RE: Windows Version problems

2010-11-17 Thread John Dixon


I'm confused with what you want to do...

Do you want to put data from your standalone into say a field in a substack and 
also at some point in time get that data back from the substack and view it in 
your mainstack ?


Do you want to open your substack from your main stack and then go back to your 
main stack from your substack ?


 Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 09:09:35 -0800
 Subject: Re: Windows Version problems
 What's even more confusing is that I find I CAN go to sub-stacks from the 
 Main Stack, but not the other way around. Hmn!
 Sorry for all the postings. I'll just keep working and maybe stumble over a 
 Joe Wilkins
 On Nov 17, 2010, at 8:51 AM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
  Well, it seems that my problem is more pernicious than I realized. While 
  within the IDE I can go back and forth between stacks by providing the name 
  of the stack with the .rev on the end, but that doesn't help to identify 
  the stacks in the standalone, so I thought that, if I stripped the .rev 
  from the names, I'd be able to go back and forth in the standalone. It 
  appears that I can't. So, I've been deluded into thinking that this is even 
  possible in the MacOX standalone. This concept is/was the basis of my 
  entire application.
  So my BIG question is: Is there ANY way that we can go back and forth 
  between stacks in a standalone? If so, what is the syntax? I want to click 
  on a button in one stack, go to another and retrieve some information 
  stored there, return to the original stack and use the information to do 
  something. In the IDE I can do this. It appears that I cannot do that in a 
  standalone. Is my only solution to run the application using StackRunner?
  TIA to anyone who has insight into this problem. 
  Joe Wilkins
  On Nov 16, 2010, at 11:06 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
  The Windows version of my app has a few problems. I'm using this on a 
  MacPro under Fusion.
  1.  A whole series of buttons on the first card are missing; while others 
  on the card are there. They are all there on the MacOSX version. All are 
  exactly the same except for their scripts which are very simple and used 
  to go to other cards. The missing ones take the user to another stack.
  2.  The Menus of one of the three stacks are Very Large text, whereas the 
  other two are small text. 
  Any ideas? I'd like them all to be Very Large.
  Joe Wilkins
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RE: [OT] legality of DVD backup

2010-11-09 Thread John Dixon

Nice one...

 Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 11:35:11 +
 Subject: Re: [OT] legality of DVD backup

 They may have dropped the name, but this Revolutionary tune was heard 
 blasting out of one office window in Edinburgh recently:
 The compiler flag is deepest red
 To those that say Hypercard is dead
 But your static class can kiss my *ss
 We're in the iTunes store at last

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RE: standalone image problem

2010-11-06 Thread John Dixon

Hi Edward...

Will this work for you ?

global gtheFolder

on preopenstack
   set itemDel to /
   put item 1 to -2 of (the effective fileName of this stack)  /resources 
into gtheFolder
   set the defaultfolder to gtheFolder
   --set the topleft of this stack to 30,30
   --set the defaultfolder to resources/
   set the decorations of this stack to title,close
   set the topleft of this stack to 0,0
   set the height of this stack to 750
   set the width of this stack to 1280
   set the loc of this stack to 640,400
   hide  menubar
end preopenstack
on openCard
   global pname
   set the filename of image 1 to ./resources/BKG.paneling.jpg
   set the filename of image 2 to ./resources/deck_animation.gif
   set the currenttime of player 1 to 0
   set the filename of player 1 to ./resources/river1
   start player 1
end openCard

be well


 Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 04:21:14 -0500
 Subject: standalone image problem
 I'm trying to build for both Mac OS X and windows, but I'm concentrating on 
 Mac until I get it to work. I have Snow Leopard installed.The folder 
 structure is ./Resources/map_animation.gif for a typical file I have included 
 the open stack code and the opencard code for one of the cards. I also will 
 include(attached) screen capture of the folders location . As I said the 
 stack works, ie. clik on the field or button and it will go to the next cd, 
 all the text files are read and shown but the images (gif  jpeg), audio, and 
 one video clip do not show. Since it is showing the files it looks like it is 
 finding the files in the folder but not showing them.
 on preopenstack
--set the topleft of this stack to 30,30
set the defaultfolder to resources/
set the decorations of this stack to title,close
set the topleft of this stack to 0,0
set the height of this stack to 750
set the width of this stack to 1280
set the loc of this stack to 640,400
hide  menubar
 end preopenstack
 on openCard
global pname
set the filename of image 1 to resources/BKG.paneling.jpg
set the filename of image 2 to resources/deck_animation.gif
   set the currenttime of player 1 to 0
   set the filename of player 1 to resources/river1
   start player 1
 end openCard
 On Nov 5, 2010, at 11:02 AM, wrote:
  Message: 2
  Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 11:36:39 -0600
  From: Devin Asay
  Subject: Re: image files in standalone
  To: How to use Revolution
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  On Nov 4, 2010, at 11:07 AM, edward cawley wrote:
  Hello Edward,
  What platform are you building for? What does your folder structure look 
  like? Do you set the defaultFolder in order to locate the resource folder?
  Devin Asay
  Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
  Brigham Young University
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RE: in a menu?

2010-11-05 Thread John Dixon

 Apples   Oranges... double up the ampersand
Have a look at page 262 of the 'User Guide'

be well


 Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2010 10:43:03 -0700
 Subject:  in a menu?
 For a Mac only program, is there a way to use ampersand  in a popup 
 menu button? I understand its normal use, but I'm needing to emulate a 
 menu in another program.
 Marty Knapp
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This probably reflects my complete ignorance, but...

2010-10-29 Thread Vokey, John
  I use RunRev in my lab: indeed, it does everything in my lab: all of my lab 
computers have it, except they have it as Metacard, but that shouldn't be an 
issue (or if it is, then I really have an issue, as it has to be in the 
Metacard IDE!).  I never create standalones (well, I have done so to respond to 
beta-release questions, but that is not my usual use).  I use Metacard to do 
everything: it is the hypercard of now.  So, EVERYTHING I do runs in the IDE.  
I don't want it otherwise (I have self-modifying code and all sorts of horrors 
you don't want to know about), because I like the original hypercard ideal: it 
is how I work and think.

  Ok, that out of the way: I have a simple stack to edit face photographs to 
eye-align them.  That means: simple scaling, rotating, and translating.  
Trivial.  And not a problem.  But, I need to locate the eyes in each photo 
first.  So, I designed a simple stack to have the user *in the Metacard IDE* 
drag a line between the eyes to get the coordinates of the eyes in the 
photograph.  Again, simple.  BUT: in the Metacard IDE, as soon as I 
script-select the line to allow the user to draw the line so my code can get 
the rect, it switches the IDE to edit mode, which means any subsequent clicks 
on buttons (to indicate that the line has been drawn, etc.) put that button (or 
whatever object) into edit mode, so the intent of the object is lost.  
Suggestions?  Remember, they have to work within the Metacard IDE, and I can't 
know ahead of time when the user has finished drawing or adjusting the line.  
Obviously, the Metacard IDE itself has solved the problem (e.g., all of the IDE 
stacks remain in use not edit modes), but I remain baffled.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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Open a property inspector by script ?

2010-10-22 Thread John Dixon


Is it possible to open the property inspector of an object by script, and have 
it display the geometry settings on opening ?

be well

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RE: Open a property inspector by script ?

2010-10-22 Thread John Dixon


There are days that pass you by when it seems that you have not learned much... 
there are other days when you learn something and the facts just get stored 
away, maybe for recall at some point in the future... and now and again there 
are days when you learn so much it makes you tired... this has been one of 
those days... I am now sat down resting...

Thanks for your reply... you have put a smile on my face..

be well


 Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 09:35:29 -0400
 Subject: Re: Open a property inspector by script ?
 on mouseUp
# get the target of this control
local tTargetID
put the long id of the target into tTargetID
# create the inspector linked to this control
send revBuildPropertyPalette tTargetID to stack  
# get the name of the inspector linked to this control
local tPaletteName
put revPropertyPalettes(tTargetID) into tPaletteName
# bring the inspector stack into use so we can use the scripts from  
 it (we could do this with the value() function)
start using stack tPaletteName
# get the text for the drop down menu (the first line is the object  
local tTabs
put revObjectTabs2(tTargetID) into tTabs
# lock the screen so we do not see the selection handles
lock screen
select tTargetID
# get the proper geometry card to display
local tDefaultCard
put revGeometryCard() into tDefaultCard
# deselect the control and unlock the screen
select EMPTY
unlock screen
# go to the correct inspector pane
revBuildPropertyPaletteGoCard tDefaultCard, tPaletteName,  
 tTargetID, tTabs
# get the inspector to remember the pane it is displaying
# no longer need the palette's scripts
stop using stack tPaletteName
 end mouseUp
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crop command

2010-10-21 Thread Vokey, John
LiveCode graphics gurus:
  I have to process a few thousand photograph files through a simple set of 
manipulations that scales, translates and rotates the images to a common 
standard, and then crops them to a fixed size.  The code is simple, except 
apparently the crop command doesn't work on file-based image objects.  How do I 
manipulate the file-based image to allow for the crop command?
Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 85, Issue 44

2010-10-21 Thread Vokey, John

On 2010-10-21, at 1:34 PM, wrote:

 Regardless of the method of acquiring, the data has to be put in RAM for any
 kind of manipulation, including cropping or resizing.

Of course, but that is not the issue: it is *only* the crop command that fails 
on file-sourced image objects.  For example, if you create an image object and 
use the paint tools to create an image, it can be cropped with the crop 
command, but if the image object is sourced to a file, the crop command returns 
an error.
 On 21 October 2010 11:11, Vokey, John wrote:
 LiveCode graphics gurus:
 I have to process a few thousand photograph files through a simple set of
 manipulations that scales, translates and rotates the images to a common
 standard, and then crops them to a fixed size.  The code is simple, except
 apparently the crop command doesn't work on file-based image objects.  How
 do I manipulate the file-based image to allow for the crop command?
 Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

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Geometry settings...

2010-10-15 Thread John Dixon


Is it possible to set the geometry of an object by script so that the settings 
are then reflected in that objects' inspector ?

be well


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RE: Geometry settings...

2010-10-15 Thread John Dixon

Hi Devin...

Thanks for the reply.. I have not explained what I want to do too well. What I 
would like to be able to do is set the 'geometry' in the geometry pane that are 
in the objects' inspector so, if I create a field by script, I can also set 
its geometry in the geometry pane...

Is it now a little clearer than mud ?


 On Oct 15, 2010, at 4:08 PM, John Dixon wrote:

  Is it possible to set the geometry of an object by script so that the 
  settings are then reflected in that objects' inspector ?
  be well
 Yes. There are many properties that can be set, like height, width, 
 rectangle, left, right, etc. Usually after you've set them by script you have 
 to force the property inspector to update itself before the new settings are 
 shown. For example, you could close and reopen the inspector, or switch to 
 another pane of the inspector then switch back.

 Devin Asay
 Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
 Brigham Young University

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 85, Issue 31

2010-10-15 Thread Vokey, John
One last change; HP worked hard to find the colours for the keys that would 
work for all, especially those otherwise known as colourblind; hence the, for 
some, odd beige/yellow keys, and the faded cyan keys.  But, in tests, these 
colours really do work for all including monochromats.  Wendy Carlos has a 
nice demo for those not otherwise afflicted:

On 2010-10-15, at 10:59 AM, wrote:

 following Craig advise, I've changed the little RPN calculator stack to be
 more HP like. Now it has four stack registers (X,Y,Z,T). T will roll down as
 expected. There is now a roll down button.
 I also made the label on the buttons bigger.
 Before this change, the calculator has an infinite stack which mimicked
 the last models of HP calculators, now it has four registers which is like
 earlier models. It is enough for simple calculations.
 It might be a toy but it is a fun one.

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Re: [ANN] Simple RPN Calculator on RevOnline

2010-10-13 Thread Vokey, John
I still have (and use) my HP-25C and my HP-48G+ .  I prefer the 25C to the 48G+ 
for most simple programming tasks.  I also have a perfect emulator of the 
HP-25C for OS X that I picked up a few years back.  It is my main calculator on 
the mac.  I can't find it on the internet anymore, but I will happily send a 
copy to anyone who emails me privately.

On 2010-10-13, at 3:41 PM, wrote:

 I still have my HP-35. Got it in 1971, I think. I use an HP-41 now. 
 Wouldn't think of anything else.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

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RE: Revlets make Safari to crash on Mac OS X 10.6.4!?

