Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Defining targets

2010-08-29 Thread Mike Feravolo
We were thinking that since people don't understand they are paying for 
an operating system when they buy a new computer, maybe we should 
consider targeting independent system builders (if there are any still 
in business).

As a software consultant the last thing that I want to do is build 
hardware, but the key to the Microsoft's success in the software 
business is that they managed to get Windows installed at the factory on 
95% of all the systems on the retail shelf.

Obviously hardware is also the key to Apple's success, because they 
follow more of the 1950's-1980's IBM business model of you get most of 
the software that you need,  as long as you buy the hardware.  They also 
have a large user base of expensive specialized third party professional 
software products and open source applications like Open Office and 

Would more people would be using Linux, if there where better retail 
distribution channels for Ubuntu based systems ?

Mike F.
Cocoa Beach, FL

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Maverick Movies

2010-08-21 Thread Mike Feravolo

We have been following this mail list for a couple of years along and 
wondered who exactly the marketing team is trying to sell. Existing 
users of other Linux distros or people that already know about Ubuntu or 
people that don't know Ubuntu exists.

People in the Linux community know what Ubuntu is don't have to be sold, 
because they are already part of the community and are going to choose 
Ubuntu or not choose Ubuntu based on it's merits or how well it plays 
with a specific piece of hardware.

The video does a fine job of demonstrating the functionality of ubuntu 
as an operating system to people that can appreciate that and also are 
most likey already using ubuntu. But the bottom line here as advertising 
it's cold and lacks the sizzle required to close the deal with people 
that outside the Linux community.

If all you want to do hear is debate what Free and Open Source 
Software or Software Freedom is all about, then change the name to 
the Debate Team. We thought the objective here is to promote Ubuntu a 
superior software product.

An idea to consider for a contest is to do something that will attract 
people from that make videos from everywhere to produce a video that 
would sell Ubuntu to the general public.  For example: A prize of at 
least $100,000 US on the line, (winner takes all) will both get every 
video freelancer on earth to produce an entry and attract lots media 

Just an idea from yet another Linux Hack trying to make a living in a 
down economy.

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The Contest

2010-08-21 Thread Mike Feravolo
Well I am on my way to buy a powerball ticket, if I hit the big prize I 
will have the money sometime next week after a ride to the state capital 
to claim the prize :-)

The point that I am trying to make is that best way to get a lot of 
attention for ubuntu for a minimum amount of money is to run a contest 
with a large enough cash prize to get a level of media attention that 
can't be bought at any price.  Obviously you would need to seek 
corporate sponsorship, for example right now General Electric is running 
contest for ideas  on how to generate cleaner power, they are putting up 
$200 million dollars in grant money.

One of the nice things about viral videos is that you can take the 
money that you would spend on air time and put it into the production of 
the video. In this case you would put up prize money as way of funding 
production. I think the Linux Foundation did something similar not that 
long ago.

Mike Feravolo

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] marketing etc

2010-08-17 Thread Mike Feravolo

Are there any interesting videos for ubuntu produced by the marketing 
team. We would like to use one as an example for a future facebook wall 
post about marketing free software. We run a little community page on 
facebook the seven thousand people like and thought this might interest 
some of them.


Mike F.

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[ubuntu-marketing] Marketing Team

2009-10-24 Thread Mike Feravolo

We noticed this list has been very active the last few days, with a lot 
of talk about advocacy,  activism and other words that have nothing to 
do with marketing.

For the Ubuntu marketing team to be effective there needs to be finance 
support from the Canonical, we have been a member of this team and other 
Ubuntu loco for a couple of years and haven't seen anything that would 
efficiently sell Ubuntu to Windows users.

Realistically, a marketing campaign needs to be directed to  people 
that  don't  even know Ubuntu exists and  in a clear and concise manner 
shows them why they want to ditch Windows. Expecting to go up against a 
mind set that there is no other choice then windows and a multi-billion 
dollar ad spend by Microsoft with no money is ridiculous.

