Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-22 Thread John Vokey
Something close to what I think Randall was talking about is LSA  
(Latent Semantic Analysis).  Indeed, rumour has long held that it is  
the basis of Apple's junk filter in Safari.  The original source for  
the work is here:

On 22-Aug-09, at 6:47 PM, wrote:


OK, well let's carry on from there.

Are you familiar with this project?

Something similar in xTalk would be pretty darn cool, I would think.
Especially if it were to index and search the web =).

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Re: 2 things

2009-04-21 Thread John Vokey
Amateurs.  I still keep Apple ][ GS computers running (you want vblint  
sync, that is all that is left; you want horizontal line scanning  
sync: there is no other machine!).  And Hypercard on the ][GS (full  
colour!) was in many ways what hypercard should have been on the mac.   
It died with the ][GS, but it was fun.  I still run it in emulation on  
OSX (and then back-port the software to the ][GSs).

On 21-Apr-09, at 6:55 PM, wrote:

Wow, Andre, that's the right attitude! Unfortunately about 9 of my  

computers are stuffed
in the attic of my house in St Andrews, Scotland, and I have yet to  

out how to get them to
Bulgaria (especially my 'first love', my BBC Master Compact).

I had great fun 2 years ago, on holiday in Scotland, running up a  

pile of simple programs
for my school using Runtime Revolution 1.1.1 on an all-in-one Mac
Performa PC 5260CD and then
burning all the stuff onto a CD via my external 4x SCSI burner;  
lovely job!

I also managed to convert some Hypercard stuff of mine with Metacard  

then use that as
a foundation for some new things.

Mind you, the built-to-order SCSI card I have in the back of my G4 Mac
only seems to work
with Mac OS 9, and then plays funny games with my ZIP drive.

If I could get all my old Macs to Bulgaria I would probably use them
instead of the Pentium IIIs
with Ubuntu as I believe their lives will be longer.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

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Re: Table field text formating

2008-12-17 Thread John Vokey

On 17-Dec-08, at 9:12 PM, Richard wrote:

It may be easier to get the exact feature you need than to ask  
RunRev to

become a type foundry.

If all you need is a one-pixel font, I'm sure there are plenty around.

But perhaps we might ask why this is useful, and look one step further
to the mechanics of the underlying text rendering in the field  
object to

get exactly what we most want.  It may be that such additions would
become trivial once RunRev adds independent column alignment to  

Slogging through big blocks of text line by line and/or word by word,
measuring each and adding/subtracting a number of special one-pixel
characters can be quite slow, and not the sort of thing I enjoy  

to newcomers for simple text alignment.

So hopefully instead we can just get the appearance we want just as we
want it at the moment it's rendered.  I doesn't hurt to ask. :)

Yes, and we have those text-description languages available now:  
postscript (which most of us now experience as PDF) and TeX/LaTeX--- 
both of which microtype to way (way!) better than a 1-pixel  
character.  Writing the code for either is (relatively) trivial.  So,  
given every modern operating system has engines for both, all Rev has  
to do is invoke the engines when needed.  For example, in addition to  
html, one should be able to declare a field postscript or TeX/LaTeX,  
put the code, and Rev simply calls the appropriate engine/renderer to  
produce it.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-12-01 Thread John Vokey

I say the same thing, except I call it Metacard.

On 1-Dec-08, at 7:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

However, just to throw another spanner in the works:-

The very few times people ask me how I make my programs I state that  
I use:

Runtime Revolution, a complete programming package.

No 'language', 'IDE', 'GUI', and so on, os mentioned; probably because
most people seem perfectly satisfied with that answer. The few who  
are not
satisfied get treated to 30 minutes of my demonstrating RR, and 30  

while I go away and let them play with RR. The end result is either
Wow! or I don't understand how computers work anyway.

Yep, the dyslexic atheist claims there is no dog, but that is not half  
as risky as the dyslexic devil worshiper who sold his soul to Santa ;-)

Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Random algorithm

2008-11-12 Thread John Vokey

This has bugged me for a long time (back to the days of the Apple //,  
at least).  All programming languages should *document* their RNGs, so  
we have some idea of what they are, and, especially, how bad they are  
(and most are very bad).  LGN RNGs are not necessarily bad (a  
colleague and I developed some quite good ones, back in the day: 
, but, as Marsaglia has documented more recently, we can do so much  
better.  If you want the Rev (actually, old hypercard) code for my and  
Kaner's LNG RNGs, I can send it to you, but it is recursive (it  
replaces itself in place), so can only be used in the IDE or Rev  
Player (or any variant that doesn't render the RNG stack as a  

But, the better principle is the more RNGs (even bad ones) the  
better.  Then, as Marsaglia demonstrated, simply *combine* them in  
some way: e.g., use RNG 1 to choose which of n RNGs you choose from  
next, use the result of that second RNG to select among the remaining  
n-1, and so on, until you get a number. Even a collection of bad RNGs  
will produce quite random numbers under Marsaglia's insight.


On 12-Nov-08, at 6:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Many thanks for your two cents !

I wonder if the first name of people answering my first question is
really random : Mark, Mark and Mark...


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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 60, Issue 34

2008-09-16 Thread John Vokey
Use GraphicConvertor (it can be used freely) on the snapshots to  
create a gif movie, setting the timing for each shot, then covert to  
qt format.

