Re: Completely OT: Bank of America song

2006-12-03 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
My wife works in the credit card industry and this has been the  
biggest laugh riot all around.

the line "we will make a lot of money while sticking to our core  
values" well to make a lot of money in that industry you can guess  
what your core values have to be!



On Dec 3, 2006, at 1:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Please tell me there won't be a runrev theme song...

-Mark Wieder

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Re: [OT?] HTML email is evil - or, why we get so much spam

2006-11-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


thanks for the article, nice summary of a lot of little things i was  
seeing around and in my own habitat... this is a nice summary to send  
to clients who do wonder what is going on.

 I was hoping there was one particular thing to focus on, but it  
does appear to be a cumulative/convergence effect of many fouls!



On Nov 24, 2006, at 8:44 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Yes I have, and some of my clients have complained to me about it too.
(I think they suspect it's somehow my fault, since I provide their

This recent article from the Guardian:

may perhaps help to explain some of the reasons why.

Martin Baxter

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Re: [OT?] HTML email is evil - or, why we get so much spam

2006-11-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


most html email creation programs have the feature to create a text  
only version that will load if the receiver's email browser cant or  
wont render the html mime file. so far with the few email newsletters  
i have done for some clients this seems to be working for the few  
folks that have had problems with html email. dont know if i have any  
that have the rendering just turned off and what happens in that  
situation, but i would actually be glad to do a test with you to see  
what happens as this is a big challenge as html emails take over the  
world (marketing pressure is really hard on this point and a lot of  
the public is just totally unaware of the problems and like the  
'pretty' emails).

I use the mail app and its button to display when you want to is  
great, but understand your reluctance to abandon your current system!

yell if you want to try a test!


jeff reynolds

ps Have other folks experienced a really large rise in spam in the  
last couple of months? i have had a bit of an faster than normal rise  
slipping through the filters and junk bins filling up a lot faster  
along with many clients mail systems doing some hiccups which look to  
be attributable to spam clogs. just curious. basically has gone from  
a nusance with a problem once in a while to a real common problem  
that is beginning to worry me. I too like richard are blocking  
several thousand a day with a few dozen breaching the walls now, but  
its the loss of good emails and some bouncing occurring for varying  
reasons that are scaring me the most now. jr

On Nov 24, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Anyway, I thought it might be useful information for the rest of the
list to know about spammers and HTML email.  I am getting the
impression though that most of you knew this, and (wisely) had images
turned off by default.


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Re: Lets make a deal!!!!!!!!!!

2006-11-17 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


You owe me a new keyboard now, you made me spit my coffee up onto the  
keyboard! LOL great one and perfect for the moment!



Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 17, 2006, at 6:28 AM, Jacqueline wrote:

Question: How many internet mail list subscribers does it take to  

a light bulb? Answer: 1,343

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Re: more stinkin s p a m

2006-10-28 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


I too have had a very large increase in spam over the last few weeks  
thats seeping through a couple layers of s p a m filters. many are  
coming from a few email addresses i use for lists. unfortunately i  
have not set up emails for each individual list, but much of this  
increased s p a m is coming from list addresses. I was about to up  
all the spam filters a notch or two.



On Oct 28, 2006, at 1:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Mark,

Yes, I realise that. However, I had been using a dedicated address for
this list for a long time, and never had any spam sent to *it* until 2
weeks ago. I think that indicates that despite the potential for  

this list was actually a "clean channel" until recently.

I will take appropriate measures, of course.


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Re: RR Forums

2006-09-05 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Yes i was curious why the forums were locked event to peek at the  
content. As Richard stated its a big turn off for most users, you  
would like to know what you are signing up for before signing up. If  
this is to hide that some of the forums dont have many posts its not  
a good move for rev either since it would piss me off to go to the  
trouble of signing up and then find out what i wanted wasn't there  
yet or what i wanted.

I too much prefer this list. put it in digest form and its really  
fast and easy to scan and i even run across a few things when  
scrolling through the digest email that i may not have clicked on by  
the title. I have used several web forums, and as others have noted,  
always find i quickly stop using them since having to go to the site  
and scan the lists in various ways (depending on the forum ui) just  
was a bit too much. Im probably a member of 20 email lists and they  
all are extremely fast and easy to keep on top of while taking  
relatively little time to do this each day.

Personally I also dislike the specific benefits made by Lynn of a  
forum of posts being editable or controllable. these lists are very  
self limiting and the few storms that come up go away quickly. a good  
free and open discourse is the heart and sole of what makes this such  
a wonderful list for all and probably one of the major supports of  
the product for the company (and i would hesitate to say w/o it, it  
may not have made it this far). a big brother approach to this kind  
of discourse (ie channeling, censoring, or editing) ruins it with  
even the threat of it.

Jeffrey Reynolds

On Sep 5, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

The current forum is apparently still being set up.  For example,
unlike most product forums out there, it's not possible to even read
the posts at the Rev forum until after you've submitted your
personal data and wait to have it human-verified.  The readers there
have overwhelmingly favored adhering to traditional convention by at
least allowing read access for guests, so it seems reasonable
that'll be set up as the system gets fleshed out.  Adding an email
interface would seem almost as simple to set up as the system moves
toward completion.

I can verify this.  I signed up the other day, and am still awaiting
my "human verification" part.  I was curious about the forum
dedicated to adventure gaming, as that is my current project.  I have
no idea if the forum even has activity.  But it seemed worth looking

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Re: RevConWest06 slideshow is on the air

2006-07-08 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


Thanks so much for the great slide show. its wonderful to see great  
images of where i grew up and folks experiences there at at the  
aquarium (the mba has been a big part of my life -- working there off  
and on for decades now) and always wonderful to hear when revcon  
happens there! One of these years i hope to join you all there! at  
least i get to go back for a visit to monterey next week!

beautiful music and perfect for the show! was a wonderful little break!



Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817

On Jul 8, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

You can find it here.


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Re: Telnet Session

2006-06-30 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


yep i too have controlled the adtecs in the past via the serial apis.  
the telnet via tcpip apis are pretty much the same for the new HD  
version. i now have it working well except that once and a while the  
unit logs out of the telnet session on me. not too horrible since i  
now have a fast telnet login script written.

Does anyone know of an easy way to tell if a telnet session is still  
open? the socket stays open on the rev side, its the video server  
thats logging off. would be better to check to see if the telnet  
session is still good before trying to send a command then see if it  
was accepted.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 30, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

The Adtec Edje4111HD.

My software is specifically for controlling Adtec gear (but have
never tried with their HD stuff). I would imagine the API is the same
as it is for all the rest of their products.

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Re: Telnet Session

2006-06-30 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


thanks very much, i thought it would be something like you have  
outlined, ill paw through your stacks and beat on things a while! If  
anyone else has any Telnet session pointers i would be glad to hear  

thanks again!


On Jun 30, 2006, at 1:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Jeff,

I would use Terminal first to establish the comms and work out what
commands you need to send and what data you expect to get back. To do
this, open the Terminal program (it's in Applications/Utilities) and
type "telnet " followed by the IP address of the server, and press
Return. Hopefully this will get you to where you can log in and do

Once you have that worked out, you will need to implement the Rev side
of things, which you can do using sockets. I think Telnet uses port 23
by default, but there are other ports too, so you may need to check
that. Then you can use:
  open socket to serverIP & ":23"

Once connected, you can read from socket & write to socket. If you
want some examples of sockets, you are welcome to have a look at my
POP & SMTP libraries. They use different ports and different command
sets, but the basic techniques should be the same. You can find them
at .


P.S. I've never done this, but I assume this is how it works :-)

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Re: Telnet Session

2006-06-30 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
The Adtec Edje4111HD. does up to 1080i, but only has an 80gb hard  
drive, so you cant put hours and hours of HD on it. Not sure why they  
used such a small drive, 80gb is puny these days... it looks to be a  
nice machine and the replacement for their older SD mpeg server,  
which i have used a lot under serial control and is a good and hearty  
machine. Looks like this model was released before all the firmware  
and APIs were fully fleshed out! Not the first time i have run into  
this in the past... I remember getting the Sony LDP commands from a  
manual written in japanese. only thing in english characters were the  
ascii codes for the commands! luckly they were pretty self  
explanatory! Now have the command APIs just need to get the telnet  
session worked out in rev and looks like Sarah's stacks will point  
the way!



Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817

On Jun 30, 2006, at 1:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Which MPEG server?

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Telnet Session

2006-06-29 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


Well I am now revising the Monterey Bay Aquarium's Deep Link rev  
based program to work that Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute  
and need to use a smaller compressed HD server.

I have a cool new HD mpeg server to play with here that was sposta be  
serially controllable (what the clients wants) as the manufacturer  
told me before we bought the sucker, but they neglected to say that  
serial API will not be implemented until later this year. So the  
alternative is the barely functional telnet api via tcpip.

Does anyone have some examples of setting up a telnet session via  
tcpip using rev?

To top it off the documentation on the product is almost non existent.

Lesson Learned: when you ask about an api package for some hardware  
in advance and they say 'oh youll get that with the unit' do not  
believe them, it translates to nothing is done yet...


jeff reynolds
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: How do I abort a handler in OS X???

2006-06-27 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


actually use my own flag since i sometimes leave debugging stuff  
turned on in the standalone when wanting to track things in the  
standalone or kill loops problems when they show up there. also  
sometimes want these turned off when in the development environment  
for testing before moving to a standalone. its useful to be in  
control of this flag. usually have a toggle button for it on the main  
card until near the end of development to allow these functions to be  
turned on and off until near the end of development.



Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 27, 2006, at 5:54 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

you could also use the built-in
if the environment is "development" then showDevelopOptions

hate stripping code when i am already through part of testing to easy
to screw something up that was working perfectly well and then theres
usually that one gotcha later in testing that its nice to have your
early debugging stuff still there and available for use in figuring
out what is going wrong... I also use it to pass results repeat end
numbers and other variables into a displayable field so i can easily
watch what is going on in more complex scripts that need tweaking.
again only displayed if the field is show and the development mode
variable is set right.

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 33, Issue 42

2006-06-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
i have always done this plus a flag for a development variable and  
dont bother stripping them later, they only work if the variable is  
set right (by me when in development mode).

global isitdev
if the optionkey is down and isitdev is "yessirrebob" then exit  

hate stripping code when i am already through part of testing to easy  
to screw something up that was working perfectly well and then theres  
usually that one gotcha later in testing that its nice to have your  
early debugging stuff still there and available for use in figuring  
out what is going wrong... I also use it to pass results repeat end  
numbers and other variables into a displayable field so i can easily  
watch what is going on in more complex scripts that need tweaking.  
again only displayed if the field is show and the development mode  
variable is set right.



Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 26, 2006, at 5:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

You've probably already force-quit by now, but just for the record,  

can't get out of one of these and force-quitting is about all you can
do. This has hit me many times, and now I am (almost) in the habit of
inserting a line like this into every new repeat loop I write:

   if the shiftkey is down then exit repeat

Once I know the thing works okay, I generally take the line out.  
But it

has saved me multiple times.

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Re: U3 apps and rev

2006-06-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
groan... will i be banned for starting a thread that ultimately lead  
to ch**se? what munster did i create with this thread...



jeff reynolds
Japan Rail Modelers of Washington DC

On Jun 26, 2006, at 5:18 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

But if he brings it up
again, it would be Gouda to hit him with a Brick.

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Re: U3 apps and rev

2006-06-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds

Ok ill wear the question authority tee shirt today...



On Jun 26, 2006, at 11:04 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I think it's a benefit to everyone on this list that you ask such


-Mark Wieder

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: U3 apps and rev

2006-06-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


thanks for this post, it was a real breath of fresh air to me. it  
seemed exactly what i thought was the case with U3, flash drives and  
rev and was a very direct and honest assessment/path to this kind of  
technology and the possibilities. I am glad you dont speak  
marketspeak, i'm tired of trying to learn new dialects and translate!



On Jun 25, 2006, at 10:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

U3 is a new application of a very old Windows-specific technology:   

autorun.inf file.

On any locked volume, Windows will look for an autorun.inf file  
and, if

found, will launch whatever executable is specified in the file.

A "U3" drive is essentially a flash drive partitioned into two parts:
one read-only with the autorun.inf file and the Launchpad app, and the
other partition the user writes to.  Windows sees the locked  
finds the autorun.inf, opens Launchpad, and for anyone who's never  

a CD do this in Windows it looks like magic. :)

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RE: U3 apps and rev

2006-06-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


I too love the tech stuff and thats why the U3 had piqued my  
curiosity since i was buying a new flash drive the week before the  
newsletter came and had noticed the U3 flashdrives for the first time  
(they were a 25% premium for the same drive though) and i had gone  
through there web site and was tring to figure out the benefits of  
their system (there site is not too direct).

i use to hate to rain on the tech parades at my old company, but it  
was always my rear on the line to design products that worked on a  
budget so always had to make sure the fanny didn't get singed!  funny  
thing was it was always the marketing folks that got all giddy with  
the marketing speak, but it was the business stuff behind the market  
speak which usually sunk things. that and the want to add features  
like video compression to add more video to cds (at the time it was  
not larger size or faster videos, but just more time) w/o realizing  
what the cost of the added video would do to the budget when they  
were already screaming at the costs of the videos!

just struck me curious that the first peep about U3 came via the  
newsletter and not from the list, but i guess it was under beta nda.  
seems the U3 revcon presentation was taken with a grain of salt also...



On Jun 25, 2006, at 10:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I think it's a benefit to everyone on this list that you ask such
questions, Jeffrey. And I can be pretty excitable about new tech
possibilities, so... thanks for the balance.