Obviously you are never going to out spend them on the delivery, but you 
could out do them in the area of production and then make use of what 
ever medium you can afford to get the word out.

I run a Linux page on facebook that has about 4300 people and would be 
happy to let people join post anything about ubuntu there, I have found 
there is a solid ubuntu user base in addition to other types of linux.

Still there has to be a way of rasing money for the purpose of selling 
ubuntu,  because selling is what marketing is all about. In order to 
sell anyone anything you have to let people know what is is it for them.

Mike F.
Cocoa Beach, FL

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[ubuntu-marketing] Our Linux Page on FaceBook

2009-04-07 Thread Mike Feravolo

Wehave been reading the Ubuntu Marketing list and have been a member of 
the marketing team for a couple of years now and would like to invite 
the other members of Ubuntu Marketing to join our Facebook Page that has 
800+ fans the last time that I looked:

Our page like our business is about Free Software, Software Freedom and 
the Linux Operating System in general and isn't just about Ubuntu. 
However there are a fair amount of Ubuntu Users and we sure that they 
would all appreciate the contributions of any member of the Ubuntu 
Marketing team.

For example, After posting the link to Full Circle we received numerous 
positive comments from people in the group including Best magazine ever.

Thank You

Mike Feravolo
Member of the Technical Staff

Software Freedom Innovations
1980 North Atlantic Ave #121
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931
(407) 745-1545

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Submission for I am Ubuntu (Mike Feravolo)

2009-01-01 Thread Mike Feravolo

I'm not 100% sure of this but since the Linux Foundation is running this 
contest, and that they are not going to pick a video that promotes a 
particular  flavor of  Linux as the winner. Which is why I thought that 
using Tux the penguin, created by Larry Ewing as the central feature 
would be a good idea.

Telling people that don't even know something called Linux exists, about 
all 350+ flavors in existence, is only going to scare them away.

It may be better to tell them they are using it right now, since most of 
the websites they visit everyday are running on Linux based machines. 
Why ? Because  people with rooms full of computers don't  want to pay  
$2500  each for  Windows Server Enterprise License for every system that 
they need to run their business. Because Linux server software is 
available for free, and is more reliable. That means that they can use 
that money for other things,: for example, increasing their bottom line.

Now, let's talk about the desktop market which is dominated by Microsoft 
and Apple and the ordinary computer users that don't even understand 
that they are paying anything for Windows. Why would they ? When Windows 
is installed on the new computer that they just bought at  
Mega-Box-Mart for $350.

The marketing majors here understand that advertising can be fun, but 
not so much fun that people can't figure out what your are selling. If 
you can eat it, drink it or smoke it, then people already know what the 
product is and what it can do for them. That's why beer companies run a 
lot of fun advertising.

The Pc vs. Mac ads are using the Identify the Pain and sell the cure 
approach, it should be obvious that the pain is the PC and the cure 
is the MAC. These ads have been drilled into people minds on T.V. (at 
least here in Florida) and adding Linux to this going against the grain 
and that could make Linux look like a either second rate product or just 
a joke. Of course, we do not  want that to happen.  We all know that 
Linux is neither second rate or a joke, but we aren't who we are selling 

As an added bonus; Here's even a bigger problem with PC vs. MAC, thing, 
it's a hardware fight and Linux [software ] can run on both PC and MAC 
hardware, especially now since Apple  has moved to Intel based 
processors. Now where exactly do I buy a Linux ?

Good Luck, We wish that we had the resources to win this thing,  but  we 
would need to hire animators and buy expensive equipment that we can't 
afford. But we still like to kick this thing around over coffee, so feel 
free to call us or send me (feravolo) a message on BrightKite.

Happy New Year,

Mike Feravolo
Just Another GNU/Linux Guy,

Software Freedom Innovations
1980 N. Atlantic Ave. #121
Cocoa Beach, FL 32931

Telephone: (407) 745-1545

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] The I'm Linux Video Contest (Mike Feravolo)

2008-12-22 Thread Mike Feravolo

I am confused about how I'm Linux is going to sell anything to anyone, 
maybe you should consider using the mascot Tux the Penguin is you are 
going to produce a copycat commercial in the first place.

