Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS debian unstable package fails to run with perl 5.20

2014-09-08 Thread rpress

Ah, I now realize that I need to use the in vendor, a whole
different ball of wax.  I've got that built now.  Is there any way to
unravel this so that it uses the dependencies from the OS rather than
compiling from source?  Maybe the new versions of these libraries don't
need the patches any more?

The FreeType tests kept giving a bunch of errors, so I just disabled the
tests, heh.  Anyway for anyone who wants to give it a shot I have the
latest 7.90 nightly here, for Perl 5.20 x86_64:

It seems to work for me... Thanks for the pointer Michael.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS debian unstable package fails to run with perl 5.20

2014-09-07 Thread rpress

So I ran the script, and it was successful but I still get
the Perl errors upon startup.  It looks like there are binaries in
and there is no corresponding 5.20 folder.  These binaries are in the
Logitech git repository, with no source code, and no build script that I
can see.

How am I supposed to build these?  There's a boatload of 'em...  Are
these files modified like the others?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] LMS debian unstable package fails to run with perl 5.20

2014-09-07 Thread rpress

Me three.  I've built it before and journeyed down the rabbit hole of
dependencies, not too excited about doing it again.  Maybe I'll setup a
virtual machine so I can use it to build it the next time.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2014-02-07 Thread rpress

Gurney wrote: 
> Hi rpress,
> Sorry, I'm not fit with compiling. Could you describe how to build the
> driver?
> I'm not sure whether it builds just a module or a full blown kernel.
> Thanks a lot!

It can be built either way.  To build as a module you need the exact
kernel headers and config, and it's not really much harder to just build
the whole thing.  If the driver is built-in then you can see the kernel
messages as it boots, just like a regular monitor but smaller, this is
how I do it.

Here are some instructions from the original FBTFT project that I forked
from.  There is also a link at the top for building the RPi kernel, you
should get this working first.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2014-01-26 Thread rpress

The driver you need is on my github, you shouldn't need anything else. 
It should work with Raspberrry PI as it was designed for this in the
first place.

With the power sequence, I did not do anything special.  But now that
you mention it I see the SSD1322 datasheet mentions the sequence.  The
display I have does not have control over this.  I haven't had any
problem so maybe it doesn't matter so much.

I think you can satisfy the sequence by connecting the VCC-CTRL to
VCC3V3; this will cause VCC to come up after/with VDDIO.   The
VDDIO-CTRL can be connected to VCC15V0; this will cause VDDIO to go down
with VCC, just make sure R19 is 0603 size or bigger.  Do you have an
oscilloscope that you can see the sequence?  I think it will work, but I
don't have that display so I haven't tried it.

Another option is to use extra GPIO and program that sequence into the
FBTFT driver.  But like I said I don't do it and it works for me...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-12-07 Thread rpress

Gurney wrote: 
> Hi board,
> I'm about to go ahead and buy this. My plan is to build an
> XBMC/Squeezebox/Rsnapshot backup unit in my bedroom with a Raspberry Pi.
> :)
> I've just one question, I can only find FT232RL in France, this model:
> Would it be suitable for the OLED screen from digilentinc?
> Thanks!

The FT232RL does not support MPSSE, so sorry that won't work.  But the
good news is that with the Raspberry Pi you can hook it up parallel, or
SPI, directly with just wires and you do not need the FTDI adapter.

I have not tested the PMOD-OLED2, but it should work just like mine. 
There are two signals BS0 and BS1 which select parallel or SPI bus.  You
can see this in the schematic on the Digilent page; the PMOD-OLED2 has
them wired for parallel bus.  If you want to hook up less wires to the
Raspberry Pi you can use SPI bus, but you will need to put two jumper
wires on the PMOD-OLED2 itself.

I am thinking of some XBMC plug-in too as I am running that as well. 
Maybe when playing movies it will run a nowplaying for XBMC and when
playing music it will run Jivelite.  Anyway sounds like a fun project
let me know if you need any more help!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-09-25 Thread rpress

Triode wrote: 
> rpres - interested in your views of how accurate the spectrum analyser
> is - on the 1980x1080 skin it doesn't look too accurate to me - I think
> the gain is too high (some bars saturate, but also not sure how well it
> matches the music) - have you done any tuning in this area - I think you
> may have upped the frame rate.  Wandboard can definitely handle this,
> but do you have any recommendations?

Yeah there are a few that can be tweaked, it's all a trade-off though. 
Too high of gain and it clips, too low and the bars don't move much. 
You can reduce the overall gain by changing the bit shift "power_sum <<=
6" or you can enable the log function just above that.  There is also
frequency pre-emphasis "scale_db += 1.2" which changes the gain versus
frequency, set this to zero for the best accuracy.  There is also some
stuff in there "X_SCALE_LOG" to create a non-linear frequency scale, so
it gives more resolution to the lower frequencies.

