Re: [ubuntu-uk] 14.10 code name

2014-04-23 Thread Philip Stubbs
Just started typing Animals begining... and Google's second suggested
completion was  with u. I guess there are a few people trying to second
guess Mark about now.

On 22 April 2014 18:38, Peter Smout wrote:

 On 22/04/14 18:30, J Fernyhough wrote:

 On 22 April 2014 18:23, Chris Coulson wrote:

 I hope it involves unicorns. How about, Ubiquitous Unicorn? :-)

 - Chris

 I think the entire internet would be severely disappointed if it didn't.


  Although of course there are other options.

 Uakari: A monkey found in South America (with an unusually small tail for
 it's size!)

 Uguisu: A bird (whose guano is used is face creams, if that does not put
 you off nothing will!!)

 Umbrellabird:  That would just be boring!

 Pete S


Philip Stubbs

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu unusably slow

2013-02-06 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 6 February 2013 23:05, Gareth France wrote:

  To the best of my knowledge I wasn't using Adobe Air at the time. And as
 for Flash, of course I don't choose how others design their sites.

But you can choose what software to run on your computer. Have you tried a
flash blocker? Or a different browser? Or a different version of the flash
plugin? If you open the same tabs in Chrome, does it behave differently? I
seem to remember that Chrome comes with its own flash plugin, so may well
be worth a try. It could be that the new machine hits a bug in the flash
plugin that the old machine did not.

Philip Stubbs

Re: [ubuntu-uk] Sony Experia

2012-12-17 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 16 December 2012 07:33, Ted Wager wrote:

 Thanks for the replies...Bought phone yesterday and looking forward to
 playtime...See phone tells
 me the software is up to date yet lots of mails say ics is available..Also
 mails say the battery must be
 drained before a recharge...Is this so ?

  Ted Wager.
Find the forum for you phone and do a search. Lots of info there.

If you are feeling brave.

Don't worry too much about running battery flat. I believe that was true in
the day of NiCad cells. LiPo cells don't like going flat. The phone
will shut-down before the cell is completely flat to protect it.

I have an Xperia U. Cyanogenmod for it is not complete yet so I am still
running Sony's ICS. However, the boot-loader is unlocked, and the thing is
rooted. Most of the bloat has been deleted.

There are hacks to enable USB mass-storage, but I have not bothered. With
adb installed it is just as easy to type adb push file location to copy
a file to the device.

Tools you will want:-

Philip Stubbs

[ubuntu-uk] [OT] Recommendations for laptop spares suppliers

2012-06-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
Can anybody recommend a reputable supplier for a new keyboard for a HP
Compaq Presario CQ70 laptop?

Thought that I should ask before just picking a random guy on eBay! :-)

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] 12.04 failing for me.

2012-05-24 Thread Philip Stubbs
I have been using Ubuntu quite happily for a few years. It has been
great having a stable system. However, it seems that the good times
are over.

Look at the graph at [1]. That is if the machine has not crashed
again. It can be seen how unreliable this machine is since the upgrade
to 12.04.

If this was the only machine I had, then I would not think too much
about it. Unfortunately I have two other machines that have also been
upgraded to 12.04 that also no longer have the same stability as

I am now torn. On the one hand, it would be good to wipe the machines
clean and try with a fresh install instead of an upgrade. On the other
hand, if I am going to wipe the computers clean, it would be an ideal
time to jump ship, and possibly revert to using Debian again.

This dilemma will probably result in me doing nothing until the
12.04.1 upgrade.


Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12.04 failing for me.

2012-05-24 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 24 May 2012 14:00, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
 I have upgraded servers from 10.04 to 12.04, AND one server from 10.10
 through 11.04 and 11.10 to 12.04. All are fine. No crashes so far,
 everything is stable.

 This seems to be a problem specific to your setup. We can help further if
 you provide a profile of the server. What hardware? What software? What
 does crash mean? Total lockup? Kernel panic with output on console?
 Processes (like snmpd) crashing?

I have three machines that were all upgraded from 11.10 to 12.04. They
all worked reliably on 11.10.

One of the machines, an old 1.7 GHz Celeron IBM desktop acts as my
server. After upgrade it appears to kernel panic. The screen plugged
into it is a bit broken, so I have only once caught the screen output
before it power saves. I can't wake the screen without rebooting the
machine, so I am only guessing that the other failures are the same.

My desktop machine is probably the most tinkered with. It sometimes
stalls on boot. At different places. Sometimes I have noticed it
mentions waiting for network configuration. The boot is very slow.
Turn on and go get a cup of tea. Minutes, not seconds. It is not a
super fast machine, but should not be this slow. Also, when logging
in, Unity is slow to start up. Not minutes, but a real long pause. I
recently tried Xmonad for fun, and thought that the it could not be
running correct as it started so fast! :-)

The second desktop locked up the other day. My wife uses this machine,
and all I know is that she needed to turn off and on again. Sorry, but
I can't cope trying to get a more detailed response.

The two desktops, once up and running don't seem to crash, but then
they are only on when required. Only the server is on 24/7.

I know that I should dig and get more details, but Ubuntu is supposed
to be Linux for Humans. These days I just want to get on and use the
machine, not spend hours just keeping them going.

Don't get me wrong. I am not unhappy with Ubuntu. Just a little
underwhelmed with this release. If I were supporting machines like
mine professionally, I would be having a real paddy. But then I would
also be more inclined to fix things ;-)

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] Tiling Window Managers

2012-05-21 Thread Philip Stubbs
Don't get me wrong. I like Unity. It does what it does well. However,
I was reading some notes from UDS, and Xmonad was mentioned. I think
in an off-hand way, but I decided to install and have a play.

Well I liked what I found.

I can't be alone, so was wondering what other opinions were. What is
the best tiling window manager? I did find a list here
From a quick glance I am tempted to try Awsome. Also, Qtile looks
interesting, as it is written and configured in Python.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Why not contribute to Ubuntu Manual

2012-05-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 9 May 2012 19:52, Alan Pope wrote:
 So my question to you is:-

 If you have considered contributing to Ubuntu Manual, but haven't,
 what's stopped you?

 Some reasons might include:-

 * Lack of time
 * Lack of motivation
 * Lack of skill
 * Difficult to use tools

Yep, all of them. I did look at getting involved a while back. It
seemed to me then that doing all the work in LaTeX was a little odd.
Don't get me wrong, I like LaTeX. But in this instance I am not sure
it is the correct way to go. Installing LaTeX Live and doing all the
version control stuff is complicated, especially if you are not a
programmer who is familiar with the concept.

Why not develop the book as a Wiki? First, anybody with a web browser
will be able to read and write content. The content can then easily be
munged into a website, Epub or PDF format.

This is just a brain fart really. If I had more time, motivation and
skill, I would hack together a proof of concept.

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] Simple EXIF tag editor

2012-05-10 Thread Philip Stubbs

I have a large quantity of scanned images that I would like to tag
somehow. I could use a program like Shotwell, but the tags etc are
stored in a database and not in the files. What I really want to be
able to do is have a program that will load the image and display it,
and have a couple of input boxes for a description and tags to be
added. These can be saved in the Title and User Comments tags.

