RE: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Matthias Wessendorf
personaly i like the jsf-guys for tables
(h:dataTable, h:panelGrid)

there is NO need for adding table-specific-html
(eg. trtd) during the loop,
trtdbean:write ...//td.../tr


same with display-tag ( on using struts/jsp,



 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Stewart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 7:40 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts
 I've been monitoring this discussion. I for one like using the struts 
 html  tags over the JSTL/JSF semantically strange tags.
 For one thing, feedback from the HTML developers I work with, prefer 
 html:interate  this over the {c:jstl } garboono.
 I mean, isn't this a big motivation why Struts was created.
 Craig McClanahan wrote:
 On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 23:56:55 -0400, Rick Reumann 
 Craig McClanahan wrote:
 For applications you are about to start on, if it is your 
 intent to 
 use the Struts HTML tags for your view tier, you should 
 review that 
 decision in the light of the developments of the last few months, 
 since the JSF spec went final, to say nothing of the 
 availability of 
 alternative view tier technologies (XML, Velocity, ...) that work 
 with Struts as well.  If these tags work for you, that's 
 fine ... but 
 be aware that you are buying in to a mature technology that is 
 unlikely to change much in the future.
 Craig, can you elaborate on this a bit more? I'm confused 
 because if 
 you went with a different front end presentation other than JSP and 
 Struts HTML form tags, why would it matter that you chose 
 Struts HTML 
 tags for the JSP portion?
 If you choose Struts HTML tags for your presentation, you're 
 stuck with 
 what Struts provides.  Since Struts has no user interface component 
 model of its own, that has led to a variety of ad hoc solutions for 
 more complicated requirements.
 If you choose JSF components, not only are you not stuck with what 
 Struts provides (because the JSF API standards are common -- 
 and there 
 will be ***lots*** of third party components built on top of this 
 standard), you're not stuck with JSP either.  See below for more.
 If you later chose an XML/XSLT or Velocity
 (yuk:)solution for your view you'd end up scrapping the JSPs 
 altogether anyway so why would it matter what tags you used 
 to build 
 the JSPs that you would be replacing? Or are you basically 
 saying to 
 not even bothr using JSPs for a front end view? (I've seen good 
 velocity templates and I'll take a *clean* JSP using JSTL and tags 
 over Velocity any day of the week). Thanks for your 
 thoughts and all 
 your work on Struts, JSF, Tomcat, etc.
 The Struts HTML tags are very much specific to JSP ... indeed, their 
 very implementation is as instances of JSP custom tags.  You 
 can't use 
 them at all without buying in to JSP as a display 
 technology.  And, for 
 various reasons, more than a few loudmouths :-) in the Java 
 do not like JSP at all.
 With JSF, however, the situation is different.  Every JSF 
 component is, 
 at its core, just a JavaBean ... it doesn't care what technology is 
 used to ultimately manage the page.  Yes, we provide JSP tag 
 around all the standard components (because that addresses 
 the need of 
 a very large portion of the marketplace), but it's not 
 required.  The 
 reason is that JSF provides a pluggable ViewHandler 
 implementation ... 
 the default one does RequestDispatcher.forward() calls (just like 
 Struts does), making it very easy to use JSP, but this is by 
 no means 
 You like Tapestry style separation of the component tree definition 
 from the static HTML text?  That's not hard ... go get 
 Hans's JSF book 
 and read the last chapter, to get you 80% of the way to a robust 
 ViewHandler solution.
 Maybe you'd prefer XForms?  Go for it ... writing a ViewHandler that 
 transforms your favorite way of representing a component 
 tree into an 
 XForms document is MMP (Merely a Matter of Programming :-).
 Or, maybe you'd prefer an XML based solution that has all 
 the component 
 stuff in a single file, and you're contemplating an XSLT 
 based solution 
 that transforms component definitions into the corresponding 
 HTML.  Go 
 for it.  (Of, course, if you use the XML syntax for JSP 
 pages plus JSF 
 component tags, you get this pretty much for free ... oops, sorry, 
 forgot you might be one of those that doesn't like JSP :-).
 The basic point is, JSF is not restricted to using JSP as 
 the view tier 
 ... although, for obvious market share reasons (the number 
 of current 
 Java developers that use JSP dwarfs the number that use other view 
 technologies) JSF makes this very easy.

Re: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 23:40:08 -0600, Jeff Stewart [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've been monitoring this discussion. I for one like using the struts
 html  tags over the JSTL/JSF semantically strange tags.
 For one thing, feedback from the HTML developers I work with, prefer
 html:interate  this over the {c:jstl } garboono.

I presume you mean logic:iterate, not html:interate (which doesn't
exist :-).

 I mean, isn't this a big motivation why Struts was created.

No, that's *not* at all why Struts was created.

The primary reason Struts was created was to enable application
developers to employ a web application architecture based on
model-view-controller principles ... in particular, enabling the
separation of the controller tier from the view tier.  When Struts was
created, there were no commonly accepted design patterns for that

The custom tags that Struts provides (in the html and logic and bean
tag libraries) were a necessary precursor to out of the box usage of
Struts, in order to make it possible to adopt the basic MVC
architectural pattenrs.  However, that was *always* a secondary
feature in the original vision -- the important part was separation of
the view tier logic from the business tier logic.

Craig McClanahan
(Original creator of the Struts framework)

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From terry highfield: Invitation and new email address

2004-07-19 Thread t_highfield
 A Friendly Invitation

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Re: [OT] JBoss, Jaas and Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Erik Weber
Dang I thought I was onto something! I guess I'll stick to my User 
object in each session, and just try to make sure I centralize the auth 
checks as much as I can. Dunno why I ever wanted to change it, anyway.

Thanks Craig for your time.

Craig McClanahan wrote:
On Sun, 18 Jul 2004 21:50:19 -0400, Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

So, I am trying to use the JAAS implementations that JBoss provides,
which are configurable via login-config.xml. Now, if you configure that
file appropriately and create a login page that follows the J2EE specs
for container-managed login (the form action is j_security_check, the
username field is called j_username and the password field is called
j_password), the container does indeed propagate the authenticated
subject to the web-app environment somehow; you can use the methods such
as request.isUserInRole successfully. However, with the form action
having to be set to j_security_check, you lose the link to the Struts
controller, and thus give up Struts stuff like form validation, error
redirecting, etc.

That is as it should be.
When you create a form login page (for container managed security),
what you are essentially doing is designing a page that is part of the
*container*, not part of your *application* -- in other words, the
only thing you get to do is make the login page visually look like the
rest of your app.  It is not, in any way shape or form, actually part
of your app.  Therefore, you can't assume things like Struts
To grasp this more fully, switch your app to use BASIC authentication
instead of FORM, so that the browser pops up its login box.  See how
you don't have any way to specify validators on the input dialog, or
control where the input goes?  That's because form based login is an
exact analog to that procedure.

So I toyed with the idea of bridging my Struts login page (action !=
j_security_check) with the container, by somehow processing the form
submittal on my own, but then forwarding the username and password as
j_username and j_passsword to this j_security_check resource, but
I couldn't figure out how to do it. I even went so far as opening an
HttpURLConnection to http://localhost:8080/j_security_check; and
setting the username and password as request parameters, just to see if
it would work. Yeah, it's been a long day. Anyone have an idea on this

Yah, I do ... give up on expecting any portable solution that will
work across servers.  The current specs do not provide for that,
although there are current JSRs under way to address that precise

So I went the route of the typical examples; I wrote a login Action that
instantiates a LoginContext using the domain I have configured in
login-config.xml, provided my own CallbackHandler to submit the username
and password, etc. And the login method does work -- it does
authenticate using the database I specified in login-config.xml, but yet
somehow the Subject is not propagated to the web-app environment the way
it is when you login using the form action j_security_check, and so I
still cannot use the methods such as request.isUserInRole. So obviously
whatever intercepts the call to j_security_check is not only doing
authentication, but it is taking some extra step to let the container
know that the user has been authenticated. I know this is true because
the request.isUserInRole method works when I do it that way. I iterated
all the session attributes and there are no new ones present after
authenticating with j_security_check.
Does anyone know what this missing step is, and how I can do it from my
own code? Or am I wasting my time?

If you want to use Struts features in your login page, you'll need to
abandon container managed security.  Perhaps something like
SecurityFilter (a sourceforge project) might be useful to you -- but,
if you're using EJBs and need the propogation of user identity from
the web tier to the EJB tier, this is not likely to work.  The only
possible solution would be something your app server itself provides.

Thanks if you even took time to read this!

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validatewhen with a regular expression

2004-07-19 Thread Matthew Van Horn
Is is posible to use validatewhen in conjunction with mask?
I cannot figure out how to make it work. Separately they work fine, but
when I try to use them together it never validates.
Here is the non-working config.

form name=dynaPhoneNumberForm
field property=phoneNumber depends=validwhen,mask
arg0 key=phoneNumber.displayname /
var-value(submit == 'delete') or (*this* !=

I'm using a LookupDispatchAction, and if I am calling delete, I do not
send the phoneNumber field. If I am not deleting, then I would like to
validate this against a regular expression.