I'm a Penguin fist of all is that lot more fun and would be far more 
effective, if the intent is to actually get people that are using 
Windows to consider switching to Linux.  Instead of coming off as a 
third rate alternative to two inferior software products with larger ad 
spends, let make Linux look like the what it is the first rate product.


Mike F.
Cocoa Beach, Florida

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] New adverts, should I change the tune? ( M i k e F e r a v o l o )

2008-08-16 Thread Mike Feravolo

Unfortunately, I can't understand the text or the actual messages of the
ads. I do like the overall layout and the presentation of the ads and I
can get the general idea behind them.

Your presentation format seems to be fun, which is a good way to
present a product. This is about as far as I can go without an American
English translation of the text. 

I can make one comment that I think applies universally: People will
want something that can do something for them, if they can't already do
it. For example, think of something that Ubuntu can do for them. Even
better if it is something that Windows can't do.

Good Job,

Cocoa Beach, FL USA

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Clear new leadership (was: Re: the road ahead !!) (Cory K.)

2008-06-11 Thread Mike Feravolo

For the record; I would happy to lead the marketing team, but we really
need to stop debating and start selling.

1) We need to collect what ever all ready exists in one place so that
people can find it.

2) We need to let all the LoCo know that there is a centralized effort
and get all the people signed on that are interested in marketing.

3) We need to dump all the bogus technical jargon and start speaking in
plain language that everyone understands. The key thing to do is to get
people that aren't Linux users to use Ubuntu. That is how you fix Bug

The first thing that we should do is set up a wiki page somewhere and
let all the LoCo teams know that they should link to where ever they
have marketing stuff that they want to share. 

Let's get what we have already together somewhere, even if it doesn't
look pretty. First make it work and then add the bells and whistles.



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[ubuntu-marketing] Organizational meeting proposed (Mike Feravolo)

2008-06-02 Thread Mike Feravolo

I would be happy to  contribute any way that I can to the the marketing

The increase of traffic on the list is a good thing, people shouldn't be
concerned if people talk about the same thing. They should just be glad
that people are talking period.

The success of this team depends on whether Canonical is going to back
us or not. Right now they produce ton's of CD's and believe that all you
have to do to sell Ubuntu is give them a CD and they will try it and
what to make the switch. This method is fine if the only people you are
marketing to are people with the technical know how to install an
operating system. However for the other 99% of the people out there that
use computers, they are afraid of the Live CD and don't try it at all.

A more effective way to reach them is in print with information that
makes them to use Ubuntu and seek out support. People in the support
business will then support them. 

The marketing team should be ambassadors for Ubuntu and need the
support of Canonical to make it work.

Thank You

Mike Feravolo

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[ubuntu-marketing] Marketing Ubuntu in Orlando Florida (Mike Feravolo)

2008-03-05 Thread Mike Feravolo


I thought that I maybe this type of thing would work in other cities, so
I have include the text message that I sent to the LoCo group in


Just to let everyone know I got a group setup for my twice a
month networking group at Cuppy's Coffee on Lee Vista Road in East
Orlando. I invite everyone from our  LoCo to support our group
even if they don't live in Orlando:

The name of the group is The Orlando Coffee Lover's Group, since we
meet at a Coffee Shop I felt that wasn't a bad name. By definition if
people are using a web site like meet up dot com they are interested in
communicating with people on the Internet. Also drinking coffee and
computer programming have a lot to do with each other or there wouldn't
be a programming language named java.

Or objective is to bring people together that like coffee and use
computers at a coffee shop. The format is an informal forum where people
can talk about anything that has to do with drinking coffee and using
computers. Which means that we are going to talk about Software Freedom,
Free Software and GNU/Linux.


