Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-02-02 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> @Marcoc.
> There's a lot VC also going on on the server. E.g. The whole volume
> curve generation and mapping is done on the server.
> It's not that simple.

Not sure why you wrote this, I'm aware volume control is mainly at
server side, but if you fix volume at 100% and avoid replay gain,
crossfade and others you get bit perfect output to Squeezelite., then
avoiding -V you get bit perfect output to ALSA, using -U you then get
bit perfect to the sound card.

There is more than this? Please explain in case.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-02-02 Thread marcoc1712

a491765 wrote: 
> When i mentioned moode is with mpd server and not squeezelite.
> In mpd its really simple just edit the mpd.cfg and in the line called
> MIXER= put software, hardware or disable that's it.
> Ok if i understand you there is Os mixer, Server mixer option
> (squeezelite) and client control (LMS),
> I guess that i need is OS to 100%, server is bypassing by OS, and LMS is
> set up to 100%, right ?

RIght, but LMS is SERVER and SQUEEZELITE is CLIENT (forget MPD names and
concept, the client is the device attached to the DAC, receiving
data from the server, the server is where LMS runs and it send data to
clients, controllers just controls players via the server.

I'll try the following:

1- use hw: to avoid sharing th CARD with OS mixers (on client).
2- set output to 100% FIXED for the client on LMS /server side).

if availlable:

3a- use -U option to unmuute ALSA and set volume to 100%.


3b - manually check if ALSA MIXER has a control for your card and set it
at 100%.

4- disable ANY -V option.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-02-02 Thread marcoc1712

a491765 wrote: 
> Yes already did that, but i thought it was more a client trick than a
> source solution.
> If my alsa mixer is setup to 90% and i use the 100% LMS solution this
> mean iam at 100% of the 90 % right ?
> My goal is to setup source at 100%
> If you can confirm that LMS solution did the job its ok for me.


The LMS control only operate on server side. You could then have a
volume control in Squeezelite (using, if I well remember -V option) AND
in the OS at hardware and software level.

You should take care of all the option you have.

In my installation squeezelite is compiled without the support for
external volume control, and the mixer for the device does not have ANY
control, that way I'm 100% sure is always 100%. 
Server side you have the control I mentioned.

YOu must take care of both, and I could not understand how moode could
do that, being only a client with squeezelite installed.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-02-02 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> The problem is, you can't disable the HW mixer - the alsa-mixer  - if
> such a mixer is offered by the driver/firmware.
> Meaning, before starting squeezelite you'd need to initialize the HW
> mixer of your DAC.
> I havn't tested if LMS also sets the HW-mixer through squeezelite
> external Volume control to 100% if enabled.
> I kind of doubt it.
> Because of above and to avoid ambiguous/random situations I configured
> all my systemd service files to 
> run a script (that knows all settings for all my
> DACs)  before starting squeezelite.
> That script also resets all the old Alsa settings.

Just selecting the hw: prefixed device you get a direct access to the


|Filename: Cattura.jpg  |

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2020-02-02 Thread marcoc1712

a491765 wrote: 
> Hi folks,
> related to my post on the picoreplayer 6.0.0 for RPI4 thread, i need
> some assistance to setup correctly my squeezelite.
> Here's my setup :
> - RPI4 2go
> - Pcp audiocore 6.0.0-b7 + LMS on 16gb microSD
> - Last eeprom updated
> - An USB DAC with no hardware volume control (Cambridge Magic100)
> connected to the pi with USB-B
> - An Amp (Atoll IN80SE) connected to the DAC with RCA
> -I disabled build-in audio card
> Here are the link of my both post :
> The short story is : I use an USB DAC trought a pi4 with pcp+lms and i
> would like to setup  0db 100% volume outputs like the option which exist
> on moode or volumio.
> This disable the mixer and the software volume controle and gives full
> performance to my dac and then to my amp.
> Could you please tell me how to do this trick ?
> Thanks for your help.

This is not enough for you?

|Filename: Cattura.JPG  |

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-28 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Yes both actually play. The only thing I wonder a little bit. It's very
> soft. If you play the unconverted track it's much much louder however
> with the noise in background 
> Thanks S

if "much much loiuder" means >> 6db (the double of pressure, almost the
difference between the volume knob at 9 and at 10 in your amp) in sound
level with sign of clipping and loud noise in bakground, that probably
means the player is reading data with a wrong format, where sox is
reading it correctly and transcode it to the format you gave it in
output (32 bit,  signed, little endian) with a rebuilded wav header.

If I well remember, the log of Daphile could be found in the extra or
developer menu (only in beta versions).

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-25 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi MArco,
> thanks for still supporting. I have found out a little bit more.
> I installed Daphile to use as the mediaServer.
> I use the IFI iNano Dac for testing (This defintly should handle the
> 32bit correct)
> When I start Daphiles internal Player ith the iNANO Dac (As far as I
> understood he creates a squeezelite instance for each Audio Device) it
> plays without any issue.
> Then i repluged the iNano to another Linux system and started your
> Squeezelite-R2 with
> > 

  >   > ./squeezelite-R2 -x -d decode=debug -o hw:CARD=Audio,DEV=0

> > 
> I immediately saw this as a new Player on the Daphile MediaServer.
> Started to play and.Loud noise again.
> Having a look at your squeezelite LOG it shows:
> > 

  >   > 
  > [12:41:59.901566] decode_flush:190 decode flush
  > [12:41:59.917657] codec_open:218 codec open: 'p'
  > [12:41:59.917698] pcm_open:405 pcm size: 4 rate: 352800 chan: 2 bigendian: 0
  > [12:42:00.094887] _check_header:173 unknown format - can't parse header in 
stream, using server parameters
  > [12:42:00.094996] pcm_decode:214 setting track_start

> > 
> As the LMS does not convert or change anything there must be different
> handling of the file in the squeezelite Player. 
> Could it be that this line causes the problem:
> > 

  >   > 
  > [12:42:00.094887] _check_header:173 unknown format - can't parse header in 
stream, using server parameters

> > 
> Thanks and looking forward to your feedback
> S

The problem here is that the wav header is missing or malformed in the
stream. Daphile was the first to adopt R2 mods in order to read the
header from the stream, as far as I Know  is identical to R2 in that
matter,  but maybe Kimmo modified the code that investigate the header
in order to handle DXD, could you please post the squeezelite LOG from
inside Daphile?

BTW, this time the Audio device is correctly opened at 32 bit 352800 hz.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-25 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi Marco,
> > 

  >   > I'm not going to help you with custom convert, i wrote C-3PO to get rid 
of it...

> > 
> Sure and that makes sense as it is much more comfortable. It was just
> for getting some more background :-)
> Ok thanks for the information. That would make sense as only the 32Bit
> files make problems. Is there a way to request the interface
> capabilities? Something likeOutput hw:Card and then it shows you
> what it is possible?
> What I am not sure about isI am using this USB --> I2S Interface
> for example:
> And This DAC:
> It clearly says that the DAC is capable of handling 32Bit. However I
> am not sure about the USB to I2S Interface maybe that is the problem.
> Also my other Test DAC from IFI shows the same behavior
> > 

  >   > (and that is very, very strange) so when SOX resample the file it 
convert it to 24bit (-b 24) when playing native, obviously it wil not. To play 
that file you must then resample it and convert it to 24 bit depth. That is 
very unusual, USB UAC2 explicity ask the drivers to 'cut' or fill by zeroes the 
samples with wrong depth...

> >  
> Just to avoid misunderstanding as I did not get 100% the the point of
> this statement...You mean it is strange that the DAC cannot handle
> 32bit?
> Thanks and have a nice weekend
> S

Probably is not the DAC but only the driver of the USB/I2S having
problem with 32bit streams and this is the strange thing, becouse
specification says that any device (driver) should receive and handle
any bit depth form 8 to 32 bit, just discarding the less significative
bits when greater than the real capaility or adding padding zeroes when

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-24 Thread marcoc1712
 Plays and shows the rate
> downsampled rate of 385Khz in the display. 
> BTW: In foobar it plays the 768Khz without issue so I guess it's only
> a setting i did not find yet :-)
> Yes that did it :-) and now the c-3PO output is
> > 

  >   > 
  > "/usr/bin/ffmpeg" -vn -v 0 -i 
"/tank/media/TEST/What-A-Wonderful-World_DXD352KHz_2chDXD.wav" -f wav - | 
"/usr/bin/sox" -q -t wav - -t wav -b 24 --buffer 8192 - gain -h rate -v -I -b 
90.7 384000 & |

> > 
> Tried also to put this in the custom.conf but for whatever reason it
> does not work.
> Appreciate your help and support.
> Thanks S

I'm not going to help you with custom convert, i wrote C-3PO to get rid
of it...

As I wrote before, the problem here is your dac interface could not
handle 32 bit (and that is very, very strange) so when SOX resample the
file it convert it to 24bit (-b 24) when playing native, obviously it
wil not. To play that file you must then resample it and convert it to
24 bit depth. That is very unusual, USB UAC2 explicity ask the drivers
to 'cut' or fill by zeroes the samples with wrong depth...

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-18 Thread marcoc1712
> otherwise it's not resampled and the DAC shows PCM768 but output is
> only strange noise 
> > 

  >   > 
  > [14:05:27.100603] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [14:05:27.116586] codec_open:257 codec open: 'p'
  > [14:05:27.116620] pcm_open:397 pcm size: 3 rate: 44100 chan: 2 bigendian: 0
  > [14:05:27.310240] _check_header:80 WAVE
  > [14:05:27.310597] _check_header:104 header: fmt  len: 40
  > [14:05:27.310605] _check_header:143 pcm size: 3 rate: 768000 chan: 2 
bigendian: 0
  > [14:05:27.310617] _check_header:104 header: fact len: 4
  > [14:05:27.310621] _check_header:104 header: data len: 6912
  > [14:05:27.310625] _check_header:115 wav audio size: 6912
  > [14:05:27.310628] pcm_decode:206 setting track_start
  > [14:05:28.723652] decode_flush:229 decode flush

> > 

Sure your dac is handling PCM768 ? It sems it does not. BTW, this is LMS
(C-3PO) resampling. Using C-3PO is ok, but if you would like to use
'pure' lms, be aware that is going to use the line in "TRANSCODING"
settings in convert.conf, that's why in R2 you could (should) add -x to
the command line.

s25a wrote: 
> 5) And Finally: If you try to jump within a track that is handled by
> C-3PO the Playback stops. I guess this is a technical limitation of the
> conversion but maybe I have overseen something :-)

That depends on settings, if you enable SEEK and do not resample, it
should work, in your settings SEEK is disabled for WAV. I Advise you to
install FFMPEG if you'd like to seek inside a wav file, othervise is
going to convert back and forth to flac.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-16 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Thanks a lot - it's getting closer :-)
> Good question next question :-) I don't know to be honest. 
> One of my test DAC is this one:
> The only specification I see is it can play 352Khz DXD...So I assume it
> should.
> Ok thanks Marco - I have not worked with this file yet. Can you help
> with the correct line to get this working?
> Thanks a lot
> S

I wrote C3PO to  avoid using config.conf files, you could try with it
and then, if you don't like it, copy the working command showed and past
it in the convert.conf file.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-16 Thread marcoc1712

bpa wrote: 
> As I understand the earlier problem - the Flac->wav showed the output
> WAV file was 32 bit floating point PCM - does your DAC support 32 bit
> floating point PCM ?

if not, you could add sox with the correct output format to the
custom-convert.conf file, or use C-3PO plugin.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-16 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> Transcoding wav to flac is the default file types handling for LMS.

Yep,this as many other 'standard' settings in LMS are really inadequate
to get the better sound quality out of your files, but settings are
there to be changed...

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-16 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi all,
> I fully agree adding a extra cycle of compression does not really make
> sense.
> Is it possible to just pass through. This would help especially for the
> Highres Files :-)
> Thanks S

something like:


in custom-convert.conf is all what you need.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-16 Thread marcoc1712

What's the pont in trascoding wav to flac? 

Taht way yoyu are adding a compression/decompression cicle,  why not
simply play those files as plain 'native' pcm?

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-14 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi Ralphy,
> Yes it does. With this I can now Play DSD512 :-) Thanks.
> What still does not work is the PCM768 file I uploaded here in the
> forum. But this did also not work with Marco R2 Release. Also the DXD
> (High-Res Wav Files) I provided you via Onedrive still do not Play
> (except one file)
> Thanks you both very much for your continuous support.
> S

pcm 768KHz should work with that patch, if the problem is sample rate,
I'll have a try with your files.