If I cant find a program that can do it directly, I am thinking it may
not be too difficult to have write a script that goes through the
Shotwell database and adds the tags, but I don't want to re-invent the

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Simple EXIF tag editor

2012-05-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 10 May 2012 16:53, Colin Law wrote:
 I believe Shotwell can be set to write the data back to the images
 rather than saving in its db.

Well there is certainly a tick box to that effect. I need to do some
tests, but if that works, then I am sorted.


Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity - fails to load automatically -- low-graphics mode crashes

2012-05-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 9 May 2012 13:09, Matthew Sturdy wrote:
 - I start up, and select Ubuntu from the dual boot menu.
 - Then the screen goes black, with a non-blinking cursor in the top-right of
 the screen.
 - Then I see the low-graphics mode dialog.  This dialog doesn't respond to
 - I use ALT+CTRL+F3 to drop to tty3. (tty1 and tty2 don't respond)
 - I use 'sudo service gdm restart' to bounce the GDM.
 - then I see the login pages, and everything is normal from then on.  As far
 as I can tell, I am using Unity 3D when I log in.

 I have a separate discrete graphics card, which doesn't sit well with Linux,
 but the built-in processor is not underpowered.  However, I suspect that
 this is confusing gdm when it starts, and so it is showing me this screen.

What graphics card do you have? Do you have the correct driver
installed? Can I suggest you run 'lspci' and make sure that your
graphics card is seen by Linux. You could also look into
/var/log/Xorg.0.log and see what X is doing on startup.

One thing I like to try is to stop gdm/lightdm whatever, and then run
startx. If it fails it often gives a helpful message.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity - fails to load automatically -- low-graphics mode crashes

2012-05-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 9 May 2012 18:36, Matthew Sturdy wrote:
 I return to tty3 and killed the process (CTRL+C).  then I started gdm and
 all was ok again.

 It seems to be a bug in gdm or unity at this stage.. .but I can't really
 raise it without knowing which!

 Any other suggestions?

Not really. The only thing that seems odd. Why are you using gdm? Is
there a reason why you are not using lightdm?

Is this a machine that has been upgraded a number of times? If so, do
you have an old Xorg.conf file in play? If that is the case, it may be
worth backing it up to a safe place and running without it.

After that, I am out of ideas! :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Unity - fails to load automatically -- low-graphics mode crashes

2012-05-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 9 May 2012 19:39, Matthew Sturdy wrote:
 h...  I didn't realise that was weird... I have both installed.  Could
 it be that both are starting at the same time and confusing everything?  I
 imagine that gdm was installed when I moved to Gnome Shell!

 OK, I'll run a few more tests, and see how it goes... If I can live without
 one or the other I will aim to remove them!

I also have both installed, but gdm is not used. run this command

sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm

That should give you the option to set the default.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12.04 audio recording?

2012-04-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 April 2012 18:20, alan c wrote:
 On 18/04/12 17:36, alan c wrote:
 I have had remarkable success with Ubuntu 12.04 beta 2 (updated) so
 far, however I have just discovered that the gnome media stuff, or at
 least  - specifically the sound recorder facility - is a problem - it
 does not work. Not on the two different machines I have tried, and I
 am about to try a third.

 Sound recorder is a very useful app and I really hope it will be
 working soon. Does anyone else use it?

 Same problem in a third, different machine.

It works here, at the moment. Just kicked off a 95Mb update, so will
try again in a few minutes. :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 12.04 audio recording?

2012-04-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 April 2012 19:46, Philip Stubbs wrote:
 It works here, at the moment. Just kicked off a 95Mb update, so will
 try again in a few minutes. :-)

Lots of 3.4.0's were replaced with 3.4.1's so I guess that is a point
release of gnome then. Sound recorder still working. Sorry, but that
does not help very much, does it. :-(

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Date Time display

2012-02-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 27 February 2012 09:15, Ken Adams wrote:
 I have been searching the archives, but not sure what to look for, so I
 am asking here.

 I have lost the Date  Time display in the top toolbar and cannot find
 where to bring it back. The Date  Time setting does not show in the
 system settings. I cannot add with a right click.

Hi Ken,

Go to System Settings, from the icon in the top right corner.
In there, under System, there is an icon for Time  Date. Click that.
Select the Clock tab.
Check that the 'Show a clock in the menu bar' option is checked.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Update BIOS with dual boot

2012-01-31 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 31 January 2012 14:38, James Morrissey wrote:

 I have realised that some graphics glitches i have been experiencing
 on my thinkpad x121e might be the product of an out-of-date BIOS. As
 such i am looking to update my BIOS.

The last BIOS update I did was on an ASUS motherboard. ASUS supply a
DOS utility to flash the BIOS, so I created a bootable CD with
FreeDOS, the utility and the new BIOS on it, as I don't have a floppy
drive. The FeeDOS website had a guide to creating the CD. If Lenovo
also have a DOS utility, that may be a way forward.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Top Posting

2011-11-23 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 23 November 2011 09:45, Jon Reynolds wrote:
 Do you make a point of bottom posting regardless of the recipient's style?
 Or do you just stay 'bothered' inside but think 'what's the point' and
 just top-post?

Bottom posting only makes sense when people cut the quoted text. If
people are going to always leave the full original post, then top
posting is better, IMHO.

On a mailing list such as this, if I need to look back, the full
thread is available. Here, bottom posting is better. At work, my boss
may have a long back and forth with a supplier, and then suddenly
include me with a 'What do you think?' type message. In that
situation, I am glad that they have top posted, including all the old
messages, as I can then look back and see what has already been
covered by all parties.

Horses for courses.

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] Cheap USB DVB-T Dongale that works with 11.10

2011-10-29 Thread Philip Stubbs
Can anybody that uses a cheap USB DVB-T dongle that works well with
Ubuntu 11.10, please tell me the make and model.


Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] sony camers files

2011-10-26 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 26 October 2011 11:27, mac wrote:
 Not sure the Sony A55 is supported by UFRaw:

If by A55 they mean Sony SLT-A55V, then it is supported by UFRaw,
according to that page.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] LO in 11.10 STILL CANNOT USE TBird addressbook as an address data source!!!!!!!!!

2011-10-19 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 October 2011 17:57, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
 Unfortunately I am not a programmer

Maybe this is an opportunity to do something about that? :-)

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] Configure Network Manager from Command Line

2011-10-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
I have just rebooted a machine, and it lost the ability to resolve
domain names. This machine has 11.10 on it and I have just done an
update today. This suggested a reboot so I did. After that, it forgot
how to resolve domain names.

Poking around, I found the /etc/resolv.conf file had nothing in it
except a not saying it was managed by network-manager. Manually adding
a nameserver here fixed my problem, but I am going to guess that it
will disappear again next reboot. How do I make this permanent from
the command line over ssh?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Configure Network Manager from Command Line

2011-10-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 October 2011 16:08, Simon Greenwood wrote:

 Is this a server? I assume you don't have a GUI. There are command line
 tools  if you Google for them but there isn't one installed by default.
 However if it's a server you can configure your system manually and disable
 Network Manager, which stops it making changes.