On 16-Sep-08, at 11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Snapper is not working like I'd hoped, at least with my primitive
eMac. The problem seems to be that the display is not always fully
rendered for the screen 'snap', so that the image sometimes is
incomplete. Too bad, because this could be an easy way to accomplish
what I need to do. I will borrow a much more capable Mac and try
again. However, it looks like exporting snapshots from Revolution and
then creating a qt movie from the saved images might be the most
reliable way to render the sequence of images as a qt movie. I'm open
to suggestions about the best way to create a qt movie from the saved
snapshot images.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i

2008-09-13 Thread John Vokey
Thank you all, for this discussion.  Really.  It was more informative  
than the release notes could even hope to be.  The exemplars of why  
the new array features were so obviously useful helped me a lot in  
exactly one way: I have no idea what you who promote these ``new''  
features are on about.  Opaque doesn't begin to describe my  
appreciation of your views on these ``new'' features.  Admittedly, I  
have only been programming in everything from machine code through  
every passing fad since the 1960s, so I may be either dated or  
stunned.  But, really, I just don't get it.  Again, I ask, what have  
we gained by the ``new'' array features, besides more brackets?   
Setting fred[z] to empty does not seem to me to be a major  
advancement.  Or, at least not one that is at best a trivial change.

Telling me that you can now set orange to apple does not help except  
in light of how anyone could not do so before.  As far as I can see  
nothing prevented anyone from doing so in the old array system.  So,  
please, please, help me.  I am usually the first to jump on the newest  
and latest, but these new array referencing functions leave me non- 

And they still suffer from an old incongruity that I have complained  
about for years:
array[fred] differs if fred has been previously defined (i.e., has  
content), in which case the content (value?) of array[fred] is the  
value(fred) of array; otherwise it is the literal fred of array.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i

2008-09-11 Thread John Vokey

On 11-Sep-08, at 7:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sep 11, 2008, at 5:55 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

Now I understand, I didn't consider not to tell rev how many sub
arrays there would be. I have no clue when this would be useful
though, maybe you can explain that?

Sure. One thing that the ability to dynamically specify a key would do
is open up additional algorithms. Let's take the XML for example.


... ellipsis intentional

Can anybody explain what the new array format provides that the old  
did not?  All these bizarre examples seem not so much as exemplifying  
the ``new'' features as to leave me baffled as to what added value  
they provide.  In NONE of the supposed or alleged examples have I seen  
anything I could not do with old arrays.  So, and I mean in really  
simple language (not OOP-speak), wtf is up with these new arrays?  I  
see nothing but extra brackets.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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when is an integer not an integer?

2008-07-29 Thread John Vokey
The statement: set the randomseed to x is not consistent.  In both the  
Rev and MC documentation, x must be an integer.  So, for example, set  
the randomseed to the seconds works in the sense that a new and  
different sequence is subsequently generated by random and any  
statements.  But set the randomseed to the ticks, or set the  
randomseed to the milliseconds, both fail in that the same sequence is  
generated every time.  Yet, each of the ticks/the milliseconds/the  
seconds is an integer return true.  It appears clear that the  
randomseed property requires small integers (on the order of the  
seconds).  But, it is still the case that even though the ticks is an  
integer, is is too large of an integer for the randomseed property.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Possibly this is expected, but...

2008-05-25 Thread John Vokey
I run all my stacks *as stacks* in the MetaCard IDE: that is, I do not  
create standalones.  I sent a series of my stacks to a colleague to  
use, pointing him to StackRunner to download to run my stacks.  They  
ran in a sense, but not completely.  In particular, all the subsidiary  
materials (image files, sound files, etc.) for the stacks are  
contained in either the same directory containing the stack or in a  
sub-directory, and none of these would load when run with StackRunner,  
but work just fine in the IDE (and the RR IDE, as well).  I set the  
path(s) to these subsidiary materials in an openCard handler of the  
first card of the stacks, similar to the following:

global thePath,tonepath,datapath,numblocks,theTrials

on openCard
  --  Get/Set Paths
  put the filename of this stack into thePath
  set the itemdelimiter to /
  delete the last item of thePath
  set the filename of image theback to thePath/ 

  put thePath/data/ into datapath
  put thePath/tones/ into tonepath
end openCard

which, as I said, works fine in the IDE.

To make a long story short, I tracked the problem down to a  
preopenStack handler of the stack script:

on preopenStack
  set the loc of me to the screenloc--centre stack
  set the fixstack of this stack to false
  hide menubar
  set the decorations of this stack to empty
  set the backdrop to black
  hide stack Home
  hide message
end preopenStack

*Any* preopenstack handler.  That is, the existence of the  
preopenstack handler appears to block the generation of the openCard  
handler, but only in StackRunner (and in a standalone, if I create  
one), but NOT in either the two IDEs.  If I remove the preopenstack  
handler, everything runs just fine (and the same) in the IDEs and  

I think this is a serious bug (and I'll never recover the hours it  
took to track down), but perhaps others have some good explanation for  
this marked difference in behaviour between the IDEs and standalones?   
Incidentally, passing the preopenstack message at the end of the  
preopenstack handler changes nothing: it still works as expected in  
the IDEs, but the openCard script is not triggered in StackRunner.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: copyright infringement question

2008-04-15 Thread John Vokey
Check out some of Cem Kaner's publications on what is, is not, and  
should be acceptable practise:

On 15-Apr-08, at 9:22 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Greetings, venerable collegues,

Would you have a few minutes to give me your brief opinion on a
copyright/intellectual property infringement question?  There is a
difference of opinion at our company and I'm seeking some outside

Or maybe, refer me to some URL?  Any help gratefully acknowledged
in advance.

The issue is, in developing a new software program to compete with  

companies that already offer such a program, what is acceptable with
respect to using the existing competitor's product?

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 55, Issue 5

2008-04-04 Thread John Vokey
I agree completely with Richard, except for one thing: the opening  
dialogue as one is installing the update still says `` of...''.   
Sheesh.  I may be a curmudgeon, but why continue to rile me for  
years?  `` will do, is standard English, and will allow me to  
relax my hackles (assuming I have them).  Please.