Our business is software and one of the most effective ways to sell our
services is to get out there and meet people. Since a large part of our
business is Free Software a Group like this is a great way to let people
that we are here. 

Also for people that are not familiar with business networking (e.g.
Chamber of Commerce Events); it's not about selling, it's about building
people's trust and letting them get to know you. Once you do that, they
will sell for you.


Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Advertising Campaign (Paul Huinker)

2008-02-27 Thread Mike Feravolo
Hello All:

It's an interesting document explaining the objectives of a marketing
campaign, but doesn't seem to present any ideas on what the actual ads
would be. 

A few appendices with some ideas for the ads themselves along with what
you have here wouldn't hurt. Remember to let people know what Ubuntu
does for them, not just what Ubuntu does.

Also if the cost of your ad spend is not restricted by the rules of the
contest, why not spend some more money and bring in the print media. You
should be able to find the media kit for any of the magazines that you
can think of on line. Then you could include your full page, 1/2 page
and 1/4 page layouts in the appendices.

Good Luck

Mike Feravolo
Business Owner
Cocoa Beach, Florida

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Meeting (Danny Piccirillo)

2008-02-26 Thread Mike Feravolo

I am not sure that I am going to make it to the Meeting Tonight, since I
have a Chamber of Commerce Networking Group which meets on Tuesday
Night. I  will leave the log the #ubuntu-meeting channel  so that I can
see what's happening.

I would like to add an observation which seem to apply across the board
in selling Linux as a realistic solution to ordinary people:

Most of the marketing effort is focused on the what free software does
and not what free software does for them. 

Free Ubuntu CD's by request in the mail is awesome, so is selling them
to OEM's for the cost of making them to distribute with new systems.
However, Giving them out unsolicited to windows(r) users or to users of
other Linux distros is a waste of money.

The Linux users are already using free software and probably have
already downloaded a copy of Ubuntu. The windows(r) user is either going
to [at best] use it as a coaster or [ at worst] use it as an excuse to
be afraid of it and run back to windows(r). Which means you either
scaring a away the people that you need to sell to or selling to people
that are already sold.

I hope that I didn't hurt anyone's feeling here with my own real world
observations, since I can only verify them from the last year or two of
meeting people face to face at business networking functions in East
Orlando and on Cocoa Beach. 
The bottom line here is printing a nice piece of paper, instead of CD's
is more effective and a less expensive way to get the word out that
Ubuntu is a great operating system.

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida

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[ubuntu-marketing] Meeting Flyer Templates for Open Office Writer (or anything else free)

2008-02-11 Thread Mike Feravolo
Hello All,

I would like to know if anyone knows of a place that you can find
templates for Open Office or Scribus to make Fliers/Hand-Bills for a
local event.

[Note: I don't need a computer to make Fliers for a Garage Sale. ]

I am starting a business networking group that is going to focus on
using computers and the Internet. Using this format will attract small
business owners and other local business people to the group. These are
the people that need to know about software freedom and free software,
since most of them don't know that free software exists.

As a programmer I have very little artistic talent and when I looked for
templates everything was lamer then something that I could put together.
So maybe some of the people in the group could help me out, keep in mind
that although the topics are not limited to just UBUNTU, topics will
always focus on Software Freedom and how to use free software in lieu of
proprietary software. 

Thank You

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida

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Re: [Bug 109064] Re: Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users

2007-08-08 Thread Mike Feravolo

It's a great idea to use the Live-CD as a method of promoting Ubuntu
to users of other operating systems.

Why does the Live-CD have any questions at all and just boot up into
the Ubuntu Desktop and then be done with it.

An Icon on the Desktop that says something like Install Ubuntu Now,
should let people that it hasn't been installed yet.

If someone already knows that they what to install Ubuntu, then they
need to get an Installation CD. Which is the one that should ask
questions, like Start Ubuntu in Live Mode, Install Ubuntu, Check
Memory, Repair Broken Installation . . . .