Yes, it is my home server. It did have a GUI installed but that failed
after the Oneiric upgrade. Can't complain about that as it did give a
warning. So, what is the best way to disable Network Manager?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Configure Network Manager from Command Line

2011-10-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 October 2011 16:18, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
 List the interfaces in /etc/network/interfaces, and Network Manager will
 ignore them.

Well, I did have them listed in there.

Now I have run
sudo update-rc.d -f network-manager remove

Lets see if that puts it in its place. :-)
Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] Strange DVB USB behaviour in 10.10

2011-10-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
Hi All,

I know I should have waited, but I could not resist! This machine was
upgraded to 11.10 early. Very quickly I bumped into a bug when I could
not use my USB DVB tuner due to a missing patch in the kernel.

Now, when I try and use the DVB device, it will work, but adds the
'feature' of simulating a tab key press every couple of seconds. The
same thing happens when I use me-tv, gnome-dvb-control, scan and tzap.
The tab key presses continue all the time those applications are
running, even if in the background. This makes using any other program
that responds to the tab key very difficult.

Any suggestions on where to look for for help?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu compatible digital voice recorder

2011-10-03 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 3 October 2011 16:25, James Morrissey wrote:
 Hi Timothy,

 Thanks for the advice. I went with the Sony, as you mentioned.

 I'll have a look at transcription software and let you know if i come up
 with anything useful. Hopefully i can get something working natively in

In the past I have used this:-
But looking at that webpage, it may have been replaced with this:-

the first one at least is in the Ubuntu repositories so should be easy to test.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] OT - digital TV recorder (Humax) free software.....

2011-07-06 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 3 July 2011 16:26, alan c wrote:
 I continued thumbing through to the appendices, and suddenly saw lots of
 free software stuff.

 '.. The licences for most software are designed to take away your
 freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public Licence
 is intended to guarantee your freedom to .'

I noticed a similar thing in the manual for my Samsung TV.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Barebones pc.

2011-06-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 10 June 2011 10:40, Alan Pope wrote:
 Only the pictures of kittens, which I believe comprises most of the
 internet these days.

Is that an euphemism? :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Barebones pc.

2011-06-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 10 June 2011 10:50, Alan Pope wrote:

 Kittens! Thousands of them!

Now that was just plain gratuitous!

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] unity gimp

2011-06-07 Thread Philip Stubbs
There seems to be a lot of Unity bashing going on. Just for balance, I
have been getting on fine. I accept that it is still very young and
has some maturing to do, but overall, I like it.

The big test for me was how the wife would get on. I was expecting all
sorts of wailing and mumbling along the lines of why change it. Well I
did get that, but it was only to do with the style of the cards in her
favourite game! That was easy to adjust.

I am really looking forward to 11.10 to see how Unity grows up. Also
being able to switch between Unity and Gnome 3 will be interesting.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] FireFox and SQLite

2011-03-05 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 27 November 2010 15:25, Ian Pascoe wrote:
 Morning All

 I'm in the process of installing GNUCash on both my Windows and Ubuntu
 boxes, both of which currently have FF as the browser.

 I seem to remember that FF uses SQLite as it's own back end, but have a
 nagging memory that Mozilla have optimised it for FF's use and this makes it
 unusable for any other application.  Can anyone confirm this please as I
 want to use SQLite as the backend for GNUCash too and want to know if I need
 to install SQLite, or use the FF one?

It looks like firefox has a version of libsqlite in the
/usr/lib/firefox directory. It may be possible to use that version of
sqlite with Gnucash, but I don't think I would risk it. The
modifications made for Firefox may be slight, but could have
unforeseen consequences for Gnucash. I would simply install the
default sqlite from the standard locations, and use that for Gnucacsh.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Test drive and V-Box ..

2011-02-16 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 16 February 2011 12:25, Alan Pope wrote:

 Due to the VirtualBox extensions not being present. Have you tried
 doing the install inside virtualbox and then adding the extensions,
 then rebooting the VM?

The other day I downloaded the latest VirtualBox, and tried Natty. I
did not try too hard but I seem to remember that the version of X in
Natty is too new and not supported by the extensions.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Test drive and V-Box ..

2011-02-16 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 16 February 2011 19:39, Alan Bell wrote:
 On 16/02/11 19:07, Philip Stubbs wrote:

 On 16 February 2011 12:25, Alan  wrote:

 Due to the VirtualBox extensions not being present. Have you tried
 doing the install inside virtualbox and then adding the extensions,
 then rebooting the VM?

 The other day I downloaded the latest VirtualBox, and tried Natty. I
 did not try too hard but I seem to remember that the version of X in
 Natty is too new and not supported by the extensions.

 Works a treat actually. You need Virtualbox 4, which isn't in the repos, but
 comes as a .deb file and install the virtualbox guest extensions in the
 guest, then sit back and enjoy all the compiz powered unity goodness.

I was trying VirtualBox 4.0.2 on a 64 bit Windows host. I was at work
and only mildly curious so did not spend too much time working out
what was wrong. Can you please let me know what version you are using,
as I may want to try and run it at home on a Linux host. Thanks.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Webcam with built-in mic to work on Ubuntu?

2011-01-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 7 January 2011 22:03, David King wrote:
 I would be interested to know if any of the webcams that work with Ubuntu
 also have an optical zoom -- does anyone know of any? Or is that too fancy
 for a webcam? I need something more powerful than your average webcam but a
 lot cheaper than a proper camcorder, to use as a camera to stream live via
 the web (using rather than record onto a disk/memory

I don't know, but would a Canon PowerShot with an alternative firmware
do the trick?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Diaspora

2011-01-07 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 7 January 2011 12:13, David Jones wrote:
 On 07/01/2011 12:12, azmodie wrote:

 I sent you an invite too. If anyone else needs one, I got two left.
 Liam Gallear

 The number of people asking for them has convinced me I should ask for an
 invite if there is still any left.

 Dave Jones

One will be on its way shortly
Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Diaspora

2011-01-07 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 7 January 2011 12:22, Sean Miller wrote:
 Scary, but whosever invitiation Dave doesn't use - could I have it?


On its way.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Diaspora

2011-01-02 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 2 January 2011 22:15, Mark wrote:
 I got 5 invites if anyone wants one?

Any invites left? I would love one please :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Diaspora handles

2011-01-02 Thread Philip Stubbs

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Corrupted User Accounts?

2010-12-20 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 20 December 2010 15:34, Kris Douglas wrote:
 To do this, I would use

 cp /etc/shadow /home/username/shadow.bak
 cp /etc/passwd /home/username/passwd.bak

 then archive home

 tar -pczf home.tar.gz /home/myusername

 then move our files onto a USB device

 cp /home/home.tar.gz /media/usb drive name

 I'm sure there are better tutorials out there, but It's something to look at.

$ sudo apt-get install backup-manager

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] What's the best...

2010-12-17 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 17 December 2010 15:55, Alan Pope wrote:

 I'm installing a little Ubuntu server for home. (AMD 1.3GHz CPU, 1GB
 RAM, 160GB disk, low power, low noise)

 One of these things:-

 (112 quid once you get the cash back)


 Mailserver:- Postfix
 Webmail:- Roundcube webmail
 File sharing:- SAMBA (with some config fu)
 Webcam monitor:- Webcam (part of xawtv)
 Media server (music/photo/video):- ???
 VOIP server:- ???

