Re: where to download 1.3.6 - broken link ?

2006-12-19 Thread Lixin Chu

thanks for your clarification !

On 12/19/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 12/18/06, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 the linked provided on WiKi seems broken:

 are we going to have a new release soon ?

I changed the wiki to say will be available here since 1.3.6 doesn't
yet exist.

The 1.3.5 release is available from the downloads page:


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where to download 1.3.6 - broken link ?

2006-12-18 Thread Lixin Chu

the linked provided on WiKi seems broken:

are we going to have a new release soon ?


Re: jsp page/actions design question

2006-11-13 Thread Lixin Chu

you can use %@ include file=... % to include the common JSP.

On 11/14/06, fea jabi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Using struts. Have a JSP cust.jsp

In it half of it is very specific to that page only. other half is shown
this cust.jsp and another report.jsp too.

want to implement this so that code can be re-used in the other one too.

The way I have designed is for a jsp have a prepare action and dispatch

But not sure how to design this page so that I can re-use the code in
another too.

any suggesions are appreciated.


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Re: struts2 action and spring bean

2006-11-03 Thread Lixin Chu

just curious, what's the benifits of configuring Struts Actions in Spring
? isn't Struts config file enough ?

Re: Forward Action to Action

2006-10-23 Thread Lixin Chu

how abt using the same formbean for both actions ?

Re: struts 1.2.9 and tomcat 5.5

2006-10-19 Thread Lixin Chu

i use TC 5.5 and Struts 1.2.9 w/o problems. but i can not tell what's wrong.
when did the error occur ?

how to avoid action chaining

2006-10-02 Thread Lixin Chu

I am hearing that action chaining is something we should avoid, however, I
am not sure what's the common practice for this use case:

given User and Department, we need to list User/Department, view
User/Department; when listing User, we also show their department.

When listing Users, we may want to display the department details of the
selected user. after which, we want to come back to the User Listing page.

So to avoid action chaining (from UserListAction to ViewDepartmentAction),
we can use a dispatch action for UserListAction, which includes a
viewDepartment. But in DepartmentListAction, we also have a similar

Using action chaining, we can have a seperate ViewDepartmentAction which can
be used by other Action classes also.

So what's your practice for this case ?

Re: about pagination

2006-09-21 Thread Lixin Chu

struts itself does not (need to) handle pagination.

for displaytag, you can check

Re: calling method of a bean from JSP

2006-09-17 Thread Lixin Chu

this should work. thanks !

On 9/16/06, Strachan, Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

you could move the logic into the view/jsp layer...something like:

c:forEach items=${item.values} var=value
c:if test=${ == 'id'}
   c:out value=${value.value} /

or maybe a custom tag library...

From: Lixin Chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sat 16/09/2006 1:25 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: calling method of a bean from JSP

i do not think it works.

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Re: calling method of a bean from JSP

2006-09-17 Thread Lixin Chu

On 9/17/06, Yujun Liang [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Have you tried Mapped Properties?


this is a good point. I have not tried it. Is it ok (in terms of
performance) to use a custom class as the key, not using Java primitives
like Long ?

Re: calling method of a bean from JSP

2006-09-15 Thread Lixin Chu

i do not think it works.

Re: calling method of a bean from JSP

2006-09-14 Thread Lixin Chu

What are you trying to achieve? Maybe you're trying to put logic in your
JSPs that more properly belongs in an action.

thanks. what i am trying to do is to get the value of a field. Say I get a
list of items:

class item {
Set values;

The item has a set of Values:
class Value {
Attribute attribute;
String value;

What I wanted to do is to get one particular value based on attribute ID. in
this case I have to add a method in the Item class, someting like this:

String getValue (String id) {
 while (it.hasNext()) {
Value value = (value);
if (value.attribute.getId().toString().equals (id)
   return value.value;

So from JSP, I would like to call this method c:out value=${item.getValue

Re: calling method of a bean from JSP

2006-09-13 Thread Lixin Chu

c:out value=${beanName.methodName}/

I thought this is for getting the value of a property ?  and how to pass a
parameter  to the method ? I think I have tried that but does not work.

calling method of a bean from JSP

2006-09-12 Thread Lixin Chu

would like to check if there is existing tag available to allow method
invocation from JSP directly, something similar to this :
Call JavaBean methods from JSP 2.0 pages


Re: Dynamic directory creation and access

2006-08-10 Thread Lixin Chu

is Apache Slide somthing you are looking for ?

can not enable I18N properties

2006-08-03 Thread Lixin Chu

I am trying to enable I18N in my struts based application, here is what I
have done:

- added a LocaleFilter, which I copied from Appfuse:

 String locale = request.getParameter(locale);
 Locale preferredLocale = (*null* == locale) ? *null* : *new*Locale(locale);
 HttpSession session = request.getSession(*false*);
*  if* (session != *null*) {
*  if* (preferredLocale == *null*) {
preferredLocale = (Locale) session.getAttribute(Globals.*LOCALE_KEY
 } *else* {
   session.setAttribute(Globals.*LOCALE_KEY*, preferredLocale);
   Config.*set*(session, Config.*FMT_LOCALE*, preferredLocale);
* if* (preferredLocale != *null*  !(request
*instanceof*LocaleRequestWrapper)) {
   request = *new* LocaleRequestWrapper(request, preferredLocale);
  chain.doFilter(request, response);
  // Reset thread-bound LocaleContext.

- created
- added message-resources parameter=ApplicationResources / in
- added %@ page language=java pageEncoding=UTF-8
 in each JSP file
- in my IE, I also added additional languages.

but i only saw english strings. no effect whethere I have html:html
locale=true/ or not.

anything else I miss out ?


ps. i debug the filter, it seems that the language is indeed saved in the
session though.

Re: can not enable I18N properties

2006-08-03 Thread Lixin Chu

I tried Appfuse on my machine, it works. so I assume the browser
configuration is fine.

I use Tiles, Struts, and Spring framework in my application btw.

Re: Client Side Validation

2006-08-01 Thread Lixin Chu

do you have something like:
onsubmit=validateAttendeeDetailsForm (this);
in html:form ?

and form name is not attendeeDetailsForn ?

Re: [again] how to disable browser's back button after logout ?

2006-06-25 Thread Lixin Chu

I see. thanks so much. was really confused.

On 6/25/06, Paul Benedict [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Lixin, you have your needs reversed: you need those directives on every
page that's secure. The pages your users see only when they log in should
not be written to the browser's cache; the log out page is benign. -- Paul

Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: this may be posted before though i
can not find any in the archive:

how to make sure that browser's back button will bring back the previous
page after log out ?

Googled, and added these into our logout action, but still no effect:

response.setHeader(Cache-Control, no-cache);
response.setHeader(Cache-Control, no-store);
response.setDateHeader(Expires, -1);
response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache); // http 1.0

any idea ?

thanks in advance

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Re: [again] how to disable browser's back button after logout ?

2006-06-25 Thread Lixin Chu

is there a clearner way of doing this if I want to protect every page except
the login/out ?

Re: [again] how to disable browser's back button after logout ?

2006-06-25 Thread Lixin Chu

yes, it works. thanks. this should be the simplest way of supporting this.

On 6/26/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 6/25/06, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 is there a clearner way of doing this if I want to protect every page
 the login/out ?

What about the 'nocache' attribute of controller in
struts-config.xml?  I haven't used it, just had occasion to be reading
the DTD the other day... :)
 (choose 'controller' at left, scroll up for docs.)


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[again] how to disable browser's back button after logout ?

2006-06-24 Thread Lixin Chu

this may be posted before though i can not find any in the archive:

how to make sure that browser's back button will bring back the previous
page after log out ?

Googled, and added these into our logout action, but still no effect:

   response.setHeader(Cache-Control, no-cache);
   response.setHeader(Cache-Control, no-store);
   response.setDateHeader(Expires, -1);
   response.setHeader(Pragma, no-cache); // http 1.0

any idea ?

thanks in advance

Re: Global forwards don't support Tiles definitions?

2006-06-02 Thread Lixin Chu

not sure if this is what you want but this one should work:

global forward is defined as, fot example:

 forward name=authorizationError path=.authorizationError

the .authorizationError is defined as a Tile:
 definition name=.authorizationError extends=.baseDef
   put name=menu value=/WEB-INF/tiles/menu/menu.jsp/
   put name=content value=/WEB-INF/pages/authorizationError.jsp/

in your action class, you can do this:
return mapping.findForward(authorizationError);

Re: Deciding which DispatchAction to use

2006-05-31 Thread Lixin Chu

how to handle action chaning in EventDispatchAction, for example, if my
mapping is something like this:

forward name = nextaction path = /

When we use: return mapping.findForward(nextaction); the current
parameters, including the event for the current action will be passed on to
the next action class. will this confuse the next Action ?

We could redirect

On 6/1/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 5/31/06, pantichd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to figure out how to decide which flavor of DispatchAction
 (DispatchAction, LookupDispatchAction, MappingDispatchAction, etc) to
use in
 which scenario.

I'm now using 'EventDispatchAction' for anything new I write.  It uses
the presence of a request parameter to decide which method to call,
based on a list of parameter-to-method mappings in struts-config.xml.

If you don't want to extend EventDispatchAction, you can use the
EventActionDispatcher that David mentioned to add the same dispatching
functionality in any Action class.


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Re: Re: How to lock the access of methods within an action?

2006-05-30 Thread Lixin Chu

i think transaction manager will take care of this.

On 5/30/06, Julian Tillmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks a lot for your answer!

My thinking behind is the application level!

I'm not sure but the goal is (my hope..)to solve

this problem using aspect oriented programming or Spring

although I'm not very aware of it.

For example it would be nice to have one central configuration there you

can say:

this method -max-users 1-

rule: throw error ….

Should be done then a second users wants access to the method.

Can you help me?

Thanks a lot!

Datum: Tue, 30 May 2006 10:55:17 +0200
An: Struts Users Mailing List
Betreff: Re: How to lock the access of methods within an action?
#xA Hi,

 this sounds like a common database problem. You might want to consider
 some kind of pessimistic locking. Basically you lock the object when
 you start editing and prevent all access to it for the duration of the
 lock. You could also do an optimistic lock which means that when you
 change an object it will only be committed if the object hasn't
 changed between the time you got your lock and the time you want to
 commit it. This doens't prevent you from having done unnecessary work
 however. Most db's support optimistic locking, but not pessimistic

 If you want to use this at the application level you will have to do
 it yourself. You could put a variable somewhere to track wether an
 object is being edited and base access restrictions off of that.
 However you have to be very carefull about making sure you don't get
 any deadlock or race conditions.

