Re: Family punchups

2007-03-24 Thread Jerry Muelver

Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Why do I have a funny feeling that as Ubuntu seems
to gain Linux dominance it also seems to be acquiring
some rather unpleasant facets previously only seen
with commercial operating system?

It has climbed into bed with Google - who next we
wonder ?

All you lovers of liberty and non-conformity, methinks
tis time to move on elsewhere!

Liberty and non-conformity, while enjoyable, are not an appropriate 
be-all and end-all for a creative, or even productive, experience. 
Standardization and conformity can offer freedom from constant 
relearning, widget-juggling, and irksome negotiating with the interface 
just to get a job done. Consider the haiku, and the freedom its severe 
constraints offer the poet.

It's not the limitation of the tool that matters, but what you can do 
within those limitations.

 Jerry Muelver
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Do you Ubuntu?

2007-03-19 Thread Jerry Muelver

Lynn Fredricks wrote:

Hello all,

Im wearing my Paradigma hat here (hey, if you can to RevCon 2005 you could
have had one too!) but I also have my Runtime kilt handy.

It seems that, in the span of the last two years, Ubuntu has come out of
nowhere to achieve an unprecidented popularity. Paradigma is finalizing
V4REV Linux and well, Linux you know is something on the minds of folks at
Runtime too.

Of you running on Linux, how many are using Rev with Ubuntu? Knowing the
level of interest in Ubuntu usage would be helpful for both companies.

I'm on Ubuntu, laptop and bigbox, Gnome. Every time the system gets up 
on its hind legs and runs out to update various software components, all 
on its own, I get goosebumps.

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Re: Altbrowser html page communication with application?

2007-01-02 Thread Jerry Muelver

Ian Wood wrote:
You'll just have trouble going in the other direction (standalone to web 


Can the standalone write a temporary HTML file, and point the browser to 
it for interactive feedback?


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Re: Beginning Programming for Dummies 4th edn

2006-12-09 Thread Jerry Muelver

Adrian Williams wrote:

Beginners and old hands would benefit if code they seek is more
clearly emphasised. All words are important, but in programming,
surely, it is the code itself that should take pride of place. Some
books use a grey background patch for passages of code.
This is not ideal either. Code in paragraph text needs to be
emphasised in exactly the same manner as large passages to
avoid confusion. Just a more contrasting set of fonts is really
all thats needed. Like Times Roman and Verdana Bold for maximum
contrast! If it must be a monospaced font, then I don't see anything
on the market that fits the bill at the moment. I would gladly create
and supply (gratis) a Courier-like font of 'Black' weight to anyone
undertaking such a venture, so long as it's a Revolution trainer.

Lucida Console or Bitstream Vera Sans (monospace) would be good starting 
points. And Demi rather than Black would be a good choice, I think. But 
I could live with the typographic limitations of Revolution: Software 
at the Speed of Thought if I had volumes II and III

I still use the MetaCard Users Guide, stuffed with print-outs of 
juicy, illuminating extracts from [EMAIL PROTECTED] from around 
1998, to clarify my thinking on occasion. I think I would also rely on 
Danny Goodman's HyperCard works as well, if only I had them. Still, to 
my mind, the xTalk paradigm of programming has never been well-enough 
presented to entice beginners into the fold, or experts to distill and 
extend their expertise. Only Squeak is less-usefully documented, and 
more deserving of the effort.

A newcomer to Revolution should be able to learn all he or she needs to 
know to program a particular task, and not get involved with anything 
outside the dependency-chain of skills and techniques needed for that 
task, by threading a relevant path through the documentation. The lack 
of economic incentive to produce such a task-oriented documentation 
suite is puzzling, given the cost of the product and its placement in 
the upper echelons of programming power. The ultimate cost of NOT having 
the proper learning tools has to be staggeringly higher than the cost of 
developing them.

 Jerry Muelver
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Beginning Programming for Dummies 4th edn

2006-12-09 Thread Jerry Muelver

Dan Shafer wrote:


On 12/9/06, Jerry Muelver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The ultimate cost of NOT having

the proper learning tools has to be staggeringly higher than the cost of
developing them.

 Jerry Muelver

Apparently RR disagrees. Although I think they have been trying really hard
with their latest round of in-house docs and they've been supportive of my
efforts when I've made them.

Dan, I was thinking more of the cost to the programmer, actually. 
Billing out at $60/hr, it doesn't take long to make back one's 
investment in programming guides and tutorials in terms of the time 
saved by not having to reinvent flint-chipping, or list-box displaying 
to choose a card from a stack. Still, programming book authoring may not 
be the shortcut to fame to and fortune that it's cracked up to be. My 
wife, after suffering with me through what we know refer to as the book 
years, points out that J. K. Rowling has done quite well without 
dirtying her hands with coding examples and syntax formatting, and that 
the leap from computer languages to unabashed outright fiction is 
conceptually not really all that far, and a heckuva lot more lucrative

 Jerry Muelver
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3

2006-12-01 Thread Jerry Muelver

Chipp Walters wrote:

Mikey, and other lurkers.

Here's a quick history on the whole MC vs RR thing. MetaCard originally
owned all the technology. It basically breaks into 2 parts: the engine and
the IDE. Unlike HyperCard and SuperEdit (not SuperCard), the MC IDE was
completely written in Transcript (or at that time MetaTalk).

Scott Raney (the original programmer and owner of MetaCard) decided to let
users create their own add-ons to the brute simple MC IDE. 

1997, I think, I was doing MetaCard heavily. 3000 cards covering 
operator help and training support, 4 product lines, everything 
translated into 6 languages. I remember everything being clickety-bop 
fast and solid, lots of scripts going to HTML and off to Workbench 
(computer-aided translation) and back again, global reformatting to add 
a text panel to every card to replace the (bad idea) audio track with 
auto-extracted text from the narration script -- in each language. I got 
away from it in 2000, and came back in 2005 to find the Revolution 
version had taken hold, when back in my day Revolution was just an 
upstart extra-cost IDE I never really thought I'd need. It's all kind of 
 like doing serious work in Turbo Pascal 1.0, and coming back to find 
JBuilder in its place. Gives me mixed emotions, like seeing your 
mother-in-law drive off a cliff in your new Cadillac

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3So

2006-11-29 Thread Jerry Muelver

That's my point, exactly.

Let the web stuff happen on the web, with web tools. For those of us who 
find web functions useful in our Rev applications, altBrowser in Rev 
2.7.5 should do the trick. For those who find xtalk useful for web 
productions, jscard from Creysoft looks like the answer.

What programming or production problem would be solved by morphing Rev 
into Perl-PHP-Ruby-on-rails-JavaScript-Ajax-Curl-Python-CSS-Apache? What 
would be the gain?

 Jerry Muelver

Chipp Walters wrote:

Isn't that what altBrowser does?