People don't need to think about options if they never seen Ubuntu in
the first place. When they load it in computer that is running Windows
have it tell them that it will not hurt there computer and all the have
to do is restart and enjoy.

Mike Feravolo

Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users
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[ubuntu-marketing] Television Market, Orlando FLorida USA

2007-08-01 Thread Mike Feravolo
Good Day All:

Yesterday, I meet with the advertising staff of the local ABC TV station
in Orlando Florida. They put on a nice 60 minute presentation on using
television effectively to promote business and their rate card for a 12
month campaign for peak hours.

One of the things that surprised me was peak was during the 6 o'clock
news hour for local television, not the prime hours of 8-11. 

Anyway if Canonical was interested in using television to promote Ubuntu
in the Orlando television market I would be glad to pass along the name
my contact at Channel 9 in Orlando.

In addition to the 2 or 3 million people that live in the area. We are
the largest tourist destination in America and have a large number of
people from the northeast, the mid-west and Canada that spread winters
here. Along with people from the south that visit our beach's in the

For a mid-five figure number in US Dollars you could reach all of them
540 times over the course of a year during peak time.

Mike Feravolo
117 East Amelia St
Orlando, Florida 32801
Tel: 407-412-7042

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Targeting locally impacting widely

2007-07-25 Thread Mike Feravolo
Good Day People:

After reading over the ArticleForLocalMagazine wiki page, I thought I
would add a couple of comments from the New England point of view.
[Even though it's been a while since I went to school there.]

Free Software is free because of freedom not price, the GNU project
cover this well and you can find a link to it under the About Ubuntu
Menu selection.

Businesses pay their people far more then it costs them to buy them
software licenses, which is why businesses are not going to bring
something new and unknown just because it doesn't cost anything to

Many people don't understand that they pay for windows because it is
already installed on the computer when they buy it. So they bring the
computer home and use it to browse the net and send mail and maybe go
out and buy some kind of word processor to write letters and ant-virus

Of course there are other types of people, but a vast number of them
have the mind set that it's a windows world. Which is the issue that
has to be addressed without making Ubuntu sound like a second rate

The article does go over a many of these points, if you cut out about
50% of the volume you many be on the right track. 

Forget Windows

Mike Feravolo

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[Bug 109064] Re: Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users

2007-07-15 Thread Mike Feravolo
Giving this a bit more thought; I think that Start Ubuntu is still too
ambiguous and could scary people off. The whole idea of giving away
disks as a method of promoting Ubuntu is to get people to try it.  Then
just say Try Ubuntu if that is what you want them to do.

As far as looking Commercial is concerned, the link below addresses
that issue better then I can:


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[Bug 109064] Re: Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users

2007-07-14 Thread Mike Feravolo
How about something short and to the point like:

  Try Ubuntu

Mike Feravolo

Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users
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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Please, Make the Ubuntu Leaflets as easy to get as the Live CD's (Freddy Martinez)

2007-07-07 Thread Mike Feravolo

Of course when I made this suggestion I didn't want to exclude people
that are not in business: 

 As a side issue, perhaps having a nice leaflet with support services
 (Canonical,LoCos etc) would  be good to hand out with CDs.  I'd like
 to look at the leaflet as well, however I am not in the business
 community, ideally all the resources would be shared as it will help
 the general community.
 Freddy Martinez

There are a lot of advantages of using the leaflets to promote Ubuntu
instead of the Live-CD, since they are a lot less expensive to produce
and are always applicable to the most current version of the software. 

The leaflet which is awesome is the one at the link below (in pdf):

It is attractive and tells people just enough to get them interested in
Ubuntu, with out over selling it. One of the thing that I have had to
learn is when introducing something to people is not to overwhelm they
with too much information. 

People that have been in the computing trade for many years will back
Ubuntu as long as it remains free in the sense of the GNU project
definition of free software. 

Cooperative marketing with people in the GNU/LINUX programming and
technical support community can help all of us. 