 I suggest you delve into database world and read about how other
 people have solved this problem.


 On 5/30/06, Julian Tillmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hello everyone,
  Within our struts web application in which we have edit-actions
 a user can be busy editing data in the form for several minutes.
  The problem is, if another user is also editing the data at the same
 time, one of the is eventually going to overwrite the changes of the
other and
 the other will have worked completely in vain. So my question would be
 whether there's some way to prevent this from happening, some kind of
 down method for edit-actions? I think this problem is not uncommon, can
 someone give me a tip?
  thanks in advance
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Re: struts token

2006-05-22 Thread Lixin Chu

i think the hidden field is automatically created if you use html:form tag.

is there any way to customize the client side validation popup window

2006-05-19 Thread Lixin Chu

Hi All,
would like to know if there is any way to customize the client side
validation popup window ? i am using struts client side validator.

Re: Browser Back Button

2006-05-15 Thread Lixin Chu

A cleaner back button solution is almost a must-have for logout:
after logout, the back button should not bring back the previous page.

looking at that Gmail does. any idea how it is implemented ?

Re: How to use displayTag

2006-05-02 Thread Lixin Chu

check the latest display tag (i think 1.1 or 1.2), it does support
pagination though.
there is also a AjaxTag which enables a AJAX displaytag.

On 4/30/06, H. Kerem Cevahir [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


display:table tag works on beans( or lists) which are kept in one of

You can send your data bean to jsp by implementing your forward-like
just takes data, puts it in a scope and forwards to jsp page. Then, limit
access to jsp page, and update your links to your new forward-like action.

But, for pagination property of displayTag, all list must be in the scope
every page, and in every request to every page sorting algorithms are
recalled. This can cause memory and processor problems.

I recommend struts-layout tags. I think that layout:table,
and layout:pager will work better than displayTags.


Cum 28 Nis 2006 23:13 tarihinde, makarand sonawane şunları yazmıştı:

  I am looking for Tag implementation for Table which can be configured
 external sorting and pagination. Which also support Struts( on sorting
 Pagination invokes Struts Action).

 I have came accross displaytag opensource of sourceforge, but they lack
 clear documentation. It was also not clear how the StrutsActions will be

 Please let me know if any one has used same or similar tag?


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Re: Accessing Validation Errors in an Action

2006-04-27 Thread Lixin Chu
if the validation is done at the server side (in your actionform), then you
can easily get the errors.

On 4/28/06, Asad Habib [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 How do I access errors that the Validator places in the ActionErrors
 object instance within a Struts action? I need to do this in my action
 code so I can throw the appropriate kind of exception. Thanks.

 - Asad

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Re: Struts 1.2.9 does not throw InvalidCancelException

2006-04-25 Thread Lixin Chu
exactly, thanks !

On 4/25/06, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 4/24/06, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  just upgraded from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9. I did not add
   set-property property=cancellable value=true/
  in struts-config.xml and still use html:cancel as per normal in jsp
  Tested, do not see exception and no validation is called.

 It only gets thrown if the action is set to validate=true in the
 strutc-config.xml. If no validation is being called then this would
 suggest that you don't have this set.


  any reason why ? default setting ?
  btw, my action is LookupDispatchAction.

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Struts 1.2.9 does not throw InvalidCancelException

2006-04-24 Thread Lixin Chu
just upgraded from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9. I did not add

 set-property property=cancellable value=true/

in struts-config.xml and still use html:cancel as per normal in jsp files.
Tested, do not see exception and no validation is called.

any reason why ? default setting ?

btw, my action is LookupDispatchAction.


Re: DWR throws errors

2006-04-17 Thread Lixin Chu
but according to the doc, I can use the form bean for Struts creator. I
tried Spring creator, it works if I only use the bean name not fully
qualified class name though.


 -- Original Message ---
 From: Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Sent: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 07:56:46 +0800
 Subject: DWR throws errors

  I am trying my luck to see if someone in this forum has any idea of why
 - i
  have not got response from DWR forum so far.
  I am using DWR 1.1.1 (also tried 2.0M1) with Struts 1.2.8. My DWR
  configuration is like this:
 create creator=struts javascript=GetMultipleUsers
param name=formBean value=getUserListForm/
 Here is the example from there docs

create creator=new javascript=JDate
  param name=class value=java.util.Date/
  I am guessing that you are missing the fully qualified name here
create creator=new javascript=Demo
  param name=class
  Here is the error message:
  WARN org.directwebremoting.struts.StrutsCreator - Using a
  FakeHttpServletRequedt as part of setup
  ERROR org.directwebremoting.impl.DefaultCreatorManager
  - Error loading class for creator
  Looking at DWR StrutsCreator source, it seems that it can not find the
  formBean configuration. Anything else I need to config ?
  I tried Spring bean, it works though.
  thanks in advance,
 --- End of Original Message ---

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DWR throws errors

2006-04-16 Thread Lixin Chu
I am trying my luck to see if someone in this forum has any idea of why - i
have not got response from DWR forum so far.

I am using DWR 1.1.1 (also tried 2.0M1) with Struts 1.2.8. My DWR
configuration is like this:

   create creator=struts javascript=GetMultipleUsers
  param name=formBean value=getUserListForm/

Here is the error message:
WARN org.directwebremoting.struts.StrutsCreator - Using a
FakeHttpServletRequedt as part of setup
ERROR org.directwebremoting.impl.DefaultCreatorManager
- Error loading class for creator

Looking at DWR StrutsCreator source, it seems that it can not find the
formBean configuration. Anything else I need to config ?

I tried Spring bean, it works though.

thanks in advance,

Re: Struts Calendar Component

2006-03-25 Thread Lixin Chu
this might be of interest. very easy to integrate into your application:

HTMLArea is also something cool.

Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Central - When only Struts will Do

2006-03-02 Thread Lixin Chu
oh, did not notice that.

Re: Why global error handling doesn't work with struts?

2006-03-02 Thread Lixin Chu
to show your own error page in IE, you need to have error page size more
than 512 bytes.

On 3/3/06, Partha Pratim Dutta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks George. It really works fine in Firefox. Why Microsoft is bent
 upon changing everything their way ?

 -Original Message-
 Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 8:33 PM
 Subject: RE: Why global error handling doesn't work with struts?

 You'll have to ask Microsoft why it works that way.

 In the meantime, I would advise checking your site with Firefox so that
 you can see your custom 404 page.

 - George

  -Original Message-
  From: Partha Pratim Dutta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2006 3:41 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: RE: Why global error handling doesn't work with struts?
  But then why is it behaving that way. It shouldn't. Isn't it?
  I am using IE 6.0
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2006 7:49 PM
  Subject: RE: Why global error handling doesn't work with struts?
  What browser are you using?  Note that a custom 404 page is
  still a 404 page, and Internet Explorer will insist on
  showing you its own 404 page instead of the one sent by the server.
   -Original Message-
   From: Partha Pratim Dutta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 11:39 PM
   To: Struts Users Mailing List
   Subject: Why global error handling doesn't work with struts?
   Hi All
   I am running Tomcat 4.x and have tried to set global error
   handling using the following entry in the web.xml file. But
   there is no redirection and I always end up with 404 page not
   found error in the browser. I am using struts 1.2 as the MVC
   framework for the application.
   One more strange thing that I have noticed is that although
   the error page doesn't show up but it prints the SOP
   statements on the console. That means that it is getting
   redirected to the error page but why is it not showing up then?
   Does anyone have a solution to this problem?
   error-code404/error-code location/weberror.jsp/location
   Thanks  Regards
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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Central - When only Struts will Do

2006-03-02 Thread Lixin Chu
thanks Ted.

no problem, i just need to add one more bookmark entry.

On 3/2/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 3/2/06, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  why not consolidate all into one place ? Struts planet, struts central,
  wiki, etc ?

 Planet Struts is powered by Roller, and there's been talk of setting
 up a Roller on an ASF hardware. I kept Planet Struts separate for now
 so that it would be easy to move, if the opportunity presents itself.

 The Roller Weblogger Project is a good example of integrating Roller
 with a wiki (JSPWiki).


 When I get a chance, I'd like to try them together myself. One cool
 thing about JSPWIki (there are many) is that it can support Subversion
 as a data source.


 But, for now, I wanted to capture the data and post a working
 prototype before making any other decisions.


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Re: [ANNOUNCE] Struts Central - When only Struts will Do

2006-03-01 Thread Lixin Chu
why not consolidate all into one place ? Struts planet, struts central,
wiki, etc ?

On 3/2/06, Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why not to expand and improve Struts wiki?

 On 3/1/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There is a small resource directory on the Struts wiki, but it lists
  only a fraction of the resources that are available. Ditto for the
  Struts SourceForge directory and the Java 201 directory. There are
  other Struts resource directories, but they tend to be incomplete and
  do not reflect the true breadth of the Apache Struts community.
  As Apache Struts continues to grow, I'd like to get back to basics.
  For me, one of those basics is a comprehensive, up-to-date resource
  directory -- like the original directory that I maintained at Husted
  dot Com, back in the day.
  On 3/1/06, Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   How is this better than Struts wiki?
   On 3/1/06, Ted Husted [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Struts Central collects, organizes, and maintains links to all known
Struts Resources, including articles, books, and third-party
You can visit Struts Central at .
-- HTH, Ted.

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Re: Sorting paging search results with delete button for each row?

2006-02-22 Thread Lixin Chu
why displaytag does not meet your requirements ?

On 2/22/06, Narayanan, Shiva [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello All,

 What is the best way to sort and page search results, (with delete button
 for each row) using Struts? Are there are any open source tag libraries to
 achieve this?

 Looked at displaytag. I want to retrieve data from the database using

 Many Thanks!!

Re: Another struts design question

2006-02-14 Thread Lixin Chu
ok, I let page A or B pass a returnURL to page C who keeps it in the session
scoped actionForm.

On 2/15/06, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Michael Jouravlev wrote:
  On 2/14/06, Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In the action just look for some param like fromPage and key off of
  that for your return. (Of course a drawback is you'll need to remember
  to set this var on the pages that need it - of course there are ways
  could simplify that even, if really necessary).
  Using session is much simpler ;-)
 This is one of those times I would agree :)

 My suggestion would be to have a base Action in which you set a session
 attribute to tell which page was server.  Actually, you would store two,
 the current and the previous.