2010-10-04 Thread John Dixon

mac 10.6.4   your revlets run fine here !

John Dixon

 Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 12:01:12 +0200
 Subject: Revlets make Safari to crash on Mac OS X 10.6.4!?
 At least on my machine...
 I upgraded from Mac OS X 10.6.2 to 10.6.4 at the end of June; 
 I don't remember if I acceded the installed revlets on my web page after
 that date -- maybe NOT, if I refer to the visitors IP (my personal IP is
 not fixed)
 Briefly, I think that the revlets runned correctly with Mac OS X 10.6.2
 Now, under 10.6.4 the crash is immediate ;-
 The revlets web page:
 Can you, on your side, test any revlet on this web page, and report the
 result, along with your Mac OS X version?
 TIA :-)
 PS: the technical support is aware of this bug, but excepted me they got
 only one bug report, along with the crash log
 PS2: tested on others machines, that runs smoothly on 10.5.8 and
 PS3: I tested on a fresh Guest account, and that crashes also...
 (-8 Médard
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Read from file not working 4.5?

2010-09-24 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I have a stack that reads a text file and puts that text in a card  
fld. It works in 4.0, but when I open the same stack in 4.5 LiveCode  
it does not work?

Here is the simple script:

on openStack
   put the defaultFolder into tFilePath
   open window data of stack Data
   put tFilePath/imageData into tTargetToOpen
   open file tTargetToOpen
   read from file tTargetToOpen until EOF
   put it into cd fld data of cd 1 of Stack data
end openStack

What am i missing here for this not to work in 4.5?

Thank you!

John Patten
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Which stack called the library stack ?

2010-09-24 Thread John Dixon

How can I find out which stack called a library stack from the script of the 
library stack ?


John Dixon
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RE: Which stack called the library stack ?

2010-09-24 Thread John Dixon

Thanks for your replies ... Dar, Richard, Jan

I have a stack that contains a field.. what happens in the field is 
called from a library stack that is loaded in the preOpen stack 

What I want to happen is that the backgroundColor of the field will 
change depending on whether or not the stack is 'suspended'... I have a 
'suspendStack' and a 'resumeStack' handler in the library stack to 
handle the change of colour...

All works fine if I run the stack as a standalone ... 

All works fine in 
the IDE except for the first click in the field when the stack has first 
for some reason the colour of the field when first 'clicking' into it 
changes the colour to the suspended colour ... all subsequent clicks 
after the first one and everything is fine...

So, the reason for me asking 'Which stack called the library stack' was 
that I was hoping I could trap for which stack was suspended or not and 
handle it that way...


John Dixon

 Date: Fri, 24 Sep 2010 14:25:42 -0700
 Subject: Re: Which stack called the library stack ?
 --- On Fri, 9/24/10, John Dixon wrote:
  How can I find out which stack called a library stack from
  the script of the library stack ?
  John Dixon
 Are you wondering which script issued the 'start using' command? Or which 
 script calls one of the handlers in your library stack script?
 I'm not sure about the first one, but you can solve the second riddle by  
 looking at the 'executionContexts' local property.
 I made a quick test stack MyMain with a single button, and a substack 
 MyLib with a single scrolling text field.
 Then I set the script of stack MyLib to:
 on MyLibHandler
put  MyLibHandler  return  \
   the executioncontexts  return  \
 return \
   after field 1 of me
 end MyLibHandler
 Then I went back to stack MyMain and set the script of the button to:
 on mouseUp
start using stack MyLib
stop using stack MyLib
 end mouseUp
 With all that set up, I clicked the button, and got the following in the 
 scrolling text field of stack MyLib:
 button id 1004 of card id 1002 of stack MyMain,mouseUp,3
 stack MyLib of stack MyMain,MyLibHandler,17
 So the second-to-last line gives you the control that called MyLibHandler, 
 the name of the handler in which MyLibHandler was callezd, and even the line 
 Note that I said 'the second-to-last line' - because if we slightly change 
 the script of the button in stack MyMain to:
 on mouseUp
 end mouseUp
 on RunMyLibHandler
start using stack MyLib
stop using stack MyLib
 end RunMyLibHandler
 Then we get the following output instead in the scrolling text field:
 button id 1004 of card id 1002 of stack MyMain,mouseUp,2
 button id 1004 of card id 1002 of stack MyMain,RunMyLibHandler,7
 stack MyLib of stack MyMain,MyLibHandler,17
 The 'mouseUp' called 'RunMyLibHandler'; and this in turn loaded the library 
 stack, called 'MyLibHandler' and unloaded it again. So the first line is the 
 originating event, and the second-to-last line gives you the handler that 
 actually called the handler in the library script.
 Jan Schenkel.
 Quartam Reports  PDF Library for LiveCode
 As we grow older, we grow both wiser and more foolish at the same time.  
 (La Rochefoucauld)
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Re: Multi-Page Printing Strategy?

2010-08-29 Thread John Burtt
I had a similar situation and tried the routine you described. I  
couldn't get it to work reliably. The printing always seemed to hang  
after the first card printed. It could have been my limited experience  
with printing code, but I tried a slightly different approach.

First, put all the card information into a multi-dimensional array.
Clone as many cards as you need (the number of keys in the array - 1).
In a repeat loop, fill in all the cards from the array.
Then, use the print stack command.
After the print routine, delete all the cards except card 1.

Works great for me.


On Aug 29, 2010, at 10:00 AM,  

I'm wondering if someone more versed in printing than I can offer a
suggestion for printing multiple pages from a stack where the card  

is dynamically created.

The stack is essentially a bare bones PowerPoint-like app that creates
custom charts and text-only slides.  Only one card is used for the  

of all content -- groups are hidden and shown as needed when viewing a
slideshow, and field/chart contents are populated on-the-fly.

I can write a routine to to tell the app to automatically create  
each slide,
but I don't know if I should try to print directly from the main  
stack, or copy card elements out to an offscreen stack and print  
from there.

The display stack can fit standard paper size, so there's no
resizing/reformatting issue to deal with there.

Could this be as straightforward as the following?

open printing
generate slide 1
print this cd
generate slide 2
print this cd
close printing

Also, what is the proper method for centering content on a printed  
page?  I
see Rev provides printRectangle and printPaperRectangle properties,  
but I
can't tell from their descriptions what I would use to center stack  

within the live area of a printed page.

Thanks for any advice/suggestions.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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Re: Multi-Page Printing Strategy?

2010-08-29 Thread John Burtt

As far as the second part of your question goes...

I set the card dimensions to 612 x 792 and use the following code:

  set the formatForPrinting of stack thePrint to true
  set printMargins to 0,0,0,0
  open printing
  print stack thePrint into 0,0,612,792
  close printing
  set the formatForPrinting of stack thePrint to false


On Aug 29, 2010, at 10:00 AM,  

Also, what is the proper method for centering content on a printed  
page?  I
see Rev provides printRectangle and printPaperRectangle properties,  
but I
can't tell from their descriptions what I would use to center stack  

within the live area of a printed page.

Thanks for any advice/suggestions.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, UX Design

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2010-07-26 Thread John Dixon


I have put a stack together on a Mac using an 'English' Mac OS... The stack 
will run in France... I have just realized that there are a couple of 'Ask' 
commands littered about the stack that have 'Cancel' and 'OK' in the buttons...

Will 'Cancel' be translated into something like 'Effacer' when running under a 
French Mac OS ?


John Dixon

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2010-07-26 Thread John Dixon




John Dixon
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2010-07-26 Thread John Dixon


Thanks for the tip... I'll try it


John Dixon
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RE: OT: Rodeo and media

2010-07-25 Thread John Dixon

Hello Mark

Would you tell me the name of the software you used to make the video of the 
video, as it were... I am intrigued by the red rings that appear with the 


John Dixon

 Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2010 11:47:03 -0700
 Subject: Re: OT: Rodeo and media
 I made a short video showing a video playing in Rodeo 2 and the code that 
 goes with it.  I altered the link to the video for copyright purposes.  
 Otherwise, the code you see is very Rev like and simple to read.
 Best regards,
 Mark Talluto

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RE: OT: Rodeo and media

2010-07-25 Thread John Dixon

Mark and Ian...

Thanks for the info about mouseposé and screenflow... interesting


John Dixon
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Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with pre-realase conditions!

2010-07-20 Thread Vokey, John
Ignoring the repeated spelling error, I chose not to buy-in to the early 
release bargain (and, it is a bargain);  Instead, I want Jerry et al. to be 
able to leverage this thing to the point where it is actually affordable *for 
them*.  So, I will wait and pay the full freight. I am so impressed with what 
they have accomplished to this point that full freight on just that, alone, is 
worth it.

On 2010-07-20, at 2:08 PM, wrote:

 Re: [OT-Rodeo] Last minute call to get onboard with
   pre-realase conditions!

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

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RE: I cannot edit a field although the locktext is set to false

2010-07-19 Thread John Dixon

In the object inspector of the field is 'focusable' set to false ?... 


John Dixon

 On my card there are 10 textfields, one of them ist locked and stay locked.
 The looktext-button in the basic properties is not highlighted.
 I send the message set the locktext of fld FrageR1 to false to the field.
 It stay locked.
 What can I do?
 What can be the reason?
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RE: Problem with revCopyFile

2010-06-15 Thread John Dixon

Thankyou for your reply... 

Yes, the global variable gdefaultfolder has a
 value , it is set when the stack first opens in the preOpenStack 
handler using :-


global gdefaultFolder

on preOpenstack

   set itemDel to /

   put item 1 to -2 of (the effective fileName of this stack) into 

   set the defaultfolder to gdefaultFolder


   set the loc of this stack to screenLoc()

end preOpenstack


I put the following line into the ' mouseUp' handler to see if the 
engine believes the file exists :

put there is a file (gdefaultFolder  /Bernier Master.rev)    it returns 

Still stumped !...


John Dixon
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Problem with revCopyFile

2010-06-14 Thread John Dixon


Could someone tell me why revCopyFile and revCopyFolder will not work in the
script below when run as a standalone under Mac OS X everything is fine
in the IDE...

The folders are created but the file and folder that I wish to copy are not


global gdefaultFolder

on mouseUp
   if fld 1 is empty then exit mouseUp
   answer folder Select a folder in which to build the presentation
   if it is empty then exit mouseUp
   set the defaultFolder to it
   put it into theFolderPath
   put line 1 of fld 1 into theFolderName
   create folder theFolderName
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources/capitons
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources/cercueils
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources/cercueilsCroix
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources/cercueilsEnfant
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources/emblemes
   create folder theFolderName  /BernierResources/urnes
   revCopyFile (gdefaultFolder  /Bernier Master.rev), (theFolderPath 
/  theFolderName)
   revCopyFolder (gdefaultFolder  /BernierResources/BernierData),
theFolderPath  /  theFolderName  /BernierResources
   rename (theFolderPath  /  theFolderName  /Bernier Master.rev) to
(theFolderPath  /  theFolderName  /Presentation.rev)
   put empty into fld 1
   open stack (theFolderPath  /  theFolderName  /Presentation.rev)
end mouseUp


Any help appreciated...

be well

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RE: Problem with revCopyFile

2010-06-14 Thread John Dixon


Thanks for your quick reply... my knowledge of unix is positively dangerous, so 
I have to ask the question 'Will your shell copy command solution work for a 
file as well as a folder ?'

 I get the same problem and I solved using a shell copy command.
 put your folder path A into tFolderA
 put your folder path B into tFolderB
 put (cp -R -p quotetFolderAquotequotetFolderBquote) into tCommand 
 get shell(tCommand) 

kind regards,

John Dixon

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Re: Hiliting Words in a Field

2010-06-07 Thread John Dixon


Continuing with Michael's 'Scotland' theme :-

on mouseUp
   repeat with count = 1 to the number of words of fld 1
  if word count of fld 1 = Scotland then set the foregroundcolor of
word count of fld 1 to yellow
   end repeat
end mouseUp 
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Audio Playback in Linux is Clipped?

2010-06-02 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I'm trying to track down why on Linux Rev is clipping the audio  
playback? On opening a stack and attempting to play recording from  
Rev, the first time through appears to layer pieces of the single  
recording on top of each other. Then on subsequent attempts to play  
the same recording it only plays the last few seconds of the audio.

I created a sample stack and saved it to RevOnline. It is called  
Linux Audio Test.

It will record 10 seconds of audio using a shell script for aRecord  
and then use Rev's ability to play back the wav audio file.