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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 33, Issue 37

2006-06-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds

Phil and Lynn,

sorry if i sounded suspicious in my post. I was having a hard time  
deciphering the article and the U3 site. when the marketing hype  
reaches a certain point above the technology the radar goes onto high  

I agree more places that we can market rev products the better. i was  
more concerned that there might be some hidden gotchas hiding in the  
bushes. I had talks with a whole slew of technology folks in the  
early 90s that were trying to get us to use their new technologies on  
our multimedia cdroms and pushing hardware licensing deals and most  
of them ended up having some pretty severe strings attached once i  
was able to strip away the marketing babble. the ceo was not happy  
for me for popping bubbles, but he always agreed that he could not  
live with the terms they usually wanted when brought into the light  
of day. Doesn't appear that U3 has these strings, but will take a bit  
more looking at the dev docs to tell for sure what the story is. I  
was assuming that they were generating their working revenue from  
hardware licenses, but wasn't sure if that would change at some point  
(some of the deals mentioned above kicked in payments after the first  
title or two).

They mentioned there wasn't a killer app yet for U3, but one market/ 
approach that might end up being one of the strongest for them might  
be education. kids are already carting along all sorts of stuff on  
flash drives these days. kids are probably more mobile with content  
and apps these days than the wired business person! they also tend to  
pick up new hot technology w/o a blink, especially if its mobile. im  
sure we will soon see cool flash drive sleeves with all sorts of  
blinking stuff for the young market soon!

some future ideas jump to mind:

• a cool mp3 player that was highly customizable with graphics,  
playlists, volume control (ie automatically  crank the one you always  
crank when you play it)
• schoolwork/curriculum scheduler as so many schools are using e- 
systems for schoolwork due dates, trips, tests, etc

• customized e-syllabus system that you could add your own notes to
• lecture notes/recordings/diagrams player
• etext reader/markup systems

the great thing is these are all things that rev is great at doing  
quickly and easily and should have a great jump on other development  

its great to see that rev should be able to slip into the U3 format  
pretty easily since it works so well as a standalone system already!

Also great to hear that it will be an option for studio license,  
economics (all poor education clients now days) has forced me to drop  
the enterprise for studio level.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 25, 2006, at 11:53 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Is there something wrong with opening up new markets for Rev apps? I
*hope* it's about marketing! I mean, think about it... if we build
things for which there is no market, who have we benefitted? Unless  

using Rev for self-amusement only, I would have to say "no one".

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U3 apps and rev

2006-06-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Just saw the newsletter article on revolution and U3 apps. I am a bit  
confused about why you would need U3 compatibility with Rev since you  
can make standalones that do not require anything to be installed and  
run fine from a flash drive (i actually keep a couple of my rev cdrom  
multimedia apps on a flash drive to show off, easier than carting CDs  
in your pocket!). so im wondering what the U3 specifications are  
adding for rev. is just adding a standard set of extra DLLs you might  
want to have access to? they have a little start panel you can get  
onto for the drive. something to just say you are U3 enabled? it  
seems like having to jump through U3's hoops rather than much rev has  
to do than it already does. Sorry i just smell more marketing here  
than technology, but maybe im wrong and if so would be interested in  
hearing other views. There is no mention of licensing fees (or  
potential future ones) on their site for U3, but its not very  
explicit content to make a firm decision on.

Also the article stated you would need an enterprise license to do  
U3. isnt this just another version of the XP engine? Shouldnt you be  
able to make standlanones with this engine like you can with a studio  
license like all the other current platforms (the article stated you  
required an enterprise license, but maybe thats only for the beta?)

the thing that i would really love to see with rev is downsizing to  
the pocket PC market where i could really fun things to do with rev...


Jeffrey Reynolds
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Re: Laptop diary tool in REV - Glyphs

2006-06-19 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
While a picture or icon can be worth a thousand words they can be  
just as hard or harder to find the correct image to represent a  
concept to everyone. Even w/in N American culture i find that  
creating icons for projects the most contencious and divergent point  
in projects, so much so i try and avoid them if i can since they end  
up costing a lot in time and anguish. Dont get me wrong, i love them,  
but with the non profit and education markets i work in the cost for  
simple icons can be a major ticket item! Its funny to look at the  
suggestions i get from folks to begin with then their comments on the  
design rounds -- many times they end up being 180 from where someone  
started (yes this happens in many parts of projects, but always  
happens with icons). they say it should look like x and you do  
something like x and they comment later why did you use x and not  
y... Its just that good icons/glyphs take a lot of work to get good.

one place small pictons really worked when everyone thought they  
wouldnt was at the Monterey Bay Aquarium in the Deep Link exhibit  
interface when i first did it 16 years ago. The aquarium thought we  
would have to use a set of text lists to organize and call up the 300  
odd video clips they had then. I too one mental picture of this and  
recoiled. These were the days of still only 16 colors in toolbook,  
but i went ahead and did video grabs on the mac (ironically i could  
show them in colorized HC on the mac, but the final version had to  
run on the PC) and did some fiddling to drop them to 16 colors. in  
the end i was able to come up with these little 16 color pictons that  
ended up working smashingly well. even though each piction had a two  
line (20 characters each label), the presenters could not take the  
time to read names, but the pictons ended up being a great visual  
represnetation of the clips after they practiced on the system for a  
while. the full color, larger pictons on the current system i find  
actually harder to glance at quickly and find what i want, even  
though they are clear for a first time user to see what they want.  
Since everything has to be pretty we had to keep it full color even  
though the cruder versions might have worked better for the expert  
system approach!


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 19, 2006, at 12:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

That's why we have tooltips and reference manuals...and some of us
display on-screen contextual help at each step in a process.  I  
that once the user understands the meaning of an icon within a  

application, she/he will recognize that icon in subsequent windows in
the application more quickly than identifying a string of text.

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Ann: Revolution at the Monterey Bay Aquarium

2006-06-12 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I just got done revamping the old Metacard program running the Deep  
Link and Jellies shows in the auditorium of the Monterey Bay Aquarium  
to Revolution (it was MetaCard). The shows now are in all High  
Definition Video projected on a 16 foot by 9 foot screen and the  
images/video is absolutely stunning. The Revolution program provides  
over 400 HD video and still clips for the presenter to display to the  
audience to help interpret the live video being broadcast from ROVs  
in the bay. The system also provides notes to the presenter on the  
clips to help them answer audience questions.

The Deep link presentation system, while essentially the same concept  
over the last 16 years, has grown into an impressive array of  
hardware controlled by the system along with now being in HD  
resolution (uncompressed HD on a 4 terabyte server). It has also  
followed a historic litany of multimedia development systems,  
starting out being prototyped on the alpha version of colorize HC  
routines, to Toolbook (the installed system has had to be PC based  
all along), to MetaCard, and finally to Revolution. Revolution's  
TCPIP abilities allowed me to work on the debugging with my mac  
laptop sitting in the auditorium controlling things (installed  
control is all serial based), then just pop it over ot a PC app and go!

While you are at the RevCon try and stop by the aquarium to take in a  
show (and the aquarium). Unfortunately, they are running shows all  
day long now with the summer crunch so getting a Rev only glimpse  
didn't work out, but if you go up after the show there are usually a  
few minutes to get the presenter to let you take a peak at the Rev  
program running on their podium touch screen. Also be aware the  
Aquarium has expanded over the years and is hard to take in in a  
couple of hours unless you want to run. best to try and take it in  
for a couple of hours, take a break and come back later in the day to  
finish up. Wish i could be there for RevCon, but have be back in DC  
those dates.



Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr.
Bethesda, MD  20817

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Re: The end of OS9 development

2006-05-08 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


yep its a problem for the education market. Since many schools just  
cant afford to upgrade all their machines at once it means they have  
a smaller selection of older (and sometimes outdated) content to use.  
the OSX only programs then dont get bought sometimes unless they have  
enough machines to warrant it and then its not running on all the  
lab's computers, just the newer machines with OSX. This makes for a  
very strange dynamics in the education market, very different from  
other markets where as dan pointed out, once a feature/package  
justifies the upgrade they just buy it. not so in the education  
market in many places. Another up-and-coming market in education is  
the home schooling market, and there you tend to find very wide range  
of computer OSs, and in many cases very limited budgets and technical  
knowledge for upgrading systems.

I realize this is not Rev's fault at all. The solution is not to  
force the software market to be beholding to fix all this, but to be  
aware of it and help out as much as possible where possible (since  
education seems to be a second class citizen in many respects). The  
real solution is to properly fund schools, but thats a huge and  
tangled mess of a problem. I was just pointing out the situation in  
K-12 schools is very different from much of the rest of the markets.  
I am just hoping that rev 261 keeps running well for the upgrades in  
OSX and Windoz for the next few years while i still need to create  
OS9 computers.

Sorry education tends to get the dirt kicked on it a lot and i just  
have to speak up when folks say the solution is for schools to just  

Jeffrey Reynolds

On May 8, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

...and therein lies the rub. Not only are there *very* few developers
still cranking out OS9 apps, but there are no development tools
currently shipping to produce them. If you haven't already got an old
version of CodeWarrior or a rev 2.6.1 OS9 engine or something similar
you're just not going to be making OS9 apps. And there's very little
incentive to do so, given the increasingly smaller market.

...and I don't expect any OS9 rev engines any more, since they were
built with CodeWarrior.

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Re: How Computers Really Work: A Children's Guide

2006-05-07 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
whoops i was curious about what gonick was doing and found he had  
done the cartoon guide to computers but way back in 1991!  faint  
memories of it are slowly coming back.



On May 8, 2006, at 12:33 AM, Jeffrey Reynolds wrote:

I wish gonick would do a cartoon guide to computers, he would nail  
it and make it fun for kids and adults alike!


jeff reynolds

On May 7, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

BUT, while looking for the thingy we're tied to, I came upon this  

"How Computers Really Work: A Children's Guide," [authors: Shirley
Crossley, Hugh Osborne, and William Yurcik, published in the  
of the Workshop on Computer Architecture Education (WCAE),  
Anchorage AK

USA, May 2002.]

This just seems SO DOABLE in Rev...

Any thoughts, fellow educators?


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Re: How Computers Really Work: A Children's Guide

2006-05-07 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


Interesting article. Actually, I have been amazed at how well kids  
understand the workings of computers compared to even heavily  
computer using adults! Also the kids usually grok this stuff when  
they dont know it pretty quickly, but i have explained some simple  
concepts to adults over and over and they never seem to get it. I  
guess it probably has to do with the kids growing up with computers  
as something there all the time so the concepts are not as abstract  
to them. But i do agree that it is an important concept that the  
modern student needs to have a firm grasp on, especially as computing  
gets more ubiquitous in the future.

Yes this would be something easily done in Rev. The biggest hurdle is  
content creation, its a big subject to be taken on here. This is why  
you see so many of these kinds of prototype projects/grants, but  
fewer of actual finished products that are done well, its just  
expensive to do the necessary content creation and production work.

The content could be very engaging and since its all connected  
material/concepts it would be something that would keep drawing you  
through the content (some subjects its hard to make clear paths that  
kids can follow or explore).

I would be interested in working on something like this if we could  
get the other talents needed (like writing and art) lined up. I have  
designed and produced many multimedia apps like this and am always on  
the lookout for interesting content that is needed and crying to be  
taught well.

I wish gonick would do a cartoon guide to computers, he would nail it  
and make it fun for kids and adults alike!


jeff reynolds

On May 7, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hardware's not been our particular problem (yes, my Frankenlab  
STILL runs

OS 9!).

We have some POC microarchitecture sim that's Classic-only (I've just
tried to Google it but, well, ignorance is bliss and I can't rightly
recall: CPUSim?  I dunno).

BUT, while looking for the thingy we're tied to, I came upon this  

"How Computers Really Work: A Children's Guide," [authors: Shirley
Crossley, Hugh Osborne, and William Yurcik, published in the  
of the Workshop on Computer Architecture Education (WCAE),  
Anchorage AK

USA, May 2002.]

This just seems SO DOABLE in Rev...

Any thoughts, fellow educators?


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Re: The end of OS9 development

2006-05-07 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


Its to tell K12 to bite the bullet if they had a bullet to bite. in  
schools It is not a matter of justifying anything, its a matter of  
the money just plain not being there to buy the software, or in many  
cases, the hardware, to bump everything up to OSX. i could easily  
justify that there be less than 3 yr old computers in the schools,  
with updated systems and apps, and all teachers paid a fair wage, but  
pigs will be flying from somewhere before this happens in our current  
culture. in the schools tech money is going away quickly when things  
get tight. teachers (and the few lab/tech folks left around) are  
happy to just keep things going as is (that means a whole mix of  
machines and operating systems). Getting the money and resources  
together to migrate all the systems to osx just aint gonna happen in  
most situations. what will happen in most cases is the current os9  
machines will live on with os9 till they die (and its amazing to see  
how long some macs can hang on even in the war zone of a classroom or  
computer lab!). anything bought post osx will have osx on them, but  
then again upgrading them all to the latest and greatest or even a  
single standard OSX version wont usually happen. even in the labs  
where they get a big hunk of money to get a whole lab of computers at  
once, things start to age with OSs quickly and the money usually  
isn't there a few years later to bump things up.

I ran what was considered a very well funded high school lab in  
Monterey and we couldnt afford to bump all the computers up to the  
latest osx systems and the older computers couldn't run osx, but i  
needed them to have enough computers for a whole class at 1 student  
per computer. It was more a game of just getting things as best i  
could to run an optimal set of applications to cover as many bases as  
possible w/in the budget.