On 3-Apr-08, at 7:31 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Bill Marriott wrote:

I'm sure a lot of you have noticed that the web site  
looks a bit

different in the last couple of hours.


In other news, Revolution 2.9 is live.

Congrats to the team on both front.  The web site looks great, with  

improvements in both usability and aesthetics.  And v2.9 - what can I
say, it may well be the best release ever.


 Richard Gaskin
 Managing Editor, revJournal

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Mac Mod competition anyone? (a request)

2007-08-07 Thread John Vokey

On 7-Aug-07, at 10:56 AM, Heather wrote:

Dear list members,

I came across this today, and thought h I wonder if any of our
esteemed community would get a kick out of entering it:

You are, after all, a creative bunch...



Heather (and all the rest of you): note the line-break in the link,  
making a simple click impossible.  Could you (and all the others on  
this list who persist in using long---and ultimately wrapped---links)  
please either a) put the link in in angle brackets, like this: 
option=com_contenttask=viewid=308Itemid=234, or b) goto to to generate a short url that won't need to be wrapped.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: [off-topic] spreadsheet for MacOSX

2007-03-24 Thread John Vokey
Try Mariner Calc: not free, but inexpensive, and it is available as  
universal for OS X intel macs 

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: mac help needed

2007-01-22 Thread John Vokey

  SuperAnova runs fine under Classic---at least I have never had any  
problems, and is not locked in anyway, so it should work following a  
simple copy.  I suspect the Classic system files on the OS X machine  
are not complete.  SuperAnova even runs fine under Sheepshaver  
(system 8.6), and miniVMac, with systems 7.x.  Indeed, it even works  
in miniVMac with system 6.08!

On 22-Jan-07, at 7:13 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All.
I've not been around recently, see you all soon, howeverI Need  
your help.

THis is not a rev question but a mac question.

One of the Prof's here is giving a statistics tutorial. He uses a  
program called
SuperANOVA. He is the registered user, but has it on an old  
blueberry iMac

running OS 9.2.

He has lost the discs and the iMac doesn't have video out to an  

projector (well I cant see one).

He would like to use this on his powerbook. I thought he could  
simply copy the
app folder over, however, it wont run. I cannot see anything  
related to the app

in another folder.

He cannot contact the company (abacus systems) because they are  
defunct (website
is now a financial company). Is there a way to find the files  
associated with
this app on his machine (he needs a backup anyway) so we can run it  
to show the

students proper stats.

If we copied the hard disc over to an external hard drive and ran  
it from that

disc would the app run or are mac apps pathway specific?

Any help appreciated.


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Rev Graphics Gurus

2007-01-22 Thread John Vokey

  An old thread, and I hope you don't mind me contacting you  
directly.  I asked a while back about presenting the average of two  
images, and you suggested that I a) group them, b) set the ink  
property of each, including the group, to blendSrcOver, and c) then  
set the opacity 0% and 50%.  I am only know trying this stuff out,  
only to find that that there is no ink called blendSrcOver, but there  
is an ink called blend, and there is a basic property called blend.   
Are these what you meant?  Second, what is the function of grouping  
the images?  Wouldn't the inks work the same without the grouping?

Dr. John R. Vokey
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Re: Thank you for all of the help

2006-12-06 Thread John Vokey
Well, say what you want, but as a psychologist I am of two minds  
about schizophrenia. :-)

On 6-Dec-06, at 11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Schizophrenia has ***nothing*** to do with multiple personality  
Forget Sybil it was a total joke and a lie.  Think more A  
beautiful Mind
which shows (one form) of schizophrenia - that of paranoid  
delusions.  There
are others - but multiple personality disorders do not in anyway  

symptoms of schizophrenia.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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RE: unexpected behavior 'on mouseup'

2006-11-28 Thread John Vokey

Jim wrote:

Do four simple steps:

[1] Make a new mainstack
[2] set the card script to

on mouseUp
   put the long id of the target  the seconds
end mouseUp

[3] Make a new button
[4] Choose Browse mode
Why does the card script run when clicking the button that contains  


on mouseUp

end mouseUp

It is as if the button has 'pass mouseUp' implied.
Now add any character to the button script, such as a space, click  

and no message is passed (but the script is the same)

Not a show-stopper, but fooled me when using a transparent button  
to block
mouse clicks.  Perhaps this is already bugzilla'd, or is expected  

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

The button *does* pass mouseUp because it contains *no script* at  
all!  The on mouseUp handler is added for your convenience, but if  
you don't edit the script in anyway, it is deleted when the editor  
window is closed

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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just a comment

2006-11-27 Thread John Vokey

  One of my students got caught by the following in her stack:

  At the top of the card script, she declared some variables local  
to the scripts of that card, as we always we do.  For one of these  
variables, she did not initialise it in any way.  However, the use of  
that variable is always done with ``put tab and someData after  
thelocalvariable''.  No problem on first use, but the stack always  
returns to the first cd of the stack to run the next subject, and  
when it gets back to this cd, the local variable still exists (as if  
it were a global), so the ``tab  someData'' gets added to the end of  
the data from the previous run.  No big deal, as we can just clear  
the variable in the opencard handler, but it is surprising, as local  
variables are not supposed to be persistent, at least to my knowledge.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Rev Graphics Gurus

2006-10-17 Thread John Vokey

Rev Graphics Gurus,
I have two general questions (which ultimately will evolve into many  
more).  I need to manipulate the contents of images in Rev in two ways:

1) I need to average, pixel by pixel, two images (of the same size)  
before display of that average.  So, the question is: how do I access  
the individual pixels of the two images?  Do I load them as binary,  
and then locate the pixels (somehow) within the binary objects?  Load  
them as images, and then (somehow) access Rev's internal representation?