This was done on Unbuntu Netbook Remix (9.01) version. Not sure if the  
problem is my hardware or if it is the software, or my goofy authoring  

If anybody could confirm that would be fantastic. If anybody has some  
tips that would be even better :-)

Thank you!

John Patten
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Linux Audio Playback clips audio?

2010-05-24 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

Still experimenting with the Linux version of Rev.  I have been using  
the following to record audio in my stack:

put the effective filename of this stack into theTargetPath
set the itemDel to /
delete last item of theTargetPath
delete first item of theTargetPath
put /  theTargetPath  /recordings into theRecordingTarget

convert the date  the long time to seconds
put it into tFileNameRec
put tFileNameRec into cd fld audioFileName

put arecord -d 10 -f u8 -t wav into tShellCmd
put shell(tShellCmdtheRecordingTargettFileName)

put theRecordingTargettFileNameRec into cd fld recordingName

This creates an audio recording that is 10 seconds long in the  
recordings directory. The audio file plays in its entirety when  
played back in the Totem Movie Player. However, when played back  
through Revolution the file gets clipped and only approximately the  
last 5 seconds of the 10 second audio file plays.  I'm just using the  
following to play it back:

put cd fld recordingName of cd 1 into tAudioFile
play url tAudioFile

Any tips on what I might try to make the entire audio file play back?

Thank you!

John Patten

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Re: Playing wav sound file in Linux in background?

2010-05-19 Thread John Patten
Thanks Everyone...

... and Andre all try out you suggestion on the shell command when I get a 
second. I solved the issue by just looking a little closer and the man file for 
arecord and discoverd that I could just change the file format to one that 
Revolution could handle. It used -f u8 and that did the trick.

I have one other question about getting the correct path to a directory in a 
standalone where I save my stack saves the audio file. It works fine when I'm 
in Revolution editor, but after I save it as a standalone it saves the audio 
file in the wrong location.  I was under the impression that Windows and Linux 
did not have an issue with file paths when saved as standalones, but I may be 
doing something incorrectly.

Here's what i have:

put the effective filename of current stack into theTargetPath
set the itemDel to /
delete last item of theTargetPath
delete first item of theTargetPath
put /  theTargetPath  /recordings/ into theRecordingTarget

convert the date  the long time to seconds
put it into tFileNameRec
put tFileNameRec into cd fld audioFileName

send mouseUp to btn Stop Recording in 10 secs
put arecord -d 10 -fu8 -t wav into tShellCmd
put shell(tschellCmdtheRecordingTargetFilenameRec)

This works fine when I'm in the editor (saves to the recordings folder), but 
when I create a standalone the standalone saves the audio file as student in 
the location of the directory that I select to build the standalone. 

Any advice on what I'm missing with this little Linux process?

Thank you!

John Patten

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Playing wav sound file in Linux in background?

2010-05-17 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I've been having a problem playing back an audio file on a Linux  
computer using an arecord  a shell script to first create the audio  

The audio file gets created on the local machine, it then gets  
uploaded to an ftp directory, however when I go to play the sound file  
locally using just Rev it's just static white noise.

If I again, use the shell script to play the audio file, aplay path- 
tofile, it plays fine. However the user can't do anything with my  
stack until the file completely finishes playing.

Is there any way to play the audio file via the shell script in the  
background and still allow the user to interact with the stack?

Thank you!

John Patten

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Recording Audio on Windows...?

2010-05-13 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I'm attempting to move a small stack, which records audio from a OS X  
computer over to a Windows XP computer.

The OS X stack works fine. When I run it on the Windows XP machine I'm  
getting an error.

I have installed QT on the Windows XP machine and I appear to have all  
my paths correct.

i.e. C:\Documents and Settings\the_domain.theUser\Desktop\recordings 

However, when I check the result after giving the record sound file  
command it reports:

error -220 starting recording

Does anyone have an idea of what I'm missing?

Thank you!

John Patten
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Changing the Style of Words in Field And Quotation Marks?

2010-05-03 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I'm working on a little student utility that changes the text color  
and underlines the individual word in the target field as they hit the  
space bar. I'm wondering how I should handle passages of text that are  
surrounded by quotation marks?

I was taking the text passage and stripping out the quotes to get the  
total number of words in the field. Then using that number and  
reducing it to target the specific words in the field to modify their  
text style.

The quotation marks create a single word out of the phrase, and if I  
attempt to delete a quote and then add it back the total number of  
words in my variable is off. In any case, everything gets all wonky  
when there are quotes in the passage...

Anyone done something similar?

Thank you!

John Patten
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RunRev and Linux Shell Scripting (...was Re: Record Audio in Rev on Linux OS?)

2010-04-23 Thread John Patten

Thanks Peter!!!

This was just the information I was looking for!

John Patten

Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2010 23:39:17 -0800 (PST)
From: Peter Alcibiades
Subject: Re: Record Audio in Rev on Linux OS?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Invoking the shell command is the easy part.  First, you open a  
terminal and
verify that the command or script you want to use works properly from  

terminal.  For example, if you are going to use krecord you would open a
terminal and do


followed by whatever options you want.

(this seems to be the command which opens the app now, seems to me it  

to be krecord but still.)

Now you know that it works as expected in the shell, you can invoke it  


put shell(krec)   -- this will just open the application.

For instance, to execute the command you gave as a sample, from a  

you would just do:

on mouseUp
put shell(arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D copy foobar.wav)
end mouseUp

This would then record the file in the user's home directory as  

You can execute any shell command like this.

You can also pipe the output of one shell command to the input of  

one, in a shell command, as in

ls | gedit

this will have the effect of first listing the current directory  
then sending the result to gedit, in which the input will be opened.   
could use this to send a file, once recorded, to a player.  Or, if you  

lame installed, you could use it to convert the file to mp3 with

Finally, you might need to execute commands one after the other, which  

can also do.  To do this, you put your script into a file, for example,, have the first line be a so called 'shebang', make it
executable, and put in your commands one after the other.  Lets say you
wanted the file in the above example to go to the desktop:

#! /usr/bin/env bash
cd Desktop
arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D copy foobar.wav

Now you would do, from your button,

put shell ( -- the file would have to be made

The shell is a quite fully featured, if rather antique, programming
language, with what you might regard as a huge collection of macros and
utilities for all kinds of purposes.  Most of the stuff you would  
flow control, branching, error reporting etc.   There are lots of  
guides to
it on the net, but if you're in an academic environment the simplest  
be to find someone in IT who has scripting experience and have them  
it.  If you want to learn it yourself, there is a nice book, full of  
examples, by Glen Smith:  Introduction to Shell Scripting.  Might be a  

basic for an experienced programmer.

It is antique, but its ideal for this sort of thing, because of the  

to invoke stuff like krec.  On Rev, because of the limitations of Rev on
Linux at the moment, its a lifesaver.


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Re: Record Audio in Rev on Linux OS?

2010-04-22 Thread John Patten

Thanks for the suggestion Peter!

As for how to go about doing what you described in Linux, I'm at a loss.

I have no experience using Rev and Shell scripts in Linux. The reason  
why I am interested is that I working on a little utility that allows  
students to record an audio response and then ftp the resulting audio  
file to a server. This works fine on my Mac, and I presume it will on  
Windows too (though have not tested extensively yet).

We have recently begun using Netbooks running Ubuntu Remix with our  
students (about 600 of them currently). We do have Audacity on them  
for recording audio, among a whole collection of other great software  

I would like to be able to get my little utility to work on the  
Netbooks too. I have looked up krecord and hunted some discussion  
lists related to command line commands for this tool.

I don't see too much in the area of command line language for  
Audacity, so I'm guessing we will have to use krecord or ALSA. These  
laptops do have ALSA arecord and aplay and I do see an example in man  
for arecord:

arecord -d 10 -f cd -t wav -D copy foobar.wav

(I'm guessing in the example above, I would need to give the complete  
path when saving the foobar.wav file. Something like ~/home/student/ 
foobar.wav )

I have never done anything like this with Rev before and need some  
direction. I'm guessing that I'm going to need to create a function  
that will contain the shell script and then call it from a button when  
I want to record...? But I don't have a clue what it would look like???

Does someone have a simple example stack I can pick apart?

Thank you!

John Patten


Message: 11
Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2010 12:45:13 -0800 (PST)
From: Peter Alcibiades
Subject: Re: Record Audio in Rev on Linux OS?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Dunno about Rev directly, but you can go out to shell, and then use  
the Linux
command line tools.  The easiest gui recording tool is krecord, but  

are lots of non-gui ones.  Use zenity to get a gui for them.  Then when
you've captured the file, go out to the shell again to play it.  Or  
this is what you were trying to avoid?  Most things that Rev cannot do  

be done in the shell.
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Record Audio in Rev on Linux OS?

2010-04-19 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I think I know the answer, but want to make sure. Is is possible to  
record audio in a stack that is running on Linux (Ubuntu)?

Thank you!

John Patten
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Re: Naming Custom Properties

2010-04-16 Thread Vokey, John
If you note in the Dictionary there is a comment from me on this ``hiccup'' of 
the custom properties, and it represents a long-standing complaint of mine 
(i.e., that all custom property names should be quoted literals or the contents 
of some variable).  The problem is this:

if variable fred has not been defined, then 

  set the fred of this stack to myArray

will, of course create the custom property fred with the contents of myArray. 
 However, if fred has the contents mary then the same line

  set the fred of this stack to myArray

will create the custom property mary with the contents of myArray. And this 
latter syntax is very convenient for creating custom properties with custom 
names on the fly.  However, to be consistent, the name of the custom property 
should be a quoted literal when not the contents of a variable name, such that 
the lines:

  set the fred of this stack to myArray
  put fred into mary; set the mary of this stack to myArray

do the same thing.  The line

  set the fred of this stack to myArray

should throw an error if fred is empty.  Unfortunately, nobody at RunRev seems 
to agree with my desire for a consistent syntax.

On 2010-04-16, at 4:51 PM, wrote:

 Hello everyone,
 I vaguely, very vaguely, recall that a custom property should have a name 
 that is different from the variable to which it is being set.  So, for 
 example, if myArray is the variable, then
   set the myPropArray of this stack to myArray
 is fine, but
   set the myArray of this stack to myArray
 does not set anything apparently.  I waisted a big chunk (no xTalk pun 
 intended) of time rediscovering that, and I'd just like to confirm that that 
 is the case.  I'm also wondering whether anyone can point me to where this 
 convention is discussed in the Users Guide or built-in dictionary.

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 79, Issue 28

2010-04-15 Thread Vokey, John
What do I do?  Rail against the fact that, sensibly, the engine translates all 
file references to one form, but fails to do so for many other utterly trivial 
differences.  So, one is always forced to check for the OS (see the dictionary 
for all the ridiculous exceptions).  Why?  Why doesn't the engine, as with file 
paths, choose one style?  It drives me nuts that in the IDE associated file 
references, for example, are different from that in the standalone, depending 
on the OS.  That is just maddening, and also one reason I rarely produce 
standalones: in the IDE *almost* all remains constant over OSs.  But create 
standalones and one spends way to much time compensating for silly differences 
over OSs that should not matter.

To make the point clear that is is not just RunRev that maintains this 
nonsense.  Take a look at this quintessential cross-platform app, R. You want 
to access text data in a rows by columns format on the clipboard by command in 
Mac OS X, you use: data.dat - read.table(pipe(pbpaste), header = TRUE), but 
on Windose, you use:
data.dat - read.table(file(clipboard), header = TRUE).  Why?  Why wouldn't 
something so primitive be coded in the engine?  Indeed, we all write a function 
in to handle the translation over systems, but, seriously, why should we have 
to?  Same in RunRev.  It it is a RunRev function or command, it should be 
identical over all systems.  Period.  If I see: ``how to do X on system y'' in 
RunRev, it should be followed by a single command for all systems.  I admit, it 
is often no more than a switch command and a 3-line wrapper, but, really, why 
should it be even that? RunRev has probably spent more time writing the damn 
dictionary explanation of the exception than it would take to just make the the 
switch and 3-lines of code inherent in the code.

On 2010-04-14, at 10:23 PM, wrote:

 Which brings up an interface question. My app lets users choose a folder 
 and then displays the folder path in a field. I've never bothered to 
 change it in the past, but now I'm wondering if I should translate all 
 the slashes to backslashes just for display on Windows, and then change 
 them back to regular slashes in the script when I need to work with the 
 What do others do?

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Record Audio for only 10 seconds?

2010-04-12 Thread John Patten
Hi All...