All my education applications will have to be delivered with OS9 apps  
for the next few years, its a fact i just cant get around. even the  
distributors want it since its still, and for the near future, a good  
chunk of their market they dont want to give up. its going to make  
for some tricky fiddling with rev in the future i expect. i hope that  
rev 261 can live on into the near future well enough to provide the  
OSX, OS9 and Win apps i need before i am forced to start in 261 o  
create the os9, then move up to a newer version to create OSX and  
other newer OS apps then end with a dual development path (ugh!)...

I agree we need to move on to better systems and drop the old ones,  
but it just means education gets the shaft yet again. And its a game  
of economics again since the education is the poorest retail section  
out there so of little concern to business, more the shame. It is,  
unfortunately, a very vicious circle and it just flushes the  
education market. Its funny since many of my students could have  
utilized the power of a newer computer better than most of the  
business folks i know!

I encourage all of you get out in your local school and talk to the  
teachers and tech folks (if they have any) and see what its like and  
how you might help out. You may be lucky and have a rich district or  
one that has put technology on the front burner, but in the average  
school its tight. They can also usually use your help. even if its  
just volunteering to help man the lab at lunch or after school,  
mentor a bright computer kid, even fix some broken or cranky  
machines, do some seminars for teachers and technology. Believe me  
you will get a new appreciation for the K-12 educational system and  
how hard things can be stacked against it in many ways. But a small  
amount of help and grease in the right places can make great things  
happen. Its also greatly rewarding and amazing when you see some of  
the things that the kids can create!


Jeffrey Reynolds

On May 7, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Yes, I'm aware that some channels and users -- notably education --  
been able to justify upgrading hardware to run OS X, but as you  
say, it's

been four years. Time to bite the bullet, I say.

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Re: QT Movie NoteTaker

2006-04-18 Thread jeffrey reynolds


He great little app! I am about to start an exhibit project and we  
will be creating a whole bunch of small videos (in dv) for the  
exhibit over the course of a year and the video editor is on the  
opposite coast, so this will really come in handy! I love little apps  
like this that fill a small but great need simply and cleanly! we  
have struggled with this in the past, you just made our lives a  
little easier! Nice use of rev!

Next feature request could be to do the opposite where you could load  
someones note file along with the movie and click on the time code in  
the notes to jump the movie there for review and posting a set of  
reply comments!


jeff reynolds

On Apr 18, 2006, at 9:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Thanks to all of your help, I have released a beta (alpha?) of my
first Rev project, a freeware utility called QT Movie NoteTaker.

Not sure if it will be of any use to many of you, but here's the info:

It still has a ways to go, but it is a useful tool if you need to
take notes on QT movies.

I will be asking more questions soon, there are several things I
just can't get to work...

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Re: End all Negative Threads Now -- Big Whoops!

2006-04-09 Thread jeffrey reynolds
Big, big whoops on my part. My sincere apologies Lynn and to the  
list, i thought i had put Lynn's email address in in place of the  
revlist, but i guess i didn't. It was not meant as a back door  
posting, just an honest mistake, in hitting the send key w/o making  
one last check of the header...

I dont think i said anything that i was not willing to take public, I  
just wanted to get your reactions first before expressing them more  
publicly, but goofed.

again my apologies to you and the list for the goof, but it was  
something that just really smacked me in the face, and that had never  
happened before that way on this list. I love this list and want to  
see it continue on in the same spirit and voice it has always had  

I also like the way that email lists serves (this one especially)  
keep a sense of personality with them, whereas forums seem so  
impersonal and flat. maybe its because things are all jumbled up and  
you run across threads you would never click on via the titles or  
that the discussion can migrate in interesting directions or that  
some great humor creeps in.  Forums almost feel like a business  
attempt to control creativity. just my opinion.



On Apr 9, 2006, at 7:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Jeff,

I am sending you this off list to try and clear some things
up first and directly with you, that being said...

That was surprisingly on-list for an offlist post :-)

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

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Re: End all Negative Threads Now

2006-04-09 Thread jeffrey reynolds


I totally agree. this threat disturbed me more than anything i have  
ever seen on this list. I fear its a big black eye for rev the company.

jeff reynolds

On Apr 9, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Good (Sunday) morning,

The amount of biting argument on the list has reached unacceptable  
after the warning yesterday. I am going to direct support to begin  
list subscriptions if I come back from Sunday breakfast and  
there's still a

stream of them coming in.

Whoa, man! Chill out, sit down, and have a Percadan!


Seriously though, Lynn, you are responsible for marketing IIRC, and  
not for

list management (AFAIK that's Heather, unless she's no longer with the
company), and threats don't help the perception of how Runtime  

interacts with their customers.

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Re: End all Negative Threads Now

2006-04-09 Thread jeffrey reynolds


I am sending you this off list to try and clear some things up first  
and directly with you, that being said...

Is this for real? Sorry i find this much more troubling than any of  
the discussions going on. I spent some time reviewing the posts of  
the last week or so and while there were a few little fires, nothing  
seemed very bad and most were dying out on their own. One thing that  
did strike me is that many of your replies to some of the list folks  
like richard were a bit on the flippant side. While you may have a  
great personal relationship with him that you can talk that way, as a  
list moderator and the most visible representative of rev now on the  
list, its just not very professional and i think may strike some the  
wrong way (example: hey kids) and just feed or start the fires you  
are trying to avoid/stop. you as a moderator and rev representative  
need to be very calm, clear and level headed in your comments. while  
the list is generally fun and folks jibe a lot (and that is great)  
the sad fact is a moderator and company rep just cant do that IMHO.

This list has been very stable and as lists go pretty civil. yes once  
and a while there are little firestorms, but all and all its very  
self moderating (except for a few of the comments that were posted  
that went into illegal areas of software piracy, etc). the fires seem  
to put themselves out after a few days and bad feelings seem to fade  
quickly. Negative things about rev almost always end up generating  
more good comments on rev and focusing of problem areas that need  
work (nothings perfect and software is even harder to move toward  
perfection than other things).

I get very worried when a rev representative steps in with heavy  
handed threats. I hope this is not how the new forums will be  
moderated. while forums are great for the very general stuff, for the  
professional developer they are much harder to try and keep up with.  
the rev list has been great and continues to work well for many of  
us. Most of the folks active in it have been using the product since  
mc days. Compartmentalizing things into pigeon hole forums will be of  
no use to me and by the comments of many on the list neither for them.

I may get banned for creating a negative thread here, but I feel like  
i need to comment on this style of moderation. Moderation is a very  
hard and tricky position that requires a lot more than issuing  
blanket statements like this, it will kill a great community we have  
here, that like all communities and families, have some squabbles  
time to time, but its best to air them out and let them go. Just  
stopping them with threats like this does not make for a happy and  
productive community. If you have a problem child or two on an issue  
its best handled off list with some counseling before expelling them  
from the family. If you want to do hands on moderation then  
generalized (with attempts at being cute) will not work. The issue  
has erupted because a few folks are really hot under the collar. cute  
general comments to the list about the tread just throws gasoline on  
these folks. It really requires some off list emails that are frank  
and understanding to defuse the situation, not just cause it to  
explode or try to just shut it off totally. the pressure will only  
build and erupt more violently later.

Is the Rev list now to become a totally corporate forum where only  
'how do i...' questions are posted and no frank discussions are  
allowed? If so that will totally kill what i have liked about the  
list for years. this group is usually the folks that push the  
envelope some and find the odd permutation that causes some oddities  
to come up so discussions of bugs and such do come up and i think are  
very useful to the rev staff, the list members, and the rev community  
in general. I worry this will really destroy a community that has,  
frankly, probably kept mc and rev afloat since the beginning with  
their use, dedication, and evangelizing of the products.


jeff reynolds

On Apr 9, 2006, at 11:27 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Good (Sunday) morning,

The amount of biting argument on the list has reached unacceptable  
after the warning yesterday. I am going to direct support to begin  
list subscriptions if I come back from Sunday breakfast and there's  
still a

stream of them coming in.

Best regards,

Lynn Fredricks
Worldwide Business Operations
Runtime Revolution, Ltd

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Re: Register at Forums to See Everything

2006-04-08 Thread jeffrey reynolds

yes please me too, i third this!

jeff reynolds

On Apr 8, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Lynn Fredricks wrote:

Hi all,

There are a couple of forums that require registration in order  
to see them
(many that currently do not, will also change). You are missing a  
couple of

nuggets of goodness if you do not register.

It is likely that the next step with the forum will be to get up  
the RSS

support so its readable in a reader such as GreatNews.

Please, please install the capability to use email with the forums.
This will allow you the same degree of control over content that you
want, and will not inconvenience those of us who just don't have
time to click their way through a zillion web pages several times
daily. I do need to read everything that is posted to the mailing
list, but using a web interface will double my access time and
triple the inconvenience. I am sure there is a happy medium for us
all, so that those on slow dialups, or those who just don't have
time to visit a separate forum multiple times per day, can proceed
in a way that is most helpful to everyone.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

Yes, yes, please! Me too want this :)

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Re: no mention of OS9 at rev? Not true

2006-04-05 Thread jeffrey reynolds
Well it is a must for K-12 application development. this has frozen  
me at 2.6 for now for our multimedia cdroms. its a must that os9 apps  
be there. Distributors insist on it, theres so much old mac equipment  
(especially in the lower grades) that just lives on and on and on...  
It is amazing how long they hang in there. With the cutbacks many  
schools have gotten hit with, the old computers are forced to just  
hang in there. even though OSX general use may be near to getting  
over the top, i am afraid it will be a while before os9 dies in schools.

I hope Rev can keep at least os9 app compilation going as long as  
possible and is feasible for them economically.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Apr 5, 2006, at 9:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

True. However, if some people keep repeating here that there is no
need to support OS9 (from their perspective), this may become a
self-fullfilling prophecy. I don't particularly enjoy being contrary
but someone has to counter-balance them.


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Re: OT: Apple at 30 - My Piece of the Big Fruit

2006-03-31 Thread jeffrey reynolds
those dev cds are great! I always waited each month to see what  
clever title and cool graphics were going to be on them (as well as  
all the goodies they contained!). certainly more creative and  
entertaining than all the other tech cds i had on the shelf...


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Mar 31, 2006, at 10:09 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Thanks for an enjoyable read. I still haven't been able to bring
myself to throw away my OpenDoc dev cds... sigh...

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RE: OT: Apple at 30 - My Piece of the Big Fruit

2006-03-30 Thread jeffrey reynolds
Man I had forgot about the III, i was offered one cheap, but luckly  
had seen the lisa and had a Basis108 (it had both a 6502 and a z80)  
that had the umph of a III so i didnt bite! glad i didnt since i then  
got a 256K ram card for the Basis108 and i was the king with the huge  
ram drive!

I ended up getting a no name 60mb scsi external drive for my mac SE  
(like $1000!) and i was everyone's best friend around the department  
since i could back up their 20gb hard drives to my drive when they  
needed to reformat. saved them many hours of swapping 3.5" floppies  
and got me lots of free beers!

does anyone remember the Sinclair Z80? my first computer to own.  
whopping 32mb or ram and a micro tape drive (audio dictation tape)  
for its storage! what fun!

if anyone has a users manual for the sinclair z80 i would appreciate  
talking with you, i lost mine a long while back and would love to  
poke at it sometime!


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Mar 30, 2006, at 4:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

We had Apple III (yes, the ill-fated 3 not 2) in the p-chem lab and
nobody knew what to do with it, so I got a free rein in using it.
That was a few years before Lisa and Macs. My first programs allowed
me to quickly check the correctness of calculations on student lab
reports :)

My first own Mac was SE but more memorable was a purchase of my first
hard drive a while later: close to $1200 for the whooping 20 MB
zero-footprint Jasmine drive. It was a big sacrifice for a graduate
student but I felt like a king!

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RE: OT: Apple at 30 - My Piece of the Big Fruit

2006-03-30 Thread jeffrey reynolds
I remember getting my 2mb upgrade for my SE to go to 2.5mb in 1988.  
it cost $350 through the berkeley education program (i was a grad  
student then). it was right when there was that short, but big,  
memory price spike (i think it was a fake shortage thing by some  
overseas suppliers) and when the chips were delivered the street  
price on them was up over $1000. as i walked out of the campus office  
where i picked up the little package with the simms, there were  
literally about a dozen professors in the hall outside trying to buy  
simms off folks since they were very hard to get. I could have made a  
fast $500-600 profit if i had been willing to part with them then  
bought them a couple of months later for like $250. being the  
lifetime propeller head i am i resisted. that was a month of grad  
student pay!

my first mac IIfx with 13" color monitor came in at $7k on the Apple  
developer program which at that time was close to half retail. it  
sooo fast at the time! it survived a half cup of coffee getting  
sucked up into it (coffee under those machines would get sucked up by  
convection through some small slots and then short the mother board)  
and lived on for years with an 040 accelerator card.

fond memories... Basis108, Mac Plus, Mac SE, Mac IIfx, Powerbook 100,  
Powermac 8200, Powerbook duo 230, Powerbook 5300cs, PowerComputing  
120, Powermac G4 dual 450, powerbook Ti, G5 dual 2ghz, 17" powerbook  

makes my head hurt to total the money spent on these, but its earned  
me a living all the time and been enjoyable!


jeff reynolds

On Mar 30, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

What a fun 'blast from the past'!