2) I need the end user to be able manipulate within Rev under user  
control the RGB of CMYK settings of an image (e.g., increase B, while  
decreasing R, and so on) much like the RGB and CMYK sliders in the OS  
X Colors palette, and then apply (on the fly) those new settings to a  
displayed image.  Any suggestions even to get me started will be  

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Re: Rev Graphics Gurus

2006-10-17 Thread John Vokey

Thanks Ken and Scott: a beautifully clear exposition!

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Re: Dependence on Programming Experts

2006-07-12 Thread John Vokey
A bit late in the debate (but I am at my cottage with at best  
primitive dial-up):

On 11-Jul-06, at 8:29 PM, Dan wrote:

I for one wish Rev had never compromised and begun using the equal  
sign as
an assignment operator. Many (perhaps most) other languages  
disambiguate the
confusing uses by some artificial construct. In Pascal, e.g.,  
assignment is
:=. In C/C++ as I recall, equality is testred with == and some  
special type

of equality is ===. Just syntactical crap.

As Richard says, if this is an optional addition to the language, I  
I'd grudgingly -- VERY darned grudgingly -- look the other way. But  
I'd hold

my nose at the same time.

I can't but disagree.  I have yet to find anyone with more than a few  
minutes of experience who is confused by a statement such as `x=1'  
*in context*.  Indeed, I would go so far as to advocate further that  
even the logical variants of `x=1' have a numerical value (e.g., 0  
for false, 1 for true) as in many languages (especially BASICs), so  
that the logical value can be used directly in algebraic (and string)  
expressions without having to work through a lengthy series of  
logical conversions.  For example:

x = (z=x)*y # if z=x then x=y, else x=0; what could be simpler?

A good example of the silliness of over-emphasising the acontextual  
distinction between assignment and logical statements is seen in the  
programming/statistical system/language R (GNU's S): for years the  
most common operation of assignment required the clumsy syntax

x-1 # assign the value of 1 to x, almost as stupid as Pascal's x:=1

two-keystrokes (including a shift-key for one of the characters) for  
the most common statement!  The usual comments were trotted out in  
defence: ``but a statement such as x=1 is ambiguous, and confusing to  
the user!''  Eventually, the keepers of R (all wonderful people of  
surpassing brilliance and humanity) relented, and

x=1 # assign the value of 1 to x

was allowed as an *optional* variant of x-1.  The average, or even  
novice R user has no more problem interpreting such statements than  
does the R parser/interpreter (which is never confused over this  
issue).  And, in R the x-1 syntax is even less arbitrary than in RR/ 
MC, because a reversal of the assignment arrow, x-y, also has a  
unique meaning in R.  (One does note, though, that most R books still  
use the x-1 form, probably because they are written by my fellow  
professorial colleagues who never miss an opportunity to evince  

Many other languages have at least recognised that lengthening the  
assignment statement is inefficient, so instead have lengthened the  
logical form, using such constructions as `x==1' for a test of  
equality.  Again, though, as this is the most common form of the  
logical test (i.e., equality is tested more often than most other  
logical statements), it is inefficient, and, again, as it is always  
clear from the context (and, note, therefore as simple to write the  
interpreter for one form as the other), such requirements amount to  
no more than pedantry and fussiness.

As noted, the solution is not to force a given syntax, but to offer  
efficient shortcuts as options.  So, use put 1 into x if you want,  
but allow for x=1 as an equivalent, but more efficient syntax.  After  
all, RR/MC allows for regex expressions, and they are hardly  
transparent or non-ambiguous to the novice (or even experienced!) user!

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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RE: Transcript and Dot Notation

2006-02-26 Thread John Vokey

I'd rather stick pins in my eyes.  Seriously:  what is gained here  
that can't be accomplished with either a) copy and paste (my  
favourite) or b) object duplication (my next favourite)?

I have programmed in virtually every language extant (and many no  
longer), including most machine languages, assemblers, and their ugly  
``high-level'' equivalents (e.g., C, C++), flipping (real) switches  
in octal on the face of the ``computer'' to initialise the ``boot- 
loader'' so that the machine could get started.  I do not need, want,  
or care about OO-dot.syntax shite except that it is a terribly ugly,  
long-winded, opaque way of doing the obvious. Transcript is easy for  
*everyone*, beginner or expert; that is its 5th GL glory.

We *could* require programming RR in pdp-8l assembler (which, no  
doubt, would thrill most of the old pdp-8l assembler programmers--of  
which I am one), but what of it?  Who would think that was an  
advance?  How about DEC-Basic (also on pdp-8l computers)?  HP rpl  
code (I have hundreds of HP-21C programs that would benefit)?  How  
about APL? I loved that language (even though it required a strange  
type-ball on the IBM selectrics we used as terminals to the  
university mainframe)!  Forth?  Really, TILs (threaded interpretative  
languages), like forth, have long been known to be the fastest, most  
concise languages of all time---often beating optimised compiled  
languages (like C, which is well known to be slower than languages  
such as Pascal).  Fortran? Wait, I really liked fortran...  Apple  
floating-point Basic?  Yeah (especially if the ROM code were  
included; I have all those old Apple ][ programs and subroutines just  
waiting...)!  6502 assembler?  Yes!  I was a wizard at that shite  
(using multiple entries into the same code to do different things to  
save a single byte of code--those were the days!).