And, yes, the regex is working OK - they are not U.S. phone numbers.

Matthew Van Horn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: struts response character encoding.

2004-07-19 Thread Olve Sæther Hansen
sn, 18.07.2004 kl. 22.23 skrev Jason Lea:
 Olve Sther Hansen wrote:
 Now I am saying false things. I thought my baseLayout.jsp had this
 entry.. It didn't.
 So it is enough specifying 
 %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=UTF-8%
 in the base tiles file if that architecture is used.
 I think it that should work.
 But I think I ran into a problem when pre-compiling the JSP pages when 
 using the 2.3 spec.  If you don't pre-compile I think it should be ok.  
 If you do pre-compile, each JSP is passed to the compiler and the 
 compiler does not know the encoding, so it uses the default.  This is 
 why I ended up adding it to all pages.

I ended up using the directive for all jsp's containing non-ascii utf-8

Most messages are retrieved through the resource properties, but when I
am lazy, I write things directly in the jsp.

Thanks for the help!

Olve Sther Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Systems developer - National english reading tests
Intermedia/Aksis - Unifob

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2004-07-19 Thread Dixit, Shashank (Cognizant)
Hi All

I am using a JSP  Struts application which is already developed. I am using 
Websphere. Sometimes I get ConnectionWaitTimeOutException. I am sure there are some 
connection leaks. 

Which tool/method should we use to find out these connection leaks

Pls help

Thanks in advance

Shashank S. Dixit.
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Re: Connection

2004-07-19 Thread gnanavel . murugesan

Hi Shashank
There are lots of freeware tools available in net like can
also use JProbe for a better analysis of all the memory and connection

Gnanavel M | Accenture India Delivery Center MDC2B |
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 91.22.5500 3409 Direct Voice | mgnanavel


  Dixit, Shashank 

  (Cognizant)  To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  om   Subject: Connection


  07/19/2004 06:17 PM  

  Please respond to Struts

  Users Mailing List  



Hi All

I am using a JSP  Struts application which is already developed. I am
using Websphere. Sometimes I get ConnectionWaitTimeOutException. I am sure
there are some connection leaks.

Which tool/method should we use to find out these connection leaks

Pls help

Thanks in advance

Shashank S. Dixit.
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Re: struts response character encoding.

2004-07-19 Thread Emmanouil Batsis
There this system property you can set but I can't remember it, it's 
used as the encoding to use when reading files...

Anyway, I always edit my  .jsp and .properties using UTF-8, then pass 
them through the native2ascii ant task during my build. It's just a 
wrapper for the same-named JDK binary; you can use that directly if you 
dont use Ant. Works great.

Olve Sther Hansen wrote:
I have some problems using struts/tiles and UTF-8 characters embedded in
an jsp page.
How can I make struts/tiles respect the system default encoding, and not
use iso-8859-1 for all jsp pages? 

This problem occurs in tomcat 4.1.29, 5.0.19 and 5.0.27.
I have a struts version bundled with Appfuse, all I know is that it is
from 2003-12.02 (that is 2. december).
It seems like struts is hard-coding the response encoding to be
ISO-8859-1, although the response-encoding is set to be UTF-8 for all
In a struts-action I execute this code:
log.debug(res encoding:  +response.getCharacterEncoding());
log.debug(req encoding:  +request.getCharacterEncoding());
resulting in:
res encoding: ISO-8859-1
req encoding: UTF-8
I use the SpringFramework characterEncodingFilter to force utf-8.
My web-browser reports the page to be encoded in utf-8.
If I use iconv (a Linux program for converting files from one encoding
to another) to convert a file containing utf-8 characters (norwegian
characters   ) to iso-8859-1, the pages displays correctly.
My web-browser still reports the page as being encoded in utf-8. 

If I write the same Norwegian letters in a jsp page outside of
struts/tiles control, the page displays without problems..
So, is there a way to make struts/tiles respect the system default
encoding, and not use iso-8859-1 for all jsp pages? 

Hope someone can help me solve this problem, I have looked through most
email archives I can find without any solution.

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Re: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Rick Reumann
Craig McClanahan wrote:
With JSF, however, the situation is different.  Every JSF component
is, at its core, just a JavaBean ... it doesn't care what technology
is used to ultimately manage the page.  Yes, we provide JSP tag
wrappers around all the standard components (because that addresses
the need of a very large portion of the marketplace), but it's not
required.  The reason is that JSF provides a pluggable ViewHandler
implementation ... the default one does RequestDispatcher.forward()
calls (just like Struts does), making it very easy to use JSP, but
this is by no means required.
You like Tapestry style separation of the component tree definition
from the static HTML text?  That's not hard ... go get Hans's JSF book
and read the last chapter, to get you 80% of the way to a robust
ViewHandler solution.
Maybe you'd prefer XForms?  Go for it ... writing a ViewHandler that
transforms your favorite way of representing a component tree into an
XForms document is MMP (Merely a Matter of Programming :-).
Or, maybe you'd prefer an XML based solution that has all the
component stuff in a single file, and you're contemplating an XSLT
based solution that transforms component definitions into the
corresponding HTML.  Go for it.  (Of, course, if you use the XML
syntax for JSP pages plus JSF component tags, you get this pretty much
for free ... oops, sorry, forgot you might be one of those that
doesn't like JSP :-).
We're thinking about using Flash forms for some things. Will they plugin 
nicely to JSF?

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Fwd: Multipart forms

2004-07-19 Thread Diego
Hi! I have a problem when I want to get some parameters in the reset() method
an ActionForm.

If the form is a normal form, then I simply call
request.getParameter(myparameter) and the parameter is retrieved with no

But if the form is of type multipart, then I always get null. The parameter
table seems to be filled later, on the RequestProcessor. I need to get
parameters in the reset() method, specifically the page parameter, to deal
with checkboxes in my wizard-style multipage form.

How can I do it in the simplest way possible?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Michael McGrady
At 01:01 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:
The custom tags that Struts provides (in the html and logic and bean
tag libraries) were a necessary precursor to out of the box usage of
Struts, in order to make it possible to adopt the basic MVC
architectural pattenrs.  However, that was *always* a secondary
feature in the original vision -- the important part was separation of
the view tier logic from the business tier logic.
Craig McClanahan
(Original creator of the Struts framework)

As an original historical matter, it would be hubris of the highest variety 
to question you on this, Craig.  As a historical consequence, however, I 
for one think that this turned out to be the more revolutionary result of 
struts, leading coding into taglibs in a way not seen before.  The 
controller and MVC (of sorts) pattern in Struts existed in all sorts of 
forms prior to Struts.  Struts did it better than most, maybe better than 
all the rest, and provided a standard that people could code to.  But, 
those tags were just a big surprise in the way they hit the market.  I, for 
one, now code tags as readily as I code classes.  Not as many, of course, 
but they are a definite weapon in my quiver.  A big reason for that is that 
I could code using Struts taglib code as a learning and doing mechanism 
together.  Blah, blah, blah.  This is not meant to be particularly 
profound.  But I did want to give this boost to the tags in Struts.  I 
think they have been very important to Java.


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Re: Question on parameterizing action attribute to html:form

2004-07-19 Thread Rick Reumann
Andrey Rogov wrote:
there is another way to work with parameter form:action. If you use
Tiles in your applications create one reusable tiles  lay with elements of
design, control buttons and page control. In  this case you can use the page
with many forms. Then solution html:form action=${myFormBean.the_action_URI}/
can be replaced with  html:form action=${ControlBean.the_action_URI}/ .
What do you think ?
Sure that could work (using Tiles or Sitemesh), but I'm not sure you 
gain that much by having a tile/include contain a header htm:form 
action=${ControlBean.the_action_URI}/ on it versus html:form 
action=${myFormBean.the_action_URI}/. I probably wouldn't make a 
whole seperate tile just for the html:form header.

Most of the time I don't need to dynamically change the action name 
since the reusable form usually always has the same validation rules (an 
update versus and add for me usually has the same data on the page.. 
sometimes hidden though).  I also find it easier to understand when you 
can quickly look at the JSP and see the action name delcared in the form 

Since I'm now leaning towards manually calling the validate methods 
anyway (to avoid those issues of having to repopulate lists when 
validation fails), I can always create custom validation calls based on 
whether I'm doing an update versus an insert if I need to. This why the 
Action name always remains the same on the form.

Obviously many ways to skin a cat here. I tend to avoid having dynamic 
action names since some time a year later someone will say When I'm on 
such and such a page and click submit, I'm getting this wierd error. To 
track down the problem it's easy then to just look at the JSP and see 
the action it's submitting to. When it's dynamic it's a bit more of a 
pain to track down what is going on.

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[OT] javax.COMM

2004-07-19 Thread Michael McGrady
Anyone have any info on open source projects with javax.comm?