I played with the scaling somewhat and settled on a "reasonable" scale
that seems to work well if the tracks have replaygain.  A lot of pop
tracks these days have a lot of gain, the so-called '\"loudness war\"'
(, but replaygain helps here.

A higher frame rate makes things smoother and more visually pleasing.  I
think most anything these days can do at least 30 FPS if not more. 
Myself I can see an improvement up to about 50 FPS.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-09-25 Thread rpress

Triode wrote: 
> I've added a vis branch to my squeezelite and jivelite repos which adds
> visualizer support.  Its based on your work, but with some changes to
> the shared struct and recovery from one or other processes restarting. 
> Could you try it out?  [Doesn't include your skin, but includes
> equivalence to other changes I believe]
> squeezelite needs to be build with OPTS=-DVISEXPORT, and then started
> with -v
> Current skins including visualizer are joggler and HDSkin + the original
> WQVGAsmall

Great!  Jivelite needed one small fix of adding -lpthread to the LDFLAGS
but otherwise it is working just fine.  I like the ability to reconnect,
a definite improvement.

I think it would be neat to integrate 'libvisual'
( into Jivelite, opening up the possibilities of
various engines like 'projectM' (

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-09-23 Thread rpress

davidismynaim wrote: 
> how would this play on your display, if cool, I might find the time to
> create all 25 positions, but dont want to do it if it does not look
> right!

Hey thanks!  I'll see if I can try this out in the next few days.

gorman wrote: 
> Considering one of the main disadvantages of OLED is its performance
> under direct light... I'm not sure it's the best choice. How do you see
> it perform?

It's a normal brightness.  I have this same display mounted in my camper
van (for a different project) and it's not hard to read.  Maybe under
direct sunlight it would be hard to read, but I don't think this is a
problem for most people as it would be indoors.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-09-08 Thread rpress

Anyone who wants to use the OLED display can also buy it here:,719,1084&Prod=PMOD-OLED2

It's the same screen on a different carrier board than the one I have. 
To run it as SPI a jumper wire must be installed but otherwise it looks
like it will work just fine.  The screen I used from Alibaba had a
minimum order quantity of two, but was a little cheaper per.

Here is a photo of the Noritake VFD.  You can see the size is very

|Filename: IMG_20130908_205358m.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-09-08 Thread rpress

JJZolx wrote: 
> Damn. I think I'd design another case.

I'm certainly tempted to go that route, but I already made three
components (two amplifiers and a DAC/DSP) that are in the same size
case.  There is a smaller VFD from Noritake, maybe I will try to sell
the large VFD.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-09-03 Thread rpress

I received the Noritake display, unfortunately the grayscale one is
discontinued.  It's too big for my case!  I didn't pay close enough
attention, it's about 10mm too wide.  It's big and beautiful, there is
something indeed special about a VFD display.  The drivers are working
and the display is running at 30 fps, the max speed allowed by the VFD. 
I made some optimizations to the GPIO driver and it actually doesn't use
much CPU at all bit-banging the parallel bus over USB.  I also received
that UM232H-B adapter board in the picture above and it works great

No grayscale is a bit of an issue though, because the icons and fonts of
Jivelite aren't optimized for it.  For reference the old VFD Squeezebox
units (Boom, Transporter) do not have grayscale either and they look
good.  So that's just a matter of adapting Jivelite, but I don't know if
I'm up for at as I don't plan to use the VFD as it won't fit...

I think I'll go with the OLED as it looks good and fits nicely.  Does
anyone else have ideas for a display that would work?  To be honest the
latest fad of full color, normal aspect ratio (like the Touch) don't
seem as "classy" to me as the Boom style display.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-18 Thread rpress

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> Great work!
> That seems like a big screen too. Which of those displays you tested has
> your preference?

Yes the size is good, it would look good in a 2U case; that's what I'm
doing, one of the HiFi2000 Galaxy Maggiorato cases in 2U height, 1/2

I only tested with the one OLED screen so far.  I will have a VFD coming
from Japan, and I'll need to write the driver for that one too; this VFD
is a bit bigger.  I expect it will take a while to get here.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-15 Thread rpress

I have a preliminary driver for the FTDI chip.  It is working just fine,
about 60 fps, very smooth; CPU usage is low as well.  You can see in the
photo that everything is over USB.