On 11/28/06, Jerry Muelver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How about building an interface to make web things run in Revolution? In
other words, don't map group to DIV to make Rev scripts run on the
web, but map DIV to group to make web scripts run in Rev. I think if
you gave me HTMLtext that could handle hyperlinks, UL and OL, TABLE,
text wraparound IMG placement, HTML forms components, and by-paragraph
font styling (CSS-sensitive DIVs), the job would be done. In fact, with
the advent of an embedded browser in Rev 2.7.5, it seems to me the job
IS done!

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Re: jscard

2006-11-29 Thread Jerry Muelver

Stephen Barncard wrote:

Have you checked their site lately?

Nothing works..

the trick. For those who find xtalk useful for web productions, jscard 
from Creysoft looks like the answer.

Looks like you can get the PHP source here:

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Revolution and the Web, feedback wanted, Part 1 of 3So

2006-11-28 Thread Jerry Muelver
So far, it seems the discussion on this topic pushes making Rev things 
into (or compatible with) web things. But, bear in mind Andre's metaphor 
-- There are more helicopters in the ocean than there are submarines in 
the sky.

How about building an interface to make web things run in Revolution? In 
other words, don't map group to DIV to make Rev scripts run on the 
web, but map DIV to group to make web scripts run in Rev. I think if 
you gave me HTMLtext that could handle hyperlinks, UL and OL, TABLE, 
text wraparound IMG placement, HTML forms components, and by-paragraph 
font styling (CSS-sensitive DIVs), the job would be done. In fact, with 
the advent of an embedded browser in Rev 2.7.5, it seems to me the job 
IS done!

 Jerry Muelver
use-revolution mailing list
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Rev Help authoring

2006-11-25 Thread Jerry Muelver
Is there an authoring system for Rev's Help stack? Is the Help stack 
itself accessible for tweaking and extension? To get my programming 
chops warmed up for Rev 2.7.5 I've been fantasizing about a hypertext 
content delivery system, combined authoring/viewing, that would 
essentially duplicate Rev's existing Help stack, so I thought maybe I 
should check first to see if I can save myself a year's worth of 

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Rev Help authoring

2006-11-25 Thread Jerry Muelver

Eric Chatonet wrote:

Jerry Daniels has written some code he uses in Galaxy to access the docs 
directly from the stacks you'll find in 
Documentation/packaged_xml/dictionary folder.
So did I when I wrote the 2.7.x search engine (last icon on the right in 
docs tool bar).

As far as I know, there is not any real authoring tool available:
Rev makes changes to the architecture and the help stack every release 
or almost...
Anyway, the code in the Rev search engine is not protected and you can 
access it as you wish.

Thanks, Eric. I'll do some exploration as soon as 2.7.x for Linux comes 
down the pike.

BTW, it took almost 12 minutes for you to answer my post. I must have 
caught you napping ;-)

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Rev Help authoring

2006-11-25 Thread Jerry Muelver

Lynn Fredricks wrote:

A third party Helper Builder system would be very welcome in RevSelect if
someone is interested in developing it.

Well, that would be me. I've built help authoring systems for Windows 
and wxWidgets, and a simplified system for my own Revolution apps. It 
shouldn't be that big a leap to learn enough to expand to the next level.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Revolution 2.7.4 Released

2006-09-24 Thread Jerry Muelver

Heather Nagey wrote:
months at the bundle price.

To introduce this new trial period, we are having an amnesty for 
purchasers of Revolution in the last 3 months, who didn't get the update 
pack at time of purchase. If you bought a new license after 22nd July 
2006, you will be able to unlock version 2.7.4 even if you didn't buy an 
update pack. Just use the code you received on purchase.

No, your license does not expire!

When your update pack is over, you can either renew it, or simply 
continue to use the last version you were able to unlock with it. Your 
latest copy of Revolution will not stop working.

That's good news. Now, about th Linux version being stuck at 2.6.3.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: A Dream!

2006-05-07 Thread Jerry Muelver

Roman D wrote:

Hi fellow Revolutionaries!

I am wondering...
Has anyone has come across the idea of making an Operating System
based on the Runtime Revolution Engine.
For example, the OS core would be Linux/Unix (or Darvin, as the case
is with Mac OS X) and Revolution will provide a windowing system plus
all it's power and glory.

(I am coming from Windows world, so I feel the need for freedom)

{A Dream can be realized - It is just a matter of time...}

I'd settle for a small piece of the OS, just a port to talk to the 
user's default browser, grab request URL from browser (aimed at, perhaps), process, feed back HTML response header and file. A 
mini-server, if you will, instead of a full-blown OS.

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Project Idea - Dokuwiki Editor

2006-04-17 Thread Jerry Muelver
You mean, like WikiRev at ? Or WikiWriter at ?

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Product Feedback

2006-04-16 Thread Jerry Muelver

Richard Gaskin wrote:

Rob Cozens wrote:

In this “brave new world” there would be no:
  - menu manager
  - geometry manager
  - debugger
  - var watcher
  - message watcher
  - standalone builder
  - pseudo table objects
  - application browser
  - database access manager

Sounds quite a bit like MetaCard, no? :{`)

Maybe a fresh coat of paint and a one-click installer would be all 
that's needed to share the tried-and-true nearly-zero-defect 
simplicity of MC with more people

 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal
I remember MC, did some heavy work in it, and recall Revolution starting 
out as a set of tweaks to MC's alleged IDE

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Unexpected problem with Forum

2006-04-14 Thread Jerry Muelver

David Vaughan wrote:

Having argued in favour of a Forum based on experience with other 
systems, I can not use it in its present form :-(

phpBB, used by the Revolution forum, is the most widely-used, familiar, 
flexible forum software on the web. While its feature-set may not be 
all-encompassing, the forum is eminently usable by the overwhelming 
majority of actual and potential members. I currently run three forums, 
and moderate on four others, and find phpBB highest ranking on the 
usability and efficiency scales. Sometimes, if you can't control all its 
aspects, you gotta adapt to the environment.

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: creating my own tools palette

2006-04-09 Thread Jerry Muelver

Xeubie Tsu wrote:
Interesting, thank you. Do you know anything about Software at the 
Speed of Thought and could you recommend it for learning transcript? 
I'm looking for a comprehensive source for learning the language at 
the moment.

Check out the Online Scripting conferences --

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Media word processor question

2006-04-09 Thread Jerry Muelver

Robert Brenstein wrote:
Does anyone who got Media can tell us if the list of features of a 
word processor include things like paragraph-level formatting and full 

And numbered and unnumbered lists, graphics insertion with text 
flow-around, assignable text and paragraph styles ?

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Media word processor question

2006-04-09 Thread Jerry Muelver
Tom, even with a poll, we'd still be left with the dual issues of 
specification and implementation. What I'm after is to emulate in 
Revolution what I've already done in Windows with WikiWriter 
(, only with slicker cross-platform features.