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Re: [OT] JBoss, Jaas and Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Rick Reumann
Erik Weber wrote:
Dang I thought I was onto something! I guess I'll stick to my User 
object in each session, and just try to make sure I centralize the auth 
checks as much as I can. Dunno why I ever wanted to change it, anyway.

Thanks Craig for your time.
I also sent your question on to a co-worker and he had this to say...
Craig if you have any comments regarding below I'd be interested in forwarding 
on to my co-worker here as well. Thanks.

This very topic has given me plenty of headaches.  Only by diving into the
Tomcat code did I start to figure out what was going on.
The issue is that the login must happen in two places since both JBoss and
Tomcat security were designed to work standalone.  JBoss accomplished the
integration of the two by hacking Tomcat to use JBossSX as a security realm
while allowing Tomcat to continue collecting its own login credentials.
When you performed your JAAS login within your action, you only authenticated
yourself with JBoss.  Since doing so bypassed the aformentioned hack, Tomcat
never authenticated and the user principal was never applied to the session.
I had a very similar issue not too long ago and when I finally figured out how
JBoss/Tomcat integrated, my brain started spinning trying to figure out how
to do a more intelligent form login through the JBoss/Tomcat stack.
Fortunately form authentication wasn't a requirement for the immediate
problem so I didn't put too many cycles on that problem.
The moral of the story is that you can't bypass j_security_check without
cutting Tomcat out of the authentication loop.  You can't proxy
j_security_check either.  I tried some VERY creative hacks that way and none
of them worked.  Tomcat was designed specifically to not allow it.  Too many
potential exploits there.
There is a possible solution if you're willing to apply a little elbow grease
and bend the JAAS spec a little.  Download the Tomcat source and take a look
at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator.  That's a good
reference for how Tomcat authentication works.
Now take a look at the FormAuthenticator in the same package.  This one is a
bit more complex in that it saves the initial request so that it can replay
it once authentication is complete.
It is conceivable that you can write a StrutsFormAuthenticator that forwards
to the ActionServlet to collect the credentials.  Once you have your new
authenticator, you can register it by adding it to
org/apache/catalina/startup/ with a key like
STRUTS.  Now go back to your web.xml and replace FORM with STRUTS and
next time Tomcat deploys your war it should load up with your custom
Be aware that JBossWeb has its own shadows of Tomcat authenticators (the
aformentioned hacks).  Instead of extending Tomcat classes directly, you must
extend these and you must patch the
org/jboss/web/tomcat/tc4/ file in
deploy/jbossweb-tomcat41.sar/tomcat41-service.jar with your STRUTS
Good luck!

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nested tags and bean population

2004-07-19 Thread Juan Alvarado
In my form bean I have an array list called categories that contains objects of type 
Category. Each Category object contains an array list of Steps.
So in my jsp I am rendering this relation as follows:
nested:iterate indexId='idx' name='auditmaster' property='categories' id='cat' 
h3nested:write property='category'//h3
nested:iterate name='cat' property='steps' id='step' 
  nested:textarea property='step' cols='65' rows='2'/br
First I iterate through the Category array list and then for each Category I iterate 
through the steps array list in each category. This renders just fine. The problem is 
that when a user edits each step and submits the form, only the stesp for the first 
Category get updated. The rest remain unchanged. I need for the user to be able to 
edit everything and then submit the form and have the edits be reflected in this 
nested relationship.
Thanks in advance

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RE: some best practices questions

2004-07-19 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 July 2004 08:37
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: some best practices questions
 People seem to treat using the session as though it were some 
 kind of moral
 There are technical pros and cons to using the session and 
 these should be
 considered when you do your coding, but the session scope is 
 not harem. You
 wont be cursed with eternal damnation because you shove a 
 couple of dropdown
 lists in the session for a while. It just has implications for
 performance/scalabilty in certain situations that mean that 
 avoiding its use
 is often advantageous. (Such as the posibilty that a while 
 could translate
 to until the session times out, and that if your in a clustered
 environment the container may need to serialise the session 
 around between
 machines quite often)

Usually those considerations are due to the fears that the 
host machine or application will crash with a very high
volume of simultaneous users.

For example it is not a good idea to store large bitmapped
images, say from a 5.0mega pixel digital camera in a HttpSession
directly or indirectly for each web user. You are asking for
trouble if you suddenly architect a load balancing solution.

 Doing 'wierd stuff' (tm) in application scope or on the file 
 system in an
 effort to reproduce the effect of a session seems a bit dodgy 
 to me (ie:
 surely the container is far better at implementing sessions 
 than you are!).
 Now if its because you have thought it through carefully and 
 logically and
 that in this case it really is better to do it this way then thats a
 different matter, but if its just due to some instinctive ideological
 aversion to using the session api, well thats just nuts.

Having said that you probably want to use a generic caching solution,
basically any lease-time based cache that uses a map collection
behind the scenes to cache images in my digital photostore example.

You would put a global image cache in the application scope (Servlet Scope)
and then all of the web application can access the cache. 
Also you would set an expiration time to be greater than 30 minutes or 
higher than the session timeout, or what is the point

I can see a place for lease time cache (LRU or otherwise) that sits
between the HttpSession (30 mins by default) and the application scope
(infinite or until the web container / server is restarted or die)

 For this particular use case I would either just use the session, or
 alternatively I would just look up the dropdowns from db each time and
 accept the performance hit, but its (probably) not worth the 
 time - including ongoing maintenance - to do anything overly 
 tricky just for
 a few dropdowns.

Alternatively behind the scenes put the cache in the DAO layer or
services layer. You can also rely on the OR/M framework to do this
for you if it is intelligent to cache similar queries and result

 my 2c
 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, 8 July 2004 13:09
 Subject: RE: some best practices questions
 I think, performance wise File I/O is not the right idea.
 What do you say ?
 -Original Message-
 From: Christina Siena [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 8:16 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: some best practices questions
 I have an idea how to persist the data that I currently place 
 in session
 scope but I need to run it by someone.
 Recall when I said that placing data in session scope is 
 frowned upon by
 some members of my team? Well no one said anything about not 
 using Java
 serialization. Why couldn't I serialize the
 same data that I currently keep in session scope? I've already
 implemented a solution for streaming images so creating a temp file
 should not be a problem. Here is what I think I will need:
 In the action where the data is first retrieved:
   try {
final String prefix = myVehicleLineMap;
final String suffix = null;
File file = File.createTempFile(prefix, suffix);
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
ObjectOutputStream objectOutputStream = new
   } catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println(this.getClass().getName() + ==  +
 In the action where the data needs to be re-accessed to 
 prepare the page
 for re-display:
   try {
FileInputStream fileInputStream = new
ObjectInputStream objectInputStream = new
SortedMap myMap = (SortedMap) objectInputStream.readObject();
// use myMap as before (when in session scope)
   } catch (Exception e) {

RE: some best practices questions

2004-07-19 Thread Pilgrim, Peter

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 July 2004 09:14
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: some best practices questions
 At 12:36 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
 For this particular use case I would either just use the session, or
 alternatively I would just look up the dropdowns from db 
 each time and
 accept the performance hit, but its (probably) not worth the 
 time - including ongoing maintenance - to do anything overly 
 tricky just for
 a few dropdowns.
 my 2c
 The thing is, though, Andrew, these are recurrent issues and seem to 
 require a generic solution.  Having a small manager in 
 application scope 
 which can create and monitor a scope which is not 
 application, not session, 
 and not request, is worth the while for these recurrent problems, I 
 think.  The persistence of such a scope can be made a 
 function of the data 
 rather than the interest of the clients.  That is worth 
 having to use on a 
 general basis, I think, and can be done with a very small performance 
 hit.  In fact, my guess is that it would be a performance plus.

Well this is astounding, because I looking at JCache JSR whatever?
and looking at alternatives like OSCache for a caching the look up
of login user accounts. So where the hell is JCache or the standard.

If it was there, I think it would give you what you want?

Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

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Re: nested tags and bean population

2004-07-19 Thread Rick Reumann
Juan Alvarado wrote:
In my form bean I have an array list called categories that contains
objects of type Category. Each Category object contains an array list
of Steps.
So in my jsp I am rendering this relation as follows:
nested:iterate indexId='idx' name='auditmaster'
property='categories' id='cat'
type='com.securance.vo.ApStepCategoryVO' h3nested:write
property='category'//h3 br nested:iterate name='cat'
property='steps' id='step' type='com.securance.vo.ApStepVO' 
nested:textarea property='step' cols='65' rows='2'/br 
/nested:iterate /nested:iterate

First I iterate through the Category array list and then for each
Category I iterate through the steps array list in each category.
This renders just fine. The problem is that when a user edits each
step and submits the form, only the stesp for the first Category get
updated. The rest remain unchanged. I need for the user to be able to
edit everything and then submit the form and have the edits be
reflected in this nested relationship.
Hey Juan. What does the source code look like?
I think the source code will reveal a lot. Are you sure your collections 
aren't getting pulled from some other scope other than the form bean?