All the files you sent to me are 352KHz, I have to switch to win to play
them with sueezelite, I'll do asap, but it seems to me they don't have
any problem related to sample rate.


Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-14 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi Ralphy,
> Yes it does. With this I can now Play DSD512 :-) Thanks.
> What still does not work is the PCM768 file I uploaded here in the
> forum. But this did also not work with Marco R2 Release. Also the DXD
> (High-Res Wav Files) I provided you via Onedrive still do not Play
> (except one file)
> Thanks you both very much for your continuous support.
> S

pcm 768KHz should work with that patch, if the problem is sample rate,
I'll have a try with your files.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-14 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi,
> ok thanks Marco. That would explain it. Do you know which Decoder is
> used for WAV Files? And what the maximum Sampling Rate is?
> I just ask because maybe if it can also not Play 352Khz it mayba the
> reason why the DXD Files are not Playing.
> As far as I understood these files are only very high res. Wav Files.
> Is it maybe possible to use a different Decoder like for MP3?
> Thanks a lot 
> S

No decoder is required/viable, is pcm. 

Yes, it's a very high resolution, AFAIK no one is recording at that
resolution currently, it's used by some DAC (or DSP, like C-3PO) in the
upsampling phase before the digital to analog conversion step, as a
technique to move artifacts far over the audio frequency range.

My R2 versìon could handle pcm up to 758Hz, If I well remember, I sent
the path (lms_downsampling_option+768kHz_maxrate) to Ralphy togheter
with the one to play server side resampled pcm, but he decided to not 
include it in his version. Btw, the mod by itself is trivial.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-08-13 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Start squeezeilte:
> > 

  >   > 
  > ./squeezelite -d decode=debug -R -u vME:::28 -D :u32be -o "YOUR Sound Card 

> > 
> If it does not start the DSD decoder might be not included (option D
> in the command line) - You could compile it by yourself.
> (Described here just a few thread before)
> @Ralphy, Marco: I am still struggling with some WAV Files. Attached is
> a Test File (Just some noise). Could you try if you can play this?
> My DAC is capable of these high rates however even with resampler
> activated - it does not start. The output is always:
> > 

  >   > 
  > [18:44:55.871253] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [18:44:55.880255] codec_open:257 codec open: 'f'
  > [18:44:55.931540] decode_flush:229 decode flush

> > 
> I can play the file with the Same DAC under Windows in Foobar. It
> shows the correct rate on the display. In this case 768Khz PCM
> I also wonder if someone got DXD Files to work. I am not sure but I
> fear the decoder for this is not implemented
> Have someone try this before. I could also provide test files if
> necessary (Very big file but I can sent ONEDRIVE or Dropbox link)
> Thanks S
> 25453

Is squeezelite supporting 768Khz PCM? If I well remembre no.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-07-12 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> I never removed the -x option.  It was never part of Triode's original
> squeezelite source.
> You might be able to use the -Z option to achieve the same result.
> -Z  Report rate to server in helo as the maximum
> sample rate we can support

I was thinking you added -x at some point, togheter with -W, sure is my
fault, sorry for that.

-Z is new to me, what's the difference with -r ?

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-07-11 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi,
> thanks a lot for all the information. It's getting clearer bit by bit
> :-)
> Yes it's definitely 192Khz. So as far as I understood. Squeezelite hands
> over to LMS that it's not capable to play and LMS than resamples right?
> I wanted to test your -x Parameter but this is not available - only X
> (Capitol Letter which is "Use linear volume adjustments instead of in
> terms of dB")
> I compiled with these options
> > 

  >   > 

> > 
> Maybe there's something missing.
> In regards to DXD - anyone here who have more information? There is
> some High Res Material available (also for testing at NativeDSD). If
> someone interested.
> Thanks S

Indeed, looks like the new version from Ralphy lack the 

-xDisable downsampling requests to LMS

option. Don't know why he decided that way, both Daphile and my R2
version supports it.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-07-10 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi,
> thanks for your answer.
> Hi that is exactly what I do not understand. The File is a DXD file
> Could it be possible that LMS does not recognize it. At least it shows
> the correct bitrate.

I don't know what DXD is, but if you don't change the file type table
and add some specific code,  for as fa as LMS is concerned, .wav is wav,
if is not it won't play. 

s25a wrote: 
> I have one question to the resampler. I have a device that is limited to
> 96Khz. So I thought this would be the correct way to call squeezelite
> > 

  >   >  ./squeezelite -m 00:22:4d:b7:7d:b5 -n DanteKa01 -r 44100-96000 -R -u 
vME:::28 -d decode=debug -o stereo1

> > 
> However when I play a 192Khz track it is not resampled. It shows that
> rates match - the funny thing it's playing something (which should not
> work according to the description of the device)
> Anyhow even if the device could play the 192Khz why does it not
> resample when i define the maximum rate?
> > 

  >   > 
  > audioserver:~/programs$ ./squeezelite -m 00:22:4d:b7:7d:b5 -n DanteKa01 -r 
44100-96000 -R -u vME:::28 -d decode=debug -o stereo1
  > [21:17:53.153631] decode_init:153 init decode
  > [21:17:53.153746] register_dsd:908 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
  > [21:17:53.153873] load_faad:611 loaded
  > [21:17:53.153888] register_faad:641 using faad to decode aac
  > [21:17:53.154100] load_vorbis:305 loaded
  > [21:17:53.154115] register_vorbis:334 using vorbis to decode ogg
  > [21:17:53.154240] load_flac:266 loaded
  > [21:17:53.154262] register_flac:294 using flac to decode flc
  > [21:17:53.154270] register_pcm:433 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  > [21:17:53.154348] load_mad:385 loaded
  > [21:17:53.154368] register_mad:414 using mad to decode mp3
  > [21:17:53.154376] decode_init:187 include codecs:  exclude codecs:
  > [21:17:53.154595] load_soxr:269 loaded
  > [21:17:53.154614] resample_init:362 resampling sync recipe: 0x36, flags: 
0x00, scale: 0.89, precision: 28.0, passband_end: 0.0, stopband_begin: 
0.0, phase_response: -1.0
  > [21:17:53.156319] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [21:17:53.156476] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [21:18:19.493696] decode_flush:229 decode flush
  > [21:18:19.508167] codec_open:257 codec open: 'f'
  > [21:18:19.682304] write_cb:116 setting track_start
  > [21:18:19.682335] resample_newstream:232 disable resampling - rates match
  > [21:18:19.682340] process_newstream:124 processing: inactive

> > 
> Thanks S

Sure is 192KHz?  "resample_newstream:232 disable resampling - rates
match" state is not, maybe you are downsampling server side, try tyo add
-x to the command line to avoid it, if you like more.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-07-04 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi Again,
> ...With this almost every track Plays. However I have one which does
> not. This is DXD Format. Does anyone have an idea?
> What-A-Wonderful-World_DXD352KHz_2chDXD.wav...

As far as LMS is concerned this is a .wav file. Remenber to add -W to
squeezelite command line if you resample it in any way at server side
(not needed in R2 version).

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-03-12 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> To me it's still a bug. If you call it design, or design  flaw or
> weakness or compromise - that doesn't matter to me.
> If "next" is the not "next" after the track being played back at that
> very moment, it's IMO a very questionable design. 
> Even with gapless "next"  should be "next".
> I guess very "short ones" are an exemption. 99.999% are rather normal
> size tracks.
> If the next-pointer shifts at stream-out to the next-after-next track -
> it's still a bug to me. 
> If you also say that a config option like "gapless yes/no" might be an
> option to get easily around this. 
> Why not trying it?


please forgive me if I was somehow rude, english is not my mothertongue,
I just wanted to point out that it's the way it was designed to work,
not a newly introduced bug. 


Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2018-03-12 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi folks.
> Ts been a while.
> I think I brought this issue up some time a back. Don't know if there've
> been anything done in that area.
> I think I mentioned that I use the buffers of squeezelite as full-track
> RAM buffers.
> Something like "-b 1:40" would allocate a huge 400MB output
> buffer.
> There's usually plenty of RAM, even on machines like RPI, to store a
> track into that output buffer.
> The OS itself usually allocates less then 50MB.
> Basically all streaming and DSP work can be done at the beginning of
> playback - call it "bulk-processing". 
> During playback there'd be just minor activities ongoing. 
> And that's actually how it works. At 44.1/16 with flacs I experience CPU
> loads in the range of 0.3-0.7%
> after a few seconds high load in the beginning of a track.
> Without bulk-processing you usually face loads around 2-4% throughout
> the playback. Factor 5
> I'd consider plausible.
> Now. The issue when starting a playlist is that the end of a track is
> not recognized properly.
> squeezelite loads more then just a single track if the buffer is larger
> then the final track size.
> That leads to an odd behavior.
> E.g. the pointer for "next track" will refer to the track after the next
> track, because the next track is 
> already partially processed. 
> Do you guys think there'd be a way that squeezelite loads and/or
> processes just one track at time, 
> no matter how big the output buffer and/or the playlist is?
> Or another - a 2nd best option - might be to not shift the "next-track"
> pointer, before a track is 
> actually being played back.
> Can this be handled by squeezelite at all or are we looking at a LMS
> issue?
> Thx.

Is not a bug, is how is designed to work and is the reason why we don't
suffer by gapeless problems, among others. In my opinion it should go
over the second track, to avoid problems with shorts ones (see what I've
been working on with qobuz plugin) but the "limit" 
come from  the SB firmware that could handle only 2 tracks in the
buffer, the current and the next.

BTW the pointer to next track shifts when the player 'streams outs', not
when it ends to load current track in iinput buffer.

Author of C-3PO plugin,  Squeezelite-R2, Falcon Web interface - See

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-23 Thread marcoc1712

PasTim wrote: 
> Thanks very much indeed. I had no idea at all that this set of files
> existed, even though I follow this and a few other threads. I'm now
> wondering whether I might need any of the others (eg faad etc).
> A brief set build instructions including the above hints might be useful
> on github.

here: some building instructions and here: makefiles (and includes)
for most of the environment. They are for R2 versin, but nothing change
in building. As usual they are here just becouse we missed them in
'official' repo, feel free to copy.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-23 Thread marcoc1712

PasTim wrote: 
> Thanks. I can see that.  However I'm feeling old and thick, with no
> memory.
> Somewhere in the several hundred pages of this thread are the download
> instructions.  I know I had them once, and must be being very slow, but
> my searches obviously use the wrong terms. I think I built the last one
> myself. Do I have to build myself, or are there any pre-built versions. 
> I've also got lost as to different people providing different versions. 
> Is there any chance of a summary current status being recorded
> somewhere?  Maybe there already is?
> Sorry
> Looking at the help from the version I have, it wasn't built with
> VISEXPORT IR GPIO DSD.  I can work out what DSD is, but the rest is
> unknown to me.If and when I have to build myself, is there an
> explanation, however brief, of each option? I vaguely recall there were
> a few lines on Triode's website about build instructions, but assume
> that's all long gone and out of date.

I think the Ralphy version is to consider the 'community offical'.
Binary and build ionstruction are there.

About othr people distributing different versions, it's how open source
works... About me , I always sent R2 patches to Ralphy and at date they
are included in his version but native DSD, so  unless you need native
DSD I advise you to use the Ralphy version.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-20 Thread marcoc1712

PasTim wrote: 
> I've always used syntax -r 44100-44100 (along with -R etc) to ensure
> only one rate is available (min and max both 44100, or whatever is
> desired).

They heve two different (but related) meaning, problem here is why SL is
outputting at 32000 when not resampling even if the stream is at 44100,
if I well understand your problem.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-19 Thread marcoc1712

Richard Kimber wrote: 
> Ah, many thanks. That sounds like what I need.
> With this option does Squeezelite just resume normally when I try to
> play something, assuming the other process has stopped?

Yes, exactly as it was started again from fresh.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-18 Thread marcoc1712

Richard Kimber wrote: 
> I'd like to be able to stop squeezelite from the command line so that
> another process can use the sound card.  Is there a clean way of doing
> this?
> I can't see a stop, exit, or quit option in the list of parameters.  Do
> I just have to kill the process? That seems a bit of a blunt instrument.