 What am I missing / what would you do?

The latest thing I have installed on my home server is byobu
I have used screen many times but not really hard. This makes using
screen even simpler.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Loosy splah screen after update to 10.10

2010-11-19 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 November 2010 23:02, Jacob Mansfield wrote:
 does anybody know if it's possible to customise the Plymouth graphics, I
 quite fancy giving it a stab and ending up with something a bit more
 impressive than 'dots'.
 Jacob Mansfield

A quick Google and I find

Hope that helps.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Video and DVD creation ....

2010-11-04 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 4 November 2010 10:50, John Stevenson wrote:
 Looking at the recently created OpenShot website,
 it is looking a really good option for video editing, with lots of
 features.  It also uses the Media Lovin Toolkit
 as opposed to the Gstreamer system used by others.

 I hope to try out OpenShot at the weekend.  If anyone does a write up of how
 they got on with OpenShot, please let me know.

I had a play with OpenShot last night. It looks very good, but I have
to say that it did crash once, and getting the codecs installed is not
clear.[1] Once that was sorted, it does have a very good dialog for
setting the codecs where you just pick what the target is (YouTube,
DVD, Bluray etc) and it will then set some sensible defaults. You can
then click the advanced tab, and tweak if required. That is one thing
it does better than PiViTi. I have not actually tried to create a
video with it yet.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 10.10 VirtualBox problems

2010-10-12 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 12 October 2010 22:34, David King wrote:
 I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.10 and installed it in VirtualBox
 3.2.8 (running on Ubuntu 9.04 host). It's the 64-bit version.

 So I rebooted the virtual machine and tried installing the Guest
 Additions again, but it still says that it has an unknown version of the
 X Windows System.

 So it looks like Ubuntu 10.10 is currently incompatible with VirtualBox?
 If so, it's real shame, as I test all distros in VirtualBox before
 considering them for installation.

I think you need to install the following:
$ apt-get install virtualbox-ose-guest-x11

I found this here:

Google is your friend! :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 10.10 VirtualBox problems

2010-10-12 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 12 October 2010 23:04, Philip Stubbs wrote:
 On 12 October 2010 22:34, David King wrote:
 I downloaded and installed Ubuntu 10.10 and installed it in VirtualBox
 3.2.8 (running on Ubuntu 9.04 host). It's the 64-bit version.

I have just noticed that 3.2.10 is now out and the change-log mentions
a fix for this issue.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Streaming Audio - Cross-Platform

2010-09-21 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 20 September 2010 23:12, Grant Sewell wrote:
 Pulse Audio to the rescue!

 Please bear in mind that I have never done this, nor even tried it.


Wow. This is an answer to a question I have not even asked yet! :-)

I have two computers in the same room on the same network. One is
connected to a stereo and therefore has sound. the other does not. I
have been thinking for some time there must be a way to share the
sound card from one PC to he other in similar way that I can share the
Printer. Reading through that FAQ seems to indicate that it is

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Vote Results!

2010-08-31 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 31 August 2010 12:24, Alan Bell wrote:
 There were 85 voters and the results in order of the options are:

 so in order of popularity that is:

 8) 58 full height k with hyphen

 Making this the most popular logo option: (don't worry about the
 14 in the URL, that means nothing)

Typical! One that I did not vote for. That goes to show how much I know. :-)

Well done for organising the vote.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 11.04 Natty Narwhal

2010-08-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 August 2010 10:08, Alan Pope wrote:
 On 18 August 2010 09:53, Sean Miller wrote:
 There is no evidence, as far as I can see, that 9.04 and 9.10 are any
 more similar than 9.10 and 10.04, therefore the accepted rules
 regarding release numbers (ie. 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.5 1.51 1.52 denotes
 major and minor releases) don't apply so 10.04 is NOT a release
 number imho and has no more significance in that regard than Lucid
 or Karmic...

 Release numbers are arbitrary at the behest of the developer who
 chooses them. We chose YY.DD and it works really well. You can te

And I always thought that it was YY.MM :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Scanners OCR

2010-08-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 August 2010 18:25, Simon Wears wrote:
 Heyhey everybody!
 I'm looking at investing in a scanner so I can digitise my university notes
 this coming academic year. I was wondering if anyone has a scanner they can
 recommend that works well with Ubuntu? Ideally it would be a tray-fed
 scanner, so I can put in several sheets at a time and just hit a nice big
 'GO' button, and it would scan it all into a single PDF. Bonus points if it
 can scan both sides of the paper in one go.
 Also, has anyone tried any available OCR software for Ubuntu? It'd be great
 if I could scan in my notes into text, which would make them all searchable!
 Simon Wears

I have a CanoScan LiDE 60. It is only a simple flat bed scanner, but
does fulfil your 'works with ubuntu' requirement. I seem to remember
going to the SANE website and looking for information on what is
supported before buying it.

Have fun!
Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Scanners OCR

2010-08-18 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 18 August 2010 22:24, John Levin wrote:
 No idea as to the state of dedicated handwriting recognition apps. If
 you're taking notes, why not enter them directly onto your computer?

Alternatively, type up the notes later. It will help reinforce the
lecture. Of course you will have to give up some beer time, so not
really a practical suggestion. :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Oracle sues Google over Java

2010-08-13 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 13 August 2010 11:27, Bruce Beardall wrote:
 For those who don't already know, Oracle has decided to sue Google for using
 Java, somehow missing the whole Java is Open Source idea. Is this what
 Oracle had in mind when buying Sun? An IP cash cow?

 Details here:



I think that they are probably a bit upset because Android does not
use the Sun JVM. I was only reading the other day that this could bite
Google if it was found that the alternative VM infringes any Sun IP.


Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Rsync to a remote computer

2010-08-04 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 4 August 2010 12:28, Colin Law wrote:
 On 4 August 2010 12:23, Gordon Burgess-Parker 
 Is it possible to use rsync to a folder on a remote computer?


 If so what's the syntax?


 I would have thought google would have given you this in seconds.

$ man rsync

Google not required :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] loco logo

2010-08-03 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 2 August 2010 22:58, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
 On 02/08/10 22:55, Alan Bell wrote:

 Looks fine to me :-)


Is it meant to be a lower case u followed by an upper case K? That is
just plain wrong. Keep it all lower case, or all upper case. If you
really need an upper case K then use it with an upper case U.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu for small business

2010-07-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 27 July 2010 18:42, Jim Price wrote:
 I've been reading the list for a few weeks (and posted once to get gmane
 set up and tested) in preparation for an upcoming job. I have a contact
 who is keen on using open source wherever possible in a new startup
 company, so I am looking for any kind of resources which might help in
 such a situation. I've been using open source software for years, but
 only in large corporations in fairly narrow applications.

 I couldn't make the Ubuntu in Business meeting a couple of weeks ago,
 but is there a writeup of what happened there? Are there any other good
 starting points to get an overview of what Ubuntu can offer the small
 (but hopefully fast growing) business?

If you need to get up and running quickly, and resources are tight,
have you thought about using Google Apps for your domain? Register a
domain name, set up google apps with that domain name, and you
instantly have 100 email accounts all for the cost of the domain
registration. Client machines can be anything with web access and a
browser. Instantly have ability to work away from the office. Later,
as time and resources allow, you could either upgrade to the paid for
version, or migrate away to running your own servers, as required.