The idea is fairly simple markup in a text scripting mode, with full 
HTML-like display in viewer mode. The purpose is to provide an 
easy-to-use collaborative hypertext document production environment. I'm 
beginning to see that I will have to create an extensive library of 
display kludges (spacer graphics, sliced text controls) just to 
duplicate what is already available in any browser. Since Rev 2.7 for 
Linux (my development platform) is still in the oven and I can't make 
hay without sunshine, I'm leaning toward the easy way out -- wait for 
Altuit's altBrowser solution to evolve to cover my problem.

 Jerry Muelver

Thomas McGrath III wrote:


I don't have a copy of Media so take this with a grain of salt, but I 
don't think that RRs idea of a word processor is the same as ours. I 
do not believe that anything in the capabilities present in 2.7 are 
different in Media and so that would mean there are no new abilities 
for these types of word processing features.

I too would absolutely love to see the items you mention added to RR. 
Maybe we an start a thread on the Forums and maybe get a Poll started 
to see how many others are also interested.


On Apr 9, 2006, at 7:26 AM, Jerry Muelver wrote:

Robert Brenstein wrote:
Does anyone who got Media can tell us if the list of features of a 
word processor include things like paragraph-level formatting and 
full justification?

And numbered and unnumbered lists, graphics insertion with text 
flow-around, assignable text and paragraph styles ?

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Text Processing

2006-03-28 Thread Jerry Muelver

Stephen Barncard wrote:
Except the discussion was about web text processing, which Rev is 
quite capable of.

True, except for ordered lists... unordered lists... tables... 
JavaScript or PHP code... CSS... text wrap-around for graphics... 
positionable DIVs... H1-H6 tag preservation (RR converts to deprecated 
FONT tags) stuff like that there

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: a rare bird...consult and teach/train

2006-03-25 Thread Jerry Muelver

Erik Hansen wrote:

--- Dan Shafer [EMAIL PROTECTED]


It's a rare bird who can
both consult and teach/train

why is that?
As a consultant and teacher/trainer, I can answer that. Consulting 
requires hard, analytical focus on problem, process, and solution. The 
consultant's output is specific direction and procedures, typically 
communicated on the consultant's preferred level, with his or her 
preferred (paid-for, remember) methods. The objective is to deliver the 
message, to change the recipient's projected path.

Teaching and/or training requires a soft, empathic focus on others' 
skills and behaviors, along with a flexible ability to communicate on 
someone else's level and channel. The objective is to inspire the 
motivation to explore and integrate the message with the recipient's 
current path.

Communication is the eliciting of a response. Effective communication is 
the eliciting of a desired response. The consultant and the 
teacher/trainer gear their communication for different responses, and 
therefore develop and practice different methods.  It's a rare bird who 
can shift from one objective to the other smoothly, easily, without 
disrupting the progress of the objective of the moment.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Draw spokes on a wheel

2006-03-21 Thread Jerry Muelver

Jim Lyons wrote:

I used Revolution a couple of years ago to teach middle school kids 
interested in programming. Then I discovered NetLogo, an agent-based 
modelling system that traces its roots back to the original Logo. It 
is perfect for beginners, and has the advantage of immediate feedback 
and incremental development, just like HyperCard and Rev. It's free 
and being actively developed by the Center for Connected Learning at 
Northwestern University,

I think Rev might benefit from the addition of TG-type controls, but 
it seems like a long shot to me. I have built a tool in Rev to work 
with NetLogo files if anyone does take an interest. (It needs to be 
updated -- I can't keep up with them!)
Thanks for the link, Jim. I was in the process of putting together a 
list of features and functions for an introductory scripting language to 
be implemented in Revolution, and NetLogo will definitely help clarify 
my thinking.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: copy locked text

2006-03-08 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Eric Chatonet

Just try to set the autohilite of your field to true.
If so, highlight *should* not disappear and the right selected chunk 
*should* be copied.
Or there is another problem and I have not enough information to 
understand it :-)

Well, that doesn't quite fix it. The highlight still goes away when you 
touch anything -- like the the Ctrl key. And still only the first text 
copied with Ctrl-C sticks. Any attempt to copy anything after that fails --  
only the first-copied text is in the buffer -- until I close and reopen the 
stack. Then I can still only do just one copy with the newly opened stack. 
Same on Windows and Linux.

Workaround - change to edit mode, with lockText off. But I don't want to 
give that open to read-only viewers, and it's an extra two-step -- off and 
then on again after copying -- for read and write users.


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Re: Is style a kind of font ?

2006-03-04 Thread Jerry Muelver

Klaus Major wrote:

I, personally, consider this a bug!

From the docs about textfont:
If the chunk contains more than one font, the chunk's textFont 
property reports mixed.

But even if the textfont is identical and only the styles are mixed 
I get

put the textfont of line 1 of fld 1 - mixed

Or am I missing something obvious?
Technically, every size, style, and weight of a typeface is different 
font. Arial Bold is a different font from just plain Arial. In CSS, 
note that the font selection is for font-family (like, all the the 
Arials), font-size, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, and 
font-weight. So, if you have the same family (Arial), but several styles 
(bold for a few characters, bold-italic for the rest), you will have a 
mixed property report.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: On the Democratic Operation of Bugzilla

2006-03-01 Thread Jerry Muelver

Jim Ault wrote:

It would be nice if there was a wiki that would categorize bugs
(text-in-fields, icons, standalones, Win32 vs Mac) that would read more like
a book or simple outline.

You mean, like ?

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Switch versus if/then/else ( was: Main menu puzzle, Klaus)

2006-02-20 Thread Jerry Muelver

Richard Gaskin wrote:
Rev is a software development tool. The only software worth developing 
is the stuff that doesn't exist yet.  If what you need already exists 
it's almost always cheaper to just buy it than make it yourself.
That's a perfect encapsulation of what drives me to programming. In 
fact, my next project is an apt illustration of the axiom. I'm writing a 
system status monitor that will put up a message telling you when the 
system is shut down, so you won't accidentally do any computing with the 
computer turned off. I'm having some problems with displaying the 
message at the moment, but I expect that I'll solve the issue with the 
new capabilities of Rev 2.7 when it becomes available on Linux.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Change menuItem text?

2006-02-15 Thread Jerry Muelver
From: Garrett Hylltun 

Well, I tried, but didn't hit the right answer.

set menuItem 6 of button Edit to !cWord Wrap

That's what I thought it would be, but either I am doing something  
wrong, or this is not proper.

Can the text of a menuItem be changed?

I would try 
put !cWord Wrap into menuItem 6 of button Edit

 Jerry Muelver
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copy locked text

2006-02-14 Thread Jerry Muelver
For a helpdesk application, I have fields with hyperlinks in their text. 

fields have lockText and traversalOn both set to true, so the links will
work. The user can mouse-drag to select text, Ctrl-C to copy (highlight
disappears... oh, well...), and Ctrl-V in another app to paste. Perfect.
Just what I need for helpdesk and CRM applications.