I was about to choke on your description of the $10k IIci but
then remembered that our own first Mac -- a II plain and tall
-- was a good $3k on an edu discount ca 1989, and that a 
color monitor would have run us an extra $600 US.  And that

the 'upgrade' from 1 MB -> 2 MB RAM was more than $100 US
several years later (for the kiddies, that's more than the
pizza or two that $100 would buy today).

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last 2.6x version

2006-03-23 Thread jeffrey reynolds


What was the last 2.6 version or rev? was it 2.6.1? i looked on the  
ftp and the last thing there on the rev ftp download was v261. if  
there is a later version where would i look to get a copy of it.

I need to support some apps in os9 so need to stay in 2.6 for this.



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Re: The End of Dreamcard? -- but life after death?

2006-03-04 Thread jeffrey reynolds
Man i am feeling old... I created Apples first educational CD-ROM  
(Earth Explorer - a multimedia environmental encyclopedia for jr high  
kids) when they decided to get into the CD-ROM business in the early  
90s using hypercard. they were amazed that a sophisticated multimedia  
product could be developed with hypercard. i had a meeting with  
higher ups at Apple to assure them that it was possible... their  
testing dept. finally confirmed that it worked and was relatively bug  
free! It struck me funny i had to sell the idea to Apple. in contrast  
the PC version (done in VB) took about 4x the person-hours to  
complete the software and that was with the content being squeaky  
clean (the mac version was 6 months ahead and did all the content  
testing) and content being exported to them exactly how they wanted  
it (i got it in all sorts of various forms that i used HC to convert  
to the final formats i needed--one of HC, strongest points). They had  
about 8 fat bug binders, i had about 2 and that included all the  
content bugs! The other guys were pro programmers with degrees and  
much better programmers than me (i was a molecular biologist and self  
taught programmer).

when i was designing the product i had mocked it up in hc and the  
company developing it was planning on programming it in C, but then  
when the mock up was doing 90% of what needed to be done I proposed  
me just doing it in HC. Boy did that get a laugh from the programming  
dept at first. but then they shut up when they realized that yes the  
prototype did just about everything that it needed to be done just  
fine (what was left was minor stuff that we took care of with a  
couple of custom externals) and the budget and timeline was a  
fraction of doing it all in C.

oh and it will still run today, even under classic. funny thing is  
cdroms are now getting very popular back in schools (they are finding  
the internet is not the solution to all educational content delivery  
-- realities of working in a school) and the product may be dusted  
off, content updated and new software done with revolution!

Just shows you what was possible with that quirky little piece of  
software. I dont think Apple fully realized how much HC was a part of  
the success of Apple in general. Apple survived on the fringes by the  
undying passion of users that things like HC kept going. Without them  
they would have never gotten a big enough market share to hold on or  
enough reasons why their hardware was at a premium price w/o the  
evangelists selling it so hard and passionately.

I think the lesson here is that there are options to make great stuff  
out of older things like stuff created in dreamcard. yes the simple,  
cheap gui building system like HC wont be there, but the work done in  
it can be moved forward and useful. No system lasts for ever, but  
moving stuff forward is possible and can really pull some rabbits out  
of the hat...


jeff reynolds

On Mar 4, 2006, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Close. 19 years ago. I remember it came in the box with the new SE20
for A&M studios. I was attempting to build an app with Z-Basic at the
time, and not getting anywhere...then discovering this thing..
what's this... some kind of add-in hardware card? ha ha

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Re: XP Problems Persist...

2006-03-03 Thread jeffrey reynolds
I have seen flash drives create two files when doing a os9 <> osx  
transfers between computers. one is a dummy file maybe containing the  
resource fork? they sometimes look pretty much the same, but one is  
functional. this varies with the drive and i think may be due to the  
drivers on the drive and how its handling the transfer. have never  
had the files come across corrupted though.


On Mar 3, 2006, at 6:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


An interesting spotlight... we had, indeed, been going between his XP
machine, any semi-working OS 9 machine and my OS X laptop...


On Thu, 2 Mar 2006, Stephen Barncard wrote:

Especially had problems using a thumb drive between sys9 and 10.

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Re: Quicktime for Windows 98?

2006-01-09 Thread jeffrey reynolds


Apple is very careful about the quicktime distribution. If you want  
to distribute quicktime with your product you have to jump through  
several hoops to do so. They are very restrictive. You can only  
distribute the most current version of QT with your product. If you  
reissue the product you also have to update the quicktime w/in 6  
months. Also your installer must also run the quicktime installer in  
one installation step. they also want reports on your distribution of  
discs containing qt and samples of the disc for verification.

they use to have the requirement that your application must only work  
with the newest version of quicktime, at least they have dropped that!

Also they dont license qt for download, you have to send folks to the  
qt site for that.

bottom line is its really a mess to try and fufill all these  
regulations and i have just stepped back to having folks need to have  
quicktime or download it themselves.

I can see why apple has abandoned 98 for its current, supported,  
software. its way past its lifetime for support and I am sure they  
just cant afford to support all legacy systems out there with all the  
lastest qt festures.

I wish their distribution agreement was less restrictive, but i guess  
it is how they ensure there are not a lot of discs being distributed  
now with a 5 year old version of quicktime on it (there are, but this  
just reduces this greatly).

so any distribution by you of the older versions of qt will have to  
be under the table.

if you search around the apple downloads you can find the qt 6.3  
installer there for download. I think its the last version that ran  
under 98, so you could send folks there, but I would not trust that  
it is going to continue to be there for ever, although apple has been  
pretty good about keeping old stuff around for legacy systems, just  
sometimes not that easy to find!



On Jan 9, 2006, at 1:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

100,000 hits logged on to just one of our web sites in December 2005
whose user agent was "Windows 98" .So if we deploy a free app
that requires QT... ? unique IP's? hard to say... (webalizer is
"deficient" to say the least) don't know maybe that represents 40,000
users? They are left stranded?

I thought the "media player wars" would dictate a strategy by Apple
to  make sure *any* Windows user could easily run QT. At least Apple
has not deleted it from their web site... a search turns up any
number of old versions, which in itself is confusing:

Does anyone know if QT 6.5.2 was the latest and last one released for
Windows 98? Every time I search on Apples site I would land on a
different one 6.2.5, 6.3... and there was no way to know which is the
latest for Windows 98

I filled in Apple's Feedback with a suggestion to Apple they add a
link to an older version on their Windows QT page.

Thanks to Richmond for sending me an installer.


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[OT] Re: Bush-like weasel words about standalone,

2005-12-22 Thread jeffrey reynolds
well for me my first car was a 64 vw bug that i totally rebuilt a few  
times. so cool to order any body, engine, or other part for hardly  
anything and have them show up in the mail in a few days and with a  
small tool set replace just about anything. always looked longingly  
at friends vw busses.

the same time i got the bug (given to me by a grad student friend  
when she graduated), I also got my first mac, a good old mac plus.  
This was a procession of mac (almost one of every flavor over the  
years) that fit into me in the same way the bug did.

well now days its the civic hybrid and prius and a powermac, not the  
same old funky things, but they still feel sorta the same in a  
philosophical way...



On Dec 22, 2005, at 10:46 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

I had a wonderful '72 myself.  Blue lower and mid with a white top.
Had the slide back roof.  Was perfect for the 4th when we'd go down
to the water front to watch the fireworks.  Slide the top back, throw
the kids up top and let them watch the show.  :-)  But as I grew
older, I got tired of constantly taping the air hoses or replacing
them, so sold the bus and beat myself with Fiat cars for a few years.

Now I spend more time with my Mac Mini and have the wife or kids get
what I need from the store so I don't have to leave my Mac Mini
alone.  :-)

Not sure what we have for a car(s) these days.  Might have to poke my
head out the front door one of these days and see what's up with
that  ;-)

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Re: Bush-like weasel words about standalone

2005-12-22 Thread jeffrey reynolds


I second this, you really need a test machine (as well as one to do  
builds on properly) for all the platforms you are intending to ship  
with. Also if you are aiming at os9 you should also test on an os9  
native machine, just to be sure all things are kosher. I had a  
strange problem with an earlier version of rev with the classic  
build. its a pain, but there is no real substitute to testing on the  
platform that you intend to deploy on. I know thats a pain, but if  
you plan to have folks use your stuff its just the way that you need  
to do things in order to make sure your software functions as you  
designed it and doesn't leave your users blowing in the wind.

I just shipped a cd with win, osx and os9 rev apps with rev and all  
was great with them, in the end there were no platform specific bugs  
that cropped up.

OS9 is still alive and kicking (and will be for some time) in the  
education environment, especially in the K-6 world, where they dont  
get the same level of funding for upgrading as there is in the higher  


jeff reynolds

On Dec 22, 2005, at 4:07 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


If you really really need to target the Mac OS you will need an OSX
machine in any event in order to make sure that things don't go wonky
when you're running in Classic mode. It's been quite a while since
I've had any reason to target OS9 for a build.

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Re: Heather: It's time for a Forum. (And an answer!)

2005-12-15 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I for one think the list works just fine. I use rev a fair amount and 
find it useful as is, newbie questions, flame wars, and all. the digest 
mode allows a quick scan of stuff and tracking threads I am interested 
in is no real problem for me at least. I understand the benefits of 
forums, but for my use of rev this list (and the metacard list before 
that) has done me fine going on probably 9 years now. I actually pickup 
part way into threads when scanning the digest list that i would not 
see in the forum mode. As Richard pointed out the forum interfaces for 
the current list posts looks to work well if you want a forum front end 
on it. Newbies, focused, or casual could always approach the list from 
one of these interfaces to see only responses to their threads.

sorry to be the curmudgeon, but prefer keeping things the same for now, 
i dont think its really broken, so dont go trying to fix it...

Also have to add in light of the flame wars of late that metacard/rev 
has been the best supported product by both the companies that have 
owned/distributed it and by the list group here. I realize this support 
level has set expectations high for rev, and I think we tend to get a 
bit spoiled sometimes and try to push the bar a bit too high for them. 
compare rev support with most of the big and little software 
vendors/products out there and you will see. go have a problem with an 
adobe or macromedia product, have fun... I think we need to step back a 
second hear and take a deep breath and see whats reasonable and easy to 
do since disrupting this list which, IMHO, works very well for now. I 
think the recent events have just gotten folks a bit riled and not 
really been a systemic problem that needs a fixin'. Yes things can 
always be better, but at some point the effort goes up exponentially to 
make improvements and the risk of mucking up things that were working 
fine at an acceptable level goes way up.

one final comment on the flame wars of recent, i have seen this happen 
on a number of different lists in the last year. I have been using 
lists for like 25 years now since grad school when we were doing them 
on darpa net accounts and flame wars have always erupted. But in the 
last year its been much more unruly on a number of different lists 
(from professional to hobby) that i have been on for a long while. I'm 
not quite sure what is causing this behavior all of a sudden. I hope it 
is not a shift in society going online and not behaving as they would 
if you were talking face to face. On some lists i have seen folks say 
things or in ways or with words that would cause an instant poke in the 
nose by many people if said to their faces.

any how, finally just had to put my 1.5 cents into the bowl...


jeff reynolds

On Dec 15, 2005, at 11:52 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I say, persuade RunRev to do it. That is where the forum belongs. They
obviously have the web space to do this. I've asked the list manager
(Heather) directly about it and I have not received an answer. I don't 
why they choose not to respond on this. We've had dozens of posters 
beg for

a true web-based forum. The request will not "go away" if ignored.

Benefits of a Rev-run, web-based forum:

1) Ability to categorize posts into boards (IDE, TranScript, Graphics,
Databases, Mac/Win/Linux, Suggestions, etc.)

2) Ability for well-organized threads (threads are continually "split" 

the mailing list)

3) Easier moderation. (Individual posts can be edited/deleted before 

are sent out to all members)

4) Ability to skip boards/topics you are not interested in

5) No loss of functionality. (Most boards, including phpBB, offer 

email support)

6) Ability to provide user profiles, avatars and links to homepages
(obviating the need for long signatures)

7) Preventing "splintering" of the list by multiple "renegade" forums.

8) Additional functionality (screen shots, for example)

9) Existing web-based interfaces to the list are not as nice and do not
offer the benefits above.

10) Easier for newcomers. (Every month there is someone who doesn't 
know how

to use this mailing list and mis-posts)

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Re: Revolution is not Tablet PC compliant

2005-12-01 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Aww nutz, I have a whale research project next year we were hoping to 
use tablet pcs on with rev to collect data. hadnt gotten my hands on a 
tablet pc to test rev yet. Is this something that we might see coming 
into rev in the next version? The tablets are just starting to mature 
now and becoming viable options in more mobile situations and custom 
programming for this kind of an interface/interaction is perfect for 
the flexibility of rev.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Dec 1, 2005, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi All,

I have just completed my first round of testing RunRev for TPC
(Tablet PC) compliance.  Sadly, it is the least compliant application
I have run on my TPC in the year+ I've owned it.  :{(

There are small issues, such as the IDE not recognizing changes in
screen orientation; but the real killer is RunRev's inability to
correctly accept text input to a field from the Writing Pad--I didn't
bother to try speech-to-text.


I write (in script) "One two three" in the Writing Pad after giving
focus to a field,

and I get: "O"&numToChar(0)&"n"&numToChar(0)&"e"&numToChar(0)&"
"&numToChar(0)&"t"&numToChar(0)&..." in the field.

This happens in both the Development System and standalones.

I suspect the problem is tied to RunRev's need to process keyboard
input character-by-character while Windows XP TPC Edition sends a
string of characters from the Writing Pad (& presumably the Speech
Tools) to Rev or a standalone at one time.