Bottom line?  Tried them all (conducted research, published, even  
published code in most).  I like/love transcript (aka metatalk,  
hypertalk).  I get more done in minutes than I ever did in hours with  
these other languages/systems.  Which is why I use RR/MC.  The rest  
can just f-f-f-f-f-ade away...

On 26-Feb-06, at 9:47 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Perhaps a few of you around here will find this funny, I could do  
an implementation of OOPs with a pull-parser.  The trick to  
creating a child object is to assign attributes of the parent  
object to a child object. What is needed during the birthing  
process is an allocation of memory to store the newly incarnated  
child and to act on it independently while effecting the parent  
that can also have global changing effects if desired.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: [Tip] Propeties sets List of 'reserved words' and gotchas

2006-02-20 Thread John Vokey

Stephen and Trevor,

  This is a long-standing complaint of mine about custom properties  
in MC/RR (please see the archives), which has usually received at  
best irrelevant responses, if any at all (the most common response).   
IMHO, for consistency, *all* custom properties should be quoted (when  
the literal is meant), or taken as the value of the unquoted term  
when not.  So,

put mary into fred
set the fred of this stack to x
-- means set the property mary of this stack to the value of x
-- and works just this way in MC/RR, which is as it should be.
-- But only
-- if fred does not already exist as a custom property.
-- However, I now ask you what would you predict should happen if
-- 1. fred already exists as a custom property and fred (the variable)
--has the value ``mary''? (i.e., add this line before the other two:
--set the fred of this stack to fred
-- 2. fred already exists as a custom property, but fred (the variable)
--does not exist?  Exists, but is empty?  Exists, but evaluates  
to Jane?

-- Try them: you may (should) be surprised.

The only other consistent alternative, so that unquoted property  
names behave consistently, is to deny the use of variables as  
property names in custom property statements, as function and  
procedure names are currently handled---not an option I would  
support, btw.

On 20-Feb-06, at 7:09 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


You can reliably use reserved words with array notation as long as
you have quotes around the key (I've never tried without quotes

I use code like this all of the time:

set the uAutoEvents[MouseUp] of myObject to DoSomething

Perhaps it is the lack of quotes that is causing problems?

Trevor DeVore

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: using stacks on multiple computers

2006-02-01 Thread John Vokey

  I routinely use dynamic path allocation (i.e., relative to the  
stack).  For example, to set the path to the folder data in the  
same folder as the stack, I routinely use (in Metacard/RR):

  --  Get/Set Paths
  put the filename of this stack into thePath
  set the itemdelimiter to /
  delete the last item of thePath
  put thePath/data/ into datapath

But, although this approach works with Metacard and RR, it doesn't  
work with DreamCard (at least, not DreamCard Player); I believe the  
archives of this list document this fact.

On 1-Feb-06, at 2:17 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

John Vokey wrote:
A common problem with DreamCard is that the file paths are not  
the  same

as MetaCard/RR.  So, if your stack loads images or other stacks,  it
will fail to locate them if you use dynamic path allocation.

I haven't had any trouble so are they different? Is there
something I should be watching for?

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   |

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 27, Issue 137

2005-12-28 Thread John Vokey

  Very nice.  You do realise that you can do this (and so much more)  
running shell scripts (from RR) to call R?  And cross-platform, too.   
Check out:

On 28-Dec-05, at 7:58 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I thought I'd just mention that Statistics Calculator is available
in the Curlypaws user space.

It takes a text file of comma separated values and calculates the
minimum, maximum, mean, median, standard deviation, quartile 1 and
quartile 3.  It also generates a box plot of the results.  You can
open the file through the program, or use drag and drop.

Perhaps more interestingly, it uses Altuit's Interface Designer for
the design (which is already great to use).

My partner is doing an Open University Maths course, so I thought I'd
do something along these lines.  I realise that Revolution has median
and standard deviation functions - but I didn't know this when I
started :-).  Hopefully the code may be of interest to someone!


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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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[OT] Re: Bush-like weasel words about standalone, now micro-busses

2005-12-21 Thread John Vokey
I loved my 1959 VW micro-bus (split windscreen, etc.), and my  
subsequent 1969 VW Transporter/Camper Bus with the pop-top and extra  
canopy bed.  Both died from the dreaded thrown 3rd cylinder.  The  
1969 transporter managed to leave a 5-metre strip of rubber as the  
engine ceased---quite impressive!  The 1959 had been through so many  
engines, transmissions, and just about everything else (the body had  
been modified in a body-shop to make it a true ``hippie-van''-- 
including the wild paint job) that, at the last, it was thought  
preferable to let it just die a graceful death.  The 1969 was  
subsequently used as an office on oil drill site (the gas heater,  
although flaky otherwise, proved a reliable heater for a stationary  
micro-bus) for many years...

On 21-Dec-05, at 7:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

P.S. I love my VW Bus (72 Transporter converted into a Camper Bus).
Wish I had an OS for it, that would be cool.

You *are* the OS for it. Those were the good old days.


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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Recent Development on the Use-LIst

2005-12-13 Thread John Vokey

  What a fascinating discussion, and a perfect, if ironic, example  
of why the question being debated has been resolved (in favour of one  
list) in practise.