 Here's my concern... let's say you have page A and page B, from which
 you can go to page C.  From page C you want to return to page A or B as
 appropriate.  You could do this a number of ways, but what if you are
 using the common paradigm of a setup Action for a screen, and then a
 collection of Actions which really can be though of as event handlers
 for a given screen (could be a DispatchAction just as well, that
 wouldn't change anything).

 If you want to go back to page A from page C, and you got to page C by
 maybe submitting a form, then the problem is that you got to page C via
 an event handler in essence.  But, when you return to page A, you really
 want the setup Action to fire again.  So, just recording the last
 request isn't sufficient.

 If you have a base Action that sets that session attribute, then you can
 have only your setup Actions extend that base class.  Then, when you
 want to return to the last page from any other page, you look up that
 value and you now know which SETUP Action you need to call.  More
 precisely, you would look at the second value in session (think of it as
 a stack) because every time a setup Action is called you really need to
 push a value on the stack so that the second value on the stack is truly
 the last page, not the current pages' setup Action.

 Does that make any sense to anyone but me?? :)

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data in session affecting performance ?

2006-01-26 Thread Lixin Chu
I saw a thread discussing this but can not find it anymore now. I remember
someone mentioned that the amount of data put into the session context
should not exceed 32KB in general otherwise performance might be affected.

I may interpreted it wrongly. so i would like to clarify if it is indeed the
case and does this also means that a session scoped ActionForm is really bad
in terms of performance ?


Re: hard question - Single Sign On

2006-01-22 Thread Lixin Chu
may you would like to take a look at these two:
 Yale's CAS :
 Acegi :

[Help] I18N does not work and I think I have tried all ....

2005-11-17 Thread Lixin Chu
Hi All,
appreciate any help here ...This is what I have done in trying to 
show strings in the selected language:
 - I have various /WEB-INF/classes/
files, for example
 - in struts-config.xml, I have:
   message-resources parameter=ApplicationResources/
 - in web.xml I have a filter:


 - for each JSP file, I have:
   %@ page language=java pageEncoding=UTF-8
contentType=text/html;charset=UTF-8 %
   html:html locale=true

bean:message key=button.add/


 - a post login filter to set user's locale based on language setting:
   session.setAttribute(org.apache.struts.action.LOCALE, .)

but the button.add always show English. Anything I missed out ?

I am using Spring framework with Struts 1.2.7, and Tiles.

thanks !

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Re: [Help] I18N does not work and I think I have tried all ....

2005-11-17 Thread Lixin Chu
I set to ja in the session;

I removed locale=true from JSP but the result is the same.

Browser encoding is set to UTF-8.

When I 'view source' in the browser, I saw html lang=zh if I set
to Chinese. But I do not see this :

meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8

is this ok ?

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Re: [Help] I18N does not work and I think I have tried all ....

2005-11-17 Thread Lixin Chu
1. I use this to set the locale:
request.getSession().setAttribute(Globals.LOCALE_KEY, Lcoale.JAPANESE);

2. yes, properties file has some.

3. the whole page is in english

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Re: Shale ... where can I find out more?

2005-08-18 Thread Lixin Chu
is there a road map/milestone for Shale developemnt ? 
I am pretty comfortable with Struts now but would like to explore
Shale in the next project.


On 8/18/05, Craig McClanahan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 8/17/05, Joe Germuska [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  At 11:49 AM +0100 8/17/05, John Atherton wrote:
  Okay I've found the place to go for all things Shale but my other two
  questions still stand.
  first, a disclaimer:  I've never written a JSF app let alone a Shale app.
 Then I came across Shale.  I've never used JSF so firstly, is this now 
way to go?
  Roughly, Shale is to JSF as Struts is to JSP: it provides a framework
  which supports best-practices application development with features
  that are outside of the scope of the basic Sun technology.
 Roughly that's pretty accurate :-), although there is one level of
 internal difference that you will want to be aware of.  JSF includes a
 controller servlet (like Struts and other MVC frameworks), and
 supports other controller features like navigation, itself.  Shale
 builds around the edges to add value (functionality and/or ease of use
 improvements), without any attempt to redundantly implement features
 that JSF provides by itself.
 One place I *don't* see Shale going, by the way, is to become yet
 another library of JSF components.  There will be a few such
 components that integrate directly with Shale features (like the ones
 that integrate the Commons Validator facilities), but the whole idea
 of a standard component API is that you should be able to use
 *anyone's* components with it.
  If you're going to use JSF, you should probably check out Shale.
 I would agree with this ... especially for new app development.
  You can use struts-faces to connect JSF to Struts, but if you have no
  deep Struts experience, you wouldn't be gaining much of anything, and
  in fact you'd lose all the benefits that Shale has by virtue of
  learning from several years of Struts development experience.
 The integration library should be primarily considered as a tool
 useful in a migration strategy.
  Secondly, where can I find out more?  And finally how steep is
the learning curve?  There doesn't appear to be the Shale equivalent of
 Shale's website, by the way, is at:
 The feature descriptions have not all been fleshed out yet, but the
 javadocs are pretty thorough for those cases.
  I'm not sure what the second question was: about the learning curve?
  I'm not the one to answer that.  But since Shale is a subproject of
  Struts, there is no
  Since there has not been a full release of Shale, the struts-dev list
  is generally considered the more fruitful place for discussions about
  Hope this helps,
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Re: Shale ... where can I find out more?

2005-08-18 Thread Lixin Chu
thanks !

On 8/18/05, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 From: Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  is there a road map/milestone for Shale developemnt ?
  I am pretty comfortable with Struts now but would like to explore
  Shale in the next project.
 Craig has posted a roadmap on the Struts Wiki:
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Re: [OT] Hidden Fields V/S session scope

2005-06-20 Thread Lixin Chu
I would think that beside performance, you might also need to think
about how to manage memory for session scoped objects.

on the other hand, if we have some sort of cache facility, performance
may not be a big issue.

On 6/20/05, Nitish Kumar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am again stuck on to the age old debate of Session v/s Request scope form
 I have a fairly large amount of data in my form bean, Since I have my own
 pagination logic, I need to keep a large amount of data on jsp, I am using
 hidden fields to move the data back and forth between server and client.
 I just wanted to know, how much of impact would be in terms of performance,
 if I put the data in session compared to passing the data in hidden fields.
 Thanks and Regards,
 Nitish Kumar

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Re: http 404 page

2005-06-16 Thread Lixin Chu
your message size has to be more than 512 bytes otherwise 
the default IE 404 page will be used - if I remember correctly.

On 6/16/05, McDonnell, Colm (MLIM) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Use the optional error-page element defined in web.xml, this allows
 you to map an error code _or_ exception type to the path of a resource
 in the Web application (e.g. a custom page).
 error-code: The http error code e.g. 404
 exception-type: fqcn of a Java exception type
 location: the location of the resource to be displayed in response to
 the error e.g. /pages/404.html
 The web.xml entry might look like this:
 -Original Message-
 From: Tony Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 16 June 2005 06:08
 Subject: http 404 page
 If there is a problem, e.g. an action/page can not be
 found, the ugly Http 404 page not found page will be
 display. Is there a way to handle such event as Struts
 Exception handling?
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Re: displayTag needs session scoped objects for sort/export ?

2005-06-12 Thread Lixin Chu
thanks. I do use hibernate. will take a look how to manage it.

On 6/11/05, David G. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 If you use Hibernate as your DAO layer, you could enable caching so
 DisplayTag won't hit the database every time, assuming you have the memory
 footprint to support that caching.
 -Original Message-
 From: Lixin Chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 6:36 AM
 Subject: Re: displayTag needs session scoped objects for sort/export ?
 you can but have to hit the DB every time.
 On 6/11/05, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  would like to clarify with those who use displayTag:
  is it a must to put list of objects into session to be able sue sort
  and export function ?
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Re: displayTag needs session scoped objects for sort/export ?

2005-06-11 Thread Lixin Chu
you can but have to hit the DB every time.

On 6/11/05, Lixin Chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 would like to clarify with those who use displayTag:
 is it a must to put list of objects into session to be able sue sort
 and export function ?

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[OT] using JSTL c:out / with escapeXML=false for preview HTML

2005-06-10 Thread Lixin Chu
I am trying to preview a piece of html content. but the c:out with
escapeXML=false can not handle space char correctly.

is there an easy way to replace the '  ' with html special space char ?


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[OT] displayTag needs session scoped objects for sort/export ?

2005-06-10 Thread Lixin Chu
would like to clarify with those who use displayTag:
is it a must to put list of objects into session to be able sue sort
and export function ?


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Re: AjaxTags v1.0 beta 1 released

2005-06-09 Thread Lixin Chu
I am using Struts 1.1, do I have to switch to 1.2 ?


On 5/17/05, Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Congratulations!  Good work!
 On 5/12/05, Frank W. Zammetti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Finally got it all set up on  The first official
  release is up!
  AjaxTags is a project to add AJAX functionality to the existing Struts
  HTML taglib.  It allows a developer to jump on the AJAX bandwagon
  without actually writing any code.  It's a completely declarative
  approach, but with flexibility beyond that if you need it.  It can be
  added to new or even existing apps without breaking anything, and with
  the ability to selectively add AJAX functions to only those form
  elements you want it added to.  All this with very little changes to
  existing JSPs.
  Frank W. Zammetti
  Founder and Chief Software Architect
  Omnytex Technologies
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 You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make it float on its back.
 ~Dakota Jack~
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Re: Autologin?

2005-05-25 Thread Lixin Chu
i guess will most likely not
shown in the search list.
you may want to take a look at it if you do not want to develop
something from scratch again.

On 5/25/05, atta-ur rehman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll start with the first five :)
 On 5/24/05, Janek Ziniewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Thank you Michael, that link really helped me.
  I have one more question. Wendy Smoak mentioned using Filter(s). Could
  you drop me some links describing what filters are? I 'd like to read
  something about it.
  On 5/24/05, Michael Jouravlev [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This may help you:
   You can modify the action and go to directly to user page instead of
   showing the remember me checkbox.
   On 5/24/05, Jan Ziniewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have problems with user logging in my application. Basically I want to
have functionality same as on -- if I have a proper cookie
forward me to inbox omiting login page.
I know how to play with cookies but struts part of the task is a problem
for me
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request.getCharacterEncoding always return null ?