Also I never use name or the type in my nested:iterate loops. I 
think that could be the problem. If you use name it will look for that 
'name' of the collection in scope. You want to make sure you are using 
the collection that is nested inside of the other one. If you remove 
name and type and it still doesn't work that will reveal a lot of the 

For example if you have a Collection of categories (of 
ApStepCategoryVO) in you form bean you should be able to do

nested:iterate property='categories' id='cat' 
h3nested:write property='category'//h3
nested:iterate  property='steps' id='step'
nested:textarea property='step' cols='65' rows='2'/br
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Re: some best practices questions

2004-07-19 Thread Vic Cekvenich
My comment would be that *data* caching should be done in the data layer 
(like ibatis, hibrenate, whatever).

Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
-Original Message-
From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 08 July 2004 09:14
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: some best practices questions
At 12:36 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
For this particular use case I would either just use the session, or
alternatively I would just look up the dropdowns from db 
each time and
accept the performance hit, but its (probably) not worth the 
time - including ongoing maintenance - to do anything overly 
tricky just for
a few dropdowns.
my 2c
The thing is, though, Andrew, these are recurrent issues and seem to 
require a generic solution.  Having a small manager in 
application scope 
which can create and monitor a scope which is not 
application, not session, 
and not request, is worth the while for these recurrent problems, I 
think.  The persistence of such a scope can be made a 
function of the data 
rather than the interest of the clients.  That is worth 
having to use on a 
general basis, I think, and can be done with a very small performance 
hit.  In fact, my guess is that it would be a performance plus.


Well this is astounding, because I looking at JCache JSR whatever?
and looking at alternatives like OSCache for a caching the look up
of login user accounts. So where the hell is JCache or the standard.
If it was there, I think it would give you what you want?
Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

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Re: nested tags and bean population

2004-07-19 Thread Juan Alvarado
Hey Rick I got rid of the name and type and it worked. Kinda weird.
Thanks for the quick reply!!!

Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Juan Alvarado wrote:

 In my form bean I have an array list called categories that contains
 objects of type Category. Each Category object contains an array list
 of Steps.
 So in my jsp I am rendering this relation as follows:
  property='categories' id='cat'
 type='com.securance.vo.ApStepCategoryVO'  property='category'/
 property='steps' id='step' type='com.securance.vo.ApStepVO' 

 First I iterate through the Category array list and then for each
 Category I iterate through the steps array list in each category.
 This renders just fine. The problem is that when a user edits each
 step and submits the form, only the stesp for the first Category get
 updated. The rest remain unchanged. I need for the user to be able to
 edit everything and then submit the form and have the edits be
 reflected in this nested relationship.

Hey Juan. What does the source code look like?

I think the source code will reveal a lot. Are you sure your collections 
aren't getting pulled from some other scope other than the form bean?

Also I never use name or the type in my nested:iterate loops. I 
think that could be the problem. If you use name it will look for that 
'name' of the collection in scope. You want to make sure you are using 
the collection that is nested inside of the other one. If you remove 
name and type and it still doesn't work that will reveal a lot of the 

For example if you have a Collection of categories (of 
ApStepCategoryVO) in you form bean you should be able to do


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RE: application configuration

2004-07-19 Thread Pilgrim, Peter
 -Original Message-
 From: Andrew Hill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 July 2004 12:26
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: application configuration
 I tend to put such things in XML files rather than properties files
 When the app starts up I have a plugin read the files and create
 configuration objects (using Digester), and put these objects into the
 servlet context (application scope) where my code can get at 
 them easily.

Agreed +1

Basically this is the same I am persuaded to. I written some Digester
stuff in the past for simple and complex XML configuration

I have a simple property file for a service layer.

org.foobar.somelayer.MyPOJI = org.foobar.somelayer.impl.MyPOJOImpl

MyPOJI is a service Java interface.

MyPOJOImpl is a concreate java class that implements the service MyPOJI

I can easily turn this into a XML file or allow a light weight framework
to load. Such a simple service layer could load up the service implementations
and stick in the application scope where Struts action (or Expresso
can get them. I have come around to the thinking that Business Delegate
and Service Locator can be overfluous ( I have been reading Rod Johnson's
new book also).

The problem is that I want my services to be lazy loaded. If there
a complex service that pulls in XYZ number of Java class, very resource
intensive, or is generally particular heavy, then I dont want all of 
my service to spring into life.

Is there any IoC frameworks out there that do lazy loading?
Or has anyone on the knowledgeable Struts user done something like this?



Peter Pilgrim
Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

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Re: Multipart forms

2004-07-19 Thread Niall Pemberton
You can't get them in the reset() method. Parameters in multipart requests
are processed later and made available by wrapping the original request in
MultipartRequestWrapper and  storing the normal request parameters in that
wrapper. Thats not done until the form is populated. The first chance you
get to do anything is in the form's validate method.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 3:26 PM
Subject: Fwd: Multipart forms

 Hi! I have a problem when I want to get some parameters in the reset()
 an ActionForm.

 If the form is a normal form, then I simply call
 request.getParameter(myparameter) and the parameter is retrieved with no

 But if the form is of type multipart, then I always get null. The
 table seems to be filled later, on the RequestProcessor. I need to get
 parameters in the reset() method, specifically the page parameter, to
 with checkboxes in my wizard-style multipage form.

 How can I do it in the simplest way possible?

 Thanks in advance.

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Re[2]: some best practices questions ( Neal Ford about caching )

2004-07-19 Thread Andrey Rogov

Enhancing Web Application Performance with caching
by Neal Ford.

 -Original Message-
 From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 July 2004 09:14
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: some best practices questions
 At 12:36 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
 For this particular use case I would either just use the session, or
 alternatively I would just look up the dropdowns from db 
 each time and
 accept the performance hit, but its (probably) not worth the 
 time - including ongoing maintenance - to do anything overly 
 tricky just for
 a few dropdowns.
 my 2c
 The thing is, though, Andrew, these are recurrent issues and seem to 
 require a generic solution.  Having a small manager in 
 application scope 
 which can create and monitor a scope which is not 
 application, not session, 
 and not request, is worth the while for these recurrent problems, I 
 think.  The persistence of such a scope can be made a 
 function of the data 
 rather than the interest of the clients.  That is worth 
 having to use on a 
 general basis, I think, and can be done with a very small performance 
 hit.  In fact, my guess is that it would be a performance plus.

PP Well this is astounding, because I looking at JCache JSR whatever?
PP and looking at alternatives like OSCache for a caching the look up
PP of login user accounts. So where the hell is JCache or the standard.

PP If it was there, I think it would give you what you want?

PP --
PP Peter Pilgrim
PP Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
PP 10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
PP Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447

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how to check a 'set' variable in Struts tag/JSTL

2004-07-19 Thread lixin chu
how to check a 'set' variable using JSTL or Struts
tags ? 

for example, I have a variable called 'Roles' which is
a Set. In a JSP, I want to check if
'Admin'/'Guest'/'User' is in the Set. How do I do this
? Could not find a suitable tag to handle this.

li xin

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Using nested:errors within other nested tags

2004-07-19 Thread Maurice Nicholson
Hi all,
would someone be able to tell me the correct way to do this, taking
advantage of the nesting?
I expected that after adding errors with the same nested property names as
the nested tags use (eg, person[0].username), it might be something like:
nested:form ...
  nested:nest property=person[0]
tdUser name:/td
tdnested:text property=username / nested:errors
property=username //td
and the nested property for the errors tag would use the same nesting as
the other nested tags (ie, person[0] in this case), but not so, at least
in my version of Struts, circa 1.1.
I have it working like this now, with a few changes to NestedPropertyHelper
(see below), but I can't help thinking I've missed the point.
Thanks in advance,
Changes to two methods (complete file below):
  public static void setNestedProperties(HttpServletRequest request,
 NestedPropertySupport tag) {
boolean adjustProperty = true;
/* if the tag implements NestedNameSupport, set the name for the tag
also */
if (tag instanceof NestedNameSupport) {
  NestedNameSupport nameTag = (NestedNameSupport)tag;
  if (nameTag.getName() == null
  || Constants.BEAN_KEY.equals(nameTag.getName())
  || Globals.ERROR_KEY.equals(nameTag.getName())) { // ADDED THIS
nameTag.setName(getCurrentName(request, (NestedNameSupport) tag));
  } else {
adjustProperty = false;
/* get and set the relative property, adjust if required */
String property = tag.getProperty();
if (adjustProperty) {
  property = getAdjustedProperty(request, property);

  public static final String getCurrentName(HttpServletRequest request,
NestedNameSupport nested) {
// Error Tag?
if (nested instanceof NestedErrorsTag) {   // ADDED THESE LINES SO THE
  return Globals.ERROR_KEY;

// Rest as before

Complete file:
 * $Header:
/home/cvs/jakarta-struts/src/share/org/apache/struts/taglib/nested/NestedPro,v 1.14 2003/04/22 02:28:52 dgraham Exp $
 * $Revision: 1.14 $
 * $Date: 2003/04/22 02:28:52 $
 * The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 The Apache Software Foundation.  All rights
 * reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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 *   This product includes software developed by the
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 * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
 * individuals on behalf of 

Re: [OT] JBoss, Jaas and Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Erik Weber
The helpfulness of people on this list continues to amaze me. Glad to 
know I'm not the only one struggling with this!