You could kill the process running squeezelite, but you don't need:
Adding the "-C n" option in command line, squeezelite release the sound
card after n secs after play has stopped, that way other process could
use it also if squeezelite is still running.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-16 Thread marcoc1712

sevi_at wrote: 
> @ marcoc1712
> have now given all your ideas in my start command.
> I thought that r-44100,44100 already resampled thanks for this info. :)

Nope, it does not resample, but make you sure that material with
different sample rate is rejected.

sevi_at wrote: 
> The logfile now looks exactly like I imagine and I do not have the
> message anymore:
> [14:03:16.009665] ALSA snd_pcm_dmix_open:1022 unable to open slave
> but still happens from time to time that the sound output sounds too
> slow. unfortunately I have no alsa log only card output:
> > 

  >   > root@penner:~# cat /proc/asound/card1/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params
  > format: S16_LE
  > subformat: STD
  > channels: 2
  > rate: 44100 (44100/1)
  > period_size: 1536
  > buffer_size: 12288

> > 
> Log:
> all identical I think it should look like this, however, I still
> sometimes have a wrong sound output -> too slow and the editions still
> look like this.
> The only problem I have with Squeezlite I've never had that on MPD
> with the same soundfiles or internet radio stations.
> would the C-3PO plugin change or solve the problem?

No, just becouse you only accept 4100 material, C-3PO could not send
different sampling rate.

But sound too slow, could mean wrong sample rate. Are you playng pcm
(wav or AIFF) files or streams at sample rate <> 44100 (maybe 48Khz?)
transcoded in convert.conf? That could be the origin of your problem
and, yes, in this case C-3PO could help you better organize transcoding.

sevi_at wrote: 
> I still need squeezelite-R2 or does the plugin work on my now used
> Squeezelite v1.8.4-720? 

I think Squeezelite v1.8.4-720 already has -W option, that is exactly
the same as R2 (but DSD).

sevi_at wrote: 
> what is the difference to -R -u hMX option and C-3PO plugin?

One is resampling using the client CPU, the other the server. In
quality... who knows, both uses SOX (one libsoxR the other SOX), but
other than the engine, difference in  settings have more chance to
affect the sound.

sevi_at wrote: 
> I had already played with the thought that I switch to DSD but i think
> the PCM2902C chip on my soundcard not Support this.

Don't know, sorry.

sevi_at wrote: 
> which possibilities do I have to get the problem under control.
> maybe with PulseAudio or Jack?

Wich one? the 'too slow'? I think you should first detect wich component
is wrong with sample rate, if DMIX, probably pulse or jack could solve,
but is a long chain to follow and I'm not so strong in this matter.

THX for your experiences

you'r welcome!

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-15 Thread marcoc1712

sevi_at wrote: 
> @marcoc1712
> Thanks for the quick reply
> Unfortunately, I need dmix, because I have to mix several sound outputs
> together Airplay, Spotify, MPD ... 
> is it possible to set alsa - dmix fix to 44100? at Airplay, Spotify, MPD
> is that too why is not that at squeezelite?
> 1)
> what could I change here?:
> > 

  >   > pcm.dmixer02 { 
  > type dmix 
  > ipc_key 100224
  > ipc_key_add_uid false
  > ipc_perm 0666
  > slave { 
  > pcm "snd02_card"
  > period_time 0 
  > period_size 1536 
  > buffer_size 12288
  > rate 44100
  > }
  > bindings { 
  > 0 0 
  > 1 1 
  > } 
  > }

> > 
> 2)
> how can i enable resampling in squeezelite or in the LM server?
> my start option:
> usr/bin/squeezelite-armv6hf -Z 44100 -W -c flac,pcm,mp3,ogg,aac -b
> 2048:4096 -a 60:16::0 -r 44100,44100 -d output=info -f
> /tmp/squeeze.log -p 97 -o squeeze01 -n test -m 00:00:00:00:00:01 -z
> 3)
> I still have one question left:
> > 

  >   > [14:03:16.009665] ALSA snd_pcm_dmix_open:1022 unable to open slave

> > 
> what does that mean?

I don't know what -Z is for in your version, but with -r 41000, 41000,
you sure could only play material at 44100Hz, resampling has then no
meaning here. 

To resample on the server you have many ways, have a look to C-3PO
plugin, for instance, in squeezelite you could add the option (from the

-r [:] Sample rates supported, allows output to be off when squeezelite
is started; rates = |-|,,; delay = optional delay switching rates in ms
-R -u [params] Resample, params = ::, recipe = (v|h|m|l|q)(L|I|M)(s)
[E|X], E = exception - resample only if native rate not supported, X =
async - resample to max rate for device, otherwise to max sync rate
flags = num in hex, attenuation = attenuation in dB to apply (default is
-1db if not explicitly set), precision = number of bits precision (NB.
HQ = 20. VHQ = 28), passband_end = number in percent (0dB pt. bandwidth
to preserve. nyquist = 100%), stopband_start = number in percent
(Aliasing/imaging control. > passband_end), phase_response = 0-100 (0 =
minimum / 50 = linear / 100 = maximum).

DMIX is after squeezelite and it COULD resample if it has to mix
different sources with different sampling rates, Squeezelite could do
nothing in that matter and  AFAIK neither MPD nor any other player could
change the beaviour of DMIX in that matter. The message comes form
ALSA/DMIX, you should check there for errors. If  you could not
avoid/need  DMIX you should then avoid any constraint to ALSA, that 
probably will results in errors. Maybe you may give a try to  -C 1
option instead, that make squeezelite 'release' the audio board as soon
as it stop play.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-11-15 Thread marcoc1712
 unable to open slave

> > 
> I do not know what that means. because I can hear a clear sound.
> but not anymore if the sample rate is not 44100
> > 

  >   > 
  > [14:03:15.208840] alsa_open:381 opening device at: 22050
  > [14:03:15.219581] alsa_open:432 opened device squeeze01 using format: 
S32_LE sample rate: 22050 mmap: 0
  > [14:03:15.221200] alsa_open:511 buffer: 60 period: 16 -> buffer size: 6144 
period size: 767
  > [14:03:16.009665] ALSA snd_pcm_dmix_open:1022 unable to open slave

> > 
> 22050
> Thank you so much!
You could fix the oytput sample rate to 44100 ( -r 44100) and enable
resampling (in squeezelite or in the server), but I suppose the problem
here is DMIX, it ill always resample to the 'common' sample  rate. I'd
use the hw device to be sure to bypass any mixer.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-10-27 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> Yes, the original patch came from
> however it no longer applies cleanly.
> The modified patch file which worked for soundcheck (thanks for
> confirming it works okay) does not compile on debian 7 as libasound is
> too old and doesn't include all the DSD formats in the headers.
> > 

  >   > $ dpkg -l libasound2
  > Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
  > | 
  > |/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
  > ||/ Name Version   Architecture  Description
  > ii  libasound2:i386  1.0.25-4  i386  shared 
library for ALSA applications

> > 
> > 

output_alsa.c -c -o output_alsa.o
  > output_alsa.c: In function 'alsa_open':
  > output_alsa.c:400:17: error: 'SND_PCM_FORMAT_DSD_U8' undeclared (first use 
in this function)
  > output_alsa.c:400:17: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only 
once for each function it appears in
  > output_alsa.c:402:17: error: 'SND_PCM_FORMAT_DSD_U16_LE' undeclared (first 
use in this function)
  > output_alsa.c:404:17: error: 'SND_PCM_FORMAT_DSD_U16_BE' undeclared (first 
use in this function)
  > output_alsa.c:406:17: error: 'SND_PCM_FORMAT_DSD_U32_LE' undeclared (first 
use in this function)
  > output_alsa.c:408:17: error: 'SND_PCM_FORMAT_DSD_U32_BE' undeclared (first 
use in this function)
  > make: *** [Makefile:87: output_alsa.o] Error 1

> > 

Is not supposed to work with ALSA < 1.0.28. Debian Wheezy is too old for

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-10-26 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> I have the daphile full dsd patch refactored to apply against my current
> master branch.
> Unfortunately, applying it to MASTER causes squeezelite builds to fail
> on many linux distributions and I don't have any DSD capable DACs with
> which to test it.
> It's attached for you to play with.  Have fun!

Are they the ones I've sent to you? 

If so, I think they just work fine in any linuix I tried, wich one

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-10-25 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> Thx great.
> How do I configure it?
> First 
> -D 
> Whatever that may be.
> and on LMS?

-D is a standard squeezelite option to enable DSD (DOP in standard

R2 is capable of 'native' DSD output IN LINUX  requiring ALSA 1.0.29 or

To enable this feature just add one of: S32_LE, S24_LE, S24_3LE, S16_LE,
U8, U16_LE, U16_BE, U32_LE, U32_BE (depending on the format you'd like
to send to your dac) after -D ( i.e. -D :u32be ).

WARNING: Using the wrong format produces white noise.

In LMS you need either DSDPlay or C-3PO plugin with modified SOX to
enable runtime conversion from PCM. You coukd find a little guide in
english here:, but is not rocket science...

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-10-25 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi folks.
> Tz been a while. 
> I'm just testing DSD -- once more .   
> The DAC on my desk can handle native DSD. Why not trying it!?!? ;)
> So far I managed to play DOPs up 2 DSD128. Nice. That worked out of the
> box. More or less... 
> What's the status about native DSD support !?!?
> @Marcoc do you still maintain a DSD-native capable fork or
> @Ralphy do you have it integrated meanwhile. Last status was that
> without having a capable DAC at hand it wouldn't make any sense to you.
> I'd really appreciate a hint about where to get the required sources.
> Thx. Always a pleasure talking to you guys.

Yes, here:

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-06-29 Thread marcoc1712

Richard Kimber wrote: 
> I'm using max2play on the Pi 3, and used the max2player implementation.
> I'm using the default DAC 8 DSD HDAudio, because that seemed the obvious
> choice. There is a 'sysdefault DAC 8 DSD HDAudio' option, but why would
> that be any different?
> - Richard.

You could try to add -C 1 at the squeezelite command line (don't know
where in max2play), this cause squeezelite to release he connection to
the dac after 1 sec of silence and re-open it when sound starts over.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-05-12 Thread marcoc1712

rdmguy wrote: 
> I am running Arch Linux on an x86 dual core HP microserver.
> Both LMS and squeezelite run on the same machine. Squeezelite is
> installed as a standalone service from the a
> Do I reach him via the GitHub page?
> The mac address in the command line is just randomly assigned by me,
> because I did not think it would make a difference. It hasn't in the 1
> 1/2 years or so that I have this system running so far.
> What do you mean by "Nice and priority are 'strange'?
> I will try this and get back to you with the results.
> Thank you very much for your input!

Is not yet clear to me if is a special distribution of LMS and
Squeezelite or not, I assume yes, you are talking about GitHub. In that
case is probably better ask to the mantainer.


abc is not a valid mac address, maybe is not hurting but...

10 -10 for priority and nice gives to squeezelite higher priority over
the server (I assume server is 20 0 as usual here), if this is the case,
I could foresee some situation where it could cause problems on low
powered devices, maybe is not your case, but  I'll live priority and
nice untouched and - if necessary -  use command line argument in
squeezelite to just increase the output thread priority. Again, maybe is
not related to your problem, but...

Spikes on CPU usage ar often symptom of broken hw, like NIC, USB or DAC
connection, if no other you could check syslogs for that.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-05-11 Thread marcoc1712

rdmguy wrote: 
> > 

  >   > 12142 squeeze+  10 -10  457.0m 110.5m   0.0  0.7   0:24.99 S  `- 

> > 
> This is the line from "top" that goes to 100% cpu for short periods of
> time.
> > 

  >   > /usr/bin/squeezelite -n Wohnzimmer -m abc -f /var/log/squeezelite.log 
-d all info -s localhost

> > 
> The detailed info page on the server webui says:
> > 

  >   > File Format: MP3
  > Duration: 5:33
  > Bitrate: 320kbps CBR
  > Sample Rate: 44.1 kHz
  > File Length: 13,393,907
  > Location: /Audio/Cafe Americaine/Music From The Sea 50 Beautiful Del Mar 
Sounds/29 - Stories And Flames (22 P.M. Mix).mp3
  > Date Modified: Thursday, December 11, 2014, 4:47 AM
  > Tag Version: ID3v2.3.0, ID3v1.1

> > 
> Thanks for your help!

what kind of system is it? 

is LMS + Squeezelte on the same machine? Using local player plugin? 