However, only the first such select-and-copy works. Select another, and 

you paste you get the first selection. Select another, even from the field
after is is blanked and rewritten, and you can paste only the first
selection. Less than perfect

I've tried How do I allowing copying from lockText in the Help file, 

got me this far. Now I need, How do I copy again? to keep me going.

- Jerry Muelver
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Re: [a] Get file name from full path and name?

2006-02-08 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Garrett Hylltun 
Does anyone know how to extract a file name and extension from a full  
path, such as from answer file ?

Here's what I use in WikiRev:

put it into curFileName
set the itemDelimiter to /
put the last item of curFileName into shortCurFileName
put item 1 to -2 of curFileName into curFilePath

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Rev CGIs and Secure Forms

2006-01-26 Thread Jerry Muelver

Mails seem to be going higglty pigglty (hope that is a world wide phrase) 


No, it's not a universal cliche, but neither is catty-whumpus, dicey, or 
bass-ackwards, so we'll just have to make a huge leap of imagination and 
fantasize mail and email systems that could be somewhat suboptimal.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: [ANN] New External Released from Altuit

2006-01-26 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Chipp Walters

That being said, we currently do have a couple of externals for Linux

compiled and in testing. Just not altFont.

Like maybe (pant-pant...) altBrowser?

Or maybe I should go the other way, and push for a Revolution or DreamCard 
Player or StackRunner plug-in for FireFox

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Creating items on a card that isn't the current card.

2006-01-23 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Mathewson

HOWEVER, if you really want to see 'remote control' in its
full, mid-blowing potential then download my Master's
degree stack (KALA.rev) via:

No files available from there, for some reason, unless I simply have not 
divined the correct click-thingy.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: My 'KALA.rev' stack

2006-01-23 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Mathewson 

I know that at present Dr Lange is in the process of
transferring files from one server to another so assume (?)
that they will be available again shortly.

Ah! Please ignore previous message

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Amazing, strange, and mystifying

2006-01-19 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Jim Ault
I restarted my Mac (G5 dual, plenty of hard drive space, 10.4.2, rev 

launched Rev,  reopened the stack, and there was no part of the new
scripting that I had done... none.  Yes I do frequent saves, I have 

the drives for every version of this stack... there is only this *one
version*  so I am not accidentally opening the back up [which is located 

another computer]

Thought it was just me. Yesterday, I opened a stack to work on it, and found 
that it had nothing in it from previous days' work. It was easy to recognize 
that changes had not taken because I had changed the stack's name earlier, 
and the stack's titlebar now came up with the old name. Rev 2.6.1, Linux 
Ubuntu 5.04.

No answers I'm just commiserating


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Re: Re: save all?

2006-01-17 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: Richard Gaskin

You can make a plugin for it easily enough:

on mouseUp
  repeat for each line tStack in the windows
   -- Exclude IDE stacks:
   if char 1 to 3 of tStack = rev then next repeat
   -- do the deed:
   save stack tStack
  end repeat
end mouseUp

That's it?! That's all it takes to write a plug-in? Boy, have I got some 
dandy plug-ins rattling around in the recesses of my alleged mind. You've 
created a monster, Richard!


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Re: Revolution Compatible with Debian Type Linux?

2006-01-12 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: Dennis F. Desmarais

...But I really hope I can install the development package on my Linux
distribution.  Any thoughts?

I'm running RR 2.6.1 on Ubuntu Breezy Badger as my development platform, 
with no problems other than my lack of programming adroitness (I'm new to 
Linux and RR at the same time). The package installation is almost trival --  
untar the download into a folder. Click the RR executable. That's it. 
Everything RR needs lives in the untarred directory and subdirectories. To 
fancy things up a bit, I dragged the icon onto the bottom-screen taskbar for 
quick-launch access.

How is it not working for you?

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: stopping Handlers

2006-01-12 Thread Jerry Muelver
From: liamlambert 

Hi all
I have this script in a button which calls three handlers
the if statement checks the fld for the card number was filled in
if it was not I want to stop calling the fsave and the fTotalSeats  

on mouseUp
  if fld paymenttype = credit card then fcredit
end mouseUp

How about :
on mouseUp
  if fld paymenttype = credit card then 

  end if
end mouseUp

-- Jerry Muelver
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Re: Portable Apps..?

2006-01-12 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Chipp Walters

I've been thinking a lot about this lately-- and I'm leaning on the side 
of creating next versions of my apps as mostly portable from now on.

. . .

Any thoughts about this before I take the leap?

My apps are completely portable, so far. I run them from a USB jumpdrive, on 
Windows, Mac, and Linux. I have the three flavors of StackRunner, each in 
its own folder (Windows version uses a couple of DLLs it needs handy). My 
app, in a set of .rev stacks, lives in an app folder. Plug it in, fire up 
the appropriate StackRunner, grab the stack file, and I'm off and running. 
No installation, no registry-diddling, no Applications folder fiddling, no 
shell command starter scripts. No more lugging laptops, either!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: [ANN] surprise - new website to host codes

2006-01-05 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: Marielle Lange

as promised, the surprise:

Well, I was just going to commit the next three years of my life to creating 
something very, very similar in Revolution. Now it looks like I can pursue a 
new career maybe tournament bass fishing, or extreme ironing.

Congratulations, Marielle, on a monumental dynamic reference achievement! 
Ill probably live on that site for the next four months.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Text files from web servers--Say it ain't so!

2006-01-05 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: Devin Asay [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I've spent the better part of two days coding a utility designed to  pull 
log files (plain ascii text) off a web server, then parse the  contents 
for a report. After initially testing the concept with local  files, today 
I realized that when you use the 'get URL http://' form it STRIPS ALL RETURNS out of the file!  I 
must have known this before, but it slipped my deteriorating mind.  Before 
I recode my utility, can someone tell me, is it possible to  pull a text 
file off a web server using the http protocol and retain  the return 

I think the returns are there, but are converted to spaces by the browser, 
since that's the HTML way.

I would try:
code type=xtalk
get URL;
put it into myText
put pre before myText
put /pre after myText
Then save myText to a file with a .htm extension, and point the browser to 
the file.

 Jery Muelver 

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data files for Rev Online?

2006-01-03 Thread Jerry Muelver
Can I upload data files to my space on RevOnline? The *.rev files will go, I 
know, but my little app has a couple of demo data files to go along with it. 
I'd like to upload a package like the WikiRev zip file on

Maybe I should write a stack that harbors the data files, and unpacks them 
to the user's disk when run. Then I'd be uploading *.rev files only.

Hmmm I guess I just answered my own question. However, that source has 
proven, in the past, to have variable reliability

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: data files for Rev Online?

2006-01-03 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Mark Wieder 

You might try putting the data files into custom properties, then
unpacking them on stack initialization.