I will play with the technique described when I get a chance, and I will 
let everyone know how it goes. But that may be next weekend.

Meanwhile, I will post this general solicitation for advice to the list:
I have a couple different Servlet-based apps that will be deployed on 
JBoss and/or Tomcat. Both will be exposed to the Internet, and both will 
require SSL -- at least server authentication and encryption of 
credentials (for sure), if not encryption of all content (maybe) and 
even SSL client authentication (probably not).

On one, I will get full access to the Server box (we are planning to use 
JBoss 3.2.4). But, unfortunately, they are going to have Windows running 
on the box (ack). Had it been a unix box, my plan would have been to put 
an Apache in front of the JBoss server and to try to configure all the 
SSL stuff via Apache, because I know that is commonly done and I know it 
would be easy to get help doing it. But, if that doesn't work out, is 
IIS-Tomcat or IIS-JBoss/Tomcat a viable option, securitywise? Or how 
about JBoss/Tomcat alone?

For the other, we will probably use a hosting company such as 
webappcabaret. They run Tomcat and promise full SSL support.

The main question I have is, are there best practices I can follow 
within the scope of my Struts/Servlet-related programming that will make 
it easier to upgrade the security of these apps, or does it really 
matter that much exactly how access to resources is controlled (within 
this scope I mean)? Typically I find myself in the same environment -- 
authentication/authorization data is stored via RDBMS, an app-specific 
login is programmed for authentication, and the Servlet-related 
processors check User.Permissions objects stored as HttpSession 
attributes for authorization.

Thanks again,

Rick Reumann wrote:
Erik Weber wrote:
Dang I thought I was onto something! I guess I'll stick to my User 
object in each session, and just try to make sure I centralize the 
auth checks as much as I can. Dunno why I ever wanted to change it, 

Thanks Craig for your time.

I also sent your question on to a co-worker and he had this to say...
Craig if you have any comments regarding below I'd be interested in 
forwarding on to my co-worker here as well. Thanks.

This very topic has given me plenty of headaches. Only by diving into the
Tomcat code did I start to figure out what was going on.
The issue is that the login must happen in two places since both JBoss 
Tomcat security were designed to work standalone. JBoss accomplished the
integration of the two by hacking Tomcat to use JBossSX as a security 
while allowing Tomcat to continue collecting its own login credentials.

When you performed your JAAS login within your action, you only 
yourself with JBoss. Since doing so bypassed the aformentioned hack, 
never authenticated and the user principal was never applied to the 

I had a very similar issue not too long ago and when I finally figured 
out how
JBoss/Tomcat integrated, my brain started spinning trying to figure 
out how
to do a more intelligent form login through the JBoss/Tomcat stack.
Fortunately form authentication wasn't a requirement for the immediate
problem so I didn't put too many cycles on that problem.

The moral of the story is that you can't bypass j_security_check without
cutting Tomcat out of the authentication loop. You can't proxy
j_security_check either. I tried some VERY creative hacks that way and 
of them worked. Tomcat was designed specifically to not allow it. Too 
potential exploits there.

There is a possible solution if you're willing to apply a little elbow 
and bend the JAAS spec a little. Download the Tomcat source and take a 
at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator. That's a good
reference for how Tomcat authentication works.

Now take a look at the FormAuthenticator in the same package. This one 
is a
bit more complex in that it saves the initial request so that it can 
it once authentication is complete.

It is conceivable that you can write a StrutsFormAuthenticator that 
to the ActionServlet to collect the credentials. Once you have your new
authenticator, you can register it by adding it to
org/apache/catalina/startup/ with a key like
STRUTS. Now go back to your web.xml and replace FORM with STRUTS 
next time Tomcat deploys your war it should load up with your custom

Be aware that JBossWeb has its own shadows of Tomcat authenticators (the
aformentioned hacks). Instead of extending Tomcat classes directly, 
you must
extend these and you must patch the
org/jboss/web/tomcat/tc4/ file in
deploy/jbossweb-tomcat41.sar/tomcat41-service.jar with your STRUTS


Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Koon Yue Lam
Hi !
I have try the follow to retrieve a datasource from Struts using JNDI:

 Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
 Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);
 DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(jdbc/kiss_web_news);

but it doesn't work

it is my struts-config,xml:
data-source type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
  property=driverClassName /
  value=jdbc:mysql://localhost/kiss_web_news /
  value=root /
  value=1234567 /

Do I need to modify the web.xml under $Tomcat/conf ?? It seems that
Stucts doesn't registry the datasource to JNDI and I always get a null
pointer of datasource.

any help?


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RE: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Geeta Ramani

 -Original Message-
 From: Koon Yue Lam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:46 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Datasource problem again..
 Do I need to modify the web.xml under $Tomcat/conf ?? 

You have to add a Resource element in your context in server.xml. Here's the sort of 
thing that works for us:

Context path=/TDX docBase=TDX debug=0
 reloadable=true crossContext=true
Resource name=jdbc/tdxDB auth=Container 
type=javax.sql.DataSource /
ResourceParams name=jdbc/tdxDB




valueselect count(*) from a tablename where 



Let me know if you need additional info and I can send you a link where I read up on 
these details: in a rush now for a meeting..(:(


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Re: JSF vs Struts - Development Process Questions

2004-07-19 Thread Mike Duffy
I have some questions regarding the development process when using JSF, especially in 
realtion to
HTML designers.  Will everyone on the team need the same advanced design tools?  Will 
designers who are used to tweaking HTML/JSP be restricted to a completely visual drag 
and drop
environment? Or even worse, will the HTML designers be required to learn JSF mark up 

There was another thread a few weeks ago relating to the general development process.  
Like many
others, we have gotten used to the process where the HTML designers mock up a page and 
then a
software engineer transition the page to a JSP and wires it into our system (using 
Struts, and
JSTL).  What is the vision for the development process in JSF?

Also, what is the ultimate vision for JSF?  Do you invision a IDE that can create 
interfaces on
the same level as Flash?  A question asked earlier in this thread:  Will JSF integrate 
with Flash
forms?  It would be cool to have one integrated development system that could do it 

This thread was started with the question, If you were starting a project today, what 
would you
use, Struts or JSF?  My answer is, I would use Struts with JSTL and I would purchase 
the new
Eclipse based IDE, NitroX (  We purchased licenses for NitroX 
after our CTO
came back from JavaOne.  It looks like the creative people at M7 have done a lot of 
things right;
they even have planned support for JSF.  NitroX may very well evolve into the IDE that 
can do it
all.  The best thing about NitroX is that it will enable a transition from Struts to 
JSF if you
decide to go that route.  The main reason I would choose Struts/JSTL over JSF is that 
it works
well within the existing skill sets of most developers and designers.

I would keep an open mind regarding JSF, especially in regard to high level components 
that are
not easily created using JSP/JSTL.  This is the area where JSF could win the game. 

In the near term, my guess is that the really cool advanced interfaces are going to 
require Flash.
 If you'd like to see some leading edge Flash, turn up your sound and go to


--- Michael McGrady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 01:01 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:
 The custom tags that Struts provides (in the html and logic and bean
 tag libraries) were a necessary precursor to out of the box usage of
 Struts, in order to make it possible to adopt the basic MVC
 architectural pattenrs.  However, that was *always* a secondary
 feature in the original vision -- the important part was separation of
 the view tier logic from the business tier logic.
 Craig McClanahan
 (Original creator of the Struts framework)
 As an original historical matter, it would be hubris of the highest variety 
 to question you on this, Craig.  As a historical consequence, however, I 
 for one think that this turned out to be the more revolutionary result of 
 struts, leading coding into taglibs in a way not seen before.  The 
 controller and MVC (of sorts) pattern in Struts existed in all sorts of 
 forms prior to Struts.  Struts did it better than most, maybe better than 
 all the rest, and provided a standard that people could code to.  But, 
 those tags were just a big surprise in the way they hit the market.  I, for 
 one, now code tags as readily as I code classes.  Not as many, of course, 
 but they are a definite weapon in my quiver.  A big reason for that is that 
 I could code using Struts taglib code as a learning and doing mechanism 
 together.  Blah, blah, blah.  This is not meant to be particularly 
 profound.  But I did want to give this boost to the tags in Struts.  I 
 think they have been very important to Java.
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RE: [OT] JBoss, Jaas and Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Erez Efrati
Hi Erik, 

Not too long ago I struggled with this issue too and also played with
SecurityFilter (on but it didn't work with JBoss.
And so after digging and digging I came up with my own security filter
Does work with JBoss and in fact can be adapted to more Application

Though it is not as fancy in terms of configuration, it is sure working
for me and since then I have no headaches - at least not from that
direction :)

If you are interested in the code, send me an email.



