICS SSL SMTP Client

2014-12-16 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Will you please send your eight sample messages to 

I received several MIME emails:

Content-Type: application/octet-stream; Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="SSL SMTP Component Message 01.eml"

I was expecting emails composed and sent by the component, not emails prepared
a few weeks ago sent as email attachments. 


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Re: [twsocket] TWSocket Digest, Vol 592, Issue 3

2014-12-19 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I have resent the UNICODE message again to the 
> server.
> I've looked over the SMTP and SSLSMTP example and have no idea what 
> I'm missing but I cannot get the SSLSMTP client to change message 
> character encoding.

OK, I see four messages with Korean displaying correctly, and four not
displaying.  I'll see if I can reproduce the problem, but it won't be until the
new year.  

Meanwhile you could try the Mail Queue Component from:

This prepares messages using the non-SSL component as EML files, but then sends
them using the SSL component, because originally the SSL component did not
support HTML email.  It also retries messages over many hours if they fail
initially, and supports multiple SMTP servers. 
I use it in all my applications that need to reliably send email.


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Re: [twsocket] UNICODE Issue with OverByte ICS SSL SMTP

2014-12-21 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> 3.  I received numerous errors concerning "TSmtpSslType" and 
> "TSslSmtpCli."

Most likely you don't have ICS SSL installed, remove the dot from the $DEFINE
USE_SSL line in 


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Re: [twsocket] UNICODE Issue with OverByte ICS SSL SMTP

2014-12-21 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> > 3.  I received numerous errors concerning "TSmtpSslType" and 
> > "TSslSmtpCli."
> Most likely you don't have ICS SSL installed, remove the dot from 
> the $DEFINE USE_SSL line in 

Once the define is changed, rebuild and install all the ICS packages.


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Re: [twsocket] HTTP and proxy

2015-01-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> 1. The weblink to the ICS FAQ in the support section of the ICS 
> website is broken!

The FAQ moved to the Wiki a while ago, this link needs to be updated to:

> For instance IE allows the proxy to be determined by a script, so
> the admin can implement load balancing etc.
>  How to find out such things? Is there some API for this?

Probably, but I've never done it myself and I'm not aware of any code in ICS to
help, maybe someone here can contribute some helpers? 

> 3. If I'm doing HTTP/HTTPS downloads will I be able to implement 
> some progress display on how far the file download has progressed
> already? And is there a way to handle resumes in case of 
> unreliable connections? 

To save time, you should look at my File Transfer Components, which are high
level versions of the low level ICS FTP and HTTP, which are much easier to use
and mean a lot less code:

The FTP component does handle retries, resume of partial downloads and a
progress bar with time estimates for the session. I'm afraid the HTTP version
is less complex and progress information is more limited, it was mainly
designed to parse an HTML page, find file links and download them.  There is a
compiled demo program so you can try all this without coding anything. 


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.1k binaries available

2015-01-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Thanks to RTT  for recompiling the OpenSSL 1.0.1k binaries so
there are no external dependencies with Microsoft runtime libraries. 

1.0.1k contains eight security fixes.

These need to be used with the latest ICS v8 from the SVN, which has been
updated to support 1.0.1k and earlier. 

The nightly ICS v8 and OpenSSL binaries may be downloaded from:

Note most users only need to download the 32-bit DLLs, the 64-bit DLLs are only
for use with Delphi applications compiled for the 64-bit platform.  The 32-bit
DLLs work on both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows with 32-bit applications. 

There was another OpenSSL version the day after these DLLs were built, 1.0.1l,
but the only changes were for building the DLLs, so don't think we need it. 


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Re: [twsocket] SSLHttpServer...

2015-01-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I am testing with the OverbyteIcsSslWebServ1 demo using version 
> 7.51.
> If I test with HTTP it fails with: [12:33:26] 
> SslHandshake failed. No other error, nothing else logged.

Most likely you don't have valid SSL certificates set-up, that always causes
SSL to fail.