I'm attempting to create a little stack that will allow the user to record 
audio, their voice, for a specific amount of time.

I have the recording scripts down:

 put the long name of current stack into theTargetPath
   put the itemDel into tOrigItemDel
   set the itemDel to /
   delete last item of theTargetPath
   delete first item of theTargetPath
   put /  theTargetPath  /Recordings/ into theRecordingTarget
   --create a unique name for the audio file
   convert the date  the long time to seconds 
   put it into tFileName
hide me 
 show button Stop Recording
record sound file theRecordingTargettFilename
put theRecordingTargettFileName into cd fld recording name
set the itemDel to tOrigItemDel

However I'm not sure how to add the timer component. I'm thinking I will need 
to use a send statement, something like, send stop recording after 10 
seconds to current stack???

Thank you!

John Patten

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[OT] WePad

2010-04-11 Thread John Craig

I'm looking forward to the iPad being available in the UK.
I'm also looking forward to the WePad launch;

It sounds interesting.
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Re: [OT] WePad

2010-04-11 Thread John Craig

Check out

On 12/04/2010 00:25, stephen barncard wrote:

I like this. Now we're talking. Can't wait to see the specs and a real one.

On 11 April 2010 16:20, John  wrote:


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RunRev and Linux

2010-04-10 Thread Vokey, John
I have been an Apple user since the Apple ][, and have purchased upwards of at 
least 100 machines from Apple in that time; but, lately, I have been playing 
with Ubuntu Linux.  And, I must admit I am impressed.  Most of my work on Macs 
is done with open-source software (mostly LaTeX and R), but I really rely 
otherwise on Matlab and RunRev.  Really: about 90% of the work *in my lab* uses 
those two tools.  Octave (open-source) and R can, combined, do most or what I 
use Matlab for, but there is no open-source replacement for RunRev.  I really 
need it to work.  I don't compile apps, I run everything in the (MetaCard) IDE. 
 So, if I could be assured that the RunRev (especially the Metacard) IDE worked 
adequately in Ubuntu Linux, I would shift to purchasing cheap Intel machines 
for all my work and use Ubuntu Linux.  My lab runs on tax-payer dollars, so any 
savings I can make benefit us all.

Advice, comments?

On 2010-04-10, at 8:44 PM, wrote:

 On Planet Ubuntu 9.10, I just opened Rev, made a stack, opened its 
 script, typed some text, cut it, pasted it, copied it, pasted it -- all 

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Images, icons and Objects and Data Grid Tables?

2010-04-01 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I have a folder full of images that are named with a specific number  
id.  I'm attempting to insert each image based on its name (number id)  
that is pulled from the pData into the Data Grid Table. These images  
are not part of the stack, and will be stored in a directory outside  
of the stack.

I can poll the data grid for the correct image id by changing the  
column object from an image object to a button object and using the  
column behavior script:

set the label of button 1 of me to (pData)   ... so I know i have the  
correct name being reported by the pData data.The result is a the name  
of the image.

I  don't appear to be able to set the button icon based on the image  
path of the image in the folder and there is no way from a script to  
set the imageSource for an image object via a path (like you can when  
you open the image properties and select the button folder).

If pdata is returning the name of my image correctly, how can I use  
that to display the image in my DataGrid table? As an image object? As  
the icon of a button?

Thank you!

John Patten

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Re: DataGrid Forms, checkboxes and Pull-Down buttons - Solved

2010-03-31 Thread John Patten

Thanks Again Trevor!

I have it working now.  I shared it on revOnline,  
DataGrids_CheckBoxes_and MenuOptions.

The following is the specifics of what I did:

Option Menu Button Column Behavior-
on FillInData pData
  --set the text of field 1 of me to pData
   -- Lock messages so that menuPick isn't fired when setting the  

   lock messages
   set the menuhistory of button 1 of me to lineOffset(pData, the  
text of button 1 of me)

   unlock messages
end FillInData

getProp dgDataControl
   --required by library  so that it can locate your control.
   return the long id of me
end dgDataControl

on menuPick pChosenItem
   setDataOfIndex the dgIndex of me, the dgColumn of me, pChosenItem
end menuPick

Checkbox Button Column Behavior-
getProp dgDataControl
   return the long id of me
end dgDataControl

on mouseDown pMouseBtnNum
   dgMouseDown pMouseBtnNum
   setDataOfIndex the dgHilitedIndexes of me, the dgColumn of the  
target, (the hilited of target)

end mouseDown


John Patten

Message: 3
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2010 09:28:36 -0400
From: Trevor DeVore
Subject: Re: DataGrid Forms, checkboxes and Pull-Down buttons?
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

On Mar 30, 2010, at 1:43 PM, John Patten wrote:

I have been searching the list and found those same resources you
describe. I'm closer, but still not quite getting the concept. I
noticed that tutorial examples are using Table and not Form
DataGrids.  I have been using the Form version of the DataGrid, are
the examples you mention only workable when the DataGrid is a Table

Yes, the example will work with a form.

These are the steps you will go through when working with the data in
your data grid:

1) Assign data to data grid. Data grid stores internal array.

2) The FillInData handler in the row template inserts data from array
into UI controls.

3) User interacts with UI control (clicks on checkbox, makes selection
using option menu)

4) You store result of user interaction back in data grid array.

5) You ask the data grid for the value of the array using the
dgDataOfIndex/dgDataOfLine or GetDataOfIndex/GetDataOfLine.

At which point are you getting stuck?

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Re: DataGrid Forms, checkboxes and Pull-Down buttons

2010-03-31 Thread John Patten
Correction...I almost have it working

The option menu behavior seems to be okay...

The problem is with my checkbox button. The script I used is: 

Checkbox Button Column Behavior-
getProp dgDataControl
   return the long id of me
end dgDataControl

on mouseDown pMouseBtnNum
   dgMouseDown pMouseBtnNum
   setDataOfIndex the dgHilitedIndexes of me, the dgColumn of the target, (the 
hilited of target)
end mouseDown

There are two problems. The first is that when I look at the data in the Data 
Grid after highlighting the checkbox, the data from the datagrid reports that 
the hilite is 'false. If I uncheck the checkbox, and grab the data again, the 
Data Grid reports that the hilite is 'true. It is reversed from what is normal.

Second problem is that if I click in the column with the check box, missing the 
button, I get an error stating that the (column) does not have that property 
(assume it means the hilite property). I attempted to put an:

if the pMouseBtnNum is 1then
  setDataOfIndex the dgHilitedIndexes of me, the dgColumn of the target, (the 
hilited of target)

But that still did not take out the error message when I clicked on the column 
instead of the checkbox.


Thank you!

John Patten

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Re: DataGrid Forms, checkboxes and Pull-Down buttons?

2010-03-30 Thread John Patten

Thanks Trevor...

I have been searching the list and found those same resources you  
describe. I'm closer, but still not quite getting the concept. I  
noticed that tutorial examples are using Table and not Form  
DataGrids.  I have been using the Form version of the DataGrid, are  
the examples you mention only workable when the DataGrid is a Table  

Also, I made a quick stack and shared it on RevOnline. It will  
eventually work...I hope, with a little help :-)
It populates and datagrid with one button, and then extracts the  
DataGrid data into a second field.  However, checkbox and option menu  
button data are not working...yet.

It is tagged with DataGrid on the revOnline site.

Feel free to make suggestions. When it's all working correctly, I will  
repost for those challenged like myself.

Thank you!

John Patten


Message: 20
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2010 11:21:39 -0400
From: Trevor DeVore
Subject: Re: Data grids in standalones
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

On Mar 29, 2010, at 8:38 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Can I tell the standalone builder to include the data grid library
even if setting inclusions manually?
Or do I have to un-protect my stack to get this to work.

Add a Data Grid Templates substack and the standalone builder will
include the Data Grid library:

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
Releasable Revolution Resources for Developers:

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DataGrid Forms, checkboxes and Pull-Down buttons?

2010-03-29 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I'm using datagrids to display some data out of a mySQL database. I  
created a check box and a option button in the template for my data  
grid row.

I would like to be able to check if data row checkbox hilite is true  
or not and would like to store data in my db based on the option of my  
option button.

How do I get the hilite of my individual checkboxes in each row, and  
along the same lines, how would I get the information selected in my  
option button from each row of the datagrid?

Thanks in Advance!

John Patten

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Re: Connecting Rev stack to On-Rev mySQL DB?

2010-03-26 Thread John Patten

Thanks Sarah and Andre!

I figured out the % wildcard for SQL but I like Sarah's irev strategy  
too.  I'm attempting to modify what Sarah describes to include a  
search field on card and a WHERE in the SQL.  Having a hard time  
getting my head around sending  the POST to the irev script so that I  
can search by field in SQL and then returning the data to the stack.

Here's where I'm at:

--On the card-
on mouseUp
put cd fld SearchName into tTeacher
libUrlFormData(name, tTeacher)
post it to url;
put; into tData
put tData into fld tempdata

--in the irev file
put $_POST[name] into tTeacher
( and then everything that Sarah describes below)

My confusion comes from trying to submit two actions to the irev file,  
a POST of the card field text and the OpenQuery of the database. What  
is the proper way to get the text (POST) included as a WHERE in the  
irev SQL action?

Hope that made sense.

Thank you!

John Patten

Message: 17
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2010 09:56:57 +1000
From: Sarah Reichelt
Subject: Re: Connecting Rev stack to On-Rev mySQL DB?
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

John, it looks like you are trying to access the database from outside
the server.
By default this is not permitted. There is a way to set up access from
outside, but I don;t remember what it is. Search the list archives as
I think it was discussed a few weeks ago.

The more regular way of connecting is via an irev script file on your
on-rev server.
Here is how I do it:

put this script into an irev file, replace all the ***'s with your
own variables, and upload it to your on-rev site.

put * into tDBname
put * into tDBuser
put * into tDBpass

put revOpenDatabase(mysql, localhost, tDBname, tDBuser, tDBpass)
into tDBconnection
if tDBconnection is not a number then put Error: could not connect
to database!

if tDBconnection is a number then
-- query the database, then close it
put  into tTableName
put SELECT * FROM   tTableName into tSQL

put revDataFromQuery(tab, cr, tDBconnection, tSQL) into tData
revCloseDatabase tDBconnection

put tData
end if

In your Rev stack, use this script (assuming the irev script file is
called readDB.irev):

on mouseUp
  put; into tDBdata
  -- now display it
end mouseUp

For further refinements, edit the irev script to take a GET or POST
parameter and apply that in the SELECT statement.

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Connecting Rev stack to On-Rev mySQL DB?

2010-03-25 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

My Developer Conference 2009 DVDs arrived yesterday and I listened to  
Devin do his presentations on connecting rev to an on-rev mysql db. He  
made it look so easy, I thought I'd give it a try!

My attempts are failing with the error: Access denied for user  
'jpatten_elearn'@'' (using password: YES)

I'm behind a firewall, however anything that we initiate from inside  
is allowed. I pretty much used Devin's example straight from the DVD,

 put mysql into tType
   put into tHost
   put jpatten_theDB into tDB
   put jpatten_elearn into tUser
   put theDBuser_passwd into tPass
   put revOpenDatabase(tType,tHost,tDB,tUser,tPass) into tConnID
   put tConnID

But instead of getting what I would think would be a connection ID, I  
get the access denied error.

I will try from home tonight to see if it works from outside my school  
network, but was also curious if anybody had a suggestions? ...Have a  
stack you can share that connects to a mySQL db on the web I can test?

Thank you!

John Patten
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Freezing solid

2010-02-24 Thread john law
As a sometime Hypercard enthusiast I'm slowly getting used to RunRev.
How does one prevent the program locking up in the middle of a job?
I then have to force quit - Mac OS Snow Leopard.



John Law Panoramas
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[OT] Drifting off topic (was: Re-2: on standalonesaved)

2010-02-22 Thread Vokey, John
I would absolutely loved to have been invited (can you just imagine all the 
amazing insights Jacqueline keeps hidden in there simply because she doesn't 
realize how we would all benefit if she just let it all out?). That said, it 
does seems a bit creepy, and I suspect my wife would have words.