RunRev is the _only_ application I have run on my TPC that doesn't
get the text correctly from the Writing Pad.

Rob Cozens CCW
Serendipity Software Company

"And I, which was two fooles, do so grow three;
  Who are a little wise, the best fooles bee."

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 26, Issue 115

2005-11-28 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
When i did some full screen stacks w/o a menu bar and title bar at 
800x600 with an 800x600 screen, I had to set the width to 800 and the 
height to 600 (not just do the window size) to correct the window size 
once the title bar and menubar were removed. then set the window 
location to the screenloc to center it. I have just kept doing this in 
rev and never checked if things were changed so that the screenrect 
property is more menubar/titlebar independent. this might be forced 
because of the mac menubar and how it works.



On Nov 28, 2005, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I hope someone knows the quick answer to this.  I have a stack without 

title bar that is 800x600.  If I switch the Mac to 800x600 screen
resolution, the stack is resized to less than 800x600.  It is more 
than for

the size of the menu bar, and the stack is also resized horizontally.

Is there some way to prevent this resizing?

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Re: [OT] Handling Returned Virus Mail

2005-11-27 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


one thing that has stemmed the tide for me is to start putting your 
email address on all your web posts as a java encoded text (there are 
several schemes out there to do this) instead of straight html. while 
this wont get rid of things immediately, it has slowed the tide a lot 
for me and many clients over the last couple of years since i started 
doing it. spam lists are constantly being generated by spiders all the 
time looking for emails in html, so it does help prevent you getting on 
new ones. im sure there are some spammers out there that are now using 
bots to run the java scripts to see if they get any email addresses 
back, but thats not as easy.

its never ending war... you might also try and forward your email over 
to a hosting account that has a spam filter on it. I use lunarpages for 
several clients and their spam filter has been great at catching stuff 
w/o any nailing any good emails as far as we can tell right now.

DO NOT rely on your ISP for filtering. Two clients just got burned by 
this big time. One had all the forwarded emails that came from his web 
domain to his private email at his isp (he wanted it all in one mail 
box) get bounced by his ISP when the isp changed their spam filter a 
few weeks ago w/o notice. it now thought that ll the forwarded emails 
were spams! He is now picking these up directly from the hosting 
account and the spam filter there is working brilliantly, whereas the 
isp's never did work well.

The other client used Yahoo as her primary client since she needed to 
access it from web browsers a lot and she preferred that web client 
over the hosting companies one. Well a couple of weeks Yahoo changed 
its spam filters and it started sending all sorts of her ISP 
(sbcglobal, in bed w/yahoo), yahoo and forwarded domain name emails 
into the spam. it was very strange what it was thinking was spam and 
what was not. some lists went in while others only had half of them go 
to spam. all paypal email went into the spam pile good or bad. It was 
awful and we didnt figure it out for a week since it was only a partial 
hit and a bit intermittent and she was very busy and not paying close 
attention. All this happened with no notification in both cases and 
really hurt their businesses.

The funniest (well sort of sad), though, was the early days of 
earthlink spam filtering. i was having some good emails all of a sudden 
go into the spam pile. i called tech support to see what was up and 
they said they had just changed the filtering and i should have 
received a notification about it (which i never received) and to watch 
to see if there was a problem. Wanna guess where the notification email 
was? in the spam pile!

oh yes and even clients cgi mailscripts are being hit by bots 
intermittently filling them up with garbage.

I just want to go downtown and scream at some of the reps here (i live 
in the dc area) for overriding the state spam laws that were coming on 
line with a worthless federal law. Virginia was about to institute a 
law that would have pretty much strung spammers they could get their 
hands on up by their thumbs! the official line was that the various 
state laws would be a restraint on interstate trade and hard to 
enforce! yeah right!

sorry [rant] off, i feel for ya scott, many megabytes of spam are 
circling my trash bin all the time...

Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 27, 2005, at 6:20 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

[sigh] Even with filters and spam blockers and rules, these all 
address the

symptoms, not the source of the problem. Somebody somewhere needs to do
something about this.

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Re: This is what REALLY SUCKS about whingeing

2005-11-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
hmm, well i havnt seen this flavor of oddness, but the few weird 'how 
did that happen???' things with groups have all happened on the Windows 
side for me and I do most of my development on the Mac side. Since this 
is usually after a lot of development time, its hard to say exactly 
what caused it all, its almost always unreproducable, so most likely 
just a screwup somewhere along the way.

I think some of this is summed up by some stuff just does happen, 
whether its a bug, file corruption or a user goof or just doing things 
in such an order that a strange event happens (yes this is a bug, but 
not a real one since all extreme permutations/combinations cant ever be 
tested/accounted for). I find that the total quantity of these in MC 
and Rev while developing all sorts of apps to be very low compared to 
all other systems i have used over the last 25 years on macs or pcs. I 
have also never gotten myself painted into a corner with Rev or MC and 
always found a solution or at worst a work around. I have watched many 
friends and coworkers get painted into some very, very nasty corners in 
the past with many of the other big systems out there!

Expecting no strangeness to happen in complicated systems like this is 
just asking way, way too much, IMHO. Yes its frustrating when you hit a 
snag, but a deep breath, some elbow grease, and post/replies from this 
list has always gotten around this for me with MC/Rev. It would be 
great in a perfect world that this would never be needed, but living in 
the real world i find that MC/Rev has made my life sooo much better 
than the alternatives I have worked with, that i can put up with a few 
oddities once and great while.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 26, 2005, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On 11/24/2005 at 05:04 PM, Thomas McGrath III <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

This definitely sounds like a user error. If you have more than one
menu group it will create confusion. If the group "fgttryiolk" is in
the place menu then it was because you 'the user' created it first,
Rev certainly did not create it or put it in your stack. Rev gets
blamed for things like this all of the time.

I have seen this "behavior" frequently -- yes frequently -- in the OS X
version(s) of Rev since way back. Oddly though, the situation 
where a

stack, group, or object strangely gets named some crazy name like
"fgttryiolk" can hardly be written off as completely user error 
because I

never see this happen in the Win2K/XP version of Rev. I don't want to
anger the MacOS fans on this list, but there are anomalies like this 

do not show themselves in Win or Lin systems.

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Re: Meeting at MacWorld SF in January 2006

2005-11-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


ha, thanks, great to see more faces! Also glad to see a Berkeleyite in 
the mix! I lived there for years (grad school and after) and years and 
just moved east about 4 years ago. i still cant get a decent latte 
outside of Berkeley!



On Nov 24, 2005, at 5:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

We usually get a dinner together at the show. This year my own time is
rather limited in the evenings. If you want to see faces, check out

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Re: Recent anger - and new guy here

2005-11-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Yes, quite a few of us rely on MC/Rev as an integral part of making a 
living as i have seen around over the years on the list. I have watched 
so many other products rise and fall (ie ishell, mtropolis, toolbook, 
etc) while metacard and rev have just kept on going like the ever-ready 
bunny, maturing and evolving.

Yes once and a while you get stuck in some corner with some obscure 
problem, but in the end i have always figured out a way around or 
through the problem (many times with the help of the list) and finished 
the product.

Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 24, 2005, at 3:17 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

  - Are people out there making a livelihood using this product nearly
exclusively, or is this rare to nonexistent?

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Re: Meeting at MacWorld SF in January 2006

2005-11-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
A number of years back a few of us (then metacarders) met up for coffee 
at the show, was just nice to see the faces to go with the online text 
picture that had been created in my head! I am hoping a project will be 
starting in Oakland about then and I can get a trip out west to also 
attend the show and if so im game for something simple!

Jeffrey Reynolds

On Nov 24, 2005, at 5:18 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

And if we get that same result this year, I bet someone will set up
an offsite BOF. Who needs IDG?


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Progressive jpegs and mac os9

2005-11-16 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds

FYI, just had a little gotcha on a project.

Turns out a Mac OS9 app built with rev261 build 152 will not display a 
jpeg that is a progressive scan jpeg. the progressive jpegs work fine 
in osx and in classic os9. It appears it might be a quicktime problem. 
Even though the classic and os9 systems are running the same system 
version and quicktime version, quicktime for classic appears to have a 
few more plugins that might be allowing the progressives to be 
displayed in classic but not native os9.

bummer we were all but golden then a final check on os9 found a handful 
of the jpegs had mistakenly been saved as progressives. simple fix, 
just save as regular jpegs, but something to be aware of if you want to 
run on native os9.


jeff reynolds

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Opening a directory in windows

2005-11-05 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Has anyone found a way to have a directory opened up in Windows from a 
rev command?

What i am trying to do is just open the windows explorer/my computer 
with the requested directory open. basically I want the user to see a 
directory of files opened in windows that are stored on a cdrom by an 
action from an application running from that cdrom.



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OT Auto run CDs on the PC

2005-11-05 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


Just wondering if folks had an opinion about auto running multimedia 
applications on CD-ROMS on windows. It was the rage in the hay days of 
CD-ROMs, but then seemed to peter out. We still get feedback from PC 
users that they cant figure out how to find the cd and the application 
on a cd when inserted on a windows machine. in the past we have done 
printed blow-in instructions with the cd on how to go to my computer to 
pull up the cd.

The auto run is obnoxious in my opinion. the popup window on xp allows 
you to open the cd in windows explorer, but its a confusing list for 
the non computer savvy. the other rub is there are other files like the 
read me and lesson plans on the cdrom that the user might want to get 
at and with auto run they have to quit the app to do that.

I guess i could have the app startup with autorun with a dialog with a 
selection of running the app or view the other files on the cd

Is there an easy way to open a folder in windows explorer?

This is a little kids cdrom application that goes with a story book.


Jeffrey Reynolds

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Re: Controlling External Devices

2005-11-04 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
this is also the feedback i got when i asked a few folks about the 
possibility of doing usb communications. highly variable depending on 
the hardware you are talking to. not as simple as the good olde serial 
signal. Hopefully most things we will want to control will hop over usb 
to a net connection... although there are a few input devices like 
magnetic card scanners that are moving to usb and would be nice to 
easily access from rev.



On Nov 4, 2005, at 12:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Chris did spend a significant amount of time writing a USB external 

both Mac and PC, but after taking a look at the way data is handled
through a USB connection, we decided it would take way too much
hand-holding tech support to ever release such a product.

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Re: Controlling External Devices

2005-11-04 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I too have used the amx system in large installations. not cheap and 
the amx coding is another world to deal with. usually the amx did the 
specific control tasks and the rev app is the master controller/user 
interface communicating via a serial connection. Troy is right, the AMX 
system does great down and dirty control of many devices (mainly av and 
lighting controllers) so letting it do that work is great and just have 
rev do the master user control where you might want a fancier interface 
and control system than the amx system easily affords (you can do very 
sophisticates stuff with the amx interface, but it comes at a cost and 
is really directed at av control.) if you go the amx route and 
depending on how much you want to do the amx side it might be 
worthwhile to hire an amx consultant. I started to get into it, but 
realized that it wasn't worth my time to totally learn if i wasn't 
going to use it much and the amx programmer was an ace and knowing all 
the little gotchas in the amx systems which are always evolving.

I do remember an inexpensive I/O system that was serial and usb that 
did both data acquisition and also switch closure and i think 
controlling voltages outputs. I thought it had the name bee or hive in 
it, but nothing came up on a quick google search.

what do you need to set on your mechanical control? relays, step motor 
controls? if you can find an I/O system that will control the things 
you want and it has a serial interface then rev does wonderfully 
sending/receiving serial signals to things like this and being the 
master controller/interface.

if you end up needing to control several serial devices, black box has 
a great serial switcher which allows you to route your single rev 
serial out to any number of serial ports with the addition of a simple 
port number flag to each serial command which is stripped off by the 
switcher and sent onto the proper port. works like a charm.



On Nov 4, 2005, at 2:23 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Yes, it makes sense. To be honest for those types of things I use AMX
control systems, and their own programming language. I use Revolution
as a device on my control network, but it isn't doing any of the "heavy
lifting", it is more a data I/O system which the AMX controller
resources for various types of data. I suppose I could send control
commands through Rev to the AMX controller... but the native stuff does
such a good job (and it is what my clients are actually buying) that I
have never bothered to try. AMX stuff is also about the farthest thing
from a low cost solution, if that is a concern – but it DOES qualify as
a programmable logic controller.  ;-)

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Re: 2.6.1 QT audio bug

2005-10-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I had this problem in mc 251 with wav flies also. i have just kept them 
offscreen but visible since so I never noticed that they might have 
worked hidden there for a while in later versions of rev.

with quicktime players its probably safer to keep them visible since 
playing them when not visible might be freaking out quicktime somehow 
and may be why this changes as rev and or qt versions change.



On Oct 25, 2005, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

That does fix the problem.

It did work in 2.5 and 2.6.  I guess something did get broken between 

and 2.6.1 :(

This is why I hated upgrading Metrowerks!  It always broke something.

Now I have to go find all my invisible players and make them visible 

move them off screen.

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Mac OS icns

2005-10-21 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


just wanted to check to make sure i have this correct. to associate icn 
resources with a macos app, the referring resources must be 129 for the 
application and 128 for files, correct? It works in practice for me, 
but the 261 documentation says to use 128 for standalone apps and no 
mention of the files number. in looking at the created apps, 129 is the 
application icn and 128 is the file icn.