-Original Message-
From: Erik Weber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 6:43 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: [OT] JBoss, Jaas and Struts

The helpfulness of people on this list continues to amaze me. Glad to 
know I'm not the only one struggling with this!

I will play with the technique described when I get a chance, and I will

let everyone know how it goes. But that may be next weekend.

Meanwhile, I will post this general solicitation for advice to the list:

I have a couple different Servlet-based apps that will be deployed on 
JBoss and/or Tomcat. Both will be exposed to the Internet, and both will

require SSL -- at least server authentication and encryption of 
credentials (for sure), if not encryption of all content (maybe) and 
even SSL client authentication (probably not).

On one, I will get full access to the Server box (we are planning to use

JBoss 3.2.4). But, unfortunately, they are going to have Windows running

on the box (ack). Had it been a unix box, my plan would have been to put

an Apache in front of the JBoss server and to try to configure all the 
SSL stuff via Apache, because I know that is commonly done and I know it

would be easy to get help doing it. But, if that doesn't work out, is 
IIS-Tomcat or IIS-JBoss/Tomcat a viable option, securitywise? Or how 
about JBoss/Tomcat alone?

For the other, we will probably use a hosting company such as 
webappcabaret. They run Tomcat and promise full SSL support.

The main question I have is, are there best practices I can follow 
within the scope of my Struts/Servlet-related programming that will make

it easier to upgrade the security of these apps, or does it really 
matter that much exactly how access to resources is controlled (within 
this scope I mean)? Typically I find myself in the same environment -- 
authentication/authorization data is stored via RDBMS, an app-specific 
login is programmed for authentication, and the Servlet-related 
processors check User.Permissions objects stored as HttpSession 
attributes for authorization.

Thanks again,


Rick Reumann wrote:

 Erik Weber wrote:

 Dang I thought I was onto something! I guess I'll stick to my User 
 object in each session, and just try to make sure I centralize the 
 auth checks as much as I can. Dunno why I ever wanted to change it, 

 Thanks Craig for your time.

 I also sent your question on to a co-worker and he had this to say...

 Craig if you have any comments regarding below I'd be interested in 
 forwarding on to my co-worker here as well. Thanks.


 This very topic has given me plenty of headaches. Only by diving into
 Tomcat code did I start to figure out what was going on.

 The issue is that the login must happen in two places since both JBoss

 Tomcat security were designed to work standalone. JBoss accomplished
 integration of the two by hacking Tomcat to use JBossSX as a security 
 while allowing Tomcat to continue collecting its own login

 When you performed your JAAS login within your action, you only 
 yourself with JBoss. Since doing so bypassed the aformentioned hack, 
 never authenticated and the user principal was never applied to the 

 I had a very similar issue not too long ago and when I finally figured

 out how
 JBoss/Tomcat integrated, my brain started spinning trying to figure 
 out how
 to do a more intelligent form login through the JBoss/Tomcat stack.
 Fortunately form authentication wasn't a requirement for the immediate
 problem so I didn't put too many cycles on that problem.

 The moral of the story is that you can't bypass j_security_check
 cutting Tomcat out of the authentication loop. You can't proxy
 j_security_check either. I tried some VERY creative hacks that way and

 of them worked. Tomcat was designed specifically to not allow it. Too 
 potential exploits there.

 There is a possible solution if you're willing to apply a little elbow

 and bend the JAAS spec a little. Download the Tomcat source and take a

 at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator. That's a good
 reference for how Tomcat authentication works.

 Now take a look at the FormAuthenticator in the same package. This one

 is a
 bit more complex in that it saves the initial request so that it can 
 it once authentication is 

RE: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Geeta Ramani
P.S. here you go:

Enjoy! :)

 -Original Message-
 From: Koon Yue Lam [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:46 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Datasource problem again..
 Hi !
 I have try the follow to retrieve a datasource from Struts using JNDI:
  Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
  Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);
  DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(jdbc/kiss_web_news);
 but it doesn't work
 it is my struts-config,xml:
   data-source type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
   property=driverClassName /
   value=jdbc:mysql://localhost/kiss_web_news /
   value=root /
   value=1234567 /
 Do I need to modify the web.xml under $Tomcat/conf ?? It seems that
 Stucts doesn't registry the datasource to JNDI and I always get a null
 pointer of datasource.
 any help?
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Re: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-19 Thread Craig McClanahan
On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:25:13 -0400, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 We're thinking about using Flash forms for some things. Will they plugin
 nicely to JSF?

Hooking up the output side of that should be a piece of cake ... write
some components that render the necessary markup to embed the Flash
stuff in the generated page.  I'm not familiar with the input side of
using Flash for this, but in principle it should still just be a
matter of having your component (or renderer) decode() method parse
the appropriate request parameters and store the values, just as the
standard HTML components do.


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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Asif Rahman
I tried using the datasources tags in struts-config.xml, couldnt get it
work so I modified the server.xml in tomcat/conf directly.  Just add a
context element as follows in your server.xml

This is my configuration:

Context path=/wrap docBase=C:\tomcat5\webapps\wrap reloadable=true
  Resource name=jdbc/WrapDB auth=Container
  ResourceParams name=jdbc/WrapDB

!-- Maximum number of dB connections in pool. Make sure you
 configure your mysqld max_connections large enough to handle
 all of your db connections. Set to 0 for no limit.

!-- Maximum number of idle dB connections to retain in pool.
 Set to 0 for no limit.

!-- Maximum time to wait for a dB connection to become available
 in ms, in this example 10 seconds. An Exception is thrown if
 this timeout is exceeded.  Set to -1 to wait indefinitely.

!-- dB username and password for dB connections  --
 value(*place your username here) /value
 value(*place your password here)/value

!-- Class name for oracle JDBC driver --

  valuejdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://(***place your URL

Hope this helps.


- Original Message - 
From: Koon Yue Lam [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:46 PM
Subject: Datasource problem again..

 Hi !
 I have try the follow to retrieve a datasource from Struts using JNDI:

  Context initCtx = new InitialContext();
  Context envCtx = (Context) initCtx.lookup(java:comp/env);
  DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(jdbc/kiss_web_news);

 but it doesn't work

 it is my struts-config,xml:
 data-source type=org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
   property=driverClassName /
   value=jdbc:mysql://localhost/kiss_web_news /
   value=root /
   value=1234567 /

 Do I need to modify the web.xml under $Tomcat/conf ?? It seems that
 Stucts doesn't registry the datasource to JNDI and I always get a null
 pointer of datasource.

 any help?


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Re: some best practices questions

2004-07-19 Thread Mike Duffy
What do you think of caching static or semi-static data that applies to all users 
(options in a
drop down list, etc.) in the application scope?

--- Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My comment would be that *data* caching should be done in the data layer 
 (like ibatis, hibrenate, whatever).
 Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 08 July 2004 09:14
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: RE: some best practices questions
 At 12:36 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
 For this particular use case I would either just use the session, or
 alternatively I would just look up the dropdowns from db 
 each time and
 accept the performance hit, but its (probably) not worth the 
 time - including ongoing maintenance - to do anything overly 
 tricky just for
 a few dropdowns.
 my 2c
 The thing is, though, Andrew, these are recurrent issues and seem to 
 require a generic solution.  Having a small manager in 
 application scope 
 which can create and monitor a scope which is not 
 application, not session, 
 and not request, is worth the while for these recurrent problems, I 
 think.  The persistence of such a scope can be made a 
 function of the data 
 rather than the interest of the clients.  That is worth 
 having to use on a 
 general basis, I think, and can be done with a very small performance 
 hit.  In fact, my guess is that it would be a performance plus.
  Well this is astounding, because I looking at JCache JSR whatever?
  and looking at alternatives like OSCache for a caching the look up
  of login user accounts. So where the hell is JCache or the standard.
  If it was there, I think it would give you what you want?
  Peter Pilgrim
  Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
  10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
  Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447
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RE: some best practices questions

2004-07-19 Thread Jim Barrows

 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 10:45 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: some best practices questions
 What do you think of caching static or semi-static data that 
 applies to all users (options in a
 drop down list, etc.) in the application scope?

I think it depends on how much memory all your ddl and other type stuff is.  That's 
what application scope is for, anythinng that should be application wide.