Thanks, Mark. I'll do that. I'll want a separate stack though, for just that 
single purpose, that won't be needed for my zipped package. It'll be a good 
excuse to learn about customer properties... maybe some Base64 to blend 
graphics... a little XML a new career

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: data files for Rev Online?

2006-01-03 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Eric Chatonet You are perfectly right Mark.
The only problem is that a stack downloaded from Rev Online lives in
RAM until the user chooses to save it...
Then you have to handle if the user saves the stack, where, delete or
keep the files, rely dynamically the files to the stack, etc.
Of course, it's easily doable but it means a lot of additional work...

Gee, and it started out so simple

Well, I built the stack, and will shortly be uploading them. My assumption 
is that anyone with access to RevOnline knows all about saving, where to 
save, and what to do with mystery (beta) *.rev files. I reckon I'll find out 
pretty quick if I got it right, or what to change if I got it wrong!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: data files for Rev Online?

2006-01-03 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: Eric Chatonet


I was reading again my post.
I hope you understood that my LOL was only about Gee, and it started  out 
so simple


Oh! I thought you had already downloaded and played with the programs. I 
wondered how you could do that at the same time I was uploading, but I've 
seen some of your programming, so I wouldn't be surprised to learn that you 
could simply grab files off my hard drive if you really wanted to!

Okay, the deed is done. My Revolution Hello World program suite is 
uploaded. Off-list email comments would be welcome!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: data files for Rev Online?

2006-01-03 Thread Jerry Muelver

- Original Message - 
From: Thomas McGrath III

Ok, well when I
got to menus and controls I hit the text and nothing happened. The
text turned red but the line under it stayed blue and it stayed on
the previous content. So I hit others and most switched to content.
But some did not. I captured a screen shot if you need to see it.

If I click again or maybe double click then it would go to that pages
content just fine.

Is this a bug? Does anyone else see this?

Thanks, Tom. Someone mentioned that to me before, but I couldn't replicate 
it. The double-click thing is weird, and might have to do with my 
first-time effort at scripting. I hope it's just that demo file. I'll run 
it on all platforms, and track the problem down.

I appreciate your trying the program out!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: data files for Rev Online?

2006-01-03 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Thomas McGrath III

Ok, well when I  got to menus and controls I hit the text and nothing 
happened. The  text turned red but the line under it stayed blue and it 
stayed on  the previous content. So I hit others and most switched to 
content.  But some did not. I captured a screen shot if you need to see 

If I click again or maybe double click then it would go to that pages

content just fine.

I think I've got it, Tom. Several links in authoring.wik had extraneous 
u.../u surrounding the a.../a for the link designation. The first 
click activated the U, the second triggered the A, I think. I rashly used 
ctrl-u for Unlink, and the Rev environment apparently pasted an 
underline property in the HTML code when I was building that file. I don't 
see it happening with StackRunner on Linux, Win, or Mac, but I could see it 
pssibly happening with the Rev IDE on Win or Mac. I'll clean the demo files 
in a text editor, and repost them.

Thanks, again!


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Message Box, multiple lines

2005-12-29 Thread Jerry Muelver
Shouldn't the Message Box execute after several lines of code when you press 
Enter on a blank line?

Doesn't happen in RR 2.6.1 Linux. Nothing in the docs (that I can find) on 
the use of Message Box...

or on compiling to standalone... nothing on locking or passwording or 
otherwise protecting stacks... no Help buttons in most IDE dialogs... Help 
button in Choose Directory dialog does nothing...

I'm trying to get set to expose my first RR app to the eager consuming 
public, and these little snags (probably due to my own inexperience) are 
knotting my knickers a bit.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Message Box, multiple lines

2005-12-29 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Jerry Daniels


The multi-line message box will execute if the actual enter key is 
depressed. The key on many machines that says enter on it, may, in 
Rev's view, actually be the return key and generate a  returnInfield 
message for the multi-line message box.

On most machines (esp. laptops), holding down the function key and 
depressing the actual return key will result in an enterInField 
message to be sent to the message box.

On desktop machines, most of their keyboards have an actual enter  key 
at the bottom right corner.

Thanks, Jerry. I should have known a Jerry would have the right answer!

My two desktop machines have two Enter keys, one by the Shift key, and one 
on the keypad. Two of my Intel-based laptops have one Enter key, by the 
Shift key, as does my NEC palmtop. Only my Mac G3 has both an Enter key 
(by the space bar) and a Return key (by the Shift key). It turns out, 
experimenting on the inspiration provided by your elucidation, that on my 
desktop the keypad Enter key will trigger the action, as will Ctrl-Enter 
on the keyboard. I'm sure this is in the documentation, right at... er... 

I submit that the distinction between returnInField and enterInField is 
absurd for text-entry applications like program editors and dialog boxes, 
and is of extremely limited utility for numeric entry applications. In fact, 
I doubt that anyone can provide an example supporting the rationale for not 
merging the Return and Enter key for good for all applications.

(mumble-mumble, grumble, ratzn-fratz, drat-it...)

 The Original Jerry

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Re: Message Box, multiple lines

2005-12-29 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: J. Landman Gay

Jerry Muelver wrote:

I submit that the distinction between returnInField and enterInField is 
absurd for text-entry applications like program editors and dialog boxes, 
and is of extremely limited utility for numeric entry applications. In 
fact, I doubt that anyone can provide an example supporting the rationale 
for not merging the Return and Enter key for good for all applications.

I use the distinction all the time. In card-based databases (think 
address book for example,) it is common to have multi-line fields which 
function as cells. Returns are accepted as part of the data. Enterkey is 
accepted to set the data and move to the next cell.

This is pretty common for many types of databases. I have also created a 
multi-field table object that acts the same way.

I see. Well, in 24 years of computing, I've never, until the G3, even SEEN a 
keyboard with both Enter and Return keys. The distinction must be a Mac 

In the database apps I've programmed and used, single-line entries were 
always completed by either Tab or Enter (the one next to the shift keys) as 
optional moves to set and move to the next field, and multi-line entries 
allowed Enter within the cell and Tab to set and move on. I think the 
Enter/Return distinction is too clever by half (the RR Message Box icon 
tooltip for Single Line says Press Return to execute, and the Multiline 
tip reads Press Enter to execute, and all my keys say Enter), and I will 
never require my users to juggle such capriciousness.

I'm beginning to understand how the FBI paid $750 million for a computer 
software project that doesn't work. I'll bet the programmers called for 
Return and all the keyboards were Enter type, and the poor agents were 
fumbling around looking for the AnyKey to press

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Message Box, multiple lines

2005-12-29 Thread Jerry Muelver
- Original Message - 
From: Ken Ray


Hope this helps,

Certainly, it does, Ken. However, that doesn't explain why the tooltips in 
the Message Box would make the distinction without a clue about how to 
follow the instructions on a Enter key-only keyboard. Oh well, I know now, 
and can get rich by selling the information to other RR newbies.