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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 24, Issue 59

2005-09-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


if its just voice narration 11K 8bit might be ok. if you narration has 
any music underscore its tough to go below 22k with underscore, 
especially with 8bit sampling, you will really notice the sound quality 
of the voice narration go way down. you might try some tests with your 
files and see how they sound.

for the kids books we do the narration files at 22k 16bit uncompressed 
wav files. since we have plenty of room on the CD-ROM its worth the 
extra sampling. going from 22 to 44k you notice hardly any change in 
voice only narration, but going from 8bit to 16bit makes many narration 
voices sound a bit crisper and less cracklie, so we determined it was 
worth doubling the file size by increasing the sample size rather than 
the rate. now that we are using quicktime we could compress them with 
mp3 and save a lot of room, but not sure if it is worth the trouble.


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Sep 25, 2005, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Will 11k and 22k 8 bit AIFFs or WAVs play in Rev without quicktime?

Probably if they aren't compressed. But I was afraid that cutting the
bit rate would compromise the sound quality.

11k is pretty low; anything under that is usually reserved for 
situations since voice audio is usually more forgiving than music. 11k 
workable for short sound effects, but 22k is better and pretty common 
music.  If, as you say, you don't have any filesize restrictions, you 
want to consider 44k which is closer to CD quality.  This means larger 
of course, so you should probably test to make sure Rev doesn't bog 
playing back your audio (if you're loading external audio, there might 
be a

small delay when loading a large file for playback).

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Re: classic file paths

2005-09-02 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Thanks, I have been doing this and the structure under classic is what 
i thought it was


the problem is if i get the file path (using answer file) with an macos 
app running on osx under classic, this file path will not work (ie 
setting the filename of a image object). works great in osx, just 
classic not working with rev 251 engines. The only thing i could think 
of was that there was something different in setting a filename path in 
classic than what you get when you request it with answer file or long 
stack name, etc.



On Sep 2, 2005, at 1:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

At 3:03 AM -0400 9/1/2005, Jeffrey Reynolds wrote:

I guess its a bit moot since i will be having an osx version, so
wont have to have an macos running under classic, but I would like
to know the file path structure is for my own edification.

There's some variation between OS X and Classic, but the easiest way
to explore this is to put this in the message box:

   answer file "What file?";answer it

This lets you pick a file, then shows you what the path to the file
looks like. Helpful when debugging, or just to generally investigate
what different file paths look like.
jeanne a. e. devoto ~ [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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classic file paths

2005-09-01 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds


I have not been able to figure out what a kosher file path should be 
for rev 251 macOS apps when they are running in classic. I have even 
tried to use the answer file dialog to grab the path for a jpg then use 
the resulting path to set the file path for an image object, but it 
just wont work on with a standalone macos 251 app running in classic. I 
tried knocking the volume/hard drive name off and the leading /, but 
nothing has created a kosher file path. am i missing something?

I guess its a bit moot since i will be having an osx version, so wont 
have to have an macos running under classic, but I would like to know 
the file path structure is for my own edification.



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Re: Building Classic app problems

2005-08-28 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
well, i have been trying to make my classic app by building it in 
rev251 mac osx authoring with the mac classic 251 engine and still no 
luck. im working on trying to figure out what exactly is not working in 
the classic app. it appears like my images are not loading from files, 
but first attempts to look at paths look like they are kosher. they 
even do this on a straight os9 system. stacks from mc2.1 that do the 
same routines do the same thing when made into rev251 classic apps from 
rev251 osx.

this one really has me scratching my head big time...

osx standalones work great from 251 or 26.

any ideas?



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Re: Mac Classic standalones

2005-08-28 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Thanks Jacqueline, Ill give it a whirl! Makes sense since the thing is 
using the rev 2.5 engine for the classic build, but just wanted to 
check before working that direction and finding there was some caveat i 
was missing.



On Aug 28, 2005, at 1:55 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

is it kosher to take a 26 stack created with osx 26 rev authoring and
open it in osx rev 251 authoring to do the os9 build?

Sure, it should work fine. Work on a copy, just in case.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Mac Classic standalones

2005-08-27 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Thanks for the confirmations! at least im not nutz, well dont talk to 
my friends.

some more fiddling makes it look like messages like openstack and 
opencard and such are not being sent by the stack when the actions 
happen. i rigged some buttons to send those messages on cards and i 
could get a lot of my functionality working again. mouse clicks and 
mouseenter and mouseleave appear to be being sent when you are on a 
card. so if you rely on setting up a lot of things with openstack and 
opencard (or cleanup with closecard) this just wont happen when you 
make the 25 os9 build from 26 osx authoring.

is it kosher to take a 26 stack created with osx 26 rev authoring and 
open it in osx rev 251 authoring to do the os9 build? I dont think i am 
doing anything feature/call wise that is 26 specific at all in my 
scripts. these programs are kept simple on purpose to make them as 
bullet proof and error free as possible. I am doing quicktime movies, 
but only doing things that i have been doing for years in mc/rev, 
nothing fancy call wise that hasn't been there for the last 4 years or 

I am in a bit of a bind here since i need to ship a product in the next 
month with an os9 build along with the osx and xp builds. the osx and 
xp are working great... Since much of this code was used in an os9 
build last year i had little worry that it was going to do anything 
strange until i tried to make the standalone, should have done this 
earlier, just got in a rush in all the production phases...



On Aug 27, 2005, at 12:29 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Confirmed. I can build this application under Rev 2.5.1 for OS9 and
it works exactly as expected. If I build the same app under 2.6, it
comes up with a blank window and stares at me.

Huge problem, obviously, but glad I kept 2.5.1 around.

On Aug 26, 2005, at 2:45 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

Hmmm. This may explain why my SmartEBooks don't work in OS9
either. I'm going to go build those standalones in Rev 2.5 and see
if they work then.

I'll report back.

On Aug 26, 2005, at 1:49 PM, Jeffrey Reynolds wrote:

hmm, well i have tried using the rev2.5 engine installed in my
rev2.6 osx authoring system (using rev to uncompress the os92.5
rev as jacque advised and installed in the engines folder) and
when i build apps with the os9 engine they appear to be pretty
much non functional. openstack scripts dont seem to work at all
and other things are not functioning. the same stack build in osx
standalone works great. this is material that was from older code,
so is not asking the 2.5 engine for the os9 to be doing anything
that should be 2.6 specific. also created a test stack from
scratch in 2.6 and have the same problem with the 2.5 ox9 standalone.

the os9 standalones build fine from osx 2.6 authoring system, they
just dont function properly after booting.

not sure what i am doing wrong...



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Re: Mac Classic standalones

2005-08-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
hmm, well i have tried using the rev2.5 engine installed in my rev2.6 
osx authoring system (using rev to uncompress the os92.5 rev as jacque 
advised and installed in the engines folder) and when i build apps with 
the os9 engine they appear to be pretty much non functional. openstack 
scripts dont seem to work at all and other things are not functioning. 
the same stack build in osx standalone works great. this is material 
that was from older code, so is not asking the 2.5 engine for the os9 
to be doing anything that should be 2.6 specific. also created a test 
stack from scratch in 2.6 and have the same problem with the 2.5 ox9 

the os9 standalones build fine from osx 2.6 authoring system, they just 
dont function properly after booting.

not sure what i am doing wrong...



On Aug 26, 2005, at 12:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Yes and I don't know.

On Aug 26, 2005, at 8:07 AM, Jeffrey Reynolds wrote:

Is the Mac Classic Rev2.5 engine still functional to build
standalone apps from Rev2.6 (osx)? Is there going to be a rev2.6
mac classic engine?

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Mac Classic standalones

2005-08-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Is the Mac Classic Rev2.5 engine still functional to build standalone 
apps from Rev2.6 (osx)? Is there going to be a rev2.6 mac classic 


jeff reyonlds

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Re: [OT] looking for obsolete Mac software

2005-08-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Might try apple directly. I use to register filetypes and creator codes 
with apple. they took a fair amount of information when you registered 



On Aug 25, 2005, at 8:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I've been asked to try and recover the data from a couple of files
created (in the early 90s) with some long forgotten Mac software.
All I've got to go on are the file types and creator codes (type
MrBK creator MrBK; type MCDB creator FIL2). Is there a searchable
database of types and creator codes out there somewhere?


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Re: [OT] Pigs Fly

2005-08-02 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I gotta say after teaching folks how to use computers since back in jr 
high in the mid 70s, if you can simplify something when you start out, 
it helps. folks that have pointed out that not everyone is a computer 
expert that buys a computer is very true. I still come across folks 
that have had and used computers for years and they still dont 
understand many aspects of their system, including the right click. 
Apple has always drawn the type of user that has the 
desire/talent/interest to do something, but doesn't always care much 
(at least in the beginning) about the machine and how it works, so 
getting them doing something fast has kept them a profit making company 
when most others have been knocked out of the pc market long ago... 
Apple has continued to mine the PC market for folks that get frustrated 
with the complexity of their pc and want something more direct.

I dare say that apple has it right, start simple and when you advance 
you can buy a multibutton mouse that fits your brain (mine has 5). 
Apple users are smart enough to realize this, pc users, well... now 
I'll duck!

sorry apple bashing poking gets a response from me. i have had too many 
good, fairly controlled situations comparing the two platforms head to 
head with striking results.

jeff reynolds

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Whiteboard Conferencing

2005-07-27 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds

Hi all,

I have been searching for a simple electronic white board solution to 
go with video conferencing like ichat av. I just want to be able to do 
some quick text typed and perhaps shapes that everyone could doodle 
with virtually.

I have not found a good solution with the mac (bitwise seems to be the 
simplest) so far and it dawned on me that this would be something that 
rev could easily do. so the first question is does anyone know of a 
good solution already out there or has anyone attempted this sort of 
thing with rev already? I realize it would probably need to be a web 
based solution, but it seems like something up rev's alley...


jeff reynolds

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Re: Tiger breaks hyperCard?

2005-06-30 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Does anyone know if standalones build with hypercard are also effected 
or is just in the authoring environments the problems show up with 
tiger? I just tested an old educational app i did (now a decade old and 
still running, amazing) on a g4 powerbook with tiger and it ran 
swimmingly. Now i have to dig up a G5 with tiger (waiting a bit before 
converting my G5).


Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817

On Jun 30, 2005, at 8:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have run fine Hypercard in Tiger with G3 and G4 machines.

The problems begin in a computer with G5 processor.
Hypercard in a G5 computer run bad, bad, bad and slw.

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Re: About Piracy but not about that guy...

2005-06-01 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
ahh my old newton, how i still love it. it sits on the desk (not really 
used much except to turn on once and a while), but i's one of the clear 
developer ones that is just too kwel for words... Good thought taking 
it to show some newbie cs majors! I'll have to show my nephew starting 
grad school in cs this fall!

unfortunate how ahead of the times it was! I use to do the old paper 
passing battleship game in long boring meetings with the newton's ir 
messaging with the other newton toting guy in the company! everyone 
thought we were just taking good notes on a cool new machine! at least 
none of us yelled out 'you sunk my battleship'...

its now part of the old collection of the sinclair z80, kpro, basis 
108, mac plus...


Jeffrey Reynolds

On Jun 1, 2005, at 11:28 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

On the subject of piracy. Does anyone here remembers the Apple Newton?

use-revolution mailing list

Annc: Rainbow Web a Rev CD-ROM

2005-05-18 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Just thought I would put out another product that was 
Metacard/Revolution created! Using revolution allowed the costs of the 
CD-ROM to be kept way down so that the book could be sold with the 
CD-ROM included for less than $20! A whole series is planned and the 
next two are in production! The CD-ROM has simple activities, games and 
content that were quick and simple to do with rev. The CD-ROM will also 
go on sale next month by itself. This is a really fun series to work on 
since we get to do fun story book stuff, games and great background 
content materials all together! Nice to really do 'edutainment' (how i 
hate that term!) right! The book artwork came out wonderfully also, 
mainly b/w graphite with some hints of color that really makes the 
illustrations have feeling and also turns on the imagination so much 
more than the full color stuff.

The Rainbow Web is the first book in the 'Web to Whales' series of 
picture books with educational CD-ROMs.  The set offers a complete 
thematic unit for teachers, homeschoolers, and parents. The fully 
illustrated picture book tells the delightful story of a spider that 
spins a rainbow web. The story engages a child's curiosity about 
spiders. Could a spider spin a colored web? Do spiders eat berries?

Illustrations start out in black and white, introducing each rainbow 
color as the story progresses.  Lessons and activities on primary and 
secondary colors are included on the CD-ROM. The companion CD-ROM 
teaches the science behind the story. Students learn about real-life 
spiders through narrated lessons and interactive games and activities. 
The interactive CD-ROM also includes reproducible activity pages that 
are intended as a follow-up to the lessons. Cross-curricular activities 
in reading, math, science, and art are offered, as well as 
comprehension questions to accompany the book.

More info at:
great book for the kids and grandkids and another feather in the rev 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: WAY OT: Apple V Apple. Legal lunacy?

2005-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Whoops, thought i saw an european return address on you! That is really 
great to hear! I really wish this was going on all over!

Even though this got off topic i think it is probably useful talk for 
the list with all of us doing all sorts of big and little deals with 
our software development! Its nice to know there is a straight thinking 
lawyer on the list!

On May 17, 2005, at 6:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences -- honestly, a lawyer who 
unnecessary language just because it might appear "unprofessional" to 
it should go back and take a basic legal writing class. In my 
practice, we
toss out archaic legalese all the time -- if it's in Latin, or nobody 
explain what it means without looking it up in Black's Law Dictionary, 
that's probably language we don't need!