I would be interested in what you find in the way of ERP. There is
half an idea floating around inside my head that concerning that.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Question on ffmpeg encoding

2010-07-23 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 23 July 2010 14:27, ByteSoup wrote:

 mencoder -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vpass=1:$opt -mf
 type=jpg:fps=5 -o $VIDEOFILE mf://$IMAGEPATH/*.JPG

 The only part I changed is fps= down to 5 from 8. Im assuming the input file
 list is in $opt in that line?

I would have thought that it was the mf://$IMAGEPATH/*.JPG bit.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] ubuntu-uk Digest, Vol 63, Issue 28

2010-07-15 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 15 July 2010 12:16, Andrew Woodhead wrote:

 RE: Message 2
 Try emptying out /etc/resolv.conf then add these 2 lines:
 Save the new file then restart your browser.

foil_hatAs long as you are happy to let Google know everywhere you
go on the internet./foil_hat
Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Aptitude

2010-06-07 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 7 June 2010 08:51, Neil Perry wrote:
 Hello Guys,
 I've just been pointed out, that for Maverick they have removed aptitude
 being install by default. I don't want to start another button debate.
 But how many of you using aptitude rather then apt-get?
 I've used aptitude since I started using ubuntu, seeing as I thought apt-get
 wasn't maintained any more.
 Neil Perry

I had a suspicion this was going to happen. I seem to remember that
when I was using Debian it was recommended to use aptitude. Can't
remember why though. From the command line I still use aptitude. Once
it is no longer there by default, it will require me to change my
ways. More often these days the GUI tools are sufficient to get things

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Site Rebranding - Mockups

2010-06-03 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 3 June 2010 13:31, micheal harker wrote:
 Hi Ubuntu UK Team!
 Last Night in the meeting It was decided we are going
 to re-brand so I have made some mockups. Each Mocup has
 different ideas but with similar layouts.
 Mockup 1:
 Mockup 2:
 Mockup 3:
 Mockup 4:
 Mockup 5:
 Mockup 6:
 lets narrow it down to 3 ideas. I will make live demos of the Site then we
 will vote for the final one.
 Micheal H

I vote 'no' to a London skyline.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu UK Site Rebranding - Mockups

2010-06-03 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 3 June 2010 13:44, Liam Proven wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Philip Stubbs wrote:
 I vote 'no' to a London skyline.

 Why, because it's London?

No, because I see it all over the place, and I don't think that it
looks very nice. Also, it represents only a small area of the UK. If a
city sky-scape is required, how about having a selection of different
cities and rotate them? People may not recognise them by sight, but
they could be watermarked. Then when others view the sight, they can
learn what Manchester, Bristol or Edinburgh looks like. You get the

Don't let me put you off. I know what I don't like, but find it much
harder to imagine what I do. I admire anybody's ability to pull a
design together.

Have fun.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Using Gparted

2010-05-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 26 May 2010 16:45, Dianne Reuby wrote:
 Reminds me of a relative who phoned me a few years ago and complained
 his (Windows) PC wouldn't boot.

 What were you doing when you last used it?
 Just deleting some files I never use
 Like what?, something like that
 You may have a problem there ...

LOL :-)

I had a friend who also called me with
My computer will not start
What did you do?
Well it said that I was running out of memory, and to close some
applications. So I deleted Windows/System32. I don't use a program
called System32 so I deleted it. Did I do something wrong?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Meego and Ubuntu

2010-05-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 27 May 2010 10:58, YaManicKill wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 Am just trying it in a VM, and if I like it, I'll install it on my
 lenovo ideapad s10e. It looks really good.

What VM are you using? I have tried it in Virtualbox on a Windows
machine, but it complains about missing framebuffer

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] Slow Log In since upgrade

2010-05-19 Thread Philip Stubbs
Since upgrading to the latest version of Ubuntu, I have been getting a
prolonged pause from entering my password to the desktop displaying.
The GDM window disappears, and all I see is the background and my
pointer. Some time later, say 15 seconds, the desktop comes up.

How can I find out what is going on during that pause so that I can fix it?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Call for help - ISO testing

2010-05-13 Thread Philip Stubbs
I would like to get involved. If I can actually help is yet to be
determined. :-)

Philip Stubbs.

On 13/05/2010, Alan Pope wrote:
 Hi all,

 I'm sat here at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Brussels and wanted to
 let people know about something and ask for volunteers to help.

 During the Lucid development cycle (ending with the Lucid release) the
 Italian LoCo Team have been doing some great work contributing to
 Ubuntu and I wanted to bring that to the UK.

 The task is to test the Ubuntu ISO (CD) images at certain points
 through the cycle. This is a surprisingly easy thing to do, and with a
 few volunteers and bit of co-ordination it's possible to test all the
 various flavours and architectures and report bugs to the QA team.

 What the Italian LoCo have done is co-ordinate the effort to ensure a
 spread of testers across Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu and other flavours,
 and 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. There's no single person who has
 to test every single ISO, and some people only test one of them. There
 are points in the cycle (Alpha/Beta releases for example) where more
 effort is needed, so having multiple people testing the same ISO gives
 some redundancy as well as ensuring the images are well tested.

 What you'd need is a computer and a relatively decent internet
 connection which you could use to download one or more ISO images.

 Anyone fancy helping out with this? If so just say so here, and we can
 work out the details when I get back from UDS.



Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Nicht im Haus bis 2010-05-28

2010-05-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 9 May 2010 10:35, Daniel Case wrote:

 How do i stop my out-of-office doing the same when i go on holiday??

Don't set out-of-office.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Backup strategies: [Was Hard drive- Bad sectors]

2010-04-19 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 19 April 2010 09:10, Paul Morgan-Roach wrote:
 Not sure if it's any use to anyone on here, but backuppc (available in the
 repositories) is a very nice solution, as it's a perl based with a nice web
 interface that allows backup using SMB, rsync over SSH, etc.

 It handles incremental backups nicely and gives an easy method of restoring
 files and folders as well.  I'm currently using it to backup a handful of
 remote sites to our head office and it's very effective.

 Might be worth a look.

That is definitely worth a look. I have been using backup-manager,
also from the repositories. In fact I have been feeling rather smug,
as I finally have sorted out my backup's. Having never been bitten by
a failing HD, I had not formally setup a backup system. Now I make
sure that stuff I am working on is in my Dropbox folder.
backup-manager does nightly incremental backups on my server and
workstation, and weekly full backups. All important data is on the
server. Then I rsync the archives from both machines to a USB hard
disk, that is located in a different building to the server.

I am thinking of changing the USB drive to a much bigger one, and then
coming up with a scheme that avoids massive transfers across the
network each week.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] The tablet everyone is talking about..

2010-04-11 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 9 April 2010 15:51, John Stevenson wrote:
 Just bought my Joggler online.

I ordered mine on the 6 th. My Credit Card was debited the same day. I
emailed them to see why I have not even received a confirmation, and
it appears they are out of stock, and will send one 'soon'.