On 2010-02-22, at 9:11 PM, wrote:

 I will have pretty soon. But for now it's mostly a case of Jim joining Sarah
 in my brain, which you'd think I'd notice, but I was obviously elsewhere. I
 hope they're happy in there, it's a bit of a mess from where I stand.
 Sorry, I just stepped out for a while. You're on your own in there Jim :-)

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peoples choice

2010-02-20 Thread john law
Hello World
In an attempt to reawaken my long dormant hypertalk skills I'm trying to build 
a Runrev stack that allows visitors to an exhibition to vote for a numbered 
photograph, store the choice and give a 'current votes' result.
I expect there is a Peoples Choice stack somewhere in the archive and would be 
grateful for pointers to it.

bw from Bath UK


John Law Panoramas
01225 339590

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Re: Sorting question

2010-02-11 Thread Vokey, John
This function provides for a *truly uniform* random sort:

function scramble x -- scramble lines or items in a row
  put the number of lines of x into z
  if z = 1 then put the number of items of x into n
  else put the number of lines of x into n
  repeat with i=n down to 2
put random(i) into k
if z=1 then put item k of x into t
else put line k of x into t
if z=1 then put item i of x into item k of x
else put line i of x into line k of x
if z=1 then put t into item i of x
else put t into line i of x
  end repeat
  return x
end scramble
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Setting the blendLevel of BGColor with no color...???

2010-01-29 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I'm guessing you shouldn't be able to do this:

   on MouseDown
  if the backgroundcolor of me is  then
  set the backgroundcolor of me to blue
set the ink of me to blend
set the blendLevel of me to 50
   set the backgroundcolor of me to 
   set the ink of me to blend
   set the blendLevel of me to 100
   end if
end mouseDown

This works fine with a series of rectangle graphics. Setting the  
backgroundColor to  results in a transparent rectangle but still  
containing an Opaque qualities. (However still couldn't get them to  
change while mouse down and dragging...but I digress...)

However, when you try to control the blendlevel of colored rectangles  
with a scrollbar the rectangles with their backgroundColor set to   
turn white. I was hoping I could still preserve the transparency and  
keep the rectangle grcs opaque. (I need to the user to be able click  
on them to either colorize or remove color with a click.)

Here's my scrollbar:

on mouseStillDown
   put the number of grcs of group grid - 1 into ModTransparency
   put 1 into X
   repeat ModTransparency
  set the blendLevel of grc (rectangleX) to ThumbPosition of me
  add 1 to X
   end repeat
   put the thumbPosition of me
end mouseStillDown

Is setting the bgcolor of a grc to  not really something that is  
supposed to result in a transparent grc with an opaque setting of true?


John Patten

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Continuous MouseDown Colorization of Graphic Grid?

2010-01-25 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I've created a grid of graphic rectangles that I can colorize and make  
transparent (blend). I would like to be able to let the user drag the  
mouse while holding the mouse button down and colorize each rectangle  
they drag across.  On the flip side, if the rectangle is already  
colorized, I would like to it to turn it's blend level to 100 and set  
its color to empty. Again, if there were a series of rectangles in the  
grid that were colorized, dragging across them with the mouse down  
with de-colorize them.

I can't seem to get my head around the mousedown while dragging part?   
I've tried mouseEnter, but that gets messy when accidentally dragging  
over a rect in the grid you don't want colorized; I have tried  
MouseStillDown with no luck there either.

Anyone done anything similar with a transparent grid?

The grid would sit on top of an image, like for example a map, and the  
colorizing would enable the user to, essentially, focus in on a  
particular part of the image below.

Thank you!

John Patten

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Re: Datagrid form - sorting?

2010-01-18 Thread John Burtt


try this:

##  if the timeStamp is a number
put numeric into theSort


##  if the timeStamp is a date and time
put date and time into theSort

dispatch sortDataByKey to group dataGrid with  

timeStamp = the key to sort by
theSort = the sort type
descending = the direction
false = whether or not the sort is case-sensitive

Cheers, John

I have a datagrid form that has a timestamp in its dataArray. I  
would like to sort the data in the datagrid using that timestamp.

For lists this is easy, but is it also possible for forms?

the data might look like this


Thanks in advance,


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Re: AnimationEngine Arcade shooter strategy?

2010-01-15 Thread John Patten
Thanks Malte! 

I just have one little issue with the example. I have the aeEnterFrame deleting 
the grc target when there is a collision between the projectile and the grc 
target. However, after it deletes the grc it throws up the script dialog box 
immediately with password required for the AnimationEngine stack.

I think it's related to the aeMoveDone call, because after I delete the grc 
target it can't complete the aeMoveTo nestled in the aeMoveDone call anymore.

I attempted to trap for this by adding some conditions based on the number of 
grc target (s), so that if it = 0 it would just exit aeMoveDone.  That didn't 
seem to help. Any suggestions?

Thanks for your help!

Thank you!

John Patten


Message: 25
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 01:45:43 +0100
From: Malte Pfaff-Brill
Subject: Re: AnimationEngine Arcade shooter strategy?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi John,

if you use AE 2.9 or higher, aeMoveTo is your friend.

aeMoveTo is a one line command that moves your object. it automatically sets up 
the needed timer to move the object and moves it from its current location to 
an end point you specify. You can apply an easing effect to the movement, which 
makes it look quite nicely. Also, aeMoveTo sends callback messages, while the 
object is moving.

Here is a starter. Assumes AE is in use and a button projectile and a button 
target exist. Also an image cannon Script is in the card:

on mouseDown
  set the loc of btn projectile to the loc of image cannon
end mouseDown

on shoot
  aeMoveTo the long ID of btn projectile,the mouseLoc,400,inOut
end shoot

on aeEnterFrame
  if intersect(btn projectile,btn target) then
 --more sophisticated collision detection goes here
 put boom
  end if
end aeEnterFrame

Hope that helps,


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AnimationEngine Arcade shooter strategy?

2010-01-14 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

Trying to come up with a simple arcade shooter type game.  I'm using  
Animation Engine. I would like to be able to aim a cannon (button that  
switches icon based on the FindAngle of canon and mouseLoc)  at a  
moving target (img) and then check for collision between projectile  
and target.

1. I can animate the canon rotation with FindAngle, however will  
probably need to rename images so direction of cannon matches angle  

2. I (think) understand the AE collision too..

3. What I'm having trouble with is understanding how to animate and  
direct the projectile, based on the direction of the canon. So many of  
the AE examples are based on a path, that I assume I will need to  
create a path, line (invisible),  between the canon and the proposed  
target. Creating the first point of that line is pretty straight  
forward, however, determining the angle of the canon's muzzle (canons  
have muzzles?) and the complimentary angle of the line and the  
intended target, a point farther down the line, feels way beyond my  

Would it be wise to have the user drag a marker, something like a  
cross-hair image, to a screen location to represent the user's  
proposed aim, and then get the loc of the cross hair image and then  
the loc of the cannon to create the line path? Or are their better  
ways of doing what I'm trying?

Thank you!

John Patten

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AnimationEngine and Creating Icons in Photoshop...?

2010-01-04 Thread John Patten
DISCLAIMER: This question is targeting Malte Brill and is more Photoshop 
related then Rev...however I thought it might be useful for others, so here 

I've been experimenting with Animation Engine, and have been creating some 
icons that work as levers, odd shaped dials, etc. etc.

Using some of the nice functions that Malte has created and his excellent 
examples I can set the icon ID of button to give the illusion of these icons 

However, the hard part seems creating the 360 icon representations for the 
animations and such. I have access to Adobe CS3 (PS, Fireworks, Illus, etc.) 
but I'm no expert in any of these apps, especially when it comest to automating 

In PhotoShop I can create Actions however, doing something like...create layer, 
rotate 1 degree, copy layer, repeat, repeat, 360 times, does not seem to be in 
my range of expertise :-)

Malte, or any of the other graphic experts (Scott R., Richard G.),  Do you have 
any sites or tips you can point me to for automating the creation of images for 
animations and icons?

Thank you!

John Patten
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Re: large-file sharing

2009-12-23 Thread Vokey, John

On 2009-12-23, at 11:00 AM, wrote:

 *** I would like you recommendations of where to upload a free version of a
 150 megabyte program ***

Try Dropbox:
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Re: A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?

2009-12-17 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

I finished my little Rev web application example. It is still a little  
rough, but I hope it sparks some conversations with those interested  
on how it was done :-)  I'm going to send out to our teachers and  
administrators tomorrow. So if you do see anything that's buggy or  
suggestions for making it better ( in know there are probably  
plenty)  :-)

It is accessible at:

Cheers  Happy Holidays!

John Patten

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A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?

2009-12-16 Thread John Patten

Hi All!

I have a little rev project that I will eventually turn into  a  
webRevProject. I would like to have this little webRevProject project  
store a line of text into an on-rev text file. I'm not quite getting  
it right...

Here are the three parts that I have:

1. Rev Projects  Script

put theSentence-created in   totalTime   seconds into  

   set the clipboardData[text] to theSentence
   put sentence  =  urlEncode(theSentence) into tMyPostData
   post tMyPostData to URL 

2. SaveSentence.irev

put $_POST[sentence]  return after URL: file:sentence.txt

3. sentence.txt  (a blank text file waiting to be written to)

Is there something I missed?

Thank you!

John Patten

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Re: A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?

2009-12-16 Thread John Patten
Thanks Sarah and Bj?rnke!

I had a funny feeling about the : colon after URLhowever, I could of 
swore I lifted that script from one of the examples, and it had a colon in 
there...  In any case I removed it and it worked fine :-)

Bj?rnke, as for copying the sentence to the clipboard, is there a technical 
reason why this is a bad idea, it's not being written to the harddrive? Is it 
because the user might have been saving something else on the clipboard and 
that action replaces what they had previously saved?

I was using the copy to clipboard as a kind of cheat. 

I'm going to embed the rev project into Drupal web page.  Originally, I was 
hoping to figure out how to have the Rev app automatically post an anonymous 
comment to the Drupal page (the little rev app was embedded in.) But not sure 
how I actually would do it. Ultimately I was looking for a way the user would 
be able to share a sentence that they create by dragging a few words from some 
song lyrics I know it sounds a little lame, but I was just going to use it 
as example for some teachers as to what these tools can do all together. I was 
hoping to have the Rev project duplicate the process of the Drupal comment 
action, using the Rev interface instead of the Drupal interface...but still 
having the user's work show up in the comments section.

As an alternative I may just load a new Drupal Module that pulls a static html 
file, like Rev creates in my example here. That might work to if I move 
a way from having the user just past their comment off the clipboard.

Thank you!

John Patten

On Dec 16, 2009, at 4:33 PM, wrote:

 Message: 23
 Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 07:45:04 +1000
 From: Sarah Reichelt
 Subject: Re: A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?
 To: How to use Revolution
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
 I have a little rev project that I will eventually turn into  a
 webRevProject. I would like to have this little webRevProject project store
 a line of text into an on-rev text file. I'm not quite getting it right...
 Here are the three parts that I have:
 1. Rev Projects  Script
 put theSentence-created in   totalTime   seconds into theSentence
   set the clipboardData[text] to theSentence
   put sentence  =  urlEncode(theSentence) into tMyPostData
   post tMyPostData to URL;
 2. SaveSentence.irev
 put $_POST[sentence]  return after URL: file:sentence.txt
 3. sentence.txt  (a blank text file waiting to be written to)
 Basically, this should work fine, but there are a couple of things
 which may be typos in your email, or may be causing problems.
 In Step 1, you post to saveSentence.irev, but in step 2, you say the
 irev file is called SaveSentence.irev. Servers are usually
 case-sensitive, so you need to make these 2 consistent.
 In step 2, you have:
  URL: file:sentence.txt
 but the colon after URL is not correct.
 For testing purposes, check it and the result after the post
 command to see if there is any error or returned value.
 In your irev file, have it write a log file showing all the $_POST
 variables to check what is arriving.
 Message: 24
 Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 22:45:14 +0100
 From: Bj?rnke von Gierke
 Subject: Re: A Rev Web Project and On-Rev working together?
 To: How to use Revolution
 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed; delsp=yes
 A http server (like on-rev) needs to always return something. making  
 that something (as in your case) be html/html seems to be rather  
 unusual and nondescript, but should work. still you might want to  
 check the result in your rev stack, to make sure the script on the  
 server actually works as expected.
 Also, you're missing validation and security. anyone can write  
 anything into your text file, if he or she wants to, and sooner or  
 later they will. If there are a lot of users  (hundrets per second),  
 you might also run into the problem of some text not being stored in  
 the file, because another user overwrites the first change (competing  
 file access).
 Note that there's script errors in your supplied example, so i guess  
 you're missing those too. For example URL: in the irev file should  
 of course be URL, and probably i'm missing some too :)
 A file created by you might not be accessible to the process the web  
 server runs at (unix user handling and file access restrictions). But  
 this is more a what if everything else is correct and it still fails  
 unexpectedly scenario.
 If things don't work, try to return stuff

Re: Rev IDE vs MetaCard IDE

2009-12-13 Thread Vokey, John

On 2009-12-13, at 11:00 AM, wrote:

 Can someone give me a quick summary of why I might want to use the 
 MetaCard IDE instead
 of  RunRev's?  It seems that a lot of users of this group use MC.  Is it 
 just what you were used
 to or is there some feature that Rev's doesn't?
 Just curious.