The adapter is a FT2232H one I had laying around, but I think this
FT232H adapter would work at only $15.


|Filename: IMG_20130815_200543s.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-11 Thread rpress

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> If I’m not mistaken, the VU meters on the Squeezebox 3 was also a
> community effort and some people created nice VU meters for the Touch in
> the past. So it is doable.
> Can you post the images you already modified? I’m willing to take a look
> at it but can’t promise that I’ll be able to create something useful.

Here is the image.  Note that each bitmap is not the correct width, only
120 pixels instead of 128, the new one should be 128.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-10 Thread rpress

Triode wrote: 
> Hi - visualisations definitely look interesting.  I'm not near a linux
> machine right now, but interested in merging into squeezelite/jivelite
> based on this once you have something and I've looked at in more
> detail.
> For the squeezelite component do we really need to apply the replay gain
> and gain(volume) to the samples - I was wondering if we just take the
> raw samples and write to the shared memory block?

Sounds good to me.  I'm still playing with things, I'd like to see a
decade scale on the spectrum analyzer.  You can see the changes in my
repos, other than adding in the original visualizations it's not that
much.  The replaygain makes a big difference, otherwise the
visualizations aren't "centered" in the normal range.  The volume poses
a problem as it will affect the visuals if the volume is turned down,
this is why I only apply the replaygain.  Thankfully it doesn't seem to
use much CPU.

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> Nice to see how this great project moves on!
> Given the “color limitations” of the display in use, maybe the
> Squeezebox 3 VU meter would be a better fit for it?

The VU meters are just multiple bitmaps with the needle drawn in
different spots.  I played with the Touch bitmap a bit in Gimp to get it
to fit on the display, but it could use more work, frankly.  If anyone
wants to draw a new VU meter, 128 x 64 pixels, with the needle in 25
positions that would be great!

There is also support in the code for a vertical bar-style VU meter. 
Maybe a skin with the track info and the vertical VU meter on the right
side would be nice.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-09 Thread rpress

Thanks gorman.  :)

I've updated my repos with the code necessary to get it all working. 
It's not finished by any means but it's certainly workable for anyone
who wants to play with it.  You can use the skin on a desktop PC just
fine, to get an idea.

I also have implemented the visualizations, below is a small video.


This also works on the PC with the WQVGA skin.  It doesn't use
PulseAudio anymore, it uses shared memory.  Someday I think I will get
the projectM visualizations working, some of you might remember

The big VFD display was calling me so I ordered one of those too!  I'm
not sure the best way to interface it, I might just write a driver for
the FTDI chip so it will be native USB, but this is a fair amount of
work.  The nice thing about this is that the hardware is already out
there, it simply needs wiring up.  I could also make a small circuit to
convert it to SPI.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-08 Thread rpress

Pascal Hibon wrote: 
> Can you elaborate a bit more on the parts modification of the Wandboard
> ?

Sorry, I meant the parts on the circuit board that is attached to the
OLED board.  The "crosstalk" problem was in the image, where bright
pixels in a row caused other pixels to be darker.  I fixed this by
changing a few capacitors and a resistor.

The connectors on the Wandboard are small, but otherwise the SPI
connection is straightforward.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-08 Thread rpress

Thanks guys!  Here is the display I am using now.  I had to modify the
parts on the board a bit, it had some crosstalk problems; it looks
pretty good now, though.  I don't know if this is the best solution for
everyone, due to the changes needed.  Noritake has always had very good
quality so maybe VFD is the best going forward.

The skin is maybe 80% done, it's quite functional now.  Last night I got
the spectrum analyzer and vu meter (like the Touch has) working with
PulseAudio on the WQVGA skin, it looks really cool!  Today I will get it
working on the OLED display.

My fork of Jivelite is here, I will be updating it in the near future
with my changes.  I have not pushed anything new yet.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-05 Thread rpress

I do like the OLED, but VFD would be nice too!

This is nice and big (6.7" diagonal), I might get one of these to play
with too.  The electrical interface is different than mine, but there is
a USB option.  Or an adapter to SPI (like my OLED) is not so hard, just
a couple chips.

I have some progress on the skin, see my short video.  The flicker is a
camera artifact.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-03 Thread rpress

Well I have the OLED display working in Jivelite.  You can see that the
skin is way too big!  :)


So I've decided for now to make a new skin rather than try to use the
old Boom interface.  Hopefully the UI will work nicely with this aspect
ratio.  The font rendering looks pretty nice with 16 gray levels.

|Filename: IMG_20130803_000303s.jpg |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-08-03 Thread rpress

The viewing area is 136x34mm (5.35x1.34") or 5.5" diagonal.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-06-19 Thread rpress

Triode wrote: 
> There's no actual server support for greyscale rendering of the classic
> interface.  This should do everything a boom/classic will do except
> scroll the text as I didn't add that to the server.