Just pinged them another email saying that as they already have my
money, they better reply saying that mine is due in 24 hours. We will
see what happens. :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for a Speccy

2010-03-29 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 28 March 2010 23:57, Matthew Daubney wrote:
 Thanks for everyones help :) I've now located one that suits my needs
 perfectly :D (Waterdamaged unit from ebay)

If you manage to get this working, please let us know. It would be
interesting to see the results.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Create a DVD

2010-03-26 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 26 March 2010 10:22, javadayaz wrote:
 I placed a DVD in the tray. A menu opened (CD/DVD creator). I dragdroped the
 mpeg file in there and clicked create. A dvd was created.
 This works fine on several pcs..but doesnt seem to work on a dvd player
 connected to a tv.
 What am i doing wrong? any help

When you put the DVD into a PC, what do you see? Do you see the
original mpeg file or do you see VOB files? I would guess the former.
If so then you would be better using a program like DeVeDe to convert
the file into the correct structure and make a disc image that can
then be burnt to a DVD.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Looking for a Speccy

2010-03-26 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 26 March 2010 18:06, Liam Proven wrote:
 Your nomenclature is wrong. There were 4 models of ZX Spectrum from
 Sinclair  3 models from Amstrad:

 Sinclair Research

 ZX Spectrum (16K) - the original, rubber-keys one
 ZX Spectrum (48K) - same rubber keys, more RAM
 ZX Spectrum Plus - 48K, plastic chiclet keyboard
 ZX Spectrum 128 - 128KB RAM, chiclet keyboard with a big heatsink on
 one side, GA-AY-8910 sound chip


 Spectrum +2 - grey, built-in datasette recorder
 Spectrum +3 - black, built-in 3 (*not* 3.5) floppy disk drive
 Spectrum +2A - black, FDD removed  replaced with built-in datesette recorder

 You are after a ZX Spectrum Plus, by the sound of it.

I was going to make some joke about anoraks, but really I am still
jealous of the kids at school who had spectrum's.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Lucid Lynx TV Advert

2010-01-31 Thread Philip Stubbs
On 31 January 2010 14:28, Steve wrote:

 A new thread to discus a possible TV advert

Personally, I think it would be hard to answer a broad set of
questions in one advert. The chance of missing the point for a broad
range of potential target audience is too great. therefore, it would
be better not to try.

instead, it would be possible to at least raise brand awareness. Start
with just a quick flash of a second or two of the Ubuntu 'circle of
friends' logo. A little like they do on the run up to Big Brother.
Later show the logo with 'Ubuntu'. That way people start to associate
the logo and the word. Finally add a tag line and a web address. Those
that are really interested will go to the web address, and that can
answer all their questions. They will only need to investigate the
features that are relevant to them, be they IT professionals or users.

This way, when people walk into a computer store that sells machines
with Ubuntu on them, they will say, 'OK, I have heard of that!' and
not run a mile looking for the familiar Windows or Apple Logo.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to edit Policykit

2010-01-01 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/12/31 Andrew Seyes
 Hi Philip,

 I too had the problem with shutdown warning other uses were logged in,
 and prompting for a password. I tracked this down to having installed
 mythtv on my laptop. I removed it (I was only testing it out anyway)
 and the problem disappeared. It looks like there is a bug reported
 against mythtv [1] for this - with a work around described in comment
 #17. Might try that myself if I put mythtv back on my laptop.

 If you dont have mythtv installed, then it looks like others with a
 similar problem [2] have found out (comment #12) which policies to
 edit [3]. Not tried this myself as I dont have the problem anymore.



The tip at [3] above worked for me. As my machines are home desktops,
a user who is not in the admin group needs to be able to shut it down
without the need for an admin password. The default behaviour makes
sense for a server, but not for my desktops. it is a shame there is
not a more intuitive method of changing this function.

Philip Stubbs


[ubuntu-uk] How to edit Policykit

2009-12-31 Thread Philip Stubbs

How do I edit policykit so that it stops asking for a password on
shutdown? When I try and shutdown my machine, a dialog pops up saying
that the current policy does not allow shutting down the machine while
other users are logged in, and requires an admin password to continue.
I believe this makes little sense on a desktop system, and would like
to stop this from happening. All I can find out is that it is
Policykit, but I cant find any way of editing it.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] How to edit Policykit

2009-12-31 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/12/31 Andrew Seyes
 Hi Philip,

 I too had the problem with shutdown warning other uses were logged in,
 and prompting for a password. I tracked this down to having installed
 mythtv on my laptop. I removed it (I was only testing it out anyway)
 and the problem disappeared. It looks like there is a bug reported
 against mythtv [1] for this - with a work around described in comment
 #17. Might try that myself if I put mythtv back on my laptop.

 If you dont have mythtv installed, then it looks like others with a
 similar problem [2] have found out (comment #12) which policies to
 edit [3]. Not tried this myself as I dont have the problem anymore.



Thanks Andrew. In all my searches, Mythtv did not come up once. I do
have Mythtv installed on this machine.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] File copying problem to USB flash drive

2009-12-25 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/12/25 David King
 When trying to copy video files to a USB flash drive, once the file has
 copied over, the original gets smaller, down to either 96 bytes or 0
 bytes. The copy also sometimes shrinks to the same size.

 What could be causing this and how can I keep the files intact on the
 hard drive?

 I am using Ubuntu 9.04 on an AMD64 PC. The USB flash drive is 16 GB in size.

Exactly what commands are you using to create the copy? Are you using
the graphical interface or from the command line?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] File copying problem to USB flash drive

2009-12-25 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/12/25 David King
 I am clicking and dragging from within Nautilus. I also tried from the
 menus, Edit/Copy and Edit/Paste.

 It did not happen every time, but too often for comfort. At least I was
 able to recreate the first video file that disappeared (created using
 Open Shot Video editor). This problem has not occured before, only with
 a files created with Open Shot.

Personally, I avoid 'click and drag' just because I normally forget
when it will copy and when it will move. Therefore, if using the GUI,
I will right click and select copy or cut as required, and then paste.
Now I don't think that explains your problem though. You could try
using the cp command from the command line. Also, when you had your
problem, was OpenShot still open? I am just thinking that if the file
is still open in the application, that may cause the copy command to

Other than that, I have no suggestions.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] TV connected to ubuntu pc via ethernet

2009-12-08 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/12/8 Alan Pope
 2009/12/8 javadayaz
 I know i have asked this question before so forgive me for asking again...
 What is the situation with tv's that are able to connect to pc's via

 Which exact make and model of TV can do this?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] web / e-mail hosting

2009-11-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/26 Matt Wheeler
 On Thursday, November 26, 2009, Philip Stubbs wrote:
 I hope you are wearing your foil hat right now

 While I do use gmail, I think it's important to consider carefully how
 much you trust them to keep your data secure. Have you read the gmail
 privacy policy? It basically says we will not put up much of a fuss
 if someone asks for your data.
 Added to the fact that you are allowing them to store your data in the
 US, where data protection laws are not as broad as the UK's.