2005-05-24 Thread Lixin Chu
I always get null from request.getChaaracterEncoding(), do not know why.

I am using Tomcat 5.5.7, Struts 1.1. Tested IE 6.0 and FireFox. Which
ever encoding I select in browser, my servlet always reprots as null
from the above call.

thanks for any info!
li xin

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Re: request.getCharacterEncoding always return null ?

2005-05-24 Thread Lixin Chu
I see. thank you all. 

it seems that I have to provide a UI to let user select which locale
he wants  to use. Is it a common implementation ? I was thinking of
checking character encoding in my application so that I can use the
correct locale.

On 5/24/05, Jason Lea [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  From the java docs:
 public java.lang.String getCharacterEncoding()
Returns the name of the character encoding used in the body of this
 request. This method returns null if the request does not specify a
 character encoding
a String containing the name of the chararacter encoding, or
 null if the request does not specify a character encoding
 So, the browser might not be sending the character encoding in the
 request.  I think browsers won't send the encoding when default encoding
 is used.  Some browsers might not send it at all.
 Lixin Chu wrote:
 I always get null from request.getChaaracterEncoding(), do not know why.
 I am using Tomcat 5.5.7, Struts 1.1. Tested IE 6.0 and FireFox. Which
 ever encoding I select in browser, my servlet always reprots as null
 from the above call.
 thanks for any info!
 li xin
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 Jason Lea
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chat engine to integrate with Struts application ?

2005-05-05 Thread Lixin Chu
I am looking for a chat engine that I can integrate it into my Struts
based web application. basically, my application wants to do the
following things:
 - get notified when a client wants to open a chat
 - redirect to the target audience for the incoming chat request based
on pre-configured logic.
 - provide reports of chat activities

any suggestion of what chat engine I can use ?


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Re: [OT] Recommendation of Instant Messagging System

2005-05-05 Thread Lixin Chu
I am also interested in integrating a chat engine with my Struts
application - with very similar requirements. In fact I posted a msg
here before checking this thread !

I am not familar with any of the Sockets, ServerSockets, XML API or
Threads. So looks like building from scratch is not an option to me;
Smack sounds good, but with the problems you pointed out, I doubt if I
am able to handle them correctly.

Would you contribute your modifcation back to Smack someday ?

appreciate your info very much !

On 5/5/05, Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just finished putting together a system with a Swing client and
 combined services over XMPP and HTTP.
 I think Leon's suggestion of doing your own is not bad, if you are good
 with Sockets, ServerSockets, XML APIs and Threads (find a good tutorial
 on building a chat system such as in the ubiquitous Thinking in Java).
 There is also JMS which gives you a low-level core. If you want
 something higher level, just get Smack from, which will
 give you an OO interface to Jabber (XMPP). Then get jabberd from jabberd 1.4  is small, written in C and gets the job done
 for what you are talking about, so I would start with that. They are
 working on the 2.0 enterprise version.
 I will warn you that while Smack is a great library (you'll get classes
 such as Chat, Packet, Message, Presence, etc.), there are some
 pitfalls related to Threading to watch out for. I rewrote about a half
 dozen of the core classes. Fortunately, Smack operates with just two
 main disptach Threads so once you spend some time with the PacketReader
 and XMPPConnection classes, you'll figure it out. Apache license, too.
 masegui wrote:
 The requirements are these:
 1. A user has a list of the other users in the system. He can click a
 button that initiates a conversation with the selected user. The other
 user can accept or not the conversation. If accepts, a chat room is
 opened and now then can have a conversation. The rooms only accept 2
 people. We would like a user to be able to have several conversations at
 a time, but each conversation only between 2 people.
 Thanks in advance.
 Miquel Angel Segui
 -Original Message-
 From: Leon Rosenberg
 Sent: 4/5/2005 10:50:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [OT] Recommendation of Instant Messagging System
 if your only functionality is to allow users to send each other
 which are embedded in the site (html, or something, but no
 standalone-desktop solutions) forget about existing systems and
 implement it by yourself.
 I have implemented dozens of such systems over the time, it's normally
 about 100 locs, much less effort than an integration of an existing
 system is.
 maybe you could tell us a bit more, about the requirements of the
 system, so we could give you more specific answer.
 On Wed, 2005-05-04 at 08:13 +0200, Miquel Angel wrote:
 We are developing an application (struts 1.1 + Tomcat 5.5 + Java
 1.4). One
 of the requirements is to implement an instant messaging system for
 users of the site (the system should not be very complex). Do you
 mind to
 share your experience in using this system. We are looking for free
 or non
 free systems.
 Thanks in advance.
 Miquel Angel Segui
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Re: [OT] Recommendation of Instant Messagging System

2005-05-05 Thread Lixin Chu
Hi Erik,
thank you so much for your information. it really helps me go in the
right direction. i will do more homework on XMPP and Smack first.

really appreciate your help !

On 5/6/05, Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 See my other post, please, if you are limited to using HTTP.
 The modifications I made to Smack (1.4.2) are subtle, and the classes
 are pretty small, but they require some detail to explain properly. The
 library does work as is. It uses two threads -- one that parses incoming
 XML and dumps the generated objects into queues, another that actively
 polls queues and notifies your listeners. I found that in some cases
 where Smack expects you to use one model (active vs passive
 notification), you really would like to use the other. This led (I
 think) to a quote on the Web site that was something like some
 developers find that the Chat class doesn't meet their needs, so they
 implement their own using PacketCollector, etc.. So I made some
 modifications and wrote a couple new classes related to that. I prefer
 to write my own queues and Runnables because you have more control that
 way. If you are not comfortable doing this, don't worry, their stuff
 works fine as is. You can just register listeners and away you go,
 updating your GUI in event handlers.
 Yes, I would contribute my modifications, but first I need to document
 them (and also make sure they are still needed -- they update fairly
 regularly). I will share them with you either way if you go this route.
 P.S. There are Applet chat systems out there that have been around for a
 long time. Don't forget to check those out. Also, there is at least one
 open source Swing client built on Smack that looks pretty good,
 especially in the area of SSL. See the Smack forums and you can find an
 announcement of it. Probably, there are JavaScript-based chat
 implementations out there too. If you are going to use JavaScript and
 have simple requirements, Leon's suggestion might fit the bill.
 Lixin Chu wrote:
 I am also interested in integrating a chat engine with my Struts
 application - with very similar requirements. In fact I posted a msg
 here before checking this thread !
 I am not familar with any of the Sockets, ServerSockets, XML API or
 Threads. So looks like building from scratch is not an option to me;
 Smack sounds good, but with the problems you pointed out, I doubt if I
 am able to handle them correctly.
 Would you contribute your modifcation back to Smack someday ?
 appreciate your info very much !
 On 5/5/05, Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just finished putting together a system with a Swing client and
 combined services over XMPP and HTTP.
 I think Leon's suggestion of doing your own is not bad, if you are good
 with Sockets, ServerSockets, XML APIs and Threads (find a good tutorial
 on building a chat system such as in the ubiquitous Thinking in Java).
 There is also JMS which gives you a low-level core. If you want
 something higher level, just get Smack from, which will
 give you an OO interface to Jabber (XMPP). Then get jabberd from jabberd 1.4  is small, written in C and gets the job done
 for what you are talking about, so I would start with that. They are
 working on the 2.0 enterprise version.
 I will warn you that while Smack is a great library (you'll get classes
 such as Chat, Packet, Message, Presence, etc.), there are some
 pitfalls related to Threading to watch out for. I rewrote about a half
 dozen of the core classes. Fortunately, Smack operates with just two
 main disptach Threads so once you spend some time with the PacketReader
 and XMPPConnection classes, you'll figure it out. Apache license, too.
 masegui wrote:
 The requirements are these:
 1. A user has a list of the other users in the system. He can click a
 button that initiates a conversation with the selected user. The other
 user can accept or not the conversation. If accepts, a chat room is
 opened and now then can have a conversation. The rooms only accept 2
 people. We would like a user to be able to have several conversations at
 a time, but each conversation only between 2 people.
 Thanks in advance.
 Miquel Angel Segui
 -Original Message-
 From: Leon Rosenberg
 Sent: 4/5/2005 10:50:38 AM
 Subject: Re: [OT] Recommendation of Instant Messagging System
 if your only functionality is to allow users to send each other
 which are embedded in the site (html, or something, but no
 standalone-desktop solutions) forget about existing systems and
 implement it by yourself.
 I have implemented dozens of such systems over the time, it's normally
 about 100 locs, much less effort than an integration of an existing
 system is.
 maybe you could tell us a bit more, about the requirements of the
 system, so we could give you more specific answer.

Re: LookupDispatchAction problem with double byte resource files - working with DisplayTag ?

2004-10-30 Thread lixin chu
problem solved - I made a mistake in the JSP file,
here is the right one to return a parameter for a
submit button:
  property=ListPermission.dispatch value=done
 bean:message key=button.done/

So in this case, if the Done button is pressed, 
'ListPermission.dispatch=done' is sent to the server.