Yeah, when I did the "empeg" I saw that it uses one 32 bit word for the
32 pixels vertically, so pixels are only 1 or 0.  I remember some bit
setting to tell the server to do server-side scrolling; I actually use
that on the empeg as I never got around to doing it on the client. 
Maybe I'll just do that for now to get the functionality back.

As a long-term solution it think it will be best to do the real Jive
menus instead of using the old server side display code.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-06-18 Thread rpress

Thanks Triode and Ralphy!

With a few more minor changes I have RetroBrowser working on Jivelite. 
I modified the resolution to that of the display I plan to use at
256x64.  The downside is the decreased resolution in Y (RetroBrowser
already doubles the pixels) and also there is no support for grayscale. 
It seems quite usable though!  The attached image is how it would look
on my display.

I'm going to play with it a bit more.  It seems like an easy solution
for the moment so I can focus on the framebuffer driver.


|Filename: Screenshot from 2013-06-18 16:42:00.jpg  |

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-06-17 Thread rpress

Thanks for the replies!

RetroBrowser looks really interesting and I'd like to play with it.  But
it doesn't work with Jivelite as it uses deprecated functions
"addCategory" along with other problems I imagine.  Has anyone got it
working with more modern Squeezeplay/Jivelite?

It seems the fundamental difference is that Jivelite is designed for
close interaction, whereas the Boom works great as a 10-ft interface.  I
know the Touch has a 10-ft "zoomed" interface as well, but I still think
the Boom is better with it's large aspect ratio display.

Yes, I agree that doing the bulk of the UI processing on the Wandboard
makes the most sense.  Also writing it for Jivelite would allow use of
all the latest plugins.  The problem (?) is that there is so much great
code for the Boom that can't be ported to Jivelite, requiring rewriting
this interface code.

But this seems like the best decision moving forward.  The Jivelite
menus could be made Boom-like, and a new Now Playing screen is needed of
course.  Most plugins use the menu system, but are there any that would
break with a substantially changed menu and a display with a different
aspect ratio?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Community Squeeze OS R3

2013-06-13 Thread rpress

JimmyBondi wrote: 
> For the records: this is a HD44780 compatible display connected to the
> Wandboard via USB and an lcd2usb interface.

Very nice!  I will be working on an interface soon for the Wandboard. 
You can see my thread below.  Maybe you can answer with your opinion?

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Boom style user interface for Community Squeeze OS

2013-06-13 Thread rpress

I'd like to do a Boom type user interface using the Wandboard and
Community Squeeze OS.

The hardware will consist of a 256x64 OLED display along with an RF
remote control.

The display interface with the SPI port will be easy enough; the remote
is USB.  The software framebuffer driver needs writing but I can port
another similar driver.

My question is where the UI code will live.  The old Boom had very
little code on the player, everything was generated by the server.  The
new devices work the opposite but don't support a Boom-like interface. 
I could re-use much of the Boom code and adapt it for the different
resolution.  This is what I've done for my "empeg" player and it works
very well.  However the OLED resolution is nearly twice that of the Boom
so it would require new fonts, bitmaps, etc.  After all that work it
seems better to just write a client side renderer like JiveLite, but
more Boom-like.

What do you all think?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Squeezeplay deb package for amd64

2012-11-10 Thread rpress

soundcheck wrote: 
> Hi.
> Just installed the 32bit deb on Ubuntu 12.10.
> libsdl-gfx1.2-4  was missing.
> Thx a lot for your work.
> SC

Hmm I just checked and it's listed as a dependency in the control file:


Depends: libasound2 (>= 1.0.16), libc6 (>= 2.11), libflac8 (>= 1.2.1), 
libmad0 (>= 0.15.1b-3), libreadline6 (>= 6.0), libsdl-gfx1.2-4 (>= 2.0.22), 
libsdl-image1.2 (>= 1.2.10), libsdl-ttf2.0-0, libsdl1.2debian (>= 1.2.11)

What was your exact error message?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Squeezeplay deb package for amd64

2012-11-07 Thread rpress

Okay I think I have them both fixed now.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Unix] Help noob with install squeezeplayer

2012-09-07 Thread rpress

Yeah try the packages I built and see how they work.  I had to change a
bunch of stuff so it would compile right, the biggest problem being that
there was no audio.

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[SlimDevices: Unix] Squeezeplay deb package for amd64

2012-09-04 Thread rpress

Here's a deb package I've build with Squeezeplay 7.8.0~9704, for amd64
(64-bit).  It's working on my Ubuntu 12.10 with alsa audio, no changes
are needed.  It also installs the icon and .desktop file so you can just
run it from Unity with no problems.  Let me know how it works for you!

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