Partly, it is because it is what I am familiar with, no doubt.  But, I am not a 
fanatic about it: I encourage all my students to begin with RunRev using the 
RunRev IDE, and I use it on those occasions where I need to develop a 
complicated (read prettified) interface.  However, those who go on to become 
the more proficient programmers seem to drift to the MetaCard IDE as they gain 

The main difference is that the MC IDE, for the most part, because it is so 
close to the engine, stays out of your way.  So much so, that at least for my 
current and former students and me, we rarely compile standalones, preferring 
to run our stacks in the MC IDE itself.
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Simultaneous Animations...

2009-12-03 Thread John Patten

Hi All...

Looking for a strategy to implement random animations, and then have  
the animated objects interactions result in additional data...these  
animations would be part of simulations for students.

I posted a small example of my first attempt by using polygons and  
then modifying the points of those polygons and having the object move  
along their paths. It up on RevOnline tagged with Animation.

Not sure if there is a better way, probably will invest in  
AnimationEngine... seems to simplify many of the things I would like  
to do once I get a strategy down for animating the screen objects.

However, not sure if the randomizing poygon points strategy is the  
correct way to about about randomizing objects on the screen...?

Any other suggestions?

Thank you!

John Patten
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Re: Simultaneous Animations

2009-12-03 Thread John Patten
Thanks Malte!

That's just what I was trying to do!  Much more elegant than my monstrosity :-)

I'm guessing I would also be able to call events while the animation is taking 
place? Events initiated if animated objects cross paths, or get within a 
certain distance from each other. Maybe even the ability to record these types 
of events to a field while they are happening?

Andre, in my weak attempt, I was going to hide the path polygons. However, I 
liked the designs they created too. It is a little interesting how if you grab 
and move a polygon while the animation is running the animated objects continue 
to remember the original point locations.

And Richmond, after knocking  back a few and then re-reading your reply, I 
think I got the gist of it and Malte's example seems to address them. Or, 
...maybe I need to go back to the bottle :-)

Thanks for all the suggestions and examples!  Very much appreciated!

John Patten

 use-revolution mailing list
 End of use-revolution Digest, Vol 75, Issue 7

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Re: Syllabic division of words

2009-08-22 Thread John Vokey
Something close to what I think Randall was talking about is LSA  
(Latent Semantic Analysis).  Indeed, rumour has long held that it is  
the basis of Apple's junk filter in Safari.  The original source for  
the work is here:

On 22-Aug-09, at 6:47 PM, wrote:


OK, well let's carry on from there.

Are you familiar with this project?

Something similar in xTalk would be pretty darn cool, I would think.
Especially if it were to index and search the web =).

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[ANN] Game update

2009-06-28 Thread John Craig
For anyone interested in wasting some time, I've updated the 'Air 
Traffic Control' game stack on Rev Online.  The animation is a bit 
smoother in the new version.

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moving multiple stacks - slight stutter

2009-06-24 Thread John Craig
I saw rocketdock mentioned recently a couple of times and it's reminded 
me of a small problem (more of an annoyance) I encountered.  I wrote a 
dock using rev and used individual stacks for each icon to get the 
transparency effect.  The stacks are lined up next to each other and 
moved/resized as the mouse moves over them.  It's not totally obvious 
from the video, but the 5th and 7th icons (stacks) move with a slight 
stutter compared to all the other ones.  It always seems to be positions 
5 and 7, even when switching the order of the icons around.  Any ideas 
why this would happen? - each stack is a clone of an existing template 
stack, so they all have identical properties.  Any tips / ideas appreciated.


short video;

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Zip files

2009-05-18 Thread John Hunter


Does anybody know if it's possible to password protect winzip  
compatible zip files using Revolution?.



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Newbie question

2009-05-16 Thread John Hunter

Hi All,

I'm looking at Rev and RB and was wondering if there are any samples /  
demo stacks that show how to use sqlite databse without using buttons  
to create or connect to.
It would be really helpful to see how to create / connect to sqlite  
databases using code as opposed to buttons.




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Re: Repeat Process To Check Contents of File on HTTP Server?

2009-05-08 Thread John Patten

Thanks Phil and Bjoernke!

That's what I needed...send command. Seems so obvious when you see  
someone else explain it :-)

Now, that I understand send, here's my dilemma. What I'm trying to  
create is a little app that allows a teacher in the classroom to push  
out a web site they have loaded in their teacher browser out to to  
all 32 student laptops in their classroom. I thought this would be a  
perfect implementation for revBrowser, a custom web browser.  I  
remember in the past struggling with Rev and opening sockets to try to  
get two Rev stacks to talk to each other. I never had very much  
success with that process so I thought I would try to keep it real  
basic and utilize web sharing and writing out a text file with the  
teacher's current web site address and time stamp to the local web  
sites folder. The client (student) computers would check that text  
file every 5 seconds, continually, and then if the time stamp is  
different from the last web address and time stamp, load the new web  
address in the client (student) browser.  The key word in those run on  
sentences is continually.

In the examples shared, the scripts handlers are opencard and  
mousedown. They only run, essentially, one time through and after the  
time stamp is different, the script would end.

I started to mess with an idle handler, but that gets messy real  
quick. Is what I'm describing possible? To have a script run  
continually in the background over and over?  Or, maybe I'm going at  
this custom teacher to student web browser thing all wrong? Any ideas  
greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

John Patten

On May 7, 2009, at 10:00 AM,  

  5. Re: Repeat Process To Check Contents of File on HTTP Server?
 (Phil Davis)

 12. Re: Repeat Process To Check Contents of File on HTTP Server?
 (Bj?rnke von Gierke)


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 23:31:52 -0700
From: Phil Davis
Subject: Re: Repeat Process To Check Contents of File on HTTP Server?
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

John Patten wrote:

Hi All!

I'm making a little web browser client that needs to check the
contents of a file on a web server. It needs to be able to do this
every 5 seconds or so in the background, and then if the contents
changes in the last line of the file it is checking, it starts  

process in the background. Can this be done in Rev? Would I use two
stacks, one as the browser and one with the repeat loop?

I'm at a loss for what this might look like in a script?

Hi John,

Are you familiar with the send command? If not, I think you're about
to be... ;o)

-- prep: since you're looking for a change in data values,
-- you need to store its initial value so you have something
-- to compare to
global gOriginalData

-- and the data check has to be put into motion:
on openCard
  -- store initial value
  put url; into gOriginalData
  -- put the data check into motion
  send checkWebFile to me in 5 secs
end openCard

-- the data check
on checkWebFile
  -- get fresh copy of the data
  put url; into tCurrData
  if (last line of tCurrData  last line of gOriginalData) then
 send (startOtherProcess  tCurrData) to me in 1 sec
  else -- data hasn't changed, so schedule another check
 send checkWebFile to me in 5 secs
  end if
end checkWebFile

-- the other background process
on startOtherProcess pChangedData
  -- do your other stuff here
end startOtherProcess

The send... in construct 'disconnects' the calling and called  

from each other, so the calling one can finish executing before the
called one starts. And by saying in 5 secs, you insert idle time  
the UI can be refreshed  interacted with. It keeps the user from  
locked out of the UI due to continuous running of code you might  
have if

you tried using a repeat loop for data checks.

Hopefully this will get you started.

Thanks in Advance!

John Patten

Phil Davis

PDS Labs
Professional Software Development


Message: 12
Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 15:34:20 +0200
From: Bj?rnke von Gierke
Subject: Re: Repeat Process To Check Contents of File on HTTP Server?
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; format=flowed; delsp=yes

I suggest to use the put command with the url keyword, using a
send in time structure:

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

on checkWebsite thePrev
  put line -1 of url; into theCurrent
  if thePrev  theCurrent then
--do your stuff here, it changed!
  end if
  send checkWebsite theCurrent to me in 4.5

Repeat Process To Check Contents of File on HTTP Server?

2009-05-06 Thread John Patten

Hi All!

I'm making a little web browser client that needs to check the  
contents of a file on a web server. It needs to be able to do this  
every 5 seconds or so in the background, and then if the contents  
changes in the last line of the file it is checking, it starts another  
process in the background. Can this be done in Rev? Would I use two  
stacks, one as the browser and one with the repeat loop?

I'm at a loss for what this might look like in a script?

Thanks in Advance!

John Patten
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: 2 things

2009-04-21 Thread John Vokey
Amateurs.  I still keep Apple ][ GS computers running (you want vblint  
sync, that is all that is left; you want horizontal line scanning  
sync: there is no other machine!).  And Hypercard on the ][GS (full  
colour!) was in many ways what hypercard should have been on the mac.   
It died with the ][GS, but it was fun.  I still run it in emulation on  
OSX (and then back-port the software to the ][GSs).

On 21-Apr-09, at 6:55 PM, wrote:

Wow, Andre, that's the right attitude! Unfortunately about 9 of my  

computers are stuffed
in the attic of my house in St Andrews, Scotland, and I have yet to  

out how to get them to
Bulgaria (especially my 'first love', my BBC Master Compact).

I had great fun 2 years ago, on holiday in Scotland, running up a  

pile of simple programs
for my school using Runtime Revolution 1.1.1 on an all-in-one Mac
Performa PC 5260CD and then
burning all the stuff onto a CD via my external 4x SCSI burner;  
lovely job!

I also managed to convert some Hypercard stuff of mine with Metacard  

then use that as
a foundation for some new things.

Mind you, the built-to-order SCSI card I have in the back of my G4 Mac
only seems to work
with Mac OS 9, and then plays funny games with my ZIP drive.

If I could get all my old Macs to Bulgaria I would probably use them
instead of the Pentium IIIs
with Ubuntu as I believe their lives will be longer.

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Controlling PowerPoint From Within Runtime Revolution

2009-04-17 Thread John Miller


Point well taken.  My program allows the user to show slideshows,  
create notes, etc, etc, etc. in a much simpler way than PowerPoint.   
Frustration with PowerPoint was the main reason I started writing my  
program in the first place, and I personally never use it.  However,  
there are a number of reasons my customers give for wanting this  
	1. They have invested a great deal of time creating PowerPoint files  
and don't want to redo them.
	2. We live in a powerPoint world. My users are often given a  
PowerPoint file from their denomination or a guest speaker who brings  
a PowerPoint file that they would like to project. Given enough time,  
we could convert these files, but when you are handed a file ten  
minutes before a church service, you can't always do the conversion.
	3. Some people have learned to use PowerPoint and don't want to  
learn another system even though it may be much simpler.
	4. So, my user's buy my software to do what it does best, but still  
want the ability to show PowerPoint files from within my app.

In short - The customer is always right - even when they're  
wrong !!!   ; )

On Apr 17, 2009, at 5:27 AM, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

This whole set of posts seems somehow redundant when the whole
Power Point thing can be handled within Runtime Revolution itself.

Making a presentation that is 'Power-Point-like' in Runtime Revolution
is extremely easy; and once that's done nobody has to rely on an  

program and how Runtime Revolution is going to control it.

And, by-the-by; the average presentation in RR takes far less RAM than
MS Powerpoint or OO Impress; a standalone also means that the end-user
doesn't have to have any of these heavy great programs clogging up  


This may seem like an incredibly obvious point (and it should be); but
I wonder if the good folks in Edinburgh while concentrating on how  

product can play databases and suck information in from the Internet,
hither and yon are forgetting RR's other, possibly more prosaic
capabilities which are also extremely useful; and if used, would mean
there was no real need for questions of the sort:

How do I control an external slide-show from RR?

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.

A Thorn in the flesh is better than a failed Systems Development  
Life Cycle.

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Controlling PowerPoint From Within Runtime Revolution

2009-04-16 Thread John Miller

Greetings All,

I am trying to write a script that will allow the user to open and  
show a powerpoint presentation and then give control back to  
revolution when finished.  I am currently using the launch command,  
but don't like seeing all the PowerPoint startup items.  The  
presentation runs OK, but when it is done, it closes the presentation  
and shows the regular PowerPoint development windows. My end users do  
NOT want to convert their presentation to a batch of jpegs.  They  
would prefer just showing the PP presentation and then come right  
back to their runtime app.