But you are also using an ancient version of ICS, specifically there were
improvements to the reporting of SSL handshaking errors last month, so you
should update to the v8 from the overnight zip at:


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Re: [twsocket] C++ Builder 6: Compiling ICSv8

2015-02-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Is there a reason why C++ Builder 6 doesn't/can't support the 
> building of ICSv8?

Sorry, we don't currently support C++ Builder for new ICS versions, none of us
have the sufficient C++ knowledge to do so.

The earliest Delphi we still support is 7 due to new language features in that
release, I don't know which C++ version matched that.


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Re: [twsocket] FTP Client - Port Number

2015-02-13 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I have a user who wants to change the FTP Port number to something 
> like 14581. 

Component wise there is no problem using strange ports, I use 2100 for testing

But NAT routers may be less forgiving, they need to modify IP addresses in the
control channel to forward packets and know which port to open for the data
connection, and expect port 21.
This is mainly a server issue, the client can use passive mode.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer & Client

2015-02-20 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> looked at the Wiki (when that was working

The SVN over night zips last successfully uploaded to the wiki server a week
ago, I've asked François to chase his ISP.  

The SVN zips can also be downloaded from:

but have not changed in the last week.

> I can connect and stream to approximately 3500 clients (500 per
> thread) simultaneously on an I7 machine 

What OS is this?  Windows desktop systems are performance crippled to make you
buy proper Windows Servers.  

There is only restricted non-paged memory in Windows, and I suspect you are
hitting that limit. 

This has been discussed years here ago, but is not specifically an ICS issue,
Googling for socket based applications using thousands of connections may bring
some suggestions.

I've personally only tested several hundred connections, never any more.


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Re: [twsocket] looking for a image or a video stream demo

2015-02-21 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Title says it basically am in need of a demo showing how to use 
> Overbyte to stream a image over network

There are no such samples with ICS.  The concept of 'streaming' is inherent in
networking, but there are numerous ways of doing it with either TCP or UDP.


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Re: [twsocket] Overbyte ICS FTP upload with progress bar

2015-02-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> procedure TForm2.FtpProgress(Sender: TObject; Count: Int64;
>   var Abort: Boolean);
> begin
>ProgressBar.Position := Count;
> end;

Correct concept, but you also need to set the ProgressBar Min and Max
properties to indicate how much progress has been made.  

The FTP event simply returns a count of the number of bytes transferred, which
might be zero to several billion, so Min should be set to zero and Max to the
size of the file being uploaded, before the upload starts.  Harder for
downloads where you need to know the size of the file first.

Also, this event will typically be called dozens of times per second on a fast
internet connection, and updating the screen is time consuming so can slow down
the transfer speed, and the change may be invisible. 

So you generally put more intelligence in the progress function to update no
more than once every one or more seconds or when there is a substantial change,
like 1 to 5%.


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Re: [twsocket] Overbyte ICS FTP upload with progress bar

2015-02-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I'm using the ICS Overbyte FTP for uploading a file. I want to 
> display a progressbar and a speed indicator 

I've commented on the progress bar in a separate reply, calculating speed
simply involves timing how long it takes to transfer so many bytes (using
GetTickCount) and doing the sums on the remaining bytes, which you can only do
after the first 5 or 10 seconds when you have some data.  

> after the upload is completed i want to delete the file 

You have no error handling here so you don't know the upload completed
successfully, it may fail because the file already exists on the FTP server or
fails part way through.  Windows has a DeleteFile function.

If you want to do this properly, use the free Magenta Systems File Transfer
Components, and TMagFtp which is a high level version of Tftpclient that
handles multiple file, and includes a progress for single and multiple files.


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Re: [twsocket] Overbyte ICS FTP upload with progress bar

2015-02-22 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Client class derived from ICS FTPClient, with an added timer which 
> is turned on at the start of the transfer, and off at the end of 
> the transfer, and every time the timer is fired (at intervals of 
> say, 1000 ms), it updates the progress bar.

A timer itself is high overhead, another hidden window and is not necessary
where an event is already being called regularly.  

Much easier to use GetTickCount which returns milliseconds since Windows booted,
store a value and then check against until a duration as passed, there is an
ICS function IcsCalcTickDiff that does this, TMagFtp updates progress every
2,000 ticks, two seconds. 