If a special distro, I think you better ask for support at the
mantainer, just looking at the command line seems to me nothing is
really wrong, curious mac apart.
Nice and priority of the process are 'strange' indeed.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-05-11 Thread marcoc1712

rdmguy wrote: 
> Recently (since a few weeks) the squeezelite player frequently spikes to
> 100% cpu utilization from a normal level of around 5%. When it spikes,
> the complete system freezes and the music lags. 
> The traces show this line every time it lags:
> [00:07:22.249536] output_thread:655 XRUN
> Any idea what is wrong here?
> I am running on arch linux with ALSA and a very simple usb DAC.

wich process raise to 100%? 
Could you please post the command line and state the type and format of
the file being played?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-04-15 Thread marcoc1712

Roland0 wrote: 
> Can't see an advantage in doing so - resource utilization, performance
> and quality would be identical, bandwidth consumption significantly
> higher.

The total resurce utilization is similar, but the server, normally, is
much more capable, and the CPU cost for decoding to pcm and upsampling
at client side is greather than the network overhead. Bandwidth is the
only real cons, it depends if it 's a concern for you or not.

About quality we could discuss for month, but let's assume is the same.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-04-14 Thread marcoc1712

Roland0 wrote: 
> In this case, it's correct - thanks for the suggestion.
> hw results in plughw being used:
> > 

  >   > squeezelite -s localhost -o "hw:CARD=ES9023" -d all=info  -p 40
  > [16:18:26.905117] alsa_open:389 opened device hw:CARD=ES9023 using format: 
S16_LE sample rate: 48000 mmap: 1
  > [16:18:26.905207] alsa_open:468 buffer: 40 period: 4 -> buffer size: 1920 
period size: 480
  > [16:19:32.588500] alsa_open:338 opening device at: 44100
  > [16:19:32.589280] alsa_open:368 reopening device hw:CARD=ES9023 in plug 
mode as plughw:CARD=ES9023 for resampling
  > [16:19:32.591067] alsa_open:389 opened device plughw:CARD=ES9023 using 
format: S16_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1

> > 
> So I tried:
> > 

  >   > squeezelite -s localhost -o "plughw:CARD=ES9023" -d all=info  -p 40
  > [16:21:33.497244] output_init_common:411 supported rates: 384000 352800 
192000 176400 96000 88200 48000 44100 32000 24000 22500 16000 12000 11025 8000
  > [16:21:33.578703] alsa_open:389 opened device plughw:CARD=ES9023 using 
format: S32_LE sample rate: 44100 mmap: 1

> > 
> Both work fine, with no errors and very low CPU utilization.
> However, since the soxr resampling has better quality (see 'here'
> (, I'll be using this:
> > 

  >   > squeezelite -s localhost -o "hw:CARD=ES9023" -d all=info   -R -u vE -p 
  > [16:49:46.185966] output_init_common:411 supported rates: 48000
  > [16:49:46.315986] resample_init:362 resampling sync recipe: 0x06, flags: 
0x00, scale: 0.89, precision: 0.0, passband_end: 0.0, stopband_begin: 
0.0, phase_response: -1.0
  > [16:49:46.817425] resample_newstream:189 resampling from 44100 -> 48000

> > 
> CPU load is a bit higher, but still negligible (~8% on a RPi)

Consider the opportunity to resample server side.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-02-07 Thread marcoc1712

chrissy wrote: 
> Hi, 
> Thats what I did and wrote in my original post, but is it possible to
> output native dsd as the ifi understands nativ dsd.
> Greets
> Chris

As far as I know, no, at least not the 'normal' version. Daphile is
using a patched version capable to produce DSD native and i'm testing my
own version (squeezelite-R2) with same patches applyed, to be used with
C-3PO plugin. Is working in linux, but still under test for osX and

Repos are  here:

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2017-01-20 Thread marcoc1712

jemhayward wrote: 
> I've moved from LMS on Windows and SBTs to LMS via PiCorePlayer on a
> RPi3 and PcP as client on a RPi2, though the rest of the house is still
> using SBTs.  My RPi2 is connected to an Audiolab MDAC, and two of the
> three SBTs have external DACs.  The RPi3 that hosts LMS also runs
> Squeezelite for music in the bathroom.
> If I sync my RPi3/MDAC with any other player I get random clicks and
> pops, quite subtle, and quite random.  It seems to be worse when the
> Squeezelite on the RPi3 is in the synch group, but the random nature of
> the problem makes this difficult to judge.  It may also be more
> prevalent when playing higher bit rate/depth material, but again, I'm
> unsure.
> Guidance I have received on this via the PcP announce thread suggests it
> may be linked with the speed of transmission of the music through the
> various clients causing the need to "catch up".
> Am I on the right track, and is there a setting I should be looking at,
> or something I can do?

Every player has it's clock and every clock has it's own speed, so, time
to time, LMS tells all players witch 'frame' is time to play, causing
slower player to skip over and faster to wait a bit.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-25 Thread marcoc1712

adz wrote: 
> ---> the strange thing is that initially, after some trial and error, I
> had the system work fine for a few years. Just about a week ago I
> noticed that the right Channel was no longer functioning, I.e. the left
> Channel sounds perfect and the right Channel is dead. I checked fuses
> and tubes and all seems fine, such that the reason for the malfunction
> seems to be the format of the  bit stream provided to the AA Tube DAC.
> This one only accepts 16 and 24 bit words. I never understood why it
> used to function with the configuration shown above, but it did And
> I understand even less, why all of a sudden it stopped working.

hmmm...  this hardly seems a software problem  to me, but I suggest you
just try on windows or mac to see if both channels are working or not. 
No clue about where to find a working driver for fedora, maybe ask to
the customer service?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-24 Thread marcoc1712

adz wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I am running a squeezelite player on fedora together with the logitech
> media server. Since long I struggle unsuccessfully to enforce a 16 or 24
> bit format using the alsa parameter " -a ::16:1 ". I manage to pass this
> string into the "/lib/systemd/system/squeezelite0.service" file. However
> then the hw_parameters remains closed. If I omit the alsa parameters the
> system works fine and the hw_parameters read
> format: S32_LE
> subformat: STD
> channels: 2
> rate: 44100 (44100/1)
> period_size: 441
> buffer_size: 1764
> Can anybody provide me with a clue how to solve this riddle? Any
> suggestion is much appreciated.
> Adrian

But when you say "If I omit the alsa parameters the system works fine"
nmeans you are getting sound out of your dac or not?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-24 Thread marcoc1712

adz wrote: 
> My file server streams into an alpha USB berkeley and the latter into a
> AA Tube Dac. The DAC requires 16 or 24 bit words and, according to its
> manual, cannot handle 32 bit words. I am not sure how it reacts if the
> additional bits are padded with zeroes. As it currently does not work, I
> would like to enforce the 16 or 24 bit depth.

is your card this?

In that case is a USB to S/PDIF interface and in his specifications I
read is 24 bit word lenght capable.

Problem is not the DAC but the lack of Linux (alsa) support for your

You could try to open it using 24_3 format, maybe you are lucky, but
better search the web (or asking support) for someone that already found
the correct driver to use, if any.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-23 Thread marcoc1712

adz wrote: 
> Hi, 
> I am running a squeezelite player on fedora together with the logitech
> media server. Since long I struggle unsuccessfully to enforce a 16 or 24
> bit format using the alsa parameter " -a ::16:1 ". I manage to pass this
> string into the "/lib/systemd/system/squeezelite0.service" file. However
> then the hw_parameters remains closed. If I omit the alsa parameters the
> system works fine and the hw_parameters read
> format: S32_LE
> subformat: STD
> channels: 2
> rate: 44100 (44100/1)
> period_size: 441
> buffer_size: 1764
> Can anybody provide me with a clue how to solve this riddle? Any
> suggestion is much appreciated.
> Adrian

Why open a 32 bit device at 16 or 24? It, normally, will not work and -
sure - You don't need this to play 16 or 24 bit streams, is unrelated. 

On the other hand,  if what you want to get is convert existings 32 bit
streams to 16 or 24, bit you have to 'resample' (just truncate and apply
dither) using SOX.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-23 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi,
> sorry for not explaining well. I will try again. But first to answer the
> question of paul
> I am using 2 raspberries 3 with integrated wifi. I testes release 3.02
> which is I think the actual stable. I really like it because it is
> exactly what I need as a small player however after setting up WIFI and
> all other squeezelite options I have the issue that after a reboot it
> does not reconnect to the Wifi Sometimes it does but in 80% of the
> reboots it just tries to auto connect and getting IP Adresse but fails.
> After 3 tries it's giving up (I have seen that on a test monitor
> connected to HDMI). I also had the case that after one hour or so it
> suddenly appeared. Really strange behavior. As my WIFI @ home is quite
> strong in this area and works for all other devices (tablets,
> smartphones) since years I do not see any issues here. Moreover it's the
> solution from Unifi (UBNT) which is known for reliability. I read that
> the internal WIFI of the PI has issues so I deactivated and used a
> Dongle from Edimax (Realtec) chip. Same issues here. I than installed
> Max2Play just for testing and here I do not have this problem neither
> with internal Wifi nor with the Edimax. It would be fantastic to have
> the PiCore working - if you need any logfile please let me know I will
> help as good as possible.
> I have 2 players both connected via WIFI in my home. Both are streaming
> internet radio which they get from one LMS installed on a Linux Server
> in my network. Unfortunately after internet connection is lost due to IP
> change (which happen mostly 3am in the night due to forced IP change by
> my Provider) it stops and you have to start the webinterface of LMS ( I
> am using 7.9) or an APP (I am using IPENG on my apple device) and press
> Play again. I know that sounds quite easy :-) but after waking up in the
> morning it would be nice to have music in bathroom and kitchen without
> doing anything :-) I am lazy I know.
> What I already did is an reboot (of the players not the LMS) at 5am in
> the morning (with a cronjob) but it does not play anything by default.
> You have to start by APP or Webinterface and sent play command
> Hope this helps to more understand my problem.
> If this is an server issue - OK. If there would be a command I can sent
> from the LMS server to all squeezelite players to start music this would
> be a solution I guess. 
> I have never done this before but if LMS supports this would be happy if
> someone could help
> Thanks
> S

Isn't Alarm clock doing the job? just set alarm everyday at 4.00 AM and
Timeout never (0). Have not tried, however.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-19 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> You're not 100% right.
> "dither -S"  allows for slightly sloped dithering. And it's available
> for all samplerates.
> The difference (IMO improvement on the first glance) over native
> "dither"  is clearly audible.
> I'll also try 24bit. The DAC has to support it though. Quite often 24bit
> (3LE vs 4LE ) is causing problems.
> I came up with above examples so that people can play around with
> easier.
> How do you change the dithering depth? I guess you talk about the
> precision option "-p". I havn't found much documentation about it.
> Basically a  "-p 22"  (22 bit for maximum real world precision)  might
> even do.   ( I have to  generate the spectrograms to see what's
> happening)
> I'm using my own compiled sox - also on LMS - btw.

Sorry, never intended to say -S is not working at > 48Khz, but that
"most of noise shaping" in SOX does not. -S still works, and noise
shaping works too, but only with  "slope TDPF" algorithm, that is
diferent than the 'default' one.

If you could appreciate differences between dithers and more if you exit
at <= 48 Khz I really suggets you to try noise shaping.

Yes,  -p is the option intended for the case you pointed out.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-12-19 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi there.
> Below some basic examples - by using squeezelite piped into sox - for
> those who are interested to test the effects of dithering:
> No dithering
> > 

  >   > 
  > squeezelite -n sl1 -b 1:20 -c flac -a 32  -o - | sox -q -D -t raw 
-c 2 -r 44100 -b 32 -e signed - -t alsa -b 32 hw:0,0

> > 
> TPDF dithering
> > 

  >   > 
  > squeezelite -n sl1 -b 1:20 -c flac -a 32  -o - | sox -q -t raw -c 2 
-r 44100 -b 32 -e signed - -t alsa -b 32 hw:0,0 dither

> > 
> Slightly sloped dithering
> > 

  >   > 
  > squeezelite -n sl1 -b 1:20 -c flac -a 32  -o - | sox -q -t raw -c 2 
-r 44100 -b 32 -e signed - -t alsa -b 32 hw:0,0 dither -S

> > 
> My conclusion: I think it's worth to have a closer look at it.