Thank You

Mike Feravolo

Orlando, Florida

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[ubuntu-marketing] Please, Make the Ubuntu Leaflets as easy to get as the Live CD's

2007-07-04 Thread Mike Feravolo
Good Day People:

As strong protagonists of Free Software we will always recommend that
our customers use GNU/Linux and other free software applications instead
of proprietary software. 

After a couple of months of attending business networking and other
chamber of commerce style events with both the Live-CD and the Ubuntu

We have noticed that whenever we offer people both the Live-CD and the
leaflet together, that most of the time they give us back the CD and
keep the leaflet.  

Taking this into consideration; I would like to ask the good people at
Canonical to make the leaflets available to business people like myself
in the same manner as they make the Live-CD's available to everyone for

That way business people like us can distribute the leaflets to people
in our local community. At business networking organizations and
chambers of commerce's. This is very effective method of advertising to
business owners and people in other professions outside of the field of
computer science.

As members of these types of organizations you often get the opportunity
to distribute information to people in a cost effective manner. For
example direct mailings, display racks, table top events, etc. 

Short run printing the leaflets ourselves would be impractical. However,
printing them on a 4-color offset press by the hundreds of thousands
would cost pennies a copy vs. about a dollar (or more)  each in short
run using a color laser printer or photo-copier.

The leaflets are awesome like they are now and removing the heavy red
print would alter the presentation and possibly make them less
effective. Which is why it would be a good idea to make them available
to people to distribute them to other people using business networking

Thank You

Mike Feravolo
Orlando, Florida
Call: 407-412-7042

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] Dell Refuses to Sell Ubuntu to Business!!

2007-06-21 Thread Mike Feravolo
Hello Everyone:

I have not tried to buy a computer with Ubuntu installed on it from
Dell, but this type of thing doesn't surprise me at all.

Here is the opening paragraph taken from the Dell Web Site:

You asked, we listened. For advanced users and tech enthusiasts, we’re
happy to offer a new open-source operating system, so you can dive in
and truly enjoy a PC experience just the way you want it. In addition to
the FreeDOS systems we already offer, we are proud to announce PCs with

Which is followed by a link to Shop Dell PC's with Windows. After that
they ask you Already an Open Source fan ?.

This is all a fine of example of the biggest problem with marketing any
Linux / Open Source Computing Solution. Before anyone with out a degree
in Computer Science, even understands what you are talking about. Let's
go ahead and scare them away from Open Source, by telling them every
possible thing that can go wrong with it.

Of course, they are selling them and it's a good thing that someone like
Dell is behind Open Source. Maybe some of the big box electronics
retailers will follow and place a few Ubuntu systems out on a sales
floor where everyone can see, hear and touch them. Then they will sell
to everyone, not just people that are: Already an Open Source fan.

-- Shop for Ubuntu,


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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] fullcircle #1 - ready for Marketing . . . .

2007-06-04 Thread Mike Feravolo

I like that the cover of the magazine shows the Ubuntu Splash Screen.
Now I can use this issue with the Splash Screen on the cover to show
people that they don't have to be afraid to try the Live CD. 

The rest of the issue is excellent, by providing both news and how to
tips it will also be worth holding on to for a while. 

Good Work

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida USA

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[ubuntu-marketing] Selling Ubuntu to People

2007-06-03 Thread Mike Feravolo
Good Day People:

Last Friday June 1, members of the Florida Loco helped me (Mike
Feravolo) sell Ubuntu to the East Orlando Business community at our
local chamber of commerce trade show.

Given the limited resources of our small business Ad Spend and the
nature of our business, we can't sell Ubuntu to the entire world.
However, will do our best at our local level and getting out there and
talking to as many people as we can one on one is the best way to do

As an engineer I liked the way that Gerry Carr categorized people into

a) new to Linux
b) heard of ubuntu but not ready/capable of downloading
c) wants reassurance that it is a familiar environment

a) familiar with linux and/or ubuntu
b) wants to know what's new and cool in latest release

However, all of the people which need to be sold on Ubuntu are Type
One, the others are already sold or they are hard-core users of another
Linux distribution.