So now I hope I have a complete decoupled, I18N aware
DispatchAction. Thanks Jack !!!

li xin

--- lixin chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I realize that the problem is action chaining.
 In my code, action one goes on to the next action -
 persume that the parameters passed to the first
 are still passed on to the next. here the problem
 comes in: new parameter is appended at end so
 getMethodName always gets the earlier parameter.
 So I tried to use a class specific parameter
 with the parameter used in Action mapping). This
 solves action chaining but them I got the submit
 button problem:
 here is my jsp file:
  bean:message key=button.done/
 here is the partial action mapping:
 action /ListPermission
 the intersting thing is that when the 'Done' button
 clicked, the property is not passed in as parameter.
 am lost. do not know why it is like this.
 anyway, thank you very much for your code and
 li xin
 --- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I notice that your original question had to do
  multiple submit
  buttons, but that your code here only has one
  button.  You
  cannot necessarily take a solution for one problem
  and use if for
  others.  I don't know about the display tag, so I
  not sure if you
  are doing the right thing here.  I don't have time
  to look at it in
  further detail at this time.
  On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 19:46:53 -0700 (PDT), lixin
   hi jack,
   thanks, the solution is cool ! I am trying it.
   a small problem i am experiencing now is that (i
   not sure if there is something wrong in my
   configuration), the parameter on one page is
  passed on
   to the next page, so when we getMethod, the
   method name is returned.
   I have one 'Search Template' page, which gets
   search criteria and then pass the results to the
   ListTemplate.jsp page after pressing the Search
   (it is associated with the 'search.dispatch'
   parameter). The 'list parameter' page has a
   table (i am using DisplayTag):
   html:form action=/admin/ListTemplate
   display:table name=templates
  sort=list export=true
  display:column media=html
input type=checkbox
   property=id/) value=x/
  display:column title=Name property=name
  display:column title=Category
   html:submit property=remove.dispatch
   bean:message key=button.remove/
   the problem is that the additional
   search.dispatch=Search is inserted into the
   when I 'view source'. I have no idea.
   I am not sure if it is the DisplayTag limitation
   though ...
   li xin
   --- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
All of your problems are caused because
LookupDispatchAction creates a
reverse mapping from the value of a parameter
key, in order to
get the method name.  This is not only
intensive but also a
constant source of the sorts of difficulties
experiencing. You
can find what are better alternatives in
places.  Some of them
are itemized at .
On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:17:56 -0600, Kumar V
 Hi all,

 I'm using LookupDispatchAction to submit a
with multiple submit
 buttons. The labels of the buttons are
The translated strings
 are in a .properties file. I'm able to run
app fine in English but
 when I switch to Korean none of the the
buttons work and I see the
 following message in the log.
 [10/27/04 21:40:39:631 MDT] 67f967f9

Re: LookupDispatchAction problem with double byte resource files - working with DisplayTag ?

2004-10-30 Thread lixin chu
Hi Jack,
you are right, it is indeed mixed up - all becuase I
need to support action chaining. So I had to modify
your code a bit 'cus it seems that the simple
MyAction.dispatch can not support my case.

secondly, I just realize that even my html:submit
code is wrong becuase 'value=xxx' will be used as
label as well.

it seems that i can not simply use myAction.dispatch
way to indicate which method I need and decouple the
label/action at the same time. 
but your code certainly inspires me a lot. i am still
working on this now.

thanks a lot.
li xin

--- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hello, Chu,
 You seem to be a bit mixed up.  I am not even sure
 which solution you
 are using anymore.  However, if you are using the
 solution at we discussed, then you
 have this coded
 First, you should have nothing in the parameter
 attribute of your
 action mapping.  That is, the following code should
 be deleted.
 action /ListPermission
 Second, the code 
   property=ListPermission.dispatch value=done
   bean:message key=button.done/
 is right only if you are trying to use a method
 ListPermission.  If you are trying to use a method
 called done
 with an action called ListPermission, then this
 code should be:
   bean:message key='button.done'/
 This will result in the following parameters, for
 example, being in
 the request: done.dispatch.x=9 and
 You are making things too complex.  The solution
 simply needs whatever
 action [myAction' you want to be the value of the
 property attribute
 with .dispatch as a suffix, e.g.
 On Sat, 30 Oct 2004 05:18:41 -0700 (PDT), lixin chu
  problem solved - I made a mistake in the JSP file,
  here is the right one to return a parameter for a
  submit button:
   bean:message key=button.done/
  So in this case, if the Done button is pressed,
  'ListPermission.dispatch=done' is sent to the
  So now I hope I have a complete decoupled, I18N
  DispatchAction. Thanks Jack !!!
  li xin
  --- lixin chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I realize that the problem is action chaining.
   In my code, action one goes on to the next
 action -
   persume that the parameters passed to the first
   are still passed on to the next. here the
   comes in: new parameter is appended at end so
   getMethodName always gets the earlier parameter.
   So I tried to use a class specific parameter
   with the parameter used in Action mapping). This
   solves action chaining but them I got the submit
   button problem:
   here is my jsp file:
bean:message key=button.done/
   here is the partial action mapping:
   action /ListPermission
   the intersting thing is that when the 'Done'
   clicked, the property is not passed in as
   am lost. do not know why it is like this.
   anyway, thank you very much for your code and
   li xin
   --- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I notice that your original question had to do
multiple submit
buttons, but that your code here only has one
button.  You
cannot necessarily take a solution for one
and use if for
others.  I don't know about the display tag,
 so I
not sure if you
are doing the right thing here.  I don't have
to look at it in
further detail at this time.
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 19:46:53 -0700 (PDT),
 hi jack,
 thanks, the solution is cool ! I am trying

 a small problem i am experiencing now is
 that (i
 not sure if there is something wrong in my
 configuration), the parameter on one page is
passed on
 to the next page, so when we getMethod, the
 method name is returned.

 I have one 'Search Template' page, which
 search criteria and then pass the results to
 ListTemplate.jsp page after pressing the
 (it is associated with the 'search.dispatch'
 parameter). The 'list parameter' page has a
 table (i am using DisplayTag):

 html:form action=/admin/ListTemplate
 display:table name=templates
sort=list export=true


Re: LookupDispatchAction problem with double byte resource files - working with DisplayTag ?

2004-10-29 Thread lixin chu
hi jack,
thanks, the solution is cool ! I am trying it.

a small problem i am experiencing now is that (i am
not sure if there is something wrong in my
configuration), the parameter on one page is passed on
to the next page, so when we getMethod, the earlier
method name is returned.

I have one 'Search Template' page, which gets the
search criteria and then pass the results to the
ListTemplate.jsp page after pressing the Search button
(it is associated with the 'search.dispatch'
parameter). The 'list parameter' page has a sortable
table (i am using DisplayTag):

html:form action=/admin/ListTemplate
display:table name=templates 
   sort=list export=true  

display:setProperty name=basic.empty.showtable 
   display:column media=html 
 input type=checkbox 
name=value(bean:write name=templates 
property=id/) value=x/ 
   display:column title=Name property=name 
   paramId=templateID paramProperty=id/
   display:column title=Category sortable=true 
   paramId=templateID paramProperty=id/

html:submit property=remove.dispatch
bean:message key=button.remove/


the problem is that the additional
search.dispatch=Search is inserted into the requestURI
when I 'view source'. I have no idea. 

I am not sure if it is the DisplayTag limitation
though ...

li xin

--- Dakota Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 All of your problems are caused because
 LookupDispatchAction creates a
 reverse mapping from the value of a parameter to its
 key, in order to
 get the method name.  This is not only resource
 intensive but also a
 constant source of the sorts of difficulties you are
 experiencing. You
 can find what are better alternatives in various
 places.  Some of them
 are itemized at .
 On Wed, 27 Oct 2004 22:17:56 -0600, Kumar V Kadiyala
  Hi all,
  I'm using LookupDispatchAction to submit a form
 with multiple submit
  buttons. The labels of the buttons are translated.
 The translated strings
  are in a .properties file. I'm able to run the web
 app fine in English but
  when I switch to Korean none of the the submit
 buttons work and I see the
  following message in the log.
  [10/27/04 21:40:39:631 MDT] 67f967f9 DispatchActio
 Request[/tag] does not contain
  handler parameter named method
  The Korean .properties was converted to ascii
 (using nativetoascii) from
  its native encoding. Does this have to do anything
 with what I'm noticing?
  Should something additional be done when
 .properties files are coverted to
  Help appreciated,
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Re: mechanism to clear objects in the session

2004-10-15 Thread lixin chu
thanks. it indeed helps me, in fact the points are
critical - i need to think my use cases twice, and you
have also pointed out a couple of choices. i will try
to come out a cleaner implementation in my system.
thanks again !

--- Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There was no common solution discussed that I
 recall. But, the idea is, 
 put a class to work in a place where it can monitor
 every request. For 
 example, in a Servlet Filter, or in a Struts
 RequestProcessor subclass, 
 or an Action base class. As far as I know, there is
 no existing 
 framework or common utility for doing this sort of
 thing. I have found 
 that using a common naming convention (or even a
 common key) for these 
 types of session attributes makes programming the
 cleanup easier. 
 Tracking page flow and deciding what's going with
 the flow and what's 
 going against the flow is up to you.
 A real simple first implementation might be to clean
 out all session 
 attributes (such as forms) that are considered
 working attributes (not 
 those, such as user objects, that are needed for
 the lifetime of the 
 session) whenever the user returns to the home
 page (in your home 
 It is worth noting that good navigation design
 inherently makes this 
 sort of thing easier. Applications should have
 home views, and 
 sections of the application should have their own
 home views. When the 
 user finishes a task, he returns to the home view
 for the section he's 
 using, or to the main home view. This is where you
 can do cleanup (while 
 you are preparing the home view).
 Or not. The particular design isn't really relevant.
 The point is to 
 design *something*, to think it through ahead of
 time, instead of just 
 drawing pages and making them work.
 Sorry I didn't help much.
 lixin chu wrote:
 I saw an ealier thread discussing this but still
 not fully understand the solution.
 appreciate if any one can provide some more
 info on this. basically if the current page flow is
 terminated for some reason, how the Struts
 can clear the objects stored in the session ?
 li xin
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RE: mechanism to clear objects in the session

2004-10-15 Thread lixin chu
thanks. I will think about it. it is new to me.
googled, and find
whih has an example. 