About dithering and sox:

That way you are imposing SOX to output 32 bit, dithering is applied to
the last (32th) bit. SOX version starting from 14.04.02 could dither at
a different deep, the one coming with LMS can't.

Sox provvides you by a small set of noise shaping algorithm that
produces some difference in sound, worth to try, at 44100 Hz, my
preferred is improved E-weighted filter.

Too bad, most of noise shaping algorithm provvided by SOX are limited to
48 KHz sample rate, some 44.100 Hz. For sample rates greather than
48Khz, SOX will always use Sloped TDPF, no matter what you choose.

Using libsoxr you could build and apply your own filters and this is one
(maybe the only) feature that make libsoxr preferable over SOX to me.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-09-19 Thread marcoc1712

muhackl wrote: 
> Dear Squeezebox community,
> I am trying to send audio output to stdout via
> /opt/squeezelite/squeezelite-armv6hf -a 16 -o - -n raspbox
> As soon as I start playing music, I just get tons of - see below***
> I am using a Raspberry Pi with Raspbian and a fresh install of
> squeezelite. I ssh into the Raspberry Pi via Mac terminal.
> I'd like to put audio to stdout to catch it with ecasound via stdin and
> do some filtering stuff before outputting it to the soundcard.
> Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
> Many thanks and best regards
> Muhackl
> ***
> ):L7GF/;,6DMIÜ5M+430:<BHIGA:75;4?&:51&&??1??3??)??å?
> ??8e^S[8BLR$??I??_??q???Z???_???o???v???y???/@
> M??C??H??F??/??s???}???x???u?5#&-%.CS+/U?X?8o#j0?@?<q@`YUc5N
>   Lo-?I?@~ 
> jS
> 7??/
> 2(+/';VVGG/PUE_4R;XRsj?~?}?z?h?X?]?f?[pC]1V,X-\*Y!QML@/??1??;.?)<E<A$:=6FGI=M6U@Z>\+XU*mS?}t?m???\lgn??~?Cg4eT?i?\_T7zD?[?5;??1

Looks to me your current STDOUT is the monitor, not really sure, but
maybe you miss the pipe to the target pplication, something like:

/opt/squeezelite/squeezelite-armv6hf -a 16 -o - -n raspbox |

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-22 Thread marcoc1712

REMOVED, double post. Sorry.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-22 Thread marcoc1712

Julf wrote: 
> I assume you are talking about Computer Audiophile, a commercial,
> ad-sponsored site (where the advertisers are audiophool vendors). No the
> best place for neutral advice - funny enough, the site tends to promote
> all sorts of foo, and I got blocked for pointing out some of the sillier
> stuff. 
> It happen that mansur is/was writing there, I was asking if someone know
> some other place to read about his work, not how bad is CA and how good
> is Hydrogenaudio. I dislike CA, but i dislike HA too, as in gneral
> dislike who always pretend to stay by the side of the 'real thruth'.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> There is a bigger issue and it is more political than practical. What I
> need to do, is have a way of making original squeezelite code compatible
> with code not compatible with GPL. The slightly murky way of doing this,
> is to add a plugin interface to squeezelite, with the code for that
> plugin interface under LGPL, that loads the plugins at runtime. But this
> is a "backdoor" way of doing something, that while not illegal isn't
> keeping with the spirit of the GPL or what Adrian intended. I don't want
> to open a door that I can't shut again! It's one thing doing something
> for my own personal use, another releasing it into the wild and a couple
> of weeks later, it takes on a life of its own, with other 3rd parties
> producing plugins for commercial gain, and Adrian being pissed with me,
> for having opened the door to the "commercialisation" of squeezelite.

I could understad your fear about possible abuses, and that's very

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> but IMHO C.A. is (or was) full of the "audiophool loonies" that have
> more money than sense

I have the really same feeling, but then I have also to work hard to
make you discern me (and some others) from them!

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Yes, it's not clear to me either. LOL. It would be a bit of a cheek
> to call what I have now squeezelite. It started out from squeezelite,
> but it is so heavily modified now I already implemented PCM->DSD
> conversion in the front-end (what you would still call squeezelite and
> also native DSD output, for the linux USB DAC's that support it, XMOS,
> JLSounds... instead of DoP) but one part of it cannot be released as
> open source. Which is why it has not been released. I wanted to
> introduce a LGPL'd plugin interface to squeezelite to allow my non-open
> source part to be distributed as a binary, but still free to use, but it
> was going to cause more problems than it solved, and was felt, went
> against the "spirit" of what Triode intended by licensing under the
> GPL..
> So bottom line, I'm not actually working on anything. I finished my
> PCM->DSD transcode a long time ago, before the mansr sox patches and
> Kimmo adding that to his Daphile LMS, but it is for my own personal use.

The part  that is not GPL is for PCM to DSD conversion or Linux native
DSD support?

My personal opinion is that the spirit is more important than the form.
Many distributions includes squeezelite, for some of them you have to
pay, in a form or the other. I don't think this was the original spirit,
but until the copyleft is valid, I consider this like 'unfair play',
nothing more. I dislike more when the distribution is free, but copyleft
is not granted.

More, I don't think we should retain to produce some derivated work form
this great piece of software if done in respect of the original, for two

a. What is not evolving is going to die.
b. Better reuse something that we all know is working well and add
funcionalities for specific duties.

Sure I miss something and sure I'm not in the postion to give you
suggestions, but please consider the following  just like 'first
impressions', something stupid said just to start a conversation, if you
like to.

If your PCM /DSD converter is a library with LGPL licence, I could not
see any problem and even any 'unfair play' by you.

I undersatand Linux native dsd support could imply a more 'invasive'
change in squeezelite. Have you tougth about the opportunity to just
make it as a separate 'post processor' to squeezelite or any other

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> No. I haven't added -x to my builds yet.
> I sent you a link to this patch in a pm that doesn't include the extra
> sample rates to try.

Again, that's my fault, I did not realized you were waiting for an
answer from me or just forget it. As I've wroted to you, this patch is
from Daphile and should be credited to Kimmo. I've found it usefull,
that's why is in Squeezelite-R2, exactly in the form he sent it to me.

BTW, I think you found a Bug and probably Kimmo is going to release a
new version of the patch, I think we all then better use that one, I

Please tell me how could I help you and I'll do my best, but forgive me,
I'm getting older...

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> i7 should be fine for realtime I would have thought. I  always test
> worst possible scenario's on low-end hardware. 
> I was interested in testing this sox PCM->DSD implementation on the
> back-end, vs, the (still unreleased) front-end impl I put into
> squeezelite. Main difference is the filters, and that I'm using
> threading, so not just single threaded like the sox impl, which results
> in speedup, especially on low-end hardware, where absolute core speed
> might not make it a winner, but having 4 cores helps if you can have all
> of them working not just 1.

That's not clear to me: Are you working on a libsoxr fork or is a
completely new library/tool? Is your work somehow related to mansr patch

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Sorry Marco, I don't understand what you mean?

Just curios if mansr (the author of tha sox patch)  and others are now
writing about that matter other than in C.A. forum, that seems to me is
not up to date, considering what people are reporting here.

Hope is more clear.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-20 Thread marcoc1712

kipeta wrote: 
> Multichannel files are streamed fine from LMS to squeezelite but
> squeezelite is hardcoded to use only two main front channels from them.
> Actually the multichannel PCM required a patch to get it working the
> same as FLAC. See:
> The full
> multichannel support for squeezelite would require quite a big rewrite.ù

Hi Kimmo, nice to see you here.

Some time ago, I was trying with sox, just 'cloning' channels from 1 and
2 in a wav stream from a two channel input file, but was not working and
if I well recall, the error message was already from transcoding helper
in LMS, nor really sure about that. At the end I've just removed the sox
channels parameters from the web interface of C-3PO. If LMS do for
channels same as it does for sample rate (always looking to the original
file), could be it works as you write for 'native' multichannel files,
in that case should be just a matter to look for channels info into the
stream header.

I'll have a look.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Not all audiophiles are audiophools, just 99.99% of them! ;) (IMHO)
> I know of one 'phool who paid a kings ransom for a professional studio
> software package, when he could have bought a HQPlayer license for
> PCM->DSD conversion! Not sure if it still is now, but the Korg software
> used to be free! ;)

Yep, I was thinking about HQP myself it's more or less 100 US$... Don't
know about Korg. 

BTW I apreciate you live me 0.01% possibility not to be audiophool!

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I am sure you don't need me to explain that it may be a problem playing
> in realtime, a track of 04:15, when it takes 09:00 to process. ;) What
> is a, "normal server"? LOL.
> Seriously, CORE5 is a "two generation old" Corei5 laptop. NUC5P is the
> second NUC up from bottom of the current range. PI3B is well, a Pi3B.
> WANDQ, a Wandboard quad.
> > 

  >   > 
  > Input file : 01_-_Something_More_Besides_You.flac
  > Output File: 'DSD64-{safe,fast,hq}.dsf'
  > Channels   : 2
  > Sample Rate: 2.8224e+06
  > Precision  : 1-bit
  > Duration   : 00:04:16.55 = 724077312 samples ~ 19241 CDDA sectors
  > Sample Encoding: 1-bit Direct Stream Digital
  > ##
  > ## SAFE
  > ##
  > /usr/bin/time sox 01_-_Something_More_Besides_You.flac\
  > -b1 -c2 x-safe.dsf rate -v 2822400 sdm -f safe
  > CORE5 0:40.67 elapsed
  > NUC5P 2:08.51 elapsed
  > PI3B  6:22.03 elapsed
  > WANDQ 8:26.77 elapsed
  > ##
  > ## FAST
  > ##
  > /usr/bin/time sox 01_-_Something_More_Besides_You.flac\
  > -b1 -c2 x-fast.dsf rate -v 2822400 sdm -f fast
  > CORE5 0:40.42 elapsed
  > NUC5P 2:08.68 elapsed
  > PI3B  6:24.24 elapsed
  > WANDQ 8:25.15 elapsed
  > ##
  > ## HQ
  > ##
  > /usr/bin/time sox 01_-_Something_More_Besides_You.flac\
  > -b1 -c2 x-hq.dsf rate -v 2822400 sdm -f hq
  > CORE5 0:40.35 elapsed
  > NUC5P 2:08.57 elapsed
  > PI3B  7:13.51 elapsed
  > WANDQ 9:12.47 elapsed

> > 

I was talking about a Core I7 4th generation server,  as I wrote in
previous post, but reading your number I understand real time with HQ
settings is now possible also with a NUC I5. If So I'm ready to change
my mind and I'll give another try to pcm to dsd conversion.

Shall I ask where, other than CA you could read about that matter? 

Thanks for informations.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

kipeta wrote: 
> This one does:

I better read all answers, but thanks, I think is the one you sent to me
and I applied.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

kipeta wrote: 
> iDSD micro ( supports
> 768kHz PCM and DSD512 uses 705,6kHz with native DSD_U32_LE sample format
> (or DSD_U32_BE, I don't remember).

That's new for me (PCM 768Khz support),  I knew is 'normal' for DSD
players. I supposed that if you added, there should be a good reason,
so, my two cents to keep it.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> The patch I proposed to you for -x does not include the additional
> sample rates.  Have you tried it?
> I agree with JOA, and the original daphile patch didn't update
> MAX_SUPPORTED_SAMPLERATES for the extra rates anyway.

The patch that I have received form Daphile was togheter for -x  AND Max
sample rate support. 
You could look at here:

NO i did try only -W option,  this is sure my fault, but i did
understand you was NOT going to add -x patch, indeed when I first tried,
squeezelite did abort using -x. 

If now is working, even better,  all and every functionality needed by
R2 users are now in your version. Very good!

Sorry about that, I'll have a try asap to the -x option and I'll let you

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Marco, I mean you no disrespect, and I wouldn't be surprised if English
> isn't your first language, but the line I have quoted above, is the only
> part of what you said I understand.
> Look, if people want to claim that having applied processing to PCM, to
> transcode to DSD, and it sounds much better, good luck to them. The
> problem with taking these people seriously, is that I was talking to one
> of them a week ago and this is what he was telling me. But then he told
> me that he is using a DSD dac that I know is not a native DSD DAC. It
> accepts DSD input, but the DAC internals convert back to PCM before it
> outputs to his amplifier. I haven't got time for fools! Sorry.

Of course English is not my mother tongue, I apologize for that, but you
get the essential.