Anyway, I am in the States, right here in New Jersey. This thread has 
way off topic (and we're the only participants!), so if you ever want 
to get
in touch or run something by me, I've included my contact info below.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: WAY OT: Apple V Apple. Legal lunacy?

2005-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Wise words, thanks. That is basically how I now have evolved into doing 
my own business. Get the agreement client or vendor hammered out first 
then, if necessary, the lawyer(s) tighten it up. Most of my bad 
experiences have been with the lawyers getting some terms from the 
client then trying to set up the deal and you are right this is where 
things go very bad.

Unfortunately, now most of the contracts I get from large sized clients 
are pretty much non negotiable in the boilerplate items. Most large 
companies/gov agencies have gotten pretty harsh on the free lancers 
this way. only thing that is customized is the scope of work and other 
things like reciprocal indemnification and such are just not allowed by 
the company lawyers. most of the language is pretty one sided for the 
company. the reply is pretty much take it as is or take off.

Sorry this has gotten off topic for the list, but it does seem to be 
useful concepts that many on the list must deal with in doing software 

On May 17, 2005, at 6:08 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I learned some valuable lessons at my last job.
1) Businesspeople should draw up the terms of an agreement.
Typically people try and get lawyers involved at first. This is wrong.
When you hear someone say, "I'll have my lawyer draw up a contract", 
should respond, "Let's first iron-out this deal between ourselves so we
know what it is we're agreeing to." Any good businessperson worth
his/her salt should be able to work out a term sheet w/out a lawyer

Send back and forth plain english terms so that it's clear to all
involved not only the terms, but also the intentions of the parties.
Remember: Try to keep lawyers out at this stage. Create a plain 
list of the terms and document it in a non-binding letter of agreement.

2) Have a lawyer (preferably your lawyer) draw up the terms in legalese
BUT, (this is important) the lawyer should *never* add anything
substantial to the contract that DID NOT exist in the original term
sheet. Doing this is the same as 'negotiating in bad faith' and should
be pointed out *immediately* to the other businessperson.
IOW, businesspeople draw up terms, lawyers only paper the deal. If 
lawyers try to become negotiators, then I respond with extreme dismay 
my counterpart as this is less than professional. If their lawyers
respond in some way as to force an issue, then go back to the term 
with the original parties and negotiate it there-- without lawyers.

Here's the reason why. Lawyers are professionals in understanding law
and businesspeople are not. To directly negotiate with a lawyer and the
legal words in a contract is putting yourself at an extreme 
as there are subtle wordings which mean somethiing entirely different 
a judge than what you may think.

If there's ever an issue with the contract, you can always go back to
the term sheet and say, "this is what we agreed to, not what you have
here." Also, the 'spirit' of the term sheet can be reflected in the
3) Assuming a term sheet is 'in play,' a good lawyer will never 'sour
the deal.' A lawyers job is to protect his client, but also to not kill
an existing business opportunity. If you find a lawyer who consistently
'kills deals', then fire him/her and find one who can help you close
deals. This is true for Sales personnel, and others as well.
These were valuable lessons learned as CEO. They helped
use-revolution mailing list

Re: WAY OT: Apple V Apple. Legal lunacy?

2005-05-17 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I wish you were here in the states to use! I agree on all your points, 
expect them of council, and wish my experiences followed these 
conditions better. I also agree that the reason these large deal 
contracts end up in lawsuits so much is from the business practice to 
always feel like you have the upper hand and the other guys is getting 
the short end. I can see how this leads to language and logic that can 
be severely flawed. This is more a reflection of the business process 
than the legal profession in this case.

I am sorry if I generalized too much in my post, that's not fair. It 
was a representation of the 10 or so odd times I have had to develop 
contracts with clients' or employers' for projects for them to third 
parties for work and rights agreements. It was extremely frustrating 
experience every time since the simple clear language we started with 
got turned into pages of unreadable and non-understandable text. When I 
would question them about the changes, half the time they would end up 
saying they could not give a clear answer. These were for some very 
straight forward services or photo rights and such. When I would ask 
why we needed so much non understandable language, they would just 
reply it was standard to do so and not professional to not do so. I 
would also get the reply that it was unprofessional to use plain 
language in the contract.

All this was a real mess every time since something that should have 
taken a very short time ended up sometimes taking weeks to get done and 
cost a lot of money. Even when I would send in simple boilerplate 
contracts they would balloon. The worst was that the resulting 
contracts would really scare the potential vendors and media folks. A 
few times we lost potential folks at this stage and a few media folks 
bumped up their licensing fees at this point in the deal... Since many 
of these were small contracts it was hard for the other parties to 
afford to pass it by council for review. It also really ballooned the 
costs on some simple tasks for the clients.

Since I was working on the clients' or employers' behalf they would 
usually end up just saying do what the lawyer advises. I didnt hire the 
lawyers, but they were all reputable and small to large firms that do 
this stuff all day long. A couple of time I was able to simplify the 
photo rights agreements when we had many photographers balk at the 
lengthy contract that came from the lawyers.

I also know what it is like to be on the receiving end of this kind of 
contract writing. One of my clients is a very very large health care 
provider. The contract I got from them to work on a patient education 
cdrom was about 45 pages... It was virtually unreadable language. I 
almost just signed it and sent it in, but decided to stick it out and 
carefully go through it and create a flow chart to follow the logic. 
While doing this I found the clauses that had me indemnifying them for 
all the content validity in the product that they were creating! This 
was medical information developed by physicians and they wanted me to 
legally take responsibility for what the content said! There was no 
reciprocal indemnification for me at all. Even after explaining that 
they were creating the content their lawyers still wanted me to take 
responsibility for content validity. It took a couple weeks and three 
of their lawyers to get the clause removed that had me indemnifying 
them for the content and just get me simple reciprocal indemnification 
since if they did ever make a mistake in the content I might get caught 
up in any lawsuits being the producer on the cdrom. All I wanted was an 
even, fair sharing of responsibilities.

I could never get a good reason from the lawyers in any of these cases 
why having a very simple clear contract that fairly spelled out what 
each side was responsible for, deadlines, and a few honest 
contingencies. In every other business transaction I have done that we 
have drafted documents like this for legally binding contracts and it 
has worked swimmingly!

Perhaps I just dont do business in the regular fashion. I tend to just 
want a fair deal that both sides walk away from feeling like they were 
happy and want to do a deal again soon. Maybe this is why I never 
gotten rich in business, but had a good time, made a fair wage, and am 
on good terms with all my clients...

We have had several attempts at plain language contract reform in the 
US, but every attempt has failed. It is probably because it would gum 
up the works of how things have come to be done.

Sorry for the rant, it is just the frustration I have had with 
contracts in the last 10-15 years doing multimedia work. i have not had 
great luck dealing with lawyers in contract matters. I hope my 
experience is unique and most of the time these things go smoother for 
other folks.

Jeffrey Reynolds
On May 16, 2005, at 2:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I he

Re: OT: Apple V Apple. Legal lunacy?

2005-05-16 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
this has gone back and forth with apple corps beginning by suing apple 
computer for the name. that one ended up with an agreement apple 
computer wouldn't get into music. then it flared up again with apple 
doing some midi stuff a while back and was renegotiated some and i 
thought i remember something when itunes was starting that they were at 
it again some.

but with the success of itunes and garage band has probably gotten 
apple corps believing some more of the apple pie should be theirs again 
and as most large contracts written in legalese there is a lot of room 
for folks to try lawsuits.

every time i have put a contract through lawyer approval they always 
object to things being written in plain english that lay things out in 
black and white (even though it is completely legal and binding). They 
always seem to want the wiggle room for a lawsuit even when you the 
client want a nice clean straight forward document and the lawsuits 
could be against you!

On May 13, 2005, at 9:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Actually, isn't it the other way around?  It sounds like Apple Corps is
suing Apple Computer over distributing music.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RevCon West Tourist Activities

2005-04-15 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
yep, there is usually a connecting amtrak bus from salinas to monterey. 
I have had folks tell me they booked a train reservation from oakland 
or san jose to monterey only to be directed to the bus in the parking 
lot instead of a train... its a nice train ride, but probably 3-4 hrs 
from oakland with train salinas then bus. bout 2 hrs by the bus. Im 
sure Amtrak will tell you if its just direct bus connection or train 
and bus.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Apr 15, 2005, at 11:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I expect Dan to kept us all amused with a never-ending sequence of
breathtaking activities--free.
I hate to drive and so will be taking AMTRAK, probably  to Salinas.
Anyone know if there is bus service to Monterey  from Salinas?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 19, Issue 52

2005-04-15 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
very good. sometimes you get lucky with united connecting into 
monterey! Everytime i fly it changes (except sjo, thats usually just 
expensive). usually get to sfo or oak for about $250-300 from the east 
coast. sometime i get lucky at $200... into monterey rarely goes below 
$375/400 from the east coast, so i can get a car for a week and fly 
into sfo/oak for the price of going into monterey. btw jet blue really 
works well if they fly to your area. they're not as cheap as they use 
to be now that they are popular!

also picking up a ticket from lax to monterey can be very expensive, 
but sfo or lax to sjo is cheap on southwest. usually a lot cheaper to 
rent a one day, one way car rental to get from monterey to sjo then fly 
to lax (or long beach). also a lot more flights from sjo than monterey. 
sometimes they pretty much throw in the sfo or lax to monterey 
connection on longer flights for free, sometimes it works out to you 
paying the fare into lax then the additional lax/sfo to monterey 
connection costs, check the costs to lax or sfo alone.

for quite a while United was really pushing Oakland and had dirt cheap 
fares from the east coast, even for a late ticket purchase, not sure if 
thats true now or not.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Apr 15, 2005, at 5:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I ended up getting around $400 round trip from Minneapolis to Monterey
through SFO... not too bad, IMHO. Check Orbitz/Travelocity/etc. Use the
"MRY" for the airport code...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: A Cool Freebie for RevCon West Attendees

2005-04-14 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
whoops i forgot JetBlue now also flys into San Jose (but not from DC 
unfortunately...) so there will be some cheaper alternatives into sjo. 
I think the airlines know that a lot of the travel into San Jose is 
business travel so they can really push the prices. I try almost every 
trip to go into sjo from various places and the price is always worse 
than sfo or oak.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
use-revolution mailing list

Re: A Cool Freebie for RevCon West Attendees

2005-04-14 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
also check San Francisco (sfo) and Oakland (oak) for flights, San Jose 
can be very expensive to fly into. San Francisco and Oakland are about 
2 hrs from monterey by car w/o traffic and about 3 hours with traffic 
at commute times. San Jose is about 70 minutes w/o traffic to monterey. 
Also Jet Blue flys into Oakland and can have some nice fares. You can 
also get connecting flights into monterey (United and a few smaller 
carriers), but they are usually pretty pricey and the car rentals can 
be high in monterey if its a popular weekend (they also don't have most 
of the more budget rental car companies in the monterey area).

Unfortunately, there is not good/convenient public transportation from 
San Francisco or San Jose areas down to monterey. Train is very hard to 
do and doesn't get you right to monterey (actually Amtrak busses most 
folks from sf to monterey) and there is some bus service. There fairly 
good bus service around the central area of monterey tourist stuff, but 
if you want to get out and around to see nature in the area, a car is a 
good thing to have. Parking is not a large problem around the monterey 
area (just near tourist attractions on the weekend, but not horrible).

As Dan has said there is gobs of stuff to do in the monterey area and 
plenty to keep the family happy while you are in sessions too. The 
aquarium itself is almost too much for one day in itself. The monterey 
area has a lot to offer for a small place.

Also when you visit the aquarium, check out the Deep Link exhibit in 
the auditorium where they present the live deep sea video from the ROVs 
in the bay, its Metacard driven! After the presentations they let folks 
go down to the podium and usually will show off the system. There's 
also a very simple exhibit on climate and climate change in the Pacific 
Grove Natural History Museum that is metacard driven.

you might wonder why i peep in on this... i grew up in monterey, have 
worked/lived there off and on, and my folks still live there. I go back 
often and deal with the easiest/cheapest ways of getting there! yell if 
you have questions about the area and i can probably pass on ideas if 
you have something special you want to do.

Wish I could attend, but not sure if its going to work out in the 
schedule. Hopefully one of my projects will get me out there and i can 

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Apr 14, 2005, at 5:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

A quick search on Travelocity shows:
Brussels, Belgium (BRU) to San Jose, CA (SJC)
Departing Wed, Jun 15
Returning Wed, Jun 22
1 Adult
for $950 with only 1-stop!
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Bridging between Mac and PC

2005-02-15 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
With OS9 you will need some networking software on the Mac to make it 
talk to the PC via filesharing using a x-over cable or patch cables 
through a hub (on OSX its built in.) I had the system set up on my old 
system and it worked well, but was a little 'non mac like' in its set 
up, but i guess that was because it was trying to make the mac look 
like and talk like a PC! There is a firewire cable/software solution 
out there, saw it a few years back.