Now, [OT] if anyone wants to know why you have to produce charts in 
different keys for C, Bb, Eb, and F instruments in order to get them to play 
the same notes in a concert key in unison, I'll be happy to sell that 
information too. It is a silliness of the same quality, but several orders 
of magnitude greater.

I'll never understand why people get into creating these little fixes for 
the wrong problems (see ), 
without asking me, first.

Okay, back to coding, everybody!

Many happy Returns/Enters!

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Whiteboard help

2005-12-23 Thread Jerry Muelver
Do you mean the Whiteboard Courseware System, at ?

I'm interested in courseware development and presentation tools. What parts 
of Whiteboard do find inadequate or in need of enchancement? I wouldn't care 
much to get involved in producing open source software that simply 
duplicates what existing open source software already does.For instnace, 
looking at OpenOffice I can't imagine any compellling argument for doing 
another office productivity suite.

 Jerry Muelver

- Original Message - 
From: Cal Horner

Subject: Whiteboard help

This is probably a well-worn topic, but I seem to be unable to find anything
about any Rev Developer attempting to or successfully develop a stack with
the features of the whiteboard. Or, if you haven't built the w/b have you
used its features in some stack?

If anyone reading this list should have been successful in developing 
something like the whiteboard, I'm sure that I and others would be 
interested in hearing about it.

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Re: Happy Holidays...

2005-12-22 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Lynch, Jonathan

I enjoyed Richmond's PC Christmas greetings to everyone, and thought I'd
do the same...


For a list of celebrations that occur around the same time as the winter
solstice, check out:

Wonderful, very inclusive list! And, I must say, it's about time we atheists 
and other non-believers got recognition for our dedicated, persistent 
observance of Winter Solstice. By the way, I regret to report that our local 
Winter Solstice bonfire was unsuccessful this year -- heavy wet snowstorms 
followed by sub-zero temperatures made the brushpile unignitable by natural 
(non-petroleum-assisted) means -- so the Sun has not been shown how to 
return to full glory, and summer in the Northern Hemispere will be cancelled 
this year. Oh well, there's always next time!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: wandering IDE windows on Linux

2005-12-22 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Girard Damien 
Subject: Re: wandering IDE windows on Linux

This is a runrev bug.

Thanks, I'll figure out how to play the BZ game

- Jerry Muelver
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Comments disappear from script

2005-12-21 Thread Jerry Muelver
I had a bunch of helpful, instructional comments at the top of  my stack 
script. After an hour or so of coding and saving reloading, I went back to 
review the comments, and they were gone. Is there some code-cleaning option 
that I triggered that would strip comments out? Rev 2.6.1 on Linux (Ubuntu 

(Note: Replies to my previous questions were very helpful, and much 
appreciated. Is it good form to give generic thanks, or does this community 
thrive better on one-on-one replies to replies. I come from a fairly 
taciturn, bandwidth-conservative background)

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Player Duration to hh:mm:ss

2005-12-21 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Eric Chatonet

Hi Jerry,

Tutorials Picker has been tested and optimised for Mac OS 9, Mac OS  X, Win 
2000 and XP but not for Linux.
I would be glad if you could give me some details in order to make it 
functional on Linux.


Thanks, Eric. Here's a snap of what I see: (152k)

The tooltip lights up nicely, though. Menu selection bar is dark blue and 
almost not readable. However, the detail descriptions on the side panel are 
wonderful! Would you like a snap of that?

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Comments disappear from script

2005-12-21 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Ken Ray

One question - are you colorizing your scripts, or did you turn on
colorization recently? The reason I ask is that Rev keeps a formatted copy
of your scripts handy so it can show you the colorized version when you 

to see it. So there might have been some kind of disconnect between the
plain text version of the script (with comments) and the formatted one (no
comments). I haven't seen this before, but it's the only thing I could 


I'll play around with that a bit. I have hit the colorize switch a couple 
of times. Now that I know I'm looking for something, I'll pay more attention 
to possible causes.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Player Duration to hh:mm:ss

2005-12-21 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Eric Chatonet

Hi Jerry,

Tutorials Picker has been tested and optimised for Mac OS 9, Mac OS  X, 
Win 2000 and XP but not for Linux.
I would be glad if you could give me some details in order to make it 
functional on Linux.


Note to the List -- Eric just sent me an updated version of Tutorials Picker 
that plays as-designed on Linux. It looks great! A simply marvelous tool!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Player Duration to hh:mm:ss

2005-12-20 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Jerry Muelver

Garret, put the Tutorial Picker .rev file in RR's plugins directory, 
then run it from RR's IDE menu Development  Plugins  Tutorial Picker.

However, I should mention that on Linux (Ubuntu Gnome) the menu picklist is 
black on dark charcoal, so I have to pause-mouse over a menu item to pick up 
the tooltip expansion to read the item Being new to both Linux and RR, I 
suspect I'm missing a configuration parameter somewhere off in command-line 

 Jerry Muelver 

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App code protection options?

2005-12-19 Thread Jerry Muelver
The people on this list have been so helpful answering my asked and unasked 
questions that I'm making good progress in building an ultimately 
commercially viable product in RR.

So, suppose a guy came up with something that could be really HUGE, 
market-wise. Is there a procedure, policy, method for protecting stack code 
to keep from being stolen blind? Say, release only as compiled executables, 
munge transcript code within the executable, encrypt associated files... or 
any other paranoid devices?  Apps built on other platforms have protection 
options, but none of them are cross-platform. For instance, I use Armadillo 
registration key systems for applications for Windows, but have no way to 
provide for that function cross-platform.

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Is this possible.

2005-12-19 Thread Jerry Muelver
Martin, Excel has some built-in data reporting and display tools, accessible 
through VBA (Visual Basic Applications), which is part of Excel. Have you 
explored those features?

While Revolution is a fine tool, it's better to use an appropriate 
screwdriver when you've got screws to drive, even though a smart rap with a 
hammer would do the job.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Player Duration to hh:mm:ss

2005-12-19 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Garrett Hylltun

And how do I actually use this Tutorial Picker?  I'm at a screen on  it 
where it says Loading succesful, but there are no active buttons  to 
continue on to the tutorials, only a Make a Donation! button is  active. 
Do I need to make a donation in order to use this program?

Thanks a bunch,

Garret, put the Tutorial Picker .rev file in RR's plugins directory, then 
run it from RR's IDE menu Development  Plugins  Tutorial Picker.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: ClickText problem

2005-12-18 Thread Jerry Muelver

When I use clickText in HyperCard I get the word I clicked on. When I 
it in Revolution I'm getting the full line. How do I get only the word I 


From the Help file) - When a field's listBehavior is set to true, and user 

clicks a line, the entire line is highlighted.

So, set the field's listBehavior to false, and set the individual word's 
textStyle to link. (See link in the Help files).