Our motives are simple we are computer scientists and engineers and we
sell our time and expertise. That's how we make our money. So why do we
want to help Sell Ubuntu? Why Not! because it can save our clients
money and we all are old UNIX hacks anyway. 

So forget giving a client with a small office a bill that includes
$20,000 worth of software licenses when we don't get any of the money
anyway. Now, We can give them an Ubuntu option that will save them that
twenty dimes up front.

There is your marketing right there. Wow! we didn't even have to say
anything good or bad about [deleted], we just gave them a price
comparison. That says it all!

Walmart isn't the largest employer right now in the United States,
because people here price shop for the highest price tag. But they don't
want anything for free, because they are afraid there is a catch. 

Which means that you could put together an Live CD edition of Ubuntu
that you could get out as an impulse buy for a token fee [of less then
five dollars] and then people would buy it. 

Money collected from these impulse racks could be then be rolled back
into the production budget to recover the costs of the media. People
don't need to understand that software licensing is free, and just think
they are paying for a disk.

Walmart would be the place to put them, right at the check out line next
to the five pack of Blank CD's. As long as the Walmart Edition both
carefully eliminated any fear to try it, while protecting the new users
from themselves.  Many people have told me they were afraid to try the
Live-CD, because they were afraid that it was going to delete all their

Now, the artistic talents of our marketing team are required to make
these special Live CD's attractive and the copy writers get the message
straight and eliminate any fears.

Sorry we are software engineers and we can't hold a pen straight. Good
thing for spell checkers or we would even know how to spell engineer. 

Thanks for Your Time

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida USA

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Re: [ubuntu-marketing] ubuntu-news team ( Mike Feravolo )

2007-05-30 Thread Mike Feravolo
Good Day People:

I have been reading the marketing list now for a while and would like to
share a few of my thoughts.

First I would like to throw in my two cents and say that Marketing
and News should be divided into two separate teams. 

For example, would a major media company expect the same people to both
report the news and sell advertising ? Of course not these are two
different trades: Journalism and Sales.

As a business owner you have to be out there selling or else nobody is
going to buy anything. So, I am out there selling at chamber of
commerce, and other business networking functions. 

This week for the first time, people at these events I think are
starting to get what Ubuntu is all about. Yesterday (May 29), I was the
speaker at one of these events and attended two others. 

Looking back at 14 Hours of attending meetings and driving in my car, I
realized that people aren't really windows users. They are Office
and Internet users and could care less about the operating system.

Keeping that in mind; Telling them about the differences between Linux
and Windows is useless. In fact they don't even have a clue what Linux
is, and that they also make up a large percentage of Microsoft's
customer base only because it is forced on them when they buy a

Okay, this means first they need to know what Ubuntu can do for them,
instead of what Ubuntu is (Linux for Human Beings). Once they know
what Ubuntu can do for them, they will want to know what Ubuntu is all
about. Once they want to know what Ubuntu is all about, then you will be
able show them (i.e. Now, They are Sold on Ubuntu). After you have them
sold, then you address any technical issues and they aren't going to be
scared away.  
I just thought that I would share these observations with everyone, and
would like to say I like all the things that the marketing team has

We like the leaflets and I would rather pass them out then the CD's at
business networking function's, because a lot of people have told me
that they were afraid to try the software. 

If we could get 800 leaflets, we could get them out to 800 businesses in
Orlando Florida, in the next East Orlando Chamber of Commerce mailing.
There are also nearly 2000 members in the Cocoa Beach Area Chamber of
Commerce, I am sure that there is a way to reach them also.

This just the type of low cost cooperative advertising, that would prove
an effective way to Sell Ubuntu to the people that are active in any
local business or community organization.

Good Job Everyone,

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida USA

PS:  Where are the wiki pages and/or forum threads for stuff like this ?