 --- Vic Cekvenich [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  My comment would be that *data* caching should be done in 
 the data layer 
  (like ibatis, hibrenate, whatever).
  Pilgrim, Peter wrote:
  -Original Message-
  From: Michael McGrady [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: 08 July 2004 09:14
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: some best practices questions
  At 12:36 AM 7/8/2004, you wrote:
  For this particular use case I would either just use the 
 session, or
  alternatively I would just look up the dropdowns from db 
  each time and
  accept the performance hit, but its (probably) not worth the 
  time - including ongoing maintenance - to do anything overly 
  tricky just for
  a few dropdowns.
  my 2c
  The thing is, though, Andrew, these are recurrent issues 
 and seem to 
  require a generic solution.  Having a small manager in 
  application scope 
  which can create and monitor a scope which is not 
  application, not session, 
  and not request, is worth the while for these recurrent 
 problems, I 
  think.  The persistence of such a scope can be made a 
  function of the data 
  rather than the interest of the clients.  That is worth 
  having to use on a 
  general basis, I think, and can be done with a very small 
  hit.  In fact, my guess is that it would be a performance plus.
   Well this is astounding, because I looking at JCache JSR whatever?
   and looking at alternatives like OSCache for a caching the look up
   of login user accounts. So where the hell is JCache or 
 the standard.
   If it was there, I think it would give you what you want?
   Peter Pilgrim
   Operations/IT - Credit Suisse First Boston, 
   10 South Colonnade, London E14 4QJ, United Kingdom
   Tel: +44 (0)207 883 4447
   This message is for the sole use of the intended 
 recipient. If you received
   this message in error please delete it and notify us. If 
 this message was
   misdirected, CSFB does not waive any confidentiality or 
 privilege. CSFB
   retains and monitors electronic communications sent 
 through its network.
   Instructions transmitted over this system are not binding 
 on CSFB until they
   are confirmed by us. Message transmission is not 
 guaranteed to be secure.
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RE: JSF vs Struts - Development Process Questions

2004-07-19 Thread Robert Taylor
  If you'd like to see some leading edge Flash, turn up your sound and go to
That's some pretty cool stuff!


 -Original Message-
 From: Mike Duffy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:58 PM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts - Development Process Questions
 I have some questions regarding the development process when using JSF, especially 
 in realtion to
 HTML designers.  Will everyone on the team need the same advanced design tools?  
 Will the
 designers who are used to tweaking HTML/JSP be restricted to a completely visual 
 drag and drop
 environment? Or even worse, will the HTML designers be required to learn JSF mark up 
 There was another thread a few weeks ago relating to the general development 
 process.  Like many
 others, we have gotten used to the process where the HTML designers mock up a page 
 and then a
 software engineer transition the page to a JSP and wires it into our system (using 
 Struts, and
 JSTL).  What is the vision for the development process in JSF?
 Also, what is the ultimate vision for JSF?  Do you invision a IDE that can create 
 interfaces on
 the same level as Flash?  A question asked earlier in this thread:  Will JSF 
 integrate with Flash
 forms?  It would be cool to have one integrated development system that could do it 
 This thread was started with the question, If you were starting a project today, 
 what would you
 use, Struts or JSF?  My answer is, I would use Struts with JSTL and I would 
 purchase the new
 Eclipse based IDE, NitroX (  We purchased licenses for NitroX 
 after our CTO
 came back from JavaOne.  It looks like the creative people at M7 have done a lot of 
 things right;
 they even have planned support for JSF.  NitroX may very well evolve into the IDE 
 that can do it
 all.  The best thing about NitroX is that it will enable a transition from Struts to 
 JSF if you
 decide to go that route.  The main reason I would choose Struts/JSTL over JSF is 
 that it works
 well within the existing skill sets of most developers and designers.
 I would keep an open mind regarding JSF, especially in regard to high level 
 components that are
 not easily created using JSP/JSTL.  This is the area where JSF could win the game. 
 In the near term, my guess is that the really cool advanced interfaces are going to 
 require Flash.
  If you'd like to see some leading edge Flash, turn up your sound and go to
 --- Michael McGrady [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 01:01 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:
  The custom tags that Struts provides (in the html and logic and bean
  tag libraries) were a necessary precursor to out of the box usage of
  Struts, in order to make it possible to adopt the basic MVC
  architectural pattenrs.  However, that was *always* a secondary
  feature in the original vision -- the important part was separation of
  the view tier logic from the business tier logic.
  Craig McClanahan
  (Original creator of the Struts framework)
  As an original historical matter, it would be hubris of the highest variety 
  to question you on this, Craig.  As a historical consequence, however, I 
  for one think that this turned out to be the more revolutionary result of 
  struts, leading coding into taglibs in a way not seen before.  The 
  controller and MVC (of sorts) pattern in Struts existed in all sorts of 
  forms prior to Struts.  Struts did it better than most, maybe better than 
  all the rest, and provided a standard that people could code to.  But, 
  those tags were just a big surprise in the way they hit the market.  I, for 
  one, now code tags as readily as I code classes.  Not as many, of course, 
  but they are a definite weapon in my quiver.  A big reason for that is that 
  I could code using Struts taglib code as a learning and doing mechanism 
  together.  Blah, blah, blah.  This is not meant to be particularly 
  profound.  But I did want to give this boost to the tags in Struts.  I 
  think they have been very important to Java.
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RE: JSF vs Struts - Development Process Questions

2004-07-19 Thread Michael McGrady
At 10:51 AM 7/19/2004, you wrote:
  If you'd like to see some leading edge Flash, turn up your sound and go to

HELLO! Wow! 

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Re: JSF vs Struts - Development Process Questions

2004-07-19 Thread Bryan Hunt
JSF with spring and hibernate tutorial.

Guess I should read it before I comment again.
Bryan Hunt wrote:
I am sceptical about this technology but potentially it could be good. 
I'm going to look at JSF in 6 months
or a years time when it is clearer if this is going to be another 
timewaster/project wrecker or something
usefull and useable.

In the meantime I recomend NitroX as well although I don't like the 
companys patent pending bs about
their app x ray technology

Things like that don't make me particularly enthusiastic as someone 
who has to constantly worry about
software patents when I'm writing a LGPL app/using a linux server.

Mike Duffy wrote:
I have some questions regarding the development process when using 
JSF, especially in realtion to
HTML designers.  Will everyone on the team need the same advanced 
design tools?  Will the
designers who are used to tweaking HTML/JSP be restricted to a 
completely visual drag and drop
environment? Or even worse, will the HTML designers be required to 
learn JSF mark up code?
There was another thread a few weeks ago relating to the general 
development process.  Like many
others, we have gotten used to the process where the HTML designers 
mock up a page and then a
software engineer transition the page to a JSP and wires it into our 
system (using Struts, and
JSTL).  What is the vision for the development process in JSF?

Also, what is the ultimate vision for JSF?  Do you invision a IDE 
that can create interfaces on


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Re: how to check a 'set' variable in Struts tag/JSTL

2004-07-19 Thread Rick Reumann
lixin chu wrote:
for example, I have a variable called 'Roles' which is
a Set. In a JSP, I want to check if
'Admin'/'Guest'/'User' is in the Set. How do I do this
? Could not find a suitable tag to handle this.
Unfortunately I haven't found a tag in JSTL or Struts that does this (I 
think there should be one in JSTL though - also a contains for Lists). 
My guess is there is probably a gneric one out there that someone 
created. If not, time to make one and share:)

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http 405 error

2004-07-19 Thread Sandy Bingham-Porter
Would anyone have any ideas why I would be receiving a 405 error (page 
cannot be displayed address is incorrect) when my struts application 
tries to initiate a .do action servlet call?

I have checked the web.xml file and ensured the servlet mapping for all 
*.do paths are correct.  If I tried to access a page directly (jsp) that 
uses the struts-html.tld tag library, I get errors informing me that the 
tag definitions cannot be found.  I have also verified that the .tld is 

Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Sandy Bingham-Porter
Ecommerce Development
Eastern Illinois University
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RE: JSF vs Struts

2004-07-19 Thread dhay

Yeahbut have you seen how much Flex costs?



| |   Hookom, Jacob|
| ||
| |  |
| |   07/19/2004 02:42 PM|
| |   Please respond to  |
| |   Struts Users Mailing  |
| |   List  |
| |  |
  |   To:   'Struts Users Mailing List' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  RE: JSF vs Struts  

I've been toying around with integrating JSF and Macromedia Flex.  Both use
xml markup in which you can generate a multistep rendering process

So JSTL/JSF could communicate the view layer via a special FlexRenderKit of
the same components you already use within HTML applications in JSF.  Input
processing would probably best be communicated through SOAP from the client
to the server once the UI is defined via the FlexRenderKit.

Jacob Hookom

-Original Message-
From: Craig McClanahan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 12:13 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: JSF vs Struts

On Mon, 19 Jul 2004 10:25:13 -0400, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 We're thinking about using Flash forms for some things. Will they plugin
 nicely to JSF?

Hooking up the output side of that should be a piece of cake ... write
some components that render the necessary markup to embed the Flash
stuff in the generated page.  I'm not familiar with the input side of
using Flash for this, but in principle it should still just be a
matter of having your component (or renderer) decode() method parse
the appropriate request parameters and store the values, just as the
standard HTML components do.


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[OT] RTF PDF export options

2004-07-19 Thread Barnett, Brian W.
Any suggestions for converting html to RTF and PDF inside an action class
and then sending the RTF or PDF back to the client?