 Jerry Muelver 

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wandering IDE windows on Linux

2005-12-18 Thread Jerry Muelver
RevRun 2.6.1 on Ubuntu Linux does not redisplay IDE-related windows and 
palettes exactly where they were when I last closed the program. And windows 
opened during traversal of Help files and tuturials are also a bit 
peripatetic -- each new window opens a bit down and to the left of the 
window just closed. Is this minor misbehavior characteristic of Linux, RR, 
or just my machine?

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: sheet stack (to card x)

2005-12-14 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Scott Morrow
I'm looking to open a stack as a sheet but I need to make sure  it 
opens to a specific card.  Because it needs to stop script  execution I'm 
doing the following:

Scott, what's a sheet? (Win and Linux guy here, only recently exposed to 
Mac by gift of an ancient G3)

 Jerry Muelver

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2005-12-14 Thread Jerry Muelver
Are there in RF functions complementary to BASIC's RTRIM and LTRIM 
functions? Or, is this kind of chunk manipulation a do it yourself 

I have
.title, Going Home

And I want get item 2 and strip the leading space. I know I can check 
character 1 and delete it if it's a space, but thought I'd try to find a 
LTRIM function first.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Oh Christ... Image Name?

2005-12-13 Thread Jerry Muelver
How about putting the HTMLtext of the whole line into a variable, then 
parsing the variable for a img src= chunk to pick out a possible 
imageSource identifier?

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: How to make the lists all on the one list

2005-12-13 Thread Jerry Muelver
I think flagging off-topic subjects with an OT: prefix in the subject line 
should do the job quite nicely. One could even hang a mail rule in one's 
email client to dump all the OT:'s without downloading. Or, dump all the 
others and keep JUST the OT:'s, for that matter.

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Text database using custom properties

2005-12-12 Thread Jerry Muelver

To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Text database using custom properties


Take also a look to VoodooPad... there is free Lite version, but the
interesting features belong only to the full version...

I forgot a link:

Hmmm Looks like my first RR project WikiRev, due for exposure in a 
couple of days, as soon as I finish using it to write its own docs. Also 
looks like my own WikiWriter at which is Windows-only 
but inspired my efforts to work on a cross-platform version in RR.

Great minds, parallel thoughts

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Is there a virus in one of Rev's file?

2005-12-07 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Kevin Miller

On 4/12/05 7:51 pm, Éric Miclo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've just reinstalled Rev and Intego VirusBarrier tels me that the
revspeechsapi4.dll contains a virus called w32.NetSky.Q.
Is somebody aware of that?

We tested the distribution before shipping it.  We also checked it again
today against the latest virus filters.  We can find no trace of a virus in
this file.  Are you sure there wasn't one on your system before?

That's likely a false positive on the part of Intego. The w32.Netsky report 
crops up when the virus checker finds a signal pattern, which may have been 
replicated by chance in the DLL. I've seen these reports generated for fresh 
EXEs created by reputable compilers.

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Into the flamefest

2005-12-06 Thread Jerry Muelver
For me, the most interesting aspect of typical flame wars is the persistent 
demonstration of logical fallicies offered by participants on all sides. provides a 
useful summary.

In the heat of the flame, personalities lose their multidimensional quality 
and collapse down to their core structure, well-illustrated at

From a purely logical standpoint, all programming tools and languages have 
their identifying strengths and shortcomings. The first job of the 
programmer is to understand the problem. Selecting the tool is the second 
job. If a chosen tool is unsuitable to the task at hand, cast it aside and 
try another.

It is a poor carpenter who blames his tools for the quality of his work, or 
who faults the work of others solely for the tools they use.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Save on Linux, not on Mac, Win

2005-12-06 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Ken Ray

On 12/5/05 8:23 PM, Jerry Muelver [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ken, StackRunner won't even run the stack on Win XP. It just goes away 
I select the stack file. On Mac, is showed the same reluctance to access 

file as Dreamcard Player.

Jerry, I'll contact you offlist to follow up on this so we can patch
StackRunner to make it work for you situation.

Looks like it was me, not StackRunner, Ken. I tweaked my stack to fix some 
file-processing glitches. Then I fed the fixed stack to StackRunner and it 
ran perfectly! Superb product, Ken!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Save on Linux, not on Mac, Win

2005-12-06 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Sarah Reichelt

It sounds like the filter on your answer file is not matching your
data file type correctly. Try using answer file without any filters
and see if that works.

Yup. That was it. Runs fine without the filter.

This is great! My little hypertext-doc-building app now runs on Linux, Win, 
and Mac, and the data files swap across platforms with no glitches. I can 
use my app to build its own documentation now!

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Into the flamefest

2005-12-06 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: David Burgun

1200 Baud modems are the key to a happy life.

You got 1200baud?! I was thrilled to move from a 110baud, 
strap-on-the-phone-mouthpiece acoustic modem to the great-guns 300baud phone 
cradle modem. And now you say they make 1200baud modems? Where will it 

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: What Rev Needs -- Again (was Why is Konfabulator Pretty?)

2005-12-06 Thread Jerry Muelver
The kids in the K-12 where I do some substitute teaching (good hobby for a 
mostly-retired technical writer!) use MS Word and PowerPoint for doing 
reports. The 6th and 7th graders tend to throw web-caught graphics into 
their projects, so a simple one-paragraph book report will have a half-page 
photo at the top, or an ocean-view sunset background. The PP reports are 
transition- and clipart-heavy. The high-schoolers get a little more academic 
in their approach, but will still produce materials with elegant (or garish) 
font treatments if they are banned from using graphics. It's all very 

If a Dreamcard version could have its interface simplified, along the lines 
of PowerPoint with scripting, to regain the impact and newbie-usability of 
the original HyperCard, it would be an excellent entry-level programming 
environment for schools. The projects I'm working on fall into that 
entry-level category, leaning on the hypercard paradigm for purposeful 
work. I remember how Revolution got its start as an extended IDE for 
MetaCard. Maybe it's time for a contracted IDE for Revolution to happen.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Revolution Encyclopedia

2005-12-05 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: J. Landman Gay

Jerry Muelver wrote:

Is the Encyclopedia better exposed in more recent versions of Revolution?

Unfortunately I don't think it even ships with later versions.

Oh. Well, then... It looks like I've got a jump-start on sources for my 
Beginner's Guide to Revolution project, doesn't it? I'll get right on it, 
as soon as I get my text-card hypertext authoring for the computer 
clueless project working, so I'll have a documentation tool even I can 
understand and use

 Jerry Muelver 

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Save on Linux, not on Mac, Win

2005-12-05 Thread Jerry Muelver
My first Rev app, being developed on Linux with Rev 2.2.1, saves and reads a 
data file. On Windows XP, with Dreamcard Player running the stack, the 
program goes through the motions of saving when called to, but nothing gets 
saved. On Mac, with Player, the file gets saved, but can't be opened by the 
program -- answer file dialog shows the file grayed out, and not 
selectable. I use ask file to SaveAs originally, direct open file for 
in-progress saves, and answer file to open or re-open the file.