--- McCormack, Chris

 I haven't tried this yet, but maybe any objects that
 you intend to put in the session should have a nice
 finalize section to tidy themselves up before being
 removed by GC. You could then effectively force GC
 on these objects by System.runFinalization() when
 you needed without keeping track of what you are
 putting in the session.
 Just having a muse over morning coffee, don't know
 how practical/viable this solution is :)
 Chris McCormack
 -Original Message-
 From: lixin chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 15 October 2004 10:05
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: mechanism to clear objects in the
 thanks. it indeed helps me, in fact the points are
 critical - i need to think my use cases twice, and
 have also pointed out a couple of choices. i will
 to come out a cleaner implementation in my system.
 thanks again !
 --- Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  There was no common solution discussed that I
  recall. But, the idea is, 
  put a class to work in a place where it can
  every request. For 
  example, in a Servlet Filter, or in a Struts
  RequestProcessor subclass, 
  or an Action base class. As far as I know, there
  no existing 
  framework or common utility for doing this sort of
  thing. I have found 
  that using a common naming convention (or even a
  common key) for these 
  types of session attributes makes programming the
  cleanup easier. 
  Tracking page flow and deciding what's going with
  the flow and what's 
  going against the flow is up to you.
  A real simple first implementation might be to
  out all session 
  attributes (such as forms) that are considered
  working attributes (not 
  those, such as user objects, that are needed for
  the lifetime of the 
  session) whenever the user returns to the home
  page (in your home 
  It is worth noting that good navigation design
  inherently makes this 
  sort of thing easier. Applications should have
  home views, and 
  sections of the application should have their own
  home views. When the 
  user finishes a task, he returns to the home view
  for the section he's 
  using, or to the main home view. This is where you
  can do cleanup (while 
  you are preparing the home view).
  Or not. The particular design isn't really
  The point is to 
  design *something*, to think it through ahead of
  time, instead of just 
  drawing pages and making them work.
  Sorry I didn't help much.
  lixin chu wrote:
  I saw an ealier thread discussing this but still
  not fully understand the solution.
  appreciate if any one can provide some more
  info on this. basically if the current page flow
  terminated for some reason, how the Struts
  can clear the objects stored in the session ?
  li xin
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mechanism to clear objects in the session

2004-10-14 Thread lixin chu
I saw an ealier thread discussing this but still can
not fully understand the solution.

appreciate if any one can provide some more detailed
info on this. basically if the current page flow is
terminated for some reason, how the Struts application
can clear the objects stored in the session ?

li xin

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need advice: session scoped objects or session scoped ActionForm ?

2004-10-12 Thread lixin chu
I am seeking your expert advice:
I have a simple page with Done and Cancel buttons. If
any of these buttons are clicked, I suppose to go back
to the calling page - there are a few pages that will
come to this page. It is a simple workflow type of
So I need to know the retutn URL, pls some other

The question is, where do I keep the return URL which
is passed in as request attribute ? 

Since the current page has some other buttons not just
Done and Cancel, I use LookupDispatchAction, that
means I have to keep the return URL in the session.
Which one is a better solution: keeping it in the
session scoped ActionForm or
request.getSession().setAttribute ? 

It is easier to manage the return URL if put into
ActionForm becuase it is isolated, no naming
conflict-bur ActionForm is for UI components only;
otherwise, I need to keep it in the session using a
name reference something like myAction_returnURL, and
also I need to handle the cleaning - it is still
possible that the sting is kept in the session until
the session is closed if the user does not click Done
or Cancel.

any best practice ? may be the best is to avoid using
session scope objects but I just can not think of a
way out for my use case.

thanks in advance

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Re: need advice: session scoped objects or session scoped ActionForm ?

2004-10-12 Thread lixin chu
actually I do not like either option. my understanding
* session scoped obejcts (I mean those put into the
session using request.getSession().setAttribute()) are
like global variables. I need to take care of
potential naming conflict-but I can not use fully
qualified domain name type of naming convention
because some tags resever the '.'; clean them when no
longer used - but there are chances that they are not
cleaned if the user does not click Done or Cancel but
jump to other pages by select menu items; 

* session scoped ActionForm should not be used to keep
application data but only UI related stuff

The other possible solution is to use Workflow
extenstion but I feel that it is not flexible enough.
And in fact workflow extension keeps data in the
session also so fundamentally no difference.

I guess it is the limitation of the current J2EE

Looks like I will choose to use
request.getSession().setAttribute way of keeping some
necessary data to support those use cases.

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Re: How To Display Check Boxes in Struts?

2004-10-05 Thread lixin chu
something like this:
input type=checkbox name=value(bean:write
name=yourBean property=emailAddress/)

--- Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am able to create check boxes using HTML. But, I
 not know how to display check boxes in Struts.
 Here is what I plan to do:
 I have a JavaBean, which gets its properties
 through database table query. For example, this
 JavaBean has three properties; lastName, title,
 And I have a Collection of such a JavaBean because
 there are thousands of people in the database table.
 Now, it gets to the JSP web page. I am going to
 display a table with four columns:
 first column: a check box
 second column: Last Name
 third column: Title
 fourth column: E-Mail Address
 If client puts a check mark in a check box, the
 of the emailAddress is passed for processing.
 How do I display check boxes from a Collection of
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looking for sample code of importing data into a database

2004-10-04 Thread lixin chu
I am looking for sample code/plug-in that can import
data into a database. Idealy it can support both CSV
and XML format.

I need to import user info from a legacy system into a
new mySQL database. Wondering if there is a package
available for user to import the data from browser.

very much like Yahoo/Gmail 'import contact'

thanks in advance
li xin

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RE: Validator with!...newbie

2004-09-14 Thread lixin chu
There is an interesting article talking about
validation in DispatchAction. That may not be what you
are looking for but I would like to know if the method
suggestted by the author is a good choice or not:

Another common practice is to have a isMutable()
method in ActionForm. However, it relies on the
Actions to play around the 'mutable' property
carefully. And is something goes wrong and the
property is set/reset properly, then things may go

Any comments ?


--- Robert Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ValidatorForm, ValidatorActionForm,
 DynaValidatorForm, and DynaValidatorActionForm allow
 you to leverage the validation framework in Struts.
 How you use DispatchAction determines what you need
 to do to make it
 work with the validation framework.
 For example there are two basic approaches:
 1. Differentiate different validation routines based
 on form name.
Using DispatchAction you could use the same form
 and identify it
with different names in the struts-config.xml
 file. You can then
ensure that each action mapping using the
 DispatchAction used the
appropriate form name to invoke the appropriate
 validation rules
in validation.xml.
 2. Differentiate different validation routines based
 on action mapping.
Using DispatchAction you could use the same form
 with the same
identity. You can then use different action
 mappings which all map
to the same DispatchAction using the same form.
 Each unique action
mapping would then invoke the appropriate
 validation rules in
 There are other variations of DispatchAction such as
 and LookupDispatchAction. Each of these might be
 leveraged differently
 to work with the validation framework. I've yet to
 use them, so I can't
 offer any advice; however, recently, there have been
 some healthy threads
 on both. Just don't ask Rick about
 LookupDispatchAction and you'll be okay :)
 Now, it gets kind of tricky when you want to use
 DispatchAction (or some variant
 there of) to perform different validation routines
 using the same form name and
 the same action mapping. This is typical when you
 have a single form with multiple buttons, where each
 button invokes a different
 operation on the DispatchAction and
 you want to use different validation routines for
 each operation.
 Since validation routines basically key off of the
 name attribute of the form
 element in validation.xml, you can modify/override
 the getValidationKey() in
 ValidatorForm or ValidatorActionForm to
 return a name including the invoked operation. There
 are probably other ways
 to do this and most likely more elegant. I think you
 can also use the form name
 in conjunction with the page attribute as the
 validation key but I haven't done this
 Digging around the source code always helps me to
 understand how things work.
  -Original Message-
  From: O. Oke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 8:04 PM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Validator with!...newbie
   --- Matt Bathje [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   O. Oke wrote:
Can anyone please tell me how to use the
Validator with DispatchAction.
This article in bugzilla does not seem to deal
the issue:

Thank you.
   Ola - we more information to be able to help
 you. I
   can't even tell what
   your problem is, or why you think that bugzilla
   report is/isn't related
   to it. (Also, there are hundreds of bugzilla
   that do not apply
   to your problem...that doesn't mean they are
   to explain what is
   going on.)
  Please find further detail below:
  My understanding is that the Stuts validator is
  designed to work with classes that extend
  DispatchAction (as against Action).  However, the
  information I have found on the internet appears
  suggest that there is a way to make them work with
  each other.  This article

  is meant to be an explanation of howto, but on
  examination, it did not seem to deal with the
  Can you please tell me how to make them work with
  Thank you.

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Re: Help - struggling this for days !

2004-09-11 Thread lixin chu
it dislpays a nice table but no actual items. am i
suppose to modify anything in this file ?

--- Bill Siggelkow [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 You might try using the following JSP fragment
 (compliments of James 
 Mitchell) on your page -- it will show you objects
 in the request, etc.
 hr width=3px
 Debug Information:br
 table border=1 width=50% class=debug
   th colspan=2
 style=background:aquabSpecific JSTL
   tdc:out value=${param.pageSize}//td
   tdc:out value=${pageSize}//td
   tdc:out value=${param.begin}//td
   tdc:out value=${begin}//td
   tdc:out value=${testLink}//td
   th colspan=2 style=background:aquabRequest
   c:forEach items=${paramValues} var=parameter
   tdc:out value=${parameter.key}//td
   c:forEach var=value items=${parameter.value}
   c:out value=${value}/
   th colspan=2 style=background:aquabHeader
   c:forEach items=${header} var=h
   tdc:out value=${h.key}//td
   c:out value=${h.value}/
   th colspan=2
   c:forEach items=${initParam} var=parameter
   tdc:out value=${parameter.key}//td
   tdc:out value=${parameter.value}//td
   th colspan=2
   c:forEach items=${cookie} var=mapEntry
   tdc:out value=${mapEntry.key}//td
   tdc:out value=${mapEntry.value}//td
   th colspan=2
   c:forEach items=${pageScope} var=itm
   c:if test=${itm.key !=
   tdc:out value=${itm.key}//td
   tdc:out value=${itm.value}//td
   th colspan=2
   c:forEach items=${requestScope} var=itm
   tdc:out value=${itm.key}//td
   tdc:out value=${itm.value}//td
   th colspan=2
   c:forEach items=${sessionScope} var=itm
   tdc:out value=${itm.key}//td
   tdc:out value=${itm.value}//td
   th colspan=2
   c:forEach items=${applicationScope} var=itm
   tdc:out value=${itm.key}//td
   tdtextarea rows=5 cols=50c:out 
 lixin chu wrote:
  Here is how I prepare action messages in Action:
  ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
  messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
  ActionMaessage (something here));
  saveMessages(request, messages);
  anything wrong ?
  --- lixin chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Appreciate your help, I have been trying to find
 why for days.
 Here is my JSP:
 bSearch Templates/b
 font color=red size=2
 html:messages id=error
 libean:write name=error//li
 font color=blue size=2
 logic:messagesPresent message=true
 html:messages id=messages message=true
 libean:write name=messages//li
 table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1
html:form action=/admin/SearchTemplate

tdfont size=2
td colspan=2input type=text name=name
tdfont size=2 color=#FFCategory*
 html:select property=categorySelected
=== message truncated ===

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Re: Help - struggling this for days !