  For the record, I agree with Dan (which happens less often than I  
routinely think it should given I own most of his books, but I  
digress).  One feature of the discussion that has fascinated me most  
(and should have led me to put [OT] in the Subject, but again, I  
digress, and, at any rate, this subject line is by definition OT) is  
the confusion between freedoms and rights.  We (well most of us,  
anyway, given our current countries of residence) are *free* to think  
and espouse any damn thing we want, but in none of these countries do  
we have a *right* to do so. The distinction is this: rights entail  
commitments and obligations on the state and the citizens of that  
state to *ensure* those rights.  So, a state (and its citizens) are  
obligated by law to ensure your rights to, for example, privacy,  
property, personhood, and so on.  Freedoms are different.  You are  
free to exercise these ``free'' acts, but the state (and its  
citizens) are not obligated in any way to ensure that you can do so.   
They cannot, as a rule, actively prevent such action, but, again, are  
not required, either, to facilitate them.  Free speech is one such  
freedom.  Free thought is another.  You are free to think any damn  
fool thing you can mentally entertain, but there is no incumbent  
obligation on the state, the citizens of that state, the internet,  
and the citizens of the internet, or, the point and most important  
for current purposes, to provide a  
vehicle for you to express those thoughts.  It (and we) may tolerate  
them, even ``respect'' them (I use scare quotes because I really  
don't know what respecting a thought or belief actually means), but  
we do not have to provide an avenue for them:  We are, of course,  
free to do so, but we are under no obligation to do so.

Now, back to our usual philosophical wrangling, bantering, and code  

On 13-Dec-05, at 6:38 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:

Fair enough, Mark. Where should they be, then?

On 12/11/05, Mark Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

These discussions are quite interesting, but IMHO this is not the
place for them, since they do interfere with the actual utility of
the list.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: [ANN] SERVICE USB Plus Drives Real World Device Control with Runtime Revolution

2005-12-09 Thread John Vokey

From the web-site:


This contains a project exclusively for the SERVICE USB interface and  
Runtime Revolution's Revolution. All input and output functions and a  
stepping motor control example are implemented.''

And you can download the software from the same page.

On 9-Dec-05, at 11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

What is not explained is -- does one have to still use Applescript to
make it work with rev, or did they actually make some XCMDs so Rev
can work directly? The word direcly above line would suggest that...

This is a big difference. When I wrote them, they offered only the
Applescript calls as a solution.

Also if one has the USB drivers for this product, would they be
useful for access to any other USB device?

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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What Rev Needs -- Again (was Why is Konfabulator Pretty?)

2005-12-06 Thread John Vokey
Well, maybe just ``old''.  ``Too old'' is a bit strong (however true  
in my case!).  But, I agree with Mr. Rossi in many of his  
particulars, which is why I have been promoting DreamCard even though  
I do not, as a rule, use it.  I also, as a rule, do not do anything  
in RR (or MC, more usually) that DreamCard couldn't do.  The  
DreamCard model *is* the Hypercard model in modern guise.  Yes, 10- 
line limited DO scripts don't quite fit what we (``old'' HC coders)  
accepted, and having most engine commands incapable of being replaced  
by simple scripts doesn't either.  I don't care: You want the promise  
of HC?  And multi-OS, and colour, and, and, and...  Get DreamCard.   
Brilliant.  And, however true otherwise, I am not an old fool in this  

But, as for the IDE, and what would attract young users?  Mr. Rossi  
is probably dead-on, and dead-right that for the long-term survival  
of RR such attraction may be critical.  But what would I know?   I  
actually prefer the MC interface!Still, all the (yes, young!)  
students that leave my lab are MC/RR evangelists.  And successful,  
too.  No matter where they go, MC/RR becomes the lab programming  
environment.  I feel good about that, and always have.  They also  
tend to convert all and sundry to LaTeX, but that is a different  
story. ;-)

On 6-Dec-05, at 7:05 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Rev developers are too old.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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pro and hobbyist --- a distinction without merit

2005-12-01 Thread John Vokey
This distinction still irks me.  I have never had the need to compile  
any of my stacks, hypercard, metacard, or RR.  But as I have written  
thousands of them, and use them daily in my lab, I would count myself  
as a ``pro'' user, not a ``hobbyist''.  However, just because a  
DreamCard-like model fits my needs doesn't mean that I don't need the  
increasingly-many add-ons that come only with the ``pro'' version.   
Hence, if a distinction needs to be made, stick to the one RR  
sensibly chose: DreamCard for those who don't need to produce stand- 
alone apps, and RR for those who do.  The engine, add-ons, plug-ins,  
cross-platform use, etc. should otherwise be the same for both.  And  
no one needs to be disparaged in the process.

On 1-Dec-05, at 2:07 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Pondering the many posts in this thread I'm not sure I could  
much of value, since Chipp covered many of my own thoughts, esp.  
re. the

usefulness of a US presence and the need for a completely unambiguous
differentiation between the pro and hobbyist products.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Pricing / entry cost for this tool

2005-11-27 Thread John Vokey
I haven't commented previously on this issue, and, note, I haven't  
quoted anyone below.  But, I think this whole debate is a tempest in  
a teapot (or a rant in search of topic).  Just what is the issue here?

Dan Shafer, a hero to many X-Talkers, including me, is concerned that  
RR is spreading itself too thin, supporting both DreamCard (allegedly  
for ``Inventive users''---hobbyists by any other name) and Revolution  
(allegedly for ``Professional Developers'', ignoring the different  
pricing options).  He has argued that RR can't do both, citing the  
history of computing and the litany of failed software companies  
attempting to do what he claims RR is doing.  I don't question his  
facts, or even his argument; but I do question the alleged parallel  
of RR with that history.

As an aside, let it be known that I have the ``maxed-out'' license--- 
the equivalent of what I had with Metacard (yes, I have been with MC/ 
RR for quite some time), so if RR went the totally ``professional  
route'' I would be unaffected in that sense.