The problem is - as you said - the concept of "Better". But If you
translate it to "different" there is nothing wrong in your friend
statement, converting PCM to DSD is lossy and (could) change the sound
quality, when the DAC revert back to PCM, again is lossy. I think is not
a 'fool', but I'm with you and nobody could make me think is 'better'. 

That's all.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Adding code to squeezelite to support multichannel output, maybe.
> Currently, it will only output 2 channel. Does LMS even support
> streaming multi-channel??? (I didn't think it did, but I might be
> wrong.)

I've tried to output more than 2 channel with sox, but with no luck
using pcm (raw, wav or aiff) output. Really don't know if there is a way
in LMS using some other codec, but I'll be suprised.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> I already know I'm going to regret asking this question. 768KHz.
> What is the point of that? This is for DSD right? No one is doing
> anything that stupid with PCM (Like upsampling PCM to 768k)

Yes no actual device I know is 768Khz capable with PCM, so I suppose is
for DSD. In reality is just a placeHolder, it does nothing, but it comes
togheter with the -x patch and my opinion is that you use some work from
others You should always take it in his integrity and credit it. Was not
hurting, so...

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

kipeta wrote: 
> Mansr has improved the SDM filters couple of weeks ago (new ones are
> included in the latest Daphile beta). The upsampling is done with SoX
> directly to DSD rate (for the SDM), there is no need to resample to
> intermidiate 88.2kHz.

Thath's a good news, I've missed this. Is that resulting in
significantly lighter duty on the server? Is now possible to use high or
very high quality settings in runtime on a 'normal' server?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Yes, the problem for me is that they do not say "different", they say
> "better", they say that somehow they have managed to turn lead (crappy
> old PCM) into gold (DSD). Alchemy! Most of these hardcore audiophool
> types are completely bonkers and they don't even understand their own
> equipment, and what conversions are already taking place before they
> start adding more conversions to reach their "sonic nirvana".
> Marco, I might be getting very grumpy about things in my old age, and
> based on my own experiences, taking part in (and organising) listening
> tests, where people couldn't tell the difference between a track,
> whether it came out of a flac or wav "container", or was streamed as raw
> PCM but I'll let that go, with at least you guys are getting
> bit-perfect playback of the PCM, regardless of what was used to
> transport it to the "renderer", but. this nonsense, that seems to be
> the next big thing, that everything needs to converted from PCM to
> DSD. 
> You know, thinking back, and you can probably blame me for being the one
> that was petitioning Adrian to get DSD support into squeezelite to start
> with... It was on the basis of allowing people with DSD DAC's to
> play back their PS3 rips.. (At that time there wasn't the concept of
> native DSD in Linux, hence the DoP support), and "wouldn't it be good to
> allow everyone with any DAC to be able to play back DSD", hence the
> DSD->PCM, decimate and resample, built-into squeezelite. Anyway, I
> have lost track of time. But this must be a couple of years ago
> now This foolery with converting everything to DSD, seems to have
> started much more recently. The only use case, (I'm in grumpy old man
> mode again), I see for this, is that someone has a DSD dac, native DSD,
> that doesn't even accept PCM. I know of a couple of people with
> those type of DAC's, (myself included), but I'm hearing from people with
> what I consider to be a world class PCM capable DAC about how converting
> everything to DSD is the way forward.. Maybe they own shares in a
> hard disk manufacturer.. I know of one person who has just invested
> the same amount of money as a new car would cost, purchasing a storage
> solution, so he can convert (offline) his complete music collection from
> PCM to DSD, and store it. Oh well, each to his own!

We have also the DSD Komputer that a the cost of a Ford Fiesta, could
accomplish real time conversion using a free (!!!) version of SOX...

Who buy this computer should be a fool. Correct.
This computer is aimed for audiophiles. Correct.

Then all audiophiles are fools. No, is wrong.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-19 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> I was briefly  looking into different "NO-DAC" projects ongoing on the
> net.
> Basically these use Amanero or JLSOUNDS USB-I2S/DSD interfaces with
> direct DSD processing capabilities, feeding the DSD stream into a basic
> LowPassFilter. On the first glance that looks fairly simplistic.
> There are different projects with different complexity
> (FlipFlops/transformer/tubes/...) though.
> Since the  PCM-DSD conversion requires serious horsepowers, using
> squeezelite+sox-DSD on e.g. a PI2 might not be the way to go.
> In this case a powerful server needs to do the conversion. Most of the
> discussions I looked into were referring to HQPlayer
> as the DSD engine of choice. HQPlayer seems to have quite well done
> filters in place. And is also using/can use  GPU horsepower for the
> calculations.
> There are two big questionmarks.
> 1.  I have no clue how the sox DSD-fork compares to HQP. I don't know if
> it would make sense to try the sox approach at all, since the conversion
> is a crucial part of the story.
> 2. I'm also not sure if a project
> LMS(dsd-fork)->squeezelite->JLSOUNDS-USB->LPF  @ up2 DSD256 would
> work.
> Let me know if anybody went that path.
> Thx

Sure it works on LMS and, as Kimmo reported, You coud try exactly this
configuration using Daphile.

As far as i know, the italian forum where my projects are hosted is
hosting one of the more advanced NO DAC procjects, using JLSOUND and
HQPLAYER, but I'm quite sure authors are writing also in some
international fora on the same matter.

Someone here tried to compare HQP and this fork of SOX. sSound quality
apart, SOX resulted much more resource hungry and using 'high' or 'very
high' quality makes impossible to perform conversion in real time on a
i7 server, you should then use 'fast' setting for that.

Similar results exploited Archimago in a trial of HQP vs JRiver vs SOX,
but in his findings, in terms of measured 'fidelity' to the original
signal, SOX was the best, for what it matter.

The author of the SOX fork explained that the process is like that: 

1. first PCM Upsample to 88200.
2. second PCM Upsample to xxx, depending on final DSD format.
3. Digital filtering applied on the result, using a modified 'dithering'
algorithm (I suppose is not a dithering at all).

Maybe I'm wrong, but double cascode upsampling in 'fast' qualiy is
likely 30-35% passband reduction plus digital filtering.

No idea on what Jriver or HQP are doing, but I, as for now, I'm right
with old plain PCM (by the way, I'm not a fan of PCM upsampling too).

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-18 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> Macro can you confirm that all your stuff went into Ralphs fork? And
> Ralphs fork can be considered as a kind of new squeezelite master?
> Thx.

Yes it incorporate my mods if using -W option , but not the -x option
and support to 768KHz from Daphile that are in my R2 version.

As for now, is not, strictly, the "master" branch, the common master
branch is still the Triode version, but this is more from a technicall
perspective. Peolple just looking for the capability to inspect the wav
or aiff header could use squeezelite -W or squeezelite-R2, is the same,
but binary for the first are distributed also for ARM and other

I've actually no plan for new development, but If and when I'll have,
I'll post a "pull request" to Ralph so he could incorporate them in the
'official' version, but is up to him, he is the mantainer.

soundcheck wrote: 
> BTW: There's also a sox fork with offers PCM DSD/DOP conversion. 

I know that fork. 

Squeezelite is playing the dsd file whenever it comes from, C-3PO is not
handling DSD in input just becouse I did not want to overlap DSDPLAY
functionalities, it could handle DSD in output (needs just a little code
change) and you could use ANY converter you like (then also that fork of

My version of squeezelite is aimed to NOT decode and upsample by client
side, so also if whe had the libsoxr version (I don't think we have it)
I'm not going to include it in squeezelite-R2.

My personal opinion is that version is too heavy for real good quality
real time conversions, that's why I did not yet enabled DSD output in
C-3PO, but sure You could use custom-convert.conf to archive exactly
same result in LMS. If there is demand about that, I could plan to
enable DSD output in C-3PO in a future release.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-15 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Two issues People running hardware not powerful enought for DSD->PCM
> transcode on the client (eg. Raspberry Pi) need to use the -e option.
> Even early Pi hardware is capable of DoP output, for people with
> suitable DAC's, so it would be completely stupid to disable DSD
> entirely.
> Daphile and what it appears to have done probably at the request of
> the morons who will spend all day and night telling you that PCM
> transcoded to DSD sounds better than the original PCM content. Needs
> to make sure that option isn't enabled unless a user specifically
> requests it, and there needs to be a warning in Daphile that the client
> hardware needs to be powerful enough to support DSD playback, if the
> client is going to transcode back to PCM, rather than "pass-through"
> output DoP


Even if I'm probably  a mooron for you, I could not understand where is
the benefit of transcoding to DSD and than decode back to PCM on the
client, but sure is not a bit perfect process  and sure you could not
say that sound is the same, at the end. 

So, why is a mooron who is "telling you that PCM transcoded to DSD
sounds better than the original PCM content" the only confutable world
in this sentence is "better", use "different" instead and is completely
correct. Or I'm wong? If so, where?

I dislike this way to blame people just becouse they value things you
don't care about.

By the way, I really think nobody is giving a similar advice, sure not
me, that I'm not behind Daphile, but at the idea that transcoding and
resampling, if needed, are better performed server side, starting from
this idea i've released the R2 modification of squeezelite, used also by
Daphile and other, but quite sure even Kimmo is not.


SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-15 Thread marcoc1712

Candlemass wrote: 
> Yes, let's concentrate on question 1: 
> AFAIK DSD playback is not supported by the majority of DACs and I'm sure
> all of my tested DACs do not support it, but of course all of them
> support PCM: the USB DAC in my main PC, the onboard DAC in my main PC,
> the Hifiberry on my RPi, the onboard DAC on my second PC.
> On my PCs Squeezelite was started/restarted when the PCs were up and
> running and therefore the DACs have been available. So either the result
> of the capabilitiy inquiry was just wrong or Squeezelite does enable DSD
> by default (which IMHO is not a good idea).

We then know squeezelite don't care about DAC capabilities to enable or
disable DSD, I was not sure about that.
Then, if you don't need DSD to be enabled, you could either compile
squeezelite without the -DDSD option or use -e option to disable it. I
suggest you the first, less is more.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-15 Thread marcoc1712

Candlemass wrote: 
> The the questions are:
> 1. Why does Squeezelite announce DSD playback capability to the server
> (by default)? The Output devices are not able to play DSD.
> 2. Why would I want my LMS to convert the file format before streaming?
> Why is it enabled by default and where are the settings?

1. Not sure for codecs, but about sample rates, squeezelite could detect
the DAC capabilities and use them, but -depending on specific dac, OS
and connection -  sometime squeezelite starts before the dac is
availlable, in that caseit could not inquiry the real capabilities.
That's why we have -r, -c and -e options in squezelite. (-m is here for
the same reason, but here is about the NIC). Replicate in squeezelite
(or in the player settings, using i.e C-3PO plugin) the 'real'
capabilities of the connected dac is a 'safe' practice.

2. Here are at least two separate questions, for both It's amatter of
opinions and sound quality concerns are involved, I suppose that if you
are using daphile you care as i do,  but this is not the right place to
talk about, the risk is to start a flame.  Please read about C-3PO
plugin (and Squeezelite-R2), that I've made in order to use standard LMS
to do that.

2.a Long made short, becouse if a transcode (or a resampling) is needed,
much better perform it on the powerfull, noisy but remote from the audio
system, server than on the tiny, quiet but low power client, at least
when using wired connections. 

As for why one could wish to transcode or upsample, is becouse some
people believe this could affect sound quality, I think it does, but
there is a lot to say about that.