 Before you lump in the google-wary with the tin foil hat wearers,
 consider that a government would have a much easier time simply asking
 google for your thoughts than attempting to steal them through radio
 waves ;)

Easier still, they could just ask me! Of course you are right. You
need to trust those people who hold your data. However, I am still of
the opinion that any email is like an open postcard. If anybody is
going to trust their deepest darkest secrets to an open postcard, then
they are a fool. The same with email, even if it is hosted privately.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] web / e-mail hosting

2009-11-26 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/26 mac
 Gordon wrote:
 Russell Hay wrote:
 +1 for hosted gmail

 Hasn't Gmail had one or two major outages recently?

 I noticed a few people are keen on Google mail.  Yes, folk tell me it's
 convenient (I don't know about outages);  but Google is in to
 data-mining on a vast scale.  I suppose if you're happy for them (and
 their partners, clients, US government agencies, and who knows who else)
 to know more about you and your behaviour than you yourself know (even
 without any linking to non-Google databases they may go in for), that's
 not a problem.  But for me, I'll survive without the 'convenience'.

 Call me paranoid...

I hope you are wearing your foil hat right now

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] web / e-mail hosting

2009-11-25 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/25 Colin McCarthy
 2009/11/25 mac
 Following the massive e-mail outage (again) at Fasthosts yesterday, I'm
 looking to move my e-mail-only account.  Does anyone have any experience
 / comments about Heart Internet or 5 Quid Host?  Their free or
 cheap-as-chips packages look OK.  I'm not fussed about the web space
 aspect, really, more the e-mail service.

 I would recommend getting your email hosted for free by Google.

 I use for it a few domains and you get all the wonderful Google Mail
 features but with your own domain name.

 It's easy and simple to setup too.


Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] GIMP Add-In Maybe?

2009-11-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/10 Norman Silverstone
 On Tue, 2009-11-10 at 06:46 +, Alan Bell wrote:
 Ian Pascoe wrote:
  Evening all
  I have the pleasant task over the Winter months to start to scan in a few
  thousand 35mm colour negatives.
  However, before I start I wonder if anyone knows of anything that will turn
  a digitised colour negative into a colour positive.  I've wandered through
  the GIMP, but really haven't a clue as to what I'm looking for.
  Anyone know of any app that will do this conversion and do it well as once
  completed and stored in multiple places, as you do, the negatives are to be
  disposed of.
 Colours - invert
 from the menu. However ImageMagick may be more scriptable for you.

 This does not allow for the colour distortion caused by the built in
 filter in colour film.

Is the colour distortion consistent? If so then than the negative of
that tint could be applied to the images.

If I had thousands of images to adjust, I would take out a handful,
then play with a script using ImageMagick. A number of steps may be
required. It could also generate some thumbnails. When done, it would
make sense to keep the original scans secure. Even with careful
planning, it would seem likely that at least a few images would
benefit from a manual tweak, and that would be best done on the
original image.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] GIMP Add-In Maybe?

2009-11-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/9 Ian Pascoe
 Evening all

 I have the pleasant task over the Winter months to start to scan in a few
 thousand 35mm colour negatives.

 However, before I start I wonder if anyone knows of anything that will turn
 a digitised colour negative into a colour positive.  I've wandered through
 the GIMP, but really haven't a clue as to what I'm looking for.

 Anyone know of any app that will do this conversion and do it well as once
 completed and stored in multiple places, as you do, the negatives are to be
 disposed of.

Have a look there. If the quality of the scans are consistent, then
you could write a script to automate it with the image magick tools.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] BBC Audio Streams

2009-11-07 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/7 David Restall - System Administrator
 I'm not that interested in TV streams (there's not much on TV that
 interests me so I rarely watch it).  Where is the get_iplayer script ?

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] problems

2009-11-04 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/4 Alan Lord (News)
 On 04/11/09 09:50, David King wrote:
 It made no difference installing the galaxy icon set.

 also, how do I change the icon set in OOo? I see no option in the program.

 And, after making that change, things got worse. All the menu entries
 vanished. I had an icon in the panel for OOo Writer, which also would
 not work without specifying the full path to the program. And when I run
 it, I still the get the same error message.

 What can I do?

 My suggestions would be to:

 Backup and then remove any/all of your ~/{x} directories,

 cd ~
 tar zcvf OOo.backup.tar.gz ~/{x}
 rm -r ~/{x}

 uninstall OOo and whatever debs you have installed.

 Synaptic is probably the easiest way to do this.

Alternatively, from the command prompt you can run:-
$aptitude search openoffice | grep '^i'

Then do an:-
$aptitude purge whatever

The purge option will remove config files that may otherwise get left
behind. Then re-install as suggested.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Not a good press

2009-11-03 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/11/3 Sean Miller
 Maybe it is time to ask the question again -- is the 6-month cycle too


There will never be a 'one size fits all' If six months is too fast
for someone, then they should use only LTS releases. Alternatively,
they could use Debian, or Suse or RedHat etc.

An ambitious schedule will cause some problems, but I think it will
also drive progress. It must be good for developers who come out with
a shiny new version of their software knowing that they only need to
wait maybe six months before it is included in a major distribution.
Also, from a users perspective, it helps having up-to-date software
available directly from the main repositories.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] 9.10 released

2009-10-29 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/10/29 Alan Pope
 2009/10/29 Rob Beard
 Great, just in time, I'm just about to sort a PC out and was going to
 install 9.04.  Guess it'll get 9.10 instead :-)

 Use the torrents if you can:-

'Gentlemen, start your BitTorrent's!' :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu on the BBC!!!

2009-10-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/10/21 James Milligan
 Did anyone else watch BBC News this morning?

 Whilst showing off Windows 7, the tech correspondent showed a Mac with
 Safari open on

 Didn't actually mention the name etc, but said about other OSes.


I have not had time to read it yet,

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] streaming content via wires!

2009-10-20 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/10/20 Alan Pope
 2009/10/20 javadayaz
 Apologies for bringing this topic back up but can i ask a question!

 In a bid to provide extra protection to the cable i am thinking of wrapping
 it in brown tape...Is this a good idea?

 Protection from what?

 It wont protect from lightning strikes.

I think he was worried about UV degradation of CAT5 cable running on
the wall outside his house.

I would suggest that some form of conduit would be better.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] streaming content via wires!

2009-10-20 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/10/20 javadayaz
 just the general elements...water and snow primarily!!!

The cable will be fine in snow and water as long as the outer sheath
remains intact. After installation, the biggest threat is likely to be
UV. This will break down the polymer chains in the sheath causing it
to become brittle and crack. If you are on a north wall, it will
probably last for years. On a south wall, one good summer could do
significant damage.

It is hard to say what would be sufficient for you without seeing
exactly where and how the cable is to be fitted. If changing the cable
in the future is not going to be easy, then invest in exterior grade
now and be done with it :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] [OT] MP3 players

2009-10-12 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/10/11 Michael G Fletcher
 Hi Guys,

 This is more of a philosophical question... I'm looking for a new mp3
 player, about 4 - 10GB, but not over the top when it comes to
 features, I have a smart phone (HTC-Magic running Andriod)  .

 If I were to buy an Apple iPod Nano, would I be going against all my
 OSS beliefs and values?