2004-09-11 Thread lixin chu
yes, I have a few pages, forms and actions. the
strange thing is that some works fine. I in one
particula action, I copy the key used in another
action which works, but it does not work in this

Here is the action defintion:
action path=/admin/SearchTemplate
 forward name=success path=.searchTemplateDef /
 forward name=notfound path=.searchTemplateDef /
 forward name=found path=.listTemplateDef /

In, I have validate() which is
indeed called and action errors is set when name is
null, but it just not displayed on the jsp.

The flow is, I click a menu item, which pass a
parameter 'Prepare' to a LookupDispatchAction. But
before that the Validate() is called and suppose to
return back with erros and then display the Tiles
right ?

Here is the validate():

ActionErrors errors = null;
String parameter = request.getParameter (method);
if (parameter == null ||  !
parameter.equalsIgnoreCase(prepare)) {
if ((name == null) || (name.length()  1)) {
errors = new ActionErrors();
errors.add(ActionErrors.GLOBAL_ERROR, new
ActionError(errors.required, Template name));
return errors;

very strange !!!

--- Bryce Fischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I assume that when you say
 messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
 the something here corresponds to a key in your 
 file (or whichever file has your resource messages)?
  lixin chu wrote:
  Here is how I prepare action messages in Action:
  ActionMessages messages = new ActionMessages();
  messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
  ActionMaessage (something here));
  saveMessages(request, messages);
  anything wrong ? 

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Help - struggling this for days !

2004-09-10 Thread lixin chu
Appreciate your help, I have been trying to find out
why for days.

Here is my JSP:

bSearch Templates/b
font color=red size=2
html:messages id=error
libean:write name=error//li

font color=blue size=2
logic:messagesPresent message=true
html:messages id=messages message=true
libean:write name=messages//li

table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1

   html:form action=/admin/SearchTemplate
   tdfont size=2 color=#FFName*:/font/td
   td colspan=2input type=text name=name

   tdfont size=2 color=#FFCategory*
html:select property=categorySelected
  html:options collection=templateCategories
property=name labelProperty=name/
   td align=lefthtml:submit
   td align=righthtml:reset value=Clear//td

I got error message in log file:
2004-09-10 23:31:21 StandardWrapperValve[action]:
Servlet.service() for servlet action threw exception
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: ServletException in
'/WEB-INF/tiles/SearchTemplate.jsp': Cannot find bean
messages in any scope

Re: Single sign-on

2004-09-09 Thread lixin chu
open source Yale CAS could be one possible choice.

--- Prasad, Kamakshya

 We have lot of web application built on struts for
 which we need to
 provide single sign-on. 
 Please advise me how to implement the same.
 We are using Weblogic 8.1 as the app server.

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Help ---- Error: can not find bean messages in any scope

2004-09-07 Thread lixin chu
I got this error log 
07.09.04 15:21:34 [http8080-Processor24] ERROR
org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.InsertTag -
ServletException in '/WEB-INF/tiles/home.jsp': Cannot
find bean messages in any scope
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find bean
messages in any scope

Here is part of the home.jsp file:
bDefine a Template/b
font color=red size=2
html:messages id=error
libean:write name=error//li

font color=blue size=2
logic:messagesPresent message=true
html:messages id=messages message=true
libean:write name=messages//li

In the Action class, I have these:
ActionMessages messages = getMessages(request);
messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
ActionMessage (Org convert error));
saveMessages (request, messages);

the above code is called only when there is some

what's wrong ?

li xin

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Struts messages are not displayed in JSP

2004-09-06 Thread lixin chu
I gies a strange problem, the messages are not
displayed. here is the code in my Action:

messages.add(ActionMessages.GLOBAL_MESSAGE, new
ActionMessage (templates List error));
saveMessages (request, messages);


font color=blue size=2
logic:messagesPresent message=true
html:messages id=messages message=true
lic:out value=${messages}//li

however, the messages are not displayed when the code
is indeed executed.

Instead, I saw error in log file:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: ServletException in
'/WEB-INF/tiles/DisplayTemplate.jsp': Cannot find bean
messages in any scope

I thought the 'messgaes' is already in request scope.

And more strange, I also find the error message in log

2004-09-06 22:12:50
Exception Processing ErrorPage[errorCode=404,
Connection reset by peer: socket write error
at Source)

I am debugging on one PC, so I do not understand the
'Connection reset by peer' error.

It seems that this error is cause by the following
display tag - however, I can see the page rendered

html:form action=/admin/TemplateManagerAction
display:table name=listTemplates pagesize=10
id=templates sort=list export=true
 display:setProperty name=basic.empty.showtable
   display:column media=html input type=checkbox
name=value(bean:write name=templates
property=name/) value=x/ /display:column
   display:column title=Name property=name
   display:column title=Description
paramId=name paramProperty=name/
   display:column title=Category
property=category sortable=true
paramId=name paramProperty=name/
html:submit property=methodbean:message


I have no idea now.

appreciate your help !

li xin

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RE: ActionForm: simply calling reset() or have to recreate one ?

2004-09-01 Thread lixin chu
I see. Checked API doc, saw getServlet() call for
Action. Guess this is what I need to use. 
thanks !

--- Paul McCulloch [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I think it was me who pointed you down that route to
 destroy  recreate a
 form bean to clear any data in it.
 reset() is not used for this purpose -  read up on
 what reset() does. 
 servlet is a variable of Action and is available
 in all methods of your
 own Action classes.
  -Original Message-
  From: lixin chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Saturday, August 28, 2004 3:52 AM
  Subject: ActionForm: simply calling reset() or
 have to recreate one ?
  IN one of my Actions I need to clear the existing
  session scoped ActionForm, should I just call
  form.reset() and then repopulate values, or I have
  remove it and recreate it using RequestUtils ?
  I saw a recent message talking about this, but I
  not sure if I have to recreate one. If so, how do
  get the servlet parameter needed in:
  RequestUtils.createActionForm(request, mapping,
  mapping.getModuleConfig(), servlet);
  thanks !
  li xin
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ActionForm: simply calling reset() or have to recreate one ?

2004-08-27 Thread lixin chu
IN one of my Actions I need to clear the existing
session scoped ActionForm, should I just call
form.reset() and then repopulate values, or I have to
remove it and recreate it using RequestUtils ?

I saw a recent message talking about this, but I am
not sure if I have to recreate one. If so, how do I
get the servlet parameter needed in:

RequestUtils.createActionForm(request, mapping,
mapping.getModuleConfig(), servlet);

thanks !

li xin

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Re: duplication of codes in different Action class

2004-08-25 Thread lixin chu
so JSP1 should be associated with another Action,
which fetch data from DB and setAttribute in request
or session.

You should make your Action not the JSP1 available to
the user.

--- Sebastian Ho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Scenario :
 1. User submits form in JSP1 which Action1 saves to
 2. Action1 set Form1 into session.
 3. Action1 forwards to JSP1 again, which is suppose
 to display newly
 added form with other forms previously added.
 How do I make JSP1 to get values from database
 BEFORE JSP1 displays and
 set them into session? I suppose I have to do this
 in Action1 but for
 the first submission of form1, Action1 is not called
 yet by JSP1.
 From my analysis, there will be situation where
 there will be multiple
 input sources into a particular JSP. That means I
 need to have my
 'update from database and set in session' codes in
 all the Action
 classes that forwards to JSP1? 
 In another words, how do I call the update method in
 Action1 from
 Action2 before forwarding to the JSP which display
 my updated data.
 This is duplication of codes and inefficient to me.
 There must be a
 better way to do this in Struts.
 My question might be confusing..I am trying my best.
 Tell me if its
 Sebastian Ho

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Re: Emulate a modal screen (Struts newbie)

2004-08-23 Thread lixin chu
i am tring Struts Workflow Extension, which I guess
should be able to support your use case. however,  I
am not sure how it handles multiple window in the same

--- Varley, Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm trying to write what is esentially a web based
 data entry program using struts. I obviously can't
 use pessimistic database locking and optimistic
 locking becomes a nightmare when the client is able
 to open multiple edit windows across multiple
 records at the same time - so I'd like to simplify
 by treating the edit jsp as a modal dialog (i.e
 once the edit jsp is in use the client can't do
 anything else in the application until the edit is
 closed. Code samples or pointers to same would be
 useful. If trying to force a modal dialog is a
 really bad idea I would welcome suggestions on how
 to handle this scenario.

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workflow violation handling in Struts Workflow Extension

2004-08-21 Thread lixin chu
Got a problem, no idea what's wrong:
I have defined a violation handler:
action path=/admin/OrgWorkflowViolation 
forward name=success path=.createOrgDef/
the code works fine when I first time click somewhere
outside of the current running workflow. However, when
I click that outside link again, the Violation handler
is not being invoked anymore.

what should I do ?

The handler is veru simple:
if (null != WorkflowUtils.getNextStateViolationAction
(request)) {
ActionErrors errors=new ActionErrors ();
errors.add (violation, new ActionError
saveErrors (request, errors);
return mapping.findForward (success);

Is it because the handler goes to a Tiles definition
so the current workflow state is lost ?

How do I go back to the current workflow phase after
handling the violation ?

thanks !

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Question: Struts Workflow extension - primary and secondary workflow

2004-08-20 Thread lixin chu
I am looking for some good document on Workflow
extension - especially detail explaination on primary
and secondary workflow: 
* when do I need to define a new primary workflow ?
* how does this extension work with
LookupDispatchAction ?

any example code is very much appreciated !

li xin

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mutable variable in ActionForm is always reset to ture ?

2004-08-20 Thread lixin chu
Could not figure out why the mutable variable is
always reset to true. Here is the snipet of my session
scoped ActionForm:

private boolean mutable = true;

public void setMutable(boolean mutable) {
this.mutable = mutable;

public boolean isMutable() {
return this.mutable;

public void reset(ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request) {
if (isMutable()) {

In my prepareAction() class, i set it to false:
  myForm.setMutable (false);
  mapping.findMapping (success);

The prepareAction is defined in struts-config as:
action path=/admin/StartNewOrgWorkflow
forward name=success path=.createOrgDef/

In my JSP file:
html:form action=/admin/OrgAction

I suspect that the mutable variable is reset when
rendering the JSP file. But I do not know why. 
and if it is true, how do I disable this so 'mutable'
will not be reset ?

many thanks !

li xin

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Re: mutable variable in ActionForm is always reset to ture ?

2004-08-20 Thread lixin chu
thank you very much for your promopt response !