2.b That's a Daphile matter, if I well recon, is in  Settings, Audio,
Audio device or something like that, but better ask to daphile users.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-15 Thread marcoc1712

Candlemass wrote: 
> Squeezelite on my PC (tested versions 1.6, 1.7, 1.8.3) and on my
> piCorePlayer does not play FLAC files anymore together with Daphile
> 16.01 (LMS 7.9.0 git64e1de0). I don't know when exactly this problem was
> introduced, but I guess it was during the last Daphile upgrade. But my
> Squeezebox Radios and my iPad with SqueezePad still have no problems
> with FLAC files. They play them fine. So I guess there is some
> incompatibility between Squeezelite and latest Daphile.
> When playing a FLAC file Squeezelite's debug message show these entries
> on my PC:
> > 

  >   > [09:53:27.361454] decode_init:130 init decode, include codecs:  exclude 
  > [09:53:27.361524] register_dsd:625 using dsd to decode dsf,dff
  > [09:53:27.361894] register_ff:732 using ffmpeg to decode alc
  > [09:53:27.361909] register_ff:716 using ffmpeg to decode wma,wmap,wmal
  > [09:53:27.361914] register_faad:641 using faad to decode aac
  > [09:53:27.361919] register_vorbis:330 using vorbis to decode ogg
  > [09:53:27.361923] register_flac:286 using flac to decode flc
  > [09:53:27.361928] register_pcm:404 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  > [09:53:27.361933] register_mad:413 using mad to decode mp3
  > [09:53:27.597593] decode_flush:193 decode flush
  > [09:53:27.601343] decode_flush:193 decode flush
  > [09:53:31.530170] decode_flush:193 decode flush
  > [09:53:31.572983] codec_open:221 codec open: 'd'
  > [09:53:36.369139] _read_header:192 id: DSD  len: 28 consume: 28
  > [09:53:36.369264] _read_header:159 DSF version: 1 format: 0
  > [09:53:36.369280] _read_header:169 channels: 2
  > [09:53:36.369291] _read_header:170 sample rate: 2822400
  > [09:53:36.369301] _read_header:171 lsb first: 1
  > [09:53:36.369312] _read_header:172 sample bytes: 2305843009213693951
  > [09:53:36.369323] _read_header:173 block size: 4096
  > [09:53:36.369333] _read_header:192 id: fmt  len: 52 consume: 52
  > [09:53:36.369344] _read_header:179 found dsd len: 12
  > [09:53:36.369355] dsd_decode:528 setting track_start
  > [09:53:36.369365] dsd_decode:544 DSD to PCM output
  > [09:53:36.390080] alsa_open:501 unable to get period size: Invalid argument
  > [09:53:41.392866] alsa_open:501 unable to get period size: Invalid argument
  > [09:53:46.395650] alsa_open:501 unable to get period size: Invalid argument
  > [09:53:51.398056] alsa_open:501 unable to get period size: Invalid argument
  > [09:53:56.402324] alsa_open:501 unable to get period size: Invalid argument
  > [09:54:01.405158] alsa_open:501 unable to get period size: Invalid argument

> > 
> At first I tried changing some output settings without luck, but then
> the DSD/DSF log entries got my attention. No idea what they are about
> because I don't have any DSF files. I tried to disable dsd with
> Squeezelite's "-e dsd" command line options. After that FLAC files
> could be played again. Log entries changed to:
> > 

  >   > [09:52:14.359126] decode_init:130 init decode, include codecs:  exclude 
codecs: dsd
  > [09:52:14.359619] register_ff:732 using ffmpeg to decode alc
  > [09:52:14.359639] register_ff:716 using ffmpeg to decode wma,wmap,wmal
  > [09:52:14.359648] register_faad:641 using faad to decode aac
  > [09:52:14.359656] register_vorbis:330 using vorbis to decode ogg
  > [09:52:14.359664] register_flac:286 using flac to decode flc
  > [09:52:14.359671] register_pcm:404 using pcm to decode aif,pcm
  > [09:52:14.359681] register_mad:413 using mad to decode mp3
  > [09:52:14.597391] decode_flush:193 decode flush
  > [09:52:14.601446] decode_flush:193 decode flush
  > [09:52:29.360811] decode_flush:193 decode flush
  > [09:52:29.413308] codec_open:221 codec open: 'f'
  > [09:52:33.977907] write_cb:116 setting track_start

> > 

Not sure to correctly understand, but if you are using Daphile as the
server, be aware that it recently introduced the capability to convert
to DSD on the fly, I suppose this is what is happening and why you
receive a DSD stream when playig a FLAC file. Seems to me your
dac/player could not handle DSD and the the errors.

Disabling DSD probably let daphile output the native format instead, but
You better have a look to the transcode parametres in Daphile and choose
not to transcode to dsd.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-07 Thread marcoc1712

PasTim wrote: 
> I do use 24 bit pcm (from flac) from LMS with squeeze2upnp at the
> moment, so I'm not sure what the problem is that you are solving. 

I suppose you are transcoding FLAC to PCM via custom-convert.conf but
without upsampling. Try to add SOX upsamplint in the custom-convert.conf
and you will see it does not work anymoree, becouse LMS still send to
the player the stream info with the original sample rate (ie 44100), not
the one resulting from upsampling (ie 358400).

This is a 'feature' of LMS, to me is a bug and  Squeezelite-R2 adress

PasTim wrote: 
> I do have one comment, which is that it is unclear what the bit rates
> are meant to be defining - are they for the source or for the player? 
> Your description above about multiples of the maximum samplerate support
> by a player leaves me baffled - if its the maximum it can't be a
> multiple of that can it?

Supported sample rates are for the player (ie.PLAYER A: 44100, 48000,
88200, 96000, PLAYER B: 44100, 48000).

The 'target' sample rate, defined in general settings rapresent the
'method' applyed runtime to calculate the stream samplerate depending on
source sample rate and player sample rate capabilities.


If you choose to "always resample" at "maximum synchronous sample rate"
in general setings and have two players with this set of sample rate

PLAYER A: 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, 
PLAYER B: 44100, 48000

playing a 44100Hz track on A imply the upsampling to 88200 (max multiple
of 44100 supported by player A), 44100 on player B. 

if you change general settings to "max supported" target sample rate, A
will be feed by a 96000 Hz stream, B by 48000 Hz.

PasTim wrote: 
> Suffice to say there are enough parameters that I have no idea about
> (dither and so on) that I'd better leave it alone.  Thanks anyway.

Upsampling parameters are from SOX and if you do upsample today, you are
using them, either in custom-convert.conf file or in the squezelite
command line. C-3PO is aimed to better expose them in a single,
convenient place with some little sanity check and description, but if
you don't know what they are for, sure you don't need them.

PasTim wrote: 
> If I get the urge to try again sometime However, as you say this is not
> the place for that discussion.  l'll look for a C-3PO thread.

hmm.. here is where my bad english fails. Sure my intent was not to be
rude at all, my apologies for that, you are welcome with any question
and comment, but in respect to others, I think is better done in a
separate thread than here. 

Hope to see you there soon.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-07 Thread marcoc1712

PasTim wrote: 
> It seems C-3PO is a bit too clever for me.  I can't get squeezelite-R2
> working cleanly to a Meridian Explorer DAC (pops and crackles), nor get
> squeeze2upnp (which is based on squeezelite) working at all to my UPnP
> renderers.  There are a lot of variables, and although I've tried many
> things, including switching everything off (or so I thought), I haven't
> found a combination that works at all for squeeze2upnp.  I probably
> could in time but the gain might be small.  I haven't tried it to my EDO
> Touch, but I hardly use that, preferring to use UPnP to the my
> renderer's DAC.
> No matter.

I'havent tried squeeze2upnp so I don't know how it works,but if is based
on squeezelite and you are trying to send upsampled pcm, it will not
work as any other player will not, just beocuse LMS in that case send
wrong information, thtat's why we have squeezelite-R2. If this is the
case, please set max sample rate of the player same as the source file,
disable decoding to pcm for the player OR chose a different target
format, like flac if you like.

Remembre that C-3PO is nothing more than a web interface over file types
and convert.conf parameters. It allow you  to do everything you already
could using them (with a plus), but with same limitations, that depends
on player capabilities.

By default, C-3PO try to upsample to the maximun syncronous sample rate,
meaning the maximun multiple of the 'real' song samplerate supported by
the player, so it's very important you correctly set sample rates for
every player.

Check also the bit depth, if your player is not capable to play a 32 bit
stream, you should set it accordingly.

If you would like to give a chance to C-3PO, we should move to another
thd, here we are OT.

Let me know, please.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-07 Thread marcoc1712

PasTim wrote: 
> Am I right in thinking that C-3PO is only appropriate if the only player
> you use is squeezelite?  I tried it briefly and it seemed to take over
> all file type options even for other players.

No, there is no reason not to use C-3P0 for any player. The only limit
by design is: lossy are not supported and DSD is leaved to DSDPlay
plugin, that's working in a very similar way, but they still play
untouched by C-3PO, as any format you choose to disable.

Please note  that you have a 'general' advanced settings pane and a
player specific setting pane (under Settings, Player, and C-3PO on the
right pull down menu, where on the left you have the list of your known

Normal usage is:

a. set target format and the resampling method in general settings.
b. for every player, confirm supported sample rates and codecs. Just
disable conversion and resampling for any codec if you want a specific
player not to be handled by C-3PO.

This way, starting i.e. form flac 44.100/16,  you could get LMS
resampling at 358400Hk and decoding to WAV for a squeezelite player,
send FLAC at 96Khz to a touch, WAV 44100  to a first SB3 and the
untouched original stream to a second one. If you then  would like to
decode it to MP3 for a duet in the child room, just disable flac
conversion and upsampling for that player, then use LMS standard methods
(File types and custom-convert.conf).

In more complicated situations, you may want a different upsampling
method for a specific player. In such a case, you could uncheck "use
general settings" and click "show", than you could change every single
setting just for that player.

Please, always remember to apply changes, and please forgive my bad

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-06 Thread marcoc1712

s25a wrote: 
> Hi,
> can someone help to find an actual build of squeezelite for Ubuntu? I
> normally use the builds from Ralph but as far as I can see the last
> release for Ubuntu is 1.8 which has been uploaded in FEB 2015
> Thanks S

As someone else already pointed out, you coul just build your own
version in Ubuntu, starting form the original repo in goggle code or
from some clone in gitHub.

If I well remember Raplhy has its's own wiith some extra support and
binary releases.

You are welcome to download from here:, where MASTER branch is the
copy ot the latest Triode release in google code and Release is my
modified version.

If interest in the R2 version, that is capable to play a server side
upsampled and decoded PCM stream, you could get bynaries from here:
choosing from Debian (and derivated) i386,  x86_64, macOsX and Windows

This version is completely compatible with the original version, changes
are activated only when a PCM stream is received form LMS, in that case
squeezelite will investigate the header instead of trust the wrong info
coming from the server, detecting the real format and work as it

This version is actually included in Daphile and Audiolinux.

Togheter with Squeezelite-R2, you have C-3PO plugin, that is an easy
replacement and a graphical interface over File type and
custom-convert.conf files, in order to simplify and better organize file
type conversions and upsample in LMS and falcon, a web interface over a
Squeezelite installation.

falcon is still in prerelase and is tested only in Debian with services
installed via 'offical' squeezelite package, but porting to other OS
should be very simple, just waiting for testers.


SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2016-03-01 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> @Ralphy.
> @marcoc -- could you feed that patch into your SL branch? (I'm using
> your SL branch with the PCM header patch right now)

Could you please open a pool request in gitHub for that? 

Kimmo sent me all th epatches to Squeeezelite he makes, but I could not
find this one, sure is from Daphile?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-12-03 Thread marcoc1712

M7CC wrote: 
> Thanks, I'll try that.  I did end up switching to WDM/KS and it at least
> restarts and resumes correctly.
> Are there still any known issues with ASIO, WDM, WASAPI, Directsound
> and/or MME?  Which option are most people using?

Really don't know what 'most of the people' do, but I use ASIO. If you
keep experiment problems at start up/shutdown, you could try adding also
the -C option with a value of ,say, 5. It make Squeezelite release the
audio card after n seconds of inactivity.

Could youi please post last line of the squeezelite -? command result?
Just to check build options.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-12-02 Thread marcoc1712

M7CC wrote: 
> The problem I'm having is that I can get sound with the Asio outputs --
> until I shutdown the system.  When I reboot, LMS looks like it has
> resumed the playback but there is no sound.  I have to stop/start the
> Squeezelite service to get the sound back.
> Any idea why this would be happening?  Here are my startup parameters
> from the bat file.  I don't think I configured the log correctly as I
> have no log file in the Squeezelite folder.  
> E:\oven\Squeezelite\Squeezelite-win.exe -o 4 -n b3ndRlite -b 2000:2000
> -s -d all=debug -f /log.log 

I think could be becouse the sound card is not ready when squeezlite is
launched. I do not remeber well the specific command but I know is
there, should be -r 44100-192000 (supposed your card is capable of
192KHz), that way your sound card could be off when SL is started, so:

E:\oven\Squeezelite\Squeezelite-win.exe -o 4 -n b3ndRlite -b 2000:2000
-s -d all=debug -f /log.log  -r 44100-192000


SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-11-11 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi.
> I've been running Marcocs PCM patch for a while without issues on my RME
> UCX.
> Last week I installed the same binary on a different interface - a XMOS
> (DiyInHK) based USB-I2S interface
> at a friends place.
> With the patch in the binary, SL showed weird behavior. It broke up the
> server connection 
> right in the beginning ( after couple of seconds - if starting at all)
> of playback. 
> I also found random "gain" adjusts in the debug log. 
> Back do the standard binary everything worked fine.
> Bottom line. I reverted back to the original.