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[Bug 109064] Re: Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users

2007-04-30 Thread Mike Feravolo
The easiest way to address this is to use an iso editor and change the
text in the file: isolinux.cfg before buring your own CD's. Of course
this is also the place it would need to be changed officially. I have a
short explaination of how to do this on both my Ubuntu Wiki page:
MikeFeravolo and on a prototype wiki page below:

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida

Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users
You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu
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[ubuntu-marketing] How to Change the Splash Screen Text

2007-04-24 Thread Mike Feravolo

If anyone wants to know how to change the scary text on the Live CD's
[that they burn themselfs] here is something that I posted on my unbuntu
wiki page (below):

A Quick Fix for the Scary Live CD

In a post to the marketing group I noted that people that I have given
the Live CD's to were scared off by the term Start or Install Ubuntu
on the splash screen. Here is know you can change that scary text
before you burn your own Live CD's. You will need the following software
tools: An ISO Editor (isomaster), a text editor (gedit) and a iso image
of a unbuntu distribution. 

1) Download your Favorite Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu or Edubuntu

2) Open the ISO image file with the ISO editor 

3) Extract the File /isolinux/isolinux.cfg to your desktop 

4) Make sure you have read and write permission to isolinux.cfg 

5) Edit isolinux.cfg and remove the word install, and/or replace it with
something like Test Drive to make it less scary. 

6) Save isolinux.cfg and quit the text editor 

7) using the ISO Editor replace the file /isolinux/isolinux.cfg with the
one that you edited 

8) Save the Modified ISO Image for your favorite flavor of *-buntu 

9) Burn it to a CD 

10) Restart Your System and Enjoy 

It's kind of rough but it add a few screen snaps and rewrite the dialog
to make it a little less technical, add a little bit of the case history
info (to make it more newsy) and it might just make a half-way decent
full circle feature article.

Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida
mail: eztips at earthlink dot net

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[Bug 109064] Re: Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users

2007-04-23 Thread Mike Feravolo
After giving the Ubuntu Disks to people in the Cocoa Beach, Melbourne
and Orlando Florida Areas. A few people got back to me and said that
they were afraid that to use the disk, because it may destroy everything
on their computer. So I decided to see what the other other people on
the marketing team thought of this. Appearing to me to be more of a
marketing issue then a bug in the software, since the purpose of giving
away the disks is to Get Ubuntu Out There.

I was also think about submitting the bug report on this issue myself,
even though I don't believe that this issue has anything to do with

Boot-up option 'Start or install Ubuntu' scares new users
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[ubuntu-marketing] Please Help Us Spread the Good Word About Ubuntu

2007-04-13 Thread Mike Feravolo

My name is Mike Feravolo and I run a small computing solutions business
in Cocoa Beach, Florida. We advocate the use of Ubuntu and other open
source software applications to other small businesses.

We attend numerous business functions that are run by the local chambers
of commerce and meet a lot of people in the media. Many of these
publications have space that they allow organizations to let people know
about events that occur on a regular basis for free. 

Anyone that can write 20 - 30 words or so that describes what a LoCo
group is and that everyone is welcome to join and the meetings are at
(fill in the blank) time and anything else would be really awesome. Then
all the other Loco can use it too if they like in their local press. 

The other thing is maybe we can sell some of these small local
publications on running some kind of feature story on Ubuntu. 

This is a lot harder then the announcement copy that we need for our
Florida Loco. But I did what to let everyone know that a good feature
story about Ubuntu could also be run in more then one publication too.

Good Day,
Mike Feravolo
Cocoa Beach, Florida

PS Please Feel Free to mail me OnA1A at earthlink dot net or use my
phone number with the dots at earthlink dot net.

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[Bug 102142] firefox crashed

2007-04-02 Thread Mike Feravolo
Public bug reported:

Binary package hint: firefox

Firefox crashed during normal browsing (

** Affects: firefox (Ubuntu)
 Importance: Undecided
 Status: Unconfirmed

firefox crashed
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