I found out the problem: I used a wrong attribute name
when I save the form in prepareAction, which causing a
new form being created after submitting the JSP file

--- Rick Reumann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 lixin chu wrote:
  I suspect that the mutable variable is reset when
  rendering the JSP file. But I do not know why. 
  and if it is true, how do I disable this so
  will not be reset ?
 Can you be more specific at the times when the
 'mutable' variable is not 
 set as you expect? Remember reset is always called
 before the ActionForm 
 is populated with your values. If you are setting
 mutable to false in 
 your action, then on the page you forward to you
 should see it as false. 
 I think we'll need to see some more code and
 explanation as to the 

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html:reset does not clear all on the page ?

2004-08-20 Thread lixin chu
A new problem:
I have a Clear button which suppose to clear the input
fields. However, when I use bean:write to display the
current value on the page, and disable reset() in the
ActionForm, after pressing Clear button, the value in
Form (session scope) is still displayed on the page.

is it expected ? I thought Clear does clear whatever
on the page (form) and values in the ActionForm are
not touched.

thanks !
li xin

JSP code below:

html:form action=/admin/OrgAction
 th Basic Information/th   
   tdinput type=text name=name size=20
value='bean:write name=createOrgForm
   tdDescription :td
   tdinput type=text name=description size=20
value='bean:write name=createOrgForm
   td align=lefthtml:submitbean:message
   td align=righthtml:resetbean:message


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RE: best practice: how to handle two related jsp pages, with one having an ArrayList, the other input details

2004-08-17 Thread lixin chu
solution 1. persisting data may cause some problems,
for example performance, as users may need to create a
few detail objects. I prefer to keep these objects in
View and provide a 'Done' button, which will then let
Action to do the persistence.

Another problem is that in my Use Case, the detail
objects are associated to the parent object, which
might not be persisted at this moment (because we go
to B.JSP before saving data in A.JSP). So i can not
persist detail object first.

some work needed to solve these.

solution 2. I am not sure if Struts Workflow extension
is a good choice. It seems that it uses Session scope
for sharing data among a few JSP pages.
What complication will it have ?

thanks !

--- Kataria, Satish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It depends upon the architecture you want to follow.
 There are multiple
 ways this can be done
 1. Create the 2 jsp as independent jsp. Thus the
 list jsp jsp always
 fetches from DB when we bring control to that.
Clicking add on the list jsp leads to the
 adddetails jsp which submit
 data to DB.
This is the most commonly used and I have seen
 this being used
 successfully in multiple applications
 2. Create the 2 jsp as a wizard using struts session
 scope strategy.
This strategy has certain complications and is
 Satish Kataria
 -Original Message-
 From: lixin chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 4:59 AM
 Subject: best practice: how to handle two related
 jsp pages, with one
 having an ArrayList, the other input details
 How should I handle this:
 I have 2 jsp, in a.JSP, I need to display an
 ArrayList. When users click 'Add', B.JSP is
 which allows users to fill in the details of a new
 object. When users click 'Done', I need to return
 to A.JSP, display the newly added object, and
 ArrayList should be updated as well.
 What do I need to do to support this ?
 thank you very much
 li xin
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Re: best practice: how to handle two related jsp pages, with one having an ArrayList, the other input details

2004-08-17 Thread lixin chu

i saw some discussion earlier (search for request
against session). It seems that people recommond not
to use session scope forms. 
so out of these three, which is my best choice then:

- Struts workflow extension
- hidden field
- session scope form

many thanks !

--- Erik Weber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Session scoped forms are one of my favorite things
 about Struts. Seems 
 like you have a situation for them.
 Make sure you keep all session-scoped form fields
 Serializable or mark 
 them as transient if they are not.
 Clever implementations of ActionForm.reset can make
 memory management 
 easier. The complication is simply that you might
 hold on to 
 references to objects that should have been garbage
 once processing is 
 If you don't use session scoped forms, you will
 probably have to manage 
 objects using session scope one way or another,
 unless you somehow use 
 hidden variables to specify running objects that
 get recreated for 
 each request.
 lixin chu wrote:
 solution 1. persisting data may cause some
 for example performance, as users may need to
 create a
 few detail objects. I prefer to keep these objects
 View and provide a 'Done' button, which will then
 Action to do the persistence.
 Another problem is that in my Use Case, the detail
 objects are associated to the parent object, which
 might not be persisted at this moment (because we
 to B.JSP before saving data in A.JSP). So i can not
 persist detail object first.
 some work needed to solve these.
 solution 2. I am not sure if Struts Workflow
 is a good choice. It seems that it uses Session
 for sharing data among a few JSP pages.
 What complication will it have ?
 thanks !
 --- Kataria, Satish [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 It depends upon the architecture you want to
 There are multiple
 ways this can be done
 1. Create the 2 jsp as independent jsp. Thus the
 list jsp jsp always
 fetches from DB when we bring control to that.
Clicking add on the list jsp leads to the
 adddetails jsp which submit
 data to DB.
This is the most commonly used and I have seen
 this being used
 successfully in multiple applications
 2. Create the 2 jsp as a wizard using struts
 scope strategy.
This strategy has certain complications and is
 Satish Kataria
 -Original Message-
 From: lixin chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 4:59 AM
 Subject: best practice: how to handle two related
 jsp pages, with one
 having an ArrayList, the other input details
 How should I handle this:
 I have 2 jsp, in a.JSP, I need to display an
 ArrayList. When users click 'Add', B.JSP is
 which allows users to fill in the details of a new
 object. When users click 'Done', I need to return
 to A.JSP, display the newly added object, and
 ArrayList should be updated as well.
 What do I need to do to support this ?
 thank you very much
 li xin
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error code 404 not used in IE

2004-08-16 Thread lixin chu
MS IE has default setting:
 Tools-Options-Advanced-Browsing-Show friendly
HTTP error message

When it is checked, the IE default error page is used
not your own 404 error page.

How can I change the http status code in Struts
application so that my own 404 page is used ?

li xin

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Re: AW: error code 404 not used in IE

2004-08-16 Thread lixin chu
sorry, i am new to this, what message ? 

--- Rosenberg, Leon

 Send a message with more then 1024 bytes. 
 (resin does it)
  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: lixin chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Gesendet: Montag, 16. August 2004 16:22
  Betreff: error code 404 not used in IE
  MS IE has default setting:
  HTTP error message
  When it is checked, the IE default error page is
  not your own 404 error page.
  How can I change the http status code in Struts
  application so that my own 404 page is used ?
  li xin
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Re: AW: error code 404 not used in IE

2004-08-16 Thread lixin chu
this url explains this:

--- lixin chu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 sorry, i am new to this, what message ? 
 --- Rosenberg, Leon
  Send a message with more then 1024 bytes. 
  (resin does it)
   -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
   Von: lixin chu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Gesendet: Montag, 16. August 2004 16:22
   Betreff: error code 404 not used in IE
   MS IE has default setting:
   HTTP error message
   When it is checked, the IE default error page is
   not your own 404 error page.
   How can I change the http status code in Struts
   application so that my own 404 page is used ?
   li xin
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best practice: how to handle two related jsp pages, with one having an ArrayList, the other input details

2004-08-15 Thread lixin chu
How should I handle this:

I have 2 jsp, in a.JSP, I need to display an
ArrayList. When users click 'Add', B.JSP is displayed
which allows users to fill in the details of a new
object. When users click 'Done', I need to return back
to A.JSP, display the newly added object, and
ArrayList should be updated as well.

What do I need to do to support this ?

thank you very much
li xin

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Re: Struts, checkbox and optionally displaytag

2004-08-10 Thread lixin chu
thanks !
--- Koon Yue Lam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi !
 From your question, I guess that you need a multiple
 of checkboxes, so
 you need html:multibox instead of html:checkbox
 for your reference:
 and a wonderful example:
 you would need an action form, which contains 2
 arrays (normally they
 would be String array)
 eg. an Action form called FrmMultiBox with
 properties :
 String [] options; String[] selected;
 options[] is holding the options of the checkboxes
 that user going to select
 selected[] would be populated by Struts after form
 submission, value
 of selected[] is the value of checked checkboxes.
 so if options = new String {1, 2, 3} (you can
 made them final or
 load the values from another Action dynamically from
 somewhere else)
 in your JSP:
 struts-logic:iterate id=_bean name=FrmMultiBox
struts-bean:write name=_bean/
 if user check 1 and 3 then selected[] would
 contains 1 and 3
 (Thanks Struts !)
 and don't forget the formal getter and setter method
 of your Action form
 Hope this help

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LookupDispatchAction qustion: how to name the method

2004-08-08 Thread lixin chu
Still strugling with the LookupDispatchAction. I got
this error message:

Action[/admin/OrgAction] missing resource
'button.list' in key method map

I suspect that there is something wrong with the
string I used. Here is what I aming doing:

3. JSP file
   html:submit property=method
 bean:message key=button.list/
4. In getKeyMethodMap()
   ResourceBundle methods =
5. I have list() in MyAction()

the request is http://?method=list;

Are there anything wrong ?

many thanks
li xin

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Struts, checkbox and optionally displaytag

2004-08-07 Thread lixin chu
guess many questions were raised on this but could not
find detail enough sample code.

i am looking for sample code demostrating the support
of checkbox in Struts ActionForm, Action and JSP
files. I am using displaytag (really good!) to
generate the table with a column of checkboxes. how do
i know which boxes are selected in MyAction ?

many thanks

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[OT] How to get Role/Group info only in JAAS client/tagish package

2004-07-20 Thread lixin chu
A bit OT question: how to get the Role/Group info only
in JASS client - I am using Tagish package but I guess
it is common.

In my, I use:
 lc = new LoginContext();
 Set p = lc.getSubject().getPrincipals();

However, the getPrincipals() returns all the
principals associated with the Subjet, including user
name and Group in terms of Tagish implementation - I
think it is common for JAAS implementation.

Is there a way to retrieve the Group/Role names only ?

thanks !
li xin

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how to check a 'set' variable in Struts tag/JSTL

2004-07-19 Thread lixin chu
how to check a 'set' variable using JSTL or Struts
tags ? 

for example, I have a variable called 'Roles' which is
a Set. In a JSP, I want to check if
'Admin'/'Guest'/'User' is in the Set. How do I do this
? Could not find a suitable tag to handle this.

li xin

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