TWsocket has a Counter property that includes ConnectTick when a connection
started so you can easily check how long it's been going.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer & Client

2015-02-23 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> - What OS - I am using Win7 Ultimate and a Win Server 2008 for 
> testing. 

Both 64-bit with at least 8GB?  Windows Server 2008 (aka Vista) is getting old
now, from 2008 R2 onwards 32-bit was abandoned. 

> Local testing is however representative of both operation
> on a Win Server installation and using completely asynchronous 
> clients.

Maybe, maybe not. A fairer test would be several clients each running a few
hundred sessions against the server, more real world.  Better to test this now
rather than when the project is live.


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Re: [twsocket] XE7 support

2015-02-23 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I want to ask if there will be a new version of ICS for Delphi XE7?

ICS V8 was updated for XE7 on 3rd September 2014 and announced in this mailing

Just download the overnight SVN V8 version, normally from the Wiki site but the
ISP is still trying to fix it, also from:

ICS is always immediately available for new releases of Delphi, it used to be
on the companion DVD before that disappeared.  With the six monthly release
cycle of Delphi, XE8 must be just around the corner.  


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Re: [twsocket] SSL Problem

2015-03-03 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I have a high security email program that I'm trying to correct for
> POODLE in. It also uses https. 

Which version of ICS TWSocket are you using, and which OpenSSL version? 1.0.1j
fixed Poodle.  Is this a client or server?  

A client has much less control over ciphers than a server, the latest ICS V8
provides several levels of Ciphers used by Mozilla with
sslCiphersMozillaSrvHigh being the best.

This was all discussed when I explained how to stop Poodle in a mailing list
post on 20 October 2014. 

Connecting to Gmail, I get excellent ciphers:

SSL Connected OK with TLSv1.2, cipher ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256, key exchange
ECDH, encryption AESGCM(128), message authentication AEAD


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Re: [twsocket] SSL Problem

2015-03-04 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> My ICS has revised date: Sept 3, 2014. It's a nightly snapshot. I 
> have OpenSSL 1.0.1k (compiled by you). 

You may have have them, but it's unlikely you are using them together since
1.0.1k was only released on 19th January 2015 and needs a nightly snapshot
dated then or later to install it.  ICS does not load newer versions of OpenSSL
that have not been tested. 

> I have an SMTP client and an HTTP client.

SSL client have much less control over ciphers than servers, essentially only
flags like sslOpt_NO_TLSv1, sslOpt_NO_SSLv2, sslOpt_NO_SSLv3 to refuse old
ciphers. SslVersionMethod is very crude and does not support TLS 1.2, so you
have to leave it as sslV23_CLIENT.

If you use a specific CipherList with a client, you risk being unable to access
a server that does not match it, maybe not today, but probably tomorrow when
the server is hardened. SSL servers need to be updated frequently to counter
new threats. 

> Can you tell me why I get the 'SSL3_CLIENT_HELLO:no ciphers 
> available' fatal error I have a USENET news
> reader program that uses an indy nntp client and the suite works 
> fine with it.

Ciphers are primarily chosen by the server, so unless you are using the ICS
SMTP and HTTP client to talk to an NTTP news server, what Indy supports is


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[twsocket] Old versions of OpenSSL

2015-03-08 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
Can anyone think of a good reason for ICS to continue support for old versions
of OpenSSL, prior to 1.0.1 when support for TLS 1.1 and 1.2 was introduced? 

OpenSSL 1.0.1 (three years ago) added some new API calls relating to these new
versions of TLS, and keeping support for older versions would add a little

I'd assume most users what to keep up to date with the latest encryption
standards and ciphers and try to use the latest OpenSSL versions. 

OpenSSL does maintain support for the 0.9.8 and 1.0.0 with security fixes, not
sure why.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer & Client

2015-03-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Update on extended stress testing: After four days of testing with 
> 7200  clients everything is still looking good with 29 million 
> connect/disconnect cycles

There is one bug you should be aware of, although I assume you've yet to see it
in your testing, perhaps it only effects the non-threaded web server component
or is related to some thing else in my web application.