Can this be done?

John Miller
use-revolution mailing list
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Controlling PowerPoint From Within Runtime Revolution

2009-04-16 Thread John Miller

Thanks for the hints everybody.

Luis, I don't have any experience with using command lines.  Could  
you describe the process?  Is this something that you call from  
within RR?

Also,  can any of you comment on the question of handing control back  
to RR after the presentation is shown?

John Miller

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Controlling PowerPoint From Within Runtime Revolution

2009-04-16 Thread John Miller

Hey Guys,

I've enjoyed reading all your comments about Open Office, Neo Office,  
and Google Docs.  It may be that I can use this info later.  However,  
for the moment, I wonder if I can rein this discussion in and focus  
on the problem at hand.

My software is a church projection software package that handles many  
different kinds of media. My end users are happy with PowerPoint and  
want to use what they have created inside my application (transitions  
and all).

My question is this - Does anyone know how to hand control back to RR  
after the PowerPoint presentation is over.  I want this to be as  
seamless as possible so my users don't have to jostle back and forth  
between two programs.

Thanks for your help.  You're all great!!

John Miller

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Table field text formating

2008-12-17 Thread John Vokey

On 17-Dec-08, at 9:12 PM, Richard wrote:

It may be easier to get the exact feature you need than to ask  
RunRev to

become a type foundry.

If all you need is a one-pixel font, I'm sure there are plenty around.

But perhaps we might ask why this is useful, and look one step further
to the mechanics of the underlying text rendering in the field  
object to

get exactly what we most want.  It may be that such additions would
become trivial once RunRev adds independent column alignment to  

Slogging through big blocks of text line by line and/or word by word,
measuring each and adding/subtracting a number of special one-pixel
characters can be quite slow, and not the sort of thing I enjoy  

to newcomers for simple text alignment.

So hopefully instead we can just get the appearance we want just as we
want it at the moment it's rendered.  I doesn't hurt to ask. :)

Yes, and we have those text-description languages available now:  
postscript (which most of us now experience as PDF) and TeX/LaTeX--- 
both of which microtype to way (way!) better than a 1-pixel  
character.  Writing the code for either is (relatively) trivial.  So,  
given every modern operating system has engines for both, all Rev has  
to do is invoke the engines when needed.  For example, in addition to  
html, one should be able to declare a field postscript or TeX/LaTeX,  
put the code, and Rev simply calls the appropriate engine/renderer to  
produce it.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: When they ask, what is this written in?

2008-12-01 Thread John Vokey

I say the same thing, except I call it Metacard.

On 1-Dec-08, at 7:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

However, just to throw another spanner in the works:-

The very few times people ask me how I make my programs I state that  
I use:

Runtime Revolution, a complete programming package.

No 'language', 'IDE', 'GUI', and so on, os mentioned; probably because
most people seem perfectly satisfied with that answer. The few who  
are not
satisfied get treated to 30 minutes of my demonstrating RR, and 30  

while I go away and let them play with RR. The end result is either
Wow! or I don't understand how computers work anyway.

Yep, the dyslexic atheist claims there is no dog, but that is not half  
as risky as the dyslexic devil worshiper who sold his soul to Santa ;-)

Dr. John R. Vokey

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Random algorithm

2008-11-12 Thread John Vokey

This has bugged me for a long time (back to the days of the Apple //,  
at least).  All programming languages should *document* their RNGs, so  
we have some idea of what they are, and, especially, how bad they are  
(and most are very bad).  LGN RNGs are not necessarily bad (a  
colleague and I developed some quite good ones, back in the day: 
, but, as Marsaglia has documented more recently, we can do so much  
better.  If you want the Rev (actually, old hypercard) code for my and  
Kaner's LNG RNGs, I can send it to you, but it is recursive (it  
replaces itself in place), so can only be used in the IDE or Rev  
Player (or any variant that doesn't render the RNG stack as a  

But, the better principle is the more RNGs (even bad ones) the  
better.  Then, as Marsaglia demonstrated, simply *combine* them in  
some way: e.g., use RNG 1 to choose which of n RNGs you choose from  
next, use the result of that second RNG to select among the remaining  
n-1, and so on, until you get a number. Even a collection of bad RNGs  
will produce quite random numbers under Marsaglia's insight.


On 12-Nov-08, at 6:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Many thanks for your two cents !

I wonder if the first name of people answering my first question is
really random : Mark, Mark and Mark...


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RE: Totally OT - I need some heads up (and a hug or two)

2008-10-09 Thread John Tregea
Hey Malte,

Very sorry to hear what happened, I agree with the thank goodness you am
not like them sentiment that Mark expressed. I have had a similar

One effect of starting over is that ALL the thinking and refinement you have
done to date is where you start from, not from the place you started from
last time. For me (when this happened a few years ago) I think the second
round product was a lot cleaner than the first round. 

But in the meantime there is that horrible feeling in the pit of your
stomach, yes?

Let me know directly if you need anything.

Regards (and a little awkward hug)


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Malte Brill
Sent: Thursday, 9 October 2008 8:52 PM
Subject: Totally OT - I need some heads up (and a hug or two)

Hi all,

today is the worst day in my self employment life. I arrived at the  
office today, just to learn that everything apple branded is gone.  
Stolen. Away.
Not only that, but my external backup HD also vanished and a few  
things I was pretty fond of, like a keyboard (music) and a microphone.

I do not care too much about the machines. Those are replacable. But I  
lost at least 3 months worth of data. I had something cool coming up,  
but I am afraid I am thrown back to point zero, at least with the  
documentation. The people I have been talking off list will know what  
I mean. So everyone who is involved with that project, I beg your  
patience, as I really need to start freshly on it. And just now I  
can't. I just feel like sitting in the corner and weeping. So if any  
of you has any urgent support queries for AE or other stuff I beg your  
patience. It might be a day or two until I recover.

All the best,

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RE: Scrolling stack windows?

2008-10-08 Thread John Tregea
Great news. Thanks

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chipp Walters
Sent: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 8:32 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Scrolling stack windows?

copy button 1 to group 1

It works.

On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 4:08 AM, John Tregea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Or is there a way of cloning into a group the way I can
 copy into a card?
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RE: Scrolling stack windows?

2008-10-08 Thread John Tregea
Dear Mark,

Thanks for that. I think I would have to ungroup the existing top level
group then select whatever number of clones groups the user is displaying
and regroup them. Or is there a way of cloning into a group the way I can
copy into a card?

Thanks and regards


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 6:32 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Scrolling stack windows?

Hi John,

Group all objects and set the rect of this new group to the rect of  
the card (you may need to make adjustemnts if you have a menubar). Set  
the hScrollba, vScrollbar and the lockLoc of the group to true. Now  
you have something that's very close to a scrolling window.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Dutch forum:

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
  for more info.

On 8 okt 2008, at 03:36, John Tregea wrote:

 Hello again fellow Revolutionaries : )

 I have built an interface where users can keep on adding new layers of
 information down a stack window by clicking a button at the bottom  
 of the
 bottom most layer (the button clones the last group and re-populates  
 fields to suit the new context).

 Because the users frequently want to display 6 or 7 layers one below  
 other they quickly run out of screen space.

 I believe there are no scrollbars that I can turn on in the stack  
 like I can on a text field? I hope I am wrong? But if I am correct can
 anyone point me to examples of scrollbars being used to scroll  
 groups within a window?


 John Tregea

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RE: VISTA Printing Woes

2008-10-08 Thread John Tregea
This email made me laugh. It is a perfect example of why Revolution is such
a brave and difficult product to deliver. Vista, printer brands, trays of
paper and oh yes, Japanese :)

Not laughing at the problem Nicolas, just the amazing complexity of the
environment and the seemingly endless number of things we can all think of
to do with it...

Sorry I can't answer the question, if only the OS was speaking Mandarin?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nicolas Cueto
Sent: Wednesday, 8 October 2008 3:47 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: VISTA Printing Woes


A 2.9-built standalone's printing function suddenly no
longer works -- kind of.

Looking thru the archives, a likely culprit is Vista.

Anyway. I say kind of, cause I did finally manage
to get a print-out when I over-rode my printer's
automatic paper-tray selection option and, instead,
manually selected front-loading tray. And only the
frond-loading tray option words; none of the other
three in-built trays works when selected.

The (Ipsio) printer is on a network, and MS-Office
applications (Word, Excel) have no problems
printing. Oh, and I'm on a Japanese version of

By the way. The problem also occurs with the Rev
development environment.

Hopefully, someone has more info on this problem.
But I'm posting mostly to offer a possible work-around.


Nicolas Cueto
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Scrolling stack windows?

2008-10-07 Thread John Tregea
Hello again fellow Revolutionaries : )

I have built an interface where users can keep on adding new layers of
information down a stack window by clicking a button at the bottom of the
bottom most layer (the button clones the last group and re-populates the
fields to suit the new context).

Because the users frequently want to display 6 or 7 layers one below the
other they quickly run out of screen space.

I believe there are no scrollbars that I can turn on in the stack window
like I can on a text field? I hope I am wrong? But if I am correct can
anyone point me to examples of scrollbars being used to scroll multiple
groups within a window?


John Tregea

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 60, Issue 34

2008-09-16 Thread John Vokey
Use GraphicConvertor (it can be used freely) on the snapshots to  
create a gif movie, setting the timing for each shot, then covert to  
qt format.

On 16-Sep-08, at 11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Snapper is not working like I'd hoped, at least with my primitive
eMac. The problem seems to be that the display is not always fully
rendered for the screen 'snap', so that the image sometimes is
incomplete. Too bad, because this could be an easy way to accomplish
what I need to do. I will borrow a much more capable Mac and try
again. However, it looks like exporting snapshots from Revolution and
then creating a qt movie from the saved images might be the most
reliable way to render the sequence of images as a qt movie. I'm open
to suggestions about the best way to create a qt movie from the saved
snapshot images.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i

2008-09-13 Thread John Vokey
Thank you all, for this discussion.  Really.  It was more informative  
than the release notes could even hope to be.  The exemplars of why  
the new array features were so obviously useful helped me a lot in  
exactly one way: I have no idea what you who promote these ``new''  
features are on about.  Opaque doesn't begin to describe my  
appreciation of your views on these ``new'' features.  Admittedly, I  
have only been programming in everything from machine code through  
every passing fad since the 1960s, so I may be either dated or  
stunned.  But, really, I just don't get it.  Again, I ask, what have  
we gained by the ``new'' array features, besides more brackets?   
Setting fred[z] to empty does not seem to me to be a major  
advancement.  Or, at least not one that is at best a trivial change.

Telling me that you can now set orange to apple does not help except  
in light of how anyone could not do so before.  As far as I can see  
nothing prevented anyone from doing so in the old array system.  So,  
please, please, help me.  I am usually the first to jump on the newest  
and latest, but these new array referencing functions leave me non- 

And they still suffer from an old incongruity that I have complained  
about for years:
array[fred] differs if fred has been previously defined (i.e., has  
content), in which case the content (value?) of array[fred] is the  
value(fred) of array; otherwise it is the literal fred of array.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

use-revolution mailing list
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RE: Rev 3.0 Cloning problem

2008-09-11 Thread John Tregea
Hi Bernard,

When I copied the script from the 3.0 script editor and pasted it into the
email all the spaces were somehow stripped out. I didn't notice until later.



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bernard Devlin
Sent: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 5:19 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Rev 3.0 Cloning problem

Just a quick question: is this really the line of code you have in the
script editor:
sendchoose browse tooltomein1tick

Or have the spaces been stripped out somehow?


On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 5:55 AM, John Tregea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Fellow Rev'ers,

 I have been trying out Rev 3.0 across a number of iterations and recently
 came across a problem (3.0gm Build 750).

 I have a piece of code that makes a clone of a stack, renames it and then
 populates the new version of the stack with data from a database. This has
 worked fine in 2.8, 2.9 and earlier iterations of 3.0.

 The problem is that when the script gets to the clone command it performs
 that line then just exits as if there is no more code. No error is
 Anyone seen this behaviour?

 The code looks like this.

 ifthereisnotastack tTheStack
 sendchoose browse tooltomein1tick
 setthenameofstack it to tTheStack

 The variable tTheStack contains the name for the new stack. In debug mode
 the variable is correctly populated, the stack IS cloned, then the script
 just exits.