My quick and dirty solution most of the time is my little usb pen 
drive. you can get them very cheap these days! fast and easy and you 
can usually fit most of the stuff of a cd onto a 512mb drive.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Feb 15, 2005, at 12:01 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Quoting Kresten Bjerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Creating cross-platform revolution applications, from mac (OS 9) to
windows PC creates a need for bridging . CDs of course may be a 
A firewire harddisk may be another (allthough uncertainties about its
formatting (FAT 32?)) but it seems logical that a direct  fire-wire
connection between a mac and a PC would be a very usefull gate. I 
this problem is old hat to many professional revolution-users. Any 
and easy ways to solve it?
OK I may have missed the point entirely, but I would simply use a 
network cable (probably you dont need to reverse these days). 
Alternatively use
a router. You can use filesharing to access the HD on each machine.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

2005-02-07 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
You will get different messages from Apple with each case you present,  
to different folks and at different times. When i have pressed a  
question they have usually ended up reverting to the letter of the  
license instead of waiving stuff. This has come up for me about a dozen  
times over the last decade. It was really funny when I did the Earth  
Explorer CD-ROM with them years ago (the first disc in Apple's ill  
fated CD-ROM publishing attempt), when these question came up it went  
around and around w/in apple for about two weeks before i got any  
straight answers. That was the early days of QT so it was all new...

I understand what Apple is trying to do and dont really disagree with  
it. Its just that you should read the agreement carefully and make sure  
your app can play w/in the rules so you dont get a client in dutch  
later if something was out of bounds or the client wants to do  
something different later. And I have to admit I have not looked at the  
qt license in the last 4-6 months since the question last came up! In  
looking at it they have simplified it some, but it still has this  

"Each Licensee Product must require End-Users not having QuickTime 6 on  
their computers to install the QuickTime Software using the QuickTime  

they have dropped the installer stuff they use to have.
Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Feb 7, 2005, at 5:02 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Jeffrey Reynolds wrote:
The main problem with including the quicktime installer is its license
agreement. You must make your application to only work with the  
of qt (or later) at the time you release your product.
I think I missed that clause of the license agreement.
I wrote an Apple rep some time ago to clarify some of the questions  
pop up here about it, and got her permission to post her reply to the  

The license agreement itself is available at:

Any questions about it can be directed to the contact person noted  

Remember that Apple's goal is to evangelize QuickTime, not annoy
developers.  If anything seems onerous about their license agreement it
can probably be clarified with a quick email to that address.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: MP3 without QuickTime on Windows

2005-02-07 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
The main problem with including the quicktime installer is its license 
agreement. You must make your application to only work with the version 
of qt (or later) at the time you release your product. thus if someone 
has an older version of qt installed you must force them to update 
their qt to use your application. this is a real problem in some 
business and education setups that have locked systems or use older 
equipment/systems that works better with older versions. Also if you 
are pressing a CD-ROM, if you do any updates to the CD-ROM you must 
also update to the latest version of qt installer and also make your 
program only work with that version or later (its also unclear if you 
just make more discs with no changes if you need update the qt 

you also cannot modify the qt installer and if you have an installer 
for your own software it must also startup the qt installer. again 
pretty invasive. you must also submit a copy of your work to apple for 
verification of all this stuff...

I have just started putting 'requires quicktime' on cds instead of the 
installer since i hate to force someone to update their quicktime 
unless they want to. for folks that are using multimedia cdroms 
quicktime is pretty prevalent and its easy to download if its not 

i found no work around for playing (and being able to pause and restart 
playing) audio files not imported into the stack w/o quicktime or wmp 
installed. documentation alludes to being able to play wav files w/o 
qt, but that doesn't work.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Feb 7, 2005, at 3:25 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

QuickTime is not an application.  It is a framework and a set of
drivers which needs to run as part of the operating system in order to
function properly.
A better approach would be to obtain the needed permission to bundle
the QuickTime installer with your app.  Perhaps that installer could be
stored in the custom property?  Depends on your license from Apple.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: What do most Rev developers do?

2005-01-26 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
Hi Jonathan,
I use metacard and revolution to produce educational multimedia 
exhibits and CD-ROMs. Its a wonderful evolution from Hypercard that i 
used for years to produce educational multimedia projects. I have used 
Metacard/rev to produce multimedia exhibits for places like the 
Monterey Bay Aquarium, California Pioneers Museum, the Petersburg 
Marine Mammal Center. I have also used it to produce multimedia CD-ROMs 
to go with kids books, patient and doctor education CD-ROMs for Kaiser 
Permanente. and an educational Marine Mammal CD-ROM. I am currently 
designing a data base system for humpback whale research data analysis 
using revolution.

The flexibility and power of Metacard/Rev makes it great for doing 
multimedia projects like this.

Its fun seeing what folks on the list are doing with rev!
Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Revolution and GPS receivers

2005-01-24 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
I looked in to this last year. most GPSs use one of a handful of data 
standards (marine units generally use the NMEA standard) that encodes 
the data in a rather strange format. You can buy the standard to decode 
the data or you might also try just putting the output of a gps unit 
(usually 422 serial, but now also usb) into a serial analyzer or a 
terminal program to see if you can figure the data format out yourself. 
I have done this with other sorts of equipment and had good luck. As 
long as they dont actually encrypt the data you can usually pluck it 
out once you are grabbing good data chunks (another fun thing to noodle 
out). This is made easier since you will know exactly what data you are 
looking for (ie the lat lon data on the readout of the gps unit).

i think the data stream will also probably have gmt time of the reading 
and might also have machine specific stuff like course, ground speed, 

if you google nmea gps standard you will find some interesting info out 
there and some rev files to checkout!

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Jan 24, 2005, at 6:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Has anyone any experience in linking Rev - on any platform - to a GPS
reciever, so that it can either poll for coordinates, or receive an 
of them?

We've just had an enquiry, which we need to move fast on, and I'd 
appreciate a chat with anyone who's been there before, any tips on kit 
works/doesn't work, etc.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OT-distribution to MAC OS 9.1 users

2005-01-23 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
if you have an old copy of stuffit delux on os9 you can create a self 
extractive archive (.sea) file that is actually a little application 
that will unstuff itself when double clicked on. these emailed nicely. 
you can even be very nice and include a copy of stuffit expander in it!

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Jan 23, 2005, at 4:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Any clue on how to proceed from here? Meanwhile back to search for
some location on the internet where and old copy of StuffItExpander is
still available.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev vs RealBasic (nothing to do with it really)

2005-01-18 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
sorry i assumed that Fabio had gone around the world, but maybe he was 
a north america only thing. He was a hunky male model with long blonde 
hair that was all over the place 10 years of so back. sort of a male 
super model and the butt of many jokes. even though our guide was very 
good looking with longer hair, most everything else he could never be 
mistaken for the model fabio...

as mentioned google fabio.
sorry everyone, pushed that one tooo far...
Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Jan 19, 2005, at 12:11 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Hi Jeff,
sorry, just had to add one more to this thread...
the other joke is this guy had very beautiful long black hair, but is
a small chap at about 5'5'' and
his name is Fabio, he couldn't understand why we we were laughing at
his name...
we did send him a Fabio calendar for xmas.
ehmm, well my name is not Fabio and my hair is DEFINITIVELY shorter,
but i don't understand this one either :-(
Could you give me a hint, please? :-)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: RunRev vs RealBasic (nothing to do with it really)

2005-01-18 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
sorry, just had to add one more to this thread...
While in the Galapagos our Ecuadorian guide (who was extremely hansom 
and charming) on the boat spoke perfect queens english (having been 
educated in BP oil school in ecuador). On the first night out he was 
asking folks what time they wanted to get up the next morning to start 
going ashore and turned to my female friend on the trip and said:

"Barbara, when would you like me to come around and knock you up in the 
morning?" (in perfectly accented queens english)

knocking someone up in america is getting them pregnant, not knocking 
on their door... needless to say i have never seen her so speechless 
and this is someone who has a comment for every moment! I think she 
wanted the american translation instead of the British...

the other joke is this guy had very beautiful long black hair, but is a 
small chap at about 5'5'' and his name is Fabio, he couldn't understand 
why we we were laughing at his name... we did send him a Fabio calendar 
for xmas.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
use-revolution mailing list

Re: [OT] Gates demos 'blue screen of death' at Comdex

2005-01-08 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
well the link for the feed is dead now and the archived stuff over at 
microsoft doesnt have any of it, go figure...

if you demo it, it will die...  murphy's law of technology 

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Jan 8, 2005, at 12:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

You can watch the whole keynote here.  I truly felt for him as the
problems only got worse over time:
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can't build a standalone

2004-12-19 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
was this a natively build rev stack or a metacard stack brought over to 
rev? i have had the same issue when trying to build new rev apps out of 
stacks started in mc. one thing is to make sure all the stack resources 
(dialog boxes, message box, etc) are removed, rev handles this 
differently (ie message box can conflict with the rev message box) and 
installs the resources necessary for the standalone when its built.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Dec 19, 2004, at 5:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Message: 16
Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2004 22:30:58 +0100
From: Thomas B?hler<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Can't build a standalone
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Dear List
I wanted to save a stack as standalone application but I get
only a dialog window saying "There was an error while saving the
standalone application".
Nothing else! Doesn't matter whether I want to make PC or Mac
standalone, or on which Harddisk
I try to save it.
Does anybody have a tip where I should start to resolve this problem?
RunRev 2.5 Enterprise
Mac OSX 10.2.8
use-revolution mailing list

Re: audio on windows not playing

2004-11-25 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
as far as i have been able to tell you are out of luck with playing 
external wav files w/o Quicktime on the PC. I tried 9 ways to tuesday 
to do this a few months back. Documentation in Metacard and Rev both 
allude to being able to do this w/o quicktime, but it just doesnt. I 
was interested to see that Scott suggested trying MP3 format, I didnt 
try that figuring that if it didnt play an Wav format file (much more 
older standard format) it wasnt going to do anything. now i'm heartened 
to try mp3 files on non qt windoz to see if that works. let us know if 
it does!

some warnings about testing with the dontuseqt set to true on the pc. 
first make sure you call it first thing in your preopenstack handler. 
if a player is called/delt with before that qt will be loaded. even 
with qt turned off this way i have had it pop back on while fiddling 
around in a stack trying things. you get that moment of great elation 
that you have fixed the problem, then discover that the contrller bar 
is now active and this indicates that quicktime is back on again... 
(followed by a long sound of a balloon slowly being deflated...). it is 
safest to just deinstall quicktime on the pc you are working on to make 
sure its behaving like a computer w/o qt. lucky the deinstall/reinstall 
of qt has gone flawlessly several times on my xp development system 
(kudos to apple for a hardy windows install/deinstall).

one other little windows audio gotcha (that Jacqueline solved for me, 
thanks again!) is that you can get some strange playback behaviors on 
windows (with qt) if the player being played is hidden. make it visible 
and set its loc to off screen and these go away. this doesn't happen on 
the mac, windows only, but the fix works fine on the mac.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Nov 25, 2004, at 4:44 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Subject: audio on windows not playing
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed
Hi list
I am in quite a fix. I am trying to get an audio file to play on
I am busy with this already for well about 10 hours to no avail. On my
mac it's no
problem at all but on the windows box (windows 2000 profesional)
I can't get the file to play. I have both an aif and a wav file and
neither will
play with runrev. The aif file won't play in the windows media player
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Windows: Natively playable media

2004-11-14 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
This is not true for wav files. rev and mc will not play a wav file in 
a player w/o qt installed. Doc eludes to the possibility this should 
work, but does not work with a player (will with mci strings, but not a 
simple player call). I didn't try mp3 files, though, when i was trying 
to get a non qt windows app play a sound file (had lots of them so 
couldn't embed them all).

the big tip off on windows to see if mc has loaded and is using qt to 
play a media file is that the controller bar will be show (if that prop 
is true). even if you turn off qt in mc or rev, if you fiddle a while 
with players it will sometime get loaded and things start working. you 
get very happy and think you have the solution, but alas, its just that 
qt got reloaded and rev or mc is using it... only way to safely check 
this out is to work on a machine you have stripped qt from (luckly it 
does remove and reinstall pretty nicely on xp at least).

best of luck. i wish there was a way to do at least sounds easily using 
the player on windows, some apps i do dont use video, but need some 
sound files played and i cant embed them and i requiring windows users 
to load qt is not possible with some clients (their it controls all 
installations and doesnt like anything like apple software on a windows 
machine -- yes they think apples are nothing but hand held calculators) 
and others just dont want to trouble with it...

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Nov 14, 2004, at 12:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I just assumed  because it played the audio.mp3 file in a player that 
QT must
have been installed.
Not a good assumption.  You must specifically query the qtVersion to 
sure QT is loaded.

Also, Rev is indeed capable of playing media on Windows without QT 
present, however, as you noticed, the capabilities of the player 
object will
be much more limited compared to a player using QT.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 13, Issue 66

2004-10-27 Thread Jeffrey Reynolds
you can also just check the version of the os rev is playing under on 
startup and then if its windozs then set dontuseqt to true. this avoids 
creating different apps/players for separate platforms. i lothe to 
split code on a project as when you are in bug fixing stages you have 
to versions to do each fix on and can get confusing and open to 
mistakes quickly! the few mac/pc differences ive ever had to deal with 
ive just set an os flag then where ever there is a problem deal with 
the platform specific thingie there. works well.

note if you turn off quicktime on the pc you will not be able to play 
external movies or audio files with the player object. docs say it 
should work, but it doesn't.

Jeffrey Reynolds
6620 Michaels Dr
Bethesda, MD  20817
On Oct 27, 2004, at 3:15 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

First of all, thanx for your precious answers about my previous 
questions about PDF and mail

I've noticed that on a PC cd-rom generated using rev, the visual 
dissolve effect is not correctly
displayed (the cards are simply displayed without any transition) 
while QT is correctly installed
on the PC thing (rev correctly plays simple videos for example). The 
"don't use QTeffects"
command would allow a correct display but it makes the mac version 

A simple solution is to make two versions of the player but i tought 
it could be important to
notice that "bug" (but is it realy one ?).

Aurélien Durand
use-revolution mailing list