Basically, about once a month on my public SSL web server with about 100,000
requests a month and 50,000 SQL lookups, I see:

!!! Application Exception Big - Unable to create TIcsWndControl hidden window.
Error #8.

I have various memory and handle diagnostics in the application but they have
never shown anything obvious.  So my solution is simply to email a warning and
stop the Windows service, it's set to restart if it stops, so the server is up
again in about 10 seconds and the problem goes away for a few weeks.  Not ideal,
but workable.

The problem persisted after I upgraded from a Windows 2008 server to a faster
2012 server at Xmas, but never happens on my lower usage back up servers. 

You can see the main server status page at:

The server uses my Mail Queue Component to send status emails when it starts,
stops and has errors, they are queued and retried so never lost if they can not
sent immediately:

These are two of the little things that really help with long term support.  

I've previously done contract work with ICS client server applications, similar
in concept to yours, but only 500 clients (British buses) and up time for the
servers was sometimes several months (my customers rarely did Windows Updates
since this was a private WAN). 


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer & Client

2015-03-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> I am currently using 300 clients per thread on the multithreaded
> server component... not sure if I am already past you 100K limit, 

I'm only using one thread for ICS. 100K was not really a limit as such, just to
give you idea of the server work load.  

> Thanks for the info re the restarting the service (I was thinking 
> along the lines of a monitoring app to monitor

My solution works because ICS handles this error sensibly and the application
remains responsive, it simply will not accept any new client connections (I

My old custom client/server applications did used to lockup and stop processing
messages, albeit on Windows 2000/2003 server, so I did have a separate service
sending regular Windows messages to the main service and restarting if there
was no response, and rebooting the server if all else failed.  It also handled
remote software updating. 

Many of these servers were unattended sites (bus garages), the application also
had to reboot the ADSL modems which locked up but that's another story.  

I keep meaning to update this old monitoring application as a more generic
server monitor, but my newer applications don't seem to lock up so never had
the inclination.  Also Windows service controller is better than it used to be
at keeping services running. 


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Re: [twsocket] Lazarus and free pascal?

2015-03-09 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> Are there any ICS versions that will work with Lazarus and FPC?  
> Windows only would be fine.  

ICS has been used with FPC in the past and still contains some conditions
relating to FPC.  

But I've never used FPC myself so I've no idea if changes have been made that
are FPC incompatible.

You'll just have to test it.


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Re: [twsocket] ICS - TWSocketThrdServer & Client

2015-03-10 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> due to the BannerTooBusy string that is sent

These banners do cause trouble, I might clear them, I got caught a long time
ago with a new server. 

> It is therefore necessary to change the 'Client.Close;' line to 
> 'Client.CloseDelayed;' in 'OverbyteIcsWSocketS.pas' 

I'll have a look at that, maxclients is not something often reached.


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Re: [twsocket] How to enable/disable TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2?

2015-03-12 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
> We can't find any way of disabling TLS 1.0 and leaving TLS 1.1 and 
> TLS 1.2 as the only enabled protocols for the TSslSocket.

Correct, there have been a number of improvement in OpenSSL over the past few
years that have been skipped by ICS, primarily because ICS seemed to support
new OpenSSL releases without change.

But I've spent the last few days updating SSL support in ICS, there are new
sslTLS_V1_1, sslTLS_V1_2 and sslBestVer version methods and six new options
including sslOpt_NO_TLSv1_1 and sslOpt_NO_TLSv1_2.

But mainly I'm adding support for DH key exchange which seems to be missed in
the original development, and restricts the ciphers that our servers can
support.  Specifically, it means ciphers offering 'forward secrecy' are not
supported by servers (clients are OK), which reduces our ratings by SSL
security checks.

It's not finished yet, should only be a couple of days. 

If anyone is aware of other OpenSSL features missing from the ICS
implementation, now is the time to speak up. OpenSSL 1.0.2 will be supported by
the new version, but I can not see any major interface changes, just minor


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[twsocket] OpenSSL 1.0.2 support, DH and EC key support

2015-03-17 Thread Angus Robertson - Magenta Systems Ltd
ICS v8 has been updated to support OpenSSL 1.0.2 and DH and EC keys, 
and to better support TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 protocols.   The changes 
may be downloaded from the SVN repository or the overnight zip file at:

Sorry, François's ISP is still unable to get the wiki server running. 