I have a Sansa Fuze. For music, it plays fine with Linux. It will play
Ogg plus others. Video is a bit of a problem Last time I checked, it
would only play a specially formatted video that only the windows
software will create. Other than that, it is great. Has 8Gb internal
memory, and also has a slot for extra memory.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Manchester Karmic (9.10) party

2009-09-29 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/9/28 mac
 Alan Bell wrote:
 I don't think anyone sensible would draw any conclusions from any single
 article (on any subject) but this does appear to be a useful
 contribution to the mix.

 Just wondered if anyone had come across this piece in the Guardian from
 a Windows devotee.  (The author's description of the Win7 Launch Party
 video is priceless.)

Shitasmic. That should be in the dictionary.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Installing itunes on Wine.

2009-09-23 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/9/23 Rik Boland
 I am still trying to install itunes on Wine but it wont work - any idea's

 Should wine have some form of window/desk top (GNU?) as me just get a
 list of programs to run and itunes is not one them!

Best advice would be to ditch iTunes. However, this may help

Also check

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Organising, searching and emailing

2009-09-17 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/9/17 Dianne Reuby
 Our Volunteer Co-ordinator has returned to Uni, so I'm lumbered again.
 Except now we have quite a few volunteers to deal with. I want to be
 able to:

 * keep their contact details, availability, and skills list
 * search the list for availability and skills
 * email those who meet the search requirements (I plan to do mass emails
 of general news for all volunteers through the website, so I only want
 to email certain volunteers when necessary)

 I've been looking at options, but my main problem is that if I get lucky
 and find another sucker :) to take it over, they'll probably be using
 Windows so I need something that lets me export the data from Ubuntu if

How about using Google Docs? Then as long as they have a browser, it
does not matter much what OS the eventual incumbent uses. Also, you
can share docs, so multiple people can get involved :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] mythtv

2009-08-22 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/8/22 Rob Beard
 Norman Silverstone wrote:

 Thanks for the pointer to the MythTV mailing list I will follow it up.
 Incidentally, the changes to my local transmitter has meant that
 digiboxes etc have also had to be re-set.


 No problem, I haven't used MythTV in a while since the PC it was running
 on failed.  I must get it sorted out :-)

 I found that after the switchover it was fairly painless to rescan the
 boxes, one of the boxes did put channels in an odd order and my old
 OnDigital box no longer worked.

 I also found that my Freeview card which before the switchover wouldn't
 pick up any of the ITV channels, now picks up all the ITV channels but
 not the BBC channels!

Our local transmitter (Rowridge) is not due ti fully switch over until
2012. Until then, it is on only 10% power for the digital signal, and
they have a number of times moved things about meaning channels come
and go.

Last time I played with setting MythTV up, I purged all the packages,
and re-installed all the MythTV stuff. I followed a guide I found
on-line, and configured it to use the transmitted guide instead of the
Radio Times. It worked much better this time. The previous time, I had
to manually hack the MySQL database to get the channels setup. This
time, it 'just worked'.

Hopefully I will not have to touch it again until 2012 when we get the
full 200kw signal, and then I should be able to get rid of the signal
booster. :-)

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Remote start torrents

2009-07-21 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/7/21 javadayaz
 I would like to remote start torrents on my main ubuntu machine. To that
 effect which torrent client is the best (and easiest) to set up.

sudo aptitude install screen rtorrent

I don't use bittorrent much, bue when I do, I just ssh into my server,
start a screen session, and then start rtorrent. I can then log out
and leave it running.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] help please

2009-07-01 Thread Philip Stubbs
 Hi all,
 as a newbie I'm in the process of switching over to Ubuntu, and as I run a
 small business I use MS Visio for my site plans . My question is what is the
 equivalent in Ubuntu? Also I've  just bought a Wacom Bamboo pad, and I've
 seen lots of posts on here on using it, so any help with installing the
 bamboo or using it would be really appreciated.
 Thanks all.

I would recommend you have a look at Dia and Inkscape. The Gimp is
also good, but is not a vector format editor. There is also Xfig, but
that may feel a little 'old fashined'.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Last Barrier!

2009-06-10 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/6/10 Gordon
 The last barrier to ditching MS completely is two-fold.
 One - updating my Garmin Nuvi Satnav (the web updatyer apparently is
 only for Windows) and secondly back-up and restore of my Nokia mobile
 via Nokia PC Suite.

 There seem to be one or two sync apps for Nokia - anything to be

I am only really interested in syncing my contacts on my phone. As I
use google mail, I can use the google sync. It works great. Now I can
add a contact to my phone or to my google mail contacts, and they will
automatically sync according to the selected schedule.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Business with Ubuntu

2009-05-27 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/5/27 James Milligan
 Ah thanks for that.

 Just seeing the quote you used from my last email - wanted to clarify
 it a bit. The reason i'm wanting a live cd is so that I can put the
 codec stuff on or flash and the other media things, not drivers etc.

 As a quick sort of poll, is Ubuntu Desktop the best for this type of
 thing, rather than any of the others? I.e. Kubuntu, Xubuntu etc.

Stick with Ubuntu if the machine can handle it. If it is a bit low
powered, then use Xubuntu. You don't want too many
options/configurations, as it will become a nightmare to manage.

Before all the KDE fans get flame throwers out, I only suggest using
Ubuntu as it is the standard version, not because of any bias for
Gnome on my part.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Installing Font

2009-05-22 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/5/22 Gordon
 Open Office 3.1 on Ubuntu 9.04
 Does anyone know how I can install the MS Font Monotype Corsiva? It
 doesn't seem to have been installed using the MS Core Fonts installer,
 and my wife, whose company laptop has this font as default sends me docs
 that don't /quite/ render properly because of this.

 Thanks in advance!

If you have the ttf file, I have found that I can drop them into a
folder named .fonts on my home directory.

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 8.10 - upgrade of svn to 1.5 or 1.6

2009-04-15 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/4/15 Werner F. Bruhin
 I just upgraded my Ubuntu machine which I mainly use for my svn
 repository.  Reason to upgrade was to get of svn 1.4.3 to something more
 recent, i.e. 1.5.x or even better 1.6.1.

 Was searching around but have not found instructions on how to get svn
 upgraded - note that I am still pretty new to Linux/Ubuntu.

 Only thing I found was sudo apt-get upgrade subversion but the post
 was not clear if the person actually got it fully working (i.e. he
 posted that command but then stated that he run into problems).

First I must say that I don't use svn. However, I would have thought
that if you have upgraded to 8.10 then you should already have
subversion 1.5.1. If you upgrade to 9.04 then you would have
subversion 1.5.4 unless it is held back for any reason.

If there is anything you need to do to your repository, I would not
know. However, I bet a quick Google would tell you.

All the best,
Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Comic strip creating software

2009-04-09 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/4/9 javadayaz

 Im thinking of creating some comics. I know there online creators.but does
 anyone know of software that will work in the ubuntu environment?

Inkscape and The Gimp

Philip Stubbs


Re: [ubuntu-uk] Running a .run file -- Permission denied command not found

2009-04-08 Thread Philip Stubbs
2009/4/8 doug livesey
 When I try ./, I get the following output: bash: ./
 Permission denied.
 So, for completeness' sake, I try sudo ./, and then get: sudo:
 ./ command not found.

 Can anyone advise me on what to try next?
 Thanks very much,

$chmod +x

then see if it will run.

Philip Stubbs


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