I'll try using *.txt instead of my own extension, just in case. But in the 
meantime, are there file access issues I have to tweak for each platform? 
Are there filename extension or type conditions that come into play?

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Save on Linux, not on Mac, Win

2005-12-05 Thread Jerry Muelver
Thanks to all, for the suggestions and methods. The Easter Egg click on 
the logo is intriguing. I'll try each of them, and let you know what worked.

Ken, StackRunner won't even run the stack on Win XP. It just goes away after 
I select the stack file. On Mac, is showed the same reluctance to access the 
file as Dreamcard Player.

Looks like I may have to sell one of the kids, or maybe just the pets, to 
finance an upgrade.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Save on Linux, not on Mac, Win

2005-12-05 Thread Jerry Muelver

The non-secure mode check did the trick.

Now I can work on the disappearing 'return' when saving HTMLtext to a 
container and then to a file, and loading it back in again.

Oh well... If programming were actually easy, everybody would be doing it!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Revolution Encyclopedia

2005-12-04 Thread Jerry Muelver
I just, a couple of minutes ago, stumbled into the Revolution Encyclopedia 
in the Rev 2.2.1 Help files. Stumbled... STUMBLED!... by following a See 
Also link in a Transcript Language Dictionary topic.

This is too seminal a reference source to be buried in a when we think you 
are ready for it link. There should be a menu entry under Help for the 
encyclopedia. While I am delighted to have found this little Easter egg, and 
will now throw out all my scripts for my first application and rewrite them 
to take advantage of the wealth of information and insight contained in the 
encyclopedia, I am still mildly torqued to have missed it these first three 
weeks of my Revolution programming career. I'll get over it when I take the 
time to admire my rewritten scripts, I'm sure.

Is the Encyclopedia better exposed in more recent versions of Revolution?

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Why isn't Rev more popular?

2005-12-01 Thread Jerry Muelver

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Shafer

Subject: Re: Why isn't Rev more popular?

1. As a small company, RunRev doesn't have the resources to get the 
product as widely promoted as it could if it were larger.

That's a Catch-22. The only solution to the problem framed that way would be 
to sell more product to get big enough to sell more product.

2. It's not like anything conventional professional programmers know 
about so trying to explain it in a capsule is very difficult even for 
those of us who understand it well.

Conventional professional programmers already have the tools they need to 
practice their profession. They are not motivated to migrate to something 
new on the basis of features, but on the basis of benefits. Sell the 
benefits, not just the unconventionality, to gain a foothold in the 
professional programming beachfront.

3. It competes with free languages and tools such as Java, JavaScript, 
Python, Perl, PHP, many flavors of C.

I think it competes more with other IDE is GUI is Program languages like 
Smalltalk and Prolog. A Revolution stack is a process, not a goal. It's more 
like a wiki compared to a blog, than it is an interpreter compared to a 

4. It's not taught at the university level.


5. It has been widely (mis)perceived as a Mac language, particularly 
because of its resemblance in terminology and language syntax to 

Dan, that should be A Good Thing, especially for Macophiles!

I originally came across MetaCard in the Windows environment, in a corporate 
setting, producing EPSS (Electronic Performance Support Systems -- online 
Help and training) material for presentation on Unix/Solaris systems. The 
write here, play everywhere paradigm is a powerful point for Revolution.

There are dozens of others.

Indeed. A primary consideration is that Revolution has strong appeal to solo 
programmers who do not (or won't) work in team projects. That constrains it 
to Inventive Users, not corporate team players whose projects could garner 
accolades and publicity beyond the pale of the solo producer's capabilities. 
It would help Revolution to follow up on, and evangelize, the projects of 
their Enterprise edition users for publicity, and their solo users for 
beadth of applications and possibilities.

 Jerry Muelver

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Re: Constant 'Nonsense' about RR documentation

2005-11-30 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: David Burgun

RunRev is different in this respect and many times no one seems to 
actually know what is *supposed* to happen and I get a number of work 
arounds to a problem (from this list mainly) that may or may not work in 
all situations.


Dump the online docs into wiki pages, allow corrections/annotations to 
accumulate, integrate revisions for next release of docs.

Wiki access could be through registered DreamCard or Revolution IDE, 
simplifying the qualified editor screening process and eliminating the 
wiki-link spammers and graffiti artists.

 Jerry Muelver
 Wiki is the answer. What was the question, again? 

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Re: Daily Comics in RunRev... A Garfield a day keeps the stress away!

2005-11-28 Thread Jerry Muelver
From: Ton Kuypers 
Subject: Daily Comics in RunRev... A Garfield a day keeps the stress away!

That's why I've just uploaded a small stack to RevOnline under  
General or at the user DMP.

Where IS RevOnline? Google is no help.

 Jerry Muelver
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Re: Daily Comics in RunRev... A Garfield a day keeps the stress away!

2005-11-28 Thread Jerry Muelver
Thanks, Andre, Jim, Ken. Things have changed a bit since my 1998 
MetaCard days, and this old dog is working hard at learning all the new 

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Daily Comics in RunRev... A Garfield a day keeps thestress away!

2005-11-28 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Andre Garzia


RevOnline is only accesible thru Rev IDE or Dreamcard Player. Launch  Rev 
IDE, there's a menu development, the first item of this menu is 
RevOnline... ;-)


Whoops Nope. I've got Rev 2.2.1, Linux get acquainted version, with no 
Rev Online in the Development menu. I guess I'll have to wait until my CFO 
(wife) comes through with the upgrade cost. I need a persuader. I'll put 
together a Revolution Linux replacement for MS Office and OpenOffice, so she 
can see that I'm serious about this.

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: Daily Comics in RunRev... A Garfield a day keeps thestress away!

2005-11-28 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Martin Baxter 
Subject: Re: Daily Comics in RunRev... A Garfield a day keeps thestress 


All is not lost though. List member Eric Chatonet recently made available 
a stack for accessing the stacks at revOnline, which should work with your 
version. It is called online picker and can be downloaded at Eric's 

Martin Baxter

Got it, Martin, thanks much!

 Jerry Muelver 

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Re: [OT] Handling Returned Virus Mail

2005-11-26 Thread Jerry Muelver

From: Scott Rossi [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [OT] Handling Returned Virus Mail

Over the last week I've been inundated (yet again) with a tidal wave of
bounced virus email messages.  Of course I did not initiate any of the
original messages -- I'm receiving the bounced attempts and server notices
as a result of virus propagation.

Any suggestions on how to combat this problem?

Just set your filter to intercept any returned emails, and delete them 
from the server without downloading. If you aren't sending them out in the 
first place, why would you want to read the bogus bounce notices anyway?


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