 Any help would be appreciated


 John Tregea

 Technology Director
 +61 (0) 4 0363 9367 Mobile

 use-revolution mailing list
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 subscription preferences:

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RE: Rev 3.0 Cloning problem

2008-09-11 Thread John Tregea
Dear Mark,

Thanks for the guidance. Both your version and mine just stopped at the line

clone stack resource_template

That line is executed (and the resource_template stack is cloned), but the
next line is not.

I just tried inserting Lock messages before the clone stack command and
now it is ok. It struck me that there may have been another window message
handler being triggered that was interrupting the process.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, 10 September 2008 7:57 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: Re: Rev 3.0 Cloning problem

Hi John,

The correct procedure is:

clone stack resouce_template
put it into myTempStackID
-- do other stuff here
set the name of myTempStackID to myStackName

You don't need the keyword stack before the variable containing the  
long ID of the new stack.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering

Benefit from our inexpensive hosting services. See 
  for more info.

On 10 sep 2008, at 06:55, John Tregea wrote:

 Hi Fellow Rev'ers,

 I have been trying out Rev 3.0 across a number of iterations and  
 recently came across a problem (3.0gm Build 750).

 I have a piece of code that makes a clone of a stack, renames it and  
 then populates the new version of the stack with data from a  
 database. This has worked fine in 2.8, 2.9 and earlier iterations of  

 The problem is that when the script gets to the clone command it  
 performs that line then just exits as if there is no more code. No  
 error is returned. Anyone seen this behaviour?

 The code looks like this.

 ifthereisnotastack tTheStack
 sendchoose browse tooltomein1tick
 setthenameofstack it to tTheStack

 The variable tTheStack contains the name for the new stack. In debug  
 mode the variable is correctly populated, the stack IS cloned, then  
 the script just exits.

 Any help would be appreciated


 John Tregea

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Re: Arrays: new and old keys, i

2008-09-11 Thread John Vokey

On 11-Sep-08, at 7:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Sep 11, 2008, at 5:55 PM, Björnke von Gierke wrote:

Now I understand, I didn't consider not to tell rev how many sub
arrays there would be. I have no clue when this would be useful
though, maybe you can explain that?

Sure. One thing that the ability to dynamically specify a key would do
is open up additional algorithms. Let's take the XML for example.


... ellipsis intentional

Can anybody explain what the new array format provides that the old  
did not?  All these bizarre examples seem not so much as exemplifying  
the ``new'' features as to leave me baffled as to what added value  
they provide.  In NONE of the supposed or alleged examples have I seen  
anything I could not do with old arrays.  So, and I mean in really  
simple language (not OOP-speak), wtf is up with these new arrays?  I  
see nothing but extra brackets.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

use-revolution mailing list
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Rev 3.0 Cloning problem

2008-09-09 Thread John Tregea
Hi Fellow Rev'ers,

I have been trying out Rev 3.0 across a number of iterations and recently came 
across a problem (3.0gm Build 750).

I have a piece of code that makes a clone of a stack, renames it and then 
populates the new version of the stack with data from a database. This has 
worked fine in 2.8, 2.9 and earlier iterations of 3.0.

The problem is that when the script gets to the clone command it performs that 
line then just exits as if there is no more code. No error is returned. Anyone 
seen this behaviour?

The code looks like this.

ifthereisnotastack tTheStack
sendchoose browse tooltomein1tick
setthenameofstack it to tTheStack

The variable tTheStack contains the name for the new stack. In debug mode the 
variable is correctly populated, the stack IS cloned, then the script just 

Any help would be appreciated


John Tregea

Technology Director
+61 (0) 4 0363 9367 Mobile

use-revolution mailing list
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REV Send Email via CGI and mail.php script on the fly?

2008-08-04 Thread John Patten
Hi All...

Quick question, i have some projects that multiple teachers will use with their 
students and I would like the student results to be emailed  back to their 

I would like this process to be transparent to the student using the stack. Can 
the following be done?

I would like the rev project to post the student data and the identified 
teacher's email address (saved is stack profile settings) to the built in smtp 
mail.php script.  I know I can get the rev stack to post to the mail.php file, 
but the mail php file has to be dynamic is determining what teacher's email 
address to send to.  

I was wondering if I could post the teacher's email address and the student 
project data to a rev cgi project on the server, and then have the rev cgi 
project, on the fly, create the mail.php file with the correct email address 
and email the student data to the teacher?

Essentially, the rev cgi project would create the mail.php file based on the 
submitted email address, forward the student data to the file it just  created 
(mail.php)  and then possibly delete the mail.php file and wait for the next 

Can a rev cgi create a mail.php file, execute the php file by forwarding data 
to it, and then delete the file it created, all in one swoop?

Thank you!

John Patten 
use-revolution mailing list
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when is an integer not an integer?

2008-07-29 Thread John Vokey
The statement: set the randomseed to x is not consistent.  In both the  
Rev and MC documentation, x must be an integer.  So, for example, set  
the randomseed to the seconds works in the sense that a new and  
different sequence is subsequently generated by random and any  
statements.  But set the randomseed to the ticks, or set the  
randomseed to the milliseconds, both fail in that the same sequence is  
generated every time.  Yet, each of the ticks/the milliseconds/the  
seconds is an integer return true.  It appears clear that the  
randomseed property requires small integers (on the order of the  
seconds).  But, it is still the case that even though the ticks is an  
integer, is is too large of an integer for the randomseed property.

Please avoid sending me Word or PowerPoint attachments.

-Dr. John R. Vokey

use-revolution mailing list
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ExifTool Question

2008-06-27 Thread John Miller

Greetings All,

I am writing a program that allows the user to add a caption for a  
jpg image.  Right, now, that caption is being written into a text  
file that sits alongside the image file.  My beta testers are not  
happy with this solution. So, I would like to be able to include a  
short caption as metdata in the jpg file.  From the archives, it  
appears that using ExifTool by Phil Harvey is the way to go.  I have  
read dozens of archived e-mails on this topic that are W-A-Y over my  

1. How does one attach a copy of ExifTool as an application bundle in  

2. Can someone provide a sample scripts that would show me how to use  
ExifTool to ...

A. Import the jpg file

B. Add the metadata

C. Export the altered jpg file

3. On a related topic (at least I think it is related), how does one  
attach a font to a stack so it becomes a part of the standalone app  
so that my users don't have to install a copy onto their machines?

Thanks in advance for your help.
John Miller
use-revolution mailing list
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Re: Help with basic CGI project?

2008-06-19 Thread John Patten
Thanks Jacqueline!

I did find the solution in a post you had made earlier in the archives a few 
years back Store your stack, in this case, the data.rev stack, outside of 
the cgi-bin folder. I did that and everything worked as it should.  

As I was trouble shooting this, i did remember seeing something about  
...can't open up backup stack...  but didn't think anything of it as I was 
trying all kinds of contortions to get this to work and thought little of it.  
Searching through the archives lead me to your previous post. I gota remember 
to search those archives more often when I have a problem! ;-)

Thank you!

John Patten

Message: 11
Date: Wed, 18 Jun 2008 13:02:13 -0500
From: J. Landman Gay [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Help with basic CGI project?
To: How to use Revolution
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

John Patten wrote:

 Couple things I?ve noticed that seem a bit strange.  First, if I have
 multiple ?put? commands pulling text from fields on different cards,
 the rev cgi only will pull the text from the first card.

Not sure why that would be, it should work. You could try adding a
start using stack theStack command near the top of the script somewhere.

 If I add
 multiple fields to the first card, and pull the text from these
 fields, all on one card, it will pull the text out of the fields.  It
 is as if the rev cgi will not go beyond the first card of the
 data.rev stack.

 Also, if I increase the number of  ?create new card? commands in the
 text cgi script, it will report back that it created the cards, but
 if it does, they are only temporary and not saved.

The cgi does not run as you, it runs as another user (nobody I think,
but I'm not certain.) At any rate, the permissions for the stack are set
to only allow you, the admin, to write to the file. You need to change
that to allow anyone to write to the file.

This is a bit of a security concern and most ISPs do not allow writing
anything to files in a cgi folder. A better way to handle this is to
store your data stack somewhere else on the server -- even in your own
user folder -- and provide a long file path to the stack to open it. If
you are just experimenting on your own machine and don't intend to use
the script elsewhere, then it's fine to violate security of course.

Rev will accept a full path as a stack reference, so it is legal to say:

  go stack /Users/myname/myfolder/data.rev

Regardless of where you store the data file, it needs to have
permissions set for anyone to write to it.

Just an aside: the destroystack property is permanent, you don't have to
reset it once the stack has been created and saved the first time.

Jacqueline Landman Gay | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software   | 
use-revolution mailing list
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Help with basic CGI project?

2008-06-18 Thread John Patten
Hi All?

I been going round and round with an issue on a very simple cgi exercise. I?m 
attempting to post data from a web form and store it in a field on a rev stack. 
 Everything appears to work with the exception of saving text to a fld on the 
rev stack, saving new cards in the rev stack, and pulling text out of flds that 
are not on the first card of the stack.

I had this posted on the forum but then saw the post this morning on the list 
about more ?eyes? on the mailing list so I thought I?d try here too. :-)

Thank you Klaus, Mark, and Richard for jumping in so far!

Couple things I?ve noticed that seem a bit strange.  First, if I have multiple 
?put? commands pulling text from fields on different cards, the rev cgi only 
will pull the text from the first card. If I add multiple fields to the first 
card, and pull the text from these fields, all on one card, it will pull the 
text out of the fields.  It is as if the rev cgi will not go beyond the first 
card of the data.rev stack.

Also, if I increase the number of  ?create new card? commands in the text cgi 
script, it will report back that it created the cards, but if it does, they are 
only temporary and not saved.

So here?s the description of what I have been doing:

One stack ? Data.rev  It contains three cds with one fld on each cd.

CGI text script-  postdata.cgi

on startup
put Data.rev into theStack
put empty into theTerm
repeat until length(theTerm) = $Content_Length
read from stdin until empty
put it after theTerm
end repeat
if theTerm =  then 
put You don't have any data stupid! into buffer
else if there is no stack theStack then
put No stack of that name. after buffer
--put cr  theStack after buffer

put theTerm into theTermsArray
split theTermsArray by  and =
put urlDecode(theTermsArray[terms]) into theIdentifiedTerm
end if
put content-Type: text/plain  cr  cr 

put number of cards:  the number of cards of stack theStack  cr before 
set the destroyStack of stack theStack to true
set the defaultstack to theStack
create card
create card
create card
--it appears rev creates the cards, but they are not saved
put it
put number of cards:  the number of cards of stack theStack  cr before 
put buffer  cr  theIdentifiedTerm  cr  theStack  cr  cd fld thedata2 of 
cd 2 of / stack theStack  cr  cd fld theData of cd 1 of stack theStack /

put theIdentifiedTerm into cd fld theData2 of cd 1 of stack theStack

--put the result
--put cr  cd fld thedata of cd 1 of stack theStack after buffer
--put cr  cd fld thedata2 of cd 2 of stack theStack after buffer
-put cr  cd fld thedata3 of cd 3 of stack theStack after buffer

save stack theStack
put buffer
close stack theStack
quit rev
end startup

HTML Web Form- postdata.html

titleSending data to rev stack/title
form action=http://localhost/cgi-bin/postdata.cgi; method=post
h2Send this data to the rev stack:/h2
input type=text name=terms value=enter text here size=35
input TYPE=reset VALUE=Reset input type=submit value=Send Text

Permissions Set on ?server? ? (I am running this local on my Mac OS X laptop 
running 10.4.11)

d1q4sv51:/Library/WebServer/CGI-Executables johnpatten$ ls -l
total 5416

-rwxr-xr-x   1 johnpatt  admin1044 Jun 18 09:10 Data.rev
-rwxr-xr-x   1 johnpatt  johnpatt  516 Jan  9  2004
-rwxrwxrwx   1 johnpatt  johnpatt 1353 Jun 18 09:43 postdata.cgi
-rwxr-xr-x   1 johnpatt  johnpatt  2698096 Apr 18  2003 rev

Also, I?m using the rev engine link that is on Jacqueline?s tutorial,

I used Rev 2.9 to create the data.rev stack and then did a Save as? and saved 
it in Legacy Mode.

If anybody sees anything I missed, I?d be greatly appreciative!

Thank you!

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