But that would be a big mistake.  Dreamcard *IS* the replacement for  
hypercard for all but a few (I am a huge Dreamcard supporter---see  
the RR website for my endorsement).  How many hypercard users ever  
produced stand-alones (``apps'' in the parlance)?  I know I never did  
(just as I never produce standalones---apps---in MC/RR).  Tiny stacks  
is what we produced, and still do.  Dreamcard is brilliant just  
because we can continue to do just that.  Better, those to whom we  
provide our stacks need not even have a copy of Dreamcard---they can  
just download the Dreamcard player to use our stacks.  It is the  
continuation of a dream (yes!) that was Steved at Apple, but now  
applies to virtually all operating systems.  THAT is utterly brilliant!

I know Dan appreciates this brilliance; he is just concerned that any  
resources devoted to Dreamcard are extracted from MC/RR as a  
professional development environment.  I would agree, except that I  
think he has mischaracterised the distinction between Dreamcard and  
MC/RR.  Dreamcard is not some lesser development environment from MC/ 
RR, just different.  Personally, I like producing full-blown apps in  
40K that I can send to colleagues to use.  These apps include  
psychology experiments, novel statistical analyses, neural nets, and  
so on.  For that purpose, there is no reason that Dreamcard should be  
different from MC/RR.  Indeed, as Dreamcard is, in effect, a free  
(for RR) spin-off from app-producing MC/RR, ANY Dreamcard sales are  
pure gravy.

My point?  Dreamcard users are not any less ``professional'' than  
those for whom compiled ``apps'' are the raison d'etre.  We need and  
use everything the alleged professionals also use.  So, there is no  
difference in support or resources.  RR should continue to develop  
Revolution as they have been doing, responding to every complaint the  
``professionals'' demand needs correction: but those professionals  
are as much in the Dreamcard contingent as they are in the ``I paid  
maximum dinero, I demand satisfaction'' contingent.  The difference  
is, completely and only, that Dreamcard programmers don't need  
compiled apps of their creations.  To the extent that such  
compilation concerns are at issue, RR should devote resources to  
addressing them.  If they are engine issues, we all benefit, so I am  
all for it!  Kevin et al. at RR (brilliant people all, obviously)  
have recognised this, and have done the brilliant thing.  In case you  
missed it: I can't emphasise enough just how brilliant for the  
computing community the Dreamcard move is: the dream of hypercard  
made available to virtually all, but based on an expensive engine for  
those of us that need it *for other purposes*.  Do I mind indirectly  
funding all those Dreamcard users?  Nope, as it is, as I noted, pure  
gravy for RR.

So, just to drive the point home: Dreamcard is brilliant!  Pass it  
around.  And, don't deprecate it by some false amateur vs.  
``professional'' distinction.

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Metacard user

2005-11-09 Thread John Vokey

Yup, me.

On 9-Nov-05, at 10:58 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

is there anyone still using Metacard?


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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Commercial, open-source, and ``free'' (GPL) software

2005-10-21 Thread John Vokey

  Just a point of clarification, but open-source and free software  
are quite different concepts, as the people of FSF (the authors of  
the GPL and GNU) have taken great pains to point out (please see FSF  
web-site:, and, in any case, neither is  
necessarily ``free'' in the sense many on this list seem to assume.   
As the adage of the FSF says: ``Free software is a matter of liberty  
not price. You should think of free as in free speech.''

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Neural network stacks?

2005-09-28 Thread John Vokey
I fail to see the point, even in general (i.e., c, or c++); most  
neural net models have limit solutions, meaning that one can simply  
solve the math; no iterative solution is needed.  In that case,  
transcript is just fine (well, it would be improved with engine-based  
SVD and eigenvector extraction routines, but I quibble).

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-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Re: Blowing in the Wind

2005-08-16 Thread John Vokey

Beautiful under RR, flickers like mad under MC 2.6.1

On 16-Aug-05, at 4:00 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Greetings List:

For those of you who were unable to attend my presentation at  
RevConWest, I
showed some experiments with one of Rev's newest features: deep  
masks.  One
of the nice things about this feature is the ability of Rev to  
cache the
current window shape before switching to new shape.  This  
effectively allows
you to smoothly change shape of a window without it briefly  
disappearing or

flashing -- in essence creating an animated stack.

Today I came across a flag animation on the 'net and, just to see  
if it
would work, I tried applying the animation to the windowShape of a  
The result is a stack that whose shape and surface ripples as if  
blown in a

light breeze.

Execute the following in your message box:

  go url;

This stack is about 600K so give it a minute to download (you  
should be able
to drag the stack around your desktop as well).  On my 667mHz  
laptop the

result is pretty nice; your mileage may vary...

There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those  
who don't

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OS X 10.4 vs. 10.3 incompatibility

2005-08-02 Thread John Vokey
I have encountered a strange system incompatibility.  Stacks that ran/ 
run fine under Mac OS X 10.3.x, produce the following peculiar  
behaviour under 10.4.2 (whether using the MC or RR IDE).  I have a  
slider in a group that also contains a default (throbbing) button,  
which is to be clicked when the slider is in the position the user  
wants.  All is fine under 10.3.x (i.e., the button throbs and the  
slider tracks the mouse as the user slides it back and forth); under  
10.4.2, the button s-l-o-w-l-y throbs (i.e., you can see each step of  
the throb animation), and the slider no longer keeps up with the  
mouse (i.e., it lags by a lot).  It is like the whole system has been  
slowed down by a factor of 2 or 3 (i.e., 100 or a 1000-fold).  Yet,  
other default buttons throb correctly.  (I have no other sliders in  
these stacks).  It is clearly not my code (indeed, I have used this  
group successfully since at least MC 2.2, and probably before, and on  
all other versions of OS X).

I receive the list in digest mode, so please respond directly to me  
if you have any insights.