Could you please post the squeezelite log for that situation? 
How was squeezelite launched? (command line parameters). 
Wich samplerate and format was the stream played?

Sorry you decided to revert also your installation that was working
fine, but - for your information - the patch is actualy included in
daphile and lot of people with different hardware and interfaces are
using it to play daily. Other than this, the mod only let squeezelite
look for the header in the file at the beginning of the track playback,
just like the standard one does if the file is 'local', nothing to do
with gain. 

Maybe you could help me investigate a little bit the problem and see
what happened here, will you?

thanks, Marco.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-25 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> The nice thing about Squeezelite is the "lite" in it.

+1, but also the  "Squeeze" is not so bad...

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-24 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Well, the core program is GPL so source will be made available for that,
> but one of the reasons for the plugin interface is so that there is a
> demarkation point, whereby closed source binary *.so plugins can be
> provided, to be dynamically loaded at run-time, by third parties,
> without having to release source under the GPL.

I think is a valuable and clever choice.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-24 Thread marcoc1712

I think that in a world without squeezelite, no one of us will today
think about new projects using LMS... That's a fact, but what is wrong
in keep it evolving? I welcome the jack'o'all project and i'm sure he is
going to respect the letter and - more important - the aim of the
licenceses and even if it use an approach different than mine, I really
wish him the best, hoping to learn some new things from his job.

Open source is good, open mind is far better!

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-18 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> I'd love to try brutefir on a PI2 with your app anyhow.  I'd figure out
> its limits.
> Samplerate adjustment by your plugin could be done at a later point
> since I resample on the server anyhow.
> BTW. Do you provide sources or binaries or both?

Oh, I just supposed it's open source GNU GPL 2 or greather, since is
based n Squeezelite, is'nt so?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Marco,
> What is the real point to all of this? If I understand correctly, you
> upsample on the server and then rather than stream to the client using a
> "container" format like flac/wav, insist on sending uncompressed PCM
> across the network? I must be missing something here Is this some
> sort of audiophool belief that somehow decoding flac degrades sound
> quality? Perhaps I'm missing the point, so can you please explain.

Indeed it works only using wav or aiff, pcm has no header, so nothing to

The goal is to decrease the cpu load on the client AND on the server
(avoiding the encode/decode to flac) at the cost of increased (almost
doubled) bandwidth usage.

About being an audiophool, i'm used to be mocked as a skeptic in many
audiophile circles, so it always make me smile when someone naim me as
an audiophool, but in  short, yes,  in my system and for my ears it
sound different. 


Wait, sure is placebo, but the effect of decoding or not on the client
is to me greater than play a 44100 vs an 88200 or 176400 upsampled

So, I'm happy with this placebo, since it reduce the cpu load and
decrease the network band (no needs for 176400 upsampling anymore) with
NO sound degradation.

Should'nt I?

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> That high load IMO doesn't really reflect the CPU load required for
> the flac decoding, it more or less shows that there quite some
> bottlenecks in the way. You can decode a flac in 2 seconds offline.
> Having a continuous 300% more load of flac vs pcm doesn't make any
> sense,
> especially if the output buffer can easily swallow the entirely
> decoded file.

You are decoding the upsampled version of the flac file, this is not a
'lite' task, not sure it takes 2 secs to decode a 25 mb flac file to 145
mb wav (or pcm) on the PI2.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> If you're happy, that's all that matters! I'm just trying to understand
> what the problem is, that you were trying to solve. ;)

Not wanted to be rude, but "audiophool belief" is not a kind way to name
some others opinions. I do believe myself some so called audiophiles has
sometime some strange way of mind, but not becouse a fool say something
this mean everyone sayng the same is fool...

About your question, the problem is that LMS when streaming pcm (raw or
in a container) always send the slimproto stream_s command with the info
coming from the original file, ignoring resampling.

This fools players. 

My mod is a workaround for squeezelite, not the solution at all, but

At the question "why upsampling?"  my answer is I don't know, I could
not appreciate the difference.

Then, If we have to upsample and want the server do it, using flac as
container saves network usage, but costs the added encoding and decoding
cpus load. It's a trade off and better have choices.

At the question "decoding flac degrades sound quality?" I could only
answer with my honest opinion, strictly related to my personal
experience in my and few other systems, i'm not aware of any serious
survey on that matter. Do you?

At the question "how it's supposed to happen?"  again, I don't know.

Hope is more clear.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> @marcoc
> Just compiled your binary and changed my flac/pcm conversion rule to
> 96000
> Your squeezelite won't recognize the stream properly.
> I tried wav,wavpcm,raw as output formats of sox.
> 96000 will be played back at 44100 with your SL. It sounds like super
> slomo.
> Can you please post your flac/pcm conversion rule?
> Is there anything I need to consider for the squeezelite configuration
> to make your binary/patch work?
> Thx

I'm working to a plugin that will remove needs to play with
custom-convert.conf and file type, but at the moment You have to

Put those profiles in custom-convert.conf


  wav pcm * *
# FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}
[flac] -cs  $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ |[sox] -q -t flac - -t wav -r 
192000 -c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v
  flc pcm * *   
# FT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}
[flac] -dcs $START$ $END$ -- $FILE$ |[sox] -q -t wav - -t wav -r 192000 
-c 2 -3 -s -L - gain -3 rate -v

Set File Type to:


  wav pcm  -> flac/sox
  flac flac   -> disadled
  flac aiff   -> disadled
  flac pcm  ->  flac/sox

Please make sure the rate is compatible with your player, otherwise LMS
will NOT correctly downsample WAV (you need a little mod to LMS for

Please look at the squeezelite log file, it should look like that, if
you miss the "_check_header:77 WAVE[\B]" section, you are not using my
mod, and symptoms are exactly the ones you reported.


  [12:57:07.640] codec_open:218 codec open: 'p'
  [12:57:07.640] pcm_open:373 pcm size: 2 rate: 44100 chan: 2 bigendian: 0
  Content-Type: audio/L16
  [12:57:07.843] _check_header:77 WAVE[\B]
  [12:57:07.843] _check_header:101 header: fmt  len: 40
  [12:57:07.843] _check_header:129 pcm size: 3 rate: 192000 chan: 2 bigendian: 0


As You could see the server is still sending wrong info about the stream, 
but the client is now looking at the header and resolving it correctly.


If you have more than one player and different rules, you could use 
specific mac address or model name, ie:


  wav pcm squeezelite *
  flac pcm * e8:de:27:03:05:b2

If you are using remnote streams or Input from the stdIn, you could add R 
and I capability to the above profiles, i.e.


  wav pcm * *
# IFRT:{START=--skip=%t}U:{END=--until=%v}


SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> OK.
> I checked out your master in the first place  --- which is the original
> squeezelite. Obviously this can't work.
> Now I did:
> > 

  >   > git clone -b mc2_allow_lms_side_pcm_upsampling 

> > 
> And hope that I got the code I wanted to have.
> The problem I ran into is what I meant earlier about instructions how
> to checkout and compile certain branches.
> I'll give it another try.


I don't want to write a GitHub manual, it will result wrong, as i'm not
a guru. But maybe you could have a look at  the startup guide first, as
you are dealing with branches and releases that are key features.

By the way,

If you just need the bynary (executable) or the source code in zip or
tag.gz package, just go there:, scroll to your OS
platform of choice and download files.

If you want clone or branch, better use the release branch
(, that is the
complete one from where I deploy releases myself.

The one you cloned it's ok for the specific goal.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

JackOfAll wrote: 
> Any Linux squeezelite users reading this, with a DAC capable of either
> DoP or native ALSA DSD input, interested in testing a "player" capable
> of PCM->DSD conversion and/or native DSD ALSA ouput, drop me a PM.
> (That's PCM->DSD conversion, not to be confused with the DSD->PCM
> conversion that squeezelite has had for some time.) More info to follow,
> but to be upfront, although this "player" started out as modifications
> to squeezelite code, it now contains somewhere between two and three
> times the quantity of existing lines of squeezelite code, so to be fair
> to Triode, I think it should be called another name, but made clear that
> it is "based on squeezelite", to give Adrian due credit. Most of the
> existing squeezelite functionality has been converted to use the new ABI
> input/transform/output plugin interface. So the existing libsoxr
> upsampling functionality has been converted to the plugin interface, and
> several other resampling plugins added. Likewise, DoP is now an output
> plugin, alongside the new native DSD output plugin. Currently there are
> 4 "transform" plugins, which can be chained, where appropriate. The
> existing DSD->PCM functionality moved to a plugin, the aforementioned
> PCM->DSD plugin, a HDCD decode plugin, and a brutefir plugin. Support
> for portaudio and any platform that doesn't have ALSA, is dropped.
> Obviously, if you are aligned with the Marco and SoundCheck way of
> thinking, which doesn't like the idea of CPU usage on the client side of
> things, no need to PM me.

Just to be clear...

I don't have ANY dogma in this regards (as in most of my life), so I
would  be interested in any devolopment here, what I dislike more is the
loss of portaudio, or better, the capability to run in windows.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> There's a nice side effect now with this Resample-PCM patch.
> Before (flac-sox-flac) squeezelite was running at 2% CPU load on my PI2
> after downloading (streambuffer) and converting the track. 
> Now (flac-sox-wav) with the patch in place the load jumps between 0 and
> 0,7%. A serious performance gain.

Think that some 'Solone' here were fighting against this pretending
network traffic will have raised up the cpu usage... I had to prove it
that way. Hope they are going to read your reports...


SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

ralphy wrote: 
> I've added Linux OSS, Solaris SADA audio output support amoung others.

Ralphy, I really dislike the fact we have two different series of
release for squeezelite, I would like investigate with you how put them

This could but not necessary imply we merge the code and mantain one
single version, but will be nice to have a single point were people
could download binaries and sources. 

Let me know your mind, please.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> OK.
> Now it works. I had everything right in the first place, except the
> sources. ;)
> Here is my conversion rule:
> > 

  >   > 
  > flc pcm * *
  > # F
  > [sox] -D -q -t flac $FILE$ -t wav -e signed  -b 24 - rate -v -L -b 98 96000

> > 
> I skip the flac binary , because I don't need the rew/ffwd
> functionality. I also use the sox binary as supplied by Ubuntu or I
> compile it myself. That one is usually in a much better shape (14.4.2)
> than the outdated and flawed LMS sox (14.3.1)
> Especially latest 14.4.2 works more efficient on the "rate"
> functionality.
> BTW: "-D" avoids dither since I output 24bit. Going out with 16bit +
> adding dither (again) after the conversion doesn't IMO make sense.
> There's a nice side effect now with this Resample-PCM patch.
> Before (flac-sox-flac) squeezelite was running at 2% CPU load on my
> PI2 after downloading (streambuffer) and converting the track. 
> Now (flac-sox-wav) with the patch in place the load jumps between 0
> and 0,7%. A serious performance gain.
> Great stuff.
> Thx.
> Cheers

Thanks a lot.

More coming, stay tuned!


I use -D myself, the command I've posted is the one is SURE to work,
fell fre to play with parms.

SOX... someone says the older the better (is software like wine?)

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Announce: Squeezelite - a small headless squeezeplay emulator for linux (alsa only)

2015-10-17 Thread marcoc1712

soundcheck wrote: 
> No need to write a git manual!!
> Just a one-liner which code to checkout, as you just explained above.
> Triode also did it this way and it worked. From day one until now I
> could use the same clone command to checkout Triodes squeezelite. That's
> how it goes.
> Basically by cloning like this:
> > 

  >   > 
  > git clone -b Release

> > 
> I'll get the right thing!?!? That's all I need to know.  
> And a README.branch/Changelog.branch about your contributions inside
> the branch would be a nice to have. ;)
> Thx for your efforts. Highly appreciated.
> Cheers

Now I see  and agree. 

Some confusion come from the fact 'master' is actually the 'default'
branch and the origin. I'll do some clarification here, but we should
really have a shared 'origin' repo then fork from there all the others.

SB+, Klimo Merlino + Kent Gold, Monitor Audio Studio 20 Gold SE+, Klimo
reference and DIS Interconnect.
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