This group of changes allow ICS SSL servers to support DH (Diiffie-
Hellman) and EDH/DHE (Ephemeral DH) key exchange, and EC (Elliptic 
Curve) encryption) for ECDH and EECDH key exchange, as well as the 
older RSA key exchange.  Note SSL clients already supported these key 

DH support requires supply of DH Parameters which are used to 
generate new keys for each session, which implements Forward Secrecy
preventing decryption of old sessions if the certificate key is later 
broken or stolen.

Currently, ICS only supports reading DH Parameters from a file generated
using the openssl.exe utility with key lengths of 512, 1024, 2048, 4096
bits and it's recommended these are generated when an application is
installed, although three prepared files are supplied. Beware 
generating DH Parameters takes a while, about 15 minutes for the 2048 
bit file, 30 seconds for the 1024 file.  ICS does not yet have a 
function to generate DH Parameters but I'll add it shortly, also a 
way to build them into the application rather than using a file.

EC support is much easier, just selection of SslECDHMethod as s
sslECDHNone, sslECDHAuto, sslECDH_P256, sslECDH_P384 and 
sslECDH_P521.  Currently MSIE 11 does not seem to like the ICS EC 
support, still investigating.

Note that server use of these new options needs matching Ciphers to be
available, and all testing has been with sslCiphersMozillaSrvInter.

SVN notes for specific units:

Mar 16, 2015 V8.15
Angus added more SslOptions: sslOpt_NO_COMPRESSION, 
sslOpt_CISCO_ANYCONNECT, sslOpt_NO_TLSv1_1 and sslOpt_NO_TLSv1_2
Added more SslVersionMethods: sslTLS_V1_1, sslTLS_V1_2 and sslBestVer 
which is eqivalent to sslV23 and actually means any of SSLV3, TLS1, 
TLS1.1 or TLS1.2. To disable some versions, use sslBestVer and 
disable specific ones using SslOptions. To force only one version, 
set SslVersionMethod to that version. Choosing a specific TLS version 
will fail if matching Ciphers are not available OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT 
removed so SSL Server Name Identification is always supported
Added SslDHParamFile to load a DH Parameters for Diiffie-Hellman DH 
and EDH key ciphers. DH param files may have key lengths of 512, 
1024, 2048, 4096 bits and currently need to be generated using the 
opensll.exe utility (or use those that come with ICS)
Added SslECDHMethod to select Elliptic Curves to support ECDH and 
EECDH key ciphers
Note, only OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later are now supported since this added 
TLS 1.1/1.2

Mar 13, 2015 V8.07
Angus allow load of OSSL 1.0.2 (briefly tested)
Note, only OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later are now supported, removed some old
conditionals and code
Added functions and literals for DH and EC key support

Mar 13, 2015 V8.01
Angus updated SSL_OP option literals, added TLS v1.1 and 1.2 methods
Added functions need to generate DH keys for EDH ciphers with Forward
Note, only OpenSSL 1.0.1 and later are now supported, removed various

OPENSSL_NO_TLSEXT now disabled

Mar 16 2015   V8.01
Angus added DH File (mainly for servers)
Added SSL Version and Cipher edits to make testing easier
Reset SSL when changing parameters to force new negotiation

Mar 16, 2015 V8.00 Angus default key length now 2048

Mar 16 2015  V8.01
Angus added DHParam File needed to supporting DH key exchange
Set ECDH method to support ECDH key exchange

Mar 16 2015  V8.02
Angus added DHParam File needed to supporting DH key exchange
Added EllCurve to support ECDH key exchange
Display SSL handshake info on demo menu
Added Server Name Indication (SNI) display, used to support multiple host
and certificates on the same IP address
(note the OverbyteIcsSslSniSrv sample is better and changes the SslContext)

Mar 16, 2015 V8,00 Angus uses Sha256 instead of Sha1 for all signing

DH Parameter files with different key lengths.


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