There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those  
who don't

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 23, Issue 9

2005-08-02 Thread John Vokey
This is even stranger: there are no idle loops, etc., but under  
10.4.2, it uses upwards of 85% CPU time (and the fans come on for  
both my G5s and my powerbooks), but drops to virtually nothing under  
10.3.x.  This is a serious, but peculiar bug.  BTW, Mark's solution  
won't work as I have no scripts associated with the slider (they all  
occur at the card level where the slider value is read).

On 2-Aug-05, at 4:56 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have encountered a strange system incompatibility.  Stacks that ran/
run fine under Mac OS X 10.3.x, produce the following peculiar
behaviour under 10.4.2 (whether using the MC or RR IDE).  I have a
slider in a group that also contains a default (throbbing) button,
which is to be clicked when the slider is in the position the user
wants.  All is fine under 10.3.x (i.e., the button throbs and the
slider tracks the mouse as the user slides it back and forth); under
10.4.2, the button s-l-o-w-l-y throbs (i.e., you can see each step of
the throb animation), and the slider no longer keeps up with the
mouse (i.e., it lags by a lot).  It is like the whole system has been
slowed down by a factor of 2 or 3 (i.e., 100 or a 1000-fold).  Yet,
other default buttons throb correctly.  (I have no other sliders in
these stacks).  It is clearly not my code (indeed, I have used this
group successfully since at least MC 2.2, and probably before, and on
all other versions of OS X).

There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those  
who don't

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Re: the := operator (affectation)

2005-06-22 Thread John Vokey
It is fascinating to note that in R (GNU's S) the operator evolved  
from ``-'' to ``='' despite the ambiguity of the latter (R has both  
assignment operators (- and -), but still simple ``='' won out.   
Why?  Well, as with the letter ``e'' in English, nobody wants to type  
2 characters for the most common operation of assignment; make the  
rarer cases clumsy, not the most common; hence ``=='' for ``is equal  
to (logical)''.  I (tried to, anyway) taught Pascal for years; the  
two most common complaints were, in order, the assignment operator  
(i.e., ``:= is just stupid''), and ``that stupid semi-colon''.  Often  
pristine syntax has to take a back-seat to expedience.

OTH, allowing ``a=4'' as a shorthand for ``put 4 into a'' harms  
nobody, and meets with the expediency criterion; just don't require  
it.  Similarly, no Basic compiler or interpreter ever had any problem  
discriminating logical statements from assignments, nor did  
programmers; it was a false purity that Pascal was promoting.   
Indeed, we exploited it: a=b*(c=2)+d*(c2), which to any Basic  
programmer (except those in which false meant -1, but simple  
accommodations in code fixed that), transparently means: a is  
assigned the value of b given c has the value of 2, otherwise, a is  
assigned the value of d.

On 22-Jun-05, at 4:51 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


On Jun 22, 2005, at 8:01 AM, Jon wrote:

Dan Shafer wrote:

(I always found the whole ==, +=, :=, == syntax mess pretty ugly.
I  love the elegance of put 32 into x.)

Elegance, verbosity.  Poe-tay-toe, poe-tah-toe...

There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those  
who don't

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Re: Slide Show on OS X

2005-06-13 Thread John Vokey
Not true, it is just that they (keys F1 through F7) require that the  
fn key be simultaneously held down to be used as function keys.  And,  
of course, under OS X they can be completely remapped to almost any  
function you might want (see keyboard shortcuts under Keyboard and  
Mouse in System preferences).

On 13-Jun-05, at 5:46 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Worse yet, on Powerbooks, those keys don't do cut-copy-paste things
but rather control the display and sound. DUmb. APple used to know
how to do consistent interfaces. It was their big secret weapon. Now
it's just a big secret.

There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those  
who don't

use-revolution mailing list

Think how?

2005-06-06 Thread John Vokey

  It really should be:


On 6-Jun-05, at 5:10 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Richard Gaskin [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Mark Wieder wrote:

Think different is so last year.

This year it's Think really different. :)

Or perhaps, recalling the grammatical furor following that
advertising campaign, it should be Think real different.

:-) :-)

 - marty

There are 10 kinds of people:  those who understand binary, and those  
who don't

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Infinite-precision arithmetic

2005-05-24 Thread John Vokey
I have always found binary coded decimal (BCD) the simplest for this  
purpose, as it is directly extensible to any length, with only a few  
lines of code.  Please see any (low-level; i.e., machine-code) book  
on arithmetic algorithms.  They may not teach BCD anymore, but back  
in the day... (i.e., Earth still cooling, ...).

On 24-May-05, at 2:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You probably can find a long list of ACM Programming Contest long
math algorithms.  At least when I was on our College's team, the ACM
loved to put problems involving long math in the mix.  As far as I
know every team had ready-to-go source for long-math operations just
for that reason.  We only got burned by not being ready for this type
of situation once before we made sure we did.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i

-- Thread John Vokey

  Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i and, man am I annoyed



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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
John Vokey

GLX2 on Rev 3.0
Jesse Sng

Re: GLX2 on Rev 3.0
Jerry Daniels

Re: GLX2 on Rev 3.0
Jesse Sng

Re: GLX2 on Rev 3.0
Jerry Daniels

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
Joe Lewis Wilkins

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
Björnke von Gierke

Named item order [was : Arrays: new and old keys, i]
Alex Tweedly

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i and, man am I annoyed
John Vokey

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i and, man am I annoyed
David Bovill

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i and, man am I annoyed
Mark Schonewille

revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!

Re: revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!
Eric Chatonet

Re: revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!

Re: revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!
Mark Smith

Re: revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!

Re: revCopyFile/revCopyFolder weirdness!
Christian Langers

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
Mark Brownell

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
Mark Brownell

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
Colin Holgate

Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i
Trevor DeVore



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