Open source tools, code snippets, tips  tricks, etc. ??


Thanks a bunch.


Brian Barnett

Re: [OT] RTF PDF export options

2004-07-19 Thread Wendy Smoak
From: Barnett, Brian W. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Any suggestions for converting html to RTF and PDF inside an action
 class and then sending the RTF or PDF back to the client?

iText, but I don't do it in an Action, I redirect to a Servlet whose job it
is to output the PDF bytes.

Wendy Smoak

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Re: [OT] RTF PDF export options

2004-07-19 Thread Nick Heudecker
I'm guessing that you can do this with iText.  It has RTF and PDF 
writers, and I think you can use the RTF as the source doc for the 
output PDF.

FYI, if you're running iText on a headless server, you'll need to set 
java.awt.headless=true.  This works for JDK 1.4.x.

Barnett, Brian W. wrote:
Any suggestions for converting html to RTF and PDF inside an action class
and then sending the RTF or PDF back to the client?

Open source tools, code snippets, tips  tricks, etc. ??

Thanks a bunch.

Brian Barnett

Nick Heudecker
System Mobile, Inc.
Phone: 312.420.8217
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RE: [OT] RTF PDF export options

2004-07-19 Thread Danilo Gurovich
It's a recipe in Struts Recipes (Manning --  publishing soon).  If you
contact George Franciscus through Manning he might give you some advice.

Danilo Gurovich
Manager, Web Development
2401 Colorado Ave., 2nd Floor 
Santa Monica, CA 90404
(310) 998-6412


-Original Message-
From: Barnett, Brian W. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 3:22 PM
Subject: [OT] RTF  PDF export options

Any suggestions for converting html to RTF and PDF inside an action
and then sending the RTF or PDF back to the client?


Open source tools, code snippets, tips  tricks, etc. ??


Thanks a bunch.


Brian Barnett

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Re: struts response character encoding.

2004-07-19 Thread Olve Sæther Hansen
man, 19.07.2004 kl. 14.58 skrev Emmanouil Batsis:
 There this system property you can set but I can't remember it, it's 
 used as the encoding to use when reading files...
 Anyway, I always edit my  .jsp and .properties using UTF-8, then pass 
 them through the native2ascii ant task during my build. It's just a 
 wrapper for the same-named JDK binary; you can use that directly if you 
 dont use Ant. Works great.

Yes, I know. I am using that one for my resource files. But In my
opinion, it should not be necessary to convert the encoding for that
file(s) either. Somewhere behind the scenes there is a
java.util.Properties class used, and that class assumes iso-8859-1.

Encodings should be as transparent as possible, not the assumptions of
some developers.

Since I am developing and deploying on utf-8 encoding platforms,
everything should be smooth, but it is not.

I discovered that Struts use iso-8859-1 as default (same as
java.util.Properties), and in order to override this setting I have to
put a % @page ... % directive on every jsp.

Ant can really native2ascii'ify all of this, but what about the one who
have to administer this mess?

When I am on my way to the next job, and they find a misspelling or they
have to change some stuff in either the jsp or a resource file lokking
like this (arbitrary Norwegian text):
Sp\u00f8rsm\u00e5lsgruppen slettet, tilh\u00f8rende sp\u00f8rms\u00e5l
eksisterer fortsatt

I wish encodings were as simple as they could be (everyone used utf-8)

Olve Sther Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Intermedia/Aksis - Unifob AS

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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Koon Yue Lam
Yes, it helps and I know I can get it done if I set the context
element in server.xml,
but if I set the datasource in server.xml, do I need to set the
datasource in struts-config.xml again??

If I am right, I think if datasource is setup in server.xml, it has
the scope of entire Tomcat, that means all webapps can use that
datasource. Also it can be retrieved by JNDI.

If the datasource is setup in struts-config.xml, the scope becomes
struts only and is specific to only one webapp, and it can't be
retrieved by JNDI.

So I can setup datasource in both ways, setup in server.xml has much
more flexibilty and benifit from JNDI, why do I need to setup in

once again, thanks, ^^


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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread jthompson

I recall reading about a month ago that setting up of data-sources in
struts-config was purely for some backwards-compatability issue, and was no
longer advised.
I haven't bothered to do it.

I set up my data source in a server.xml context, and it works fine.
Like you I'd prefer to have server-wide scope on the data-source rather
than context scope, but I haven't spent any time on it yet.

One option may be to configure the data-source as part of the
DefaultContext. I believe all other contexts inherit from a DefaultContext
if one is configured - but like I said, I haven't tried it yet.


Ph (09) 372-5010

| |   Koon Yue Lam |
| |   om  |
| ||
| |   20/07/2004 01:54 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   Struts Users|
| |   Mailing List|
| ||
  |   To:   Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED], Asif Rahman [EMAIL 
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: Datasource problem again.. 

Yes, it helps and I know I can get it done if I set the context
element in server.xml,
but if I set the datasource in server.xml, do I need to set the
datasource in struts-config.xml again??

If I am right, I think if datasource is setup in server.xml, it has
the scope of entire Tomcat, that means all webapps can use that
datasource. Also it can be retrieved by JNDI.

If the datasource is setup in struts-config.xml, the scope becomes
struts only and is specific to only one webapp, and it can't be
retrieved by JNDI.

So I can setup datasource in both ways, setup in server.xml has much
more flexibilty and benifit from JNDI, why do I need to setup in

once again, thanks, ^^


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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Koon Yue Lam
Thx !
Since I am using Tomct 5 with auto-depoly, my Webapp DOESN'T has a
Context element in server.xml. I think I will has a try to setup in
default-context, or should I manually all a context element of my
Webapp in server.xml??


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RE: regular expression

2004-07-19 Thread Hirofumi Akiyama
(B-Original Message-
(BSent: Friday, July 16, 2004 2:21 PM
(BTo: Struts Users Mailing List
(BSubject: regular expression
(B  I want to validate an attribute, the rule is that the input should 
(Bnot start with 'Test',  how to write the regular expression for this 
(Bvalidation. Please help me guys.
(BThanks and regards
(BSubramaniam Olaganthan
(BTata Consultancy Services
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RE: regular expression

2004-07-19 Thread Hirofumi Akiyama
I am sorry.
(BA message was transmitted by mistake.
(BFrom: "Hirofumi Akiyama" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BReply-To: "Struts Users Mailing List" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BSubject: RE: regular expression
(BDate: Tue, 20 Jul 2004 12:10:15 +0900
(B-Original Message-
(BFriday, July 16, 2004 2:21 PM
(BTo: Struts Users Mailing List
(BSubject: regular expression
(B  I want to validate an attribute, the rule is that the input 
(Bshould not start with 'Test',  how to write the regular expression 
(Bfor this validation. Please help me guys.
(BThanks and regards
(BSubramaniam Olaganthan
(BTata Consultancy Services
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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread jthompson

If you're auto-deploying and can get the DefaultContext to work for you,
then that's what I'd do. (I'm not auto-deploying, so my case isn't so
You always have the fall-back of configuring Context datasources if you run
into trouble.

There's an example of configuring a DefaultContext with a datasource here:

This is how I've configured my data-source:

Context docBase=/webapps/isurvey path=/isurvey reloadable=true
   Resource name=jdbc/as400 auth=Container
   ResourceParams name=jdbc/as400

And this is how I use the data-source in java:

Context ctx = new InitialContext();
Context envCtx = (Context) ctx.lookup(java:comp/env);
DataSource ds = (DataSource) envCtx.lookup(jdbc/as400);

I'd be interested to know how you get on with this.


Ph (09) 372-5010

| |   Koon Yue Lam |
| |   om  |
| ||
| |   20/07/2004 02:45 |
| |   PM   |
| |   Please respond to|
| |   Struts Users|
| |   Mailing List|
| ||
  |   To:   Struts Users Mailing List [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject:  Re: Datasource problem again.. 

Thx !
Since I am using Tomct 5 with auto-depoly, my Webapp DOESN'T has a
Context element in server.xml. I think I will has a try to setup in
default-context, or should I manually all a context element of my
Webapp in server.xml??


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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Peng Tuck Kwok
You can still have a context regardless of whether you auto deploy or
not.  See that snippet that jthopmson sent? You can deploy that with
your war file, I think the name of the xml has to match the war file
name if I'm not mistaken. Then you will have a context properly setup
with the datasource.

On Tue, 20 Jul 2004 11:24:17 +0800, Koon Yue Lam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thx !! I will try it out tonight after work !!
 and let u know if I sucess or not, ^^
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Re: Datasource problem again..

2004-07-19 Thread Koon Yue Lam
thanks for the help ! I will give it a try

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Logic Iterate tag

2004-07-19 Thread Aditya Athalye
Hi All,


 I am currently using for loops and iterators for traversing arrays and coolections in 

 I am planning to use this logic : iterate tag in place of this.

 I need to know if there is any advantage of using this tag in terms of performance or 
reduction in Java code in JSP etc.

 Thanks and Regards
